Male Behavior Decoded™ My Best-Selling Guidebooks to Help You Experience Deep Love With A Man GET ACCESS HERE -
You nailed it. I’m a 53 year old male. I could have cheated my whole life and I used to believe that I was missing out on something by not cheating. You finally realize that it’s not the guilt or shame from others that stops you, although that is enough, it’s living with yourself after, having to embrace that you are now “one of those guys” and after the first time, it gets easier and easier to justify it and many other things. Thats why they say once a cheat always a cheat. The bottom line is that it’s in you or it’s not, very similar to substance abuse or gambling. In short, it’s one of, if not the most common betrayals and the most damaging one can experience. If you can do that to someone, what else are you capable of….
I'm glad i found this channel. I see lots of podcasts and tictoks, etc, speaking about older women think 30s and 40s losing value. It's disgusting to treat others as if your outer beauty is all you bring to a relationship. Beauty fades, but character and real love grow. I like your channel.
@Olivia-ix6gu…the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom…the Fear of the Lord means that you put God first in all things…Respect the things of God…the Word of God…the 10 Commandments…for example…the Fear of the Lord is to protect you…against deception and something that is not just for the moment…to be able to look at the long term not just short term gratification…the fear of the Lord is to hate sin…the praises of others can be a trap….confidence in who you are is the key….of course all of this is from a Christian perspective…blessings…✝️♥️
@Olivia-ix6gu …I did say this was from a Christian perspective…and everything I said can be found in the Christian bible…if you can’t relate to that …that’s fine…no worries…the scripture also says that Love Is the Greatest gift of all…have a good life…♥️..
@@GoldencitygirlI'm sorry but the ten commandments and the greatest commandment is to love your God with all your heart and your soul. It never says to fear your God. That person isn't Christian but he speaks the true essence of the bible
Ladies you are misunderstanding what this man is saying about cheating. A person (man or woman) who has good character doesn't cheat. Weak emotional people go by how they feel in the moment and justify cheating. A man of strong moral character doesn't cheat because thats his identity
@@SaveTheMessenger I married the guy with good moral compass for that reason. What you said was truthful and profound. Sorry your wisdom fell on deaf ears.
Men by nature are polygamous. It goes against nature, for them to be loyal to one woman (sexually). Yes some men are loyal and have never cheated but like this man said in the video, there is temptation and given the right circumstance, they'll take it
I don't believe a man can love you but cheat on you. Love is an action. If you cheat, you can't claim to love that person. It's the worst form of betrayal And the individual who has been cheated on, they have to leave and give themselves new opportunities for other
I totally agree! Being faithful/loyal is a quality, a standard people live out by choice no matter who they date. It’s about the person’s morals not about love or the partner. Fidelity is a practiced virtue.
Sorry, you lost me at “he can love you and cheat”…. Absolutely not love. This is someone who has no understanding of what love is. It’s impossible to cheat on someone you love. That’s gaslighting and emotional abuse to say that.
Love and loyalty are two different things. Loyalty is about eliminating all other possibilities and choosing only one. Some men believe they're loyal as long as they come home every night, even if they're with other women in the daytime. That's why it's important to choose someone who has a compatible vision of loyalty to yours.
@@SaveTheMessenger Women with a good self esteem will never accept this kind of "loyalty". These men better be prepared to be dumped if they act that way.
@@SaveTheMessengerthats not loyality and everybody knows it. Both men and women. So bullshit. You cheat when you feel not loved. Not seen. Not heard. But at that time the love is gone already...
Love means willing the good of the other. A man who is cheating on you, is willing to sacrifice you & his relationship with you for a moment of pleasure. And that is not love. It is the ultimate form of betrayal.
Re: expressing love. A lot of men think that they are expressing love when they make ten-a-penny ('dime a dozen' in the American language) 'gestures' such as flowers, jewellery, or fancy meals out. Such 'gestures' are mass produced, require no time, thought, or effort, and are not personal to any recipient. Real gestures of love are ones such as truly pulling his weight with the housework, involving her in his life, LISTENING to her, TAKING HER SERIOUSLY, supporting HER dreams, HER career, focusing on HER not himself sexually, bragging about her to others, gestures that require thought, effort, and time.
