David C. Pack - Jesus Christ Returns June 7 or June 16, 2024

  • Опубликовано: 29 май 2024
  • David C. Pack finally spilled the beans.
    During "The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 514)" on May 25, 2024, David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God finally taught the date he knew but did not want to tell anyone.
    According to DCP, Jesus Christ returns on Sivan 1 (June 7) or Pentecost (June 16). He went from being "impossible it's wrong" to "three times more certain," down to "50/50." He also changed his proclamation from knowing "the date" to knowing "the season."
    Sivan 1 begins at sunset on June 6. Pentecost starts at sunset on June 15. Both dates will prove to be more failures for David C. Pack.
    #restoredchurchofgod #davidcpack #exrcg #restoredcog

Комментарии • 93

  • @exrcg_org
    @exrcg_org  Месяц назад +5

    David C. Pack has preached 80 failed dates since March 2022. The ones in this video will be 81-82. If anyone is interested, his hypocritical blasphemy has been well-documented on the website exrcg.org. -- He always went from bragging he knew the "exact day" to knowing "the season." By Thursday, he will abandon Sivan 1.

    • @rchest6503
      @rchest6503 Месяц назад

      Agreed and true HOWEVER the day he is correct will be the day the "christ" will come and set up his future millennium kingdom converting Jews, Muslums, Athiests, Buddist and all faiths. The world will follow this anti-christ and forget all of this guys false predictions. Satan has a plan for this guys predictions. Sheep to slaughter. Many people will be deceived.

    • @Bugsy0333
      @Bugsy0333 Месяц назад

      @@rchest6503 Guaranteed it will not happen and it looks like you've already been deceived.
      I would wish you would spend more time trying to help the poor trying to stop poverty I would have more respect for you as a person .
      Since God can't do this, it's up to us here on the Earth to do it ourselves .

  • @kellycorley4735
    @kellycorley4735 Месяц назад +33

    when someone sets dates......that's when I know for sure it won't be those dates !

    • @jeweliedee4299
      @jeweliedee4299 Месяц назад

      Amen! These nuts are just looking for their 15 minutes of fame.

    • @fredmarks5381
      @fredmarks5381 Месяц назад +1

      Actually, I think many will be right, by being wrong. What I mean is, someone will be right. I.e. If I say it will rain today! And someone else says it wont. One of us will be right. My point is, by saying it will not happen on that day, you are saying that you KNOW and God may just make a point to prove you wrong. I believe it is wrong to set a date, and this man has made a mistake by doing just that. But it is also wrong to say it won’t happen today because he said it would. God is not concerned with what we think or say about His coming, except that we should all be eagerly awaiting. Even so, Maranatha!

    • @ianhelgerson6146
      @ianhelgerson6146 Месяц назад

      God already set the dates of his appointed times.

  • @maryheath3810
    @maryheath3810 Месяц назад +18

    So this man knows more than Jesus? Because the scripture states that "No man knows the hour, just the Father ."

    • @marcryan71
      @marcryan71 Месяц назад

      DCP has wormed his way around that over the years. He will say it is absolute sometimes...he will say it is flexible later. DCP believes he is Elijah the Prophet, the Branch, the Goodman of the House, the Messenger of the Covenant, the Seventh Angel of Revelation, Joshua the High Priest...among many more. He once counted that he has 34 titles in the Bible. FYI.

  • @KosinskiStudio
    @KosinskiStudio Месяц назад +20

    Empty words of nothingness!

  • @mappyman8271
    @mappyman8271 Месяц назад +12

    Guarantee it’s not going to happen. Either date.

    • @gingercake0907
      @gingercake0907 Месяц назад

      That’s right because this man isn’t God and he doesn’t have private knowledge or insight as to when God through Jesus Christ will come again. This is a version of the same old lie Satan told Adam and Eve; knowing what God knows will make you like God, so you don’t really need to worship God because you know what He knows. Same old lie. This man is trying to give himself authority by saying he knows when Christ will return.

  • @regsun7947
    @regsun7947 Месяц назад +12

    Welp, one thing's for sure: Jesus won't be coming back on June 7 or June 16, 2024. Sure as someone predicts it, it won't happen then.

    • @marcryan71
      @marcryan71 Месяц назад +1

      Considering he picks every holy day almost annually, he does not leave much room in the calendar for the real event. He obsesses on Hebrew months and now on new moons...though they either skip them or keep them on the wrong day. Chaos over there. And about 1200 people still seem to like it.

