Bro I fought him first thing going into headspace on one day left💀 level 33 and my attacks didn’t move anyone’s healthbars. Plus I thought I had to kill the bodyguards before I could damage the boss. I heard you should be lv 50 or something
Just as expected, given that he's been repressing his emotions for four whole years (presumably for his whole life, since he's the definition of the "gifted kid" archetype). Sunny subconsciously recognises this, so when HS Hero gets power, his bottled-up emotions freely rush out.
My brother watched me struggle fighting this man, we both assumed I could fight him and the bread twins in one go, this son of a gun took me a whole hour on level 40 to beat 😭, he healed himself 3 times completely I genuinely wanted to give up at one point but I managed to beat him
me when i play itemless... i tried happy on my team and angry on the gator guys but the gator guys were just dealing too much damage. congrats, hero, for forcing my ass to use the sad emotion on my party for like... the only fucking time in game?
that sounds was from the brain matter that was exposed and tenderized by Aubrey, however as she isn't a chief like Hero, it wasn't tenderized but rather mashed.
I'm really surprised that hero's reaction to being hit with a bat is "H-Huh?" and his reaction to kel running over him is "W-Wait... w-what!?" like Hero you can say Ow or agh or something
@@doverboy1 yeah but kel also can do some serious damage with ricochet, i beat sweetheart first try because of ricochet and snack time mainly (of course omori and aubrey do a lot of damage, but you get my point) i feel like my point sounded completely directed towards hero but all characters are important during fights
I really like how Hero can make these deals during the battle, it kinda adds an extra layer of planning and strategy (It's also really funny how his pajamas act like a makeshift business suit)
I think you were allowed to name him swear words too in early versions of the game, but not anymore. I definitely remember seeing the "the boy is named Bitch?" line when I first played the game in April, so that was either a bug, or they changed it. EDIT: apparently swear words have always been blocked, so I don't know how I was able to do that.
I love how they changed his personality completely to be just like jawsum like at the end he still wants to make a deal even though he knows that he’s lost already
everyone talking about the lore connotations of this fight but tbh its also just a rlly cool concept, a fight where they take ur healer and make him fight yoh
Mari: Hero stop! This is ridiculous! Hero: Oh, you thought bringing HER would stop me Omori? Hero: I am a SIGMA MALE now. None of your puny antics will control me! Aubrey: (Mari try fake crying) Mari: *tears come out of eyes* Hero: ...?! Aubrey: (Wow, you’re great at acting Mari!) Aubrey: ...Mari? Hero: T-THAT’S CROCODILE TEARS!! YOU WONT FOOL ME! Mari: *crying* Hero: ...?!?! Hero: *aaahh... Oh no... shit shit shit shit shit shit shit* Kel: What a villain...
Hero: I'MSORRYI'MSORRYIDIDN'TMEANTOBEAJERRRRK!!! CUT THE BATTLE!!! Omori and his party are victorious! Hero: **tackle hugs Mari and holds her close, wiping her tears gently** I'll never go mad with power again!!! I promise!!!!!!! Mari: Th-Thank you... Kel: Wow, dodged a bullet there, great job, team! Hero: I have failed as a benevolent boss in under two seconds... T~T
Everything about the dream world is just sad when you consider reality… Things that are played out to be funny or ridiculous secretly all represent Sunnies issues.
@@leilaaa9835 yeah honestly this is not how I interpreted it. seems like a huge misread. plus Sunny has no reason to resent Hero for leaving them in the real world when all of them retreated in different ways.
Guess he was a lot more like Mr Jawsum than he thought, huh? No wonder they got along so well 😆 Heck, Sweetheart would probably like Hero even more if she saw him like this, lol.
@@Kyumifun He would manipulate her Hero: sweetheart, lets make a contract, we get married and i get 100% of your income, how about it? And knowing sweetheart's love for hero she probably wouldnt decline
In seriousness, maybe this is how sunny sees hero after he went off to college (or maybe found out that he went to college if he didn’t know before going outside). Maybe he saw it as an abandonment of the friend group and thought that the action was selfish and only for his benefit.
I think it’s funny that they said that they lost the first time, and then they didn’t use any emotions, and also didn’t use flex a single time but instead used an unpowered run n gun lol
"Hero" really turned into "Villain" 💀💀💀
instead of the hero sandwich, it's now the villain burger
@@datcap6289 this pun WHEEZE
I thought HEROES always won
can’t believe he’s going to exploit the working class 😔😔
Child labor
@wintibear child child labor
@@xroxannex3591 I mean, technically Hero's the child here, lol. The gators are adults.
