People need to keep in mind: Whenever anything is done professionally/competetively, it WILL be exhausting and downright painful. Be it ballet or hula dancer, tennis or chess player, violinist or opera singer. Perfection and professionalism requires dedication and love for the things you are doing. I am so glad there are so many people who love Hula so much that people like us are blessed to see it.
Exhausting, difficult, and taxing on the body- yes. But good technique and proper preparation should prevent a professional/competitive activity from being painful. Like singing should not be painful, so long as you take care of your voice, use proper technique, and work with people who know what they’re doing
Hula is a bit like ballet in terms of practice intensity and the knee and feet problems. My god it's intense. It's so beautiful. I loved watching her perform so much.
I guess it’s kinda similar, but ballet practice is more intense because of pointe and uses more technique but hula I would say takes a bit more stamina.
All the women in my family danced hula in halaus my whole life. it is like dancing ballet. hardcore to the point of the kumu screaming, people crying, giving up, physical ailments.....but so insanely beautiful and powerful. this is REAL hula.
That’s true ballet is very painful because you have to stand on your very tip toes for a long as time. Just like hula you look very professional and graceful, but in reality your feet are on fire.
I really don't like the people who disrespect the Hawaiian culture and make fun of it by thinking Hawaii is just a place for them to use for their luxury or just randomly doing the hula incorrectly without honor.
90% of the people who trigger you know nothing about Hawaiian culture. Its not their fault that tourism in Hawaii is good for the economy and their only sense of Hawaiian culture is from movies and media. Its not intentional disrespect, its more like ignorance
I think for the tourist that do it I wouldn't be harsh on them, after all, they are pulled up on stage and given like 2 minutes to learn some steps, so they are doing their best, but you can't learn what these ladies have learned and practice every day hours and hours in 2 min. Yeah, it's gonna look funky.
Am I the only who gasped and paused when she said she dances FOR A 14 MINUTE SOLO!?!? DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LONG OF A SOLO DANCE THAT IS!? omg.....that's insane dedication!!
its actually not, i think she counted both of her performances, because both kahiko (basically ancient hula) and 'auana (basically the modern hula) have both a time limit of 7 minutes
I didn't get tickets for Miss Aloha, but I was there to see Kayli perform with her halau for auana and kahiko, and she stood out then. So pleased she won. Be blessed, sis.
Was a professional ballet dancer, and yep. That was my first thought was literally, "How do I know nothing about what you're saying except I 100% understand you." Lol.
We have the same intensive training here in Philippines as well. I work for a cultural performing arts guild in Mindanao. The demand comes with blisters and muscle sores. Our dance is called "PANGALAY"
I am a competitive hula dancer, I also do Tahitian. A lot of people come up to me in school and try to do their version of "hula" in front of me, I walk away from them, it's really disrespectful if people don't take it seriously and think it's sooooo easy because they don't know how much effort is put in
I am not a hula dancer but I really love watching these videos. I just wanted to let you know that I understand how tiring it gets and how disrespectful it is to have people come up to you and do what they consider your dance to be like. I dance ballet pre professionally and people do that thing where they shrug their shoulders put their hands above their head and turn on their "tip toes" demipointe is what they really do. I'm glad I'm not the only dancer who feels this way
I know that as a ballet dancer too! My long time friend tried to do a reverance and she was so stiff she crossed her leg in such a weird way and there was absolutely no wish to even try doing a proper move that it made me annoyed a little. I tried to explain to her that she needs to be smooth and graceful but she wouldn't stop straightening her arms and keeping her fingers super stiff
I am a 13 year old Hula dancer who has been dancing since I was 5. My Halau has won many prizes at Merry Monarch, all because of their hard work. I danced for Keki Hula twice, and it's not as big as Merry Monarch, but Kumu brought us in for 2-3 hours yelling at us if we messed something up. It was hard, but worth it. I can't imagine what our Merry Monarch girls have to go through just comparing it to my Keki Hula practices. This video brought me to tears, as it finally shows how hard dancers have to work in order to be that beautiful, that elegant on stage.
AnnaPai Artist Lol sorry to tell you, but I have no plans on going to Merrie Monarch. I have no idea how I’ll handle all the stress that comes with it ^^;;;;
That's an amazing talent you have, goodluck, I hope you continue to enjoy it even if you choose not to do it competitively. Also your sentences are really well written, I can't remember my writing being like that at 13. :)
I don't know why but it moves my heart. I'm not Hawaiian, nor have an Hawaiian descend, I never go to Hawaii before, I live in Indonesia my whole life, but somehow, it grabs my heart. The energy, the passion, the dedication, the way they narrate it, just beautiful.
I would never assume hula is easy. The amount of elegance, grace, strength, and poise you need is insane. Her dance was so beautiful and her humbleness is a breath of fresh air.
When I was younger, I danced hula for 3 to 4 years. I liked it, but was sort of shy when I did it. This video made me cry because I now realize I miss it, and want to do it again. It's such a beautiful form of art and I think people need to stop thinking it's something made in Hollywood. Hawaiian culture is beautiful. And this group of Hula dancers were all so graceful and beautiful. Much love.
Kaileigh same here. I'm African American but I've had a deep interest and fascination with Hawaiian culture and I would love to learn hula kahiko at a halau one day ☀️
I agree with your whole statement except she deserved to win, this short video only followed one specific hula dancer. while she did put love into her performance and had worked hard for it her whole life we do not know the other hula dancers stories and have no idea if they are any more or less deserving. Do not choose favorites out of a group of people where you only get the backstory on one of them.
Elias Goebeler I agree with your statement, but Kaylee's performance was hand and fist above all the other competitors who were there. This coming from a Hawaiian who dances hula.
I dropped out of an halau the first day. It was just too strict & comfortably didn't and doesn't exist in this case. Wanted to carry on our cultural dance , but I feel like I disappointed my people, I'm sorry. For now , I'm on the uke. I didn't tell anyone but I actually cried on my first day , I got categorized with high expectations. Not usual for me. Spent the rest of the class hours in the bathroom pouring my eyes out .. but my advice for those who are looking forward to join an hula halau. 1. Not all kupuna's/kumu's are the same , some will be patient with new comers & others .. not so much. 2. Take it seriously . Hula is not to be mimicked in an jokingly manner. When you enter the room/class be in a firm mindset. 3. If you don't feel hula isn't for you, DON'T continue. No matter how many people pressure you into continuing. In the end , it's your choice to make. Don't feel afraid to speak up! ❤
@Imhotep Genius What a strange comment, have you seen the people dancing who are born and raised in Hawaii? They are mixed too and they all work, the whole point of this video is to point out it's hard work. Besides all cultures dance and share that with others most of the time. It's a great thing.
