If we (USA) do nothing to stop the demand of drugs from our country then it is our problem Law of supply and demand Too much demand someone will guarantee the supply
Trump has a detailed plan for addicts and vets , and many many great plans to assist the homeless addicts. China can quit playing like they are trying to stop the fentanyl! Trump MAGA MAHA
It seems to me that this channel is going to agree with everything Trump do. It's not doing a fair analysis where Trump is right and where Trump is wrong..... Saying that Americans don't want Tarif because they don't understand it is asinine! We all know tariff will increase our grocery. Let's all be honest about it
@@littlea5111 We all know there was inflation during the previous administration. This is not what we are talking about now. Are we going to debate about Biden for 4 more years. You can do better than that
China produces fentanyl for countries all over the world and most of the countries don’t have federally addiction problems. Of course it’s the US problem!.
pbd I love your channel but you have to really start putting out facts and not make commentary based on emotions. China sells the raw ingredients which have valid medecinal uses to countries like mexico and canada. It is the two neighboring countries that use those ingredients and cook it up to become fentanyl. You blaming china is like blaming toyota for isis driving their trucks. China doesn't care who the buyer is as long as they are making money. That is a critical part that you left out and frankly I think you did it on purpose. There are few topics that you can't criticise on and that is Israel, MAGA camp and sometimes they are wrong but you still defend them.
Besides nobody, NOBODY talks about BIG PHARMA, *STILL* over prescribing this type of medications!!! And it goes along with health insurance companies, when they DENY them this prescriptions when they become too expensive to them, and then what happens after they're addicted to these prescriptions??????? Tell me what happens next, after big pharma and corrupted Doctors, basically got them addicted???
The chemicals required are extremely regulated in America making it a very niche market but China doesn't vet it's exports like most countries, they also subsidise their exports making it near enough free and risk free to send what they want.
I bet you wouldn't also agree to the strict drug laws that China has. They are responsible for supplying our country with substances that would be penalized by death in their own. How do you justify that?
Sometimes to fix a problem you need to go to the source. China is using these drugs to hurt the parts of the world that take drugs. China is absolutely at fault.
@@pineapplepizza4016 I think everyone is to blame. China, smugglers, users, enablers and people blocking laws that help limit the amounts of drugs here in the US.
Well I doubt the statistics are more accurate than in European countries. The gap between Mexico and the US is 5x in terms of homicide rate. The gap between the US and france is roughly the same. (France being lower). Germany being roughly 6 times lower, Switzerland being 10x lower. Japan, 20x lower. And also do not forget that the mexicans are mostly killed by american guns illegally entered Mexico.
I live in Tijuana, calling it one of the most dangerous cities is ridiculous. There are very dangerous areas, like in every City. I went to Miami on vacation, there were parts I was told not to go to, just like if you come to Tijuana, you are pretty much safe just don't go to the outskirts where tourists shouldn't go anyways. Plus, you talk about who's problem it is, why don't you ask ChatGPT how those cartels are armed in the first place. Guns are illegal in Mexico, yet somehow, 250,000 weapons were trafficked into Mexico and guess where 90% of those came from? The United States from legal purchases since they could be traced to the exact location they were purchased.
RIP lil bro 28 yrs young sold a hot pill after a college football injury. When this touches your family it kills. Both the source (China) and the dealer/ mule (Mexico) have blood on their hands!
And what about the American that sold that drug to him, you are forgetting about the dealers in the USA and also the drug addicts that is a real problem here in America.
I from the Fentanyl and heroin open air selling Market capital of America PHILLY so I feel your pain ., I lost my 18 year old sister from a bad pill went to sleep never woke up RIP MY SISTER BOOM BOOM and I have not one friend left that I grow up with in South Philly left and I had a lot of friends all gone not one made it to my age 45 years old., I had countless overdoses and thank God everyday for keeping me here and now just celebrated 7 years clean on Jan 24, 2025 , been clean since Jan 24, 2018
@@cuccie18 your mistaken i will never be able to forget about the lowlife that sold this to my brother. As a believer in God its not my place to judge. I hope you never deal w/ this
Not the best, but I would drink corona before I touch any American beer. I prefer european beers though
Час назад
@@MrCurtis0050 i'm in CDA, i like something like bud Light on a hot day, then i can slam multiple without much negative effect ! the times i've had corona, it usually tastes Skunk ! because it probably is ! haha
Ian Bremmer used to say China and Biden Administration have made a lot of progress on the drugs and fentanyl from China. But at the same time, Before fentanyl there was a cocaine problem from Columbia and south America in general. America has a huge problem with drug addiction in general.