@@DLxxx child enforced labor
@@xroxannex3591 when the child laborer is a child
"OMORI! We have to do something!"
**beats hero to death**
hello bagel
Bagel 2.0
That's a funny way to spell Toast.
@@paxgallery6646 wait what-
@@PartyNoobYay canonically dead people in omori become toasts
"Boutta fight Hero"
"Bruh I got my ass beat, I ain't posting that"
LMAO Basically what happened
Damn, Bossman Hero got hands.
Bro I fought him first thing going into headspace on one day left💀 level 33 and my attacks didn’t move anyone’s healthbars. Plus I thought I had to kill the bodyguards before I could damage the boss. I heard you should be lv 50 or something
@@ameirgrant6116 dude my man stronk
That moment you don't have an healer
"Oh no, he's gone mad with power!"
And it took him like one minute, to be honest, this went just as expected.
"Happy? Don't be silly, KEL. Bosses don't feel EMOTION!" -Bossman Hero
Sweetheart, Spaceboy and bread bros: and thats where you're wrong buddy
Just as expected, given that he's been repressing his emotions for four whole years (presumably for his whole life, since he's the definition of the "gifted kid" archetype). Sunny subconsciously recognises this, so when HS Hero gets power, his bottled-up emotions freely rush out.
Also capt spacboy: EMOTIONS ARE FOR LOSERS
this malewife obliterated me 4 times, my god hero carries the group so much. im glad i sent him back to the kitchen.
Best comment of the century
perfect comment
My brother watched me struggle fighting this man, we both assumed I could fight him and the bread twins in one go, this son of a gun took me a whole hour on level 40 to beat 😭, he healed himself 3 times completely I genuinely wanted to give up at one point but I managed to beat him
This made me laugh harder than it should have 😭
me when i play itemless... i tried happy on my team and angry on the gator guys but the gator guys were just dealing too much damage.
congrats, hero, for forcing my ass to use the sad emotion on my party for like... the only fucking time in game?
Why is no one talking about how throughout the entire battle Omori's just like "ooo money" while his friends are being attacked
I've noticed that too, it's so funny to me lmao
To be fair Kel was playing slots while Omori’s fighting the Gator Guys so-
It’s because Hero throws a big bag of clams at the party for an attack, so I guess Omori is just like “well if you insist”
@@thefffc194 "who am I to turn down your admittedly painful gift?"
Aubrey: *fucking dies*
Omori: oooh 200 clams
I wheezed when kel just stomp over heros face *squish* lmao
Lol same
that sounds was from the brain matter that was exposed and tenderized by Aubrey, however as she isn't a chief like Hero, it wasn't tenderized but rather mashed.
hehehe squishy hero head pog
I'm really surprised that hero's reaction to being hit with a bat is "H-Huh?" and his reaction to kel running over him is "W-Wait... w-what!?"
you can say Ow or agh or something
he went from people pleaser to megalomaniac in just a sec
hero speedrun
So… basically Undertale Genocide Run
That's the general pipeline, yeah
that’s what the CEO grindset does to a man
Omori, Aubrey, and Kel: *_looks at every other headspace boss in the game_*
He most likely meant actual bosses, not game/fight bosses
@@Charlie-hq2ow aye fair enough
after a while it proceeds to get the happy emotion
“Hero Can’t get Angrier!”
@@christianGOM if you look better, you'll see only the gator guys got Happy and Hero didn't give himself an emotion
“I can’t believe my brother’s a boss now!”
Neither did we, Kel.
Well, 795 likes but no comment on this. I’ll give you one!
Capitalism Hero is the greatest thing mankind has ever invented since cubed watermelon.
Didn't know you could turn that stuff into a bowtie
@@inanjarif1388 I chose my wording deliberately because I made a reference to the game Cruelty Squad
Your avatar having a glasses that look kind of like Spamton's in a icing on the cake.
I wonder if this means Sunny sees Hero getting a job as a bad thing.
I think this is a way of sunny thinking hero is better being a cook than a doctor
Sunny heard Hero talk about how doctors were paid and decided Capitalism was evil?
