What's interesting to note is that the buzzer's actually been gradually decreasing in both speed and pitch over the last 40-something years; if you listen to the earliest recording from 1976, the buzzer's more like a fast, high-pitched beep. Compare that to recordings from 1984, 1991, 2000, 2002, and even this one, made just two years ago, and you can tell that as the years went on, the beep's grown slower and lower until it eventually became the buzz we know today. Maybe the hardware failure recorded here might have some relation to that.
That would indicate oscillations slowing down in the buzzer sound... making lower pitch tones, so degradation over time yeah... but this sudden seemingly a failure... and then startup again... somebody still works there? Lol
I'd fall asleep! Lmao. There's been things like TV and such heard in the background. There's probably more than one person there and they take shifts or something. Lmao I can see them sitting there all together watching TV or something while on the job just waiting for the buzzing to stop. Falling asleep on top of each other. Haha!
@Sassy Sarah Continuous feed paper ;) I used printers like that in the 80's and the sound annoys the fk out of you if you have a big document to print lol
@Xenomoly Bloom no. 1. It sounds like the oscillator failed, rather than being turned off. 2. There is no nuclear arsenal connected to such an old piece of equipment.
The device that produces the sound is not necessarily loud. It could be something attached to the microphone. Put a wristwatch on a microphone so it phisycally touches the frame and you will understand what I mean. You will barely hear it with your ears from up close, but the mic will pick it up loud.
I can imagine some Russian soldiers sitting in the building, looking after the buzzer, having some drinks, good food, cigarettes and watching TV all the time. And getting good paid for it.
I've heard tale that the Buzzer really isn't more than a microphone in front of a buzzing device in order to keep it simple, reliable and foolproof and to allow for immediate communication with agents on the field when needed, especially given the reports of background noises in the past, and this recording has what sounds like the sound of a fan in the background after each buzz, so I would believe it to a certain degree. I noticed from the very beginning of the vid that after each buzz, I can hear it almost hesitating; it wasn't as precise as it should've been, it slightly hiccups every now and then, like a car that occasionally misfires. Maybe this was an on-air failure of the auditory device...? I can't explain the squeak before the transmission cuts out at the 2:00 mark, but it's like they slammed the shut-off button, took out the broken buzzer, got a new one, tested it real quick, and when they knew it worked, plunked it in front of the microphone. If you listen at 5:11 you can hear when the transmitter kicks back in and everything resumes as it was, complete with the background hum/fan. We'll likely never know the answer, but it's so much fun to speculate! Creepy!
I am an amateur radio operator from Russia. My great-uncle used to say that mostly the military speaks at low frequencies (he trained signalmen in Vietnam and worked for a long time at radio stations throughout the Soviet Union until 1991). So this and many other frequencies are military radio stations and are used. And the buzzer is a "marker" that does not allow radio amateurs and non-profit organizations to occupy this frequency. I'm sorry if I made a mistake somewhere, I rarely use English to communicate
@@metovar6961 не глушат. Эти частоты никто не использует, кроме военных. Радиочастоты и частоты радиолюбителей гораздо выше по шкале, чем их частоты. Для вещания на этих частотах или для их прослушивания простого радиоприёмника недостаточно
In mother Radio, video listens to your heartbeat, and then kills you while Governor Cuomo smiles blithely, thanking his lucky star that it was not his mother listening.
I have been an insomniac my entire life. When I was a kid I spent a lot of that wake time at late night and early morning listening to shortwave radio. It was during the Cold War and before the fall of the Soviet Bloc, so besides the BBC, evangelical US radio, East German radio, Radio Habana Cuba, the Voice of America, and Radio Moscow, I could catch, some regularly, other times randomly, pattern transmissions, morse code transmissions, number transmission, apparently random codeword transmissions, and other weird crap. Sadly lots of concrete skyscrapers were built around me and I lost a lot of reception, among other developments. They were such fun times with the headphones. Each generation loses so much. My great-grandfather was a pioneer of radio, telegraphs, and phone (and eventually cinema) develeopments since the 19th century, my grandfather also worked with radio and he was several times the president of the national amateur radio society, my dad had his sound toys which are now gone, and now my daughter only wants to watch Peppa Pig...
I especially liked the part where they change things up unexpectedly, towards the middle of the song. And then, alexi banging on the side of the machine with a wrench, pure musical genius.
Stanley [427] Actually, during The Buzzers time broadcasting, multiple instances of the microphone stopping and people hearing voices have been reported. This is just one of those many cases of strange things happening.
i believe ya can hear him unplugging the machine and working on it and turning it back on again. you can tell the mains hum. he is moving either the microphone or the machine because you can hear the reverberation change when it gets back up & running. you can hear him moving the microphone during the maintenance too because you can hear him banging it. you think its like pops & clicks in the radio transmission, but its messing with the mic
Two days ago it broke down for 15 hours on 07/14/22. I was tuned in and it just abruptly shut off at 19:00:23 UTC followed by hours of heavy noise and feedback. They eventually started messing with it. You could hear the mic being bumped around for several hours. They made it work, but would buzz very weak once every 2-3 minutes. They eventually got on the radio or phone and were trying to get it going. You could tell the operator was getting frustrated and gave up. They just stopped talking and the buzzer stopped. An hour of dead silence goes by and then some bumping around started. They started the buzzer up and it was all messed up for about 2 minutes. Shut it off and started the beeper which worked fine, but shut it off quickly. Several hours of dead silence goes by and then the beeper just starts up at 10:18:29 and ran it until they fixed the buzzer and started it back up at 11:01:56. The buzzer malfunctioned and broke down several times, but they quickly got it backup each time. They obviously don't like using the beeper.
