I find that the game is excellent at 2 players with each person having 2 decks. That way turns feel a lot more meaty as I get to do several things at once, and down time is lessened. It really feels like your turn is about 1 minute once every 10 minutes if your playing say 3 players.
@@Kentchangar so you second that..? 2 decks for each player in 2 player game is the optimal way to play this game? Many of the reviews were about all the required details that you need to learn. Doesn't that bothered you? Is it really worth it?
@@wishmeheaven Nobody I taught the game had any problem learning and playing it. (learning game was me 2 decks, them 1). And then we played exclusively 2 player. 1 deck is extremely light and not fun (except maybe playing Argent Adept character, but I haven't tried it)
Just for the record...there actually are NOT comic books. There are huge backstories and references to non-existent comic books, but the books themselves do not actually exist....and yet they have a huge following :D.
Yeah, I like telling my friends that the creators made a fictional comic book company and filled it with DECADES of characters and storylines for comic books that don't actually exist.
Marvel Champions does not give me the feeling of a hero versus villain "battle". That was the biggest turn off for me with that game. Sentinels (DE) is AMAZING and feels like a turn based battle with a superhero theme. The superheroes do feel powerful when you play them and there are decisions to be made other than just hitting big guy or small guy. Tom is dead wrong. I never played original Sentinels because it looked too complicated (fiddly) and difficult to follow. This game caught my attention with the changes they made, which seemed to improve the game immensely and is now my favorite cooperative game in my collection.
I agree. Marvel Champions was obviously inspired by this game, and then for the DE they clearly took a look back at Champions and saw some things that were working more and integrated them. While I very much enjoy Marvel Champions, this feels much more like a team game. With Marvel Champions everyone basically builds a deck that can do everything they need it to on its own with some minor assistance from the other players, with Sentinels of the Multiverse the decks are built in a way that more greatly emphasizes cooperation and teamwork. I have a group of friends that I play games with, and while most of them enjoy Champions, all of them so far have loved Sentinels and are looking forward to the Rook City Renegades expansion. I have a friend who LOVES Haka, and I can't wait for him to play with the new Werewolf variant coming out soon.
The real fun, for me anyway, is exploring the decks and the permutations of decks. It’s very thematic to have a group of heroes lose, then you try another group out! It’s like when Spider-Man loses to Mysterio but then consults Dr Strange! Heroes are constantly battling and trying new combos to see what works and what doesn’t. If you enjoy that exploration, I think you will love Sentinels. Once you know the decks, then the game heads to a new level of enjoyment and cooperation
This is very much it. I had a ton of fun with the original in the app, experimenting with all of the different combos of hero, villain, environment. The problem with the old version is that the balance was atrocious, so it took many, many, many plays to figure out permutations that functioned well. That was cool with the app, hell, figuring out what combinations worked WAS itself a game of sorts, but it was bad playing physically. The balance of the new version is good. Which means most permutations will be, maybe not fair, but not unreasonable. Which means you can focus on the fun of the differences between permutations without spending all that time finding ones that work at all in the first place. Also I dig a game like this for social time. You wait a long time to come back to your turn, but that's kinda nice because you can chat while you wait. Most modern games are really intense and if you chat, you have to put the game on hold to do so. It also works well 2-player (2 decks each) because you can pick up your second hand while your partner takes their turn, so the very simple turns actually make for the perfect buffer during which you can do the (minimal) planning.
Sad you cooled on it so much Tom, I loved how excited you were about Sentinels in the old reviews. I think this version is far better, but it took me a little bit to get into it again when I first got it. I think that’s because the games can be so wildly different depending on what Heroes you play as (let alone the villain and environment) so it took me a while to learn what each hero was good at and which ones work together for my play style. Thanks for the review all the same, I was excited to hear you talk about it!
I absolutely love Sentinels. It’s easily one of the top 10 most played games within my group. The new version makes the characters feel stronger than previously and makes it easier to rebuild when your setup gets messed up.
