Concert at the Shop with Robert Cazimero - and a guest Hula Dancer (Alakai Lastimado)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 1,2 тыс.

  • @papergirl202
    @papergirl202 Год назад +31

    I never get tired of this video. Today 2023 it made my day. 🥰

  • @savp4945
    @savp4945 3 года назад +211

    The way he just smiles through the whole dance and the song. I just can't stop smiling.

  • @wizbangFLL
    @wizbangFLL 7 лет назад +414

    His hips really are...... wow... but his smile you can practically feel through the screen.

    • @ToniM10
      @ToniM10 5 лет назад +15

      His hips.. DON'T LIE...

    • @darcyycrad6318
      @darcyycrad6318 4 года назад +2

      Fico imaginando uma evolução de quadril desse homem entre as minhas coxas

  • @jaxonsaledrab7035
    @jaxonsaledrab7035 2 года назад +67

    It takes years of serious rehearsals to move like him. Very graceful, fluid and masculine at the same time

  • @Flyboy_
    @Flyboy_ 7 лет назад +944

    possibly the most beautiful man i've ever seen

  • @azriellegabriellerubioiii2513
    @azriellegabriellerubioiii2513 4 года назад +89

    His smile is so genuine and it makes me smile as well. I love watching this over and over.

  • @mylesgarcia4625
    @mylesgarcia4625 4 года назад +12

    What a smile and what graceful but still masculine moves! I could NEVER maintain a smile like that for so long.

  • @adriannahnanileemetta1232
    @adriannahnanileemetta1232 7 лет назад +348

    Living in Hawaii and being able to see men dance the hula and share the culture, I think is amazing. Makes me proud to be an Islander.

    • @p.johnson9502
      @p.johnson9502 5 лет назад +7

      Love Hawaiians, LOVE HAWAII, LOVE Hula, great dancer.

    • @jazy3091
      @jazy3091 3 года назад +7

      please give them a big "thank you" from some lady from Europe! Videos of Hawaiian men dancing keep me sane during pandemic. Love your culture and I hope it'll get its deserved restoration.

  • @szymanowski7
    @szymanowski7 9 месяцев назад +8

    that hip movement is so hypnotizing! 😍
    and never thought that hula dancing in a suit looks so damn good!

  • @Totie1980
    @Totie1980 7 лет назад +255

    So graceful, yet so masculine! ❤️

  • @SuperKasper333
    @SuperKasper333 5 лет назад +94

    What a handsome, sweet- smiled man! Makes me smile watching him dance so beautifully! Thank you

  • @Dan-xx5jq
    @Dan-xx5jq 2 года назад +8

    Probably the best dance in the world!!
    Amazing that they came up with something so beautiful. Out of this world!!

  • @60smanTripp
    @60smanTripp 4 года назад +22

    The strength and agility of male hula dancers is AWESOME. All done with a smile and all movements have a meaning. Bravo to this Bro

  • @queserasera3
    @queserasera3 4 года назад +25

    I love his dancing, and his smile. He's not hard to watch at all! A real pro!

    • @michaelverbakel7632
      @michaelverbakel7632 2 года назад +1

      Why is it that so many hundreds of tourists love to come to Hawaii in the hopes of getting lei'd

  • @Airam_Coach
    @Airam_Coach 7 лет назад +69

    What a great combination. One can sing well and one could dance gracefully.

    • @KyleSfhandyman
      @KyleSfhandyman 7 лет назад +10

      The singer is also his Hula teacher.

    • @Airam_Coach
      @Airam_Coach 7 лет назад +5

      Really? That's awesome.

  • @estebansopha12
    @estebansopha12 4 года назад +29

    Watching Hawaiian dancers, their music and telling a story makes me happy.

  • @inesitaquijano1584
    @inesitaquijano1584 3 года назад +11

    So charming. Great dancer. The smile is so captivating. I love him

  • @mauriceworthy7697
    @mauriceworthy7697 5 лет назад +17

    Gorgeous smile.. and graceful movements.. Dancing is one of the best forms of human communication...

