@@govindbisen388an eternal truth doesn't need saving. Even if that eternal truth is lost and people start believing in lies instead of that truth, eventually some learned men will come and discover that eternal truth again. Sanatan dharma sarvopari
Elegant analysis. To fully realize this connective, integrative view as the Right View could be the first step on a noble path to enlightenment and liberation from this existence veiled by ignorance. Swami, you’re indeed in special!
Swami Sarvapriyananda is a source of much hope for me. Every time I hear him speak an inner light begins to emerge. I thank him so much for this channel which has so much heart and goodness. I wish that everyone spend some time in this great monk's company.
Thanks a lot Swami ji I am continuously refining my thoughts to realise my identity as Brahman with your speeches. I am really too happy. Thanks once again
Understand the divinity within you and then realize you are none other than God! The final truth and the whole spiritual quest summarized in couple of words! - The Mahavakyas.
14:30. Rabbi Relationship in God 15:43 “my me is God “St Catherine. 16:23. Eckart “ the ground of God” 17:35 Sufi 59:00 1:00:30. Eckhart 1:04:00. 1:05:30 Space CS 1:07:20❗️
5. Parokshapriya iva hi Deva pratyaksha dvisha Paroksha means paradoxical Deva means divine What it means is God loves paradoxical and they detest what is obvious.
With each video of Swamyji watched and engrossed by me I get more and more marinated almost ready to be baked. Humbly grateful as I get sold more and more into spirituality and established in Brahman.
Upon realizing that thou art , the unity of that and thou i have always been free , 108:41 "bondage , liberation , birth , death etc , They were never there".... never was there suffering never was there disease, never was there ignorance , I am existence consciousness and bliss absolute
I love Swami Sarvapriyananda, but he made my head hurt today. I will have to listen to this lecture a few times. Even so please keep coming with the lectures.
There are multiple Mahavakyas, or great sayings, about Brahman, the supreme reality in Hindu philosophy: • Aham Brahmasmi This Mahavakya from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad translates to "I am Brahman". It suggests that the individual self is identical to the cosmic reality, and that we are all part of the universal truth. • Ayam Atma Brahma This Mahavakya from the Mandukya Upanishad translates to "This self is Brahman". It emphasizes that the individual self is not separate from the ultimate reality. • Prajnanam Brahma This Mahavakya from the Aitareya Upanishad translates to "Consciousness is Brahman". It highlights the essential nature of consciousness as the ultimate reality. • Tat Tvam Asi This Mahavakya from the Chandogya Upanishad translates to "That thou art". It emphasizes the oneness of the individual self and the ultimate reality. • Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma This Mahavakya from the Chandogya Upanishad translates to "All this is indeed Brahman". It underscores the idea that everything in the universe is a manifestation of the ultimate reality. The Mahavakya Upanishad is a Sanskrit text that describes the nature of Atman (self, soul) and Brahman, and asserts that they are identical. "Ayam Atma Brahma" (This self is Brahman): From the Mandukya Upanishad, this Mahavakya underscores the all-encompassing nature of the self, asserting that the individual self is not separate from the ultimate reality but is, in fact, identical to it.
स्फुरत्येव जगत्कृत्स्नम् अखण्डितं निरन्तरम् | अहो मायामहामोहौ द्वैताद्वैतविकल्पना || (अवधूत गीता - 1/61 ) The whole universe shines undivided and unbroken. Oh, the Maya, the great delusion - the imagination of duality and nonduality!
15:07 "relationship in God" that is exactly what in Christianity it is said to be the destiny of the divinized soul: to live the life of God... "Christ came to share in our humanity so we could have a share in his divinity", it is said in the mass when the bread and wine becomes the body and the blood of our Saviour.
