3 lata temu wróciłem do Polski, mieszkałem w Niemczech 8 lat. Te statystyki trochę mi się nie zgadzają, ale to nic. Ważniejsze jest dla mnie że jako Polacy, gdy jesteśmy w innym kraju, to nie podpalamy tego kraju, nie gwałcimy ich kobiet, nie uprowadzamy dzieci. I tak powinna wygladać migracja, emigracja. Jedziesz do czyjegoś kraju to musisz podporządkować się pod prawo tego kraju. Amen.
I live in Germany. It was the Poles who burned down my neighbor's house and killed him. They stole the money machine and were caught. It was the Poles who stole the materials of the construction where I worked. And it was the Poles who slandered my friend who worked in a company and had Osten fired.
To tylko pokazuje jak szybko stajemy sie np folksdojczami, jak tu w kraju udajwmy patriotow, a potem za ojro stajemy sie gorliwymi Szwabami i wyzbywamy polskosci, wstydzac sie za rodakow i nimi gardzac.
@@SinanMert. A Niemcy zgwałcili 2 mln Polsek ,wymordowali co najmniej 6 mln mieszkańców Polski ,po wojnie zmarło jeszcze dodatkow1.7 mln z powodu ran i wyniszczenia organizmu. Niemcy gwałcili i palili żywcem polskie kobiety ,obcinali im piersi. Nabijali na sztachety polskie dzieci. Zdzierano skórę z ludzi ,robiono eksperymenty polegające na produkcji mydła z ludzkiego tłuszczu. A to wszystko stało się dzięki poparciu 90% niemieckiego społeczeństwa do którego trafiały zyski z okupacji 17 krajów . I którego wnuki nie chcą zwrócić po dziś dzień zrabowanych dóbr. To by było na tyle niemiecki zwierzaku.
@fanatik9590 of course sad, I was Muslim t before but I woke up. All religions are made by humans for controlling humanity. All Religions are the most dangerous virus on this Earth 🌎
Those coming from Kazakhstan are not Kazakhs but out of 1 million Germans deported during WW2 and now returning to homeland. 200.000 Germans still live in Kazakhstan now
You forgot about World War 1 and Not only German it was a Austrian. Because you can find beautiful place in Kazakhstan - old Austrian road 😉😉😉 p.s it was 2 or 3 European wave immigration (departation) in Kazakhstan in 20 century
Im bit in doubt. As a czech born person i have to ask where are those 500000+ supposed to be, meeting a czech is a rarity. On the contrary there seem to be arabs everywhere since 2015.
@@kibindankoi9824 There is is no much to pretend. As a fellow YTuber said on his channel, Czechs a basically Germans that happen to spreak a slavic language...
Number of Turkish people are way more higher than Polish people in Germany.But most of them got German citizenship so we cant see them in the video.Actual number should be around 5 million.Number of syrians will surpass Poland and Turkey in future because of their birth rate.
Здесь показано из каких стран пришли эмигранты, Допустим из Казахстана в Германию уехала много Немцев, по этому я думаю здесь Польша означает что столько Немцев вернулись в Германию, потому-что Полякам после 2 Мировой войны отдали половину земли Германии.
@@akvonrez5496perhaps, but mostly they migrate for work. We have 100 000 polish in Norway as well as work migrants. Many of them plan on going back soon though because of better economic situation in Poland plus the stress of being away from your wife and children
in istanbul there are 16 million Turks, but the 1 million syrians had more kids in 2022 and 2023 then 16 million Turks because of high birth rate . But this will change in 2 generations.
@@renekleppel8569 We had these territories in XII century if you cared to look at the maps, then after it was split between various sons and in XIV century majority reunited. Western Pomerania(or you would call central Pomerania) did not join us however for centuries polish piast dynasty of Gryfin was ruling those lands bordering you, in Silesia slavic dukes of Poland were alligning with either Bohemia or Poland for 6 more centuries. You got Silesia after your reunification war with Austria. Poland Czechs and even Austrians have stronger historical claims to silesia than you and you held Pomerania for 2 centuries thanks to brandenburg conquest. Grow up.
@renekleppel8569 Berlin is slavic name,lot of cities in east Germany has polish name because it used to be polish thousand years ago before you ever had Szczecin or wroclaw,you only remember history since you got polish lands but not before 😂
@@renekleppel8569 Don't ever search what Confederation of the Veleti or March of Lusatia were little German. You should worry about your cultural enrichment's consequences. You are in no historical position or strength to take it.
@@renekleppel8569 Niemiec już nie ma. Niemcy, to zbyt głupi naród aby im się jakikolwiek teren należał. Macie brzydką historię i brzydkie kobiety. Ale nie martw się, Ci którzy do was teraz przybyli, będą umilać czas waszym damom.
15 years ago, all the streets were filled with native Germans. They loved to walk in the centre, parks, sit in street cafes and ctr. Now you see another life...
@@LoLettanLoLettan, привет! Найдите в этом позитив 🤷♀️ Зато вы не моете полы, не моете самостоятельно машины на заправках, не сидите за кассой ❤💛🤷♀️ Всё это за вас делают приезжие рабочие 🤷♀️ А вы будьте как короли, работайте на самых престижных работах, в том числе в офисе. Ну и пускай работают на благо Вашей страны. Главное, чтобы они были порядочными, тихими, соблюдали законы, и не воровали у вашего немецкого народа его льготы 😊
@@tatianamakhankova7070 что за фантазии! Даже ещё 15 лет назад в сфере обслуживания работали только местные (которые мыли у себя полы и ухаживали за своими садиками). Это было чудесное время, потому что царила атмосфера уважения и тёплой вежливости везде - на улицах, в магазинах, кафе. Немцы не избалованные и знают, что труд это тяжело. Знаю только людей, приезжающих на сезонные работы к фермерам собирать урожай. А так, кем кто может работать без знания языка❓️Банкиром, кассиром, продавцом, мед сестрой, водителем ❓️❓️ Да и вообще немцу платят за работу, а не за то, что каждый король с королевой. Нарочно не придумаешь... И мойки просто автоматизированы, нет там людей с щётками.
@@johannes6377Они говорят на двух языках и, наверное потому, что они не свинопасы с окраины, которые только хрюкать могут на своем суржике)) Ну и, плюс ко всему они здравомыслящие и образованные люди)))
@@johannes6377 ,это на каком языке? когда пишешь про Путина то ты должен припасть на колени,а голову склонить так низко, чтобы губами теребить собственный член
@@johannes6377мы не любим Путина, а разговариваем и на русском и на немецком. Когда немцы из Казахстана переехали в Германию, этого Путлера ещё не было у власти и мы все получили вскоре немецкое гражданство. Только из Казахстана в 90-е годы перехало почти 4 млн этнических немцев
Ну я тоже немец родился в Казахстане знаю казахский, немецкий , русский, и узбекский потому что жена узбечка 😂 привет вам 😊 друзья Салам алейкум из германии 💪❤️
Рожденные НЕМЦЫ в Казахстане - НЕМЦЫ!...а не Казахи!. не бесись зря, не показывай свое невежество. К примеру если котёнок родится в конюшне он что, по твоему лошадь? Или все таки котёнок ? и@@ruslankaida4011
@@ruslankaida4011 много этнических немцев жило и живёт в Казахстане, и если не ошибаюсь, вообще в средней Азии. Мне кажется в ролике статистки немного кривая, хотя могу ошибаться) смею предположить, что большинство мигрантов из постсоветского пространства это этнические немцы... Да и как то, наверное, называть их эмигрантами/мигрантами не правильно, они возвращаются на свою родину. А так, мне кажется от мигрантов из постсоветского пространства и восточной Европы Германии больше толку чем от типов из арабских стран, Афганистана и Турции... Сегодня Германия больше Алмания чем Германия.
We don't have any terrorist attacks from polish people. But saying where criminals in germany are from counts as racism. That's why our politics are a mess in that regard.
Czas wracać do domu Polacy. Tu jest wasz dom i nigdzie nie będzie wam lepiej. Polska to już inny kraj niż 10 lat temu. Wielu wróciło i nie żałuje. Tu jest czysto i bezpiecznie. Zdrowia dla braci i sióstr.
В Германию ехали 98% русские немцы, а не русские. И 2% евреи из России. Это вам в статистику. Да и из Казахстана ехали тоже не казахи, а русские немцы живущие в Казахстане
"Russian Germans" went to Germany mainly in the early 90s (and mainly from Kazakhstan, where they were deported, not from Russia). Incidentally, those from Russia were Russians with some German grandfather or grandmother, and they simply fled to rich Germany. Then it was simply emigration from Russia (apart from who Russians actually are, because it is a mixture of nations. Even "ethnic Russians" are a mixture, and relatively little Slavic compared to Poles, Belarusians or Polabian Slavs in eastern Germany - I mean the presence of the so-called Slavic haplogroup).
«Русские немцы» эмигрировали в Германию преимущественно в начале 1990-х годов (и в первую очередь из Казахстана, куда они были депортированы, а не из России). Кстати, те из России были россиянами с каким-то немецким дедушкой или бабушкой, и они просто бежали в богатую Германию. В последующие годы это была просто эмиграция из России (кроме того, кем на самом деле являются русские, потому что это смесь наций. Даже «этнические русские» представляют собой смесь, и относительно мало славянски по сравнению с поляками, белорусами или полабскими славянами в восточной Германии - я имею в виду наличие так называемой славянской гаплогруппы).
All the groups listed here are called migrants. But the difference is that immigrants from Russia and Kazakhstan are not Russians and Kazakhs, but ethnic Germans immigrating under the repatriation program. And immigrants from other countries are not Germans, but other nationalities.
Repatriates from the east are a migration from the early 90s - «Russian Germans» emigrated to Germany in the first place from Kazakhstan, where they were deported in 1937-1952, and not from Russia. "Repatriates" from Russia were most often ordinary Russians, with some German roots. And in subsequent years it was simply ordinary immigration from Russia (where many nations live mixed together, and there is no such thing as an "ethnic Russian"). By the way, also repatriates from Kazakhstan are a mixture of nations, mainly Germans, Poles, Ukrainians and Russians. That is, mainly the nationalities of those deported there mixed with Russians.
