I cried, I can relate. When I told my Mom that Jesus is the Son of God, that He so loved her, that He died for her sins, I received the longest beating and was told I was no longer her son. (almost 40 years ago) When I was allowed to see my Dad on his last day on earth, I was not going to see him, as I knew if I mentioned Jesus, I would be stranded far from home. I prayed the night before, God if you want me to go, I need a specific sign, because I will plead with him one last time, but I will be stranded far from home, having no way to get back home, and I have broken feet. When I woke up, God miraculously gave me the sign that I asked for, so I went. When I saw Dad, I grabbed ahold of his bed with all my strength and pleaded one last time. There was screaming, I was being pulled upon, but I pleaded with Dad, and he accepted Jesus by faith and later died that day. The sign I asked for was that when I wake up, to wake me up, with the time being all fours. I woke up exactly at 4:44. All through my life, after becoming a believer and follower of Jesus, my father hated me, but that last day, I saw love in my Father's eyes. They did give me a ride home, but I was berated all the way home by everyone, but I kept my mouth closed, as I knew other wise, they would pull over, and I would have no way home. God heard my decades of prayers for my Dad, my claiming of His promises, and on that last day, Yeshua entered my Father's heart. One day, if I continue to be faithful, I will see my beloved Dad again, and through all eternity, we will have the joy of worshipping God and His Son, Yeshua.
Don't worry! You can't loose your salvation if you continue to believe in Christ's sacrifice! God knows your heart and if you want to be with Him then He will welcome you!
@r2 probably their relatives were jews. Anti-Christian sentiment mainly comes from Judaism. Islam praises Jesus, Atheist dont care about him. It's Judaism the one that hates Him.
This gives me such hope. I've been praying for 3 years that my parents and siblings would give their lives to Yeshua . Sometimes it's hard to believe that God hears or cares about my prayers and is at work but hearing that after 26 years his father surrendered to Yeshua gives me hope. Your Will be done Yeshua.
God loves the Jewish people so very much. If only they knew. I thank God that they are coming to Him in great numbers. GOD BLESS THE JEWS, THROUGH THEM WE HAVE FOUND OUR SAVIOUR EVEN US HERE IN AFRICA. I GREW UP HEARING MY MOTHER SPEAKING IN TOUNGUES. I BESS HER FOR SHE TAUGHT ME TO LOVE MY SAVIOUR!
nicole nortman... praying that God would continue to pursue your family... have you read these verses in Jeremiah 31...For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord : I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord ,' for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord . For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more." Jeremiah 31:33-34 ESV bible.com/59/jer.31.33-34.ESV
I've been asking God to save my older brother and older sister as well. As they're very leaded astray to the world. Sometimes it does look like God isn't listening. Fortunately, he is and there's times like this which gives me hope. Just have patience, it'll all come in good time and when the time is right 👍
This channel has become one of my favorites because I love the personal testimonies found here. I cannot imagine the intense pressure that Jewish people are subject to when they come to faith. How glorious the day when we sit together in our Father's house! 🙏😇
Gary, you said this channel has become your favorite, did you by any chance come across a testimony of a woman who was into new age ideology trying to escape into the spirit world? If so, please share the link
KC9UDX By God, you're right !! The first and the foremost Christians were all Jewish. Paul, Peter, John, etc were all Jews. You just blew my mind !! God gave His new covenant through Jesus to his people first.
You notice how they all receive the truth after praying for that personal experience the personal revelation? God is not just the God of the Bible thousands of years ago. He is a personal God who wants a relationship with us all!! Praise and Glory to him! So wonderful to see these sons deliver the truth to their fathers as well ❤️
I am an Arabic ex Muslim I converted to Christ and accepted him as my Lord and savior I've never felt such calmness and happiness in my life and my life was a miracle I've never accepted Islam but I was thinking the devil is deceiving me to make me non Muslim ever since I was 8 I hated how Islam treats people I hated Islams ideas I hate Islams laws it's harsh and only the devil could make such punishments it made my tribe who where one of the first Arabs and also first Arabic Christians into maniacs we were forced to convert or die Islam is hypocrites it says kill then says don't kill and I hate every one that defends that insane religion I am still hiding that I converted I don't know 100% how to convert but I sure as hell know how to leave Islam
Richthofen Friedrich all you need is to accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. We are saved by God's grace alone through Jesus' sacrifice. We aren't saved by works and endless traditions. May God bless you.
