"We are the genuine communists!" Leading Marxist Fred Weston answers lies about communism on GBNews

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 345

  • @jphughes6868
    @jphughes6868 4 месяца назад +212

    The Romanian man’s explanation of communism being elites at the top with the rest of us left working bees was a brilliant description of capitalism

    • @williamwoods2624
      @williamwoods2624 4 месяца назад +5


    • @JackDraak
      @JackDraak 4 месяца назад +12

      Right? Dude had one argument (the pianist) and every time he recited it all I heard was descriptions of capitalism if you look, well... just about ANYWHERE. It is unfortunate they paired a man with a lifetime of political knowledge against mr. "I lived under one specific 'communist' regime when I was six", but it shows how terribly out of touch they are, too (GB News).

    • @ВячеславВячеславыч-с7с
      @ВячеславВячеславыч-с7с 4 месяца назад +3

      Not capitalism, but monopoly, which socialism takes to the extreme

    • @lordsummerisle852
      @lordsummerisle852 4 месяца назад +4

      What? In Romania under Ceaucescu?
      Yeah he's describing free market capitalism 😂👍
      Good one

    • @tonyjoka2346
      @tonyjoka2346 4 месяца назад

      You ve never lived under communism and thus are unqualified to have an oppinion I ve lived in a former communist country and a capitalist country my god is capitalism great you ve been born with a silver spoon in your mouth with all the democratic freedoms in the world that's why you morally decadent and incapable of gratitude.

  • @HAL9010-sv1gh
    @HAL9010-sv1gh 4 месяца назад

    A patient, well-informed and very well put across set of comments and arguments from Fred Weston, here. Genuienly very impressive!
    Both interesting and surprising to see GB News, despite its' traditional upper class/rich elites-defending role (and usual anti-left stance) providing some decent airtime for a televised conversation like this one to occur in the first place...wish that it had been a bit longer!

  • @MarioSaldanhaLobo
    @MarioSaldanhaLobo 4 месяца назад

    In the second congress, in 1903, Trotsky, even though in his memoires admitted that Lenin was correct, decided to line up with the bourgeois side. As he did always that the choice was on the table, except from the end of 1917 summer when he smelled Lenin could actually make it.

  • @celestialteapot309
    @celestialteapot309 4 месяца назад +13

    Dear GB news presenters, are you actually brain dead? Well done Fred.

  • @0NEisN0THING
    @0NEisN0THING 4 месяца назад +157

    Hmmm. Repetition, strawmanning and ignoring Freds well articulated discussion.
    What an excellent display of patiently explaining. My pride only swells to be associated with such hardworking comrades.
    It is an honour.

  • @Nahaufnahme24
    @Nahaufnahme24 4 месяца назад +97

    Kind of surprised how the host reacted. He was kinda fair. But it kind of misses the point to invite a guy who "lived under communism" and has no political background and understanding of history. Of course I believe he live trough tough times in romania but he can't really add anything to the discussion. The point for him to be there was simply "communism bad because I lived in it (when i was six)".

    • @Ephemeral-Bean
      @Ephemeral-Bean 4 месяца назад +40

      they should have brought on a child from one of those rare earth metal mines to talk about how bad it is under capitalism

    • @Ephemeral-Bean
      @Ephemeral-Bean 4 месяца назад +12

      @@steveblundell7766 sorry i was making a joke, the child would also not be able to explain the material reality and contradictions of capitalism either

    • @lucaspodesta6799
      @lucaspodesta6799 4 месяца назад +2

      They should've brought on an old person from Romania who would go on and on about how great everything was.

    • @kennycube5126
      @kennycube5126 4 месяца назад +1

      They shudda got the Romanian guy to play the piano as the discussion went on. They could have produced the most surreal segment ever 🤡

  • @noureddinzi6630
    @noureddinzi6630 4 месяца назад +131

    Bravo Fred, well said! Excellent explanation!

  • @dokitachi
    @dokitachi 4 месяца назад +165

    what a ridiculous host

    • @gabhanachdenogla8342
      @gabhanachdenogla8342 4 месяца назад +10

      More suited to talking shite on X Factor?

    • @uttaradit2
      @uttaradit2 4 месяца назад +6

      he's on the cover of mad magazine every issue - whaddya expect.........

    • @DejaunWright
      @DejaunWright 4 месяца назад +6

      I had to turn the video off. It was making my blood boil

    • @theshamanarchist5441
      @theshamanarchist5441 4 месяца назад

      Bunged up little posh kid champagne soy-cialists like YOU losers in the comments section ha ha.

    • @0NEisN0THING
      @0NEisN0THING 4 месяца назад

      @@DejaunWright I honestly dont blame you

  • @ourmadness6238
    @ourmadness6238 4 месяца назад +78

    What a shameful performance. My father was 24 when the Romanian Revolution happened, he lived his life up to that point in said country, and as a religious person, mind you, he has no problem admitting that the 60s and 70s were a great improvement of the past, and an overall nice standard of living, whereas the 90s themselves, and the first half of the 2000s were significantly worse than the breadlines of the 80s. It was a failed system, but in no small part because the West had at the beginning of the Cold War declared the purpose of their existence to lead said bloc into failure. The man in the video was a mere child when the system crumbled, he has no real political insight either. Positioning him against a communist who doesn't even symphatise with the Soviet bloc communism in the slightest is pathetic.