  • @ceemagnaye
    @ceemagnaye 4 года назад +121

    There's something very calming about this music and his dance. Like everything is just gonna be okay, even in 2020.

  • @paul-zx5du
    @paul-zx5du 4 года назад +13

    And, the legend, Mr. Robert Cazimero. 🥰

  • @faleulasappa8765
    @faleulasappa8765 7 лет назад +72

    love his stage personality! handsome performer. very inviting.

  • @amarinezahedpasha8213
    @amarinezahedpasha8213 2 месяца назад +1

    So Graceful and Very Impressive hula dance of this gentleman... LOVE THIS!!! 😘❤️😍🔥🔥🔥

  • @ronsters98f14
    @ronsters98f14 7 лет назад +166

    the dancer is extremely charming... what a smile 😘

  • @fidessacay1161
    @fidessacay1161 7 лет назад +45

    Been watching this everyday, morning, noon, night and everything in between. So mesmerizing! Also, his Kumu's voice is so heavenly

    • @mariamlira5067
      @mariamlira5067 2 года назад +3

      Its ..2022 ! and still watching this !!! just love his smile and the way he enjoyed dancing ..!

    • @ilnpa2722
      @ilnpa2722 2 года назад +3

      @@mariamlira5067 I thought I was crazy for doing the same but apparently I’m not alone 😉

    • @vminhope3040
      @vminhope3040 Год назад

      This happened to me the first time I saw them. Specifically one guy too that was filled with strong aura on stage presence (they usually came in groups) and he was the only one the was still smiling all the way to the changing rooms. As a past dancer myself, I really fell for this guy. And I couldn’t stop thinking about him for weeks after I left the show. So I contacted him and found his IG and we started talking 😂

  • @heatherchapman2773
    @heatherchapman2773 5 лет назад +30

    It’s really beautiful dance. And what a beautiful smile to go with it.

  • @Simplelove
    @Simplelove 2 года назад +12

    He didn't even have to wear Hawaiian tradition hula wear to show how great he is with the hula 🌺

  • @dandelossantos89
    @dandelossantos89 4 года назад +16

    He showed his gentleness within his personality in sexiest way and so manly. The expression of a good man.

  • @asbaran
    @asbaran 7 лет назад +303

    I love that Alaka'i is really enjoying himself. It takes a really secure man to dance like that 😁👍

    • @JB-xm8qi
      @JB-xm8qi 5 лет назад +4

      @gabriel mon how did you know? I hope its not something about... it takes one to know one. Haha ;)

    • @JB-xm8qi
      @JB-xm8qi 5 лет назад +1

      @gabriel mon hahaha totoo ba? You also? Oh.. i bet you have alot of girls. Chasing...

    • @carmenfontanez9809
      @carmenfontanez9809 5 лет назад +2

      @gabriel mon what a pity!! 😳

    • @4EveR123_5
      @4EveR123_5 5 лет назад +22

      Regardless of sexual preference ( to each his own) , this man is completely gorgeous in every way. His smile and graceful movement makes my heart smile

    • @renzyreyes615
      @renzyreyes615 5 лет назад

      Anong fb nya

  • @conniewheeler962
    @conniewheeler962 5 лет назад +8

    That smile does it! Great dancer! Natural born winner! My compliments!

  • @lovelight...1940
    @lovelight...1940 5 лет назад +23

    When I first scrolled down to this video. My eyes just wouldn't! Couldn't! move any farther down! They refused to move off this mesmerizing creature!!😊😊

  • @user-ss8fo4mz7e
    @user-ss8fo4mz7e 4 года назад +21

    Давно хотела написать коммент по поводу этого ролика... Слов не находила от восторга! Где такие парни небесного розлива произрастают,интересно? Клавишник замечательно поет в таком добродушном стиле,что его можно слушать часами... и не надоедает его немудренная песенка...А парень,парень....ах! Тело без костей,пластика 80-го уровня... Бог танца!

