It suggests that this is what people identify as when asked. It would be interesting to see a comparison with their genetics. Almost no Americans claim to be of English descent, and yet very many of them are.
Very true. The English are the baseline of all immigrant populations and set up the institutions of the modern USA. They are the only unhyphenated Americans, identifying simply as Americans. All hyphenated-Americans differentiate themselves from them. When did you last meet a self identifying "English-American"?
@@smokescreen2146 the video defines 'American' as those who identify only as American and don't know any other ethnic background. Some people grow up and never know their ethnic heritage. I've met people like that. It's odd to me, because our family was hyper-aware with a certain amount of pride in our Scandinavian, German and English roots, complete with those old world holiday traditions, traditional food, etc.
Say again. I am from India. We respect Germans for their tech.knowledge. skill and discipline. Also Sanskrit / Samskruta and German languages hv many similarities.
After ww1 germans were hated in the us even more than after ww2. They had to change their names to english ones, forbid german words like Sauerkraut (changed to "liberty cabbage") and in generaly, everything german related was frowned up.
I am a German who worked some time in the US. NYC and not the Midwest. I was the only one in a team of five who did not have a German family name. When I asked the guys about their heritage they all said Irish. ;)
I guess the german roots got covered a lot during the two WWs. There was the stop of german language papers, peoples started to pronounce their german last names more english. The propaganda took a large part to deny that ancestory
@@samimghafari5331 it can have multiple languages, my small country of 11 million people has three official languages and too be honest in the USA there are entire villages who speak nearly only german.
The German language was spoken by the German Americans until the First World War (1914-1918). Due to anti-German hate crimes, many German Americans were hiding their German roots by for example stopping spekking German or ‘translate’ their surnames. Former president Trump’s grandfather had the surname Trumpf when he was born. President Dwight Eisenhower’s German ancestor who migrated to the Unites States was born as Eisenhauer. So, that’s why many people do’nt see much of the German influence.
Not sure a lot of Germans identified as German, since it's only a 150 year old country. But it's more like libertarian Germans that escaped the tyrannies in Europe vs Germans that embraced a more radical form after all the Godful once left.
the german influence is notable in the US. it can be heard in the language (mostly word construction/reconstruction) and is very evident in the food: coleslaw, potato salad, hamburgers (hamburg steaks), hot dogs (frankfurt sausages), pretzels, scrapple and a myriad other pork products, sauerkraut, apple sauce, schnitzel, pot roast (sauerbraten), and many more, including black forest torte.
As a German, I see little to no German influence in the USA. It was destroyed during the First World War. Human rights no thanks was obviously the motto of the USA. And as a German you can't eat the supposedly German food in the USA.
It was far worse before columbias came here. Other native Indian tribes were slaughtering each other. Good thing westerners came here other wise they would all be wiped out
I think the 'Americans' are so mixed that you cannot identify them as belonging to any particular ethnic group that arrived in the USA (and the natives). Most of my American relatives are like that. They have Spanish, English, Welsh, German, French and other surnames.
100%? Then you have not been able to go back far enough in your family history. If you are able to connect to aristocracy you will be descended from most nationalities in Europe, and you are almost certainly related to Ghengis Khan as most Europeans are.@@chicagomike
Majority of people on my team at work are clearly of Irish descent. One French, one polish, and two, including me, have old English surnames. All different flavors of Caucasian.
Yes the scotts welsh scott irsh and ameicans is the reason why everyone speaks english. As well as the irish which im sure will some have anglo norman decent
Exactly. Also, this Video doesn't Account for Population levels at inception(1783), which was 3,000,000 Brits and a few thousand Germans, and no other nationalitiees (Ireland was part of Britain at that time - there were less than 100,000 Irish)
"people with English ancestry are more likely to just identify with just being American so the anglo group is alot bigger than it is" ... would not this drift towards 'American' be more significant for people of German ancestry, given certain world wars motivating people to want to distance themselves from their German ancestry??
It’s curious how white Europeans ancestry is divided in countries, Asian ancestry is divided in countries, Latin American ancestry is divided in countries and suddenly all the African ancestry is under the single category “ African American “ and never divided in different African countries or black Caribbean countries (like Jamaicans or Haitians that I imagine are considered as African Americans). I wonder from the African American category which country is the main source of ancestry, Nigeria?, Congo? Senegal? It is something that is never tracked like it is on other ethnicities.
Isn' it obvious? The african americans on this video are salves first then descendent of slaves and nobody kept track of their origins. Their origins where probably already lost when still waitting to be bought in costal Africans slave markets and the European who bought them sure didn't care. The more recent African immigrants are probably divided by countries but none of them would make it in the top 17 in numbers, so none of them would appear in this video anyway.
I always knew there were a lot of people of Irish and German heritage in the USA, but I had no idea they are still among the highest groups (the highest in the German case) up until today. I also thought there would be a larger share for Italian than there is, and I think a lot of the American category are actually of English heritage. I think English is one of those less likely to be claimed, but is actually quite common.
I thought Kansas was very German (and it is) until I moved to Sheboygan, WI...brat capital of the world and home of the Sheboygan hard roll. It's considered sacrilege if you don't eat them together. Best damn German potato salad you'll ever eat, too! German food in Kansas is very different as most are either German Mennonite in the eastern half of the state or German Catholic in the western half. Wisconsin is mostly German Lutheran. Each has their own culture and food.
@@kelvinkind7496here in Chicago our population is 33% white, 29.8% non-white Hispanic, 29.1% black/African and about 6% Asian. We are a diverse city 😁 with no majority racial or ethnic group. Cook county is 40% white, 26% black/African American, 15% non-white Hispanic and about 10% Asian and 9% is other.
From the 1850s on there have been more Irish in the USA than in Ireland itself. Ireland's population has just recently risen back to where it was in 1840 (before the famine). In the same time period the Irish population of the US has gone from 2 million to 33 million.
That was really interesting - I'm very interested in the Irish Americans as a lot of my family went to New York City in the 1920s - My great uncles left a farm in Tipperary on one way tickets which only cost £10 which I suppose was a lot of money back in those days - They did very and ended up living the American dream - When I go to watch the St Patrick's parade in New York City then I know how much such a little country like Ireland has influenced America...
The Irish, Scottish, and Scots-Irish numbers are totally mixed up. The Scots-Irish preceded the other two and the form the traditionally largest ethnic group in the southeastern states.
It’s tricky, because most people in the US are probably of mixed ethnicity. I’m mostly Polish, but also of Slovak, Ukrainian, Jewish, British and Irish descent, and while I usually would say I’m ethnically Polish because of my family’s cultural practices, I’m only really slightly more Polish compared to the other listed ethnicities.
I've noticed a lot of the famous American celebrities have 3-6 different ancestries. Jessica Biel for example is Hungarian Jewish, German, English, French and Norwegian and Mark Wahlberg is of Swedish, Irish, English and French descent etc.
What is crazy to me is that Ireland has a pretty flexible right of return citizenship and having an Irish passport has a lot of benefits yet most Irish-Americans don't get it (yet).
I think they didn't have an option for Mexican until the 1930s. There were clearly Mexicans all over the SW US since the 1800s. I think New Mexico and Texas were basically Mexico until the 1850s.
Don't be ignorant the people that founded Mexico at the time were the Spainairds & Europeans, then came the Aztecas, Mexico is just the name of that country. But in general Mexicans have both the European and Amerindian ancestry.
@amaliacoria3063 What I am saying is they did not count anyone of mixed heritage. Only options were white or Indigenous. Most people would want to go with white back then because you would have more rights so lets get real here this nation was built on racism. Mexican to be more accurate is Meztizo which is Indigenous based with European admixtures varying in degrees. This can stretch from Central America to New Mexico and West Texas. So yeah don't assume someone is ignorant because you don't understand what I am trying to convey here. Stop projecting.
@@jonathanflores9874most Hispanic people who lived Mexican empire part of USA, were of Spainish european heritage, they invited anglos into Texas to help fight the native Americans
Seattle area has a good size of Norwegian and Scandinavian descendants, you can see on google maps all the businesses names. There are many events and organizations to preserve the history. There are also a few towns built by Norwegian settlers, most have changed over time and developed but a few have retained their original character like Poulsbo Washington that has adapted to a tourist area.
The US government in the 1920s went to a lot of trouble to identify the ethnicity of white americans,according to them there was 39.2 million from the UK and another 10.6 million from the Irish Republic and another 4 million Canadians ,i would think about 2.5 million who where of British or Irish descent .At the same time they estimated there where 15.5 million Germans ,add Swiss Germans ,Austrians and Eastern European Germans for a total of about 18 million .Since then the white population has doubled
A century later it's still trouble 😂 Sociologists doubt American nation, looks like just a some people, living in same territory more or less called united as over countries. Regarding more then 70% would like to live USA forever with losing sitezenship (most prefered country proclaimed Canada), this point of view sounds resonable
Esa gente es de origen Bárbara y Celta. Los bárbaros anglos, pictus,...y demás. No tenían sentido de pertenencia, entonces nunca se preocupo más que por su día a día. Osea no esperes algo más de ellos. Del pueblo Celta tuvieron orden tras toparse con los romanos, osea tienen sentido de pertenencia, por lo cual existe la preocupación por el devenir por eso los irlandés aumentaron su población como se esperaba.
@@lindamuzza5450 Of course they are,but the point i was making is that for the main european ancestries these figures above are wrong !The German figure according to the US government is too high and the figure for the British Isles is too low .There where 3.462 million Italians
America became a great and patriotic culture by being a melting pot ... and is now divisive by segregating into "communities." My view is that cultures should be celebrated by each other, not weaponized against each other.
I'm surprised Chinese and Indian aren't a lot more in 2023. It feels like everywhere you look these days you see Chinese or Indian in the US. In Canada Mandarin has practically become the 2nd language (eg on ATMs you have the option of English or Mandarin)
@@josesaavedra6106 Indians are growing but still no where close to Chinese - who literally have streets and malls dedicated to them, you walk in there and you're in Shanghai or Beijing lol
Firstly you probably live in a state or city where Indians and Chinese like me are a lot more common . A lot of people you think are Chinese may have been Korean , Vietnamese or Filipino .
There is almost more people with Norwegian ancestry living in USA than there is Norwegians living in Norway current population is 5,488,984 Its especially intresting considering Norway has not had wars and unstability apart form WW2 but we where very poor Before the industrial revolution came to us early 1900
Robert Fergusson writes about the Norvegians in his book "Scandinavians- In Search of the Soul of the North". A unique look into their culture, history, and politics.What a great, hard-working people! I am familiar with many of them settling in the prairies of Minnesota and later moving on west to Oregon.
Could someone explain. as per this video. If you are from England you are classed as English. If you are from Germany you are classed as German. If you are from Ireland you are classed as Irish. etc etc. except for if you are from Africa you are African American not African.
It's because the data used for this graphic is from the US Census. In other words, it's what ethnicity people self-report. Most African Americans in the US are the descendants of slaves, and do not know exactly which country in Africa their ancestors came from, so they self-report as African-American.
