Nate you have given news reporting a different aspect. I totally respected a local reporter that served our community over four decades. He was so like you. Nate, you raised the bar and I pray some young people out there look up to you and follow in your footsteps. You create respectful and respected news. Thank you!
Thank you for making this unbelievable story real in such a respectful manner. Cults can be so dangerous and anyone can become a victim of it because they derive from normal beliefs but like you said then become radical. You always have to keep your guard up and it’s ok to question people who are too pushy and eager to teach you their beliefs, watch what people do, not what they say. You are all awesome! We can only hope we all have reporters like you in our states and local areas. Much love from New Jersey. Happy Holidays!
You guys have been amazing. I dont know how you did it emotionally. I live in the UK and feel like I'm part of the Idaho community grieving for these children the world has come to love. It is down to you guys Kay and Larry, and Annie whose relentless pursuit for answers and justice is why we are here. Thankyou
This was a great show! These journalists are truly great detectives behind the scenes. You never realize how much digging and investigating all 4 of the great gentleman did in this case. Thank you to all 4 of you for keeping the world updated on every crazy aspect of this case.
1st time hearing about any reporting/reporters - after initialing hearing of ANY of this starting in Jan 2022.. This was amazing & YES the statement of LOCAL REPORTERS is what ran through my thoughts. The difference between big $$ MSM w/ best equipment/angles vs the Salt of We The People is what helps divide the gossip from truth. These gentlemen do not seem to be "jackles of juicy". I'd offer for free to hold a camera & mike, only I certainly would drop the camera. So - this entire case is HORRIFIC, hope dearly that our USA system works, proper justice is served, & someday all who are innocent can move forward with life knowing many many want some peace for them & true sympathy.
This was such a great idea, to get on together and share your experiences from the very start, with the rest of us. Very interesting to hear what each of you were thinking and feeling in the moments throughout! Thank you all so much for taking the time to do this and to share it with us. Also wanted to note, you all are very different from *most* news reporters, whereas you actually care about the others who may not be directly involved in this case, but who are surrounding the case, and their feelings. Many reporters just want to get the story and be the first to get it out, without any regard to the feelings of others. Nate, I watch majority of your videos on various topics, and I live all the way in Ohio lol. This story has brought me to your channel, but your reporting and your kind heart and sweet family have kept me here. ❤
Lmmmmn the best game ever since the game is so so much fun fun game to play with friends and family friends to watch a a couple of games on my L llllhave an appointment
I remember hearing Tylee and JJ were missing and were probably in Idaho. We showed the pictures and told our kids to watch for them around schools or parks or anywhere, here in Boise. Sadly, it didn't turn out that way, no one saw them anywhere! We're still waiting for justice, with broken hearts.Thanks, EIN, Adam, and Justin, for keeping us informed! We hope your holidays are sweet and special.
I promised myself not to cry, but near the end when Justin said Chad was there, sleeping in that house, with the kids in the back yard, tears stung and fell, the sorrow over the loss of those children is not over yet. Thanks to Eric and Nate for their hard work and for sticking it out, it has been a long year!
I needed a recap, this story is so complex and hard to follow but you all have kept it together and gave light to the mess and made sense out of it for us to understand. Rest In Peace to all who have been affected by this 🙏🏼❤️
The way Lori was walking alongside Chad Daybell, with her nose sticking straight up, as if she was sure she was "untouchable!" While Nate was trying so hard to get a decent answer from her...she really seemed to feel she was so above speaking to him about those two little angels everybody was so afraid for....she looked as though she couldn't care less!!! I don't like Her, or him AT ALL!!!
Wow, you guys should be the catalyst for GOOD and truthful journalism! Great job showing how teamwork can be so helpful. Being mature and putting aside the 'cut throat' industry is so refreshing!!!
It makes the difference between good and evil very plain. God is good. Satan is evil. Turn to Jesus Christ today. Jesus said “lam the way,the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but through me”
Wow! I’m so grateful you guys organized this consolidation. I’m also extremely grateful for your countless hours, diligent efforts, hard work, thorough coverage, and respectfulness in all aspects of this far-from-over case. I’ve been following since December, and I can truthfully say these things. About 30 seconds before Adam began talking about your “competitive” positions, etc., I was thinking about the same exact thing: You could be “one-upping” one another & giving each other false leads, or simply being ridiculously competitive. However, in the best interest of all, you guys have been respectful (i. e, this round table discussion), & you’ve even collaborated for the greater good. I’m so proud of you all and the awesome coverage you’ve sped to us throughout this case. My hope and prayer is that your showmanship will be contagious to others!
Agree- this seems such dangerous work - The Goliath --major media-- will spin cherry pickings... these folks seem like "We The People". Hopefully truth prevails. This "mom" wasn't so crazy that she freaked people out - being a selfish lying POS isn't reason to not stand trial..
I agree with Nate, the LOCAL news is very important. I watch local news on the internet from Jerusalem. Stumbled onto East Idaho News during the coverage of the missing children. Good stuff. Thank you, to local journalists.