I remember trying to grab something with my hand during a mushroom trip. I wanted to bring it back to this world for some reason. I couldn't. I was grabbing air. It was God. The mushroom and the DMT can help you experience God as real. I'm sure of this. Just listening to the swami's description of God. The God described by Vedanta is the same God you experience with mushrooms and DMT. It's Brahman. I would not lie about this. I've read multiple Vedanta books and it seems like the same thing. The God of DMT is pure unconditional love and so is Brahman. God blesses all constantly and eternally, we are always safe, and he/she is always here. At all times. Even if we don't see it with the two eyes of the jiva. Brahman is here at all times. Even when we don't feel with our mind or senses that we are safe, we are safe. We are never in danger. Danger is a lie. The biggest lie in history spread to scare humans and keep them as slaves in this physical world. To keep them unaware of their true identity and control them in this physical world. It's all a lie. All the negatives are lies. God is only positive. Brahman is all, all is Brahman. You cannot bless anyone because everyone is already blessed and eternal. Everyone and everything is love.
Vedanta tells you you are that God. Whatever you experience must be different from you, right? That's what swami means with "drg drshya viveka". So that's just experience like any other but a bit more "magical". The one who experiences is important. ॐ
I want to thank Vedanta and Swami Sarvapriyananda for showing me the truth as i have always known that God is not outside but inside and it was amazing to know that it was none other than my true nature. I do relate to all the example told by Swami Sarvapriyananda (the knower and known must be different, the 5 barriers and three states - Awaken, Dreamer and Deep sleep) but however i stumble upon one question every now and then. I have a question. If I can get an answer to it maybe I can get one step closer to discovering the true nature of all. If one gets enlightened and discovers the ultimate truth about himself then why isn't everyone enlightened at that very moment? I know Swami Ji said in one talk that , "If a guru is enlightened that will not mean his disciple will be enlightened due to his knowledge because knowledge should come where there is ignorance". So my question is where is the ignorance ? In the disciple ? But on that note the another question arises that the guru and the disciple are actually not different at the core they are the one and same. So where is the real ignorance because "I" as a person doesn't even exist. "I" as a infinite and the only reality does. So where is this ignorance actually. How can the I/consciousness as a disciple has ignorance but the same I/consciousness is enlighten as guru. Some day i really want to come the further knowledge but my true nature at the Vedanta Society.
Ignorance/Maya exist in Mind ? But where does this mind exist ? If i am not wrong, according to Vedanta nothing exists but the consciousness. Plus Mind is not even my own its arise and sets with the body. According to this theory, i will have a new mind in every incarnation (the idea of re-incarnation is kinda of sketchy as well if i apply the principle of Advaita Vedanta because Four births are given every second around the world so that means the consciousness is re-incarnated every quater seconds but on the other hand consciousness is never born nor it dies so consciousness can never be incarnated so who does incarnate if nothing incarnates then why Bhagwat Gita mentions incarnation) (I haven't came across any teaching of incarnation in Vedanta yet would be great to know Vedanta perspective on this as well) i will have a new mind thus Maya/Ignorance will accompany consciousness till the end of time ? and in every incarnation i will need to get enlightened ? I am so sorry for all these questions i have so many and no Vedanta Society near me. I don't mean to rude to anybody just all these questions keeps coming back.
With each incarnation we get a new body but the same mind so that does means mind is endless just like the consciousness ? I think analysis is the only way of finding our true self when you no doubts only then you can see through the glass when there is no fog on it.
