Necromancy: Taking The First Step

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024

Комментарии • 212

  • @suegreenan906
    @suegreenan906 2 года назад +16

    One of the few contacts I have had with those who have died, was a time when I had taken flowers to a woman’s grave who had taken care of me as a child. As I stood to leave, I causally put my hand on the stone to help myself stand. Suddenly there was an immense charge akin to an electrical charge, but this was a charge of the most intense love I have ever felt, ran up my arm and into my heart. I now understand the quality of love that spirits possess. I know what waits for me “on the other side.”…as always, Arith, thank you so very much for your excellent explanations…Sue greenan

  • @einarskirghunt3360
    @einarskirghunt3360 2 года назад +57

    This was a brilliant video and I just want to express the ingenuity of it and how Arith has beautifully structured this, because some people may not understand how well this was delivered and it may even seem random, because it is very subtle, which I think Arith was trying to deliver this in a way that there wouldn’t be prejudice or fear towards this subject. So in a subtle way and very discrete Arith actually delivered a ton of very useful information. He starts by letting us be comfortable with it and the importance of opening the minds and the importance of humbleness, acceptance of one’ death and the death of all things, which leads to a humble state of mind. He proceeds to the importance of building symbiotic relationships with the entities that can assist and guard us, as well as helping inducing states of consciousness and working as a safety medium to contact with spirits, also never forgetting the importance of trying things for ourselves and not having to always rely on others to find out what best approach truly helps us, basically the importance of Discovery to better appreciate our own efforts and give value to our own achievements. He talks about the real risks and dangers and avoiding being proud, or feeling superior, to avoid being hurt and even destroyed, to maintain an openness to all of these emotions and experiences, and trusting time, instinct and genuine knowledge obtained by being humble and opened and by avoiding prejudice. Honestly, this is by far the best introduction to Necromancy I’ve ever heard. And I honestly think Arith has been much underappreciated. In a subtle way that protects this content from prejudice and protects the audience itself, the necessary information is all there and very well packed.

    • @ArithHärger
      @ArithHärger  2 года назад +25

      Mom, is that you? lol . . . ok, seriously, thank you for your words, truly. It helps me to be motived. I'm happy that you feel this way. Don't know what to say, as you can see. Was caught unawares by such feedback. Thank you very much. Have a wonderful day!

    • @leonardogomes7165
      @leonardogomes7165 2 года назад +6

      @@ArithHärger Arith, friend, it's been a while..... you are well aware of my comorbidities, especially those linked to spirituality and especially necromancy, for example. I could write a lot here, as you know, but I'll write you the following: *thank you very much for the images, wise and didactic analogies and especially for the slap in the kid glove that spirituality "used" to wake me up in synchronicity and get me out of this "prison " in the shadows and my shadows* thank you very much best wishes Leonardo de Soure Marajo Island Pará Brazil

    • @6Haunted-Days
      @6Haunted-Days 2 года назад +6

      Yesssss VERY good for beginners. Tho it’s awful rare any beginner in Nordic pantheistic belief to just go yes maybe this is for me then JUMPS into necromancy?
      Yea doesnt happen that often.
      My point being by the time they might EVEN be interested in necromancy let alone getting involved in paganism in many forms…..that you’d be dealing with this death thing well before wanting to do necromancy.
      Tho huge agreement there that this video is light in tone and isn’t going to stage the more frightening aspects (ad in truly meeting your fetch other entities….if you don’t feel an awe inspiring fear & almost respectful terror at the massive forces you’re contacting…..
      Frankly IMO doing something wrong…..I don’t mean be scared so you go running away etc….
      I mean a HEALTHY fear and respect.

    • @leonardogomes7165
      @leonardogomes7165 2 года назад +1

      @@6Haunted-Days perfectly and enlightenment 🙏👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    • @prapanthebachelorette6803
      @prapanthebachelorette6803 11 месяцев назад +1

      I think this framework applies well to unfamiliar social situation as well. Thanks for sharing 😊

  • @jaxthewolf4572
    @jaxthewolf4572 2 года назад +6

    That kickass intro though. 💞

  • @denyse6666
    @denyse6666 2 года назад +16

    i did have a near death experience , I died for several minutes before doctors got me back , the details I will not go into, however it was a very beautiful experience all the pain had gone and I felt so free , I could still see everything going on below me in stark detail and because the feeling was so beautiful and i still felt very sentient I shall never fear death , only the pain leading to it . . As for fearing things about necromancy , I would suggest if a person is not strong enough to handle it maybe the occult path is not for them , for to work with the occult you need to be strong of will and strong of mind or you will go under . I truly adored the music and vocals at the start ... many thanks kiddo !

    • @jackrowe9695
      @jackrowe9695 2 года назад +3

      That is sound advice, thank you.

  • @onetree3476
    @onetree3476 2 года назад +19

    Thank you so much Arith. Yet again you have perfectly described my experience of reality. I was born sensitive and know very well the dangers in other realms. Humans must never be so arrogant as to think they are the superior beings. There is immense power that is far beyond us and we need to have respect. Stay humble and follow the light. Even immensely loving beings will slap you if you deserve it!

  • @robbemoortgat4410
    @robbemoortgat4410 2 года назад +8

    Dude, open a spotify your art really has something to offer to the pagan scene you bring in a unique style on the same level as wardruna and heilung in my opinion. I also LOVE your video’s , I hope one day you find the time to share/ focus more on your music.
    Much love from Belgium.

  • @JK-ex6rn
    @JK-ex6rn 2 года назад +5

    Yes ! 😎👍
    Now..... I look forward to watching this video 👨‍🎓

  • @teresafigueiredo
    @teresafigueiredo 2 года назад +18

    We always have so much to learn, and to say about how much life is, but when we have support to better understand and form our opinions, this is very rewarding, I would say more, FANTASTIC! Thank you Mr Arith.

  • @viktoriahelgeland7324
    @viktoriahelgeland7324 2 года назад +4

    Definitely glad for the focus on safety, I wish I could show this video to myself at age 10 when I didn't know what I know now, and didn't have experience from beginning to practice intentionally. When I was a teen I didn't even realize that the continued contact with my dead cat was necromancy, I just knew he hadn't ever left my side. I got cocky and messed with a poltergeist in my house that was mostly just a prankster and it started to make the pranks a bit more dangerous until one of my own spirit guides revealed themselves to me and kicked it out to protect myself and my family. And this was all really young still, I hadn't discovered my personal religious beliefs or even read the Eddas yet.
    Now, at 24, as an open practitioner (whose plethora of departed pets and relatives and one of my best friends, who unfortunately died last month, are each appearing to me every so often to show me they aren't "gone" or "lost") I really wish I knew any of the methods I know now, so I hadn't put myself and my younger brother in danger, since he is also highly sensitive to spirits (far more so than I am) and more than just terrified of ghosts and spirits.

  • @madamlunamazzaroth203
    @madamlunamazzaroth203 2 года назад +1

    I am always amazed at your eloquence. My first encounter was with my maternal grandmother. She passed away when I was 10 yrs old. Then I had a dream many years later of her standing with me watching the family go through her things after her death. We all were perplexed when we opened this big box. They came upon a neatly wrapped box filled with small matchboxes filled with little different colored strings and strips of paper. Then the little boxes were wrapped closed with longer thread. Then the little matchboxes were placed in a larger matchbox, which contained 12 little matchboxes, which was wrapped as well. All placed in a big box taped and wrapped in plastic which was placed in attic of garage. In my dream I was standing there with her holding my hand and pointing to those boxes. I began to research and in my studies I found it was a form of ancient magick which many cultures practiced that went all the way back to Isis. No one had a clue she practiced any type of magick. I now use what she has showed me in my practice as well. She is my tutelary spirit and guide. She is very much a part of my work. I also have her graveyard dirt on my altar and use it to connect to her.