Never ever thought this story would be what it is a year ago. How much it's affected me has been so profound. I remember the grandparents pleading for help. They are so amazingly strong. While the children wait in heaven for their reunion, can't say that for those responsible for their murder.
I just found the clip where Nate chased after the couple in Hawaii. If he doesn't win SEVERAL media awards in 2021 for that clip alone, I'll be so mad!
I respect Nate Eaton as a person and as a true investigative journalist. He is not like these journalist/reports/anchors on CNN nor Fox. They offer opinions rather than facts. They could learn a lot from him!!! His integrity is second to none!
Have you watched the story on the ID Channel? BC whenever Nate found them in HI what we've seen are only a few of the questions Nate asked!! BC HE REALLY HIT THEM HARDER THEN I HAD SEEN!! NATE GOT SO DEEP! This guy is awesome actually all of East Idaho News!!
Awesome behind the scenes look. Nate, I marvel at your integrity to credit the right sources, answer based on facts, and leave your personal biases at the door. One question for you all - Do you think they will ever be charged with murder?
Thank you, to ALL of you, for your extraordinary work, determination and boots on the ground investigating and reporting. This story has touched the hearts of millions. God Bless You. God Bless two Angels in Heaven, Tylee and JJ.
Am looking forward to listening to these men. Journalism has suffered being discredited by fake news. However, Nate and Justin are the epitome of what reporting is supposed to be. I'm sick of "reporters" inserting their opinion. Nate sees the story and is a pit bull. Love, love, love listening to him.
I agree! I started watching secret Santa videos from last year & then this wonderful kind reporter is reporting on this Rexburg story...he is one in a million & his colleagues are too.
Thank you for the respect you have shown to the families and the hard reporting to bring the honest truth of the news and working together that is so responsible and is totally amazing showing the integrity of each one of the 4 of you individually Thank you for this program, you brought it together sadly.
I’m not even from Idaho, I’m from Oklahoma, but I watch Nate / Eric @ East Idaho News more than my own news team here on YT. Y’all (Justin & Adam too) have done a fantastic job covering this case, it’s great that you can work together. It shows integrity. on a happier note - I LOVE the Secret Santa videos. It’s very heartwarming. 💕 Thank you, Nate, Eric, Justin & Adam - for all you do!
Rewatching this during the Lori Vallow-Daybell trial. I do hope you four do another video like this after the trial. This was such an amazing video to watch, thank you so much
Saw the 3 -part series last night in the ID Discovery Channel about this case. It follows the experience of Kay and Larry Woodcock from the beginning to the part where they finally recovered the bodies. It was absolutely heart-wrenching! So much destruction and heart-ache caused by Lori and Chad.
You guys are so compassionate, I can tell you all are doing this for the kids, for Tammy... Charles... Joseph. Thank you. Thank you for caring so much 💗
Sometimes being #1 isn't as important as teaming up to survive the Hunger Games. Thanks for knowing that, and sharing your investigative findings with each other, and with us.
We knew way more details of what happened to the kids from Donna Seraphina - long before the bodies were found. Why do these “wonderful journalists” ignore such an incredible aspect of this story? I don’t get it.
Are you kidding me? This is an inquisition. Where is the evidence? At what point did they mention evidence? All this is trial by press designed to manipulate and bias a potential jury pool. Any time the doj turns to the media is because they have zero evidence. How can you be so gullible? In a country where we have a guatenteed right of religious freedom, the presumption of innocence until proven guilty based upon evidence beyond doubt and you are congratulating these people for persecuting someone without any evidence at all. In fact there is so little evidence she's charged with destruction of evidence. For since they can't find it she must have destroyed it. Not that all possible that she's innocent. Seriously? Why don't we just lock everyone up and throw away the constitution. Let's dig up everyone's dead relatives throughout their entire lives. What a terrible terrible destruction of American freedom, morals, ethics, ethos.
You young newshounds totally remind me all the best of the old movies type journos,who get their teeth in and never let go.Lovin you guys going over a great time in your careers.Shout it to the rooftop fellas....You'all done good!
It's pretty obvious anybody with a heart was/is/are affected by this entire evil chain of events. There's absolutely nothing that makes one of these men immune to feelings.... children or not. I wasn't looking, but listening.... whoever asked among them twice (?) isn't mature enough to acknowledge his own emotions. Childbirth does not validate emotions. They ALL were touched. Dude in the bottom left was most visibly soft. Dude in the upper left corner is most stoic. Someone else put the pieces together. I really enjoyed listening to how this came together. Thank you for sharing. I'd like to see the footage one day of the interviews, or anything leading into this mess that we may have missed. Great work! Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season to all through 2021!
When this first came out I was so mad at all the friends around Lori and those children, who did NOTHING but like Dr Phil says, when something this horrible happens, you have to remember that our human brains cannot even COMPREHEND that the outcome would've or could've been what it actually ended up being. And yet Lori Vallow STILL acts like she's the queen of the world & on her way directly to Heaven.
I agree with you but please understand that Dr. Phil is a cruel.and manipulative man who uses people and makes money off mental illness and suffering. He isnt even able legally practice medicine. He hurts people.
