In France (where i live), it's really common to find your rice , "semoule", kinoa all that type of thing in a little plastic bag portion thing. It's easier to take it off the water and the sizes are usually good :)
(Another Parisian here) French cuisine is based on (delightful) animal products, so as a vegan, he (sadly) can't really use most of those amazing recipes/high-quality ingredients...
@@cigall You obvioulsy don't know much (if anything) about vegan cuisine. Basically every meal you can think of can be veganised, you just need some vegan folks with creativity and a bit of cooking skills. And there are plenty of them all over the internet, and here on YT. For the french part there are Evalespetitsplats, LloydLang, Alice Esmeralda, La petite Okara, Amandine Lescuyer, la cuisine de Jean philippe, Marie La Forêt and many more. "Boeuf" bourguignon, raclette, tartiflette, fondue, crêpes, cassoulet, gratin dauphinois, quiche lorraine, saucisses lentilles, choucroute, éclairs au chocolat, hachis parmentier, pot au feu, cannelés, paupiettes, tomates farcies, pain perdu, croque monsieur, pissaladière, poulet basquaise, galettes bretonnes, croissants,fondant au chocolat, tarte tatin, macarons, crème brulée, île flottante, profiteroles, soupe de poissons, madeleines, aligot, gaufres, mousse au chocolat, galette des rois, meringues, oeufs mimosas, terrines/pâtés/rillettes, beignets, chouquettes, crottin de chèvre, and even foie gras, rôti, omelette, camembert and steak tartare, are all french recipes that I have seen veganised. This video doesn't represent vegan cuisine more than a video with a french who don't know how and don't like cooking, would represent the french cuisine. There are plenty of vegan chefs on the internet.
@@mariebourgot4949 (Another Parisian here) Y'all vegans trying to make us think being vegan is easy y'all need to think about every meals like someone on a specific diet, I just go somewhere and I eat or buy stuffs without thinking what I shouldn't eat
@@inesornellachannel Being vegan isn't in itself easy or hard, but naturally it requires a little thought. Now, thinking is hard for some so I'm not surprised if there are people who cry "being vegan is hard!" No, it just needs a tiny bit of mindfulness. Now, this will sound like a 180 from what I said above, but there are some places in the world where it's more convenient to be vegan or less convenient to be vegan. Most cities or metro areas will be accommodating with vegan restaurants or at least vegan options in their restaurants, or better yet there will be natural food stores. If you live in a smaller, less cosmopolitan town, you might have limited options as far as grocery stores and restaurants, but that doesn't mean veganism or even vegetarianism is out of reach.
@@bananaborz1 i know people who are vegan I didn't ask if it was hard or not I said yall lying by saying it's easy y'all need to think a lot about what to eat and meals
I've had some roommates like this who made me have to shut my bedroom door and silently scream. One of them cooked from a repertoire of just 3 favorite dishes over and over, yet somehow never perfected them as she only considered the food done when the house filled with burnt smell or the smoke alarm sounded. Another was a whirlwind of ADHD who opened (and left open) every cupboard door and dirtied every dish trying to "batch cook" for the week, stuffing the fridge with her haphazardly-made food that she never finished before it started to rot, while complaining that she never had anything to eat. They made me love cooking for myself-in my own way-even more. The best thing about living alone during quarantine has been not putting up with chaotic cooking or mess from anyone else.
@@00001Iza whaaaat. have you ever had black bean "soup" or just cooked a can of black beans? probably a latina thing but you can def cook with the liquid in the can!! not sure how that goes with other beans though
Carla Sophia interesting! no, I haven’t cooked with the liquid, but i’m sure it tastes great if cooked properly! with spices and everything not just the bean water poured into a pot and calling it a day 😭
Nugget chunks in bean soup lmao, when I heard him mention this in his second cooking video, I didn't trust my ears and I STILL DON'T BELIEVE IT hahahahaha
ikr! whenever I need boiling water I use an electric kettle: tea, pasta(to make the water heat up faster), cup noodles, coffee.. TIP: when you need hot milk, use an electric milk frother
@@akikoito1383 i'm in college and live alone with my sister and we always do that hahahaha i thought we were weird but he does it too : D it saves time and you only need to wash the pan
lol but actually all the ingredients he used are from the organic supermarket, Naturalia, which is quite expensive. He is so funny though, now I understand why my mom makes fun of me and tells me that what I do is not called cooking lol
OMG the bananas pancakes ... he was like "there are only three ingredients and that's why it looks bad" ... sir you mixed everrthing togrther in the pan and didn't use oil.