    • @jessetchemendy4201
      @jessetchemendy4201 Месяц назад

      God won’t let any man get the date right so I don’t think anything’s gonna happen until these ”prophets” zip the lip

  • @asmartbajan
    @asmartbajan Месяц назад +3

    Jesus CLEARLY said that NO ONE but the FATHER knows the date. Quit trying to figure out the date. The important thing is to be ready.

  • @PeedyJ
    @PeedyJ Месяц назад +8

    Does the “C” in his name stand for Calendar?....Because he’s got more dates than a homecoming queen.

    • @marcryan71
      @marcryan71 Месяц назад +1

      Okay...that's funny!

  • @jeremiahkirby6552
    @jeremiahkirby6552 Месяц назад +6

    Mark 13:32
    32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father. This is what you are doing.
    2 Timothy 4:3-4
    For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
    You're selling false hope for the devil.

    • @markmoore3530
      @markmoore3530 Месяц назад +1

      No one knows the day or hour. Until they are told. Revelation 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass. This book was written circa 65 A.D. So, Jesus Christ has known about his imminent return for one thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight years. Let that sink in; Revelation was fulfilled 66 - 70 A.D., per the testimony of God himself, Jesus Christ, and every single New Testament author, they all said the same thing. Christ said: For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. If a person denies what Christ said about his return, destroying the temple (called heaven and earth by the Jews), ending the curse of the law, which brought death, the last enemy Christ destroyed at his coming, then you must make a choice. In the morning a burnt offering is required, as well as the evening burnt offering, because you are still living under the law. Christ said: For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. "These" days were 2,000 years ago. Christ accomplished what he was sent to do, fulfill the law in judgment and establish the kingdom, unless you don't believe what he said. this message is sent in love, your friend

    • @astutik8909
      @astutik8909 Месяц назад

      ​@@markmoore3530Jesus didnt return in AD 70 tho.
      That was a prophecy.
      Jesus doesnt know the hour. God does tho.
      Jesus isnt GOD.

  • @exRestoredCOG
    @exRestoredCOG Месяц назад +2

    Thanks for this. I'm going to share this as well. There's another section I'm going to share, too.

    • @asmartbajan
      @asmartbajan Месяц назад

      Don't share it, because you'll look like a fool after Jesus doesn't return on either of those dates. It's CLEARLY stated in the Bible that only God knows the date. This guy is just one of countless false prophets.

  • @exRestoredCOG
    @exRestoredCOG Месяц назад +9

    I'm still tormenting myself listening to this junk.

  • @jamesbryant5981
    @jamesbryant5981 14 дней назад

    Due to this prophecy, if we can agree that the 70th week equals the tribulation, it is clear that this agreement/covenant will mark the beginning of the tribulation Dan 9:27 NKJV - Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; But in the middle of the week He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, Even until the consummation, which is determined, Is poured out on the desolate."

  • @markh4926
    @markh4926 Месяц назад +1

    It's June 17, 2024. "God wants to hit Pentecost, or at least come near it." Wow, God almost got it right?

    • @marcryan71
      @marcryan71 Месяц назад

      He will never get it right. Not even close.

  • @FirstnameLastname-rc8yd
    @FirstnameLastname-rc8yd Месяц назад

    I watched this on the toilet. Turned out to be the exact right place.

  • @blueglassdave
    @blueglassdave Месяц назад +1

    I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT! Where do I send my money?

  • @rebekahverona5969
    @rebekahverona5969 Месяц назад +2

    Jesus said for you don’t know the hour I will return only the father does

    • @ronmey7500
      @ronmey7500 Месяц назад

      How do you account for Zech 14:7? "It is a day known unto the Lord".

  • @GoodWorksFarm
    @GoodWorksFarm Месяц назад +3

    Honestly, at first I thought this was a skit or some bad version of a Babylon Bee rip off. But this dude seem serious... too bad he's seriously wrong. Maybe I'll bookmark this video and come back on June 17th to heckle him again, or maybe I'll just pray that he repents and becomes born again, or maybe BOTH.

    • @marcryan71
      @marcryan71 Месяц назад +1

      The man has become a parody of himself. Sadly about 1200 people around the world still follow him. These two dates are number 82 and 83 since June 2022.

  • @Elea348
    @Elea348 Месяц назад +1

    What about, "nobody knows the day or the hour, but the Father", do people Not Understand???

