As a main Ele shaman for the past 8 years; i will only say ... we don't even have a major DPS CD let alone defensive. While others know when they can or when they can't pump dmg; we just shift around minor CDs like stormkeeper and if you can even consider the Fire elemental as a minor CD. But i'm quite sure they consider armor as part of the shaman Defensive ability; which you can't even have unless you actually use a shield
I've been playing mainly Ele too since around legion patch 2 and the spec kinda seems forgotten by Blizzard at this point. The class itself is stagnant, but Ele seems like it's especially ignored. We barely get important changes, our offensive cds are almost unnoticeable and like the video said our defensives are very subpar. At least enhancement gets to sit at the table every once in a while.
As a resto shamy for years I felt like not being the most tanky class but when you compare it to mage these days it's pretty stupid lol. I mean, when did we get Astral shift? In Cata or even earlier? 10 years later, shamy is still the same, while mage basically got all the old spec related defensives fused together.
Yeah it's absurd at this point, they talk about not wanting to add more defensives or more raid buffs and it's like they're counting the total and not the avg per class
@@iagocaliari4314 its not about how "forgot" it is; its more like they have no idea what to do with the spec; you have Mastery no working on AoE and Spenders unless u talent it so you are 1/4 of the dps down; they can't see the issue with that, the toolkit is super fun with off healing .... but that got nerfed to the ground aswell .... i see people commenting "yea but you can selfheal unlike some others" i'll just say "can't outheal a 1 shot" while others can just passive tank it; and even if we survive; you have to stop dpsing and actually be able to cast a heal which heals for jackshit unless you do it 3-4 times
@@muncic halfway feels like they won't add to a class unless someone has a fancy idea, and don't want to replicate stuff. So they somehow can't think of a shaman defensive or raid buff so shamans can't get one. You could easily make an elemental echo for shaman that buffed spellcasters
You are one of the only content creators who havent just provided lip service but an actual real thought out video showing the plight of shaman. Thank you
This is just making me depressed. Ofc I'm aware of this as a Shaman main, but hearing it listed out like this really is a punch in the gut. I really don't understand why Shamans continue to be neglected by the dev team
@@jackbakewell3162 No, not at all. But it's something I like to spend time on, and the fact that the class I play has received so little love over the years is annoying
As an Ele main for years, I wonder if they are considering healing ourselves a defensive in the sense of druid and shaman. In most 20+ keys I end up having 40-50 healing surge casts spamming during big boss aoes, or random un-avoidable mechanics.
Wanting to take down Mage and not upping your own class instead, this is the reason Mages are beloved by Blizzard, because we actually want our class to be good and not other classes to be trash :shrimp: . I'd do with like 1-2 less defensives but with the current state of the game, I'd rather other classes get more, you'll still get one shot on your Shaman by a random mob casting a shadow bolt in M+.
You recognize Shamans are in bad spot defensively and your response to a nerf on mages is and making it worse for not just shamsn but everyone is "good" Where are your priorities?
Defensives are so important. Some specs NEED more defensive. And also Utility?? There's NO REASON to bring a DPS warrior to a key ever?? They have mediocre dps, and can stun and use commanding shout and that's it.
The class design and defensives is one thing, but what goes against all logic is that the stopped 2 short of giving every class a raid buff. And now said in an interview they don’t want to give one to every class
I also think sometimes, that there is some hidden "value" somewhere which is difficult to puzzle out, something hidden in the matrix that makes ma ask the question: "what is this or that balanced against?". The subject discussed in the vid makes me think that maybe the survivability package of a shaman overvalues self heal and mail armour. Also the mysterious "strengths and weaknesses" black box content can be responsible for those weird discrepancies discussed.
In the current oneshot game self healing and mail armor are indeed over valued by Blizzard and it is surely one of the reasons that they don't get more defensives
The other major class defensives don't cost dps. Even if every sham surge put you to 100% you'd still take a mage because they can trivialize like 19 different mechanic types without even suffering a 1 second cast to keep themselves alive. Plus once you've surged like 4 times you're oom.
this video is stupid because shaman previously didn't have multiple passive dr talents but gained it in the new talent system. that is what the devs are talking about
The question is, what motivates us to keep playing as shaman if all Blizzard does is show disdain for the class? The class fantasy is not enough to keep us playing, at least not anymore.
