It wasn't politics. At the end the marriage and kids thing was a deal breaker. They had different expectations. Glad they said no. Shows they are serious and smart individuals.
i guess we'll never know if they wouldve dated if they had the same views on marriage and kids, but considering this girl has lost friends and relationships/fiances then she probably wouldnt work out anyway with someone who doesnt feel as she does.
Amy Mujagic they totally would've dated had they had the same views on kids and marriage. They both talked a lot about how people shouldn't get so incensed about political differences, so they obviously both were okay with their political differences.
Emperorerror Yea exactly. And the guy said he couldn't care less about Politics. So even if the girl had strong views they couldnt have gotten into any sort of big arguments over it cause the guy was neutral
ryan they're not really closed their eyes, one time i see the guy said 'I'm scared when i see your red shoes at first' that's mean they're just looking down. Is just to not looking your partner's face
“I have been proposed to by eight different people.” ... I can’t even get a text back. 🙄 February 22, 2021: It has been this long since I commented on this video?! Thank you for all the likes and replies! 😁
Its because that lady in this video has a fairly attractive face and has a good facial harmony overall! Why do you think she is getting multiple options from different people from variety of backgrounds???
Your politics don't make you who you are, but they reflect your morals, values, and and everything you stand for. So it reflects what kind of person you are. So a couple with different politics and values functioning well is very difficult, but not impossible. I just wouldn't advise it.
It sucks when people say they "aren't into" politics. Politics isn't a hobby, it's something that literally shapes the world we live in. For a lot of people, politics affects their livelihood and their day-to-day lives. The decisions of politicians and people in power affect the ability of people to get healthcare, how much money they make at their job, etc. If you're in the position where you can treat politics like a hobby or something that you're able to be detached from, you're living a privileged life.
I've found that people that don't follow politics are more hardworking and less stubborn than people whos lives revolve around what this or that politician did or said today. It's not a matter of privilege either, the most apolitical people I've met are working class while people who have the time to follow politics are generally middle to upper class.
Jebbifer I’m a centrist, and honestly I don’t care about politics that much cause all politics are is inconsistent arguments and issues that never find common ground, and to say someone like me who don’t care that much saying I have a privilege life Hon I come from a Mexican American working class background that has to pay they’re bills and keep a roof over my head I’m far from privileged.
Not being into politics doesn’t mean you have no interest at all, it just means you don’t regularly follow it. Both people here clearly have stances, it’s just that they aren’t the type to go research or debate or campaign over it.
I’m with OP here. The United States’ voting numbers are shameful and the people who do vote are often very uneducated about the choice they’re making. We need to stop making excuses for why we’re ‘not into’ politics and start getting to voting booths. What sucks is that people with two jobs and twice as many kids, who stand to benefit perhaps the most from a candidate representing their interests, are the ones with the least amount of time to sit in a voting line for 3 hours.
I think she seems sweet and he seems like a cool respectful guy. She was just raised very differently. I think I'd find it hard to date someone with such different views too. But then getting to know each other was nice.
Liberal in general refers to an approach that is less restrained than conservative (emphasis on the conserve), but today, both words have political implications. Most Americans (if they know who those 2 are) would consider Macron a liberal and Le Pen a conservative.
Liberal implies less restraint than conservative (emphasis on the conserve), but today both words have political implications, mostly involving the power of the federal government. Most Americans, if they were familiar with both of them, would consider Macron a liberal, and Le Pen a conservative.
Both are mature, intelligent and strong-headed people with very different perspectives to life and love. Both are looking for different things and are unapologetic about it. Just bcoz 2 people are incompatible, doesnt mean we have to take sides (of our own gender) and bash the other. I liked both of them, and I am glad both stuck to their individuality in the end.
“A man with a weak handshake is out” “I’ve lost friends over politics” “8 engagements and 2 fiancés that didn’t work out” she needs to just gtfo never heard so many red flags in one sitting
@The Objective Theist Traditional men (gentleman) is not suppose to give a woman a strong handshake, that is reserved for men. You can harm a woman doing that. With a woman you are gentle.
@@ulrichgray5497 I would just grab a woman's hand firmly with a strong arm and hand that isn't limp but I wouldn't squeeze her hand since I wouldn't want to hurt her.
The engagements is the only one I see as a red flag. The friends left her because she isn't a liberal NPC and I do agree that people shouldn't have weak ass handshakes.
A strong woman who knows what she believes in and won't settle for less than she deserves? Guys like you can go ahead and back away; let a real man go ahead and take a crack at it.
They have different perspectives in life and I like them both because they still stand on their opinions. Even all these, they are very honest on each other, which is good.
LoveMe,com I think that is the key for both sides regarding politics today hardest thing for any politician to do is to suck up their pride spit it out and have the balls to look at certain ideas of the other sites party and really talk debate it and think about it people are too stuck-up regarding left and right and middle this is the 21st century it's a shame that we still can't agree on things that should be no-brainers things that touch on what makes us human which is having a heart a soul and a good head on their shoulders
She only got proposed TO 8 times. (if anything it just shows what a catch she might be that that many men have wanted to marry her). She only said yes twice (which I think is a bit high BUT idk the particulars of those relationships and why they ended. Better to be single than with the wrong person.)
Matthew Jenkins 😂😂😂😂 No, we don't. There is no "arranged" anything. We are free to date and marry whoever we want. You must be thinking of the polygamists (it's important to note that they are NOT real Mormons and that we do not support or condone polygamy). I have heard that they sometimes have arranged marriages. But this girl isn't one of them.
When the dude said the "I don't need church or paperwork, to look and say at the person I'm going to be with you for the rest of my life" gave me heart butter flies and I'm not even gay lmao
Kwejeebo That's stupid. Everyone has a different view on marriage. A paper and a church won't make a marriage faithful nor it won't make it last forever.
I think he was just being nice. She looked 27 +/- 1 but he was smart and played it safe. He didn't know the girl and some people can get offended when they're assumed to be older than they are, even if it's still quite young.
@@pettyx008 I agree that she doesn't look like any of the 27 year olds I know, but it's actually human nature for him to assume that he would be partnered with someone closer to his age, and as a man presumably with a younger woman. He seemed like a charismatic, nice enough guy, so I still stand with my original comment.
Have you never been in a serious relationship? Or even had the homeless guy or your hopeless coworker propose to you? You’re either way too young or doin something wrong
"The funny thing about choosing sides is that you don't have to be all the way on one side or the other. It's okay to be feeling like 'this is the one I align with a little bit more, and it's not perfect, but at least there's stuff I can appreciate a little bit more on this side.'" - Allie
Yeah, I don't buy that. The minute lacigreen (a feminist) wants to start talking to the other side, she got so much backlash from the feminists and former friends on the left and she's not even a conservative.
@alejandro B How is it ignorant? When I took government class it is actually normal to be more central between both views. The majority of people are not far left or far right. Most of us have more layers and our views are not as straight forward.
it was a little cringy i guess but also unique/quirky/cute. you guys act like she said something insane...i mean it's the nickname her parents gave her so she's just answering the question. >.>
I felt a lot of chemistry, actually, until she mentioned that she was conservative and him mentioning that he didn't want to get married or have children.
She gives off a super weird vibe. The fact that it starts with her stating the fact that she's had 8 different guys propose to her like it's a badge of honor...he definitely dodged a bullet with this one. Glad they both said no & didn't waste each other's time.