My father was military and when I was very, very little, he was stationed in Hawai'i. There are tiny snapshots that I have from my time there, even though I was 2, 3 and 4 years-old till my dad was stationed back in the states. My sister was born there in Honolulu. It's a time that I still treasure, and I'm 67 years old now. I have never had the ability to go back and visit this beautiful land and probably will never get that chance. I remember watching Hula, but I'm sure it was just the tourist shows, that I saw. I would give anything to be able to go back to the land and experience it with the mind of an adult who could appreciate what it all means. Listening to this young woman talk about what Hula means to her brought tears to my eyes and made my heart fill my chest. Mālama ka ‘aina. Aloha.
Yes I can agree! Hula is not an easy dance, it has a lot of power and emotion. Each move is supposed to be perfect, like the waves. Hula is a hard, just like any other dance
Alot of people that sterotypical it usually just. Only work thwir butts and stuff and they think how "inappropriate" it is when your working your knees legs thighs feet and every body and movement its just like every form of dance so its nothing special
Watching videos like these makes me feel so disconnected from my ancestors, being mixed you have no idea which gods to pay tribute, which dances to dance, which music should resonate with your soul, how do I plant my roots without knowing which trees they came from?
It is EL. HYWY. O Lono, KE AKUA. Creator of all Good, From the Universe For man, the Water and the Land. Before Christ was Born it was as the Law of One!
Dont waste your life on god, why do you have to follow a god your ancestors followed? If you want a god find one but just know you don’t need one. There’s so many gods out there and only one can be right or none of them are
i've always had a respect for hula. it is such a beautiful thing that they keep in touch with their roots. I love that they keep their culture alive and haven't let it die like other cultures. It is so beautiful that each movement is a piece of a story & it kind of make you cry. You sort of wish you were apart of that culture, ya know?
Larissa Reyes I agree There is a strong movement to keep the culture alive as evident by this long running festival. Yet this wonderful dancer, dances for tourists and says that is not hula. Yet I am the tourist and want to understand and respect the culture. I am presented with something fake and then criticized for disrespecting the people and the culture and teaching that view toy children. Four years on Oahu and fed tourism. I think it is sad that the real culture can not be presented.
@@georgiathang5188 actually tuere are some people from tue mainland that vidited our lands to help out with pur aina so there is still some good from tourist that experienced our real home ^^
As someone who worked in both industries, it's a abrupt line between Waikiki dancers and halau dancers... sometimes we get both that can cooperate and do either or, then there's others who are strongly rooted and refuse the commercialization of the art. It's a sketchy line but I keep cool and appreciate both.
I can tell just by looking at how carefully she practices her moves, she's not in it just to win but she really loves it with all her heart. Great educational video. I love learning about other cultures, hearing others talk about why something to them is important. This was really good to hear Thank you great big story.
I first watched this video a year or so ago. I came back to it a couple of months ago and fell down the rabbit hole of Merrie Monarch I did some Googling and found out that there are a couple of halaus in my area. I took my first class on Saturday, going back tomorrow! Merrie Monarch is the best of the best but I'm so glad it introduced me to the real hula world. I struggle with depression and learning my first steps gave me something to work towards and be proud of. I can't wait to keep working :) Edit: It’s been over a year since I wrote this. I’m still dancing!
@@iLikeMyOwnPosts Oh man, every once in a while this video pops back up in my feed lol. It’s been amazing. Hula changed my life. My hālau are my extended family and I’ve lost a bunch of weight dancing too. I went through a seriously dark period in 2020 but I pulled through, and I absolutely credit my hula family for that. Guess I’ll check back in the next time the algorithm sends this video my way…:)
I was a sophomore in high school when I was asked to join a Polynesian dance club and immediately fell in love with the culture. I continued dancing for the remaining years of high school and still continued for years after that. I have been dancing now for 12 years hula/Tahitian and I'm now a Polynesian dance instructor. I take pride in dancing but most of all the culture. Love this video! It inspires me to reach higher🌺
I always come back to this video as well as the many performances from the festival that are available on RUclips. When I am sad or anxious I watch hula and it makes me happy to know that such grace and beauty exists in the world. These people are incredible and the art is one of the most gorgeous in the world. Much love from Quebec, Canada 🇨🇦
So beautiful! This made me cry. I took hula for 11 years. I miss dancing, I feel like someone cut off a limb without it. Would love to get back to it again. Hula is all consuming and wonderful. Hula tells a story. It is one of the most rewarding things I've ever done. I am a Hawaiian at heart always. Mahalo for sharing this so everyone can see how special, beautiful and wonderful Hawaiian culture is.
I hate when people disrespect it ITS NOT EASY look ive been doing hula and Tahiti for 6 years its not easy you have to be able express wit all your body while your really hurting inside its hurts soooo much my knees are so messed up my feet are horrible but i still have to look so grace full and its worth it cause im expressing im culture
I am a Professional Hula dancer (I live in Hawaii) and It is so hard to train! I started Hula Dancing when I was 3! I am now 16. I would recommend to start at a young age to make sure you remember steps and be a pro at it as you become older! I have a competition next week!!!
the dedication here reminds me of the same dedication of those who do the Irish step dance (River Dance). The same dedication as in ballet. To dance when everything hurts - wow.
+Natalie Nichols There's as much drama and heart in these 5 minutes as in a full length documentary or film. I'm floored with the quality of these videos every single time. Imaging what GBS could do with an entire film? Gives me chills.
I may be white, I may live on the mainland, but this brought me joyful tears. What a beautiful culture and tradition. Congratulations to her and her people.
@i love you say it back were polynesians like samoans we are related to them we just have alot of mixed Hawaiians theres still full Hawaiians or almost full blood
Even though I do ballet and not Hula, I know that these are some amazing, hardworking, and strong dancers. You can see in the way they move how much effort goes into each step. I respect each one of these dancers.
I honestly am in Awe of these girls. She is right hula is hard and to dance it professionally like that takes so much dedication. Also I can vouch for the bad knees, I'm part of that club. I feel very blessed that my Halau has an emphasis on celebrating the culture not so much on being the best of the best. Hula is a joy and I love it has brought me to such a wonderful community and Ohana.
There is something so profoundly beautiful about indigenous people keeping their culture alive. You just can't help but sob when seeing it even just in a video.