I canceled my subscription and I’ve been playing since day 1 of vanilla. They have ignored shaman for far too long. I specifically stated the reason is because of the disparity of treatment and state of the class. Season 3/4 is some fun at the expense of fundamental class design. Feels bad and wrong to chase a single global to gamble on performance. Not to mention it feels flawed to spam a single target ability in an aoe situation. Our damage is always being propped up by tier, look at our spenders in the tww season 1 tier. Bake some power into our spec for the love of god.
00:02 Concerns about defensive power imbalance 02:09 The defensive power balance between fire mages and shamans is significantly skewed. 04:25 Discrepancy in defensive powers between caut and other abilities 06:44 The imbalance in defensive power among specs is significant 08:40 Druid's defensive capabilities in The War Within Beta are severely lacking 10:48 Fire Mage stands out as excessively tanky compared to other Mage specializations 12:55 Specs' defensive power is imbalanced 15:06 Complaints about imbalance in defensive power
I feel so bad for Shamans. The most down bad class in WoW. Not only do they not have a raid buff, but they only have 1 defensive. (Not counting Earth Elemental cause that's an emergency tank in reality)
I believe that to continue looking at this topic appropriatly as a continuation of the discussion, would be to look at how healing could be improved from Dragonflight going into WW. There are many mechanics in DF that required a defensive to be used from a player. I mean this in a sense that a healer would not be relevant or be able to save you from a one-shot boss mechanic. If we're going ot fix defensives, we're also going to have to fix healing.
That's the one thing preventing me from maining enhancement in TWW. Stormbringer is nice but I can't play another expansion needing constant babysitting from healers.
As a mage main, I see no issues. Tbh a strong HoT on a 12 sec cd would be nice. Baseline for all specs, of course. Off the GCD and castable while casting, while we’re at it
Feel like it's worth mentioning ele actually lost a defensive from shadowlands going into dragonflight in an activateable dr from their earth elemental when using the talent primal elementalist.
There is an ability that has the potential to be an easy way to implement a defensive CD for shamans: lightning shield. Make it non permanent and give it defensive features, then it won't be useless anymore.
It's criminal how squishy Shamans, Hunters, and Evokers are. They wear mail armor, the second strongest in the game, but they die so easy. Meanwhile the specs that wear cloth (the weakest armor) are almost as hard to kill as the tanks.
Having actual healing is going to be so much more impactful in a world where the stated design is that healers cannot top you back up quickly. I think we're going to see those "worthless" free healing procs become top tier. MY BET'S ON FERAL BAYBEEEEEE
You forgot Greater Invisibility in the mage general tree also grants them another small 60% DR. :p Honestly i'm sometimes shocked people call warlocks the tankiest caster when mage has twice as many damage reductions/mitigation tools, not to mention more mobility.
Warlock is far tankier for the 99%, what people don't understand about passive DR and active DR is that properly rotating and using them on appropriate mechanics is a very hard part of the game that requires communication and proper team coordination. If your healer suck I can assure you that Cauterize is far worse than Warlock 10% stamina and 3%DR. At the high end of the spectrum the effect of those spells are super represented since at this point everybody gets oneshot.
I always loved the theme as since Legion I think I love aesthethics of ele shaman the most but it just sucks to play compared to other specs in the game. Very good video. Shaman dev? LOL
Finally someone actually adresses this. I have mainly played boomie since vanilla (from the days of basicly being a buff bot) and honestly this is the first time i have ever questioned if i shouldnt reroll. Pushing keys, raiding mythic is no fun when i i basicly need to live in bear form or combine it with either barkskin or sit the entire duration of frenzied regen to be able to survive even on the quote on quote easier bosses or lowish keys (around 13-14). I dont even mind if our damage is shite, i just wanna be able to play the actual game and not roleplay a fucking guardian druid.