  • @ivettecasillas8367
    @ivettecasillas8367 5 лет назад +271

    A man who isn't afraid to dance and use his hips is really sexy

    • @juancarlos9592
      @juancarlos9592 4 года назад +4

      He does it in a manly way.....

    • @catpetguiller7466
      @catpetguiller7466 4 года назад

      Afraid of what? Why? Is there a ghost? What's so scary about that?

    • @isprikitik5283
      @isprikitik5283 3 года назад

      It's normal for them dancing like that in Hawaii ☺️

  • @littlekiwi9724
    @littlekiwi9724 7 лет назад +36

    My goodness, he's beautiful. The more I see of Hula dancing the more impressed I become - it is so graceful.

  • @Dan-xx5jq
    @Dan-xx5jq 2 года назад +1

    This is a very special moment on RUclips! It should go down in history as one!

  • @valerier4308
    @valerier4308 4 года назад +3

    Delightful! He's so handsome!
    And a great dancer too!

  • @jacobsbuhrer9040
    @jacobsbuhrer9040 13 дней назад

    His smiling shows his personality and adds to his performance. He's enjoying himself, is very comfortable on-stage, and makes it look easy and natural. Flawless.

  • @catseyeruby1120
    @catseyeruby1120 4 года назад +13

    I can't stop smiling at him and my cheeks is paining right now. ❤❤💞😍

  • @badmango4555
    @badmango4555 5 лет назад +362

    This how a man should dance. Graceful yet manly

    • @haribon2012
      @haribon2012 5 лет назад +1


    • @jpsoriano59
      @jpsoriano59 5 лет назад +1


    • @mumble.jumbles
      @mumble.jumbles 5 лет назад +6

      He is an amazing dancer and looks like he's true to his own style and culture. Men are individuals, just like women.

    • @eo_pono5486
      @eo_pono5486 5 лет назад +3

      He’s a bit stiff!!! But the best thing is that he’s having fun and in hula any kind hula whether it’s a kahiko, a oli, a noho hula anything, the story behind it is important but so is having fun!!

    • @lohphat
      @lohphat 4 года назад

      Gene Kelly was the "everyman's dancer" as he was a football and tennis player -- he made it all look easy but he was ballet trained.

  • @AubrieRogan
    @AubrieRogan 7 лет назад +62

    I can watch this everyday for the rest of my life 😱 so adorbs!

  • @JacobsOompa
    @JacobsOompa 6 лет назад +6

    WOW....the best Male Hawaiian dance I have seen......not crazy fast....but telling a story so peacefully and YES I will admit...very sexy dance. I wished I were young enough to learn it...I would LOL......Million dollar smile on this young man's face. Even I could watch him perform....what a nice future he could or may already be having.
    God's Blessings...just great!! Wished there were more men dancing Hawaiian dances similar to this...beautiful.
    Ken from Orlando, Florida, USA

  • @crisbycris4012
    @crisbycris4012 3 года назад +22

    He is cute, talented and has an irresistible smile.

  • @vb8626
    @vb8626 4 года назад +10

    So nice to see that you can enjoy watching this hula while smiling & being there spiritually with this hunk of a dancer & awesome entertainer. Well done, I love it & keep it up, guys. Mahalo ❤💙

  • @devjeetsharma658
    @devjeetsharma658 4 года назад +16

    Is there anyone with more perfect smile than him 🥰🥰😍😍

  • @user-ss8fo4mz7e
    @user-ss8fo4mz7e 4 года назад +14

    Смотрю ролик третий месяц...когда настроение на нуле - этот танец,эта музыка,эти красивые и пластичные до изумления парни- просто спасение!!! Улыбка появляется мгновенно, с первых кадров))) А солист-просто лапочка!💞 Думаю,что ролик настоящий шедевр👍🌹

    • @Карамелька-л7д
      @Карамелька-л7д 3 года назад +4

      От этого парня оторваться не возможно, каждый раз смотрю, как только мне его предлогают. Это чудо!!!

    • @iriscollins7583
      @iriscollins7583 2 года назад +1

      Fully agree.

