My criteria is, we don't know who is best in Allah's vision, so i think no one is great and perfect enough to judge someone who is going to jannah or not coz we even dont know that we are gonna go there or not. Like there are non muslims who are doing great works and some are even more good then a Muslim, so I don't think we are brave and perfect enough.
Hi! I love your videos ❤️ So, there's this guy from my class who keeps saying that non-Muslims will not go to paradise but hell. I think that's so ignorant, I mean how would he know? He even says that about my grandma who is a non-Muslim and think that's very disrespectful 😡 I didn't even speak to him for like 6 days. He insists that I should convince her to convert to Islam but that won't be possible. He sent me this Aya as proof: ومن يبتغ غير الاسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه وهو في الاخرة من الخاسرين Does that mean my grandma won't go to paradise? 😢
@@dbzadnenkhiari Kafir means a disbeliever. If you don't believe ALLAH's message and HIS prophet then you have become a disbeliever right. We as Muslims, believe that ALLAH created us, HE promised us jannah if we obey HIM and Hellfire if we disobey HIM. But for the non-Muslims , they believe a creator other than ALLAH. And the truth is, every single creature is crated by ALLAH alone. So for that reason, ALLAH promises those who mock HIM, disobey HIM, don not worship HIM alone and are arrogant.
It’s not just about hearing of Islam. One has to clearly understand the message in order to be held accountable for accepting or rejecting it. And God does not overburden a soul beyond its capacity.
A Muslim is one who is submissive to the will of Allah!The creator ,the ordinator, the destroyer!He proposed a path for His creations!The sun ,the moon and all other beings are Muslims! Heaven means a peaceful life in this testing trial world and the resulting next world! So being submissive most of us are!Allah loves all !wonderful God!
Huge waste of time all that arguing above. Fact is NO MUSLIM or anyone trusting in their own works will enter Heaven - the Biblical Jesus doesn't know you (Matt 7:21-23) ... and you all as well as the person in this video itself continues to reject the 1 narrow way - EASIER - better - faith alone - done deal way to Heaven. YOU HAVE ALL **Gone the way of Cain (Genesis), offering your own fruits/efforts and ways and God will reject it as he always has done ... because Abel was accepted because he shed the blood of a lamb - Lesson here is ONLY SHED BLOOD COVERS SINS ... and hence also why Jesus shed his blood on the Cross - The Gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) and he is known as "The lamb of God". and *salvation is of the Lord.
Not entirely true. If a Jew or Christian, for example, has heard of the Prophet Muhammad (as) and the Quran that he was given, and they reject both him as the final Prophet and the Quran as the final revelation from Allah (swt), there can be no Jannah for them. *Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “By the one in whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, there is no one who hears of me from this nation of Jews and Christians and then dies without believing in my message except that he will be an inhabitant of the Hellfire.” (Sahih Muslim 153)*
Abdul S. - You are a full of ignorance. What Abu Huraira says is not a rule. Let’s check what Quran says. Aal-i Imran:64 - "Say: 'O People of the Book! Come to common terms as between us and you: that we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with Him; that we erect not from among ourselves Lords and patrons other than Allah.'"
