  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • Our Captain America: The Winter Soldier review. Warning: This review is intended for those who have already seen the movie and therefore contains major spoilers from the film. You have been warned! :)

Комментарии • 1,4 тыс.

  • @UncoSapiens
    @UncoSapiens 10 лет назад +28

    Kudos to Ashley for avoiding finding out Winter Soldier's identity before the movie. That must have been mind blowing.

  • @___Xander
    @___Xander 10 лет назад +19

    I LOVED Captain America: The Winter Soldier. This movie is the best MCU movie so far (with exception of The Avengers) but far better than Iron Man. And I love Iron Man. This movie is awesome. I almost cried during the final fight between Captain and Bucky.

  • @JoshMay
    @JoshMay 10 лет назад +4

    Shows how good CGI has improved because at 24:25 they are talking about how old age makeup has got way better. but actually they didn't use make up. they used CGI to make her look old.

  • @TheVarietyGuy
    @TheVarietyGuy 10 лет назад +13

    While being more of a continuation of Marvel's The Avengers, Captain America: The Winter Soldier still has enough elements from its predecessor, The First Avenger, to feel like the sequel that it is. Of all the Phase-two Marvel films, so far, this feels the closest to coexisting in the Avengers universe. It still has a bit of the problem of, "Where are the rest of The Avengers?" - but significantly less. Many supporting characters from past Marvel films pop-up here and there, and make references to other offscreen familiar characters.
    The acting here is top-notch, as per normal. Chris Evans, again, owns the roll as Captain America; Sam L. Jackson and Scarlet Johansen as Nick Fury and Black Widow, respectively, are more boss than ever before; Robert Redford is great, of course, as the business CEO dude guy; Anthony Mackie as the new edition of Falcon adds more color to the film; and Sebastian Shaw as the subtiticular character is incredibly threatening.
    This film feels very real. The intensity rarely ceases, and the characters seem to be in genuine danger. They aren't afraid to show hundreds of brutal fatalities, from both sides. Certain moments felt like Captain America meets Bourne. This is the most violent Marvel film to date. The action is absolutely insane, and multiple moments had me squeal with glee as the explosions ensued.
    The political messages and conflicts are very prevalent in our world today. Seeing the old fashioned Captain Rogers struggling to adapt in the new world he's been thrown into, and his conflicting ideals with the organisation that is backing him, is a very interesting and thought-provoking aspect. There's not much I can say about this without spoiling everything, so you'll just have to see it... Which I highly recommend.
    This is definitely my favourite Phase-two Marvel film, and possibly my favourite overall. The entertainment factor is impeccable. I was never taken out of the world they created, and was thoroughly engrossed throughout the entire runtime. The acting is respectable, the effects are fantastic, the action is top-notch, the reveal(s) are surprising - the fanboy factor, the backstories, the color palette, the costumes, the makeup, the score - everything about this film is awesome. This is a direct lead into The Avengers: Age of Ultron, and be sure to stay after all the credits. Do I even need to say that at this point?
    Captain America: The Winter Soldier - 8.8/10.

    • @dicklong6891
      @dicklong6891 10 лет назад +1

      Great Review 10/10

    • @rednut981
      @rednut981 10 лет назад +11

      That was a good review, but I don't agree with where are "Where are the rest of The Avengers?" , part
      There is no way for them to know of any of this is happening, cause it all happened internally in SHIELD and there is no way to contact them.
      Nick fury out Shield's H.Q. doesn't have the resources or man power for obvious reasons, plus he can't trust anyone.
      First Thor, they have no way to talk to him really.
      Second Iron Man I'm pretty sure Hydra had him under surveillance in case Capt or Nick tried to contact Tony.
      Bruce Banner, another one that's under surveillance and what is he going to do, turn into the Hulk and smash SHIELD into oblivion?.
      Banner wouldn't want the Hulk to be use by Fury in that manner and fury knows what could happen if the Hulk turns on everyone.
      Hawkeye probably was dealing with his own who can he trust issues as Hydra was trying to get him kill.
      Until the scenes when The Helicarriers come out, everything has been kept in close doors.
      Also I don't know what's the chronological order for the movies in phase two, for phase one pretty much all happened really close to each other, as far as we know some of them could be happening with in days of each other.

    • @rednut981
      @rednut981 10 лет назад

      Well I don't about Iron Man 3, but for Thor 2, it could explain a lot, cause they did mention that they were calling shield but none is answering.
      I would have to see the chronological order of the movies.
      But for Capt 2, there is no way other Avengers could have been contacted for help.

    • @rednut981
      @rednut981 10 лет назад

      I agree about about the suit, but I as long he could talk to jarvis from where ever Jarvis was to the Madarin place, couldn't Jarvis communicated with SHIELD?
      Great point he could had called 911, beside
      The only thing that could fix the problem is if Iron Man 3 takes place after Capt America 2.
      Then Shield. Capt America, B Widow and Hawkeye all of them couldn't be reach.

  • @CinematicGalaxy
    @CinematicGalaxy 10 лет назад +8

    Loved, loved, LOVED this movie. And I'm one of the handful who loves the first Captain America; until this one, it was my favorite Marvel standalone film. The Winter Soldier, however, is my favorite Marvel film period (over even Avengers).

  • @TheHoovman81
    @TheHoovman81 10 лет назад +6

    I actually thought the movie was not going so well until the Zola scene. After that point in the movie I was blown away by the rest of the film. In my opinion it is not better than TDK or Avengers but as far as the standalones it was superb.

  • @idoubtit2968
    @idoubtit2968 10 лет назад +24

    This movie blows Dark Knight out the water
    DK was a little better written
    But Cap 2 is far superior in action and cinematography really on the The Raid Redemption's level.

    • @LoN3wOlF5tudi0s
      @LoN3wOlF5tudi0s 7 лет назад +2

      The action scenes in TWS are very funny I'll give you that, but otherwise it's just an average movie.
      TWS: 5/10
      TDK: 9/10

    • @MachineFuckingHate
      @MachineFuckingHate 6 лет назад

      Better cinematography? Pal, when Steve and Nick are standing inside the helicarrier hangar at the beginning of the film, it looks about as good as MovieBob's green screen.