Me, from the UK, watching Damon describe a 'bouilloire:' "ooh that sounds fancy what is that?!" googles it: he is literally talking about a KETTLE this is so funny to me because in the uk the kettle is the most basic item you need in your kitchen, because i drink tea multiple times a day i am not going to wait to boil the water in a pain?! but i guess i momentarily forgot because Damon described it as such an uncommon thing.
It's the same thing with French cuisine. They all sound like they are fancy AF, 100 euro per portion dishes and then I get to translate them to get something basic like beef and potatoes.
Allie J I mean we all were like him when we were starting to cook, it’s okay to get lil bit burned he’s just beginning, professional cooks also get burned, unfortunately that is one of the downfalls of cooking, lol you get stitches, scratches and patches😂💀I also get burned and clumsy even tho i cook well
This is the most relatable thing I have ever seen on youtube. Using the fork as a spatula, considering quinoa and hummus a food group, using the MINIMUM amount of dishes possible. Im capable of more I'm sure- I just CAN'T with it all! Please don't tell me to bring anything other than chips to your BBQ ma'am!
Quick tip: you might wanna put the boiling water on the back burner so you don’t have to reach over it(and maybe burn yourself) since your using the pan a lot more than your water
“Gooey on the inside toasted crunch on the outside” more like raw in the middle and brunt on the outside. NO HATE. you’re doing your best with the cutest little kitchen.
when people say they dont cook and live alone I'm just wondering how you eat ?? this explains it and made me realize that this is my culinary level too
Not gonna lie, I started reacting to every second of this video like a concerned mother. Damon, honey just come home and let me cook you a proper meal.
Damon, you are the most honest and funniest guy on the internet! I adore your content and seeing you do your thing pushed me to start my food channel. 😉😂
for the pan, I would invest in stone or granite cookware because they are the best non-stick pans for cheap. you can also get avocado oil spray for short term use. here's a link if you are interested:
Damon: I don't put the smoothie in a nice glass cos I don't wanna wash extra things Damon: one of the keys of being satisfied with your meals is having the appropriate dishware....
Oh man, I thought watching my husband cook was stressful, but your technique is just beyond! Lol. I'm no chef étoilé but I'm willing to give you classes anytime :) Heart warming video and very appreciated in this times. Stay safe!
I would like to bring to everyone’s attention that all of these meals were produced and consumed using 1 (one) utensil. Namely, a dinner fork.
Right? Super impressive.
This is me in a college dorm
don't forget he ate his smoothie chunks with a spoon lmao
I use the fork too you know:
cookie dough; fork
eggs; fork
avocado toast; fork
hamburger; fork
pancake; fork
and the list goes on..
I know that Chef Gusteau told us anyone can cook but I can’t imagine he expected this
crying 🤣
This is hilarious
but the point of the movie was that a good cook can come from anywhere not that everyone can cook
My southern mama would have said, "Bless your heart baby, at least you're cute."
I really don’t trust boiling a plastic bag...I actually don’t trust a lot of what’s happening here
Hahaha yes!
I have never seen it cooked in a plastic bag before lol. No shade. I just find this hilarious. It made my day xoxo
you should not haha!!! mamma „said don’t eat anything that you can’t spell“
In France (where i live), it's really common to find your rice , "semoule", kinoa all that type of thing in a little plastic bag portion thing. It's easier to take it off the water and the sizes are usually good :)
u ever heard of sous vide cooking?
The fact that you’ve travelled the world and these are the meals you’ve been eating...
that's how he saves money
Lol yea. Got your point!
He’s vegan.
@@Mscupcakeforever21 actually he eats out all the time, if he learned how to cook, he would save more money..
@@Moharani21 just gotta eat some Indian food man
i lost it when he started mixing the pancake batter in the frying pan
Vanessa Viktoria it’s the pancake flip 😂 😭
It was physically painful to watch
I was so confused about when he was gonna start making the pancake. Then I realized that was the pancake.. Iconic
My hero tbh
Vanessa Victoria And with a metal fork, no less xD
you did not just open an avocado... with a fork. honestly, i didn't even know that was possible.
I thought the same! That avocado did look soft tho 😂
That part took me out 😂😂😂😂
Hahaha same!