    • @brookeconroy6227
      @brookeconroy6227 4 месяца назад

      Exactly. The 'Revolutionary Communist Party' are a joke. They're a new party and I've been around them. They've achieved nothing yet think they can look their noses down at the countries who actually have achieved socialist revolutions. The Communist Party of Britain are much better and don't have that racial superiority. They should have got them on instead

    • @gangweed5922
      @gangweed5922 3 месяца назад +1

      Facts. I cant believe there are actual communists saying stuff like ˝real communism has never been tried˝. Its incredibly damaging to our cause in its fueling of the ˝communism is good in theory but impossible in practice˝ fire. As flawed as the soviet bureaucracy was, its successes must be proudly celebrated and brought up because the world is already aware of all its failures, and academically disprove the myth that it was a colossal failure.

    • @hex2637
      @hex2637 3 месяца назад +7

      The RCP stands with planned economies and acknowledges the huge advances they achieved but harshly criticizes the bureaucratic party-state and its authoritarianism. Planned economies, even in the form they took in the soviet bloc, enabled stable lives for the vast majority of workers without fears of hunger, homelessness, unemployment etc.
      These countries would, however, have made even greater achievements and would not have collapsed had they been genuine workers democracies as envisioned by Marx, Engels and Lenin.
      I also dislike that the marxist in the interview gives zero pushback on the nature of these countries. But it is important to point out the huge mistakes of them and their nature in the stalinist bureaucracy.

    • @hex2637
      @hex2637 3 месяца назад +4

      I think he's trying to explain exactly the positive sides of planned economies at 4:40 when he's interrupted by the host.

    • @brookeconroy6227
      @brookeconroy6227 3 месяца назад

      @@hex2637 So the RCP thinks they could have done better than Stalin. Haha. You lot would have been invaded by Hitler or taken down by the West double quick time. No revolution will ever be perfect- Lenin said that. Instead of looking down on countries that achieved socialist revolutions you should support them, learn from them and show some humility. Western lefties haven't achieved revolutions, or anything close but we've directly benefited from the USSR. The arrogance and racism of much of the Western left, especially from trots and anarchists has always baffled me. This is one of the reasons I walked away from Socialist Appeal - looking at the world from an imperialist lens and being so susceptible to believing liberal propaganda is really lame in my opinion. Maybe read some Michael Parenti to have a fuller nuanced understanding of the world, I'd suggest starting there

  • @bookisomg
    @bookisomg 4 месяца назад +72

    huge respect to fred for keeping cool in the face of these idiots egging him on and not listening to anything he's saying

    • @0NEisN0THING
      @0NEisN0THING 4 месяца назад +2

      Fred is a strong man. Dude batted my compliments off at the last congress
      Bit of a legendary move to be honest.
      Fred dont give two shits about opinions. Hes a man of truth and science. Proffessionally, I deeply admire the man.
      We may not be friends, but im honoured to work with him
      Edit for clarification: Alongside? With? I dunno. Were on the same team. I hope you can look past my lack of elequent description and see my core point.
      My apologies : )

  • @markrahman9320
    @markrahman9320 4 месяца назад +58

    "Oh shit, he's putting forward rather reasonable ideas... well... would you look at the time!!"

  • @-mwolf
    @-mwolf 4 месяца назад +43

    Lmfao I love how they keep hosting us.
    They must be either masochistic, thinking they are superior in the discussions, just genuinely stupid, or it simply gets lots of views.

    • @JackDraak
      @JackDraak 4 месяца назад +3

      It can be 'all of the above'.

    • @lordsummerisle852
      @lordsummerisle852 4 месяца назад

      Funny how communists are allowed free speech in a capitalist society.
      Would capitalists be allowed free speech in a communist society though?

    • @qjtvaddict
      @qjtvaddict Месяц назад

      It’s for the views the left will give them profit so they are allowing it

  • @TFx2TV
    @TFx2TV 4 месяца назад +22

    @8:47 "Look, you talk about capitalism working - 100 million displaced people, Afghanistan: bombed to bits, Syria etcetera. People living in desperate conditions: Congo, the Sudan, the killing thats taking place there. The killing in Gaza, the war in the Ukraine: this is Capitalism. We don't have communism today, as far as i'm aware."
    He tried to cut across you Fred, but your point was already made, and you made it well! Keep going Comrade \!/

  • @TheColdFrontmusic
    @TheColdFrontmusic 4 месяца назад +33

    "capitalism has been around for 1500 years" what?

    • @JackDraak
      @JackDraak 4 месяца назад +2

      What's an order of magnitude, between friends? (Another commentor is declaring capitalism has only existed for 150 years)

    • @romandidelet5945
      @romandidelet5945 3 месяца назад +3

      @@JackDraak First appearance of capitalism as a system can be traced back to 16th century England/Netherlands/Italian city-states. But the generally accepted "start date" for capitalism as a global system, is when it sweeps away feudalism in continental europe, aka the French Revolution.

    • @rmac3217
      @rmac3217 2 месяца назад

      If ppl are freely trading anything legal it's capitalism.
      If a villager is selling apples at a stand, but the apples are owned by the 'Land Lord', isn't that villager a victim of the capitalist?

  • @justadude117X
    @justadude117X 4 месяца назад +26

    Gotta love the gaslighting, talking over, making surr they have the last word. They seem scared. I could imagine the manager on the earpiece telling the host to cut him off or say this or that. Keep it up RCI !!

