I can't imagine sitting in Jan's place. After that intro, I would be so awestruck that I wouldn't be able to play. This is incredible. Awesome performance by both of them.
Dont forget, this song is bread and butter to Paco. It is in his comfort zone. I think Jan does really well. Put the show on the other foot and ask Paco to improv his flamenco style over Hocus Pocus and he would be equally (if not more) uneasy.
It's true what you say. Everyone brings their stone to the building where they are. Except that the exception is Jan Akkerman. He's the most complete guitarist I know.😊
yeah well, that's really personal. His rhythm and style are utterly Spanish/flamenco, more polished as manitas de plata which I love to listen to. Akkerman's playing is just a completely different world.
His playing on the rest of Moving Waves, the album 'Hocus Pocus' is from, is superb as well. I highly recommend listening to the song 'Eruption' off that album, it is some of the best 23 minutes you will ever spend musically.
Is crazy how so many rock guitarists look up to Jan Akkerman, who was absolutely amazing, but then you see see who HE looked up to and you notice the clear difference in worlds between Spanish guitar and the rest.
+BenjamminClark indeed ... but who is the devils mentor ? he clearly has all the best players there what im asking is .. if you keep going up the ladder / tree ... when you get to the top ... who is HIS/her mentor ?
...and this is one more reason I love Paco. He bridges worlds by jamming with people who play very different styles, while keeping pure to his own. He's not stuck-up about his art. Jans' axe is a little sea-weedy, yeah, but it was also the sound of the time. It reflects the electronic history, as well as the musical.
Wow, Jan was pretty courageous to use the electric with some phasing. Right when it started and showed the close up on Paco, I instantly thought "PLEASE let Jan be using his LP, please don't be playing acoustically just because of Paco", and BOOM. This video is a dream come true. It's so authentic, it's like they both were in studios that day with their own respectful acts and then the phone rang to meet at such and such for a jam (of course it was planned) - but still, so unexpected. Amazing.
Akkerman explains in the beginning he would show Paco stuff on his guitar and that Paco would tell him what he liked. Probably he liked the flanger for some godforsaken reason
There appear to be a lot of negative comments here and I cannot for the life of me understand why. As a working musician myself, what I see here are two excellent guitarists, albeit of differing styles (yes, I remember Focus in the early Seventies) getting together and playing for the sheer Hell of playing. The end result is amazing. It is not a boys pissing up the wall contest, it is two genuinely talented men having fun onstage. Take it as that and be happy it happened.
Both are absolute legends and in no way underrated :D this gets thrown around quite a lot these days, mostly if someone just discovered stuff. For the good stuff, you always have to search ;)
Let's settle for "overlooked or disregarded" by the general public and the people who determine what's played on the radio that is. As brilliant as both are, most of the music listening public don't have a clue and would rather listen to 3 minute sing along or dance along tunes.
Siempre he sido fanatico de la musica de Focus, desde sus inicios y de Paco de Lucia que mas decir, este dueto es de una riqueza y sensibilidad tremenda, bien por nuestro amigo que subio este clip, felicidades !!!
These two are (with Jeff beck) among the greatest living guitarists. I have seen all three live, and they are in a class by themselves. Although this is no polished studio set, it is perfect for that reason as well as the imagination and virtuosity on display. I love it!
Kudos for posting this amazing clip. Most of today's musicians don't compare, they wouldn't have the guts to get together in this manner & jam. Today it's all about looks & image. As to who blew who away, it's irrelevant. Once you get beyond a certain ability, it's just a matter of personal style. Both of them are amazing guitarists. The fact that this video was posted 4 years ago & it is still generating comments says it all. Image is nothing, substance is everything.
Could'nt agree more. I love this clip for what it is, two different styles, two dirrerent types of equipement and two great guitarists merging as one and they both seem to enjoy the moment. Who cares who thinks who is better. Turn up the volume and enjoy.