@@fighttheevilrobots3417 yeah l don’t watch him anymore. He has helped some people but l think money swoll his head. He is a human being and he has exploited some poor folks. He got lucky when he met Oprah and she knew he would make good tv. As for Oprah,,,,,,she’s another very misguided soul,mixing the little she knew of the Christian faith with new age self dillusion. Satan is very clever! WAKE UP people. Read Gods Word. You don’t need and God forbids us in the last chapter of Revelation to add or subtract anything from his word to us. That includes false religions such as Muslim with their Koran, Buhda, Eastern mysticism, Witchcraft, cults, New Agers who proclaim You find god within yourself, magic, wee gee boards, tarot cards,divination, pornography.mediums who really are modern witches. You get the idea? That’s whereMormons go wrong. They got their own fake prophet,they pray for dead souls and lure people into being curious about the after life. That’s what Chad Daybell got lured into. Satan hooked Chad and Lorie big time. But don’t be fooled.lf you don’t believe in Jesus Christ you are equally deceived.
This still moves me to tears! I remember people in the comments of coverage videos directing others to Nate's reporting!😎 I must say, collectively, these journalist did a fabulous job in bringing us the details and doing so in a manner that never self inflated who's who in reporting the story. It was obvious that these reporters volleyed the events as they happened and all their efforts were teamed towards a simultaneous goal: the good of these children & the raw human desire that is concerned in love and a need to know what happened & a need to find these children! May I say thank you to all of you and applaud? Your small,local, caring & Inquisitorial job efforts & actions connected a national and global audience in love and justice for these children! @ the end of the day, that's a legacy worth living & giving!
I'd just like to say that all of the reporting you guys have done on this case has been phenomenal! It's been honest and informative but also respectful of the families
Hats off to you guys , bringing this case to forefront nationally and internationally, I have followed this case every step of the way, I will continue to do so, I pray everyday Tyleee, JJ, Tammy, Charles and many more to get justice they deserve.
I have been really grateful for all the information and insights you have all given us. This case has been like nothing l have heard of, it's all incredible to me, so tragic and heartbreaking to loose so many lives at the hands of monsters.
It’s so funny to hear Adam talking about stick figures...we Websleuths immediately got out our Dri-erase boards. Genealogy experience was helpful in this case. I am so glad that you guys stayed on top of this story, so it did not disappear. Amazing that no one on Chad’s side was speaking. They protected him, until his backyard was found out to hold those missing children. Thank you guys for working so hard for Tylee, JJ, Charles, Tammy, and possibly Joseph Ryan.
I AGREE! Like Chad's neighbors and nobody saw a thing?? Nobody heard a chain saw or saw a bonfire? My neighbor & I are like, Did you see that fox walking right down the middle of the road? YES! Did you notice that we have a new mailman? YES! Did you see the Momma deer with the 2 new babies? YES! Did you see the white squirrel? YES!
@@peggygibbons479 Chad's neighbors reported seeing bonfires, though not on September 9 (the day of Tylee's burial), but much later (one in the fall and more in the spring). Perhaps the neighbors were at work in the morning. We don't know yet if a chainsaw was involved at any point.
They will be. They are making sure they make no mistakes and have all the evidence before they get charged with murder. We all want a solid case so they rot in jail or death
I’m surprised how well these journalists and law enforcement worked together in a way. Willingly offering each other information and answering questions. It seems like a respectful and helpful relationship. Thanks for sharing this and for all of your hard work on this case!
This has been an EXCELLENT video! We need to go back to local investigative reporting of the type these men (and women) do--then we'd get facts instead of assumptions and the truth instead of lies. Thank you local investigative reporters!
If only the national news were as HONEST AND UNBIASED as these 4 reporters, we wouldn't be in the shape we're in as a nation. GREAT REPORTERS AND GREAT COVERAGE GUYS.
I wish Charles Vallow could have got with you guys. Maybe he would have been heard and he and the kids would still be alive. Thank you for great coverage and concern for this case.
I sure do too! I feel so badly for Charles & his family. His death (of course the kids too) was needless & awful! Had they (police, reporters, anybody) listened to him & believed him - we would most likely be telling and/or talking about a whole different story. I hope a lesson can be learned that when a man reports a crime or craziness against his wife (beautiful or not) they should take him seriously.
Nate, I hope u get some fabulous broadcasting award. I was following this story, and saw u for the first time when u were in Hawaii. When I saw u, I thought "who is this guy who is sticking his nose in Lori's face? Does he work for National Inquirer?" Then I started seeing more of ur videos and was amazed at how professional and in depth ur reports were. As heartbreaking as it is to find out the outcome so far, I am glad u were able to follow the story. I assume u have a boss who says "go for it".
I love seeing the Secret Santa with Nate since I discovered it about a month ago. I’m so sad the goodness of those stories were overshadowed by the awful news of these kids, especially as we realize parents are involved. I’m praying for our broken world and about this case. There are many things wrong now but there are also many things going right. I am thankful for food, shelter, loved ones, health, transportation, income and laughter. God bless y’all.
Thank you for this insight & the ethical, dignified excellent way you have reported this last year, you are a credit to yourselves. I hope you are recognised for your hard work.