The principle of Advaita is analysis rather than having a blind faith ? i have new question now. Again i am so sorry for all these questions. Consciousness = the real nature of all. consciousness + body + mind = Material Human. Now when the body and mind are no more ,i.e. when they die there is nothing left other that the true Consciousness ? Because the body and mind are mortal and limited as we know but Consciousness is immortal and limitless so when this body and mind are gone shouldn't Consciousness as the only shall remain without needing any incarnation. When the body and mind are no more shouldn't i realize my true nature automatically because i am actually detached from the Maya/Ignorance(Ignorance/Maya exist in Mind) since there is nothing but true Consciousness left or do we need a body, mind and intellect to realize my true nature ? Because as i know animals are not enlightened nor they can be ? correct me if i'm wrong. If we really don't need mind and intellect for "experiencing the Atman rather than using your mind to analyze the process" then why can't animal get enlightened, more over when this body, mind and intellect are longer with associated with Consciousness, since the body and mind are mortal which means they will cease to exist at some timethen why can't one know its true nature at that time. Because there is nothing but Consciousness at that point of time and space. I know this state can be associated to deep sleep where there is nothing but Consciousness alone without nothing else around it. So does it means we need this body, mind and intellect to reveal our true nature to us ? Than isn't this really contradicting ? That we need something that's temporary to find our true nature ? And Again with each birth in the world or multiverse the Consciousness is manifested in a new body and a new mind filled with ignorance. So this is like an eternal and endless cycle that will go on forever ? Sorry for all these questions again, but what i am trying to find to is where is this ignorance actually. As there are three steps of problem solving. 1. Do you have problem ? Ans. Advaita says, yes you have a problem of ignorance about your true nature. 2. Where is the problem ? You can only eradicate the problem if you find the source of it else it will be back anytime or you can create another problem. Ans. In the body, mind or intellect but all these things are temporarily associated with the embodiment of the Consciousness which will fade away automatically. So not the real problem if it will go away automatically and if it's really a problem then why embodiment of the Consciousness happens in the first place? STILL SEARCHING THE ROOT CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM....... 3. Take the appropriate measures and practices for troubleshooting the problem. Ans. There are four different type of Yoga for this Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana yoga and Raja yoga. These practices are great and don't doubt them at all but in worldy words these are the best practices not saying that they will not work, they will if you use concentrate them on the source of the problem else you are doing it wrong. Which is something i haven't came across yet.
"One question: Who is asking all these questions? Is that the real You? " That's a good question. Until I know my true nature I don't know who is asking these questions. I am referring "ignorance" as a problem because that's the only thing that is keeping us from our real self. "Bondage is in the mind. Freedom is also in the mind" To which are you referring as the mind that belong on this material body ? if so than on day or another it will cease to exist. So all the illusion should be lifted as well ?
"The four Yogas are techniques to purify your mind and the senses" but why do we need to do that none of them belong to the consciousness they belong to this material body.
Christianity is "That" centered, but Yeshua told us to look within. "Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." - Luke 17:21
Swamiji thank you. Puranam. This and aparokshanubhuti class videos are having clear voice. Please inform other people who upload your video to ensure clear and no disturbance. Namaste
I am a great follower of Swami Sarva, I've learned a lot from him. But this lecture, which I was excited about, is mainly discussion of semantics. :( Please do a more philosophical lecture on the Mahavakyas. Thanks
Don't forget The Rabbi Yeshua, Swami. He himself said "I and My Father are One" and "the Kingdom of God is within you" and "If thine eye be single, the whole body shall be full of light." This "I" is Christ. That Christ is Atman. This Atman is Brahman. This Kingdom is Ultimate Reality. This reality is non-dual.
William Law, while expressing the term "bottom of the soul", is definitely referring to the supersoul. The soul of the soul- supersoul. The dvaita tradition of eastern philosophy staunchly argues that both soul and supersoul exist as two realities, but the supersoul is independent whereas the soul is dependent upon the supersoul.
Great breakdown of the mahavakya, TAT TVAM ASI. Liked Swamiji's discussion on THAT/GOD-centered religions and THOU/SELF-centered religions and how Advaita Vedanta combines the certainty of one's existence w/the infinitude of God and shows you the infinitude of your own existence. Beautiful!
,Dear Swamiji, I heard your speech with much interest. Fantastic. All the religions in the world who fight each other nowadays had been born in the minds of humanbeings. As such the mahavakya Prajnanam Brahma, Knowledge is God is very relevant. If the men are not of intellectual calibre what can we do? Keep it up. You are great.
As the great Terence Mckenna once said: "Pack heat if you need to and don't worry." "Worry is praying to the devil." As for packing heat he probably means either packing a bowl of ganjah and/or smoking DMT.