“A man can love you and also cheat on you.” False. A man can be attached to you or dependent on you and cheat, but neither of those things is real love.
I matched with a guy on an app, we made a date, I had to postpone one week because I became sick.. this extra week of him waiting and us chatting here and there is definitely creating a bit more of a bond, build up / absence makes the heart grow fonder.. also let's be honest people want what they can't have. great vid
Hi Ismael: I haven't gotten all the way through your video yet, ( I definitely will 🙂) I wanted to stop and share some of the thoughts that are coming up; I am 2 months out of an awful relationship. I am focusing on my inner work and really noticing my life long habits. I want to create a new experience for myself, so I'm going back to basics. I've dealt with dishonesty over and over, in my friendships and in my romantic relationships. Here is what I realize so far; I AM the one being dishonest with or betraying myself and that is reflected in my relationships. I've quickly jumped into bed with attractive strangers and have "found myself" involved in unhealthy relationships. I am learning to appreciate myself, I am distancing myself from the friendships that don't feel safe or genuine and I am on not going to enter into a new relationship for at least 6 months. To me, finding your talk is a reflection of my new, healthier habits and perspective. What you are sharing feels supportive and true minus the judgement or shaming that I've picked up on with other speakers. Thank you, Ismael, I am a new follower! 😊😊😊
Welcome to my channel Dawn. The first step to striving in a new direction is self-awareness. I can see you’re making wonderful progress in that area. As I say at the end of all my videos “For your relationships to change, you need to change.”
Men and women cheat for completely different reasons, I've learned. Men can cheat even if they really love their women. If a woman cheats its out of unhappiness and desparation, it means the end of relationship. Great video.
If you love someone you at least imagine how painful a betrayal would be for your partner so no, in the moment you decide to cheat, there's no love anymore. For both women and men.
So true...a person who doesn't cheat has to do with the person they are inside and not the person they are with. One of the best videos on relationships for me. Thank you!!°
Maybe he/ they are running out of conversation, or nervous or talking to you like they would to another man.I've noticed sometimes they say things that would be appropriate if it was just a group of men talking ,but to me,or another woman,it would be viewed very differently and negatively.Just a thought.
that story about how a teenage boy becomes a man that is afraid to express feelings is literally what i wanted to write here, before i heard you say it.
I like this advice. I think also actually using the things he gives you shows your appreciation. If he gives you a piece of jewelry, wear it when you go out, proudly. If he gives you some product he made, share it with your friends. Use these things and let him see that you do. I think the embrace of his everyday gifts says you acknowledge his thoughtfulness and care for you.
Wow I have been subscribed to many male dating coaches & you are by far my favorite. Everything you say just makes sense, a lot of “oooooo” moments loll. Idk what but something about your advice is different. So thank you 🙏🏾😊
I Especially Appreciate how your content has Chapters in the dropdown menu. The various valuable aspects you provide give much to ponder. Many thanks for your thoughtful presentations.
I wish this knowledge was there in my 30's I'm in my late 60's nothing has changed with men. No one can be stolen That wants to be stole. Men do not have the outlook you have and how much value you believe a woman has. I was recently attracted to a younger man who actually was vulnerable and I find that very attractive in a man. Not sure if we will be an item but it makes me believe I have more faith that good men do exist. Thank you so much.
My boyfriend and I decided to take the relationship to next level like getting intimate and having sex , after we took this decision I started noticing him and his actions although he has a busy schedule but still whatever things I asked him felt like he took it for granted , he never got me anything that I asked him although I asked chocolates only he use to say yes I will get for you but never got one. So I dint like this nature of him I felt like he only wants sex and has no emotionally feelings . I canceled the plan of getting intimate since then he isn't even initiating a conversation with me properly . I always give him alot of respect but he jokes about my looks , my skincolor, etc I never do so in return . Idk if he's into me or not because he says he wants to marry me but these mixed signals I don't understand. He mostly talks about sex and never asks me what I like to eat , what I lik3 to do etc these conversations happen really rare.