  • @juanfranciscogutierrezpatr5270
    @juanfranciscogutierrezpatr5270 3 года назад +9

    Transmite en su baile una sensacion de armonia....fuerza....y esa sonrisa que tiene cautiva.....enhorabuena....felicidades por tanto esfuerzo y dedicacion para tener ese cuerpo envidiable saludos desde campeche. Estado de la peninsula mexicNa🇲🇽

  • @maximmamaril4926
    @maximmamaril4926 2 года назад +2

    It’s a delight to see a very graceful and beautiful man dancing the hula who smiles all the time . Music is great too. Just awesome ❤️

  • @twainphoto
    @twainphoto 7 лет назад +18

    This is great. Robert and Alakai hamming it up. Too fun.

  • @evangelineburgonio6436
    @evangelineburgonio6436 4 года назад +1

    What a graceful dancer! 🕺And he wears a contagious smile! 😊 Enjoyed watching 👀 your lovely 😍 hula dance! 🥰

  • @savante76
    @savante76 7 лет назад +182

    Man, those hips can really move!

  • @JuanKV
    @JuanKV 5 лет назад +25

    Can't stop watching him 😍

  • @tellegabriel
    @tellegabriel 7 лет назад +9

    I am enthralled. Beautiful smile, beautiful dancing. Hula on!

  • @sharontrotter8198
    @sharontrotter8198 4 года назад +3

    I'm just now watching the video and have to say that his wonderful smile and eloquent hand jestures show the pride he has for his culture!! He is awe inspiring. 👏👏✌️

  • @divaslive6953
    @divaslive6953 7 лет назад +3

    That is sooooo awesome, cool, gorgeous and handsome smile. Very graceful young stud there doing such a very cool dance. From start to finish, i'm just looking at his smile. so infectious.

  • @litomasthomas4984
    @litomasthomas4984 3 месяца назад

    Appealing to the eyes and excellent dancer. He smiles because he comes from a people full of joy🎉

  • @arnulfopanopiojr
    @arnulfopanopiojr 5 лет назад +410

    I copied his dancing and I looked like a worm 😂

  • @lancehawkins10
    @lancehawkins10 3 года назад +2

    That smile though. He's so lovely💕

  • @butchsmith9929
    @butchsmith9929 5 лет назад +9

    He is the most pleasant looking young man I’ve ever see. And a real pleasure to watch

  • @dasargilamauloeapa
    @dasargilamauloeapa 3 года назад +1

    Humble & bright smile. I can see him always

  • @fernandocar3812
    @fernandocar3812 7 лет назад +52

    Amazing smile

  • @squiggy18
    @squiggy18 2 года назад +1

    That was beautiful and graceful.
    I have never seen it dance like that before.

  • @leonelcervantes8278
    @leonelcervantes8278 6 лет назад +7

    Beautiful smile on a very handsome young man.God Bless.

  • @JoseReyes-ug5ik
    @JoseReyes-ug5ik Месяц назад

    Eyyy pero que bonita danza. Lo hacen muy bien y los chavales además muy majos. Felicidades. Abrazos mexicanos.

  • @Bondisaurus
    @Bondisaurus 5 лет назад +6

    Is he like a Disney prince or something? 💕🥰 Drop. Dead. Gorgeous.

  • @lklpalka
    @lklpalka 2 года назад +1

    A really happy, happy dance. It's 9/22 and the good spirit goes right through you....we need it.

  • @luciana1644
    @luciana1644 7 лет назад +13

    He sure can dance!!! What a talent!!! 👏​

  • @nollanborja4112
    @nollanborja4112 3 года назад +1

    I truly great respectand honor this kind of dance....thank you for sharing your....culture

  • @Енелина
    @Енелина 2 года назад +11

    Волшебный танец движения,улыбка,мелодия,слова,даже если язык непонятен мне.Движения,улыбка танцора,его настроение поднимает мне настроение,когда грустно смотрю,спасибо

  • @broad100
    @broad100 6 месяцев назад

    The piano playing was magnificent! Wow! Loved this video.