I'd have to disagree with anything lower than a 7.5-8. I was introduced to this game with the Definitive Edition and I love it! As far as cooperative super hero card games go... it's to this day one of the best. I love the simplicity of the turn mechanics and that you don't pay to play cards! Very cool. I would have to say this is better than Marvel Champions, and I play both.
I never got the fiddly criticism. We never put out the tokens, and just remembered effects, which is not hard to do even with 4-5 players. In fact, part of the game is remembering how to combo things together. It faded for me over time, but I still got probably 30 plays out of my set with some expansions before I got rid of it.
@@KissellMissile My group, while we don't NEED the tokens most times, we love using them just because of how colorful they are and we like seeing the stacking numbers when someone has 3 +1 Damage Dealt tokens
nice review! which super hero cooperative games you recommend to play with a kid of 8 years? I play Marvel Champions and I love it but i think its too complicate to explain a kid, there are so many small details and the plan makes all difficult for a kid. So I like sentinels but I would like to compare with other super heroe card game if posible. Thank you!
I too am getting a bit choked up over this game, but mostly from liking it so much. The fiddliness sure got a bit easier with this edition, and is still one of the bits I like so much. I went the other way, I upped my rating a bit with this one instead. :) Of course, I don’t have everything for the old edition so I was pretty happy to know in advance to budget for this every year. :D
I disagree with the choices thing Tom said. The game is not all about damaging stuff. There's dozens of things that can and should be done and every turn it's all about choosing the right card/power to maximize play and optimize actions. You have to deal with effects from the enemies and the environments as well as manage your hit points, your hand of cards and your allies' hit points and hand of cards. Unlike other "cooperative" games where you're essentially playing alone and cannot actually cooperate, this one you have tons of cards where you can decide who to help. It's still a great game after all these years. It's better than most out there but...It's still very fiddly. Also, yet another edition of this game (on its fourth edition in 10 years) makes it a cash grab. I do agree that the heroes should be categorized in, well,categories. I like discovering the heroes but if I haven't played in a while, I will not remember who's who since there are (thankfully) tons of characters.
I would disagree with a lot of points here. I never thought that you would probably want to know which type of character the heroes are. I think the difficulty rating is already an indication. Also, some characters are hard to categorize. Don't think that the game doesn't give you interesting choices. At least the type of choices it gives you are the choices a lot of other coop games give you as well. No big deal with that. Sometimes things can get quite challenging when you have a nasty environment you might want to stop but there are dangerous villain cards in play at the same time but you cannot destroy all of them. Also, especially when you play more complex characters, you often have the choice if you want to support some heroes (and in which way) or if you want to try to deal damage yourself of ir you want to optimize future plays / set up. The game isn't as fiddly as the original was. Gameplay is much smoother now as it used to be. Character setup is faster as they have more ways to get the cards they want/need. Yes, there might be situations where a lot of stuff is going on. But let's be true: Marvel Champions and other games like that are much more fiddly. In the games I played I spent more time with reading through the rulebook to look up other special terms and cases than I played. Doesn't happen in Sentinels. I already like the original a lot, but the DE made this game even better and I would play this over other superhero games any day.
In theory you can, but it's not recommended. The mechanics are basically the same compared to the original version, but the two are differently balanced. So, for example, fighting an "old" villain with the new versions of the heroes might be so easy (because the heroes have increased in power level) that it isn't very satisfying.
Depends on what you are looking for, I guess. I got rid of all the stuff I had for the original and replaced it with Definitive Edition. Some of the decks are more fun to play, there is even more variety in Definitive Edition and the art has improved. I personally think it's an improvement and I don't really miss the old version.
Good review. I own everything in the previous edition. I played a demo of the new edition on TTS and concluded that while Definitive Edition did streamline some things it remains the same game. There's still a lot of upkeep in it and I prefer the app version. An important game in the history of boardgames, but shows its age.