  • @IH8YH
    @IH8YH 10 лет назад

    about the costume: its not only that its cool he went back to the WW2 Cap outfit, it think it also more of a mental thing of Cap going back to what he fought for back in WW2 and not who he worked for while wearing the SHIELD-Stealth Suit he used in the Shipmission at the beginning.
    a full return to his own ideals.

  • @Superion74
    @Superion74 10 лет назад +3

    This movie gets a 9.5 out of 10 for me. I have to admit that right now, I like TWS more than TDK. Ledgers' Joker will always be the best villain in the CBM, but as Campea said Cap in this movie is better than Batman in TDK. Also, the problem with TDK is that once Joker was captured and out of the action, the whole movie felt stale. Ledger's Joker pretty much made TDK great, and without him it wasn't as interesting, whereas it is Evans' Cap who made TWS as amazing as it is.

  • @SummerOtaku
    @SummerOtaku 10 лет назад

    My favorite parts were the dramatic twists like the Sitwell reveal...and the fact that Winter Solider...Steve's best friend...was revealed to probably have killed Tony Stark's parents. All the drama that these things imply! I like that Bucky probably remembers now (as evidenced by the ending) but that means remembering all the bad he's done as winter solider too and probably not feeling worthy of being friends with Steve anymore. And Tony might learn he has been providing tech to the hands of Hydra! The ones that orcestrated so much in his life! I wonder if Stane was Hydra too!

  • @tenaciousdean6179
    @tenaciousdean6179 10 лет назад

    I love how you emphasise that it's a spoiler filled review so much, just makes me laugh every time

  • @MrRctroh
    @MrRctroh 10 лет назад +1

    yup. for south korea, the note says "ji sung Park(soccer player), 2002 World Cup, and Oldboy(movie)

  • @GoodspeedKev
    @GoodspeedKev 9 лет назад +2

    9.5 Just the intro song with the marvel logo gets me excited about this movie every time I see it. It's a great ride best movie for me. Would have liked to see widow and cap end up together staying and working together. Growing a relation ship. She might seam like an assassin and total opposite from cap but when there on the road trip to the military base they have a pure connection of morality.

  • @fivestringbassplayr
    @fivestringbassplayr 10 лет назад +3

    idk how it could happen but i think it woulda been better if robert redford was redskull in disguise. to me it would of made more sense of why crossbones was listening to him

    • @juanfernandez7409
      @juanfernandez7409 10 лет назад

      What!!!!!!!!! yo that would have been tight when i think about the movie would have been a little longer to explain what happened to him after the end of the first CA but that would have been bad ass

    • @fivestringbassplayr
      @fivestringbassplayr 10 лет назад

      juan fernandez to me it could of explained why crossbones was following alexander pierce around so much. and why it looked like it hurt when pierce slapped winter soldier

  • @comicbookbullies
    @comicbookbullies 10 лет назад

    What seperates this movie from other Marvel movies is how the story could be an analogy for things going on today. In the first movie the bad guys were clear cut so Cap know who to bash with his shield. In this movie not so much. The lines between good and evil are so blurred that at first Cap can't tell his friends from his enemies.

  • @josephcoolidge1886
    @josephcoolidge1886 10 лет назад

    I finally got to see Cap 2 last night and was blown away!! Such a great film, just so many positives to list and I really can't think of any negatives at this time. I can't wait to go see it again with my daughter.
    I give it a 9.5

  • @luisfcocontreras
    @luisfcocontreras 10 лет назад +3

    For me it is The best marvel movie!! 10/10

  • @Mackster248
    @Mackster248 10 лет назад +11

    I wouldn't put this in the same tier as TDK, but Cap 2 is definitely the best Marvel movie made to date, even better than the Avengers. I loved it!!!

    • @Aragorn522
      @Aragorn522 10 лет назад +5

      its close to TDK, but not as good.
      It was a little bit predicatble, you knew Redford was the villain, and who The winter soldier was before he was unmasked. Plus, a lot of conversations could have been better, but disney wanted to be kid friendly.
      With the TDK having a 10/10.... Ill give Cap a 9/10,

  • @ironchefhk
    @ironchefhk 10 лет назад

    The trailer had showed Nick Fury injured in bed, that was one huge complaint I had, spoiling the "death" of Fury (you knew he wasn't). REALLY wish they didn't show that scene in the trailers!!

  • @mazinkaizer0
    @mazinkaizer0 10 лет назад

    My 1 nitpick is that the Winter Soldier was the B story line & left so many unanswered questions. Im assuming its because they want him to team up with cap in the sequel.

  • @Emma-cv5wl
    @Emma-cv5wl 10 лет назад

    i liked how they did the new agents of shield episode. it was cool to see what was going on inside shield away from the big picture and seeing how deep the hydra infiltration goes. i say watch it for a better picture of whats going on. i wonder if anyone watched the episode before the movie because that big reveal in the show would definitely spoil the movie.

  • @SirFranzJosef
    @SirFranzJosef 10 лет назад

    This will be a bit late but I'll shoot my comment anyway. I totally agree w/ you on this one. Better than man of steel as this film is way more rounded and had more sense in it. Plus they gave a valid reason to include particular character (the falcon and more). The conflict of the story is more believable and they were able to give characters that are not super powered their moments just like w/ nick Fury. I would also like to point out how the winter soldier never waste his moves, like every thing he does might just be the game ender. that's just awesome. Winter soldier just scares the hell out of me, and what's even more awesome is that he does that w/o even saying anything. I mean just by walking or by choosing his position and aim or the way he predicts where his target is. That to me is wicked. But of course I'll still give Ledger the edge but aside from that the best villain performace in a comic book movie. Thank you AMC I dont know any other person here in the Philippines who's a fan of you guys but I definitely recomend AMC to my friends.

  • @gabybutler6745
    @gabybutler6745 10 лет назад +1

    Just wondering was the AI in Fury's truck the voice of Ultron?

