Here I am suddenly remembering all the hand games I used to play with my classmates here in California, USA! They were so fun and I love how the rules for each were varied depending on where you came from! For instance our “Lemonade” song had two main versions: 1. Lemonade (3x👏🏽), crunchy ice (3x👏🏽), Beat it once (3x👏🏽), beat it twice (3x👏🏽), Lemonade, crunchy ice, beat it once, beat it twice, Turn around, touch the ground, and FREEZE Versus 2. Lemonade (3x👏🏽), Icee/iced tea/Hi-C (3x👏🏽), Coca-cola (3x👏🏽), Pepsi (3x👏🏽), Lemonade, Icee/iced tea/Hi-C, Coca-cola, Pepsi, Turn around, touch the ground, and FREEZE And whoever stayed frozen the longest won! Though people who already lost would try to distract/move the players to get them to unfreeze 😂 ESPECIALLY when you played with a lot of people and clapped together in a circle. I also have fond memories of my music class friends in middle school doing the “Sevens” game but turning it into a musical round to create a cohesive rhythm, where one person would begin on Motion #1, move onto Motion #2, and as they did that someone would start from the beginning with Motion #1, and so on with everyone clapping a different part out at the same time. Slide has to be my favorite hand game though-the highest me and a friend got to just before 20 during recess one day, we were so proud! I just have a hard time playing it with my brother because his hands are bonier than mine so when he smacks the back of them into my hands, his knuckles give me bruises if we play too long 😂 Thank you for the video, it brought back a lot of fun times when I was younger 💜
The way I learned lemonade is “lemonade clap clap clap ice tea, clap clap clap, coca cola clap clap clap pepsi, clap clap clap lemonade ice tea Coca Cola pepsi turn around touch the ground kick your boyfriend out of town and freeze. And we did the first motion they did and then clapped our hands with each other and then just clapped and repeated that 😭
Slide is one of my favourite games ever, ever since I moved from Hong Kong, I’ve been teaching my new friends the game, never hits the same as they’re never as fast or memorable as if those that have been playing since their childhood
We also had a game called apple on a stick, but me and my friends changed up the lyrics. It’s the same as the normal game but the lyrics are below: Apple on a stick that makes me sick That makes my heart go 246 Not because I’m dirty, not because I’m clean Just because I hit a boy behind the magazine, Girls, Boys were having lots of fun, Here comes the lady with a big fat bum, She can do a cartwheel, she can do a flip, but I bet she can’t do this. Close your eyes and count to ten, if you mess up you’re not my friend (Count to ten in beat) You didn’t miss a spot so you’re my best friend, This is the end of chapter ten!(here you high five with both hands)
I been knew about lemonade clap clap clap ice tea clap clap clap coca cola clap clap clap clap pepsi turn around touh the ground kick your girlfriend out of town now freeze now pose now do the tootsie roll ❤ : my favorite handshake 🤝 💕
The way I learned lemonade is: lemonade clap clap clap crunchy ice sip it once clap clap clap sip it twice clap clap clap lemonade crunchy ice sip it once sip it twice turn around touch the ground and kick your boyfriend out of town and pose and pose and tippy tippy tippy tippy toes. Thankyou for teaching the the other way though 😁
in my old school I did this all the time, and it was. 1.lemonade (clap x3) crunchy ice (clap x3) sip it once (clap x3) sip it twice (clap x3) lemonade, crunchy ice, sip it once, sip it twice turn around touch the ground kick your boyfriend out of town now freeze I think I gotta sneeze achoo blush you thank you WOOWHOO! or lemonade (clap x1) square ice (clap x1) Coca-Cola (clap x2) aint the best (clap x2) lemonade, square ice, Coca-Cola, aint the best, turn around, stomp the ground, now freeze, now pose, now we are done yay! and who had the best pose won most of the time, it was so fun!