If you want to have a family, you must just be discrete about your conversion. It will never be accepted. Play the agnostic card. You may also marry a Arab Christian woman whose family will accept you.
Richthofen Friedrich I pray that God grants you the courage and the power to worship and glorify Him in front of all. We western Christians do not realize how lucky we are.
when you said what your dad said in Hebrew "here I am, here I am God", I just cried out of joy and gratefulness. Praise God for redeeming His chosen ones
@@eliasgerber2203 wrong answer. salvation is not performance or even obedience based . it is purely grace-based and based on God's faithfulness and not ours...
@@rahulshinde6210 My answer was and is correct. Members of the satanic catholic religion aren't believers, but are idol-worshipping adherents to thinly disguised mithraism.
i am a gentile..when i was 24 i accepted jesus as my lord,i told my dad,he said that i had lost my mine and hung the phone up..in 5 mins he called back crying and said that i was right..we later on were baptize together,became best friends, then he died..i look forward to seeing him again.
I had to hot the pause button when you said that your father cried out to God what would you have me to do?! I. Burst out crying for joy! My father also received Christ just days before he died. Hod gave me the privilege of being with him when he repented and asked Christ to be his Saviour! Thank you for your testimony.
I cried listening to ur wonderful testimony ( tears of joy) God is not really a respector of person He will move mountains for people to know Him. Praises to You Jesus our Master.
My heart and soul is overwhelmed!! Praise God! Before my husband's dad passed away, he gave his life to our Lord and was Filled with His Holy Spirit. Isn't it a wonderful part of your lives to have such a blessed experience and to know where your parents truly are. MAY Jesus continue to bless and protect you n yours. I am not Jewish, just an X-Gentile. I gave my life to Jesus 36 yrs ago. I am now 72 yrs young n my hubby 68. God promises are exceedingly great and precious. In Jesus Name Margie from So MS
What a blessing this testimony! I bow down in worship for the miracle of the new birth in Christ! Hallelujah what a mighty God we have! Thank you for posting this video!
@@thisismej8665 what is more important...to be Jewish, and burn in hell for eternity, or to be a disciple of Yeshua, and living with him in heaven forever?
Great sharing there! I come from a chinese family; not a jew nor a born in a Christian family. Cut the long story short, me being the eldest son went to church at the age of 14 but my relationship with God was shaken and never stable. However, about 21 years later, my mum had stage 4 lung cancer (she doesn't smoke nor drink). Before my late mum meet death, she already found Jesus and she found peace in Him - she was baptized 3 days before she passed away. The gap between that 20 years is very similar to yours. Hence, I could see there is already a pattern that God started working in our lives the moment we acknowledge Him as the Messiah. It's crazy, but, I believe in concrete evidence from past events through different time and space (different countries and locations). There is this equilibrium in today's post-modernized world. Praise God for His love for sending His son to the cross. This event has been preached numerous times 2000 years ago and has been strong. Be strong and keep moving!
this channel is just one of the best things!!! I love these stories. I cry, I laugh, and I am always in awe of the absolute mercy and grace of our God!
Blessings to the Most High God, and to you my brother. It must have been so hard when your dad said you were no longer his son. But you did the right thing and now your brother and dad are saved too.
I have just come across your Channel and just can't get enough of your videos....... Thank you so much for uploading these heartwarming....... and eye opening videos....... So inspiring! 😘❣🙏🏼
Wow --- thank you for your testimony. I am a Christian gentile - The Jewish people have an important mission - to take the lead in this. May the good Lord always keep you close. Amen.
It’s sad how Jewish teachers made some parts of the Old Testament forbidden because they mentions the clues and signs of Jesus. For example, the book of Isaiah has a “forbidden chapter” in it
These stories blow my mind!! That made me cry!! Thank you so much for sharing! I have loved Jesus for many years! And he has loved me for much much longer!
I love your testimony! I know how it feels to wait until family comes to the same conclusion, even though I was not a Jew. My Mother came to Faith weeks before she passed. I knew it was true when she asked me to read to her from the scriptures.