  • @LeeHutchingsdrumsUK
    @LeeHutchingsdrumsUK 10 лет назад

    Ashley Mover (hope I'm spelling you name correctly Ashley) has gorgeous hair. I mean, it must take FOREVER to get hair looking THAT good?!

  • @ninjastorm540
    @ninjastorm540 10 лет назад

    Damn this movie was awesome! this is definitely my second favorite marvel movie ( after Avengers of course) and its probably the best stand alone one out of all of them so far. The things i love the most about this is first the action; i love how they showed more of how captain America is a "super" human and the display his strength, agility and durability was more. In all of these superhero movies i always want to see enough fight scenes and display of the characters moves and this one definitely delivered. The other things i liked were just the over all pace the humor and the technology but of course just mainly captain america and the winter solider cause they had a lot of badass scenes and they almost always put anyone who challenged them in there place. i especially loved how the Winter soldiers metal arm functioned and how awesome Cap was with his shield i mean shit he made that weapon so awesome to have. My only super minor negative in this move is the same as what JeremyJahns said and its that a lot of times the shield throwing defy the laws of physics lol. i wish they would just come up with a simple reason why it comes back like it has a device that brings it back or cap has a strong magnet that brings it back or something like that

  • @88gghhg
    @88gghhg 10 лет назад

    I loved the review!! You guys are awesome!!

  • @eclipsesonic
    @eclipsesonic 10 лет назад

    I loved The Winter Soldier. I would give it a 9.5/10. I was so impressed by it.

  • @charlie420100
    @charlie420100 10 лет назад

    for me also cap 2 is the best solo marvel superhero of all time and is in the same category of best superhero movies like avengers/dark knight/iron man etc its one of the best superhero/action movie i have seen after avengers,and yes all characters had their moments loved cap/widow/fury/falcon/maria hill/crossbones for me winter soldier stole the show man i loved him even he was bad guy for most of the film amazing script,amazing cast and amazing action scenes,am already excited for cap 3 bucky and steve rogers story is amazing loved your review you guys almost discussed every amazing part of the movie THANX

  • @JohnnyAguirreTV
    @JohnnyAguirreTV 10 лет назад

    I also liked Captain America the Winter Solider a lot. I'm a little surprised none of them mentioned when discussing the negatives that the Winter Solider didn't have much screen time for a villain. That is the primary negative of the film in my opinion and everything else they mentioned didn't really bother me. This negative didn't ruin the film, I just would have liked the Winter Solider to have a somewhat more significant amount of screen time and for him to have more lines unless his comic book character is also a man of few words.
    I also would have liked the Captain America and Peggy Carter scene to have been a little longer but I guess it's all right as it was.
    If you like comedy, please view our channel and if you like it, sub us! :D

  • @theministerialnerd2185
    @theministerialnerd2185 10 лет назад

    I loved the Peggy scene in fact my only problem with the whole movie is they didn't spend more time on Sharon carter and Peggy. I wish I actually saw Cap cry when he left the hospital room or nursing room. haha

  • @MrBlueSleeves
    @MrBlueSleeves 10 лет назад

    The only thing I didn't like apart from the bad aging job was how little Emily Vancamp had screentime. They didn't even mention how important she is in the Captain America franchise :/

  • @gamesmooth9045
    @gamesmooth9045 10 лет назад

    Great movie ,
    1- dark knight 2- avengers 3- capt. Winter ... Top 3 for me so far

  • @Foolz88
    @Foolz88 10 лет назад

    AMC Theatres I hate to nitpick, but I've noticed that the host of these shows tends to screw up alot of Marvel lore. Whether it's overplaying X-Men's involvement with "Civil War" or saying Punisher wouldn't fit in Marvel.
    Tony Stark didn't create a new SHIELD. He didn't create SWORD either.
    Maria Hill stepped down and asked him to take her place. After that, the "Secret Invasion" event happened and Norman Osbourne restructured SHIELD into HAMMER. Afterwards, the whole "Siege" event took place and Steve Rogers became the new Director and brought back SHIELD.
    With all these comic films coming out, there's a bunch of posers acting as if they have put time and money into these comics, passing as know-it-all's when really,
    they looked at the wikipedia page and thought themselves experts.
    It's frustrating to those of us, that actually have invested ourselves with these characters beforehand, especially when you spout incorrect information like that.
    Please do some more research, perhaps actually reading these books, before providing misinformation. Thank you.

  • @KeatonHabeck
    @KeatonHabeck 10 лет назад

    You guys forgot to talk about the excessive shaky cam

  • @LegoLover117
    @LegoLover117 10 лет назад +1

    This film is better than Captain America the First Avenger. By far. My only grip is Winter Soldier really isn't in the movie that much. He shows up, blows up something, throws some punches, then leaves. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed Winter Soldier, I just wish they could've put him in the film more.

    • @sillymcwilly4866
      @sillymcwilly4866 10 лет назад +7

      But that's exactly who Winter Soldier is.
      If he were in more doing more things it would be out of character.
      He comes in, fucks shit up then leaves like a ghost.

    • @texcorps9432
      @texcorps9432 10 лет назад +1

      Joshua Kelly Yeah on Normal unimportant characters but when He fights cap and has a mission he obviously should of been in it more if he is the name of the movie.

    • @LegoLover117
      @LegoLover117 10 лет назад +2

      Joshua Kelly He was just such a badass character, I wanted to see more of him. They did do his character perfectly.

    • @texcorps9432
      @texcorps9432 10 лет назад +1

      He was portrayed perfectly it's just that the title misleads you to believe he is a true factor of the movie when he's not. They should of Just called it Captain America 2 or Captain America (Insert cool name)

    • @sillymcwilly4866
      @sillymcwilly4866 10 лет назад

      Tex The Slayer The movie is about Captain America with a hint of Winter Soldier. Exactly what the title says.

  • @acano774
    @acano774 10 лет назад +1

    The dark knight for me was a better movie but this was so awesome

  • @iwontbehave4340
    @iwontbehave4340 9 лет назад +30

    Is it just me, or do you think that Sebastain Stan was phenominal in this film. When we first saw the winter soldier, I thought that they replaced the actor he was that good.