More than 5 million Turks live in Germany, but since they became German citizens they are no longer listed in the statistics. The Turks came to Germany as invited workers in the 1960s. Before that, there were already 30,000 Turks in Germany from the times of the Ottoman Empire. Germans and Turks were brothers in arms in alot of wars.
They weren´t invited, they were allowed in by order of Washington to help the ailing NATO member Turkey (now: Türkiye, by order of its ridiculous president ).
When we discussed about immigration from 🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿Kazakhstan 🤔🤔🤔 Majority it was German, because it is a reverse migration. After first world war and second world war in Kazakhstan was big European immigration wave from Germany, Czech, Ukrainian, Russian, Poland and etc. Right now for example we have a towns with topical Germany name Ridder, Lenger or Old Austrian road and etc
I live in Germany. It was the Poles who burned down my neighbor's house and killed him. They stole the money machine and were caught. It was the Poles who stole the materials of the construction where I worked. And it was the Poles who slandered my friend who worked in a company and had Osten fired.
@@SinanMert. A ile wy Niemcy spaliliście całych miast ? / Ilu zabiliście Polaków, tylko za to, że byli Polakami. Ile ukradliście ? Ile wywieźliście tysięcy pociągów zrabowanego mienia, by potem szczycić się zamożnością, na która nie zasłużyliście w żadnej mierze. Porównujesz jakieś bandyckie porachunki patologii, jaka zdarza się wszędzie, do masowego mordu na Narodzie Polskim wynikającego z waszego morderczego charakteru i chuci krwi, której nie potraficie opanować. Do tego masowe złodziejstwo i kurewstwo, niegodne istoty ludzkiej. A teraz ile mieszacie tą swoją posraną Unią Europejską. Ile czynicie zła. Okradacie dalej narody. Karma wróci. Wyjdź na ulicę, rozejrzyj się. Sprawiedliwość jest blisko, na wasze życzenie. Karma wraca.
lol Die Zahlen Stimmen hinten und vorne nicht 😂😂😂 Im Sommer 2024 gab es eine Anfrage im Bundestag.... Offiziel lebten 1.34 Millionen Ukrainer hier. Anfang der 90er lebten mehr als 3 Millionen Türken in Deutschland. Wir hatten 6 Türken in der Schulkasse 😊 4 Russen. Ein Libanesen. Einen Italiener. Die dunkelziffern sind natürlich viel größer. 😂😂😂
I've noticed one common thing about Westerners. If your enemy is Russia and your country is Forcefully involved in their power game, YOU ARE LOVED, PAMPERED, TAKEN CARE OF in the beginning, but later you will be considered a burden. Afghanistan were PAMPERED now BURDEN. SYRIA 🇸🇾 PAMPERED Now burden. Kosovo PAMPERED now burden Bosnia PAMPERED now burden Ukraine PAMPERED, burden part will come soon
При СССР в России и Казахстане проживали по милиону этнических немцев.., еще 100 тысяч в Киргизии..и вот почти 95% их переехало на историческую Родину...которую их предки покинули в поисках лучшей доли в 17 - 19 веках и переехали в Российскую империю...которой правили этнические немцы Романовы..
Если сложить вместе всех русскоязычных эмигрантов из разных постсоветских стран, то окажется, что они в Германии будут по количеству на первом месте. Их почти столько, сколько турок и поляков вместе.
@@AlbertSchneiderausNürnbergбольше , много немцев уехало из России сразу после революции! Много во время второй мировой ! И их уже относят к местным ! 😂😂
@FeyzaKunt-hq9ee i dont understand your logic. I said europe to europeans, you answered turkish for turkey but(europe) have to take your 15 million middle eastern from turkey?
@@johnsnow5264EU subsidies where Germany got back 80 cents for every euro they share. Less EU propaganda kiddo. BTW Polish art is still in german museums.
After all, this film shows total nonsense. For example, it did not take into account 7 million Turks. Maybe because some of them have Turkish citizenship? But of those 1.5 million Poles in the film, a large part also have German citizenship (and some also have German roots), and yet the film ignores this. Real immigration from Poland is much smaller. And the massive immigration from Africa is nowhere to be seen (including several hundred thousand from Eritrea, whose "resistance movement" against the current Eritrean authorities is based in Germany). And where are the Ukrainians in this list, of whom there are over 1.5 million in Germany, who mostly arrived after 2022, but before 2022 there were about 200 thousand Ukrainians in Germany. Ukrainian immigrants came, because in 2019 Germany partially opened its labor market to them. Nobody will learn anything sensible from this film.
Fascinating, extremely attractive colors and layout! Thank you super much!!! When you have time perhaps next year ♥We really want this compressed a bit more to show the top 35 please !!! more data please twenty countries is not enough!!🙂Maybe you can use the area where you have the world map now on the right side, and please redesign reprogram to replace it with the next 15 countries instead = okay to make the colorbars a bit wider (different scale) to balance the beautiful artistic display on our screen!!!
The Germans are rich and is not true the gouverment hates Germans. They like dogs and a convenient life without children like Russians oder Scandinavians. This IS the true.
Due to the labor problem that arose in Germany after World War II, Turkish workers were recruited to the country. The people who helped Germany's development the most are Turks.
@@sebastianlizarraga5859 Germany had a shortage of male workers. A country without workers becomes poor and cannot produce. Germany knew that it would fall into this situation, so it started recruiting Turkish workers to solve this situation. So yes, Turks are one of the people who brought Germany to this situation.
@@Secular_Turkish To be a bit more specific. Turkey became part of the Nato and the USA wanted to stable Turkey which had a lot of people without work, so they decided to bring them to Germany. That's the reason why there are so many Turks instead of Italians, Greeks or Portuguese People, who also had contracts.
@@zxmyfaa2254 Germany was rebuilt by then and the first guestworkers were Italians, followed by Portuguese and Greeks. The Turks were finally accepted bc Turkey was a Nato member and there was a need to help with the high unemployment in Turkey. I do recall the first Turkish guestworkers in Hamburg. They met at the main central station and just stood there in groups, they did not have their own communities back then. They watched the Germans walking by, my Mum dragged me by my hand and I remember I turned my head to have a look at those strange looking guys who were all wearing unironed black suits and peak caps and black moustaches and had black hair. Back then not so common in Germany, I and my family used to be the ones with the darkest hair and brown eyes and were considered to be "exotic". 😁The German women back then however looked like Hollywood movie stars and often were wearing a colorful head scarf over their accurate perm and the men were wearing hats and ties.
Ja hast du recht es gibt viel Amerikaner die die RusslandDeutsche vorfahren haben.Von mein Uhropa ist in 1925 der Bruder erst nach Argentina und von dort nach Pennsylvania gezogen.
@@ВолодимирМельник-ю4д 😅 The Russians make up stories. Russians do have really nothing to do with the ancestry of most of the white Americans. For your info: Most white Americans are of German ancestry. Which is why we look alike. Russians do not look like Germans at all.
Poland ,Romania, etc..,are part of the European union, we have legal right to live and work any where in the European 🇪🇺, including Germany. So please don't compare us with refugees, or anyone that's outside of the European union
Polacy są imigrantami ekonomicznymi. Niemcy to nie jest Polska. Polacy to tacy sami imigranci jak cała reszta. Tylko Polacy są bardzo fałszywi. Plują na Niemców wszędzie, ale tak to do pracy tam jeżdżą.
@@CachosPistache "Döp dödö döp", that´s an adaption from Gigi D´Agostino´s song "L´Amour Toujours". It can be replaced by "Ausländer ´raus" (foreigners out). We Germans nowadays talk in symbols and alliterations. By the way: I´m only in favor of outlawing Islam, burning Korans and tearing down mosques, if necessary. I´m not against humans.
@@Kurt844 Die Drecksarbeit machen immer diejenigen die schlecht ausgebildet sind. Und dadurch das Recht zu erhalten in einem Land leben zu dürfen, schwirrt auch nur in linken Köpfen umher... Zudem hängen die meisten Leute die hierher kommen und die angebliche "Drecksarbeit" eher in den Sozialsystem ab 🤣
@@Akrus15 In der Türkei gibt es viele Verbrecher, die strafrechtlich gesucht werden und sich vor dem Gesetz verstecken, darunter Mitglieder von Terrororganisationen wie der PKK, DHKP-C und FETÖ. Des weiteren ist es in der Türkei bekannt , dass Deutschland für seine Großzügigkeit und Glaubwürdigkeit bekannt ist, die die Geschichten dieser Flüchtlinge oft ungeprüft akzeptiert. Ein häufig verwendete Behauptung ist, dass man als Kurde, Alevit, Armenier oder Grieche in der Türkei verfolgt werde.
Germany is home to over 80 million people. Immigrants make up about 10% of the population. However, this film (which shows a lot of nonsense) does not include 7 million Turks (that's how many of them really live in Germany) and over 1.5 million Ukrainians. In any case, Germans still make up the vast majority of Germany's population. However, they have a problem with immigration from Russia (crime), with some immigration from Turkey (gangs) and from Africa and the Middle East (illegal immigrants, gangs).
Only if Europe minded its own business for the past 100 years.... everything happened elsewhere because European nations decided to be greedy. So don't come here acting like victims and the better person than any other immigrants....
Damals war Norden Polens Deutsch. Die grenzen haben sich verschoben und die Deutsche damals sind einfach da geblieben. Haben Familien gegründet. Die Nachfahren von Deutschen kennen legal nach Deutschland kommen und Deutschen Stattbürgerschaft bekommen. Genau so war bei mir. Meine Uhrgroßmutter war Deutsche. Ich bin in Polen geboren habe aber Deutschen Pass bekommen. Jetzt lebe ich in Deutschland. Zweites Grund ist das Europa Bürger frei Europaweit umziehen kennen und da leben. Darum kommen auch viele Polen nach Deutschland zu Leben und arbeiten.
Pa bravarska, Bavaria,fudbalski klub Borusija- Bo-Rusija, zaštitni znak te regije medved... nema slučajnosti Sloveni a ima nas e sada neki ne žele to da budu ili su druge vere ali to ništa ne menja ja sam Srbin, Sloven znači i to je to. Nije važno na kraju ko je šta poreklom važno je čovek biti! Najlepše bi bilo da svako živi u svojoj zemlji a da putuje po svetu kao turista i da bude mir. Pozdrav svoj Slovenskoj braći!