  • @coffeejay2871
    @coffeejay2871 6 лет назад +7

    very the smile

  • @410540
    @410540 3 года назад +2

    I am back, back, back, back again just to see him again. Alakai is just sooo fine.

  • @ЕленаЩетинина-р9ч
    @ЕленаЩетинина-р9ч 5 лет назад +4

    Улыбка танцора и нам передали имя!
    Так плавно, браво! 🤗💐

  • @Geanna-h4n
    @Geanna-h4n 2 месяца назад

    Male grace at it's finest. Thank you for sharing ❤

  • @lutchmartha
    @lutchmartha 7 лет назад +48

    rip replay button. i am inlove with him already ❤😍

    • @Airam_Coach
      @Airam_Coach 7 лет назад +2

      Do subscribe to his page here. Alaka'i Lastimado is the name and you will find more about him. He is funny, and adorable. I enjoy viewing him with his friends in the videos, and more.

    • @Airam_Coach
      @Airam_Coach 7 лет назад +13

      @ Kenny De
      Sexuality is not a big issue here. It is up to the viewer, whether they will view his videos nor subscribe to his page. And I do not mind if he is a gay or not, married or not, as long as he can make the viewer(like me) happy with his talent.

  • @jane-mariegifford1156
    @jane-mariegifford1156 4 года назад +3

    My eyes and ears are now happy--missing my island home so....the joy in the performer's eyes just resonates aloha

  • @chickwithaguitar6876
    @chickwithaguitar6876 4 года назад +9

    I am hoping on a plane to Hawaii like right ...NOW! 😍😍😍😍🌴🌺🌴🌺💃🏼

  • @priscillasolanki6390
    @priscillasolanki6390 3 года назад +1

    Alakai your King of my heart ❤ you make me so happy am smiling while you dance with so much passion & drive 😊just love the way you move so handsome you are too. Ladies everywhere are going crazy just watching you perform. May you have a blessed & Happy life much happiness to you & all in beautiful Hawaii ♥️from New Zealand xox

  • @cathy40
    @cathy40 4 года назад +20

    If this handsome polynesian is making mistakes, I'll pay for the drinks! I cant stop smiling!
    You've made my day!

    • @YusukeEugeneUrameshi
      @YusukeEugeneUrameshi 2 года назад

      What’s polynesian?

    • @janchxxheonczsekk6412
      @janchxxheonczsekk6412 2 года назад +1

      he doesn't look Polynesian. He looks half Asian, half White - a Hapa

    • @michaelverbakel7632
      @michaelverbakel7632 2 года назад

      Polynesians are the natives of the islands of the South Pacific.

    • @jeromepaxkiro552
      @jeromepaxkiro552 Год назад

      ​@@michaelverbakel7632His DNA maybe Asian/Caucasian mix but the culture he's adopted is Polynesian &
      Polynesia (Hawaii) has adopted him as its son🧐

    • @rbebeabucay9356
      @rbebeabucay9356 Год назад

      Yeah, he’s part Filipino

  • @L2mangi
    @L2mangi 2 года назад +1

    Love the effortless sway of the hips love Polynesian dancers. Absolute pleasure to watch❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @harukaorochi9378
    @harukaorochi9378 7 лет назад +240

    in case you guys are wondering what his name is, it's Alaka'i Christopher Lastimado. 😉☺️

    • @Airam_Coach
      @Airam_Coach 7 лет назад +8

      Does Alaka'i Christopher Lastimado has more hula videos?

    • @wailearealty
      @wailearealty  7 лет назад +7

      Here is in this performance of Robert Cazimero too -I am sure you'd recognize him here:видео.html

    • @eduardofigueroa6771
      @eduardofigueroa6771 7 лет назад +1

      MM Coach nb

    • @s2chardz
      @s2chardz 7 лет назад

      His name got an apostrophe...! cool...!