Lejos uno de los mejores duos posibles, un choque de dos mundos. Paco siendo de Lucía y Jan habiendo tocado Focus y el luto, entre las muchisimas palabras que pudieran decírseles. Me da vida, lo uno que me hubiera gustado es que Jan no tuviera tanto reverb, porque a veces se perdía el sonido en los piques, por lo demás Uma Delicia
Paco ... gracias ... donde sea que estés ... en el cielo seguro .. tocándole feliz a dios tu guitarra seguro ... tu vida es un honor para el arte, El sonido, los conciertos y las grabaciones de Paco rinden homenaje a su padre, un hombre excepcionalmente visionario y verdaderamente revolucionario, que con tanto amor hizo de Paco un artista único y genial, similar a otros padres como Mozart, Beethoven ... La magia y el duende de paco provino de estudios autodidactas intensivos... su padre obligándole a ejecutar escalas y escalas... y tocar para comer... todo es gestar y luego parir dice Rilke,,, esos años de estudio durísimo le hicieron quien es... y su padre fue crucial... fue su voluntad... vivan los padres de los genios...la mitad del mérito es de ellos. Tiene la mezcla más difícil de todas, virtud y virtuosismo, es un poeta del instrumento. Paco no es solo un artista del más alto calibre, disciplina y musicalidad, sino el arquetipo del artista moderno, el maestro aislado y valiente, que encuentra su propio camino hacia nuevas alturas de expresión, sin importar los prejuicios o las barreras de incomprensión levantadas en su contra. Se encuentra solo al comienzo de una nueva época como un profeta, trazando los caminos que tomara el arte. El sonido catártico y místico de Paco, se ocupa por los últimos misterios que trascienden en este mundo. Su arte grandioso, colosal y majestuoso, simboliza la lucha del alma humana por encontrar la liberación de las ataduras de su cuerpo material. Su música exquisita y abrumadora continúa resonando durante toda el recital y más allá, por lo que la acción es a la vez momentánea, eterna y completa. Las interpretaciones de Paco son indescriptiblemente bellas e irresistibles. Su sonido es pura poesía y extremadamente emocional, pero sin sentimentalismos. Nos hipnotiza su nueva y radical naturalidad, su nobleza, dignidad, severidad y sobriedad; transportándonos a estados de asombro, éxtasis, meditación, amor y compasión. - Sonido y Silencio, Vida y Muerte, Tiempo y Espacio; colapsan en el momento Eterno del Infinitud. - Está al nivel de los mejores músicos interpretes de la historia como Maria Callas, Vladimir Horowitz, Ivo Pogorelich ... Paco podría haber haber coincidido con estos consejos del gran pianista Ivo Pogorelich... "Lucha y encuentra la sustancia, luego ve a las esferas superiores. La música te lleva a otro universo de eternidad que permanece contigo una vez finalizado el concierto. Lucha por conseguir calidad, profundiza ... encuentra el origen del sonido. La técnica no es solo ir rápida y lento ... es el sonido, el sonido largo, la paleta de colores, es entrar en un espacio de mundos diferentes, alcanzando la diversidad de los sonidos. Rachmaninov tenía artritis al final de su vida, estaba tan débil que su sonido era muy corto, por eso tocaba rápido, para llenar el vacío. Si tienes un sonido largo estás al mando y puedes lograr la claridad y el sonido hipnótico entre las notas. El problema siempre fue el conflicto y la diferencia entre la calidad absoluta y la relativa. La belleza en la música es como en los diamantes, el diamante más puro del mundo es el Koh-i-Noor, es la belleza absoluta con la que se comparan otros con relativa belleza. La mayoría de la música que pude escuchar fue solo un acto circense, ostentoso... de piezas virtuosas para pianistas jóvenes e inmaduros, fueron solo pruebas de destreza mecánica manual, no arte. Hay que adentrarse en el estado de ánimo psicológico en el que los compositores escribieron sus obras para descubrir sus secretos. Trabaja tan duro como un esclavo de galeras. No practico ejercicios. Cuando practico una pieza, hago algunas variaciones de ella, inventando mis propios ejercicios para ayudar en ese lugar particular preciso que necesito mejorar. La técnica es el arte de la variedad, el arte de saber cómo ajustar la mano a un grupo particular de notas para producir un sonido particular que se ajuste a las expectativas particulares del oído. El sonido se vuelve metafísico solo cuando se ha explorado completamente todas las posibilidades físicas. Deberías explorar hasta llegar al absurdo. Siempre se debe intentar en la medida de lo posible redescubrir la música como si la estuvieras escuchando por primera vez, buscando por todas partes nuevos significados y nuevas profundidades. La función más alta del artista es liberar la espiritualidad y la inmediatez emocional que se encuentran dentro de la partitura. Estar constantemente involucrado en la investigación, no solo miro las cosas como aparecen, sino que también trato de encontrar los laberintos, los secretos de la música. Una composición solo se puede interpretar bien si es completamente tuya, no solo cada nota de la memoria, sino que las notas se han convertido en ti y tu te has convertido en las notas. Nada pasa por casualidad. Llámalo una fuerza que algunas personas piensan que controla lo que sucede en el futuro, y está fuera del control humano, llámalo preordenación, pero a veces sucede. Después de todo, el elemento humano trae la felicidad total ". Ivo Pogorelich.
Jan Akkerman is one of the most underrated musicians in rock history, and Paco de Lucia is rightly acknowledged as a supreme master. Paco has taken a lot of flack for breaking out of purely traditional forms of Spanish guitar, though it's mostly from traditionalists who couldn't begin to compete with him in any style. It is so cool to see two of my favorite players from quite different backgrounds burning it up together.
Akkerman 3 times best guitarplayer of the world by Rolling Stone calling underrated is the same as saying you dont know shit..so please go jerk yourself of in kinder garten mr iq-less than a coconut
Akkerman preformed great in this situation.This song is Paco's song, Paco's world. Jan not only fit in, he made the song more interesting, In my opinion.
As has been said before, this is a Paco piece, he is in his comfort zone, playing his music and is not improvising. Jan is the one with the difficult job to do and does it brilliantly. Duetting with the mighty Paco is tough enough at the best of times, but imagine if they were to sit down and tell Paco he had 30 mins to learn and play live along to Hocus Pocus !! Now that would be interesting !!!
