Joe Rogan Reacts to Hugh Hefner's Death

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024
  • Joe Rogan discusses Hugh Hefner with Jim Norton.
    Taken from Joe Roan Experience #1017.

Комментарии • 311

  • @blade83336
    @blade83336 7 лет назад +359

    So is the phrase " he's in a better place now" apply to him?? Cause he lived the life man

    • @nmcmaster3153
      @nmcmaster3153 7 лет назад +26

      blade83336 way to go you saw a meme on line and tried to post in on you tube comments to get likes... Pathetic

    • @misstrKevin
      @misstrKevin 7 лет назад +15

      You're comment is cringe as fuck man. Be original for once.

    • @NYRFAN75
      @NYRFAN75 7 лет назад

      Fuck No lol.

    • @trixx9652
      @trixx9652 7 лет назад +14

      blade83336 there ain't no reason to be sad for his death. That dude live to 91 years old and lived most of the years being the envy of most of the men on the planet. R.I.P

    • @satan4403
      @satan4403 7 лет назад +1

      well his place is being dead, when you're dead you're blind and deaf like every other dead person, so i guess its how you look at is yourself if its a better place or not

  • @badisd5305
    @badisd5305 5 лет назад +16

    In 2001 you called him a creepy dude in one of your shows!!!

    • @1Deep43VA
      @1Deep43VA 2 года назад

      One of his best bits

    • @stefanbernhard2710
      @stefanbernhard2710 4 месяца назад

      "You look into their eyes and see the back of their skulls."

  • @benjibanks7894
    @benjibanks7894 4 года назад +10

    Hue probably didn't like Joe's old stand up bit about him.

  • @loki1188
    @loki1188 7 лет назад +9

    The man lived an awesome life. so not much sadness really

  • @bLacKliSt3D911
    @bLacKliSt3D911 7 лет назад +146

    When I first read that Hugh Hefner died, I felt indifferent, really just didn't give a shit

    • @durkadurka9711
      @durkadurka9711 7 лет назад +7

      Joel Catalinotto same

    • @artificialaneurysm6589
      @artificialaneurysm6589 7 лет назад +15

      Joel Catalinotto that's cause you're gay bro. But for the rest of us men who once were boys we seen our first pair of titties in a Playboy magazine. That's worth my gratitude.

    • @missparadox4455
      @missparadox4455 7 лет назад +5

      and you posted this comment because?

    • @reignmyster
      @reignmyster 7 лет назад +3

      Joel Catalinotto Well he's 91, by that age no one would even be surprised if you just drop dead on the spot.

    • @lynnpabontheelitehero6579
      @lynnpabontheelitehero6579 7 лет назад +10

      It's funny because it's true. I didn't care at all. It's not like this guy invented a cure for cancer. Lol
      Nothing Noble about this man's life that I felt sympathy for. To each his own