I am an Arabic ex Muslim I converted to Christ and accepted him as my Lord and savior I've never felt such calmness and happiness in my life and my life was a miracle I've never accepted Islam but I was thinking the devil is deceiving me to make me non Muslim ever since I was 8 I hated how Islam treats people I hated Islams ideas I hate Islams laws it's harsh and only the devil could make such punishments it made my tribe who where one of the first Arabs and also first Arabic Christians into maniacs we were forced to convert or die Islam is hypocrites it says kill then says don't kill and I hate every one that defends that insane religion I am still hiding that I converted I don't know 100% how to convert but I sure as hell left Islam
What a POWERFUL WITNESS! Brought me to tears. I pray for the day when the Children of Israel will cry out with ONE VOICE: "Blessed is He who comes in the Name of The Lord."
Beautiful testimony! And I'm a cradle Catholic. I've heard a testimony by Harvard Professor Raymond Shoemann titled " Salvation is from Jewish" and it changed my life and way how I've seen everything in my faith.
Karin Kaith these are Christian people from Israel. Real Jews spit at the name of Jesus, it's part of rabbinic culture. Real jews burn new testaments stolen from blind people.
Please be specific when you say "the Jews were persecuted in the name of Christianity." There are many variations of Christians and we need to be careful not to lump all Christians in that vile soup mix. It was the RCC that persecuted the Jews. They have come out publicly confessing their heinous crimes against humanity; genocide as recent as their participation in the 1994 genocide of the people's of Rwanda.
RamDaRealist Real Jews wouldn't persecute more like extremist fanatics mind you to make a distinction. There are religious Jews who are open for dialogue in spite of disagreements don't generalize as part of a culture. Shalom
Ellie Crabtree Sadly Church groups during the Nazi Regime in Germany, both Catholic and Protestant, supported the new government. Many Christians supported the Nazis' anti-Jewish stance. Obviously true followers of Messiah such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer a German pastor, theologian, spy, anti-Nazi dissident, and key founding member of the Confessing Church among other Christians from different groups didn't persecute.
Here in Holland we stille read books from Corrie ten Boom who had so much love for jewish people. Now I pray for them to find Jeshua in the book of Isai chapter 53.
@Weberman Elisheva He's not an idol hes you messiah, and even if he's not which he is as you can see its in the scriptures, the other messiah thats coming in the third temple is that not an idol worshipper also?
God bless you and your family!! This is one of my favorite testimonies so far. God hasn't forgotten us, he is patiently waiting and working on hearts. So thankful for your dad's salvation, as well as your's & your brother's.
Praise the Lord. I love to hear about people, and esp. Jews & Muslims who turn to God and accept Jesus, Yeshua as Lord and Savior! This was such a blessing to listen to.
Beautiful testimony. I am so glad that you were able to see your father come to Yeshua. ✡️ 🙏❤ 🕊️ ✝️ 🇮🇱 🛐 Grace and peace to you, and upon all of Israel.
Such a beautiful story. Fills my heart when I see and hear that people have came to the one True religions and opened their hearts to our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Praise to the one True God.
I'm a servant of Jesus and I don't know why, but every time i hear Jewish people come to know the Messiah, my heart is filled with joy and praises to the Lord Jesus, our Messiah. God is good...He is nearing in his returning for us. God bless this ministry!
Jesus is the Son of God, sent by Him to redeem us. Jesus has never ever claimed to be God or accepted to be treated as such. I thought I should let you know this. Be blessed!
@@brenosantana1458 I'm not testing anything or anyone. I have my faith, which is a reality to me, but I respect everyone's beliefs. Thank you for your comment, may God bless you
how awesome and true :-)..... Jeremiah, Daniel, Moses,Isaiah and others point right to the messiah of Israel named Jesus...... Shalom to this family with a 1,000 fold increase in all ways
The dislikes are from those that have not met Jesus & have not searched the scriptures with an open heart. In Jesus Name, may they come to know you LORD.