😍 You, dear Swami are Brahman. All nature is Brahman. All my flatmates are Brahman. Putin and Biden are Brahman. The one that sells food to me is Brahman. I am Brahman. Everyone and everything is only Brahman. ❤️ 🕉️ 🙏🏼
The word "go" whose nominative case is "gauH' has many meanings - the most popular is "cow". It also means speech or Sarasvathi or a vedic expression. All the vedic statements are sacred and like cows. To label a few sentences as Mahavakyas or profound sentences and interpret them ignoring the context and purport and thereby killing the spirit of the rest of Vedic sentences is akin to imagining that four or five cows in a herd or cattle are so powerful that they kill the rest of the cows. Nowhere in the entire canon of the literature by Sri Vedavyasa, there lies a statement that differentiates Vedic proclamations as Mahavakyas and non-Mahavakyas. In fact for removing the misconceptions of such defective thinking, Sri Vedavyasa composed Brahmasutras (Formulas to understand God) and they proclaim the difference between Supreme soul and individual soul. Sri Shankaracharya wrote commentary on that as well, but any open-minded person can see the failed effort there in bringing up non-difference. Please note that every Vakya in Veda is Mahavakya only and even these four or five vAkyas, when taken in proper context, proclaim the absolute difference between the Supreme Soul and individual soul only. Otherwise where is the meaning in our learning the Vedas and the Lord being propounded by the Vedas?
Very gentle and well meaning monk. My humble obeisance to Swami Sarvapriyananda. I have to say that he has the correct description but I feel he himself has not experienced what he is talking about. Had he experienced the described himself he would have given us in 5 Minutes instead of 1 hour and 9 minutes without quoting Meister Eckhart or Sufis. He is like a college professor who can teach management theory very effectively but has never managed a single corporation himself.
A Quick, Thought-Free Experiment: Close your eyes and using only your sense of awareness, but NOT your thoughts: • Can you tell if you are an American or non-American? • Can you tell if you are black or white? • Can you tell if you are Christian or non-Christian? • Can you tell if you are man or woman? • Can you tell if you are human or non-human? • Can you tell if you are physical or spiritual? If you trust your own experience, the honest answer to all these questions is "No". Which is the truer test of Reality, your personal experience or your personal belief? Who are you? What are you? You are Consciousness (Aham Brahmasmi.) Trust your experience. Question your belief.
Kori Koti Pranam Swami Sarvapriyananda ji 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
I thank God for the grace that led me to listen to an esteemed monk of the Ramakhrisna order for the firsf time)
That´s a very beautiful sentence.
That thou art
Now please save Hinduism, advait vedant is just a branch of this huge tree.
@@govindbisen388 Save it?
@@govindbisen388an eternal truth doesn't need saving. Even if that eternal truth is lost and people start believing in lies instead of that truth, eventually some learned men will come and discover that eternal truth again. Sanatan dharma sarvopari
What an intelligent cultivated man! It is a delight to listen to him. Thanks for posting :)
Knowledge is coming from veda, try save Hinduism please.
Such clarity of thought and power of expression 🙏 So Blessed to be able to hear Swami Sarvapriyananda’s discourses.
what a esteemed swami ji, i learn a lot everyday, i really needed your teachings
Pranam swami ji
Swami ji, please Be my Guru. Please. Listening to you since 5 years. Wish to accelerate on my journey to Brahman with your guidance .
Om shanti
Pranam Swami Jee 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
I became fan of Swamiji since I watched a video regarding Advaita of him and now increasing his fan followers.😃
Anandam... anandam.. anandam... after listening these speeches of Maharaj. Pranam.
Elegant analysis. To fully realize this connective, integrative view as the Right View could be the first step on a noble path to enlightenment and liberation from this existence veiled by ignorance. Swami, you’re indeed in special!
Always making sense of the intangible. An excellent teacher 🙏🙏🙏
My pranam Swamiji. Om.
I am blessed to listen to this monk's lucture🙏🏻
Excellent Person!!!! God Bless You
One you hear swami ji speech daily they can realise Brahamum no doubt.
Thank you very very much Swamiji🙏🙏🙏
Love you
Swami Sarvapriyananda is a source of much hope for me. Every time I hear him speak an inner light begins to emerge. I thank him so much for this channel which has so much heart and goodness. I wish that everyone spend some time in this great monk's company.
Koti koti Pranam 🙏Guruji again and again Pranam 🙏🙏🙏
Listening to you has given me the true understanding why I am here and the privilege to have this human experience. 🙏🕉
Another brilliant lecture!
Thank you.
Swami, thanks from this soul. I try to study with you every day. Namaste.