Omg I k ow this is a year old, but whatever, but I didn't know that other people knew this! My brothers and I call it Slip and Slide, and it was "slide slide slip and slide if ypu say the number 5, you.will.lose"
0:17 the one I learned was "lemonade clap clap clap crunchy ice clap clap clap sip it once clap clap clap sip it twice clap clap clap lemonade crunchy ice sip it once sip it twice turn around touch the ground kick ur boyfriend out of town now freeze" then they freeze then is "American cheese" when they say that they pose some do peace sign then that's all
i said lemonade clap x3 iced tea clap x3 coca cola clap x3 pepsi clap x3 lemonade iced tea coca cola pepsi turn around touch the ground kick ur bf out of town freeze american cheese i think i gotta sneeze achoo bless you peace! little fishies swimming in the water hope they dint know harry potter
The obe of lemonade i remembered is Lemonade (clap2×) icy cola (clap2×)coca cola(clap2×) pepsi (clap 2×) lemonade icy cold coca cola pepsi turn around touch the ground and freeze! Tht is how i remembered when i was small
The way I learned lemonade was lemonade, clap, clap, clap, crunchy ice clap, clap, clap, it once clap, clap, clap, sip it twice, clap, clap, clap, lemonade, crunchy ice, sip it, one sip it twice, turn around, touch the ground, kick your boyfriend, out of town and freeze 🥶
The way I do lemonade is lemonade, clap, clap, clap, crunchy, ice, clap, clap, clap, sip it, once clap clap, clap lemonade, crunchy I slip in one slip it twice
The first one ik is : lemonade, crunchy ice, sip it once sip it twice lemonade, crunchy ice, sip one sip it twice turn around, touch the ground kick your boyfriend out of town fishy fishy in the water. Do you know Harry Potter? Now you freeze American cheese you speak Chinese
The 2nd one is : lemonade iced tea, Coca-Cola, Pepsi lemonade, iced tea, Coca-Cola Pepsi, turn around, touch your ground kick your boyfriend at a time freeze American cheese you speak Chinese
3rd: Lemonade, crunchy ice, sippy ones, separate twice lemonade, crunchy ice, separate ones separate twice turn around to ground kick your boyfriend out of town fishy fishy in the water. Do you know Harry Potter freeze.
4: lemonade, crunchy ice, separate one sip twice lemonade, crunchy ice, sip, one sip twice turn off, touch the ground kick your boyfriend out Out of town freeze American American cheese you speak Chinese and you’re about to get jinxed
I learned it "lemonade clap clap clap crunchy ice clap clap clap sip it once clap clap clap sip it twice clap clap clap lemonade cruchy ice sip it once sip it twice turn around touch the ground kick your friend out of town. FREEZE like American cheese"
i did lemonade as “lemonade 👏👏👏 crunchy ice 👏👏👏 sip it once 👏👏👏 sip it twice 👏👏👏 lemonade iced tea coca cola pepsi turn around touch the ground kick your boyfriend out of town little fishy in the water bet you don’t know harry potter freeze put your hands on your knees”
I did lemonade like this: lemonade 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 crunchy ice 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 sip it once 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 sip it twice 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 lemonade iced tea Coca Cola Pepsi turn around touch the ground kick ur brother out of town
There a softball chant of one it goes like Lemonade clap clap clap Crunchy ice clap clap clap Sip it once clap clap clap Sip it twice clap clap clap Lemonade crunchy ice sip it once sip it twice turn around touch the ground hit that ball outa town
I learned lemonade, clap clap clap, crunchy ice , clap clap , clap sip it once sip it twice clap clap clap lemonade,crunchy ice,sip it once, sip it twice turn around touch the ground kick your bestfriend out of town. Freeze lebanese cut it pees i like pizz
Slide was SO FUCKING FUN! I used to play it during swim meets! I learnt two variations of lemonade: 1. Lemonade crunchy ice, beat it once, beat it twice, turn around, touch the ground, kick your boyfriend out of town, freeze! 2. Lemonade, iced tea, Coca-Cola, pepsi, turn around, touch the ground, kick your boyfriend out of town, freeze!
My lemonade is different Lemonade clap clap clap crunchy ice clap clap clap sip it once sip it twice lemonade crunchy ice sip it once sip it twice turn around touch the ground kick you boyfriend out of town now freeze yucky cheese makes me sneeze acho bless you choo choo
I learnt it like: lemonade clap clap clap crunchy ice clap clap clap sip it once clap clap clap sip it twice clap clap clap lemonade ice tea coco cola Pepsi turn around touch the ground kick ur bff out of town and pose and pose and toes and toes and toes lol
One I learnt is lemonade ice tea coco cola pepsi this is a game of concentration no repeats or hesitation this is a game of concentration a b c d Rory Lemonade ice tea coco cola pepsi 5 4 3 2 1 American cheese I think I'm gonna sneeze achoo thank you welcome you take of your shoe here you can Have on high five
This is how I played lemonade . Lemonade clap clap clap crunchy ice clap clap clap sip it once sip it twice lemonade crunchy ice sip it once sip it twice turn around touch the ground kick your brother out of town
How I learned lemonade I did it like “lemonade clap clap clap crunchy ice clap clap clap sip it once sip it twice I’m chillin in the hot tub drinkin my Pepsi lemonade calp clap clap crunchy ice clap clap clap kick yo boyfriend out of town freeze American Cheese I think I got to sneeze achoo bless you thank you girl pu pu Pikachu”
I learned lemonade crunxh uce sip it once sip it twice lemonade crunchy ice sip it once sip it twice turn around touch the ground kick your boyfriend out if town freeze american cheese i think i need to sneeze achoo bless you winnie the poo barbacue tickle tickle tickle fresh. Anyone else?
