Do you Need Carry Insurance? Lawyer Andrew Branca shoots us straight

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 4,1 тыс.

  • @scaler1179
    @scaler1179 6 лет назад +1645

    $376,000!!! Did I get your attention? I was involved in a deadly encounter in one of the most anti-gun states in the union. I was young, ignorant of many laws, and new to CCW. I survived the unfortunate incident unhurt, but shaken. The aggressor did not, and considering his DNA and fingerprints were tied to several armed robberies and murders up and down the eastern seaboard, I was lucky to say the least.The aftermath took more than 6 extremely stressful months. I was fortunate that a lawyer sympathetic to my plight took my case pro-bono, but despite that, it took 12 round trips from the Midwest to the east coast, 6 nights in jail, more than a month and a half off work, and over $376K to get me out of that situation. If I would've had to pay for the representation too, my lawyer said it would cost me nearly half a million. All that and I still nearly went to prison. I was also dealing with the trauma of my first kill.Get insurance! Get training! Get educated about your weapon, the laws in your state and any state you carry in! Most of all, if you end up in a similar situation, keep your cool, and be respectful. Your life may depend on it. God Bless

    • @scaler1179
      @scaler1179 5 лет назад +24


    • @assfuck4433
      @assfuck4433 5 лет назад +8

      Dr59PhD you’re a bitch

    • @toddwillard8927
      @toddwillard8927 5 лет назад +19

      What a fuckin asshole thing to say when you don’t even know the circumstances. You are an idiot

    • @nightrider1850
      @nightrider1850 5 лет назад +51

      How did you get charged with any crime? Self defense isn't a crime. A Grand Jury indicted you? For what? I've had to put 5 SCUMBAGS down in my 60 years on the planet, 33 years as a cop. 4 on duty, one off duty. Most people don't know that a cop is held to a much higher standard than a civilian. If you cap some asshole off duty you do not have a 4th and 5th amendment rights because you have to cooperate with any investigation being conducted. You get a union rep and an attorney. If you're terminated as a result of the investigation you're on you're own. The first thing looked at in an off duty shoot is what you were doing that led up to you firing your weapon. Things like whare it happened and why you where there, had you been drinking alcohol. Did you escalate the confrontation.Did you know the asshole and was that a factor. Did you do anything to resolve the situation if possible, just as if you were on duty. I've read about civilians getting jamed up usely because they didn't tell it like the investigation found it. A lot of cops have been sacrificed on the alter political correctness. The are cleared by the investigation. They get charged and the Grand Jury clears them, They get terminated and go to trial. They are found not guilty.They get charged with the Civil Rights violations and actually end up in prison for defending their lives and doing thire job

    • @FBOConcrete
      @FBOConcrete 5 лет назад +17

      Very well said. Glad you came out on top of that life changing experience. 🇺🇸

  • @matthewk6731
    @matthewk6731 5 лет назад +905

    I heard that in Britain the accused is reimbursed if found not guilty. Maybe that would slow down the idiots from prosecuting innocent people.

    • @erics2305
      @erics2305 5 лет назад +28

      That sounds like a good concept. I know that where I live the other party has to reimburse you if you "win" in a civil case that's brought against you. And as far as I know this is not so in the US. Don't know how it is in a criminal trial though, I've never heard about it. But I don't think it's right you have to bear that kind of a financial burden if you're not guilty.

    • @jimd1944
      @jimd1944 4 года назад +21

      That does not apply to criminal cases but, applies in civil suits brought by another individual. A good concept, to keep others from filing frivolous lawsuits: especially in states which allow a shooting "victim" to sue you, even after you have been either exonerated or not prosecuted.

    • @kmacradio
      @kmacradio 4 года назад +4

      Or make them work extra hard to convict you even if you're innocent.

    • @ds29912
      @ds29912 4 года назад +10

      that would unfortunately end with a higher conviction count than otherwise. if the state is on the hook to pay your lawyer if your found innocent how much more incentive do they have to find you guilty?

    • @BloodAsp
      @BloodAsp 4 года назад +1

      I generally think so aswell, however I just had the experience of an extended family suit get awarded to the wrog side due to shady lawyer shit that was completely disenchanting for me of humanity/etc that at least they only had to pay for their own costs. Humanity can ironically be anything but.

  • @tim7325
    @tim7325 5 лет назад +1885

    Lesson here is: Poor people can't afford to adequately defend themselves in court. The system is broken, very sad.

    • @spearspearspear
      @spearspearspear 5 лет назад +71

      Ryan Johnson yes indeed. Poor people always choose to be poor.

    • @thebusterdog6358
      @thebusterdog6358 5 лет назад +42

      When you live in a society that is basically ruled by lawyers and politician's what do you expect? If you legally carry a gun and you don't have the best insurance you can afford, you are a fool. Insurance is what separates the prepared from the fool. When you have insurance from a legitimate insurance company it changes the whole mindset of the prosecution. Because you'll be getting a lawyer that the State Attorney knows that is better than anyone he could furnish to prosecute you. I wouldn't leave my house armed without the best ccw insurance I can afford. This is a no brainer. Don't believe for a second that you will be treated fairly in court on your own, it isn't going to happen. And a Public Defender is a joke and shouldn't ever be considered. Remember, they're not making $60k per year because they're good lawyers. Rarely will they get you completely exonerated without a plea deal. And more than likely you'll spend at least some time in jail, including the time before the trial starts unless you can afford to bond out. It just isn't worth the risk.

    • @brentsealy9623
      @brentsealy9623 5 лет назад +23

      Poor people can't afford $25-50 a month in insurance either. What a rip off.

    • @whydotheathensrage
      @whydotheathensrage 5 лет назад +106

      land of the fee, home of the slave

    • @whydotheathensrage
      @whydotheathensrage 5 лет назад +13

      Connie Phillips , true they love to oppress and rule over their subjects

  • @mariannefischer3613
    @mariannefischer3613 Год назад +152

    A lawyer recently reviewed the USCCA policy. In it he found three worrying loopholes.
    First, if the prosecutor charges you with a crime, the insurance company is not bound to honor the contract unless they choose to.
    Second, if the prosecutor brings a basket of lesser charges, as they always do, and you cut a deal on any of them to get them out of the way, you have just convicted yourself of a crime, and the insurance lapses.
    Third, if you are found guilty of a crime, you owe the insurance company all the money they spent on your defense.

    • @nicholas389
      @nicholas389 Год назад +11

      If you're "Convicted" of a crime. Not charged with a crime.
      If you're are found guilty of a crime, they will not defend you.

    • @ihanak8814
      @ihanak8814 Год назад +15

      I started wearing a body cam everywhere

    • @MrBdouche
      @MrBdouche Год назад +25

      @@nicholas389If that was really the case, no problem. I mean, its a problem, but at least, its something to work with. However, Kayle Giles. Yes, she was sketchy as shit. But, even before her conviction, even before her court daes, USCCA stopped paying her legal fees. So the question is, how the fuck can they do that? When they refused, we had no way of knowing if she was convicted or not. To this day, I dont think they ever addressed as to why did they stop paying for her. She is, of course, convicted now. But they stopped even before that.

    • @nicholas389
      @nicholas389 Год назад +9

      @MrBdouche I asked the USCCA why??? They have yet to respond to my emails.

    • @MrBdouche
      @MrBdouche Год назад

      @@nicholas389 They have been asked that many times. They refused to answer it. The reality is, USCCA is a horrible plan. There are many loopholes in their plan that can screw you bad.

  • @trottheblackdog
    @trottheblackdog 6 лет назад +1947

    So a prosecutor will happily financially destroy someone they know to be innocent in order to prove a legal point. Got it.

    • @Lawofselfdefense
      @Lawofselfdefense 6 лет назад +78

      Not often. But sometimes. And they CAN most any time they wish. That's the power and authority that they wield as prosecutors. That's also why it's important to pick good ones.

    • @f308gtb1977
      @f308gtb1977 6 лет назад +72

      TobyTheBlackDog , absolutely. It happens every day in our lovely inJustice System.

    • @dreamingmusic3299
      @dreamingmusic3299 6 лет назад +59

      Law of Self Defense -
      "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely." - Lord John Acton

    • @michaelhedgepeth5106
      @michaelhedgepeth5106 6 лет назад +49

      My county just got caught with it's PANTS Down, an another county Near By... they're DA, gt caught stealing money from the County and he had a partner DA in different county seat helping out..... stealing 💰....but they prosecute us !!

    • @breezio01
      @breezio01 6 лет назад +75

      Remember the Duke Lacrosse Team case in which they were accused of rape? The prosecutor not only tried to destroy them, civil rights leaders were ready to destroy the student athletes lives too.

  • @mattwiduch7462
    @mattwiduch7462 4 года назад +728

    The US justice system and self defense:
    Exercise your right to the second amendment -but don't plan on using your gun
    Always try to difuse the situation -but even showing your gun, which often does disfuse a situation, is aggravated assault
    You have a right to defend yourself -but you shouldn't
    Stand Your Ground and Castle Doctine -but they don't really matter to a prosecutor
    You dont have to retreat -but you probably should
    Train with a firearm -but mostly train how to avoid using it
    The police are here to protect and serve -but will arrest and try to intimidate you
    Killing is morally bad and hard to live with -but make sure if you do shoot, you kill the perp because otherwise they will lie about you and try to further destroy your life
    Your life is priceless -but make sure you have at least 300-500k
    Sound about right? Shit.