It’s so satisfying to see a lot of dedication put into this and how much they/she loves dancing it. They practice basically everyday because they love it, and it tears me up. It’s very beautiful ^^
I learned about her win when it went viral in Facebook and many of my local friends praised her for her win! I saw the thumbnail of one her videos and was like “OMG! She even looked like one of the Hawaiian Queen/Princesses from the olden days! I need to watch how she performed!” Ms Kayli did not disappoint!! Y’all need to watch her entire solo because you only saw few highlights and I promise you’ll have more goosebumps from watching beginning to end of that exact performance! Incredibly powerful yet so graceful. She is the living soul of hawaii! She absolutely deserve that win❤❤❤❤
Hula is prayer. It is a profound invocation to the gods, an offering of the soul, an outpouring from the heart. It is an anthem that is sung from the bones. Dance? Oh, that is such a weak word.
A prayer to who? The sun? Inanimate idols? False gods? Ayayai people. Wake up. Time and time again has proved Bible prophecy. Have not all the prophecies in the book of Daniel come true? There is only one God. People in the end-days..
@@nihal3613 - lf you're so confident in what you choose to believe or choose not believe. There wouldn't be any need to become triggered & offended. When there's truth spoken, that wants to be denied, irritation tends to take place. As stated previously, there's only one way. Thru the son of God "Jesus Christ". He hasn't returned yet, so there's, still time for humbleness. ln hopes of escaping eternal punishment.
@@nihal3613 - Jesus didn't force anyone to choose him and neither will l. However, l will not be silent about my faith. This is want you're truly desiring for Christians to do, which l will not. Everyone has a choice.
The work these halau's put in for these 3 days is never ending throughout the year. Hours of practice, fundraisers , preparations ect.. my cousin danced with halau hula olana she went for miss aloha hula...... trust that was a busy year for her. Mad respect to all halau's and good luck this year! ALOHA
There is nothing to cry about in this video but the dances made me tear up on a spiritual level like it touches your soul and it's so beautiful you just tear up
@@tiffanysnow947 Because the women were working very hard and if they needed correction, it needed to be done with civility. They didn't need to be yelled at, and in this instance, by a male, that is verbal abuse. I certainly wouldn't tolerate it. If someone is out of sync, take them aside, quietly show them where they are making a mistake and how to correct it. No need to bellow at everyone, it is humiliating and unnecessary. The dancing itself is beautiful. RESPECT.
@@Jules-1770 Like she said, they practice non-stop for the competition and most of those girls if not all has practiced hula ever since they were little. They should know the moves by now. Hula is a sacred art for Native Hawaiians and is our language, so it makes sense that he is being harsh on these girls, its kinda like tough love. Of course every kumu and halau are different but they are there to show us tough love when it comes to hula, especially with a competition like Merrie Monarch.
Hula is so interesting to watch, it doesn't look easy at all to me. I can't imagine how difficult it is, especially when you're hurting, and it makes me appreciate it that much more, because it never shows and the dancers are so graceful.
This is so beautiful. The culture, the love, the passion. It’s amazing to see people so in love with not only themselves, but their people and their background. To have a story like that, is becoming more and more rare. I wish the I had this deep of a connection to my heritage, but I am several generations, over hundreds of years, away from my ancestors who came to America. I am white with no part of me that stands out, no part of me that is special. I’m so glad that there are still people who have a connection to their culture like this, and I hope it never ends.
I'll be honest, I had no idea that hula was this intense. All I've ever known was the simple swaying from side to side and stepping side to side with your arms wiggling opposite of your like how many people describe it, but now I see how much deeper it is. Just want to say that Hawaii is a really magical place and that all of you from there are such beautiful people ❤️
I'm Hawaiian too, born there its my happy place, I'm only 13 but I am a really kind, peaceful, swaying, hula dancer I've done it ever since I was able to walk! Just know even though you arent Hawaiian doesn't mean you can't do this either, it just takes practice!
Thank you for saying hula is demanding lol Did hula Tahitian and many of the others styles from each island for over 23 years , and yes it is demanding as hell have on the knees and feet, my friends think I'm just I'm overreacting when I say I've missed up my knees from dancing cuz they don't think it takes any skill to to it -_-) just so everyone knows any from of dance from anywhere can wear you drown over the year's and takes time and dedication so Props to all dancers out there in the world😏and keep up the good work 😉
it was so heartwarming seeing her crying tears of joy when she won, that just shows that she is doing it from her heart not because itll earn her some kind of spot
Real hula is so beautiful, the woman are so graceful and sensual, yet powerful and determined. They dance, they sing and sometimes even play instruments so skillful! ❤ I have never before seen something that represents the essence of what femininity is to me so precisely. And what she said about being that vessel for all the knowledge and the responsibility to carry on to honor all the people before you - it's so humble, wise and mature. You know that she is serious about what she is saying, if you just watch the dedication with which she is dancing. It really touches my heart ❤️🔥 I wish all people could feel their roots so strong, including myself ❤️🩹
This was an extremely well done video (now that I could hear it.) You captured the many important elements and each one you showed could be a video unto itself. This will make lovers of Hula and many Hula dancers around the world smile with joy, Mahalo Nui Loa.
my family is full of hula dancers and i am so incredibly proud to be hawaiian. the culture is just so beautiful and grounded to who they are. their dancing and family and land is just so important. mahalo nui loa for this video.
I grew up in Hawai'i since I was 3yrs old. My dad and mom moved there around 1947/48 after my dad returned from WWII. He became a Civil Aeronautics traffic controller in the Honolulu Airport tower. I remember so many things about growing up there that are no longer available to today's youth, which is sad. I'm not sure when but my mom decided my sisters and me should learn to dance. Unfortunately, ballet was out of the question for me, I was either stiff as stick or limp as a rag. I'm sure she wanted to pull her hair out because she was an acrobatic ballet dancer in her youth. But when I asked to take hula lessons, she found me the most wonderful teacher. I do not recall her name only her warmth and encouragement. She taught me how to make the moves and as a kid of course it was all play. I enjoyed it so much. I learned the old hula chants and how to use the gourds, and bamboo sticks as well as the feathered gourds. I truly loved these instruments and wish I had saved them. I continued hula throughout my high school years, I realized that if you wanted to be really good, you had to have the passion to pursue it. I wisely chose to follow my mother's advice that I should enjoy what I had learned and follow my own path in life. I wanted to become an artist so that is where I went. Dance, however, has always been in my heart so I chose to learn other forms of dance which lead me to Ballroom dance and eventually Disco and Country Western. All of these forms follow similar patterns so it was easy for me to learn all I wanted. But I still remember how much I loved the hula even though I chose not to pursue it. But its very true that it is not that easy professionally. It takes enormous dedication and practice to become truly good. Although I never reached those heights, I understand and appreciate the special bond with the Hawaiian spirit that engulfs the traditions. I am so glad the beauty of Hula has been protected and encouraged to grow.