En algún documental le escuché decir que fue a la Gira con Meola y compañía y le costaba mucho. Lo pasaba mal. Hasta que un día se lo contó a Meola y este se quedó sorprendido de que Paco de Lucia llevara tanto tiempo improvisando sin tener “conceptos” de las escalas con las que tocaban etc (viniendo del flamenco). No se creía que hubiera estado tocando cada noche por puro instinto
Jan Akkerman is the best at playing the Blues, best at Rock & Roll, Jazz and came very close in classical spanish guitarplay. Paco should have been hugely grateful to play with the GOAT
Two of my most favorite and influential guitarists ever to be. But as great as any mortal electric guitarist ever could be. You cant help but fall into a trance watching the one and only flamenco master "Paco" perform at a beyond-mortal pace. May "Saint Paco" bless us guitarist players from the heavens! A great man before a god? What a tussle indeed!
2 grandiosos genios de 2 generos diferentes, y tocando juntos, esto es una pasada, increible.... no lo habia visto antes,pero ya lo tengo en favoritos. gracias Dios mio.
Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant! Rare meeting of two top guitar players, with completely different backgrounds, playing together It gets better every time you hear it again...
Love it! Two great big ego's ( and deservedly so ) coming together for whatever reason. I take my hat off to both. Let's not judge either but just be thankful they did this for us all to enjoy. Yes the recording is poor and quite harsh but anyone with any musical ability will appreciate this for what it is and in my opinion one of the best 'JAMS' in history.
Estás enfermo??!!!.... esto es espectacular y suena increible. Creo que tienes que afinar tus oidos o despejartelos, porque una guitarra española y una eléctrica jamás sonarán igual. ¡AWESOME!
What I love about Paco is that he is soo diverse, he crosses over soo seamlessly, classical,flamenco, jazz, rock. It is the way we should all be thinking about music and the guitar.
el mas grande de todos los tiempo? Poco guitarristas de Jazz y de Blues haz escuchado, compadre. Paco de Lucia, se me caen siempre las babas cuando le escucho.
@@andalecom379 Aprende a escribir, no se te entiende, te contradices, primero dices que no y a continuación se te cae la baba. Te digo que Paco es el más grande de todos los tiempos y ya está.
@@f.jimenez6172 gracias, aprenderé a escribir y tu aprende a leer. Yo me refería a Jan Akkerman, como guitarrista de Rock y Blues, no es de los grandisimo. Paco de Lucía sin duda fue el gran maestro, cuando yo le escucho, se me cae la baba, capito? Disculpa si mi castellano es fatal.
I understand what you say. Jan improvises pretty much every song every time he plays. Sure, it is always within the theme of the song, and he makes heavy use of a lot of stock licks, especially to get himself out of trouble. Sometimes though, you just want to hear the 'classic' version of a song. Having said that, its often really funny when something goes wrong and Jan and/or the band have to play round it. Never a dull moment !!
jqjajajaja dios jajaja porfavor DON ???? permite reirme , si fuera un don , desde q nacio no hubiera tenido q estudiar musica ni la guitarra . pero bien dice paco que estudiaba 12 horas diarias de niño jajaj toma tu don ignorante
hahahah claro ,dios se los dio hahaha pues se me hace tan ignorante lo que dicen que dios les da todo, el practicaba 12 horas diarias si eso no te dice nada? espera a que dios te de ese don mientras recuestate y espera
ponete vos a tocar doce horas a ver cuanto tocas,conosco tipos q viven con la guitarra en la mano y no tocan un pito,se necesita horas para ser un profesional asi pero sino tenes las condiciones podes tocar 24 horas q vas a ser siempre un perro,te lo aseguro,soy musico
si conoces las historia de paco sabras que el tuvo todo desde que nacio pero por que desde antes de nacer escucho la musica y su papá siempre tocaba y el aprendio de oido , pero dejame decirte que un don es algo que se te dio y sin practicar lo tienes, pero el practicaba mas de 12 horas de niño asi que pues piensalo amigo tu don no es de dios saludos
This IS music, bringing together two great musicians to play together in 'harmony' literally and figuratively. You could really see Paco de Lucia having a great time :D.
@mikulasvselicha Well we dont really know that. His technique and skill are without question, but he has never really stepped far from his comfort zone. Search on Jan's history even on YT and you will see classical playing on Acoustic and Lute, straight up blues, supporting Jazz singers, playing Gypsy with the Rosenbergs, ground breaking prog-rock with Focus. He went through a serious Funk phase and pioneered work on the Guitar Synth - his musical versatility is almost unmatched
Surely, you never listen a Paco´s full album (oldies or moderns). At all levels, Akkermans is simply a common guitarrist. Paco it´s out of comparisions. You need listen more Paco´s music, before talk about him.