Love the game and love this new edition! A lifetime 10/10! Yes there's still admin to be dealt with but it still retains that same feel while making it easier for new players to get into! ...................😳😳😳😳😠😠😠😠😠😠😡😡😡😡😡😡👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹......
@@TheBrokenMeeple Cool. Although.... Don't you bother at all about the upkeep procedure as so many players complain about regarding this game? I didn't played it yet (..but did ordered it already..) and it makes me worried, reading so many negative opinions about A. That too many elements are avoiding the game from being streamlined. B. Some games can turn into really boring and bad experience for some, while he cards which they need are simply at the bottom of the deck. What is your perspective and feelings about those issues..?
I had played Sentinels in the app previously and enjoyed it, so I backed the Kickstarter and got it a few months ago. And maybe it's because I'm new to it in person, but I LOVE it. I find each deck plays really differently, each villain feels super different, and there are a lot more interesting choices than "should I hit the big guy or the little guys?" in terms of how you build your engine and support the other characters vs going hard at the villain. Maybe I'll cool on it over time but it's rocketed to the top of my list of games right now.
Great review. I think this game kind of belongs on its app. It cuts down the fiddly counters and down time. It does all the math. I just enjoyed it a lot better that way. The definitive edition was a little nicer, but felt no need to buy it.
I played SotM for the first time this year (when this version arrived from KS). I really enjoyed it! Little fiddly, but it was fun…. …then, about a month later this year, I started playing Marvel Champions. I no longer see any reason to play SotM. It’s too bad really; but they scratch the same itch. They’re both very quick to set up. But the gameplay combined with the emotional attachment to the Marvel characters means I’m just never going to choose SotM over MC unless someone specifically wants to play it. I’ll likely keep this base version, but I’m not getting the new ones after this.
I understand your position, I was going back and forth for a little while once I got the definitive edition on which one I like more because I do love them both. I think it just ends up being a taste thing on if you more prefer deck construction or pre made decks. On one hand you get a ton of variety with the same hero but thematically you are playing a bunch of cards that might not make sense for that character (Ex. Hulk playing justice aspect cards) on the other hand you are playing cards that were completely designed to put you in the role of that character but each hero can’t be modified to play a different role than what they were made for. Also, obviously it matters what IP you are more into. I love Marvel so playing as their characters is great, but I also feel if you invest some time to get into the characters of Sentinels it can be very rewarding in your enjoyment of the game too because you see how much care is put into all the themes and made up comic book lore. Sentinels I’m enjoying more right now for its ease of set up, fun face-paced turns and heavy thematic moments, but I understand how it’s hard to invest in both when they fill a similar itch. I need both though 😅
@@prestongames25 Yeah, for sure. All valid points. However, I haven't even begun getting into the deck building side of MC. I've just been playing the fire out of the premade decks. I will say as a positive for SotM: it builds to a more satisfying ending. SotM feels more like a board game with an emotional arc where as MC feels more like a cross between Magic the Gathering and Sudoku. I just happen to REALLY like the puzzley feel of MC and the speed of play.
@@LatenightLyle Ha! MtG and Sudoku?! That’s hilarious. Pre made decks for MC definitely will make ur set up so much easier. I started to enjoy it so much more when I started getting into building the decks, but then I started having a harder time pulling it out because I didn’t feel like spending hours going through all the cards again for the best build. It’s hard to know if I made the right decision by opening up that can of worms.