As a Polynesian myself I can tell you any type of Polynesian dances especially Hula is very hard. I've been dancing for over 5 years and there is still more I must learn, even if you are a professional, you still have more years of experience to learn. And the mental state kinda gets to you cause you're constantly yelled at, for dancing since the age 7 it made me insecure, but It also makes you stronger in the long run. I'm happy to see Polynesian dancers getting recognised even Kalie.
I would literally sell everything I own and buy a one-way ticket to Hawaii for a chance to learn authentic hula. I grew up on Kadena AB and every year churches from Hawaii would come to our church's mission conference and they would bring their teams and I was just in love with them and their culture. God I miss Hawaii.
Wow nice to know some people actually want to not play tourist for a day but actually experince real hawaii THANK YOU FOR PEOPLE LIKE THIS TO EXIST the sterotypical hawaii and tourist hawaii is just a mask of our island like all other things showing the good side except the bad ^^
Fourteen whole minutes is INSANE. The longest I’ve ever performed is a 8 minute marching show and that’s with a group of 200 other people. You’re up there by yourself or with a smaller group. All of y’all are incredible!
This dancing has to be one of the most beautiful dances I know comes from the heart and takes practice my respect goes to these hula dancers like it said WHO TF WALKS AROUND WITH THEY KNEES BENT THAT HAS TO HURT Also who else got scared when he yelled at the girl "WHY ARE YOU WAITING AN INVITATION?!!!" Like damn dude chill out a lil
@@KamenRider808 I don't think it's the uploaders fault actually! I saw other RUclips videos where the subtitles would also say "Spekaing foreign language". I think RUclips automatically does this when auto-translating English. The more you know, huh?
So as a hula dancer it is so amazing to see her and I am so happy for her and I’ve even got the chance to go to Merrie Monarch but got channeled because of COVID-19. 😢
Traditional indigenous cultures knew how to respect and coexist with nature. That’s what one experiences watching Hula dance. Resonates with me as an Indian. In India our classical dance forms and folk dances express the same feeling - speak to the heart and soul
Hula is so beautiful... I never realized how much hard work was put into this. The way they move is so different... Almost like water. So much respect for hula dancers!! ❤️
People need to keep in mind: Whenever anything is done professionally/competetively, it WILL be exhausting and downright painful. Be it ballet or hula dancer, tennis or chess player, violinist or opera singer. Perfection and professionalism requires dedication and love for the things you are doing. I am so glad there are so many people who love Hula so much that people like us are blessed to see it.
This is the truest thing ever said about it. Thank you ❤
This is so true ❤️ I am an opera singer and people don't get how exhausting and hard it can be
Exhausting, difficult, and taxing on the body- yes. But good technique and proper preparation should prevent a professional/competitive activity from being painful. Like singing should not be painful, so long as you take care of your voice, use proper technique, and work with people who know what they’re doing
@@oliveb5768 you're totally right 👍❤️
I like ur profile pic where u get it
Hula is a bit like ballet in terms of practice intensity and the knee and feet problems. My god it's intense. It's so beautiful. I loved watching her perform so much.
Both is like art in a way i lived uere with friwnds who does hula and the kahikos when they do it by themselves its like a form of art
No. Hula is hula and ballet is ballet. Everytime a dancing sport is intense, people always compare the two.
I guess it’s kinda similar, but ballet practice is more intense because of pointe and uses more technique but hula I would say takes a bit more stamina.
@@Neerawenxhee No one was comparing at all. They were just saying how it reminded them of ballerinas like the feet problems. Calm down
Penguin Pilot that’s why they said it’s a bit like ballet
All the women in my family danced hula in halaus my whole life. it is like dancing ballet. hardcore to the point of the kumu screaming, people crying, giving up, physical ailments.....but so insanely beautiful and powerful. this is REAL hula.
Yup agreed tue fake platic hawaii the sterotypical part it just kinda annoying becuase its just a mask of our true beauty
If you know what i meant
JPlovesmusic hi 👋🏼
Do Hulu dancers end up hurting with pain issues when they are old ?
Also what do you treat the pain with?
That’s true ballet is very painful because you have to stand on your very tip toes for a long as time. Just like hula you look very professional and graceful, but in reality your feet are on fire.
I really don't like the people who disrespect the Hawaiian culture and make fun of it by thinking Hawaii is just a place for them to use for their luxury or just randomly doing the hula incorrectly without honor.
It's Jade I agree. They all need to take a swim in the volcano.
Chill out. Auana is all about having fun. No rules. Kahiko is another story. That's serious.
90% of the people who trigger you know nothing about Hawaiian culture. Its not their fault that tourism in Hawaii is good for the economy and their only sense of Hawaiian culture is from movies and media. Its not intentional disrespect, its more like ignorance
Actually, I've lived in Hawaii my whole life - and it's ok to be that 🙂 we love everyone.
I think for the tourist that do it I wouldn't be harsh on them, after all, they are pulled up on stage and given like 2 minutes to learn some steps, so they are doing their best, but you can't learn what these ladies have learned and practice every day hours and hours in 2 min. Yeah, it's gonna look funky.
Am I the only who gasped and paused when she said she dances FOR A 14 MINUTE SOLO!?!? DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LONG OF A SOLO DANCE THAT IS!? omg.....that's insane dedication!!
its actually not, i think she counted both of her performances, because both kahiko (basically ancient hula) and 'auana (basically the modern hula) have both a time limit of 7 minutes
@@ariandnesiosana9362 7 mins is still insane 💀
I didn't get tickets for Miss Aloha, but I was there to see Kayli perform with her halau for auana and kahiko, and she stood out then. So pleased she won. Be blessed, sis.
She really inspires me!🌺🌺🌺
I like how the physical demands that is involve is up there with ballet(or ballet is up there with hula ;) ). Mad respect to hula dancers.
I had the same thought.. the blisters, the Pain etc
Was a professional ballet dancer, and yep. That was my first thought was literally, "How do I know nothing about what you're saying except I 100% understand you." Lol.
Yeah I dance Russian ballet, Hula and Irish dance. Never think Hula is easy lol.
We have the same intensive training here in Philippines as well. I work for a cultural performing arts guild in Mindanao. The demand comes with blisters and muscle sores. Our dance is called "PANGALAY"
Hula is extremely harder one wrong move your actually dead and it ruins the whole dance
Uncle freaked out over there yelling at the girls 😂. You know he's from Hawaii.
“What you want one invitation?” 😂
Dead poolz hula is a very disciplined especially kahiko hula merrie monarch is the most prestigious hula competition in the world
@@jasonvalera4617 yup especially a local here the merrie monarch is what i enjoyed every year
999th like!