  • @SirFranzJosef
    @SirFranzJosef 10 лет назад

    This will be a bit late but I'll shoot my comment anyway. I totally agree w/ you on this one. Better than man of steel as this film is way more rounded and had more sense in it. Plus they gave a valid reason to include particular character (the falcon and more). The conflict of the story is more believable and they were able to give characters that are not super powered their moments just like w/ nick Fury. I would also like to point out how the winter soldier never waste his moves, like every thing he does might just be the game ender. that's just awesome. Winter soldier just scares the hell out of me, and what's even more awesome is that he does that w/o even saying anything. I mean just by walking or by choosing his position and aim or the way he predicts where his target is. That to me is wicked. But of course I'll still give Ledger the edge but aside from that the best villain performace in a comic book movie. Thank you AMC I dont know any other person here in the Philippines who's a fan of you guys but I definitely recomend AMC to my friends.

  • @arsenalrocka16
    @arsenalrocka16 10 лет назад +32

    Guys, what about Stephen Strange?!?!

    • @rowdy2nite
      @rowdy2nite 10 лет назад +3

      YES!!!! I'm surprised no one is talking about that name drop.

  • @moleClaw
    @moleClaw 10 лет назад +32

    The fight scenes were the best I've ever seen in any comic book movie. They were 10 times better than the Bane and Batman fight in DKR. They were so fucking intense. I'm going to get the DVD just to watch them over and over.
    Batroc and Cap fighting was just epic. The knife fights with Winter Soldier were amazing. Black widow was badass as well. They went all out in this one.

    • @Zone3917
      @Zone3917 10 лет назад +1

      No offense, but how was the Bane vs Batman in TDKR any good? It was just a scene of Batman being a fucking pussy. But I loved how Bane broke his back.

    • @MarvellousMorbing
      @MarvellousMorbing 10 лет назад +1

      Zone3917 Tha;ts cause tha'ts not thedefinitive batman from comics,its the "Oh i retired Many years as a hermit and got my ass handed to me ". The REAL Batman breaks Bones and limbs bitches,ARKHAM GAMES *cough*.

    • @MarvellousMorbing
      @MarvellousMorbing 10 лет назад

      ya that was epic porn ,same level as MOS action

    • @DamnFineCupOfCoffee
      @DamnFineCupOfCoffee 10 лет назад +5

      Even with the poor choreography, I thought Batman vs Bane was pretty intense actually. Mostly because of the atmosphere and sound design.

    • @Zone3917
      @Zone3917 10 лет назад

      DamnFineCupOfCoffee Bane was intense, but Batman was really laughable there I can't help it.

  • @allenlove6817
    @allenlove6817 10 лет назад +13

    I enjoyed Cap 2 much more than TDK, and agree that it's better.

  • @antonpropsandothers
    @antonpropsandothers 10 лет назад +23

    Are all of you those kind of people who don't give 10/10 at all? I mean, that's cool and all, but for me, it doesn't matter if the film is "perfect", for me if I love the film, then I give it a 5/5 or 10/10. Totally cool what you guys are doing though

    • @amctheatres
      @amctheatres  10 лет назад +21

      And thus, a 10/10 means nothing if you just hand them out just because you "loved it".

    • @VioletMoonfox
      @VioletMoonfox 10 лет назад +1

      Very few things come out to a 10/10. Very few.

    • @antonpropsandothers
      @antonpropsandothers 10 лет назад

      AMC Theatres Haha, yes that is true. But it doesn't matter what the rating is, it's the review itself that gets people into cinemas (unless they just skip your review and go all the way down to the rating).
      Don't think of me as some loser though who just gives 10/10 willy nilly, no... I'm pretty sure I know the difference between a bad movie, a good movie, and a great movie. Just sayin'

    • @antonpropsandothers
      @antonpropsandothers 10 лет назад

      But holy "sh-- crap", did AMC just own me? Hahaha. #ThisIsWherePunksStepUpToGetBeatDown

    • @TheYankeesUnited
      @TheYankeesUnited 10 лет назад

      Anton Reyes what website is that nothing poped up

  • @EldenBubba
    @EldenBubba 10 лет назад +38

    Better than the Dark Knight? Lets not get too ahead of ourselves

    @DCBIGOSO 10 лет назад +14

    I give "Captain America 2:The Winter Soldier " a 10+10

  • @liamarnold2452
    @liamarnold2452 10 лет назад +17

    Who else thinks the orb in Loki's scepter is the mind gem?

  • @ASpaceToad
    @ASpaceToad 10 лет назад +42

    It bugs me that no one mentioned the little line that that bald hydra guy dropped about, "Enemies of Hydra like Bruce Banner, Steven Strange..." STEVEN STRANGE! I audibly shrieked with excitement in the theatres when he said that.

    • @ASpaceToad
      @ASpaceToad 8 лет назад

      tyro apache So, you ready to see how shit turns out?

    • @ASpaceToad
      @ASpaceToad 8 лет назад

      tyro apache I keep my debates close, alright? But Ant-Man wasn't a failure by any means

    • @rakibkronos
      @rakibkronos 8 лет назад

      tyro apache "From a financial standpoint MOS 2 won't fail. It's guaranteed to make at least 1 or 2 billion"
      Yeah, because that happened.. :-|

    • @rakibkronos
      @rakibkronos 8 лет назад

      tyro apache Nice comeback.

  • @Arock135Tennis
    @Arock135Tennis 10 лет назад +24

    AMC Movie guys you missed a huge important piece in your review. When it is revealed that HYDRA is still active and who HYDRA actually is it also explains the death of Howard Stark (Iron Man's dad) and my they were going to nuke New York (to kill the avengers and aliens) and why they didn't want the Avengers assembled in the first place and why Tony Stark was on trail when it came out he was Iron Man. They movie answered all those questions and addressed those issues. Not only was this movie amazing but it tied in all the other previous movies as well. Can't believe you guys at AMC Movie News missed this.

    • @tylerneihoff1
      @tylerneihoff1 10 лет назад

      They had a lot to cover in 30 minutes. Wipe the sweat off.