I have both games, love MC… but 15 hero cards with the rest of my deck being generic stuff has always took the immersion away from me at times. Wolverine or Thor grabbing a pistol isn’t fun for me. Especially when some decks call for goofiness like this to optimize their effectiveness in a game. Sentinels decks are contained within each specified hero and theme is there in spades. I’ve been playing both for the better part of 5+ years, MC as soon as it released and can very much comfortably say that Sentinels is THE superhero game to play
I’m just going to echo what I said in a response to someone below, but I have both games, love MC… but 15 hero cards with the rest of my deck being generic stuff has always took the immersion away from me at times. Wolverine or Thor grabbing a pistol isn’t fun for me. Especially when some decks call for goofiness like this to optimize their effectiveness in a game. Sentinels decks are contained within each specified hero and theme is there in spades. I’ve been playing both for the better part of 5+ years, MC as soon as it released and can very much comfortably say that Sentinels is THE superhero game to play. Not to say MC isn’t a great game, it is very close to my heart and it has some awesome mechanics… but the immersion factor just ruins things at times. Only things I agree with in this video was the holofoil cards seem a bit darker and harder to look at with the villains and the first appearance variants critique I can share some sentiments… but if you’ve been with the game for as long as you say Tom, you know that this game comes with MULTIPLE variants of every character and this game wasn’t going to be any different. Tom also should know if he played this game before when it first came out, that each character has an engine, and you’re not just “doing one thing” every single turn. Once your engine is set up it gets a lot more interesting and more decisions are made. You should know this, but I believe that you probably only played this game a handful of times between the original, EE, and DE over the course of its history to really make an educated review on it.
I almost skipped this game because of this review. I am SO glad I didn't. It quickly became one of my few 10/10 games alongside the latest expansion, while Marvel Champions is closer to a 6 for me.
Man I remember how excited I was to play this when it first came out. Love comic books, and there was SO much hype for this game. Then I played it - SO slow, limiting, and uninteresting. The most engaging part of the game was how the different characters were differentiated from each other, but only in comparison to each other. None of them are fun to play, because the base turn of play 1 card, do 1 action, draw 1 card is just too narrow of a decision space to do anything interesting. And on top of all that, the overlapping conditions and having to run the environment/villain turns were a pain to manage, and playing with more than 1 or 2 people takes ages.
Hmmmmm I def think this game is at least a 7.5..... Im not actually sure it's a great game for young children somehow tho. Perhaps that made the ratings a little lower?
Thank you guys for playing this so I don't have to. I'm doing fine with Marvel Champions and United. Both are clean, thematic, and easy to set up. Great review as always though Vasels!
This game feels like it's old. Champions does everything sentinels does and more and does it better. I traded my set away immediately and haven't missed it in the least.
I do prefer MC but Sentinels is better for first time players who would like to,play a hero game. Sentinels dificulty can be varied a bit better that MC.
@@wishmeheaven there are several card games that make me feel more of an active part of the game through theme and mechanics instead of a "manager" and are more streamlined. The calculation of different damage types and stacking them is cumbersome. And you rarely feel like a powerful superhero. Marvel champions does the co-op superhero genre way better at this point. Easier to play but also immersive and challenging. I've just played the Gi joe deck building game. That's fun, its co-op and we feel like we are a team of gi Joe's going up against cobra, without the clunky game play. I was into the transformers card game that died , easy to play but complex enough to hook you. I have the sentinels and most of the expansion sets. It never hits the table, I loved it for a while, but now 10 years later.....it feels like a relic to me especially after marvel champions.
I love how proud Tom looked when Violet said "DPS" at 13:34 :)
I find that the game is excellent at 2 players with each person having 2 decks. That way turns feel a lot more meaty as I get to do several things at once, and down time is lessened. It really feels like your turn is about 1 minute once every 10 minutes if your playing say 3 players.
I was going to post this, you beat me to it! :)
@@Kentchangar so you second that..?
2 decks for each player in 2 player game is the optimal way to play this game?
Many of the reviews were about all the required details that you need to learn.
Doesn't that bothered you?
Is it really worth it?
@@wishmeheaven Nobody I taught the game had any problem learning and playing it. (learning game was me 2 decks, them 1). And then we played exclusively 2 player. 1 deck is extremely light and not fun (except maybe playing Argent Adept character, but I haven't tried it)
Just for the record...there actually are NOT comic books. There are huge backstories and references to non-existent comic books, but the books themselves do not actually exist....and yet they have a huge following :D.