  • @jennifer86010
    @jennifer86010 4 года назад +25

    By the time Rogan and his friend wanted to "get into" the Playboy Mansion, Hefner was very old and frail, and he would only appear at a fund raiser or event that he decided to hold. Hefner was not running the house by this time. His security staff and house managers were running things. History: In 1975, when Hefner moved into the Playboy Mansion, it was very much a party
    atmosphere, where celebrities and friends would gather and invite their friends, etc. Things changed after the Charles Mansion murders in Hollywood, and some L.A. riots. Additionally, after some thefts, attempted rapes, and assaults at the Playboy Mansion parties, (which were starting to happen in the late 1980's by un-screened guests who were drunk or too high on coke/meth/speed) the admission policy to the events at the Playboy Mansion had to crack down. Additionally, people started bringing in drugs to the parties, and it resulted in the District Attorney bringing charges against the party host, Hugh Hefner. This became a very costly legal battle for Hefner and Playboy.
    Many of the trouble makers were representative of the decline from the 1970's "peace, love and music" pop culture, into the growing violent "meth, gang bang and death" pop culture happening in the 1980's - 2000 period which continues full steam into today. (2020)
    Even notable celebrities were banned for life from the mansion if they made trouble, or assaulted any of the women without mutual consent of both people. Rules were put into place (not too different from strip clubs where you can see but not touch, unless the girl consents) and policies were followed.
    Eventually, only people who were personally invited, using pass codes were allowed in. Rats and losers tried even harder to sneak in, in trunks of cars, by scaling walls, and jumping fences onto the grounds, only to be met by security men who threw their trespassing asses out.
    These rat losers actually believed that there were tons of naked young beautiful women, just waiting to have sex with them in the grotto. Nothing could be further from the truth. The women at the Playboy Mansion were mostly gold diggers, professional models and aspiring actresses. If a man didn't have truckloads of money, influence, power and prominence, none of the girls would have anything to do with him, even if he was attractive.
    Additionally, after Hefner married Kimberly Conrad, and raised two sons with her over a period of 20 years, the parties at the mansion were no longer sexual. It became a calm clean family atmosphere for their two growing children. After he and Kimberly separated, the parties started up again, however they were far more subdued, and proper.
    The parties became more of an opportunity for Hefner to show off his girls to his invited guests in order to keep up his continuing playboy image. But the days of wild "sex, drugs, and rock & roll" at the Playboy mansion were mostly a phenomenon of the past.
    Everything and everybody at the Playboy Mansion was a creation or invention of Hugh Hefner's needs or fantasies. Either personal or business, it was Hefner who designed everything, and when he no longer needed the wild parties, he ended them. Hefner was an extremely organized and detailed control freak. ( In a good and generous way)
    He ordered his meals precisely a certain way, down to having photos of how the silverware and dishes should look on his tray. Every day was a scheduled event day for all the girls, staff and guests in or coming to the mansion. Hefner had people over for card playing night. Next night would be movie night, followed by sex with his girlfriends night, and then family night, and then poker night. Everything and every activity was mapped out by Hefner ahead of time, put on the calendar, at precise times and organized according to his wishes.
    His home was run like a business or a factory, and since everyone under his roof was on his payroll, he expected his employees to do all their job duties on time as planned. His "girlfriends" were paid courtseans (whores) who had to perform their sexual duties on a certain night, per their written contract with Hefner. Nothing was left to chance. Every duty, was figured out ahead of time, and it was all written up in job descriptions, and everyone was trained to perform their tasks.
    His life was not a fantasy of free and easy girls who loved him and they all got drunk and had great sex and feasts in an orgy of indulgence. Instead, it was all organized and put on paper, and contracts had to be honored if employees were to receive pay. This is one major reason there was so much turnover with his "girlfriends" because per their contracts, while living in the mansion, they were not allowed to have boyfriends. They had a curfew and had to be in the rooms at a certain hour. They always had to look a certain way, according to Hefner's exact specifications. They had to entertain guests as hostesses, but were not allowed to have sex with anyone else on the property unless approved by Hefner, which never happened, since he didn't share his few girlfriends with others.
    Most of his girlfriends wanted eventually to have their own lives. Many wanted to marry Hefner (actually marry his money) hoping to have a kid with him, locking in a huge child support payments, and entitlement to his millions of dollars. In the case of Holly Madison, she begged Hefner to marry her, after being his main girlfriend for several years, but he refused. She then quit, and realizing her potential "gold mine" had run dry, she wrote a nasty book against Hefner, most of which was sour grapes.
    Holly portrayed herself as a victim, yet it was she who scratched, clawed, tooth and nail to get into Hefner's life and become his girlfriend in hopes of becoming his wife and heir. This scenario was typical of many of the young women with whom he had relationships over the years, but none of them ever really owned Hefner. It was Hefner's money, it was Hefner's home, and Playboy was Hefner's life, and all the other people were only employees or players in his world.
    Hefner was the owner. And realistically, if a rich man hires a bunch of girls to live with him, sleep with him and have sex with him, and perform other duties, for an agreed salary, then he should get his money's worth. It is a business deal. Every playmate was aware of all this going into the contract with Hefner.
    Summary: So this image of a "Garden of Eden" on the grounds of a paradise mansion in Holmby Hills, CA filled with young beautiful naked women, all ripe for a guy's taking, and a generous host who will befriend everyone and give them free booze, drugs, and is all a temporary illusion, with strings attached. Once you understand why everyone is at the Mansion is an employee, and that Playboy is a business, and his personal home is an office/home business where he has events, decorated by pretty young almost naked women who are finally discover that this "garden of Eden" is not so real after all.
    The only way you can personally get into a real garden of Eden, is to become rich and start your own garden of Eden. Once you are the person paying for everything and everybody, then you can be the one who is playing with everything and everybody. Until then, most of us are only spectators, looking in at the lifestyles of the rich and famous.