I say the lemonade one as Lemonade, crunchy ice, sip it once, sip it twice Lemonade crunchy ice sip it once sip it twice turn around touch the ground kick your boyfriends ( or girlfriend) out of of town now pose now pose now touch your toesy tosey toes
The why I do it is lemonade clap clap clap clap clap clap Crunchy Ice clap clap clap sipping once clap clap clap skip it twice clap clap clap lemonade crunchy ice sip it one sip it twice turn around to stick around kick your boyfriend out of town and pose
I learned lemonade like this lemonade crunchy ice clap clap clap sip it once clap clap clap sip it twice clap clap clap lemonade crunchy ice sip it once sip it twice turn around touch the ground kick your boyfriend out of town freeze boggie to your knees American cheese i think im going to sneeze acho bless you goodbye
I learned lemonade is: *lemonade crunchy ice beat it once beat it twice lemonade crunchy ice beat it once beat it twice spin around touch the ground kick your boyfriend out of town American cheese and Freeze I think I got’a sneeze achoo bless you thank you and peace*
The way I learned it was le le lemonade clap clap ice cream clap clap Cocacola clap clap Pepsi le one icecream Cocacola Pepsi turn around touch the ground freeze another time freeze for the last time freeze
The way I learned lemonade is lemonade clap clap clap Ice-T clap clap clap Coca-Cola clap clap clap Pepsi clap clap clap lemonade crunchy ice sip it one sip it twice turn around touch the ground hug your friend and kick your boyfriend out of town and freeze then freeze American cheese cupcake cupcake eat it on a Sunday
I did lemonade clap clap clap crunchy ice clap clap clap sip it once clap clap clap sip it twice clap clap clap clap lemonade crunchy ice sip it once sip it twice turn around touch the ground kick your boyfriend out of town and freeze a lemonade cheese I think I'm going to sneeze ucho bless you Pikachu awu😂
I thought it was lemonade [clap] crunchy ice[clap] sip it once [clap] sip it twice[ clap] lemonade crunchy ice sip it one sip it twice turn around touch the ground and kick you boyfriend out of town and pose and pose and pose and pose and pose [with a heart] I thought that.
For lemonade I play it like Lemonade clap x3 cruncy ice clap x3 zip it once clap x3 zip it twice clap x3 lemonade cruncy ice zip it once zip it twice turn aground touch the ground kick your boyfriend out of town and pose and pose and toes and tose and toes and toes
When I do lemonade it’s called concentration and it’s like: concentration clap clap clap 64 clap clap clap no repeats clap clap clap or hesitation clap clap clap I go first clap clap clap and you go second clap clap clap subject is clap clap clap (and pick the subject) after your done saying the subject you say stuff about the topic but you can’t say the same thing that said
The way I do lemonade is lemonade, clap, clap, clap, crunchy, ice, clap, clap, clap, sip it, once clap clap, clap lemonade, crunchy I slip in one slip it twice turn around touch the ground kick your boyfriend out of town now pose now, pose and toes and toes and toes
I did Lemonade✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻 crunchy ice✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻 zip it once✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻zip it twice✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻 lemonade crunchy ice zip it one zip it twice turn around touch the ground kick your boy friend out of town and pose and pose and pose and pose and pose and pose and pose and pose and pose and pose
This is how I do lemonade lemonade country I said that one sip it twice turn around touch the ground kick your boyfriend out of town as well you have to include the clapping LOL too
I learned lemonade like lemonade lemonade clap clap clap cruchy ice clap clap clap sip it once clap clap clap lemonade crunchy ice ice sip it once sip it twice turn around touch the ground kick you boyfreind out of town
Im using my nannys phone but learned it like lemonade clap clap clap i see clap clap clap coca cola clap clap clap pepsi clap clap clap lemonaxe isee coca cola pepsi urn around touch the ground kick your friend and freeze
childhood memories unlocked
For reallllll lol
Here I am suddenly remembering all the hand games I used to play with my classmates here in California, USA! They were so fun and I love how the rules for each were varied depending on where you came from! For instance our “Lemonade” song had two main versions:
1. Lemonade (3x👏🏽), crunchy ice (3x👏🏽),
Beat it once (3x👏🏽), beat it twice (3x👏🏽),
Lemonade, crunchy ice, beat it once, beat it twice,
Turn around, touch the ground, and FREEZE
2. Lemonade (3x👏🏽), Icee/iced tea/Hi-C (3x👏🏽),
Coca-cola (3x👏🏽), Pepsi (3x👏🏽),
Lemonade, Icee/iced tea/Hi-C, Coca-cola, Pepsi,
Turn around, touch the ground, and FREEZE
And whoever stayed frozen the longest won! Though people who already lost would try to distract/move the players to get them to unfreeze 😂 ESPECIALLY when you played with a lot of people and clapped together in a circle.