  • @Hirokuro_Asura
    @Hirokuro_Asura 2 года назад +3

    Hmm, intriguing title... Wonder what's inside.
    5:54 exactly the reason I've stopped many years ago (it totally felt like it was not the appropriate time for that). Had a feeling it was sort of the time to pick it back up last year, but got caught in the events and sort of "missed the moment".
    7:57 and that's why I like the videos You make. Thank You. I wish more people could just share and discuss opinions without getting offended when other person doesn't share the same POV or has an opposite one.
    38:00 by that time that was the best and most honest/clear advise on anything I've ever heard from anyone (excluding my own conclusions on the subject that work for me only, most probably)

  • @elise5984
    @elise5984 2 года назад +6

    I've been following your channel for a few years and this video is my favorite one. For about 2 years (and more intensely over the last 3 months) I have been having experiences and interactions with things that I don't understand. I really appreciate the way you talked about the dance between curiosity/fear/necessity/danger. Several of the things you said felt like you were putting words to vague thoughts I have been trying to understand. Thank you. I would love to see more content like this

  • @kazkk2321
    @kazkk2321 4 месяца назад

    The first person from whim I can receive spiritual ideas without being bored or offended. You make spirituality seem not only interesting but viable

  • @CelticAugur
    @CelticAugur 2 года назад +12

    Killer intro, All though I am not going through the best phase in my life, actually probably the worst phase but I’m not depressed by this or put down or anxiety filled or anything, I actually feel I’ve grown stronger as a man stepping up to the challenges life has thrown at me and I’ve faced them with bravery, as for my encounters with the spiritual world I’ve seen shadow people, and often feel spirits around me although I don’t really seek them out on the other hand it seems they seek out my family as most of my direct family has had a spirit encounter for example my mother has seen and even spoken and even gotten proof of spirits, maybe when I become a little older and meditate on it I will someday commune with the spirit world as well, Cheers to all my fellow pagans

  • @cedar.von.wiesenhaussen4229
    @cedar.von.wiesenhaussen4229 2 года назад +7

    It cannot be such a coincidence that i have stumbled across your channel, Arith. I very truly appreciate your work 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

    • @barret5641
      @barret5641 2 года назад +1

      He is well worth a listen or two.

  • @natuvampire
    @natuvampire 2 года назад +3

    I love the subtle way you approach delicate topics and suggest rather than preach. I was drawn immediately to watch the video ,I feel necromancy has been greatly censored from abrahamic religions and that it holds a lot of knowledge and wisdom as a practice,tho clearly not for the faint-hearted and the impetuous. Υour video was a great inspiration,thank you!

  • @nephrenqayin254
    @nephrenqayin254 2 года назад

    Arith....I fucking love the intro. The topic is fantastic. And the way you bid farewell left me in a state of silence and thinking.

  • @vierflugeln
    @vierflugeln 2 года назад +3

    Sou brasileiro e praticante da Umbanda. Ainda estou na fase de desenvolver a mediunidade e comecei só agora a sentir a influência sutil dos espíritos.
    Enfim, essas práticas são sempre feitas dentro do terreiro (templo), onde existem instrumentos e entidades guias que ajudam a nos manter protegidos de seres mal intencionados. Na Umbanda nós basicamente trabalhamos com o que chamamos de guias/mentores, que são nossos espíritos familiares. A prática consiste em estreitar a nossa afinidade com eles e permitir que eles usem nossos corpos como ferramentas para poderem ajudar outras pessoas. Fazendo magias de cura e dando conselhos e conhecimentos do além.

  • @truestoriesfromtheworld
    @truestoriesfromtheworld Год назад +1

    Thank you very much for video! I think I coukd share with you my personal experience. My path in magic and esoteric is necromancy. I came to it with a great desire of learn more about the world and to help people - both alive and dead. I speak with the dead in order to help to find bodies of missing people. Dead tell me what happened to them, where their bodies are lying (they cannot say exact location on the map, but can describe the landscape around them so I can assume where it can be). Also sometimes lost souls come to me and disturb the talk with other dead, because they desperately need help - either they are lost in some kind of limbo, either they ask for help for their families. I have to say that my contribution is always free of any charge since I believe it's not me anyway who is having effort, plus if I think about money - higher forces will take this ability from me. I get from these talks a great amount of knowledge, and it also feels amazing that both worlds - physical and beyond that can connect like they are always here.

  • @cyclicallivingoz
    @cyclicallivingoz 2 года назад +9

    Nice intro!!!

  • @aetherzoza
    @aetherzoza 2 года назад +1

    I have watched many of your videos and appreciate the wealth of knowledge you have chosen to give.
    This one struck me more at the moment especially with observations on dealing with this kind of subject. It is not one I speak of much, but I am finding it easier to tell this experience in the right environments.
    I have been researching the occult since I found a book called "Curses, Hexes and Spells" in my elementary school library when I was seven. It is now a banned book, but I actually found and own a copy of it now. All my research starts from there and continues to this day. I have found more comfort in gods/goddesses associated with death than any others. I have had a number of experiences to validate this for myself.
    The one most prevalent happened two weeks after a very close friend of mine died from cancer. Before he passed I was at his bedside most days spending as much time as I could, knowing that the enviable was coming. I watched my once strong friend wither away from this terrible disease.
    About two weeks after he passed, in what seemed like a dream, I was pulled someplace else. At first it seemed like a very old building, like a grand theater and I was lost in a crowd. One person came to me and said I must come with them. I got distracted by the amount of things going on around me. Another person came and took my hand to lead me through the main doorway inside this building. I went through the doors and found myself in a sandy field, with patches of long grass. Then I saw my friend shoveling in the dirt. The person that brought me there disappeared. Then my friend and I were in a hexagon like shaped room. It was calm there, but I could feel that would change soon. I talked with my friend, apologized that I could give him the funeral he wanted. (Which was a Satanic funeral, since he was an Atheistic Satanist, yet he still spiritual in other ways. I was wearing his Baphomet necklace, the one he wore until death. It was given to me by his mother at the funeral.) He told me that it didn't matter now.
    I asked him what he wanted me to do with his Baphomet necklace, that I was wearing in this experience and while I was sleeping. He told me to bury it. Then our goodbyes were said.
    Then a female voice said to my friend, "He has to go now." I cried out no, but my friend disappeared and everything went blurry as I seamed to go into reverse and and I was trying to grab anything I could to get back.
    I woke up, feeling like electricity was going through me. Yet I knew then as I do now, it was real. At least from my perspective and experiences.
    I have astral projected before, a number of times, but this was the most intense.
    I buried my friend's necklace on October 31st, 2018. A few months after he passed, in a ritual to let him move on.
    Ever since then I found myself in tune with aspects of Hel and other death gods/goddesses of the like.
    I tread with caution, but I know I am more sensitive than some.
    Apologies on the long comment. I watched this video and felt the need to share.
    Keep up the great work, sir.

  • @ThisIsYourGodNow
    @ThisIsYourGodNow 2 года назад +17

    The comments are full of geniuses who haven't even watched the video yet I see

    • @albe2478
      @albe2478 7 месяцев назад

      Lmmfao yeah... im watching.
      Point being,.... Dudes on point!

    • @albe2478
      @albe2478 7 месяцев назад

      and im no genius,., But i learn tit on youtube once.

  • @somethingsfishy7662
    @somethingsfishy7662 2 года назад +2

    Thank Arith for this video. That introduction may have just earned you a new patron. Many blessings from the Land of Oz.

  • @werewolfrage4
    @werewolfrage4 2 года назад +2

    Thank you very much for all the useful information and even more thanks for the way you delivered it. Masterfully.
    What I can comment here, that traveling has taught me, is that the culture shapes not only the matter, but also the spiritual realms. Someplaces needs more a conscious/reason driven awareness to achieve a peaceful interaction, other places need less reason and a lot more emotional/primal alertness to do so.

  • @starlopez2702
    @starlopez2702 2 года назад +1

    LOOVE the intro ...I'm new to your channel and thought I'd stumbled upon a metal band and was waiting to hear the rest of the song lol 😆 ❤️

  • @eikthyrnirodinson9662
    @eikthyrnirodinson9662 2 года назад +3

    Thanks! This is a good video that explains what Necromancy is. It's not well known enough as a practice

  • @melissabrentford8260
    @melissabrentford8260 2 года назад +5

    This is fantastic I loved this introduction! Black metal 🖤🤘🖤 Arith at its best ! 🖤

    • @psalm91.777
      @psalm91.777 10 месяцев назад


  • @ForrestAnna
    @ForrestAnna 11 месяцев назад

    Seek and you will find. The earth and the whole of creation is truly on a healing path in a great spiral of love.🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

  • @tanyamichelle311
    @tanyamichelle311 Год назад

    Absolutely love the intro! Just found your channel recently & it's nothing short of brilliant! Just excellent! Thank you for your work.

