I’m a victim of sexual assault...my step dad. Someone that was supposed to be my father. For years. So I agree, forgiving isn’t for the offender. It’s for US.
PARTH SAXENA you’re absolutely stupid if you think that a young girl in the position these young ladies were in would even think to do such thing. Whatever they would have done would not have stopped what this evil man had in his mind. Slapping this monster wouldn’t have made him stop. Talking to the people who ran USA gymnastics didn’t even make him stop when some of the victims came forward. What makes you think a little slap from a young girl would?
Didn’t get to see every single girl/woman’s moment in court vs. Nasser over those few or so days but did see most of em. That being noted, gotta say that Ms. Morales’ comment of not taking her life but taking it back... Wow, that was about as deep n straight from the heart as it gets! No doubt, 1 of the best remarks made by any/all the ladies thruout those few days!
I know what you mean, but I wouldn’t judge any of their testimonies or statements as better or worse than another’s. We may judge their athletic performance; let’s not judge their experience of trauma and it’s aftermath.
Dear young lady, Your words are mine too. Believe that there is a powerful, just God up there who knows the truth. True. It is better to let mercy remain somehow than kill the person. I don't know. God has a way for us. He perfectly knows everything that is happening. Sometimes, we become to dumb to know what to do after things happened. Just know that you are not alone. A lot of us had been stepped on like this. But religiously, it's better to be wronged than tremendously do harm to anyone, as they had done to us. We will just let God's power work because as of the moment, i dont know what to do. God bless your merciful heart still.
Astolfo rider of black did you really just victimize this sick fuck? “Getting laid is hard” You know what is also hard? Life. Get in shape, stay sober, financially secure yourself and I’m certain you’ll be just fine and won’t have to resort to this evil. The fucks wrong with you
@@astolforiderofblack7938 youre such a sick individual. Just like him. Are u hurting someone. This is the same ppl say that do these things. I will pray on this. I hope to god ur just extremely young, and made an immature stupid comment.
He groomed relationships with all of them. It meant something to her. That's all that's important. He said it because she told him to in court. That gives her power.
@Anthony Guarino she doesn't care if he said sorry because he got caught, she only want to be in peace with herself and not feel hate for anyone. Feel hate sometimes destroy you more than you think and this is the way to not feel like that anymore. I hope you understand my point, my English is not good but I tried my best
You fucking think they lied? they didn’t, 20 girls reported it to USAG which THEY COVERED IT UP. they filed police reports which they never went through with investigations and USAG paid girls to be quiet. this abuse was for many many years. when one person finally spoke up to say something they werent believed and were told “thats impossible, larry is the best” so they kept lying to themselves saying it never happened but when someone finally listened more and more girls came forward. Don’t ever say that they lied. if they lied why would they be balling there eyes out and even the girls who are famous (Maggie nichols, Aly Raisman, Mykayla Maroney, Jordyn Wieber) why would they lie? why would they lie about someone so big and to a huge audience. thats messed up that you would think that
Trainers touch them, they accept, but when doctors do, they say it's wrong. No sexual contact, only physical contact. I mean, doctors do have a motive, but what about coach inappropriate touching, which is also considered sexual assault. They didn't complain. Women are women, always looking for an advantage.
I’m saddened by the number of girls and women who talk about their “friendship” with Nassar. It wasn’t friendship, it was grooming. Wishing all the victims peace of mind and happy lives.
@@headphonic8 I think the part about taking the knife out of your own back is forgiveness. Not using it to hurt others is not seeking revenge. When you forgive someone you put what happened behind you including your hate and animosity towards them. Those feelings will sit in the back of your mind like water in a bucket and slowly leak out over time into different parts of your life. It's not about the abuser, it's about the victims own peace of mind. Larry Nassar doesn't deserve the forgiveness, his victims deserve to not have to think of him anymore.
o B You seem to have a lot of bottled up frustrations.... but that’s not for me to judge. I wish you happiness in your life, and I say that genuinely not from a point of malice.
The truth he’s not sorry. He wouldn’t have done it in the first place if he actually didn’t mean to do it. He’s just sorry because he got caught and that’s the only thing he can say
Shell Bell. None. See here’s the kicker. He got 60 years in prison on federal charges and 175 years on state charges (in Michigan). These all run concurrently, he will serve his federal sentence (60 years, no parole), and then his state sentence (40 years minimum before parole), so 60 years plus 40 years minimum meaning he will serve at least 100 years in prison before becoming eligible for parole in which case he will be over 100 years by that time. In the federal prison system, there is no parole, all convicts serve 100% of their terms. So yes, with all that being said, he will die in prison and the day that comes cannot come soon enough. I hope there’s a place in Hell for Larry Nassar to burn in for all eternity.
Its hard to for give this kind of action. I'm a man I understand we are physical .but u still dint under stand how any man can do this to a young lady. I want to cry for her. . Jesus gave us a way out. Self controll. . Young girls need people to look up to . We all struggle with lust . But there are those who cross the line and dont care. Whi they hurt
Getting a sorry off a sexual offender means NOTHING. They are all narcissistic sociopaths and don't have any remorse. But I understand that it was healing for her, to help her move on.
I think in a way, she's mature, but in another way, also a bit naive (in a good way, kind of innocent and pure, always thinking good of people.) I bet she always meet different people in life on the same level and never judge, this is rare these days and she really stands out.
Triple X Are you kidding me? American society has the collective attention span of a senile, dementia patient. This story will be LONG FORGOTTEN, following the very next “Las Vegas Mass Murder,” or the next time a Celebrity goes on a drug-fueled binge and passes away. You know this to be true...
Aj Cristo rape and sexual assault of a child are more unforgivable than murder. There are some crimes that can never be compared or acquitted, you moron
larry was so nice yet became so evil i might not be an american but few tears in my eyes i hope larry will be nice and i hope those youngsters that he did something really horrible will be happy and i hope larry wont be depressed
Conservative Hamster what the hell? You don’t feel bad for the girls that were molested? What kind of sick person doesn’t understand the kind of violation and the innocence that is stolen when someone, female or male, feel when they are sexually harassed. Especially from someone close to them.
Conservative Hamster I do agree that the #metoo fad has taken away some of the meaning of the movement and the intent of these women coming forward. But to generalize all American women and girls are sluts is wrong. Being a slut and a whore are different than being molested. Being sexually abused is a form of harassment without consent. I’m shocked that you are able to watch this young girl, tears in her eyes full of sadness and fear and say that you do not feel bad that she was so horribly violated. And again I agree that it is not something to be proud of to be molested or abused, but to be a survivor is something to be proud of.
She's reading off of a written letter instead of speaking from the heart, so it's obvious to me that this was not a life-altering deal for her and that she isn't as sincere as she claims. Hamster is right, and after watching this, I can't feel sympathetic for the "victims." Remember kids, if you don't want to be raped, then kick, bite, and scream for help.
He may not deserve her forgiveness, but SHE deserves to give it. Forgiveness is a huge part of healing and moving on. Holding bitterness and resentment in your heart really only hurts you in the end. It's amazing to know she could find that forgiveness in her heart and decide to give it and let herself heal from her terrible experiences. What an incredible young woman. Her strength to forgive gives me hope. If I were in her place I don't know if I could forgive as freely as she did, but man, what an inspiration this girl is. God bless you, Emily.
Maicey Throckmorton - Very well said!! If she really wants to move on and heal from this hurt she did the right thing and God promises total healing and grace. And you know what, she might be able to win him to Jesus! She portrayed God's love and forgiveness to him. God has feelings too and He's hurt the same way when we sin against Him BUT HE IS FAITHFUL and has a forgiving attitude to us NO MATTER how great of a sin we commit... because He loves unconditionally. This girl understood and experienced God's love and was able to be a channel of it and a couple visit to the prison and who knows, she might indeed lead Him to Jesus' cleansing wave :) Don't you ever think nassar will forget about this testimony!
That's how you know she truly is a woman from God. Not anyone can be so forgiving. Including myself. Just watching the testimony that several people did this is different. It was wrote from love within her heart. And the others wrote with hate and continued with hate after hate, even wishing him the worst. I understand why the woman would do so because what he did wasn't right and I do believe he should be kept in prison. But people like her is what makes things thrive more and more. She did something not everyone did. Forgiveness is the key to healing. God bless
Totally agree with you...I fully understand the anger of all the girls and parents but in order to heal, anger will not help them :( On the other hand forgiveness will help this girl enormously on her way to healing... May they all find peace in their hearts 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
DayTripper, I agree. I was bowled over listening to all the things that he did to win her trust, such as bringing a calendar of the team photos when she wasn't given a place in the team, and all the other little things he did. That is clearly what conniving lengths others are going to to get what they want. I am proud to say that my achievements in life, meagre though they may be by comparison with many others, have not involved manipulation or cunning.
If i were her parent, no words could describe how proud i would be of her actions. Respect. Edit: Been a year and I'm still tearing up over this, fuck.