    • @ynotbelieve7
      @ynotbelieve7 10 лет назад +2

      Its amazing how it all comes together witth out messing it up.... I tell ya marvel is on another level with this shit can't wait for GOTG and avengers 2!!!!!!

    • @tysmith2394
      @tysmith2394 10 лет назад +2

      Good points....makes sense.

    • @tylerneihoff1
      @tylerneihoff1 10 лет назад

      That was when they were at the old studio, the new one gives them like a 30-35 minute limit and costs lots of money to make an episode of this show now.

    • @Arock135Tennis
      @Arock135Tennis 10 лет назад

      You can't be serious right? There is nothing expensive about this show, they don't use computer graphics or anything. I've seen the same amount of quality if not better from guys filming in their living room. If what your saying is true they shouldn't have blown their money on fancy new microphones.

  • @rickmamba
    @rickmamba 10 лет назад +7

    Captain America 2 is better than The Dark Knight. It really is!

  • @dignerds
    @dignerds 10 лет назад +10

    loved this movie...also the 1st Captian America was very good and really under rated ...

  • @qjonesization
    @qjonesization 10 лет назад +11

    It was so cool to see Cap running around with his shield hitting everyone with it for 2.5 hrs! that made Capt America 2 better that Dark Knight by far! The action sequences of hitting people with a shield while they are shooting at you makes Marvel far superior than D.C stuff. Quantity over Quality!

  • @johnnyboy513
    @johnnyboy513 10 лет назад +8

    What is this 9.5 or 9.8 shit? this movie easily 10 out 10 for me.

  • @peterclark6603
    @peterclark6603 10 лет назад +16

    Honestly disappointed with this movie, had so much expectation with all the talk.. Was just another comic book movie to me, why do they never learn off the Dark Knight?

    • @peterclark6603
      @peterclark6603 10 лет назад +4

      DC fanboy? I'm not a fan of either DC or Marvel, or comic book movies in general. I'm a fan of good movies regardless of the genre, and Dark Knight is the only comic book movie to fit that category. Don't care what Ben Affleck does to Batman, I'm not a fan of Batman haha.

    • @moleClaw
      @moleClaw 10 лет назад +8

      I'm tired of every movie trying to be all dark and gritty. When are people going to learn. The dark knight worked because Batman is a dark character and Nolan created a world that fit his character.
      Superman and captain America are not dark brooding characters. They are characters we can have fun with. It's people like you complain that Hollywood movies have no originality but then you say every movie should be just like the dark knight. Doesn't make any sense.

    • @peterclark6603
      @peterclark6603 10 лет назад +2

      Unfortunately, every character seems to fit the role of something 'we can have fun with' .. rather than actually making a good film.

    • @MarvellousMorbing
      @MarvellousMorbing 10 лет назад +3

      every movie doesn't need to be like TDK tone dwag

    • @mscooldeadly
      @mscooldeadly 10 лет назад +4

      Peter Clark Why do you and ppl want every movie to copy off TDK, its clear you don't know nor like comics so why even speak on the subject if you going to nitpick or even waste time seeing comic book movies at all when you going to nitpick.

  • @Zoltan1251
    @Zoltan1251 10 лет назад +12

    Cap 2 is amazing movie..... im not saying the best, its up to you...... but there is no denying it was the best directed movie in Marvel so far....... you feel every punch in this movie.... and finally the REAL STORY, a bit political sands of time piece and sadly that was missing in anything they had done before...... but not as good as TDK by a long mile

  • @albrtb77
    @albrtb77 10 лет назад +16

    Cap 2>>>>>>>>TDK

  • @AandBplayer
    @AandBplayer 10 лет назад +4

    Captain America was freaking AWESOMEEEEE 100/10

  • @AnthonyAlston428
    @AnthonyAlston428 10 лет назад +14

    Did anyone catch the steve strange aka Dr. Strange reference/foreshadow ? that was cool to hear...

  • @Cenzurat
    @Cenzurat 10 лет назад +43

    this was the best superhero movie ever made

    • @aswar123warren3
      @aswar123warren3 5 лет назад +1

      There are a bunch of great ones, but it is still my favorite.

    • @sym8774
      @sym8774 4 года назад +2

      I think c end game infinity war and maybe civil war is better. Is that unpopular

  • @taffyroosevelt7809
    @taffyroosevelt7809 10 лет назад +5

    9.5/10 for Cap 2. I think it was better than The Avengers and is my favorite comic book movie of all time. It's amazing.

  • @DannyIgnite
    @DannyIgnite 10 лет назад +5

    It is true that this movie is better than anything Marvel's done so far, but my biggest gripe is that it was far too predictable. I knew Nick Fury wasn't going to die, I knew it was Bucky right when the trailer dropped, I knew SHIELD and Pierce were shady. I did like the twist with the scientist in the computers.
    The action scenes were great, the story was really interesting and relevant, and the characters had more depth than anything Marvel's done. I love where Marvel's going, but this movie is nowhere near as well-made or as transcendent as The Dark Knight.

  • @Pierin24
    @Pierin24 10 лет назад +7

    The main difference between The Dark Knight and The Winter Soldier is that The Dark Knight is not about Batman, its main focus is its theme. In The Winter Soldier, Captain America IS the main character.

    • @Mackster248
      @Mackster248 10 лет назад +1

      But the weird thing about Cap 2 was that it's named the winter soldier... But yet he's not even the main villain in the movie.

    • @cdubbart
      @cdubbart 10 лет назад +1

      I think an argument can be made for the subtitle metaphorically referencing not only Bucky's new persona, but Cap. America as well.

  • @RaulFO
    @RaulFO 10 лет назад +6

    Captain America Winter Soldier was better than the Avengers for me, but in any case it isn't in any case better than The Dark Knight.

    • @alexbo7543
      @alexbo7543 10 лет назад +1

      Totally agree with you!

  • @FanThemePark
    @FanThemePark 10 лет назад +9

    I think it is Marvels best film and better than the Avengers. I still prefer the Dark Knight Trilogy films over this movie though.

    • @BallyBoy95
      @BallyBoy95 10 лет назад

      Luis Navarro What a dumbass comment, I think you should watch the movie then.