What an inspirational testimony! I could hardly contain my emotions 😭... GOD BLESS YOU BROTHER!! WELCOME TO YOUR CHRISTIAN BROTHERHOOD!! JESUS LOVES YOU & I DO TO!! 😘🙏🏻❤️🙌🕊🙋♂️
Amazing! You are a Champion in Christ! Thank you so much for sharing your testimony to those which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. (Revelation 12:17), (Revelation 14:12), (Revelation 22:14)(KJV)
I know all testimonies are miracles and each one is special. We are sometime drawn more to testimonials of hardened criminals or someone that comes from just a terrible background, but when I watch and hear my Jewish brothers n sisters speak about their salvation experience I sit awestruck at God's love and patience to reveal Himself to them. Praise God!!!
I'm a christian and I am in love with the beautiful testimonies in this channel. Gloire au Dieu tout puissant!!! (Glory to The Almighty GOD!!!)
On est d'accord c'est super de voir de si beaux témoignages ! :D
@M A It's french. It means "I think you are right it's amazing to see such beautifull testimonies !"
It is as exactly w me. Lord, what a beauty!!!. Each testimonial make eyes flow in tears
Jesus is LORD
Gloire au seul Dieu de l'univers, Jésus 🥰
I cried, I can relate. When I told my Mom that Jesus is the Son of God, that He so loved her, that He died for her sins, I received the longest beating and was told I was no longer her son. (almost 40 years ago) When I was allowed to see my Dad on his last day on earth, I was not going to see him, as I knew if I mentioned Jesus, I would be stranded far from home. I prayed the night before, God if you want me to go, I need a specific sign, because I will plead with him one last time, but I will be stranded far from home, having no way to get back home, and I have broken feet. When I woke up, God miraculously gave me the sign that I asked for, so I went. When I saw Dad, I grabbed ahold of his bed with all my strength and pleaded one last time. There was screaming, I was being pulled upon, but I pleaded with Dad, and he accepted Jesus by faith and later died that day. The sign I asked for was that when I wake up, to wake me up, with the time being all fours. I woke up exactly at 4:44. All through my life, after becoming a believer and follower of Jesus, my father hated me, but that last day, I saw love in my Father's eyes. They did give me a ride home, but I was berated all the way home by everyone, but I kept my mouth closed, as I knew other wise, they would pull over, and I would have no way home. God heard my decades of prayers for my Dad, my claiming of His promises, and on that last day, Yeshua entered my Father's heart. One day, if I continue to be faithful, I will see my beloved Dad again, and through all eternity, we will have the joy of worshipping God and His Son, Yeshua.
I love this ❤❤❤
Don't worry! You can't loose your salvation if you continue to believe in Christ's sacrifice! God knows your heart and if you want to be with Him then He will welcome you!
@r2 probably their relatives were jews. Anti-Christian sentiment mainly comes from Judaism. Islam praises Jesus, Atheist dont care about him. It's Judaism the one that hates Him.
@@estatuadechozo not true... Christian Arabs have to come out in a lot of countries, and perhaps die for their faith, it's very tough!
What a wonderful story. Praying you are still in the faith. God bless.
This gives me such hope. I've been praying for 3 years that my parents and siblings would give their lives to Yeshua . Sometimes it's hard to believe that God hears or cares about my prayers and is at work but hearing that after 26 years his father surrendered to Yeshua gives me hope. Your Will be done Yeshua.
God loves the Jewish people so very much. If only they knew. I thank God that they are coming to Him in great numbers. GOD BLESS THE JEWS, THROUGH THEM WE HAVE FOUND OUR SAVIOUR EVEN US HERE IN AFRICA. I GREW UP HEARING MY MOTHER SPEAKING IN TOUNGUES. I BESS HER FOR SHE TAUGHT ME TO LOVE MY SAVIOUR!
nicole nortman... praying that God would continue to pursue your family... have you read these verses in Jeremiah 31...For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord : I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord ,' for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord . For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more."
Jeremiah 31:33-34 ESV
Mike Davis Thank you so much!! Yes I love that scripture so much. God bless you!
I've been asking God to save my older brother and older sister as well. As they're very leaded astray to the world. Sometimes it does look like God isn't listening. Fortunately, he is and there's times like this which gives me hope. Just have patience, it'll all come in good time and when the time is right 👍
Tools to help.Look up. The last Reformation.