  • @tvrudanota3348
    @tvrudanota3348 4 месяца назад +22

    Tactics of the moderator can be defined by "Repeat the same crap over and over again no matter what, and hopefully it will become truth"

  • @vilya1o365
    @vilya1o365 4 месяца назад +5

    Its a myth that capitalism is synonymous with prosperity. Id encourage the host to vist sudan and drc and there declare what prosperity capitalism brings to the imperial periphery

  • @chris.bcfc.keeprighton.5685
    @chris.bcfc.keeprighton.5685 4 месяца назад +17

    There aren't any communist/Marxist countries on planet earth. There have never been any communist countries. The so-called communist countries bear no resemblance whatsoever to the type of world Marx and Engels proposed.
    It's actually impossible for Marxism/Communism to exist in isolation in one or two countries. The same as it would be impossible for capitalism to exist in isolation in one or two countries.
    Russia was never a communist country. Stalinism is not communism and certainly not Marxism. Stalin was a counter revolutionary and mass murderer. Mao wasn't a Marxist. Mao was very much like Stalin politically. The so-called communist countries are actually capitalist regimes. To be specific, state/beauracratic controlled, Stalinist type capitalist regimes.
    In a real communist/Marxist world there would be no stock markets anywhere on the planet. In a real communist world the Workers would be in full control of their own lives. In a real communist world the Workers would run their own communities, countries, and would run and manage the planet. The Workers/people would control the means of production. Marx's detailed analytical critique on capitalism explained how inherently flawed the world's capitalist economic system is. Marx showed how capitalism is a rigged economic system against the world's workers. Capitalism wasn't designed to be good for working people. Capitalism is a good economic system for the minority. Many of the world's economists believe that the world's capitalist system has already peaked and is now in decline. The world's capitalist economic system is slowly collapsing. Capitalism wasn't designed to last forever. Marx showed how flawed capitalism is. Marx predicted that the unplanned and chaotic economics of the world's capitalist system would eventually collapse. There is nothing sinister about Marxism. Marxism is simply an alternative world economic system to world capitalism. The only way to achieve real communism/Marxism/International socialism is if the world's capitalist economic system collapses followed by simultaneous workers revolutions throughout the planet resulting in the overthrowing of the world's capitalist economic system and replacing it with international socialism/Marxism. A world where no person would ever go to work in order to create a profit because the profit/capitalist system has been replaced by international socialism. No longer would Workers be shackled to the bosses, billionaires, greedy landlords, dictators, bankers, and ruling classes. No more pointless imperialistic capitalist wars where ordinary working people are slaughtered. The individual in this new world would have far more freedom than under capitalism, where our freedom is very limited.
    "Workers of the world unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains. You have the world to win."

  • @scallamander4899
    @scallamander4899 4 месяца назад +9

    Romanian guy has never seen people lining up for bread in Britain? Go to a food-bank mate

  • @kennycube5126
    @kennycube5126 4 месяца назад +15

    Hilariously surreal and Fred was as cool as a cucumber 😁
    Also, a genius move leaving the cheese rolling in at the end.

    • @JackDraak
      @JackDraak 4 месяца назад +3

      I can't believe that rolled right past me, but then again it has been a long day..... Kudos to the editor though, for certain!

  • @sirdook2761
    @sirdook2761 4 месяца назад +4

    Always attack the 100M deaths fallacy. Never let them get away with that lie.

  • @muhahhhaaa
    @muhahhhaaa 4 месяца назад +17

    Perfect example of patiently explaining your ideas. Join the RCI!

  • @bkr0127
    @bkr0127 4 месяца назад +81

    GB News clearly has a slant, but they definitely are letting us speak. US media would never allow this.

    • @Ouroboros542
      @Ouroboros542 4 месяца назад +23

      "A slant", mate its literally the fascist press

    • @DejaunWright
      @DejaunWright 4 месяца назад +14

      Not to mention that dude is interrupting Leon at every question he asks and keeps trying to pivot to the Romanian dude to counter every point he is making. There is no discourse here.

    • @brianadlich4406
      @brianadlich4406 4 месяца назад

      bullcrap. this is the same BS type of 'journalism' you get in the west. Some voice on one side, then some irrelevant voice on the other to represent the whole system. They didnt get someone living under a former communist government that preferred it. which is the majority of people that lived in former communist countries. who gives a crap about some anecdote of a musician. he said capitalism been around 1500 years which is way off.

    • @rodolfodoce
      @rodolfodoce 4 месяца назад +4

      @@steveblundell7766maybe they are

    • @tonyjoka2346
      @tonyjoka2346 4 месяца назад +1

      Mate if you want to starve emigrate somwhere else communism is a joke

  • @afaqahmed5393
    @afaqahmed5393 4 месяца назад +51

    Red salute from Pakistan section of imt

  • @CharlieBabbitt1988
    @CharlieBabbitt1988 4 месяца назад +17

    The cutaway after the interview was the best part! 😂 and now here’s people rolling down a hill! Capitalism forever!

    • @rfvtgbzhn
      @rfvtgbzhn 4 месяца назад +2

      Wikipedia says cheeserolling is 600 years old, so it predates capitalism. I think it's just a fun event, although I guess they do try to capitalize on it, like on everything today.

    • @knossos574
      @knossos574 4 месяца назад +3

      ​@@rfvtgbzhndidn't you hear the Romanian guy? Capitalism is 1500 years old so I guess the Dark Ages is capitalism.

    • @rfvtgbzhn
      @rfvtgbzhn 4 месяца назад

      @@knossos574 lol

  • @valm9462
    @valm9462 4 месяца назад +13

    Capitalism dosent work for us.