    • @KILLAWATTS804
      @KILLAWATTS804 10 лет назад

      Dark Knight is champ! Still waiting for a comic book film to top it!

    • @KILLAWATTS804
      @KILLAWATTS804 10 лет назад +2

      Dark Knight is champ! Still waiting for a comic book film to top it!

  • @LegacyGMNG
    @LegacyGMNG 10 лет назад +12

    Such a good crew and such a good movie. One of the best comic book movies I have seen.

  • @AnotherStatsGuy
    @AnotherStatsGuy 10 лет назад +7

    The Zola scene, in my opinion, is the best part of the entire movie. You could summarize the entire movie in those minutes. I actually found that scene was too frightening for me to think about Zola being uploaded in 1972. There's something so eerie about these green pixels in the shape of Zola's face. And the reveal that the Hydra parasite killed Howard Stark, perhaps by even the Winter Soldier himself, is just so chilling. It's like one of those apocalypse films that chronicles the destruction of humanity.
    My one complaint is the lack of Hawkeye. There's not a cameo in the film. There should have been a third post-credits scene devoted to him. Or a Marvel short. OR SOMETHING. Personally, I would have liked him joining Agent Coulsen and his team for a few episodes to see where he is and what's he's doing, especially considering his increased role for Avengers 2.

    • @akasunaS24
      @akasunaS24 10 лет назад

      ***** There was a tiny reference to Hawkeye. Black Widow was wearing an arrow necklace the entire movie, i confirmed by myself....But i know isnt enough xD

    • @knightheaven8992
      @knightheaven8992 10 лет назад

      Ross Sapp
      Im pretty sure The red skull didnt die, in the first movie, he went to space or asgard, or somewhere. He might come back in cap 3. maybe.

    • @rosssapp6990
      @rosssapp6990 10 лет назад

      Knight Heaven see that's what I thought I really want to see him come back.

  • @N1Kki7
    @N1Kki7 10 лет назад +6

    I enjoyed the film, wouldn't go as far as to say it's better than Dark Knight.

  • @hurricanebtvs
    @hurricanebtvs 10 лет назад +10

    Didn't mention Doctor Strange, damn you.

  • @joshjones9749
    @joshjones9749 10 лет назад +5

    Cap 2 vs Avengers: Avengers was easily the more important film. It was a huge spectacle and landmark for the comic book genre, but Cap had the stronger story and was just overall a better movie.
    Cap 2 vs TDK: I loved the dark knight when it came out and still do. Like John Campea said in another video, it's weaknesses didn't become apparent to me until I saw it more. It's majorly top heavy, with Ledger's performance being almost 100% of what elevated the movie to it's current status. Everyone else fit into their roles nicely and neatly, including the hero, Batman, while Ledger had all the freedom to really breathe his own life into the character. Now this is the reason I liked Cap 2 more, Chris Evans was the true star of this movie. His take on Cap was faithful to the character, and still unique to Evans. This movie did everything to show us what makes the title character so great. It was very easy to get taken away with how much he was enjoying the role, which helped us enjoy it all the more. Not only Cap, but everyone ELSE got their moments to shine, moments of charisma, moments of comedy. Add the equally strong villain(who says like 15 words the whole film, yet still freaking owns the audience) and INSANE action and fight scenes of Cap, and that about sums up why I prefer Cap 2 over TDK. But I see it as so close, I couldn't fault anyone for seeing TDK as better at all. But IMO they are close.

  • @DreamInSilenceYT
    @DreamInSilenceYT 10 лет назад +8

    The Winter Soldier being Bucky Barnes would have been a big surprise for me if Campea hadn't spoiled that for me in the Sebastian Stan interview. I love you Campea, but just because you know what happens in the comics doesn't mean you should say it before we see the movie.

    • @ynotbelieve7
      @ynotbelieve7 10 лет назад +4

      Heros changed left n right in the comics so why not in movies? And stan lee is in most ther movies so I think he's fine with it

    • @gpolonia
      @gpolonia 10 лет назад +4

      That can be said for every movie based on books or comic books. From the Lord of the ring to all Marvel and DC movies. Even Game of Throne has much less depth than the novels. In 2 hours including action scenes you need to tell a story that takes you a week to read. Do an experiment, Read out loud a comic book, and see how long it will take you, than think how much stuff you need to leave out to adapt it. Marvel is doing an Amazing job with these movies.

    • @THPAGE756
      @THPAGE756 10 лет назад +1

      Seriously? I'm pretty sure it was in the trailer. And...he was interviewing Sebastian Stan, did you think Bucky came back to life? Wouldn't Stan have to explain why his character has enough significance that he is doing press junkets? (May we never have another Khan incident.) :)

    • @DreamInSilenceYT
      @DreamInSilenceYT 10 лет назад

      teh .aynes Actually, to be honest it's because I had forgotten about his character in the first movie. I recently re-watched the first one before this one came out and I remember him now. I guess from my perspective it made sense, but I hadn't thought about how that wouldn't really make sense to other people unless I clarified that.

    • @theboneclub
      @theboneclub 10 лет назад +3

      What works in comics doesn't always work in movies... the winter soldier is one of my favorite arcs in the comics and I don't think they could have done much better to make everything fit, not just on the screen but as part of the current marvel cinematic universe... hell there's multiple universes in the comics anyway... just consider this one more alternate universe and be thankful we finally get to see these characters in a live action film. If batroc and falcon had been in their original costumes we probably wouldn't get a cap 3... and since we're never gonna' see a marvel civil war movie, I'm glad they borrowed some elements from it to flesh out their re-telling of this story.

  • @UtsavBansal
    @UtsavBansal 10 лет назад +5

    What an excellent Movie, I won't personally put it above The Dark Knight, but I can understand why someone else might. In fact it was definitely good enough for me to question it's position amidst movies like The Avengers and The Dark Knight in my all time fav comicbook movie rankings!

  • @woodykidd2k
    @woodykidd2k 10 лет назад +12

    The best part of the movie is where they mention "Stephen Strange" (Dr Strange) being one of their biggest threats
    Just me who got goosebumps? I and the other 5 people in the theatre that understood it gasped simultaneously, 'twas awesome. Overall I give the movie a 9/10 but doesn't beat the Dark Knight at all for me, maybe on par with Avengers Assemble?

