Monster Hunter Wilds And Streamlined Gameplay - Luke Reacts

  • Опубликовано: 7 дек 2023
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    Luke Stephens is a Content-Creator and Streamer that co-streams on RUclips and Twitch. This channel has Live Stream clips and highlights in addition to the streams themselves. Check out Luke's main channel & other content by going to: !!
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Комментарии • 40

  • @TobleroneCraft
    @TobleroneCraft 7 месяцев назад +36

    I wish a woman would look at me the way Luke looked at the title sequence

  • @sentakuselect
    @sentakuselect 7 месяцев назад +15

    Not really, Monster Hunter World was a worldwide success because it became more accessible being released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC while quests were restructured towards co-op. The main concern nowadays is that the dev team is "streamlining" Monster Hunter so much to the point where it's becoming Monster Killer losing it's fantasy hunting genre. There's no more "thrill of the hunt" when everyone starts curb stomping the monster right when the quest starts and there's been a over reliance of capturing monsters when people don't realize some rare mats only come from carving.
    Most of the arguments made aren't exactly true (3rd gen to Generations Ultimate):
    1. Whetstones and other items being consumable: You know you could carry up to twenty whetstones and only use up 3 - 4 max per quest? If you're running short, you can always buy more for about 10 - 20 zenny while in town.
    2. Gathering is a forced tutorial mechanic, you should only be gathering during hunts in case it's an emergency or if you forgot to take them with you before starting a quest.
    3. Without utilizing monster exploits, most quests averages about 10 - 20 minutes depending on how well geared you are.
    - Village Quests is offline single player mode, very easily doable while you have the same chances for rare drops as Gathering Hub quests (multiplayer).
    - Gathering Hub is co-op/adhoc (local mulitplayer) mode, meant to be played in pairs or party of four because Monster's health scale with how many hunters you have (3 is a disadvantage as the monster's health pool is scaled to 4 players).
    - Hunts that take over 30 - 40 minutes means that you are under geared or have an uncoordinated hunting party.
    4. Monster Hunter Tri on Wii was considered the easiest Monster Hunter game until Rise/Sunbreak.
    5. Most people didn't utilize sleep bombing properly regardless. The idea is to only hit the Mega Barrel Bombs while the monster is asleep so you get the sleep damage boost but most people hit the bombs and monster resulting in the monster waking up first as it gets hit by the bomb's explosion.
    6. Load screen break immersion/pacing during a hunt: While this is a technical limitation of hardware, you can also treat it as a gameplay mechanics to recollect yourself or the need to sharpen your weapon much like how many OG RE players will often exit a room and re-enter to reset zombie positions.

  • @Leonzf
    @Leonzf 7 месяцев назад +6

    Holy crap luke explained my feelings about MH objective/grind for that mount. I feel like I'm in middle for og mechanics and stream line.

  • @perhaps4887
    @perhaps4887 7 месяцев назад +5

    If the only thing to do in these games was hunt monsters back to back with no in between it would be a bad experience. World did a pretty good job with streamlining mechanics while also adding new ones that play into the hunting simulator of og MH.

    • @BBBerti
      @BBBerti 7 месяцев назад +1

      You described the "midgame" to "endgame" of any Monster Hunter. All you really do is hunt Monsters back to back. Make new sets for different weapons and hunt more. World was the first game that had some activities besides hunting like catching Fauna that u can put in your house. Old World "side activities" were chores that had to be done

    • @perhaps4887
      @perhaps4887 7 месяцев назад +2

      @@BBBerti There's always some amount of prep in these games since it's about hunting monsters not slaying them. Taking the streamlined example to the extreme the game would just give you items, auto replenish them and "hunts" would just be monsters waiting in an arena to be killed.

  • @eatmyshamrock
    @eatmyshamrock 7 месяцев назад +4

    Monster Hunter on Gamecube? What alternate universe is this?

  • @CoreyC225
    @CoreyC225 7 месяцев назад +2

    As someone who has played MH since the original first came to the west on PS2, It is WILD to me that I put up with some of the old gameplay mechanics. A lot of them were difficult JUST to be difficult. It didn't add enjoyment to the game. That being said, at the time, you don't think of it like that.
    I said recently, I wouldn't hate a remake of the original with all of the QoL improvements they've added into subsequent releases. I think now that the franchise has caught hold in the west, the sterilized list of monsters and things would be a really great starting point for new fans of the series.
    Good lord, the old joystick swinging mechanic...kill me now.

  • @carnsoaks1
    @carnsoaks1 7 месяцев назад +1

    I love the MH OG idea of realistic sharpening. I am researching a game of prehistory humanity where you have to make all your tools, and research ancient technology. Like Primitive Technologies does, but as the Homo Sapien of ancient regions.