  • @spikewillow4552
    @spikewillow4552 2 года назад +1

    Great video with some very wise words. Thank you for sharing brother.

  • @juggaloscrub365
    @juggaloscrub365 2 года назад +3

    Thank you so much for sharing this knowledge. I've been torn on the path that I seek. I have been drawn to the left hand path, the path of animism, necromancy, and most recently shamanism. I'm trying to learn as much as I can about all of them so that that way I know which one is best for me. Your videos are always inspiring and I thank you for that my dear friend

  • @iankenney6602
    @iankenney6602 2 года назад +1

    I like your style, Arith! I am trying to learn how to express myself and my magical observations in the most effective of ways. You are one of my favorite models of communicators to observe and learn from..I have never lied on my comments, but I dont feel I know how to express myself in a way to be taken seriously..or I dont know how to take myself seriously/proper yet..Gonna watch now and decide what and how much to share after! Here goes!
    One thing, I have never approached my ways of life and loving the dead as an attempt to gain knowledge, but more like uhh..intuition or understanding. I still get truths or what I am sure are truths and feel i can hold connections with the dead or in some cases hold the dead spirits in my heart, but I have never tried to draw anything from them..just give them a safe place if they choose and honor their presence as a departed soul in the world.
    I have found some rocks that have made me seriously consider the idea of getting myself into trouble by messing with a sacred resting place.. I have never aimed to sort this out in a concrete way..not sure I should, either. I'm just getting sober and finding out how sensitive I truly was before trying to escape from it. It tends to make me act foolish. I just learned to love myself and figure a balance that can best allow me to work with the living humans.
    I just lost one of my best friends, and I learned about myself that because I loved that goddess so completely, it was almost painless when she died. I have had periods of sobbing from missing the bodily forn of her existence, but my heart has no blocks in it or no feeling of absence or loss. I feel like she can now live painlessly because I was able to know and honor her life so deeply..idk
    My stupidness: i found many tiny ancient reptile rocks in my woods. I gathered them all up because I knew they had life in them at one time. They revealed their magical nature to me through eyes that would appear on them, and in my haste I attempted to get my discovery recognized. I only brought trouble upon myself. There are benevolent and malevolent ones in my cache. I had to seriously pull back my blind movements, and I am still trying to figure out the best way to rectify this mistake. I would have never known where the trouble was coming from if it wasnt for my goddess kitty friend that showed me through her fear of some of those rocks.
    Very helpful, thank you for this. I do feel that attitude may help with handling danger as well, but I do not even fully understand this. I did walk through the darkest depths of life through my experimentation with the more heartless aspects of life with escapism and drug addiction. I found that an open heart with a very strong defense or flawless ability to counter attack combined with an ever present willingness to forgive and accept others was an attitude that seemed to keep me safe as I walked with the darkest living forces that I could come across. I, no doubt, have much to still learn, of course, these are just my observations from a life of curiosity that has managed to so far stay blessed.

    • @TinLashes
      @TinLashes 2 года назад +1

      It might be impossible to walk safely, no matter how careful one may try to be. We ultimately must be wholeheartedly willing to face the dangers and the dangerous. I was thinking about this when I read your comment: why did he spend so much time talking about the dangerous? Also, it strikes me as very true that it is that your only protection is your open heart. Whether it is because you can heal yourself easily with a strong, open heart open or because you change the spirit by accepting them-- might be both and other things as well-- I am fairly certain that it is our acceptance of them, our faith, our goodwill, and our love, that attracts them to us. And only during the journey do we discover who we can trust.

    • @iankenney6602
      @iankenney6602 2 года назад

      @@TinLashes impossible to walk it safely, yes. Fearlessness is a must. Sometimes this does take me time to build my courage and become familiar with the unfamiliar forces I find myself stumbling upon. I enjoy facing it from a standpoint that if any destruction is caused by these interactions, then surely new creation will follow. This and fearlessness of death (over years of forcing myself to face my subtler fears) allows me to operate throughout all of the unexpected twists that come my way. It also helps me to sharpen my insight and intuition as well as giving my life a warriors sense of adventure. Thank you so much for your contribution and taking the time to read my unfiltered thoughts that this video generated. You touched my soul as all my unknown friends on this channel always tend to do! Good luck in your seeking and stay strong, you are a hero!

  • @I_scribbles
    @I_scribbles 2 года назад +1

    First thank you for you knowledge and perceptions and your time they have been true treasures. I will start with my early childhood cause it sets the basis for all my experiences. I am a person who has inherited the family ability and connection with the departed. As a young child I would wake in the middle of the night to see a room filled with monks in purple robes, hundreds of them, I would close my eyes, pulls the covers over but no they still be there. Next my first dream I remember was when I was five where I went into a cave and encountered a witch, frightened I woke up, but gained courage went back to sleep and kicked ur ass.
    Next I lived in the countryside and spent many days as a wizard going across the land pretending to control the wind making forts, finding fossils in the gravel areas that lined the roads and foraged on the berries and other fruits out around the area. I often would run home thinking my mother had called me as I heard my name called out in the wind only to find out my mother didnt need me. At 10 my paternal grandmother got lung cancer and fought bravely for more than a year before dying at home in 1990. This is where my life really got weird. As a kid I could close my eyes and "watch tv" in my head i was and still am very artistic so it gets enhance further. So my grandma soon after she died, being a dreamwalker, one night i died in my dream and once i was standing there looking around my grandma appeared to me. I could not hear what she was saying to me but i know we had a conversation. From there teenage years got weird as my "sensitivities" kicked I eventually had to shut my empathic door to society. But i turned 20 and became a Reiki practioner where I enhanced and refined my natural abilities into a more directed manner. My first definitive proof a real magic was when I constructed a rock circle by a lake near my house, had a ceremony and offering and cursed it if it was to be broken that the circle shall remain. Well the rocks were soon spread acrossed the area by the railroad company thinning the area. For 4 years nothing grew inside that circle until I became a reiki practioner (japanese animism, shinto based) and went back and blessed the land. 7 different wild flowers grew in that spot that year and grew twice as tall anything else nearby. Skip some years and back to my departed grandma. From time to time she pop in a dream here and there checking up but a few years ago, 4 yrs actually, i had a dream where i came to her house and she lead me to the backyard where a cigarette butt river flowed. I knew right a away, stop smoking, it was a family curse almost and it had to stop before it went onto my kids generation. So with the realization of what needed to happen I communicated to her and our great mother, earth, for help. Boy did I get it thankfully. I have never thought about it or desired it since quit coldturkey. Sorry long story skipped Alot my life is rather interesting but I can verify that what your channel says and the topics you cover are legit. Again thanks for your time.

  • @EEX97623
    @EEX97623 2 года назад

    Sometimes watching these videos I see David Mitchell in place of Arith Härger, it's hard to unsee; have to be mindful it's not a Mitchell & Webb sketch, and tune back into the honesty and integrity being shared.

  • @2dazla8
    @2dazla8 2 года назад

    Wonderful and informative video. I love how you present your knowledge and information so succinctly. Thank you for sharing about this often taboo but important topic.

  • @UniversalistSon9
    @UniversalistSon9 5 месяцев назад

    “Just a few words on the subject”…an hour later 🤣
    Good video, insightful, thank you!

  • @GraceConyersDirtologist
    @GraceConyersDirtologist 2 года назад +2

    I honestly didn't know that sensing entities is genetic. That explains a few things that connected myself to Great Granny. I was lucky that I had her to guide me growing up. I learnt so many things when it comes to sensing, seeing, and even working with those on the other side. You could say that I'm "open" to them, but I learnt boundaries early on.
    That being said, I'm also grateful that I'm not a magnet for them. I've experienced only a few things, so I've lived a pretty "normal" life.

  • @ernamoller175
    @ernamoller175 2 года назад +3

    Thank you Arith. Intro was beautiful so is your background. Always learning...... thank you for your hard work and sharing it.

  • @toebeans1385
    @toebeans1385 2 года назад +3

    Learned a lot. Very interesting stuff. Thank you for your continued quality content .

  • @My_Alchemical_Romance
    @My_Alchemical_Romance 2 года назад +1

    Absolutely loved this.
    Came here after I saw your video on “acquiring magical power”.
    Absolutely love your take, and info.
    Would love some more resources/advice for beginners….