U may be right But this is helping Canada and Mexico too A string America is a strong is a Canada and a string Mexico the future looks good This battle is an internal Battle For Mexico US and Canada As the drug problem is in all of them They have been asleep Now they are waking up But it will Make the three of them better and stronger
Im not saying that Canada shouldn't spend on Defence and NORAD, but Tom's statement that NORAD was built to protect Canada as if it was some kind of charity to Canada is false. The U.S. wanted an air defence shield and an early warning system to protect them from threats coming in from the north by the soviets. By partenering with Canada and Greenland they were able to access the Arctic and establish the DEW line, effectively giving them thousands of miles of unihabited land to deal with any incoming threat. . Canada "agreed the command's primary purpose would be ... early warning and defense for the Strategic Air Commands (SAC)'s retaliatory forces".
China:"fentanyl? That's not our problem! We are not importing it to America! We are teaching how to make it to the cartel in Mexico and Canada, but we have nothing to do with it!" 😂
What I can't wrap my head around is the fact that; even with the extent of the negative publicity regarding fentanyl; nobody seems to heed the warnings. Anybody who accept to take a single pill of whatever product is presented to them ; is the MOST to BLAME. Just like you can bring the horse to the water source, you CAN'T make it drink. You can force a pill into someone's mouth , but you can't make them swallow. Education should concentrate on eliminating the PEER PRESSURE SYNDROME ,Which would simply allow individuals to make their own informed decision.
Did you guys not know that California, Florida and Hawaii supply the US with their avocados? Peru, Dominican Republic and Chile’ also do! Step it up guys!! 😉
Is not the world that depends on the U.S. is America who depends on the world to get stronger. What if the rest of the world stop doing business with usa then what?
One of the reasons China has become a economic powerhouse is because Americans want cheaper products and still make the same wages you can’t have it both ways
China sends the individual chemicals to make fentanyl so they can say they don’t send “fentanyl”. These chemicals individually are not illegal. The chemicals are then made into fentanyl in labs in Mexico and Canada for distribution.
Most fentanyl enters the US via Mexico Since September, 4,500lb (2,040kg) of fentanyl have been seized in the US, according to figures published by US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP). Almost all (98%) was intercepted at the southwest border with Mexico. Less than 1% was seized across the northern US border with Canada. The remainder was from sea routes or other US checkpoints. China produces the precursors for fentanyl.
This is clearly an American problem. Reagan started it with his BS war on drugs and it's gotten worse over the last 45 years. America loves drugs, why else would it be normal to spend over 7 billion a year on drug advertisements. It's a personal accountability issue. Man up and stop using.
If it’s china why doesn’t the entire world have this problems? Why doesn’t the Middle East, Russia, Japan etc. have these problems. Maybe the problem is more cultural than anything else.
We are such a spoiled country. Tariffs are a tool. If it's made in China, do not buy it! I don't care how cheap it is. Do your part. I can remember when we never bought anything made in China or Japan because it's cheap. Do without!
The US does need to work on the Demand side of the drug epidemic. The glorifying of the drug culture in movies etc needs to stop. I think Trump is going to put the hammer down on China to stop fentanyl.
How do you argue with Supply and Demand on a podcast that focuses so much on business? How do you not acknowledge the addiction epidemic caused by the Pharmaceutical Industry and US healthcare policy, and the responsibility held by them ?
I wonder if these guys blame the gun companies for selling AK s everytime a mass shooting takes place after all they always say guns don't kill people people kill people. Sometimes the person taking the drug has to take some of the fault. Sorry to say but truth hurts.
Doesn’t matter if it’s China, Mexico, or Colombia, etc….where there is a demand, there will always be a supplier. The world is a business. Simple as that. It was just a mere 40 years ago that America despised communism and communist. Now its economy is irreversibly inter-twined with a communist state. America will always put business interests before democratic interests. Better to be on the supply side than the demand side.
I can speak on that. The CFPB has gone a bit over board in recent years. They instigate product safety measures that negatively effect American businesses, while not having any sort of sovereign authority over products that are imported from other countries. An example of this is in Vermont, where they recently enhanced household safety regulations to include butane products. So an American lighter company like Zippo is forced to pay the state a fee for selling products with butane in them, or chose to not sell them at all. Which with all the special packaging changes etc involved, a smaller company like this would just refuse selling their products filled with butane. Although a foreign company doing this will just jump around to different importers and never address their liability to the same issue upheld by the CFPB. A true net negative to consumers along with American business. Consumers should and can very well be responsible enough with flammable products.