She specifically said that it *wasn't* 8 different guys. It was a few guys that proposed multiple times. She said it more so to show that she's tired of guy's dicking around and she wants someone serious and ready.
jeppemichael no one was guy bashing, it's what she said seeing as she said "if another guy proposes he has to be ready to get married like tomorrow" and that she wants to be married with kids, so what are you on about?
@@victoriamendez9006 yeah. In the modern day liberal driven educational istitutions, getting told you are a horrible person for your political beleifs by not just others but curriculum and teachers also is really messed up. In Canada, everyone is indoctrinated to hate the USA and Conservative values, with few if any of them having as so much as a clue to what they are saying past regurgitation.
She seemed slightly guarded but this is a blind date. That hardly seems unusual. I think most people would find it a little harder to relax around someone they don't know and are supposed to be assessing as a potential significant other.
Kathleen i get what you mean, however sometimes it's just hard for people to keep an interested face when someone is talking to them. I do it myself, you just don't realize that you are making a face of disgust or disinterest.
I've never met a guy who doesn't want kids. It's so nice to hear my point of view coming from another person's mouth. Made me feel less alone. And he loves dogs. I would totally date him!!
right off the bat, there has to be something wrong with her if she's had 8 people propose to her and none of those relationships worked out, i mean....
I think the strict military and Mormon house has more of a toll on her than she thinks. She seems very structured and specific about what she wants and demands so good luck to her.
Come on give us a break! I am a conservative mormon from Canada married to a Catholic and I would never try to change my husband just like he would never try to change me!
marissa vera I'm sorry I found that really disgusting and a total turnoff of Brendan. I know it's a joke and referring to the Richard gere rumor, but anytime someone includes animals with intimacy and sexuality it's revolting. 😑
Posterior Pancakes that's your prerogative. Just like it was mine to find his comment distasteful. Ahhh, the joys of sharing your opinions on the internet.
lmao im glad he said no to her, she comes off pretentious just because she's been asked to get married 8 times. but also props to brendan for being a gentleman.
He comes off as slightly insecure and aloof, although a genuinely nice guy. She seems sweet up front, but has got that "I voted for Trump and I stand by that" vibe that usually carries a lot of... undertones. Also .. Texas.
Haven't even watched the rest of the video yet: "I've been proposed to by 8 different people. A couple of those people a couple times." RED FLAG! "I've accepted two proposals. I've had two fiancés. And it didn't work out with either one." DOUBLE RED FLAG! "I'm at this point, I've told my friend, that if someone proposes to me again, they need to say 'do you want to get married like, tomorrow?'" A MILLION RED FLAGS!
I didn't get that vibe at all and actually thought they seemed to get along fairly well. They seem like they could easily have a good friendship. But the views on marriage and children was the dealbreaker and is a respectable deal breaker.
It's so naive to think that political opinions shouldn't matter in a relationship. Especially in the US, politics often overlap with your personal morals and values. Knowing if someone's a Democrat/Republican or Liberal/Conservative can hint at their values. I'm not saying you should exclude/include people based solely on their political opinions, but it should be taken consideration.
don't agree at all. if that were the case, then there would only be two cookie-cutter profiles of belief that apply to practically every american. people are way more diverse in opinion than the two-party system would have you believe.
@JackGhent "political beliefs" here is more than which political party someone is registered/aligned with. Even among people who are unafiliated with a political party, there is plenty of political disagreement.
that's literally the point that i'm making. knowing if someone is a democrat, republican, liberal, or conservative is not a good indicator of their actual belief system
I saw him and my first thought was that he's like 38 and she said he was 30 and I was like aww that's so polite when he's obviously older ... Then he says he's 28 oops 😂
I think these two show a lot of class....different viewpoints but respectful and honest about where they stand. If only every wrong match worked like this.
She seems like one of thoe people who come off as kind but have that side to thim that'd make the devil cringe. She's one of those people who would never stop until she feels she wins an argument.
Not when the voting system is corrupted and presidents are just puppets acting a certain way in order to divide society. For real tho, this aint it chief. People out here need to learn bih
Robert J It is. If someone is against abortion and you would want one if mistakes/accidents happened, it makes sense to not want a partner that wouldn't support them
Jorge M It's important because it reflects values. If I'm pro-gun and the other isn't, how would they feel/act around my firearm? If someone is against abortion, an mistakes/accidents happened and I wanted an abortion, it would make sense to want a partner that would support that choice
I’m liberal but I have many friends that are conservative and we get along fine. That being said, I could never be with someone romantically that didn’t share the same political values with me. It would cause conflict and tension in the relationship. I’m love politics and standing up for what I believe in so it would be a constant problem. I can understand how people who aren’t that into politics could date someone from the opposite side of the political spectrum, but for me it would be a deal breaker.
I thought they were both lovely people! She was pretty and had beliefs that she held to. She wanted a family and was a conservative. Nothing wrong with either of those. He was a cool chill guy who didn't want kids. Enough said. I thought they had great friend chemistry, but it just didn't fit. Good episode.
Politics matter very much... Your political view don’t just say who you will vote for, it is a scale of your moral integrity, your thought process, how subject you are to change. You can have blossoming friendships with someone who doesn’t align with your views, but a relationship is different.
Minishcat I wholly agree with you. A lot of people don't understand that political views are so much more important than what meets the eye. Political views are also indicative of lifestyle choices.
@@nf4866 I beg to differ that everyone wants the country to be free and fair. Much more so with fairness. There are religions sects and groups who want an established religion in government which does not make it far to people of other religions views and atheistic views. There are groups the are anti-[type of lifestyle] who believe they should be put in jail or executed. There are groups who believe that people of different races should be killed or treated like slaves.
@@youwild00 there are also people who think their microwave is talking to them. But these people are so fringe and rare that it's not even worth talking about in the context of whether or not you should be dating them.
@@youwild00 There are also people who anarchy, or communism. The fact is, all those are in the great minority when it goes to either political side of the arguments. It's far more simple than people want to believe, Left and liberals are into Big Government, Right and Conservatives are into Small Government.
nothing bothers me more than when people "stay out of politics". Politics, the law, and government are how everything is managed and controlled in our lives how can you not have an opinion or care about that
Cmarie3653 because politics are all the same it the people of a country that make a change when they put their differences to come together, that something politics never do to people it only brings the unholy side of everyone
Because politics is a shitshow of corruption, taking advantage of the people, senseless arguing and winning votes. In case you missed it I'm for the minimal amount of government intervention while remaining law and order, but I'm not clueless to realise that this ideal is not possible with people as we are animals and need leaders in our kingdom to tell us what to do.
I disagree. Politics, the government, and even the laws passed are REACTIONARY. That is, they do not dictate our lives... they react to the way our lives already are. They react to CULTURE. Think about it... what came first, the civil rights movement or the civil rights act? It was the movement. And why didnt the civil rights act happen immediately after slavery was abolished? Because the culture at large still supported slavery and assumed the inferiority of black people. Thus... segregation. And it took years for the people to change the culture into finally accepting the civil rights movement. Once the culture changed, THEN the political aspects fell into place. So, the politics are secondary. To have real political change, PEOPLE must change. It has NOTHING to do with politics. And THAT is the real reason that "nothing gets done"... its not bad politics or policy.. its bad PEOPLE. And these people all think that changing policies will actually change the country. No, it won't change a thing. So, they just ignorantly bicker and argue about why THEY are right and expressing their opinions as facts... whilst the only way they can ever achieve their desired end is to do the exact opposite... and CHANGE PEOPLES MINDS. And obviously... vilifying and name-calling your opponent is no way to change their mind. But that is all the "political process" is... trying to make the other side look worse. Not changing anything. And I want CHANGE. And the change is derived from the culture.. and the culture is derived from the people... NOT politics. And that is why I do not "care" about politics.
i don't really get how people can say political views don't matter? sure if you live under a rock and have no opinion or -- you know if there are slight differences on certain topics but a far left and a far right no way
THEY DON'T! At the end of the day, we live our lives the way we see fit. Unless you believe Trump will barge into your home and tell you how to live. It's when people drag politics into EVERYTHING that makes others more stand-offish about discussing their political views.