How wonderful to see a Jewish family come to know their Messiah.
Praise be to the King of the Universe
Mel Ashby Amén Vamén
For me, a gentile convert to Jesus Messiah, to hear HE is hidden from Jacob's children is most heart breaking
Derek Gleeson religion is unnecessary with faith in Jesus Christ.
This channel has become one of my favorites because I love the personal testimonies found here. I cannot imagine the intense pressure that Jewish people are subject to when they come to faith. How glorious the day when we sit together in our Father's house! 🙏😇
Mine too!
Great comment
Amen 🙏
Gary, you said this channel has become your favorite, did you by any chance come across a testimony of a woman who was into new age ideology trying to escape into the spirit world?
If so, please share the link
I am a Christian and I can say that this channel is one of the best if not the best. The testimonies are mind blowing. Glory to God.
I'm not Jewish but this story really got to me. Grace!
MAGA! MAGA! are you certain?
Or look at it this way: How many ancient Jews were assimilated former Gentiles?
By God, you're right !!
The first and the foremost Christians were all Jewish.
Paul, Peter, John, etc were all Jews.
You just blew my mind !!
God gave His new covenant through Jesus to his people first.
"If we really want to love, we must learn to forgive." Mother Theresa
I am a Christian!!! Praise God!! His plans are always perfect!!! May He bless you and your family!! You have surely blessed me with your testimony!!!
Y'shua is the Lord! Shalom!
Weberman Elisheva ... When do *you* expect the Messiah to come?
@Weberman Elisheva Well, Matthew 12:39 - 40 caused me to turn away from orthodox judaism.
@@yechezkelmendoza5698 may I ask what you turned to?
@@user-bw3fl7fj9w I turned to the Lord ישוע המשיח (Yeshua (Jesus) The Messiah).
I am a Messianic Jew now and have been for 6 years.
@@yechezkelmendoza5698 thanks for letting me know! I'm glad you found happiness in the Lord,Yeshua/Jesus!
You notice how they all receive the truth after praying for that personal experience the personal revelation? God is not just the God of the Bible thousands of years ago. He is a personal God who wants a relationship with us all!! Praise and Glory to him! So wonderful to see these sons deliver the truth to their fathers as well ❤️
I am an Arabic ex Muslim I converted to Christ and accepted him as my Lord and savior I've never felt such calmness and happiness in my life and my life was a miracle I've never accepted Islam but I was thinking the devil is deceiving me to make me non Muslim ever since I was 8 I hated how Islam treats people I hated Islams ideas I hate Islams laws it's harsh and only the devil could make such punishments it made my tribe who where one of the first Arabs and also first Arabic Christians into maniacs we were forced to convert or die Islam is hypocrites it says kill then says don't kill and I hate every one that defends that insane religion I am still hiding that I converted I don't know 100% how to convert but I sure as hell know how to leave Islam
Richthofen Friedrich the Lord works in mysterious ways.
Richthofen Friedrich all you need is to accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. We are saved by God's grace alone through Jesus' sacrifice. We aren't saved by works and endless traditions.
May God bless you.
If you want to have a family, you must just be discrete about your conversion. It will never be accepted. Play the agnostic card. You may also marry a Arab Christian woman whose family will accept you.
Tahuan Tinsuyo No, that is dishonesty and you are telling a Christian to deny that Jesus is her/his Saviour.
Richthofen Friedrich I pray that God grants you the courage and the power to worship and glorify Him in front of all. We western Christians do not realize how lucky we are.
Powerful testimony! I literally cried out "YES!" when he said his father wanted to give his life to Our Lord. To God all the glory!
"If we really want to love, we must learn to forgive." Mother Theresa
when you said what your dad said in Hebrew "here I am, here I am God", I just cried out of joy and gratefulness. Praise God for redeeming His chosen ones
"If we really want to love, we must learn to forgive." Mother Theresa
@@rahulshinde6210 Mother theresa was a pagan catholic and died lost. Believers in Yeshua obey our Lord's commands to love.
@@eliasgerber2203 wrong answer. salvation is not performance or even obedience based . it is purely grace-based and based on God's faithfulness and not ours...
@@rahulshinde6210 My answer was and is correct. Members of the satanic catholic religion aren't believers, but are idol-worshipping adherents to thinly disguised mithraism.