No wonder my friends said that hula class was hard
She’s so insanely beautiful
Why is she not more famous?
She is!
The ones who dance at resorts are much prettier
@@littleroots you don’t see skill though.
That can be subjective, but I agree
man i’m so jealous of them
also when he yelled it reminded me of the vine “PATRICIA”
Don’t be rude
We love that video!
get it together sweetie we have a competition
This channel is great, it reminds me of when Vice was actually good
lmao same
Mild Salsa Same xD
its different from vice though bc they don't try too hard to be edgy
@@yyg4632 and its not run by commies, so there's that
I am a competitive hula dancer, I also do Tahitian. A lot of people come up to me in school and try to do their version of "hula" in front of me, I walk away from them, it's really disrespectful if people don't take it seriously and think it's sooooo easy because they don't know how much effort is put in
I am not a hula dancer but I really love watching these videos. I just wanted to let you know that I understand how tiring it gets and how disrespectful it is to have people come up to you and do what they consider your dance to be like. I dance ballet pre professionally and people do that thing where they shrug their shoulders put their hands above their head and turn on their "tip toes" demipointe is what they really do. I'm glad I'm not the only dancer who feels this way
I know that as a ballet dancer too! My long time friend tried to do a reverance and she was so stiff she crossed her leg in such a weird way and there was absolutely no wish to even try doing a proper move that it made me annoyed a little. I tried to explain to her that she needs to be smooth and graceful but she wouldn't stop straightening her arms and keeping her fingers super stiff
Haley Fujimoto I get you, I am also a hula dancer, and people think it's just fiddling around in a coconut bra, and grass skirt.
clotilde besson you seriously can't compare ballet to hula dancing. ballet has no culture behind it.
Garnet wtf... Yes It has
I am a 13 year old Hula dancer who has been dancing since I was 5. My Halau has won many prizes at Merry Monarch, all because of their hard work. I danced for Keki Hula twice, and it's not as big as Merry Monarch, but Kumu brought us in for 2-3 hours yelling at us if we messed something up. It was hard, but worth it. I can't imagine what our Merry Monarch girls have to go through just comparing it to my Keki Hula practices.
This video brought me to tears, as it finally shows how hard dancers have to work in order to be that beautiful, that elegant on stage.
Ariana Cochran oh can't wait till I see you on the merrie monarch
Andrei Padilla Lol clearly my 10 years of memories has lied to me, and if your go to my Halau (Halau Mohala Ilima) they’ll tell you they don’t know me
AnnaPai Artist Lol sorry to tell you, but I have no plans on going to Merrie Monarch. I have no idea how I’ll handle all the stress that comes with it ^^;;;;
That's an amazing talent you have, goodluck, I hope you continue to enjoy it even if you choose not to do it competitively. Also your sentences are really well written, I can't remember my writing being like that at 13. :)
I don't know why but it moves my heart. I'm not Hawaiian, nor have an Hawaiian descend, I never go to Hawaii before, I live in Indonesia my whole life, but somehow, it grabs my heart. The energy, the passion, the dedication, the way they narrate it, just beautiful.
I would never assume hula is easy. The amount of elegance, grace, strength, and poise you need is insane. Her dance was so beautiful and her humbleness is a breath of fresh air.
When I was younger, I danced hula for 3 to 4 years. I liked it, but was sort of shy when I did it. This video made me cry because I now realize I miss it, and want to do it again. It's such a beautiful form of art and I think people need to stop thinking it's something made in Hollywood. Hawaiian culture is beautiful. And this group of Hula dancers were all so graceful and beautiful. Much love.
oh man. I'm a white American and this brought even me to tears. this culture is so fascinating and she danced beautifully. she deserved to win
Kaileigh ikr!? same. Everything about Hawaiian culture is just so interesting. Her dancing is so memorizing (all hula dancing is to me TBH XD)!
Kaileigh same here. I'm African American but I've had a deep interest and fascination with Hawaiian culture and I would love to learn hula kahiko at a halau one day ☀️
I agree with your whole statement except she deserved to win, this short video only followed one specific hula dancer. while she did put love into her performance and had worked hard for it her whole life we do not know the other hula dancers stories and have no idea if they are any more or less deserving. Do not choose favorites out of a group of people where you only get the backstory on one of them.
Elias Goebeler I agree with your statement, but Kaylee's performance was hand and fist above all the other competitors who were there. This coming from a Hawaiian who dances hula.
Please do!
I dropped out of an halau the first day. It was just too strict & comfortably didn't and doesn't exist in this case. Wanted to carry on our cultural dance , but I feel like I disappointed my people, I'm sorry. For now , I'm on the uke.
I didn't tell anyone but I actually cried on my first day , I got categorized with high expectations. Not usual for me. Spent the rest of the class hours in the bathroom pouring my eyes out .. but my advice for those who are looking forward to join an hula halau.
1. Not all kupuna's/kumu's are the same , some will be patient with new comers & others .. not so much.
2. Take it seriously .
Hula is not to be mimicked in an jokingly manner.
When you enter the room/class be in a firm mindset.
3. If you don't feel hula isn't for you, DON'T continue.
No matter how many people pressure you into continuing. In the end , it's your choice to make. Don't feel afraid to speak up! ❤
@Imhotep Genius who the hell are you to tell someone if they are “authentic” or not?
@Imhotep Genius What a strange comment, have you seen the people dancing who are born and raised in Hawaii? They are mixed too and they all work, the whole point of this video is to point out it's hard work. Besides all cultures dance and share that with others most of the time. It's a great thing.
The U.S. needs to give Hawai'i back to its true people
And now all we’re left with is fucking ige 🙄
Dawt Kom yea...
I totally agree. Sometimes I wonder why people are dumb enough to think luao hula is actual hula
Gracie Anne yeah you're right but thats going to cost so much for reconstruction that probably won't happen or last long.
América the continent ?... or USA
My father was military and when I was very, very little, he was stationed in Hawai'i. There are tiny snapshots that I have from my time there, even though I was 2, 3 and 4 years-old till my dad was stationed back in the states. My sister was born there in Honolulu. It's a time that I still treasure, and I'm 67 years old now. I have never had the ability to go back and visit this beautiful land and probably will never get that chance. I remember watching Hula, but I'm sure it was just the tourist shows, that I saw. I would give anything to be able to go back to the land and experience it with the mind of an adult who could appreciate what it all means. Listening to this young woman talk about what Hula means to her brought tears to my eyes and made my heart fill my chest. Mālama ka ‘aina. Aloha.
Mahalo for telling indigenous stories.
When you can't explain why you love something, that's how you know you truly love it.
iz a Yes, mana, that’s mana!