hey men you forgot that mine greater invisbility talent that gives me 60% DMG reduce for 3 s on less then 2 min cd bc of shifting power OU and shifting power reducing all cds defensive cds not only DMG
I hope Shaman gets some love soon! It's depressing that they have yet to get any rebalancing or improved defensives. The hunter Dev showed up, now it's time for Shammy! I am glad that they gave an additional defensive to hunters in their class tree, although the fact that it takes "Hero" talents to get a bit of boost to that is disappointing. I really wish Blizzard would take hunter's main heal off the GCD as it feels bad to press a defensive with a GCD as opposed to a mage that have many passive defensive in their tool kit while doing damage. Blizzard loves the mage class... I just wish they wouldn't so outwardly show it.
THIS and what was said about raid buffs "Ultimately our goal is broad spec representation and class representation across the different roles. I think we're hesitant to add still more raid buffs that might risk feeling redundant and yet another thing to manage or that might too heavily force less choice in composition forming" - Ion Hazzikostas Then why did you give Bloodlust effects to the Mage, Evoker and Hunter? So much for wanting to avoid feeling Redundant...
Switched from Mage since vanilla to sham in Legion, and... yeah I just feel forgotten 90% of the time now. Especially for the first two entire seasons in DF.
Thnx for the videos Izen keep em coming, I noticed you play Prot Pal freequenbtly, what's your opinion on Templar Talent Tree vs Sacred Weapon? From what I can tell Sacred Weps seems way tankier while, Templar is an aoe fest
100% sometimes I wonder if they just hire a random shmuck from the streets as the head of balancing and class design. The fact that they made moonkin form balance only was dumb. The fact some classes have more defensives than others is dumb. They should give 1 defensive for each class or spec. Ice mage would get iceblock, fire mage gets cauterize (although it should be called phonix down or something along those lines), arcane would get mirror image. Druid can just keep barkskin for all specs. You get the point, everyone would have to be smart with their choosing when to use it and they can only use it once or they can just remove it completely. Better yet just bring back all the people that made legion, healing was good back then.
If they dont touch defensives... i wont be healing in TWW. Healer experience was so bad in DF and im not signing up for another 2 years of worst healer experience. They need to pivot on this decision and make healing great again!
meanwhile holy priest still don't have a dmg reduction cd the balance effort in this game is non-existant. also, I would complain less about this if we could actually HEAL longer than one season in an xpac
I think this is starting to stem from them trying to homogenize pure dps specs with hybrid classes. So they make dps specs super tanky since they cannot sit there and heal themselves.
Its ok, Moonkin form will give 25% passive DR and 10% leech and Barkskin absorb will increase to match barrier, so a 500% buff. Then we will also reduce the CD of Barkskin by 50% and also give Moonkins 35% vers. After all that its still worse than mage....
bro you forgot Invis too for mages lmao - Its a 60% DR on a 2 min cooldown that lasts for 3 seconds. Not massive but insane for the bursy-ness of the damage currently
Got banned from wow reddit arguing with a guy about shaman not having enough defensives lmao glad i'm not the only one with a functionning brain (that was at the end of dragonflight S1)
It is mail wearers in general. Evoker shaman and hunter are all super squishy. If shit lives long enough and all the passive damage that goes out in dungeons as an MM hunter I’ve got 3 survival cds. After that I just take it to the face. At least sham and evoker can self heal anytime.
You didnt even mention that arcane intellect is also an indirect aoe defensive buff to most casters, and it greatly increases the strenght of the healer too.
I think pvp is the problem. I believe if we give shimmer or ice block to shaman, it would be op in pvp. The only solution I see is introducing pve talents, that are unusable in pvp (like pvp talents are only for pvp, not for pve). P.S. didn't play pvp for years so maybe I'm wrong and it's just pure disblanace. But it's better since it's easier to fix.
having strong defensives makes more sense for a class like warlock as they have low mobility and no immunities but for a mage who are already one of the most mobile classes with a cheat death and an immunity, how have they been given so much extra?