    • @chris.bcfc.keeprighton.5685
      @chris.bcfc.keeprighton.5685 4 месяца назад

      Capitalism is a rigged economic system against the world's workers.

    • @williamwoods2624
      @williamwoods2624 4 месяца назад

      Capitalism doesn’t work period. It’s destroying itself and the WORLD with it.

    • @chris.bcfc.keeprighton.5685
      @chris.bcfc.keeprighton.5685 4 месяца назад

      Capitalism is a rigged economic system against the world's workers.

  • @ivorytowers3211
    @ivorytowers3211 4 месяца назад +38

    It's always going to be an uphill struggle dealing with a bourgeois Capitalist media. To be fair to the host, he didn't openly ridicule Fred and gave him a decent opportunity to explain the difference between bureaucratic 'Communism' (as experienced by many, including the other guest) and genuine Leninist/ Trotsktyist Communism. The more the message gets spread in this way, the more people will be persuaded. Keep it up, RCI!

    • @invalidopinion5384
      @invalidopinion5384 4 месяца назад

      ​@@SC-bp5lq explain why every major Bolshevik leader who co-led the revolution with Lenin in 1917 bar a few were dead by 1940. Were they all revisionist traitors? Why is Stalin, a non-factor in the revolution, the only one of them had any prominence after the 20s? What you call "actual communist governments" have nothing in common with communism. They were bloody caricatures at best. They reversed the rights of women and national minorities, stripped away any semblance of workers democracy, restricted art and culture, got fat at the expense of the working class and sold out revolutions in other countries wherever they could. The great achievements of the planned economy happened in spite of the bureaucracy, not because of them, and you mock genuine communists by suggesting otherwise.
      The RCI has sections on every continent. Whatever myth you've been sold about Trotskyism is unfounded. What is true is that workers and young people aren't interested in the stagnant national chauvinism and limp reformism of the Stalinist leftovers. Trotksyism is stil relevant because it doesn't turn a blind eye to the so-called "mistakes" of your "actual communist governments". It preserves the genuine revolutionary and international spirit of Leninism, which is why your slander has never stuck

    • @wasteman3717
      @wasteman3717 4 месяца назад

      @@SC-bp5lqit’s really upsetting finding out the only marxism in my country is this ultra left trotsky type. i’m sure lenin would be rolling in his grave

    • @JackDraak
      @JackDraak 4 месяца назад +3

      @@SC-bp5lq Your argument hinges on a false premise: "actual Communist governments." Communism is not a government, but a stateless society. Your examples are merely reformist states, not terribly unlike capitalist ones. Your ad hominem attack fails to distract from your lack of a substantive argument, however.

    • @ВячеславВячеславыч-с7с
      @ВячеславВячеславыч-с7с 4 месяца назад

      Lenin promised communism in 30's, that other communist leaders promised it over and over again but every time it just led to a tyrannical governmental power and totalitarism then when government did got less blood thristy it led to people having money and no stuff to buy for that money people wanted change but instead got empty promises

    • @ВячеславВячеславыч-с7с
      @ВячеславВячеславыч-с7с 4 месяца назад

      @@SC-bp5lq achievements like taking grain from peasants and sending it into towns so people in towns would not revolt, not caring that peasants will starve to death? or maybe forcefully taking veterans who fought for their loved ones back to communism against their will so they would not tell anyone what communism actually is and then making them slaves in far north so they would not tell anyone how other people outside communism live? or maybe sending first man into space using stolen nazi technologies while population have no toilet paper or tampons? also why do you think entirety of Lenins political associates were executed by Stalin for treason? Or why entirety of people who made 5-year plans were executed by Stalin for sabotage?

  • @hex2637
    @hex2637 3 месяца назад +4

    The RCP stands with planned economies and acknowledges the huge advances they achieved but harshly criticizes the bureaucratic party-state and its authoritarianism. Planned economies, even in the form they took in the soviet bloc, enabled stable lives for the vast majority of workers without fears of hunger, homelessness, unemployment etc.
    These countries would, however, have made even greater achievements and would not have collapsed had they been genuine workers democracies as envisioned by Marx, Engels and Lenin.
    At 4:40 the RCP representative tries to explain the positive sides of the Soviet-style planned economies I mentioned before, but he is interrupted by the host.

  • @AlienatedQc
    @AlienatedQc 4 месяца назад +3

    It's like listening to a professor giving a lecture and then aguy says, "hold on! Let's hear what this three-year-old as to say."

  • @panizb4234
    @panizb4234 4 месяца назад +26

    Great work comrade ✊🏼

  • @PsilentMusicUK
    @PsilentMusicUK 4 месяца назад +5

    Romania prior to 1991 was poor and no one could leave. Romania after 1991 was very poor and everyone could leave, and did, in droves.

  • @melikanourinayer8058
    @melikanourinayer8058 4 месяца назад +9

    Red salute from the canadian section! It was a pleasure meeting and talking to Fred at our Canadian congress last week!

    • @JackDraak
      @JackDraak 4 месяца назад

      "Oh, hey, Fred! Have you got a minute?"