This is hard to watch, this girl is so betrayed by what she thought was a friend, a mentor. its a gut churning betrayal. she will never trust anyone again. but she is young and strong enough to repair this damage to a point. he has a lot of power in her. she's powerful.
silver lining HES YOUR PRESIDENT FOR 7 MORE YEARS AND IVANA LOVES HER DAD..SO WHO ARE U TO JUDGE..11 BITCHES LIED ABOUT GETTING TOUCHED.WHERE ARE THEY NOW that the election is over?They are all getting charged for FLASE ACCUSATIONS..I bet u didn't know that u Fem
Misha Collins Not trying to defense him, but it is entirely possible that he didn’t realize the magnitude of his actions. I know I sound dumb, how can a doctor not know what he’s doing? But sometimes people need a reality check to truly understand the scope of their actions. And with MSU constantly letting him off with no consequences when victims spoke up, it only reinforced in his head that what he’s doing isn’t all that bad. I can’t say for sure, but it is possible that if he got in big trouble after the first victim, but didn’t get fired, he may have completely stopped his predatory behavior. But this is all what if, at this point there are way too many victims to just slap him on the wrist and let him go. He’ll have to spend rest of his life behind bars.
Joe Tallo He kept being let off without consequence because he’d lie about what he was doing. He’d claim it was a legitimate treatment and they’d believe him instead of the many girls who did, in fact, speak up. Also, it’s likely more than the 200 some girls we know of that he did this to. He did it to ALL the gymnasts under his care, in order to normalize it to them, so that if they talked to each other about it, which they did, they’d think it was normal, since he did it to all of them. He also did it directly IN FRONT of their parents, literally with them in the room, but with his body blocking it from their view, so that the girls would believe that their parents knew and thought it was normal and find. He ABSOLUTELY knew what he was doing was wrong. Doctors do not put their hands inside a girl’s genitalia to help with their leg or back pain. And even if they did (which they wouldn’t), they’d wear gloves. Furthermore, he wasn’t treating their injuries. He was ONLY molesting them. Girls were continuing to train with broken legs, broken elbows, and with other serious injuries for months before finally receiving proper treatment. He’s a bad person who knowingly did horrible things. He didn’t need a “reality check,” he needed life in prison.
She seems very very disappointed. I think that’s why she seems to overly embrace him, because up until the point that all this happened he probably was (in a twisted way) an adult figure that she valued. He was her instructor after all. But it was all a rouse to carry out his sick ways. I feel for her, she was let down by everyone involved with something she must be passionate about, gymnastics.
That’s the definition of grooming and molestation. That’s the tragedy of it. Kids believe they’re being helped because they’re CHILDREN! That’s why it’s so sick.
she is still so young, she hasn't understood the magnitude of the event yet, i think. that's why her innocent heart is still ready to forgive and forget. in a way, i think his grooming of her is still at work. once she's out of that grooming spell, she will see him as the monster that he is.
She’s much stronger than I. Despite all he put her through, she still found it in her to give forgiveness. I still can’t find it in me to forgive my own abuser. Good on her, and all of the girls he hurt. They’re so strong.
Forgive my friends, forgiveness shall set you free, believe in Jesus and forget all anger in your hearts, anger only leads to death, it doesn't matter if the abuser thinks it's funny, god only cares for the forgiveness in your heart, he loves you very much, God bless my friends, may you find peace.
You're strong too! You're a survivor and I'm so proud of you for being as strong as you are. Forgiveness is choosing to not let what that person did hurt you anymore and it's also letting God deal with them. Healing is a long process and every step you take is a sign of great strength. Forgiveness is taking your life back and not letting your abuser have power over you. I am incredibly proud of you for all of strength that you have already shown.
Hm the problem is ... A old man , working with beautiful athletic girls with insane bodies...no man should be an physical therapist for woman gymnastics...it makes no sense...some man can't control themselves
remember, a victim is never obligated to forgive their abuser. this brave and strong girl forgave him not because she was kind, but because she felt that it would help her find closure and move forward. forgiveness is an incredibly personal decision and not everyone has to make it in order to heal
Black Dingus lmao, he could be genuinely sorry in your words - and what exactly is your point? How does that help the victims move on. Whether or not he is "sorry" is completely irrelevant at this point.
Asking for a apology,and then getting it means nothing.Should not have to ask or make anyone say they are sorry.Saying sorry means you will never do it again he acted over and over.He is not sorry he did it ,only sorry he was found out.Thankful he did not hurt them in a worse way.
Wow, I didn’t know you can read minds! That’s awesome! In all seriousness, you can’t say that for certainty. Maybe he’s genuinely sorry. Maybe he’s not. You don’t know.
belly tripper You've just proven why creepy old men who ironically enough look like paedophiles, shouldn't be allowed on social media.... Now bugger off and stop commenting about crap that has nothing to do with the subject at hand.
If she was sincere and she really means what she said (which I do believe) she WILL find that peace, I guarantee you and the answer is the first word you wrote.
No Dogma Mama YOUR PRESIDENT FOR 7 MORE YEARS..HEY what happened to the 11 bitches who lied before the election? They are all scared of getting charged for FLASE ACCUSATIONS..People bring Trump into this.Lol it has nothing to do with him..He used to get Supermodels and his wife is hot who speaks 6 Languages..He never Touched no bitch unless she wanted it..Not one..
Olympics doctor or whatever, there should be a law that an assistant, preferably a female nurse or some sort be present at the time of any athletes check ups.
That is one strong young lady to stand in front of her abuser and speak her mind the way she did. I don’t know her but am proud that she did confront him and take her power back.
it is not weird at all; those girls were under age and Larry was a kind of idol in their sport field and also that ideal man had made love to that girls (that mostly was their first love experience)! How do you expect these girls to forget their first love moments?! it hearts me even when I imagine what He did to all of that girls.
@Mr. Walrus Harrassment INC. - Official Channel These women were not only MINORS at the time, they were GROOMED, meaning that they had not known what was happening, until after it had happened. These women didn't know that their doctor was doing such horrible things to them. Consent from a child is not consent at all.
@@AaAa-qq5wr Exactly. Consent from a child, a groomed minor, is not consent. Consent is from both adults, and not one pressuring, or threatening the other into saying yes.
They need to find out those who knew about these things and continued to let them happen and throw them in prison for the rest of their lives as well. MSU, may you be cursed forever.
"They need to find out those who knew about these things" they already know who knew and didn't tell.Do you want to know who? these girls. you might see the world in a different light but the reality is that these girls considered him as their "friend" if I knew and tried to do something, you know what these girls would have said.."oh he is our friend" if they do that, guess who is going to get fucked in the ass? Simple solution, if someone does something to you, report to police right away or else live with it.
EL Chacal what you don’t understand is you go into denial you thought he was your friend you think he’s helping you it’s not easy to tell people what happened it’s not don’t ever say it is it is the hardest thing to do is to tell someone cause you feel like there gonna judge you because you didn’t say anything sooner then you should’ve !! It’s hard!!
That is fine but if you can understand it is hard to tell then you should also understand that no one will help you if you don't tell. In that case, you can't blame anyone. this is the comment i was replying to "They need to find out those who knew about these things and continued to let them happen "
uret7 i Totally agree there is no friggin way that Michigan State University had no idea what he was doing when it has been proven that he paid several girls millions to be quiet about it. Unfortunately the money runs deep in olimpyic and collegiate sports. And we may never understand or know just how much they knew
I have watched the majority of the victims’ statements, and this was the most powerful and heart-wrenching one so far. Such passionate words for such a young girl to speak. Such wisdom for her to be able to express her feelings in the ways that she does, and her incredible ability to forgive a man who does not deserve anything in the world, let alone forgiveness. What an insanely powerful message she shared.
Ryan Pellerin - I'm sure she will heal and get back to normal life. She was forgiven by God and her message portrayed His love. She'll have a powerful ministry to those who have been hurt likewise
You saw saintly power. Other people saw emotional defense mechanism. Why do we still demand so much of these girls ---- did you hear her say she has just returned FROM THE EDGE? Why are we so desperate to see forgiveness? Is there someone in our family we failed to justify when we could have?
For everyone praising her for forgiving him, just remember also that the girls who testified and couldn’t/wouldn’t forgive him are valid too. Everyone has a different way of dealing with trauma and this man did horrific things to all of them. Also, this comment isn’t at all meant to hate on her, I think she is incredibly brave, kind, and strong. Just wanted to remind you that the path other victims took, forgiveness or not, is no lesser or greater.
Ppl who praise her forgiving heart are probably abusive men who did the same to girls or similar. I feel disgusted that she's going to forgive a monster. Monsters should not be forgiven, I'll forgive a monster if I'm allowed to feed him to the sharks. fck forgiveness.
I appreciate your comment. Because although no one is commenting about the other girls who took another path, they will surely read things like this and possibly feel not as brave or as strong. And I think it's wonderful that they could come across your comment as well and find peace in it.
It's no tragedy, it's a crime, and the only way it can be stopped is if we all stop it. They will only do what we as a society allow them to get away with. We don't value our women, we don't value our girls, that's what it comes down to in the end.
This really made me tear up. She’s so strong, as a victim on older men using their power to hurt younger girls i know how hard it is to admit they affected you . Wish I was this strong to come forward
Lol what if he just grabbed the mic and precise and cleanly described how he raped and molested every one of those girls His words were so powerful, I don't know how the court didnt just explode and shower in a flurry of bricks ash and soot right there on the spot.
nkyryry Yes! Supernatural! Seriously, this is not something humans can do, this is strength from God!! Humans can do what the others did... keep on blaming, cursing, condemning... That's not how our God operates
Wolves bandwagon fan since 1998 No He isn't, IF someone confesses Ave forsakes! People condemn themselves. Never read John 3:17? "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved." How about this one: "When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more." John 8:10-11. Jesus wants to set us free from guilt, Satan wants to keep us feel condemned
Fred You have no idea what strength is... Crying is no weakness. She is not complaining, she is not out there to seek pity from people, neither does she seem to hurt, but with strength from God she overcomes her hurt and decided to do something none of the others were able... Forgive and move on
Dávid Oláh your false god is a laughing stock. If he was really behind the wheel, then he also designed nassar to do what he did. You're nothing but a pretender, and one day you'll find out for yourself that judgment day doesn't exist, just like almost everything else in the Bible. I only hope you remember my comment when you do.