    • @williamdyer4431
      @williamdyer4431 4 года назад +71

      exactly. Contradictions and "catch 22s" at every angle. The system is a joke, and prosecutors/DAs are more crooked and dishonest than criminals. Judges too

    • @williamdyer4431
      @williamdyer4431 4 года назад +8

      @Spike Flea Great idea. And from what I understand, USCCA covers you for ANY type of weapon you might have to use. Gun, hammer, 2x4, etc, Not sure if other carry insurance does this, but worth looking into

    • @PureTexan
      @PureTexan 3 года назад +8

      Sooo basically, utilize the mask and glove mandates, dump rounds into the threat, and flee. If caught and thrown in prison, if lucky to get out and when you do get out, hunt down and slaughter the judge, the prosecutor, the opposing attorney, and every member of the jury for ruining your life and the lives of your loved it

    • @jerseyltd
      @jerseyltd 3 года назад +9

      Fucking a...i read the whole thing and its true. Lol

    • @armadillotoe
      @armadillotoe 3 года назад +11

      God bless most of Texas.

  • @rongants6082
    @rongants6082 6 лет назад +131

    In America, you are entitled to all the justice you can afford.

    • @Natural-Causes
      @Natural-Causes 4 года назад +2

      And very sad that is.

    • @briankelly4767
      @briankelly4767 4 года назад +1


    • @JorgeRojas-ut3wj
      @JorgeRojas-ut3wj 3 года назад

      Same with any another country, buddy.

    • @Heather-xm9ul
      @Heather-xm9ul 2 года назад +2

      And nothing more than that. Justice is for thw wealthy, if you're poor, you're guilty.

  • @Heather-xm9ul
    @Heather-xm9ul 2 года назад +30

    I remember taking a self defense class (basic, no firearms or knives) and they ran us through some scenarios throughout the sessions, including one that was in the dark. I landed an extremely lucky punch on one "assailant" and actually knocked him out for a moment. The second attacker got me, but I was able to fight him off and eventually got the upper hand, when I "won" and could get away, I kept fighting. I wailed on that guy, who had protective gear on, until I ran out of adrenaline. The cop there assisting informed the group that my behavior made me the aggressor, and I would absolutely be facing charges if that was real, and would likely get convicted.
    Neutralizing the threat is just too mean according to our current "justice" system.

  • @johnbravo1005
    @johnbravo1005 4 года назад +324

    It's a sad day when you have to be insured to defend yourself or others. This country is screwed beyond recovery

    • @secretman87
      @secretman87 3 года назад +10

      I don’t even think that we actually know how screwed this country is!!!

    • @unastamus6122
      @unastamus6122 3 года назад +2

      Today, 07.21.2021, as I watched this video, I was thinking the very same thing you wrote one year ago. Makes me just want to lock everything up in the vault.

    • @waylonnihipali
      @waylonnihipali 3 года назад +2

      I agree!

    • @waylonnihipali
      @waylonnihipali 3 года назад +1

      This sounds like crap to me. Self defense is self defense! If you’re innocent, pretty sure you won’t go to jail!

    • @waylonnihipali
      @waylonnihipali 3 года назад +10

      I don’t like this attorney at all with his arrogant responses basically saying you’re gonna a get screwed no matter what you do! Scaring people into insurance and second guessing themselves!

  • @Julian-bq9qv
    @Julian-bq9qv 6 лет назад +216

    I found one thing that really hit me - 'being judged by a jury of your ^peers^." There is no assurance that they ARE your peers; your peers will be familiar with firearms, terminology, threat levels and so on. But the 'average' community in many places, does not have a consistent understanding of this. You would have a different jury in, say, southern Cali, as opposed to abilene TX.

    • @jerreece
      @jerreece 6 лет назад +22

      Julian 3 exactly. If you are a white conservative Christian gun owner there is a high likelihood the jury will have plenty of folks biased against you.

    • @MayFamilyEmail
      @MayFamilyEmail 6 лет назад +5

      That is why it is so important to have a self defense lawyer, to make sure you have a jury of peers. A state appointed defense attorney would not know how to go about the jury selection and trial.

    • @jarrodacosta7647
      @jarrodacosta7647 5 лет назад +2

      Aye shout out to my city Abilene

    • @0004612
      @0004612 5 лет назад +2

      Another HUGE reason to get your butt moved out of those liberal run big cities.....especially in CA, MASS, NY, etc.
      Insurance is probably highly recommended in those cities or states with the unlawful gun control statutes!

    • @kevinkimbrell377
      @kevinkimbrell377 5 лет назад

      Is there a way to argue in court that the jurors are not a "jury of your peers" via ignorance and political leanings concerning 2nd amendment?

  • @rongants6082
    @rongants6082 6 лет назад +60

    Excellent information.
    This discussion confirms my decision on WHO I will defend:
    -My family.
    No one else.

    • @Thelos7878
      @Thelos7878 4 года назад +1

      ron gants precisely.

    • @dblackviper2k3
      @dblackviper2k3 4 года назад


    • @YorktownUSA
      @YorktownUSA 4 года назад +1

      It's almost as if it was designed that way...

    • @Ryan.Willis
      @Ryan.Willis 3 года назад +1

      Up until you see someone else’s wife and child being harmed.

  • @EEDad401
    @EEDad401 2 года назад +12

    John, it's time to update this video as so much can change since this first came out 4 years ago. Thanks for everything you do!

  • @Mk1SpitfireGuy
    @Mk1SpitfireGuy 4 года назад +63

    As a graduate of Andrew's Level 1 class, I can say: Get. This. Book. At least, get the book. Better, take the class, or get the video version for your state. Andrew is an awesome instructor, he breaks a very complex subject down into understandable bits and explains them very well and very thoroughly.

  • @fredastaire6156
    @fredastaire6156 5 лет назад +220

    This is absolutely terrifying!
    Either you lose your life in self-defense...or you can get a manslaughter conviction for 20+ years...and lose your life for protecting yourself.

    • @dareonallen9574
      @dareonallen9574 4 года назад


    • @tgkg
      @tgkg 4 года назад +5


    • @Voltis-5
      @Voltis-5 4 года назад +23

      Being a criminal sounds like you get the better deal and still get out of jail. Interesting.

    • @Skoora
      @Skoora 4 года назад +3

      But somehow Zimmerman walked

    • @bobak5126
      @bobak5126 3 года назад +6

      You only get a manslaughter conviction if you are middle class and not a minority. A local PD in my state recently issued a critique of the State Attorney for releasing violent perps without bail and sometimes dropping all charges. And then these same Prosecutors will claim the 2A is to blame for all the violence.
      Case in point, look at what happened to MacClauskey's in Missouri and look at what is facing "peaceful protesters"?

  • @PastorwithoutaPulpit
    @PastorwithoutaPulpit 6 лет назад +225

    If this one discussion doesn't point out our Two Tiered Legal System to you, nothing will.
    The actual fair/blind Rule of Law is dead in this Nation.
    Law Abiding Citizens have to buy insurance, (legalized extortion), in order to protect themselves from unethical prosecution.

    • @donsremodeling
      @donsremodeling 5 лет назад +25

      Disturbing to say the least. That the DA's office has resources that filter through cases to see who doesn't have the resources to defend themselves. That is as corrupt as the day is long. I'm so disgusted with our justice system.

    • @alonzogodschosenwarrioroa1716
      @alonzogodschosenwarrioroa1716 4 года назад +7

      Mjr Burn welcome to the Reality and the Last Days we going home 🏡 soon Jesus Christ is Coming stay ready

    • @Chief2Moon
      @Chief2Moon 4 года назад +2

      Jesus Christ i Is coming Soon Wait for Jesus to return, or wait for the day you receive an abandoned money filled Brinks truck for your birthday...see which happens first. Haha

    • @xcvsdxvsx
      @xcvsdxvsx 4 года назад +4

      Thats not what I took away. When ever someone kills someone else, its very possible that the one who did the killing is the bad guy. Its not like good guys get a neon sign over their heads and courts that come after the good guys are evil for going after a guy with a neon sign. The point of the trial is to figure out who is the good guy. Sure that process is expensive. But you can get insurance and for 20-50 USD a month be covered and have it not matter if you cant afford those costs. Not a perfect system, but it has an internal logic. The only thing that really seemed egregious to me was the idea that the judge can with hold evidence and the prosecutor can hide evidence from the defense attorney.

    • @The_Fit_ness_monster
      @The_Fit_ness_monster 4 года назад +5

      Fuck all that noise. Only place I have guns is my house and if you’re there unwanted I will shoot you and no one will know. There’s right and there’s wrong, I haven’t seen a cop in or around my property in 30 years. I have a pin full of pigs and I don’t eat pork. Your choice.

  • @DavidV4444
    @DavidV4444 2 года назад +21

    I have chosen CCW Safe because USCCA apparently will require you to reimburse for all expenses if you are found guilty where CCW Safe pays no matter what. Glad to be corrected if I am wrong however I recently read the terms of both. Brilliant video and absolutely a valuable resource for your subscribers!

    • @JerrBearTactical
      @JerrBearTactical Год назад +2


    • @miken2686
      @miken2686 Год назад +1

      Spot on.

    • @bobak5126
      @bobak5126 Год назад

      CCW won't pay if you use your gun to defend yourself in a gun free zone.

    • @miken2686
      @miken2686 Год назад

      @@bobak5126 Technically you're not permitted to be carrying where it's forbidden, and would be breaking the law, so that's not surprising.

    • @bobak5126
      @bobak5126 Год назад +3

      @@miken2686 ok then, carry insurance is useless then. Remember there was a good guy with a gun stopping a mass shooting from happening in IN mall? Well, mall was a no carry zone, so that guy would have been out of luck had he needed a carry insurance.

