Evolutionary Foundations of Human Uniqueness Symposium

  • Опубликовано: 16 окт 2024

Комментарии • 99

  • @nottsork
    @nottsork 2 года назад +24

    a shame the university of Arizona , didn't consult the media studies department who WOULD HAVE USED THE CORRECT MICROPHONE SO WE DIDNT HAVE TO TURN EVERYTHING UP . i/e a livelier mic on his lapel then he would not fade when not facing the camera

    • @MorganSZAGaming
      @MorganSZAGaming 2 года назад

      No N out 8ni on if ii0i you iiibibi Bobbi no Bobbi ijb big man Jonno iii Jonno i8888(8!8698(((((8(89888(96! Iiiiniiiiiyiiybii bio big hi 9iii9ii9ibi no I no 99iiiiiiiii99i no no hi I'm i it jiiiijii no 6bi be biiiiiiibibinjinibbbiiii9 be no nii9999999 JB Nagar 9b no i9i BB Bobbi iiiiiy9iiii9iiiiibj in 999999 no niiiyijiiii by iijiiiiii no JB ibib

    • @MorganSZAGaming
      @MorganSZAGaming 2 года назад

      No nijb Jenni no no Bobbi b no one 9iiiiiiiibiiiibiniiioiiionioioiiib999 no oo9o99999oi999999999bi9i999 no i9i iniiiii9ini no jiiiijii in in ibiijibiii in iiiiniiiiiyiiybii you into it niI no jiiiijii ooo they have big iiiibiiinini job i niiiyijiiii you can on a in BKK i in hi iiiibiiinini iii JJ Abrams on bbiibi0;(bibííiiiiííiiniiiiniioiiî(>)?))())))))?)(!))()(!)))!))())()!()(!))())(())>)))?))!!!)))!)()!))))())))!!)!))))(!))))))?())))))(()))!)))))))>))!))!))!)))))))))!)()]>)))!))))))))!)))?)(()!)))())))())(!))))! In ooioionooooooookonooonikonoojkoookoooooooookonokooooo oniooooookookkonokokonknooonnooooooonoooiokoooiok ooonkknooninookkkonoooo nkoooiooojoonooonknkokonoonookooooboookooooóo look join o on onk0ooooookonko on ookoook ok okoooo on ookoook on ookkkoonoooooóoo on o0o kk ooo oookoooooooooooooo ink o on ooooo on ooonoo on ki oookoooooooo look k innkooookkkko kk ooiono on ooo onionoonoooooooooo on o on nkkko on kknoknokkonoookoooo on ooooooooookoook ok ki ok ooooooooooo on onono ooo onoooooo ok o one ooooooooooóo look nkokk look kooonk on on ooook on onono on ooiono on oooooooooo Inn ooo Inn nkooooo on moo on o ok o oookoooooooooooooo on knko in kk ok I'll on ooooknkk in ookkk on k ooooooooooo on ok o oookooooooooooooooonkokoo into o inn ooon oooóooo on ok on ok no mkononkooooo on oooooooooo on ookookoookon ok on ok kkkkook NN oooo in ononoooooo on no0ooooooooooo in onjnooo ink on ooókoo ink on ooooknkk oooóooo ok ok ok oooonmno inn ooooo on inkomooooooo on ok no o on kkookokoo Inn inn ooooo ooooo ooooknkk oooóooo ooooknkk on oon on o on k kk ooiono look koookonooooo inn ok ok ooooo on in ooókoo on ok ok ok oooonmno oóoko on ooooknkkoo on look inn on o oookooooooooooooooonkokooo Inn ooooo ooooknkk ok o on o on moo on oooo inn oonok ok on k ok oooooooooo look on n on o on ok ooókoo Inn ooono on ok ok ok kkkkook ooooknkk inn kk ok oooo inn o on ok oooonmno k ok ok kkkkook o ooo inn ooooko Inn oo on o on moo knowo on ooooookookkkoo inn on onokno on ooooknkk on k on o ok onooo on ok oooonmno oóoko ooooknkk ok Kkkkooko on ok on o inn kk ooo Inn o on o ooo o inn on lookk inn o inn o on ooooknkk ooooknkk I on o on ok oooonmno ooo on oookooo on o ok no ok ki oookoooooooo on on on ok on n on mknooo ok on onk ooooknkk kk ok ok link on ok oooooooooo ooon on on oooonmno ooo Inn no ooooknkk ooooknkk ooo on ok o inn on ki oookoooooooo ooo ooooknkk ooooknkk o ooooknkk o ooooknkk ok ok ok ok ooooknkk inn o on ooooknkk ooooknkk o on ooo on o ok ok o on ok on ooo on okoóoo ok o ooooo 99