Before 2015 there weren't many Arabs in Germany compared to other groups. I live in an Arab neighborhood in Germany, before 2015 it wasn't nearly as crowded as now
@@xMayor92 That's entirely your 'feeling'! Where in Germany do you live? Migrant communities often tend to 'concentrate' in certain areas when they are abroad to have some kind of 'community atmosphere'. Maybe where you have lived is not such an 'area' for Arabs. And don't forget that the term Arab is a generalization for people from the Middle East. Although not all of them are Arabs. Iranians for example are Persians.
@@xMayor92 Kreuzberg was already 'Turkish' since the 1980's... A week ago or so I hiked in and near Sabadell (close to Barcelona). There was a neighbourhood where there were many Spanish old people and a lot of younger Arabic people. Interestingly enough, they clearly live next to each other and the old people seem perfectly at ease, sitting on a bench in a park next to a bench where a lot of Arabic youngsters were talking, oh, they were actually talking in Spanish.... But some of the girls were wearing hijabs and some of the boys were clearly Arabic (non Spanish). Yet, I bet that the social control in that neighbourhood is sooo big that if a crazy guy comes from another town and attacks one of those old Spanish people who cannot defend themselves, that guy will have to deal with a bunch of Morocan boys who have no problem with standing up for that old Spanish person.
Polen in Germany, no problems, and 90 % good integrated. Türkiye in Germany, mediums problems, and 50% good integrated. Russia in Germany, mediums problems, and 60% good integrated. Arabic & Afgan in Germany, big problems and 10% good integrated. Italy, Greek, Balkans in Germany, medium problem and 55% good integrated. German in Germany, low problems and 90% good integrated. Except in East Germany, there are German problems there.
@@xanahana5982 Najwiecej Polakow przybylo za pierwszych rzadow Tuska.Berlin byl przez nich wtedy zalany,uspokoilo sie po przyjeciu wladzy przez Pis,pod koniec ich rzadow prawie wszyscy tzw.nowi wrocili do Polski.Mieszkam w Niemczech juz 40 lat i wiem co mowie.
@@helenalesniewska1768 Prawda. Byl Tusk to polacy uciekali do niemiec. Byl PiS to polacy wracali albo zostali w niemczech. Teraz znowu jest Tusk to jak narazie nie slychac tak aby ludzie uciekali. JESZCZE.
And what do you say, Germany? Poles are not a national minority in Germany! They are the most numerous, and they are not a national minority. Where's the justice?
And what do you say, Poland? Silesian are not a national minority in Poland? They are the most numerous, and they are not a national minority. Where is the justice?
@@leonidzebulon847 You farking idiot - how is one set of Poles supposed to be a national minority in Poland, their own country? The stupidity these days...
Польские немцы, российские Н. , казахстанские Н. , румынские Н. , Украинские Н. , чешские, хорватские, болгарские, сербские, венгерские Н. - всего миллионов пять наберётся-не меньше … и ещё- учитываются скорее всего только живые и только те кто намерен оставаться в Германии на пмж (по определению иммиграции) поэтому числа не такие большие
More than half of those from Kazakhstan are ethnic Germans (they were forced to move to Kazakh steppes from Russia during Russian empire and World War II periods). Also many of those from Russia are also ethnic Germans and mixed Russo/Germans or Ukrainian/Germans and so on
Alemania para los alemanes, Rusia para los rusos, España para los españoles en mi caso etc etc!!. Eso sería muy coherente si las desigualdades no existieran; pero lo cierto es que much@s ciudadanos del mundo viven en el umbral de la pobreza extrema!!
Y ? Hay que dejarse invadir por eso ? Yo también dejaría en las carceles puertas abiertas para los presos blancos y europeos,pero te dicen que no se puede ,que hay leyes que cumplir.
@@pedroviriato9356 - Invadir?- No te parece que tu visión es demasiado catastrofista?, 1 a mi me dais risa los españoles de banderita, porque se os olvida que en los 60 nuestros abuelos emigraron por Europa. Y blancos europeos???,-. Tío mira a los españoles de Madrid para abajo, menos blancos cualquier cosa; BASTA DE ODIO!!. Además el 90% de africanos quieren pasar la frontera y largarse de este país . Salvo curiosamente Euskal Herria, Galiza, Asturias, y no quiero generalizar..... No os dais cuenta que hacéis el ridículo, aquí en Nafarroa mis vecinos marroquis tienen su negocio y se les tiene como uno más!!!.. BASTA DE PUREZA RACIAL, LAS PERSONAS SON LAS QUE VALEN. y sino al talego hasta tus camaradas ultras!!!@@@@
Also wenn hier bei uns das Neubaugebiet gebaut wurde, hab ich fast nur polnisch gehört. Ich selber bin in den 90igern aus Polen(Schlesien) nach Deutschland mit meiner Familien gekommen. Da sind viele Aussiedler gekommen wegen der Arbeit aber das hier so viele Polen, glaube ich nicht. Da werden wohl manche Gruppen nicht gezeigt.
Es ist Zeit für uns alle Türken nach Hause zu gehen.Türkei ist anders als vor 50 Jahren.Man sollte es nicht mehr lange zwingen hier zu bleiben dem Deutschen Staat und die Bürger sich bedanken und nach Hause zurückkehren.
In my opinion only ethnic Germans, Austrians,belgians,dutch, french,swiss, Italians,czechs,poles,slowaks,russians,latvians,lithuanians,estonians and hungarians should be allowed here why? Well because they were at least once part of Germany and considered Germans
There are over 600.000 Serbs in Germany but most of them now have German citizenship. The same case with other immigrants. There are over 20 million non Germans in Germany.
Ach weisst du "Polen-Paul" in Warschau heissen die Passagiere : WARSCHAUER GHETTO MENSCHEN. Ohne die EU Subventionsgelder aus Brüssel würde man noch in Polska Kartoffel und Seife rationieren. Dein Kommentar ist so sinnlos wie ein Pfundbüro in Polen (die es ja nicht gibt) 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
@@DavidGoslowski A kto założył pierwsze biskupstwo chrześcijańskie we Wrocławiu? Polacy Jak się wtedy nazywało to miasto? Wrocław Ilu Niemców mieszkało we Wrocławiu w roku 1025? 0,001% populacji miasta
In reality Yugos are leading but now they are counted as separate states but they stick together. Most of them got citizenship, lot of them are 2nd generation. You see their influence by ćevapčići being considered as more tasty than döner, knowing šljivovica and having ajvar as standard offers in almost all shops
I knew there were only 10mln immigrants in Germany but it seems are more. Immigration is not a problem itself but uncontrolled Immigration yes. Selective Immigration would be ideally. Those who are against Immigration think about USA, UK, Australia...which have a large number of immigrants. Peace to all peoples.
Если из других государств в Германию эммигрируют в основном титульная нация, то 80% эммигрантов из Казахстана являются этническими немцами, 15% других национальностей и только 5% казахов. Казахи любят свою страну и ни за какие плюшки ее не променяют🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿
Этнические немцы выезжали в Германию по вызову родственников, которые жили в Германии. Поэтому другие национальности не имели возможности выезжать в Германию. Это была программа воссоединения немцев из Советского Союза с семьями в Германии.
Очень странно. Сирийцев явно больше должно быть. Поляков больше чем турков? А на улицах только турецкая, арабская и русская речь, эти языки на улицах немецких городов по ощущениям звучат даже чаще чем немецкий. А где тогда польский язык? Максимум пару раз слышал, за пару лет жизни здесь (я почти всю Германию уже объездил). Это странно, если при этом поляков в Германии аж два миллиона... И наконец, Украина. Основная часть русскоговорящих на улицах - украинцы. Это понятно по характерному акценту, редким украинским словам в речи и разговорам об Украине (но кстати нечасто о самой войне). Русских немцев и тем более казахских немцев видно чрезвычайно редко. Также, в Западной Германии очень распространена албанская диаспора...
If you look at the numbers of Turkish migrants, it was decreasing until around 2015. After that, immigration from Turkiye increased. Maybe some of them are syrians after living some years in Turkiye. On the other hand, the migration trend from the country changed a lot. At the moment nearly all the young university graduates try to go out of the country because of economic and socio-political problems that they are facing. On the contrary, Turkiye is welcoming many immigrants from poor and war-torned areas who are not well educated. This is a serious problem for the country, but the politicians are only considering their power and wealth. They do not care the country and the elder people that are living in the country are just looking to the mouth of the politicians and their propaganda on tv (as the young and educated are abroad).
Strange, what small numbers regarding immigrants from Africa (including Eritrea!!!), Iraq, Morocco. And as for Syria, these numbers are underestimated, especially since in 2016 they talked about 1 million Syrians who received help in Germany. Would it be politically incorrect to show the truth? In addition, there are 7 million Turks in Germany (the vast majority from Kurdistan).. some of them have citizenship, maybe that's why the film gave such a small number of Turks? But also a large part of the 1.5 million Poles shown in the film have German citizenship, and some - also - German roots.
Your stupidity and ignorance is beyond belief! Are DDR and West Germany two different countries? How old were you in 1990? If you were born in 1990, you would be 34yrs old today and the first thing you learnt at 0 years old was hords of 'DDR 'immigrants' migrating from Germany to Germany!
Keine Angst so lange wie die Deutsche Sprache existiert so lange wird Deutschland leben . Zuwanderung gab es schon immer . Der Alteste Fund von Menschlichen Knochen ist irgend wo in Schwaben gemacht worden und es hatt sich Raumgestaltung das die Frau ist in Anatolien geboren und vor mehrere tausende Jahren in Deutschland gestorben . Ihre nachkommen leben immer noch in Deutschland.
@@neixnneiro7505no bullshit, most of them are Kazakhs, they will tomorrow promote zionism just everything anti German, it's an infiltration if you talk like this.
More than half of those from Kazakhstan are ethnic Germans (they were forced to move to Kazakh steppes from Russia during Russian empire and World War II periods). Also many of those from Russia are also ethnic Germans and mixed Russo/Germans or Ukrainian/Germans and so on
Если у Турков будет своя Республика то им придётся платить налоги . Шутка конечно. Скажу честно без Турков и мигрантов мне было бы скучно. Я бы на одной жареной колбаске не прожил бы , а так у итальянца пиццу покушаю у Турка Дёнер у Русского беляшь у Вьетнамца Рис и так дальше .