Girl I'm sorry to break this to you but I think he's just using you if a guy really love his girl and wanna marry her he would never do the above things you said! if I were you I would just leave him girl you don't deserve this
Please trust your intuition. Your feelings are letting you know that you are dissatisfied in this relationship. You want someone to be interested in you as you are interested in them. If you value yourself, you will want someone who values you. Especially after you communicate these things. Are you sticking a round because he talks about marriage? You aren’t happy now. Why would you want to marry someone you aren’t happy with? You are disrespecting yourself by choosing to stay with him. When you date someone, you should observe their characteristics. You CHOOSE if you want to stay or leave. Not him. Good luck.
That a man can love a woman and still cheat makes as much sense as saying that you can love someone and still take the opportunity to steal from their wallet when they turn their head. Sorry, I'm not buying it
Thank You so much! You share such great info. so well & so good cause life is short & keeps the mind awake & alert, & I listen to what you share over & over some times to make sure I got it & remember it. & So positively. GOD Bless
Nice contribution - just one word to the first point; loyalty in your man is based on respect - like in the other video of yours; respect is the basis for everything ;-) if a man has respect to himself, then he’ll mostly will have acceptable values and be loyal. But that’s just my take 😊
When a man who thinks he loved me from the past, bear a grude against me, he said I was proud and did not accepted him, not knowing I heard he had pursue other women behind my back thought I was clueless, simple thinking girl. See you are now single, not marry and regret. The thoughts of me seeing him as a boyfriend or future husband type just never appear. Karma befell him, after he says. He got into a very bad accident drunk if I am not mistaken, his wife is the only one who care for him in bad times which makes him realize how important and treasurable his wife is. If not, he will not realise it.
If a man doesn't care about a woman's career, then does he really care about a high-value woman? SHOULD a good man want a high-value woman? And what does his answer say about him, really? I'm not a man, but I would think that a good man would care about his woman's integrity and sense of self-worth (shown by her achievements and drive for life), just as he cares about his own, as it would suggest that he views her, and therefore judges her character, as a human, not just a woman.
BF ignored me multiple times so yes, I had to find him hanging with the boys and call him out publicly. He didnt like that so yes, disrespect went both ways. Action/reaction, cause/effect.
In regards to men not caring about what you do for a living and your personal success , I’ll say that from my experience, men loved it that I was self sufficient and I had a career and was stable financially. Who wants to be with a partner who can’t carry his own weight? However, it’s a double edged sword, being independent and self sufficient. For a woman, it’s actually not beneficial for so many reasons. Sometimes I wonder if my life would be different if I had chosen a different profession.
"The last thing in your mind should be your career and achievements cause men don't seek for those things when meeting women?" 😂 Anyone wants to comment on that? 😂😂😂
I agree that men do not seek career in ladies, but I disagree with the idea that contents of my brain that reflect in what I do do not matter. I make the world a better place by profession and they pay me for it. I am not an accountant or a clerk. So yes, in my relationship I sometimes want to hear "great job" because sometimes what I do changes the fate of others. I have enough of self worth inside and I do not need constant praising but I would truly hate going back home and not having a soul to talk the day through with. Ok men do not seek achievements but sometimes we women have achievements. Real. Changemaking for the world or at least in the scale of a country. And yes, we want it to matter. Just as much as that we are sweet and all the other staff. Because we are versatile.
Thanks for saying that. I agree. It doesn't set well with me either the way Ismael addresses us as "Beautiful". Just sounds manipulative. Those words should only be used as an honest compliment.
So women have to alter their personality or beliefs to accommodate a man? I feel we always have to be careful we might upset the man. You said be “open and honest”, then you said if he goes to a strip club maybe don’t say anything right away. (IMO that seems like a contradiction.) Please correct me if I am wrong .