Or you know you can learn to respect each other's opinions. My father is a far right and my mother is a far left more or less and they're happily married. They even have playful fights and arguments of who's right then make up if it gets too serious (to our dismay *shivers*). You learn to deal with it and even accept it when you're older I guess. You can't always hate people with differing views and still call yourself mature now can you...
I know she is reading these comments and I see a lot of negativity. I feel like she never claimed it was the guys' fault the proposals didn't work out, nor did she blame her ex-friends for their friendship ending. It seems like she knows what she wants and I believe that to be very good even though I don't agree with her views and almost any point. Instead of looking to change him she realized that she just had to keep looking for the guy that she fit to. Give kudos where they are due!
That's because a hand shake can tell you a lot about a man. A limp wrist usually means a lack of confidence or backbone. An opinionated girl doesn't need a man who will fold easily.
Bernhard Fritz My guess is that either she's so attractive that the guys lost their minds and proposed WAY too soon (happens lol) ORRRR she stayed in relationships that she wasn't really feeling, way too long. Either way, she has game! lol
It really shouldnt and its sad we live in a world were when we hear a different opinion we block that person out. It shouldnt be that way, opinions about politics shouldnt ruin a relationship period
@@reenaasmr8451 I do think that we should listen to eachother more, but I mean...a trump supporter and a antifa 'protester' are not going to get married okay lol
Before watching the video, I read the comments and I actually thought I wasn’t gonna stand the girl. But after watching I ended up really liking her, and not liking him lol. She seems to really just have a good awareness and view of the people and world around her.
Robert J they’re probably a libtard or a SJW, not saying that all liberals are like that but their population is really adding up these days. I mean, I couldn’t care less, I can’t see the end of the tunnel in both views
you guys are literally dumb he's 30 seconds in so he didnt even see her political views. he's saying her personality alone is the reason why her relationships dont work, no matter her political views. but go ahead jump to conclusions about the original commenters political views
mr sir Do you really expect us to believe someone when they say that “they don’t need her political beliefs”. It’s clear as daylight that the commentator is on the left side of the scale. Possibly the toxic left side even.
Krista M what I don't understand about these comments is that nobody has the exact same views. Everyone has a different mixture of values and intensities for each one.
I would rather be alone my whole life then with someone who supports people like trump. I feel like people don't realize all the things political views attach too. Topics like abortion, homosexuality, race, even family life, and much much more are usually connected to your political views and to be with someone who has different views on those range of things is just no for me. Even your morals are attached to your political views and you want someone with the same morals as you.
Come again for big phudge, I'm sure you don't live your life or want your life lived through someone's eyes by stats. Life is not a sport after all. Marriage is a huge deal am sure maybe if it was treated as serious and intentional to everyone as it may appear to her we would not have the slight view of marriage as is the case nowadays. Worse is the case for politics which has become a functional religion these days, especially in America where you're not allowed to disagree. Come on let's get the benefit that we'd want for our selves.
He says he doesn't care if the person he's talking to is liberal or conservative, but I'm catching vibes he does care...very much. He just didn't know it or feels pressured to play in the middle as a neutral party in order to get along with everyone. Also let's be real- just because 8 dudes proposed doesn't mean they were all good guys. They might be hardcore crazy and she has the right to say no and not feel pressured from the act.
Sauce In a society as polarised as the American, different views can be a big deal. I think political views are quite important but not for political reasons. If you’re a leftie, you think the state needs to take responsibility for peoples’ lives. If you’re to the right, you think people need to take responsibility for their own lives. I think it’s fairly evident which persuasion is more sustainable in an isolated situation, but in reality we need a little bit of both. The reason that is important is that if you have children, a leftie won’t teach their children to take responsibility for themselves, which would be essential for a rightie. Lefties preach tolerance but show none when their candidate loses as the world has seen recently. Righties may not necessarily be more tolerant but they’re also not pretending to be, nor do they assume they have some superiority like the lefties do. Such differences in perspective are fundamental to a person’s interactions with the world that you’d be best off with either a like-minded person or someone who is not interested in politics.
vondahe righties preach family values and then ask their mistresses to have abortions. Righties also elect a man that's been married 3 times with 5 children. The difference between the right and left are lot deeper than personal responsibility.
eamcbmsc What are you on about 🤦🏻♂️ right sided views are Against abortion and believe every child has the right to life while the left believes it’s the woman’s body and it’s her decision on what she does with it
La Flame I understand each sides platform. I was acknowledging the fact that republicans are also hypocritical. Earlier this year a republican congressman told his mistress to get an abortion, because he didn’t want people to know he cheated on his wife.
seriously. like sociopath vibes. cold, super calculated in how she speaks, and it seemed like she was like 'acting' human emotions instead of experiencing them? like he said he was the actor, but she seemed like she was acting how she thought a human would. totally creepy
It isn't a difference in politics, it's a difference in values.
you nailed it
lulu prince Those are extremely closely related. Values are tied to politics.
Your values influence your politics so I see it as interchangeable
Johnny Yip Nah.
It wasn't politics. At the end the marriage and kids thing was a deal breaker. They had different expectations. Glad they said no. Shows they are serious and smart individuals.
i guess we'll never know if they wouldve dated if they had the same views on marriage and kids, but considering this girl has lost friends and relationships/fiances then she probably wouldnt work out anyway with someone who doesnt feel as she does.
Amy Mujagic they totally would've dated had they had the same views on kids and marriage. They both talked a lot about how people shouldn't get so incensed about political differences, so they obviously both were okay with their political differences.
Shamsa Shakir I agree. But like always, people are making it about political views.
Yea exactly.
And the guy said he couldn't care less about Politics. So even if the girl had strong views they couldnt have gotten into any sort of big arguments over it cause the guy was neutral
Shamsa Shakir True that
Still waiting for the day when one of them gets the name right. They were so close
Getting closer and closer every time!
That thought his name was mike haha
Lara Ozcan same and I freaked out
Jasmin me too like once
You telling me they found the chair with their eyes closed
Yup I smelled that too LOL it's some bullshit! 😂🤣
ryan they're not really closed their eyes, one time i see the guy said 'I'm scared when i see your red shoes at first' that's mean they're just looking down. Is just to not looking your partner's face
I never thought of that yooo
@@Pun1Sh3r_360 Or someone helped them navigate to the chair...
They told them how many steps
They lacked connection, but both of them seem to be mature and clear about what they want.
Alexander Herrera EXACTLY
She's a Trump supporter. She's trash.
“I have been proposed to by eight different people.” ... I can’t even get a text back. 🙄
February 22, 2021: It has been this long since I commented on this video?! Thank you for all the likes and replies! 😁
I’ll slide in the DMs I’m looking for a relationship atm😂
thirstworld population of 3
drink some evian, fellahs FFS
I would text you back. Lol
Its because that lady in this video has a fairly attractive face and has a good facial harmony overall! Why do you think she is getting multiple options from different people from variety of backgrounds???