    • @CastleHassall
      @CastleHassall 4 месяца назад

      Marxist communism..it's a dictatorship of the proletariat.. anyone who wants a dictatorship can go live in North Korea thanks
      even the peasants were accused of being petit bourgeoise and executed by the CHEKA for being "reactionary"when they wanted a bit of land to grow food on and more than one cow (look at what happened in Ukraine in 1920s/1930s
      all these excuses about "that's not real communism" are missing the point that the people who did send the CHEKA to execute people believed very strongly in the dictatorship of the proletariat/marxism
      any dictatorship is evil control by force.. what do you intend to do to people who don't want marxist communism?
      you Marxists in the west are mainly massively privileged hipsters who don't actually help people in real life
      Go and bring a bunch of homeless junkies into your house if you care that much about the proletariat
      communism IS capitalism (workers, capital, production being an aim) but the rewards the workers should get from their effort get taken by the elite in the state and the elites live in conifer ln comfort and crush all who disagree with their aims
      you call it a democracy but the opposition becomes outlawed and executed or imprisoned or suppressed
      Go and help people if you really care that much go and give all your possessions and your house and your phone and your computer to some kid who has nothing

  • @brianadlich4406
    @brianadlich4406 4 месяца назад +7

    why didnt they get a former communist citizen that longs for the old system to talk with the guy on the left. Its not like there aren't plenty of them as well. its just shoddy journalism (par for the course nowadays-infotainment).

    • @williamwoods2624
      @williamwoods2624 4 месяца назад +4

      Obviously the commentator has to maintain the “narrative “ for his handlers.

    • @JackDraak
      @JackDraak 4 месяца назад +1

      I'd say it's a sorry statement on the educational system(s) that they can get away with this "two sides" stuff at such a gross level, literally.

    • @chris.bcfc.keeprighton.5685
      @chris.bcfc.keeprighton.5685 4 месяца назад

      Former communist citizen? There aren't any communist countries. There have never been any communist countries. Russia was never a communist country. Stalinism is not communism and certainly not Marxism. The so-called communist countries bear no resemblance whatsoever to the type of world Marx and Engels proposed.

    • @ambasutori9053
      @ambasutori9053 3 месяца назад

      Would have been a vastly more interesting discussion ngl and one would hope Fred would have given some nuance to his own views

    • @ambasutori9053
      @ambasutori9053 3 месяца назад +1

      @@chris.bcfc.keeprighton.5685 Dont be pedantic, even if one understands the theory behind it nobody says "citicens from former degenerated or deformed workers states" cause it doesnt role of the tongue like communist/socialist citicen, even if inaccurate

  • @CanadaMarxists
    @CanadaMarxists 4 месяца назад +3

    Revolutionary greetings from canada comrades!

    • @foodchewer
      @foodchewer 4 месяца назад +1

      Your country needs some Marxism bad, man. I hear what's going on with the uncontrollable immigration and the housing and labor crises, and it makes me sad.

  • @adnanabdou9491
    @adnanabdou9491 4 месяца назад +4

    Thanks comrade Fred! Always on point. You always express the urgent need of the working class. Which is a fight for freedom and the over throw of capitalism.

  • @SunSpotz-69
    @SunSpotz-69 4 месяца назад +6

    Gotta love how one sided legacy news makes the argument, like you can see that they just invited him on to disprove him and make him look bad

  • @SpaceLilies
    @SpaceLilies 4 месяца назад +2

    He’s afraid of people having to queue up for bread? Does he know about food banks? Does he know the UK has a huge problem with child hunger today??

  • @TomMAF4
    @TomMAF4 4 месяца назад +5

    You did well and tbf the interviewer was surprisingly evenhanded for GB news haha

  • @hugowells3052
    @hugowells3052 4 месяца назад +3

    This was like talking points bingo

  • @VigilantnotMilitant
    @VigilantnotMilitant 4 месяца назад +1

    This is how effective communists must speak calmly, compassionately, concisely, with studied fluency and unflappable patience. In other words, like a skilled organizer molded by organization, theory, and day-to-day party work.

  • @Zayden.
    @Zayden. 4 месяца назад +3

    Brilliant to explain genuine communism by explaining they were Stalin's worst enemies.

    • @1917-j3s
      @1917-j3s 4 месяца назад

      They weren't though. Have you read anything at all?

  • @ChrisMackinder
    @ChrisMackinder 4 месяца назад +10

    Excellent contribution from Fred Weston - he was Lenin’s maxim, “..patiently explain” personified. These TV opps are valuable not because Marxists hope to convince the show’s other guest or the host, but because we get here, although briefly , a clearly articulated response to all the slurs about and misrepresentations of genuine communism which we regularly hear from the ruling class and their media mouthpieces. This material gets spread over social media etc and gains momentum especially at at time like this when many, many people sense a need for something different. It is another tool we can use to broaden the reach and appeal of the message - we need a revolution ✊

  • @Aleccourtney
    @Aleccourtney 29 дней назад +1

    RCA!!!! Viva Trotsky ! Viva Revolution! Well said Fred!

  • @Ghost-kx1ss
    @Ghost-kx1ss 4 месяца назад +6

    Well said Fred!👏👏👏

  • @Itsmespiv4192
    @Itsmespiv4192 4 месяца назад +4

    The romanian trying to explain autarky was fun

  • @johnpatterson6448
    @johnpatterson6448 4 месяца назад +4

    This was actually an interesting fruitful, respectful discussion.
    Nobody interrupted anybody. Remarkable for that alone.

    • @alexjeffrey3981
      @alexjeffrey3981 4 месяца назад +2

      They repeatedly interrupted Fred while he respectfully waited for his turn to speak. This was a hit piece, they completely ignored his position in favour of their chosen "Stalinism is always the outcome" argument.