I also have fond memories of my music class friends in middle school doing the “Sevens” game but turning it into a musical round to create a cohesive rhythm, where one person would begin on Motion #1, move onto Motion #2, and as they did that someone would start from the beginning with Motion #1, and so on with everyone clapping a different part out at the same time.
Slide has to be my favorite hand game though-the highest me and a friend got to just before 20 during recess one day, we were so proud! I just have a hard time playing it with my brother because his hands are bonier than mine so when he smacks the back of them into my hands, his knuckles give me bruises if we play too long 😂
Thank you for the video, it brought back a lot of fun times when I was younger 💜
Aw, thank you for this heartfelt comment love! Loved hearing about it 🥰
I am Kady Diana Dhanarine
The way I learned lemonade is “lemonade clap clap clap ice tea, clap clap clap, coca cola clap clap clap pepsi, clap clap clap lemonade ice tea Coca Cola pepsi turn around touch the ground kick your boyfriend out of town and freeze. And we did the first motion they did and then clapped our hands with each other and then just clapped and repeated that 😭
Interesting! I've never heard this version before! Thanks for sharing ❤
Me two except we don't say Ice tea we say icee
This is ice tea version!
Love all these hand clapping series. Thanks a lot!
Slide is one of my favourite games ever, ever since I moved from Hong Kong, I’ve been teaching my new friends the game, never hits the same as they’re never as fast or memorable as if those that have been playing since their childhood
Your video reached Morocco.
Good job ❤️🏆
Also reached the Shetland isles
We also had a game called apple on a stick, but me and my friends changed up the lyrics. It’s the same as the normal game but the lyrics are below:
Apple on a stick that makes me sick
That makes my heart go 246
Not because I’m dirty, not because I’m clean
Just because I hit a boy behind the magazine,
Girls, Boys were having lots of fun,
Here comes the lady with a big fat bum,
She can do a cartwheel, she can do a flip, but I bet she can’t do this.
Close your eyes and count to ten, if you mess up you’re not my friend
(Count to ten in beat)
You didn’t miss a spot so you’re my best friend,
This is the end of chapter ten!(here you high five with both hands)
I think ours is just a more kid friendly version and was more in beat 😭
Nakaka miss ang mga larong 90s.... Sarap bumalik sa pag kabata.
Very nice games ideas
Thanks for watching! :)
Slide Lemonade and sevens looks fun ❤
They sure are! :)
This just took we all the way back !! Omg I miss being a kid
I’m looking for one that is simple for an elderly woman with dementia, any suggestions
I been knew about lemonade clap clap clap ice tea clap clap clap coca cola clap clap clap clap pepsi turn around touh the ground kick your girlfriend out of town now freeze now pose now do the tootsie roll ❤
: my favorite handshake 🤝 💕
this made me smile
You are such great teachers❤❤❤❤
It’s so fun !!!!
So nice game
The way I learned lemonade is: lemonade clap clap clap crunchy ice sip it once clap clap clap sip it twice clap clap clap lemonade crunchy ice sip it once sip it twice turn around touch the ground and kick your boyfriend out of town and pose and pose and tippy tippy tippy tippy toes. Thankyou for teaching the the other way though 😁
The lemonade I do: Lemonade crunchy ice, sip it once sip it twice. And so on
in my old school I did this all the time, and it was.