@@graphstyle negative. Whoever keeps recordings, here’s the transcript I saved out of boredom: UVB-76 anomaly 7/14/22-7/15/22 19:00:23 UTC - buzzer abruptly stops Heavy static / interference for hours Spooky feedback followed by rough mic noise starting ~3:00 4:04:14 UTC - audio anomaly ( these continue randomly) 4:21:30 audio signal - buzzer? 4:26:30 buzzer tries to buzz 4:28:50- buzz? Very weak distorted buzzes continue 4:36:10 definite buzz 4:38:25 buzz 4:43:48 distorted buzz 4:48:15 weak buzz 4:53:24 weak buzz 4:56:23 weak buzz 4:58:48 weak buzz 5:02:53 weak buzz 5:03:14 weak buzz 5:06:47 weak buzz 5:08:24 weak buzz 5:11-5:12 several weak buzzes followed by spooky audio feedback 5:13:47 distorted buzz 5:14:44 weak buzz *5:18:15 - 2 weak buzzes and conversion via phone or radio starts - apparently trying to fix the buzzer - seems frustrated 5:22:06 weak buzz 5:23:11 weak buzz 5:23:23 weak buzz 5:31:01 conversation ends followed by static Apparently they got frustrated and gave up 5:46:49 background conversation? Tv? Radio? Heavy Static and mic noise ~6:00 Silence for hours unless noted +Random audio anomalies 7:08:41+ buzzer test in background 7:09:22+ still malfunctioning for 1.5 minutes 7:25:49 still messing with it - set up beeper? 7:26:19 temporary beeper test (few seconds) 7:36:57 guy breathes or blows into mic 7:39:29 blows into mic again Very quiet with random mic bumps ~8:00 messing with equipment in background for at least 15 minutes Some random mic bumps but mostly silent *10:18:29 UTC temporary beeper starts 11:01:56 UTC buzzer restarts 11:09:55 UTC buzzer breaks down More breakdowns occur as buzzer malfunctions over the next several hours Buzzer in bad condition “UVB-76” went without channel marker for 15 hr 18 minutes
Merit Seto The source of this signal was tracked several times straight on line, but each time the source appeared in a new location. And in the place of bearing was an old structure and emptiness. And so every time a new bearing and a new location. Guess where the gikak fails.
I don't think it is a power failure, because the microphone recorded further. The device which produces this tone, which sounds like a mechanic moving coil, was likely replaced in this time. The moving coil had not enough momentum because this very old device broke down. That would explain why the sound was deeper and slower at 1:50. German: Ich denke nicht, dass ein Stromausfall daran Schuld ist, da das Mikrofon weiter aufgezeichnet hat. Das Gerät was diesen Ton produziert, welcher übrigens klingt wie eine mechanische Schwingspule, wurde in dieser Zeit wahrscheinlich aufgrund eines defektes ausgetauscht. Die Schwingspule hatte wahrscheinlich nicht mehr genügend "Drehmoment" und so wurde der Ton verzerrt. Das kann einfach ein Defekt sein, da diese Geräte alle ziemlich alt sind. Das würde erklären, wieso der Ton langsamer und tiefer wird bei Stelle 1:50.
You could be right. It really sounded like something was getting replaced... Du könntest Recht haben es hört sich wirklich an als ob etwas ausgetauscht wird.
Im Hintergrund hört es sich zeitweise so an als ob jemand Türen öffnet und wieder schließt. Als ob man erst nachgesehen hätte warum jetzt alles ruhig ist und dann den Raum verlässt um ggf ein Ersatzteil zu holen
during the silent period, it looked as if cables were being shifted as the negative spike was the same aptitude as the next series of tx. Also I found it interesting during the possible cabling that there were spikes with no sound.
До таймкода с рестартом, примерно на 4:58 слышится что-то типа голоса вдалеке, но очень нечетко😱 Думаю хватит на сегодня просмотра жутких записей (от апвоут✌️)
I think that was a fart. I think that was a fart. I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart. ok? 오케이 쥬아요
I’m so fascinated by this station. Whose jobs are to monitor the buzzer? Will it ever go off the air? Will it continue broadcasting even when there is no one to hear it?
Kung Fu Lehrer The source of this signal was tracked several times straight on line, but each time the source appeared in a new location. And in the place of bearing was an old structure and emptiness. And so every time a new bearing and a new location. Guess where the gikak fails.