    • @wckd4u
      @wckd4u 3 года назад +1

      Excellent write up! What do you thunk about his last wife? I think it’s said she wouldn’t recieve anything when he died in their prenuptial agreement. I was surprised he was only worth 50 million even though he sold his home for 100 million.

    • @jennifer86010
      @jennifer86010 3 года назад +4

      Hefner was the ultimate compulsive, obsessive "control freak". He organized, managed and manipulated everything and everybody in his life. Not necessarily in an evil way, but in an organized way which made sense to his need for order in his world. He realized that there were thousands of aspiring young women who wanted to meet and associate with
      him in order to gain fame and launch their acting or show business careers. Over the years, Hefner was sued by many young women, centerfolds, and playmates who tried to take advantage of his generosity. So he and his team of lawyers put plans in place to minimize or eliminate future lawsuits, while trying to maintain his polygamous hedonistic lifestyle.
      It wasn't always easy. All of the women associated with Hefner were under legal contracts. All his girlfriends, playmates and wives were bound by contracts over the course of their relationships with him. Those contracts spelled out exactly each woman's job duties, her salary, and living arrangements, down to the smallest detail. Hefner's girlfriends, playmates and sex partners were employees. Their sex duties were all clearly spelled out, and their pay was also clearly written. There was no ambiguity about what they were supposed to do or how much they were paid for doing it.
      For normal regular average people, this arrangement would seem to be far too clinical, mechanical and business-like to describe a sexual or romantic relationship, since normal regular average middle class people don't have money or long lines of beautiful women knocking on the front door.
      But for men who have great fame and wealth, and who are sought after (actually it is the fame and money that the young women want) it is very important to develop legal contracts and protections against fraud, lawsuits, liability and paternity suits. Wealthy men are targets, regularly sought by gold digging money-hungry young women who will do anything to get their hands on as much money as possible, which includes not only providing sex, but providing lawsuits against the guy if she thinks she can squeeze more ca$h out of him.
      By the time he married his last wife, Hugh Hefner was thinking more in terms of providing money for his kids, family members and past wives, in addition to his lifelong loyal employees, and Playboy Enterprises itself. Hefner's last wife was well taken care of, and to ascribe middle class expectations to people living in the wealthy class, especially rich and famous figure like Hefner, is completely unrealistic. What the public doesn't know is the behind-the-scenes financial arrangements he made with his wives, playmates, and family members. Tax considerations are always a problem for wealthy people, and what a rich person claims publicly, is never the true amount of resources or money he/she actually possesses.
      The goal of wealthy people, as they near the end of their lives, is to appear to be far less rich than they actually are. They hide money around the world, and put it in trusts and other arrangements in order to give it to friends, family and charity when they die, and where there won't be huge inheritance taxes for the beneficiaries.
      Inheritance tax = death tax = theft that government commits. That money has already had taxes paid on it, however the damn government wants to tax it again when people die. Inheritance tax is not designed just for the rich. It applies to every person, no matter how rich or poor they are. It is a way the government can steal more tax money, on a person's funds which has already been taxed. It is a form of double theft by the government. But Hefner did as most business people do, in that he was very generous to charitable organizations, his family and loyal friends, while minimizing his wealth in his later years.
      Playboy has lived on, however the lifestyle of the original Playboy, Hugh M. Hefner, has sadly faded away. He was truly one-of-a-kind figure in American history, and his contributions to the Sexual Revolution of the 1960's, which paved the way to the sexual freedoms we have in today's world, have made a significant impact in the development of personal human expression and human freedom itself.