This piece is an extra on a live Akkerman DVD. It is in the middle of a 20 minute interview with Jan in Dutch with English sub-titles. It is worth the price of the DVD just for this interview. The piece was for a TV show and I have never seen or heard it anywhere else but on the DVD. I would suggest picking up the DVD as it is brilliant in its own right.
i only had this song on tape way back in the seventies from a program by the TROS called Steenbok (a story about Jan Akkerman). and now so many years later it's on viedeo!! Jan is playing on a solid state LAB series amp L9. I must admit Jan 's been blown away by Paco, but also Jan admits he had been run over by an aeroplane!!!!
Exactly, Paco is Paco in a variety of contexts, whether he is next to the Spain Philharmonic or in a Jazz ensemble. I love the way he works soo well in a variety of musics.
Jammer dat Jan hier een flanger effect op zijn gitaar heeft zitten. Hoor hem liever wat puurder. En het geluid steekt ook zo schril af tegen die prachtige warme klanken van Paco's gitaar. Bedankt voor het uploaden overigens :-)
stephen - Absolutely spot on. Some people just dont seem to get this at all. Its a shame that the subtitles on the DVD interview dont show up when you copy it, because Akkerman is fascinating. You are right about his playing as well. I have most of his solo material and have seen him live several times and NOTHING is ever played the same way twice. Its not always perfect, but jeez the guy just plays from his heart and his versatility is beyond comparison
@WELLBRAN Spot on m8 Jan is an accomplished acoustic/classical guitarist and lute player. It would have been real easy to put these 2 together acoustically, but this is much more interesting. Paco is playing songs he already knew and its Jan taking all the risks. (I couldnt see Paco playing along to Hocus Pocus) No-ones criticising Paco, but this is in his comfort zone.
Making music together is never a competition you know. ❤
It’s not but it is
@ 2:12 Both one of the best guitars players ever giving their compliments to each other. I love this moment. Epic.
I can't imagine sitting in Jan's place. After that intro, I would be so awestruck that I wouldn't be able to play.
This is incredible. Awesome performance by both of them.
Dont forget, this song is bread and butter to Paco. It is in his comfort zone. I think Jan does really well.
Put the show on the other foot and ask Paco to improv his flamenco style over Hocus Pocus and he would be equally (if not more) uneasy.
Paco is miles ahead of almost anybody you can name. To appear onstage next to him is a high honor, and one of which Jan Akkerman is justly deserving.
Jan was at least very close, don't exaggerate 😎
@@tip00former1 no man, let's be honest, jan is a badass player but paco is among anybody
Al Dimeola, John McLaughlin, Larry Coryell.
This is awesome! Definately Jan taking all the risks here. He really did good too, didn't do anything that wouldn't work. Thanks for sharing.
Met alle respect voor Paco's spel❤,
Maar Akkerman is werkelijk de meester.
Bescheiden als hij speelt, maar de zuiverheid ❤❤❤❤❤🎉😊.
Ackerman is koning in die stijl…..Paco is koning in zijn stijl
It's true what you say. Everyone brings their stone to the building where they are. Except that the exception is Jan Akkerman. He's the most complete guitarist I know.😊
Paco de Lucia is the most gifted guitarplayer to walk this earth. No one comes close.
technique,feeling the rhythm....unsurpassed.
yeah well, that's really personal. His rhythm and style are utterly Spanish/flamenco, more polished as manitas de plata which I love to listen to. Akkerman's playing is just a completely different world.
His playing on the rest of Moving Waves, the album 'Hocus Pocus' is from, is superb as well. I highly recommend listening to the song 'Eruption' off that album, it is some of the best 23 minutes you will ever spend musically.
Two genius, I love when Paco in the 2:41 look Jan and it seems that it thinks "mmm nice phrase".
Eres el mejor Paco!!!
True...you can see paco picked up on it.
También me fijé. Pensaría algo así como "joder, pica bien, este holandés..." 😂
Dos genios.
Is crazy how so many rock guitarists look up to Jan Akkerman, who was absolutely amazing, but then you see see who HE looked up to and you notice the clear difference in worlds between Spanish guitar and the rest.
+BenjamminClark indeed ... but who is the devils mentor ?
he clearly has all the best players there
what im asking is .. if you keep going up the ladder / tree ... when you get to the top ... who is HIS/her mentor ?
Easy guys, it's just different styles & techniques. Get the fuck out with the damn hierarchy
Very different playing but well suited because of the great technique of both players. Thanks for posting.
Joshua Klein rp
Yes there was certainly a flash of admiration on Paco's face. Agreed.
...and this is one more reason I love Paco. He bridges worlds by jamming with people who play very different styles, while keeping pure to his own. He's not stuck-up about his art. Jans' axe is a little sea-weedy, yeah, but it was also the sound of the time. It reflects the electronic history, as well as the musical.
Wow, Jan was pretty courageous to use the electric with some phasing. Right when it started and showed the close up on Paco, I instantly thought "PLEASE let Jan be using his LP, please don't be playing acoustically just because of Paco", and BOOM. This video is a dream come true. It's so authentic, it's like they both were in studios that day with their own respectful acts and then the phone rang to meet at such and such for a jam (of course it was planned) - but still, so unexpected. Amazing.
I agree about the LP. But that flanger is terrible. Way too much, well at least in my opinion.