1.lemonade (clap x3) crunchy ice (clap x3)
sip it once (clap x3) sip it twice (clap x3)
lemonade, crunchy ice, sip it once, sip it twice
turn around touch the ground kick your boyfriend out of town now freeze I think I gotta sneeze achoo blush you thank you WOOWHOO!
lemonade (clap x1) square ice (clap x1)
Coca-Cola (clap x2) aint the best (clap x2)
lemonade, square ice, Coca-Cola, aint the best,
turn around, stomp the ground, now freeze, now pose, now we are done yay!
and who had the best pose won most of the time, it was so fun!
i did it like lemonade clap 3times and on regular and kiss your boyfriend out of town
YEA YES YESSSS THIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN LOOKING DOR THIS IS HOW U LEARNED IT but we added freeze american cheese and then the sneeze part
I remember doing this is grade 1 for drama class!
What a fun memory!
In slide it's supposed to be slide slippery slide. If you say the number 5 you will be disqualified 123. 4 6 7.
Omg I k ow this is a year old, but whatever, but I didn't know that other people knew this! My brothers and I call it Slip and Slide, and it was "slide slide slip and slide if ypu say the number 5, you.will.lose"
Stella ella ola clap clap clap 👏 👏👏
sevens looks so fun
It sure is! :)
But hard too
#crazy games
I play consentration and lemonade and candy apples😂😂
Fun fun!
0:17 the one I learned was "lemonade clap clap clap crunchy ice clap clap clap sip it once clap clap clap sip it twice clap clap clap lemonade crunchy ice sip it once sip it twice turn around touch the ground kick ur boyfriend out of town now freeze" then they freeze then is "American cheese" when they say that they pose some do peace sign then that's all
hey did you make the slide hand clap video yet i have beening waiting for that video for so long
Yes it's up on my channel now! :)
lol once I played slide with my friend and we got to the number 128! It was sooo boring lol but we felt so happy and accomplished lol 😭😂
What? Insane, you guys must’ve been exhausted.
This brought back memories and we are practicing with our daughter.
Appel on a stick can we try it?
sevens 4th motion+3rd motion hits hard a hell
i said lemonade clap x3 iced tea clap x3 coca cola clap x3 pepsi clap x3 lemonade iced tea coca cola pepsi turn around touch the ground kick ur bf out of town freeze american cheese i think i gotta sneeze achoo bless you peace! little fishies swimming in the water hope they dint know harry potter
I saw Kaylei and Isabella play that clapping game I tried playing with Rachel but we couldn't do it so we played the Elavtor one instead
I remember watching this at school
The obe of lemonade i remembered is
Lemonade (clap2×) icy cola (clap2×)coca cola(clap2×) pepsi (clap 2×) lemonade icy cold coca cola pepsi turn around touch the ground and freeze! Tht is how i remembered when i was small
Please palm pushing game
The way I learned lemonade was lemonade, clap, clap, clap, crunchy ice clap, clap, clap, it once clap, clap, clap, sip it twice, clap, clap, clap, lemonade, crunchy ice, sip it, one sip it twice, turn around, touch the ground, kick your boyfriend, out of town and freeze
Alright! :)
thanks can you do it right now
The way I do lemonade is lemonade, clap, clap, clap, crunchy, ice, clap, clap, clap, sip it, once clap clap, clap lemonade, crunchy I slip in one slip it twice
Ik like 3-5 different sayings for lemonade, but I never heard this one before
The first one ik is : lemonade, crunchy ice, sip it once sip it twice lemonade, crunchy ice, sip one sip it twice turn around, touch the ground kick your boyfriend out of town fishy fishy in the water. Do you know Harry Potter? Now you freeze American cheese you speak Chinese
The 2nd one is : lemonade iced tea, Coca-Cola, Pepsi lemonade, iced tea, Coca-Cola Pepsi, turn around, touch your ground kick your boyfriend at a time freeze American cheese you speak Chinese
3rd: Lemonade, crunchy ice, sippy ones, separate twice lemonade, crunchy ice, separate ones separate twice turn around to ground kick your boyfriend out of town fishy fishy in the water. Do you know Harry Potter freeze.