Jesus. So painful. So much pain in our country and in the world at the hands of abusers, molesters, bullies the selfish and self centered. So many people walking around trying to hold it together...looking down so you don't see the pain in their eyes...just glad to make it home and shut the door without someone seeing the pain. Wearing a mask of toughness everyday. Our world is so sick. STOP ABUSING AND LEARN KINDNESS.
I know...I know. I'm just glad the cover is finally being pulled back. I too was sexually abused by a family member. I just learned last year when they confessed it to me...
yes, but those men are the men women like the amount of pain women have caused by lying to good men about wanting kind sensative loving men is literally 1 million times worse, picture living life a kind gy with women telling you to respect them, picture your kindness getting rejected by ll women in fvour of bigoted abusive disrepectful overconfident sexuallly agreesivee dominating men, picture this happening for 24 years, picture yourself with no lover ever, no sex, just blanket rejetions from all women all the time, picture you never having children or a husband picture trying your entire life to get aa date and getting nothing but rejections from everyone ll the time, then imagine when your old nd you find out the reason for your hell, the reason you lost oyur mind from th pain of needing to hold abnother humaan was becaause you were nice and all women lied to you becaause you were kind, that kind of hell is were i am now, my friend was raped as child and he had a nice family and lots of women loved him, i was raised by a single motther so i never got the advice i needed to get a woman, as a result ill die in the worst emotional pain you can ever imagine, my very core of being has been burnt beyond repiar, my life is hell on erth the lonliness is killing me, the pain women are spreding to kind men is defintly worse thn child rape ! im twisted mangledd wreck of human, im at the end of my life and i cant bear this pain ny longer, the isolation the madness from needing to hold anotheer human, and to know all this pin was utterly needless if women hd just been honest, but insted they abused the fuck out of me ! systematic abuse is going on, hell is going on the aamount of pain being spread needlessly by lying women to kind men is just insaine, given the choice i would definatly rather have never been born, all ive had is rejections and so much pain, just because i was nice to women.
mcpartridgeboy Oh shut the hell up, Elliot Rogers, women are not sex toys they can pick who they want just because you are such a 'nice person' doesn't mean that you are attractive in any way. People like you are a problem in our society, try harder to get a partner and if you never get the fault is in you because is literally never nobody for a person, everybody like somebody, even Hitler had a partner, so stop whining and work on yourself.
Should have been: "I'm sorry." "I don't give a sh*t if you're sorry or not." But then again, I'm not her, and she either needs it or is a better person than I am.
Powerful survivor impact statement. Emily is a hero for bravely standing up to face Nassar in public. I hope and pray for the best for all of these survivors. Judge Aquilina is the perfect person for this sentencing. And "Inmate Nassar" will get what he has coming to him soon.
Kind of sounds like some of the young girls know what is waiting for him in jail, unless that is just my mind filling in the blanks. If they don't know, someone should take them aside and tell them. I hope they don't feel a touch of pity in their hearts when they find out what's waiting for him. They need to understand how very much he deserves it.
I don't think he got slaughtered, but I think he def deserves death penalty which I'm surprised he didn't get. But at least hell rot slowly and painfully! for all the pain he caused in the world
1:00 🕐 She NAILED IT!! Crying 😢🙏🏼💕 “I believe in forgiveness, Larry”...WOW. Any survivor hearing this tiny girl speak, and with such power, provoked a feeling of much needed tears- of healing!! Thank you so much for testifying!
Good that God prevails in her heart. Ifnot, there is a possibility that all rape victims will kill their perpetrators without hesitation, putting aside mercy or any human consideration at all.
This girl, gave me chills! Her strength and courage are absolutely incredible. You were in control here, and you made him face exactly what he did to you in a way I’ve seen nobody else do quite like you did. “I will not take my own life, I will take it back” 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I'm shaking. That was so intense. This girl is brave and articulate and sympathetic. That was a beautiful moment and she deserves every second of happiness she finds in this life.
It is so amazing to hear her handle this tragedy so maturely and whole-heartedly. I mean she mentions she wants to forgive him. This girl is so strong.
This was heart wrenching. She’s beautiful inside and outside. I hope she heals. Forgiveness is healing. I don’t know if I could have forgiven him. She’s amazing.
Her demanding him to apologize right there was the most powerful thing she could do-she’s taken her power back, and left him behind. What an incredible speech
yes, so victim shming again i see, how would you feel if i said to a lttle girl whos been raped by a gang tht she was a worthless human being for being raped ? because thts what youve just done to me, its amazing to me how men abusing women are monsters but women abusing victims of female abuse are right to call victims worthless , good job, do all women think female abuse is ok and more to the point do all women think its acceptable to call victims of abuse worthless and more to the point do you still think its wrong for a man to insult nd abuse women who have been victims of abuse, if not why is it ok for you ? theres no doubt that women lying to men about wanting someone nice is serious abuse, the emotional pain of being robbed of a life from women becuse you were nice is pretty insainly high, you couldnt take 5 mins of my pain, if you lived my life you would have blown up a mall or something by now, especially given tht everyone is giving so much love to female abuse victims all the while abusing the shit out of you and then victim shaming you and further abusing you, you would have gone md from rage long ago !, funny how your as bad as guy who says these women are worthless for standng up to abuse, your literlly that person, but obviously becuse im a man all my abuse was perfectly aacceptble and becuse im a man if i complain further abuse to shut me up is perfectly acceptable ! and people wonder why men are killing themselves haahhahhaa man the abuse of women really is pretty brutal all the victim shaaming nd firther abuse men get for complaining too, how can you not feel like worse than a victim shaming child rapist ? it amazes me that women dont even think before abusing male victims, like not even a thought that your so evil you dont even stop for a second to think how it feels to be bused and how it feels to be victim shamed for speaking out, yet thats exactly what women encourge female abuse victims to do , good job women.
mcpartridgeboy You know? I said that, because this video said nothing about women abusing men. It's about Larry who is a real monster and it's just unnessesary to say something rude under it. This girls are hurting here. For me it doesn't matter what sex you have, because we're all people and we feel things the same way. We all are hurting sometimes. When you wrote this comment you made a diference between people, between women and men. If I don't like a video then i'm not watching it. I recommend you to do the same thing. Peace.
mcpartridgeboy Oh, and one more thing for you to know. Actually I was hurted by both men and women in my life. I even tried to kill myself twice. I'm still fighting with depression. I had very difficult childhood. Me parents were abusing me me physically and mentally. And you know what? As you're men you can't understand the feeling of being raped. I know that I probably have no idea what you had to go thru. But so are you. You can't tell me who i'm because you don't know me. Do you think that it's fine? Oh, and i'm sure you can say someone about your problems. A lot of women (including me) don't care if you're a men oraz women. Now i said everthing what i wanted...
but thts exactly what your doing, you think its ok to victim shme me becuse im a mn, you would cll me monster if i told a rape victim they are worthless, yet you think its fine to call me worthless when i speak up against women who abused me , so there is difference, its in your self consious highlighted by your lst comment, you see men s worthless nd people to abuse, thats why you victim shamed me , if you didnt think it was ok for men to be abused you wouldnt have abused me for speaking out would you ?
True, I believe also, but what this girl was looking for is not a change of heart from nassar but she wanted to show her spirit of forgiveness and publicly announce that as God forgave her she is willing to do so and that's what counts, this is how her life will get back to normal
Yes but I'm sure there's goodness in him too and he messed up because he couldn't control himself, yes he did wrong but I doubt he's this monster that they say he is. He restrained himself and did not go to the extremes, may the Lord guide him too, but sending him to prison for 45-175 years I do not think is going to rehabilitate him. Yes the number of girls is a high number, but he got away with it for so long. I feel he can get better. Once it was brought to light, it has sunk in, if it was brought to light a very long time ago then I think he would have stopped....
hussayn19 - All people are sinners and have sinning tendencies just like nassar. He was watching too much junk on the internet and was thinking about stuff and it came out in his actions and he couldn't control that. You can choose what you watch and indulge yourself with but you can't choose the consequences and it's penalty. Sin always keeps you longer than you intended, takes you deeper than you planned, hits you harder than you wanted...
“i will not take my own life, i am going to take it back” her words are truly heartbreaking and so powerful, i hope she will be ok. she’s definitely a strong and wise girl.
She wasn't only doing that for closure... she looks towards the prosecution at 3:52 and suppresses a smile because that apology from Larry Nassar is a confession!
Not a confession but rather it speaks to his demeanor. The court also observes the demeanor of an accused because it can tell whether one is guilty or not (for purposes of conviction), whether remorseful or not (for purposes of sentencing)
The words “brave” and “courageous” aren’t enough to describe this young lady. I got tears in my eyes when she said that she will not take her own life, but she will take her life back. Powerful beyond any words in my vocabulary.