I actually heard this on am radio. I thought it was my radio being weird but it was the same noise. It drove my mother crazy when I played it on that particular frequency.
at one of the abandoned facilities where people tracked this not only did they find a log book with dates and times with peoples names but a microphone with a device there...it has since been guarded with no chance of getting in. They also found some chairs and a table there which explains the talking in the background at times. The coordinates for the abandoned facility are 60°18'40.1"N 30°16'40.5"E
Machi Giceb they moved somewhere close to Saint-Petersburg, 400 km away from Moscow. Now I suppose military uses this frequency to send orders to armies and special forces across Russia
Guys, this is Russia)) just have not changed the battery in time - no problem! Nuclear missiles do not change their destination because of this little accident.
You know it would be so werid for there to be a UVB - 76 livestream that records the broadcast LIVE for millions to listen to instead of going to Russia to find it.
The main broadcast facility is the 60s Communication Hub ( Codename Vulkun ) in St Petersburg. There are also possble 2 other relay type facilities at Naro Forminsk and Kerro Massive. The St Petersburg facility was tracked down by radio hams triangulating signals to find the location. There also had been some leaked phone message confirming the location as being within the 60th Communication hub building
Daev Arthur Ford The source of this signal was tracked several times straight on line, but each time the source appeared in a new location. And in the place of bearing was an old structure and emptiness. And so every time a new bearing and a new location. Guess where the gikak fails.
Imbedded in this can be minute frequencies that have compacted messages. The Nazi’s used a style similar to this during WWII. The message could be just a very tiny blip of frequency, almost like a small scratch. Taking that “ scratch” and breaking it down, then one can begin to unravel the coded message. This was used between the Soviet Union and their Submarines.
Some information for our international friends . Specialists think that the signal has origin from 3 ( or more ) points in different parts of Russia ( St. Petersburg, Omsk and Vladivostok ) . Frequency 4625 uses for special radio signals (especially in emergency cases like war , cataclysm or Smth very very dangerous for people )
Anyone considered that all 3 russian radio stations the pip the buzzer and the squeaky wheel work together to transmit a message, for example only part of a full message would be broadcast on each station, tuning into each station at certain times would give you each part of the message, making it complete
I don't know why, but the static, and some type of sound that i can only think would be metallic clanking, would make me think that it's on a train that's moving
Maybe the ocillator broke for the same reason that the signal was unusually strong. It sounds like the interval decreased a few cycles before the oscillator quit completely. I also noticed that the background mains hum was not present for the last few cycles.
well...i was listening to it and they talked something today...but the buzzer dont make it understandable....but i recorded it and will try to find if someone can clear the "noise ratio"
While the buzz is absent, I feel like some of the noises indicate someone fixing it. Like tapping something against a desk, plugging and un-plugging connectors etc.
I like to think this was caused by an intern who accidentally messed up with the signal and all the sounds was him/her in a panic trying to set things straight. And when the signal was finally up again, they didn’t even notice it was lightly off
in russian this says. Я - 143. Не получаю генератор... ...идёт такая работа от аппаратной.Офицер дежурного узла связи "Дебют", прапорщик Успенская. Получила контрольный звонок от Надежды... ...поняла.
With my dad being a ex radio-man in the police, he let me tune in and listen to all kinds of weird signals including the buzzer and he even had a recording of the woodpecker
my guess is the mechanism to produce the sound was slowing and wore out and then they had to replace it and now it was moving at a faster rate because its a brand new one like a battery dying or something
2:00 you can hear a door opening and a few steps, as the microphone just switched or the beeping alarm goes off for a brief time, I cant tell if the mic source input is inside or outside.. Might be outside and the wind hit on it or Inside and its just poor quality and interferences from the Electromagnetic pulse field.. Most probably its inside because you can clearly hear a door and a few steps tho
I DID IT I DE-CODED IT! IT SAYS " the week is long the silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west a trip to China sounds nice if you tread lightly " If you get this then I love you
I love russian music
Tuning Guitar~ simple.
This could actually be dope sample for dark techno track!
russian music ну такое
What's interesting to note is that the buzzer's actually been gradually decreasing in both speed and pitch over the last 40-something years; if you listen to the earliest recording from 1976, the buzzer's more like a fast, high-pitched beep. Compare that to recordings from 1984, 1991, 2000, 2002, and even this one, made just two years ago, and you can tell that as the years went on, the beep's grown slower and lower until it eventually became the buzz we know today. Maybe the hardware failure recorded here might have some relation to that.
Could you give me a link to the original 1976 recording?
The signal tone was changed from the beep to the buzz. 👍
That would indicate oscillations slowing down in the buzzer sound... making lower pitch tones, so degradation over time yeah... but this sudden seemingly a failure... and then startup again... somebody still works there? Lol
Or maybe just the Batteries where empty?
For them to replace it that fast means that someone has to be listening to this 24/7. What an irritating job that must be.
I'd fall asleep! Lmao. There's been things like TV and such heard in the background. There's probably more than one person there and they take shifts or something.