    • @markmoore3530
      @markmoore3530 Месяц назад

      No one knows the day or hour. Until they are told. Revelation 1:1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass. This book was written circa 65 A.D. So, Jesus Christ has known about his imminent return for one thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight years. Let that sink in; Revelation was fulfilled 66 - 70 A.D., per the testimony of God himself, Jesus Christ, and every single New Testament author, they all said the same thing. Christ said: For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. If a person denies what Christ said about his return, destroying the temple (called heaven and earth by the Jews), ending the curse of the law, which brought death, the last enemy Christ destroyed at his coming, then you must make a choice. In the morning a burnt offering is required, as well as the evening burnt offering, because you are still living under the law. Christ said: For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. "These" days were 2,000 years ago. Christ accomplished what he was sent to do, fulfill the law in judgment and establish the kingdom, unless you don't believe what he said. this message is sent in love, your friend

  • @plumber1874
    @plumber1874 Месяц назад

    The apostles thought it was going to happen in their lifetime. I think we have at least a thousand years before Christ returns. But you need to be ready today because tomorrow is not guaranteed for any of us.

  • @johnathonwood5523
    @johnathonwood5523 Месяц назад

    Jesus Himself said, "You will not know the time or the hour of return". Why do ppl persist in this? 😊

  • @GivingYouTruth
    @GivingYouTruth Месяц назад +2

    What's the penalty for FALSE PROPHETS?????

    • @asmartbajan
      @asmartbajan Месяц назад

      Fortunately for him, we aren't still in Old Testament times.

    • @wet-read
      @wet-read Месяц назад

      RELAX!! Listen to some good ambient music or something. I just look at this stuff as comedy.

  • @marcryan71
    @marcryan71 Месяц назад

    His 50/50 turned out to be 0/0. As expected.

  • @bigbosssauce7
    @bigbosssauce7 Месяц назад

    Pray for this man's soul

  • @paulbrooks2024
    @paulbrooks2024 7 часов назад

    Civon 1 ,I have 1 clue ,no one knows and ,I m always rite ,Jesus said so .

  • @BAMyankees614
    @BAMyankees614 Месяц назад

    The Elijah forerunner must come first before Jesus! HE KNOWS NOTHING!

  • @paulbrooks2024
    @paulbrooks2024 25 дней назад

    Mr Pack Man every Jan 1 get get 365 predictions and hit a thousand

  • @gingercake0907
    @gingercake0907 Месяц назад

    Jesus Christ is returning when He returns. The mandate for man is to be ready. The lie Satan tells is; you have got time. I’m not listening to Satan I’m waiting on Jesus Christ. “ Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait I say on the Lord” Psalms 27:14.

  • @muchomacho2504
    @muchomacho2504 Месяц назад +2

    "...I don't know if I'm right or wrong..." (raising my hand frantically) I can help you with that one!!
    Have you noticed that Pack doesn't know the meaning of the word "godspeed?" He misuses the expression every time. Trouble is that he is wrong about so much, it feels pointless to also focus on his ignorance of semantics.

    • @marcryan71
      @marcryan71 Месяц назад +1

      David C. Pack has the most astonishingly piss-poor reading comprehension skills of anyone I have ever known. And he misuses words all the time. He still does not understand what "dismal" means, though he keeps mentioning it.

  • @charleshall4325
    @charleshall4325 Месяц назад

    Considering the tribulation took place in Jerusalem in the first century, exactly the way Jesus said it would, I think we’re fine.

  • @adamperez8555
    @adamperez8555 Месяц назад

    He won’t be returning on either of those dates. He returned in 70AD.

  • @jerrysparks2853
    @jerrysparks2853 Месяц назад +1


  • @afatherofmany
    @afatherofmany Месяц назад


  • @joe4tan
    @joe4tan Месяц назад

    A guy in the US that was preaching with dates just died recently. Tread lightly false prophets. May the Fear of the Lord be upon you.

  • @brotherandrew3393
    @brotherandrew3393 Месяц назад +1

    It is not worth even listening one second what this man has to say.

  • @IntoTheNothing1
    @IntoTheNothing1 Месяц назад

    This ladies and gentleman is exactly what Matthew 7:21-23 is talking about. Starting at the beginning of Ch7 it says BEWARE OF FASLE PROPHETS.

  • @thomaspeacock7248
    @thomaspeacock7248 Месяц назад


  • @deancooke513
    @deancooke513 Месяц назад

    wow he knows more than Jedsus. The Father hasn't revealed it to Jesus yet.

  • @mappyman8271
    @mappyman8271 Месяц назад +2

    How many people are going to be taken in by these nee interpretations?

    • @lms2379
      @lms2379 Месяц назад +1

      The same number that are susceptible to catfishing and send all their money to a scammer in Nigeria.