  • @scottishdoll6087
    @scottishdoll6087 2 года назад +1

    Brilliant! Thanks for your view very interesting. I also believe that necromancy can be worded in so many ways like eg, praying and talking to the dead loved ones connecting to source . Any communication to the dead can be classed as necromancy in my own understanding. Love your videos always

  • @stormyw726
    @stormyw726 2 года назад

    Dear Arith, Thank you for this video. This is what I've been wanting to hear from you for a very long time. It's so real, about the entities. I've seen them since I was 2 years old. mostly little kids. I feel such a connection now that I didn't feel before. Again. Thank you. You are amazing, and the only person I've ever heard talk about this. Be safe, Be well.

  • @bonneylynn
    @bonneylynn 2 года назад +2

    I have my own experience that was completely amateur that had no prior knowledge that the steps taken came naturally within. When my experience began I had in mind of the idea of a necromancer was remembering hearing of them in D&D. Afterwards I was in shock and needed to know what the hell that was and had to do mad research to make connection with that experience so to find understanding that I was not crazy because it seemed so real, desperate otherwise I'd be all alone in the universe and no place for me anywhere. Complete peace came when I found what I needed to identify it and the knowledge I gain seems too superior to what I could imagine ever knowing was possible.

  • @hevoskuiskaaja2008
    @hevoskuiskaaja2008 2 года назад

    Fantastic video, thank you Arith

  • @riot.9
    @riot.9 2 года назад +2

    Could you share more about shielding? As it's probably one of the first main things to know about this. Also I love to listen to videos where you ramble about your own experience and opinions - thanks.

  • @McSquiddington
    @McSquiddington 2 года назад +4

    This type of subject makes me think that there could be a really interesting interplay to study between psychology - specifically in regards to grief or the acceptance of a recent loss - and necromancy. The occult aspect of things likely speaks to our deeper yearnings and the fairly common sense that people at the end of their lives have experienced more than us and have more wisdom to impart. Considering, there wouldn't be anyone wiser, technically speaking, than someone who's dead, yet still reachable.
    Pair that with things like psychotherapy or clinical studies and you could ensure that people turn to augury or necromancy as lucidly and as constructively as possible. It's just a shame that most of what makes it to mainstream culture usually concerns negative or ill-advised uses of the practice. I mean, what if you're the anxious one and you're trying to contact someone you know for a fact has died peacefully? The usual Shock Horror chestnuts involve "something else'" reaching out in the deceased relative's stead, and that just feels patronizing to me.

  • @velazarmortanius249
    @velazarmortanius249 3 месяца назад

    Damn, that intro went hard. I wish I could have a video of just that for my necromancer music playlist.

    • @ArithHärger
      @ArithHärger  3 месяца назад

      Check my solo music project called VAR UMN, it's a new project (kicked off February 2024) is on every streaming music platform, also at Bandcamp. Look for the Wild Wight EP.

    • @velazarmortanius249
      @velazarmortanius249 3 месяца назад

      hell yeah, thank you.

  • @iainmelville9411
    @iainmelville9411 2 года назад +6

    I could feel things that I could not understand when I was quite young. However when I was about six or seven I had a near death experience. It changed the way I felt the things I had always felt.
    The feelings seemed to have personalities, like very individual entities. I also began seeing shadow figures - which always had a human shape, but were ethereal - just shadows or shapes of people that were black or grey.
    When I entered my teenage years I began to hear a voice. It was always the same voice, that of a woman calling my name. It always seemed to be outside the room I was in. In the hall, or in the next room.
    I was shocked a few years ago when I was working in a hospital and heard someone calling my name. I went in the direction of the voice and it was an empty room. I then asked members of the nursing staff if they had called me, and, of course, they hadn’t. What shocked me was that the voice sounded like the voice I had heard in my teens.
    I believe that we share this world of ours with spirits. Humans, elementals, animals and probably ones I have no knowledge of.
    I’m of Celtic descent and believe ( now ) in the three worlds philosophy. The word of the living, the world of the departed and the world of the others - the elementals, the non - human. And the three worlds are connected and can run into each other. Times of the year, like Samhain for example, are times when the worlds are open to each other and it’s not just the human spirits that can come though. Although l think the non - humans entities are often “ called”though.

    • @I_scribbles
      @I_scribbles 2 года назад +1

      Holysh!t you need to read my comment i made. It seems in life we are truely never alone. I too heard the voice of a woman. As a child I would be outside and run home thinking my mom had called me
      ( i lived in the country side) but we have very similar experiences. I heard that voice calling my name up until my early twenties it got more infrequent. Im mostly of germanic norse heritage but share some Celtic hereditary as well. You ever read any of Michael Tsarion work?

    • @iainmelville9411
      @iainmelville9411 2 года назад +2

      @@I_scribbles That is truly amazing Luke. I feel quite emotional now. Thank You for sharing, it means a lot to me.
      I have always thought the voice was that a relative or an ancestor.
      I have not read any of Michael Tsarion’s work but I will check it out.
      Isn’t it amazing that two people should share like experiences.
      Thank You once more for reaching out to me, it does mean quite a lot to me - more than I can express in mere words. Thank You.

    • @I_scribbles
      @I_scribbles 2 года назад +1

      You are welcome, it is amazing.
      I have come to the realization over the last few years that this voice is of our beloved mother to us all,
      Earth herself. She is calling out to those who will hear her call and the call back to nature. I guess she likes Arith as many who hear the call seemed to come to Anismism and his channel and alike. Something is gonna happen, i feel it, and she is calling us back to the safety of nature and to reestablish the connection with ourselves.

    • @iainmelville9411
      @iainmelville9411 2 года назад +1

      @@I_scribbles l agree there’s a small community, world wide, who seek a better world though nature. What you are saying resonates with my belief in the Goddess, the Divine Mother, and I too believe that change is coming. It won’t be easy, change never is, but I believe it may have already started. No turning back, and only those who have separated themselves from the natural world are going to not be prepared.

    • @I_scribbles
      @I_scribbles 2 года назад +1

      yup much agreed.

  • @GlassDama9
    @GlassDama9 2 года назад +5

    I had a NDE when i lost my First son, 4 years Ago. I spent 6' dead and was reanimated by The doctors (and The covenant prayers, for sure). The death experience per se was calm; Felt like i was falling asleep. By then I was already a witchcraft practioneer for years but since then I Can notice death and The dead with more "readiness", you know? And sometomes little Animals comes to me to die peacefully. It's always a trembling experience and Stills shakes me every time.
    Thank you for The vídeo and discussion!

  • @leonardogomes7165
    @leonardogomes7165 2 года назад +1

    Arith, friend, it's been a while..... you are well aware of my comorbidities, especially those linked to spirituality and especially necromancy, for example. I could write a lot here, as you know, but I'll write you the following: *thank you very much for the images, wise and didactic analogies and especially for the slap in the kid glove that spirituality "used" to wake me up in synchronicity and get me out of this "prison " in the shadows and my shadows* thank you very much best wishes Leonardo de Soure Marajo Island Pará Brazil

  • @Odaken_hl
    @Odaken_hl 2 года назад

    O mais próximo de necromancia que eu fiz foi descer até Helheimr e conversar com o espírito de uma velha para resolver dúvidas minhas.
    Comecei vendo esse vídeo da madruga e parei porque senti MUITO a necessidade de anotar o que está sendo dito, seu canal é um poço de conhecimento Arith

  • @jargonaut4068
    @jargonaut4068 2 года назад

    The only downside to applying this kind of knowledge is how utterly subjective it is - nothing you read or watch will ever quite match up. It's up to us to take the leap and decide when/if we're really ready to. Perception shapes input as much as interprets it.
    Excellent content as always! Insightful and compassionate without getting flowery about it

  • @angaidhjones2605
    @angaidhjones2605 2 года назад +1

    Well, I think it's what I needed to hear at the perfect timing - once again -
    If I get a chance one day i'd love to talk about this topic with you. I had a few...Let's say experiences.
    Thanks again for the video, some very sensible sentences i'll use to keep educating people about the danger in "Forcing spirits to get in our lifes" without reading about the potential dangers before.
    Thank you !