This girl has shown the greatness of a soul so immense, that her willingness to forgive overcame any hatred....her capacity for love should be an example of Christian words put into action every day. God Bless You sweetie! What a magnificent young woman you are!
Some people aren't understanding - she didn't forgive him for his sake, she forgave him to find closure for her own sake.
I’m a victim of sexual assault...my step dad. Someone that was supposed to be my father. For years. So I agree, forgiving isn’t for the offender. It’s for US.
As I too am a victim, I totally understand where she is coming from!! Not forgiving can be very toxic! Good for her
Which is the point of forgiveness.
It's a thing between religious people.
@@seorwhite3333 Sure, but it absolutely transcends just that.
"I will not take my own life, I will take it back." That's beautiful. I'm so proud of her.
Yoshinaka You are so disgusting, you shouldn’t wish that upon you’re worst enemy
Yoshinaka you are truly disgusting to ever say anything like this when you have no idea what she has truly been thru. Never wish that on anyone.
Yoshinaka yup. It was a horrible thing to say.
Yoshinaka says the one who’s too insecure to even have a profile pic lolll
" i will not take my own life, i will take it back"
Friesontheside fuck yeah
That single sentence said so much about what he has really done to those poor girls.
Dirar Muhammad Salib Fuck off. Please.
Friesontheside Please SJW
The way she looked right into his eyes. This girl is powerful.
PARTH SAXENA it’s still not easy to look into the Mans eyes that did this to you. He ruined her life. You do realize that right?
PARTH SAXENA yeah it’s pretty obvious he means mentally not physically you idiot
PARTH SAXENA you sound stupid . Obviously
PARTH SAXENA you’re absolutely stupid if you think that a young girl in the position these young ladies were in would even think to do such thing. Whatever they would have done would not have stopped what this evil man had in his mind. Slapping this monster wouldn’t have made him stop. Talking to the people who ran USA gymnastics didn’t even make him stop when some of the victims came forward. What makes you think a little slap from a young girl would?
Ivory Nordeng when she was on the table?
"I will not take my own life, I'm going to take it back." that gave me chills.
Didn’t get to see every single girl/woman’s moment in court vs. Nasser over those few or so days but did see most of em. That being noted, gotta say that Ms. Morales’ comment of not taking her life but taking it back... Wow, that was about as deep n straight from the heart as it gets! No doubt, 1 of the best remarks made by any/all the ladies thruout those few days!
@@DT24K absolutely!
chills? lmao bit weird.
I know what you mean, but I wouldn’t judge any of their testimonies or statements as better or worse than another’s. We may judge their athletic performance; let’s not judge their experience of trauma and it’s aftermath.
I was responding to DT42K
She says he took her innocence, but couldn't take away her Purity of heart.
Takes True strength to forgive pure Evil.
Dear young lady,
Your words are mine too. Believe that there is a powerful, just God up there who knows the truth. True. It is better to let mercy remain somehow than kill the person. I don't know. God has a way for us. He perfectly knows everything that is happening. Sometimes, we become to dumb to know what to do after things happened. Just know that you are not alone. A lot of us had been stepped on like this. But religiously, it's better to be wronged than tremendously do harm to anyone, as they had done to us. We will just let God's power work because as of the moment, i dont know what to do.
God bless your merciful heart still.
Matt R dude. That’s fucked up.
I don’t forgive anyone. Fuck everyone and everything.
You don't know what pure evil is.
@@kylahlapointe676 I think he his trooling and gets pleasure form such reactions
When he says sorry she replies with ‘thank you’. The innocence!
It’s only because it gave her closure
She's a good person.
she knows it’ll make him look even worse than he already is :)
Astolfo rider of black did you really just victimize this sick fuck? “Getting laid is hard”
You know what is also hard? Life.
Get in shape, stay sober, financially secure yourself and I’m certain you’ll be just fine and won’t have to resort to this evil.
The fucks wrong with you
@@astolforiderofblack7938 youre such a sick individual. Just like him. Are u hurting someone. This is the same ppl say that do these things. I will pray on this. I hope to god ur just extremely young, and made an immature stupid comment.
I don’t think “I’m sorry” is applicable to this situation.
Where did he say I'm sorry
A Mothman with internet access 3-47-3:51
He groomed relationships with all of them. It meant something to her. That's all that's important. He said it because she told him to in court. That gives her power.
@@cryptidstudios8194 watch from 3:50 with loudest volume on phone.
@Anthony Guarino she doesn't care if he said sorry because he got caught, she only want to be in peace with herself and not feel hate for anyone. Feel hate sometimes destroy you more than you think and this is the way to not feel like that anymore.
I hope you understand my point, my English is not good but I tried my best
She is too pure for this earth she must be protected at all costs.
ur a bit late superman.
Samuel Starr it’s never too late Samuel
Foolish man very foolish
People like her should be but the world doesn’t work that way.
Makeosksj Booslaljs u don’t even know here real life but ok
how does someone sexually abuse 100+ girls before it's brought to light? hard to fathom
Kane Pyrovifo you’re right
RagingUtai yes it does make sense your just dumb
You fucking think they lied? they didn’t, 20 girls reported it to USAG which THEY COVERED IT UP. they filed police reports which they never went through with investigations and USAG paid girls to be quiet. this abuse was for many many years. when one person finally spoke up to say something they werent believed and were told “thats impossible, larry is the best” so they kept lying to themselves saying it never happened but when someone finally listened more and more girls came forward. Don’t ever say that they lied. if they lied why would they be balling there eyes out and even the girls who are famous (Maggie nichols, Aly Raisman, Mykayla Maroney, Jordyn Wieber) why would they lie? why would they lie about someone so big and to a huge audience. thats messed up that you would think that
Trainers touch them, they accept, but when doctors do, they say it's wrong. No sexual contact, only physical contact. I mean, doctors do have a motive, but what about coach inappropriate touching, which is also considered sexual assault. They didn't complain. Women are women, always looking for an advantage.
Because it wasnt! They convicted an innocent man. He should appeal this verdict. You know he didnt get a fair trial based on judge's remarks.
I’m saddened by the number of girls and women who talk about their “friendship” with Nassar. It wasn’t friendship, it was grooming.
Wishing all the victims peace of mind and happy lives.
@G E T R E K T 905 tf
Van Hoenhiem its a troll
Van Hoenhiem Look at his name. How can you not tell that he’s a troll?
ㅤ ikr must be the first day on the internet😂
can someone tell me how not one girl told her parents about this. OVER 20 years? please someone tell me fucking how?
"Forgiveness is taking the knife out your own back and not using it to hurt anyone else, no matter how they hurt you"
This is a wonderful quote❤️❤️
The only way to stop the cycle of pain is for someone to forgive rather than seek vengeance.
That isn't forgiveness. That's just choosing not to seek revenge.
@@headphonic8 I think the part about taking the knife out of your own back is forgiveness. Not using it to hurt others is not seeking revenge. When you forgive someone you put what happened behind you including your hate and animosity towards them. Those feelings will sit in the back of your mind like water in a bucket and slowly leak out over time into different parts of your life. It's not about the abuser, it's about the victims own peace of mind. Larry Nassar doesn't deserve the forgiveness, his victims deserve to not have to think of him anymore.
Wow, Larry did all that and this girl is still kindhearted enough to say she forgives. Poor little girl.
Thank you, Epstein. Very cool!
She's not poor. She's above all of us that's why it's hard for us to understand why she still has the strength to forgive.
bruh, God provided her that heart.
@@rip013 speak for no one else but yourself, she's not above us and its not impossible to forgive but through God it can be done
o B You seem to have a lot of bottled up frustrations.... but that’s not for me to judge. I wish you happiness in your life, and I say that genuinely not from a point of malice.
He’s not sorry that he did it he’s sorry that he got caught 🤷♀️
exactly, because if he was sorry he wouldn’t have done it in the first place.🤷♀️he’s just sorry because he got caught
betzy estrada are you stupid? How can you be sorry without making the mistake.
The truth he’s not sorry. He wouldn’t have done it in the first place if he actually didn’t mean to do it. He’s just sorry because he got caught and that’s the only thing he can say
The truth you dumb for not understanding 😂😂
@@ruby-sz5qo or maybe let's not judge if we don't know the situation or the mental state of that person
That horrible man got sentenced to 175 years in jail hopefully he rots in prison
But you
not could would explain, what such a terrible this "terrible" man committed? What
is the reason for such insatiable
cruelty to this man?
Child molestation with over 200 victims. This terrible man got what he deserved. The cruelty was done to the girls, not that man.
Thomas Green he’ll get out
How many years without parole though?
Shell Bell. None. See here’s the kicker. He got 60 years in prison on federal charges and 175 years on state charges (in Michigan). These all run concurrently, he will serve his federal sentence (60 years, no parole), and then his state sentence (40 years minimum before parole), so 60 years plus 40 years minimum meaning he will serve at least 100 years in prison before becoming eligible for parole in which case he will be over 100 years by that time. In the federal prison system, there is no parole, all convicts serve 100% of their terms. So yes, with all that being said, he will die in prison and the day that comes cannot come soon enough. I hope there’s a place in Hell for Larry Nassar to burn in for all eternity.
She's not a little girl. Wow comments are so patronising. She is a *strong* GROWN UP woman dealing with horrific trauma!
wait eleanor neale-
No im not her xD
@@eleanorneale8640 ok💀💀
She was a little girl when he was molesting her and making her think that was okay.
she is a child, though, isnt she?