  • @phillhuddleston9445
    @phillhuddleston9445 4 года назад +501

    I though carry insurance was a spare magazine.

    • @DeathMetalinfedel
      @DeathMetalinfedel 4 года назад +54

      @Robert Slackware Yeah, I'll take things that never happened for $1000...

    • @briancole8896
      @briancole8896 4 года назад +4

      That is actually life insurance and only as a last option.

    • @markasteelsr.5990
      @markasteelsr.5990 4 года назад +10

      The fking country is WRECKED and most of the damage was inflicted by the lawyers! FTHH!= Fk this happy horsesh#t!

    • @FaLkraydz
      @FaLkraydz 3 года назад +2

      Me too, at least...

    • @jameswebb2912
      @jameswebb2912 3 года назад +1

      That will put you in the poor house if you ever have defend yourself.

  • @terrybellowes908
    @terrybellowes908 4 года назад +67

    As a former career cop the most reveling thing I heard was something I saw in the DA's office after every arrest - briefly go over the facts of the case and then prob the defense attorney or firm. It was common for him to say "The case is weak but we can beat that attorney any day - will take it".

    • @chipsterb4946
      @chipsterb4946 3 года назад +5

      That sucks but thanks for info.

    • @dalephillips8250
      @dalephillips8250 2 года назад +10

      @@chipsterb4946 I can back him up on that info. They prosecute people even though they know they are innocent. Its a vile system in America which is not what you are persuaded to believe.

    • @colddeadhands429
      @colddeadhands429 Год назад +1

      Yes I had just a traffic case, where I was T-Boned by a guy on purpose, so he could sue my company, as I was driving their vehicle.
      The company fired me, assuming I was guilty, and left me to defend myself, with my own money.
      Then the company tried to cut a deal with the perpetrator, offering him $50,000 so he wouldn’t sue them.
      A corrupt Prosecutor railroaded me for years and 3 trials.
      It was so blatantly corrupt that I won on appeals for a new trial.
      Leading up to the 4th trial, the Prosecutor got fired for corruption and ignoring the witness statement that cleared me of wrongdoing.
      The new Prosecutor threw out all of the 4 felony charges against me.
      My record remains perfectly clean.
      But it cost me about $150,000 in lawyers fees and lost wages.
      Now, I have USCCA insurance for just self defense insurance.
      Won’t help with traffic cases.

    • @oklahomahank2378
      @oklahomahank2378 11 месяцев назад

      @@colddeadhands429. I practiced law for seven years before doing something else, mainly tax and business law. My firm was well known as a quality firm in our town. When I did show up on a criminal case the prosecutor often offered me a great deal, just because of my firm’s reputation as lawyers who fought to the last breath on every case. I was not myself a very good criminal defense lawyer, only did about twenty cases, but I could see how my firm’s reputation made a difference.

  • @allreadynotinuse4169
    @allreadynotinuse4169 5 лет назад +208

    Its sad we have let lawyers give criminals more rights than the 98 % of us you obey the law .

    • @markasteelsr.5990
      @markasteelsr.5990 4 года назад +5

      Yea, the criminal POLITICIANS!

    • @chicovoylez3216
      @chicovoylez3216 3 года назад

      That's liberalism and with Democrats running America look for more stupidity.

  • @ronradmer3573
    @ronradmer3573 Год назад +23

    USCCA is an insurance company that has huge restrictions and limitation on the policy. Even one clause says that you have to repay all the attorney fees if you’re found guilty and lose the case and there’s language that says you do not get coverage if you’re charged with a crime. In other words, you’re not covered in a criminal case only a civil case. just keep in mind that this is an insurance company, not a law firm. Also, there is language in the contract that says the insurance company gets to pick the lawyer and they get to control the case. Which is in violation of attorney client privilege.

    • @JuiceAlmightyJr
      @JuiceAlmightyJr Год назад +2

      Yeah I’ve seen an ad for a law firm that’s doing an attorney on retainer subscription. He also mentioned this about USCCA. I’d like to hear from someone who’s actually had to use USCCA after being charged with a crime to see how that played out.

    • @fuzfire
      @fuzfire Год назад +4

      This seems like not only is the legal system against the common man, but the Insurance company's whom you rely on to defend you. Talk about double jeopardy. As the man said ALL these firearms Insurance providers have strengths and weaknesses. So choose your poison wisely. All the things that are stacked against the common man and especially the 2A community its a wonder ANYONE involved in a self defense shooting gets true justice. I have USCCA and looked at others and ALL as the man said have GLARING weaknesses, even the big 3 he mentioned.

    • @ed168
      @ed168 Год назад +1

      USCCA is not an insurance company, it is in their contract. Pretty weak by the way, wouldn’t reccomend

    • @richardle7469
      @richardle7469 11 месяцев назад

      AOR attorney on Retainer. Lawfirm

    • @richardle7469
      @richardle7469 11 месяцев назад +3

      ​@JuiceAlmightyJr ask .kayla giles was a platinum member. They dropped her, in prison now, had to pay all fees back

  • @paulkube3901
    @paulkube3901 4 года назад +126

    I can just hear the aggressive DA say: " well.... he/she had 'carry insurance', so they had every intent to cause harm or death" :rolleyes:

    • @dblackviper2k3
      @dblackviper2k3 4 года назад +66

      I think the rebuttal would be, "Do you have auto insurance? And if so, does that mean you intend to cause damage or harm to someone or your own vehicle? "

    • @isaacmcadams9859
      @isaacmcadams9859 4 года назад +27

      Whether or not a person has insurance is excluded from evidence by the federal rules and in nearly every state.

    • @keiths585
      @keiths585 4 года назад +7

      @@isaacmcadams9859 Thanks for that info. I've always wondered exactly what Paul mentioned.... that having carry insurance would be used against you

    • @anomalyevolution40
      @anomalyevolution40 4 года назад +3

      @Robert Kunferman I disagree you can support law enforcement and still have your rights. You just might end up with a dog shit lawyer.

    • @claudb1029
      @claudb1029 4 года назад +2

      I'm no legal expert but, you load your gun with self defense ammo so bullets do not hit by standers. Is it not premeditated murder? You do not pay 1.50 a round for target ammo.

  • @literaryartist1
    @literaryartist1 4 года назад +91

    "To carry or not to carry, that is the question." The legal ramifications of carrying almost makes it not worth it-*by design*. But life and liberty is to essential not to. Great video very insightful and informative.

    • @chicovoylez3216
      @chicovoylez3216 3 года назад +2

      If it's a Democrat city you are screwed.

    • @secretman87
      @secretman87 3 года назад +5

      If you cary you are screwed either way (dead or in prison)… But if you don’t, you have a 50/50 chance to make it home tonight! What was “The Land of the free” is now “ The land of the Greedy”

    • @alfonsobenitez8574
      @alfonsobenitez8574 2 года назад +2

      I was assaulted by couple of dudes arriving at my home after closing my restaurant. The aggressors were armed so was I, here in San Antonio, Texas, I fear for my life and my family's life, I acted quickly and shot one of the aggressors. I wasn't found guilty. Didn't go to court. You just have to know your rights, I carry a gun, only have my right arm. The law still give me the right to protect myself if my life is in danger. See how this guy in blue is not telling how much is the insurance going to cost? He is going around and around. Why doesn't he say. It could cost you up to X amount per month. Is more a scare tactic.

    • @Paul-ju5px
      @Paul-ju5px 2 года назад +4

      @@alfonsobenitez8574 This "guy in blue" said "anywhere from $25 to $50 a month" at 22:22 of the video. Did you watch the whole thing? That was 4 years ago. CCW Safe is currently $19 / month $209 / year; Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network is currently $135 / year; U.S. LawShield is about $170 / year; USCCA ranges from $29 to $49 / month.

    • @mercedesbenzs600bash
      @mercedesbenzs600bash Год назад

      ​@@Paul-ju5px Which one is the very best in your opinion???

  • @michaelanderson9914
    @michaelanderson9914 4 года назад +321

    repeat after me.
    "I was in fear for my life. i want to talk to a lawyer"

    • @DeeDee-ps6pt
      @DeeDee-ps6pt 4 года назад +10

      Sound bites can harm further protection. Learn how to fully articulate those reasons. Remember, you have to make it clear to people that do not have the understanding of this, "reasonable man action".

    • @Mashguns
      @Mashguns 4 года назад +12

      Clint Smith also tacks on "And i want that person arrested" in what you have already said for added defense

    • @michaelanderson9914
      @michaelanderson9914 4 года назад +3

      @Jimmy Jim that would work too. i was told to say that by a sheriff.

    • @sinnders97
      @sinnders97 4 года назад +5

      @@michaelanderson9914 it's important because if you shot in defense of another and then said you were in fear for your own life it could be used in court against you.probably not but it's safer to remain silent

    • @michaelanderson9914
      @michaelanderson9914 4 года назад +1

      @@sinnders97 maybe but i doubt it. agree that its best to remain silent.

  • @rockslide4802
    @rockslide4802 3 года назад +15

    Easily one of the most informative and important videos I have seen here on RUclips. Attorney Branca is brilliant yet so down to earth, easy to understand, well spoken and knowledgeable. This video was a pleasure to watch, a great "education" and a valuable use of my time. Thank you!

  • @4randosutube
    @4randosutube 6 лет назад +53

    Thanks for doing this John. I personally believe the majority of people that CCW are woefully unprepared to deal with the potential fallout. Deciding to carry a firearm is a supremely serious matter. No one should take it lightly.