Maybe is just a bit of hero stuff and a lot of what sunny thinks happens to adults when they get a job
Notice how they all immediately get pissed at hero tho lol
"Capitalism is bad. Source: my books"
Hero’s face is glorious
and it's in the Omori discord server icon
Hero unlocked the manic emotion just from wearing a tie
@@kale-ja_exists YES HE DID
Nah his Jojo face is better
Hero’s gone mad with power! Knock some sense into him!
- GLaDOS -
@Terra Don't make me animate that
Oh Aubrey did that alright, lol. She bashed his head almost as much as she did to Basil, lol.
by causing minor skull damage with a bat
_Tacti-kel nukes him_
How this battle could be solved easily:
Hero: I-I can explain sweetie
Mari:* pulls him by the ear *
Only that I wouldn't pull him in the ear, I would pull out a spider 🤭💅
Edit: smh grammer
@° Sunny dreemurr °hmmmmm..
@@pookiemari143 I will donate you the spiders from my porch so you can have backup spiders. Just in case.
@@shadowcatgamer2521 Omg, thank you!!!!!! So thoughtful!!
@@pookiemari143 how the hell did I find someone as annoying as Sweetheart
really shows how important hero’s skills are during boss fights
Kel gotcha covered with those healing items
@@doverboy1 yeah but kel also can do some serious damage with ricochet, i beat sweetheart first try because of ricochet and snack time mainly (of course omori and aubrey do a lot of damage, but you get my point)
i feel like my point sounded completely directed towards hero but
all characters are important during fights
Nothing feels worse in an rpg than losing your designated healer
@@High-Pitchedgamer especially because you have to then battle said designated healer
@@pogblob Basil in Boss Rush is the most OP character in the whole game since he's a mixt from Hero, Kel and Aubrey.
to think that this could've been easily solved if they called Mari
She pulls out the jumprope
@@honestlyboringperson NO
@@honestlyboringperson what a funny looking flower crown attack
“Hero get down that counter right now!”
“Yes mari”
@@jorted_julimak what shes just HANGING its not like they had a FALLING out
Hero: "I don't offer pay..."
*starts throwing bags of claims at them.*
Omori found 600 clams!
"Friends! Lets make a deal... I will give you 100,000 clams, but I will decrease your stats!" is a literal contradiction
bro got a tie and had a whole 11 minute character arc over it💀💀
I really like how Hero can make these deals during the battle, it kinda adds an extra layer of planning and strategy
(It's also really funny how his pajamas act like a makeshift business suit)
It's more his pajamas morph into a business suit (I imagine Omori spawned those spiffy shoes for him as well 👞).
i will give you my entire stockings but i wont stop having the ceo mindset!
I was fighting him today actually, he was making a emotion and thr gators guys took it and I found it funny
Are we gonna ignore the final part where he named snuuy "deez"?
I think you were allowed to name him swear words too in early versions of the game, but not anymore.
I definitely remember seeing the "the boy is named Bitch?" line when I first played the game in April, so that was either a bug, or they changed it.
EDIT: apparently swear words have always been blocked, so I don't know how I was able to do that.
@@annapotat0987 snuuy
@@staticmistint6291 nuts haha gotem
Love that Hero is basically lifeless on the floor and Aubrey and Kel are still beating him up.
I kinda wish there was more dialogue with it , kinda felt incomplete
I love how this battle kinda parallels Hero snapping at Kel in the past
Hero is going through his 16 year old "Joker Arc"
15 year old* 🤓
@@thanoid2373 12 year-old.
@@MariaHernandez-ps6rx he is older than that
@Maria Hernandez i'm pretty sure it's only omori and basil that are 12 in headspace, kel and aubrey are 13, and hero and mari are 15 i think
he literally says 15 in the video, y'all
Basil: HOW COULD YOU DO THAT??!! That's mean HERO! That's so mean!!
( *And gouges out Hero's eye* )
Fr they shouldve added basil to the group but basil is gone
@@Calyx_of_the_past Pretty sure this is in hikikkomori only.
@@Calyx_of_the_pastbasil is op in hikkikomori, he would wipe the floor
Ending him with a bread slice? The DISRESPECT
Hero being Spamton is a real thing now
True ahahahah xD
Wait! What a brilliant idea-
@mlg noob I love this comment
@mlg noob
"Friends, let's make a [deal]
You'll become a [BIG SHOT] but....