Soooo are there no drug labs in the US? It’s all coming from Canada and Mexico? Are you actually saying if both borders are closed the US drug problem is solved. Genuinely curious what the US is doing to eradicate drug use within the border? What about the drugs coming in from legal ports of entry from US citizens?
People can not afford to buy food in Canada and United States of America, jobs are only available for very small percentage of people were can support a basic lifestyle. I think North America is like “fish on Arabian Sahara” God bless North America Marek - Toronto
I'm slightly amused by the holier-than-thou attitude being displayed here after the death and destruction throughout the world for the last 40+ years....
@@Detroit2SanDiegowhat you guys fail to understand is that if something illegal comes into the country, the incoming country has the same if not bigger responsibility. So you blame canadians or mexicans to facilitating drug into the country is like saying that the US is facilitating the same. Its not like the US maintained a safe border recently
Holy shit, reading thro the coments and realize everyone sees it like i do. Whats up PBD, you guys dont? Or is the future so bright because our president is so right?
Instead of trying to stunt China’s growth, focus on our own. You get back what you put out-if you focus on hindering others, you become consumed by that mindset. China thrives on challenges, as hard times create strong people. Now, Canada and Mexico are realizing the same truth and have become more resilient and stronger than ever thanks to our bullying act. Stop shooting ourself in the foot. The world is a beautiful place, and growth is part of God’s plan. Remember the story of the master who gave his servants equal talents. The servant who didn’t grow what he was given had everything taken from him. Right now, the United States is becoming that servant. Wake up! Build, don’t destroy. The fires, illegal immigration, shootings, and natural disasters-don’t they seem like signs that God is trying to tell US something? Come on American!
I’m not trying to be funny by saying who is suffering for Fentanyl? I feel I only started to hear about it during the election and it feels like it came out of nowhere that it is a crisis. Who actually suffers from fentanyl use? I don’t know anyone that knows anyone that knows what this drug does or is? Is it a rich people drug cuz that would explain why I don’t know anything about it.
In dealing with fentanyl it is necessary to have a somewhat cold heart. The user problem reaches into homes, children, and parents and the medical community. Until parents are understood to be the cause of poor decisions on the part of children using fentanyl laced drugs, until the AMA and psychiatrists and psychologists and their respective associations are cleansed of opiates and other drugs to handle life, we’re not going to see improvement on the demand side. Sad to say, and very hard to accept. To take a drug is a decision, to buy online or from the street is a decision. To avoid talking with children and knowing who and what they are is a parental decision (as is ignoring them). These are decisions not mistakes, decisions. This will become a war that the American people will again support early and then (and cheered by democrats for political gain) walk away from because there is no will to go to the end. It will be bloody, the cartels will not give up easily (nor will Mexico, China, or Canada) and when a vacancy opens that will be filled immediately. assuming the Mexican people will support this is as foolish as assuming the Vietnamese, or Iraqis, or Afghans would support what they were given. The only solution is unconditional surrender in Mexico by the government nd cartels and that isn’t gonna happen without bodies in the ground. Deal with it, there won’t be another solution. And don’t expect democrats to help, they need the black money that comes from NGOs, cartels, and criminals for campaigns and to line pockets. As in the beginning, this will take a black heart. Ask yourself, can you have that black heart.
Me too brother, I'm addicted to this propaganda platform of ignorant hypocrites. China dealt with their drug addicts with Mau Zedong, they didn't blame the US and the British.
Come on PBD if you are going to talk about Regan and totally ignore Bush 1 & Clintons NAFTA : GATT without going into Ross Perots famous presidential debates and his “Giant Sucking Sound” speech I can’t take you guys seriously.
I agree with most of what you talk about.. but honestly this video is all bs .. the problem is the people distributing the drugs here in usa and all the Americans consuming the drugs. If there's a demand for something there will always be supply.
i always thought manifestation was just about writing things down and hoping for the best. but after seeing real changes happen for a friend, i had to ask what they were doing differently. they sent me Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane, and it explained everything i was missing. it’s not about wishing, it’s about understanding energy on a deeper level. ever since applying what’s in the ebook, things have started moving in my favor.
Yeah, I don't think Americans understand Tariffs either. We pay for everyone. When our goods go to other countries, we have to pay tariffs. Why do we never charge anyone to sell their goods in our country???