  • @gaawn
    @gaawn 2 года назад

    Im very happy because im just starting watching this:)

  • @sandra.helianthus
    @sandra.helianthus 2 года назад

    Most NDEs, in fact, seem to show this incredible light, love and peacefulness. (Not all of course, but most ... nevertheless, it changes all forever). My own steps into my today's spirituality were marked by similiar experiences - very loving and full of aw. Only now that I dive deeper, the waters become "darker", more veiled and more uncertain and I begin tread more carefully. It almost seems to me, most people have the beginner bonus of the naive - like a child, discovering the world with aw, until more seriousness sets in. Just wonder, if we cease to see the beauty also, when we loose the lightheartedness . 🌱 good video - as always! Thank you. 🌻

  • @johnryan1292
    @johnryan1292 2 года назад +2

    i wish i had had this video a month or so ago, i had a very scary experience trying to invoke dvergar in the wilderness at dusk

  • @BlissfulBombshells
    @BlissfulBombshells 2 года назад

    OM GOSH‼️
    I SO DESIRE Music like the opening of this video for Creating in My Craft❣‼️

  • @reneewilson2040
    @reneewilson2040 2 года назад +1

    Well, a subject I know a bit about. I really will try to summarize. I was the mother of two children who were born with muscular dystrophy. One passed in 1991 and the other 1993. So it has been decades now since they’ve gone. And Arith you said it right, it isn’t beautiful and it isn’t peaceful. For me, the first month, I wasn’t on this earth. Or so I felt. But what was adamnate on getting rid of certain people who I didn’t trust or had a bad feeling about. The next thing was, MUSIC. I couldn’t listen to it. I don’t know if you can understand this or not, it physically hurt me to listen to any kind of music for about 20yrs. It hurt deeply. Yes, I would catch out the corner of my eye see a shadow. At first I thought, yikes, is this going to happen from now on?. Over the years , in my dreams I would see the boys, but not very often and it made me cry in my dreams. I am single, so no one to catch me when I fell so to speak. A few years ago, both boys never walked were in a wheelchairs, so in the dream we were on top of a hill , they were standing up, they were truly standing up, they never talked to me, so I guess you could call it telepathy, they wanted me to roll down the hillwith them, and so we did, we rolled and rolled, we had a great time.And your right again when you say to let them come to you, that’s true, I’ve experimented with that. Nowadays, I visit the graves, there buried next to one another. Which helps. Grieving is a mf bioooootch, for sure. It is Unrelentless. It felt like, someone had taken my heart out of my chest, threw it, kicked it down the road a few times, and then had the gd nerve to put it back in, and said to me , “Now live with That”. And so I have.
    I am a depressive of sorts, with other maladies, I’ll keep to myself. There is no happy ending here, I do not have a deathwish or anything like that, But I can’t effin wait to be by there side once again. It goes like this, I will catch their spirit as it comes by. Like tuning into a radio station or something.
    And yes, I can listen to music now it still hurts a bit, but I take one day at a time. Oh yeah I’ve been sober for 30 years!

  • @jeroenschalks8685
    @jeroenschalks8685 2 года назад

    Beautyfull video with much insight, for me entity's seem to appear in the places I do not look directly at..
    They allways give the sense of curiosity.. sounds also appear in my mind and conception.

  • @phorumpandya
    @phorumpandya 2 года назад

    Very informative. Thank you for sharing

  • @juggaloscrub365
    @juggaloscrub365 2 года назад +2

    I haven't watched the full video yet but I plan on it just wanted to go ahead and say that I love your intro music always and I really wish that one day you would put out an album. I would love to hear you sing and play. Even if you don't do anything but make a few videos that would be awesome

  • @giuseppersa2391
    @giuseppersa2391 2 года назад

    A most fascinating subject..thank you Arith. From Cape Town South Africa 🇿🇦🌹

  • @marcoslimacerqueira7548
    @marcoslimacerqueira7548 2 года назад +2

    Good introduction video. Do you will post sequences talking about necromancy in ancient world?

  • @Megan-mu8so
    @Megan-mu8so 2 года назад +1

    Words of wisdom, thank you. Always good to be humble and respectful when traveling in unknown territory. I for one would be interested in your UPG from your various experiences and interactions. Also, speaking of the dead and entities, any chance you'd consider a video about Santa Muerte?

    @XENA_O_VANIR 2 года назад +1

    I can relate in the spiritual world. My family has always had a connection. Even now my children have this connection as well. Each has different types of connections. My mother and I was connected. Being empaths (and not knowing this). We would feel and talk for each other. I know she knew. She would have dried herds in jars, I would complain about stuff missing and she would be like (it’s just the poltergeist playing with you.) Then later I would find it stuffed under something. (Like my VHS tapes was under my cabinets cubby, a play my mom couldn’t bend to stuff it). Things lurking in my room, Talking to wild animals in the woods. Having four children, My oldest can see some future events. She feels some senses. She also hears a lot of different voices that she has had to tune out. My second child he is closed off. Doesn’t talk about the spiritual part for himself. But he believes. Then my third child, she and I are connected like my mom. This is a blessing and a curse. She is my mini me. She sees spirit, hears spirit, feels spirit. Then last but not least the youngest which is 8 years from my mini me. She sees, hears, feels, and was haunted by spirit. From a baby she was attacked and that led me to practice and learn more about the ways of Paganism and I learned of all the things my mom was doing was things that represents Witchcraft and Paganism. I remember as a small child when my brothers wife was looking for my mom to take me home and found her at her boyfriend’s home doing a ritual naked, both on their knees facing his mom which what looked like candle light. I remember my brother’s wife was freaked out and I ended up living with them for a few years because. I guess she told my brother she was crazy. Anyways….I’m here today….practicing witchcraft and studying Paganism. I have learned more from here than from any book I’ve ever bought!! I love listening to you and learning!! Blessed Be to you my brother!! 🥰❤️🥰❤️

  • @odinsmeadhorn196
    @odinsmeadhorn196 2 года назад +1

    Necromancy for me is the practices related to dead magick and I had an interesting experience a few years ago. I was in a gnosis state and working vodou; as part of the ritual we were invested in, I was given a sample of what the transaction of death tasted like. Go and watch a pregnancy video, that odd tickle you feel behind your belly button, that's the same feeling felt when feeling death, just like birth.

  • @kpheathen9370
    @kpheathen9370 2 года назад +2

    Great video very informative.

  • @JointVentureFilms
    @JointVentureFilms 2 года назад

    I've had several points of contact with entities, some that were human (although I have discovered this is very rare in my case). The first and second times I had in depth encounters, they were both very jarring and physically difficult. I learned to control myself and my light. At first my light was obnoxious and so bright that I was attracting many entities, some of which did great harm to me. I had to adjust myself, how I used my light and had to recalibrate my consciousness for this type of energy exchange. I can do this now at will, but I do it very rarely as it causes me physical and emotional pain. I believe the fear we feel at the beginning of these experiences is actually a gift. It protects us. I couldn't conceptualize of such a "dream demon" until I encountered one, but after my experiences, I read about accounts of others' encounters in books like Jung's Archetypes and the CLM 849. The way you speak on the topic gives me hope that others are trying to further understand these great mysteries. Thank you for speaking so openly. I'm grateful for this video.

  • @ecoleman5690
    @ecoleman5690 2 года назад +6

    The dead consider being disturbed by the living as a great violence. If you’re called to this . . . Be on point.
    Blood calls to blood. Beware the unruly and eager dead. Shepherd those grave-bound and wide eyed wights. Once you speak to and entertain the dead, they will ken you. You will come to recognize the dying as if greeting an old friend.
    From the Serpent’s breath, comes the prayer of the dead & the living, this the charm of creation
    As Above ~ So Below

  • @vatissapienti
    @vatissapienti 2 года назад

    When you talked about the fear of death it reminded me of this "ponto cantado" of kimbanda that talks about Exu Caveira.

  • @leonieerstweiler297
    @leonieerstweiler297 2 года назад +4

    Really loved this video Arith and thank you for your time and effort, and a wonderful performance at the beginning. I was wondering about the fear of necromancy, because in some pre-Christian Classical sources it seems there was already an ongoing fear of necromancy?