    • @TomJesse22
      @TomJesse22 7 лет назад +3

      a Lakai Christopher

  • @isforme2789
    @isforme2789 2 года назад +2

    When i have a bad day, i watch this the singer and dancer have great energys and make me laugh each time 🤗

  • @josepalacios3862
    @josepalacios3862 5 лет назад +50

    Body, sensual dance, smile, pack up I'm going to Hawaii

  • @jazzamfernandez8129
    @jazzamfernandez8129 4 года назад

    Beautiful...I love watching..
    I'm from the Philippines

  • @cynthiaarons9373
    @cynthiaarons9373 5 лет назад +34

    He’s very sexy! Very masculine but great and graceful dancer.

  • @AriEl-jr6dk
    @AriEl-jr6dk 4 года назад +1

    From Philippines here. Been watching several uploaded videos on YT of hula dances, and enchanted by their choreographies. I love to learn the gracefulness of the hula (interpretative?) dance choreography.

    • @NomadRider13
      @NomadRider13 2 года назад

      The dancer is half pinoy

    • @AriEl-jr6dk
      @AriEl-jr6dk 2 года назад

      @@NomadRider13 Really, you happen to know him personally?

    • @NomadRider13
      @NomadRider13 2 года назад

      @@AriEl-jr6dk alakai lastimado.. from misamis orriental

    • @AriEl-jr6dk
      @AriEl-jr6dk 2 года назад

      @@NomadRider13 Oh, hat's off for the reply. Thanks. 👍👍🤗

  • @JLR2012
    @JLR2012 7 лет назад +9

    Love him and his moves so good 😊👏🏾💚💙

  • @ttp436
    @ttp436 2 года назад

    There is something so
    Magical and powerful about that dance. Beautiful people such strength.

  • @ДугармаБудаева
    @ДугармаБудаева 5 лет назад +7

    Вау!какой пластичный!💃👍😁😘💃👏

  • @anateodoro179
    @anateodoro179 8 месяцев назад

    His smile and dance is so beautiful❤❤❤and the singer pianist too is great

  • @junewhite6376
    @junewhite6376 5 лет назад +4

    Ooh some serious hip movements going on here and what a smile. I'd like to be on his flight. Hawaaii here I come! Fantastic.

  • @Fareed63
    @Fareed63 6 лет назад +2

    Beautiful simply beautiful. Man smiling face and lovely soft Dane-superb....

  • @sapuvan
    @sapuvan 7 лет назад +144

    If he smiled at me that way, I think I could DIE! LOL

  • @margoburgos4357
    @margoburgos4357 2 месяца назад

    Que decente los bailes de Hawaii,que pureza, el significado de sus movimientos mi bellaGuatemala con criño❤😊

  • @midnightcat6116
    @midnightcat6116 4 года назад +12

    Omg 😳 I just got pregnant 🤰 watching him. The baby just came out. Oh well, i guess we have to get married now 🤷‍♀️🥰 Enough kidding aside, whoever is his partner is a lucky 🍀 person :)

  • @DS-np2cj
    @DS-np2cj 5 лет назад +2

    He is very handsome! Graceful and amazing dancer!!

  • @ethanethan2919
    @ethanethan2919 6 лет назад +4

    He’s so cute while dancing! I love him!!!😊😁😘

  • @anjubedekar7399
    @anjubedekar7399 2 года назад

    Humble,handsome,very sensual
    Respecting elder
    Excellent dancer,telling the story through movements
    Love fromNagpur
    Centre from India

  • @troyhagen587
    @troyhagen587 5 лет назад +5

    From Hana, Maui Men Dance.

  • @jeanettedias64
    @jeanettedias64 2 года назад

    Awesome, amazing dancing. Bless u young handsome man

  • @АлимаАккаева
    @АлимаАккаева 5 лет назад +12

    Ни зажигательной музыки, ни сложных в исполнении движений, но до чего же завораживает этот танец. И ,такое ощущение,что исполнитель ловит кайф от своего танца.

  • @jameslawson9644
    @jameslawson9644 2 года назад +1

    Your smile makes the sun shine ✨