    • @lifetonic7772
      @lifetonic7772 2 года назад

      Where are you getting this information?? O~O

    • @jennifer86010
      @jennifer86010 2 года назад

      @@lifetonic7772 Empirical experience. I lived and worked in Hollywood for several decades. 'Had many friends who worked for Playboy, and enjoyed many parties there.

  • @REH86
    @REH86 7 лет назад +42

    That's why you never let your credits get low.

    • @nosidam1989
      @nosidam1989 7 лет назад

      Robert H. Getting into the playboy mansion sounds like the episode of black mirror with Jessica chastain

    • @evamaria534
      @evamaria534 7 лет назад +1

      Explain this credits thing plz. Where i live this doesnt exist. Im curious

    • @nosidam1989
      @nosidam1989 7 лет назад

      eva maria it's not a thing it's just bullshit the fact is nobody at the mansion wanted to party with ed norton ;)

  • @byejav
    @byejav 7 лет назад +27

    jim didn't have enough clout to get in.. that's what she was trying to say

    • @daydreamsp
      @daydreamsp 7 лет назад +1

      WalkingTravesty and she

  • @tommy1138
    @tommy1138 7 лет назад +13

    After watching the American Playboy series on Amazon I learned two things about Hugh Hefner. #1. He was kind of nerd and he CREATED the persona of Hugh Hefner to seem more attractive to women and #2. He spent his adult life banging models by convincing them that they were in charge and liberated.

  • @holeindanssock156
    @holeindanssock156 7 лет назад +1

    Thanks for the quick upload

  • @OUSS2004_
    @OUSS2004_ 5 лет назад +5

    Should’ve done like me and my college roommate did, sneak in the West gate when Justin Timberlake and Nelly were shooting a music video in 2002. Walked in the west gate and had a wonderful time

  • @MadnessIsOK
    @MadnessIsOK 7 лет назад +2

    Hugh a stud to be remember for ages

    • @SnuffZen
      @SnuffZen 4 года назадвидео.html

  • @awfullyawful
    @awfullyawful 7 лет назад +5

    He was so young. If he would’ve just stayed faithful to one woman instead of being so promiscuous, perhaps he’d still be with us.

    • @jacqueline716
      @jacqueline716 7 лет назад +2

      He tried that---he "saved himself" for the woman who became his first wife and lost his virginity at age 22. But that woman admitted that she cheated on him, which devastated Hefner. Then he reinvented himself and tried to overcompensate by building the Playboy empire in order to express to the world how sexually (and financially) successful he became. Eventually, he married a couple other women but said that he "never really found his soulmate."

    • @awfullyawful
      @awfullyawful 7 лет назад

      Jacqueline for real? I didn’t know that. Well he should’ve done what I did. Gone through the cheating thing, then springboard into another relationship with a chaste wife who is somehow worse than a cheater. Then he could have child support payments, a personal debt load that rivals that of a small country, and chunky ejaculate because he gets laid so infrequently. But at least I’m goin to heaven, right?

    • @jacqueline716
      @jacqueline716 7 лет назад +5

      Yeah, you can find all this old info in his previous interviews. I don't think finding a "chaste" wife nor finding a trophy wife will bring a guy happiness. There's a middle ground.
      And no--unfortunately, you're not going to heaven. As Hefner once stated, "It's perfectly clear to me that religion is a myth. It's something we have invented to explain the inexplicable.”