I think political opinions really do matter because it can cause a lot of arguing and could possibly end a relationship
It doesn't really come up. I'm more conservative and my girlfriend is more liberal. We actually have fun discussing it.
The ACE Family! I disagree with that
Unless it’s a good relationship
Unknown B why
The ACE Family! Because politics would not dictate someone relationship
“You sure? You losing friends over it..” lmaooo king
what did he mean? i didn't get it
@@user-nr2cg8hh5u The girl saying shea a Republican but not really into politics
@@JesusChrist-ss1qg She didn't say she was a Republican, did she?
carrotcake he’s not wrong
I think he was pretty attracted to her in the beginning but as it went on he was like heeeell nah
This is why people shouldn't jump into relationships! lol Usually people find out they're incompatible when they've already been together a while.
Andi Loveall Hey there Andi, can you do the world a favor and shut your stupid mouth?
Nah my wise mouth will keep advising people to not make rash decisions in love. Thanks though. :)
...Maybe just give out advice when it's asked for instead of making general proclamations about people you don't know Dr. Lady Love. ;)
Nah, I'm going to keep doing what I want, especially since it's annoying you guys so much. :)
I thought I'd like the girl better but the guy is very down to earth and respectful, like him
Jack& Jude same
Jack& Jude same
true, really handsome and mature guy
Yeah I like him... she was boring
Meh. I don't really like either of them.
If a woman has an open heart that you can see through her eyes, take her to an emergency room.
this lady been proposed to 8 times? go her. I can't even maintain eye contact with a guy for more than 15 seconds.
Bailey Babb hahahaha awesome comment
Bailey Babb LMAO
Bailey Babb ME 😂
idk, that would probably be a deal breaker to me
Bailey Babb uiii
Your politics don't make you who you are, but they reflect your morals, values, and and everything you stand for. So it reflects what kind of person you are. So a couple with different politics and values functioning well is very difficult, but not impossible. I just wouldn't advise it.
@overgrow00 exactly
@you’re right butI honestly like your profile name lol
@overgrow00 Not true, at all
Thats the same thing dude.
Every time she said something he didn't like, you could tell immediately. Lol
Actors are usually super transperant in their real lives :D
Kacie Lysne jessica
kind of sad though
I see that.But i also see that lady from party of five and the craft..forgot her name
haaaah sorry wrong comment
It sucks when people say they "aren't into" politics. Politics isn't a hobby, it's something that literally shapes the world we live in. For a lot of people, politics affects their livelihood and their day-to-day lives. The decisions of politicians and people in power affect the ability of people to get healthcare, how much money they make at their job, etc. If you're in the position where you can treat politics like a hobby or something that you're able to be detached from, you're living a privileged life.
I've found that people that don't follow politics are more hardworking and less stubborn than people whos lives revolve around what this or that politician did or said today. It's not a matter of privilege either, the most apolitical people I've met are working class while people who have the time to follow politics are generally middle to upper class.
Jebbifer I’m a centrist, and honestly I don’t care about politics that much cause all politics are is inconsistent arguments and issues that never find common ground, and to say someone like me who don’t care that much saying I have a privilege life Hon I come from a Mexican American working class background that has to pay they’re bills and keep a roof over my head I’m far from privileged.
Jebbifer thank you!
Not being into politics doesn’t mean you have no interest at all, it just means you don’t regularly follow it. Both people here clearly have stances, it’s just that they aren’t the type to go research or debate or campaign over it.
I’m with OP here. The United States’ voting numbers are shameful and the people who do vote are often very uneducated about the choice they’re making. We need to stop making excuses for why we’re ‘not into’ politics and start getting to voting booths. What sucks is that people with two jobs and twice as many kids, who stand to benefit perhaps the most from a candidate representing their interests, are the ones with the least amount of time to sit in a voting line for 3 hours.
I think she seems sweet and he seems like a cool respectful guy. She was just raised very differently. I think I'd find it hard to date someone with such different views too. But then getting to know each other was nice.
ednagirl1 guy?????????????? Jk😂😂I know what you mean
She would do well with a conservative military man from Texas.
She looks like she came right out of the early 2000s
Oitnb Oitnb 2000s women were the sexiest
So does he
Yeah that hair is not doing her any favors
@@angieruthw she looks beautiful so does her hair just her style is very 2000
Finally a representation with the man as a liberal and the woman as a conservative.
Hey i'm from France and i don't understand what is mean liberal and conservative ? İt's about religion or politics?
LemonEyes it's two kinds of politics
Liberal in general refers to an approach that is less restrained than conservative (emphasis on the conserve), but today, both words have political implications. Most Americans (if they know who those 2 are) would consider Macron a liberal and Le Pen a conservative.
Liberal implies less restraint than conservative (emphasis on the conserve), but today both words have political implications, mostly involving the power of the federal government. Most Americans, if they were familiar with both of them, would consider Macron a liberal, and Le Pen a conservative.
C'est quasiment comme la droite et la gauche en France d'où le "left-leaning" LemonEyes
They were actually really nice to each other, don’t really understand all the comments in regards to her being mean to him
@Dion St. Michael maybe that's why she's been proposed to 8 times or however much it was. I guess it didn't end well for most other guys lol.
It’s cuz she’s a conservative
i feel like he was more mean to her
Both are mature, intelligent and strong-headed people with very different perspectives to life and love. Both are looking for different things and are unapologetic about it. Just bcoz 2 people are incompatible, doesnt mean we have to take sides (of our own gender) and bash the other.
I liked both of them, and I am glad both stuck to their individuality in the end.
Awesome, insightful comment! We need more of your awareness and acceptance in the world!🌸
He is immature. She is too sensible for him. To the point of intimidating him.
@@themsmloveswar3985 you literally did what the comment said not to do, can you read grandma?
“A man with a weak handshake is out” “I’ve lost friends over politics” “8 engagements and 2 fiancés that didn’t work out” she needs to just gtfo never heard so many red flags in one sitting
Phillip no she seems like a nice person. Everybody has flaws. Don’t look at the negative, at least try to look at the good in people.
@The Objective Theist Traditional men (gentleman) is not suppose to give a woman a strong handshake, that is reserved for men. You can harm a woman doing that. With a woman you are gentle.
@@ulrichgray5497 I would just grab a woman's hand firmly with a strong arm and hand that isn't limp but I wouldn't squeeze her hand since I wouldn't want to hurt her.
The engagements is the only one I see as a red flag. The friends left her because she isn't a liberal NPC and I do agree that people shouldn't have weak ass handshakes.
A strong woman who knows what she believes in and won't settle for less than she deserves? Guys like you can go ahead and back away; let a real man go ahead and take a crack at it.
They have different perspectives in life and I like them both because they still stand on their opinions. Even all these, they are very honest on each other, which is good.
LoveMe,com I think that is the key for both sides regarding politics today hardest thing for any politician to do is to suck up their pride spit it out and have the balls to look at certain ideas of the other sites party and really talk debate it and think about it people are too stuck-up regarding left and right and middle this is the 21st century it's a shame that we still can't agree on things that should be no-brainers things that touch on what makes us human which is having a heart a soul and a good head on their shoulders
666 likes lmao
Proposed 8 times ?!?!?! it’s not the guys you’re dating that are the problem, it’s you.
moody sighs This just isn’t how statistics and life works.
