Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception: Gameplay Footage
- Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
- Nathan Drake is back in Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception only on PS3. Our hero looks better than ever in this gameplay footage.
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i how drake reacts the scene because in most games if there is fire or your on a ship that is kinda tilting the character would just run normal and other stuff, but drake is like a real person making sure that he has good well being. LOVE IT!
nice to see that they are sticking to the the same gameplay we all know and love
I believe Uncharted sets a definitive standard for Hollywood blockbuster adventure treasure-hunting movies. Uncharted seemingly just "Wow" the audience with its cinematic moments and story-telling. Uncharted is the TRUE successor to Indiana Jones and Tomb raider
Drake's new jump attack was awesome along with the graphics of this game
I've wathced this like 9 million times ... can't wait !!
Lol, I love how Sully just runs off at 0:35! Doesn't even bother taking cover.
This looks like it is the best out of all of them. Idefinatly want to get this for my birthday.
Imagine how epic the jump stealth kill would be on multiplayer
Sick graphic + Sick Story + Sick gameplay + Sick control + Sick online mode + Awards winning == Uncharted 3 whith no doubt if you really want all of that in ur game get UNCHARTED the beast 3
ive played every encharted so far........and im not missin this one out
And this is what makes me proud to be a Playstation 3 owner.
I love Sully, glad to know he's still around in U3.
The whole uncharted series is freaking awesome they are my favorite games and i think number 3 will win game of the year.
uncharted is truly the perfect game. Perfect graphics, perfect story, perfect pacing, perfect gameplay and perfect girls!!
Drake's pounce 0:24 was pretty cool
This game is going to be so awesome, cant wait for it to come out
Sully, thats one of the reasons Drake didnt want you to have a cigarette.
Thank the gaming Gods that the enemies no longer take 35 bullets to die..
i love how drake always fucks up
This really looks more like a movie than a game.
love the uncharted games, the characters have a personality, controls are awesome, and the graphics are amazing. well done naughty-dog and Amy Hennig
wow, Gameplay footage is coming out earlier and earlier. soon i am going to be watching the footage 2 years before the game goes into development
i cant wait to get this game, when i get it im gonna do exactly what i do with 1 and 2, play them so loud on the tv that the whole damn street can hear it
Aww, I liked it when you had to press Triangle to pick up ammo, it was a little detail that kinda made it more realistic for me.
0_0 looks amazing. one of the best series out there cant wait :D
It may be true when people say, "it's not Sony and Microsoft that develop games, it's game developing companies that make the game for the systems." What is also true is the 360 wouldn't be able to handle most of the ps3 exclusives, like uncharted. This game already looks amazing and it's gonna get even better. There's about 10 months to go. They aren't even close to being finished.
ahhhh the joy of having a Playstation, great game, great graphics! And a hopeful beta announcement at E3 PLLLLEEEEAAAASSSSSEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm mostly an Xbox gamer but uncharted is one of the reasons i have a ps3, that and blu ray
I haven't even played Uncharted 2 yet, and this game already looks so fucking epic.
Perfect: Adjective. Definition: Something or someone without flaw or possible mistake.
See Also: Uncharted 3.
PS3 and Uncharted 3 FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
has anybody notice that nate and sully are like michael and sam from burn notice except 2 of the 4 are spies and the other 2 are badass treasure hunters
im so glad im getting my ps3 today for christmas
I really like how nate looks up in his cover stance in 0:30,it look like hes looking up the skies and thinking"why do i always get myself into this crap?"
Just one word to describe this: AWESOME
@Bodogjoe this entire thing you saw, you play all the way through. Its not a cutscene. Its making the game world dynamic.
@blastofo its not to spoil it. they're trying new ideas and giving the community a chance to voice what they like about the game
ADAM SESSLER voice: Uncharted 3 provides action, excitement and innovative gameplay, world renowned graphics, and a complete storyline that most gamers look for when playing adventure games.Uncharted 3 seems to be the cream of the crop and will possible be greater than its award winning predecessor Uncharted 2, this November top gamers will be looking forward to game like this as for us on Xplay we give Uncharted 3 Drake Deception a 5 out 5
to be honest it doesn't matter what difficulty you play it on, it's basically like playing through an action movie. I've beaten both(couldn't beat the final boss on the second one on hard though yet :/), but im entertained just watching my friend play it
i'm glad uncharted will not be a trilogy and will continue making games.
That HUD looks nice.
What are the three main things that make a game great?
-Graphics on the water/ CHECK
-If the sunlight makes you go WOW/ CHECK
- Detail in fire./ CHECK
YES!!!! My PS3 will explode with new games next year!!!
@0.33 saw right in the head and still not dead. great game!
even with youtube compression it still looks amazing!
I got both consoles and Bungie is the only reason why I turn on my 360. Now that both Bungie (untitled) and Epic (Bulletstorm) make games for my PS3 I’ve stopped spending money on the 360's expensive subscription. With Crysis 2 and Mass Effect 2+3 performing better on the PS3 it's really nice to be an owner. Without it I would be missing the PS3 exclusives, such as Uncharted, God of War, Killzone, GT, The Last Guardian, Heavy Rain, MGS4, Resistance, inFamous, Yakuza, LBP, Motorstorm, SOCOM, R&C.
this is one of the best playstation games out there to date no doubt it will win a game of the year award
I love how at 0.24 drake does the scene from pineapple express
Looks amazing. I just can't afford all the amazing games next year, but this one is a must buy.