    • @awfullyawful
      @awfullyawful 7 лет назад

      Jacqueline hmmm. But I was told there was a heaven and that’s why no one should be hedonistic and enjoy life. If ever in life you’re not completely miserable, you can be sure you’re sinning and on the road to hell. Misery is proof you’ll get all kinds of goodies after you die and the worms are eating your flesh. Seems believable enough. Thanks!

  • @bogholesblowholes1315
    @bogholesblowholes1315 7 лет назад +1

    Hey Joe, have you ever seen the doco on Lance Armstrong from Red Bull? Well worth the watch.. Keep up the good work

  • @chukakaelo2275
    @chukakaelo2275 6 лет назад +6

    Sells mansion.
    Jokes on them, my doctor says I have 5 months to live

  • @apuuvah
    @apuuvah 7 лет назад +2

    Flynt is the man. If you're in this porn biz, be real. Go all the way. It still can be rather "classy", as Private high end productions have shown (very hot chicks, tropics, yachts, castles...what have you...). Of course, most of the stuff is rather far from "classy"...

  • @psiklops71
    @psiklops71 7 лет назад +6

    hell i got in and i'm a nobody

  • @ShawnRavenfire
    @ShawnRavenfire 7 лет назад +12

    Hustler and Penthouse are obsolete in the age of internet porn, but Playboy always had "class," which is why it's still relevant in the modern age.

  • @Razear
    @Razear 7 лет назад +17

    Lol, I remember watching Girls Next Door when I was in high school. Hefner was a legend.

  • @phreakyboy
    @phreakyboy 7 лет назад +8

    Breh' this podcast is still going on... you just had to be the first! Congratu-fooking-lation!

    • @holeindanssock156
      @holeindanssock156 7 лет назад +1

      Mike Dick
      Would you fight DC? As he is crying? He will cry the whole time. Thats the deal. Would you do it? Sanctioned Rules.

  • @brahsumatra
    @brahsumatra 7 лет назад +1

    The brutal murder of Dorothy Stratton was one of his biggest heartaches.

  • @tiffsaver
    @tiffsaver 7 лет назад +10

    Hugh Hefner was much more than just a playboy, believe me. He was a cultural icon, and in his own way, as great, important, and memorable as any of the 20th century.

    • @SnuffZen
      @SnuffZen 4 года назадвидео.html

  • @deedsofdecapitation7477
    @deedsofdecapitation7477 7 лет назад +1

    >New York Times intellectual stimulation

  • @randycabbage7949
    @randycabbage7949 7 лет назад +5

    Title should be “joe Rogan reacts to Hugh Hefner’s death” it just sounds like he was physically watching him die. The thumbnail doesn’t help either lmao

  • @glennrodenborn7791
    @glennrodenborn7791 7 лет назад +4

    easy...if the property is worth more....NEXT!!!

  • @aardvark2520
    @aardvark2520 7 лет назад +9

    I'm getting drunk as hell today for Hugh. The original PIMP

  •  7 лет назад +1

    Haha good point...where does Hugh go after death? Back to the bunny ranch? Lol

  • @theroachden6195
    @theroachden6195 7 лет назад +1

    Playboy is nothing but ads in their magazines. Same with all other mags.

  • @valuedhumanoid6574
    @valuedhumanoid6574 5 лет назад +2

    Go and watch Joe's stand up bit from like 10 years ago about Hugh and his four wives. It will leave you with a side ache from laughing so hard. It's one of my favorite Joe Rogan bits *EVER* and that's saying something. Watch it here then come back and reply your reactionвидео.html

    • @badisd5305
      @badisd5305 5 лет назад

      Was watching that show and then searched what he had to say after his death.
      Funny how people change.

    • @bluecollarlit
      @bluecollarlit 2 года назад +1

      I don't think he had four wives, he had three,
      Millie in the 1950s
      Kimberly in '90s
      Crystal at the end.

  • @LoderMike
    @LoderMike 7 лет назад +1

    People still pretending to be offended at what happened there. I was surprised. ..