Eh, I actually think some classes should be super tanky. The problem with someone like mage is that they are super mobile! They can just dodge everything anyways.
Fun fact : Both Ele shaman and Balance have been way better in pvp in later patches. With balance even beeing there because of its disgusting tankiness due go bear form and regeneration. Whereas mage is considered one of the squishiest - high skill classes and most easily counterable due to them having inconsistent defensives. Funny how different modes work
Do you guys even pvp? All dps.need defensives and some can do as.monks effuse kiting to full hp. If you only pve of course you dont value flash of light/effuse/heal wave.
the game is all about personal defensive anymore if the class doesn't have at least 3 it's not worth playing. It's a result of poor game design based on 1% mythic raiders (more like .25% really), the game got to a point where all mechanics are just one shot if you don't DR it. really it's a boring design. you don't even need healers really anymore, Max had a good video the other day on this.
They are taking away core roles to a degree and it’s destroying the game further. I don’t think this game is going to get better, sorry guys. Way too many issues and they are going the wrong direction still. Absolutely disgusting
@@caiocarvalho8844 not wrong, after mop this has gone down hill completely. It’s progressively gotten worse. I just came back for the first time in a long time and I’m about to quit already
they are terrible at balancing their game its been like this for years... I was shellshocked at the start of shadowlands when mages got alter time and mirror images for no reason defensive power was way more balanced preshadowlands
Shaman neglect is still fucking disgusting
I don't even play a shaman, and I agree.
As a main Ele shaman for the past 8 years; i will only say ... we don't even have a major DPS CD let alone defensive. While others know when they can or when they can't pump dmg; we just shift around minor CDs like stormkeeper and if you can even consider the Fire elemental as a minor CD. But i'm quite sure they consider armor as part of the shaman Defensive ability; which you can't even have unless you actually use a shield
I've been playing mainly Ele too since around legion patch 2 and the spec kinda seems forgotten by Blizzard at this point. The class itself is stagnant, but Ele seems like it's especially ignored. We barely get important changes, our offensive cds are almost unnoticeable and like the video said our defensives are very subpar. At least enhancement gets to sit at the table every once in a while.
As a resto shamy for years I felt like not being the most tanky class but when you compare it to mage these days it's pretty stupid lol. I mean, when did we get Astral shift? In Cata or even earlier? 10 years later, shamy is still the same, while mage basically got all the old spec related defensives fused together.
Yeah it's absurd at this point, they talk about not wanting to add more defensives or more raid buffs and it's like they're counting the total and not the avg per class
@@iagocaliari4314 its not about how "forgot" it is; its more like they have no idea what to do with the spec; you have Mastery no working on AoE and Spenders unless u talent it so you are 1/4 of the dps down; they can't see the issue with that, the toolkit is super fun with off healing .... but that got nerfed to the ground aswell .... i see people commenting "yea but you can selfheal unlike some others" i'll just say "can't outheal a 1 shot" while others can just passive tank it; and even if we survive; you have to stop dpsing and actually be able to cast a heal which heals for jackshit unless you do it 3-4 times
@@muncic halfway feels like they won't add to a class unless someone has a fancy idea, and don't want to replicate stuff. So they somehow can't think of a shaman defensive or raid buff so shamans can't get one. You could easily make an elemental echo for shaman that buffed spellcasters
IZEN THANK YOU!!! for sticking up for Druids, and all the other specs that are lacking.
You missed Greater Invis (60% DR) when going through Mage's insane list of personals. So it's actually even more crazy.
You are one of the only content creators who havent just provided lip service but an actual real thought out video showing the plight of shaman. Thank you
This is just making me depressed. Ofc I'm aware of this as a Shaman main, but hearing it listed out like this really is a punch in the gut. I really don't understand why Shamans continue to be neglected by the dev team
Sounds like this game is your hole life?
@@jackbakewell3162You sound like the kinda person who jerks off in front of the mirror.
@@jackbakewell3162 No, not at all. But it's something I like to spend time on, and the fact that the class I play has received so little love over the years is annoying
Thank you for speaking for Shaman and pointing out the crazy love mages have been shown.