Why not acoustic? Jan had learnt a lot of Gypsy jazz over the years he's excellent playing the acoustic.
too much,,,paco looks annoyed at times with the volume and phase
or flange ,, too noisey@@zeevogel
Akkerman explains in the beginning he would show Paco stuff on his guitar and that Paco would tell him what he liked. Probably he liked the flanger for some godforsaken reason
There appear to be a lot of negative comments here and I cannot for the life of me understand why. As a working musician myself, what I see here are two excellent guitarists, albeit of differing styles (yes, I remember Focus in the early Seventies) getting together and playing for the sheer Hell of playing. The end result is amazing. It is not a boys pissing up the wall contest, it is two genuinely talented men having fun onstage. Take it as that and be happy it happened.
Pero la gente es un mierda amigo
Por eso. Son solo fracasados q moriran siendo fracasados.punto.
Two of the most sickeningly underrated artists in music, together. This video makes me happy to be alive.
Oh sure.
They're 'underrated' are they?
How is Paco de Lucia underrated lmao
Both are absolute legends and in no way underrated :D this gets thrown around quite a lot these days, mostly if someone just discovered stuff. For the good stuff, you always have to search ;)
Under rated...you serieus? Ah ok you dont know shit about ratings...well we knew that reading you
Let's settle for "overlooked or disregarded" by the general public and the people who determine what's played on the radio that is. As brilliant as both are, most of the music listening public don't have a clue and would rather listen to 3 minute sing along or dance along tunes.
Just that approving nod of Paco de Lucia is amazing
Siempre he sido fanatico de la musica de Focus, desde sus inicios y de Paco de Lucia que mas decir, este dueto es de una riqueza y sensibilidad tremenda, bien por nuestro amigo que subio este clip, felicidades !!!
These two are (with Jeff beck) among the greatest living guitarists. I have seen all three live, and they are in a class by themselves. Although this is no polished studio set, it is perfect for that reason as well as the imagination and virtuosity on display. I love it!
Kudos for posting this amazing clip. Most of today's musicians don't compare, they wouldn't have the guts to get together in this manner & jam. Today it's all about looks & image. As to who blew who away, it's irrelevant. Once you get beyond a certain ability, it's just a matter of personal style. Both of them are amazing guitarists.
The fact that this video was posted 4 years ago & it is still generating comments says it all.
Image is nothing, substance is everything.
Could'nt agree more. I love this clip for what it is, two different styles, two dirrerent types of equipement and two great guitarists merging as one and they both seem to enjoy the moment. Who cares who thinks who is better. Turn up the volume and enjoy.
Qué bonitohhh.. Ole Paco y Akkerman. Paco de Lucía era maestro de maestros. El Señor lo tenga en la gloria!!
This is one of the reasons I love Jan Akkerman's music so much
No matter how many times I watch this, I keep coming back to it. It's amazing.
Also I love the way Paco looks over in a concerned way when Akkerman seems to take more of a lead......bloody fantastic!
Lejos uno de los mejores duos posibles, un choque de dos mundos. Paco siendo de Lucía y Jan habiendo tocado Focus y el luto, entre las muchisimas palabras que pudieran decírseles. Me da vida, lo uno que me hubiera gustado es que Jan no tuviera tanto reverb, porque a veces se perdía el sonido en los piques, por lo demás Uma Delicia
Paco ... gracias ... donde sea que estés ... en el cielo seguro .. tocándole feliz a dios tu guitarra seguro ...
tu vida es un honor para el arte,
El sonido, los conciertos y las grabaciones de Paco rinden homenaje a su padre, un hombre excepcionalmente visionario y verdaderamente revolucionario, que con tanto amor hizo de Paco un artista único y genial, similar a otros padres como Mozart, Beethoven ...
La magia y el duende de paco provino de estudios autodidactas intensivos... su padre obligándole a ejecutar escalas y escalas... y tocar para comer...
todo es gestar y luego parir dice Rilke,,, esos años de estudio durísimo le hicieron quien es... y su padre fue crucial... fue su voluntad... vivan los padres de los genios...la mitad del mérito es de ellos.
Tiene la mezcla más difícil de todas, virtud y virtuosismo, es un poeta del instrumento.
Paco no es solo un artista del más alto calibre, disciplina y musicalidad, sino el arquetipo del artista moderno, el maestro aislado y valiente, que encuentra su propio camino hacia nuevas alturas de expresión, sin importar los prejuicios o las barreras de incomprensión levantadas en su contra. Se encuentra solo al comienzo de una nueva época como un profeta, trazando los caminos que tomara el arte.
El sonido catártico y místico de Paco, se ocupa por los últimos misterios que trascienden en este mundo. Su arte grandioso, colosal y majestuoso, simboliza la lucha del alma humana por encontrar la liberación de las ataduras de su cuerpo material. Su música exquisita y abrumadora continúa resonando durante toda el recital y más allá, por lo que la acción es a la vez momentánea, eterna y completa.
Las interpretaciones de Paco son indescriptiblemente bellas e irresistibles. Su sonido es pura poesía y extremadamente emocional, pero sin sentimentalismos. Nos hipnotiza su nueva y radical naturalidad, su nobleza, dignidad, severidad y sobriedad; transportándonos a estados de asombro, éxtasis, meditación, amor y compasión.