    • @MorganSZAGaming
      @MorganSZAGaming 2 года назад


    • @vmcla
      @vmcla 23 дня назад

      You’re so right. Too many of these academic presentations FAIL at the simple technical requirement: the must be able to hear clearly. Just because you can draw the human family tree, you are not expected to know how to mic a presentation. Call the experts because this is just embarrassing. Assembling all these people and they can’t be clearly heard.

  • @markgarin6355
    @markgarin6355 2 года назад +4

    Wish audio was clearer

  • @walkerjohnson6960
    @walkerjohnson6960 2 года назад +5

    A very thought-provoking presentation about the human experience, its capacity and migration and its mutual evolution with planet Earth during the past one-million years.

  • @sku32956
    @sku32956 7 месяцев назад

    Enjoyed the Symposium the topic is one I have been trying to grasp as of late .

  • @petestronach4949
    @petestronach4949 2 года назад +2

    and image,
    it isn't that difficult,
    evolve people,
    you are an University after all
    this would have been fascinating

  • @larryparis925
    @larryparis925 2 года назад +8

    Oh no, "the John Templeton Foundation". Credibility takes a heavy hit. Why, oh why, Prof. Johanson?

    • @DavidErdody
      @DavidErdody 2 года назад +2


    • @monikagrosch9632
      @monikagrosch9632 2 года назад +1

      I would take money from the devil as long as there are no strings attached

    • @Raydensheraj
      @Raydensheraj 2 года назад

      What is your problem with the John Templeton Foundation?

    • @larryparis925
      @larryparis925 2 года назад +5

      @@Raydensheraj My “problem” with the Templeton Foundation is their unjustified bias of funding scientific projects for the purpose of linking findings to religious interpretations. Their fundamental policy is to support their religious (i.e, superstitious) biases rather than furthering scientific knowledge.

    • @bokononbokomaru8156
      @bokononbokomaru8156 2 года назад +3

      @@larryparis925 accurate

  • @smoggyama
    @smoggyama 2 года назад +2

    This Dictator Game (1:52:30) seems to have ignored some crucial variables. The value of $50 ($x), the perceived availability of $x, the relationship of the donor to the anonymous recipient, or whether the recipient is in debt. $50 in some societies represents a months substance wherein an opulent metropolis it could represent cab fare or dessert.

  • @E-K-6
    @E-K-6 2 месяца назад

    Thank you.

  • @marcel70425
    @marcel70425 2 года назад +4

    A wonderfull presentation, thank you

  • @briemills9209
    @briemills9209 2 года назад +9

    Badly filmed with the audio going in and out and the camera too far from the screen. I was afraid he was going to wear out tthe stage from all that pacing. Had to stop watching. Amateurs.

    • @vmcla
      @vmcla 23 дня назад

      And naturally, he can’t operate the clicker. Ineptitude all around.

  • @smoggyama
    @smoggyama 2 года назад +2

    Bad audio!

  • @JungleJargon
    @JungleJargon 2 года назад

    The family tree is backwards.

  • @johnnycharisma162
    @johnnycharisma162 2 года назад +2

    Why’s Kenny Rogers walking up and down talking about Homos?

  • @howardleekilby7390
    @howardleekilby7390 7 месяцев назад

    Our public library once
    had o book on the names
    Of God. It was the size of
    the Oxford English dictionary. I lifted it and
    looked through the names
    and recognized a truth:

    • @AMC2283
      @AMC2283 6 месяцев назад +2

      feel free to believe in the gods, evolution is exhaustively verified

  • @robertmcclintock8701
    @robertmcclintock8701 2 года назад

    If you know evolution it just makes you a baby doctor. That is the intelligent design.