4: lemonade, crunchy ice, separate one sip twice lemonade, crunchy ice, sip, one sip twice turn off, touch the ground kick your boyfriend out Out of town freeze American American cheese you speak Chinese and you’re about to get jinxed
I learned it "lemonade clap clap clap crunchy ice clap clap clap sip it once clap clap clap sip it twice clap clap clap lemonade cruchy ice sip it once sip it twice turn around touch the ground kick your friend out of town. FREEZE like American cheese"
It was very fun to play but my sister was not coming to play with me she was telling it is too hard to play 😂
i did lemonade as “lemonade 👏👏👏 crunchy ice 👏👏👏 sip it once 👏👏👏 sip it twice 👏👏👏 lemonade iced tea coca cola pepsi turn around touch the ground kick your boyfriend out of town little fishy in the water bet you don’t know harry potter freeze put your hands on your knees”
I’ve played lemonade at school but we’ve always said sip it once sip it twice instead
I did lemonade like this:
lemonade 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 crunchy ice 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 sip it once 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 sip it twice 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 lemonade iced tea Coca Cola Pepsi turn around touch the ground kick ur brother out of town
There a softball chant of one it goes like
Lemonade clap clap clap
Crunchy ice clap clap clap
Sip it once clap clap clap
Sip it twice clap clap clap
Lemonade crunchy ice sip it once sip it twice turn around touch the ground hit that ball outa town
I learned lemonade, clap clap clap, crunchy ice , clap clap , clap sip it once sip it twice clap clap clap lemonade,crunchy ice,sip it once, sip it twice turn around touch the ground kick your bestfriend out of town. Freeze lebanese cut it pees i like pizz
What a fun version! :)
I played this game at school today
I already know lemonade crunchy ice made it once made it twice but it's a bit once but I just love it so much so so so much my name is manahil
Lemonade crunchy ice🎉
Slide was SO FUCKING FUN! I used to play it during swim meets!
I learnt two variations of lemonade: 1. Lemonade crunchy ice, beat it once, beat it twice, turn around, touch the ground, kick your boyfriend out of town, freeze! 2. Lemonade, iced tea, Coca-Cola, pepsi, turn around, touch the ground, kick your boyfriend out of town, freeze!
My version was "lemonade crunchy ice sip it once sip it twice 2x turn around touch the ground send ur boyfriend out of town take a picture now pose"
I remember number 3 had a song to it
A forbidden covid era game 😂
My lemonade is different
Lemonade clap clap clap crunchy ice clap clap clap sip it once sip it twice lemonade crunchy ice sip it once sip it twice turn around touch the ground kick you boyfriend out of town now freeze yucky cheese makes me sneeze acho bless you choo choo
Lemonade is the one like Omega
Oh pillar.....caterpillar.....lazy girls......sing a a pong....
I'm frm india and for the first one we have it in hindi. And we call the last one slice
Wow thanks for sharing!! :)
I learnt it like: lemonade clap clap clap crunchy ice clap clap clap sip it once clap clap clap sip it twice clap clap clap lemonade ice tea coco cola Pepsi turn around touch the ground kick ur bff out of town and pose and pose and toes and toes and toes lol
One I learnt is lemonade ice tea coco cola pepsi this is a game of concentration no repeats or hesitation this is a game of concentration a b c d Rory
Lemonade ice tea coco cola pepsi 5 4 3 2 1 American cheese I think I'm gonna sneeze achoo thank you welcome you take of your shoe here you can
Have on high five
That looks fun I em ganna chrat it wife my sis or my miore
Glad you enjoyed it! ❤️
This is how I played lemonade . Lemonade clap clap clap crunchy ice clap clap clap sip it once sip it twice lemonade crunchy ice sip it once sip it twice turn around touch the ground kick your brother out of town
I’m gonna play with my imaginary friend🥲😭
How I learned lemonade I did it like “lemonade clap clap clap crunchy ice clap clap clap sip it once sip it twice I’m chillin in the hot tub drinkin my Pepsi lemonade calp clap clap crunchy ice clap clap clap kick yo boyfriend out of town freeze American Cheese I think I got to sneeze achoo bless you thank you girl pu pu Pikachu”
Wow what a cool version!! 🤩
Number 3 which is called slide in Africa we call it tin co tin co
Lemonade instead of saying made it we say beat it
We also say turn around touch the ground and freeze
Oh interesting!
I learned lemonade crunxh uce sip it once sip it twice lemonade crunchy ice sip it once sip it twice turn around touch the ground kick your boyfriend out if town freeze american cheese i think i need to sneeze achoo bless you winnie the poo barbacue tickle tickle tickle fresh. Anyone else?