The US benefits with lower prices. I worked in a big american coorporation with manufacturing around the world. Believe me, if it would make economical sense to produce in the US, they would do it. Mexicans work way longer hours and are way cheaper. Its just reality
This is just a fear mongering show. That's how they make their bread and butter. Even they don't believe the horse sh!t coming out of their mouth. Classic salesmen/scammer, say a whole lot of words in order for you to buy in, without providing any real value for your time. Its sad people watch this as a news source.
one night i was scrolling, feeling stuck. life felt like it was passing me by, while others seemed to effortlessly attract success. then i kept seeing people mention this ebook, Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane. i didn’t expect much, but after reading it, something shifted. it wasn’t about wishful thinking-it showed me how to align my energy with what i actually wanted. two weeks in, things started falling into place in ways i never imagined.
If we (USA) do nothing to stop the demand of drugs from our country then it is our problem
Law of supply and demand
Too much demand someone will guarantee the supply
They are at war with us. Flooding us with cheap “chemicals” is a part of that war. Their official doctrine is “unrestricted warfare”.
“Unrestricted Warfare” doctrine. They are doing this intentionally as a part of it.
Trump has a detailed plan for addicts and vets , and many many great plans to assist the homeless addicts. China can quit playing like they are trying to stop the fentanyl! Trump MAGA MAHA
@ I haven’t heard a single thing about USA addressing the problem of addiction in our country
You’re 💯% right
Remember opium wars?
Yeah. So in that logic genocide is defendable right ??
I was just coming to the comments to post that. China remembers the Opium wars.
It seems to me that this channel is going to agree with everything Trump do. It's not doing a fair analysis where Trump is right and where Trump is wrong..... Saying that Americans don't want Tarif because they don't understand it is asinine! We all know tariff will increase our grocery. Let's all be honest about it
Yes. Thats all this channel is. Defend anything Trump does or says.
Let's all be honest , when trump left office eggs were 2$ now they're 8$
@@littlea5111 We all know there was inflation during the previous administration. This is not what we are talking about now.
Are we going to debate about Biden for 4 more years.
You can do better than that
if you mean common sense and facts or Bidens reich you decide
@mcevensbien-aime4558, Your comment doesn’t address his valid point. You avoided it. You can do better than that (or maybe not?).
China produces fentanyl for countries all over the world and most of the countries don’t have federally addiction problems. Of course it’s the US problem!.
Yes the drug users are a problem, the people profiting from it are also a problem not that complicated
pbd I love your channel but you have to really start putting out facts and not make commentary based on emotions. China sells the raw ingredients which have valid medecinal uses to countries like mexico and canada. It is the two neighboring countries that use those ingredients and cook it up to become fentanyl.
You blaming china is like blaming toyota for isis driving their trucks. China doesn't care who the buyer is as long as they are making money. That is a critical part that you left out and frankly I think you did it on purpose.
There are few topics that you can't criticise on and that is Israel, MAGA camp and sometimes they are wrong but you still defend them.
This is just a MAGA feel good show. Facts dont matter. Just agree with Trump on anything and defend him.
Haven't you realized that all they do now is defending Trump?
Besides nobody, NOBODY talks about BIG PHARMA, *STILL* over prescribing this type of medications!!! And it goes along with health insurance companies, when they DENY them this prescriptions when they become too expensive to them, and then what happens after they're addicted to these prescriptions??????? Tell me what happens next, after big pharma and corrupted Doctors, basically got them addicted???
@mcevensbien-aime4558 Thats why most of the viewers watch this and channels like this. Its a cult .
@@fabulousr2d2exactly…they started it all big pharma got Americans addicted to opiate pills
There are plenty of local beers to choose from nowadays. I don’t need to drink a corona. I can’t even remember the last time I drank a corona.
Just curious. Is there no fentanyl being made in United States of America? This is real question.
When there’s a fentanyl drug bust in the US do the drugs they seize have made in Canada or made in Mexico on them I would think not
The chemicals required are extremely regulated in America making it a very niche market but China doesn't vet it's exports like most countries, they also subsidise their exports making it near enough free and risk free to send what they want.
I agree that China isn’t to blame for the drug users in America.
I bet you wouldn't also agree to the strict drug laws that China has.
They are responsible for supplying our country with substances that would be penalized by death in their own. How do you justify that?
@@grantduke318@merlingrim2843 sit this out Merlin
Sometimes to fix a problem you need to go to the source. China is using these drugs to hurt the parts of the world that take drugs. China is absolutely at fault.
So, the drug dealer gets no blame for ruing people's lives?