My mum got proposed to 6 times and said yes twice, to the first and to the last. Some people have al the luck
She only got proposed TO 8 times. (if anything it just shows what a catch she might be that that many men have wanted to marry her). She only said yes twice (which I think is a bit high BUT idk the particulars of those relationships and why they ended. Better to be single than with the wrong person.)
i’ve read over this comment many times and i still don’t understand... how is she the problem? lol
Matthew Jenkins 😂😂😂😂 No, we don't. There is no "arranged" anything. We are free to date and marry whoever we want. You must be thinking of the polygamists (it's important to note that they are NOT real Mormons and that we do not support or condone polygamy). I have heard that they sometimes have arranged marriages. But this girl isn't one of them.
When the dude said the "I don't need church or paperwork, to look and say at the person I'm going to be with you for the rest of my life" gave me heart butter flies and I'm not even gay lmao
Wilson Then yes you are
That's really a lazy-man's way of saying hey save me the trouble of all that and let's just say we're married.
Kwejeebo lol I'd be ok with that somehow
Kwejeebo That's stupid. Everyone has a different view on marriage. A paper and a church won't make a marriage faithful nor it won't make it last forever.
Ronda METHFACE Rousey But it sure as hell makes it legally binding and harder to puss out from when things get rough.
She does not look 24 at all
I think he was just being nice. She looked 27 +/- 1 but he was smart and played it safe. He didn't know the girl and some people can get offended when they're assumed to be older than they are, even if it's still quite young.
@@samihamir7017 She looked more like 38 to me....
@@samihamir7017 I don't think it has anything to do with his guess or offending her. We basically saying she doesn't on her 20's more like mid 30's.
@@pettyx008 I agree that she doesn't look like any of the 27 year olds I know, but it's actually human nature for him to assume that he would be partnered with someone closer to his age, and as a man presumably with a younger woman. He seemed like a charismatic, nice enough guy, so I still stand with my original comment.
"I have been proposed to 8 DIFFERENT people. A couple of those people a few times." BISH WAT
Riley Xx right?! She's got game! Lol
Have you never been in a serious relationship? Or even had the homeless guy or your hopeless coworker propose to you?
You’re either way too young or doin something wrong
Riley Xx Yeah my thoughts too
Riley Showalter right I didn’t like this .. like why
Yay! A man who doesn't want kids amd is honest about it! Respect!
Gemini Neils well yea, they should be. They'll only ruin their lives and the girls live if they don't share their feelings... 🤔
Namai Heins Obviously, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't respect it
Gemini Neils when I heard him say that I needed to high five him. I don't want kids so it's nice when you come across across other childfree people
I have mixed feelling about kids in the future
John cena doesn’t want kids
"The funny thing about choosing sides is that you don't have to be all the way on one side or the other. It's okay to be feeling like 'this is the one I align with a little bit more, and it's not perfect, but at least there's stuff I can appreciate a little bit more on this side.'" - Allie
Yeah, I don't buy that. The minute lacigreen (a feminist) wants to start talking to the other side, she got so much backlash from the feminists and former friends on the left and she's not even a conservative.
Can we get updates on all the people that went on dates?
SoulPancake thats a very centrist point of view and very ignorant just so you know.
@alejandro B How is it ignorant? When I took government class it is actually normal to be more central between both views. The majority of people are not far left or far right. Most of us have more layers and our views are not as straight forward.
SoulPancake I would love to be in one of your shows!
Does anyone else feel like that chair look so uncomfortable
Rena's Glamour I like how everyone is talking about politics or whatever and you’re talking about how the chair looks so uncomfortable haha
I actually have the same exact one and it's really comfortable lol
Ellie_zabeth lol yh
I mean someone had to lighten up the mood
Rena's Glamour back problem squad over here
ya its like a normal chair i think they got it from ikea cus i saw it there
Who else is binge watching these right now?
Jack Manne 🙋🙋🙋
Jack Manne meeee
Jack Manne me!!!! Lol
the names are the closest yet no chemistry at all, also his face when she said messy marvin at 4:31 LMAO
Alex Talkey "uhhhhh" XD
that made me cringe so hard.. who tf says messy marvin lmfao
Alex Talkey yeeeah she's weird.
idk I thought it was cute and different that she said that
it was a little cringy i guess but also unique/quirky/cute. you guys act like she said something insane...i mean it's the nickname her parents gave her so she's just answering the question. >.>
I knew it.. there was just no chemistry at all..!
You could see that when she said it'd be perfect if she was a dog trainer and he was like nope, too weird
I felt a lot of chemistry, actually, until she mentioned that she was conservative and him mentioning that he didn't want to get married or have children.
Yeah that joke went way over is head :,D
Ava Meyers i
Ava Meyers same here no chemistry
I was like wtf when she said “ I’ve been proposed to 8 times” but then she said she was Mormon and it made sense.
He should've proposed to her at the end just to make it 9 hahahahaha
9 proposal 0 marriage
I would have married her on the spot!
These videos give me the worst cringe sweats, but they're so captivating I can't look away
Laura Heffernan like a slow-motion car crash ha ha.
Laura Heffernan ikr
Wow you're even more sensitive about this than I am. I usually ff/skip through cringey parts of movies or videos, but I found this ok.
200th like
You just put words to my feelings!
She gives off a super weird vibe. The fact that it starts with her stating the fact that she's had 8 different guys propose to her like it's a badge of honor...he definitely dodged a bullet with this one. Glad they both said no & didn't waste each other's time.
She specifically said that it *wasn't* 8 different guys. It was a few guys that proposed multiple times. She said it more so to show that she's tired of guy's dicking around and she wants someone serious and ready.
jeppemichael no one was guy bashing, it's what she said seeing as she said "if another guy proposes he has to be ready to get married like tomorrow" and that she wants to be married with kids, so what are you on about?
She's just a trump supporter
Dee Hines I'm no she said it was eight dif guys and from those eight some proposed a couple times get your facts straight and actually pay attention
I think she is the one who dodged a bullet. The guy seems like a bit of a bum to me. I highly doubt he has anything lined up with his "acting" career.
Am I the only one who felt that she was almost scared of saying she was conservative...?
It is pretty scary to be conservative now a days
@@victoriamendez9006 yeah. In the modern day liberal driven educational istitutions, getting told you are a horrible person for your political beleifs by not just others but curriculum and teachers also is really messed up. In Canada, everyone is indoctrinated to hate the USA and Conservative values, with few if any of them having as so much as a clue to what they are saying past regurgitation.
gnizz00 because modern society pushes the idea that conservatives are the idiots when it’s the other way around...
Sure, fear of being attacked.
Yes because Liberals want everyone to accept themselves but they won’t accept anyone else’s ideas or beliefs.
His face when she said that she'd feel 'uncomfortable' when taking bout sex lmaoo 8:56
Naveen DTube when she said messy marvin he was probably like she can give sloppy top
Scout Deadass
"Well she is consevative and sex boring. NOPE."
Naveen DTube y
Names were so close.
aspebb ikr closest yet
aspebb I guessed Brendan's name
Vicc same, he looks like a Brendon
Anyone else thought the guys name was Ryan ?
Justin 7
I hate how she looks at him almost like he's her patient or something. :--(
She is a addiction specialist what do you expect, when you love your job and do it well you never stop doing that job ask any cop or doctor.
Kathleen right she acts pretty entitled it’s annoying lmao
shes the worst. I honestly dont know how anyone could stand her long enough to propose.
She seemed slightly guarded but this is a blind date. That hardly seems unusual. I think most people would find it a little harder to relax around someone they don't know and are supposed to be assessing as a potential significant other.