“I will not take my own life, I’m going to take it back.” Very powerful ❤️
Yes we heard
Its hard to for give this kind of action. I'm a man I understand we are physical .but u still dint under stand how any man can do this to a young lady. I want to cry for her. . Jesus gave us a way out. Self controll. . Young girls need people to look up to . We all struggle with lust . But there are those who cross the line and dont care. Whi they hurt
@@tedholmes7497 oh stop please.
Getting a sorry off a sexual offender means NOTHING. They are all narcissistic sociopaths and don't have any remorse. But I understand that it was healing for her, to help her move on.
it was just closure for her.
That is true, but many times it helps the survivors move forward and forgive themselves as well
Na most are not sociopathic.
We're all the same person with different experiences and characteristics. You would do the same thing in Larry's shoes.
Fuck off. None of us would do this, except maybe you.
she has a heart of gold, even through what she has gone through.
Oh marsha marsha marsha
@@googleuser4720 , shush!
@@jessicatheplotagonist2k864 marsha marsha marsha boo hoo hoo baby girl cry me a river!
@@googleuser4720 what the hell? Why are you saying “Marsha” and why are you telling me to cry you a river?
@@jessicatheplotagonist2k864 You know marsha from the brady bunch? She looks like that
Poor girl. She’s so incredibly mature. What a strong young woman.
I think in a way, she's mature, but in another way, also a bit naive (in a good way, kind of innocent and pure, always thinking good of people.) I bet she always meet different people in life on the same level and never judge, this is rare these days and she really stands out.
She is 18 y old!!!! She is not 5!
@@abi.kshh68 so says a 4 month old bot 😁...
You could never match Larry's greatness....
@@abi.kshh68 even his prey thinks that Larry is greatest.
Such is the greatness of Larry 😁.
Damn... this has to be the most heart wrenching testimony yet...
Sam Lee I know! Wow
Sam Lee lol
Watch this one (seriously) 💔💔💔: ruclips.net/video/cURGn7Yz678/видео.html
It really exposes the level of grooming this guy did
Frances Ubogu What that monster did is so much more wrong than a word.
This story is going live on for generations to come.
Triple X Are you kidding me? American society has the collective attention span of a senile, dementia patient. This story will be LONG FORGOTTEN, following the very next “Las Vegas Mass Murder,” or the next time a Celebrity goes on a drug-fueled binge and passes away. You know this to be true...
Marissa Littleton Dude, What seems small to you can be the world to someone else.
Triple X Only if we keep it alive
James W just coz it dies and history will soon fade away doesn't mean it never happened
Wow. This gives me chills. God bless her.
Nassar did nothing wrong
MP Tennis Fuck you
Shut up aj cristo
Mr. Normal murderers get less time than Nassar. Most of these “victims” are part of the me too movement
Aj Cristo rape and sexual assault of a child are more unforgivable than murder. There are some crimes that can never be compared or acquitted, you moron
When she forgave him, she took the power away from him to hurt her anymore. She took her life back again. That is the power of forgiveness.
larry was so nice yet became so evil i might not be an american but few tears in my eyes i hope larry will be nice and i hope those youngsters that he did something really horrible will be happy and i hope larry wont be depressed
@@coolkid_2554 you hope Larry won't be depressed? Wtf are you talking about ?
@@Dextronaut1 ive been jail before and only 3 days you can feel extreme loneliness and cops will treat you like sh!
well, if she’s just fine, then I guess he shouldn’t go to prison for that long should he
*Her words touched my heart, this is too painful.*
*touched*...if you know what I mean
Try to watch this one... 💔💔💔 ruclips.net/video/cURGn7Yz678/видео.html
Conservative Hamster what the hell? You don’t feel bad for the girls that were molested? What kind of sick person doesn’t understand the kind of violation and the innocence that is stolen when someone, female or male, feel when they are sexually harassed. Especially from someone close to them.
Conservative Hamster I do agree that the #metoo fad has taken away some of the meaning of the movement and the intent of these women coming forward. But to generalize all American women and girls are sluts is wrong. Being a slut and a whore are different than being molested. Being sexually abused is a form of harassment without consent. I’m shocked that you are able to watch this young girl, tears in her eyes full of sadness and fear and say that you do not feel bad that she was so horribly violated. And again I agree that it is not something to be proud of to be molested or abused, but to be a survivor is something to be proud of.
She's reading off of a written letter instead of speaking from the heart, so it's obvious to me that this was not a life-altering deal for her and that she isn't as sincere as she claims. Hamster is right, and after watching this, I can't feel sympathetic for the "victims." Remember kids, if you don't want to be raped, then kick, bite, and scream for help.
this girl has God in her heart. there’s no other explanation. precious.
Her strength has nothing to do with any God.
lilrookie keep your negative comments to yourself
@@mark201256 sis she believes in God can you like go somewhere with yourself
Silentnight she mentioned God herself so obviously she believes in him too. It’s totally your opinion but just something i noticed
There are other explanations.
Well, if this doesn't move you, I don't know what would.
I'm fairly concerned as I read your comment because this didn't move me. Like not even close.
Lmfao dude said fuck you
Mediocris then why are you here friend?
Nothing will move my fat ass 😂😂
he’s not sorry for what he did. he’s sorry because he got caught.
he's a piece of shit no doubt but you don't know that, he could legitimately be sorry, you can't read his mind.
this comments overused and doesn’t even apply to this situation
He may not deserve her forgiveness, but SHE deserves to give it. Forgiveness is a huge part of healing and moving on. Holding bitterness and resentment in your heart really only hurts you in the end. It's amazing to know she could find that forgiveness in her heart and decide to give it and let herself heal from her terrible experiences. What an incredible young woman. Her strength to forgive gives me hope. If I were in her place I don't know if I could forgive as freely as she did, but man, what an inspiration this girl is. God bless you, Emily.
Maicey Throckmorton - Very well said!! If she really wants to move on and heal from this hurt she did the right thing and God promises total healing and grace.
And you know what, she might be able to win him to Jesus! She portrayed God's love and forgiveness to him. God has feelings too and He's hurt the same way when we sin against Him BUT HE IS FAITHFUL and has a forgiving attitude to us NO MATTER how great of a sin we commit... because He loves unconditionally. This girl understood and experienced God's love and was able to be a channel of it and a couple visit to the prison and who knows, she might indeed lead Him to Jesus' cleansing wave :) Don't you ever think nassar will forget about this testimony!
I completely agree. Someone happened and my life and once I forgived I felt so much better
That's how you know she truly is a woman from God. Not anyone can be so forgiving. Including myself. Just watching the testimony that several people did this is different. It was wrote from love within her heart. And the others wrote with hate and continued with hate after hate, even wishing him the worst. I understand why the woman would do so because what he did wasn't right and I do believe he should be kept in prison. But people like her is what makes things thrive more and more. She did something not everyone did. Forgiveness is the key to healing. God bless
Maicey Throckmorton Revenge is a huge part of healing
Totally agree with you...I fully understand the anger of all the girls and parents but in order to heal, anger will not help them :(
On the other hand forgiveness will help this girl enormously on her way to healing... May they all find peace in their hearts 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Nassar is really a master manipulator. Poor girls.
Gracie C. That’s how the rich and successful get to be where they are,through manipulation
DayTripper that's false. Hard work and dedication, or inheritance can accomplish the same goal.
Smegma have fun fucking anime pillows for the rest of your life lmao
Hahaha. have fun suppressing your deepest insecurities for the rest of your life.
DayTripper, I agree. I was bowled over listening to all the things that he did to win her trust, such as bringing a calendar of the team photos when she wasn't given a place in the team, and all the other little things he did. That is clearly what conniving lengths others are going to to get what they want. I am proud to say that my achievements in life, meagre though they may be by comparison with many others, have not involved manipulation or cunning.
If i were her parent, no words could describe how proud i would be of her actions.
Edit: Been a year and I'm still tearing up over this, fuck.
Hannibal Lecter if I were here parent, no words could describe how powerful the urge would be to load his chest cavity up with buckshot
@@noahwiberg9145 Aye aye, true that.
@@noahwiberg9145 same
Please let this atrocious man be served as prison food, Dr. Lecter
@@ericad8412 *Wink wink
"I believe in forgiveness" I feel this girl.
This is hard to watch, this girl is so betrayed by what she thought was a friend, a mentor. its a gut churning betrayal. she will never trust anyone again. but she is young and strong enough to repair this damage to a point. he has a lot of power in her. she's powerful.
That is how "grooming" works. It is an utter betrayal, yes, but I think she will trust again. Not immediately. Trust should be earned anyways.
yeah grooming, i did forget about the whole process they create, jesus. everything they believed was a lie, the only truth was the horror.
silver lining the bags
"you're my special one this is our secret" is also a common thing adulterers tell their mistress, in order to keep them from wanting to break it off.
silver lining HES YOUR PRESIDENT FOR 7 MORE YEARS AND IVANA LOVES HER DAD..SO WHO ARE U TO JUDGE..11 BITCHES LIED ABOUT GETTING TOUCHED.WHERE ARE THEY NOW that the election is over?They are all getting charged for FLASE ACCUSATIONS..I bet u didn't know that u Fem
“We make mistakes”
He made 256.
Anynomus Source did he? And their parents made none? All 200+! Hahahaha don’t believe that retarded shit
Nah. Probably more.