Thank U Swamiji
Very excellent explanation
Jai Sri Ramakrishna
Jai Sri Sharada Devi
Vande Vivekananda
Jai Durga
Jai Kaali Maa
Thank u very much swamiji, pl continue for the welfare of mankind
Thanks a lot Swami ji
I am continuously refining my thoughts to realise my identity as Brahman with your speeches. I am really too happy.
Thanks once again
Thank you Swamiji for this excellent lecture.
Thank you Swami and Vedanta NY !
Namaskaram Guru 🙏 🙏🙏 🙏🙏 🙏🙏 🙏
What a beautiful philosophy to combine the two ends : Tat and Twam, thus subtle'y forming a bridge between two, to make them One....
Yes 🥰
You are Unique gift to Earth
( 1 the Maa Taram ) for present Generation.
Ultimate Truth
Understand the divinity within you and then realize you are none other than God! The final truth and the whole spiritual quest summarized in couple of words! - The Mahavakyas.
Thank you Swamiji
I love to listen to you 🙏
14:30. Rabbi Relationship in God
15:43 “my me is God “St Catherine.
16:23. Eckart “ the ground of God”
17:35 Sufi
1:00:30. Eckhart
1:05:30 Space CS
Thank you Swami Sarvapriyananda jee,
Thanks Guru dev So well explained
Pranam swamy sarvapriyananda
By her grace it's certainly possible ,,,💕
Pranam.Thanks .
So real I cannot but listen to him daily. Am pulled to him. Thank you
The fact that he has something Divine going on in him is certainly obvious . A lot of people try to fake it but he's got the real thing!
thx swami
🙏🙏🙏🙏 Thank you swamiji
1. pragNyanam brahma
2. tat twam asi
3. aham brahmasmi
4. ayamatma brahma
5. Parokshapriya iva hi Deva pratyaksha dvisha
Paroksha means paradoxical
Deva means divine
What it means is God loves paradoxical and they detest what is obvious.
Thank you!!
Ahh...Mahavakyas....The sweetest words in the world. Thank you Prabhu ! Thank you Vedanta NY !
very good speach on this mahavakya. Thanks a lot for this contribution to the humanity.
thank you swamiji for sharing this knowledge with us....nwish someday i get to meet you... :)
pranams gurudev
With each video of Swamyji watched and engrossed by me I get more and more marinated almost ready to be baked. Humbly grateful as I get sold more and more into spirituality and established in Brahman.
Upon realizing that thou art , the unity of that and thou i have always been free , 108:41 "bondage , liberation , birth , death etc , They were never there".... never was there suffering never was there disease, never was there ignorance , I am existence consciousness and bliss absolute
Jai Sri Ramakrishna
I love Swami Sarvapriyananda, but he made my head hurt today. I will have to listen to this lecture a few times. Even so please keep coming with the lectures.
How to meet you Swamy ,,,,
Fordevelopment of spiritual level all must listen to him. REGARDS
In biblical Christianity, God's spirit becomes one with our spirit making us children of God the New Testament says.......Non-dual surely.
Tell that to Missionaries
There are multiple Mahavakyas, or great sayings, about Brahman, the supreme reality in Hindu philosophy:
• Aham Brahmasmi
This Mahavakya from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad translates to "I am Brahman". It suggests that the individual self is identical to the cosmic reality, and that we are all part of the universal truth.
• Ayam Atma Brahma
This Mahavakya from the Mandukya Upanishad translates to "This self is Brahman". It emphasizes that the individual self is not separate from the ultimate reality.
• Prajnanam Brahma
This Mahavakya from the Aitareya Upanishad translates to "Consciousness is Brahman". It highlights the essential nature of consciousness as the ultimate reality.
• Tat Tvam Asi
This Mahavakya from the Chandogya Upanishad translates to "That thou art". It emphasizes the oneness of the individual self and the ultimate reality.
• Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma
This Mahavakya from the Chandogya Upanishad translates to "All this is indeed Brahman". It underscores the idea that everything in the universe is a manifestation of the ultimate reality.
The Mahavakya Upanishad is a Sanskrit text that describes the nature of Atman (self, soul) and Brahman, and asserts that they are identical.