Wow! This was an amazing and excellent discussion! I've been following this case from the beginning and you all really nailed it for us all! Thank you, great job!
They barely existed in the real world because she never put down roots and restricted her circle of friends and family. She seemed to be very guarded with her children as kept them isolated so they were easy to miss. Very sad indeed.
@@livvyjos I often wonder if she never killed the children she would have gotten away with murdering both Joesph and Charles? But then Tylee and JJ became liabilities Tylee bc she just saw way to much then JJ being so attached to her and his father (autistic children don't do well with change) he probably became very hard to handle. Idk just a thought! This entire story really makes me sick!! 🤢😱🤮
Rewatching the day before opening statements for Lori Daybell trial. Who would have thought back then the rabbit hole would have gone deeper than any of us expected? Justic for JJ, Tylee, Tammy and Charles.
I have really enjoyed the 4 of you doing this video! Y’all are rock stars!! And all police officers and detectives that worked so hard! Everyone who has worked hard to find these kids...... these are the real Avengers
Thank you so very much Nate and everyone else for helping big time on this case ! You took runaway from your family to help us to figure this case out !
It's I'm sure everybody's hope that who ever is involved in these killing of everybody related to Charles, Tylee, jj they get justice and Lori and Chad rot in jail for the rest of their lives and never ever see freedom.
Thank you all so much for all your research & keeping us all up to date. I have a question, has anyone found any marriage license for Chad & Lori? To prove that they are legally married.
I think that it is a blessing that Nate is doing the secret Santa segments, it is a healthy, positive thing to do after the mega work they did reporting about the two devils. I hope that the other guys has some positive things to do too. 🌷🌻🌷
Nate and his team should win a news award for the coverage of this story-a return to true investigative journalism that's sadly missing in most of today's news media.
It is refreshing to watch reporters who respectfully listen to each other! No one monopolized speaking time- when does that ever happen?!
Nate you have given news reporting a different aspect. I totally respected a local reporter that served our community over four decades. He was so like you. Nate, you raised the bar and I pray some young people out there look up to you and follow in your footsteps. You create respectful and respected news. Thank you!
THIS is why independent journalism is so very important in our country
Thank you all for keeping this story alive and your investigative skills are amazing
Indeed 💞
Thank you for making this unbelievable story real in such a respectful manner. Cults can be so dangerous and anyone can become a victim of it because they derive from normal beliefs but like you said then become radical. You always have to keep your guard up and it’s ok to question people who are too pushy and eager to teach you their beliefs, watch what people do, not what they say.
You are all awesome! We can only hope we all have reporters like you in our states and local areas. Much love from New Jersey.
Happy Holidays!
You guys have been amazing. I dont know how you did it emotionally. I live in the UK and feel like I'm part of the Idaho community grieving for these children the world has come to love. It is down to you guys Kay and Larry, and Annie whose relentless pursuit for answers and justice is why we are here. Thankyou
This was a great show! These journalists are truly great detectives behind the scenes. You never realize how much digging and investigating all 4 of the great gentleman did in this case.
Thank you to all 4 of you for keeping the world updated on every crazy aspect of this case.
1st time hearing about any reporting/reporters - after initialing hearing of ANY of this starting in Jan 2022.. This was amazing & YES the statement of LOCAL REPORTERS is what ran through my thoughts. The difference between big $$ MSM w/ best equipment/angles vs the Salt of We The People is what helps divide the gossip from truth. These gentlemen do not seem to be "jackles of juicy". I'd offer for free to hold a camera & mike, only I certainly would drop the camera. So - this entire case is HORRIFIC, hope dearly that our USA system works, proper justice is served, & someday all who are innocent can move forward with life knowing many many want some peace for them & true sympathy.
Excellent! Love that there is collaboration instead of all out competition. Keep up the good work guys!
Yes. Commenting on 8/22. Good investigative work by all.
This was such a great idea, to get on together and share your experiences from the very start, with the rest of us. Very interesting to hear what each of you were thinking and feeling in the moments throughout! Thank you all so much for taking the time to do this and to share it with us. Also wanted to note, you all are very different from *most* news reporters, whereas you actually care about the others who may not be directly involved in this case, but who are surrounding the case, and their feelings. Many reporters just want to get the story and be the first to get it out, without any regard to the feelings of others. Nate, I watch majority of your videos on various topics, and I live all the way in Ohio lol. This story has brought me to your channel, but your reporting and your kind heart and sweet family have kept me here. ❤
Lmmmmn the best game ever since the game is so so much fun fun game to play with friends and family friends to watch a a couple of games on my L llllhave an appointment
@@Jspeakman10 excuse me? What are you trying to say?
I remember hearing Tylee and JJ were missing and were probably in Idaho. We showed the pictures and told our kids to watch for them around schools or parks or anywhere, here in Boise. Sadly, it didn't turn out that way, no one saw them anywhere! We're still waiting for justice, with broken hearts.Thanks, EIN, Adam, and Justin, for keeping us informed! We hope your holidays are sweet and special.
I promised myself not to cry, but near the end when Justin said Chad was there, sleeping in that house, with the kids in the back yard, tears stung and fell, the sorrow over the loss of those children is not over yet. Thanks to Eric and Nate for their hard work and for sticking it out, it has been a long year!