Abu Huraria (May Allah be pleased with him) was the narrator of the Hadith. *The Prophet Muhammad (saw) was the speaker.* The Hadith is from *Sahih Muslim.* Please read more carefully next time, brother. In regards to the verse you mentioned, it never says that the Ahl al Kitab are inhabitants of Jannah, but only that we should speak to them by first mentioning our important similar belief in the Oneness of Allah (swt). That verse has *nothing* to do with the Akhira. On the contrary, listen to what Allah (swt) says *DIRECTLY* to the Ahl al Kitab: *O you who were given the Scripture! Believe in what We have sent down [to Muhammad], confirming that which is with you, BEFORE WE OBLITERATE FACES and turn them toward their backs or CURSE THEM as We cursed the sabbath-breakers. And ever is the decree of Allah accomplished. (Quran **4:47**, An-Nisa)* Also, Allah (swt) tells us plainly in Surat Al-Bayinnah: *Those who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists were not to be parted [from misbelief] until there came to them clear evidence -A Messenger from Allah , reciting purified scriptures....Indeed, those who disbelieve among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists WILL BE IN THE FIRE OF ALL, ABIDING ETERNALLY THEREIN. Those are the WORST of creatures. (Quran 98:1-6, Surat Al Bayinnah)* In his commentary on verse 6 of this chapter, none other than Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him), said the following: *(Lo! those who disbelieve) IN MUHAMMAD [SAW] AND THE QURAN, (among the PEOPLE OF THE SCRIPTURE and the idolaters) i.e. the idolaters among the people of Mecca, (will abide IN THE FIRE OF HELL) NEVER TO DIE THEREIN OR LEAVE IT (They are the WORST of created beings. (Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs)* I am saying absolutely nothing new here, my brother. This is a *UNANIMOUS* belief among all major classical & contemporary scholars of Islam, even Sheikh Yasir Qadhi himself. Do we have many important similarities with the Ahl Al-Kitab? Yes. Does Islam give Ahl Al-Kitab a special place in our deen among all other non-Muslims? Absolutely. But the idea that a grown & sane Jew or Christian can accurately hear the message of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), intentionally *REJECT* him and the Quran which he was given, and yet still have a chance of eternal salvation in Jannah- is the most absurd and perpostrous idea that has *NEVER been enteratined by any legitimate scholar of Islam. Not one.* And I encourage you to email Sheikh Yasir Qadhi to ask him himself, or simply do more research and you will come to know. So please, do not attribute ignorance to someone before you have even done proper research on the matter or consulted any scholars or authentic Hadith of the Prophet (as), as I myself gave you above (but you misread it). And if you want any more conclusive proof from the Quran, there are *hundreds* that make it clear that you *MUST* believe in all of the Prophets (as long as you have heard of them and their message- Allah's peace be upon them all) in order to attain Jannah. But here is just one more verse that I think is fully sufficient to make this point. And this verse is in *Indeed, those who disbelieve in Allah and His messengers and wish to discriminate between Allah and His messengers and say, "We believe in some and disbelieve in others," and wish to adopt a way in between- THOSE ARE THE DISBLIEVERS IN TRUTH. And We have prepared for the disbelievers a HUMILIATING TORMENT. But they who believe in Allah and His messengers and DO NOT DISCRIMINATE between ANY of them - to THOSE He is going to give their rewards. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.(Quran **4:15**0-152, An-Nisa)*
Abdul S. - Again you missed the point. We should obey Allah, not Abu Huraira. 2:62 - Indeed, those who believed and those who were *Jews or Christians or Sabeans* - those who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteousness - will have their *reward* with their Lord, and no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve.