- Sonido y Silencio, Vida y Muerte, Tiempo y Espacio; colapsan en el momento Eterno del Infinitud. -
Está al nivel de los mejores músicos interpretes de la historia como Maria Callas, Vladimir Horowitz, Ivo Pogorelich ...
Paco podría haber haber coincidido con estos consejos del gran pianista Ivo Pogorelich...
"Lucha y encuentra la sustancia, luego ve a las esferas superiores.
La música te lleva a otro universo de eternidad que permanece contigo una vez finalizado el concierto.
Lucha por conseguir calidad, profundiza ... encuentra el origen del sonido.
La técnica no es solo ir rápida y lento ... es el sonido, el sonido largo, la paleta de colores, es entrar en un espacio de mundos diferentes, alcanzando la diversidad de los sonidos.
Rachmaninov tenía artritis al final de su vida, estaba tan débil que su sonido era muy corto, por eso tocaba rápido, para llenar el vacío.
Si tienes un sonido largo estás al mando y puedes lograr la claridad y el sonido hipnótico entre las notas.
El problema siempre fue el conflicto y la diferencia entre la calidad absoluta y la relativa.
La belleza en la música es como en los diamantes, el diamante más puro del mundo es el Koh-i-Noor, es la belleza absoluta con la que se comparan otros con relativa belleza.
La mayoría de la música que pude escuchar fue solo un acto circense, ostentoso... de piezas virtuosas para pianistas jóvenes e inmaduros, fueron solo pruebas de destreza mecánica manual, no arte.
Hay que adentrarse en el estado de ánimo psicológico en el que los compositores escribieron sus obras para descubrir sus secretos.
Trabaja tan duro como un esclavo de galeras.
No practico ejercicios.
Cuando practico una pieza, hago algunas variaciones de ella, inventando mis propios ejercicios para ayudar en ese lugar particular preciso que necesito mejorar.
La técnica es el arte de la variedad, el arte de saber cómo ajustar la mano a un grupo particular de notas para producir un sonido particular que se ajuste a las expectativas particulares del oído.
El sonido se vuelve metafísico solo cuando se ha explorado completamente todas las posibilidades físicas. Deberías explorar hasta llegar al absurdo.
Siempre se debe intentar en la medida de lo posible redescubrir la música como si la estuvieras escuchando por primera vez, buscando por todas partes nuevos significados y nuevas profundidades.
La función más alta del artista es liberar la espiritualidad y la inmediatez emocional que se encuentran dentro de la partitura.
Estar constantemente involucrado en la investigación, no solo miro las cosas como aparecen, sino que también trato de encontrar los laberintos, los secretos de la música.
Una composición solo se puede interpretar bien si es completamente tuya, no solo cada nota de la memoria, sino que las notas se han convertido en ti y tu te has convertido en las notas.
Nada pasa por casualidad. Llámalo una fuerza que algunas personas piensan que controla lo que sucede en el futuro, y está fuera del control humano, llámalo preordenación, pero a veces sucede.
Después de todo, el elemento humano trae la felicidad total ".
Ivo Pogorelich.
No una palabra para Jan? Tsss.
OMG this is very brave into Paco,s world, bravo Jan.
Jan Akkerman is one of the most underrated musicians in rock history, and Paco de Lucia is rightly acknowledged as a supreme master. Paco has taken a lot of flack for breaking out of purely traditional forms of Spanish guitar, though it's mostly from traditionalists who couldn't begin to compete with him in any style. It is so cool to see two of my favorite players from quite different backgrounds burning it up together.
Akkerman 3 times best guitarplayer of the world by Rolling Stone calling underrated is the same as saying you dont know shit..so please go jerk yourself of in kinder garten mr iq-less than a coconut
The intro is " Fuente Y Caudal" and the theme is "Chanela"
Paco is the greatest ever lived. Jan akkerman respect for your solo!
Akkerman preformed great in this situation.This song is Paco's song, Paco's world.
Jan not only fit in, he made the song more interesting, In my opinion.
Paco is the wind and Jan is blown away
Thats all
@@armarq8091Oh, you must be right, then ....
Fine playing, but horrible sound…..
His SOUND, though! Like ass. 😂❤
This is so awesome. Paco de Lucia is truly a virtuoso.
Delightful, thank you. Speaks volumes about their appreciation of each other. 🎸🍾❤️
wow!! First time to watch this.. Pure goodness. Thanks for posting this performance.
The two artists complemented themselves beautifully ! very much to my surprise!!!!
Wonderful to see those very different virtuosos enjoying a jam together, thanks guys.
As has been said before, this is a Paco piece, he is in his comfort zone, playing his music and is not improvising. Jan is the one with the difficult job to do and does it brilliantly.
Duetting with the mighty Paco is tough enough at the best of times, but imagine if they were to sit down and tell Paco he had 30 mins to learn and play live along to Hocus Pocus !!
Now that would be interesting !!!