Misha Collins Not trying to defense him, but it is entirely possible that he didn’t realize the magnitude of his actions. I know I sound dumb, how can a doctor not know what he’s doing? But sometimes people need a reality check to truly understand the scope of their actions. And with MSU constantly letting him off with no consequences when victims spoke up, it only reinforced in his head that what he’s doing isn’t all that bad. I can’t say for sure, but it is possible that if he got in big trouble after the first victim, but didn’t get fired, he may have completely stopped his predatory behavior. But this is all what if, at this point there are way too many victims to just slap him on the wrist and let him go. He’ll have to spend rest of his life behind bars.
Joe Tallo He kept being let off without consequence because he’d lie about what he was doing. He’d claim it was a legitimate treatment and they’d believe him instead of the many girls who did, in fact, speak up. Also, it’s likely more than the 200 some girls we know of that he did this to. He did it to ALL the gymnasts under his care, in order to normalize it to them, so that if they talked to each other about it, which they did, they’d think it was normal, since he did it to all of them. He also did it directly IN FRONT of their parents, literally with them in the room, but with his body blocking it from their view, so that the girls would believe that their parents knew and thought it was normal and find. He ABSOLUTELY knew what he was doing was wrong. Doctors do not put their hands inside a girl’s genitalia to help with their leg or back pain. And even if they did (which they wouldn’t), they’d wear gloves. Furthermore, he wasn’t treating their injuries. He was ONLY molesting them. Girls were continuing to train with broken legs, broken elbows, and with other serious injuries for months before finally receiving proper treatment. He’s a bad person who knowingly did horrible things. He didn’t need a “reality check,” he needed life in prison.
Judge Dredd You make no sense. How many comments do you have to start a flamewar on? Dumbass.
Its actually healing when you forgive the person who hurts you.. It opens you up and helps you move on... Power to her!
For some
Maxilo Caminero this is the absolute truth. Holding hatred against anyone only lingers and destroys the soul.
you do not have to forgive to let go. child molesters do not deserve forgiveness
@@Slappap Yes, for some. It's up to the individual.
@@ramaaaa777 But murderers do ?
Absolute joke of an apology. Hope the inmates will do their job and give him the same treatment.
He doesn’t care, he’s a freakin Ahole.
You want him to be tortured? Like the middle ages?
Poor girl. She seems so warm and genuine. My heart goes out to her.
As does mine, but it seemed like Stockholm Syndrome to me at fist..I agree totally, though
@@SteveCarras Stockholm syndrome? Whats that?
@@SteveCarras No, i think shes just goodhearthed.
@@jasonmatthews4449 Thats when a victim of rape or kidnapping is fallen in love with her/his suspect.
@@SteveCarras ughhh you’re so annoying and highly uneducated!
She seems very very disappointed. I think that’s why she seems to overly embrace him, because up until the point that all this happened he probably was (in a twisted way) an adult figure that she valued. He was her instructor after all. But it was all a rouse to carry out his sick ways. I feel for her, she was let down by everyone involved with something she must be passionate about, gymnastics.
It's all a mind game
That’s the definition of grooming and molestation. That’s the tragedy of it. Kids believe they’re being helped because they’re CHILDREN! That’s why it’s so sick.
she is still so young, she hasn't understood the magnitude of the event yet, i think. that's why her innocent heart is still ready to forgive and forget. in a way, i think his grooming of her is still at work. once she's out of that grooming spell, she will see him as the monster that he is.
She’s much stronger than I. Despite all he put her through, she still found it in her to give forgiveness. I still can’t find it in me to forgive my own abuser. Good on her, and all of the girls he hurt. They’re so strong.
Same, I hate him so much and I want to forget and forgive but it's so hard
Forgive my friends, forgiveness shall set you free, believe in Jesus and forget all anger in your hearts, anger only leads to death, it doesn't matter if the abuser thinks it's funny, god only cares for the forgiveness in your heart, he loves you very much, God bless my friends, may you find peace.
You're strong too! You're a survivor and I'm so proud of you for being as strong as you are. Forgiveness is choosing to not let what that person did hurt you anymore and it's also letting God deal with them. Healing is a long process and every step you take is a sign of great strength. Forgiveness is taking your life back and not letting your abuser have power over you. I am incredibly proud of you for all of strength that you have already shown.
Hm the problem is ... A old man , working with beautiful athletic girls with insane bodies...no man should be an physical therapist for woman gymnastics...it makes no sense...some man can't control themselves
Ibrahimovic Bra That was the stupidest thing I’ve ever read. Men should learn to control themselves. It sounded like you were giving him excuses.
remember, a victim is never obligated to forgive their abuser. this brave and strong girl forgave him not because she was kind, but because she felt that it would help her find closure and move forward. forgiveness is an incredibly personal decision and not everyone has to make it in order to heal
That was shocking. Unfortunately hundreds of other victims will not get a personal apology.
Trump the MAFIA CRIME BOSS -- You don't know that... He could be genuinely sorry, for all we know.
Trump the MAFIA CRIME BOSS -- You can burn in Hell... I don't welcome racist pricks, like yourself, into my Kingdom.
I'm pretty sure the apology doesn't do much for the victims in the grand scheme of things. I for one wouldn't want to hear anything out of his mouth
Black Dingus lmao, he could be genuinely sorry in your words - and what exactly is your point? How does that help the victims move on. Whether or not he is "sorry" is completely irrelevant at this point.
Asking for a apology,and then getting it means nothing.Should not have to ask or make anyone say they are sorry.Saying sorry means you will never do it again he acted over and over.He is not sorry he did it ,only sorry he was found out.Thankful he did not hurt them in a worse way.
He’s only sorry because he got caught
So he's not sorry at all then...
If you can prove that you personally know him and he told you he only did it because he was caught, i'll agree
Wow, I didn’t know you can read minds! That’s awesome!
In all seriousness, you can’t say that for certainty. Maybe he’s genuinely sorry. Maybe he’s not. You don’t know.
@@Musickt196 oh cut the bullshit, she literally asked him to apologize and that's the only reason he did so. it wasn't genuine at all.
@@itssaulgoodman446 You don't know stop trying to read minds
Christ! This was heart wrenching to watch and listen to! Poor young lady,I hope she gets the peace she is obviously desperate for.
belly tripper feel free to mind your own damn business "belly tripper". Sorry me mocking your hero's triggered you.
belly tripper You've just proven why creepy old men who ironically enough look like paedophiles, shouldn't be allowed on social media.... Now bugger off and stop commenting about crap that has nothing to do with the subject at hand.
belly tripper You Sr.
Stupidity at it’s finest...
If she was sincere and she really means what she said (which I do believe) she WILL find that peace, I guarantee you and the answer is the first word you wrote.
No Dogma Mama YOUR PRESIDENT FOR 7 MORE YEARS..HEY what happened to the 11 bitches who lied before the election? They are all scared of getting charged for FLASE ACCUSATIONS..People bring Trump into this.Lol it has nothing to do with him..He used to get Supermodels and his wife is hot who speaks 6 Languages..He never Touched no bitch unless she wanted it..Not one..
You can feel her pain through her words. Hope she moved on and is now having a joyful life.
words can’t even describe how i feel for this woman. she’s so strong. but the topic makes me want to vomit.
Jesus Christ, Nassar is a monster.
You won't sympathize unless it happened to you. It's okay. Praying for your safety until your old age.
@@hearteusoftie9415 Empathy is when something happens to you, you can still sympathize with something you haven't experienced personally...
When you can’t hear the one thing you clicked for
Trevor Nierenberg huh
Trevor Nierenberg it sounded like this “I’m sorry”.
Olympics doctor or whatever, there should be a law that an assistant, preferably a female nurse or some sort be present at the time of any athletes check ups.
Exactly. So why isn't this in place everywhere? Worldwide.
women usually help men abuse other women. its more common than u think
as a child, no doctors would ever see me without my Mom
i heard he may have done it with the parents in thr room tho
Sometimes their own moms were in the room.
That is one strong young lady to stand in front of her abuser and speak her mind the way she did. I don’t know her but am proud that she did confront him and take her power back.
She even thanked him for apologizing 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
She did it for herself.
Alyss Kennedy so sad 😭
That killed me
Alyss Kennedy where can you put the time where he said sorry
@@taz4635 3:51. You have to turn the volume up, though; he says it really quietly.
It’s so sad how he groomed her she still loves him
It’s sickening how he manipulate the poor child’s mind
it is not weird at all; those girls were under age and Larry was a kind of idol in their sport field and also that ideal man had made love to that girls (that mostly was their first love experience)! How do you expect these girls to forget their first love moments?! it hearts me even when I imagine what He did to all of that girls.
@Mr. Walrus Harrassment INC. - Official Channel what? 😃lets rewind...
@Mr. Walrus Harrassment INC. - Official Channel a child cant give consent to an adult
@Mr. Walrus Harrassment INC. - Official Channel These women were not only MINORS at the time, they were GROOMED, meaning that they had not known what was happening, until after it had happened. These women didn't know that their doctor was doing such horrible things to them. Consent from a child is not consent at all.
@@AaAa-qq5wr Exactly. Consent from a child, a groomed minor, is not consent. Consent is from both adults, and not one pressuring, or threatening the other into saying yes.
If I was her father he would have never made to trail! That is the bravest statement I’ve ever heard a young lady say!!
@Danny Stowers 😂😂😂 forgive the inbred hilljack, he doesn't know any better lol
She is too pure to be on this Earth.