  • @Chillybehemoth
    @Chillybehemoth 3 месяца назад +1

    It’s not a fair interview is it. How about we get the experience of someone who lived through the Great Depression or the illegal and imperialist wars in Vietnam Afghanistan Iraq etc whose families were crushed or burnt to death by an air strike or bomb. I understand the Romanian fellas personal experience but he clearly isn’t very knowledgeable about this issue and what communism actually is

  • @potterinhe11
    @potterinhe11 4 месяца назад +4

    The people need to be educated in the difference between reformist and revolutionary. We are one and the same in the prescribed perspective.

  • @St_Fish
    @St_Fish 4 месяца назад +4

    What bloody reputable history book do I need to read to understand why MLs hate Trots so much? Besides the Losurdo one.

    • @1917-j3s
      @1917-j3s 4 месяца назад

      Just read some lenin. He rips into trotsky often. A good example is "Disruption of Unity Under Cover of Outcries for Unity" but yea they claim to uphold marxism and lenin but in reality, trotsky would jump from position to another and in the end tried to start a secret party in the ussr

    • @saturnsandjupiters358
      @saturnsandjupiters358 4 месяца назад

      they hate us because we don’t just sit in our rooms exposing “libs” online

    • @alexjeffrey3981
      @alexjeffrey3981 4 месяца назад

      Probably The Revolution Betrayed. Trots are opposed to what they see as Stalinist counterrevolution, Stalinists see the bureaucratic ML state as still being revolutionary.

    • @DavidSpenger-b8f
      @DavidSpenger-b8f 4 месяца назад +7

      historically the Stalinists bureaucracies hated Trotskyism because it represented the genuine continuation of Leninism and a challenge to their power and privileges. There are also a myriad of groups that call themselves "Trotskyist" but do not represent the ideas of Trotsky, refusing to the defend the planned economy of the Soviet Union and other worker states (while calling for the establishment of workers democracy and removal of the bureaucracies) and accepting all manner of strange idea into their organizations. The combination of these factors is at play here.
      The genuine ideas of Trotsky are more or less unknown to most of the online Stalinists, who have either never read his ideas or understood them.

    • @1917-j3s
      @1917-j3s 4 месяца назад

      Read "disruption of unity under cover of outcries for unity" By lenin. Lenin repeated pointed trotskys opportunism and errors in many of his writings. But that's a good example :) trotskyism is whatever a trotsky wants it to be pretty much as long as it shits on stalin

  • @sinwaters909
    @sinwaters909 2 месяца назад +1

    Cap on capitalism has been around for 1,500 years lol

  • @bronglaforalcohol6643
    @bronglaforalcohol6643 4 месяца назад +6

    Great work Fred!

    • @lordsummerisle852
      @lordsummerisle852 4 месяца назад +1

      How? He didn't say anything that we haven't all heard before.
      Fred West is deluded.
      Nothing but an ideologue

  • @danielwatson7540
    @danielwatson7540 4 месяца назад +2

    Everyone here should read "Blackshirts and Reds" by Michael Parenti. Goes into loads of detail about the west vs. communist east and isn't written in wanky academic language

  • @josephh8117
    @josephh8117 4 месяца назад +1

    mfer is speaking about a system he lived under when he was 6

  • @valm9462
    @valm9462 4 месяца назад +2

    7:43 the romanian sellout described capitalism while talking about cimmunism hahaha

  • @joaoferreira2338
    @joaoferreira2338 4 месяца назад +3

    Saudações da seção brasileira 🚩

  • @TheTwinn
    @TheTwinn 4 месяца назад +3

    Looking at the comments I see quite a few communists agreeing Romania was a communist country, but from what I can tell through a quick google it had a currency, a class system and a state government. It looks like the communist party wanted to make the country communist, but the country didn't have any earmarking's of a true communist society. Is this just a "communism can't exist in a capitalistic world before automation so we're going to call trying to be communist communist" or am I missing something? Would love an informed opinion to educate me if so.

    • @chris.bcfc.keeprighton.5685
      @chris.bcfc.keeprighton.5685 4 месяца назад +2

      Romania was never a communist/Marxist country. China, Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam, soviet Russia are not communist countries. You can't have communism/Marxism in one country. The same as you can't have capitalism in one country.

    • @ВячеславВячеславыч-с7с
      @ВячеславВячеславыч-с7с 4 месяца назад

      Because communist society is impossible it is a fairy tale to force people to obey

    • @alexjeffrey3981
      @alexjeffrey3981 4 месяца назад +1

      To expand on the comment above - communism is the end goal, and communists seek to accomplish that goal, but we are in deep disagreement between Trotskyists and Marxist-Leninists (which the USSR, Romania, China etc were/are) as to the route to get there. MLism attempts to fight the class war internationally through a bureaucratic state managed by the party itself, Trotskyists believe the working class must retain direct power over the economy through grassroots democratic control as in the early USSR (the workers councils, direct election of leadership etc) while keeping the party as a body for political education, direction and organising. But the countries referred to as communist are not economically communist, they are properly referred to as workers' states (or from the Trot perspective, degenerated workers' states) which are politically controlled by communists. But winning control of the state is only the first step towards communism, you still need to defeat capitalism internationally and develop the economy and systems of working class control to the point where communism can be achieved. I hope that makes sense, I'm happy to clarify further.