En algún documental le escuché decir que fue a la Gira con Meola y compañía y le costaba mucho. Lo pasaba mal. Hasta que un día se lo contó a Meola y este se quedó sorprendido de que Paco de Lucia llevara tanto tiempo improvisando sin tener “conceptos” de las escalas con las que tocaban etc (viniendo del flamenco). No se creía que hubiera estado tocando cada noche por puro instinto
You dont know at all what you say. Look for P de L talking about Friday's night in San Francisco days and shows. (Di Meola and McLaughlin.)
@@corporeidad What's your point? What does that have to do with Akkerman?
@@deniman lo que dices es verdad, pero fue con Larry Coryell y John Mclaughin!!!!
Jan Akkerman is the best at playing the Blues, best at Rock & Roll, Jazz and came very close in classical spanish guitarplay. Paco should have been hugely grateful to play with the GOAT
lol, Paco is the GOAT.
Bro, no disrespect on jan akkerman, but paco de lucia is on another whole division of another sport...
Two of my most favorite and influential guitarists ever to be. But as great as any mortal electric guitarist ever could be. You cant help but fall into a trance watching the one and only flamenco master "Paco" perform at a beyond-mortal pace. May "Saint Paco" bless us guitarist players from the heavens! A great man before a god? What a tussle indeed!
Weird that the one who looks like every member of Holland's 1970's Total Football generation isn't the Dutch guy
Jan Akkerman looks like Jongbloed and Johnny Rep. Paco looks more like Johan Neeskens.
@@OM10PYE Paco looks more like Cruyff
De Lucía /Akkerman, dos idiomas, Unidos por la música... excelso, grandioso!!!!
This is too awesome for words.
Amazing!!! I love that kind of pure authentic musical expressions. Peace on eart!!! Nothin' left to say...
2 grandiosos genios de 2 generos diferentes, y tocando juntos, esto es una pasada, increible....
no lo habia visto antes,pero ya lo tengo en favoritos. gracias Dios mio.
Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant!
Rare meeting of two top guitar players, with completely different backgrounds, playing together
It gets better every time you hear it again...
this is the totally awesome!! blew me away!!! paco is the matador!!
the beginning is beautiful!
Love it! Two great big ego's ( and deservedly so ) coming together for whatever reason. I take my hat off to both. Let's not judge either but just be thankful they did this for us all to enjoy. Yes the recording is poor and quite harsh but anyone with any musical ability will appreciate this for what it is and in my opinion one of the best 'JAMS' in history.
Estás enfermo??!!!.... esto es espectacular y suena increible. Creo que tienes que afinar tus oidos o despejartelos, porque una guitarra española y una eléctrica jamás sonarán igual. ¡AWESOME!
What I love about Paco is that he is soo diverse, he crosses over soo seamlessly, classical,flamenco, jazz, rock. It is the way we should all be thinking about music and the guitar.
Wow! What a musical gift to humanity!!!
no se puede estropear mas un bonito sonido....
Great, thnks for posting! Both so good. Very special indeed
I soon get bored with pacos twittering about but never get tired of listening to Jan not in the last 50 years at least. Live forever Jan.
Ahhhhhhh the beauty of Paco
sick man.thats amazing.just fantastic
This brought tears to my eyes....the beauty
Two of my favorites guitar players. Thanks for posting this.
Schön, diese jungen
Bengels noch zu
El más grande de todos los tiempos "aprendan del maestro". Descanse en paz
el mas grande de todos los tiempo? Poco guitarristas de Jazz y de Blues haz escuchado, compadre. Paco de Lucia, se me caen siempre las babas cuando le escucho.
@@andalecom379 Aprende a escribir, no se te entiende, te contradices, primero dices que no y a continuación se te cae la baba. Te digo que Paco es el más grande de todos los tiempos y ya está.
@@f.jimenez6172 gracias, aprenderé a escribir y tu aprende a leer. Yo me refería a Jan Akkerman, como guitarrista de Rock y Blues, no es de los grandisimo. Paco de Lucía sin duda fue el gran maestro, cuando yo le escucho, se me cae la baba, capito?
Disculpa si mi castellano es fatal.
I understand what you say. Jan improvises pretty much every song every time he plays. Sure, it is always within the theme of the song, and he makes heavy use of a lot of stock licks, especially to get himself out of trouble.
Sometimes though, you just want to hear the 'classic' version of a song. Having said that, its often really funny when something goes wrong and Jan and/or the band have to play round it.