What a great quote, and so true.
Yes I can agree! Hula is not an easy dance, it has a lot of power and emotion. Each move is supposed to be perfect, like the waves. Hula is a hard, just like any other dance
Alot of people that sterotypical it usually just. Only work thwir butts and stuff and they think how "inappropriate" it is when your working your knees legs thighs feet and every body and movement its just like every form of dance so its nothing special
3:02 this dude scared the shit out of me when he just screamed at the dancers
That is normal.
cmtangiiti89 he didn’t say the contrary
This is a BAD way to train people. Also, men need to stop shouting at women for any reason.
Cyn Y he’s a trainer we don’t care if he’s a man or a woman he’s a professor and they’re students
@@szlendak1368 Do you actually KNOW any professors?
Watching videos like these makes me feel so disconnected from my ancestors, being mixed you have no idea which gods to pay tribute, which dances to dance, which music should resonate with your soul, how do I plant my roots without knowing which trees they came from?
I feel you...
Go for what resonates with your soul. What feels right to you.
It is EL. HYWY. O Lono, KE AKUA. Creator of all Good, From the Universe For man, the Water and the Land. Before Christ was Born it was as the Law of One!
Dont waste your life on god, why do you have to follow a god your ancestors followed? If you want a god find one but just know you don’t need one. There’s so many gods out there and only one can be right or none of them are
@@Asf-bj4rw I mean serving a God isn't wasting time on them-
i've always had a respect for hula. it is such a beautiful thing that they keep in touch with their roots. I love that they keep their culture alive and haven't let it die like other cultures. It is so beautiful that each movement is a piece of a story & it kind of make you cry. You sort of wish you were apart of that culture, ya know?
Larissa Reyes I know right?
Larissa Reyes I agree
There is a strong movement to keep the culture alive as evident by this long running festival. Yet this wonderful dancer, dances for tourists and says that is not hula. Yet I am the tourist and want to understand and respect the culture. I am presented with something fake and then criticized for disrespecting the people and the culture and teaching that view toy children. Four years on Oahu and fed tourism. I think it is sad that the real culture can not be presented.
I'm I the only one that wishes that they would have real hula, at hotels? I would pay twice the price to watch the real culture of Hawaii.
agreed but tourist don't go to Hawaii to respect the culture but to see the "fun side" sadly.
also you can't buy tickets to "watch" culture, people have to choose to share it with you!
@@georgiathang5188 actually tuere are some people from tue mainland that vidited our lands to help out with pur aina so there is still some good from tourist that experienced our real home ^^
As someone who worked in both industries, it's a abrupt line between Waikiki dancers and halau dancers... sometimes we get both that can cooperate and do either or, then there's others who are strongly rooted and refuse the commercialization of the art. It's a sketchy line but I keep cool and appreciate both.
right? this is so much more interesting in my opinion
I can tell just by looking at how carefully she practices her moves, she's not in it just to win but she really loves it with all her heart. Great educational video. I love learning about other cultures, hearing others talk about why something to them is important. This was really good to hear Thank you great big story.
I first watched this video a year or so ago. I came back to it a couple of months ago and fell down the rabbit hole of Merrie Monarch I did some Googling and found out that there are a couple of halaus in my area. I took my first class on Saturday, going back tomorrow! Merrie Monarch is the best of the best but I'm so glad it introduced me to the real hula world. I struggle with depression and learning my first steps gave me something to work towards and be proud of. I can't wait to keep working :)
Edit: It’s been over a year since I wrote this. I’m still dancing!
@bombygriz hell yeah dude or dudette! How's it going?
Glad to hear hula has inspired you! Mahalo from Hawaii!
@@iLikeMyOwnPosts Oh man, every once in a while this video pops back up in my feed lol. It’s been amazing. Hula changed my life. My hālau are my extended family and I’ve lost a bunch of weight dancing too. I went through a seriously dark period in 2020 but I pulled through, and I absolutely credit my hula family for that.
Guess I’ll check back in the next time the algorithm sends this video my way…:)
it's amazing how this five minute documentary felt longer but not long enough.
never knew that i would cry because of the gracefulness of the people dancing.
I was a sophomore in high school when I was asked to join a Polynesian dance club and immediately fell in love with the culture. I continued dancing for the remaining years of high school and still continued for years after that. I have been dancing now for 12 years hula/Tahitian and I'm now a Polynesian dance instructor. I take pride in dancing but most of all the culture. Love this video! It inspires me to reach higher🌺
Savannah Moreno 💃🏻🌺🌸🌺💃🏻
I always come back to this video as well as the many performances from the festival that are available on RUclips. When I am sad or anxious I watch hula and it makes me happy to know that such grace and beauty exists in the world. These people are incredible and the art is one of the most gorgeous in the world. Much love from Quebec, Canada 🇨🇦
So beautiful! This made me cry. I took hula for 11 years. I miss dancing, I feel like someone cut off a limb without it. Would love to get back to it again. Hula is all consuming and wonderful. Hula tells a story. It is one of the most rewarding things I've ever done. I am a Hawaiian at heart always. Mahalo for sharing this so everyone can see how special, beautiful and wonderful Hawaiian culture is.
I hate when people disrespect it ITS NOT EASY look ive been doing hula and Tahiti for 6 years its not easy you have to be able express wit all your body while your really hurting inside its hurts soooo much my knees are so messed up my feet are horrible but i still have to look so grace full and its worth it cause im expressing im culture
I was part of a halau as a child for many years too. I still walk with a hip sway even in my late 40s😂
i loved the analogy with chinese food, and being able to have insight on the discipline and hardwork that's required.
Saucylemon Uncle was pretty pissed.
Yeesh it remainds me of my coach...
Hula is a beautiful blend of choreography and language, with both playing off the other spectacularly! Thanks so much for sharing this with us.
I am a Professional Hula dancer (I live in Hawaii) and It is so hard to train! I started Hula Dancing when I was 3! I am now 16. I would recommend to start at a young age to make sure you remember steps and be a pro at it as you become older! I have a competition next week!!!
How did it turn out?
the dedication here reminds me of the same dedication of those who do the Irish step dance (River Dance). The same dedication as in ballet. To dance when everything hurts - wow.
Watching this competition has just been added to my bucket list
absolutely stunning video
+Natalie Nichols There's as much drama and heart in these 5 minutes as in a full length documentary or film. I'm floored with the quality of these videos every single time. Imaging what GBS could do with an entire film? Gives me chills.
wait how can you hear patricia ?
@@szlendak1368 It's a meme :)
Szlendak r/wooosh
Emily Eldridge yh i’m not american the culture of the meme is different and i totally forgot it lmao
I am another person procrastinating in RUclips. dude do you even know what r/whooosh means ?