    • @smokethirteen
      @smokethirteen 6 лет назад +3

      4randosutube deciding not to be prepared to protect yourself and family because you’d rather risk being a victim than risk having to deal with potential legal consequences is also supremely serious. Not disagreeing with your statement, just stating there are 2 sides to the coin.

    • @4randosutube
      @4randosutube 6 лет назад +4

      smokethirteen I agree 100%. I was not suggesting one should not carry due to legal risks. I’m saying there are multiple facets to CCW and a lot of folks give little or no consideration to anything beyond having their gun on them. One cannot claim to be protecting anyone if they are not at least giving thought to all potential forms of threat.

    • @zerocool4835
      @zerocool4835 6 лет назад +1

      No they expect you to take it lightly and pass on your second amendment right to protection... By whatever means, hands, blades or bullets... This is a scare fear tactic...

    • @evin98
      @evin98 4 года назад +2

      After reading 59 comments from people on here saying, "If I'm charged with murder and want to hire a lawyer to defend me.... I have to PAY him? The system is corrupt!" I am inclined to agree that many CCW holders are living in a dreamland.

  • @geoff_tac
    @geoff_tac 6 лет назад +239

    This is why the NRA shouldn't be selling insurance, they should be working to change the law so insurance isn't a requirement. Its a money making machine though and that isn't going to happen. People need to wake up if they consider themselves free.

    • @jonolson5397
      @jonolson5397 5 лет назад +8

      they have terrible insuarnce they are con artists fuck the NRA. i'm a member because i bought a taurus lolol. i went to go redeem and register the firearm insurance and first 5k in legal fees god forbid it happens, and they tell me they hve a lawsuit with the company that represents their insuance benfits. fuck outta here!!! i was jaw dropped told the nra rep fuck off

    • @Cryptonymicus
      @Cryptonymicus 5 лет назад +1

      Hey, you want to get in bed with the Russians that's your problem.

    • @veryfarfromhome
      @veryfarfromhome 5 лет назад +20

      Fuck the NRA, members pay them to sell our rights off at auction. Who was begging and kicking for a bump stock ban? The left? No, they got bored and moved on. The frelling NRA did. Join the GOA, they actually want to win.

    • @FreedomTalkMedia
      @FreedomTalkMedia 5 лет назад +7

      Buying insurance is something an individual person can do immediately . Changing a law is something that can take a lifetime of effort.

    • @onenikkione
      @onenikkione 5 лет назад +1

      they don't sell insurance. yes, they offer "carry guard" which is offered through an insurance company (out of California of all states) and they get a fee for every one that signs up but they have nothing to do with the insurance policy.

  • @mhoward231
    @mhoward231 6 лет назад +65

    As my wife says, "If you are detained or arrested, your first statement is, "I want my lawyer present before I answer any questions.""

    • @tinysupreme6417
      @tinysupreme6417 4 года назад +6

      I believe Dave Chappelle did a skit on his show where the character kept singing "I plead the fifth!"

    • @richardgraiff9995
      @richardgraiff9995 4 года назад +2

      wife's are great to listen to. Smart lady.

  • @monkeyrotary6979
    @monkeyrotary6979 7 месяцев назад +4

    One of the lawyers from lawyers on retainers
    Said if you have insurance its a good way to get sued.
    Makes a shit ton of sense.

  • @russellellis119
    @russellellis119 6 лет назад +91

    Man thank you I’ve been waiting on someone to make a video like this for a long time.

  • @blackwolf22303
    @blackwolf22303 4 года назад +32

    Wow, this video saved me from signing on the dotted line for a company that would reimburse me for legal fees. Thanks!

  • @andrewbranca1
    @andrewbranca1 4 года назад +494

    Wow! A quarter-million views! I think you owe me a patch or a ball cap or something, John! ;-)

    • @tedlong2010
      @tedlong2010 4 года назад +20

      Thanks for your detailed explanations. just bought USCCA.

    • @scottintexas
      @scottintexas 4 года назад +8

      Add it to the bill as an expense.

    • @Andino.
      @Andino. 4 года назад +1

      Sir, does any of the insurance companies you're working or worked in the past cover Puerto Rico citizens to? I been looking around but nothing.

    • @cody555903
      @cody555903 4 года назад +5

      Great video! But what are the other 4 components of a self defense claim other than not being the aggressor?

    • @SatoshiSky
      @SatoshiSky 4 года назад +1

      Thank you so much for all of this

  • @chesshead3943
    @chesshead3943 9 месяцев назад +10

    John, you should have a video discussion with the Attorneys On Retainer. They are also offering a self-defense legal protection program. Their program is unique because they are a law firm.

    • @c3bhm
      @c3bhm 3 месяца назад +1

      After all of my research, they are the best. No fine print. No catches. Straightforward.

  • @sgtzsquad
    @sgtzsquad 4 года назад +25

    There are now states who have outlawed the CCW insurance. New Jersey, Washington, and New York (Who would've guessed right?). Andrew has a great book and course on the Law of Self Defense. I am reading through it a fifth time and I wish I had this resource early in my LEO career. As a retired LEO with 38+ years; I highly recommend the course as well as his DVD on carry insurance.

    • @brettelizabethspore
      @brettelizabethspore Год назад +1

      Thanks for the update. As a WA resident, this is sad but not surprising news. Our state is falling apart at the seams. :(

    • @McFaddis
      @McFaddis Год назад

      Those states do everything they can to make sure only criminals have guns

    • @StarCitizenLab
      @StarCitizenLab Год назад +2

      @@brettelizabethspore Just to clarify: WA state has not outlawed CCW insurance. (They initially set a bunch of requirements, which many insurers could not initially meet, but do meet today.) So, good news: You can get insurance through USCCA (it's actually run by Delta Defense nowadays) or U.S. Law Shield, for example, in WA state today.

    • @brettelizabethspore
      @brettelizabethspore Год назад +1

      @@StarCitizenLab awesome. Thanks.

  • @howardwhite1507
    @howardwhite1507 6 лет назад +53

    no.... if you have to have money to have a right, it is not a right..

    • @barelyfree9427
      @barelyfree9427 5 лет назад +9

      Tell that to a court stacked with liberals....that's his point.

    • @rangersmith4652
      @rangersmith4652 5 лет назад +2

      You have the right to bear arms for self defense. You do not have the right to expect that, if you exercise that right by shooting someone, others will not question whether it really was self defense.

    • @code-dredd
      @code-dredd 4 года назад +3

      *> You have the right to bear arms for self defense. You do not have the right to expect that, if you exercise that right by shooting someone, others will not question whether it really was self defense.*
      True, but if you need to basically be a millionaire in order to not be defenseless when someone chooses to question that (and note that they decide on whether they'll question it or not depending on whether you're an "easy prey" b/c you have no money), then what can you do? You may not have a right to not have your actions questioned, but you do have a right to due process, which includes legal defense. Any right for which having hundreds of thousands of dollars in the bank to not be ruined is a prerequisite has some problems in its implementation, wouldn't you say?

    • @xcvsdxvsx
      @xcvsdxvsx 4 года назад

      If a cave man couldnt catch enough food he died. A certain amount of success was always necessary to have latitude in a group or society or even untamed wilderness. You can argue the price is too high. But I dont think its fair to grumble about there being any price at all. If you dont have any resources at all you have much bigger problems than paying for a legal defense.

    • @code-dredd
      @code-dredd 4 года назад

      @@xcvsdxvsx Your analogy fails and here's why: your hypothetical caveman did not have a _Constitutional Right_ to, say, successfully catch prey, nor did the prey have a legal obligation to become food for its hunter. People, however, do have a Constitutional Right to due process and legal representation.

  • @kakashimoto9916
    @kakashimoto9916 4 года назад +37

    I just upgraded my USCCA membership from Platinum to Elite even before this video ended 😂. I'm fully convinced to have max coverage just in case.

    • @ivanchernobyl3769
      @ivanchernobyl3769 4 года назад +1

      I'm at Platinum also. Been thinking about upgrading before this video

    • @8180634
      @8180634 4 года назад +1

      What does this type of insurance even cost?

    • @MohammadUddinInTheHouse
      @MohammadUddinInTheHouse 4 года назад +4

      @@8180634 At USCCA gold is 22 a month, platinum is 30 a month and elite is 47 a month.

    • @hummarstraful
      @hummarstraful 4 года назад +1

      Can you clarify if the insurance is just reimbursement?

    • @MikeDarr61
      @MikeDarr61 4 года назад +2

      Maybe, but court costs and other crap go up each year it seems.Then there is the fact a case could linger on depending on how many times a defense attorney wants a continuous. This could even wipe out our elite coverage. Pretty sad ain’t it?

  • @AttorneysOnRetainer
    @AttorneysOnRetainer 2 года назад +5

    AGREED! If you are in Arizona or Hawaii...please look into our Attorneys on Retainer Program. As low as $25 a could be covered.

    • @cliffordschaffer5289
      @cliffordschaffer5289 Год назад +1

      That is a FAR BETTER solution than any of the CCW insurance companies. The CCW insurance companies have never paid a claim and never will.

  • @thomasschoon8407
    @thomasschoon8407 6 лет назад +64

    Once again John I thank you very much for a bonus bit of advice that a lot of channels don't even mentioned. I am a retired police officer of 24 years, I had to use lethal force once and can speak of the mindset in that kind of situation that you can put yourself into...... it is indescribable unless you are a sociopath! At that time I had the legal services of my law enforcement oath and the agency I worked for. Now that I am retired I no longer have it so approximately 3 years ago I signed up with the USCCA, the rest of my life, my family, children grandchildren, my home seem to be worth the cost of a few dollars a month. If a retired police officer can afford it, and you can afford a gun, you can afford the insurance!
    Don't be stupid!, like they say about carrying a firearm, 'better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it'......