"Ayam Atma Brahma" (This self is Brahman): From the Mandukya Upanishad, this Mahavakya underscores the all-encompassing nature of the self, asserting that the individual self is not separate from the ultimate reality but is, in fact, identical to it.
Listening made wordless...
स्फुरत्येव जगत्कृत्स्नम् अखण्डितं निरन्तरम् |
अहो मायामहामोहौ द्वैताद्वैतविकल्पना || (अवधूत गीता - 1/61 )
The whole universe shines undivided and unbroken. Oh, the Maya, the great delusion - the imagination of duality and nonduality!
Thank you for another amazing lecture and lovely prayer to Ma! Jai Ma!
15:07 "relationship in God" that is exactly what in Christianity it is said to be the destiny of the divinized soul: to live the life of God... "Christ came to share in our humanity so we could have a share in his divinity", it is said in the mass when the bread and wine becomes the body and the blood of our Saviour.
I remember trying to grab something with my hand during a mushroom trip. I wanted to bring it back to this world for some reason. I couldn't. I was grabbing air. It was God. The mushroom and the DMT can help you experience God as real. I'm sure of this. Just listening to the swami's description of God. The God described by Vedanta is the same God you experience with mushrooms and DMT. It's Brahman. I would not lie about this. I've read multiple Vedanta books and it seems like the same thing. The God of DMT is pure unconditional love and so is Brahman.
God blesses all constantly and eternally, we are always safe, and he/she is always here. At all times. Even if we don't see it with the two eyes of the jiva. Brahman is here at all times. Even when we don't feel with our mind or senses that we are safe, we are safe. We are never in danger. Danger is a lie. The biggest lie in history spread to scare humans and keep them as slaves in this physical world. To keep them unaware of their true identity and control them in this physical world. It's all a lie. All the negatives are lies. God is only positive. Brahman is all, all is Brahman.
You cannot bless anyone because everyone is already blessed and eternal. Everyone and everything is love.
Vedanta tells you you are that God.
Whatever you experience must be different from you, right? That's what swami means with "drg drshya viveka".
So that's just experience like any other but a bit more "magical".
The one who experiences is important.
I want to thank Vedanta and Swami Sarvapriyananda for showing me the truth as i have always known that God is not outside but inside and it was amazing to know that it was none other than my true nature. I do relate to all the example told by Swami Sarvapriyananda (the knower and known must be different, the 5 barriers and three states - Awaken, Dreamer and Deep sleep) but however i stumble upon one question every now and then.
I have a question. If I can get an answer to it maybe I can get one step closer to discovering the true nature of all.
If one gets enlightened and discovers the ultimate truth about himself then why isn't everyone enlightened at that very moment? I know Swami Ji said in one talk that , "If a guru is enlightened that will not mean his disciple will be enlightened due to his knowledge because knowledge should come where there is ignorance".
So my question is where is the ignorance ? In the disciple ?
But on that note the another question arises that the guru and the disciple are actually not different at the core they are the one and same. So where is the real ignorance because "I" as a person doesn't even exist. "I" as a infinite and the only reality does. So where is this ignorance actually. How can the I/consciousness as a disciple has ignorance but the same I/consciousness is enlighten as guru.
Some day i really want to come the further knowledge but my true nature at the Vedanta Society.
Ignorance/Maya exist in Mind ? But where does this mind exist ? If i am not wrong, according to Vedanta nothing exists but the consciousness.
Plus Mind is not even my own its arise and sets with the body. According to this theory, i will have a new mind in every incarnation (the idea of re-incarnation is kinda of sketchy as well if i apply the principle of Advaita Vedanta because Four births are given every second around the world so that means the consciousness is re-incarnated every quater seconds but on the other hand consciousness is never born nor it dies so consciousness can never be incarnated so who does incarnate if nothing incarnates then why Bhagwat Gita mentions incarnation) (I haven't came across any teaching of incarnation in Vedanta yet would be great to know Vedanta perspective on this as well) i will have a new mind thus Maya/Ignorance will accompany consciousness till the end of time ? and in every incarnation i will need to get enlightened ?
I am so sorry for all these questions i have so many and no Vedanta Society near me. I don't mean to rude to anybody just all these questions keeps coming back.