I may be white, I may live on the mainland, but this brought me joyful tears. What a beautiful culture and tradition. Congratulations to her and her people.
Hawaii is our mainland
They are their own race! Like Polynesian I think
@i love you say it back pacific islanders are their own race.
@i love you say it back were polynesians like samoans we are related to them we just have alot of mixed Hawaiians theres still full Hawaiians or almost full blood
Even though I do ballet and not Hula, I know that these are some amazing, hardworking, and strong dancers. You can see in the way they move how much effort goes into each step. I respect each one of these dancers.
I honestly am in Awe of these girls. She is right hula is hard and to dance it professionally like that takes so much dedication. Also I can vouch for the bad knees, I'm part of that club. I feel very blessed that my Halau has an emphasis on celebrating the culture not so much on being the best of the best. Hula is a joy and I love it has brought me to such a wonderful community and Ohana.
Wow i actually cried when I saw her face after they called her name. Her mindset is so beautiful, how important tradition is through hula.
There is something so profoundly beautiful about indigenous people keeping their culture alive. You just can't help but sob when seeing it even just in a video.
It’s so satisfying to see a lot of dedication put into this and how much they/she loves dancing it. They practice basically everyday because they love it, and it tears me up. It’s very beautiful ^^
I learned about her win when it went viral in Facebook and many of my local friends praised her for her win! I saw the thumbnail of one her videos and was like “OMG! She even looked like one of the Hawaiian Queen/Princesses from the olden days! I need to watch how she performed!” Ms Kayli did not disappoint!! Y’all need to watch her entire solo because you only saw few highlights and I promise you’ll have more goosebumps from watching beginning to end of that exact performance! Incredibly powerful yet so graceful. She is the living soul of hawaii! She absolutely deserve that win❤❤❤❤
Hula is prayer. It is a profound invocation to the gods, an offering of the soul, an outpouring from the heart. It is an anthem that is sung from the bones. Dance? Oh, that is such a weak word.
I love your comment. Preach! Thank you.
A prayer to who? The sun? Inanimate idols? False gods? Ayayai people. Wake up. Time and time again has proved Bible prophecy. Have not all the prophecies in the book of Daniel come true? There is only one God. People in the end-days..
@@nihal3613 - lf you're so confident in what you choose to believe or choose not believe. There wouldn't be any need to become triggered & offended. When there's truth spoken, that wants to be denied, irritation tends to take place. As stated previously, there's only one way. Thru the son of God "Jesus Christ". He hasn't returned yet, so there's, still time for humbleness. ln hopes of escaping eternal punishment.
@@nihal3613 - Jesus didn't force anyone to choose him and neither will l. However, l will not be silent about my faith. This is want you're truly desiring for Christians to do, which l will not. Everyone has a choice.
Saved by grace thats ur god. our gods are our gods! we dnt need ur god! lame ass westerner!
I've watched this video about 5 times already and everytime I watch it I become inspired by there love for their culture.
I cried. This is so beautiful. Makes me want to learn more about my own culture. Thank you for creating and sharing this.
The work these halau's put in for these 3 days is never ending throughout the year. Hours of practice, fundraisers , preparations ect.. my cousin danced with halau hula olana she went for miss aloha hula...... trust that was a busy year for her. Mad respect to all halau's and good luck this year! ALOHA
There is nothing to cry about in this video but the dances made me tear up on a spiritual level like it touches your soul and it's so beautiful you just tear up
They make it look so easy and when the instructor yelled at them it caught me so off guard 😂
Abusive and unnecessary.
@@Jules-1770 why do you think of it that way?
@@tiffanysnow947 Because the women were working very hard and if they needed correction, it needed to be done with civility. They didn't need to be yelled at, and in this instance, by a male, that is verbal abuse. I certainly wouldn't tolerate it. If someone is out of sync, take them aside, quietly show them where they are making a mistake and how to correct it. No need to bellow at everyone, it is humiliating and unnecessary. The dancing itself is beautiful. RESPECT.
@@Jules-1770 Understandable...The instructor was likely frustrated
@@Jules-1770 Like she said, they practice non-stop for the competition and most of those girls if not all has practiced hula ever since they were little. They should know the moves by now. Hula is a sacred art for Native Hawaiians and is our language, so it makes sense that he is being harsh on these girls, its kinda like tough love. Of course every kumu and halau are different but they are there to show us tough love when it comes to hula, especially with a competition like Merrie Monarch.
1:32 if I ever talked that fast my mouth would fly off 😶
Huh, and you have never hear a Chilean speak dude. They make Eminem look like a noob.
Hula is so interesting to watch, it doesn't look easy at all to me. I can't imagine how difficult it is, especially when you're hurting, and it makes me appreciate it that much more, because it never shows and the dancers are so graceful.
This is so beautiful. The culture, the love, the passion. It’s amazing to see people so in love with not only themselves, but their people and their background. To have a story like that, is becoming more and more rare. I wish the I had this deep of a connection to my heritage, but I am several generations, over hundreds of years, away from my ancestors who came to America. I am white with no part of me that stands out, no part of me that is special. I’m so glad that there are still people who have a connection to their culture like this, and I hope it never ends.
I'll be honest, I had no idea that hula was this intense. All I've ever known was the simple swaying from side to side and stepping side to side with your arms wiggling opposite of your like how many people describe it, but now I see how much deeper it is. Just want to say that Hawaii is a really magical place and that all of you from there are such beautiful people ❤️
I'm Hawaiian too, born there its my happy place, I'm only 13 but I am a really kind, peaceful, swaying, hula dancer I've done it ever since I was able to walk! Just know even though you arent Hawaiian doesn't mean you can't do this either, it just takes practice!
I got goosebumps from the dancing at the beginning so beautiful so very gracefully like a colibri dance, mesmerizing, such a fascinating culture
The Hawaiian language is so beautiful
You can tell her beauty and passion radiated from within and through her hard work and dedication she got the win happy for her
One of the best mini-docs on what it takes to be Miss Aloha Hula. It's always refreshing to watch it over and over again.
Beautifully done ... so intense! So powerful....sooo pono. Mahal Na Kumuhula a me kou haumana`ike! Pololei!
Kana'i Kalama Films.
It's like ballet. It's so beautiful and you can see the love and talent behind these lovely dancers.