  • @certifiedamerican985
    @certifiedamerican985 7 лет назад +1

    Stop-Motion Animation Comedy dedicated to The Gentleman About Town - Hugh Hefner

  • @Slayer-gj2hm
    @Slayer-gj2hm 7 лет назад +6

    A legend ! :(

  • @seethekarma
    @seethekarma 7 лет назад +5

    He lived a good life. Hope he rests easy.

    • @seethekarma
      @seethekarma Год назад

      @Jozef Jacob downer.

    • @seethekarma
      @seethekarma Год назад

      @Jozef Jacob lmao bro you weak af. Try harder.

  • @expertexcavatinginc
    @expertexcavatinginc 3 года назад +3

    Hef loved the CIA but let's not talk about it

  • @kakashisensei2716
    @kakashisensei2716 7 лет назад +2

    This feels like the Mandela effect

  • @thetelemarkdaydream8896
    @thetelemarkdaydream8896 7 лет назад

    Nice Vortex lid. Great optic for the price.

  • @emirsuljagic143
    @emirsuljagic143 7 лет назад +1

    How long ago was this? 2 years ago. Hahahhaha ohhh Jimmy

  • @mrsrockonme
    @mrsrockonme 7 лет назад

    Jim Norton's crazy eyes return.

  • @augustal4243
    @augustal4243 7 лет назад +1

    How does Joe not know that Hugh Hefner has more than five kids.... his next door neighbors are his younger kids, one of his youngest son's who's in his twenties was supposed to take over the magazine but who knows what's going to happen now

    • @bluecollarlit
      @bluecollarlit 2 года назад

      I think he has four children, two with his first wife, and two with second wife Kimberly Conrad.

  • @wolfstar675
    @wolfstar675 7 лет назад +8

    One of the most influential figures of the 20th century.

  • @nikolademitri731
    @nikolademitri731 7 лет назад +2

    Tonight in comment sections all over RUclips: sex/porn positive feminists vs sex/porn negative feminists battle to the death, in light of Hugh Hefner's passing! Round 1, FIGHT!
    RIP Hugh. Thank you for the good you did, of which I'm not even including the "exploitation" of women, but rather the civil rights you fought for! ✌🏼

  • @mattplaygames6813
    @mattplaygames6813 6 лет назад

    Its funny watching this compared to his bit on Hefner from way back

  • @h3xagram11
    @h3xagram11 7 лет назад +2

    i always thought his daughter ran the show now ....

    • @bluecollarlit
      @bluecollarlit 2 года назад

      she ran the business for a while, starting in the 80s, I think

  • @waltwhitman7545
    @waltwhitman7545 4 года назад +2

    Joe seems pretty neutral or positive towards Hugh here, but back in the 2000s he did a funny ass bit on Hugh Hefner where he called him out on his creepy shit

  • @NewJerzNightmare
    @NewJerzNightmare 7 лет назад

    JIM FUCKING NORTON!!!! Got introduced to him through patrice o'neal(rip) back in the day wonder how hes been doing

  • @mfvhill
    @mfvhill 7 лет назад +36


  • @lynnlobliner3933
    @lynnlobliner3933 6 лет назад

    I guess you missed the news that he sold the mansion to someone, in return for his being able to live there until he dies. His DAUGHTER ran the magazine. He has two kids by his wife Kimberley but they aren't old enough to be running his magazine.

  • @ChrisSeltzer
    @ChrisSeltzer 7 лет назад

    Yeah I'm gonna need someone to find that cartoon

  • @VoldiShotCA
    @VoldiShotCA 7 лет назад

    This bald dude looks and sounds like Chester Bennington, lol

  • @tybostic14
    @tybostic14 7 лет назад

    Joe's gotta good show..

  • @rickybobby6028
    @rickybobby6028 3 года назад

    I was today years old when I found out Hefner died.

  • @maydaygoingdown5602
    @maydaygoingdown5602 7 лет назад +2

    One of my friends said to me "oh well, he's gone to a better place now"....Oh..wait...what!!.