@@Vanessa_doing_things I don't think so, I'm French and I've never seen that in my life 😂
@@Vanessa_doing_things What?! Very french, never ever used a fork to open an avocado, and never seen someone do this to be honest
Damon: lives in a city known for its haute cuisine and beautiful ingredients
Also Damon: bean water soup with nugs
(Another Parisian here) French cuisine is based on (delightful) animal products, so as a vegan, he (sadly) can't really use most of those amazing recipes/high-quality ingredients...
@@cigall You obvioulsy don't know much (if anything) about vegan cuisine. Basically every meal you can think of can be veganised, you just need some vegan folks with creativity and a bit of cooking skills. And there are plenty of them all over the internet, and here on YT.
For the french part there are Evalespetitsplats, LloydLang, Alice Esmeralda, La petite Okara, Amandine Lescuyer, la cuisine de Jean philippe, Marie La Forêt and many more.
"Boeuf" bourguignon, raclette, tartiflette, fondue, crêpes, cassoulet, gratin dauphinois, quiche lorraine, saucisses lentilles, choucroute, éclairs au chocolat, hachis parmentier, pot au feu, cannelés, paupiettes, tomates farcies, pain perdu, croque monsieur, pissaladière, poulet basquaise, galettes bretonnes, croissants,fondant au chocolat, tarte tatin, macarons, crème brulée, île flottante, profiteroles, soupe de poissons, madeleines, aligot, gaufres, mousse au chocolat, galette des rois, meringues, oeufs mimosas, terrines/pâtés/rillettes, beignets, chouquettes, crottin de chèvre, and even foie gras, rôti, omelette, camembert and steak tartare, are all french recipes that I have seen veganised.
This video doesn't represent vegan cuisine more than a video with a french who don't know how and don't like cooking, would represent the french cuisine. There are plenty of vegan chefs on the internet.
@@mariebourgot4949 (Another Parisian here) Y'all vegans trying to make us think being vegan is easy y'all need to think about every meals like someone on a specific diet, I just go somewhere and I eat or buy stuffs without thinking what I shouldn't eat
@@inesornellachannel Being vegan isn't in itself easy or hard, but naturally it requires a little thought. Now, thinking is hard for some so I'm not surprised if there are people who cry "being vegan is hard!" No, it just needs a tiny bit of mindfulness.
Now, this will sound like a 180 from what I said above, but there are some places in the world where it's more convenient to be vegan or less convenient to be vegan. Most cities or metro areas will be accommodating with vegan restaurants or at least vegan options in their restaurants, or better yet there will be natural food stores. If you live in a smaller, less cosmopolitan town, you might have limited options as far as grocery stores and restaurants, but that doesn't mean veganism or even vegetarianism is out of reach.
@@bananaborz1 i know people who are vegan I didn't ask if it was hard or not I said yall lying by saying it's easy y'all need to think a lot about what to eat and meals
Conclusion: Let's get Damon a man who can cook.видео.html
Thats what I thought. He needs a homemade empanada or smth..
there lots of those up in France
@@gehdochnicht I‘m up in Paris and I can cook, though not vegan
@@weishengding1345 when the right man comes no vegan will be complaining about meat in the mouth
As someone who cooks, this stressed me out in ways I didn’t know were possible.
Same xD
Same! I'm so stressed out right now
I've had some roommates like this who made me have to shut my bedroom door and silently scream. One of them cooked from a repertoire of just 3 favorite dishes over and over, yet somehow never perfected them as she only considered the food done when the house filled with burnt smell or the smoke alarm sounded. Another was a whirlwind of ADHD who opened (and left open) every cupboard door and dirtied every dish trying to "batch cook" for the week, stuffing the fridge with her haphazardly-made food that she never finished before it started to rot, while complaining that she never had anything to eat. They made me love cooking for myself-in my own way-even more. The best thing about living alone during quarantine has been not putting up with chaotic cooking or mess from anyone else.
As someone who DOESN’T cook, this stressed me out in ways I didn’t know were possible.
Same :)))
"not a fan of coming across a blueberry in yogurt" but he's a fan of nugs in hot bean water i- 💀
To me, as a brazilian, the biggest dealbreaker was the CANNED beans
I lost a piece of myself
Rose Humphries that’s exactly what I was thinking! 😂😂the beans with garlic powder looked so nasty
Rose Humphries this comment took me out
not hot bean water😂
Tho I felt him SO MUCH at this point
this whole video is just me genuinely getting scared for damon’s safety
yikes *no!* 😭
i swearrrrrr!!! lmaooo
I'm scared for the pan's safety.