Kathleen i get what you mean, however sometimes it's just hard for people to keep an interested face when someone is talking to them. I do it myself, you just don't realize that you are making a face of disgust or disinterest.
Why are people hating on her? I didn’t get her being judgmental at all. She just has different values.
dude shes bland af
@@eduardotorres7645 so what if she is bland lol
@CanadianLoki76 nope, it's not that. In a another their video people were hating on a liberal girl. People just like to hate.
She didn’t seem that into him.
She lost me when conservative has family value after stormy Daniel and putting kids in cage
I've never met a guy who doesn't want kids. It's so nice to hear my point of view coming from another person's mouth. Made me feel less alone. And he loves dogs. I would totally date him!!
right off the bat, there has to be something wrong with her if she's had 8 people propose to her and none of those relationships worked out, i mean....
taliaaa 8 people proposed, she said yes to 2
I think the strict military and Mormon house has more of a toll on her than she thinks. She seems very structured and specific about what she wants and demands so good luck to her.
And failed lol. They also asked more than once. So that would be at least of a total of 10 you idiot.
But said yes to 8 or more proposals dumb ass.
... following
the guy is like really trying to be nice
I bet when he was 13 years old he would be the type of dude that would tell to not come to school tomorrow
pineapple ú
Yup, he tried. I got that feeling that he wanted to pull out a weapon, and destroy Hitler's spawn.
pineapple he tryna get some tonight
who hurt you
That kiss on the hand really melted my heart. She was really moved by it, too.
Well of course, it's gentleman behavior, which matters a lot to conservatives
Her: I've had 2 fiancees
Me: Hmm I wonder why it didn't work out for her...
Her: I'm a conservative mormon from Texas
Me: Ah, there it is
Carlos GC 😂😂😂😂hehehe
Come on give us a break! I am a conservative mormon from Canada married to a Catholic and I would never try to change my husband just like he would never try to change me!
It’s only the Mormon part
E.V Velasquez you better shut it up in here
"Pulling out a gerbil, like woah what are you doing!" He's the best. 😂
marissa vera I'm sorry I found that really disgusting and a total turnoff of Brendan. I know it's a joke and referring to the Richard gere rumor, but anytime someone includes animals with intimacy and sexuality it's revolting. 😑
Posterior Pancakes that's your prerogative. Just like it was mine to find his comment distasteful. Ahhh, the joys of sharing your opinions on the internet.
That lady seems kind of rude. She seems like the kind of person who instantly judges people. She also has no sense of humor, I feel bad for that dude.
MrMonsterHunter 808 You got all of that when she said she’s conservative lol
+Aidan Henriksen Or mega liberal lol. People who base their lives on political views have no personality
You got from this video? You're rude and judgmental. You're totally the devil you see in her.
Did you watch this? She was funny and charming. I almost got confused at one point about which one was the actor.
the entire time she was making jokes and laughing wtf?
I love this, they are pretty much polar opposites but they are seem to respect each other. Very interesting to watch.
lmao im glad he said no to her, she comes off pretentious just because she's been asked to get married 8 times. but also props to brendan for being a gentleman.
I thought she was lovely. I can see why she has been proposed to 8 times.
They both give me weird vibes idk why lol
He comes off as slightly insecure and aloof, although a genuinely nice guy. She seems sweet up front, but has got that "I voted for Trump and I stand by that" vibe that usually carries a lot of... undertones. Also .. Texas.
this is exactly the type of feel I got
Maryam Yusuf very weird!
I’m pretty sure she did a crappy job of putting extensions in.
They're uptight lol
This may just be the most uncomfortable one I've watched yet
Haven't even watched the rest of the video yet:
"I've been proposed to by 8 different people. A couple of those people a couple times."
"I've accepted two proposals. I've had two fiancés. And it didn't work out with either one."
"I'm at this point, I've told my friend, that if someone proposes to me again, they need to say 'do you want to get married like, tomorrow?'"
the dude dodged a bullet
@@user-ln8xk5oc3t I think it is a little redflaggy that her solution to two failed engangements is to get married straight away with the next one.
You should make a video about how past couples have worked out after they met
Like if you agree👍🏽
xxATTACKxx 123 they did but I didn't turn out good people were making fun of the lady
He seemed pretty chill, but idk about her
I thought he was going to be the conservative one haha.
Courtny No no way you can tell she was
You can tell she was Mormon
Courtny No as soon as she said she was from Texas , I knew she was the conservative
She should date Wyatt from the other one
Not kidding here . I just saw that one before this and was thinking excatly the same thing . *_*
tayyaba shah I don’t believe you girl
@@iloveyouall277 well sista ya betta believe in coincidences.
Yup she even fitted his physical type description
@@mitsukifrancis.forever2617 same thing happened to me
Dam I thought the girl would be the liberal and they guy would be the conservative
It was sort of like that in an0ther video
I thought the opposite
oh no that haircut screams conservative
Nope. When he said he is an actor I knew he would be a liberal
Why because she looks Hispanic? Bigot exposed.
They hate each other lmfao
what makes you think that?
That's what I was thinking XD
I didn't get that vibe at all and actually thought they seemed to get along fairly well. They seem like they could easily have a good friendship.
But the views on marriage and children was the dealbreaker and is a respectable deal breaker.
@Peteto Chibs that's exactly my thought
Right? 😂😂😂 he was being nice but he clearly checked out after she said conservative
It's so naive to think that political opinions shouldn't matter in a relationship. Especially in the US, politics often overlap with your personal morals and values. Knowing if someone's a Democrat/Republican or Liberal/Conservative can hint at their values. I'm not saying you should exclude/include people based solely on their political opinions, but it should be taken consideration.
Veracity - yes to every thing ❤️
in many cases politics are just our moral values projected onto a countrie's laws
don't agree at all. if that were the case, then there would only be two cookie-cutter profiles of belief that apply to practically every american. people are way more diverse in opinion than the two-party system would have you believe.
@JackGhent "political beliefs" here is more than which political party someone is registered/aligned with. Even among people who are unafiliated with a political party, there is plenty of political disagreement.
that's literally the point that i'm making. knowing if someone is a democrat, republican, liberal, or conservative is not a good indicator of their actual belief system
She’s extremely mature! Acts 40! But is only 27! Crazy! But a smart woman! She knows who she is and what she wants. You go girl!
amen to that.
I just want to be on this to find out what name I look like!! someone please tell me 😭
fr same
[E&I] Jessica!!! You look like a Jessica. What's your actual name??
Mikayla Heheheh thank you!! haha my name is Erin :)
You look like a Miranda
omg thank u for the feedback 🙌🏼
I saw him and my first thought was that he's like 38 and she said he was 30 and I was like aww that's so polite when he's obviously older ... Then he says he's 28 oops 😂
deadlyNightshade789 fffffffgggfg
deadlyNightshade789 ddddddd
deadlyNightshade789 da
deadlyNightshade789 dd
deadlyNightshade789 ddddd
This is so sad Alexa play "Despacito"
😂 😂 😂 💀
This is the funniest comment on here!!
*Messy Marvin* *
I literally said the same thing in my head
24? she looks like in her mid 30s. no offense, she looks very grown up, like someone who can take responsibilities
Same, I can’t believe she’s not in her mid-30s
I guessed her age anywhere from late 20's to early 30's.
The guy looked older too. That forehead crease made me think he was in his mid-30's too.
32 was my guess
it's weird how people can be so alike, yet so different
U can tell she's that type of girl who was the mean girl in highschool
AMC. NATION Define “mean girl”.