SeeMahbub Brother, with all due respect, I think YOU are the one who missed the point. You need to read much much more carefully. Take your time and read slowly. I am saying this to you for the third time now: *The Hadith I quoted was NOT from Abu Haraira. I repeat, it is NOT from Abu Huraira. It is an authentic Hadith from the PROPHET MUHAMMAD HIMSELF (saw). Abu Huraira was only the NARRATOR of the Hadith, who said that he HEARD it from the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and he told us what he HEARD from the PROPHET (saw). The reason you misunderstand is because you read the Hadith TOO QUICKLY and saw “Abu Huraira” and thought he was the speaker. Then you saw “I swear by the One in whose hands is the soul of MUHAMMAD” and you did not realize that this was the Prophet Muhammad (saw) speaking about HIMSELF to show the importance of what he is about to say. And what our Prophet (saw) says HIMSELF, I will repeat one more time for you: *The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, “By the One (i.e. Allah) in whose hands the soul of Muhammad (i.e. MYSELF), there is NO ONE who hears of ME from this nation of JEWS AND CHRISTIANS and then dies WITHOUT BELIEVING in MY message except that HE WILL BE AN INHABITANT OF THE HELLFIRE.” (Sahih Muslim)* How much clearer can it get? And indeed, if this is what the Prophet (saw) said, then it is revelation from Allah (SWT) and we must accept it and obey what Allah (SWT) has revealed. In regards to Quran 2:62 which you mentioned, I sincerely advise you to read the Tafsir’s on this verse and not interpret it by yourself. According to the classical Muslim exegetes & commentators, the verse that you quoted actually has 2 meanings. *FIRSTLY,* it refers to the Jews and Christians *BEFORE* the time of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), and so the verse means that any of the Jews or Christians who followed their previous prophet (i.e Moses or Jesus- peace be upon them both) and worshiped Allah sincerely and fulfilled their Deen, they will be granted Jannah on the Day of Judgement. The *SECOND* meaning of the same verse refers to the Jews and Christians *AFTER* the time of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), and so the early scholars say that it also means that if the Jews & Christians (at the time of the Prophet) believe in Allah and the day of judgement and *“DO RIGHTEOUSNESS” (this = BELIEVING IN THE PROPHET & QURAN according to Ibn Abbas, Al-Jalalayn, and many others), THEN* they will have nothing to fear or grieve on Judgement day. So the scholars have already interpreted the verse you just quoted, and it *INCLUDES* believing in the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and the Quran (unless you were a Jew or Christian who lived *BEFORE* the Prophet’s Time). So my friend, I would humbly ask you to read more Tafsir and study more, and I would also appreciate if you could apologize for saying that I am “full of ignorance” while what you yourself have been saying is actually wrong and rejected by all major scholars including Yasir Qadhi Himself, the author of this video.... and again, I recommend you email him directly and ask him. You will see that he and ALL other major Muslim scholars of the world agree with me. This is not a matter of opinion, but of the Quran & Sunnah. Finally, you still haven’t responded to the other Quran verses I have quoted before, where Allah (swt) makes it *CRYSTAL CLEAR* that a Jew and Christian (or ANYONE who has heard about Prophet and his message) *MUST* believe in him and in the Quran which he was given in order to attain Jannah. And this is quite honestly common sense. I don’t see how you can believe that a Jew (who believes in Allah and Judgement Day) can Hear about the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and the Quran, and then say *”I REJECT HIM! I only want Musa and Torah of Allah, NOT MUHAMMAD OR QURAN!!!”* ....that Allah (SWT) will give Eternal Jannah to this person?.... *By Allah this is not what our religion teaches!* And the Hadith of the *PROPHET MUHAMMAD (NOT Abu Huraira) which I quoted already proves this 100%).* And if you want any more evidence, I think the verses I already gave you from the Quran were sufficient, and they are clear and unambiguous. Especially Surat An-Nisa where Allah (swt) says DIRECTLY to the Jews and Christians that if they do not believe in Quran, he will *DESTROY THEIR FACES OR CURSE THEM.* How much clearer does it get than this! Also, I gave you another verse from Sirah Nisa (I think verse 150), where Allah (swt) says that *ANYONE who discriminates between the Prophets (which is exactly what the Jews and Christians do) are the *“KAFIRUUNA HAQQA!” (the True Disbelievers!)