I wondered what I should do this weekend. "Angerly shout at clouds", Genius! I now have a plan thank you friend.
KEEP IT UP. love your videos. as a Shaman Main and Druid Alt. i appreciate cha
Shaman's historical squishiness has been memed about in the PVP world for years with the phrase/strategy: "Train the blue"
2nd most yelled chat text after "go lock"
Thank you for this video! Happy to hear I'm not the only one who is struggling with defensives as shaman especialy in high M+
As an Ele main for years, I wonder if they are considering healing ourselves a defensive in the sense of druid and shaman. In most 20+ keys I end up having 40-50 healing surge casts spamming during big boss aoes, or random un-avoidable mechanics.
Fire Mages just got cooked. Izen gets everything nerfed. So your end is near Mages!
Wanting to take down Mage and not upping your own class instead, this is the reason Mages are beloved by Blizzard, because we actually want our class to be good and not other classes to be trash :shrimp: . I'd do with like 1-2 less defensives but with the current state of the game, I'd rather other classes get more, you'll still get one shot on your Shaman by a random mob casting a shadow bolt in M+.
You recognize Shamans are in bad spot defensively and your response to a nerf on mages is and making it worse for not just shamsn but everyone is "good"
Where are your priorities?
Defensives are so important. Some specs NEED more defensive. And also Utility?? There's NO REASON to bring a DPS warrior to a key ever?? They have mediocre dps, and can stun and use commanding shout and that's it.
The class design and defensives is one thing, but what goes against all logic is that the stopped 2 short of giving every class a raid buff. And now said in an interview they don’t want to give one to every class
As a future mage main i see no issues with how things are now. Good to go, no changes needed
I also think sometimes, that there is some hidden "value" somewhere which is difficult to puzzle out, something hidden in the matrix that makes ma ask the question: "what is this or that balanced against?". The subject discussed in the vid makes me think that maybe the survivability package of a shaman overvalues self heal and mail armour. Also the mysterious "strengths and weaknesses" black box content can be responsible for those weird discrepancies discussed.
In the current oneshot game self healing and mail armor are indeed over valued by Blizzard and it is surely one of the reasons that they don't get more defensives
The other major class defensives don't cost dps. Even if every sham surge put you to 100% you'd still take a mage because they can trivialize like 19 different mechanic types without even suffering a 1 second cast to keep themselves alive. Plus once you've surged like 4 times you're oom.
Also dont forget guys this is a mage's and rogue's game, we just playin in it...
Rogues? No. They suck in other aspects and are plagued by bugs.
this video is stupid because shaman previously didn't have multiple passive dr talents but gained it in the new talent system. that is what the devs are talking about
The question is, what motivates us to keep playing as shaman if all Blizzard does is show disdain for the class? The class fantasy is not enough to keep us playing, at least not anymore.
Blizz's response to your Shaman movement rant: Roll goblin
Basically pushing me to quit. Looking at the wall of text that are mage every fucking bluepost and maybe one line of shaman dps buff 5% heal nerf 5%.
I canceled my subscription and I’ve been playing since day 1 of vanilla. They have ignored shaman for far too long. I specifically stated the reason is because of the disparity of treatment and state of the class. Season 3/4 is some fun at the expense of fundamental class design. Feels bad and wrong to chase a single global to gamble on performance. Not to mention it feels flawed to spam a single target ability in an aoe situation. Our damage is always being propped up by tier, look at our spenders in the tww season 1 tier. Bake some power into our spec for the love of god.
can always reroll
Yeah once my sub runs out I'm probably not even going to bother with TWW. It's clear they haven't learned shit about balance.
This is a perfect example of why NO PRE-ORDERS!
@@TheRabbit68 don't like the game don't play it
you need to talk about locks aswell, as a devastation evoker going 1v1 against a warlock in a PVP setting is disgusting
Unfortunatly, blizzard will never care enough to do something about. Shaman design is in line with classic, #nochanges
00:02 Concerns about defensive power imbalance
02:09 The defensive power balance between fire mages and shamans is significantly skewed.