Lmao I can see them sitting there all together watching TV or something while on the job just waiting for the buzzing to stop. Falling asleep on top of each other. Haha!
Sassy Sarah dot matrix
@Sassy Sarah Continuous feed paper ;) I used printers like that in the 80's and the sound annoys the fk out of you if you have a big document to print lol
@Xenomoly Bloom no.
1. It sounds like the oscillator failed, rather than being turned off.
2. There is no nuclear arsenal connected to such an old piece of equipment.
The device that produces the sound is not necessarily loud. It could be something attached to the microphone. Put a wristwatch on a microphone so it phisycally touches the frame and you will understand what I mean. You will barely hear it with your ears from up close, but the mic will pick it up loud.
Dammit Ivan! You spilled vodka on the Transmitter again!
Dammit? It's blyat
@@Vitarios its блять!
Is good, yes?
John Doe Oh, thats what my uncles been saying when we do something wrong
@@ОленеводБельбиев блядь- обызвательство и называть человеко шлюхой, а блять, это сильный выплеск эмоций, так что не умничай
Me: *watches this full volume at 1am*
The demons in my closet: *twerking*
Rebuke them
Hello weirdcore, I was wondering if I could get in contact with you if you are interesting in un covering the secrets of uvb-76 with me and my team.
Mine do Closet Dance
@@ynwa614 you shouldn't recommend that to someone who talked about a demon twerking haha
@@adaptsight Ik it was a joke
2:00 I think that was a fart.
manyalvinegro e
hahahahhahahha nc joke
hahahahhahahha nc joke
manyalvinegro lol
manyalvinegro me too
I'm watching a video about radio static. What am I doing with my life?
mustang6172 idk me too
mustang6172 same here
I am not. Absolutely not.. I deny everything
Group hug
Oi, blyad, Dmirti! The battery!
Dafuq? the battery?
DajjalThrash oh,***** Dimitri! Batereika!
Davarich bateraika!
I can imagine some Russian soldiers sitting in the building, looking after the buzzer, having some drinks, good food, cigarettes and watching TV all the time. And getting good paid for it.
Когда-нибудь он настроит свою гитару...
до слёз ))))
Думаю нет)
Это он просто djent играет!
Видемо не когда не настроит))
I've heard tale that the Buzzer really isn't more than a microphone in front of a buzzing device in order to keep it simple, reliable and foolproof and to allow for immediate communication with agents on the field when needed, especially given the reports of background noises in the past, and this recording has what sounds like the sound of a fan in the background after each buzz, so I would believe it to a certain degree. I noticed from the very beginning of the vid that after each buzz, I can hear it almost hesitating; it wasn't as precise as it should've been, it slightly hiccups every now and then, like a car that occasionally misfires. Maybe this was an on-air failure of the auditory device...? I can't explain the squeak before the transmission cuts out at the 2:00 mark, but it's like they slammed the shut-off button, took out the broken buzzer, got a new one, tested it real quick, and when they knew it worked, plunked it in front of the microphone. If you listen at 5:11 you can hear when the transmitter kicks back in and everything resumes as it was, complete with the background hum/fan.
We'll likely never know the answer, but it's so much fun to speculate! Creepy!
I am an amateur radio operator from Russia. My great-uncle used to say that mostly the military speaks at low frequencies (he trained signalmen in Vietnam and worked for a long time at radio stations throughout the Soviet Union until 1991). So this and many other frequencies are military radio stations and are used. And the buzzer is a "marker" that does not allow radio amateurs and non-profit organizations to occupy this frequency.
I'm sorry if I made a mistake somewhere, I rarely use English to communicate
In the background, it will not be a fan, but something like ground-loop hum.
At 2:00 could be de-energizing (voltage cutoff to device)
I think, you are 100% right.
@@artemdov6358 То есть, военные этими действиями глушат сигнал для обычных людей?
@@metovar6961 не глушат. Эти частоты никто не использует, кроме военных. Радиочастоты и частоты радиолюбителей гораздо выше по шкале, чем их частоты. Для вещания на этих частотах или для их прослушивания простого радиоприёмника недостаточно
In mother russia, radio listens to you!
Someone had to! lol
In mother Radio, video listens to your heartbeat, and then kills you while Governor Cuomo smiles blithely, thanking his lucky star that it was not his mother listening.
Probably the most accurate statement from this joke
Mark S you don’t listen to radio,
Radio listens to you!!! Ja!!!
My cell phone listens to me
Friend: What kind of music do u like?
LOL then just start head banging to the static
Ummm here listin
It's conp
Lmao 😂😂😂
Can you imagine you are alone in a forest camping and your radio suddenly gets to this frequency and stucks there for a solid 5 minutes
You can't accidentally tune into this station lmao
@@everettrailfan Thank you for getting fricking right
Not so scary, it sounds like a static sound (the breakdown part)
In this case I will remove the battery, or use hammer to shut this shit off.