@@pineapplepizza4016 I think everyone is to blame. China, smugglers, users, enablers and people blocking laws that help limit the amounts of drugs here in the US.
If you look at criminal statistics, the US does not really perform great either.
At least our statistics are accurate.
Well I doubt the statistics are more accurate than in European countries.
The gap between Mexico and the US is 5x in terms of homicide rate. The gap between the US and france is roughly the same. (France being lower). Germany being roughly 6 times lower, Switzerland being 10x lower. Japan, 20x lower.
And also do not forget that the mexicans are mostly killed by american guns illegally entered Mexico.
. @@grantduke318and who said that? Your Jewish lobby?
I live in Tijuana, calling it one of the most dangerous cities is ridiculous. There are very dangerous areas, like in every City. I went to Miami on vacation, there were parts I was told not to go to, just like if you come to Tijuana, you are pretty much safe just don't go to the outskirts where tourists shouldn't go anyways. Plus, you talk about who's problem it is, why don't you ask ChatGPT how those cartels are armed in the first place. Guns are illegal in Mexico, yet somehow, 250,000 weapons were trafficked into Mexico and guess where 90% of those came from? The United States from legal purchases since they could be traced to the exact location they were purchased.
Great arguments for even more border control
RIP lil bro 28 yrs young sold a hot pill after a college football injury. When this touches your family it kills. Both the source (China) and the dealer/ mule (Mexico) have blood on their hands!
(usa the guns) (China) and the dealer/ mule (Mexico) have blood on their hands!
And what about the American that sold that drug to him, you are forgetting about the dealers in the USA and also the drug addicts that is a real problem here in America.
I from the Fentanyl and heroin open air selling Market capital of America PHILLY so I feel your pain ., I lost my 18 year old sister from a bad pill went to sleep never woke up RIP MY SISTER BOOM BOOM and I have not one friend left that I grow up with in South Philly left and I had a lot of friends all gone not one made it to my age 45 years old., I had countless overdoses and thank God everyday for keeping me here and now just celebrated 7 years clean on Jan 24, 2025 , been clean since Jan 24, 2018
@@cuccie18 your mistaken i will never be able to forget about the lowlife that sold this to my brother. As a believer in God its not my place to judge. I hope you never deal w/ this
These guys have fourth grade brains "California makes guacamole as well."
Respectfully, bud light and coors light are one of the worst beers I’ve ever tasted 😂
and corona is better ?
Not the best, but I would drink corona before I touch any American beer. I prefer european beers though
@@MrCurtis0050 i'm in CDA, i like something like bud Light on a hot day, then i can slam multiple without much negative effect ! the times i've had corona, it usually tastes Skunk ! because it probably is ! haha
Ian Bremmer used to say China and Biden Administration have made a lot of progress on the drugs and fentanyl from China.
But at the same time, Before fentanyl there was a cocaine problem from Columbia and south America in general.
America has a huge problem with drug addiction in general.
Stop giving Dope addicts aid.
I would rather be a coke problem than a fent problem. Fent is Russian roulette.
U may be right
But this is helping Canada and Mexico too
A string America is a strong is a Canada and a string Mexico
the future looks good
This battle is an internal
For Mexico US and Canada
As the drug problem is in all of them
They have been asleep
Now they are waking up
But it will
Make the three of them better and stronger
Cocaine didn't render people completely useless to society. Fentanyl does. Bad comparison.
Cocaine will turn you into a damn owl homie!
What doesn't need to happen is Domestic Beers raise their prices too, just because Imports do.
china made covid but that wasnt their problem either.
Funded by whom ? Ever wonder why even trump no longer talks about the origin of that stuff ?
@@Pause_café_Avec_Dr_Djonyup, just one of the false flag ops
It came from China.
Investigation shows it was an American funded lab leaked virus.
@@c.sharifranklin2900 It came from a wet market if you were capable of thought and reason and actually wanted the truth.
Unfortunately it's supply and demand.
Im not saying that Canada shouldn't spend on Defence and NORAD, but Tom's statement that NORAD was built to protect Canada as if it was some kind of charity to Canada is false. The U.S. wanted an air defence shield and an early warning system to protect them from threats coming in from the north by the soviets. By partenering with Canada and Greenland they were able to access the Arctic and establish the DEW line, effectively giving them thousands of miles of unihabited land to deal with any incoming threat. . Canada "agreed the command's primary purpose would be ... early warning and defense for the Strategic Air Commands (SAC)'s retaliatory forces".