When we talk about the descendants of ancient Spanish America, we cannot talk about an ethnic group, since there are great differences between a Puerto Rican, a Mexican or an Argentine. The most important group today in the United States are the emigrants from Spanish America. As a Spaniard, it has always caught my attention that in the United States they talk about the Latin race, which would be like calling all the inhabitants of the former British Empire the British race. Furthermore, the Latin people themselves are the inhabitants of Lazio, a nearby region. To Rome, there are Latin or Romance languages that come from Latin, Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian, Portuguese,... but a Latin race never existed, because even the Roman legions were a mixture of different peoples.
@@vernicejillmagsino9603The fact that a large number of Italians had emigrated to Argentina does not mean that they are not a Spanish-American country. The descendants of Italians, Spaniards, Germans... from Argentina are not Italian Argentines, nor Hispanic Argentines, nor German Argentines, they are simply ARGENTINES. We must also not forget that the ten most common surnames in Argentina are Spanish.
@@M86KIA No hay que complicar tanto las cosas...aqui muchos somos primero gallegos, vascos, catalanes, andaluces y despues somos españoles. En Europa en general hya muchas mas dificultades para seguir a nuestros ancestros que en America o Australia, pues alli hay registros y se mantiene en las familias cuando llegaron y de donde sus antecesores. En Europa a eso nunca se le dio tanta importancia, asi si un aleman, irlandes, italiano, venia a vivir a España, lo unico que queda de rastro es su apellido, en muchos casos espanolizado, pero no les preguntes a sus descendiente ni de donde vino su antepasado ni cuando se asentó en España, salvo que haya sido hace un par de generaciones...
Something important to bear in mind with this video, whenever you see a large increase in a particular ethnicity, it's usually because of some kinds of strife causing them to migrate. So you get a massive wave of Irish in the 1840s because of the Irish famine. German's in the latter 19th century because of German wars of unification. Jews in around 1900 because of pogroms and anti semitism in Eastern Europe. You don't get similar migration from England or France because they were developed and affluent. The pattern continues today with migration from Mexico, many fleeing Mexico due gang violence and other problems there.
Bueno, en cuanto a México, porque Estados Unidos robó poco más de la mitad del territorio mexicano (aunque la escuela nos enseña que fue un tratado para liquidar una deuda) y la frontera cruzó el terreno, dejando a muchos mexicanos del lado estadounidense, y aún así se quejan de los mexicanos cuando los mexicanos van a sus tierras como Texas, Los Angeles, Nuevo México, Chicago... etc...
@@arthurmata6068yes, Mexico once had a portion of the current US. Many countries around the world were once controlled by other countries/empires. Does that mean the land didn't belong to them? Wars happen and land changes who controls it. There is no problem with people from any country coming to the USA. As long as it's done the right/legal way.
The germans migrated because life was miserable in Germany and Germany couldn't sustain the massive population growth of the industrial revolution. Europe's population wiuld be a lot higher if it had the time to feed those populations.
Treated “INDIGENOUS” Americans and blacks like trash for hundreds of years just be replaced by Hispanics and Asians in just 50 is just straight comedy. 😅
Fun fact, Australia is the only country in the world where more Americans choose to live rather than the amount of people from Australia that choose to live in America.
My dad worked for a company years ago which had a branch office in Australia. The company really didn't like sending employees "down under" to work because once there the employees didn't and often wouldn't come back.
Not so accurate. FDR was Dutch and English, Truman was predominantly English, and general Douglas MacArthur was Scottish. Omar Bradley was British. McNair was Scottish and Irish.
@@ajrwilde14 He was referring to the Anglo Saxons who came from Germany and Denmark (there is a third I forgot the name but this one came from Holland), as far as I know the east of England has a stronger Anglo Saxon heritage as it was the first region to be invaded while the west of England has a greater Celtic heritage, the northeast of England has a greater Scandinavian heritage, central England is a mixture of Celts and Germanic
Those who identify themselves as simply American are primarily of English and Scottish descent. Their ancestry just goes too far back so they stopped identifying with the country of origin where they ancestors came from.
In 1982 their were 48 million Americans descended from the English....then they changed the census to say American instead of English.... English are the largest ethnic group in America this video is wrong
Same with American Blacks, they’re primarily an amalgamation of various African groups, mixed with some European groups primarily British/Irish, and some of them have Native American ancestry.
@@othellox1064as soon as the American identity option was included the amount of people who identified as English or Scottish fell massively. Most people who identify as American live in the south which was settled by british people.
As someone living in Europe, it always seem strange when Americans call themselves, for example, Irish, but when you ask them who in their family came from Ireland, they don't know. Given we all have 4 grandparents, thats 8 great grand parent and 16 great great grand parents, in a country as diverse as the USA, I am always suprised so many people seem to know so precisely their background. X
Waves of immigration would often come all at once and settle in a particular area where other people of the same heritage already live. For example, my great-great grandparents generation came from Ireland to Boston, along with millions of other Irish people. All the people in the neighborhood they lived in would have been Irish immigrants, and so the people they met and married were also most likely to be Irish immigrants. For example, traditionally South Boston was an Irish neighborhood, while The North End was Italian. Its still like this to some extent, South Boston has a big St. Patrick's day parade and lots of Irish bars and pubs, while The North End has excellent Italian restaurants, pizzerias and cafes on every corner. But this is slowly changing since immigration is not coming from Europe is large numbers anymore, but the third world.
That accounts for the people who just say they are American and leave it at that. If someone were to ask me that is what I’d tell them since, even with doing a DNA heritage test, there is no pinpointing a specific place of origin. I even have a percentage of unidentifiable DNA. 😂
@@episdosas9949My grandfather's grandmother came from Norway. That's my great great grandmother. That technically makes me 1/16th Norwegian. To my mind, I can't really claim to be Norwegian, having never been there and having no other Norwegian relatives that I know of. X
@@oz25 thats your history and your mind. its not the same for everyone. murica has been a very segregated place. my parents born in murica, were both grand children of mexicans. all great grandparents from one country. just like it can be for other people. and might not know all their names. immigrating from other places, people even changed their last names or lost information.
Interesting how French has always been one of the largest groups, yet there are very few places in the country with a distinctive “Little France” cultural enclaves.
@@davehoward22 My family has lived in the South West; New Mexico Colorado for several centuries...I was surprised to learn, after getting my DNA results and always identifying as Mexican American that I have French as the highest percentage... France 24% Indigenous Americas-Mexico 22% Basque 20% Spain 18% Indigenous Americas-North 4% Portugal 3% Northern Africa 2% Indigenous Americas-Central 2% Sweden & Denmark 2% Mali 1% Jewish 1% Wales 1%...I love my Ethnicity!
@@5643437 I can trace my roots similarly and I am a recent immigrant to the US from Mexico City. France has been involved in Mexico and the US Southwest for a long time. When they invaded Mexico and when they escaped all the european wars to Mexico.
And they did not count the Mexican civilians that were in the occupied states, although the US government later killed them and gave those lands to Anglo-Saxon Protestants.
55 percent of european american people are of British islands origin and 18 percent are of german origin.The author of this clip is a sharlatan not a demograph
@@gertipuleshi5420Unless you have an accurate source you are no more a charlatan than the video maker who is at least admitting to using self reported censuses which are the best we can realistically achieve
Propongo un negocio. Estados Unidos de América, de Alaska a Tierra del Fuego, cambiamos banderas por mayoría en idioma y cultura. País trilingüe y nultirracial con organización gringa.
Easily one of my favorite channels. I enjoy the scope and variety of topics you explore. I've no idea the voodoo you've hexed me with to keep me watching those damn numbers increase or decrease with no supportive video, animation, CTA thumbnails, clickbait thumbnails, soothing (or any other kind of) narration, fancy editing, fancy music, fancy eye candy (read: T&A), but there it is, I'm hooked. Well done... but damn you!
Good video 👍 I'm glad you broke it down into the correct ethnic groups of English 🏴, Scottish 🏴 and Welsh 🏴 rather than just lumping us all together as British 🇬🇧
It's simple, Britain includes Ireland Scotland Wales England and Cornwall! Ireland was British Commonwealth too, you better believe it buddy, get an old copy of the King James Bible, King James also ruled Ireland. It was the Roman Empire that called it Britain by the way. AKA the British isles
@@blake9358 Ireland is not part of Great Britain. England, Scotland and Wales make up Great Britain. When you add northern Ireland to Great Britain it becomes the United Kingdom and when you add the Republic of Ireland to the United Kingdom it becomes the British isles. Also Cornwall is part of England not a constituent country of the UK and it was the norman french king Stephen of England that first conquered parts of Ireland.
"minoritys" out number my Nordic brethren manytimes over, also we arrived via New Amsterdam making us Native Americans, and those of us who are non Christianized, are tribal peoples as well. Interesting we have catogorized as White and majority.
I don't get it, in 2009 it says there are 32.2 million Irish. Ireland itself has a population of about 5 million, so I don't see how they exported 32 million people. In 2009 no one with Irish ancestors is "Irish" anymore, they are American. This is silly.
You probably didn't realize because a lot of Germans Anglicized their names during the world wars. In my family Schmidt changed to Smith, Janzen to Johnson and Koehn to King around the time of WWI. Depends what part of the country they lived in. My ancestors lived in Kansas where some Germans were beaten, tarred and feathered and even lynched in the WWI era due to anti-German sentiment. Changing your name was a matter of survival. Now I live in Sheboygan, WI and I'd be willing to bet 80% of headstones in the cemeteries have German names. For some reason it didn't seem to affect them as much up here so they didn't feel the need to change their names.
Because no European ever identified themselves as European. There are multiple different tribes, language groups and cultures in Europe that self identify by country. An Englishman is not a German nor a Slav. And Slavs are proud of their language, history and ,culture and dont want to be called Anglos. My Polish ancestry has nothing to do with England or France except for Napoleon invading on his way to Russia. Europe has been at war with each other for centuries and many who came to the US came to escape those wars
considering the vietnamese have plenty of footprints in each state (nail salons, pho restaurants, little saigon, etc..); it's crazy to know that we don't even show up in the entire video
As an Irish person, so depressing seeing the Irish Americans increase dramatically in the 1840-1880 while our own home population was being wiped out. Deeply sad.
If you see closely.. As the Non European Americans Rises, America Declined . If you read US History, Basically America wasn't supposed to be the land of Immigrants, it's just a Thing politicians and Capitalists wanted for their Own benefit, no doubt these Guys were immigrants too, Washington said that such an Approach is not fine (He actually intended that He knew this is the way America will end)
Yes, this has always perplexed me. Logic indicates that this population demise was somehow fuelled by the dominating power....8 million Irish in 1840. 6.5 million today in total, including immigrants, of which 5 million in the Republic.
@tk-bz2ww The dramatic decline is a bit more complex than that since it's a mixture of overpopulation (too much strain on the land due to the population doubling in around 50 years), lack of opportunities at home and much more that cannot be simplified. If you're interested, I'd recommend reading more into it.
Nothing of the kind. From 1800 England’s 10 million compared to Ireland’s 8 million, growth compared to other Western European populations, whereas Ireland’s was deliberately prevented from developing and used as a food source for England, it was a deliberate policy of depopulation.