    • @USCCAOfficial
      @USCCAOfficial 6 лет назад +7

      Thank you for your service, Thomas, and thank you so much for being a member. Your kind words are so appreciated. If you and your family are ever in Wisconsin, give us a call at 844-265-1103 so we can set you up with a special tour.

    • @joshwhite8293
      @joshwhite8293 5 лет назад +2

      @@USCCAOfficial do you have a lifetime membership fee?

    • @stevenlawson9460
      @stevenlawson9460 5 лет назад +4

      Amen I retired from a sheriffs office and got USCCA

    • @fuzfire
      @fuzfire Год назад

      ​@@stevenlawson9460 thank you and all LEO's for your and their service.

  • @Mrpaint06
    @Mrpaint06 4 года назад +14

    BY FAR THE BEST AND MOST INFORMATIVE DISCUSSION ABOUT CCW INSURANCE -- ANYWHERE! Thanks for taking the time to find an expert on this subject, and to Andrew Branca, thank you so much for sharing your experience and advice with us!!

  • @livewiretennis
    @livewiretennis 6 лет назад +30

    USCCA insures you if your involved in a self defense altercation whether it is gun, knife, fist or any other. Many of the others are just guns.

    • @USCCAOfficial
      @USCCAOfficial 6 лет назад +13

      That's absolutely right, livewiretennis. We cover all legal weapons used in self-defense. Give us a call at 844-265-1103 if you have any questions!

    • @titan_six
      @titan_six 4 года назад

      What is considered a “legal weapon?” What of all I can grab is a tire iron or a hammer to defend my life that covered?

    • @1845Raven
      @1845Raven 4 года назад +3

      On uscca website it says “all weapons of opportunity”. Sounds like it means anything you can get your hands on to win the fight. (But you can call uscca to verify that.

    • @StevenL00
      @StevenL00 4 года назад

      @@titan_six if it's legal in your jurisdiction i guess?

    • @Andino.
      @Andino. 4 года назад

      @@USCCAOfficial you guys cover Puerto Rico citizens?

  • @tearlach61
    @tearlach61 4 года назад +13

    Every person who carries owes it to him or herself to read this guy's book. I carry and I have read it in detail more than once. Anyone who carries must read his book.

  • @bobbartholomew1435
    @bobbartholomew1435 6 лет назад +15

    I have USCCA . They Pay upfront I have the Platinum Plan, If you win the legal trial, you still have the civil trail to face. They Pay the Attorney, Bail, time you spend in court,, and I have $1,000,000 civil coverage. All of this for $30 a month. I would not carry without it. Your card tell you what to do and say on the back of it at, the time of the incident.

    • @USCCAOfficial
      @USCCAOfficial 6 лет назад +3

      Happy to have you, Bob!

    • @TheLeftyrighty
      @TheLeftyrighty 4 года назад +1

      USCCA - I heard a rumor that you are not sold in Washington State, is this true?

  • @snafu673
    @snafu673 6 лет назад +35

    I have USCCA, I think that if your gonna carry a weapon I think it is a good idea to have some kind of insurance, because you will never know when a bad guy will do his thing to make you defend yourself, and with legal fees and lawyers fees I feel that this type of insurance is very useful, instead of rolling the dice and god forbid you have defend yourself in the courts after you have defended your life.

    • @benfreet8051
      @benfreet8051 6 лет назад +2

      Tony Kiser ive had it for a while now

    • @USCCAOfficial
      @USCCAOfficial 6 лет назад +3

      We're happy to have you, Tony!

    • @USCCAOfficial
      @USCCAOfficial 6 лет назад +2

      Thanks for being a part of the family, Ben.

    • @USCCAOfficial
      @USCCAOfficial 6 лет назад +4

      Have you had a chance to do a comparison, Di Bo Chet? With your USCCA membership, you would have coverage in all 50 states for any self-defense incident with any legal weapon at no extra cost.

    • @USCCAOfficial
      @USCCAOfficial 6 лет назад +3

      That is a good question, Di Bo Chet. Your USCCA membership provides up-front funding and the only out of pocket expenses are your yearly or monthly membership dues. :)

  • @gregoryknox4444
    @gregoryknox4444 2 года назад +11

    I think it's also knowing yourself and your lifestyle. As a former Deputy Sheriff, I found myself involved in many issues. It was so bad that the training SGT stated that our 22 Hook & Book arrests during my 1 week of recurrent training burned him out. No One wanted to ride with me because crap always fell in my lap. So when I parked the cruiser for the last time I decided to get the insurance because my circumstances of voluntarily getting in bad situations changed but it seemed bad people didn't. I don't interact with strangers anymore. I do maintain my standards and freedom of speech and sometimes that conflicts with bullies. I avoid bars and drunks, areas whereas as deputy I spent "work" time there rolling in the puke, the blood, and the beer. Good presentation Mr. Poet :), thanks John.

    • @old
      @old Год назад

      I just got mine today, I'll be leaving the job as-well. Hopefully you're doing great.

    • @huskymom234
      @huskymom234 11 месяцев назад

      This is what I worry about as well. Both my Grandson and his wife are LEOs in a semi-rural county - They are recognized by people on the street all the time. All that needs to happen is that a bad actor has a beef with LEOs and singles them out for retribution. God bless you and keep you safe

    • @Funk8_4
      @Funk8_4 9 месяцев назад

      Guilty until proven innocent, if ever. Pay to play

  • @LumpyinAZ
    @LumpyinAZ 10 месяцев назад +6

    Lawyers and insurance agents taking your money and giving you a contract full of holes allowing the to walk away from you. What could go wrong??

  • @JoshuaFinancialPL
    @JoshuaFinancialPL 4 года назад +14

    Heck, I sell insurance and I had no idea this sort of insurance existed. I just bought my first firearm, too. Thanks so much for showing me another way to protect my family.

    • @samreynolds3789
      @samreynolds3789 3 года назад


    • @sarys73
      @sarys73 11 месяцев назад

      That's because it's not really insurance.

    • @ExpertContrarian
      @ExpertContrarian 9 месяцев назад

      A scam will not help you protect your family

  • @smjohn4640
    @smjohn4640 3 года назад +18

    OMG..... This is priceless.... Thank you for this podcast. As I venture into purchasing my first firearms for my wife and I, the concern for legal backlash to self defence popped into mind and so started looking into what's out there and I found this video. Thanks again.

    • @thatguy2133
      @thatguy2133 2 года назад +1

      Remember… no force can be used to protect property, only life. And it is always better to retreat. It is rare when you can not.
      This is true for anything, even a bat

    • @ericpeterson2577
      @ericpeterson2577 Год назад

      ​@@thatguy2133 😂

  • @walkermediaworx
    @walkermediaworx 10 месяцев назад +5

    I just cancelled my USCCA and FLP. They are not good about actually covering you when you need them. I am going with "Attorneys on retainer" - lots of videos on here about why.

  • @rustypugh123
    @rustypugh123 2 года назад +2

    Read the fine print in USCCA agreement. USCCA does not represent you if you are charged with a crime. Only the expenses leading up to that.
    Under Section I - Coverage A - Claim Expenses and Damages
    Item #2 Subsection B - Exclusions - Criminal Acts:
    This policy does not apply to and provides no insurance for: “Any criminal act by any “insured”, including any injury or damage caused by or during any criminal act of any “insured.”

  • @DeeboComing
    @DeeboComing 6 лет назад +204

    As a black man in America that carries a gun every single day, i'm sure you can imagine the distress and fear that I have if I ever had to stand in court for using my firearm in self defense. We've seen the judicial system mistreat black people on the basis of some of the most basic civil rights and civil liberties, so i hope that everyone here can understand that if you as a white man watch this video and lose faith in the judicial system and it's ethics, imagine how I feel.

    • @MrTee12
      @MrTee12 6 лет назад +8

      I was thinking the same thing.... Welcome to our America.

    • @martingaeta670
      @martingaeta670 6 лет назад +7

      Exactly what I was thinking...

    • @michaelgraffam5423
      @michaelgraffam5423 6 лет назад +24

      I hear ya. I'm a white dude, and I've always been critical of the "justice" system -- mainly because I've never seen it provide justice. Folks getting crazy punishment for non-violent crimes, women going free, or getting a slap on the wrist in cases where a man would get fried. Violent rapists getting out of prison in less time than the female victim undergoing medical treatment. And of course the obvious racial biases. Never mind how courts won't even HEAR offenses committed by the rich and the powerful, or politicians.
      But here's something to think about. The "justice system", the "government", the "church" .. all of these institutions are just made of PEOPLE. And people are not just. People are not fair. People are not holy. So obviously our institutions won't be, and time and again through history we see the same dynamics play out in all institutions: an empowered authority-class predating and oppressing subservient people. Plato, in "The Republic" warns of all the problems that a democracy will face. And we have all those problems, plus some that he didn't imagine.
      No one is going to fix this. No one will house the homeless, or fix the courts. No one cares. So, vote for no one.
      I've been told a million times that anarchy would be lawlessness, and chaos. Yeah? So in the worst case not much will change, right? But maybe if people stopped thinking in terms of institutions -- courts, governments, judges, and authorities -- and started thinking in terms of equal dialog and action among genuine peers without needing to appeal to authorities and laws; a culture where coercion and violence are not tolerated, and the only authority to stop it is YOU would develop. Maybe then we'd begin to forge the type of strong-minded individuals that can be just, and fair, and wise.
      Because right now? This culture is atrophying. The mortar between the bricks is crumbling.
      Wont be long folks. Smoke 'em if you got em.