China:"fentanyl? That's not our problem! We are not importing it to America! We are teaching how to make it to the cartel in Mexico and Canada, but we have nothing to do with it!" 😂
Tramp even blames Canada for US junkies 😂😂😂 Insane
America lost WAR on “Drugs in 1978”
I am sorry!
Ganja is Jamaican problem 😂cocaine is Colombia problem 😂fentinyl is China problem 🙄 US consumers must take responsibility
My friend who lives in culiacan, México says the cartel own the streets after 8 PM
Sounds about right, don't be out at night anywhere where the Cartel operates.
And America loves it like that.
How about Tijuana?
My friend says you're full of shit 😂
@@gusbatcho96 ur friend kamala? Lol
_I’m still stuck on our Prisoners costing Taxpayers $47,000 per Prisoner per Year‼️ Wow, “Three Hots & a Cot” ain’t what it used to be_
What I can't wrap my head around is the fact that; even with the extent of the negative publicity regarding fentanyl; nobody seems to heed the warnings.
Anybody who accept to take a single pill of whatever product is presented to them ; is the MOST to BLAME. Just like you can bring the horse to the water source, you CAN'T make it drink. You can force a pill into someone's mouth , but you can't make them swallow. Education should concentrate on eliminating the PEER PRESSURE SYNDROME ,Which would simply allow individuals to make their own informed decision.
Did you guys not know that California, Florida and Hawaii supply the US with their avocados?
Peru, Dominican Republic and Chile’ also do!
Step it up guys!! 😉
Is not the world that depends on the U.S. is America who depends on the world to get stronger. What if the rest of the world stop doing business with usa then what?
United States of America, people are addicts in the most extreme case. Its is our problem realistically.
One of the reasons China has become a economic powerhouse is because Americans want cheaper products and still make the same wages you can’t have it both ways
The irony is that China is American made, yet China almost owns the United States...
It’s because of the US dollar system (petrodollar) that requires countries to re invest their excess money in America …
China sends the individual chemicals to make fentanyl so they can say they don’t send “fentanyl”. These chemicals individually are not illegal. The chemicals are then made into fentanyl in labs in Mexico and Canada for distribution.
Hellman’s Old Style 😊 Leinenkugels, Miller.., no one drinks Corona
I didnt know Schumer was a prop comic.
7:57 dyp-shtttttttt pat :
'We also have BudLight."
Hey pat, don't you know the magats are boycotting bud
No sympathy for junkies. Demand creates supply.
China produces all the precursors. Then they ship it all through Mexico
Bud light and cord light sucks but west coast makes great craft beers so let’s drink that.
What happened.. not tariff to mexico 😂??? They just said let’s pretend we send soldiers to borders 🤣🤣🤣
👎👎👎 Don't be fooled by yourself😅. How old are you? 5? Trump said only 1 month waiting for actions, pretend....😂😂😂
Most fentanyl enters the US via Mexico
Since September, 4,500lb (2,040kg) of fentanyl have been seized in the US, according to figures published by US Customs and Border Patrol (CBP).
Almost all (98%) was intercepted at the southwest border with Mexico. Less than 1% was seized across the northern US border with Canada. The remainder was from sea routes or other US checkpoints. China produces the precursors for fentanyl.
No one wants Trump!! He needs to get out!
I wonder how “cleanl are these men in the Mexican military?
The cartels control the military and the cartel chose & controls The Mexican President.
As clean as our troops in the U S
This is clearly an American problem. Reagan started it with his BS war on drugs and it's gotten worse over the last 45 years. America loves drugs, why else would it be normal to spend over 7 billion a year on drug advertisements. It's a personal accountability issue. Man up and stop using.
Costco sells avocados, six for $7.59
If it’s china why doesn’t the entire world have this problems? Why doesn’t the Middle East, Russia, Japan etc. have these problems. Maybe the problem is more cultural than anything else.
6 of top 10 safest cities in Western Hemisphere are in Canada. According to ChatGPT
They have less blacks.
Buy American!!
They should show what the US pays in tariffs to sell into these countries. Would shock most people.
We are such a spoiled country. Tariffs are a tool. If it's made in China, do not buy it! I don't care how cheap it is. Do your part. I can remember when we never bought anything made in China or Japan because it's cheap. Do without!
Was the opioid crisis China too? The problem is at home, stop pointing fingers and take some accountability.
The US does need to work on the Demand side of the drug epidemic. The glorifying of the drug culture in movies etc needs to stop. I think Trump is going to put the hammer down on China to stop fentanyl.
The 51% against tariffs too stupid to be president. It’s why we elected someone who has done nothing but deals and big deals.