@yikes I think so, most of them had protein, fiber and vitamins, they just look really really sad
"It's not that i'm a bad cook" - whatever helps you sleep at night sweetie
Hahahaha i screamed
🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 lord
the pancakes ... THE PANCAKES
@@salomekerly1632 "pancake chunks" He didn't even claim that the end result was a real pancake anymore.
this was so honest and raw. like this was filmed by a nat geo crew. thank you.
Jajaja raw comment!
this is great inspiration for writing a character who's confidently bad at cooking lol
i'd love to read it haha
The bean soup with nugget chunks triggered my fight or flight response
you DID NOT just do a bean soup with some chunks of nuggets
and by soup, you mean the liquid from the beans?! maaaan
@@00001Iza whaaaat. have you ever had black bean "soup" or just cooked a can of black beans? probably a latina thing but you can def cook with the liquid in the can!! not sure how that goes with other beans though
Carla Sophia interesting! no, I haven’t cooked with the liquid, but i’m sure it tastes great if cooked properly! with spices and everything not just the bean water poured into a pot and calling it a day 😭
Everytime he scratched that fork on the pan I lost a piece of myself
Matheus. I was wincing! 🙅🏻♀️
My mom would beat my ass 😂😂😂
I still can't relive it
After saying that's silly hahahahahha
oh my god I know
When he doesn’t like blueberry chunks in his yogurt but loves the the nugget chunks in the bean soup that’s when I lost it 😂😂😂😭
Lol didnt think of that
Nugget chunks in bean soup lmao, when I heard him mention this in his second cooking video, I didn't trust my ears and I STILL DON'T BELIEVE IT hahahahaha
i'd like to bring to everyones attention that a bouilloire is just a KETTLE
Yes! How do Americans make a cup of tea?
Cocoa why does the world exist and then there is America. 🤨you guys are so weird. Do Americans not have kettles...
Right, an electric kettle to be exact.
ikr! whenever I need boiling water I use an electric kettle: tea, pasta(to make the water heat up faster), cup noodles, coffee.. TIP: when you need hot milk, use an electric milk frother
Convinced that man’s only silverware is that one fork
Geoffrey Tacinelli you might be on to something
Literally! Watching him slice open the avocado with the side of a dull fork...
He didn’t say otherwise, at least he’s not purposely trying to lead us astray 😂
He used a spoon at the begining to eat the chunks in his smoothy. ^^
the bean soup with chunks of nugs and mixing the pancake batter in the frying pan were on ANOTHER level of cooking no one saw coming
Sherleen Minier... Loved your comment 🤣😂
this video its made real. i have never seen some of these 'techniques '😂
Mixing a pancake IN the pan is really quite a revelation
@@akikoito1383 i'm in college and live alone with my sister and we always do that hahahaha i thought we were weird but he does it too : D it saves time and you only need to wash the pan
Honestly..good for you Damon for making about a dozen meals with three ingredients and a fork.
I can’t BELIEVE we finally found Damon’s flaw
damon really out here making a living on youtube but he eating like a college student with $5 in his bank account
😂 😂 Seriously
that's because the rent in Paris is soooooo expensive, so i guess that's the reason (struggling rn T-T)
lol but actually all the ingredients he used are from the organic supermarket, Naturalia, which is quite expensive. He is so funny though, now I understand why my mom makes fun of me and tells me that what I do is not called cooking lol
The container of your protein powder is bigger than your kitchen lol
Mariangela Cafagna 😂😂😂
This is the video version of the “damn, you live like this?” meme
Exactly what I was thinking
I’ve never seen someone so naturally dysfunctional in the kitchen
The reason everyone is like “don’t scratch your pan” is because the non-stick coating is actually toxic when ingested
THANK GOD someone finally said it 😂@damondominique stop chowin down on them carcinogens we need u ALIVE!
It‘s actually more harmful to the pan than to your body. Teflon fortunately is non-toxic.
trust meeee, teflon is a hormone disruptor please do not use a non stick pan
@ the glue that is underneath the teflon is actually toxic
It’s because you don’t want to ruin the non-stick functionality, not for health concerns. Watch Adam Ragusea’s video
calling these 'Meal Recipes' was real bold Damon but I respect it
The nuggets in the bean “soup” made me cry in Gordon Ramsey
Okay I cook exactly like this but it is disturbing to watch someone else do it
jajajaajajajajaja yes!!!!
OMG the bananas pancakes ... he was like "there are only three ingredients and that's why it looks bad" ... sir you mixed everrthing togrther in the pan and didn't use oil.