Nowadays men wants a successful, independent woman so he doesn't have to make the effort of being the the provider, he won't need to worry about bringing money home if his wife is earning a lot.
I glad to see so many videos about men these days, well I'm 57yr and been with a cheating husband for 39 yrs, married him and his 66 mustang and now he has a GT Mustang I bought for him, let me just say it's not about us ladies it's how competitive men are, so everytime he cheats and it come back to me I sell one of his pride and joys, so far I sold 1mustang and 1fj cruiser off, let's see how stupid he will be to loss The GT mustang next, remember ladies it works both ways, I got a brand new SUV out of all of this and a very very fat Bank account now and still growing, so you boys just keep doing your childish games with your beautiful ladies in life
Mine never loved me he said that after 30 yrs and caught him flags from day one I was naive..trying to figure how a friend his x wife stole $$ but they are still best friends??? I never met but her and dont want to, not my buisness but why do people go out of their way keep cheaters and stealers..
Male Behavior Decoded™
My Best-Selling Guidebooks to Help You Experience Deep Love With A Man
You nailed it. I’m a 53 year old male. I could have cheated my whole life and I used to believe that I was missing out on something by not cheating. You finally realize that it’s not the guilt or shame from others that stops you, although that is enough, it’s living with yourself after, having to embrace that you are now “one of those guys” and after the first time, it gets easier and easier to justify it and many other things. Thats why they say once a cheat always a cheat. The bottom line is that it’s in you or it’s not, very similar to substance abuse or gambling. In short, it’s one of, if not the most common betrayals and the most damaging one can experience. If you can do that to someone, what else are you capable of….
Do you want to marry me ? 😍 I’m down on my knees. 💍🤗
In the end, you're cheating yourself
Cheaters don't love you. Otherwise they would care what kind of pain they are causing you. But they don't. That's not love.
A man that really loves you would not take any chance to lose you never !
You can be in polyamory, loving multiple. Not being mean or saying that's okay! Just very important
I'm glad i found this channel. I see lots of podcasts and tictoks, etc, speaking about older women think 30s and 40s losing value. It's disgusting to treat others as if your outer beauty is all you bring to a relationship. Beauty fades, but character and real love grow. I like your channel.
Welcome to the channel. Thank you.
Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the lord is to be praised.
@Olivia-ix6gu…the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom…the Fear of the Lord means that you put God first in all things…Respect the things of God…the Word of God…the 10 Commandments…for example…the Fear of the Lord is to protect you…against deception and something that is not just for the moment…to be able to look at the long term not just short term gratification…the fear of the Lord is to hate sin…the praises of others can be a trap….confidence in who you are is the key….of course all of this is from a Christian perspective…blessings…✝️♥️
@Olivia-ix6gu …I did say this was from a Christian perspective…and everything I said can be found in the Christian bible…if you can’t relate to that …that’s fine…no worries…the scripture also says that Love Is the Greatest gift of all…have a good life…♥️..
@@GoldencitygirlI'm sorry but the ten commandments and the greatest commandment is to love your God with all your heart and your soul.
It never says to fear your God. That person isn't Christian but he speaks the true essence of the bible
I'm so glad me and my man are both atheists when I read such bs.
Ladies you are misunderstanding what this man is saying about cheating. A person (man or woman) who has good character doesn't cheat. Weak emotional people go by how they feel in the moment and justify cheating. A man of strong moral character doesn't cheat because thats his identity
You understood my perspective perfectly. Thanks for your comment.
@@SaveTheMessenger I married the guy with good moral compass for that reason. What you said was truthful and profound. Sorry your wisdom fell on deaf ears.
Men by nature are polygamous. It goes against nature, for them to be loyal to one woman (sexually). Yes some men are loyal and have never cheated but like this man said in the video, there is temptation and given the right circumstance, they'll take it
Men cheat a lot more than women.
I don't believe a man can love you but cheat on you.