  • @dontbejay
    @dontbejay 7 месяцев назад +3

    If anything, they could just expand on the guiding lands concept from mhw iceborne. Also, the QoL changes in MHW was much appreciated compared to previous titles.

    • @BBBerti
      @BBBerti 7 месяцев назад

      Guiding lands was an awesome concept, the only issues were leveling up the areas and having to pick up the materials while fighting. But having all the biomes and all the monsters in one map was pretty awesome

  • @nickyb45896
    @nickyb45896 7 месяцев назад

    "Radagon" 😂

  • @TheRiz1205
    @TheRiz1205 7 месяцев назад

    Monster Hunter has a history of improving what was introduced from the previous instalment, so maybe it is not going to be an open world like people hoped to, but instead, maybe, it will be like WORLD/ICEBORNE but with the traversal freedom of RISE/SUNBREAK, thus making the same map size like WORLD/ICEBRONE feels more open and huge, I don't think an open world MH games would be a good idea, at least for now, I might be wrong, I hope I am. I've been playing MH since I was 9 years old, and has been playing ever since. I would really love the game to be like good ol' days to some degree. Fun fact, Monster Hunter 2004 was advertise as a Survival Game.

  • @ekzsuncz7610
    @ekzsuncz7610 7 месяцев назад +3

    I played the first MH on PSP and yes, the steps are tremendous and some are annoying hence my agreement on streamlined gameplay. It's like going to work but you can skip the traveling time between your home to your workplace.
    Newest MH focused on how to make hunting monster which is the core gameplay, more fun. So gathering materials become easier, traveling becomes faster, builds become easier to get, monster are easier to track, and more. They just want you to get to the hunt as fast as possible. I remember i played world and be like "I don't have to craft paintballs to track monster? Whetstone is unlimited? No need to craft pickaxes and bugnets?" etc.
    Now of course i get the nostalgia of doing unnecessary steps just for the sake of nostalgia but i think it's better that MH streamlined the unnecessary steps to hunt monster and then focused the hunting aspect like you can carry 2 weapons (Saw a bowgun like weapon on the "Palamutes" hips) for example. I just hope they don't do it too much. For example, you can buy all the materials using Zenny. That will be pretty boring.....

    • @nuke2099
      @nuke2099 7 месяцев назад

      You didn't have to do tremendous steps to hunt though. Not if you knew what you were doing and planned. The way he explains it in the video is coming from someone who doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about.

  • @DeepStone-6
    @DeepStone-6 7 месяцев назад

    4:58 this aint Elden Ring 😂

  • @Semt9x
    @Semt9x 3 месяца назад

    Thank god I choose World instead of Rise. This is my first MonHun game

  • @TheOnlyTaps
    @TheOnlyTaps 7 месяцев назад


  • @MerlautJones
    @MerlautJones 7 месяцев назад

    Umm Simplifying is dumbing down...

  • @BBBerti
    @BBBerti 7 месяцев назад +1

    Open world would be too taxing on hardware with no real benefit. Having the biomes as bigger maps makes for a more concentrated experience, with less downtime and filler content/dead areas. If they keep it as they did with World and Rise, they can focus on making an in depth ecosystem with good graphical fidelity, hopefully good performance and interactive environments.
    Also to the point of the newer games being more streamlined. I definitely agree. They are more streamlined, but not worse in any way.
    I've been playing through 4U again recently and while I still have a lot of fun, now after experiencing new world MH, all the additional steps that had to be taken in the previous games, aren't really satisfying to do if you're someone with more than a lizard brain, because they're all actions that do not require effort or skill, it was just wasting time. They take away from what you actually wanna do, fight monsters with dope weapons, carve em up and make sick gear.
    If someone felt good about doing those, do you feel good about doing chores too? Is taking out the trash satisfying to someone like that?
    Having to hit mineral ores more than once with long animations. Pick up animations for mushrooms, bones or plants that take 5 minutes. Pick axes, bug nets and whetstones having the chance of breaking on use. Having to paintball the monster every couple minutes.
    The funny thing is, they didn't get rid of much more than that. The games are still relatively the same with all the time wasting actions/activities really sped up or removed entirely.
    The depth of all the important systems and mechanics are still there. The combat and set building is deeper than ever now in Sunbreak (Iceborne not really, it's all just Fatalis gear)

  • @bladeshifter
    @bladeshifter 7 месяцев назад +1

    I'm gonna be honest, if it plays like I have to buy a f*ckin street fighter controller again, im not gonna bother. I want to be able to play with my non gamer wife and im not gonna touch it if I have to explain why the buttons are weird asf 😂

  • @saqyboy3
    @saqyboy3 7 месяцев назад

    I really dislike the hubs in MH. You have a limit amount of freedom and can do only so much things. If I am stuck or really don't enjoy a level, I can't get my stuff and explore further. I need to quit the level, go back to the hub etc.. I also felt like a first time player the game was too overwhelming with all its systems. I forgot after the tutorial most of them. I think this game would massively benefit from an openworld setting. I know it might be dumped down already, but they should have an option for newcomers that the info you get should be more evenly distributed.