    • @RejectDC
      @RejectDC 10 лет назад +1

      I was gonna mention that but i saw your comment

    • @eap1234
      @eap1234 3 года назад +1

      Idk man I’d say 10/10

  • @ShinobiPhoenix-YT0
    @ShinobiPhoenix-YT0 10 лет назад +11

    Also, you guys forgot to bring up the *Stephen Strange* reference... that's a pretty big deal. Doctor Strange is truly coming seeing as even SHIELD/Hydra know he is out there in the world and is a threat to them.

    • @sprewell011984
      @sprewell011984 10 лет назад

      Right... I thought that one small mention was bigger than the credit scenes

  • @LissaBroyles
    @LissaBroyles 9 лет назад +8

    Winter Soldier was an awesome underrated villain. Can't wait to see what happens next.

    • @hughtubecube
      @hughtubecube 9 лет назад +6

      By which logic Darth Vader wasn't a good villain because he was being controlled by the Emperor and the Dark Side.

    • @hughtubecube
      @hughtubecube 8 лет назад

      Zachary Adams-Elliott And thus obeyed his every command. Same diff.

  • @FilipinoIcon504
    @FilipinoIcon504 10 лет назад +8

    Ashley Mova is so fine lol. I wanted to be the first one to say if no one else said it already before me lol.

  • @daolchang
    @daolchang 10 лет назад +9

    Dont know if I agree with John in the TDK comparison but no doubt CAP2 was the best portrayal ever of a hero in a comic movie ever. In the fight scenes, as well as in other scenes I was like "yeah, that´s the friggin Cap that I know from the comics, he´s awesome and I would follow him anywhere" (that´s the level of diplomacy rolls Cap haves))

    • @daolchang
      @daolchang 10 лет назад

      and yeah the action scenes were to droll naked in an insane asylum

    • @julioarroyos4510
      @julioarroyos4510 10 лет назад

      mmmmm i might disagree with you about cap2 being the best portrayal of a hero. i think that title belongs to the avengers and how the hulk is portrayed. he entirely stole that movie. but if you're just talking stand alone films then yah i agree

    • @oujui
      @oujui 10 лет назад

      julio arroyos I disagree with both of you, to me it's for sure rdj as Tony Stark... He is Tony Stark.

    @AIRSOFTR3VIEWS12 10 лет назад +4

    Best Marvel Movies
    1. Avengers
    2. CAWS
    3.Spider-man 2
    4. Ironman
    5. X men 2

  • @btbcc12859
    @btbcc12859 10 лет назад +7

    I agree with John, this is better than The Dark Knight.

    • @rawman18
      @rawman18 10 лет назад +1

      i loved cap 2 , but lets see if it stands the test of time as TDK does

  • @mikegnome
    @mikegnome 10 лет назад +8

    Way more violent than I was expecting. Lots of soldiers and civilians are killed. Don't mind it, but it surprised me.

  • @ttandc
    @ttandc 10 лет назад +11

    Ok I went to see it last night and I was impressed. Did anyone else catch that the hydra agent who rattled off the greatest threats to the hydra organization? One of the names he said was Stephen Strange ( AKA Dr. Strange ). :D

    • @scotncan
      @scotncan 10 лет назад +3

      Yep, I saw that too when I saw it last night and geeked out.

    • @jacob41057
      @jacob41057 10 лет назад +2

      hell yeah i noticed

  • @themaker151
    @themaker151 10 лет назад +9

    wait, old Peggy was the former actress, I swore it was an actual old actress playing as Peggy

    @DARKDURELL2 10 лет назад +4

    John do you think that Falcon will show in AVENGERS Age of Ultron

  • @akatsuki5504
    @akatsuki5504 10 лет назад +3

    Captain America The Winter Soldier, my all time favorite MARVEL movie to date! Watched it 2D on first opening night and watched it a second time in 3D last night! AWESOME MOVIE!!!

  • @Tebigong101
    @Tebigong101 10 лет назад +7

    Absolutely what John said about how much better Cap was handled in this movies compared to how Bruce Wayne was in Dark Knight. I was never happy with Bale's portrayal.
    I like the way Amirose phrase her comment that Cap 2 is the better made film but Avengers was the more fun of the two.
    I agree they handle the relationship with Cap and Falcon well, it is clear that Falcon respects and understands Cap and that is why he is willing to follow where he leads.
    I will say watching this movie makes you realize just how inadequate the AoS series is in portraying SHIELD. And like John said, the show has improved but it's still not good enough, *at all*.
    I agree with Dennis, it's way too obvious that Redford is the villain of this movie, it didn't kill the movie for me though.
    Last end credit was affecting, I will agree.

  • @muhammedozturk7365
    @muhammedozturk7365 10 лет назад +10

    John you are high cap america better than dark knight. Are you high?? :d

    • @90mv
      @90mv 10 лет назад +16

      I actually don't have a problem with that

    • @timeyinsholaye9169
      @timeyinsholaye9169 10 лет назад +14

      i agree, this movie was better

    • @muhammedozturk7365
      @muhammedozturk7365 10 лет назад +3

      i respect your opinions i liked it too but for me the dark knight the best comic book movie. my own opinion

  • @OOTD_
    @OOTD_ 10 лет назад +5

    Yeah I agree Cap 2 is better than TDK.

  • @nonlight123
    @nonlight123 10 лет назад +11

    Cap 2 > Dark Knight
    Avengers > Dark Knight
    Spider-man 2 > Dark Knight
    X men 2 > Dark Knight
    Iron Man > Dark Knight
    if we are talking about superhero movies TDK doesn't compare it was a nice cop movie though.

    • @MachineFuckingHate
      @MachineFuckingHate 6 лет назад

      What's wrong with it being a cop movie? Winter Soldier is considered a "political thriller" by its creators. So what does that mean? Should it be dismissed because it exists within certain genre? Also, Batman as a character is rooted in the genre you're dismissing The Dark Knight for being, moron. One of Batman's most important character is a cop, and Batman's sidekick is also a cop.