A lot of English are actually of Welsh origins (British). The problem comes about because the Americans are never taught the differences and why Welsh people can have no ancestry from England but have an English origin surname. It’s because they all comes from first names, so for example - someone who Adopted A surname in Wales would have been called William, and used that as a surname when adopting the English system, so William become Williams in Wales and Williamson in England or Scotland. Here is a list of some Welsh (British) origin names - Rhys Rees Morgan Lloyd Owen Owens Evans Powell Howell Huws Hughes Griffiths Bethel Pugh Walsh Welsh Davies David Lewellyn
My Daughter (English with Irish ancestry like me) married into a Welsh/German family a few years back. We’ve absolutely loved adopting the different cultures and customs. 😊🏴🏴🇮🇪🇩🇪
Son of John, secondary variation is Johns and Johnson. A bit like how The surname Walsh comes from the surname Welsh. Which arose in Ireland due to the settlement of Welsh soldiers in the Middle Ages.
Interesting that the people of European ancestry are broken down very specifically by region, but people of African descent are just African-American. Also, why are Jewish people titled "Jews" instead of Jewish? It doesn't line up with the other titles.
its also interesting that they classify people who came to america after the Declaration of Independence was signed, as American. but they put the people who ancestors who were here before then as Native American or African American, and if they aren't the true Americans who were here before the country had a name
@@Instant-laughs365 According to an African American professor, black people whose ancestors came to America after the slavery ended, they don't consider African American. I'm just saying.
@@JulianCruz-fe3tq Over 5 million Germans immigrated to the United States in the early 20th century, while Mexicans, in comparison, reached an estimated 11.3 million living in the USA from the mid-20th century to the present day.
Not sure what we can truly determine from this. For how many generations does ancestry remain meaningful? For example if you ancestors arrived in 1680 vs. 1980 do you classify with their nationality in both cases? And what if your parents and subsequent generations hailed from different countries, what should your ancestry be? Ancestry is surely subjective and based upon a self selected point in time.
I think if someone lost his ability to speak mother tongue, its over. They are American now, whatever they call themselves-ancestery. But on the other hand, Genetics, its more sustaining. I can clearly say that a standard white american family looks more like celtic. I can see Irish, scottish and welsh effect on the genetics of americans.
The key thing here is that the English took to the proto US ideas about law, government, liberty (especially religious) and property which laid the foundation of some of the early territories which later become states. Along with the English common law these ideas heavily influenced the future constitiution of the United States. Indeed, the 1688 "British" Bill of Rights was in part adopted by the early US. Ideas about free speech and personal liberty were key. Some of this came out of the English civil war, but was cemented by Enlightenment thinking (French, English and Scottish). It has been suggested that had North America been colonised by, say, the Spanish (as was South America ) then the US and the World would look very different today. This has nothing of course to do with race or ethnicity per se.
North Koreans and South Koreans are the same exact ethnicity and if they were to colonize somewhere it would be a very different place depending on who did it.
@miyahtallulahYes and No. Yes because our obvious origins as being originally a colonial backwater of the former Birtish empire. But I would say no, although our geography could've been different the potential for a country like the U.S. to exist would've sprung up at some point.
"free speech and personal liberty" are meaningless words under a protestant """"""""""morals""""""""". giving infected clothes to the homless people was before or after slavery? for sure it was far latter than the Spanish Emperor, Felipe II, established the 8 hour daily limit for workers and citizens. english is the language of ignorance and genocide.
Wow I had no idea there was so many Germans over there, though that explains why they make such a big deal of things like Oktoberfest and ofc St Patricks day for the Irish.
German was also the most spoken language in the United States for a long time. Everything changed in the late 19th early 20th century. As a rising nation in Europe and later World War 1 and 2, the Germans were not in a good light. In some cases, the German language was even banned. Today, German is still sometimes heard among the Armisch or Mennoites.
@@TV-virus_TikTok-war In the 17th century Germany was the country with the most inhabitants in Europe. Very few went to Australia and Argentina, only those brought to Russia by Catherine the Great.
@@TV-virus_TikTok-warthe biggest wave of German immigration was after ww1, and why so many Germans all over? Because their own country (Prussia and eastern Germany) was ripped off, and given to others. All those poor Germans were pushed away from their home. It was almost the size of nowadays Germany. The victors (the allies) wrote history, therefore the truth was hidden. German people have been victims of other countries’ robbing since beginning 20th century and still be.
Well The True Americans were European Americans. Who left their Lands to settle here in a Country Still developing. The New immigrants just come in For Money .
@@kanhashowTrue Americans were absolutely not European American. Do you see what you typed?? EUROPEAN American. Since when did Europeans become indigenous to the Americas?? Since when??
@@Therockfan30 That's what Sweetie That's what you don't get Being indigenous can't make anybody American, Being American can . The European ancestors were the first to Have The desire and Vision for the Kind of Nation they wanted and the Base of Which they made.
@@kanhashow Absolutely not! They colonized the land and tried to commit genocide against whole group of original Americans to get the land. Y’all are Europeans, dna does not lie. Taking a car and putting a new name on it don’t make it yours. Europeans have a very bad habit of invading land and trying to claim the land as only theirs. Look at Brazil, Argentina, Australia, South Africa, USA- none of these lands belong to Europeans, they are nothing but invaders.
According to the 2020 American Community Survey which the stats on Wikipedia come from, Dutch 🇳🇱 and Swedish 🇸🇪 are still in the top 17 ancestral groups in the U.S., so they shouldn’t have been booted out of the video at the end. I don’t know what your sources are, but they appear to be wrong about multiple things.
this stats is obviously fake😂 the english ethnicity was the largest among any other ethnicities up until 1980s.. but after that in 1990s-now.. the english is surpassed by people who reported german and irish descent.. and oddly.. the number of people who reported english as their ancestry dropped drastically to almost half.. from 45.6m people in 1980s census to 37m in 1990s and now to just 24m people.. and insanely the german reporters went from 45.2m(just behind english in second) in 1980s up to 59m in 1990s.. that's just insane.. many assuming that americans of english descent who have other ancestry than english tend to report another differentiated ethnic group.. so maybe that's why.. yeah i think that's reasonable tho.. cause people from england(they called english cause from england) and the majority of people in america speak the same language right? so maybe they just trynna be different and they don't wanna be called the "british".. so they want to set themselves apart from the british(especially the english) from 1990s-now i think
It is not like they ran DNA tests on these people. This was based on what people filled out in a census. It is likely than many people simply identified as American vs the ancestry of their grandparents.
Buddy if you see Germans , Russian and Austraian/Hungarian at the beginig , large number of them where Poles that flee those states after Poland was devided and was no longer state , so yeah that video dont show real numbers .
@@adammarcinkowski-ko3el poland wasn't exist that time and i'm curious how did they know if there were "poles" in the us? like either immigrants or reported ethnicity.. i think maybe they list that their language was polish on a document or something🤔
And the Mexican population in the US peaked in 2014. It’s been decreasing since then because of people moving back to Mexico. In the video it keeps growing though.
Dwight eisenhower eric shmidt from google are from german descent shwarzeneger is austrian pat gelzinger intel ceo is german henry kissinger too when you r driving in lancaster county Pennsylvannia the amish country you can still see even today the german influence all over the state bismark is the name of the state capital of one of the dakota s the american hot dog is a result of this influence german americans are predominants all over the midwest even in certain parts of texas this is America
@kurtdrexler9888- you were not “ Germans” then but Saxons , Bavarians , Wittenbergers etc. You only became Germans in 1870 ish . A bit like the Italians. And you’ve been a pain in the arse ever since 🤷🏻🤔😲🤦🏻♂️🤣😘
Ja aber Deutschland ist viel weiter vorne wenn es um "Soziale" Staaten geht! 🤣🤣 The ancestry didn't help the USA learn the same system unfortunately ☠️
Lumping all blacks into one category is lazy. You have the black Americans/descendants of Freedmen who have a lineage in the Americas going back 400yrs, then you have Africans mostly made up of Nigerians and black Caribbeans mostly made up of Jamaicans who migrated to America much later, many after the 1965 immigration bill. They all still recognize their countries and cultures just as much as these European groups..
I think that the religion factor was so strong among the Jews that even emmigrating in groups with Polish, mostly catholics, then they declared themselves as Jews, not Poles
@@Wolflarsen46Not just the poles What about German Jews. English Jews, Dutch and French Jews. All have to give up their national origin and go with their religion in the US.
None of the numbers in this video are properly counted. Did you notice that no source was provided? I’ve only been able to find one report regarding American ancestries, the 2020 American Community Survey, and it doesn’t match this video. According to it, there are 2,332,584 people of Cuban descent in the U.S.
Not enough Cubans...In the year 2000 there was 1.2 Cubans in the USA now there's only 2.4 million Cubans so you kinda exaggerated by saying millions came in the 60's
As a German it makes me a bit proud that German immigrants significantly contributed to develop this great country ... but it also makes me a bit ashamed that they must have contributed to push back native Americans.
lo gracioso es que despues de que se enexaran texas no se considere a los Mexicanos que se quedaron ahi y lo mismo cuando se anexaron mas del 50% del territorio mexicano al poco tiempo, tampoco se registraron Mexicanos locales de esas zonas como americanos, ademas de que segun el embajador de EEUU hay mas 50 millones de mexicanos, quizas solo se consideran los registrados
@@FedericoDLPHe oído que varios se identificaron como Españoles para evadir la discriminación por ser mexicanos después de la guerra de Texas y la guerra del 47
@@moic9704 Solo los que eran de origen Espanol hubieran podido pasar for Espanoles. A eso me refiero, que eran de origen Espanol no que nacieron en Espana. (ve la pelicula el Zorro 🙂)
I'm not sure how these numbers are determined. Americans are so mixed together that it's weird to identify with just one ethnicity. For example, I have British, French, Scandinavian, Polish, and a lot of other ethnicities.
I am Polish and Prussian and that mixing all happened in Europe before they came. The one Polish/Prussian girl married one Prussian/ Polish boy and I got the Prussian name and the Polish upbringing.
I've traced most of my ancestors back to the generations that crossed the Atlantic. They include English, Welsh, Scots, Irish, German, and French. So which bar am I in? Great chart, BTW.
The inflow of Polish immigrants rapidly slows down after Poland enters the European Union, otherwise the 3-4 millions of the Poles who emmigrated to the Western Europe would have come to the USA after 2004
Poland is part of EU 🇪🇺 so they legally live and work in Western Europe through EU visa without paperworks. The same goes for Eastern Europe and Romania.
What I don't understand about this film is that there is no category for 'mixed'. Surely most people in the US have ancestry from more than one country (or even more than one continent). Or do German Americans only mate with German Americans and so on?
Das waren keine deutsche, die gegen Deutschland kämpften. Wer sein Herkunftsland bekämpft und unter einer anderen Flagge steht, der sollte sich eines bewusst sein, dass war Verrat ;)
I guess these people are mixed raced. For example, they have 1/4 German, 1/4 Italian, 1/4 English, 1/4 French blood, so it's hard for them to identify themselves as any of these races. Instead, it's more appropriate to describe them as American race
That's not it. This really refers to people who have migrated from Mexico to the USA after 1870 -- that would be my guess-- for the most part. People living in Texas and California would be assimilated as Americans when both states were admitted to the Union in the mid 1800's.
Wait, how is non-specific “American” a category separate of Native American, in a list of nationalities that make up American?? Something is not right here.