    • @ryanhill4918
      @ryanhill4918 6 лет назад +6

      Sorry bro. I feel that

    • @ixLeGeNDaRyz
      @ixLeGeNDaRyz 6 лет назад +11

      Systematic racism within our justice system is a myth. Any instances of a black guy getting fucked for no reason other than hes black are at most incredibly rare, and I urge you to look further into this if you disagree.

  • @WeaponsEducation
    @WeaponsEducation 5 лет назад +64

    USCCA in a side by side comparison is horrible compared to CCW Safe. I've done many videos on it.

    • @MrZachalewel
      @MrZachalewel 4 года назад +5

      What about us law shield?

    • @DarlingEbony
      @DarlingEbony 4 года назад +33

      I have researched this. The only thing that bothered me about CCW Safe was the fact that they explicitly state that they will not defend people who willingly let someone into their home and they won't defend you against family members. The problem I have with this is cases of acquaintance rape (someone invited into the home) or domestic violence (family member).

    • @seanwatts392
      @seanwatts392 3 года назад +3

      @@DarlingEbony that's a good point I didn't even know about.i would still use them tho

    • @exgenica
      @exgenica 3 года назад +8

      ​@@DarlingEbony said, "...they will not defend people who willingly let someone into their home and they won't defend you against family members."
      That speaks volumes about our court system, judges and prosecutors. That kind of judicial thinking is at least 20 YEARS out-of-date.

    • @jameswebb2912
      @jameswebb2912 3 года назад +5

      And horrible compared to US Law Shield

  • @bwbeeman
    @bwbeeman 6 лет назад +23

    I hate to buy more insurance, but I was aware of some of the risks of handgun ownership before I bought my first handgun in April of this year. The need for self-protection grows the older you get, and when you are in your 70's like me, you discover you simply aren't the man you were physically. Seniors are natural targets at the super market, at the ATM, convenience stores, and on trips. Within two weeks of buying my gun, I had CCW insurance even before my CCW class. Remember Murphy's Law: If it can happen it will.

    • @billjenkins687
      @billjenkins687 5 лет назад +1

      Bob- words of wisdom. Thanks. I am 59 and can feel the difference even in the last 5 years regarding my physical ability.

    • @ericoxner326
      @ericoxner326 5 лет назад

      @@billjenkins687 I am not that far behind you I turned 51 this years.Although I never seen people try to rob an older person.But that does not mean it does not happen.On the other hand I know of a few chases.Where people broke in on an older person home.And got sent to the other side and is now laying down forever.

  • @dankljaic29
    @dankljaic29 3 года назад +14

    In Australia a failed prosecution can result in costs being awarded against the Crown (State) in summary as well as criminal proceedings. Perhaps this law could be introduced to the US. This would stop unnecessary or vexatious prosecutions.

    • @letsdothis9063
      @letsdothis9063 11 месяцев назад

      Yup. We have "qualified immunity". It basically absolves the government from the same punitive actions that they pursue against the citizens.

  • @ranhat2
    @ranhat2 6 лет назад +6

    Glad you mentioned ACLDF. Lit says will defend you up to half their capital, was $1.2 million+, spent $3-400,000m as I recall, on 14 cases. Has Mas Ayoob, Givens, Tueller, Farnam, Marty Hayes,.... Cost $130 first yr., but I liked lit, DVDs, et al, so I upped to 3 years, only $300. .

  • @bennettprice3968
    @bennettprice3968 3 года назад +91

    I was in a gun involved self defense situation. Thankfully I did not have to shoot, however the ADA wanted to prosecute for brandishing. Luckily cctv captured the entire event and I ended up getting a thank you from the court for stopping a potential kidnapping and stopping an assault. Think about it.... had it not been on film, then I’m the bad guy. I acquired insurance the next day. I pay $22 a month. Less than the price of a pizza to be protected. You should do this!!!

    • @donaldmayoneshot5579
      @donaldmayoneshot5579 2 года назад +3

      I hate to tell you but you need more insurance you may be like me just can't pay a lot

    • @Bobarooni
      @Bobarooni Год назад +1

      Which insurance did you buy? There's so many different companies. Thanks

    • @roosterqmoney
      @roosterqmoney Год назад +7

      Was it uscca? I understand that uscca does not cover criminal charges.

    • @rossfrazier3501
      @rossfrazier3501 Год назад +1

      Heck yeah

    • @MrMagnaniman
      @MrMagnaniman Год назад +7

      USCCA wouldn't have protected you in that situation. They very specifically do not cover criminal charges.

  • @fin_jan
    @fin_jan 5 лет назад +12

    "... it's a factor in their decision to take you to trial."
    This is good stuff!! Thanks.

  • @ArchGeek
    @ArchGeek 2 года назад +2

    Andrew Branca is the leading voice in self-defense law. He’s GREAT!

  • @KingUnity22
    @KingUnity22 4 года назад +7

    Fantastic information, really pushes you to read over the laws in your area and areas you may frequent. Remember, "It's not about what you know, it's about what you can prove in a court of law."

  • @si_vis_pacempara_bellum4906
    @si_vis_pacempara_bellum4906 6 лет назад +20

    "I'll send you a bill", the sound that worse than gun shot 😂

  • @reprosser
    @reprosser 6 лет назад +6

    I have ACLDN ... for now. I like their structure and pricing, but that does not mean that something else may become a better option for me in the future. I will probably never need to protect myself and get in the situation where I need the help - but like other insurance, it makes sense for me and my situation. YMMV

  • @weduhpeople8504
    @weduhpeople8504 Год назад +2

    I got the CCW SAFE Ultimate plan which is the legal defense company who Andrew is on staff with. CCW SAFE does’t ask for legal fees recoupment. It also covers you and everyone in your household that used unconventional things to defend themselves. They’ve defended a CCW SAFE member on a murder charge and got him off while he only paid his monthly dues. It covers bail. They have a critical response team with retired law enforcement and prosecuting attorneys. No attorney network so you can choose your own qualified attorney specializing in self defense. If you get arrested and call them their critical response team flys down there to start defending you by investigating the incident, gathering video surveillance, all the leg work involved to defend you.

    • @cliffordschaffer5289
      @cliffordschaffer5289 Год назад

      None of these companies has ever paid a claim. None ever will.

    • @225sosa
      @225sosa Год назад

      @@cliffordschaffer5289dude go away

  • @xstugee
    @xstugee 5 лет назад +4

    Having attended a few "firearm training classes", I was VERY surprised that the gun toters (teachers) never brought this up and when questioned, actually made light of it. There needs to
    be more training in this area along with hoppping on one foot and shooting over your shoulder! Thanks for bringing this gentleman on your program.

    • @spydude38
      @spydude38 5 лет назад

      What I find amazing is that a lot of people don't realize that if you are ever involved in a deadly use of force incident, you will be taken into custody, your firearm will be taken from you, and you may actually be arrested. Thats not the time to suddenly realize that it would have been a good idea to have purchased that insurance plan.

  • @gordongekko4752
    @gordongekko4752 4 года назад +7

    Avoidance, retreat (and keep saying, "I am sorry."), then, defend yourself. It is that simple.

  • @EGlideKid
    @EGlideKid 4 года назад +42

    So John, I know it’s after the fact, but it seems like good questions to have asked would have been;
    1) how many cases like this go to court each year in the US, and how many do not,
    2) how many of those involved a CCW guy or gal, and how many were non CCW owners,
    3) how many resulted in the CCW owner walking away without penalty, how many resulted in a non CCW owner walking away,
    4) how many CCW owners are in the US. IE., what are the odds of a CCW owner either going to jail and or incurring massive debt.
    I mean, are we talking about less than 1% of CCW owners finding they’re in trouble for shooting someone, or is it more like 50%?
    I have no doubt this guy knows what he’s talking about, and I don’t have much faith in our judicial system, but this guy (despite what he said) makes me wonder if having a CCW is smart in today’s world where in a trial by a jury of your peers, they’re really not peers. They’re leftists and pacifists or against gun ownership. And even if your lucky to get an amenable jury, you might be going up against a prosecutor who is crooked or who only cares about their win ratio.

    • @EGlideKid
      @EGlideKid 3 года назад

      @Robert Kunferman You must be very popular at Antifa or BLM rallies, Robert, because you obviously have CCW owners confused with them. And all the while, your beliefs will strip your children and theirs of their God-given rights. And how will you explain that to them then?

    • @chipsterb4946
      @chipsterb4946 3 года назад +11

      @@EGlideKid Kid he never said anything about stripping away anyone’s right to bear arms. Instead, he asked intelligent questions directly related to whether or not this insurance makes financial sense. You need to adjust your hair trigger.

  • @jrobinson5661
    @jrobinson5661 Год назад +3

    Ensure you read the fine print…saw a vid where an attorney stated that the actual contract states if you are charged with a crime you will not be covered? He also said your lawyer, if you pick your own, has to agree with the ins co pay scale.

  • @samuelb4499
    @samuelb4499 4 года назад +6

    30 + minutes of worthwhile viewing. Highly recommended
    Thanks Top.

  • @McC-Nasty1
    @McC-Nasty1 6 лет назад +17

    One of the most important things I learned at tactical response fighting pistol was how important it is to have this type of insurance. I recommend US/ Texas law shield. It’s who I chose to trust my behind with. There are others but do yourself a favor and start researching. Great job John im glad that you decided to do a video on this aspect of a fight. Keep up the good work.