I'll take your [Hyperlink Blocked]"
I love how they changed his personality completely to be just like jawsum like at the end he still wants to make a deal even though he knows that he’s lost already
Hero:Hey *ecuh* lets make a *cough* deal I get my *cough* ,hp back and you get 300,000 *ecuh* clams
everyone talking about the lore connotations of this fight but tbh its also just a rlly cool concept, a fight where they take ur healer and make him fight yoh
If he didn’t go mad imagine how much good he could do to society, he could use his power to end world hunger or something
Is litteraly a dream
that's not how capitalism works
Especially seeing how the city in the background window was in flames.
@@MisterJohnDoe hey, you're right-
Give him a few cups of juice and he can make an entire banquet for the whole of Ethiopia
I laugh so hard at breadslicing hero lmao
hero = bread
@@annapotat0987 *toast
he needed the bread
Especially when he's nicknamed after a "Hero Sandwich"
I've done the same thing to the unbread twins once
Hero hasn’t been the same since he got rejected form culinary school
Oh no.... It's happening again
@@DeimosFacha Wasn't Hitler rejected from a-
Oh no not again
@@ZE.brigitte Sunny: “MARI GET THE JUMP ROPE!!!”
Hero's going into politics nooooooo
Hero really got access to 3rd emotion without Omori’s permission💀💀💀💀
This is why no one else is allowed to have them. They're not responsible enough
"not responsible enough"
Do you recall any moment where someone had a third level of emotion and was responsible at all? I doubt it
@@sudokuacrobatics ...that's the joke that Omori is not the most responsible. Why do you have to be rude about it :(
My boy really just got MANIC
I was battling Hero last week and when he offered the deals I went
"Spamton Hero."
NOW'S YOUR CHANCE TO BE A [[Fine Looking Lad]] !!!
Mari: Hero stop! This is ridiculous!
Hero: Oh, you thought bringing HER would stop me Omori?
Hero: I am a SIGMA MALE now. None of your puny antics will control me!
Aubrey: (Mari try fake crying)
Mari: *tears come out of eyes*
Hero: ...?!
Aubrey: (Wow, you’re great at acting Mari!)
Aubrey: ...Mari?
Mari: *crying*
Hero: ...?!?!
Hero: *aaahh... Oh no... shit shit shit shit shit shit shit*
Kel: What a villain...
I like this.
*Omori ERASES the enemy, for making Mari cry. No more Hero. Headspace resets*
@@KittyKatty999 nah Omori just banishes the mf to Black Space
"I'm a SIGMA MALE now. I even have my own podcast."
Omori and his party are victorious!
Hero: **tackle hugs Mari and holds her close, wiping her tears gently** I'll never go mad with power again!!! I promise!!!!!!!
Mari: Th-Thank you...
Kel: Wow, dodged a bullet there, great job, team!
Hero: I have failed as a benevolent boss in under two seconds... T~T
Notice how they all got pissed off at him for this. It just shows how Omori/Sunny is still holding a grudge at Hero for leaving them in real world.
Everything about the dream world is just sad when you consider reality… Things that are played out to be funny or ridiculous secretly all represent Sunnies issues.
...geez, yeah...
how did he leave him?
@@leilaaa9835 yeah honestly this is not how I interpreted it. seems like a huge misread. plus Sunny has no reason to resent Hero for leaving them in the real world when all of them retreated in different ways.
@@leilaaa9835 college maybe
hero gains power and immediately becomes a sigma male
Had to beat the living sigma outta him
Hero looks quite dapper in that suit!
Those are literally just his pjs with a tie
Guess he was a lot more like Mr Jawsum than he thought, huh? No wonder they got along so well 😆
Heck, Sweetheart would probably like Hero even more if she saw him like this, lol.
Though unlike Spaceboy he wouldn't fall for her manipulative tricks
He would manipulate her
Hero: sweetheart, lets make a contract, we get married and i get 100% of your income, how about it?
And knowing sweetheart's love for hero she probably wouldnt decline
SweetheartxBossman Hero canon 😢
let me add kel as a witness to this so its cannon
Friends! Let's make a deal!
You get [free kromer]
but I get that [SOUL] you have!