@@Wistful77 I think we have all cried more tears for the children than Lori has cried in her whole life. She’s pure evil.
I see more love and respect for these children in the community, on SM and In fact most of the world than I see with the mother and stepfather.( Chad)
Greetings Lisa
@@emilyflotilla931 Salutations.
I needed a recap, this story is so complex and hard to follow but you all have kept it together and gave light to the mess and made sense out of it for us to understand. Rest In Peace to all who have been affected by this 🙏🏼❤️
That was the greatest catch that Nate and Eric got of them in Hawaii. Perfect questions Nate asked. Her response really showed her ugly true nature.
All she had to say said they r fine she didn't say nothing I knew something was wasn't right u can see both of them we're hiding something
The way Lori was walking alongside Chad Daybell, with her nose sticking straight up, as if she was sure she was "untouchable!" While Nate was trying so hard to get a decent answer from her...she really seemed to feel she was so above speaking to him about those two little angels everybody was so afraid for....she looked as though she couldn't care less!!! I don't like
Her, or him AT ALL!!!
What a hag! I can’t wait to see the wicked witch with her roots grown out, melted face and jolly rancher lipstick 😂 Wow I’m mean tonight! Yikes
@@idontcare1481 your not mean you are speaking. Fack,s. Dont do that to yourself .
Wow, you guys should be the catalyst for GOOD and truthful journalism! Great job showing how teamwork can be so helpful. Being mature and putting aside the 'cut throat' industry is so refreshing!!!
Thanks to all of you, for all your hard work and investigative journalism, throughout the muck and mire of this tragic, horrific case.
It makes the difference between good and evil very plain. God is good. Satan is evil. Turn to Jesus Christ today. Jesus said “lam the way,the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but through me”
Wow! I’m so grateful you guys organized this consolidation. I’m also extremely grateful for your countless hours, diligent efforts, hard work, thorough coverage, and respectfulness in all aspects of this far-from-over case.
I’ve been following since December, and I can truthfully say these things.
About 30 seconds before Adam began talking about your “competitive” positions, etc., I was thinking about the same exact thing:
You could be “one-upping” one another & giving each other false leads, or simply being ridiculously competitive. However, in the best interest of all, you guys have been respectful (i. e, this round table discussion), & you’ve even collaborated for the greater good. I’m so proud of you all and the awesome coverage you’ve sped to us throughout this case. My hope and prayer is that your showmanship will be contagious to others!
Amen to that!
Agree- this seems such dangerous work - The Goliath --major media-- will spin cherry pickings... these folks seem like "We The People". Hopefully truth prevails. This "mom" wasn't so crazy that she freaked people out - being a selfish lying POS isn't reason to not stand trial..
I needed a good recap, Thanks Guys!!
Nate when you followed the day bells to Hawaii 💫 brilliant 💫
I agree with Nate, the LOCAL news is very important. I watch local news on the internet from Jerusalem. Stumbled onto East Idaho News during the coverage of the missing children. Good stuff.
Thank you, to local journalists.
And maybe local journalists can do honest research without big media controlling what they say
I remember seeing Nate Eaton on Missing 911 saying he was on the case of his career...little did he know.
Good job to all of you.
Never ever thought this story would be what it is a year ago. How much it's affected me has been so profound. I remember the grandparents pleading for help. They are so amazingly strong. While the children wait in heaven for their reunion, can't say that for those responsible for their murder.
I just found the clip where Nate chased after the couple in Hawaii. If he doesn't win SEVERAL media awards in 2021 for that clip alone, I'll be so mad!
I think the true award he got is the whole "world" respecting and trusting him 🌹
I respect Nate Eaton as a person and as a true investigative journalist. He is not like these journalist/reports/anchors on CNN nor Fox. They offer opinions rather than facts. They could learn a lot from him!!! His integrity is second to none!
@@twigityful yes that includes a bunch of us here in the UK.
Have you watched the story on the ID Channel? BC whenever Nate found them in HI what we've seen are only a few of the questions Nate asked!! BC HE REALLY HIT THEM HARDER THEN I HAD SEEN!! NATE GOT SO DEEP! This guy is awesome actually all of East Idaho News!!
You all have been so amazing reporting together and sharing and it really shows what true journalist you all are ❤️
Awesome behind the scenes look. Nate, I marvel at your integrity to credit the right sources, answer based on facts, and leave your personal biases at the door. One question for you all - Do you think they will ever be charged with murder?
Yes ! They finally are charged with murder!
Thank you, to ALL of you, for your extraordinary work, determination and boots on the ground investigating and reporting. This story has touched the hearts of millions. God Bless You. God Bless two Angels in Heaven, Tylee and JJ.
Thank you all for your dedication to professional journalism and also for this insight into your process and journeys. Much respect
Nate Is One Of The Best Reporters Of the 21 first Century.
Agree. He did a fantastic job covering this case.
Am looking forward to listening to these men. Journalism has suffered being discredited by fake news. However, Nate and Justin are the epitome of what reporting is supposed to be. I'm sick of "reporters" inserting their opinion. Nate sees the story and is a pit bull. Love, love, love listening to him.
