this happened to me, but no engine damage, the engine would still start and run as normal (although I didn't push it, just drove it to the garage), those orange plastic pieces broke, some teeth broke from some cogwheels, lots of fucking damage but engine is still ok, fortunately..i was lucky as hell :D
Is it actually the plastic chain guides that have worn and cause the slack. I can't see really how a metal chain can stretch that much.
this happened to me, but no engine damage, the engine would still start and run as normal (although I didn't push it, just drove it to the garage), those orange plastic pieces broke, some teeth broke from some cogwheels, lots of fucking damage but engine is still ok, fortunately..i was lucky as hell :D
You should buy a Lottery ticket! Very lucky.
Nice job sir
Nice series! So was there a fault for a cam crank sync and what measured value block you are talking about? thx!
Intake cam phase position
Is this checked hot or cold engine ,,any chance you could post some live data of one when you check on service pls
How much you charged for this whole job?
Not sure from memory. 15 hours maybe. Probably a $4k AUD job in Australia. Depends what's damaged and how bad.
Hi I need some mechanical work done to my car how can I contact you ? Pls get back to me
Where are you located?