This statistic has nothing to do with the reality. Probably the temporary workers from Poland, Austria, and other european countries are only added, the immigrants with German passport are not counted, and so on.
3 lata temu wróciłem do Polski, mieszkałem w Niemczech 8 lat. Te statystyki trochę mi się nie zgadzają, ale to nic.
Ważniejsze jest dla mnie że jako Polacy, gdy jesteśmy w innym kraju, to nie podpalamy tego kraju, nie gwałcimy ich kobiet, nie uprowadzamy dzieci. I tak powinna wygladać migracja, emigracja. Jedziesz do czyjegoś kraju to musisz podporządkować się pod prawo tego kraju. Amen.
A czy POLACY chcą się pchać do niemieckiego rządu jak "nasi bracia" ga tfuu up@ińcy?
I live in Germany. It was the Poles who burned down my neighbor's house and killed him. They stole the money machine and were caught. It was the Poles who stole the materials of the construction where I worked. And it was the Poles who slandered my friend who worked in a company and had Osten fired.
To tylko pokazuje jak szybko stajemy sie np folksdojczami, jak tu w kraju udajwmy patriotow, a potem za ojro stajemy sie gorliwymi Szwabami i wyzbywamy polskosci, wstydzac sie za rodakow i nimi gardzac.
Was erzählst du alte))) du hast was vergessen was mitzunehmen ihre Penne und obdachlose die hier überall kacken .
A Niemcy zgwałcili 2 mln Polsek ,wymordowali co najmniej 6 mln mieszkańców Polski ,po wojnie zmarło jeszcze dodatkow1.7 mln z powodu ran i wyniszczenia organizmu.
Niemcy gwałcili i palili żywcem polskie kobiety ,obcinali im piersi.
Nabijali na sztachety polskie dzieci.
Zdzierano skórę z ludzi ,robiono eksperymenty polegające na produkcji mydła z ludzkiego tłuszczu.
A to wszystko stało się dzięki poparciu 90% niemieckiego społeczeństwa do którego trafiały zyski z okupacji 17 krajów .
I którego wnuki nie chcą zwrócić po dziś dzień zrabowanych dóbr.
To by było na tyle niemiecki zwierzaku.
Turks are more than 7 million in Germany, but most of them has German citizenship that's why that video didn't show them in the video
Aynen öyle 👍🏽 haklısın 🇹🇷❤️🇩🇪
@fanatik9590 of course sad, I was Muslim t before but I woke up. All religions are made by humans for controlling humanity. All Religions are the most dangerous virus on this Earth 🌎
7 milyon falan değil örn, Çok Fazla kürtte var Ama Türkiyeden geldikleri için Türk Sayılıyorlar.
Those coming from Kazakhstan are not Kazakhs but out of 1 million Germans deported during WW2 and now returning to homeland. 200.000 Germans still live in Kazakhstan now
You forgot about World War 1 and Not only German it was a Austrian.
Because you can find beautiful place in Kazakhstan - old Austrian road 😉😉😉 p.s it was 2 or 3 European wave immigration (departation) in Kazakhstan in 20 century
This is nonsense, they are Kazakhs and zionist.
Borat is ethnic German as well:)😂😅@@Ercan-cy3we
@@ETRUSCANSTURAN freemason, zionist, soviet..... just people who pretend to be allied but are the total opposite and extremely hostile.
That's not true.
More than 1,3 million from Ukraine..
More than 1.5 million fom Syria....
Never, the numbers are already right.
@@TruthTeller8888No...Wasnt! But due to Money!
@user-cv2lh3wu2q Russian ethnic Germans!!!You don't even know where Germany located!!! You ruski peasant!!! 7:21
@user-cv2lh3wu2qDon't you ever compare Poles with Syrian, you ruski peasant!!!
Im bit in doubt. As a czech born person i have to ask where are those 500000+ supposed to be, meeting a czech is a rarity. On the contrary there seem to be arabs everywhere since 2015.
Hello , there are even more Czech than Croats like myself, but i ve met maybe 3,4 Czechs in 40 years in Germany and maybe 10000 Croats 👍🤔
Maybe In Bavaria and Saxony.
@@kibindankoi9824 There is is no much to pretend. As a fellow YTuber said on his channel, Czechs a basically Germans that happen to spreak a slavic language...
I would prefer more Czechs over Arabs 😂
@@christinatso3783 The czech beer is consiberably better😋
Number of Turkish people are way more higher than Polish people in Germany.But most of them got German citizenship so we cant see them in the video.Actual number should be around 5 million.Number of syrians will surpass Poland and Turkey in future because of their birth rate.
Здесь показано из каких стран пришли эмигранты,
Допустим из Казахстана в Германию уехала много Немцев, по этому я думаю здесь Польша означает что столько Немцев вернулись в Германию, потому-что Полякам после 2 Мировой войны отдали половину земли Германии.
@@akvonrez5496perhaps, but mostly they migrate for work. We have 100 000 polish in Norway as well as work migrants. Many of them plan on going back soon though because of better economic situation in Poland plus the stress of being away from your wife and children
in istanbul there are 16 million Turks, but the 1 million syrians had more kids in 2022 and 2023 then 16 million Turks because of high birth rate . But this will change in 2 generations.
Nope.Dont talk with ur ass
There are more polish with German citizenship than turks, the whole political spectrum in Germany is in the Hands of polish freemasons.
From Kazakhstan and Russia mostly ethnic Germans moving to Germany
.. die auch kein Wort Deutsch sprechen , vielleicht noch Asyl ...
For a Germany native that not german😂
Jaja die deutsche die nicht deutsch können 😂
@MorganHappyman so, they going to move back. At list they know how to deal with Kazakhs Muslims .
@@suleymankoc5785 быть германцем это кровь, язык и культура это второе
the number for Ukraine is as double as high as mentioned, 1.157.000 per end of 2023
Actually Ukraine country they had 46 million in 2022 but more of them leve in Europe country .
We are talking about migration, and the majority of Ukrainians are temporary migrants and quite a few have gone back
Deshalb unter anderem wächst Deutschland seit gut 10 Jahren nicht mehr und es ist alles negativ
Almost all of them live in European countries, mostly in Russia.
Mit unseren Geld und anderen Sozialleistungen wo wir eingezahlt haben😢
Von der Versicherung ganz zu schweigen😮
Witam was, mieszkałem w DE 6 lat i wróciłem do Polski. To była najlepsza decyzja bo kocham moją ojczyznę. Pozdrawiam wszystkich Polaków na obczyźnie.
Haste halt vergessen das Halb Polen Deutschland ist
@@renekleppel8569 We had these territories in XII century if you cared to look at the maps, then after it was split between various sons and in XIV century majority reunited. Western Pomerania(or you would call central Pomerania) did not join us however for centuries polish piast dynasty of Gryfin was ruling those lands bordering you, in Silesia slavic dukes of Poland were alligning with either Bohemia or Poland for 6 more centuries. You got Silesia after your reunification war with Austria. Poland Czechs and even Austrians have stronger historical claims to silesia than you and you held Pomerania for 2 centuries thanks to brandenburg conquest. Grow up.
Berlin is slavic name,lot of cities in east Germany has polish name because it used to be polish thousand years ago before you ever had Szczecin or wroclaw,you only remember history since you got polish lands but not before 😂
@@renekleppel8569 Don't ever search what Confederation of the Veleti or March of Lusatia were little German.
You should worry about your cultural enrichment's consequences. You are in no historical position or strength to take it.
@@renekleppel8569 Niemiec już nie ma. Niemcy, to zbyt głupi naród aby im się jakikolwiek teren należał. Macie brzydką historię i brzydkie kobiety. Ale nie martw się, Ci którzy do was teraz przybyli, będą umilać czas waszym damom.
Take a look in germans citys! I see no, polish, no russina, no kazach. I see only arabs!!!!
15 years ago, all the streets were filled with native Germans. They loved to walk in the centre, parks, sit in street cafes and ctr.
Now you see another life...
Because you want to see only Arabs!
Просто поляки и русские внешне не отличаются от немцев!!!!
@@LoLettanLoLettan, привет!
Найдите в этом позитив 🤷♀️
Зато вы не моете полы, не моете самостоятельно машины на заправках, не сидите за кассой ❤💛🤷♀️
Всё это за вас делают приезжие рабочие 🤷♀️
А вы будьте как короли, работайте на самых престижных работах, в том числе в офисе.
Ну и пускай работают на благо Вашей страны.
Главное, чтобы они были порядочными, тихими, соблюдали законы, и не воровали у вашего немецкого народа его льготы 😊
@@tatianamakhankova7070 что за фантазии! Даже ещё 15 лет назад в сфере обслуживания работали только местные (которые мыли у себя полы и ухаживали за своими садиками). Это было чудесное время, потому что царила атмосфера уважения и тёплой вежливости везде - на улицах, в магазинах, кафе. Немцы не избалованные и знают, что труд это тяжело.
Знаю только людей, приезжающих на сезонные работы к фермерам собирать урожай.
А так, кем кто может работать без знания языка❓️Банкиром, кассиром, продавцом, мед сестрой, водителем ❓️❓️
Да и вообще немцу платят за работу, а не за то, что каждый король с королевой. Нарочно не придумаешь...
И мойки просто автоматизированы, нет там людей с щётками.
this is not true,turkish people in germany about 4.000.000
Alman vatandaşlığı olan Türkleri saymamışlar
Many got. the citisenship
Or even more. Because those with German passport are counted as such.
Great so many polish
Very bad
Из России и Казахстана уезжали этнические немцы и евреи. Не русские, и не казахи переехали в Германию
Почему они тогда так любят путина и разговаривают на руснявом?
@@johannes6377Они говорят на двух языках и, наверное потому, что они не свинопасы с окраины, которые только хрюкать могут на своем суржике)) Ну и, плюс ко всему они здравомыслящие и образованные люди)))
@@johannes6377потому что ты кастрюлеголовый, твою говномову никто в мире не понимает.