I agree! I started watching secret Santa videos from last year & then this wonderful kind reporter is reporting on this Rexburg story...he is one in a million & his colleagues are too.
Tito no iijnbt
Thank you for the respect you have shown to the families and the hard reporting to bring the honest truth of the news and working together that is so responsible and is totally amazing showing the integrity of each one of the 4 of you individually
Thank you for this program, you brought it together sadly.
You guys are definitely the most interesting,best mannered and least arrogant Journalists I have ever seen ,
very good work ,gentlemen !
Nate Eaton is one of the absolute best in the business, hands down!
Thank you all for what you do with respect and consideration.
I’m not even from Idaho, I’m from Oklahoma, but I watch Nate / Eric @ East Idaho News more than my own news team here on YT.
Y’all (Justin & Adam too) have done a fantastic job covering this case, it’s great that you can work together. It shows integrity.
on a happier note - I LOVE the Secret Santa videos. It’s very heartwarming. 💕
Thank you, Nate, Eric, Justin & Adam - for all you do!
Rewatching this during the Lori Vallow-Daybell trial. I do hope you four do another video like this after the trial. This was such an amazing video to watch, thank you so much
Saw the 3 -part series last night in the ID Discovery Channel about this case. It follows the experience of Kay and Larry Woodcock from the beginning to the part where they finally recovered the bodies. It was absolutely heart-wrenching! So much destruction and heart-ache caused by Lori and Chad.
Thank you guys to all of you for keeping us so informed and in the loop on this horrendous act. We appreciate you.
Thanks for sharing this Nate and Eric, always appreciate your reporting ♥️
You guys are so compassionate, I can tell you all are doing this for the kids, for Tammy... Charles... Joseph. Thank you. Thank you for caring so much 💗
Sometimes being #1 isn't as important as teaming up to survive the Hunger Games. Thanks for knowing that, and sharing your investigative findings with each other, and with us.
Thanks to this team of true journalists for digging into all the aspects of this crazy couple. We now know unfortunately what happened to the kids.
We knew way more details of what happened to the kids from Donna Seraphina - long before the bodies were found. Why do these “wonderful journalists” ignore such an incredible aspect of this story? I don’t get it.
Are you kidding me? This is an inquisition. Where is the evidence? At what point did they mention evidence? All this is trial by press designed to manipulate and bias a potential jury pool. Any time the doj turns to the media is because they have zero evidence. How can you be so gullible? In a country where we have a guatenteed right of religious freedom, the presumption of innocence until proven guilty based upon evidence beyond doubt and you are congratulating these people for persecuting someone without any evidence at all. In fact there is so little evidence she's charged with destruction of evidence. For since they can't find it she must have destroyed it. Not that all possible that she's innocent. Seriously? Why don't we just lock everyone up and throw away the constitution. Let's dig up everyone's dead relatives throughout their entire lives. What a terrible terrible destruction of American freedom, morals, ethics, ethos.
Yes the ppl needs them in bakersfield california alot weird and missing cases
WHERE are the boys
@@phillipstroll7385 well, THAT was different.
@@lisamcdonald2877 it's true.
loved following your coverage of this story from across the world! thanks for great work
Local reporters are the glue to national and international news and important stories! Great job guys! Well done!
You young newshounds totally remind me all the best of the old movies type journos,who get their teeth in and never let go.Lovin you guys going over a great time in your careers.Shout it to the rooftop fellas....You'all done good!
It's pretty obvious anybody with a heart was/is/are affected by this entire evil chain of events. There's absolutely nothing that makes one of these men immune to feelings.... children or not. I wasn't looking, but listening.... whoever asked among them twice (?) isn't mature enough to acknowledge his own emotions. Childbirth does not validate emotions. They ALL were touched.
Dude in the bottom left was most visibly soft. Dude in the upper left corner is most stoic. Someone else put the pieces together. I really enjoyed listening to how this came together. Thank you for sharing. I'd like to see the footage one day of the interviews, or anything leading into this mess that we may have missed. Great work! Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday Season to all through 2021!
When this first came out I was so mad at all the friends around Lori and those children, who did NOTHING but like Dr Phil says, when something this horrible happens, you have to remember that our human brains cannot even COMPREHEND that the outcome would've or could've been what it actually ended up being. And yet Lori Vallow STILL acts like she's the queen of the world & on her way directly to Heaven.
Yes no one could have imagined how horrific a mother could be.
But as the QUEEN SAID, DAYBELL. Actually that name suits her. Mr and Mrs EVIL....
Melanie G!
I agree with you but please understand that Dr. Phil is a cruel.and manipulative man who uses people and makes money off mental illness and suffering. He isnt even able legally practice medicine. He hurts people.