Love is an action. If you cheat, you can't claim to love that person. It's the worst form of betrayal
And the individual who has been cheated on, they have to leave and give themselves new opportunities for other
As a woman, I can confirm that many men are not cheaters and are very loyal
Those are mostly men that aren't able to cheat.
Your not a woman if you say that
Then you do not know them at all. Lol
As a real woman, I disagree with you.
Keep on dreaming!
I totally agree! Being faithful/loyal is a quality, a standard people live out by choice no matter who they date. It’s about the person’s morals not about love or the partner. Fidelity is a practiced virtue.
Surly 🎉
Sorry, you lost me at “he can love you and cheat”…. Absolutely not love. This is someone who has no understanding of what love is. It’s impossible to cheat on someone you love. That’s gaslighting and emotional abuse to say that.
100% agree with you
Agreed with you
Love and loyalty are two different things. Loyalty is about eliminating all other possibilities and choosing only one. Some men believe they're loyal as long as they come home every night, even if they're with other women in the daytime. That's why it's important to choose someone who has a compatible vision of loyalty to yours.
@@SaveTheMessenger Women with a good self esteem will never accept this kind of "loyalty". These men better be prepared to be dumped if they act that way.
@@SaveTheMessengerthats not loyality and everybody knows it. Both men and women. So bullshit. You cheat when you feel not loved. Not seen. Not heard. But at that time the love is gone already...
Love means willing the good of the other. A man who is cheating on you, is willing to sacrifice you & his relationship with you for a moment of pleasure. And that is not love. It is the ultimate form of betrayal.
Re: expressing love. A lot of men think that they are expressing love when they make ten-a-penny ('dime a dozen' in the American language) 'gestures' such as flowers, jewellery, or fancy meals out. Such 'gestures' are mass produced, require no time, thought, or effort, and are not personal to any recipient. Real gestures of love are ones such as truly pulling his weight with the housework, involving her in his life, LISTENING to her, TAKING HER SERIOUSLY, supporting HER dreams, HER career, focusing on HER not himself sexually, bragging about her to others, gestures that require thought, effort, and time.
“A man can love you and also cheat on you.” False. A man can be attached to you or dependent on you and cheat, but neither of those things is real love.
I matched with a guy on an app, we made a date, I had to postpone one week because I became sick.. this extra week of him waiting and us chatting here and there is definitely creating a bit more of a bond, build up / absence makes the heart grow fonder.. also let's be honest people want what they can't have. great vid
I honestly believe that if all men could have a harem they would. Even the "loyal" ones.
You make it seem like it’s a bad thing.
@@TheUnique69ableAre you kidding me?
I have to disagree. I know plenty of honest, loyal, happily married men. These men are followers of Christ.
@@danilaroche1156 men who want multiple women aren’t bad. Get that terrible idea out of your head.
@@TheUnique69able Why are they good then?
Hi Ismael:
I haven't gotten all the way through your video yet, ( I definitely will 🙂) I wanted to stop and share some of the thoughts that are coming up; I am 2 months out of an awful relationship. I am focusing on my inner work and really noticing my life long habits. I want to create a new experience for myself, so I'm going back to basics. I've dealt with dishonesty over and over, in my friendships and in my romantic relationships. Here is what I realize so far; I AM the one being dishonest with or betraying myself and that is reflected in my relationships. I've quickly jumped into bed with attractive strangers and have "found myself" involved in unhealthy relationships. I am learning to appreciate myself, I am distancing myself from the friendships that don't feel safe or genuine and I am on not going to enter into a new relationship for at least 6 months. To me, finding your talk is a reflection of my new, healthier habits and perspective. What you are sharing feels supportive and true minus the judgement or shaming that I've picked up on with other speakers.
Thank you, Ismael, I am a new follower! 😊😊😊
Welcome to my channel Dawn. The first step to striving in a new direction is self-awareness. I can see you’re making wonderful progress in that area. As I say at the end of all my videos “For your relationships to change, you need to change.”