There was a comic that was produced and came with the final expansion.
Yeah, I like telling my friends that the creators made a fictional comic book company and filled it with DECADES of characters and storylines for comic books that don't actually exist.
Marvel Champions does not give me the feeling of a hero versus villain "battle". That was the biggest turn off for me with that game. Sentinels (DE) is AMAZING and feels like a turn based battle with a superhero theme. The superheroes do feel powerful when you play them and there are decisions to be made other than just hitting big guy or small guy. Tom is dead wrong. I never played original Sentinels because it looked too complicated (fiddly) and difficult to follow. This game caught my attention with the changes they made, which seemed to improve the game immensely and is now my favorite cooperative game in my collection.
I agree. Marvel Champions was obviously inspired by this game, and then for the DE they clearly took a look back at Champions and saw some things that were working more and integrated them. While I very much enjoy Marvel Champions, this feels much more like a team game. With Marvel Champions everyone basically builds a deck that can do everything they need it to on its own with some minor assistance from the other players, with Sentinels of the Multiverse the decks are built in a way that more greatly emphasizes cooperation and teamwork. I have a group of friends that I play games with, and while most of them enjoy Champions, all of them so far have loved Sentinels and are looking forward to the Rook City Renegades expansion. I have a friend who LOVES Haka, and I can't wait for him to play with the new Werewolf variant coming out soon.
The real fun, for me anyway, is exploring the decks and the permutations of decks. It’s very thematic to have a group of heroes lose, then you try another group out! It’s like when Spider-Man loses to Mysterio but then consults Dr Strange! Heroes are constantly battling and trying new combos to see what works and what doesn’t. If you enjoy that exploration, I think you will love Sentinels. Once you know the decks, then the game heads to a new level of enjoyment and cooperation
Couldn’t agree more!
This is very much it. I had a ton of fun with the original in the app, experimenting with all of the different combos of hero, villain, environment. The problem with the old version is that the balance was atrocious, so it took many, many, many plays to figure out permutations that functioned well. That was cool with the app, hell, figuring out what combinations worked WAS itself a game of sorts, but it was bad playing physically.
The balance of the new version is good. Which means most permutations will be, maybe not fair, but not unreasonable. Which means you can focus on the fun of the differences between permutations without spending all that time finding ones that work at all in the first place.
Also I dig a game like this for social time. You wait a long time to come back to your turn, but that's kinda nice because you can chat while you wait. Most modern games are really intense and if you chat, you have to put the game on hold to do so. It also works well 2-player (2 decks each) because you can pick up your second hand while your partner takes their turn, so the very simple turns actually make for the perfect buffer during which you can do the (minimal) planning.
Sad you cooled on it so much Tom, I loved how excited you were about Sentinels in the old reviews. I think this version is far better, but it took me a little bit to get into it again when I first got it. I think that’s because the games can be so wildly different depending on what Heroes you play as (let alone the villain and environment) so it took me a while to learn what each hero was good at and which ones work together for my play style. Thanks for the review all the same, I was excited to hear you talk about it!
I absolutely love Sentinels. It’s easily one of the top 10 most played games within my group. The new version makes the characters feel stronger than previously and makes it easier to rebuild when your setup gets messed up.
My group has been LOVING this version. Most of us has our favorite characters, my one friend LOVES Haka, and are looking forward to the expansion.
I'd have to disagree with anything lower than a 7.5-8. I was introduced to this game with the Definitive Edition and I love it! As far as cooperative super hero card games go... it's to this day one of the best.
I love the simplicity of the turn mechanics and that you don't pay to play cards! Very cool.
I would have to say this is better than Marvel Champions, and I play both.
I never got the fiddly criticism. We never put out the tokens, and just remembered effects, which is not hard to do even with 4-5 players. In fact, part of the game is remembering how to combo things together. It faded for me over time, but I still got probably 30 plays out of my set with some expansions before I got rid of it.