@@fighttheevilrobots3417 yeah l don’t watch him anymore. He has helped some people but l think money swoll his head. He is a human being and he has exploited some poor folks. He got lucky when he met Oprah and she knew he would make good tv. As for Oprah,,,,,,she’s another very misguided soul,mixing the little she knew of the Christian faith with new age self dillusion. Satan is very clever! WAKE UP people. Read Gods Word. You don’t need and God forbids us in the last chapter of Revelation to add or subtract anything from his word to us. That includes false religions such as Muslim with their Koran, Buhda, Eastern mysticism, Witchcraft, cults, New Agers who proclaim You find god within yourself, magic, wee gee boards, tarot cards,divination, pornography.mediums who really are modern witches. You get the idea? That’s whereMormons go wrong. They got their own fake prophet,they pray for dead souls and lure people into being curious about the after life. That’s what Chad Daybell got lured into. Satan hooked Chad and Lorie big time. But don’t be fooled.lf you don’t believe in Jesus Christ you are equally deceived.
This still moves me to tears!
I remember people in the comments of coverage videos directing others to Nate's reporting!😎
I must say, collectively, these journalist did a fabulous job in bringing us the details and doing so in a manner that never self inflated who's who in reporting the story.
It was obvious that these reporters volleyed the events as they happened and all their efforts were teamed towards a simultaneous goal: the good of these children & the raw human desire that is concerned in love and a need to know what happened & a need to find these children!
May I say thank you to all of you and applaud?
Your small,local, caring & Inquisitorial job efforts & actions connected a national and global audience in love and justice for these children!
@ the end of the day, that's a legacy worth living & giving!
Nate is the MAN!
They are ALL the man!!!
@@marideathydeelz914 dd
Thank you for covering this case in so much detail. Stellar reporting & investigation
I'd just like to say that all of the reporting you guys have done on this case has been phenomenal! It's been honest and informative but also respectful of the families
Thanks to all of these local news people
Do a super cut of this with all the footage you talk about and I would watch it 1 million times.
Fascinating discussion.
Hats off to you guys , bringing this case to forefront nationally and internationally, I have followed this case every step of the way, I will continue to do so, I pray everyday Tyleee, JJ, Tammy, Charles and many more to get justice they deserve.
I have been really grateful for all the information and insights you have all given us. This case has been like nothing l have heard of, it's all incredible to me, so tragic and heartbreaking to loose so many lives at the hands of monsters.
It’s so funny to hear Adam talking about stick figures...we Websleuths immediately got out our Dri-erase boards. Genealogy experience was helpful in this case. I am so glad that you guys stayed on top of this story, so it did not disappear. Amazing that no one on Chad’s side was speaking. They protected him, until his backyard was found out to hold those missing children. Thank you guys for working so hard for Tylee, JJ, Charles, Tammy, and possibly Joseph Ryan.
I AGREE! Like Chad's neighbors and nobody saw a thing?? Nobody heard a chain saw or saw a bonfire? My neighbor & I are like, Did you see that fox walking right down the middle of the road? YES! Did you notice that we have a new mailman? YES! Did you see the Momma deer with the 2 new babies? YES! Did you see the white squirrel? YES!
@@peggygibbons479 Chad's neighbors reported seeing bonfires, though not on September 9 (the day of Tylee's burial), but much later (one in the fall and more in the spring). Perhaps the neighbors were at work in the morning. We don't know yet if a chainsaw was involved at any point.
@@peggygibbons479 we all need neighbours like you.
@@icequeen6512 Thank you and neighbors like my neighbor as well. :)
Wow. Great investigative reporting. Nice to hear the background stories. Kudos to you all.
You guys are amazing. Thank you
I love this team of journalists!
@EastIdahoNews Great job guys!!
Great show with all of you! Thank you for doing this!
What a great debrief. Hope you do this again once it's all over.
It will be beyond awful if nobody is ever charged for the murder of the children.
I cannot imagine they wouldn't both be charged.
They will be. They are making sure they make no mistakes and have all the evidence before they get charged with murder. We all want a solid case so they rot in jail or death
I'm east Idaho 's biggest fan. Watching you all from Okanagan Canada 🇨🇦
Ontario 🇨🇦 ✌️
@@la1930 watch from Germany Würzburg
Ontario 🇨🇦 ☮️
@@irmgardbaumann2051 serh gut!
Investigation journalism at its best well done guys feliz navidad 🎅 love from Spain
You guys have done a spectacular job - this case has gone as far as it has thanks to dogged reporting. Well done
its cool to hear these behind the scenes stories about this, such a weird case.
I’m surprised how well these journalists and law enforcement worked together in a way. Willingly offering each other information and answering questions. It seems like a respectful and helpful relationship. Thanks for sharing this and for all of your hard work on this case!
This has been an EXCELLENT video! We need to go back to local investigative reporting of the type these men (and women) do--then we'd get facts instead of assumptions and the truth instead of lies. Thank you local investigative reporters!
Do--then ?
This was a 🎅 Secret Santa Gift, I think I can say we all appreciat & needed❣ Thank You so very much. Happy Holidays ☃️
If only the national news were as HONEST AND UNBIASED as these 4 reporters, we wouldn't be in the shape we're in as a nation. GREAT REPORTERS AND GREAT COVERAGE GUYS.
I wish Charles Vallow could have got with you guys. Maybe he would have been heard and he and the kids would still be alive. Thank you for great coverage and concern for this case.