Men and women cheat for completely different reasons, I've learned. Men can cheat even if they really love their women. If a woman cheats its out of unhappiness and desparation, it means the end of relationship. Great video.
That's a wise perspective you hold.
Lol that's a lie don't jump to conclusions women can also cheat just for fun and still love her bf/husband
@@SaveTheMessengermen a waste are waste of time cheating sould death penalty
If you love someone you at least imagine how painful a betrayal would be for your partner so no, in the moment you decide to cheat, there's no love anymore. For both women and men.
That's rubbish... The things that women are better at cheating and they can make you believe it's because of 'unhappiness'
Beauty doesn't fade it is always is in the eyes of the beholder ❤
So true...a person who doesn't cheat has to do with the person they are inside and not the person they are with. One of the best videos on relationships for me. Thank you!!°
Thank you for the compliment.
I have a question about my relationship, but I want to ask on a private chat. Is it possible?@@SaveTheMessenger
Dating in the mature age, some guys asked the car you drive, and the neighborhood were you live, so actually this matters
Maybe he/ they are running out of conversation, or nervous or talking to you like they would to another man.I've noticed sometimes they say things that would be appropriate if it was just a group of men talking ,but to me,or another woman,it would be viewed very differently and negatively.Just a thought.
@@clairejohnson6522Keep making excuses for them, see how your life turns out. Don't come crying.
that story about how a teenage boy becomes a man that is afraid to express feelings is literally what i wanted to write here, before i heard you say it.
Our thoughts are in the same frequency 🙌
I like this advice. I think also actually using the things he gives you shows your appreciation. If he gives you a piece of jewelry, wear it when you go out, proudly. If he gives you some product he made, share it with your friends. Use these things and let him see that you do. I think the embrace of his everyday gifts says you acknowledge his thoughtfulness and care for you.
For number one, I met some ladies at my past job and they think that all men are dogs but that's not always the case. This some good information 😅😊
I feel like men always need us to placate to their "feelings" by lying to them just to make them feel better. No thanks. HARD PASS.
He's looking for how you MAKE HIM FEEL..and that has nothing to do with surface beauty..❤
Wow I have been subscribed to many male dating coaches & you are by far my favorite. Everything you say just makes sense, a lot of “oooooo” moments loll. Idk what but something about your advice is different. So thank you 🙏🏾😊
I Especially Appreciate how your content has Chapters in the dropdown menu. The various valuable aspects you provide give much to ponder. Many thanks for your thoughtful presentations.
I wish this knowledge was there in my 30's I'm in my late 60's nothing has changed with men. No one can be stolen
That wants to be stole.
Men do not have the outlook you have and how much value you believe a woman has. I was recently attracted to a younger man who actually was vulnerable and I find that very attractive in a man. Not sure if we will be an item but it makes me believe I have more faith that good men do exist. Thank you so much.
This is the Best channel about relationships I have ever seen...thank you a lot ❤
My boyfriend and I decided to take the relationship to next level like getting intimate and having sex , after we took this decision I started noticing him and his actions although he has a busy schedule but still whatever things I asked him felt like he took it for granted , he never got me anything that I asked him although I asked chocolates only he use to say yes I will get for you but never got one. So I dint like this nature of him I felt like he only wants sex and has no emotionally feelings . I canceled the plan of getting intimate since then he isn't even initiating a conversation with me properly . I always give him alot of respect but he jokes about my looks , my skincolor, etc I never do so in return . Idk if he's into me or not because he says he wants to marry me but these mixed signals I don't understand. He mostly talks about sex and never asks me what I like to eat , what I lik3 to do etc these conversations happen really rare.
Girl I'm sorry to break this to you but I think he's just using you if a guy really love his girl and wanna marry her he would never do the above things you said! if I were you I would just leave him girl you don't deserve this
Please trust your intuition. Your feelings are letting you know that you are dissatisfied in this relationship. You want someone to be interested in you as you are interested in them. If you value yourself, you will want someone who values you. Especially after you communicate these things. Are you sticking a round because he talks about marriage? You aren’t happy now. Why would you want to marry someone you aren’t happy with? You are disrespecting yourself by choosing to stay with him. When you date someone, you should observe their characteristics. You CHOOSE if you want to stay or leave. Not him. Good luck.