* and Allah says that He has prepared for them the Fire of Hell for disbelieving in Musa or Jesus or Muhammad & the Quran (peace & blessings be upon them all). Just like rejecting *ONE VERSE* of the Quran is like rejecting the *WHOLE QURAN,* rejecting *ONE PROPHET* is like rejecting *ALL THE PROPHETS- and thus that person rejects Allah.* So I still want you to respond to those Quran verses or take time to study them and read the Tafsirs on all of these verses. There is almost no difference in opinion about their meaning. And if you want one more verse from the Quran to prove this to you (and there are probably *HUNDREDS),* then let me quote you one more. Allah the Almighty (SWT) says: *Say, "O People of the Scripture (Jews & Christians), you are [standing] upon NOTHING until you uphold [the law of] the Torah, the Gospel, AND WHAT HAS BEEN REVEALED TO YOU FROM YOUR LORD (i.e The Quran)." And that which has been revealed to you from your Lord (i.e. the QURAN) will surely increase many of them in TRANSGRESSION and DISBELIEF. So do not grieve over the disbelieving people. (Quran **5:58**)* Now tell me brother: When Allah (swt) declares that the Jews and Christians who do not accept the Torah, Gospel, AND QURAN are “standing on NOTHING” you actually think this means they will get Paradise (Jannah)?....Impossible. When Allah (swt) says that someone is standing on *NOTHING,* this means they have rejected the truth and their only destination can be Hell (Jahanam). So please brother, *READ MORE CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU REPLY TO ME,* and study the Tafsirs of the verses I have given you, and the Tafsir of the verses YOU have quoted. Then you will see that the Quran & Sunnah makes it CLEAR that anyone who intentionally REJECTS the Quran and intentionally REJECTS the Prophet Muhammad (saw), can not enter Jannah, even if they believe in Allah and the Last Day. And again, EMAIL Sheikh Yasir Qadhi HIMSELF and see what he has to say. And please apologize to me for saying that I am “full of ignorance.” I pray that Allah (swt) increases both of our knowledge and grants us wisdom and understanding, and allows us to submit to what He has revealed and increase our Imaan. Ameen.
My criteria is, we don't know who is best in Allah's vision, so i think no one is great and perfect enough to judge someone who is going to jannah or not coz we even dont know that we are gonna go there or not.
Like there are non muslims who are doing great works and some are even more good then a Muslim, so I don't think we are brave and perfect enough.
Hi! I love your videos ❤️
So, there's this guy from my class who keeps saying that non-Muslims will not go to paradise but hell. I think that's so ignorant, I mean how would he know? He even says that about my grandma who is a non-Muslim and think that's very disrespectful 😡 I didn't even speak to him for like 6 days. He insists that I should convince her to convert to Islam but that won't be possible. He sent me this Aya as proof:
ومن يبتغ غير الاسلام دينا فلن يقبل منه وهو في الاخرة من الخاسرين
Does that mean my grandma won't go to paradise? 😢
Allah is the most merciful let him decide not ur friend
@@shazinathajudeen8417 yes true
Allah will judged . Not us
This reason can not be valid now because now every non Muslim haa heard of Islam,sees Islam and has all the options to study Islam through net.
Ever heard of North sentinel island?
@@dbzadnenkhiari Kafir means a disbeliever. If you don't believe ALLAH's message and HIS prophet then you have become a disbeliever right.
We as Muslims, believe that ALLAH created us, HE promised us jannah if we obey HIM and Hellfire if we disobey HIM.
But for the non-Muslims , they believe a creator other than ALLAH. And the truth is, every single creature is crated by ALLAH alone. So for that reason, ALLAH promises those who mock HIM, disobey HIM, don not worship HIM alone and are arrogant.
@@ahmedabdikadir3550 No, that does not even mean disbeliever. What you said is wrong.
It’s not just about hearing of Islam. One has to clearly understand the message in order to be held accountable for accepting or rejecting it. And God does not overburden a soul beyond its capacity.
A Muslim is one who is submissive to the will of Allah!The creator ,the ordinator, the destroyer!He proposed a path for His creations!The sun ,the moon and all other beings are Muslims! Heaven means a peaceful life in this testing trial world and the resulting next world! So being submissive most of us are!Allah loves all !wonderful God!
Thank you alot that is the lord i know
Justious.i always say leave Allah swt 2be the judge.Al Hakimul Hakamin.
For He is the true judge not us.
This how mental cult look like 😂😂😂
Huge waste of time all that arguing above. Fact is NO MUSLIM or anyone trusting in their own works will enter Heaven - the Biblical Jesus doesn't know you (Matt 7:21-23) ... and you all as well as the person in this video itself continues to reject the 1 narrow way - EASIER - better - faith alone - done deal way to Heaven.