I sure do too! I feel so badly for Charles & his family. His death (of course the kids too) was needless & awful! Had they (police, reporters, anybody) listened to him & believed him - we would most likely be telling and/or talking about a whole different story.
I hope a lesson can be learned that when a man reports a crime or craziness against his wife (beautiful or not) they should take him seriously.
@@Momma-angela Charles concerns were fobbed off. Then his death was fobbed off. Will his death still be?
@@didee86 if it is, we all need to raise hell until they do something about it.
It’s quite obvious it was another conspiracy.
I wish that he did too! My heart goes out to Charles Vallow and his family!💔
I doubt it. Custody issues aren't jnteresting
Nate, I hope u get some fabulous broadcasting award. I was following this story, and saw u for the first time when u were in Hawaii. When I saw u, I thought "who is this guy who is sticking his nose in Lori's face? Does he work for National Inquirer?" Then I started seeing more of ur videos and was amazed at how professional and in depth ur reports were. As heartbreaking as it is to find out the outcome so far, I am glad u were able to follow the story. I assume u have a boss who says "go for it".
happy to see you guys together. thanks all for excellent coverage!
Do you know I love you guys and you work so hard in your fact finding and reporting.
I'm going to promote you to world class!!👏👏👏👏👏💯👍👍👍
Love this team. Shoutout to Nate! You are the real heroes of this story! I hope there's a documentary coming up.
Merry Christmas to you all!! Thank you for all you do to bring your incredible coverages.
Love you guys you are incredible. Young. Intelligent. The voices of Tylee and JJ.
I love seeing the Secret Santa with Nate since I discovered it about a month ago. I’m so sad the goodness of those stories were overshadowed by the awful news of these kids, especially as we realize parents are involved. I’m praying for our broken world and about this case. There are many things wrong now but there are also many things going right. I am thankful for food, shelter, loved ones, health, transportation, income and laughter. God bless y’all.
This was really interesting thank you
Thank you for this insight & the ethical, dignified excellent way you have reported this last year, you are a credit to yourselves. I hope you are recognised for your hard work.
Very interesting thank you guys merry Christmas and happy Holidays! God Bless you and your family!
Wow! This was an amazing and excellent discussion! I've been following this case from the beginning and you all really nailed it for us all! Thank you, great job!
I am so impressed with all four.
Wow! Thanks for this video! I think you should keep this up!
Great brainstorming thanks
I've always thought that the way Lori jumped around from state to state hindered LE from connecting the dots.
They barely existed in the real world because she never put down roots and restricted her circle of friends and family. She seemed to be very guarded with her children as kept them isolated so they were easy to miss. Very sad indeed.
@@livvyjos I often wonder if she never killed the children she would have gotten away with murdering both Joesph and Charles? But then Tylee and JJ became liabilities Tylee bc she just saw way to much then JJ being so attached to her and his father (autistic children don't do well with change) he probably became very hard to handle. Idk just a thought! This entire story really makes me sick!! 🤢😱🤮
@@livvyjos Also being Lori so transient! Even before when her and Charles were happy she like to move alot!
Rewatching the day before opening statements for Lori Daybell trial. Who would have thought back then the rabbit hole would have gone deeper than any of us expected? Justic for JJ, Tylee, Tammy and Charles.
YES! Truthful Investigative Journalism is not dead!
You guys are a bright light in a dark and tangled jungle.
Thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
I have really enjoyed the 4 of you doing this video! Y’all are rock stars!! And all police officers and detectives that worked so hard! Everyone who has worked hard to find these kids...... these are the real Avengers
Thanks so much for this. Love your work, guys
Thank you so very much Nate and everyone else for helping big time on this case ! You took runaway from your family to help us to figure this case out !
Thank you you all have done amazing job stay safe and Merry Christmas to you all 🏴❤️
I enjoyed the UNITY in this group. Very rare these days
Thank you. Really interesting.
It's I'm sure everybody's hope that who ever is involved in these killing of everybody related to Charles, Tylee, jj they get justice and Lori and Chad rot in jail for the rest of their lives and never ever see freedom.
This is what it is all about, coming together for one purpose, and reason, Justice! This meeting shows their true professionalism and dedication.
Thank you guys!
Thank you all so much for all your research & keeping us all up to date. I have a question, has anyone found any marriage license for Chad & Lori? To prove that they are legally married.
Artie Johnson yes they were really married. They showed their marriage licenses at Chad hearing where Melanie Gibb testified.
I think that it is a blessing that Nate is doing the secret Santa segments, it is a healthy, positive thing to do after the mega work they did reporting about the two devils. I hope that the other guys has some positive things to do too. 🌷🌻🌷
Yes. What a juxtaposition between the evil of the case and then the goodness of Secret Santa. 😁
Yes I always enjoy!!
First heard of this from Gray Hughes Investigates...he got a lot of his material from you folks, thank you, and prayers for all covering this tragedy.
Nate and his team should win a news award for the coverage of this story-a return to true investigative journalism that's sadly missing in most of today's news media.
Nate your Secret Santa News clips are awesome! They always lift people up!!you are a good man! Don’t believe the lies of bad people!!