Maybe I should say that I understand how the game receives the criticism, but it doesn't seem that hard to manage.
@@KissellMissile My group, while we don't NEED the tokens most times, we love using them just because of how colorful they are and we like seeing the stacking numbers when someone has 3 +1 Damage Dealt tokens
nice review!
which super hero cooperative games you recommend to play with a kid of 8 years?
I play Marvel Champions and I love it but i think its too complicate to explain a kid, there are so many small details and the plan makes all difficult for a kid.
So I like sentinels but I would like to compare with other super heroe card game if posible.
Thank you!
I always feel like absolute zero is more a riff on Mr freeze. Except sympathetic villain to reluctant hero.
Just played a game recently with my 7 year old... we loved it. =)
I too am getting a bit choked up over this game, but mostly from liking it so much. The fiddliness sure got a bit easier with this edition, and is still one of the bits I like so much. I went the other way, I upped my rating a bit with this one instead. :) Of course, I don’t have everything for the old edition so I was pretty happy to know in advance to budget for this every year. :D
I disagree with the choices thing Tom said. The game is not all about damaging stuff. There's dozens of things that can and should be done and every turn it's all about choosing the right card/power to maximize play and optimize actions. You have to deal with effects from the enemies and the environments as well as manage your hit points, your hand of cards and your allies' hit points and hand of cards. Unlike other "cooperative" games where you're essentially playing alone and cannot actually cooperate, this one you have tons of cards where you can decide who to help. It's still a great game after all these years. It's better than most out there but...It's still very fiddly. Also, yet another edition of this game (on its fourth edition in 10 years) makes it a cash grab.
I do agree that the heroes should be categorized in, well,categories. I like discovering the heroes but if I haven't played in a while, I will not remember who's who since there are (thankfully) tons of characters.
I would disagree with a lot of points here.
I never thought that you would probably want to know which type of character the heroes are. I think the difficulty rating is already an indication. Also, some characters are hard to categorize.
Don't think that the game doesn't give you interesting choices. At least the type of choices it gives you are the choices a lot of other coop games give you as well. No big deal with that. Sometimes things can get quite challenging when you have a nasty environment you might want to stop but there are dangerous villain cards in play at the same time but you cannot destroy all of them. Also, especially when you play more complex characters, you often have the choice if you want to support some heroes (and in which way) or if you want to try to deal damage yourself of ir you want to optimize future plays / set up.
The game isn't as fiddly as the original was. Gameplay is much smoother now as it used to be. Character setup is faster as they have more ways to get the cards they want/need.
Yes, there might be situations where a lot of stuff is going on. But let's be true: Marvel Champions and other games like that are much more fiddly. In the games I played I spent more time with reading through the rulebook to look up other special terms and cases than I played. Doesn't happen in Sentinels.
I already like the original a lot, but the DE made this game even better and I would play this over other superhero games any day.
Can you combine this set with expansions from the original version?
In theory you can, but it's not recommended. The mechanics are basically the same compared to the original version, but the two are differently balanced. So, for example, fighting an "old" villain with the new versions of the heroes might be so easy (because the heroes have increased in power level) that it isn't very satisfying.
Is it worth it to get this version if you already have the original and many expansions for it?
Depends on what you are looking for, I guess. I got rid of all the stuff I had for the original and replaced it with Definitive Edition. Some of the decks are more fun to play, there is even more variety in Definitive Edition and the art has improved. I personally think it's an improvement and I don't really miss the old version.
Good review. I own everything in the previous edition. I played a demo of the new edition on TTS and concluded that while Definitive Edition did streamline some things it remains the same game. There's still a lot of upkeep in it and I prefer the app version. An important game in the history of boardgames, but shows its age.
Love the game and love this new edition! A lifetime 10/10! Yes there's still admin to be dealt with but it still retains that same feel while making it easier for new players to get into! ...................😳😳😳😳😠😠😠😠😠😠😡😡😡😡😡😡👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹......