    • @BBBerti
      @BBBerti 7 месяцев назад +1

      I read your comment but I'm confused about what you're having a problem with

  • @nuke2099
    @nuke2099 7 месяцев назад

    "He played all of them going back to the Gamecube" I'm going to assume you meant the time Gamecube was out. MH definitely wasn't on the Gamecube.
    "Apparently back in the day you had to go to a riverbed for a whetstone" You could find them there but you also just got them from a village vendor. It was no where near as bad as you made it sound.
    "They show a monster, Radobaan or whatever it is" You just called Rathalos the series version of Pikachu, Radobaan. Also streamlining MH too much actually hurts MH. Its like ripping out its soul. MH is the only series I know that is actively hurt by too much streamlining and let me tell you as someone who played the first in 2005. It does dumb it down.
    There's a reason why after playing Rise many people wanted something slower and more methodical back again. Something more "simulation" based. You're really off when you say "in classic monster hunter you had to do all these steps". All of that is completely wrong and it has nothing to do with players not feeling special.

  • @oscaroska7613
    @oscaroska7613 7 месяцев назад +3

    My problem with MH games is how slow everything played 3 times around 10 hours every time got bored following them and how slow traversal was early game

    • @Nutt_lemmings
      @Nutt_lemmings 7 месяцев назад +1

      yeah me too, didn't help I had to deal with shitty default pc controls but what helped was going to training mode and testing every weapon and like some weapons just play fast af or have fast vertical movement which over comes the clunky Ness at the beginning.

    • @nuke2099
      @nuke2099 7 месяцев назад +3

      MH is the fastest its ever been and it needs to go slower. What are you on about?

    • @TheRiz1205
      @TheRiz1205 7 месяцев назад

      Good thing you did not play Monster Hunter on the PS2 back then, I suffer for 1000 hours on that, modern MH game are way way way way wayyyy faster, and streamlined.

    • @ajiqo
      @ajiqo 7 месяцев назад +2

      Skill issue

  • @artursobkow2680
    @artursobkow2680 7 месяцев назад +1

    If its on Rise build engine and not World.. im skipping this, rise world was downgraded compared to world.

    • @stormy2446
      @stormy2446 7 месяцев назад +1

      the thing is, we can already tell it's being built on the "rise build engine", that being the RE Engine. The same engine that made RE 7, 8, the remakes of 2, 3, and 4, Street Fighter 6, and more recently Exoprimal and the upcoming Dragons Dogma 2. the reason rise/sunbreak seems "downgraded" was because it was built for a different system event tho it's the same engine. The engine used to make MHW was made back in '06. knowing that info, and on top of the fact Wilds is being developed for Xbox X|S, PS5, and PC, i think we can safely assume that it will look/feel comparable to MHW using the RE engine.

    • @TheRiz1205
      @TheRiz1205 7 месяцев назад

      From what I heard, it is on the same RE Engine, at least the same as Exoprimal, although RISE/SUNBREAK used the same RE Engine but it was a decision choice due to being on Switch, it is not a direct downgrade, it was built for Switch, it was impressive for the Switch, but due to demands for PC, the game was ported to PC because of tons of new players started playing from WORLD/ICEBORNE, the Fifth Fleet I called them, and just for your knowledge, they are 2 separate teams making MH games, one team is for the mainline, and the other is on portable, WORLD/ICEBORNE was developed by the mainline team, while RISE/SUNBREAK is by the portable team, MH WORLD/ICEBORNE is also known as MH 5 and MH RISE/SUNBREAK is just RISE/SUNBREAK. Regardless, every Monster Hunter game is very good and if you are a big fan of MH, you won't skipped any of em', but I get it, a lot of new players love the aesthetic of MH 5 because 5 was their first MH game.

    • @nuke2099
      @nuke2099 7 месяцев назад +2

      RE engine>MT Framework. You realise that right? Skip Wild and all future Capcom games then because they're all on the RE engine.

    • @TheRiz1205
      @TheRiz1205 7 месяцев назад

      @@nuke2099 Agreed.

    • @artursobkow2680
      @artursobkow2680 6 месяцев назад

      @@stormy2446 The Reason I sayd what I sayd is beacuse you can already see its Downgraded compared to World - I am aware that Rise was more of a Switch thing and I am sad that we did not get World 2.0.
      Thats why Ill probably skip it.
      Why ? Rise was Empty Plot of fields for me, non memoriable locations for me - Double Triple jumps made no sense in my opinion ( I get what they tryed to do but no ).
      Compare Worlds Lobby ( Single Player Part ) to Rises.. town.. yeah.. it was just not for me, I still cant push myslef thru Rise despited that I loved MH World.