KEEP IN MIND EXPANDERS ARE HEAVY !! Kennedy Contracting is familiar with our products so they can get away with using 3 people BUT we recommend using at least 5 well-bodies individuals for lowering the floors.
Love the idea and the look of these really interesting. Can you tell me about the lounge flooring from the video the joists look to be very visible are these not visible on completion cheers
Kennedy Contracting is familiar with our products so they can get away with using 3 people BUT we recommend using at least 5 well-bodies individuals for lowering the floors.
The price, please !
Love the idea and the look of these really interesting. Can you tell me about the lounge flooring from the video the joists look to be very visible are these not visible on completion cheers
How is the insulation for these during winter times. Does the home stay heated?
How much is it where can i buy one do you have a link needed in northern nevada
Combien le prix d'une maison identique à celle si svp
How many praes