04:25 Discrepancy in defensive powers between caut and other abilities
06:44 The imbalance in defensive power among specs is significant
08:40 Druid's defensive capabilities in The War Within Beta are severely lacking
10:48 Fire Mage stands out as excessively tanky compared to other Mage specializations
12:55 Specs' defensive power is imbalanced
15:06 Complaints about imbalance in defensive power
Back in my days, Mage was considered a "glass canon" wich is basically high dmg, 0 defence. How the tides have turned
Not turned :D They still do high damage but not they are immortal aswell.
I feel so bad for Shamans. The most down bad class in WoW. Not only do they not have a raid buff, but they only have 1 defensive. (Not counting Earth Elemental cause that's an emergency tank in reality)
I believe that to continue looking at this topic appropriatly as a continuation of the discussion, would be to look at how healing could be improved from Dragonflight going into WW. There are many mechanics in DF that required a defensive to be used from a player. I mean this in a sense that a healer would not be relevant or be able to save you from a one-shot boss mechanic. If we're going ot fix defensives, we're also going to have to fix healing.
That's the one thing preventing me from maining enhancement in TWW. Stormbringer is nice but I can't play another expansion needing constant babysitting from healers.
As a mage main, I see no issues. Tbh a strong HoT on a 12 sec cd would be nice. Baseline for all specs, of course. Off the GCD and castable while casting, while we’re at it
Feel like it's worth mentioning ele actually lost a defensive from shadowlands going into dragonflight in an activateable dr from their earth elemental when using the talent primal elementalist.
There is an ability that has the potential to be an easy way to implement a defensive CD for shamans: lightning shield. Make it non permanent and give it defensive features, then it won't be useless anymore.
they got Terrence Howard working on shaman so no worries.
This could be a meme 😂
Thanks for the laugh xD
if Terrence Howard was working on wow and shaman., the game would be legendary. you dont know shiit about that guy
@@arashnozari4042 and he don't know shit about you. get a life
It's criminal how squishy Shamans, Hunters, and Evokers are. They wear mail armor, the second strongest in the game, but they die so easy. Meanwhile the specs that wear cloth (the weakest armor) are almost as hard to kill as the tanks.
Having actual healing is going to be so much more impactful in a world where the stated design is that healers cannot top you back up quickly. I think we're going to see those "worthless" free healing procs become top tier. MY BET'S ON FERAL BAYBEEEEEE
You forgot Greater Invisibility in the mage general tree also grants them another small 60% DR. :p
Honestly i'm sometimes shocked people call warlocks the tankiest caster when mage has twice as many damage reductions/mitigation tools, not to mention more mobility.
Warlock is far tankier for the 99%, what people don't understand about passive DR and active DR is that properly rotating and using them on appropriate mechanics is a very hard part of the game that requires communication and proper team coordination. If your healer suck I can assure you that Cauterize is far worse than Warlock 10% stamina and 3%DR. At the high end of the spectrum the effect of those spells are super represented since at this point everybody gets oneshot.
@@Nhouyengah Sure but that's like saying warlock is good when your team is bad.
Not really a great point to base arguments on lol.
I always loved the theme as since Legion I think I love aesthethics of ele shaman the most but it just sucks to play compared to other specs in the game. Very good video. Shaman dev? LOL
I don’t play a shaman now, but I’ve always noticed they lacked defensively. I view them as a free kills in pvp if you know what your doing
Finally someone actually adresses this. I have mainly played boomie since vanilla (from the days of basicly being a buff bot) and honestly this is the first time i have ever questioned if i shouldnt reroll. Pushing keys, raiding mythic is no fun when i i basicly need to live in bear form or combine it with either barkskin or sit the entire duration of frenzied regen to be able to survive even on the quote on quote easier bosses or lowish keys (around 13-14). I dont even mind if our damage is shite, i just wanna be able to play the actual game and not roleplay a fucking guardian druid.
hey men you forgot that mine greater invisbility talent that gives me 60% DMG reduce for 3 s on less then 2 min cd bc of shifting power OU and shifting power reducing all cds defensive cds not only DMG
I hope Shaman gets some love soon! It's depressing that they have yet to get any rebalancing or improved defensives. The hunter Dev showed up, now it's time for Shammy! I am glad that they gave an additional defensive to hunters in their class tree, although the fact that it takes "Hero" talents to get a bit of boost to that is disappointing. I really wish Blizzard would take hunter's main heal off the GCD as it feels bad to press a defensive with a GCD as opposed to a mage that have many passive defensive in their tool kit while doing damage. Blizzard loves the mage class... I just wish they wouldn't so outwardly show it.