@@johannes6377 ,это на каком языке? когда пишешь про Путина то ты должен припасть на колени,а голову склонить так низко, чтобы губами теребить собственный член
@@johannes6377мы не любим Путина, а разговариваем и на русском и на немецком. Когда немцы из Казахстана переехали в Германию, этого Путлера ещё не было у власти и мы все получили вскоре немецкое гражданство. Только из Казахстана в 90-е годы перехало почти 4 млн этнических немцев
Ну я тоже немец родился в Казахстане знаю казахский, немецкий , русский, и узбекский потому что жена узбечка 😂 привет вам 😊 друзья Салам алейкум из германии 💪❤️
Родился А Казахстане ты не немец.
@@ruslankaida4011 Позволь спросить почему?
Рожденные НЕМЦЫ в Казахстане - НЕМЦЫ!...а не Казахи!. не бесись зря, не показывай свое невежество. К примеру если котёнок родится в конюшне он что, по твоему лошадь? Или все таки котёнок ? и@@ruslankaida4011
Рус гамно!☝️
@@ruslankaida4011 много этнических немцев жило и живёт в Казахстане, и если не ошибаюсь, вообще в средней Азии. Мне кажется в ролике статистки немного кривая, хотя могу ошибаться) смею предположить, что большинство мигрантов из постсоветского пространства это этнические немцы... Да и как то, наверное, называть их эмигрантами/мигрантами не правильно, они возвращаются на свою родину. А так, мне кажется от мигрантов из постсоветского пространства и восточной Европы Германии больше толку чем от типов из арабских стран, Афганистана и Турции... Сегодня Германия больше Алмания чем Германия.
We don't have any terrorist attacks from polish people. But saying where criminals in germany are from counts as racism. That's why our politics are a mess in that regard.
Who was that woman in Siegen??? Can you help me with that question please! Who was the one who killed a politician from the SPD? Colored guy or not??
Yeah from Poland you generally had sex workers in 90’s))
Türk terör örgütü var mı Almanya da?
Czas wracać do domu Polacy. Tu jest wasz dom i nigdzie nie będzie wam lepiej. Polska to już inny kraj niż 10 lat temu. Wielu wróciło i nie żałuje. Tu jest czysto i bezpiecznie. Zdrowia dla braci i sióstr.
No już nie za długo. Rudy volksdojcz jako namiestnik dojczów już nam zapewni ten sam burdel co mają szkopy
Tylko pracy brak
@@pafnucypl1881Nie no praca jest ale płaca marna i koszty życia coraz wyższe.
u can never convince polish especially polish woman they are accustom to sell themself
Jak dlugo bedzie czysto i bezpiecznie Obecnie juz nie ma miejsca w osrodkach dla migrantow Nie mam na mysli Ukraincow
В Германию ехали 98% русские немцы, а не русские. И 2% евреи из России. Это вам в статистику. Да и из Казахстана ехали тоже не казахи, а русские немцы живущие в Казахстане
Nah I see many Russians too. Palina Rojinski Russian! 😮🎉
Немцы России.
Русских немцев не существует.
"Russian Germans" went to Germany mainly in the early 90s (and mainly from Kazakhstan, where they were deported, not from Russia). Incidentally, those from Russia were Russians with some German grandfather or grandmother, and they simply fled to rich Germany. Then it was simply emigration from Russia (apart from who Russians actually are, because it is a mixture of nations. Even "ethnic Russians" are a mixture, and relatively little Slavic compared to Poles, Belarusians or Polabian Slavs in eastern Germany - I mean the presence of the so-called Slavic haplogroup).
«Русские немцы» эмигрировали в Германию преимущественно в начале 1990-х годов (и в первую очередь из Казахстана, куда они были депортированы, а не из России). Кстати, те из России были россиянами с каким-то немецким дедушкой или бабушкой, и они просто бежали в богатую Германию. В последующие годы это была просто эмиграция из России (кроме того, кем на самом деле являются русские, потому что это смесь наций. Даже «этнические русские» представляют собой смесь, и относительно мало славянски по сравнению с поляками, белорусами или полабскими славянами в восточной Германии - я имею в виду наличие так называемой славянской гаплогруппы).
@@alh6255 даже если дети этнических немцев уезжают в Германию это плохо что ли или как?
Spójrzcie na te zaprzaństwo! 2024 - nie ma nikogo z Afryki!
taaa, na ulicach dużych miast niemieckich kolorowo, pół berlina to dzielnice tureckie, a oni pokazuje że najwięcej jest Polaków.
Yes, they dont count illegal immigration or refugees.
I wish each and every Pole that was forced by economic situation to emigrate, will find their way back home ❤ wish you all the best brave people.
Bywaj zdrowa i szczęśliwa :)
Nie chce do Polski xD
Too cold
@@mateuszbauer5174 Stay where you are:)
Nie chce nic mówić ale ta sytuacja ekonomiczna została wymuszona przez niemcy
All the groups listed here are called migrants. But the difference is that immigrants from Russia and Kazakhstan are not Russians and Kazakhs, but ethnic Germans immigrating under the repatriation program. And immigrants from other countries are not Germans, but other nationalities.
Also Czechs, „Südetendeutsche“
Repatriates from the east are a migration from the early 90s - «Russian Germans» emigrated to Germany in the first place from Kazakhstan, where they were deported in 1937-1952, and not from Russia. "Repatriates" from Russia were most often ordinary Russians, with some German roots. And in subsequent years it was simply ordinary immigration from Russia (where many nations live mixed together, and there is no such thing as an "ethnic Russian"). By the way, also repatriates from Kazakhstan are a mixture of nations, mainly Germans, Poles, Ukrainians and Russians. That is, mainly the nationalities of those deported there mixed with Russians.
@@alh6255 there is no such thing as an "ethnic Russian" Ahahaha. lol
More than 5 million Turks live in Germany, but since they became German citizens they are no longer listed in the statistics. The Turks came to Germany as invited workers in the 1960s. Before that, there were already 30,000 Turks in Germany from the times of the Ottoman Empire. Germans and Turks were brothers in arms in alot of wars.
Large group about 35% of immigrants who came in the 60s and 70s from turkey are ethnically not turkish but kurdish and arabs.
They weren´t invited, they were allowed in by order of Washington to help the ailing NATO member Turkey (now: Türkiye, by order of its ridiculous president ).
Not invited, forced on Adenauer by the Yanks and Nato
Братья по оружию? 😂😂😂 Турки в прошлом часто ходили в Европу чтобы её пограбить 😊
Its was about 40.000 first time. Now more than 7 m
When we discussed about immigration from 🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿Kazakhstan 🤔🤔🤔 Majority it was German, because it is a reverse migration. After first world war and second world war in Kazakhstan was big European immigration wave from Germany, Czech, Ukrainian, Russian, Poland and etc. Right now for example we have a towns with topical Germany name Ridder, Lenger or Old Austrian road and etc
No it's not a reverse immigration but Kazakh zionists pretending to be of German ancestry it is an attempt of political infiltration.
What kind of Germans are they, almost all of them are open quilted jackets and mankurts and not dumb
You're right for example BORAT IS ETHNIC GERMAN ?😂😅
@@marklisiecki5790 Dzień dobry Panie Lisiecky. Właściwie pan Borat Polak z Kazachstanie.
@@MrTheNoute Wow !!! You must be the ethnic German from Kazakhstan!!!🤣😂
Italians always available in large numbers in many countries, USA, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Germany, England, Switzerland, France.
Jak to powiedział Hans Frank gubernator Generlnej Guberni:"Musimy doprowadzić do tego, aby Polacy sami przyjeżdżali do nas pracować".
I live in Germany. It was the Poles who burned down my neighbor's house and killed him. They stole the money machine and were caught. It was the Poles who stole the materials of the construction where I worked. And it was the Poles who slandered my friend who worked in a company and had Osten fired.
@@SinanMert. A ile wy Niemcy spaliliście całych miast ? / Ilu zabiliście Polaków, tylko za to, że byli Polakami. Ile ukradliście ? Ile wywieźliście tysięcy pociągów zrabowanego mienia, by potem szczycić się zamożnością, na która nie zasłużyliście w żadnej mierze. Porównujesz jakieś bandyckie porachunki patologii, jaka zdarza się wszędzie, do masowego mordu na Narodzie Polskim wynikającego z waszego morderczego charakteru i chuci krwi, której nie potraficie opanować. Do tego masowe złodziejstwo i kurewstwo, niegodne istoty ludzkiej. A teraz ile mieszacie tą swoją posraną Unią Europejską. Ile czynicie zła. Okradacie dalej narody. Karma wróci. Wyjdź na ulicę, rozejrzyj się. Sprawiedliwość jest blisko, na wasze życzenie. Karma wraca.
@@SinanMert.Dobrze zrobili, a teraz spierdalaj.
Germany is the second largest immigrant group in USA after britain
Das war einmal!
USA is Europa ,sin los europeos no existiría USA.
@@Centauri1 Plenty of times indeed. There were large german immigration waves to Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay and Mexico too.
W 19 wieku, zejdź na ziemię
@@TheSuperVideoRey1Yes, those were fascists who were running away from the Russians
lol Die Zahlen Stimmen hinten und vorne nicht 😂😂😂 Im Sommer 2024 gab es eine Anfrage im Bundestag.... Offiziel lebten 1.34 Millionen Ukrainer hier. Anfang der 90er lebten mehr als 3 Millionen Türken in Deutschland. Wir hatten 6 Türken in der Schulkasse 😊 4 Russen. Ein Libanesen. Einen Italiener. Die dunkelziffern sind natürlich viel größer. 😂😂😂
Seems there are more Turk in Germany than Turkey 😂
They are 3 Million people
@FeyzaKunt-hq9ee This statistic is for December 2022, that i say
@FeyzaKunt-hq9ee agree
@FeyzaKunt-hq9eefayza sen salakmısın sen kendini Alman sandın galiba😂😂
The reason is "Bürgergeld".
I've noticed one common thing about Westerners.
If your enemy is Russia and your country is Forcefully involved in their power game, YOU ARE LOVED, PAMPERED, TAKEN CARE OF in the beginning, but later you will be considered a burden.
Afghanistan were PAMPERED now BURDEN.
SYRIA 🇸🇾 PAMPERED Now burden.