  • @robhughes2832
    @robhughes2832 29 дней назад +1

    Bipedal... no shit. I could have used less of the demo walking up and down for over an hour.

  • @0351nick-ch8ee
    @0351nick-ch8ee 2 года назад +1

    At asu???

  • @robertmcclintock8701
    @robertmcclintock8701 2 года назад +1

    Everytime an artist make something social and intelligent it has artistic integrity. That only possible in a created universe.

    • @Raydensheraj
      @Raydensheraj 9 месяцев назад

      Ok Trump University PhD in Evolutionary stupidiology graduate. Thanks for the mind-blowing contribution to the collected knowledge of scientific research.

  • @russelld1254
    @russelld1254 4 месяца назад

    It’s sad that those of you that seem to think you know origins keep saying all ancestors came out of Africa. It’s clearly not true. Asia is more likely. Those in Africa had homo Erectus as their ancestor. Most everyone else had way different ancestors that probably came from Asia. Maybe Africa a couple million years before homo Erectus appeared. But they are Africa’s ancestors not all non African’s. Lucy was way more human. Stone tools do help to identify homo.

    • @FrgvDntFrgt8060
      @FrgvDntFrgt8060 25 дней назад

      The last thirty years of genetic evidence has really placed all discussion of this beyond reasonable doubt. DNA analysis has confirmed a single point of human origin in Eastern Africa, with limited interbreeding with archaic humans like neanderthals. Most of human DNA is shared with ancient hominids like homo erectus and homo habilis with only 1.5-7% unique to homo sapiens.

    • @FrgvDntFrgt8060
      @FrgvDntFrgt8060 25 дней назад

      The earliest known stone tools date to 3.3 million years ago. To date, the first known fossil of the genus Homo, which includes modern humans, is a lower jawbone discovered in Ethiopia called the "Ledi jaw," estimated to be 2.8 million years old.

  • @vesuvandoppelganger
    @vesuvandoppelganger 2 года назад +3

    They still can't figure out that humans were created.

    • @chucklesdarwinwaswrongevol236
      @chucklesdarwinwaswrongevol236 2 года назад

      Vesuvan Doppelganger I know right? How sad.

    • @vesuvandoppelganger
      @vesuvandoppelganger 2 года назад

      Given what we know about biology, evolution is beyond ridiculous.

    • @chucklesdarwinwaswrongevol236
      @chucklesdarwinwaswrongevol236 2 года назад

      @@vesuvandoppelganger took me ten plus years to figure that out.

    • @bokononbokomaru8156
      @bokononbokomaru8156 2 года назад +3

      @@vesuvandoppelganger which makes it clear you don't know anything about Modern Evolutionary Theory. Thx for your honesty

    • @vesuvandoppelganger
      @vesuvandoppelganger 2 года назад

      So is the fact that the genomes of animals were written by a genius a part of modern evolutionary theory or is that something else that they haven't figured out yet?

  • @mistag3860
    @mistag3860 2 года назад +2

    The change from 48 pairs of chromosomes, and 46 is not gradual. That is the difference between us and chimps and bonobo, at a fundamental level. Once upon a time, a pair of apes, with 48 pairs, gave birth to a mutant, with only 46 pairs...the first human, why am I wrong?

    • @spatrk6634
      @spatrk6634 2 года назад

      down syndrome makes you have different amount of chromosomes
      does that mean its not a human?
      is number of chromosomes defining characteristic of what a human is?
      how many incremental changes you must see, where you say, ok , now its a human.
      is number of chromosomes that line for you?
      if so, than downsyndrome baby is not a human, or you are wrong.

    • @mistag3860
      @mistag3860 2 года назад +1

      @@spatrk6634 People, sorry, Humans with Down's syndrome have an extra copy of one chromosome. It is not a mutation that is favourable - Downs syndrome men are sterile, therefore as an example of a species distinct from humans, they would immediately fail, as there can be no next generation. Your comparison is flawed, and I still have to be proved wrong, by somebody, and its not you. Why arent humans nicer on these comment sections? I'm not trying to say disabled people are not human - that is so far from my question its laughable. Why do you defend Down's syndrome people as if I had attacked them? Of course they are human, LOOK AT THEM! one gets so fed up with people getting offended on other peoples behalf, so they can look 'oh so virtuous'. Off you must fuck.