    • @JoshBenware
      @JoshBenware 6 лет назад +3

      Kyle M they (us law shield) usually dont get mentioned because nobody can compete. They are actually pre paid legal services that scout out the best attorneys money can buy. That is a big threat to other companies, so like in this video, they say things like "you don't want a company that provides the attorneys"...that is an indirect way to discourage people from joining us law shield. The truth is, their entire reputation is built on the performance of their attorneys, so they will only hire the ones with flawless track records. Competitors can't compete, so they make these indirect attacks to try and stay relevant.

    • @snek9353
      @snek9353 6 лет назад +2

      When I talked to US/Texas law shield I wasn't impressed, didn't help that for some reason they don't cover my state. Why, I have no idea they didn't even bother to answer my email.

    • @JoshBenware
      @JoshBenware 6 лет назад

      Howard Rourke us law shield is spreading quickly. It started as Texas law shield and has spread to 26 states very quickly. It will be in your state soon enough. It's still a growing company. It was just in Texas for a long time, but demand caused the company to spread to other states. Just give it a little time. I'm sure you will have it in your state in probably a year or less with the way things a going.

    • @snek9353
      @snek9353 6 лет назад

      FWIW I'd really like one that was specific to my state, we have some unique laws.

    • @cd4playa1245
      @cd4playa1245 6 лет назад +1

      I was about to sign up for Law shield but I have trouble believing they'd hire the "best" lawyer money can buy for your case. I don't know... maybe it's still better than being in debt the rest of your life.

  • @cowboy7x
    @cowboy7x 3 года назад +5

    What about the clause in the USCCA that says IF you are finally found guilty, (you lose) the USCCA can come after you for all expenses? Doesn't sound cool!

  • @chestnutlouie4709
    @chestnutlouie4709 8 месяцев назад +1

    Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network offers a mountain of training courses to help you see trouble in time to avoid it, what to do in your interview with law enforcement, in court and what the law requires. More education = less problems

  • @420hottboxx
    @420hottboxx 5 лет назад +13

    Probably your best video. The idea/content is amazing! IQ OVER 9000

  • @SpaceDebris15
    @SpaceDebris15 6 лет назад +8

    I use Texas Law Shield, its a good piece of mind for me.

  • @hextikwilliams1494
    @hextikwilliams1494 5 лет назад +5

    Yeah, I’m not sure if I even want to CCW any longer. I truly want to protect myself, my wife, and my baby in these times if I ever had to, but with this- we may just need to pray and hope we NEVER get in a situation, because apparently there is no winning. It’s like a needle in the haystack! This is soo tough. I just want my family and myself to be safe.

  • @Sentient.A.I.
    @Sentient.A.I. 2 года назад +2

    Insurance is likely not the option. Usually the insurer has a clause in the policy that says coverage ends as soon as you are charged for a crime and if you say take a plea for brandishing a firearm the insurer has a reclamation policy that says if you are convicted of an illegal act they can recover all funds expended in your defense. USCCA is exactly like the this so if your going to spend money on a future defense get a lawyer on retainer or create a fund for such instead of wasting money on insurance. Also if you are going to invest in insurance then read all the fine print before you buy any policy.

  • @marcelbouffard6537
    @marcelbouffard6537 4 года назад +6

    Thank you so much for what you do John, as a brand new gun owner I am so grateful for all of the material you put out there. Wish there was a GIANT like button for this one in particular!!!

  • @andrewb8914
    @andrewb8914 6 лет назад +12

    Ccw safe is really well. They continue to provide great information to help avoid issues and prices are very reasonable for coverage. My 2 cents.

    • @barelyfree9427
      @barelyfree9427 5 лет назад +1

      Their coverage is amazing...but their cost is steep compared to everyone else.

  • @KC-jq9kw
    @KC-jq9kw 4 года назад +7

    I have US Law Shield at about $190 a year. I signed up before I went to my CCW class.

    • @Danny-hv9ox
      @Danny-hv9ox 4 года назад +4

      @Robert Kunferman what the fuck is wrong with you?

  • @flyboy126
    @flyboy126 3 года назад +4

    The 2 things I really take from this video are educate, educate, educate. Know the law and what you’re doing. #2 there is no real justice in this country. Justice is for those who can afford access to it. Doing my LTC today, buying CCW insurance tomorrow. Stay safe y’all!!

  • @bonitawauls6274
    @bonitawauls6274 4 года назад +7

    Extremely informative. Thank you. He is the first lawyer I would respect.

  • @davidmann2988
    @davidmann2988 3 года назад +10

    I’ve carried for almost 25 years, personally and for my place of worship. Just joined CCW this morning. *Whew*

  • @kurtcutterwood1724
    @kurtcutterwood1724 4 года назад +4

    Thanks John for having Mr. Bianca on. Good stuff keep it flowing

  • @NoUseForAName0626
    @NoUseForAName0626 2 года назад +3

    Really informative interview.. I signed up with USCCA today. So I'm very new to the "Gun Community" and also new to EDC. I just recently started researching Defensive Insurance and I would seriously recommend it to anyone that is a EDC or any type of defensive carry.. A Great example is, You wouldn't drive a vehicle without having Car Insurance. If you can financially afford it I'd really encouraged it. Every one have a Happy and Safe New Year!! 🤘

    • @miken2686
      @miken2686 Год назад +8

      Glad you now have insurance, but you should be aware of USCCA's restitution policy in the event you're (wrongfully or legitimately) convicted. You're obligated to pay back every penny. I'd think twice about that. Don't take my word for it, do the research.
      CCW Safe is a superior option with no obligation for restitution if things don't go your way. They'll post your bail and defend your appeal. They have a dedicated response team. Call USCCA and ask about their restitution policy. Their answer may surprise you.
      This isn't meant to be a jab for the insurance you chose at all. Just looking out for your best interests. USCCA is a training company that sells 3rd party insurance. CCW Safe is self-insured and their primary mission is your defense.
      Started with USCCA myself and switched once I dug into the policies. May we never need to use it!

    • @stuartkidney3257
      @stuartkidney3257 8 месяцев назад

      re: "@NoUseforAName you are sooooo uninformed.....

    • @NoUseForAName0626
      @NoUseForAName0626 8 месяцев назад

      @miken2686 I originally made this comment 2yrs ago and was still new to everything EDC and Defense insurance coverage etc... I'm no longer a member with USCCA and for about the last year I use CCW Safe.. 🤘

  • @sgt.guardsman2221
    @sgt.guardsman2221 5 лет назад +9

    I purchased "Firearms Legal Protection" insurance last year while I was attending the "2nd Amendment March on the Capital" in Michigan. Now it sounds more like I did the right thing!

    • @JSpidey
      @JSpidey 4 года назад +2

      @Robert Kunferman Troll.

    • @josephperrelli8308
      @josephperrelli8308 4 года назад +1

      You find anything on their track record? been thinking about going with them but have not been able to find reviews of any kind.

    • @JSpidey
      @JSpidey 4 года назад +1

      @@josephperrelli8308 Check out the Active Self Protection channel, John does a lot of videos with one of their attorneys.

    • @JSpidey
      @JSpidey 3 года назад

      @G Galilei Troll.

  • @RepentorPerish77
    @RepentorPerish77 6 лет назад +5

    I have USCCA and love it. You get the insurance but also training videos, magazines, etc

    • @USCCAOfficial
      @USCCAOfficial 6 лет назад +1

      Thank you for being a Member, Durhamite77! Give us a call anytime if we can do anything else for you. 844-265-1103.

  • @johnd4348
    @johnd4348 4 года назад +4

    Great interview. A wealth of information and the interviewer allowed the person to talk and did not interrupt. This is what makes a great interview. Ask a question then listen.

  • @fenwelder2474
    @fenwelder2474 4 года назад +2

    A straight talking attorney ..........Where do they make those? a rare find.

  • @deanwilson809
    @deanwilson809 4 года назад +27

    I am 7 min in and all I am getting is angry thinking that according to law I would be in the wrong if I just told someone I am armed and they get there feelings hurt I could go to prison I am beginning to think there are to many laws protecting people’s feelings

    • @blazinggazelle6957
      @blazinggazelle6957 4 года назад +2

      There are just too many laws. Bad laws need to be repealed in every state and new laws needs to be written in favor of the defender not the perpetrator. Our system of justice is really an injustice. The only thing that will change the system is the coming revolution that will shortly be upon us and after this war we will start over and create a better system of justice for law abiding citizens.

    • @Idahoridge
      @Idahoridge 4 года назад

      Agree, 7 min in and I'm thinking, no matter what, I'm screwed. So sad.

    • @exgenica
      @exgenica 4 года назад +2

      @@blazinggazelle6957 Unfortunately, too many people measure how "good" a legislature is by how many laws they pass in a session and over the years and decades. Even conservative talking heads use this harmful-to-freedom metric.
      They all ask "What have you done for us lately?", rather than saying "Thank you for staying out of the way."

    • @googleuser8448
      @googleuser8448 4 года назад

      exgenica that is the best point i have heard in a long time.

  • @66ECHO
    @66ECHO 6 лет назад +65

    I understand idiotic behavior: brandishing a firearm unnecessarily, rage or anger issues, BUT, it is simply shameful that law abiding people defending themselves have to pay 💰 so much of their livelihood to protect themselves and so many times other families, children, woman or man. I have a large family, armed wife protecting them, while I am self employed and out and about and choose to carry at all times but the legal implications shouldn’t make me think twice about defending, let’s say, a bystander being threatened with a gun, shot at, beaten etc. I shouldn’t have to choose not to help or hesitate to stop it. I’d go to jail with nothing I have of value to put up for legal fees , so then rot in jail, my family would loose our home and kids would be on the street... just to help another? We live in such an amount of red tape crap. Let’s change this country to moral men in judicial offices with moral family men on the street. Great video John. Where’s the “yea for that” patch? Still waiting.