    • @marcryan71
      @marcryan71 Месяц назад +1

      About 1200 worldwide

    • @missdebbie6791
      @missdebbie6791 Месяц назад

      Same as those who fill church seats every Sunday.

  • @dittspoke4400
    @dittspoke4400 Месяц назад

    Who got those dates??? Even Jesus doesn't know it, the angels don't know it, only the Father knows it.

  • @roshinvarghese6879
    @roshinvarghese6879 Месяц назад +1

    People attend and possibly pay you money?

  • @fredmarks5381
    @fredmarks5381 Месяц назад

    Well, how did that work out? He now (if you never watched him before) has lost all credibility.

  • @guentherlang9226
    @guentherlang9226 Месяц назад

    just wait - it's a wrong prediction

  • @MrJetmech
    @MrJetmech Месяц назад +1

    Forget it: Trump 's 2nd inauguration is the 2nd coming

    • @jerryking1375
      @jerryking1375 29 дней назад

      I guess you are referring to an anti-Christ.

  • @missdebbie6791
    @missdebbie6791 Месяц назад +4

    This man is completely false. Teaching a false gospel.

    • @exrcg_org
      @exrcg_org  Месяц назад

      100% - He is easy to spot, yet has about 1200 followers...

    • @missdebbie6791
      @missdebbie6791 Месяц назад +1

      False teachers tickling the ears. Wide is the way, narrow is the gate.

    • @asmartbajan
      @asmartbajan Месяц назад

      @@exrcg_org Who cares about the number of followers? People follow all sorts of junk. Why are you sharing this nonsense? Only God knows the date. This is clearly stated in the Bible, by Jesus!

  • @AWW8472
    @AWW8472 Месяц назад

    This is one of the many splinters of the Worldwide Church of God? Or a splinter of a splinter? One thing for certain I know is that the "Restorationist" movement relies on two heretical foundational concepts: Jesus lied and the Holy Spirit failed.
    Matthew 16:18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.
    Matthew 28:20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.
    John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever-
    These are the words of Jesus. Since He is the Truth and His words are true, the heresy of Restorationism is false. All the groups whose foundations are in and maintain the doctrines of Restorationism are false.

  • @larrypetreemusic
    @larrypetreemusic Месяц назад

    another one of those nuts. No man knows.

  • @user-fs7jj4xp2l
    @user-fs7jj4xp2l Месяц назад

    He’s probably wrong! But after seeing all the hate he’s getting? Makes me wonder?

  • @user-ud9og6qm9h
    @user-ud9og6qm9h Месяц назад

    Well you know it’s not happening then 🤔

  • @Netgazum
    @Netgazum Месяц назад

    Harold Camping

  • @surewordofprophecyministri2227
    @surewordofprophecyministri2227 25 дней назад


  • @DianElizabethSmith
    @DianElizabethSmith Месяц назад

    Not this again. Have you heard of Harold Camping? Just stop. Please. Take scripture as God’s Holy Word. The truth is Matthew 24:36. To add to or take away from God’s Holy Word is a sin. Your calculations are sinful. My hope is that you focus on reaching the lost. Spread the gospel with the time we have left. We are saved by grace lest any man should boast. We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

    • @marcryan71
      @marcryan71 Месяц назад +1

      The irony of your comment is that DCP used to have a World to Come that directly addressed Harold Camping. That video has since been removed from their library because years later, DCP started doing the same thing.

  • @peggysoumakis1758
    @peggysoumakis1758 Месяц назад

    Heresy 😅😅😅!

  • @ophiuchus9071
    @ophiuchus9071 Месяц назад

    smoke another one kemosabe

  • @garypedersen116
    @garypedersen116 Месяц назад

    He's just doing what he can to stay in business. People will pay a lot of money to feel safe from the possibility of the next life. This is nonsense. It denies their own holy book about that thief in the night stuff. Faith is just another word for gullible.

  • @EDD519
    @EDD519 Месяц назад

    OH , SHUT UP !

  • @Fearl3ss234
    @Fearl3ss234 29 дней назад

    People actually follow this guy??😂

  • @JohnSmith-ug5ci
    @JohnSmith-ug5ci Месяц назад

    False teacher.

  • @johanviljoen8675
    @johanviljoen8675 Месяц назад

    Absolute foolishness, don't know why people do this, they don't learn from the past.

    • @marcryan71
      @marcryan71 Месяц назад

      There is a South African minister at RCG Headquarters with your same last name...