    • @Ghostshadows306
      @Ghostshadows306 2 года назад

      I don’t know could you tell me?

    • @russelld1254
      @russelld1254 4 месяца назад

      Then you would need a male with the sane 46 gene mutation to breed with that female if it was a female. What’s the odds? It get all so foggy.

    • @FrgvDntFrgt8060
      @FrgvDntFrgt8060 25 дней назад

      We are not descendants of apes. We share a common lineage of ancestors with apes beginning with stardust.

  • @vmcla
    @vmcla 23 дня назад

    Mickey Mouse level audio. A waste of 3 hours of presentation. Bye.

  • @Zeropadd
    @Zeropadd 2 года назад


  • @robertmcclintock8701
    @robertmcclintock8701 2 года назад

    If universe is social it's certain to produce a God.

    • @FrgvDntFrgt8060
      @FrgvDntFrgt8060 25 дней назад

      The God gene hypothesis proposes that human spirituality is influenced by heredity and that a specific gene, called vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2), predisposes humans towards spiritual or mystic experiences. VMAT2 codes for a vesicular monoamine transporter that plays a key role in regulating the levels of the brain chemicals serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. These monoamine transmitters are in turn postulated to play an important role in regulating the brain activities associated with mystic beliefs.

  • @robertmcclintock8701
    @robertmcclintock8701 2 года назад

    Oaths end with so help me God. God does reveal himself to people but only if he can be perfectly moral about it.

    • @bokononbokomaru8156
      @bokononbokomaru8156 2 года назад

      So...magic ? Kewl

    • @Raydensheraj
      @Raydensheraj 9 месяцев назад

      Perfectly moral? Which version of invisible supernatural super being has been moral?
      Baby killing pest loving pedophile creater Jesus aka Yahweh....
      Or Allah and his Aisha loving perfect prophet?
      Religion= Stone age moral system which has failed over and over and over again....

  • @robertmcclintock8701
    @robertmcclintock8701 2 года назад

    If you love the universe the birds will make you mentally ill so you fight with the environment to make it intelligent. Your supposed to make the environment intelligent so no God needed. God has been liberated and fully capable of evolving himself without any help. God don't want your worship he just wants to get married. Royal weddings are the most watched thing on television. We fixed the video and audio for best experience possible. Cameras are supernatural and all of them captured 3D. The audio loud don't make violence so has depth. Nobody has to buy anything for it to work.

    • @Grinsekatze113
      @Grinsekatze113 2 года назад +1

      google translate is not helping you. you have just randomly strung words together and makes 0 sence xD

    • @robertmcclintock8701
      @robertmcclintock8701 2 года назад

      @@Grinsekatze113 I can be understood by any honest person. Integrity is more than a feeling but only works if you are honest about it.

    • @robertmcclintock8701
      @robertmcclintock8701 2 года назад

      @@Grinsekatze113 atheist debating tactic is to pretend your stupid and blame the person your debating for making you stupid.

    • @Grinsekatze113
      @Grinsekatze113 2 года назад +1

      @@robertmcclintock8701 omg lol you can form a readable sentance. are you saying im not honest?

    • @Grinsekatze113
      @Grinsekatze113 2 года назад

      @@robertmcclintock8701 who an athiest?

  • @danmosley4387
    @danmosley4387 2 года назад +1

    Billy Billy Billy, you are so so wrong in so many accepted ways. Unified theory of Human Evolution is Coming. Spoiler, human line started near 15 Mya.

    • @Raydensheraj
      @Raydensheraj 2 года назад

      Present the testable evidence you incredible mega expert🙄

    • @danmosley4387
      @danmosley4387 2 года назад

      @@Raydensheraj Its broad, wide and deep. It would be better if you ask me a question that you truly want an answer to. Anything in the last 300 million years.

    • @chucklesdarwinwaswrongevol236
      @chucklesdarwinwaswrongevol236 2 года назад

      @@danmosley4387 nothing was around millions of years ago and evolution never happened.

    • @danmosley4387
      @danmosley4387 2 года назад

      @@chucklesdarwinwaswrongevol236 I understand. Yea I'm not for you.

  •  2 года назад

    Can't ear you! 😡