Thank you for saying hula is demanding lol Did hula Tahitian and many of the others styles from each island for over 23 years , and yes it is demanding as hell have on the knees and feet, my friends think I'm just I'm overreacting when I say I've missed up my knees from dancing cuz they don't think it takes any skill to to it -_-) just so everyone knows any from of dance from anywhere can wear you drown over the year's and takes time and dedication so Props to all dancers out there in the world😏and keep up the good work 😉
it was so heartwarming seeing her crying tears of joy when she won, that just shows that she is doing it from her heart not because itll earn her some kind of spot
Real hula is so beautiful, the woman are so graceful and sensual, yet powerful and determined. They dance, they sing and sometimes even play instruments so skillful! ❤ I have never before seen something that represents the essence of what femininity is to me so precisely. And what she said about being that vessel for all the knowledge and the responsibility to carry on to honor all the people before you - it's so humble, wise and mature. You know that she is serious about what she is saying, if you just watch the dedication with which she is dancing. It really touches my heart ❤️🔥 I wish all people could feel their roots so strong, including myself ❤️🩹
Beautifully done, giving me hula pride. Mahalo for putting this together
This was an extremely well done video (now that I could hear it.)
You captured the many important elements and each one you showed could be a video unto itself.
This will make lovers of Hula and many Hula dancers around the world smile with joy, Mahalo Nui Loa.
"can we try the ending one more time"
Literally 0.0000000000000000001 sec l8er
Fr like idk why he had to yell at them it kinda came out of nowhere
It has to stop instantly
my family is full of hula dancers and i am so incredibly proud to be hawaiian. the culture is just so beautiful and grounded to who they are. their dancing and family and land is just so important. mahalo nui loa for this video.
Never knew Hula was this hard, mad respect to these people.
I love this chanel, it educates and promotes positivity.
Thats a lot of dance
I got tears in my eyes! This is how passion looks like. Glad she did it!!
LOVE THIS! she WON! MM bucket list for sure!
I grew up in Hawai'i since I was 3yrs old. My dad and mom moved there around 1947/48 after my dad returned from WWII. He became a Civil Aeronautics traffic controller in the Honolulu Airport tower. I remember so many things about growing up there that are no longer available to today's youth, which is sad. I'm not sure when but my mom decided my sisters and me should learn to dance.
Unfortunately, ballet was out of the question for me, I was either stiff as stick or limp as a rag. I'm sure she wanted to pull her hair out because she was an acrobatic ballet dancer in her youth. But when I asked to take hula lessons, she found me the most wonderful teacher. I do not recall her name only her warmth and encouragement. She taught me how to make the moves and as a kid of course it was all play. I enjoyed it so much. I learned the old hula chants and how to use the gourds, and bamboo sticks as well as the feathered gourds. I truly loved these instruments and wish I had saved them.
I continued hula throughout my high school years, I realized that if you wanted to be really good, you had to have the passion to pursue it. I wisely chose to follow my mother's advice that I should enjoy what I had learned and follow my own path in life. I wanted to become an artist so that is where I went. Dance, however, has always been in my heart so I chose to learn other forms of dance which lead me to Ballroom dance and eventually Disco and Country Western. All of these forms follow similar patterns so it was easy for me to learn all I wanted. But I still remember how much I loved the hula even though I chose not to pursue it. But its very true that it is not that easy professionally. It takes enormous dedication and practice to become truly good. Although I never reached those heights, I understand and appreciate the special bond with the Hawaiian spirit that engulfs the traditions. I am so glad the beauty of Hula has been protected and encouraged to grow.
As a Polynesian myself I can tell you any type of Polynesian dances especially Hula is very hard. I've been dancing for over 5 years and there is still more I must learn, even if you are a professional, you still have more years of experience to learn. And the mental state kinda gets to you cause you're constantly yelled at, for dancing since the age 7 it made me insecure, but It also makes you stronger in the long run. I'm happy to see Polynesian dancers getting recognised even Kalie.
I would literally sell everything I own and buy a one-way ticket to Hawaii for a chance to learn authentic hula. I grew up on Kadena AB and every year churches from Hawaii would come to our church's mission conference and they would bring their teams and I was just in love with them and their culture. God I miss Hawaii.
Wow nice to know some people actually want to not play tourist for a day but actually experince real hawaii
THANK YOU FOR PEOPLE LIKE THIS TO EXIST the sterotypical hawaii and tourist hawaii is just a mask of our island like all other things showing the good side except the bad ^^
I love how they practice outside. In modern dance classes we don't get that freedom too often
Me:*turns on subtitles to see what they’re saying*
Subtitles: (Speaks in foreign language)
Me: now listen up you bitc-
Fourteen whole minutes is INSANE. The longest I’ve ever performed is a 8 minute marching show and that’s with a group of 200 other people. You’re up there by yourself or with a smaller group. All of y’all are incredible!
3:35 and you know that you really love it when you don't care about being hurted ❤.
This video mades me feel so emotional 😭
This dancing has to be one of the most beautiful dances I know comes from the heart and takes practice my respect goes to these hula dancers like it said WHO TF WALKS AROUND WITH THEY KNEES BENT THAT HAS TO HURT
Also who else got scared when he yelled at the girl "WHY ARE YOU WAITING AN INVITATION?!!!" Like damn dude chill out a lil
Hawaii has such a beautiful culture
I love the subtitles 0:25. "Speaking foreign language" lol thanks, very helpful.
Can subtitles just say what language is being spoken
@@KamenRider808 No, but the language you hear in this video is hawaiian. :)
@@WildVee Its just disrespectful thats why..
@@KamenRider808 I don't think it's the uploaders fault actually! I saw other RUclips videos where the subtitles would also say "Spekaing foreign language". I think RUclips automatically does this when auto-translating English. The more you know, huh?
So as a hula dancer it is so amazing to see her and I am so happy for her and I’ve even got the chance to go to Merrie Monarch but got channeled because of COVID-19. 😢
Traditional indigenous cultures knew how to respect and coexist with nature. That’s what one experiences watching Hula dance. Resonates with me as an Indian. In India our classical dance forms and folk dances express the same feeling - speak to the heart and soul
HOW HOW can ppl understand patricia
@@szlendak1368 It's from a meme or a vine or sth in which there were girls practicing dances and the guy behind the camera yelled "Particia!" Xd
“Get it together sweetie, we have a show tomorrow.”
What a great video I'm so proud of you!!
Hula Coach: “Hula is the language of the heart.”
Also Hula Coach: 03:04
It makes me really happy to see people carrying on our culture and language, and having it represented in the media.
Reading the comments, I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who teared up while watching. What a beautiful culture.
So beautiful❤ much love from New Zealand
"Get your head game on!" I died lmao
Proud to be hawaiian. 808 state
Hula is so beautiful... I never realized how much hard work was put into this. The way they move is so different... Almost like water. So much respect for hula dancers!! ❤️
Literally want to cry at how they speak about hula with so much heart and love