They need to find out those who knew about these things and continued to let them happen and throw them in prison for the rest of their lives as well. MSU, may you be cursed forever.
"They need to find out those who knew about these things" they already know who knew and didn't tell.Do you want to know who? these girls. you might see the world in a different light but the reality is that these girls considered him as their "friend" if I knew and tried to do something, you know what these girls would have said.."oh he is our friend" if they do that, guess who is going to get fucked in the ass? Simple solution, if someone does something to you, report to police right away or else live with it.
EL Chacal what you don’t understand is you go into denial you thought he was your friend you think he’s helping you it’s not easy to tell people what happened it’s not don’t ever say it is it is the hardest thing to do is to tell someone cause you feel like there gonna judge you because you didn’t say anything sooner then you should’ve !! It’s hard!!
That is fine but if you can understand it is hard to tell then you should also understand that no one will help you if you don't tell. In that case, you can't blame anyone. this is the comment i was replying to "They need to find out those who knew about these things and continued to let them happen "
uret7 i Totally agree there is no friggin way that Michigan State University had no idea what he was doing when it has been proven that he paid several girls millions to be quiet about it. Unfortunately the money runs deep in olimpyic and collegiate sports. And we may never understand or know just how much they knew
There is no system and if there is one, it is those girls.
Only sorry because he got caught
Shut up you sheep always say that.
@@RedPlaystationController You must feel bad for Larry.
T R U T H wait you feel sorry for a guy who molested 100+ girls? Tf?
@@RedPlaystationController "Hell hath no fury as a woman's scorn", he said later.
I have watched the majority of the victims’ statements, and this was the most powerful and heart-wrenching one so far. Such passionate words for such a young girl to speak. Such wisdom for her to be able to express her feelings in the ways that she does, and her incredible ability to forgive a man who does not deserve anything in the world, let alone forgiveness. What an insanely powerful message she shared.
Ryan Pellerin - I'm sure she will heal and get back to normal life. She was forgiven by God and her message portrayed His love.
She'll have a powerful ministry to those who have been hurt likewise
You saw saintly power. Other people saw emotional defense mechanism. Why do we still demand so much of these girls ---- did you hear her say she has just returned FROM THE EDGE? Why are we so desperate to see forgiveness? Is there someone in our family we failed to justify when we could have?
Ryan Pellerin she doesn’t sound like a robot
samarztk Did anyone say she did?
Ryan Pellerin im saying that’s why hers sounds more powerful than the other girls/ they just sound like robots reading a paper.... she doesn’t ...
A mistake repeated more than once is no longer a mistake but a choice.
How can a human being be so disgusting like seriously he should be in jail for the rest of his miserable life
He was sentenced to hundreds of years in prison.
DRUMMER thank god
Lili-Mia, he was sentenced to 175+ years in jail.
@@juliamagee8846 Good 😌
@@lili-mia9571 Yes I agree. Thankfully this monster will never see the light of day as long as he lives.
Warrior. She's a damn warrior.
I really hope that "sorry" will help you to heal and recover from this horrible experience. You are so brave
For everyone praising her for forgiving him, just remember also that the girls who testified and couldn’t/wouldn’t forgive him are valid too. Everyone has a different way of dealing with trauma and this man did horrific things to all of them. Also, this comment isn’t at all meant to hate on her, I think she is incredibly brave, kind, and strong. Just wanted to remind you that the path other victims took, forgiveness or not, is no lesser or greater.
Literally nobody is saying the other girls are not valid 🙄
No one said that
Ppl who praise her forgiving heart are probably abusive men who did the same to girls or similar. I feel disgusted that she's going to forgive a monster. Monsters should not be forgiven, I'll forgive a monster if I'm allowed to feed him to the sharks.
fck forgiveness.
No one said that ,and please, dont comment for for coexistence nor likes.
I appreciate your comment. Because although no one is commenting about the other girls who took another path, they will surely read things like this and possibly feel not as brave or as strong. And I think it's wonderful that they could come across your comment as well and find peace in it.
Her testimony made me sob. Gd please help heal these innocent women and let this kind of tragedy never happen again. amen.
Probably would have been better if He stepped in a bit earlier.
It's no tragedy, it's a crime, and the only way it can be stopped is if we all stop it. They will only do what we as a society allow them to get away with. We don't value our women, we don't value our girls, that's what it comes down to in the end.
Did you just write a prayer in a YT comments?! What has this world come too! Haha
If God was behind the wheel he also designed Larry Nassar to do what he did
"I will not take my own life I will take it back" 😭😭😭😭 her every word touched me 😢
This really made me tear up. She’s so strong, as a victim on older men using their power to hurt younger girls i know how hard it is to admit they affected you . Wish I was this strong to come forward
Slick Molina I’m so sorry for you , you’re strong believe me. Women like us being fire to the table and even more.
I love you ❤
You are weak with lies.
Me too 💜
Grooming is a horrendous thing
She’s a wise girl to know that the forgiveness is for herself to move on and it has nothing to do with him.
Her words were so powerful, I dont know how his black heart didnt just explode and he didnt die right there on the spot
Lol what if he just grabbed the mic and precise and cleanly described how he raped and molested every one of those girls
His words were so powerful, I don't know how the court didnt just explode and shower in a flurry of bricks ash and soot right there on the spot.
Look at her strength. Amazing.
nkyryry Yes! Supernatural! Seriously, this is not something humans can do, this is strength from God!! Humans can do what the others did... keep on blaming, cursing, condemning... That's not how our God operates
Wolves bandwagon fan since 1998 No He isn't, IF someone confesses Ave forsakes! People condemn themselves. Never read John 3:17? "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved." How about this one: "When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more." John 8:10-11. Jesus wants to set us free from guilt, Satan wants to keep us feel condemned
Fred You have no idea what strength is... Crying is no weakness. She is not complaining, she is not out there to seek pity from people, neither does she seem to hurt, but with strength from God she overcomes her hurt and decided to do something none of the others were able... Forgive and move on
Yeah sobbing like a fuckin pig real strong
Dávid Oláh your false god is a laughing stock. If he was really behind the wheel, then he also designed nassar to do what he did. You're nothing but a pretender, and one day you'll find out for yourself that judgment day doesn't exist, just like almost everything else in the Bible. I only hope you remember my comment when you do.
Jesus. So painful. So much pain in our country and in the world at the hands of abusers, molesters, bullies the selfish and self centered. So many people walking around trying to hold it together...looking down so you don't see the pain in their eyes...just glad to make it home and shut the door without someone seeing the pain. Wearing a mask of toughness everyday. Our world is so sick. STOP ABUSING AND LEARN KINDNESS.
Sadly child molestation is NOT rare. I have a relative who was badly damaged from it.
I know...I know. I'm just glad the cover is finally being pulled back. I too was sexually abused by a family member. I just learned last year when they confessed it to me...
@Lifesabitch214 What in the hell are you talking about...you're so off. I'm talking about her not him...and talking about our sick society.
yes, but those men are the men women like the amount of pain women have caused by lying to good men about wanting kind sensative loving men is literally 1 million times worse, picture living life a kind gy with women telling you to respect them, picture your kindness getting rejected by ll women in fvour of bigoted abusive disrepectful overconfident sexuallly agreesivee dominating men, picture this happening for 24 years, picture yourself with no lover ever, no sex, just blanket rejetions from all women all the time, picture you never having children or a husband picture trying your entire life to get aa date and getting nothing but rejections from everyone ll the time, then imagine when your old nd you find out the reason for your hell, the reason you lost oyur mind from th pain of needing to hold abnother humaan was becaause you were nice and all women lied to you becaause you were kind, that kind of hell is were i am now, my friend was raped as child and he had a nice family and lots of women loved him, i was raised by a single motther so i never got the advice i needed to get a woman, as a result ill die in the worst emotional pain you can ever imagine, my very core of being has been burnt beyond repiar, my life is hell on erth the lonliness is killing me, the pain women are spreding to kind men is defintly worse thn child rape ! im twisted mangledd wreck of human, im at the end of my life and i cant bear this pain ny longer, the isolation the madness from needing to hold anotheer human, and to know all this pin was utterly needless if women hd just been honest, but insted they abused the fuck out of me ! systematic abuse is going on, hell is going on the aamount of pain being spread needlessly by lying women to kind men is just insaine, given the choice i would definatly rather have never been born, all ive had is rejections and so much pain, just because i was nice to women.
mcpartridgeboy Oh shut the hell up, Elliot Rogers, women are not sex toys they can pick who they want just because you are such a 'nice person' doesn't mean that you are attractive in any way. People like you are a problem in our society, try harder to get a partner and if you never get the fault is in you because is literally never nobody for a person, everybody like somebody, even Hitler had a partner, so stop whining and work on yourself.
“I will not take my own life, I will take it back.”
She's a great Human being.
That sucks bro. Bros before hoes!
This hurt to listen too. My heart broke when she said “i want to forgive you”
So sad to see such a beautiful soul hurting... Very powerful of HER to forgive!!! May God guide and help her pain.
Should have been:
"I'm sorry."
"I don't give a sh*t if you're sorry or not."
But then again, I'm not her, and she either needs it or is a better person than I am.
What a noble woman, takes a lot of guts to be prepared to forgive someone like that
Wow I bow down to this girl. She is forgiving him for his unspeakable acts. You are a better human than I am girl.