And your flashlight goes off😩😩
I have been an insomniac my entire life. When I was a kid I spent a lot of that wake time at late night and early morning listening to shortwave radio. It was during the Cold War and before the fall of the Soviet Bloc, so besides the BBC, evangelical US radio, East German radio, Radio Habana Cuba, the Voice of America, and Radio Moscow, I could catch, some regularly, other times randomly, pattern transmissions, morse code transmissions, number transmission, apparently random codeword transmissions, and other weird crap. Sadly lots of concrete skyscrapers were built around me and I lost a lot of reception, among other developments. They were such fun times with the headphones. Each generation loses so much. My great-grandfather was a pioneer of radio, telegraphs, and phone (and eventually cinema) develeopments since the 19th century, my grandfather also worked with radio and he was several times the president of the national amateur radio society, my dad had his sound toys which are now gone, and now my daughter only wants to watch Peppa Pig...
This was lowkey a bop bro 😩💕💕
Please drop another album soon this shit was fire🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I especially liked the part where they change things up unexpectedly, towards the middle of the song. And then, alexi banging on the side of the machine with a wrench, pure musical genius.
@@Ba11leFieldAce I know right?! Very talented :)
@@button9584 Yes very bro, absolutely fire 🔥 can't wait for this musical genius to drop another #1 hit on da streets yo!
I mean, in 40 years something was bound to stop working.
Stanley [427] Actually, during The Buzzers time broadcasting, multiple instances of the microphone stopping and people hearing voices have been reported. This is just one of those many cases of strange things happening.
It's the same with people.
Buzzer dies when its carbon brushes wear out. It explains why it slows down at 1:56. That's it.
@@Parfen_Rogojin it's a mechanical device it seems
i believe ya can hear him unplugging the machine and working on it and turning it back on again. you can tell the mains hum. he is moving either the microphone or the machine because you can hear the reverberation change when it gets back up & running. you can hear him moving the microphone during the maintenance too because you can hear him banging it. you think its like pops & clicks in the radio transmission, but its messing with the mic
2:00 was literally the most wholesome thing I heard today, thank you.
This was the funniest comment i saw today thank you.
Someone just ripped a fat one
@@АлександрФи-у5у i thought of the same thing
Mario do be jumping tho
Two days ago it broke down for 15 hours on 07/14/22. I was tuned in and it just abruptly shut off at 19:00:23 UTC followed by hours of heavy noise and feedback. They eventually started messing with it. You could hear the mic being bumped around for several hours. They made it work, but would buzz very weak once every 2-3 minutes. They eventually got on the radio or phone and were trying to get it going. You could tell the operator was getting frustrated and gave up. They just stopped talking and the buzzer stopped. An hour of dead silence goes by and then some bumping around started. They started the buzzer up and it was all messed up for about 2 minutes. Shut it off and started the beeper which worked fine, but shut it off quickly. Several hours of dead silence goes by and then the beeper just starts up at 10:18:29 and ran it until they fixed the buzzer and started it back up at 11:01:56. The buzzer malfunctioned and broke down several times, but they quickly got it backup each time. They obviously don't like using the beeper.
Did you record it?
@@graphstyle negative. Whoever keeps recordings, here’s the transcript I saved out of boredom:
UVB-76 anomaly 7/14/22-7/15/22
19:00:23 UTC - buzzer abruptly stops
Heavy static / interference for hours
Spooky feedback followed by rough mic noise starting ~3:00
4:04:14 UTC - audio anomaly ( these continue randomly)
4:21:30 audio signal - buzzer?
4:26:30 buzzer tries to buzz 4:28:50- buzz?
Very weak distorted buzzes continue
4:36:10 definite buzz 4:38:25 buzz
4:43:48 distorted buzz 4:48:15 weak buzz
4:53:24 weak buzz 4:56:23 weak buzz 4:58:48 weak buzz
5:02:53 weak buzz 5:03:14 weak buzz
5:06:47 weak buzz 5:08:24 weak buzz
5:11-5:12 several weak buzzes followed by spooky audio feedback
5:13:47 distorted buzz 5:14:44 weak buzz
*5:18:15 - 2 weak buzzes and conversion via phone or radio starts - apparently trying to fix the buzzer - seems frustrated
5:22:06 weak buzz
5:23:11 weak buzz 5:23:23 weak buzz
5:31:01 conversation ends followed by static
Apparently they got frustrated and gave up
5:46:49 background conversation? Tv? Radio?
Heavy Static and mic noise
~6:00 Silence for hours unless noted
+Random audio anomalies
7:08:41+ buzzer test in background
7:09:22+ still malfunctioning for 1.5 minutes
7:25:49 still messing with it - set up beeper?
7:26:19 temporary beeper test (few seconds)
7:36:57 guy breathes or blows into mic
7:39:29 blows into mic again
Very quiet with random mic bumps
~8:00 messing with equipment in background for at least 15 minutes
Some random mic bumps but mostly silent
*10:18:29 UTC temporary beeper starts
11:01:56 UTC buzzer restarts
11:09:55 UTC buzzer breaks down
More breakdowns occur as buzzer malfunctions over the next several hours
Buzzer in bad condition
“UVB-76” went without channel marker for
15 hr 18 minutes
Оу, и это вы считаете страшным? Хехе, жизнь в России в 2020 - вот что действительно страшно
Это вы, те, кто лайкают меня, вы тоже пришли из апвоуп?