He didn’t want to dirty a bowl 😂
damon it’s NOT too late to delete this
Noooooo! It's an excellent video! :)
Haaaa ha ha ha. The shade!
This is a great video. Please don’t delete it. I loved it.
So THIS is how this boy stays so skinny.
He's not skinny, he's fit (thin+ a bit muscular).
Me, from the UK, watching Damon describe a 'bouilloire:' "ooh that sounds fancy what is that?!"
googles it: he is literally talking about a KETTLE
this is so funny to me because in the uk the kettle is the most basic item you need in your kitchen, because i drink tea multiple times a day i am not going to wait to boil the water in a pain?! but i guess i momentarily forgot because Damon described it as such an uncommon thing.
Yes omg same in France I can’t even IMAGINE living without a kettle those americans heating up water in the microwave stress me out
It's the same thing with French cuisine. They all sound like they are fancy AF, 100 euro per portion dishes and then I get to translate them to get something basic like beef and potatoes.
EXACTLY kettles are my world - how else would I be able to make my 6 cups of tea threw out the say
I was just about to comment this. I even rewinded to make sure he was describing it properly ...
I lived in the US for a little bit and I remember a friend of mine describing it as a water boiler 😂😂😂 I laughed for weeks
i would give my life savings to see Gordon Ramsay react to this
I was just thinking about that. Chef Ramsey is just gonna be shaking his head on this one - LOL
When you said "I can't cook" I tought you were just saying that but omg you can't
This has 'drunk kitchen' energy without the drunkenness.
I’m actually really concerned please don’t cook again😭
Allie J I mean we all were like him when we were starting to cook, it’s okay to get lil bit burned he’s just beginning, professional cooks also get burned, unfortunately that is one of the downfalls of cooking, lol you get stitches, scratches and patches😂💀I also get burned and clumsy even tho i cook well
No, please /do/ cook again
@@lilly7780 We were NOT ALL like him when we started cooking I'm sorry. He purposely ruins a fry pan
I can't with this comment haha 😂😂😂
This is the most relatable thing I have ever seen on youtube. Using the fork as a spatula, considering quinoa and hummus a food group, using the MINIMUM amount of dishes possible. Im capable of more I'm sure- I just CAN'T with it all! Please don't tell me to bring anything other than chips to your BBQ ma'am!
Olivia Lape the fork hahahaha
Actually, I think Damon should come out with his own fork line.
I burst out laughing when the dish rack spilled water onto the crackers lmao like why is this me when I'm cooking too haha
Damon: no one is going to stab the pan
a few moments later: mixes pancake batter in the pan
i would do ANYTHING for this to become a series
Woudn't do anything for it, but i would very much like it! ^^
Yes, please!!!! 😄😄😄
EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED Damon used an UNNECESSARY bowl to mash his avocado in - fork your avo from within its skin, simply less dishes sir.
Then you have no room for the necessary squirt of lime or lemon , cherry tomatoes, minced garlic and onion . Black pepper. Olive oil. No other way.
He could also use it as a dipper, and not use the plate for the bread
I scoop out the avocado onto my bread and mash it there
I’ve never laughed so much at a RUclips video. This is comedy gold.
PLEASE NETFLIX, get Damon a spot on the show Nailed It!
If this is his cooking I want to roll on the floor laughing about his baking.
thank god he's a polyglot
Quick tip: you might wanna put the boiling water on the back burner so you don’t have to reach over it(and maybe burn yourself) since your using the pan a lot more than your water
that stressed me out so much! lol, always put the pan / pot you don't have to do anything to in the BACK
Lol I was thinking the same thing😂😂😂
Effie Whaley lmao 174 ppl are concerned for this tall child’s safety
I have said this before multiple times, but I will say it again. The. Editing. And. The. Aesthetic.
We don't come for the cooking...
When he spilled all that drying rack water on his crackers! I lost it there hahahah
1. thanking the lord this popped up on my recommended
2. i've never connected with someone more on a cooking level
same 🤣
Same here lol
“Gooey on the inside toasted crunch on the outside” more like raw in the middle and brunt on the outside. NO HATE. you’re doing your best with the cutest little kitchen.
i have never laughed more with a "cooking video". 10/10
I screamed when he put the banana in the pan and it wasn’t a joke 😭
tell me he did not just mix all his ingredients in the pan I'M SCREAMING
I've literally watched this 10 times. I just keep coming back to this and put it on for background noise sometimes
same it's the most hilarious thing in the world
that was the most chaotic cooking video I've seen in a while but I loved this energy
we love a disorganized king who's organized just enough to color coordinate his fits with his kitchen wall
this is the most chaotic but entertaining cooking session I've seen lolol!
when people say they dont cook and live alone I'm just wondering how you eat ?? this explains it and made me realize that this is my culinary level too
Damon: Just throw it in the pan no?
literally everyone else: no!