How is it compare to other co ops ?
@@wishmeheaven one of the best out there? Very few coops make you feel like a proper team with distinct roles.
@@TheBrokenMeeple but...
Now when I think about it...
When you say "co op", you mean - solo, don't you?
@@wishmeheaven no in this case legit both
@@TheBrokenMeeple Cool.
Don't you bother at all about the upkeep procedure as so many players complain about regarding this game?
I didn't played it yet (..but did ordered it already..) and it makes me worried, reading so many negative opinions about A. That too many elements are avoiding the game from being streamlined.
B. Some games can turn into really boring and bad experience for some, while he cards which they need are simply at the bottom of the deck.
What is your perspective and feelings about those issues..?
I had played Sentinels in the app previously and enjoyed it, so I backed the Kickstarter and got it a few months ago. And maybe it's because I'm new to it in person, but I LOVE it. I find each deck plays really differently, each villain feels super different, and there are a lot more interesting choices than "should I hit the big guy or the little guys?" in terms of how you build your engine and support the other characters vs going hard at the villain. Maybe I'll cool on it over time but it's rocketed to the top of my list of games right now.
Great review. I think this game kind of belongs on its app. It cuts down the fiddly counters and down time. It does all the math. I just enjoyed it a lot better that way. The definitive edition was a little nicer, but felt no need to buy it.
the original is on steam and I'm sure they'll do a video game version of this too eventually.
I played SotM for the first time this year (when this version arrived from KS). I really enjoyed it! Little fiddly, but it was fun….
…then, about a month later this year, I started playing Marvel Champions.
I no longer see any reason to play SotM.
It’s too bad really; but they scratch the same itch. They’re both very quick to set up. But the gameplay combined with the emotional attachment to the Marvel characters means I’m just never going to choose SotM over MC unless someone specifically wants to play it.
I’ll likely keep this base version, but I’m not getting the new ones after this.
I understand your position, I was going back and forth for a little while once I got the definitive edition on which one I like more because I do love them both. I think it just ends up being a taste thing on if you more prefer deck construction or pre made decks. On one hand you get a ton of variety with the same hero but thematically you are playing a bunch of cards that might not make sense for that character (Ex. Hulk playing justice aspect cards) on the other hand you are playing cards that were completely designed to put you in the role of that character but each hero can’t be modified to play a different role than what they were made for.
Also, obviously it matters what IP you are more into. I love Marvel so playing as their characters is great, but I also feel if you invest some time to get into the characters of Sentinels it can be very rewarding in your enjoyment of the game too because you see how much care is put into all the themes and made up comic book lore.
Sentinels I’m enjoying more right now for its ease of set up, fun face-paced turns and heavy thematic moments, but I understand how it’s hard to invest in both when they fill a similar itch. I need both though 😅
@@prestongames25 Yeah, for sure. All valid points. However, I haven't even begun getting into the deck building side of MC. I've just been playing the fire out of the premade decks.
I will say as a positive for SotM: it builds to a more satisfying ending. SotM feels more like a board game with an emotional arc where as MC feels more like a cross between Magic the Gathering and Sudoku. I just happen to REALLY like the puzzley feel of MC and the speed of play.
@@LatenightLyle Ha! MtG and Sudoku?! That’s hilarious.
Pre made decks for MC definitely will make ur set up so much easier. I started to enjoy it so much more when I started getting into building the decks, but then I started having a harder time pulling it out because I didn’t feel like spending hours going through all the cards again for the best build. It’s hard to know if I made the right decision by opening up that can of worms.
I have both games, love MC… but 15 hero cards with the rest of my deck being generic stuff has always took the immersion away from me at times. Wolverine or Thor grabbing a pistol isn’t fun for me. Especially when some decks call for goofiness like this to optimize their effectiveness in a game. Sentinels decks are contained within each specified hero and theme is there in spades. I’ve been playing both for the better part of 5+ years, MC as soon as it released and can very much comfortably say that Sentinels is THE superhero game to play
One of the games I prefer to play digitally. Cuts down on the upkeep quite a bit.