I dispute RUclips vloggers and their so called statistics, I don't believe that more German than English migrants settled in the US, why was the US a British crown colony like Australia and New Zealand and Canada before the war of independence, that was sparked by the resentment of unrealistic taxes imposed by the British King? And we have Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts. And how can there be more than 3 million Swedish migrants, Sweden has only like 7 million people in it today and half of them were born in Africa
The Swiss side of my family came here in the 1600s, the Irish in the 1850s and 60s, and the Germans in the 1870s. I'm actually surprised the Swiss were so well represented until the mid 1800s.
Switzerland has been one of the poorest country of Europe for centuries due its harsh mountain climate, scarce soil, no natural worthy ressources (gold, petrol or gas), no sea or ocean, and no colonies abroad. The country started developing mostly after WW II. I have a lot of pictures from my grandparents (mountain farmers) and I was lucky enough to know them as well. They lived a hard autarcic life in the Alps, working the steep land all by hand, just like Zanskari still do today. If Switzerland is rich nowadays, it is mainly due to its intelligent direct democracy, and its hard working trustful people.
@@osen3182 Why are you laughing? Its true. Switzerland was very poor. Unimaginable, but there clever politics, being neutral, gave them the chance to become wealthier.
The population of Ireland is about 6.9 million, but it is estimated that 50 to 80 million people around the world have Irish forebears, making the Irish diaspora one of the largest of any nation. So Irish breed much better outside their country...
Ireland is a small island that was dominated by its large neighbor for centuries, and then suffered a famine/ethnic cleansing... it should not be surprising the ones that made it to North America or Oceania have had more success. It would be hard not to.
This simplified chart does not account for the fact that nearly everybody in the USA is mixed. The English had founder effect: they were the first group to get there, and subsequently, all the others coming in in dribs and drabs mixed with them, so they will be represented in a lot of genetics...On the other hand, the English themselves are a mixed bag: Germans/Celts/Scots/Irish/French/ Nordics, even when they colonised Northern America.
You can see that the African American Column is growing when the German, Irish, and English are staying relatively the same in comparison toward the end. This is proof that when an interracial relationship between someone of African descent, and someone of other ethnicity happen, the children are automatically seen as African American.
The African American column is made up of black American, black Caribbeans and half black biracial people. It has always been that way in the USA it has never changed lol.
It suggests that this is what people identify as when asked. It would be interesting to see a comparison with their genetics. Almost no Americans claim to be of English descent, and yet very many of them are.
First of all, whoa it's lindybeige! Second, I agree!
Very true. The English are the baseline of all immigrant populations and set up the institutions of the modern USA. They are the only unhyphenated Americans, identifying simply as Americans. All hyphenated-Americans differentiate themselves from them. When did you last meet a self identifying "English-American"?
lol 20 million americans in america. yeah right
Yes, especially many of the people who now self identify as African-American, Irish and German.
@@smokescreen2146 the video defines 'American' as those who identify only as American and don't know any other ethnic background. Some people grow up and never know their ethnic heritage. I've met people like that. It's odd to me, because our family was hyper-aware with a certain amount of pride in our Scandinavian, German and English roots, complete with those old world holiday traditions, traditional food, etc.
No wonder how America accomplished so much.. German engineering ✌️✌️
The downfall of the US is coherent with the rise of non european ethnical groups.
No, no.
It was slavery.
Yea... If not Germany, there world didint exist 😂😂😂
@@Radoslaw9292 So, if it weren't for the German settlers, the Africans wouldn't have been enslaved? Really?
Say again. I am from India. We respect Germans for their tech.knowledge. skill and discipline. Also Sanskrit / Samskruta and German languages hv many similarities.
Lots of Germans. But you don't see as many German last names in the US? I'm guessing they changed them due to the war. Like from Schmidt to Smith.
because of assimilation
Changed at Ellis Island. Come to Wisconsin- you will see MANY German surnames!
After ww1 germans were hated in the us even more than after ww2. They had to change their names to english ones, forbid german words like Sauerkraut (changed to "liberty cabbage") and in generaly, everything german related was frowned up.
Even the German shepherd became Alsatian in the UK
I am a German who worked some time in the US. NYC and not the Midwest. I was the only one in a team of five who did not have a German family name. When I asked the guys about their heritage they all said Irish. ;)
I guess the german roots got covered a lot during the two WWs. There was the stop of german language papers, peoples started to pronounce their german last names more english. The propaganda took a large part to deny that ancestory
Yup, like for example Schmidt --> Smith
and even Eisenhower who fought against nazists had German roots. his original last name was Eisenhauer
If every american of german descent embraced their roots as strongly as the newcomers they would be in for a shock.
The soy hun vs the Chad Woodrow Wilson.
Still don’t understand why german isn’t the second language of the state
Edit: stop tf commenting. Its been 8 months now.
Cause the government had and has a formal language English ❤
@@samimghafari5331 it can have multiple languages, my small country of 11 million people has three official languages and too be honest in the USA there are entire villages who speak nearly only german.
The German language was spoken by the German Americans until the First World War (1914-1918). Due to anti-German hate crimes, many German Americans were hiding their German roots by for example stopping spekking German or ‘translate’ their surnames.
Former president Trump’s grandfather had the surname Trumpf when he was born. President Dwight Eisenhower’s German ancestor who migrated to the Unites States was born as Eisenhauer.
So, that’s why many people do’nt see much of the German influence.
Deutsche Sprache, schwere Sprache
seems that during WW2, Americans vs Germans is like Germans vs Germans
Not sure a lot of Germans identified as German, since it's only a 150 year old country. But it's more like libertarian Germans that escaped the tyrannies in Europe vs Germans that embraced a more radical form after all the Godful once left.
His figures are wrong as have been pointed out by others including the 1922 census that has English as the largest group.
I’m still at 1908 and thinking to myself this is about to get really interesting…😂
Most great scientists of us in ww2 were of German ancestry
the german influence is notable in the US. it can be heard in the language (mostly word construction/reconstruction) and is very evident in the food: coleslaw, potato salad, hamburgers (hamburg steaks), hot dogs (frankfurt sausages), pretzels, scrapple and a myriad other pork products, sauerkraut, apple sauce, schnitzel, pot roast (sauerbraten), and many more, including black forest torte.
Like them, The metric system should also do its good!!
But you cannot take away the original Anglo roots of America
Well, we got a lot of Italian influence as well.
As a German, I see little to no German influence in the USA. It was destroyed during the First World War. Human rights no thanks was obviously the motto of the USA. And as a German you can't eat the supposedly German food in the USA.
Yes, the United States educational system is largely derived and evolved from the German model at that time.
Seeing that Native American number drop so significantly starting in 1880 hit a lot harder than I thought it would
I felt the same way
It was far worse before columbias came here. Other native Indian tribes were slaughtering each other. Good thing westerners came here other wise they would all be wiped out
Damn. That's messed up, straight genocide.
wait what happened for them to go down like that
United States of Germany. 😂
Jha whol..argentinien jetz
@@cesara3348 JAWOHL- ist richtig.
A lot emigrated to America because of warring in Germany and religious persecution.
@@joemiller9931 ich verstehe cheee
United states of nazi😂😂😂
I think the 'Americans' are so mixed that you cannot identify them as belonging to any particular ethnic group that arrived in the USA (and the natives). Most of my American relatives are like that. They have Spanish, English, Welsh, German, French and other surnames.
Not true always. I am hundred percent from Yugoslavia both Croat and Serb. Spainish, Mexican or Puerto Rican.
@@chicagomike ?
100%? Then you have not been able to go back far enough in your family history. If you are able to connect to aristocracy you will be descended from most nationalities in Europe, and you are almost certainly related to Ghengis Khan as most Europeans are.@@chicagomike
We are the modern day ROMAN EMPIRE.
@@pdcdesign9632Lol you do know India has more diversity yeah?
it's crazy how there is 33 million irish ppl in usa while irish ppl in ireland almost 5 million
Majority of people on my team at work are clearly of Irish descent. One French, one polish, and two, including me, have old English surnames. All different flavors of Caucasian.
В мире 10 миллионов армян. Но в Армении живёт только 3 миллиона.
Is this birth rate too.
The true number of Irish people in usa is 75,000 and that number is dwindling
@@TheOpethOfMastodon my mom is Norwegian descent
Wonderful video.
people with English ancestry are more likely to just identify with just being American so the anglo group is alot bigger than it is
cope, just admit that amerimuttts are mixed with the majority of them being German
Yes the scotts welsh scott irsh and ameicans is the reason why everyone speaks english. As well as the irish which im sure will some have anglo norman decent
Exactly. Also, this Video doesn't Account for Population levels at inception(1783), which was 3,000,000 Brits and a few thousand Germans, and no other nationalitiees (Ireland was part of Britain at that time - there were less than 100,000 Irish)
And if someone are half Norwegian and half English they will only share the English part for some reason
"people with English ancestry are more likely to just identify with just being American so the anglo group is alot bigger than it is" ... would not this drift towards 'American' be more significant for people of German ancestry, given certain world wars motivating people to want to distance themselves from their German ancestry??
It’s curious how white Europeans ancestry is divided in countries, Asian ancestry is divided in countries, Latin American ancestry is divided in countries and suddenly all the African ancestry is under the single category “ African American “ and never divided in different African countries or black Caribbean countries (like Jamaicans or Haitians that I imagine are considered as African Americans). I wonder from the African American category which country is the main source of ancestry, Nigeria?, Congo? Senegal? It is something that is never tracked like it is on other ethnicities.
"Jews" isn't a country either. They could be from anywhere
African American share the same violence behaviour
It's because they forget their origin, language, culture
@@ahfei6847yeah, but their ancestral origin is the rather small area of Israel
Isn' it obvious? The african americans on this video are salves first then descendent of slaves and nobody kept track of their origins. Their origins where probably already lost when still waitting to be bought in costal Africans slave markets and the European who bought them sure didn't care. The more recent African immigrants are probably divided by countries but none of them would make it in the top 17 in numbers, so none of them would appear in this video anyway.
I always knew there were a lot of people of Irish and German heritage in the USA, but I had no idea they are still among the highest groups (the highest in the German case) up until today. I also thought there would be a larger share for Italian than there is, and I think a lot of the American category are actually of English heritage. I think English is one of those less likely to be claimed, but is actually quite common.
Now I understand why gringos are racist. German genetics
Of all the people that came to America Italians returned to their home country more than anyone.
@@fenet8627beaner got mad
Yes, they still
Also, Italian settled more in the cities and the culture thrived jointly. Many of Germans moved to the country and adapted…eventually.
If you think about it Hamburgers and Hot Dogs (Frankfurters) are very German. German people like to combine meat with rolls.
Don't forget the Earl of Sandwich who ate meat between two slices of bread in the 18th century.
I thought Kansas was very German (and it is) until I moved to Sheboygan, WI...brat capital of the world and home of the Sheboygan hard roll. It's considered sacrilege if you don't eat them together. Best damn German potato salad you'll ever eat, too! German food in Kansas is very different as most are either German Mennonite in the eastern half of the state or German Catholic in the western half. Wisconsin is mostly German Lutheran. Each has their own culture and food.
Up here in Pennsylvania majority of people are a mix of German, Italian, and Irish. I’m all three.
Black people Rioting here in Wisconsin
Italiano east coast
Many Germans came to Pennsylvania from the Palatinate after the widespread destruction that took place in the 17th century.