    • @goldenstatewarriors9418
      @goldenstatewarriors9418 4 года назад

      Winter Soldier = Dark Knight = Spider-Man 2
      Dark Knight ≥ Avengers
      X2 < Dark Knight
      Iron Man < Dark Knight

  • @Ntekos8
    @Ntekos8 10 лет назад +6


  • @12Clashman
    @12Clashman 10 лет назад +7

    Agreed with John not better than Avengers but better than Dark Knight.

  • @skycaptain141
    @skycaptain141 10 лет назад +8

    I watched the movie an hour before i watched this review and absolutely loved it. Favorite marvel movie to date.

  • @salamander337
    @salamander337 10 лет назад +6

    I love this movie and for me it's certainly is better than The Avengers. One the most memorable scene for me is when Capt and Fury was in the elevator halfway through the beginning. They have great chemistry together for two completely different people, talking about how time has changed. Capt brought up about how elevators used to play music for people to listen to and people would always say hello to each other. Fury would explain why people don't do that anymore. It was done so well. Now for the one scene which I thought was cheesy and corny was at the end when Capt. fought Bucky and he dropped his shield becus he doesn't want to fight anymore. I was yelling at him, shouting, "Don't do it!" I thought to myself that's so cheesy and old fashion. Bucky is trying to kill you and you drop your shield for him to kill you, but then I immediately thought to myself, that's how Captain America thinks. He is old fashion. Plus he really wanted to save his friends and maybe part of him wants to give up because he has had it with a world full of lies. Luckily Bucky remembered him and saved him. That also bothered me too because I thought Hydra erased his memory with that bio-shock to the head. How can he recovered so quickly? Other than that "The Winter Solider" is Awesome!

  • @nslater1388
    @nslater1388 10 лет назад +7

    For me, the opening scene "On your left" set the tone as far as how the characters interacted. It made Cap and Falcon guys who had been hurt, lost people and have moved on, are still living and trying to make a difference, cracked jokes and became friends through respect. I thought that the film was going to start with the boat mission, but the fact it started with a character building jogging scene showed me how seriously they were taking the film.
    I remember thinking "If the rest of the film's scenes are like this, we are in for a treat!"

  • @hughtubecube
    @hughtubecube 9 лет назад +3

    Fucking DC-loving-above-all-else infants in the comments - he said he 'likes this better' than TDK. He didn't say it *is better*, he said he *preferred it*. if you don't know the difference between enjoyment of a film and admiration of a film's craft, then you need help.

  • @ThunderForce2000
    @ThunderForce2000 10 лет назад +5

    I agree that Captain America the Winter Soldier was the best standalone Marvel Cinematic Universe movie, though I don't think it's better than The Dark Knight or any of the movies from The Dark Knight Trilogy.

  • @VaderYouSeekVader
    @VaderYouSeekVader 10 лет назад +7

    Omg Ashley is SOO BEAUTIFUL!

  • @tylerthevoth
    @tylerthevoth 10 лет назад +3

    9.5/10. I cannot, in good conscience, give this movie a 10/10, even though all of my issues were incredibly small and ultimately inconsequential. I'm really looking forward to seeing what kind of role Bucky has in future projects.

  • @bamm86
    @bamm86 10 лет назад +5

    Soooooooo gooooooood! I'm dying to see it again. Going back this week and then hopefully again that weekend. Such a great movie all around. And that Zola scene was sick! I was losin it! Soooo comic book cool. This movie got everybody to really care, feel for and understand Cap. Can't wait for more CA movies.

  • @JoelFoustGaming
    @JoelFoustGaming 10 лет назад +5

    I saw it Friday. I give it a 10. I loved it, and I agree - After watching the first Capt. America, I would have never thought this one would be so good. But, It was really incredible. I barely got a seat - every show was selling out.

  • @scottmccoy5480
    @scottmccoy5480 10 лет назад +5

    Anyone else think the storyline for this movie was predictable though?

    • @BrettWB
      @BrettWB 10 лет назад +1

      I totally agree Scott. It's one of the main reasons I'll take Dark Knight over Cap 2 and Avengers. The good guys won, with little (yes I'm calling the "breakup" of S.H.I.E.L.D. little because everyone knows it will be back in some form one day) consequences. The only thing I didn't see coming was Black Widow in disguise towards the end of the movie. Marvel needs to stop being so linear in their storytelling, and get more curveballs thrown in there.

    • @scottmccoy5480
      @scottmccoy5480 10 лет назад

      Brett WB Yes thank you I have been scared to say that I think this movie is being all little overrated lol. It was predictable from the time when Furry was locked out of the system. We all know S.H.I.E.L.D. isn't going to be held down forever. I agree the only shock to me was Widow in disguise. I am not going to lie it was a decently fun ride along the way. It was definitely a really good movie, but I think this overhyped is because it is being compared to the likes of Iron Man 3 and Thor 2 which in my opinion were pretty weak. All the AMC peeps are entitled to their opinion but they are all being a little too gushy over this. The movie is no where near on the level of The Dark Knight, X2, the original Spider-Man 2, Iron Man 1, First Class.

    • @CustomFitted
      @CustomFitted 10 лет назад +2

      so you're gonna tell me you knew going into the movie that Hydra was behind everything? cmon now..even over the course of the movie nobody could've seen that coming until it was actually revealed

  • @Communaholic
    @Communaholic 10 лет назад +3

    You guys heard that one guy talk about taking down Stephen strange right? ( DR . strange)

  • @gecklesjk
    @gecklesjk 10 лет назад +7

    Schnepp: 9.5
    Ashley: 8
    Dennis: 9
    Amirose: 9.5
    Campea: 9.52

    • @gecklesjk
      @gecklesjk 10 лет назад +12

      He actually says, "I'm gonna go 9.5 too." I'm just being goofy. :)

  • @justinstephens7624
    @justinstephens7624 10 лет назад +4

    This movie was amazing, and I was honestly shocked at how good it was. In my opinion, this is one of the best comic book films, up there with Avengers and The Dark Knight