    • @TheTwinn
      @TheTwinn 3 месяца назад

      @@alexjeffrey3981 Sorry for not replying, had a crazy week, just wanted to say thank you as you gave me a lot of information to research. Thank you for taking the time to write that all out as it was very informative. Hope you and your family are well!

    • @alexjeffrey3981
      @alexjeffrey3981 3 месяца назад

      @@TheTwinn no problem, happy to help! The conflict is all centered around interpretations of Marx/Engels and Lenin, and how to win the class war, alongside the USSR being born in possibly the worst situation possible with no friends to help, leading to massive amounts of external pressure ("siege socialism").

  • @indrabirgill2174
    @indrabirgill2174 4 месяца назад +4

    Patrick is a nob, no one should go on his pathetic show. He doesn't understand political economics..

    • @alep_bet
      @alep_bet 4 месяца назад

      He’s just a normie show host and nowhere near as hostile like clowns like whales etc ; obvs he’s no Marxist but I’m glad they keep platforming us

  • @埃勒里奎因-i1p
    @埃勒里奎因-i1p 3 месяца назад +2


  • @sal-z3q
    @sal-z3q 4 месяца назад +1

    Communism didn't work? Did capitalism work?

  • @fordtelf1215
    @fordtelf1215 4 месяца назад +1

    We're living in a world of horror brother, and socialism is the only way out of this barbarism.

  • @albertothomasx
    @albertothomasx 4 месяца назад +1

    The host says in his opening statement how many have perished under Communism. How many have died since WWII in wars around the world? Who benefited from all these wars? Using Communism against Capitalism is a distraction. There is no difference.

  • @Nadira_ali6
    @Nadira_ali6 3 месяца назад +1

    Fred is good.

  • @indrabirgill2174
    @indrabirgill2174 4 месяца назад +3

    No one on this table understands Dialect or history. Capitalism only appeared 150 years ago. . Much of this world is still feudal. The pianist is a pointless guest as is the host.

    • @rfvtgbzhn
      @rfvtgbzhn 4 месяца назад +2

      I don't agree with you on Feudalism. The "3rd world" still contains feudal elements, but the major ruling class are already capitalists, not noble land owners, so I would consider every country capitalist except maybe North Korea.

    • @alexjeffrey3981
      @alexjeffrey3981 4 месяца назад +1

      I'm sure Fred understands material dialectics, he just didn't get a chance to lay out any arguments because he was stuck responding to liberal historicist arguments about Marxism Leninism

    • @knossos574
      @knossos574 4 месяца назад +1

      The French Revolution happened 240 years ago and the British revolution before that. I don't know what you're getting at. Why 150?

  • @Kagutaba-bt1gp
    @Kagutaba-bt1gp 4 месяца назад +1

    I mean you could probably set the number of victims of communism higher than that, but British people asking why they'd want it in Britain when 200 million Indian people perished in 40 years of British colonial rule is another level of hypocrisy.

    • @knossos574
      @knossos574 4 месяца назад

      Yeah if we're gonna talk about the number of deaths caused by an economic system then capitalism tops that list. India was just one colony of one continent, there are many more.

  • @justbhoy8314
    @justbhoy8314 4 месяца назад +1

    Honestly man, his first fuckin question and ye just think "what's the point of this interview"?

  • @damirhatunic4588
    @damirhatunic4588 Месяц назад

    They should have invited someone from ex-Yugoslavia, which was also a communist country. 90% of people who remember those times there, say it was a good system and country, and that it should be repeated. Me too.

  • @selenitetears
    @selenitetears 4 месяца назад +25

    so clearly spoken, and well articulated responses even with such a ignorant host, thank you for representing us comrade.

  • @disastrousemouse
    @disastrousemouse Месяц назад

    Where was the representative from Rwanda or some other horrible capitalist regime, tho?
    You want to choose Romania? Why not Tito’s Yugoslavia? Why not someone from Vietnam (arguably not entirely communist anymore, granted)

  • @Ulf-qg1vd
    @Ulf-qg1vd Месяц назад

    Half truth! In GDR workers actually runned the work places!

  • @annford6640
    @annford6640 3 месяца назад

    A wise economist once told me... virtually, of course... that when this topic contains the lead statement that the GBNews employee was given to peddle... that they've "got nothin'." No offense, but where did the Romanian gentleman spring from? Why would there not be a group of individuals (for the sake of variety, if nothing else) to represent life under "communist" rule; both male and female perspectives, high/lower class, etc. This concept deserves more than sound byte bait... less than 10 minutes was it? A concept or ideology never realized is just that. Capitalist oligarchs wreaked their havoc under the veil of a system that was basically never implemented. This question of communism never having been successful (or worse), is just so--in any country, at any point in history or in the future--at the ruling elite's pleasure. If the working class WAS NOT the ruling elite but the COLLECTIVE CONSCIENCE... then and only then will/would the globe experience this ideology in practical application.

  • @no_durability39
    @no_durability39 4 месяца назад +7

    i liked the part where they engaged with freds arguments

  • @qjtvaddict
    @qjtvaddict Месяц назад

    I can’t believe I am witnessing the beginning of the end of world hunger

  • @JohnSavant
    @JohnSavant 3 месяца назад

    Next time, a representative from RCP should bring a bunch of empirical research on the current state of British capitalism, especially since the post-Brexit, post-covid period. There's always immediate reference to the horrible situation in the Middle East, but these conservative talking heads need some serious reality checks if they think it's all fairly well in the UK. From child mortality to poverty rate, all the "glories" of the Middle East are on the rise in the conservative capital. RCP is here to stay not because of some longing of the past, but because late-stage capitalism is still an endless nightmare - the old and decrepit Tories need to acknowledge this fact.