If China has to vet its exports like most counties it would slow down by 50%
Law of Supply and Demand
Trump says it is the "precursors" going from China. What are these precursors and what else are they used for?
How do you argue with Supply and Demand on a podcast that focuses so much on business?
How do you not acknowledge the addiction epidemic caused by the Pharmaceutical Industry and US healthcare policy, and the responsibility held by them ?
Put a 50% tariff to China let's see how their economy goes down big time.
I'd like to see you prove it
I wonder if these guys blame the gun companies for selling AK s everytime a mass shooting takes place after all they always say guns don't kill people people kill people. Sometimes the person taking the drug has to take some of the fault. Sorry to say but truth hurts.
I see your point but I’d also say that the gun doesn’t force you to do things. Drugs do.
Doesn’t matter if it’s China, Mexico, or Colombia, etc….where there is a demand, there will always be a supplier. The world is a business. Simple as that. It was just a mere 40 years ago that America despised communism and communist. Now its economy is irreversibly inter-twined with a communist state. America will always put business interests before democratic interests. Better to be on the supply side than the demand side.
I just love Vinny! He totally gets it. Sorry, Adam, you're cute but sometimes I scratch my head on the shit you say. LOL.
Id rather drink Pabst Blue Ribbon than Corona
You cheap bastard you know that drink taste like shit😅
It’s cool to stop drinking Mexican beer to protest but this has to be the dumbest shit I’ve read in a minute😂
@@edgarcota3097 ; the point was to be funny.
America has to take care of all the guns that are trafficked around American continent.
The tariffs are about improving the economy stupid in addition to dealing with drug problem
Only thing Trump has done so far that I don’t agree with is Firing the president of CFPB. Would love to hear you gentlemen speak on that.
I can speak on that. The CFPB has gone a bit over board in recent years. They instigate product safety measures that negatively effect American businesses, while not having any sort of sovereign authority over products that are imported from other countries. An example of this is in Vermont, where they recently enhanced household safety regulations to include butane products. So an American lighter company like Zippo is forced to pay the state a fee for selling products with butane in them, or chose to not sell them at all. Which with all the special packaging changes etc involved, a smaller company like this would just refuse selling their products filled with butane. Although a foreign company doing this will just jump around to different importers and never address their liability to the same issue upheld by the CFPB. A true net negative to consumers along with American business. Consumers should and can very well be responsible enough with flammable products.
Trump did it , so they agree 100%. Whatever it is.
Soooo are there no drug labs in the US? It’s all coming from Canada and Mexico? Are you actually saying if both borders are closed the US drug problem is solved. Genuinely curious what the US is doing to eradicate drug use within the border? What about the drugs coming in from legal ports of entry from US citizens?
Blaming American addictions on other countries..that’s wat their doing 😂
People can not afford to buy food in Canada and United States of America, jobs are only available for very small percentage of people were can support a basic lifestyle.
I think North America is like “fish on Arabian Sahara”
God bless North America
Marek - Toronto
I'm slightly amused by the holier-than-thou attitude being displayed here after the death and destruction throughout the world for the last 40+ years....
Canada has a massive fentanyl problem its insane
We have safe injection sites all over the country funded by taxpayers
I've read that most terrorists enter the US from the Northern border, too.
@@Detroit2SanDiegowhat you guys fail to understand is that if something illegal comes into the country, the incoming country has the same if not bigger responsibility. So you blame canadians or mexicans to facilitating drug into the country is like saying that the US is facilitating the same. Its not like the US maintained a safe border recently
These guys are fools
Its a mirror response, dont take the bait
Shout out Colorado Springs !!
It’s a symbiotic relationship….
The panel is high on yellow peril.
Holy shit, reading thro the coments and realize everyone sees it like i do. Whats up PBD, you guys dont? Or is the future so bright because our president is so right?
Im kenyan
Instead of trying to stunt China’s growth, focus on our own. You get back what you put out-if you focus on hindering others, you become consumed by that mindset. China thrives on challenges, as hard times create strong people. Now, Canada and Mexico are realizing the same truth and have become more resilient and stronger than ever thanks to our bullying act.
Stop shooting ourself in the foot. The world is a beautiful place, and growth is part of God’s plan. Remember the story of the master who gave his servants equal talents. The servant who didn’t grow what he was given had everything taken from him. Right now, the United States is becoming that servant. Wake up! Build, don’t destroy.
The fires, illegal immigration, shootings, and natural disasters-don’t they seem like signs that God is trying to tell US something? Come on American!