@@eliasgerber2203 Let us not be judges of peace, but angels of peace Amen
What a wonderful story, tears comes to my eyes.
so beautiful! i teared up through the whole video. so beautiful!! thank you for this video. may God Bless
i am a gentile..when i was 24 i accepted jesus as my lord,i told my dad,he said that i had lost my mine and hung the phone up..in 5 mins he called back crying and said that i was right..we later on were baptize together,became best friends, then he died..i look forward to seeing him again.
Wow I can't stop crying of happiness, your dad is waiting for you in heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ. Glory be to God.
I'm Christian, and I'm in love with the beautiful testimonies in this Chanel. ❤❤❤❤
A wonderful and uplifting story. May God continue to bless you.
I had to hot the pause button when you said that your father cried out to God what would you have me to do?! I. Burst out crying for joy! My father also received Christ just days before he died. Hod gave me the privilege of being with him when he repented and asked Christ to be his Saviour!
Thank you for your testimony.
What an absolutely wonderful testimony!!......May Yeshua bless you and yours!
Beautiful testimony! He was rejected by his father but then 26 years later his father accepted his faith.
I cried listening to ur wonderful testimony ( tears of joy) God is not really a respector of person He will move mountains for people to know Him. Praises to You Jesus our Master.
you are the son of the most high god, may yeshua bless and give you Peace
wow no words to describe this awesomeness
Agreed. Abba is AWESOME!
Well said.
"If we really want to love, we must learn to forgive." Mother Theresa
I am so inspired by these testimonies. It brings joy & tears. Praise be to Yeshua
ONE FOR ISRAEL, thank you for posting! Hallelujah! Maranatha saints! God bless.
I'm so happy to be listening to these testimonies. I pray that Yeshua continues to bless you and your family and nation. 🙏
Jesus is our Lord and our Salvation. Amen
My heart and soul is overwhelmed!! Praise God! Before my husband's dad passed away, he gave his life to our Lord and was Filled with His Holy Spirit.
Isn't it a wonderful part of your lives to have such a blessed experience and to know where your parents truly are.
MAY Jesus continue to bless and protect you n yours.
I am not Jewish, just an X-Gentile. I gave my life to Jesus 36 yrs ago. I am now 72 yrs young n my hubby 68.
God promises are exceedingly great and precious.
In Jesus Name Margie from So MS
Thanks for sharing, very nice testimony.
What a beautiful testimony! I pray that many both Jewish and Christian are impacted by your testimony.
What a blessing this testimony! I bow down in worship for the miracle of the new birth in Christ! Hallelujah what a mighty God we have! Thank you for posting this video!
Wow! What an incredible testimony. This could be a movie.
I needed to hear this man’s testimony this morning. Thank you!
Blown away! Just beautiful.
If we do that, we are not jewish anymore, what don't you understand?
@@thisismej8665 what is more important...to be Jewish, and burn in hell for eternity, or to be a disciple of Yeshua, and living with him in heaven forever?
@Weberman Elisheva Jesus is not an idol he is your creator.
Love this! Be encouraged!
Great sharing there!
I come from a chinese family; not a jew nor a born in a Christian family.
Cut the long story short, me being the eldest son went to church at the age of 14 but my relationship with God was shaken and never stable. However, about 21 years later, my mum had stage 4 lung cancer (she doesn't smoke nor drink). Before my late mum meet death, she already found Jesus and she found peace in Him - she was baptized 3 days before she passed away.
The gap between that 20 years is very similar to yours. Hence, I could see there is already a pattern that God started working in our lives the moment we acknowledge Him as the Messiah.
It's crazy, but, I believe in concrete evidence from past events through different time and space (different countries and locations). There is this equilibrium in today's post-modernized world.
Praise God for His love for sending His son to the cross. This event has been preached numerous times 2000 years ago and has been strong.
Be strong and keep moving!
this channel is just one of the best things!!! I love these stories. I cry, I laugh, and I am always in awe of the absolute mercy and grace of our God!
Blessings to the Most High God, and to you my brother. It must have been so hard when your dad said you were no longer his son. But you did the right thing and now your brother and dad are saved too.