  • @1851990ful
    @1851990ful 3 месяца назад

    A pianist who lived under communism. Hahah the panel. How is he qualified to comment on society. Would he invite a pianist to comment or analyse the British society?

  • @KozelPraiseGOELRO
    @KozelPraiseGOELRO 4 месяца назад +1

    Let me remind you: You underestimate our enemies.
    I imagine this channel is against USSR, ok, I have no inherent problem with that.
    But make no mistake, you all cannot scape the anti-comm propaganda. It doesn't matter which flag you fly. _Un fantasma recorre Europa,_ this cannot be solved by saying 'I do not defend x or y, I ask for something different'.

  • @MrCarlWax
    @MrCarlWax 4 месяца назад +2


  • @valm9462
    @valm9462 4 месяца назад +1

    USSR gave many good things. much better then before and after it was assasinated by the capitalists and also had its inside problems

    • @ВячеславВячеславыч-с7с
      @ВячеславВячеславыч-с7с 4 месяца назад

      not like people just wanted to have food on the shelves

    • @weirdo1083
      @weirdo1083 4 месяца назад

      ​@@ВячеславВячеславыч-с7с Not sure what your point is people starve under a capitalist system as well.

    • @ВячеславВячеславыч-с7с
      @ВячеславВячеславыч-с7с 4 месяца назад

      @@weirdo1083 capitalists don't close borders at least

    • @hex2637
      @hex2637 3 месяца назад

      ​@@ВячеславВячеславыч-с7сfood insecurity came with market liberalization

  • @Pmor75
    @Pmor75 4 месяца назад +3

    That man was a young child when communism ended in Romania 🇷🇴. I doubt he suffered like he said

  • @emanueledionisi9359
    @emanueledionisi9359 4 месяца назад

    "No person who experienced communism loves it 1!1!1!"
    "I am from Romania"
    "Eh...100 million deaths!!!"

  • @DAL30505
    @DAL30505 4 месяца назад +2

    This pianist is a loon

  • @moyurbird7829
    @moyurbird7829 4 месяца назад

    Shame on you mate for pairing up with stunning smella & bullying the small student who smashed to both black & blue with her elegance & intelligence 😂😂😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😂❤😂❤❤❤

  • @alvaroxex
    @alvaroxex 4 месяца назад +4

    All that to say "we are Trotskysts".

  • @Redf322
    @Redf322 3 месяца назад

  • @therealxz7434
    @therealxz7434 4 месяца назад +2


  • @gianca60
    @gianca60 4 месяца назад

    This a comedy stick.

  • @thermionix
    @thermionix 4 месяца назад

    OK people, let's keep this devoid of historical context. Can't have that muddling up the issues 🙄

  • @tonyjoka2346
    @tonyjoka2346 4 месяца назад

    Bro literally sound like Lennin yet claims "we re not like Eastern Europe"

  • @mickduffy6903
    @mickduffy6903 4 месяца назад

    People are going without now that is why we have child poverty and food banks

  • @deefman123
    @deefman123 4 месяца назад

    hahaha perfectly balanced as per usual ..... NOT

  • @valm9462
    @valm9462 4 месяца назад

    I don't buy what the romanian guy is saying. He sounds like a sellout.

  • @thepunishersequence291
    @thepunishersequence291 4 месяца назад

    the cutting to the unrelated bit is like something you see out if fiction but its not

  • @Haterofantichrist
    @Haterofantichrist 4 месяца назад

    Absolutely no Trotskyite jibber jabber allowed

  • @timwoodger7896
    @timwoodger7896 4 месяца назад

    It doesn’t come down to money it comes down to power.
    It’s time the people had the power and not the few.

  • @saturnsandjupiters358
    @saturnsandjupiters358 4 месяца назад +1

    My god, absolutely excellent job comrade Fred!! Explained it better than most of us could!

  • @misanthropyunhinged
    @misanthropyunhinged 4 месяца назад +11

    "Would communism be good for Britain" , no keep doing capitalism that seems to be doing well LMAO

  • @Robert-ls3op
    @Robert-ls3op 4 месяца назад +3


  • @englishjona6458
    @englishjona6458 4 месяца назад

    Hahahahaha capitalism is communism you all aspire to have a job that pays a certain amount of money you all aspire to live in the same place drive the same car and paint your house, the same colour just go to any supposedly middle-class Street and look the house is a painted three colours, and you drive the same three cars 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @knossos574
      @knossos574 4 месяца назад

      I don't know what you're describing but it's not what you think it is.

  • @MatA-tube
    @MatA-tube 4 месяца назад

    L’enchaînement de sujet à la fin est priceless 😂 mettre sur un pied d’égalité la fin de la misère mondiale et une tradition wtf (à la limite du débilitant) c’est culotté quand-même.

  • @inambuneri3989
    @inambuneri3989 4 месяца назад

    ❤ Peshawar Afghanistan

  • @scallamander4899
    @scallamander4899 4 месяца назад

    We do have to ask why supposed Communists and Communist parties end up creating so many vile regimes with not even a hint of democracy. It's an important question worth asking, even if it has little bearing on the value of Communism as a set of ideas.

    • @неамериканец-н1в
      @неамериканец-н1в 19 часов назад

      We have plenty of articles and books discussing this exact question in depth available on our website.