    • @ArithHärger
      @ArithHärger  2 года назад +11

      Hello there friend, thank you very much for your kind words. I really had fun doing both the video and the composition you see at the beginning. Indeed, there was the fomentation of fear over “necromancy” as seen in surviving Classical literature, but not with the object of fearing necromancy itself but instigating the fear of women who practiced magic, as an attempt from the part of the patriarchal Classical societies to overshadow - and eventually overthrow - feminine magical performances which were quite popular and drawn many masses, to implement the patriarchal religions of the state and control the masses, by taking away any credit women had as performers of magic, sorceresses, priestesses, etc. this eventually created a fear of necromancy as well, but the initial objective was to denigrate and demonize the figure of the woman practitioner of magic and of women who administered other religious sects, cults and religions the State saw as direct competition. We see this, for instance, in the caricatures of Horace and Lucan. Horace, in his early works of “Satires” and “Epodes”, depicts a number of old, ugly women attended by snakes, ghostly dogs and eventually the spirits of the dead, sacrificing to Hekate in a graveyard, murdering a boy so that they can make a love potion from the boy’s liver and bone marrow. These works are a satire, but they have helped to both create a fear of women practitioners of Magic (this was paving the way to create the fear of the stereotypical “witch-woman”) and also of necromancy, which was a practice associated to these “witches” in a derogatory sense. In this way, the fear didn’t began to be towards necromancy but towards women who practiced magic, and so the fear of necromancy was only because it was an art associated with these “witches”/”evil women”. People started to fear “necromancy” because those who did it were probably these “evil women” and they were surely “up to something” and working against the community to do some evil. At this point it began to be considered the prohibition of necromancy to avoid “evil women” from causing harm to the community/society/state. Lucan went further than Horace, though: in Lucan’s “Pharsalia”, he creates a portrait of the witch Etictho describing her seeking ingredients for her magic in a graveyard, where she rips off parts from dead bodies with her nails and teeth. Lucan’s objective was not to create a satire of “fun” like Horace, and so the negative impact was greater; his depiction of a “witch” is far more grotesque and the intention here was to make the audience shiver with fear. These works became quite popular and widespread, I mean, they have survived to this day, along with the Greek accounts of Circe and Medea. The object was to fear women of power and women practitioners of magic, and by extent (probably unintentionally) it also created the fear of other magical arts, such as necromancy. This is when eventually laws were also passed to prevent people from having contact or employ the services of “wise women” (sagae), which actually, eventually, helped early Christianity to gain ground and finally overthrow the religion that was in direct opposition and competition with it - the Cult of Isis (one of the most widespread religious cults to a goddess - a feminine figure of power - of the Classical world, including in the colonies). Eventually necromancy became associated to the figure of the “evil woman”/”witch” and the fear of it (and prohibition) augmented with Christianity, further enhancing its fear due to the reasons I’ve also presented in the video and the Abrahamic religious beliefs concerning the preservation of the body for resurrection. Necromancy became an illegitimate and “demon-inspired” pagan practice, in opposition to the sacred wonders of the religious faith (miracula), a sort of Christianity Vs Paganism thing. Eventually Necromancy came back into the scene in the 12th and 13th centuries, now understood to be the magic practice of summoning demons, which became quite popular in Europe among the Church and other Elites, and quite the magic” revolution”, and both clergy and the lay Elite started to practice “necromancy”, actually a case of “Angelic Magic” Vs “Demonic Magic”, leading to several discussions of which magical practices were appropriate or not, eventually leading to the conclusion that “necromancy”, yet again, was illicit.

    • @mistsister
      @mistsister 2 года назад

      I am reading now "Italy's Witches and Medicine Women" by Karyn Crisis (singer of Gospel of the Witches) that talks all about that, the vilifying of Italian and Etruscan streghe who were more animistic and "shamanistic" in nature.

    • @leonardogomes7165
      @leonardogomes7165 2 года назад

      @@ArithHärger Arith, friend, it's been a while..... you are well aware of my comorbidities, especially those linked to spirituality and especially necromancy, for example. I could write a lot here, as you know, but I'll write you the following: *thank you very much for the images, wise and didactic analogies and especially for the slap in the kid glove that spirituality "used" to wake me up in synchronicity and get me out of this "prison " in the shadows and my shadows* thank you very much best wishes Leonardo de Soure Marajo Island Pará Brazil

  • @noahhecker6672
    @noahhecker6672 2 года назад +2

    Do you record your music? That’s some damn good metal in the intro

    • @ArithHärger
      @ArithHärger  2 года назад +1

      Well, thank you very much! Indeed I do. I save the files just in case.... hehehe.

  • @azamutu1413
    @azamutu1413 2 года назад +2

    That intro tho…🤘🏻

  • @mandiwagner3710
    @mandiwagner3710 2 года назад

    I'm a Valkyrie from your studies and mine it seems I serve Freya I've seen dead people since I was a little kid I brige them to the outher side, they just want to go home, but I only bridge the murdered and the death due to medical body failure. I'd like to meet you one day. I'm in Houston Texas raising a child on my own with my cats. I fallow you wishing there were more like you. Thank you. I completely commented here before I see this video and will try to let you know what I think after. Thank you for sharing all that you do. Mandi Magoo

  • @sheski1640
    @sheski1640 2 года назад +3

    If it helps, I generally use the catchall term "Mysticism" when speaking of spirituality, or other such beliefs, outside of an academic lens. I also refer to those who use Mysticism as "Mystics" until I can ascertain their field of expertise.

    • @jon...5324
      @jon...5324 2 года назад

      When I use the word mystic or mysticism, I use it quite specifically to mean types of philosophies or practices involving ineffable, overwhelming or direct knowledge of the "metaphysical other" that does not rely at it's core on logical or measured information

    • @the_hanged_clown
      @the_hanged_clown 2 года назад

      I'm guessing you've never played Oblivion...

  • @stewartthomas2642
    @stewartthomas2642 2 года назад

    Love your stuff kick on love it

  • @1.1797
    @1.1797 2 года назад +1

    I've seen lots of spirits/ghosts/etc over the years. Even recently, for the past couple months, I keep seeing a woman in my hallway. Now, whether she's a previous occupant, relative, or what, I couldn't tell you. But I have seen enough entities since I was 12 to know we aren't alone here. All that is half the reason I want to get into necromancy. That and to try to communicate with my parents and best friend, lol.

  • @williamfreeman8197
    @williamfreeman8197 8 месяцев назад

    What an amazing intro i love the black metal

  • @333Eriana
    @333Eriana 2 года назад

    Dear Arith- first of all -amazing intro. I wasn't sure if i would watch this, but curiosity pulled me in. and much surprises to me.IRUclips won't let me type i will try tout this on your patreaon page - anyway - i figure was born this this gift, i just had another experience of it the other day - and let me know to contact my cousin in Ireland - i won't go into it much here. but i like your attitude about this. since very young i watched my parents dabble and play and be what i thought was very 'disrespectful' weird things happened in our house -but never in my room. i saw alot of arrogance there - and have with others who 'demand' control. i never seek out 'spell's or anything to bring about anything i have experience in my life naturally - as you say at the end - If they want to tell me something - they will. I would have never said i knew of necromancy- but perhaps i do yes?!I also think that the greatest danger i have seen in others who 'force dabbling'and get obsessed is damage to their own mental health.

  • @dr.strangelove9815
    @dr.strangelove9815 2 года назад

    Great dissertation!
    Necromancy and divination are subjects which, sadly, seem to draw the ire of almost every religion. Part of me thinks it may be due to the fact that these arts hypothetically allows the practitioner to potentially make contact with the souls of those who came before us, or even beings, possibly even gods, which may never have been human to begin with; unlike religion, necromancy generally does not require dogma, although it may help if there is some type of connection with the deceased or with the practitioner psychologically.
    I think, more than anything, when communing with the departed, it is so very imperative to be respectful and fair, be grateful, and pray for their well being for the assistance, if the practice truly does work. The way I see it is, our forebears love us, god/gods et al love their children as well, so, we should be courteous in return. But, it is also important to realize that not all spirits are benevolent, it's best to keep neutral and keep centered. Keeping your intent pure, your boundaries clear and mind your own is incredibly important.
    **Matter is not created nor destroyed, it only changes state. The same seems to be for life/death too, from my encounters. Death is definitely not the end, it is not to be feared, beauty seems to reside in the hereafter with family, from an experience I had a few years ago. However, not all entities, as you mentioned, are good. Of course, I'm not expert in this field, just someone who has had experiences.

  • @tns4
    @tns4 2 года назад

    I enjoy your videos very much. Is there somewhere I can download the audio to listen at work? You should post these somewhere as a podcast!