THIS and what was said about raid buffs
"Ultimately our goal is broad spec representation and class representation across the different roles. I think we're hesitant to add still more raid buffs that might risk feeling redundant and yet another thing to manage or that might too heavily force less choice in composition forming" - Ion Hazzikostas
Then why did you give Bloodlust effects to the Mage, Evoker and Hunter? So much for wanting to avoid feeling Redundant...
blizzard " hey we know its not balanced and we are not gonna fix it"
Switched from Mage since vanilla to sham in Legion, and... yeah I just feel forgotten 90% of the time now. Especially for the first two entire seasons in DF.
Shaman changes this week **inhales copium**
That mage vs shaman got me depressed as a resto shaman main
thank you for helping the shaman community
However as a resto shaman player +1 charge on astral shift would make me "happy", self healing and def cds are way out of control on retail.
never understood why ankh doesn't reset
Thnx for the videos Izen keep em coming, I noticed you play Prot Pal freequenbtly, what's your opinion on Templar Talent Tree vs Sacred Weapon? From what I can tell Sacred Weps seems way tankier while, Templar is an aoe fest
Iceblock & Alter Time should be on a shared choice node. Even with that, Mage has way too many options compared to most other classes.
100% sometimes I wonder if they just hire a random shmuck from the streets as the head of balancing and class design. The fact that they made moonkin form balance only was dumb. The fact some classes have more defensives than others is dumb. They should give 1 defensive for each class or spec. Ice mage would get iceblock, fire mage gets cauterize (although it should be called phonix down or something along those lines), arcane would get mirror image. Druid can just keep barkskin for all specs. You get the point, everyone would have to be smart with their choosing when to use it and they can only use it once or they can just remove it completely. Better yet just bring back all the people that made legion, healing was good back then.
If they dont touch defensives... i wont be healing in TWW. Healer experience was so bad in DF and im not signing up for another 2 years of worst healer experience. They need to pivot on this decision and make healing great again!
Funny that this fire mage talent loadout doesnt even run greater invis for another 60% DR on 2 min cooldown :D So It could be even tankier
meanwhile holy priest still don't have a dmg reduction cd the balance effort in this game is non-existant. also, I would complain less about this if we could actually HEAL longer than one season in an xpac
I think this is starting to stem from them trying to homogenize pure dps specs with hybrid classes. So they make dps specs super tanky since they cannot sit there and heal themselves.
And now how many fire mages use that on cd properly...
Yea they're strong but prety hard to master
but shaman ankh resets manic grieftorch for 10 dps/tank players and has a lot dmg value in that right now ;D
Its ok, Moonkin form will give 25% passive DR and 10% leech and Barkskin absorb will increase to match barrier, so a 500% buff. Then we will also reduce the CD of Barkskin by 50% and also give Moonkins 35% vers. After all that its still worse than mage....
Is Monk not mentioned because of how shit it is now or is it good? Can anyone tell me about their state overall BM, WW and MW.
bro you forgot Invis too for mages lmao - Its a 60% DR on a 2 min cooldown that lasts for 3 seconds. Not massive but insane for the bursy-ness of the damage currently
@11:50 Mannn so many tin foil hats! XD
You also forgot the 60% DR from invisibility for mages, lol.
As usual mages get everything.
Even as mage I wish they'd just remove 1 or 2 defensives but then also remove the massive number of oneshots that are in the game...