Kosovo PAMPERED now burden
Bosnia PAMPERED now burden
Ukraine PAMPERED, burden part will come soon
Yup this is why we Serbs are lucky ,being allies with USA is deadly ,good luck albanians
The West gets kicked out of other countries. They try to control those countries but finally fail and leave.
And the Germans flee to Hungary. We already have complete German villages.
I know many germans go to Mexico, Brasil, Paraguay, Thailand, Philippines, Australia
They will regret it dearly.
@@gunwu9084 the good thing is you can always return to the holy land. as long as you have german citizenship.
@@hrillingday Southern Brazil is almost 100% ethnically german.
How can they live in a dictatorial country 🤮
При СССР в России и Казахстане проживали по милиону этнических немцев.., еще 100 тысяч в Киргизии..и вот почти 95% их переехало на историческую Родину...которую их предки покинули в поисках лучшей доли в 17 - 19 веках и переехали в Российскую империю...которой правили этнические немцы Романовы..
Если ты это знаешь, то почему забыл о немцах , живущих на Украине, Кавказе, в Прибалтике, в Узбекистане. Сколько ещё сотен тысяч?🤔
@@Qasi41207их сослали в Казахстан и Сибирь.
Кого сослали в Казахстан и в Сибирь?
@@Qasi41207 Немцев из Украинской ССР, Прибалтики и европейской части СССР. После мая 1945 года они стали врагами народа.
Из России и Казахстана ехали немцы , что для Германии несомненный плюс. А вот какая польза Германии от афганцев мароканцев турков не понятно.
Прочитай про BioNTech и не позорься
@rusdot3360 иди в ж ... , знаток х... ров . У меня куча родни в Германии.
RIP Germany
Alle Migranten die denn Christlichen Glauben haben werden in der 3 Generation Deutsche.
Ja liebe Anna....damals war alles schöner (1933-1945)
Если сложить вместе всех русскоязычных эмигрантов из разных постсоветских стран, то окажется, что они в Германии будут по количеству на первом месте. Их почти столько, сколько турок и поляков вместе.
Это немцы из совка , нас тут 3 миллиона
@@AlbertSchneiderausNürnbergбольше , много немцев уехало из России сразу после революции! Много во время второй мировой ! И их уже относят к местным ! 😂😂
@@blonderkreuzritter3977 не больше
@@blonderkreuzritter3977 Blödsinn.
@@gunwu9084 ach ja, ich hab selbst Verwandte die seit 1941 in Deutschland leben!
Once, the Germans conquered the world through wars. Today, they 🦃 conquered Germany without a single shot being fired.
Спасибо тебе великая Германия за всё!!!
нет нет в рф принято чалом бить😂😂😂
@@sashatuxolaz6970 Вот ты и ударся об стену ЧАЛОМ 🤣🤣😂😂
Полностью присоединяюсь ❤
European descents ok, but anyone who is not of European descent, no
@FeyzaKunt-hq9ee 15 million of what nationality?
@FeyzaKunt-hq9ee i dont understand your logic.
I said europe to europeans, you answered turkish for turkey but(europe) have to take your 15 million middle eastern from turkey?
Tell that to ur government.
@@Odiz754 Why are Russian quilted jacket clowns better than Turkish liberal fools?
Smelling the r word here 😅
Love to our polish brothers and sisters from germany, you are an enrichment to our society ❤🤍
Danke fur die Gelegenheit bro. Was Ich bei euch verdient habe, bei uns investierte, noch halbes Jahr und zuruckziehe.
ebenfalls Bruder!
Thank you 😊🇵🇱❤️🇩🇪
It used to be: Heute gestohlen morgen in Polen. Today polish have become decent people. Billions of € EU subsidies can do wonders...
@@johnsnow5264EU subsidies where Germany got back 80 cents for every euro they share. Less EU propaganda kiddo. BTW Polish art is still in german museums.
Hello , thanks for this good sharing see you later my friend have a good day 😊👋
Hello ✔
After all, this film shows total nonsense. For example, it did not take into account 7 million Turks. Maybe because some of them have Turkish citizenship? But of those 1.5 million Poles in the film, a large part also have German citizenship (and some also have German roots), and yet the film ignores this. Real immigration from Poland is much smaller. And the massive immigration from Africa is nowhere to be seen (including several hundred thousand from Eritrea, whose "resistance movement" against the current Eritrean authorities is based in Germany). And where are the Ukrainians in this list, of whom there are over 1.5 million in Germany, who mostly arrived after 2022, but before 2022 there were about 200 thousand Ukrainians in Germany. Ukrainian immigrants came, because in 2019 Germany partially opened its labor market to them. Nobody will learn anything sensible from this film.
Fascinating, extremely attractive colors and layout! Thank you super much!!! When you have time perhaps next year ♥We really want this compressed a bit more to show the top 35 please !!! more data please twenty countries is not enough!!🙂Maybe you can use the area where you have the world map now on the right side, and please redesign reprogram to replace it with the next 15 countries instead = okay to make the colorbars a bit wider (different scale) to balance the beautiful artistic display on our screen!!!
I would never ever leave Turkiye, if I was Turkish. It's an absolutely incredible country. I feel alive when I'm in Fethiye.
Haklısın ama şuan türkiye de ekonomi çok kötü herşey pahalı asgari ücret çok az
i feel bad for the true germans
Why? They love to take care of dogs rather than get kids !
This country is built by haters of Germany over the last 10 decades
@@ayab26 If your government hates you, you don't like to build a family. You just survive somehow.
RE-MIGRATION is the keyword!!!!
The Germans are rich and is not true the gouverment hates Germans. They like dogs and a convenient life without children like Russians oder Scandinavians. This IS the true.
Grèce 12eme en 2024
Due to the labor problem that arose in Germany after World War II, Turkish workers were recruited to the country. The people who helped Germany's development the most are Turks.
@@sebastianlizarraga5859 Die ersten TÜRKEN kamen 1955. Da war Deutschland mit Sicherheit noch nicht auf der Hebebühne.
@@sebastianlizarraga5859 Germany had a shortage of male workers. A country without workers becomes poor and cannot produce. Germany knew that it would fall into this situation, so it started recruiting Turkish workers to solve this situation. So yes, Turks are one of the people who brought Germany to this situation.
To be a bit more specific. Turkey became part of the Nato and the USA wanted to stable Turkey which had a lot of people without work, so they decided to bring them to Germany. That's the reason why there are so many Turks instead of Italians, Greeks or Portuguese People, who also had contracts.
@@zxmyfaa2254 Germany was rebuilt by then and the first guestworkers were Italians, followed by Portuguese and Greeks. The Turks were finally accepted bc Turkey was a Nato member and there was a need to help with the high unemployment in Turkey. I do recall the first Turkish guestworkers in Hamburg. They met at the main central station and just stood there in groups, they did not have their own communities back then. They watched the Germans walking by, my Mum dragged me by my hand and I remember I turned my head to have a look at those strange looking guys who were all wearing unironed black suits and peak caps and black moustaches and had black hair. Back then not so common in Germany, I and my family used to be the ones with the darkest hair and brown eyes and were considered to be "exotic". 😁The German women back then however looked like Hollywood movie stars and often were wearing a colorful head scarf over their accurate perm and the men were wearing hats and ties.
Россия и Казахстан это этнические немцы , мы на своей родине в отличий от остальных 😏
Darum lauft ihr immer mit Russland Flaggen herum? 😆Die Amerikaner hier sind auch alle ethnische Deutsche und darum auch in ihrer Heimat. 😄
Ja hast du recht es gibt viel Amerikaner die die RusslandDeutsche vorfahren haben.Von mein Uhropa ist in 1925 der Bruder erst nach Argentina und von dort nach Pennsylvania gezogen.
@@ВолодимирМельник-ю4д 😅 The Russians make up stories. Russians do have really nothing to do with the ancestry of most of the white Americans. For your info: Most white Americans are of German ancestry. Which is why we look alike. Russians do not look like Germans at all.
@@ВолодимирМельник-ю4д Klar, überall nur Russen. Gibt nur Deutsche mit Russenabstammung. 🙄 Toll, wie hier zensiert wird. Echt russisch.
Poland ,Romania, etc..,are part of the European union, we have legal right to live and work any where in the European 🇪🇺, including Germany. So please don't compare us with refugees, or anyone that's outside of the European union
Most Rumäniens are gypsis there come too germany for bürgergeld and kindergeld
Polacy są imigrantami ekonomicznymi. Niemcy to nie jest Polska. Polacy to tacy sami imigranci jak cała reszta. Tylko Polacy są bardzo fałszywi. Plują na Niemców wszędzie, ale tak to do pracy tam jeżdżą.
Diebstahl 😂
@@Criminal1channel Love IDF ❤️🇮🇱
@@marklisiecki5790 terro_idf🤢
🎵Döp dö dö döp🎵
Wer macht die drecksarbeit?
@@CachosPistache "Döp dödö döp", that´s an adaption from Gigi D´Agostino´s song "L´Amour Toujours". It can be replaced by "Ausländer ´raus" (foreigners out). We Germans nowadays talk in symbols and alliterations.
By the way: I´m only in favor of outlawing Islam, burning Korans and tearing down mosques, if necessary. I´m not against humans.
@@Kurt844 Die Drecksarbeit machen immer diejenigen die schlecht ausgebildet sind. Und dadurch das Recht zu erhalten in einem Land leben zu dürfen, schwirrt auch nur in linken Köpfen umher... Zudem hängen die meisten Leute die hierher kommen und die angebliche "Drecksarbeit" eher in den Sozialsystem ab 🤣
Long live Germanistan!!! Allahu Akbar!
Dont forget the Frankistan,
Nach den 80ern kamen keine Türken mehr nach Deutschland. Deine Statistik ist leider falsch. Woher hast Du die Quelle ?
Vertrau mir Bruder! 🤫
Nach den 80zigern kamen keine TÜRKEN mehr? Gegenfrage, woher hast du deine Quelle? bis heute kommen noch TÜRKRN, Ärzte Architekten etc.
@@hgzhhghj1275 Fallen darunter auch die angeblichen politischen Flüchtlinge, sogenannte Passtürken ?
Wer kommt denn dann mit türkischen Pass?