  • @AriaIvancichArt
    @AriaIvancichArt 2 года назад

    Hi. I did a "Course„ on Necromancy about 2 to 3 ys ago w/ Altea Sebastiani, an Edge Witch from USA. Once understood the concept that Necromancy is not evil evil and can also represent, or be represented by rather, a Cult of The Ancestors, which I would practice already, I was grand. I too used to have and believe in the ingrained misconception that Necromancy is forcedly to do with black magic and so on and so forth, but it doesn't have to. However, in that regards, the balance of shadow and light is to me ever necessary in any act of magic and not only that, even within our own selves.

  • @waynemyers2469
    @waynemyers2469 2 года назад

    I'll be brief and try to be balanced and kind in what I'm going to say but I must say it. I was enormously impressed with a previous video of yours dealing with the contemporary use of Nordic symbolism by White-Supremists, Nazis, etc. I agreed with 99% of your presentation and glimpsed a kind of genius at play in the narrative style, general philosophy and depth of knowledge on display in your video. I returned to your videos hoping for more of the same careful erudition and expressiveness I discovered in the first video but instead (and fortunately) I discovered this video, an introduction to (to me) a dangerous and destructive form of "spiritism" and a natural predecessor to Satanism, which, whether it is an actual experience of a real entitity or not, lends itself to depraved and malignant beliefs and attacks upon the fundamental aspects of human nature as it relates to social behavior, spirituality, connection to the ineffable and the fear of death. By no means am I saying that you are wrong for supplying this information, I believe in the unfettered, free-exchange of ideas and beliefs without the interference of those who may disagree, however, a clearer statement concerning your beliefs and the direction your videos may point to would have been appreciated and, I think, appropriate considering where you went with this one. You spent an unusually extended portion of this video expressing what I can only describe as a "disclaimer" without stating the actual nature of the coming discussion in clear terms. It was more of a build-up to a disclosure that you knew was going to be a controversial and, to some, a taboo and loaded subject: Demonology. Your approach to that disclosure cited "ignorance", ancient cultural beliefs and the human fear of death (and life) as the reason for your hesitancy to simply jump right into the subject but I think it actually represented your understanding of the negative and dangerous reality of the subject matter. I won't try to accuse you of an attempt to lure the unwary into a practice that rarely or never produces anything but negative results but I will say that sometimes the very intelligent are just as easily if not more easily led to false conclusions as anyone else. In short, I feel you have willingly or unknowingly produced a video that is nothing less than an introduction to ideas and beliefs that are inherently antithetical to decency, sanity, philosophical discourse, healthy human relationships and even the scientific method as it/they are understood.
    Again, I feel no animosity toward you (although I question your need to oppose "Nazis" when you were building up to a later attempt at legitimizing some of the same ideas that underpinned their sick beliefs and behaviors.) and will simply fade out of your channel and the comment section and leave you to your devices but I think you should, in later, related videos, at least consider the view I have left you with. Peace.

  • @belladonna70
    @belladonna70 2 года назад

    amazing video i have had many experiences.of spirit world

  • @karkir-joharkarntkristkark9507
    @karkir-joharkarntkristkark9507 2 года назад +1

    The Aboriginal people uses intersected lay lines as hot spots for ancestral memory "radio", according to Dan Winter. So if you want to do a ritual or set up an altar, identifying the lay lines could therefore be very beneficial (for optimal external conditions: stronger "signal"). Many temples and holy places are therefore positioned over intersected lay lines. Many of the Norwegian black books deals with cross roads. I suspect the cross roads mentioned in those books actually are intersected lay lines. A hidden key in plain sight, so to speak...

  • @karaleea1671
    @karaleea1671 2 года назад

    well said i totaly agree it makes sense

  • @ValkyriesCorner
    @ValkyriesCorner 2 года назад +3

    i spent my life as a paramedic saving lives, and i’ve been a death doolah and ive found the more accepting one is of their death the easier they are to comm with after they pass with any intellectual understanding

    • @Sheepdog1314
      @Sheepdog1314 2 года назад

      learn to spell. Paramedic? Yah.

    • @ValkyriesCorner
      @ValkyriesCorner 2 года назад +2

      @@Sheepdog1314 paramedic is correct, not a thing wrong with my spelling but there seems to be a whole lot wrong with your attitude

    • @chuckfriebe843
      @chuckfriebe843 2 года назад +1

      @@Sheepdog1314 no shit, man. WTF, is wrong with his spelling?

    • @jaxthewolf4572
      @jaxthewolf4572 2 года назад

      I personally do not fear death, as I know I'll be welcomed into Hel's domain. I however do fear how I'll die, and dying too soon.

    • @jaxthewolf4572
      @jaxthewolf4572 2 года назад

      @@Sheepdog1314 There was no spelling error. You must not have heard of the word paramedic.

  • @balderwilberg1721
    @balderwilberg1721 2 года назад +5

    Arith if you don’t mind the question I was reading about the etymology of the word “magic” which apparently came from the Greeks but “Necromancy” was also used by the Greeks to describe magic and at the same time a type of magic dealing with the dead and at this point I got confused lol so could you bring me some light on this?

    • @jon...5324
      @jon...5324 2 года назад

      magic (n.)
      late 14c., magike, "art of influencing or predicting events and producing marvels using hidden natural forces," also "supernatural art," especially the art of controlling the actions of spiritual or superhuman beings; from Old French magique "magic; magical," from Late Latin magice "sorcery, magic," from Greek magike (presumably with tekhnē "art"), fem. of magikos "magical," from magos "one of the members of the learned and priestly class," from Old Persian magush, which is possibly from PIE root *magh- "to be able, have power."
      Necromancy (n.)
      c. 1300, nygromauncy, nigromauncie, "sorcery, witchcraft, black magic," properly "divination by communication with the dead," from Old French nigromancie "magic, necromancy, witchcraft, sorcery," from Medieval Latin nigromantia (13c.), from Latin necromantia "divination from an exhumed corpse," from Greek nekromanteia, from nekros "dead body" (from PIE root *nek- (1) "death") + manteia "divination, oracle," from manteuesthai "to prophesy," from mantis "one who divines, a seer, prophet; one touched by divine madness," from mainesthai "be inspired," which is related to menos "passion, spirit" (see mania).

    • @ArithHärger
      @ArithHärger  2 года назад +7

      Hello there. Indeed it can be a little confusing as “Necromancy” was indeed, at some point, used to also describe “magic” as well as a specific type of magic. It is true that our modern word for “magic” does come from the Greeks. However, it is important to understand what we mean by “Greeks”; usually when we talk about “Greek Culture” it’s usually “Athenian”, and much of the surviving elements of “Greek Culture” from mainland Greece speak more of the Athenians rather than the “Greeks”, as “Greeks” were actually a conglomeration of disparate societies living both in Greece itself and the islands of the Aegean, and on the western coast of what is now Modern Turkey. It is important to take this into consideration because a lot of “Greeks” were opened to cultural and religious influences from places and peoples well beyond the mainland of Greece. This is the reason why the term “magic” appears in the first place, as “mageia”, from “magos”, referred to the fire-priests at the Court of Persia (which had nothing to do with “magical practices”). So the term “mageia” comes from this, not to describe “magic” or “magical practice” but actually as a mainland Greek term with negative connotations, being reinterpreted or misinterpreted due to the dislike of foreigners, especially a keen dislike towards the Persians due to the memory of how close Greece was almost absorbed by the Persian Empire. So the term “magic” and the development of its meaning has its roots in religion, on the “magoi” as priests in a non-Greek religious system, so initially “mageia” (“magic”) meant a collection of unacceptable religious practices (usually related to non-Greek/foreigner religious practices). This is the reason why “Necromancy” also became a synonym of “magic”, when it started to be an unacceptable practice. Apart from “magos” and “mageia” (somewhere between the lines of “ritual magician” and “unacceptable ritual/religious magic/performance”) there was also “goēs” and “goēteia”, referring to the use of incantations, from the verb “goan” which means “lament”, at first in relation to the vocalisation expressing lamentation as a form of summoning up the dead, so “goēs” may be understood as “necromancer” and “goēteia” as “necromancy” (“goētes” understood as “magicians” from the 6th century BCE onwards), as the original terms for a practice that involves summoning the dead, and not yet the specific word “necromancy” (“nekromanteía” - nekrós + manteía : "dead body" + "divination") which was later used, in post-Classical Greece, to specifically describe a “magic practice” for divinatory purposes by summoning the dead. So, the original word for “necromancy” as an art is actually “goēteia”, as “song” or the incantations of lament to summon the dead. These, and other Greek terms for magical operations, underwent a lot of change, and to a certain extent amalgamation during the 5th century BCE under the influence of Athenian writers, especially the term “mageia”, becoming a generalized notion of foreign, unethical, illegitimate activity. Of course, in the 12th and early 13th centuries throughout Europe “necromancy” gained other connotations. The Latin “necromantia” was often used to translate the common Arabic word for magic ("siḥr"), and so in many instances “necromancy” (as it was translated to English) is the word for “magic” as well, especially in contexts of translations movements of Arabic learning in England during the same period. But later, in the 13th century, there were a lot of discussions of appropriate and inappropriate magic, and so, once again, “necromancy” was used as a critical label for all illicit rituals directed to spirits, in contrast to “natural magic” and “astronomical image magic” of the time. Necromancy then began to be more specifically applied to experiments, texts, or manuals which involved conjuring demons to do the magician’s/sorcerer’s will. And then it starts a whole magic-practice “revolution” within the Church itself and other Elites, and “Angelic Magic” Vs “Demonic Magic”, Necromancy being understood as the latter, and so it began to be understood as a magic practice to summon up demons, but best not go into that now, as it is a whole other subject and this comment is getting too long, sorry lol. But I hope I was clear in this explanation. Thank you.