  • @haha5571
    @haha5571 7 лет назад +1

    Joe Healthy Saturated Fats Rogan

  • @javiermigoya
    @javiermigoya 7 лет назад +3

    R.I.P. & Toast To The Original Pimp

  • @crazyasspunkrocker
    @crazyasspunkrocker 7 лет назад

    Viagra just lost a furchan

  • @Miloshsh57FY
    @Miloshsh57FY 6 лет назад

    Wacht a video where Joe as young stand up comedian make sick jokes on Hue Hef.. Its so much fun to watch that video first than this one.. Its sickkk

  • @garyeldart2436
    @garyeldart2436 5 лет назад +1

    Lived his life the way he wanted and then went to HELL. You chose tour PATH, JOHN 3:16, GOD IS GREAT. You will all be JUDGED by GOD.

  • @conor-_C
    @conor-_C 6 лет назад

    Rogan bit on Hugh

  • @3BALL4
    @3BALL4 7 лет назад

    Look up what Ben Shapiro said about Hef. It's incredible how different it is.

  • @vilentman111
    @vilentman111 4 года назад +2

    Ummm...Joe? What made you change your mind on Hefner?

  • @dylanbesharahhull2055
    @dylanbesharahhull2055 7 лет назад

    Jim's fucking wired. Couldn't make it anymore obvious lol

  • @thepenismightier741
    @thepenismightier741 7 лет назад

    He came then he went.

  • @Jdeez-i5p
    @Jdeez-i5p 7 лет назад

    It sold for $100M

  • @psiklops71
    @psiklops71 7 лет назад

    the owner will restore the mansion plus merge his mansion to make mansion babies

  • @jankai1049
    @jankai1049 7 лет назад +3

    Mah main horn dog, salute

  • @06livefast
    @06livefast 7 лет назад +1

    Hugh is the American Austin Powers. We now praise Hugh before we break bread.

  • @PeteReborn
    @PeteReborn 7 лет назад

    Hugh sold his house to his neighbor.

  • @summalogy
    @summalogy 2 месяца назад

    Wasnt the dude a creep?

  • @SnuffZen
    @SnuffZen 4 года назад +3

    Oh lucky lucky girls!!! Livin the dream!

  • @TheZeek011
    @TheZeek011 7 лет назад

    I subscribed to penthouse magazine.

  • @allfoodispoisoned7509
    @allfoodispoisoned7509 7 лет назад

    unfortunately, r. kelly probably wont be getting the same send off.

    • @romant142
      @romant142 6 лет назад +1

      allfood ispoisoned why should he? He’s not doing the same shit as Hefner

  • @mark90229
    @mark90229 7 лет назад

    Who is that lad

  • @michaellawford4859
    @michaellawford4859 7 лет назад

    Who's on joes wall the white guy?

  • @theevilone1646
    @theevilone1646 5 лет назад

    JOE ROGAN on Playboy Oct 2003 page 127, 20Q interview. He with 2 hot chicks looking like a maniac lol

  • @kimberlys8422
    @kimberlys8422 2 года назад +2

    He was one of those men who who are physically -unattractive- repulsive but feel they _deserve_ hot women.
    He told one of his concumbines on "The Girls Next Door" she wasn't pretty enough and made her cry.
    _Rot in Pieces_

  • @MrCochise71
    @MrCochise71 7 лет назад +4

    The sperm house

  • @charliebadger
    @charliebadger 7 лет назад +2

    Funny how people complain about Muslim treatment of women, yet suddenly his mansion is just fxxking dandy.

    • @kbro7484
      @kbro7484 7 лет назад +1

      Big difference, the women were'nt forced to wear or do anything they didn't want. They were free and not a victim of a cult.

    • @jacqueline716
      @jacqueline716 7 лет назад

      Well, they had a curfew (9 pm) forced on them, they weren't allowed to have boyfriends, they couldn't bring visitors, etc...