@@Akrus15 In der Türkei gibt es viele Verbrecher, die strafrechtlich gesucht werden und sich vor dem Gesetz verstecken, darunter Mitglieder von Terrororganisationen wie der PKK, DHKP-C und FETÖ. Des weiteren ist es in der Türkei bekannt , dass Deutschland für seine Großzügigkeit und Glaubwürdigkeit bekannt ist, die die Geschichten dieser Flüchtlinge oft ungeprüft akzeptiert. Ein häufig verwendete Behauptung ist, dass man als Kurde, Alevit, Armenier oder Grieche in der Türkei verfolgt werde.
Danke fur die Informationen ❤❤🎉
This means that there are over 5 million Slavs in Germany, or about 6% of all citizens.
Berlin is itself Slavic
No, the vast majority of Russian and Kazakhstan immigration were ethnic Germans.
In Germany no have true Germans.
All People from another Countrys.
Из Пруссии.
Germany is home to over 80 million people. Immigrants make up about 10% of the population. However, this film (which shows a lot of nonsense) does not include 7 million Turks (that's how many of them really live in Germany) and over 1.5 million Ukrainians. In any case, Germans still make up the vast majority of Germany's population. However, they have a problem with immigration from Russia (crime), with some immigration from Turkey (gangs) and from Africa and the Middle East (illegal immigrants, gangs).
Only if Europe minded its own business for the past 100 years.... everything happened elsewhere because European nations decided to be greedy.
So don't come here acting like victims and the better person than any other immigrants....
Over a million ukrainians live in Germany with Polish passport
I'm a german and i support 🇺🇦
Do you think we Poles give our passports to Ukrainians as a gift? You don't just get that.
Polska nie daje tak sobie paszportów. Chyba że ktoś ma pochodzenie, korzenie Polskie. Wielu Ukrainców takie ma.
Russen, Ukrainer, Polska und deutsche alles sind wir Slawen ❤❤❤❤ müssen zusammenhalten der wahre Feind lebt in ✈️🛩🌊🌎
@@robrogonov651 Deutsche sind keine Slawen. 😄
I never realized Germany had such a significant Kazakh population.
Они не казахи, они немецы по присхождению но Казахстанцы
This is not kazakhs, this are germanic from Kazakhstan
@user-bd3rr2of2n For sure they are Germans from Kazakhstan, just like Borat :)😂😅😂😅😂
Is Polish Miniority in Germany stilo banned by Goering Decret?
No now they know polish have stolen germans country
Can u do romania next?
سوريا يجب أن تبقى للسوريين ،لقد ملؤوها الأغراب والأجانب وطردونا خارجها بينما أنتم الألمان لم يطردكم أحد خارج بلادكم ،أنتم محظوظون جدا
Spinner. Geh schnell zurück.
Why are there so many Poland citizens in Germany? Are they mostly well educated and trained manpower for German industry?
Trained cars mafiaaa😂
Damals war Norden Polens Deutsch. Die grenzen haben sich verschoben und die Deutsche damals sind einfach da geblieben. Haben Familien gegründet. Die Nachfahren von Deutschen kennen legal nach Deutschland kommen und Deutschen Stattbürgerschaft bekommen. Genau so war bei mir. Meine Uhrgroßmutter war Deutsche. Ich bin in Polen geboren habe aber Deutschen Pass bekommen. Jetzt lebe ich in Deutschland. Zweites Grund ist das Europa Bürger frei Europaweit umziehen kennen und da leben. Darum kommen auch viele Polen nach Deutschland zu Leben und arbeiten.
I was expecting India in top - 20 at least.
Dw, there's not Pakistan too.
This is not the fckin UK
@@666marqof course not, it’s the Ottoman Empire 🇹🇷
@@mapache69. So we gonna have an Ottoman-Indian war in Europe, something that never had a chance to happen in Asia because of lack of opportunities
@fanatik9590Europeans don't shower daily 🤢🤮
Oh very interesting. I like Germany and the German culture. Thanks for the video.
Pa bravarska, Bavaria,fudbalski klub Borusija- Bo-Rusija, zaštitni znak te regije medved... nema slučajnosti Sloveni a ima nas e sada neki ne žele to da budu ili su druge vere ali to ništa ne menja ja sam Srbin, Sloven znači i to je to. Nije važno na kraju ko je šta poreklom važno je čovek biti! Najlepše bi bilo da svako živi u svojoj zemlji a da putuje po svetu kao turista i da bude mir. Pozdrav svoj Slovenskoj braći!
1. Sırada Ukrayna olmalı, her yer ukraynalı, birde çok agresifler, biz yapmadık savaşı
Are you saying that Ukrainians started the war?
😂😂😂😂😂рашист мерзкий
Sind die Ukrainer aggressiv? Was hast du geraucht, Alter?
Agresif olmaları normal, sen savaş psikolojisi nedir bilirmisin
@@berkeyuce61 o zaman Suriyelileri dışlamayın, onlarıda anlamaya çalışın, Ukrayna nın arkasında avrupa var üsttelik,
I was thinking that much more Arabic people from Lebanon or Egypt have been come
They are but no count 😂 mostly illegal
Before 2015 there weren't many Arabs in Germany compared to other groups. I live in an Arab neighborhood in Germany, before 2015 it wasn't nearly as crowded as now
@@xMayor92 That's entirely your 'feeling'! Where in Germany do you live? Migrant communities often tend to 'concentrate' in certain areas when they are abroad to have some kind of 'community atmosphere'. Maybe where you have lived is not such an 'area' for Arabs. And don't forget that the term Arab is a generalization for people from the Middle East. Although not all of them are Arabs. Iranians for example are Persians.
@@xMayor92 Kreuzberg was already 'Turkish' since the 1980's... A week ago or so I hiked in and near Sabadell (close to Barcelona). There was a neighbourhood where there were many Spanish old people and a lot of younger Arabic people. Interestingly enough, they clearly live next to each other and the old people seem perfectly at ease, sitting on a bench in a park next to a bench where a lot of Arabic youngsters were talking, oh, they were actually talking in Spanish.... But some of the girls were wearing hijabs and some of the boys were clearly Arabic (non Spanish). Yet, I bet that the social control in that neighbourhood is sooo big that if a crazy guy comes from another town and attacks one of those old Spanish people who cannot defend themselves, that guy will have to deal with a bunch of Morocan boys who have no problem with standing up for that old Spanish person.
Polen in Germany, no problems, and 90 % good integrated.
Türkiye in Germany, mediums problems, and 50% good integrated.
Russia in Germany, mediums problems, and 60% good integrated.
Arabic & Afgan in Germany, big problems and 10% good integrated.
Italy, Greek, Balkans in Germany, medium problem and 55% good integrated.
German in Germany, low problems and 90% good integrated. Except in East Germany, there are German problems there.
Gut gesagt.
Dobrze powiedziane.
How relations between the three bigest groups looks like? Are they friendly, conflictual or indifferent? Are there any?
No, nareszcie Polska jest na pierwszym miejscu! Dzięki ci o "trólu" Europy Tfusku!
Masz mózg ,?To popatrz na daty i już będziesz wiedział komu dziękować .😂
@@xanahana5982 Najwiecej Polakow przybylo za pierwszych rzadow Tuska.Berlin byl przez nich wtedy zalany,uspokoilo sie po przyjeciu wladzy przez Pis,pod koniec ich rzadow prawie wszyscy tzw.nowi wrocili do Polski.Mieszkam w Niemczech juz 40 lat i wiem co mowie.
@@helenalesniewska1768 Prawda. Byl Tusk to polacy uciekali do niemiec. Byl PiS to polacy wracali albo zostali w niemczech. Teraz znowu jest Tusk to jak narazie nie slychac tak aby ludzie uciekali. JESZCZE.
And what do you say, Germany? Poles are not a national minority in Germany! They are the most numerous, and they are not a national minority. Where's the justice?
And what do you say, Poland? Silesian are not a national minority in Poland? They are the most numerous, and they are not a national minority. Where is the justice?
@@leonidzebulon847you didn't read the history, Bavaria is also supposed to be a separate state
@@leonidzebulon847 You farking idiot - how is one set of Poles supposed to be a national minority in Poland, their own country? The stupidity these days...
Plz Maldives and Malta immigration videos 🙏
Польские немцы, российские Н. , казахстанские Н. , румынские Н. , Украинские Н. , чешские, хорватские, болгарские, сербские, венгерские Н. - всего миллионов пять наберётся-не меньше … и ещё- учитываются скорее всего только живые и только те кто намерен оставаться в Германии на пмж (по определению иммиграции) поэтому числа не такие большие
Watching a small State like Bosnia move up the ranks in the 90's is disheartening.
Of course Poland & Turkey, but im suprised about Russia and especially Kasakhstan
Im non german and i noticed that many kazakh and russian are ethnic German
@@man58652 why there is so many ethnic German from Russia in Germany?
More than half of those from Kazakhstan are ethnic Germans (they were forced to move to Kazakh steppes from Russia during Russian empire and World War II periods). Also many of those from Russia are also ethnic Germans and mixed Russo/Germans or Ukrainian/Germans and so on
There is no Russian in Germany and the Kazakh is a mongol with narrow and ugly eyes, as well as the Turks
There are no Germans in Germany...
They live on beaches somewhere
Man hast du keine Hobbies?
@@marklisiecki5790 !eklig
@@marklisiecki5790 cry more
Alemania para los alemanes, Rusia para los rusos, España para los españoles en mi caso etc etc!!.
Eso sería muy coherente si las desigualdades no existieran; pero lo cierto es que much@s ciudadanos del mundo viven en el umbral de la pobreza extrema!!
Y ? Hay que dejarse invadir por eso ? Yo también dejaría en las carceles puertas abiertas para los presos blancos y europeos,pero te dicen que no se puede ,que hay leyes que cumplir.
@@pedroviriato9356 - Invadir?-
No te parece que tu visión es demasiado catastrofista?, 1 a mi me dais risa los españoles de banderita, porque se os olvida que en los 60 nuestros abuelos emigraron por Europa.
Y blancos europeos???,-. Tío mira a los españoles de Madrid para abajo, menos blancos cualquier cosa; BASTA DE ODIO!!.
Además el 90% de africanos quieren pasar la frontera y largarse de este país . Salvo curiosamente Euskal Herria, Galiza, Asturias, y no quiero generalizar.....