Leave as soon as you can, dont waste your time. You already know, just read yourself: you re in doubt. RUN.
Please run,. I beg you, it's too obvious for you not to see, Luke he's not even trying to hide it
Leave that brat he doesn't love you sweety
Wow a man with self respect.i really value a man like that . know that's a good man
I am glad to find you and your videos . Thanks
Omg omg beauty is subjective for sure! I always thought that. 🎉
That a man can love a woman and still cheat makes as much sense as saying that you can love someone and still take the opportunity to steal from their wallet when they turn their head. Sorry, I'm not buying it
So true, 5:30 to 6:10. Thank you, Ismael.
Thank You so much! You share such great info. so well & so good cause life is short & keeps the mind awake & alert,
& I listen to what you share over & over some times to make sure I got it & remember it. & So positively. GOD Bless
...or that, ‘telling him to,’ he will🤣
No Way, we’re smarter than that by now right!
Something I dislike is watching a 20min video on RUclips that could've been done in 3minutes. I'm glad to see my format/timing is working for you.
Thanks to this video. I understand men more😊
Thank you❤
Such an informative video... Thank you!😊❤
Glad to serve you 🙏
I agree. Loyalty and Love are 2 different things. Loyalty is in line with integrity. Love has nothing to do with loyalty, it's a choice.
You got that right. Thanks for your comment Claudia.
Great information...Thank You!
I'm glad you found it helpful. Thanks for watching.
Great content young man .... wish I'd seen this video in my 20'❤.
Thank you for sharing this!! Agree and all makes sense that you shared
I agree with you. They are faithful dedicated wonderful men in this world.
I love your videos. As a woman I can tell your videos and content is very needed by men these days. Keep the good work ❤
Thank U!! 💗❤️💗❤️💗
thank you so much.. its mindblowing...
Nice contribution - just one word to the first point; loyalty in your man is based on respect - like in the other video of yours; respect is the basis for everything ;-) if a man has respect to himself, then he’ll mostly will have acceptable values and be loyal. But that’s just my take 😊
🌻Thank you very much 👏🏾
You're very welcome.
Very helpful! Thank you Ishmael!
My pleasure Beth.
Thank you🤍✨🤍✨
Thank you for a wonderful video
Great powerful Video!! Great content!
When a man who thinks he loved me from the past, bear a grude against me, he said I was proud and did not accepted him, not knowing I heard he had pursue other women behind my back thought I was clueless, simple thinking girl. See you are now single, not marry and regret. The thoughts of me seeing him as a boyfriend or future husband type just never appear. Karma befell him, after he says. He got into a very bad accident drunk if I am not mistaken, his wife is the only one who care for him in bad times which makes him realize how important and treasurable his wife is. If not, he will not realise it.
If a man doesn't care about a woman's career, then does he really care about a high-value woman? SHOULD a good man want a high-value woman? And what does his answer say about him, really? I'm not a man, but I would think that a good man would care about his woman's integrity and sense of self-worth (shown by her achievements and drive for life), just as he cares about his own, as it would suggest that he views her, and therefore judges her character, as a human, not just a woman.
You are right about successful and money. My ex, I feel like he took advantage of what I have and what I can do for him.
true love is sacrificial, you let go of your options to care bout the other person, but yah identity/character/ morals are strong things
I got addicted with your true words...thnks
Thanks for the compliment.
BF ignored me multiple times so yes, I had to find him hanging with the boys and call him out publicly. He didnt like that so yes, disrespect went both ways. Action/reaction, cause/effect.
Everyone has their own reason to cheat… insecurity or needs not
met..but for men it’s a had I had her but again everyone has their own reason
In regards to men not caring about what you do for a living and your personal success , I’ll say that from my experience, men loved it that I was self sufficient and I had a career and was stable financially. Who wants to be with a partner who can’t carry his own weight? However, it’s a double edged sword, being independent and self sufficient. For a woman, it’s actually not beneficial for so many reasons. Sometimes I wonder if my life would be different if I had chosen a different profession.