  • @Stevefolmz
    @Stevefolmz 7 лет назад

    Dunhill Pipe.

  • @TMPreRaff
    @TMPreRaff 7 лет назад

    I just stopped by to ask - who the hell cares what joe rogan thinks about Hugh Hefner's death?

    • @SnuffZen
      @SnuffZen 4 года назадвидео.html

  • @MeBituman
    @MeBituman 7 лет назад +9

    The guy was creepy.

  • @gordo66061
    @gordo66061 7 лет назад

    How many STDs did Hugh have or has had in his life

  • @harrypot9000
    @harrypot9000 7 лет назад +2

    God will have a hard time making Hugh happy in heaven.

  • @MadnessIsOK
    @MadnessIsOK 7 лет назад

    hugh done 5 girls all done

  • @eldude9367
    @eldude9367 7 лет назад

    Jim likes guys in dresses. Why is he talking about Heffner?

  • @Dahmac
    @Dahmac 7 лет назад

    wtf is up with that head 1:02

  • @vitoat123
    @vitoat123 7 лет назад

    how did hugh die? :^)

    • @SnuffZen
      @SnuffZen 4 года назад

      He made the girls get lucky luck lucky, jus to live the dream..видео.html

  • @williamf.buckleyjr3227
    @williamf.buckleyjr3227 7 лет назад

    You are the "America dream", personified.
    Now what??

  • @OfficialRageGraphics
    @OfficialRageGraphics 7 лет назад +7

    he died years ago ....

    • @senorvillarruel8129
      @senorvillarruel8129 7 лет назад +1

      OfficialRageGraphics I heard the same shit he died last year

  • @rocklookalike
    @rocklookalike 7 лет назад

    earth is still flat

  • @ivoryadeline9563
    @ivoryadeline9563 7 лет назад +4

    Omg!!!! Hugh Hefner passed away??!!!! :( RIP

  • @EVO6-
    @EVO6- 7 лет назад

    Bootleg Bill Burr

  • @kirstinetermansen2213
    @kirstinetermansen2213 3 года назад

    If your press,,,,. Hefner as Brando spoken,..... Natives, raciel subject

  • @psychopunk8817
    @psychopunk8817 7 лет назад

    Lol I thought he had died years ago

  • @chentz2d552
    @chentz2d552 7 лет назад

    Everybody dies on planet earth eventually... Meh...

  • @sterlingmaloryarcher420
    @sterlingmaloryarcher420 7 лет назад

    Is Joe drunk lol

  • @jimphayre
    @jimphayre 7 лет назад +2

    He was a brilliant man!

  • @johnwheeler4372
    @johnwheeler4372 7 лет назад +2

    I wonder if he went to Heaven ???

    • @sarahbutler5463
      @sarahbutler5463 7 лет назад

      John Wheeler , Their is a video of Hugh Hefner, by Victor The Baptist, on youtube you can google it , the LORD JESUS CHRIST, know when your time is approching this man was at the right place and time to extended the invitation to accept JESUS CHRIST, Hugh Hefner, rejected JESUS CHRIST, you can see in the video of Hugh Hefner, body language display of his arrogance and i don't need you his rejection to accept the invitation speaks loud and clear were do you think he is , the LORD JESUS CHRIST, allow him to live 91 yrs; had everything his ❤ HEART desire and still extended his love to him because of his grace and mercy toward mankind he don't want any one to go to HELL, except thr Divil and his demons he trick to believed he could take over HEAVEN, Mark 8:36 the words of JESUS CHRIST, What does it profit a man to gain the whole 🌎 world to lose his soul!!!!!! So tell me were do you think he went to in the loving arm of JESUS CHRIST, or in the grasps of the EVIL ONE!! WONDER NO MORE!!!

  • @UniMatrix_1
    @UniMatrix_1 7 лет назад +1


  • @chasingdragons1933
    @chasingdragons1933 7 лет назад