No os dais cuenta que hacéis el ridículo, aquí en Nafarroa mis vecinos marroquis tienen su negocio y se les tiene como uno más!!!.. BASTA DE PUREZA RACIAL, LAS PERSONAS SON LAS QUE VALEN. y sino al talego hasta tus camaradas ultras!!!@@@@
Подожди, скоро мы к вам придём, как и 80 лет назад, за вами должок
@@efim_sivacholiвы не в ту дверь заходите. 😂
very interesting data.
Also wenn hier bei uns das Neubaugebiet gebaut wurde, hab ich fast nur polnisch gehört. Ich selber bin in den 90igern aus Polen(Schlesien) nach Deutschland mit meiner Familien gekommen. Da sind viele Aussiedler gekommen wegen der Arbeit aber das hier so viele Polen, glaube ich nicht. Da werden wohl manche Gruppen nicht gezeigt.
Haz uno de Chile ahora por favor 😊🙏
There goes Germany
where are Ukrainians?I expected at least 1 milion
Украинцев как и русских по 1.5 миллиона, тут вообще все цифры не верные. Да и турок возможно до 5 миллионов. Привет из Берлина 😊
Turków jest 3x wiecej, Ukrów jest 2x więcej. Chyba tylko liczba Polaków jest prawidłowa.
Es ist Zeit für uns alle Türken nach Hause zu gehen.Türkei ist anders als vor 50 Jahren.Man sollte es nicht mehr lange zwingen hier zu bleiben dem Deutschen Staat und die Bürger sich bedanken und nach Hause zurückkehren.
От этой страны осталось только название и язык,она давно уже 53 штат
Чемодан, Вокзал, МУХОСРАНСК, Залупинск, родные Степи Казахстана.
@@killer_of_americans ты лучше иди работай а не в сети сиди,негры и арабы хотят кушать и пособие получать 😀😀😀😀
Why most of the German war crimes was never prosecuted?
Why were yours not prosecuted?
@@gunwu9084 What war crimes did Wojciech commit? I would call the police/Gestapo, quickly!
@@djvincekline7338 Maybe learn some history.
Ukraine 8eme en 2024
In my opinion only ethnic Germans, Austrians,belgians,dutch, french,swiss, Italians,czechs,poles,slowaks,russians,latvians,lithuanians,estonians and hungarians should be allowed here why? Well because they were at least once part of Germany and considered Germans
you mean no illegal migrants in Germany?
украинцев и беларусов забыл 😊
Are you from 1937?
@@timkaz8793. You should Look Up what destroyed yugoslavia,the soviet Union, Austria hungary
Google says there are not even 60 thousand Czechs living in Germany
There are over 600.000 Serbs in Germany but most of them now have German citizenship. The same case with other immigrants. There are over 20 million non Germans in Germany.
Wie heißen U-Bahn Passagiere in Warschau?
- Metropole
Wie heißen U-Bahn Passagiere in Berlin?
- Türken
Ach weisst du "Polen-Paul" in Warschau heissen die Passagiere : WARSCHAUER GHETTO MENSCHEN. Ohne die EU Subventionsgelder aus Brüssel würde man noch in Polska Kartoffel und Seife rationieren.
Dein Kommentar ist so sinnlos wie ein Pfundbüro in Polen (die es ja nicht gibt) 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Wie hieß Wroclaw vor 45? Breslau
Und wie heisst Dresden auf polnisch? Drezno. Und Leipzig-Lipsk, Aachen-Akwizgran, Köln-Kolonia.
Du musst noch viel lernen.
A kto założył pierwsze biskupstwo chrześcijańskie we Wrocławiu?
Jak się wtedy nazywało to miasto?
Ilu Niemców mieszkało we Wrocławiu w roku 1025?
0,001% populacji miasta
Aber das Original ist: Wrocław.
Победившие фашизм, бегут в Германию 😂
Те Немцы которых дедов и бабушек в лагерях держали, что бы те, якобы Адольфу не помогли.
@@methusalem4302большенство русских немцев уехали ещё в 90х
@@Tetris55 они до сих пор уезжают, как и их дети. Мы тоже переехали в 2017 году как этнические немцы
Erstmal müssen die Russen Putin besiegen. Dann wird die Wirtschaft in Russland viel besser. Dann müssen die Russen nicht ausreisen.
First is Turkey at #1 in 1990, now it is Poland ranked #1 in 2024.
There are around 8 million ethnic Turks in Germany, but since they were born and raised there, they are considered German citizens.
In reality Yugos are leading but now they are counted as separate states but they stick together. Most of them got citizenship, lot of them are 2nd generation. You see their influence by ćevapčići being considered as more tasty than döner, knowing šljivovica and having ajvar as standard offers in almost all shops
Das ist nicht korrekt. Viele Türken nehmen die deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit an und werden als Deutsche geführt. Polen behalten ihren Pass
Polacy jak bardzo nie nawiedzą Niemców, ale tam jeżdżą do pracy. Boże jakie to fałszywe że strony Polaków.
Tak bardzo nienawidze, ze wybrali w ostatnich wyborach opcje niemiecka czyli tuska🤣
I knew there were only 10mln immigrants in Germany but it seems are more. Immigration is not a problem itself but uncontrolled Immigration yes. Selective Immigration would be ideally.
Those who are against Immigration think about USA, UK, Australia...which have a large number of immigrants. Peace to all peoples.
😂😂Гитлер смотрит это видео будущего Германии и доедает уже десятую пачку яда. . При этом не переставая стрелять себе в весок.
Этот коммент нужно в закреп😅
Если из других государств в Германию эммигрируют в основном титульная нация, то 80% эммигрантов из Казахстана являются этническими немцами, 15% других национальностей и только 5% казахов. Казахи любят свою страну и ни за какие плюшки ее не променяют🇰🇿🇰🇿🇰🇿
Этнические немцы выезжали в Германию по вызову родственников, которые жили в Германии. Поэтому другие национальности не имели возможности выезжать в Германию. Это была программа воссоединения немцев из Советского Союза с семьями в Германии.
Очень странно. Сирийцев явно больше должно быть. Поляков больше чем турков? А на улицах только турецкая, арабская и русская речь, эти языки на улицах немецких городов по ощущениям звучат даже чаще чем немецкий. А где тогда польский язык? Максимум пару раз слышал, за пару лет жизни здесь (я почти всю Германию уже объездил). Это странно, если при этом поляков в Германии аж два миллиона... И наконец, Украина. Основная часть русскоговорящих на улицах - украинцы. Это понятно по характерному акценту, редким украинским словам в речи и разговорам об Украине (но кстати нечасто о самой войне). Русских немцев и тем более казахских немцев видно чрезвычайно редко. Также, в Западной Германии очень распространена албанская диаспора...
die Polen sprechen deutsch,die kamen schon 1899,szepan,kutzora,tilkowski und kowalski
Where is immigration from north Africa? 2 mln of Poles?..
If you look at the numbers of Turkish migrants, it was decreasing until around 2015. After that, immigration from Turkiye increased. Maybe some of them are syrians after living some years in Turkiye. On the other hand, the migration trend from the country changed a lot. At the moment nearly all the young university graduates try to go out of the country because of economic and socio-political problems that they are facing. On the contrary, Turkiye is welcoming many immigrants from poor and war-torned areas who are not well educated. This is a serious problem for the country, but the politicians are only considering their power and wealth. They do not care the country and the elder people that are living in the country are just looking to the mouth of the politicians and their propaganda on tv (as the young and educated are abroad).
Strange, what small numbers regarding immigrants from Africa (including Eritrea!!!), Iraq, Morocco. And as for Syria, these numbers are underestimated, especially since in 2016 they talked about 1 million Syrians who received help in Germany. Would it be politically incorrect to show the truth? In addition, there are 7 million Turks in Germany (the vast majority from Kurdistan).. some of them have citizenship, maybe that's why the film gave such a small number of Turks? But also a large part of the 1.5 million Poles shown in the film have German citizenship, and some - also - German roots.
16 million DDR citizens migrated in 1990 into west-german social-systems are the greatest immigrant group in Germany!
Your stupidity and ignorance is beyond belief! Are DDR and West Germany two different countries? How old were you in 1990? If you were born in 1990, you would be 34yrs old today and the first thing you learnt at 0 years old was hords of 'DDR 'immigrants' migrating from Germany to Germany!
Deutschland ist vorbei 😢
@@Criminal1channel scheiss wetter nix mehr los der Süden ist interessanter
Niemand wird die Deutschen vermissen
Keine Angst so lange wie die Deutsche Sprache existiert so lange wird Deutschland leben . Zuwanderung gab es schon immer . Der Alteste Fund von Menschlichen Knochen ist irgend wo in Schwaben gemacht worden und es hatt sich Raumgestaltung das die Frau ist in Anatolien geboren und vor mehrere tausende Jahren in Deutschland gestorben . Ihre nachkommen leben immer noch in Deutschland.
what do Russians, Kazakhs and Greeks in Germany ?
Ethnic Germans are moving from Kazakhstan. There are many Germans living in Kazakhstan
Most of the kazakhs migrants is ethnically german, they just got back home
@@neixnneiro7505no bullshit, most of them are Kazakhs, they will tomorrow promote zionism just everything anti German, it's an infiltration if you talk like this.
@@neixnneiro7505 1M? damn it, I was told Paulus' 6th army didn't survive :-D
More than half of those from Kazakhstan are ethnic Germans (they were forced to move to Kazakh steppes from Russia during Russian empire and World War II periods). Also many of those from Russia are also ethnic Germans and mixed Russo/Germans or Ukrainian/Germans and so on
Почему турки в Германии не требуют независимость? Да здравствует турецкая народная республика!
They can go back to Turkey if they are not satisfied
Если у Турков будет своя Республика то им придётся платить налоги . Шутка конечно. Скажу честно без Турков и мигрантов мне было бы скучно. Я бы на одной жареной колбаске не прожил бы , а так у итальянца пиццу покушаю у Турка Дёнер у Русского беляшь у Вьетнамца Рис и так дальше .
Пусть её построят сперва как немцы России.
This statistic has nothing to do with the reality. Probably the temporary workers from Poland, Austria, and other european countries are only added, the immigrants with German passport are not counted, and so on.
If we love each other if we lose a little of our pride if we share a little of our wealth, everything will be easy.