Wow! How wonderful to reconnect with his father. Beautiful testimony. Greetings from Brazil!
I want to hug this man...God has a warrior in the fight. I have all my children saved and I am at peace with God.
I have just come across your Channel and just can't get enough of your
videos....... Thank you so much for uploading these heartwarming.......
and eye opening videos....... So inspiring! 😘❣🙏🏼
Hallelujah, thank you, Yeshua!
Wow what a moving story. God Bless. ✊🏽
Welcome to the family. God's grace is incredible.
I am so uplifted by these testimonies. I love reading the comments of other believers.
Damn this guy figured it out, he said "on that day it may have seemed bleak, but the lord saw the future".
Wow what a beautiful testimony!! Amazing!!🙏🏼❤️
Praise God! The testimonies of the Jewish people are such a blessing. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Wow --- thank you for your testimony. I am a Christian gentile - The Jewish people have an important mission - to take the lead in this. May the good Lord always keep you close. Amen.
It’s sad how Jewish teachers made some parts of the Old Testament forbidden because they mentions the clues and signs of Jesus. For example, the book of Isaiah has a “forbidden chapter” in it
That is Isaiah chapter 53.
There are quite a few clues and signs of Jesus in the Old Testament. Another one is Psalm 22.
These stories blow my mind!! That made me cry!! Thank you so much for sharing! I have loved Jesus for many years! And he has loved me for much much longer!
I love your testimony! I know how it feels to wait until family comes to the same conclusion, even though I was not a Jew. My Mother came to Faith weeks before she passed. I knew it was true when she asked me to read to her from the scriptures.
Glory Glory Glory what a lovely testimony . Blurry monitor! True Christians rejoice at the coming together of our family under Jesus Christ!
I am an Arabic ex Muslim I converted to Christ and accepted him as my Lord and savior I've never felt such calmness and happiness in my life and my life was a miracle I've never accepted Islam but I was thinking the devil is deceiving me to make me non Muslim ever since I was 8 I hated how Islam treats people I hated Islams ideas I hate Islams laws it's harsh and only the devil could make such punishments it made my tribe who where one of the first Arabs and also first Arabic Christians into maniacs we were forced to convert or die Islam is hypocrites it says kill then says don't kill and I hate every one that defends that insane religion I am still hiding that I converted I don't know 100% how to convert but I sure as hell left Islam
What a POWERFUL WITNESS! Brought me to tears. I pray for the day when the Children of Israel will cry out with ONE VOICE: "Blessed is He who comes in the Name of The Lord."
Wonderful, so true and touching. The miracle of Yeshua touching his people's hearts...
Beautiful testimony! And I'm a cradle Catholic. I've heard a testimony by Harvard Professor Raymond Shoemann titled " Salvation is from Jewish" and it changed my life and way how I've seen everything in my faith.
Wow....thank you for sharing your story...
I would've loved to hear his father's testimony too. What an wonderful thing God has done in this family! ❤️
I just found this channel and I've been binging.
I'm watching these testimonys, and I can't hold tears in my eyes. Thanks for you are making these videos.
I had a very simular experience. We are blessed, God used us to bring our fathers to Christ. God bless you
I am from Romania! :))
God bless you all !
It really breaks my heart that the Jews were persecuted in the name of Christianity. Those people are clearly not christians. Prayers for the Jews.
Karin Kaith these are Christian people from Israel. Real Jews spit at the name of Jesus, it's part of rabbinic culture. Real jews burn new testaments stolen from blind people.
Christians are also persecute by jews in the name of the judaism
Please be specific when you say "the Jews were persecuted in the name of Christianity." There are many variations of Christians and we need to be careful not to lump all Christians in that vile soup mix. It was the RCC that persecuted the Jews. They have come out publicly confessing their heinous crimes against humanity; genocide as recent as their participation in the 1994 genocide of the people's of Rwanda.
RamDaRealist Real Jews wouldn't persecute more like extremist fanatics mind you to make a distinction. There are religious Jews who are open for dialogue in spite of disagreements don't generalize as part of a culture. Shalom
Ellie Crabtree Sadly Church groups during the Nazi Regime in Germany, both Catholic and Protestant, supported the new government. Many Christians supported the Nazis' anti-Jewish stance. Obviously true followers of Messiah such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer a German pastor, theologian, spy, anti-Nazi dissident, and key founding member of the Confessing Church among other Christians from different groups didn't persecute.