With each incarnation we get a new body but the same mind so that does means mind is endless just like the consciousness ?
I think analysis is the only way of finding our true self when you no doubts only then you can see through the glass when there is no fog on it.
The principle of Advaita is analysis rather than having a blind faith ?
i have new question now. Again i am so sorry for all these questions.
Consciousness = the real nature of all.
consciousness + body + mind = Material Human.
Now when the body and mind are no more ,i.e. when they die there is nothing left other that the true Consciousness ? Because the body and mind are mortal and limited as we know but Consciousness is immortal and limitless so when this body and mind are gone shouldn't Consciousness as the only shall remain without needing any incarnation.
When the body and mind are no more shouldn't i realize my true nature automatically because i am actually detached from the Maya/Ignorance(Ignorance/Maya exist in Mind) since there is nothing but true Consciousness left or do we need a body, mind and intellect to realize my true nature ? Because as i know animals are not enlightened nor they can be ? correct me if i'm wrong. If we really don't need mind and intellect for "experiencing the Atman rather than using your mind to analyze the process" then why can't animal get enlightened, more over when this body, mind and intellect are longer with associated with Consciousness, since the body and mind are mortal which means they will cease to exist at some timethen why can't one know its true nature at that time. Because there is nothing but Consciousness at that point of time and space.
I know this state can be associated to deep sleep where there is nothing but Consciousness alone without nothing else around it. So does it means we need this body, mind and intellect to reveal our true nature to us ? Than isn't this really contradicting ? That we need something that's temporary to find our true nature ? And Again with each birth in the world or multiverse the Consciousness is manifested in a new body and a new mind filled with ignorance. So this is like an eternal and endless cycle that will go on forever ?
Sorry for all these questions again, but what i am trying to find to is where is this ignorance actually.
As there are three steps of problem solving.
1. Do you have problem ?
Ans. Advaita says, yes you have a problem of ignorance about your true nature.
2. Where is the problem ? You can only eradicate the problem if you find the source of it else it will be back anytime or you can create another problem.
Ans. In the body, mind or intellect but all these things are temporarily associated with the embodiment of the Consciousness which will fade away automatically. So not the real problem if it will go away automatically and if it's really a problem then why embodiment of the Consciousness happens in the first place? STILL SEARCHING THE ROOT CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM.......
3. Take the appropriate measures and practices for troubleshooting the problem.
Ans. There are four different type of Yoga for this Bhakti Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana yoga and Raja yoga. These practices are great and don't doubt them at all but in worldy words these are the best practices not saying that they will not work, they will if you use concentrate them on the source of the problem else you are doing it wrong. Which is something i haven't came across yet.
"One question: Who is asking all these questions? Is that the real You? "
That's a good question. Until I know my true nature I don't know who is asking these questions.
I am referring "ignorance" as a problem because that's the only thing that is keeping us from our real self.
"Bondage is in the mind. Freedom is also in the mind"
To which are you referring as the mind that belong on this material body ? if so than on day or another it will cease to exist. So all the illusion should be lifted as well ?
"The four Yogas are techniques to purify your mind and the senses" but why do we need to do that none of them belong to the consciousness they belong to this material body.
Christianity is "That" centered, but Yeshua told us to look within.
"Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." - Luke 17:21
Swamiji thank you. Puranam. This and aparokshanubhuti class videos are having clear voice. Please inform other people who upload your video to ensure clear and no disturbance. Namaste
wow as usual
I am a great follower of Swami Sarva, I've learned a lot from him. But this lecture, which I was excited about, is mainly discussion of semantics. :(
Please do a more philosophical lecture on the Mahavakyas. Thanks
Sarvam khalvidam Brahma' is a Mahavakya from the Chandogya Upanishad. frequently overlooked - don't know why.
Don't forget The Rabbi Yeshua, Swami. He himself said "I and My Father are One" and "the Kingdom of God is within you" and "If thine eye be single, the whole body shall be full of light."
This "I" is Christ. That Christ is Atman. This Atman is Brahman. This Kingdom is Ultimate Reality. This reality is non-dual.