Наталья Валентиновна жизнь в Росси это в принципе страшно
Наталья Валентиновна да!
@@ВарькаШура, броооооо❤
@@natalistrelnikova4617 да братан мы тоже, ахах
I love to hear the station, because the buzz has an very calming effect on me, but every time something happens it sends shivers down my spine :D
Wow!Now I get to know that this happens not only to me but there are others who feel same like me
Don't worry the CIA knows already knew of your past as a sleeper agent.
Merit Seto is that queen? Hehe
Merit Seto The source of this signal was tracked several times straight on line, but each time the source appeared in a new location. And in the place of bearing was an old structure and emptiness. And so every time a new bearing and a new location. Guess where the gikak fails.
I was expecting something totally creepy, so when the anticlimactic moment at 2:00 happened, I started laughing my ass off.
Bryce Tomecek I see that n7 what I chance I found someone like me here!
+Bryce Tomecek
Like the record scratch sound in cartoons.
If you knew anything about frequencies it's actual pretty creepy
@@nateh2665 can you explain ?
@@giveeeee not creepy in a sense of scary but creepy in a sense of mystery. the noise is there for a reason.
everybody gangsta til all of these buzzers troughout the years spelled out "D-E-E-Z N-U-T-S"
4:39 they're hitting it to get it to work again
@@wackaircaftmechanic2312 AAAAAEEEEEe
@@user-ru9wf4yx7r lol
It lokks like shoot of pistol
Sounds like a floppy disk drive checking the sectors for a copy protection
My old Commodore 1541 made that same noise from time to time.
Francois Ritaly 😂😂😂
Ur old
@@MichaelClark-uw7ex - You sure it wasn't an Admiral 1541?
I don't think it is a power failure, because the microphone recorded further. The device which produces this tone, which sounds like a mechanic moving coil, was likely replaced in this time. The moving coil had not enough momentum because this very old device broke down. That would explain why the sound was deeper and slower at 1:50.
German: Ich denke nicht, dass ein Stromausfall daran Schuld ist, da das Mikrofon weiter aufgezeichnet hat. Das Gerät was diesen Ton produziert, welcher übrigens klingt wie eine mechanische Schwingspule, wurde in dieser Zeit wahrscheinlich aufgrund eines defektes ausgetauscht. Die Schwingspule hatte wahrscheinlich nicht mehr genügend "Drehmoment" und so wurde der Ton verzerrt. Das kann einfach ein Defekt sein, da diese Geräte alle ziemlich alt sind. Das würde erklären, wieso der Ton langsamer und tiefer wird bei Stelle 1:50.
but it spe d up before it completely stopped, didnt it?
Excrushr Thank you for the free german lesson
Excrushr the more I learn about this the more I understand this but honestly it still becomes creepier
You could be right. It really sounded like something was getting replaced...
Du könntest Recht haben es hört sich wirklich an als ob etwas ausgetauscht wird.
Im Hintergrund hört es sich zeitweise so an als ob jemand Türen öffnet und wieder schließt. Als ob man erst nachgesehen hätte warum jetzt alles ruhig ist und dann den Raum verlässt um ggf ein Ersatzteil zu holen
At 5:11, if you listen very closley right before it starts back up again, you can heard something turn on.
Heard it
bryan Glad I’m not the only one.
George Floyd Thanks, George Floyd!
I guess someone moved the microphone and it started working again
Me: i will go to sleep early tonight
Me at 3am:
Today, you'll not sleep
during the silent period, it looked as if cables were being shifted as the negative spike was the same aptitude as the next series of tx. Also I found it interesting during the possible cabling that there were spikes with no sound.
Does the station take request ?
Yes, want buzz or girl scream?
@@EDCOTruck r/woosh
What the fuck was the point of being sarcastic lmao you're an embarrassment
Ya. I actually called them from here in the U.S. and asked if they could play buzzer sounds.
So in Russia, they either listen to monotone or the high pitch of Vitas over the radio.
beat drops at 2:00
TheDirtworld BSAAAAAA
5:14 the signal is back
dope beat
TheDirtworld sounds like a fart from family guy
До таймкода с рестартом, примерно на 4:58 слышится что-то типа голоса вдалеке, но очень нечетко😱 Думаю хватит на сегодня просмотра жутких записей (от апвоут✌️)
I'm from Russia and we listen this all free time 4:00-5:50 my favorite moment
Cloud7 really catchy melody
The first thing in my mind during the sound is:
Papers please
Late as fuck reply but, heck now the only thing I hear is the papers please theme
Hentai Weeaboo damn it. now thats all i can hear
I´ve think the same one minute before i read your message!!! Is exactly the same pattern...