I’m not trying to be funny by saying who is suffering for Fentanyl? I feel I only started to hear about it during the election and it feels like it came out of nowhere that it is a crisis. Who actually suffers from fentanyl use? I don’t know anyone that knows anyone that knows what this drug does or is? Is it a rich people drug cuz that would explain why I don’t know anything about it.
Because there polls are so always right...
I love america, i hate Pat and his surrogates!
Schumer is insulting your intelligence
Most of the panel don't have to worry about that!
It's not a tarrif war
It is a drug war
And negotiations
These clowns again godddd
In dealing with fentanyl it is necessary to have a somewhat cold heart. The user problem reaches into homes, children, and parents and the medical community. Until parents are understood to be the cause of poor decisions on the part of children using fentanyl laced drugs, until the AMA and psychiatrists and psychologists and their respective associations are cleansed of opiates and other drugs to handle life, we’re not going to see improvement on the demand side. Sad to say, and very hard to accept. To take a drug is a decision, to buy online or from the street is a decision. To avoid talking with children and knowing who and what they are is a parental decision (as is ignoring them). These are decisions not mistakes, decisions. This will become a war that the American people will again support early and then (and cheered by democrats for political gain) walk away from because there is no will to go to the end. It will be bloody, the cartels will not give up easily (nor will Mexico, China, or Canada) and when a vacancy opens that will be filled immediately. assuming the Mexican people will support this is as foolish as assuming the Vietnamese, or Iraqis, or Afghans would support what they were given. The only solution is unconditional surrender in Mexico by the government nd cartels and that isn’t gonna happen without bodies in the ground. Deal with it, there won’t be another solution. And don’t expect democrats to help, they need the black money that comes from NGOs, cartels, and criminals for campaigns and to line pockets. As in the beginning, this will take a black heart. Ask yourself, can you have that black heart.
This video is being censored.
Yup by China
Im from Kenya
Me too brother, I'm addicted to this propaganda platform of ignorant hypocrites.
China dealt with their drug addicts with Mau Zedong, they didn't blame the US and the British.
Nobody care.
Hey, I went to your site and I can’t find that black shirt with the silver?
Come on PBD if you are going to talk about Regan and totally ignore Bush 1 & Clintons NAFTA : GATT without going into Ross Perots famous presidential debates and his “Giant Sucking Sound” speech I can’t take you guys seriously.
I agree with most of what you talk about.. but honestly this video is all bs .. the problem is the people distributing the drugs here in usa and all the Americans consuming the drugs. If there's a demand for something there will always be supply.
"China says"?
Crazy how Vinny is the least funniest out of the group debut is a comedian. Guy takes things a little too personally to be humorfull
China Renmibi yuan is a national currency 😅not a private zionist banking football like the dollar
i always thought manifestation was just about writing things down and hoping for the best. but after seeing real changes happen for a friend, i had to ask what they were doing differently. they sent me Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane, and it explained everything i was missing. it’s not about wishing, it’s about understanding energy on a deeper level. ever since applying what’s in the ebook, things have started moving in my favor.
Yeah, I don't think Americans understand Tariffs either. We pay for everyone. When our goods go to other countries, we have to pay tariffs. Why do we never charge anyone to sell their goods in our country???
Because that raises the price.
The US benefits with lower prices. I worked in a big american coorporation with manufacturing around the world. Believe me, if it would make economical sense to produce in the US, they would do it.
Mexicans work way longer hours and are way cheaper. Its just reality
Downvoted because you delete ANY ATTEMPT TO REPLY TO TROLLS
^shhh-tttt show^
You guys claim to be business men. You know there is great Demand for this product or else it wouldnt sell
This is just a fear mongering show. That's how they make their bread and butter. Even they don't believe the horse sh!t coming out of their mouth. Classic salesmen/scammer, say a whole lot of words in order for you to buy in, without providing any real value for your time. Its sad people watch this as a news source.
And their business is to defend Trump. This is just a MAGA feel good show.
Bud light! Lol the queers beer. These guys are jokes
How many USA companies operate out of China
one night i was scrolling, feeling stuck. life felt like it was passing me by, while others seemed to effortlessly attract success. then i kept seeing people mention this ebook, Vibrations of Manifestation by Alex Lane. i didn’t expect much, but after reading it, something shifted. it wasn’t about wishful thinking-it showed me how to align my energy with what i actually wanted. two weeks in, things started falling into place in ways i never imagined.
America lost WAR on “Drugs in 1978”
I am sorry!