Powerful survivor impact statement. Emily is a hero for bravely standing up to face Nassar in public. I hope and pray for the best for all of these survivors. Judge Aquilina is the perfect person for this sentencing. And "Inmate Nassar" will get what he has coming to him soon.
Kind of sounds like some of the young girls know what is waiting for him in jail, unless that is just my mind filling in the blanks. If they don't know, someone should take them aside and tell them. I hope they don't feel a touch of pity in their hearts when they find out what's waiting for him. They need to understand how very much he deserves it.
Lupin Riggs oh, you know she did. Otherwise she would have been kicking, biting, and screaming for help.
Louis Nylan Fuck you
Lupin Riggs Fuck you, you 🐖
Smegma Fuck you, you 🐖 You are lower than the smegma of swine!
Hard not to cry after feeling the hurt in this young ladies soul
these poor girls went to chase their athletic dreams, and had this guy ruin their LIFE, SMH.
Did he rub their vaginas or legit penetrated them with his fingers?
That fucking bastard deserved to die and get his fucking head slaughtered for hurting those innocent girls.
I don't think he got slaughtered, but I think he def deserves death penalty which I'm surprised he didn't get. But at least hell rot slowly and painfully! for all the pain he caused in the world
aniquatultul It is so unfair to those little girls . I would rather make those survivors to beat him upto death.
aniquatultul there’s worse crimes tbh
Emily please heal...for all of us that care
1:00 🕐 She NAILED IT!! Crying 😢🙏🏼💕 “I believe in forgiveness, Larry”...WOW. Any survivor hearing this tiny girl speak, and with such power, provoked a feeling of much needed tears- of healing!! Thank you so much for testifying!
Good that God prevails in her heart. Ifnot, there is a possibility that all rape victims will kill their perpetrators without hesitation, putting aside mercy or any human consideration at all.
Holy Spirit is in her
She has a lot of inner power to do that. That's not easy.
Iam a man I feel Ashame by what he done but this Girl She is a Real Beauty of Purest Heart ♥️ Proud to hear her
This girl, gave me chills!
Her strength and courage are absolutely incredible. You were in control here, and you made him face exactly what he did to you in a way I’ve seen nobody else do quite like you did.
“I will not take my own life, I will take it back” 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Such touching words that made me cry. God bless you. 😢❤
I'm shaking. That was so intense. This girl is brave and articulate and sympathetic. That was a beautiful moment and she deserves every second of happiness she finds in this life.
It hurts so much to know how many adults failed these girls.
She just single handedly changed the way i think about ppl who have hurt me in the past, thats powerful, what an amazing strong beautiful young lady.
It is so amazing to hear her handle this tragedy so maturely and whole-heartedly. I mean she mentions she wants to forgive him. This girl is so strong.
What a strong girl, I admire your testimoney and charisma !! hugs
Dr dodo do can I borrow $40?
This was heart wrenching. She’s beautiful inside and outside. I hope she heals. Forgiveness is healing. I don’t know if I could have forgiven him. She’s amazing.
Betsy Ross Forgiveness isn't healing..Revenge is healing
I agree with you, Betsy. Emily is a beautiful person. I'm sure she is going to heal.
Danny Irish Greene if she is a Christian like me she probably believes that God will get fair vengeance for her
Forgiveness is weakness.
Righting the wrongs by bringing suffering into balance through revenge is where real victory lays.
Her demanding him to apologize right there was the most powerful thing she could do-she’s taken her power back, and left him behind. What an incredible speech
i couldn’t , after what he did i wouldn’t even wanna look at him he’s sickening
It's on you, of zombied idiots sickening to watch.
@@ЛеонидДавыдов-ъ8с men are sick.
kang jinhahaha people*
mcpartridgeboy you're such a worthless human being for saying that...
yes, so victim shming again i see, how would you feel if i said to a lttle girl whos been raped by a gang tht she was a worthless human being for being raped ? because thts what youve just done to me, its amazing to me how men abusing women are monsters but women abusing victims of female abuse are right to call victims worthless , good job, do all women think female abuse is ok and more to the point do all women think its acceptable to call victims of abuse worthless and more to the point do you still think its wrong for a man to insult nd abuse women who have been victims of abuse, if not why is it ok for you ? theres no doubt that women lying to men about wanting someone nice is serious abuse, the emotional pain of being robbed of a life from women becuse you were nice is pretty insainly high, you couldnt take 5 mins of my pain, if you lived my life you would have blown up a mall or something by now, especially given tht everyone is giving so much love to female abuse victims all the while abusing the shit out of you and then victim shaming you and further abusing you, you would have gone md from rage long ago !, funny how your as bad as guy who says these women are worthless for standng up to abuse, your literlly that person, but obviously becuse im a man all my abuse was perfectly aacceptble and becuse im a man if i complain further abuse to shut me up is perfectly acceptable ! and people wonder why men are killing themselves haahhahhaa man the abuse of women really is pretty brutal all the victim shaaming nd firther abuse men get for complaining too, how can you not feel like worse than a victim shaming child rapist ? it amazes me that women dont even think before abusing male victims, like not even a thought that your so evil you dont even stop for a second to think how it feels to be bused and how it feels to be victim shamed for speaking out, yet thats exactly what women encourge female abuse victims to do , good job women.
mcpartridgeboy You know? I said that, because this video said nothing about women abusing men. It's about Larry who is a real monster and it's just unnessesary to say something rude under it. This girls are hurting here. For me it doesn't matter what sex you have, because we're all people and we feel things the same way. We all are hurting sometimes. When you wrote this comment you made a diference between people, between women and men. If I don't like a video then i'm not watching it. I recommend you to do the same thing.
mcpartridgeboy Oh, and one more thing for you to know. Actually I was hurted by both men and women in my life. I even tried to kill myself twice. I'm still fighting with depression. I had very difficult childhood. Me parents were abusing me me physically and mentally. And you know what? As you're men you can't understand the feeling of being raped. I know that I probably have no idea what you had to go thru. But so are you. You can't tell me who i'm because you don't know me. Do you think that it's fine? Oh, and i'm sure you can say someone about your problems. A lot of women (including me) don't care if you're a men oraz women.
Now i said everthing what i wanted...
but thts exactly what your doing, you think its ok to victim shme me becuse im a mn, you would cll me monster if i told a rape victim they are worthless, yet you think its fine to call me worthless when i speak up against women who abused me , so there is difference, its in your self consious highlighted by your lst comment, you see men s worthless nd people to abuse, thats why you victim shamed me , if you didnt think it was ok for men to be abused you wouldnt have abused me for speaking out would you ?
He's sorry he got caught!
POTUS21 no doubt
True, I believe also, but what this girl was looking for is not a change of heart from nassar but she wanted to show her spirit of forgiveness and publicly announce that as God forgave her she is willing to do so and that's what counts, this is how her life will get back to normal
Yes but I'm sure there's goodness in him too and he messed up because he couldn't control himself, yes he did wrong but I doubt he's this monster that they say he is. He restrained himself and did not go to the extremes, may the Lord guide him too, but sending him to prison for 45-175 years I do not think is going to rehabilitate him. Yes the number of girls is a high number, but he got away with it for so long. I feel he can get better. Once it was brought to light, it has sunk in, if it was brought to light a very long time ago then I think he would have stopped....
hussayn19 - All people are sinners and have sinning tendencies just like nassar. He was watching too much junk on the internet and was thinking about stuff and it came out in his actions and he couldn't control that. You can choose what you watch and indulge yourself with but you can't choose the consequences and it's penalty. Sin always keeps you longer than you intended, takes you deeper than you planned, hits you harder than you wanted...
I could never talk to my abuser like this she’s so strong
That just brought a hard hearted old man to tears. That doesn’t happen to me much these days but she’s an angel
God I love her, she’s so strong and her words are just about as powerful as her heart is resilient and pure.
“Strong”, “resilient”, “clean” - is there anything to love here?
“i will not take my own life, i am going to take it back”
her words are truly heartbreaking and so powerful, i hope she will be ok. she’s definitely a strong and wise girl.
She wasn't only doing that for closure... she looks towards the prosecution at 3:52 and suppresses a smile because that apology from Larry Nassar is a confession!
I don't think they needed a confession at that moment buddy
@@TheSoulReaperGR hmmm yes i think you are right
Not a confession but rather it speaks to his demeanor. The court also observes the demeanor of an accused because it can tell whether one is guilty or not (for purposes of conviction), whether remorseful or not (for purposes of sentencing)
It wouldn't count as a confession.
The words “brave” and “courageous” aren’t enough to describe this young lady. I got tears in my eyes when she said that she will not take her own life, but she will take her life back. Powerful beyond any words in my vocabulary.
She’s about to have a great life once she wins the million dollar lawsuit
It was heartbreaking..... many girls will want to be like you!!! .... you don't have anger in your heart
you are right! I heard mercy!
she is not like most white ppl who have anger allthe time
Anger is NOT weakness. Anger and fire can be real strengths.
Crushing those who hurt you is an act of VICTORY.
This girl has shown the greatness of a soul so immense, that her willingness to forgive overcame any hatred....her capacity for love should be an example of Christian words put into action every day. God Bless You sweetie! What a magnificent young woman you are!
Chiara Pia So true & well said!
tom f Thank you Tom. Gob Bless!
Amazing! Inspiring!
God isn't real but yeah she's really strong good for her!
Not just Christian words: human words.
She's so beautiful inside and out. Praying for her healing.