@@larsthememelord3383 spamton said soul once
3:53 his face here is awesome
manic hero:
@@annapotat0987 yep
It's similar to Sweetheart's tbh
Sweetheart x Bossman Hero canon confirmed
They missed *SO HARD* the opportunity to say something like "Hero is a BOSS now!" Or something like that...!!!!! D:
HERO is now a VILLAN
Hero: *Becomes a dictator*
Also Hero: *Fails to realize he’s the only one in the group without a proper nuke and dies immediately*
Actually, he does have a nuke (I don't personally know how to do it, but there should be videos about it)
@@thexingqiushrimp978 Yeah, I said proper nuke
In seriousness, maybe this is how sunny sees hero after he went off to college (or maybe found out that he went to college if he didn’t know before going outside). Maybe he saw it as an abandonment of the friend group and thought that the action was selfish and only for his benefit.
i would agree with you except everybody literally left the friend group, and i don’t think sunny had any way of knowing that he went to college
I think its more his fear of him growing up
He be biggering
Hero's literally becoming a boss.
that feeling when your friend suddenly goes bossy over a tie
also why does he laugh like " HEHEHE HAW"
Friends! Let's make a deal..
I will give you 10 whole pizzas but.... you have to give me 1000000 clams
MARI got one for free , why would we need to pay 1000000 clams for 10?
Hmmm I'll think about it
hero please no
Now that sounds like a solid deal!
@@sunnygaming10188 Omg Basil, how come you haven't told me yet?
Don't worry, I'll teach him a little life lesson with spiders 🤭🤭
“We’re going to break your legs, joe.”
I definitely wanna do this boss for as long time as possible because i want juice all loot out of him,lol XD
Weird, normally it's the boss milking people out of their money, not the other way around
@@Kyumifun Yeah,but this one mostly gives you good stuff for increasing some stats of his team for little amount of turns
i wouldnt want to be the one to juice or milk hero
Hero becomes a [BIG SHOT]
Hero fell in the hands of Capitalism
The face of the hero's bossman is charming
seeing hero so unhinged is hilarious
Hero is a true sigma. Making trade offers in the middle of a fight
I honestly didn’t expect this bossfight to be this hard, I had to grind until like lvl 47 to defeat him, and he even gets bullied at the end lol
Hero changes to his evilest form
Oh god, he's already a professional
This is my favourite boss battle, it's so fun and chaotic lmao
"You, Your friends, and... HERO... feel brand new!"
i love how hero doesn't even scream when aubrey turns his head into soup
When you know a kid is the boss
you know that shits about to go down
i love how one of the first signs of him being evil is he offering work with no pay saying it will a growing opportunity lol
"Oof..I feel dizzy...Where am i?2
Aubrey: **proceeds to hit him in the head**
The only thing bad about this boss fight is how uneven everything looks when hero became bossman hero.
I think it’s funny that they said that they lost the first time, and then they didn’t use any emotions, and also didn’t use flex a single time but instead used an unpowered run n gun lol
this actually took me a few tries and I got a bit frustrated but at least I ended up with enough clams to pay Rococo and the Gator Sculptor 😅
how do you get this boss fight? im doing hikikomori route and i just got the normal jawsum fight
@@ilysmkaoru91 I think it's console only
Hero became a capitalist
This boss fight took me an hour to beat because I keep accidentally accepting his offers to heal the opponent for pizza...
So we have a Manic Hero sprite now
guys this shows that power corrupts people especially hero 😔😔😔
The masculine urge to jump on your desk and laugh maniacally with the power of capitalism.
Boss man Hero! Also, the end cutscene 😭
My Herofan friend it's gonna love this.
Thank u for going true this😭✨✨✨
For this entire battle I literally ended up not even using Kel, he kept dying 💀
"Ah yes, some raw seafood."
Best line ever
jawsum and hero are my favorite capitalists
Bread slice best skill
3:24 man literally just pulled the “pay you in exposure” move.
"Boutta fight Hero"
"Damn... Hero got prep time"
3:18 if hero had manic emotion like omori, it'll look like this
the clam attack can be quite exploitable if you had tons of tofu to not succumb
Hero you were in power for only a few seconds.
Meanwhile kell:😁😁😁😁
Alternate ending :
“OH FU-”
Hero snapped his fingers 3 times and everyone is just "GUYS, STAY AWAY FROM THE MAN"
The background on fire caught me off guard
Oh no..HERO discovered CAPITALISM
That's some Wheatley level twist right there
I would have so enjoyed it if there was a side quest u could do running the Last Resort w Hero 😭😭
Sweetheart, Unbread Twins, Cpt. Space boyfriend 1&2
What the hell man?
hero on the grindset💪😈
Top 10 reasons why Hero is my favorite character in Omori:
Bro this gane thought "Whole Pizza" was a snack 💀💀
Light Snack
Note to self, don't let Hero snap his fingers ever again.