Got banned from wow reddit arguing with a guy about shaman not having enough defensives lmao glad i'm not the only one with a functionning brain (that was at the end of dragonflight S1)
also about 60% greater invis dr on -2min cd
Shammy's lack of defensives is one the reasons i don't play it, much prefer my locks tankyness. Though their CC is amazing for m+
haha friends @ 15:45 !!! 19years WL btw :D
Honestly tho, do i just abandon my shammy-love at this point?
That's why I call it RogueMageCraft
It is mail wearers in general. Evoker shaman and hunter are all super squishy. If shit lives long enough and all the passive damage that goes out in dungeons as an MM hunter I’ve got 3 survival cds. After that I just take it to the face. At least sham and evoker can self heal anytime.
Check out the rework and Sentinel hero tree. Hunters are up there with mage now. 5-6 shields/ DRs in TWW
There should be imbalances in different specs defensive power!!! Lets not try to make all classes have the same abilities
One of the devs wives 100% plays mage
zero shaman re works while every other class has gotten multiple reworks and m+ has even gotten more reworks then shaman has🤣
I wont ever ask for a rework again after the mess they did with Holy Paladin.
BTW you forgot about invisibility Dr as well😆
Greater invis as another big DR they had too
Like always blizzard hate shamans and love mages. Simple as that.
You didnt even mention that arcane intellect is also an indirect aoe defensive buff to most casters, and it greatly increases the strenght of the healer too.
I think pvp is the problem. I believe if we give shimmer or ice block to shaman, it would be op in pvp. The only solution I see is introducing pve talents, that are unusable in pvp (like pvp talents are only for pvp, not for pve).
P.S. didn't play pvp for years so maybe I'm wrong and it's just pure disblanace. But it's better since it's easier to fix.
Blizz will never listen, no matter how loud we shout lol
Some feel definately broken or op.
First decline premaders against randoms in pvp, thats not cool.
No one wants to be crushed.
having strong defensives makes more sense for a class like warlock as they have low mobility and no immunities but for a mage who are already one of the most mobile classes with a cheat death and an immunity, how have they been given so much extra?
Eh, I actually think some classes should be super tanky. The problem with someone like mage is that they are super mobile! They can just dodge everything anyways.
Balance druid has barkskin and ???
At least give us survival instincts. Feral has it, so why not?
PREACH. Sick of World of Magecraft.
Fun fact : Both Ele shaman and Balance have been way better in pvp in later patches. With balance even beeing there because of its disgusting tankiness due go bear form and regeneration. Whereas mage is considered one of the squishiest - high skill classes and most easily counterable due to them having inconsistent defensives.
Funny how different modes work
Do you guys even pvp? All dps.need defensives and some can do as.monks effuse kiting to full hp.
If you only pve of course you dont value flash of light/effuse/heal wave.
the game is all about personal defensive anymore if the class doesn't have at least 3 it's not worth playing. It's a result of poor game design based on 1% mythic raiders (more like .25% really), the game got to a point where all mechanics are just one shot if you don't DR it. really it's a boring design. you don't even need healers really anymore, Max had a good video the other day on this.
Ok Daddy, now i feel ashamed as warlock 😅
Been playing shaman simce wotlk, it seems unfair but thats what we are used to so meh is all i can say.
totally not picking lock cause of survivability . . . not at all
Astronaut meme.
This is a wizard game?
Always has been.
Dude freaking stop 😢 I love my fire mage
I love complaining together with IZEN, but for all the good reasons xD
They are taking away core roles to a degree and it’s destroying the game further. I don’t think this game is going to get better, sorry guys. Way too many issues and they are going the wrong direction still. Absolutely disgusting
Different year. Same comment. It’s been over a decade :)
@@caiocarvalho8844 not wrong, after mop this has gone down hill completely. It’s progressively gotten worse. I just came back for the first time in a long time and I’m about to quit already
@@GUTAMAYAx Good riddance.
I never understood why any mage class should have a cheat death and frankly the only caster that should is warlock
they are terrible at balancing their game its been like this for years... I was shellshocked at the start of shadowlands when mages got alter time and mirror images for no reason defensive power was way more balanced preshadowlands
Rip ele shams