Thank you
Really good video...
#2 esp helpful !
"The last thing in your mind should be your career and achievements cause men don't seek for those things when meeting women?" 😂
Anyone wants to comment on that? 😂😂😂
More men's circles are needed trust and brotherhood.
I agree that men do not seek career in ladies, but I disagree with the idea that contents of my brain that reflect in what I do do not matter. I make the world a better place by profession and they pay me for it. I am not an accountant or a clerk. So yes, in my relationship I sometimes want to hear "great job" because sometimes what I do changes the fate of others. I have enough of self worth inside and I do not need constant praising but I would truly hate going back home and not having a soul to talk the day through with. Ok men do not seek achievements but sometimes we women have achievements. Real. Changemaking for the world or at least in the scale of a country. And yes, we want it to matter. Just as much as that we are sweet and all the other staff. Because we are versatile.
Thank you 😊💕 for the video. I realized some new red flag. Wow
Im a guy, but seriously dude. never call a women you dont know "Beautiful" as a nickname rather than a compliment
One woman. Several women.
Thanks for saying that. I agree. It doesn't set well with me either the way Ismael addresses us as "Beautiful". Just sounds manipulative. Those words should only be used as an honest compliment.
I like all your videos
God Bless you! God Bless you! God Bless you!
How about men start understand women for a change rather always than the other way round.
Women will never accept cheating ever… this is men are alone
So women have to alter their personality or beliefs to accommodate a man?
I feel we always have to be careful we might upset the man.
You said be “open and honest”, then you said if he goes to a strip club maybe don’t say anything right away.
(IMO that seems like a contradiction.)
Please correct me if I am wrong .
it’s lowkey depressing me. men sound so emotionless :/
You are my dream man .
Nowadays men wants a successful, independent woman so he doesn't have to make the effort of being the the provider, he won't need to worry about bringing money home if his wife is earning a lot.
I find that to be a very small portion of men.
I'm a woman and looking for a man that have a deep relationships with God. And everything will follow.
Yes I have. But they had other things that. Made up for cheering agnoring me for days it all❤
O yes I see never did this. That’s we’re I fell short ❤
Sweetness kindness joy and beauty
thats really funny. "All men dont cheat. I know, like,....3....other people who dont cheat"
Scare 😊😊
I glad to see so many videos about men these days, well I'm 57yr and been with a cheating husband for 39 yrs, married him and his 66 mustang and now he has a GT Mustang I bought for him, let me just say it's not about us ladies it's how competitive men are, so everytime he cheats and it come back to me I sell one of his pride and joys, so far I sold 1mustang and 1fj cruiser off, let's see how stupid he will be to loss The GT mustang next, remember ladies it works both ways, I got a brand new SUV out of all of this and a very very fat Bank account now and still growing, so you boys just keep doing your childish games with your beautiful ladies in life
Men don't understand themselves 😅
We do understand ourselves, but when we say our thoughts and feelings women just dismiss us.
Women don't understand themselves.
Men ☕️
Just here to comment this.
Working and paying the bills are things he has to do anyway- That’s not about her-
“Alright, beautiful”...SMFH 🙄
They understand but don’t care, is only one person who is on nr 1😉
Sad that woman do. That to men secretly behind his back if she thinks he's cheating
I'm worried my partner will cheat I me when he is I society after his deployment
Mine never loved me he said that after 30 yrs and caught him flags from day one I was naive..trying to figure how a friend his x wife stole $$ but they are still best friends??? I never met but her and dont want to, not my buisness but why do people go out of their way keep cheaters and stealers..
But you have to pay in order to show him that you're not interested in his money
Yeah Botox is too far. But stay thin and wear some sexy clothes once in a while. My ex let herself go and it hurt our relationship.
Only 5??? 🤔