Oh what a lovely testimony. God bless you Brother. No matter how bleak life gets, God has a plan. No truer words ever spoken ! Amen.
Our Lord is Awesome , he is faithful !
I needed to hear this testimony tonight. Thank You, Yeshua!
Here in Holland we stille read books from Corrie ten Boom who had so much love for jewish people. Now I pray for them to find Jeshua in the book of Isai chapter 53.
@Weberman Elisheva He's not an idol hes you messiah, and even if he's not which he is as you can see its in the scriptures, the other messiah thats coming in the third temple is that not an idol worshipper also?
God bless you and your family!! This is one of my favorite testimonies so far. God hasn't forgotten us, he is patiently waiting and working on hearts. So thankful for your dad's salvation, as well as your's & your brother's.
God Bless You!
Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful testimony with us.
Praise the Lord. I love to hear about people, and esp. Jews & Muslims who turn to God and accept Jesus, Yeshua as Lord and Savior! This was such a blessing to listen to.
Thank you so much Sir for this great testimony Rejoice in the Lord Always🙏
Praise the Lord
wonderful testimony from the Lord ---- my faith grows strong and extremely happy hearing them. The Bible said : The joy of the Lord is my strength.
“The Hiding Place” Cory Ten Boom. Awesome awesome book.
I saw the movie based on the book. It was excellent. What an amazing story.
Praise the Lord - Thank you Lord for radiating your light on them - To God be the glory
beautiful story, Amen, Praise Yeshua
These testimonies bring tears of joy to my eyes...at work with no shame🙂
This gives me chills! Whosoever comes to me, I will in no wise cast out!
His Mercy endures forever. Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.
“The Messiah has already come!”..Amazing
Beautiful testimony. I am so glad that you were able to see your father come to Yeshua. ✡️ 🙏❤ 🕊️ ✝️ 🇮🇱 🛐 Grace and peace to you, and upon all of Israel.
Such a beautiful story. Fills my heart when I see and hear that people have came to the one True religions and opened their hearts to our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Praise to the one True God.
I'm a servant of Jesus and I don't know why, but every time i hear Jewish people come to know the Messiah, my heart is filled with joy and praises to the Lord Jesus, our Messiah. God is good...He is nearing in his returning for us. God bless this ministry!
We are the family of God. Jesus is our Savior , our Lord and our God. I love Him.
Jesus is the Son of God, sent by Him to redeem us. Jesus has never ever claimed to be God or accepted to be treated as such. I thought I should let you know this. Be blessed!
@@heliaalves9062 Hi. Do you believe in Paul as a apostle?
@@brenosantana1458 Sure. Why do you ask?
@@heliaalves9062 To know, test him.
@@brenosantana1458 I'm not testing anything or anyone. I have my faith, which is a reality to me, but I respect everyone's beliefs. Thank you for your comment, may God bless you
Beautiful video! Wet eyes at the end
how awesome and true :-)..... Jeremiah, Daniel, Moses,Isaiah and others point right to the messiah of Israel named Jesus...... Shalom to this family with a 1,000 fold increase in all ways
And all the Angels rejoice!
The dislikes are from those that have not met Jesus & have not searched the scriptures with an open heart.
In Jesus Name, may they come to know you LORD.
Praise the Lord💝Hallelujah💝
6:18 - man, I want to know how his dad came to believe in Jesus. It's beautiful.
What an inspirational testimony! I could hardly contain my emotions 😭...
Amazing! You are a Champion in Christ! Thank you so much for sharing your testimony to those which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
(Revelation 12:17), (Revelation 14:12),
(Revelation 22:14)(KJV)
I know all testimonies are miracles and each one is special. We are sometime drawn more to testimonials of hardened criminals or someone that comes from just a terrible background, but when I watch and hear my Jewish brothers n sisters speak about their salvation experience I sit awestruck at God's love and patience to reveal Himself to them.
Praise God!!!
wow!! Our God is awesome!!
What a beautiful testimony God bless you brother...from Philippines