    • @ppainterco
      @ppainterco 6 лет назад

      66 E z

    • @IBwatchin4296
      @IBwatchin4296 5 лет назад +1

      You make a very interesting point it is just what you said as well as what the lawyer said, outside of a direct protection of yourself or immediate family member wife or kid there's not much else that I would risk the rest of my life my financial stability and everything for. unfortunately it's safer to be a bystander we have been pushed into being bystanders and becoming witness to things as opposed to getting involved and not worrying about being destroyed for it. We have been desensitized and forced into having to turn a blind eye to certain things for fear of being financially dissolved

    • @forensicwow1639
      @forensicwow1639 5 лет назад

      Dude. Killing someone should never be taken lightly. We want to make sure the people who kill are going to jail while the people who justifiability stays free

    • @adventureswithfrodo2721
      @adventureswithfrodo2721 5 лет назад

      A really naive statement.

    • @OTCRock4one
      @OTCRock4one 5 лет назад

      66 E, if you think about it, if we individuals that even have a FOID card, alone really shouldn't even get into a fist fight with someone because if the Police gets involved, it would go on our record and possibly prevent us to renew our FOID cards. Man, this world sucks sometimes!

  • @princeman90
    @princeman90 4 года назад +8

    Thanks for the video. Lots of good info. I use USCCA and have over $1m in carry insurance. I have the highest level of coverage and it only costs me $30/month. I love how much they put into educating people with the entire process of self defense to include gear, ammo, legal as well a many other things. Haven’t had to use the insurance and hope I never do but I have no complaints

    • @mikehunt2576
      @mikehunt2576 2 года назад

      I am thinking of joining the uscca. Is it still good to get in 2022? Or are there other options that are just as good? Would like to hear an opinion. Thank you !

    • @princeman90
      @princeman90 2 года назад +2

      @@mikehunt2576 honestly, I think USCCA is one of the best out there. The self defense insurance is more than any other I’ve seen and they’re really big on educating which is big. I haven’t found anything else that does as much.

    • @ITFDBLA
      @ITFDBLA Год назад +2

      @@mikehunt2576 I’m going with CCW Safe.

    • @EroticOnion23
      @EroticOnion23 11 месяцев назад

      Yea but they'll just find 1 out of a billion excuses to hang you out to dry when you need them. Watch the Attorneys on Retainer review of USCCA's's a scam false sense of security...

  • @koolkat8639
    @koolkat8639 Год назад +5

    So damn frustrating with how complex the rules are when defending yourself. Going broke to prove self defense is a scary thought. No one in their right mind is out looking for trouble and someone can put you in that position of being in financial trouble at any time.

  • @TimHPop776
    @TimHPop776 6 лет назад +4

    Great video and subject!
    I have USCCA-Elite program (highest level) which is a $2.25 mil package. The $547 per year is absolutely worth the cost as a CCW carrier. Wife is covered as well.
    You carry a gun legally, you need to have carry insurance. There are many different companies and different levels of coverage. I recommend USCCA. I have been covered for 3 years.
    USCCA is insurance & training combined company. I have had CCW Safe, good company.

    • @1735mike
      @1735mike 6 лет назад

      Timothy Harris and you totally wasted that money. You will never see it again. You should just burn it. You will never be involved in a shooting. According to statistics. Your insurance will not get you the best lawyer. I’ll bet money on it. It is a scam. But at least someone is living good off of your hard earned money.

    • @USCCAOfficial
      @USCCAOfficial 6 лет назад +1

      Happy to have you as an Elite Member, Timothy! Let us know if there's anything else we can do for you.

    • @USCCAOfficial
      @USCCAOfficial 6 лет назад

      That's a great point, Ben. Thanks for joining!

  • @numb683
    @numb683 8 месяцев назад +3

    Just left USCCA for Attorneys on Retainer. Seems better to have a law firm on my side rather than an insurance company.

    • @user-us1zf9zt3i
      @user-us1zf9zt3i 26 дней назад

      sounds lilke we need to have both

    • @ConceptsNCreations
      @ConceptsNCreations 9 дней назад

      Unless they have changed. A.t.r only cover in Arizona an texas

    • @numb683
      @numb683 8 дней назад

      ​@@ConceptsNCreations Per their website: Coverage is available to all 50 states (including Washington D.C.). Monthly fees begin 30 days after set up.

  • @grunyonthoughtsfromagrunt8264
    @grunyonthoughtsfromagrunt8264 4 года назад +6

    I worked for a small Taxi Company who was involved in a lethal self defense shooting with someone that tried to rob him.
    He wasn't charged with any crimes never even had cuffs placed on him because it was a clear self defense case.
    But he didn't have carry insurance and is now facing bankruptcy and the loss of his business and everything he has due to a lawsuit from the family.
    GET INSURANCE it could potentially save everything you've worked your whole life for because some basterds who tried to kill you family wants to sue you.

  • @MultiCax
    @MultiCax 4 года назад +1

    Went with CCW Safe (unlimited $) Subscribed to USCCA CCW Magazine ($47). Best of both.

  • @kimberlycoast1305
    @kimberlycoast1305 4 года назад +8

    I had NO Concept of the legal fees involved! OMG!
    Going to up my coverage.

  • @mzperiksz77
    @mzperiksz77 5 лет назад +5

    I have shared this video with literally every carrying person I know!
    Share the word/wisdom.

  • @GeroLubovnik
    @GeroLubovnik 4 года назад +7

    What I don't understand is why the legal profession isn't regulated? The average person making $50k/year earns roughly $25/hr. The average lawyer bills at $400/hr and some as much as $1000/hr+. Ergo, the average dude in the legal trip-trap needs to work 16 hours for every one hour of legal representation. Many folks get trapped in the legal system involuntarily (for all sorts of things) through many different sorts of events. I don't remember the last time I took a gun with me... because I'm more afraid of the lawyers than the bad guys. Most bad guys only want what's in your pocket TODAY. The lawyers want your entire life savings, essentially taking your life away, at least what it looked like the moment before the event. Perhaps some smart company should offer a health/legal insurance combo package.

    • @Austin-xu1ws
      @Austin-xu1ws 3 года назад

      1. there are shit load of pro bono attorneys out there, even the biggest firm do pro bono. If they don't their name will be posted on state bar website, and other people in the profession will laugh at them.
      2. If you are poor, there are court appointed public defenders, state and federal.
      3. There are only few, very few, lawyers making 1k/hr. 150/hr is average for an entry level. HD case would never need a 1k/hr attorney. THose people are for multi-nation company or High profile criminal cases. HD case only needs an entry level attorney.
      4. Lawyers need to do research on your cases, the software costs 10k per month for limited research. Or your attorney is experienced, so he himself is the case library, then you need to pay for the premium.
      5. There are many different legal insurance/membership out there.
      6. Media described legal profession as evil, it is equivalent to those Anti 2A campaign.

  • @pflv
    @pflv 3 года назад +1

    I just started following your channel and have found it very informative. The lawyer guest you had just saved us all a lot of money, and was very very informative of carry laws and insurance. Thank you for having him. The lawyer did us all a huge favor by informing us of the law not only in carry but also in self defense and also the cost to defend ourselves, and it didn't cost us any thing to learn this from him. Thank you, I'm looking forward to watching more of your channel.

  • @roosterqmoney
    @roosterqmoney Год назад +3

    Uscca does not cover criminal charges. So it's really not that valuable. It protects you against civil suits

  • @jammasterjay
    @jammasterjay 4 года назад +23

    On a serious note, I want to point something out. You don’t often hear about cops turning on other cops; at the same time, you don’t hear about lawyers turning in other lawyers. I personally watched an attorney do something that was unethical, but didn’t realize how bad it was until months later. I initially pointed it out and gave it to my attorney, after discussing it with his partner, they told me it wasn’t a big deal. It was!
    If this guy has seen prosecutors bring charges against people, and it was unethical, how many complaints has he filed with the state BAR ASSN? Probably zero. That’s where the system is broken; there’s a “gentleman’s agreement” between most of the people in law.

  • @genebaldwin7342
    @genebaldwin7342 4 года назад +7

    I love your channel, I have seen this video before. I had to come back to this video to comment on some findings. I have searched for good carry insurance, and acually joined a very popular membership club that provides legal asistance. This is what I found. They had 18 pages of disclaimers!!! It was amazing reading. They basically worded everything to the point, that every possible self defence scenario was subject to their own opinion as to whether or not they would defend you. I could not make up a scenario where I felt they had no chioce but to allow my membership benefits to be released. So, I called them. The guy that answered the phone was unaware of the 18 pages of disclaimers, and admitted that he had not read them. So he had a more knowedgable employee call me back. This guy stated "I am aware of the disclaimers, but that would never really happen, we would always help you". Unless a lawyer is on your payroll, NEVER TRUST THEM! I have not been able to find a "membership" or "insurance" that is any differrent. I cancelled my membership and are currently un protected. Do you have any advice on another company that I can look into?
    Your Lawrenceville brother

    • @j.gardner4811
      @j.gardner4811 3 года назад

      I would encourage you to look into CCW safe. It’s technically not ‘insurance’ but they’ll take care of you in most situations. I plan on getting them with the unlimited plan. Just my two cents. Best of luck to you.

  • @oldschoolpreacher5785
    @oldschoolpreacher5785 Год назад +1

    Make sure you read every detail on you carry insurance policies, understand the difference between insurance for a civil case and a criminal case.