I m jesus
William Law, while expressing the term "bottom of the soul", is definitely referring to the supersoul. The soul of the soul- supersoul. The dvaita tradition of eastern philosophy staunchly argues that both soul and supersoul exist as two realities, but the supersoul is independent whereas the soul is dependent upon the supersoul.
Great breakdown of the mahavakya, TAT TVAM ASI. Liked Swamiji's discussion on THAT/GOD-centered religions and THOU/SELF-centered religions and how Advaita Vedanta combines the certainty of one's existence w/the infinitude of God and shows you the infinitude of your own existence. Beautiful!
,Dear Swamiji, I heard your speech with much interest. Fantastic. All the religions in the world who fight each other nowadays had been born in the minds of humanbeings. As such the mahavakya Prajnanam Brahma, Knowledge is God is very relevant. If the men are not of intellectual calibre what can we do? Keep it up. You are great.
1. പ്രജ്ഞാനം ബ്രഹ്മ:
2. അഹം ബ്രഹ്മാസ് മി
3. തത്ത്വമസ്സി
4. അയമാത്മാ ബ്രഹ്മ
in Malayalam
Bharat mata ki jai
So ham
Jova jagat vishisht brahma
Is the सोहं and महावाक्य are referred same entity?
As the great Terence Mckenna once said: "Pack heat if you need to and don't worry." "Worry is praying to the devil."
As for packing heat he probably means either packing a bowl of ganjah and/or smoking DMT.
Aham brahmasmi
😍 You, dear Swami are Brahman. All nature is Brahman. All my flatmates are Brahman. Putin and Biden are Brahman. The one that sells food to me is Brahman. I am Brahman. Everyone and everything is only Brahman. ❤️ 🕉️
What is the difference between Veda & upnishad.
"I and my Father are one" - Rabbi Yeshua of Nazareth
"That Thou Art" - Chandogya Upanishad
He also said " The kingdom of God is within you"
Could someone kindly explain to me the difference between pralaya and mahapralaya?
Pralaya-Flood & Mahapralaya-Tsunami.
The word "go" whose nominative case is "gauH' has many meanings - the most popular is "cow". It also means speech or Sarasvathi or a vedic expression. All the vedic statements are sacred and like cows. To label a few sentences as Mahavakyas or profound sentences and interpret them ignoring the context and purport and thereby killing the spirit of the rest of Vedic sentences is akin to imagining that four or five cows in a herd or cattle are so powerful that they kill the rest of the cows. Nowhere in the entire canon of the literature by Sri Vedavyasa, there lies a statement that differentiates Vedic proclamations as Mahavakyas and non-Mahavakyas. In fact for removing the misconceptions of such defective thinking, Sri Vedavyasa composed Brahmasutras (Formulas to understand God) and they proclaim the difference between Supreme soul and individual soul. Sri Shankaracharya wrote commentary on that as well, but any open-minded person can see the failed effort there in bringing up non-difference. Please note that every Vakya in Veda is Mahavakya only and even these four or five vAkyas, when taken in proper context, proclaim the absolute difference between the Supreme Soul and individual soul only. Otherwise where is the meaning in our learning the Vedas and the Lord being propounded by the Vedas?
Very gentle and well meaning monk. My humble obeisance to Swami Sarvapriyananda. I have to say that he has the correct description but I feel he himself has not experienced what he is talking about. Had he experienced the described himself he would have given us in 5 Minutes instead of 1 hour and 9 minutes without quoting Meister Eckhart or Sufis. He is like a college professor who can teach management theory very effectively but has never managed a single corporation himself.
A Quick, Thought-Free Experiment:
Close your eyes and using only your sense of awareness, but NOT your thoughts:
• Can you tell if you are an American or non-American?
• Can you tell if you are black or white?
• Can you tell if you are Christian or non-Christian?
• Can you tell if you are man or woman?
• Can you tell if you are human or non-human?
• Can you tell if you are physical or spiritual?
If you trust your own experience, the honest answer to all these questions is "No". Which is the truer test of Reality, your personal experience or your personal belief? Who are you? What are you? You are Consciousness (Aham Brahmasmi.) Trust your experience. Question your belief.
Swamiji in the beginning of the lecture you confused me. God I thought vedanta teaches is US within us.