AMC. NATION The one who thought she was cool and everyone liked her but they actually didn't because she was rude to everyone
Coming from a military mormon home, I highly doubt it.
I honestly don't get that from her at all, she seems sweet. The guy seems like the mean one
because she looks like Rachael Mcadams?
the both turned around at the end and looked back at each other.
I saw that haha
Unpopular opinion: She is beautiful! I will say, however, that she is quite intimidating.
I don't know how many people would disagree with that assessment
Spot on.
I highly doubt anyone thinks she is unattractive... The intimidating part I can see as maybe being disagreed upon.
Why intimidating?
I think this is a very popular opinion
She said she doesn't get into a relationship that's not headed towards marriage... Girl but you had 8 going towards marriage... I'm confused
Irma Alexander maybe the wrong person.
qwer Yup
Took her long enough to find out. One thing I hate is people wasting your time
Well, maybe there is a very shallow pool of possible candidates were she lives and to even get some the guys had to propose.
That could be possible.
I didn't like either of them off the bat honestly.
Oh, just realized he doesn't like kids. I totally thought him to be the type of guy who goes out in the park and throw a football with his kids lol.
Well I lile the guy for some part and I like the women for the look in her eyes, but that would be a bad couple tho
zadose smart and educated? Lady got proposed 8 times
Faye Massey what’s wrong with the guy
She came off a bit judgemental
stan xiumin LITERALLY SAME
stan xiumin I mistakenly read this as “Brain” and I thought you meant he looks smart😂😂
I think these two show a lot of class....different viewpoints but respectful and honest about where they stand. If only every wrong match worked like this.
Would pass on her immediately, she comes off as kind of rude and possibly overbearing
Travis Lockhart i agree. She been engaged multiple times and it didnt work out. Im gonna assume its her.
Travis Lockhart
The pass for me was that she was wearing sneakers.
Dr.John Doe what 😂
She seems like one of thoe people who come off as kind but have that side to thim that'd make the devil cringe. She's one of those people who would never stop until she feels she wins an argument.
Its her conservative upbringing.
Nooooooooooooooooooo chemistry
She low key looks like Rachel McAdams
Zinah G yes!!
Hence all the proposals
I see Katherine heigl
She's been proposed to by 8 different people?!
And she's 27! WTF
Political opinion is very important
gottas33 it ain’t
Not when the voting system is corrupted and presidents are just puppets acting a certain way in order to divide society. For real tho, this aint it chief. People out here need to learn bih
gottas33 it’s only important if you’re close minded
Robert J
It is. If someone is against abortion and you would want one if mistakes/accidents happened, it makes sense to not want a partner that wouldn't support them
Jorge M
It's important because it reflects values. If I'm pro-gun and the other isn't, how would they feel/act around my firearm? If someone is against abortion, an mistakes/accidents happened and I wanted an abortion, it would make sense to want a partner that would support that choice
I’m liberal but I have many friends that are conservative and we get along fine. That being said, I could never be with someone romantically that didn’t share the same political values with me. It would cause conflict and tension in the relationship. I’m love politics and standing up for what I believe in so it would be a constant problem. I can understand how people who aren’t that into politics could date someone from the opposite side of the political spectrum, but for me it would be a deal breaker.
He deserves someone better
Dilara disagree
Dilara he deserves someone better, that bitch is cold and scary
Dilara I do not know why you are saying that. She seems like a good gal
I don't know why people sees her as cold and scary.
I saw her as a strong woman who know what she wants.
Dilara They both deserve to find someone who loves them.
Both are great people, they just have different mindsets.
She looks like Melissa from pretty little liars
Spot on, I was thinking the same
That was what I was thinking
Lol true I see it
Anyone think the girl looks like Melissa from pretty little liars?? No, just me? Mkay
That's ALL I thought the whole time
Yeah I do and when he said Al or a I was like oooo A
Yes crossed with Rachel mcadams!
When she shook her head to the liberal thing I cringed... that poor guy just sucked it up and tried not to say anything.
Elie K. She nodded
He shouldnt have said anything
Lmao liberals
Elie K. She nodded. You know, like she understood?
I cringe when someone is left
I thought they were both lovely people! She was pretty and had beliefs that she held to. She wanted a family and was a conservative. Nothing wrong with either of those. He was a cool chill guy who didn't want kids. Enough said. I thought they had great friend chemistry, but it just didn't fit. Good episode.
Agreed! So many ppl against the young woman because she's a conservative. She wasn't even a far right, extreme conservative.
if they are a trump supporter then aren't they all those things.
Politics matter very much... Your political view don’t just say who you will vote for, it is a scale of your moral integrity, your thought process, how subject you are to change. You can have blossoming friendships with someone who doesn’t align with your views, but a relationship is different.
Not really. At the end of the day, everyone just wants the country to be free and fair. Politics is just disagreemnt on how you get there.
Minishcat I wholly agree with you. A lot of people don't understand that political views are so much more important than what meets the eye. Political views are also indicative of lifestyle choices.
@@nf4866 I beg to differ that everyone wants the country to be free and fair. Much more so with fairness. There are religions sects and groups who want an established religion in government which does not make it far to people of other religions views and atheistic views. There are groups the are anti-[type of lifestyle] who believe they should be put in jail or executed. There are groups who believe that people of different races should be killed or treated like slaves.
@@youwild00 there are also people who think their microwave is talking to them. But these people are so fringe and rare that it's not even worth talking about in the context of whether or not you should be dating them.
@@youwild00 There are also people who anarchy, or communism. The fact is, all those are in the great minority when it goes to either political side of the arguments. It's far more simple than people want to believe, Left and liberals are into Big Government, Right and Conservatives are into Small Government.
nothing bothers me more than when people "stay out of politics". Politics, the law, and government are how everything is managed and controlled in our lives how can you not have an opinion or care about that
Cmarie3653 because politics are all the same it the people of a country that make a change when they put their differences to come together, that something politics never do to people it only brings the unholy side of everyone
I'm not into the bickering that goes along with politics, so I stay out.
Because politics is a shitshow of corruption, taking advantage of the people, senseless arguing and winning votes. In case you missed it I'm for the minimal amount of government intervention while remaining law and order, but I'm not clueless to realise that this ideal is not possible with people as we are animals and need leaders in our kingdom to tell us what to do.
I disagree. Politics, the government, and even the laws passed are REACTIONARY. That is, they do not dictate our lives... they react to the way our lives already are. They react to CULTURE.
Think about it... what came first, the civil rights movement or the civil rights act?
It was the movement.
And why didnt the civil rights act happen immediately after slavery was abolished? Because the culture at large still supported slavery and assumed the inferiority of black people.
Thus... segregation.
And it took years for the people to change the culture into finally accepting the civil rights movement.
Once the culture changed, THEN the political aspects fell into place.
So, the politics are secondary. To have real political change, PEOPLE must change.
It has NOTHING to do with politics.
And THAT is the real reason that "nothing gets done"... its not bad politics or policy.. its bad PEOPLE.
And these people all think that changing policies will actually change the country.
No, it won't change a thing.
So, they just ignorantly bicker and argue about why THEY are right and expressing their opinions as facts... whilst the only way they can ever achieve their desired end is to do the exact opposite... and CHANGE PEOPLES MINDS.
And obviously... vilifying and name-calling your opponent is no way to change their mind. But that is all the "political process" is... trying to make the other side look worse. Not changing anything.
And I want CHANGE.