From east grestin to ovrich vonor
Working is highest honor
Hell yessss
I love how it's one of the most mysterious numbers stations out there, then it just farts itself lmao
2:00 Mario
You deserve more likes man
I think that was a fart. I think that was a fart. I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart.I think that was a fart. ok? 오케이 쥬아요
I thought the same thing lol
mario jump sound effect lmfao
Haha yes😂
I’m so fascinated by this station. Whose jobs are to monitor the buzzer? Will it ever go off the air? Will it continue broadcasting even when there is no one to hear it?
They probably had some maintenance done to it. For a buzzer that lasts 30+ years, it's bound to have it repaired.
Американцы слушают наше великое радио!
Лайк поставил если ты русский
I like
2:26 u can clearly hear *click* sound, correct me if im wrong
Maybe someone fixing the oscillating device to get it going again?
Probably just interference because if you listen to the talking, its quite distorted.
*illuminati messages: fucking stay at your place
omg if i heard that that live. tha would have scared the sh** out of me
Oh this is nothing get out a scanner and randomly scan at midnight never doing that again
Marc Anderson why?
Kung Fu Lehrer The source of this signal was tracked several times straight on line, but each time the source appeared in a new location. And in the place of bearing was an old structure and emptiness. And so every time a new bearing and a new location. Guess where the gikak fails.
I can imagine some guys sitting at that station with cigarettes, drinks, some food and watching TV all the time and getting good money for it.
@@uncreativeusername7188 is there a website like this but for the United States ?
I actually heard this on am radio. I thought it was my radio being weird but it was the same noise. It drove my mother crazy when I played it on that particular frequency.
С таким же звуком я учился играть на электрогитаре
at one of the abandoned facilities where people tracked this not only did they find a log book with dates and times with peoples names but a microphone with a device there...it has since been guarded with no chance of getting in. They also found some chairs and a table there which explains the talking in the background at times. The coordinates for the abandoned facility are 60°18'40.1"N 30°16'40.5"E
WeponizedOtaku source?
@@charlie6036 you can literally typed in 'ubv76' in google search
they apparently moved to a new location tho
Machi Giceb they moved somewhere close to Saint-Petersburg, 400 km away from Moscow. Now I suppose military uses this frequency to send orders to armies and special forces across Russia
Guys, this is Russia)) just have not changed the battery in time - no problem!
Nuclear missiles do not change their destination because of this little accident.
Because they are guided by ultra precise vlad global position system :D
Чё бля
Good thing they got the batteries changed out before Dead Hand was tripped lol...
Я один искал здесь комменты на русском???
Да чел, ты тут не один
И нет тут ничего жуткого, просто шум
Для них если не понятно то страшно. Для нас интересно. Вообще это вроде аварийная волна на какой то случай.
По идее, тут должны быть голоса и какие-то шифры. Но выложить могли что угодно, не факт что это та самая станция.
@@HARDCKOR123 бля, нашёл русских и как-то спокойней стало
1:34 dunno if that was some interference or someone/something in the background
You know it would be so werid for there to be a UVB - 76 livestream that records the broadcast LIVE for millions to listen to instead of going to Russia to find it.
***** Do you have a link? Is it still active? Can you give me a link?
Thanks! Sounds just like this video!
Alexis Fillmore they do... i have the live stream on my phone. All is quiet.. for now.
I don't think I'd want to go poking around near the source , that sounds like a good way to go "Missing "
Alexis Fillmore ❤️😍😍😂
I bet there were alot of people running around the St Petersberg facility in a panic that night
Daev Arthur Ford What facility?
The main broadcast facility is the 60s Communication Hub ( Codename Vulkun ) in St Petersburg. There are also possble 2 other relay type facilities at Naro Forminsk and Kerro Massive. The St Petersburg facility was tracked down by radio hams triangulating signals to find the location. There also had been some leaked phone message confirming the location as being within the 60th Communication hub building
Daev Arthur Ford The source of this signal was tracked several times straight on line, but each time the source appeared in a new location. And in the place of bearing was an old structure and emptiness. And so every time a new bearing and a new location. Guess where the gikak fails.
Imbedded in this can be minute frequencies that have compacted messages. The Nazi’s used a style similar to this during WWII. The message could be just a very tiny blip of frequency, almost like a small scratch. Taking that “ scratch” and breaking it down, then one can begin to unravel the coded message. This was used between the Soviet Union and their Submarines.
Some information for our international friends . Specialists think that the signal has origin from 3 ( or more ) points in different parts of Russia ( St. Petersburg, Omsk and Vladivostok ) . Frequency 4625 uses for special radio signals (especially in emergency cases like war , cataclysm or Smth very very dangerous for people )
2:00 ok who is playing Mario in the background
Yeah, heard that.
Это пердёж
Sounds like a bootleg copy of Super Mario Bros. to me LOL.
It’s the latest popular video game in Russia. They just got it 6 months ago.
#5 in trends, i love my country
And ur photo
Where are u from?