Great review and matches my thoughts from playing the game. Great job family!
I’m just going to echo what I said in a response to someone below, but I have both games, love MC… but 15 hero cards with the rest of my deck being generic stuff has always took the immersion away from me at times. Wolverine or Thor grabbing a pistol isn’t fun for me. Especially when some decks call for goofiness like this to optimize their effectiveness in a game. Sentinels decks are contained within each specified hero and theme is there in spades. I’ve been playing both for the better part of 5+ years, MC as soon as it released and can very much comfortably say that Sentinels is THE superhero game to play. Not to say MC isn’t a great game, it is very close to my heart and it has some awesome mechanics… but the immersion factor just ruins things at times. Only things I agree with in this video was the holofoil cards seem a bit darker and harder to look at with the villains and the first appearance variants critique I can share some sentiments… but if you’ve been with the game for as long as you say Tom, you know that this game comes with MULTIPLE variants of every character and this game wasn’t going to be any different. Tom also should know if he played this game before when it first came out, that each character has an engine, and you’re not just “doing one thing” every single turn. Once your engine is set up it gets a lot more interesting and more decisions are made. You should know this, but I believe that you probably only played this game a handful of times between the original, EE, and DE over the course of its history to really make an educated review on it.
That's why I prefer playing 2 player each controlling 2 heroes.
I almost skipped this game because of this review. I am SO glad I didn't. It quickly became one of my few 10/10 games alongside the latest expansion, while Marvel Champions is closer to a 6 for me.
I am super glad you enjoy it!
Man I remember how excited I was to play this when it first came out. Love comic books, and there was SO much hype for this game.
Then I played it - SO slow, limiting, and uninteresting. The most engaging part of the game was how the different characters were differentiated from each other, but only in comparison to each other. None of them are fun to play, because the base turn of play 1 card, do 1 action, draw 1 card is just too narrow of a decision space to do anything interesting. And on top of all that, the overlapping conditions and having to run the environment/villain turns were a pain to manage, and playing with more than 1 or 2 people takes ages.
I was kind of impressed when she said "dps" also 🙂
After owning everything 1st Ed and only playing it one time . There is no way will I reinvest in this game system . Anyone looking to by the 1st Ed ?
Is it 1st ed? Or EE? People dont realize this is V3 of the game.
Hmmmmm I def think this game is at least a 7.5..... Im not actually sure it's a great game for young children somehow tho. Perhaps that made the ratings a little lower?
Thank you guys for playing this so I don't have to. I'm doing fine with Marvel Champions and United. Both are clean, thematic, and easy to set up. Great review as always though Vasels!
This game feels like it's old. Champions does everything sentinels does and more and does it better. I traded my set away immediately and haven't missed it in the least.
I do prefer MC but Sentinels is better for first time players who would like to,play a hero game. Sentinels dificulty can be varied a bit better that MC.
I feel it's a cool game that isnt as good due to other games being better at this point.
Such as..?
And what do they do better..?
@@wishmeheaven there are several card games that make me feel more of an active part of the game through theme and mechanics instead of a "manager" and are more streamlined. The calculation of different damage types and stacking them is cumbersome. And you rarely feel like a powerful superhero. Marvel champions does the co-op superhero genre way better at this point. Easier to play but also immersive and challenging. I've just played the Gi joe deck building game. That's fun, its co-op and we feel like we are a team of gi Joe's going up against cobra, without the clunky game play. I was into the transformers card game that died , easy to play but complex enough to hook you. I have the sentinels and most of the expansion sets. It never hits the table, I loved it for a while, but now 10 years later.....it feels like a relic to me especially after marvel champions.
I enjoyed my time with this game and now Marvel Champions is a better version of it.