And the change is derived from the culture.. and the culture is derived from the people... NOT politics.
And that is why I do not "care" about politics.
i don't really get how people can say political views don't matter? sure if you live under a rock and have no opinion or -- you know if there are slight differences on certain topics but a far left and a far right no way
THEY DON'T! At the end of the day, we live our lives the way we see fit. Unless you believe Trump will barge into your home and tell you how to live. It's when people drag politics into EVERYTHING that makes others more stand-offish about discussing their political views.
I'm a right leaning person and I try and surround myself with left leaning people.
It's a values matter to me
Wrong my parents have been married 20 years
Or you know you can learn to respect each other's opinions. My father is a far right and my mother is a far left more or less and they're happily married. They even have playful fights and arguments of who's right then make up if it gets too serious (to our dismay *shivers*). You learn to deal with it and even accept it when you're older I guess. You can't always hate people with differing views and still call yourself mature now can you...
I know she is reading these comments and I see a lot of negativity. I feel like she never claimed it was the guys' fault the proposals didn't work out, nor did she blame her ex-friends for their friendship ending. It seems like she knows what she wants and I believe that to be very good even though I don't agree with her views and almost any point. Instead of looking to change him she realized that she just had to keep looking for the guy that she fit to. Give kudos where they are due!
Actually she did blame her for ex-friends :/
That's because a hand shake can tell you a lot about a man. A limp wrist usually means a lack of confidence or backbone. An opinionated girl doesn't need a man who will fold easily.
Bernhard Fritz My guess is that either she's so attractive that the guys lost their minds and proposed WAY too soon (happens lol) ORRRR she stayed in relationships that she wasn't really feeling, way too long. Either way, she has game! lol
*Answering Do Political Opinions Matter in a Relationship* ...Yes.
The End
It really shouldnt and its sad we live in a world were when we hear a different opinion we block that person out. It shouldnt be that way, opinions about politics shouldnt ruin a relationship period
Its lame
@@reenaasmr8451 I do think that we should listen to eachother more, but I mean...a trump supporter and a antifa 'protester' are not going to get married okay lol
@Aaliyah 3 Actually about a quarter of hispanics voted for him so it wouldn't be that uncommon.
@Aaliyah 3 Not necessarily harder. You're assuming all hispanics think like a monolith and that they all have to have the same political opinions.
The guy is definitely trying, but I don’t see a connection
i like this. very respectful of one another
She looks like Melissa Hastings for Pretty Little Liars
Jenny Schneider that's what i was thinking omg
Yeppp rachel mcadams
Plus her name is allie,Same to McAdam's role in The Notebook
Eva longoria
She looks like Emas watson mother
Neida veid Bruh.😧
Left or right leg joke was good.
Girl = Rachel McAdams+ Eva Longoria
Spot on!
Hassiba Kaori yup he totally banged her after the video
+ tori devito
So offensive to Eva Longoria.
she looks like Melissa from pretty little liars
Before watching the video, I read the comments and I actually thought I wasn’t gonna stand the girl. But after watching I ended up really liking her, and not liking him lol. She seems to really just have a good awareness and view of the people and world around her.
less than 30 seconds in & i already know shes the problem in every relationship shes in. dont need her political views. next.
jaredxcantrell you seem very closed minded?
Robert J they’re probably a libtard or a SJW, not saying that all liberals are like that but their population is really adding up these days. I mean, I couldn’t care less, I can’t see the end of the tunnel in both views
@@pnavrrha It's at the point where apolitical people are liberal by default
you guys are literally dumb he's 30 seconds in so he didnt even see her political views. he's saying her personality alone is the reason why her relationships dont work, no matter her political views. but go ahead jump to conclusions about the original commenters political views
mr sir Do you really expect us to believe someone when they say that “they don’t need her political beliefs”. It’s clear as daylight that the commentator is on the left side of the scale. Possibly the toxic left side even.
She looks similar to Rachel McAdams
More to Saina Nehwal I guess
Don't do Rachel like that 😂😂😂
or Rachel Bilson
I was thinking the same exact thing
Mahek Maheshwari
Kinda like Racheal Ray the chef
Political views definitely matter. I could never be with someone who doesn't have the same views as me.
Krista M
Krista M what I don't understand about these comments is that nobody has the exact same views. Everyone has a different mixture of values and intensities for each one.
I would rather be alone my whole life then with someone who supports people like trump. I feel like people don't realize all the things political views attach too. Topics like abortion, homosexuality, race, even family life, and much much more are usually connected to your political views and to be with someone who has different views on those range of things is just no for me. Even your morals are attached to your political views and you want someone with the same morals as you.
Yeah I would never date someone who prefers pineapple on pizza.
Noize Tank you are stating the facts!!! what about mint chocolate chip icecream?
8 proposals , 2 engagements, lost friends because of politics .
Maybe the problem is with you bud
Come again for big phudge I thought the same. She seems cold
Come again for big phudge, I'm sure you don't live your life or want your life lived through someone's eyes by stats. Life is not a sport after all. Marriage is a huge deal am sure maybe if it was treated as serious and intentional to everyone as it may appear to her we would not have the slight view of marriage as is the case nowadays. Worse is the case for politics which has become a functional religion these days, especially in America where you're not allowed to disagree. Come on let's get the benefit that we'd want for our selves.
Come again for big phudge rightttt
Come again for big phudge I agree and I like your pfp 💕🌿
He says he doesn't care if the person he's talking to is liberal or conservative, but I'm catching vibes he does care...very much. He just didn't know it or feels pressured to play in the middle as a neutral party in order to get along with everyone. Also let's be real- just because 8 dudes proposed doesn't mean they were all good guys. They might be hardcore crazy and she has the right to say no and not feel pressured from the act.
Sauce In a society as polarised as the American, different views can be a big deal. I think political views are quite important but not for political reasons.
If you’re a leftie, you think the state needs to take responsibility for peoples’ lives. If you’re to the right, you think people need to take responsibility for their own lives. I think it’s fairly evident which persuasion is more sustainable in an isolated situation, but in reality we need a little bit of both.
The reason that is important is that if you have children, a leftie won’t teach their children to take responsibility for themselves, which would be essential for a rightie. Lefties preach tolerance but show none when their candidate loses as the world has seen recently.
Righties may not necessarily be more tolerant but they’re also not pretending to be, nor do they assume they have some superiority like the lefties do. Such differences in perspective are fundamental to a person’s interactions with the world that you’d be best off with either a like-minded person or someone who is not interested in politics.
Sauce she said 8x not 8guys. But yet& still,.. that can be true that they possibly aren’t all good guys
vondahe righties preach family values and then ask their mistresses to have abortions. Righties also elect a man that's been married 3 times with 5 children. The difference between the right and left are lot deeper than personal responsibility.
What are you on about 🤦🏻♂️ right sided views are Against abortion and believe every child has the right to life while the left believes it’s the woman’s body and it’s her decision on what she does with it
La Flame I understand each sides platform. I was acknowledging the fact that republicans are also hypocritical. Earlier this year a republican congressman told his mistress to get an abortion, because he didn’t want people to know he cheated on his wife.
she gives me SUCH an off vibe. something ain’t right with her.
seriously. like sociopath vibes. cold, super calculated in how she speaks, and it seemed like she was like 'acting' human emotions instead of experiencing them? like he said he was the actor, but she seemed like she was acting how she thought a human would. totally creepy
She's literally fine. They both acted the same
girl group central reply me lol
Is it because she’s conservative?
she need jusis