@@kelvinkind7496here in Chicago our population is 33% white, 29.8% non-white Hispanic, 29.1% black/African and about 6% Asian. We are a diverse city 😁 with no majority racial or ethnic group.
Cook county is 40% white, 26% black/African American, 15% non-white Hispanic and about 10% Asian and 9% is other.
@@beasley1232and who commits the crime in Illinois ?
I am concerned of how many people in the comments missread the statistic.
Greetings from Germany
Möchtest du nicht gleich zur Richtigstellung beitragen?
From the 1850s on there have been more Irish in the USA than in Ireland itself. Ireland's population has just recently risen back to where it was in 1840 (before the famine). In the same time period the Irish population of the US has gone from 2 million to 33 million.
At this point they are not more irish
Catholic beliefs is have as many children as possible. Now the Hispanic blindly believe in the sane nonsense.
they are not Irish
That was really interesting - I'm very interested in the Irish Americans as a lot of my family went to New York City in the 1920s - My great uncles left a farm in Tipperary on one way tickets which only cost £10 which I suppose was a lot of money back in those days - They did very and ended up living the American dream - When I go to watch the St Patrick's parade in New York City then I know how much such a little country like Ireland has influenced America...
The Irish, Scottish, and Scots-Irish numbers are totally mixed up. The Scots-Irish preceded the other two and the form the traditionally largest ethnic group in the southeastern states.
It’s tricky, because most people in the US are probably of mixed ethnicity. I’m mostly Polish, but also of Slovak, Ukrainian, Jewish, British and Irish descent, and while I usually would say I’m ethnically Polish because of my family’s cultural practices, I’m only really slightly more Polish compared to the other listed ethnicities.
Pole, Ukrainian, Slovak are absolutely related peoples, so it’s strange to hear them listed
What type of British are you ?
@dragoslavdelavega558Actually, it is mate. Jews are a race.
@@РАшенСлавяновconfused souls, using labels such as mexican, Jewish ect to describe genetic backgrounds is dumb
@@РАшенСлавяновAre you for real?
I've noticed a lot of the famous American celebrities have 3-6 different ancestries. Jessica Biel for example is Hungarian Jewish, German, English, French and Norwegian and Mark Wahlberg is of Swedish, Irish, English and French descent etc.
You were supposed to give some examples of famous people.
I knew Mark Wahlberg was special! Good stock.
I had a vague idea that there were tons of people of German ancestry in the USA but this really puts things into perspective.
Tons? From what I see in the grafic above they are below the English, Africans and Irish.
Can you not count? Those of German ancestry have been at the top of this list for over 150 years. Watch the whole video. @@siriemapantanal6894
Yes we're most likely much more successful because of the large percentage of germans.
Why is that?
@@siriemapantanal6894 clearly you didnt watch the whole video then ^^
It’s crazy that irish diaspora in USA is much bigger than the actual population of Ireland😂
What is crazy to me is that Ireland has a pretty flexible right of return citizenship and having an Irish passport has a lot of benefits yet most Irish-Americans don't get it (yet).
I think they didn't have an option for Mexican until the 1930s. There were clearly Mexicans all over the SW US since the 1800s. I think New Mexico and Texas were basically Mexico until the 1850s.
Don't be ignorant the people that founded Mexico at the time were the Spainairds & Europeans, then came the Aztecas, Mexico is just the name of that country. But in general Mexicans have both the European and Amerindian ancestry.
@amaliacoria3063 What I am saying is they did not count anyone of mixed heritage. Only options were white or Indigenous. Most people would want to go with white back then because you would have more rights so lets get real here this nation was built on racism. Mexican to be more accurate is Meztizo which is Indigenous based with European admixtures varying in degrees. This can stretch from Central America to New Mexico and West Texas. So yeah don't assume someone is ignorant because you don't understand what I am trying to convey here. Stop projecting.
@@jonathanflores9874most Hispanic people who lived Mexican empire part of USA, were of Spainish european heritage, they invited anglos into Texas to help fight the native Americans
The aztecs were first than Spaniards....@@amaliacoria3063
@@joemama4473false, just look at the records most of the founders of Los Angeles were actually mestizos and mulatto not white
So its probably more ethnic Norwegians in usa than in Norway
Most ethnic Norwegians in USA aren’t fully norwegian. I think only father's ethnicity Counts
Its around 5.4 million people in Norway and 4.5 million in usa and Canada. So its close…
@aleksanderkolstrm5450 over a million are of immigrant background so really it's about 4 million in Norway.
Seattle area has a good size of Norwegian and Scandinavian descendants, you can see on google maps all the businesses names. There are many events and organizations to preserve the history. There are also a few towns built by Norwegian settlers, most have changed over time and developed but a few have retained their original character like Poulsbo Washington that has adapted to a tourist area.
same with irish, jewish , serbian, portuguese, scottish people
The US government in the 1920s went to a lot of trouble to identify the ethnicity of white americans,according to them there was 39.2 million from the UK and another 10.6 million from the Irish Republic and another 4 million Canadians ,i would think about 2.5 million who where of British or Irish descent .At the same time they estimated there where 15.5 million Germans ,add Swiss Germans ,Austrians and Eastern European Germans for a total of about 18 million .Since then the white population has doubled
The downfall of the US is coherent with the rise of non european ethnical groups
A century later it's still trouble 😂
Sociologists doubt American nation, looks like just a some people, living in same territory more or less called united as over countries.
Regarding more then 70% would like to live USA forever with losing sitezenship (most prefered country proclaimed Canada), this point of view sounds resonable
Esa gente es de origen Bárbara y Celta. Los bárbaros anglos, pictus,...y demás. No tenían sentido de pertenencia, entonces nunca se preocupo más que por su día a día. Osea no esperes algo más de ellos. Del pueblo Celta tuvieron orden tras toparse con los romanos, osea tienen sentido de pertenencia, por lo cual existe la preocupación por el devenir por eso los irlandés aumentaron su población como se esperaba.
Italians are white like the others : Irish, French, English, German...
@@lindamuzza5450 Of course they are,but the point i was making is that for the main european ancestries these figures above are wrong !The German figure according to the US government is too high and the figure for the British Isles is too low .There where 3.462 million Italians
So glad to see the Native Americans rebuilding their community.
I said the same thing before seeing this comment. 🙌🏼🙌🏼
America became a great and patriotic culture by being a melting pot ... and is now divisive by segregating into "communities." My view is that cultures should be celebrated by each other, not weaponized against each other.
@@jeffreybartlett4899 Then how would politicians be able to gain power if people weren't segregated into communities? 😉
@@RealOGfikey I would say: based on their views and records ... instead of their melanine
@@jeffreybartlett4899 I was being sarcastic.
I'm surprised Chinese and Indian aren't a lot more in 2023. It feels like everywhere you look these days you see Chinese or Indian in the US. In Canada Mandarin has practically become the 2nd language (eg on ATMs you have the option of English or Mandarin)
less and less chinese immigrate to us in recent years
Indians are becoming much more common in Canada than Chinese, almost 300.000 new Indians in Canada every year.
@@josesaavedra6106 Indians are growing but still no where close to Chinese - who literally have streets and malls dedicated to them, you walk in there and you're in Shanghai or Beijing lol
Firstly you probably live in a state or city where Indians and Chinese like me are a lot more common . A lot of people you think are Chinese may have been Korean , Vietnamese or Filipino .
That’s because of wokeism and over representation in media politics etc :)
I should probably call myself american. I have english, irish, and german ancestry exclusively.
So did James hoban , august Schoenborn and Levi Strauss
I think most white Americans are a mixture of many European countries,Or do many people only identify with their father's ethnicity?
Get DNA test to know more about yourself
@@tt-hq5nm Genetic testing is not accurate.
There is almost more people with Norwegian ancestry living in USA than there is Norwegians living in Norway current population is 5,488,984 Its especially intresting considering Norway has not had wars and unstability apart form WW2 but we where very poor Before the industrial revolution came to us early 1900
Land of the viking, who became a bit docile now 😂
@@mustafabashir8584 indeed few Norwegian sailors left also 😥
Robert Fergusson writes about the Norvegians in his book "Scandinavians- In Search of the Soul of the North". A unique look into their culture, history, and politics.What a great, hard-working people! I am familiar with many of them settling in the prairies of Minnesota and later moving on west to Oregon.
Could someone explain. as per this video. If you are from England you are classed as English. If you are from Germany you are classed as German. If you are from Ireland you are classed as Irish. etc etc. except for if you are from Africa you are African American not African.
Il y avait des tribus, pas vraiment de pays.
It's because the data used for this graphic is from the US Census. In other words, it's what ethnicity people self-report. Most African Americans in the US are the descendants of slaves, and do not know exactly which country in Africa their ancestors came from, so they self-report as African-American.
It's called ethnicity
I am not american but good to see that native americans actually gets increased after dislined
Better medicine
@@edantes2008you don t think so
When we talk about the descendants of ancient Spanish America, we cannot talk about an ethnic group, since there are great differences between a Puerto Rican, a Mexican or an Argentine. The most important group today in the United States are the emigrants from Spanish America. As a Spaniard, it has always caught my attention that in the United States they talk about the Latin race, which would be like calling all the inhabitants of the former British Empire the British race. Furthermore, the Latin people themselves are the inhabitants of Lazio, a nearby region. To Rome, there are Latin or Romance languages that come from Latin, Spanish, French, Italian, Romanian, Portuguese,... but a Latin race never existed, because even the Roman legions were a mixture of different peoples.
Now, tell that to a United statian….they won’t comprehend so many well words put right
Argentines in the US could be Italian Americans too because Argentina has a largest Italian community
@@vernicejillmagsino9603The fact that a large number of Italians had emigrated to Argentina does not mean that they are not a Spanish-American country. The descendants of Italians, Spaniards, Germans... from Argentina are not Italian Argentines, nor Hispanic Argentines, nor German Argentines, they are simply ARGENTINES. We must also not forget that the ten most common surnames in Argentina are Spanish.
@@M86KIA No hay que complicar tanto las cosas...aqui muchos somos primero gallegos, vascos, catalanes, andaluces y despues somos españoles. En Europa en general hya muchas mas dificultades para seguir a nuestros ancestros que en America o Australia, pues alli hay registros y se mantiene en las familias cuando llegaron y de donde sus antecesores. En Europa a eso nunca se le dio tanta importancia, asi si un aleman, irlandes, italiano, venia a vivir a España, lo unico que queda de rastro es su apellido, en muchos casos espanolizado, pero no les preguntes a sus descendiente ni de donde vino su antepasado ni cuando se asentó en España, salvo que haya sido hace un par de generaciones...
"Latino" is a word often ridiculed by white Americans because it's a stupid term.
Something important to bear in mind with this video, whenever you see a large increase in a particular ethnicity, it's usually because of some kinds of strife causing them to migrate. So you get a massive wave of Irish in the 1840s because of the Irish famine. German's in the latter 19th century because of German wars of unification. Jews in around 1900 because of pogroms and anti semitism in Eastern Europe. You don't get similar migration from England or France because they were developed and affluent. The pattern continues today with migration from Mexico, many fleeing Mexico due gang violence and other problems there.
Exactly, no need to migrate if I'm doing ok in my homeland.