0:28 He step over the guy like ''Oh fuck there's more people to shoot!'' XD
@ominousyoshi Remember each game had a different setting. First one: Jungle. 2nd one: Mountains. Third one: Desert
PS3 has Uncharted
Xbox 360 has Halo
Victor Sullivan is a badass, he didn't even take cover at gunfights LOL!
I am a huge Uncharted fan this is looking good, but i cant help notice the similiarities between this and the beginning of Tomb Raider Underworld
I was really waiting for Nate to say: "Shame of the haircut, haha." at 0:41
how dare they tease us with this a whole YEAR before it comes out!!
when people saw the preview of uncharted 2 they said...it looks like drakes fortune..when they saw the video of drakes deception..they're now saying it looks like uncharted 2...WAIT TILL YOU PLAY UNCHARTED 3 ON YOUR 1080p TV OR IN 3D. then you'll be like uncharted 3 is HEAVENLY!
love the jump take down
This year is gonna be hard for lots of people with all these good games coming out. Hows gaming gonna be at this time next year?
0:35 nice AI running straight into the bad guys there, with guns
0:25 Nate's possessed by Ezio? Desmond?
That looks like fun, I would totally try that every chance I can. JUMP TACKLE!
I hope that Elena and Chloe comes back in Uncharted 3.
mom: why our internet is slow??
me: im watching u3 gameplay in 720
mom: move
'Woaaah, oh crap"
-Drake from Uncharted 2
I love how everybody fights about the systems on a ps3 or wii exclusive game video and not an xbox one.
And to think i used to have an xbox makes me gag at the sight of this game
i realy like this series
i hardly enjoy games , where i play alot
i likes uncharted 1, just finished 2, and now will play Uncharted 3
awsome game.
GamerPrinceMXZ - Suppose your right there. While I don't want them to drag the series on till it gets boring, I'll also be sad to see it end :(
i dont care if people say it looks da same as da other uncharted games, im gonna buy it and im gonna love it ...god i love these games
@mrlex352 I disagree, The Uncharted games focus on the unknown things in history, It is a nice change of pace when i fight these monsters and it makes the game much better. In the first uncharted 1 and 2 it focuses on Francis Drake and what happned to his men, In the second it focused on Marco Polo and his lost fleet, Its real history with a twist and i think many of us enjoy it and many would disagree and some might agree with you.
X box owner: holy shit! all my hardwork will be gone.
0:34 Lol Sully you badass, just run right past them :D
Please fast forward to the release date of this game. I cant wait.
after watching this i am definitely getting it
Uncharted 3 will have character creation for the main campaign.
I read T.E. Lawrence's seven pillars of wisdom to prep for this
they need to make a movie
Once this game is released it will definitely a game of the year and you will eat your discouraging comments
Sometimes I'm glad to have both systems.
god damn the game itself looks like a cinematic adventure :D
why are there too many people here complaining about the console, so if uncharted was made in xbox the whole issue wouldn't have been made? both consoles are good although each have ups and downs, like for ps3 it can have the best resolution you want but it easily heats and that wouldn't be good for long hours and for xbox it can withstand hours of gameplays but has a disadvantage of having bugs in the develpment of the games in their consoles... both are good in co-op/online so stop complaining
I'm Scott Ly, the actor. I began the "Pursuit of Uncharted" back in November 2010. It all started when a close friend of mine mentioned that the well known video game "Uncharted" was being made into a feature film set to shoot 2013 and directed by Neil Burger(The Illusionist). He said, "I could see you playing Eddy Raja. And there's no one else,,,
Read more and see the video on youtube@ "Pursuit of Uncharted".
It looks like it plays pretty much the same as Uncharted 2. Needless to say, as a fan I'm definitely getting it.
I LOVE my 360 but this game is the sole reason I'm getting a ps3 next year
@andrewwk6 Remember there is a 10 month wait for the game, so all of the features of course have not been announced.
Watch the first 10 seconds with your eyes closed LOL
Damn you Naughy Dogs for not releasing it to PC :)
I can honesty say the first game was the most entertaining game I have ever played.. But my ps3 broke down, so havent even tried the second game..
how can this game look so good but still be 10 months away?
@iLuiSz Meh. It just wasnt what i was expecting. Maybe (probably) i'm wrong and it'll be an amazingly awesome game! There's always 2 sides to an arguement. Thanks for not going full out swearing at me, thats really stupid. Thanks for being a good sport!
In the beginning when they bust through the doors I can so the actors in mocap suites doing that. thumbs up if you agree.
.... I just realized we have to wait a year for this. :,l
just one word to describe this game: AWESOME o____o
Uncharted 2 = 2010 Game Of The Year.
Uncharted 3 = derp. 2011 Game Of The Century.
Holy moly. Can't wait.
"NO NO NO NOOO" Drakes form of identification.............
Never played the first 2, but i want this one.