I say the lemonade one as
Lemonade, crunchy ice, sip it once, sip it twice
Lemonade crunchy ice sip it once sip it twice turn around touch the ground kick your boyfriends ( or girlfriend) out of of town now pose now pose now touch your toesy tosey toes
The why I do it is lemonade clap clap clap clap clap clap Crunchy Ice clap clap clap sipping once clap clap clap skip it twice clap clap clap lemonade crunchy ice sip it one sip it twice turn around to stick around kick your boyfriend out of town and pose
Cool you memberise it
Me to
Do you have a twin
I learned lemonade like this lemonade crunchy ice clap clap clap sip it once clap clap clap sip it twice clap clap clap lemonade crunchy ice sip it once sip it twice turn around touch the ground kick your boyfriend out of town freeze boggie to your knees American cheese i think im going to sneeze acho bless you goodbye
Why didn’t They do miss mary mack
Lemonade to indians was different 🤣
I learned lemonade is: *lemonade crunchy ice beat it once beat it twice lemonade crunchy ice beat it once beat it twice spin around touch the ground kick your boyfriend out of town American cheese and Freeze I think I got’a sneeze achoo bless you thank you and peace*
OMG THE FORTH ONE IS HARD I AM 8 and I am trying it with my sister she is 6
The way I learned it was le le lemonade clap clap ice cream clap clap Cocacola clap clap Pepsi le one icecream Cocacola Pepsi turn around touch the ground freeze another time freeze for the last time freeze
i know one clap game is called appear dissapear
The way I learned lemonade is lemonade clap clap clap Ice-T clap clap clap Coca-Cola clap clap clap Pepsi clap clap clap lemonade crunchy ice sip it one sip it twice turn around touch the ground hug your friend and kick your boyfriend out of town and freeze then freeze American cheese cupcake cupcake eat it on a Sunday
I did lemonade clap clap clap crunchy ice clap clap clap sip it once clap clap clap sip it twice clap clap clap clap lemonade crunchy ice sip it once sip it twice turn around touch the ground kick your boyfriend out of town and freeze a lemonade cheese I think I'm going to sneeze ucho bless you Pikachu awu😂
I thought it was lemonade [clap] crunchy ice[clap] sip it once [clap] sip it twice[ clap] lemonade crunchy ice sip it one sip it twice turn around touch the ground and kick you boyfriend out of town and pose and pose and pose and pose and pose [with a heart] I thought that.
Lemonade ice tea cococola Pepsi turn around touch the ground pick your bestie of the ground and pose and pose and tiptoes
For lemonade I play it like
Lemonade clap x3 cruncy ice clap x3 zip it once clap x3 zip it twice clap x3 lemonade cruncy ice zip it once zip it twice turn aground touch the ground kick your boyfriend out of town and pose and pose and toes and tose and toes and toes
When I do lemonade it’s called concentration and it’s like: concentration clap clap clap 64 clap clap clap no repeats clap clap clap or hesitation clap clap clap I go first clap clap clap and you go second clap clap clap subject is clap clap clap (and pick the subject) after your done saying the subject you say stuff about the topic but you can’t say the same thing that said
Love that version too!
What about banana 😢😢
I’ve heard of any of these 😢
The way I do lemonade is lemonade, clap, clap, clap, crunchy, ice, clap, clap, clap, sip it, once clap clap, clap lemonade, crunchy I slip in one slip it twice turn around touch the ground kick your boyfriend out of town now pose now, pose and toes and toes and toes
I did
Lemonade✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻 crunchy ice✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻 zip it once✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻zip it twice✋🏻✋🏻✋🏻 lemonade crunchy ice zip it one zip it twice turn around touch the ground kick your boy friend out of town and pose and pose and pose and pose and pose and pose and pose and pose and pose and pose
This is how I do lemonade lemonade country I said that one sip it twice turn around touch the ground kick your boyfriend out of town as well you have to include the clapping LOL too
I learned lemonade like lemonade lemonade clap clap clap cruchy ice clap clap clap sip it once clap clap clap lemonade crunchy ice ice sip it once
sip it twice turn around touch the ground kick you boyfreind out of town
Im using my nannys phone but learned it like lemonade clap clap clap i see clap clap clap coca cola clap clap clap pepsi clap clap clap lemonaxe isee coca cola pepsi urn around touch the ground kick your friend and freeze