Bueno, en cuanto a México, porque Estados Unidos robó poco más de la mitad del territorio mexicano (aunque la escuela nos enseña que fue un tratado para liquidar una deuda) y la frontera cruzó el terreno, dejando a muchos mexicanos del lado estadounidense, y aún así se quejan de los mexicanos cuando los mexicanos van a sus tierras como Texas, Los Angeles, Nuevo México, Chicago... etc...
@@arthurmata6068yes, Mexico once had a portion of the current US. Many countries around the world were once controlled by other countries/empires. Does that mean the land didn't belong to them? Wars happen and land changes who controls it. There is no problem with people from any country coming to the USA. As long as it's done the right/legal way.
The germans migrated because life was miserable in Germany and Germany couldn't sustain the massive population growth of the industrial revolution. Europe's population wiuld be a lot higher if it had the time to feed those populations.
There was also the influx of Irish due to slave merchants selling Irish as slaves.
Say so much about the 1965 emigrantion act or the replacecment of founding ethnic stock genocide law'
Treated “INDIGENOUS” Americans and blacks like trash for hundreds of years just be replaced by Hispanics and Asians in just 50 is just straight comedy. 😅
Fun fact, Australia is the only country in the world where more Americans choose to live rather than the amount of people from Australia that choose to live in America.
What about Israel? 300,000 U.S. citizens live there, while 110,00-150,000 born Israelis live permanently in the U.S.
@@Mer1912 Australia and Canada are obviously better countries to live
@@TiestoCalvinHarrisgood luck to wake up with a grand spider in your bed
@@AlexanderDenaria I meant currency, education, restaurants and music wise
My dad worked for a company years ago which had a branch office in Australia. The company really didn't like sending employees "down under" to work because once there the employees didn't and often wouldn't come back.
In the 1820’s, those are not only Spanish but Mexican 🇪🇸🇲🇽
I'm Mexican and Brazilian and I want to move to India one day
Inhabitants of the Spanish Empire.
@@carlosvicedoalbors1200 The Declaration of Independence of the Mexican Empire was written in 1821, hence my comment.
@@pomo1697You are always welcome.
Bring Mexican spicy recipes
So basically it was German vs German in WW2
Yes! Exactly. I stumbled on this realization about a year ago. Blew my mind.
The president at the time was of predominantly Dutch descent with English ancestry as well
Not so sure about that because many generals were still of like British descent, including general Douglas, MacArthur, who had Scottish ancestry???
@@Wyrm-xp5le Russia had a bigger role in defeating
Not so accurate. FDR was Dutch and English, Truman was predominantly English, and general Douglas MacArthur was Scottish. Omar Bradley was British. McNair was Scottish and Irish.
Guess what? The English come from germany originally.
And Hispanics from Europe as well😂 Everyone is quite confused
No the English are descended from Celtic Britons and some Germanic people from Denmark and the Netherlands.
@@ajrwilde14 He was referring to the Anglo Saxons who came from Germany and Denmark (there is a third I forgot the name but this one came from Holland), as far as I know the east of England has a stronger Anglo Saxon heritage as it was the first region to be invaded while the west of England has a greater Celtic heritage, the northeast of England has a greater Scandinavian heritage, central England is a mixture of Celts and Germanic
Thanks! That explains a lot of things.
It explains nothing.
Those who identify themselves as simply American are primarily of English and Scottish descent. Their ancestry just goes too far back so they stopped identifying with the country of origin where they ancestors came from.
Many in parts of the US don't even know where their ancestors are from. Hence, they just call themselves "Americans".
In 1982 their were 48 million Americans descended from the English....then they changed the census to say American instead of English.... English are the largest ethnic group in America this video is wrong
Same with American Blacks, they’re primarily an amalgamation of various African groups, mixed with some European groups primarily British/Irish, and some of them have Native American ancestry.
@@othellox1064as soon as the American identity option was included the amount of people who identified as English or Scottish fell massively.
Most people who identify as American live in the south which was settled by british people.
As someone living in Europe, it always seem strange when Americans call themselves, for example, Irish, but when you ask them who in their family came from Ireland, they don't know. Given we all have 4 grandparents, thats 8 great grand parent and 16 great great grand parents, in a country as diverse as the USA, I am always suprised so many people seem to know so precisely their background. X
Waves of immigration would often come all at once and settle in a particular area where other people of the same heritage already live. For example, my great-great grandparents generation came from Ireland to Boston, along with millions of other Irish people. All the people in the neighborhood they lived in would have been Irish immigrants, and so the people they met and married were also most likely to be Irish immigrants. For example, traditionally South Boston was an Irish neighborhood, while The North End was Italian. Its still like this to some extent, South Boston has a big St. Patrick's day parade and lots of Irish bars and pubs, while The North End has excellent Italian restaurants, pizzerias and cafes on every corner. But this is slowly changing since immigration is not coming from Europe is large numbers anymore, but the third world.
That accounts for the people who just say they are American and leave it at that. If someone were to ask me that is what I’d tell them since, even with doing a DNA heritage test, there is no pinpointing a specific place of origin. I even have a percentage of unidentifiable DNA. 😂
so most europeons dont know who their grandparents are.
@@episdosas9949My grandfather's grandmother came from Norway. That's my great great grandmother. That technically makes me 1/16th Norwegian. To my mind, I can't really claim to be Norwegian, having never been there and having no other Norwegian relatives that I know of. X
@@oz25 thats your history and your mind. its not the same for everyone. murica has been a very segregated place. my parents born in murica, were both grand children of mexicans. all great grandparents from one country. just like it can be for other people. and might not know all their names. immigrating from other places, people even changed their last names or lost information.
It's no surprise that "American food" is hamburgers and hot dogs.
Interesting how French has always been one of the largest groups, yet there are very few places in the country with a distinctive “Little France” cultural enclaves.
The french suffer the same fate as english americans when it comes to self reporting heritage.
@@davehoward22 My family has lived in the South West; New Mexico Colorado for several centuries...I was surprised to learn, after getting my DNA results and always identifying as Mexican American that I have French as the highest percentage...
Indigenous Americas-Mexico
Indigenous Americas-North
Northern Africa
Indigenous Americas-Central
Sweden & Denmark
1%...I love my Ethnicity!
@@jonathanstensberg Louisiana and lot mix French with Indian. hear that French in Louisiana accent.
I can trace my roots similarly and I am a recent immigrant to the US from Mexico City.
France has been involved in Mexico and the US Southwest for a long time.
When they invaded Mexico and when they escaped all the european wars to Mexico.
A large of my French maternal side still live in the states, only few French bakeries, not so much.
Mexico went from making the list in 1933 to 3rd in 90 years, insane
Perhaps it encompasses all immigrants who enter the US through Mexico.
And they did not count the Mexican civilians that were in the occupied states, although the US government later killed them and gave those lands to Anglo-Saxon Protestants.
Its good. Mexicans need to Take their lands back.
More crazy is that Germany is #1. I don't know any German-Americans this century.
@@RurbanWalker they assimilated quickly after WW1. They still left behind their cultural impact though
Great video as always 👍Cheers.
English ancestry is hugely underrepresented because few identify with it, even though most White Americans have some English ancestry.
55 percent of european american people are of British islands origin and 18 percent are of german origin.The author of this clip is a sharlatan not a demograph
@@gertipuleshi5420 Yeah the census data really doesnt match the DNA or ancestry of the people that live here. America is still plurality WASP
It's not just white Americans who have that ancestry, if we're getting technical.....
@@gertipuleshi5420Unless you have an accurate source you are no more a charlatan than the video maker who is at least admitting to using self reported censuses which are the best we can realistically achieve
Once again, s do MANY AA
Spanish speaking people will increase to almost 60 millions the next couple of years!!!
Who besides a bunch of La Raza racists cares?
And that's why America will be a third world hellhole like mexico
No creo
Ya están en esa cifra, ni hablar de los ilegales incluso superior, en unos años será de 80-100 millones son los que tienen más hijos
Propongo un negocio. Estados Unidos de América, de Alaska a Tierra del Fuego, cambiamos banderas por mayoría en idioma y cultura. País trilingüe y nultirracial con organización gringa.
Easily one of my favorite channels. I enjoy the scope and variety of topics you explore. I've no idea the voodoo you've hexed me with to keep me watching those damn numbers increase or decrease with no supportive video, animation, CTA thumbnails, clickbait thumbnails, soothing (or any other kind of) narration, fancy editing, fancy music, fancy eye candy (read: T&A), but there it is, I'm hooked. Well done... but damn you!
Good video 👍 I'm glad you broke it down into the correct ethnic groups of English 🏴, Scottish 🏴 and Welsh 🏴 rather than just lumping us all together as British 🇬🇧
It's simple, Britain includes Ireland Scotland Wales England and Cornwall! Ireland was British Commonwealth too, you better believe it buddy, get an old copy of the King James Bible, King James also ruled Ireland.
It was the Roman Empire that called it Britain by the way. AKA the British isles
@@blake9358 Ireland is not part of Great Britain. England, Scotland and Wales make up Great Britain. When you add northern Ireland to Great Britain it becomes the United Kingdom and when you add the Republic of Ireland to the United Kingdom it becomes the British isles. Also Cornwall is part of England not a constituent country of the UK and it was the norman french king Stephen of England that first conquered parts of Ireland.
@@blake9358Ireland is not part of Britain 🤦♂️
"minoritys" out number my Nordic brethren manytimes over, also we arrived via New Amsterdam making us Native Americans, and those of us who are non Christianized, are tribal peoples as well. Interesting we have catogorized as White and majority.
@@johanjotun1647 what country are you from?
I don't get it, in 2009 it says there are 32.2 million Irish. Ireland itself has a population of about 5 million, so I don't see how they exported 32 million people. In 2009 no one with Irish ancestors is "Irish" anymore, they are American. This is silly.
You should hear what Bob Geldof said: "An Irish American is no more Irish than an African American is African."
American isn’t an ethnic group you’re the one being silly
I truly had no idea so many German people immigrated here
Edit- my heart hurt so much watching the Native Americans drop off the list.
You ever been to the midwest? Feels like your in berlin
They came back later on.
@@wussrestbrook1200 Berlin is all Arabs and Turks.
You probably didn't realize because a lot of Germans Anglicized their names during the world wars. In my family Schmidt changed to Smith, Janzen to Johnson and Koehn to King around the time of WWI. Depends what part of the country they lived in. My ancestors lived in Kansas where some Germans were beaten, tarred and feathered and even lynched in the WWI era due to anti-German sentiment. Changing your name was a matter of survival. Now I live in Sheboygan, WI and I'd be willing to bet 80% of headstones in the cemeteries have German names. For some reason it didn't seem to affect them as much up here so they didn't feel the need to change their names.
Why don't we use the phrase European Americans just like we say African Americans or Asian Americans?
white, black, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, mixed
Go ahead.. no one's stopping you
Because no European ever identified themselves as European. There are multiple different tribes, language groups and cultures in Europe that self identify by country. An Englishman is not a German nor a Slav. And Slavs are proud of their language, history and ,culture and dont want to be called Anglos. My Polish ancestry has nothing to do with England or France except for Napoleon invading on his way to Russia. Europe has been at war with each other for centuries and many who came to the US came to escape those wars
you're right, the only American are the " native" American, the north american indians
@@smartladylrwho were the Niiji people ?
considering the vietnamese have plenty of footprints in each state (nail salons, pho restaurants, little saigon, etc..); it's crazy to know that we don't even show up in the entire video
That just shows the extend of the Viet influence despite not having the population to match.