  • @ΜελίνΝόη
    @ΜελίνΝόη 2 года назад

    Ok, I'll write down my experience.
    Couple months ago, weekend, I was home with my children, nephews, nieces a bunch of kids, fire was burning all day , toys, laughter happiness.
    All of them slept at home with me, and at 5:36 in the morning a toy started playing creepy music on its own. The button was clearly at "on" and the kids told me that they didn't play with it at all. Next night i had a dream of me having one more kid and we were walking in a river, Acheron, the entrance to the world of the dead.
    At that moment i was sure that it was the spirit of a child or of someone who wanted to experience the warmth of a home, so i put an extra plate of food and invited to join us. I had in mind that if it came maybe would like to stay forever or take the place of one of my kids, but i somehow guided myself to only show in my invitation that i trust and want to give love and let it move on. So it happened. The next day i felt it had gone.

  • @the_hanged_clown
    @the_hanged_clown 2 года назад

    necromancy is just healing without giving up.

  • @chrisjewell3435
    @chrisjewell3435 2 года назад

    So whens the Album dropping. Great intro to a great video

  • @dayc801
    @dayc801 2 года назад

    That intro though
    I want more of that
    Not less of the videos
    But more of the music also as well
    Please sir may I 'av some more(with the accent)

  • @albe2478
    @albe2478 7 месяцев назад

    HAAAHAHAH I been Watchin your vids for like. ..Personal understanding of.... norse beliefs.
    and you go black metal!!😂😂😂
    i knew i've been observing for lije minded reasons

  • @doktordanomite9105
    @doktordanomite9105 2 года назад

    Imagine this title as a coffee shop pamphlet

  • @bethmyers7485
    @bethmyers7485 2 года назад

    Thanku so much for this video.. I’ve had an experience with this topic in my life.I’ve come to realize through my life I’ve always been a witch.. My tuletary guess and spirits have told me in the past few years of who I am and who my real Mother was.. through studying my ancestors I have learned some shocking truths about my people and what they have gone through in the past… about 7 years ago before really knowing who I was was experiencing with a friend a grave site that apparently was the unmarked graves of people in another time period 1800s or so where My people were murdered manly women children because of their ancestors and were thrown into unmarked graves and never really given the rites a person needs in the funerary process.. at the time I was put in that situation I did not know that years later after discovering who iI am as a witch I was asked by my spirit guides and Goddess to perform a ritual to bring all those lost souls out of their pergotory and into the transformation process of death into life.. As u said in your video it was years later that I acted upon this and my ancestors were leading me to perform this ritual… Last year I went to this gravesite and performed this ritual.. it was a beautiful thing .. Scary cause it was infamiliar but I believe my work was honored there and I had a sense of obeying the spirits and acting upon the knowledge I had.. th ku again for your incited they have made a big difference in my life

  • @ThatWitchesRealm
    @ThatWitchesRealm Год назад

    I have had three death experiences. Two I had to be brought back and the third I came back after being out for hours and I learned a lot. I am now very connected to the other realm and I communicate with and help spirits. The only reason I fear death is because I don't want to physically leave my children. I understand, however, that energy never dies like u said. I will always be with them just as my ancestors are with me now.. My most memorably memory of my death experiences was being surrounded by darkness but I could feel light, warmth and absolute peace and one with everything🖤💫🤍

  • @ancientfoglet9600
    @ancientfoglet9600 2 года назад

    This is not a trick question, I'm genuinely interested: what makes you think, that a spirit exists seperated from a biological/chemical vessel? Does the spirit you're trying to perceive even exist outside of the esoteric reality of the necromancer?

  • @aflamewithintheflame
    @aflamewithintheflame 2 года назад +4

    As one who remembers the underworld, and was born with the sight to see what's hidden, it is interesting and sad to see others just come to know a reality so heavy, complex and dark. I've never used a board or blood it just comes to me. They are all growing as anything else is. But to those who just what to see if it's real I advise you to not proceed if your aim is purely curiosity. There is an ocean or characters in the world and even more characters in the other realms. You must be self realised, focused and specific.

  • @andrewmac5494
    @andrewmac5494 2 года назад +2

    During my NDE/OBE my spirit floated through the ceiling, then expanded so big that it felt like I was being squished by the firmament (or atmosphere) then I traveled through the moon which as I learned is a soul portal or wormhole, or stargate, etc. I remember it looked like traveling at warp speed like in a sci fi movie (space is propaganda fyi to keep us away from the truth of spirituality and keep us grounded in the physical) And my destination was an empty void (space) where I floated around in dark nothingness for some time. Theoretically I may have become one with god or the lifeforce/creator/energy (while I was essentially dead for a time) before coming back to the light (the moon) and waking back into my body. In the past pagans would call people like me a demigod or deity. I'm a CIA black budget astronaut. They only sent me through the moon once and I haven't been back since though I'd very much like to go again I haven't learned how to astral project or trigger an OBE on my own and the CIA can not acknowledge the experiments due to human rights violations that would cause public outcry but I will emphasize that death WAS a beautiful experience, though the endless void was very scary I felt so lost. The experience was very enlightening but I am still 14 years later very clueless to the astral or spiritual plane in comparison to the occult practitioners that keep their secrets from the average person. U can check out my Facebook page if u like but it's mostly just anti NWO (New World Order) memes lol I dont really write about my NDE/OBE on Facebook. Andrew "Prezley" MacDonald, cheers friends! And thanks for making cool inquisitive videos Arith! May the force be with u lol

    • @andrewmac5494
      @andrewmac5494 2 года назад +1

      Oh btw I'm basically a necromancer as the performers of my pagan sex ritual (OBE/NDE) summoned the pagan deity Loki into my mind and basically my entire personality changed after the experience because I am now harboring a daemon or "alien" who has great influence over my behaviour. I became impulsive, reckless, mischievous, like to sing, basically any myth attributed to norse/pagan Loki I have embodied. I may be losing most of you here but if u break the illusion of the 4th wall in film u will see movies like "Venom" depict necromancy, Loki in Marvel's Avengers has a scene where he enters the astral plane to communicate with demons... it's all right there in front of your eyes folks but you cant see when the mind is blind.

    • @CelticAugur
      @CelticAugur 2 года назад +1

      I have also traveled through what seems like space and time in my dreams truly trippy stuff

    • @andrewmac5494
      @andrewmac5494 2 года назад

      @@CelticAugur what triggered your "dream" do u know?

    • @andrewmac5494
      @andrewmac5494 2 года назад

      @@CelticAugur my NDE/OBE was triggered by pagan sex ritual/satanic ritual abuse...

  • @kristenyeany3547
    @kristenyeany3547 2 года назад

    People fear death mostly due to the fact of fearing the unknown and sadness of leaving the ones we love and the pain we may leave with then