*cuts up nuggets* damon: "now theres more!"
next video: how i lost my work visa after the french government watched me try to cook
I’m not a good cook but I’m still terribly offended by this video 💀
the way he made that "pancake" hurt my soul emotionally and maybe a little physically
This is my EXACT temperament in the kitchen and it made me feel so good that someone like Damon is equally as shambolic /clumsy /lazy as I am.
Not gonna lie, I started reacting to every second of this video like a concerned mother. Damon, honey just come home and let me cook you a proper meal.
How many ingredients do you…? *THREE!*
How did it taste? *DELICIOUS! GOOD!*
I suck so much at cooking that sometimes I eat plain rice and onions 🥵
Did u just cut an avocado with a fork?
Damon, you are the most honest and funniest guy on the internet! I adore your content and seeing you do your thing pushed me to start my food channel. 😉😂
I need all the help I can get :P S'il vous plait
for the pan, I would invest in stone or granite cookware because they are the best non-stick pans for cheap.
you can also get avocado oil spray for short term use.
here's a link if you are interested:
7:30 i’m convinced damon has one pot and one lid. therefore i find it chaotic that the lid does not fit
I thoroughly enjoyed watching every second of this
Lexie...this video is why bodegas exists. I'm starting to miss New York.
damon just using a fork for everything: Eating, sipping soup, cutting things, alternative for scissors, brushing his hair, grabbing things...damn
Real Life Ariel
Wow Damon, this was worse than what I was expecting. hahah
The banana on the pan had me crying for help.
Bruh, this was a mf gem. Don't know how this boy has survived, but i truly appreciated this content 😂😂😂
“Coconut yogurt has a lot of fat.... but it’s good fat.......... cos it’s from coconuts”
😂🥥I’m dying over here
Damon: I’m not a bad cook.
Damon 2 seconds later: I will burn anything on the stove.
Damon: I don't put the smoothie in a nice glass cos I don't wanna wash extra things
Damon: one of the keys of being satisfied with your meals is having the appropriate dishware....
I can cook for you
'i'M nOt A bAd CoOk'
I’m going to go into cardiac arrest from that damn fork
Lol it went from “pancake” to “pancake chunks”
Everyone in Britain shouting KETTLE at the screen - much easier to say than bouilloire ahaha
That pancake SENT ME 😂😂
As a greek girl putting olive oil in a salad doesn't sound that groundbreaking😂
As a brazillian dude it really didn't suprise me much either 🤣
As an American girl, same. It's the base of most dressings :-P
Olive oil on everything here in Greece!
Ikr ahaha as an italian and greek girl i felt the same lmao
Turkish girl here, I approve of this message haha 😂
Wes Anderson loves your kitchen, I know this
underrated comment
"Now we're getting to the limits of my cooking cause I've already done about two steps" 😂😂 I lost it that's me
Damon, you’re cute and all but when you put the water of beans in your dish. My god. Those are preservatives
They preserve, it's in the name
.... now I know, too ._.
I felt physical pain when he just split the Nuggets like what are you doing oh my god
I literally can't cook but Jesus, I'm feeling even better watching this lol
Oh man, I thought watching my husband cook was stressful, but your technique is just beyond! Lol. I'm no chef étoilé but I'm willing to give you classes anytime :)
Heart warming video and very appreciated in this times. Stay safe!
"My husband"
"willing to give you classes any time :)"
...chile.. I hate it here.
Luis Alejandro Nestor Mattes NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Don't sacrifice yourself.
Beyonce's Child ??
"I don't know who's tryna stab the pan I feel like if you just go like this it's fine"
17:18 violently scrapes the pan 💀
the comments in this video... chef's kiss true comedians
I literally laughed through this whole thing 😂😂 “things are getting chaotic!” Damon come over i’ll cook u a vegan meal any day! Haha love u!
I have been laughing ALL DAY about the "bean soup" and just came back to comment about it.
It was just canned beans hahahaha
Making a "soup" out of the can preservatives... solid lol
I think you're one of the only RUclipsrs that takes advantage of the segmenting option. I find it helpful :)
I literally had tears in my eyes watching this omggg it was so funny
Lost it at the efficient pancake mixing. One thing sure you really are a special human being