@@guyinsfaround 2.3 milion vietnamese in usa but it just 0.7% usa population😂😂
В каком штате живешь?
Puerto Rico 🇵🇷🇺🇸 the only Caribbean territory in that group. Worldwide we are less than 9 million. It seems that we stay local 😂
As an Irish person, so depressing seeing the Irish Americans increase dramatically in the 1840-1880 while our own home population was being wiped out. Deeply sad.
If you see closely..
As the Non European Americans Rises, America Declined .
If you read US History, Basically America wasn't supposed to be the land of Immigrants, it's just a Thing politicians and Capitalists wanted for their Own benefit, no doubt these Guys were immigrants too, Washington said that such an Approach is not fine (He actually intended that He knew this is the way America will end)
Yes, this has always perplexed me. Logic indicates that this population demise was somehow fuelled by the dominating power....8 million Irish in 1840. 6.5 million today in total, including immigrants, of which 5 million in the Republic.
Probably comes down to a religious response from the largely Protestant-driven dominating power against the Catholic Irish.
@tk-bz2ww The dramatic decline is a bit more complex than that since it's a mixture of overpopulation (too much strain on the land due to the population doubling in around 50 years), lack of opportunities at home and much more that cannot be simplified. If you're interested, I'd recommend reading more into it.
Nothing of the kind. From 1800 England’s 10 million compared to Ireland’s 8 million, growth compared to other Western European populations, whereas Ireland’s was deliberately prevented from developing and used as a food source for England, it was a deliberate policy of depopulation.
A lot of English are actually of Welsh origins (British). The problem comes about because the Americans are never taught the differences and why Welsh people can have no ancestry from England but have an English origin surname. It’s because they all comes from first names, so for example - someone who Adopted A surname in Wales would have been called William, and used that as a surname when adopting the English system, so William become Williams in Wales and Williamson in England or Scotland. Here is a list of some Welsh (British) origin names - Rhys Rees Morgan Lloyd Owen Owens Evans Powell Howell Huws Hughes Griffiths Bethel Pugh Walsh Welsh Davies David Lewellyn
You left out Jones. Tell us how that name came about.
My Daughter (English with Irish ancestry like me) married into a Welsh/German family a few years back. We’ve absolutely loved adopting the different cultures and customs. 😊🏴🏴🇮🇪🇩🇪
Son of John, secondary variation is Johns and Johnson. A bit like how The surname Walsh comes from the surname Welsh. Which arose in Ireland due to the settlement of Welsh soldiers in the Middle Ages.
@@WalesTheTrueBritons Oh yes, but the Welsh language does not have a 'J' in it.
@@Lily-Bravoit does now, we squeezed it in a few years ago. Seriously! 😂
Thanks for Your Work 👍... It always helps better Thinking.. Greetings from Germany
They are smart, peaceful to their own and work hard. That makes them superior.
Interesting that the people of European ancestry are broken down very specifically by region, but people of African descent are just African-American. Also, why are Jewish people titled "Jews" instead of Jewish? It doesn't line up with the other titles.
Because there were no countries in Black populated Africa before the WWII. There were colonies with numerous tribes and languages.
its also interesting that they classify people who came to america after the Declaration of Independence was signed, as American. but they put the people who ancestors who were here before then as Native American or African American, and if they aren't the true Americans who were here before the country had a name
@@Instant-laughs365 According to an African American professor, black people whose ancestors came to America after the slavery ended, they don't consider African American. I'm just saying.
German is the most populous ethnic group from 1867 to the present, I wonder what will be the next most populous ethnic group in the United States.
Mexican probably
@@thomasfleming8169 probably Mexican yes, but it could take 20 years or more. what i thought.
@@JulianCruz-fe3tq Over 5 million Germans immigrated to the United States in the early 20th century, while Mexicans, in comparison, reached an estimated 11.3 million living in the USA from the mid-20th century to the present day.
@@chinchil_It's never possible
Not going to lie, I expected more Italians.
I am from NY, 30% of my friends have Italian ancestry
Only because they talk so loud !!! LOL
Down here in the south you hardly see any of them
Most part in brazil,argentina,uruguay or chile
Resume=south america
@@Twilight_Light_Lord Chile???? lol
German language was almost adopted as official language in the US!
It is NASA
I mean technically The US doesn't have a official language English is our "De Facto" while Spanish is our secondary "De Facto"
Germans are smart ppl who learned English and assimilated well. 👍
is almost the same i can read german an i don´t even know the rules @@shinji1264
thats a legend my friend.
What is the "American" ethnicity that suddenly appears in 1825?
Not sure what we can truly determine from this. For how many generations does ancestry remain meaningful? For example if you ancestors arrived in 1680 vs. 1980 do you classify with their nationality in both cases? And what if your parents and subsequent generations hailed from different countries, what should your ancestry be? Ancestry is surely subjective and based upon a self selected point in time.
Enfin un commentaire réfléchi bravo
I think if someone lost his ability to speak mother tongue, its over. They are American now, whatever they call themselves-ancestery. But on the other hand, Genetics, its more sustaining. I can clearly say that a standard white american family looks more like celtic. I can see Irish, scottish and welsh effect on the genetics of americans.
Doesn’t matter how many years pass by lol if a person is named erika schmidt with blonde hair they are clearly german
@@wussrestbrook1200Does she speak German at home and have a German passport? If not, she is not German.
@@justadude641 with this logic some japanese college student could become German
The key thing here is that the English took to the proto US ideas about law, government, liberty (especially religious) and property which laid the foundation of some of the early territories which later become states. Along with the English common law these ideas heavily influenced the future constitiution of the United States. Indeed, the 1688 "British" Bill of Rights was in part adopted by the early US. Ideas about free speech and personal liberty were key. Some of this came out of the English civil war, but was cemented by Enlightenment thinking (French, English and Scottish). It has been suggested that had North America been colonised by, say, the Spanish (as was South America ) then the US and the World would look very different today. This has nothing of course to do with race or ethnicity per se.
North Koreans and South Koreans are the same exact ethnicity and if they were to colonize somewhere it would be a very different place depending on who did it.
@miyahtallulahYes and No.
Yes because our obvious origins as being originally a colonial backwater of the former Birtish empire. But I would say no, although our geography could've been different the potential for a country like the U.S. to exist would've sprung up at some point.
For sure. British conceptions of servitude have been followed more than concepts of liberty.
"free speech and personal liberty" are meaningless words under a protestant """"""""""morals""""""""". giving infected clothes to the homless people was before or after slavery? for sure it was far latter than the Spanish Emperor, Felipe II, established the 8 hour daily limit for workers and citizens.
english is the language of ignorance and genocide.
3/4 of usa was colonized by Spain
Wow I had no idea there was so many Germans over there, though that explains why they make such a big deal of things like Oktoberfest and ofc St Patricks day for the Irish.
imagine combining oktoberfest and st patricks day... Paktoberfest!!!
So as a German i basically own the USA
German was also the most spoken language in the United States for a long time. Everything changed in the late 19th early 20th century. As a rising nation in Europe and later World War 1 and 2, the Germans were not in a good light. In some cases, the German language was even banned. Today, German is still sometimes heard among the Armisch or Mennoites.
German has never been the most spoken language in the USA !!!!
@@toe-knee48 But at the beginning of the settlement and also years later. If not the most spoken language, at least on a par with English.
Breaking Bad
Better Call Saul
@@TV-virus_TikTok-war In the 17th century Germany was the country with the most inhabitants in Europe. Very few went to Australia and Argentina, only those brought to Russia by Catherine the Great.
@@TV-virus_TikTok-warthe biggest wave of German immigration was after ww1, and why so many Germans all over? Because their own country (Prussia and eastern Germany) was ripped off, and given to others. All those poor Germans were pushed away from their home. It was almost the size of nowadays Germany. The victors (the allies) wrote history, therefore the truth was hidden. German people have been victims of other countries’ robbing since beginning 20th century and still be.
Im glad you guys speak English but seriously, you are all Americans now. Love from England 🏴
Well The True Americans were European Americans.
Who left their Lands to settle here in a Country Still developing.
The New immigrants just come in For Money .
and we both are Anglo Saxons...🇩🇪🇯🇪
@@kanhashowTrue Americans were absolutely not European American. Do you see what you typed?? EUROPEAN American.
Since when did Europeans become indigenous to the Americas?? Since when??
@@Therockfan30 That's what Sweetie
That's what you don't get
Being indigenous can't make anybody American, Being American can .
The European ancestors were the first to Have The desire and Vision for the Kind of Nation they wanted and the Base of Which they made.
@@kanhashow Absolutely not!
They colonized the land and tried to commit genocide against whole group of original Americans to get the land.
Y’all are Europeans, dna does not lie.
Taking a car and putting a new name on it don’t make it yours.
Europeans have a very bad habit of invading land and trying to claim the land as only theirs. Look at Brazil, Argentina, Australia, South Africa, USA- none of these lands belong to Europeans, they are nothing but invaders.
According to the 2020 American Community Survey which the stats on Wikipedia come from, Dutch 🇳🇱 and Swedish 🇸🇪 are still in the top 17 ancestral groups in the U.S., so they shouldn’t have been booted out of the video at the end. I don’t know what your sources are, but they appear to be wrong about multiple things.
this stats is obviously fake😂 the english ethnicity was the largest among any other ethnicities up until 1980s.. but after that in 1990s-now.. the english is surpassed by people who reported german and irish descent.. and oddly.. the number of people who reported english as their ancestry dropped drastically to almost half.. from 45.6m people in 1980s census to 37m in 1990s and now to just 24m people.. and insanely the german reporters went from 45.2m(just behind english in second) in 1980s up to 59m in 1990s.. that's just insane.. many assuming that americans of english descent who have other ancestry than english tend to report another differentiated ethnic group.. so maybe that's why.. yeah i think that's reasonable tho.. cause people from england(they called english cause from england) and the majority of people in america speak the same language right? so maybe they just trynna be different and they don't wanna be called the "british".. so they want to set themselves apart from the british(especially the english) from 1990s-now i think
It is not like they ran DNA tests on these people. This was based on what people filled out in a census.
It is likely than many people simply identified as American vs the ancestry of their grandparents.
Buddy if you see Germans , Russian and Austraian/Hungarian at the beginig , large number of them where Poles that flee those states after Poland was devided and was no longer state , so yeah that video dont show real numbers .
@@adammarcinkowski-ko3el poland wasn't exist that time and i'm curious how did they know if there were "poles" in the us? like either immigrants or reported ethnicity.. i think maybe they list that their language was polish on a document or something🤔
And the Mexican population in the US peaked in 2014. It’s been decreasing since then because of people moving back to Mexico. In the video it keeps growing though.
Seeing Native American population increasing in the 1930s after continually dropping previously made me happy
That's because a lot of those so-called Indians are pretendians! White people falsely claiming to be part native American.
@@akufukwabena1 Lots of hillbillies to this day have injun in them.
The reason is they started becoming included in the census.
Before 1950 Latinos and native Americans were purposely left off the census.