Never a dull moment !!
me fasina es maravilloso DIOS. LE DIO ESE DON TAN GRANDE DIOS LO TENGA EN EL CIELO...........
jqjajajaja dios jajaja porfavor DON ???? permite reirme , si fuera un don , desde q nacio no hubiera tenido q estudiar musica ni la guitarra . pero bien dice paco
que estudiaba 12 horas diarias de niño jajaj toma tu don ignorante
Diego Guerrero si no tenes un don asi podes estudiar toda una vida q no tocas un carajo,el ignorante sos vos hermano
hahahah claro ,dios se los dio hahaha pues se me hace tan ignorante lo que dicen que dios les da todo, el practicaba 12 horas diarias si eso no te dice nada? espera a que dios te de ese don mientras recuestate y espera
ponete vos a tocar doce horas a ver cuanto tocas,conosco tipos q viven con la guitarra en la mano y no tocan un pito,se necesita horas para ser un profesional asi pero sino tenes las condiciones podes tocar 24 horas q vas a ser siempre un perro,te lo aseguro,soy musico
si conoces las historia de paco sabras que el tuvo todo desde que nacio pero por que desde antes de nacer escucho la musica y su papá siempre tocaba y el aprendio de oido , pero dejame decirte que un don es algo que se te dio y sin practicar lo tienes, pero el practicaba mas de 12 horas de niño asi que pues piensalo amigo tu don no es de dios saludos
als jan nou eerst dat takke effect uitzet en is clean laat zien wat hij nou echt kan.
Dit stoort enorm.
man i love the way Paco looks at Jan at 2:42 when he does that shred, kinda like "man i wish i could do that", two very good guitar players imo
Jan is as great in his style as Paco is in his, together is even more great.
Most awesome 🎸☕
such a great song...
if you listen to it more times, you'll see its a great song
This IS music, bringing together two great musicians to play together in 'harmony' literally and figuratively. You could really see Paco de Lucia having a great time :D.
Well we dont really know that. His technique and skill are without question, but he has never really stepped far from his comfort zone. Search on Jan's history even on YT and you will see classical playing on Acoustic and Lute, straight up blues, supporting Jazz singers, playing Gypsy with the Rosenbergs, ground breaking prog-rock with Focus. He went through a serious Funk phase and pioneered work on the Guitar Synth - his musical versatility is almost unmatched
And one of my favorite dutch musicians.
Greatings from Germany
Fantastic musicians!!!
Que maravilla de video, es impresionante ver a estos dos grandes guitarristas juntos!!!!
Bravo Olé! THanks!
I think this is really great!
I love Paco's "Hey man, that's too fast!" face at 2:40.
I always interpreted it as "what the hell are you doing" because that part really sounded like shit.
+Vincent Adriaanse On the other hand is the look at 2:16 also very funny. Jan played an amazing part and Paco seems impressed.
Yeah, actually his face is "god that shit sounds horrible, and why am I here playing with a hack like you?"
Surely, you never listen a Paco´s full album (oldies or moderns). At all levels, Akkermans is simply a common guitarrist. Paco it´s out of comparisions. You need listen more Paco´s music, before talk about him.
So many hatred in the little hearts of the last 2 commenters... Such good music was supposed to make people happier than that.
Spot on. Both seemed to enjoy the moment.
Damn! Waanzinnig mooi dit.
this video changed my life. Omg this is incredible
This piece is an extra on a live Akkerman DVD. It is in the middle of a 20 minute interview with Jan in Dutch with English sub-titles. It is worth the price of the DVD just for this interview.
The piece was for a TV show and I have never seen or heard it anywhere else but on the DVD. I would suggest picking up the DVD as it is brilliant in its own right.
i only had this song on tape way back in the seventies from a program by the TROS called Steenbok (a story about Jan Akkerman). and now so many years later it's on viedeo!! Jan is playing on a solid state LAB series amp L9. I must admit Jan 's been blown away by Paco, but also Jan admits he had been run over by an aeroplane!!!!
Amazing! Tks!
Wow Jan, as always!
Never seen this before.awesome skills
Exactly, Paco is Paco in a variety of contexts, whether he is next to the Spain Philharmonic or in a Jazz ensemble. I love the way he works soo well in a variety of musics.
Paco is one badass player.
Great tchnique, greater music!
Serious. The best play guitar ever been in the world! ❤
What a shame these guys didn't rehearse and work together for a longer while...Tremendous!
Dois ícones.
sounds great!!!
Two of my heroes....talking together!
I wish I could have joined, with vocals.....
Jammer dat Jan hier een flanger effect op zijn gitaar heeft zitten. Hoor hem liever wat puurder. En het geluid steekt ook zo schril af tegen die prachtige warme klanken van Paco's gitaar. Bedankt voor het uploaden overigens :-)
Ik vind het juist wel een mooie combi. Alleen lijkt Jans versterker soms wat overstuur.
stephen - Absolutely spot on. Some people just dont seem to get this at all. Its a shame that the subtitles on the DVD interview dont show up when you copy it, because Akkerman is fascinating. You are right about his playing as well. I have most of his solo material and have seen him live several times and NOTHING is ever played the same way twice. Its not always perfect, but jeez the guy just plays from his heart and his versatility is beyond comparison
A Spanish and a Dutch Guitargod, playing a small concerto together. Enjoy,
que bonito el tremolo
Thats why this is so wonderful !!
Spot on m8
Jan is an accomplished acoustic/classical guitarist and lute player. It would have been real easy to put these 2 together acoustically, but this is much more interesting.
Paco is playing songs he already knew and its Jan taking all the risks. (I couldnt see Paco playing along to Hocus Pocus)
No-ones criticising Paco, but this is in his comfort zone.
ole paco is worth 3x any normal musician. mental