Лол. Так это бычная радиостанция, что вы людей тут пугаете, они же подумают о всяких там пришеленцах
T Ø P E F инопришеленцах. Это радиостанция моего бати, он там ещё на 2:00 минуте шептуна пустил
Anyone considered that all 3 russian radio stations the pip the buzzer and the squeaky wheel work together to transmit a message, for example only part of a full message would be broadcast on each station, tuning into each station at certain times would give you each part of the message, making it complete
Really wanna know what the answer is now
Guy: that girl is so cute, i wonder what she's listening to.
What the girl is listening to:
The thing that makes this clip weird is there's a break in the buzzer, yet no names or numbers were announced.
Found that odd myself.
lmao, love how it breaks down for a bit.. Then goes back to the same thing its been repeating for over 40 years, gotta love UVB-76
I don't know why, but the static, and some type of sound that i can only think would be metallic clanking, would make me think that it's on a train that's moving
Ooh yeah
This banger mad underrated, props to the artist who made this
Maybe the ocillator broke for the same reason that the signal was unusually strong. It sounds like the interval decreased a few cycles before the oscillator quit completely.
I also noticed that the background mains hum was not present for the last few cycles.
i am very uncomfortable
Hi very uncomfortable, I'm dad.
well...i was listening to it and they talked something today...but the buzzer dont make it understandable....but i recorded it and will try to find if someone can clear the "noise ratio"
Rest Peace can u share it??
If u read my comment above it tells u
2:00 The moment you fart in class then theres an awkward silence
Imagine waking up in the middle of the night, hearing this....
I find this really interesting. It goes down and you can hear fiddling in the background. There is a human behind the buzz.
While the buzz is absent, I feel like some of the noises indicate someone fixing it.
Like tapping something against a desk, plugging and un-plugging connectors etc.
i want this song to be played at my funeral
How many times do you need, sir?
I like to think this was caused by an intern who accidentally messed up with the signal and all the sounds was him/her in a panic trying to set things straight. And when the signal was finally up again, they didn’t even notice it was lightly off
I need the kids bop version of this!
in russian this says. Я - 143. Не получаю генератор... ...идёт такая работа от аппаратной.Офицер дежурного узла связи "Дебют", прапорщик Успенская. Получила контрольный звонок от Надежды... ...поняла.
With my dad being a ex radio-man in the police, he let me tune in and listen to all kinds of weird signals including the buzzer and he even had a recording of the woodpecker
2:00 Who cut the cheese?
sounds like DESPACITO
I can't understand what type of ears humans have these days
Man bad joke
my guess is the mechanism to produce the sound was slowing and wore out and then they had to replace it and now it was moving at a faster rate because its a brand new one like a battery dying or something
« Captain Morozov , you have been demoted to UVB listener. 9-5 mon-fri. Should a message be heard , keep us alerted »
everybody gangsta til the buzzer stops working
Then we finna needa hide in underground bunkers or some shi
Idk if this makes sense but this is the type of sounds my brain makes
That's fascinating. Today (20 November 2016) I heard something similar. It was just one buzz like that, though.
Aga Oczkowicz if it was on the frequency 4625 it was the buzzer
in the middle of the static there are click like sounds possibly the staff fixing the buzzer?
Me on the toilet thinking on important problems in complete silence
Nearby stall: 2:00
Who forget to Turn off the radio after Works
Is that u Ivan?!
1. Take a sample of a public domain recording.
2. Put it to your song.
3. Record your song.
4. Sign a contract with Google.
5. ???
6. PROFIT!!!
Иностранцы:русские, почему вы этого не боитесь?
Русские:мы живём в России, куда ищё строшнее?
1:55 Sounds like a one-track vinyl record that slowed down and once it stopped was shortly turned in the opposite direction (note that "uiiii"-sound)
You can hear what sounds like foot steps in the audio and banging like someone is trying to repair it.
Fun fact: this strange audio recording was also heard in the radios in New York in 1995
Это же начало песни Моргенштерна!!!
По фактам сука
Как и в его песнях: нихуя не понятно.
2:00 ФУ!!!ВЫ ЧЕ ПЕРДИТЕ???!!!
Да, всей радиостанцией, каждым кирпичиком.
2:00 you can hear a door opening and a few steps, as the microphone just switched or the beeping alarm goes off for a brief time, I cant tell if the mic source input is inside or outside.. Might be outside and the wind hit on it or Inside and its just poor quality and interferences from the Electromagnetic pulse field.. Most probably its inside because you can clearly hear a door and a few steps tho
i've been listening to this on loop for 3 and a half hours.
I DID IT I DE-CODED IT! IT SAYS " the week is long the silver cat feeds when blue meets yellow in the west a trip to China sounds nice if you tread lightly "
If you get this then I love you
Thanks m8, love you too.
I was just waiting for someone to make that reference :)
Last year, while I was listening to this station, I heard a similar failure.
5:12 ah shit here we go again
Wow, sounds like someone had to change the battery in the noise maker.
If you listen to the static around 3:33, _he's using percussive maintenance!_
2:00 lol
Дело раскрыто-
Кто то транслирует печать матричного принтера ! =)
или гудка домофона