I’m part of that French group. Ancestors were from Burgundy.
I didn't know there were that many Germans in the US (as a German)! Germans are everywhere 😧
Dwight eisenhower eric shmidt from google are from german descent shwarzeneger is austrian pat gelzinger intel ceo is german henry kissinger too when you r driving in lancaster county Pennsylvannia the amish country you can still see even today the german influence all over the state bismark is the name of the state capital of one of the dakota s the american hot dog is a result of this influence german americans are predominants all over the midwest even in certain parts of texas this is America
❤❤Wow! The Germans were the predominantly ethnic group in the U.S. for a long time!🇺🇸🇺🇸
Still are
@kurtdrexler9888- you were not “ Germans” then but Saxons , Bavarians , Wittenbergers etc. You only became Germans in 1870 ish . A bit like the Italians. And you’ve been a pain in the arse ever since 🤷🏻🤔😲🤦🏻♂️🤣😘
Ja aber Deutschland ist viel weiter vorne wenn es um "Soziale" Staaten geht! 🤣🤣 The ancestry didn't help the USA learn the same system unfortunately ☠️
Alemanes, Africanos y Latinos. Nada puede malir sal
Some of them fought for Germany in both World Wars and strong supporters of the Nazis.
Lumping all blacks into one category is lazy. You have the black Americans/descendants of Freedmen who have a lineage in the Americas going back 400yrs, then you have Africans mostly made up of Nigerians and black Caribbeans mostly made up of Jamaicans who migrated to America much later, many after the 1965 immigration bill. They all still recognize their countries and cultures just as much as these European groups..
No, it’s not
No it’s not
@@almighty5839 It's very lazy. These aren't the same groups of people, they have different lineages and come from different countries.
@@jsanders9975 But don't make their own lists... hmmm....
@@malachi- This can mean a few things. What are you saying exactly
Damn, that was fascinating. 😯
If a Jew came from Poland (for example) to the US, are they considered Polish or Jewish on this chart?
Roughly one-third of the Poles who arrived in the United States between 1880 and 1920 are believed to have been of Jewish descent.
@@jmarin5539 then why there are many American jews said they’re american , not Isreali . Jewish isn’t a country . Lol you can be Jewish and be Polish
I think that the religion factor was so strong among the Jews that even emmigrating in groups with Polish, mostly catholics, then they declared themselves as Jews, not Poles
@@Wolflarsen46Not just the poles What about German Jews. English Jews, Dutch and French Jews. All have to give up their national origin and go with their religion in the US.
@@jmarin5539 Jews and Eastern European immigrants are clearly distinguished in this video, but they were probably mixed up on the census long ago.
Never did see any Cubans. Post Castro 1960 or so, they came in by the millions. Are they properly counted?
None of the numbers in this video are properly counted. Did you notice that no source was provided? I’ve only been able to find one report regarding American ancestries, the 2020 American Community Survey, and it doesn’t match this video. According to it, there are 2,332,584 people of Cuban descent in the U.S.
2/3 of all Hispanics in the US have Mexican heritage the second place is Puerto Rican, the numbers of every other latino is actually minuscule
Probably counted as mexicans.
Definitely not counted as Mexicans they simply didn't make the list.. they're mostly in Florida ..there's more Puerto ricans
Not enough Cubans...In the year 2000 there was 1.2 Cubans in the USA now there's only 2.4 million Cubans so you kinda exaggerated by saying millions came in the 60's
As a German it makes me a bit proud that German immigrants significantly contributed to develop this great country ... but it also makes me a bit ashamed that they must have contributed to push back native Americans.
My wife's family alway said they were Italian, then we did DNA test and they were like 2%. Loll. They always cooked the food and everything.
They were larping as Italian.
This reminds me of that scene in True Romance. Hilarious
thats funny , so where were they really from and did thy change their cooking?
I am mexican American but also 40% Italian lol.
lo gracioso es que despues de que se enexaran texas no se considere a los Mexicanos que se quedaron ahi y lo mismo cuando se anexaron mas del 50% del territorio mexicano al poco tiempo, tampoco se registraron Mexicanos locales de esas zonas como americanos, ademas de que segun el embajador de EEUU hay mas 50 millones de mexicanos, quizas solo se consideran los registrados
Muchos eran Espanoles en realidad.
@@FedericoDLP Naahhh
@@FedericoDLPHe oído que varios se identificaron como Españoles para evadir la discriminación por ser mexicanos después de la guerra de Texas y la guerra del 47
@@moic9704 Esas areas fueron habitadas por Espanoles orginalmente.
@@moic9704 Solo los que eran de origen Espanol hubieran podido pasar for Espanoles. A eso me refiero, que eran de origen Espanol no que nacieron en Espana.
(ve la pelicula el Zorro 🙂)
I'm not sure how these numbers are determined. Americans are so mixed together that it's weird to identify with just one ethnicity. For example, I have British, French, Scandinavian, Polish, and a lot of other ethnicities.
Agreed and Americans 19 million is stupid
Good point. I’m of Mexican decent and just like most Mexicans we have Native American roots.
@@losmatix exactly
I am Polish and Prussian and that mixing all happened in Europe before they came. The one Polish/Prussian girl married one Prussian/ Polish boy and I got the Prussian name and the Polish upbringing.
The family name often gives the answer !
What about the number of indigenous American Indian peoples from 1820 onwards???
They became a barbecue 😂
This blew my mind.
I've traced most of my ancestors back to the generations that crossed the Atlantic. They include English, Welsh, Scots, Irish, German, and French. So which bar am I in? Great chart, BTW.
If you self identify as american then you are american. Thank you that you like it
If less than 50% of your DNA is any one group then just identify as White American.
The inflow of Polish immigrants rapidly slows down after Poland enters the European Union, otherwise the 3-4 millions of the Poles who emmigrated to the Western Europe would have come to the USA after 2004
Yeah Poles went to Germany directly instead of America, it was shorter
no, Poles are not allowed to work in the USA (unfortunately), they would never go there in droves
You can't just work in the US willingly.
Poland is part of EU 🇪🇺 so they legally live and work in Western Europe through EU visa without paperworks. The same goes for Eastern Europe and Romania.
@@lovelypolishperson5566H1B visa allows Indian, Chinese or outside of Europe to take over the American jobs.
What I don't understand about this film is that there is no category for 'mixed'. Surely most people in the US have ancestry from more than one country (or even more than one continent). Or do German Americans only mate with German Americans and so on?
Germans going to the US and then fighting the German Empire/Germany in two world wars is the biggest troll move in history
German with American accents
@@PortugalZeroworldcupin next 2 Years Mexican and latinos Will be majority etnic People im the USA.
Das waren keine deutsche, die gegen Deutschland kämpften. Wer sein Herkunftsland bekämpft und unter einer anderen Flagge steht, der sollte sich eines bewusst sein, dass war Verrat ;)
It was the Rothschilds revenge pro gamer move
Американских немцев заставили воевать против европейских немцев американские евреи! В сша всё решают евреи
What do you mean by "American" in the list?
Is it for the people who don't know about their ancestors or what?
Yep😂 this first euorpean immigaration
I guess these people are mixed raced. For example, they have 1/4 German, 1/4 Italian, 1/4 English, 1/4 French blood, so it's hard for them to identify themselves as any of these races. Instead, it's more appropriate to describe them as American race
ethnic groups that are mixed, and also American citizenship.
@@tauntes African Americans, American Indians...
Anglo-Saxon !
Well there is some US states that used to be from México so of course there is a lot of Mexican American people.
That's not it. This really refers to people who have migrated from Mexico to the USA after 1870 -- that would be my guess-- for the most part. People living in Texas and California would be assimilated as Americans when both states were admitted to the Union in the mid 1800's.
Mexico is an American country. North American, to be specific
Wait, how is non-specific “American” a category separate of Native American, in a list of nationalities that make up American?? Something is not right here.
It explains that in the video
Excellent work! I would have added the %/total population for each group. Thank you.
I dispute RUclips vloggers and their so called statistics, I don't believe that more German than English migrants settled in the US, why was the US a British crown colony like Australia and New Zealand and Canada before the war of independence, that was sparked by the resentment of unrealistic taxes imposed by the British King? And we have Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts. And how can there be more than 3 million Swedish migrants, Sweden has only like 7 million people in it today and half of them were born in Africa
The Swiss side of my family came here in the 1600s, the Irish in the 1850s and 60s, and the Germans in the 1870s. I'm actually surprised the Swiss were so well represented until the mid 1800s.
The country was very poor until not so long ago, people sold their kids to farmers etc...Norway has a similar story!
Switzerland has been one of the poorest country of Europe for centuries due its harsh mountain climate, scarce soil, no natural worthy ressources (gold, petrol or gas), no sea or ocean, and no colonies abroad. The country started developing mostly after WW II. I have a lot of pictures from my grandparents (mountain farmers) and I was lucky enough to know them as well. They lived a hard autarcic life in the Alps, working the steep land all by hand, just like Zanskari still do today. If Switzerland is rich nowadays, it is mainly due to its intelligent direct democracy, and its hard working trustful people.
Shiiit, you should regret it, compared to Switzerland today, USA is like a poor third world country
@@osen3182 Why are you laughing? Its true. Switzerland was very poor. Unimaginable, but there clever politics, being neutral, gave them the chance to become wealthier.
The population of Ireland is about 6.9 million, but it is estimated that 50 to 80 million people around the world have Irish forebears, making the Irish diaspora one of the largest of any nation. So Irish breed much better outside their country...
There are more and better potatos outside Ireland
Ireland is a small island that was dominated by its large neighbor for centuries, and then suffered a famine/ethnic cleansing... it should not be surprising the ones that made it to North America or Oceania have had more success. It would be hard not to.
@@83917MichaelMore like the Irish were made to get jobs when they went abroad rather than just sitting around getting pissed everyday.
but how many of them are plastic paddies like biden who is half english by descent
@@stewy1109 No, they were being ethnically cleansed by invaders.
This simplified chart does not account for the fact that nearly everybody in the USA is mixed.
The English had founder effect: they were the first group to get there, and subsequently, all the others coming in in dribs and drabs mixed with them, so they will be represented in a lot of genetics...On the other hand, the English themselves are a mixed bag: Germans/Celts/Scots/Irish/French/ Nordics, even when they colonised Northern America.
Proud to be 🇺🇸🇲🇽 😎
Then you aren't proud to be US, because when you come to the US you burn the flag of your origin, and claim nothing but American
You can see that the African American Column is growing when the German, Irish, and English are staying relatively the same in comparison toward the end. This is proof that when an interracial relationship between someone of African descent, and someone of other ethnicity happen, the children are automatically seen as African American.
Well that's the fault of the government for not classifying some mixed race people as white as well.
No, se debe a la baja natalidad.
@@pdcdesign9632why would you classify them as white?
No black Americans had different names to identify themselves as colored or negro or Indian or mulatto. It was changed African American by design.
The African American column is made up of black American, black Caribbeans and half black biracial people. It has always been that way in the USA it has never changed lol.
I didn't know there were a lot of Germans because I often see Irish and Italian films! 😂🤣
Откуда вообще эти данные? Откуда столько немцев? Везде пишут, что их процента 2 от населения, но никак не 40 млн.
The US census bureau