YOU HAVE ALL **Gone the way of Cain (Genesis), offering your own fruits/efforts and ways and God will reject it as he always has done ... because Abel was accepted because he shed the blood of a lamb - Lesson here is ONLY SHED BLOOD COVERS SINS ... and hence also why Jesus shed his blood on the Cross - The Gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) and he is known as "The lamb of God".
and *salvation is of the Lord.
Wicked scholar
Imran Khan r u crazy?
God forbid.
Wicket prophet.
Who ever believe in One God will enter heaven. And that is Islam. For example the Christians, Hindus who believe in Our God will be successful.
Not entirely true. If a Jew or Christian, for example, has heard of the Prophet Muhammad (as) and the Quran that he was given, and they reject both him as the final Prophet and the Quran as the final revelation from Allah (swt), there can be no Jannah for them. *Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “By the one in whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, there is no one who hears of me from this nation of Jews and Christians and then dies without believing in my message except that he will be an inhabitant of the Hellfire.” (Sahih Muslim 153)*
Abdul S. - You are a full of ignorance. What Abu Huraira says is not a rule. Let’s check what Quran says.
Aal-i Imran:64 - "Say: 'O People of the Book! Come to common terms as between us and you: that we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with Him; that we erect not from among ourselves Lords and patrons other than Allah.'"
Abu Huraria (May Allah be pleased with him) was the narrator of the Hadith. *The Prophet Muhammad (saw) was the speaker.* The Hadith is from *Sahih Muslim.* Please read more carefully next time, brother. In regards to the verse you mentioned, it never says that the Ahl al Kitab are inhabitants of Jannah, but only that we should speak to them by first mentioning our important similar belief in the Oneness of Allah (swt). That verse has *nothing* to do with the Akhira.
On the contrary, listen to what Allah (swt) says *DIRECTLY* to the Ahl al Kitab: *O you who were given the Scripture! Believe in what We have sent down [to Muhammad], confirming that which is with you, BEFORE WE OBLITERATE FACES and turn them toward their backs or CURSE THEM as We cursed the sabbath-breakers. And ever is the decree of Allah accomplished. (Quran **4:47**, An-Nisa)*
Also, Allah (swt) tells us plainly in Surat Al-Bayinnah: *Those who disbelieved among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists were not to be parted [from misbelief] until there came to them clear evidence -A Messenger from Allah , reciting purified scriptures....Indeed, those who disbelieve among the People of the Scripture and the polytheists WILL BE IN THE FIRE OF ALL, ABIDING ETERNALLY THEREIN. Those are the WORST of creatures. (Quran 98:1-6, Surat Al Bayinnah)*
In his commentary on verse 6 of this chapter, none other than Ibn Abbas (May Allah be pleased with him), said the following:
*(Lo! those who disbelieve) IN MUHAMMAD [SAW] AND THE QURAN, (among the PEOPLE OF THE SCRIPTURE and the idolaters) i.e. the idolaters among the people of Mecca, (will abide IN THE FIRE OF HELL) NEVER TO DIE THEREIN OR LEAVE IT (They are the WORST of created beings. (Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs)*
I am saying absolutely nothing new here, my brother. This is a *UNANIMOUS* belief among all major classical & contemporary scholars of Islam, even Sheikh Yasir Qadhi himself. Do we have many important similarities with the Ahl Al-Kitab? Yes. Does Islam give Ahl Al-Kitab a special place in our deen among all other non-Muslims? Absolutely.
But the idea that a grown & sane Jew or Christian can accurately hear the message of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), intentionally *REJECT* him and the Quran which he was given, and yet still have a chance of eternal salvation in Jannah- is the most absurd and perpostrous idea that has *NEVER been enteratined by any legitimate scholar of Islam. Not one.* And I encourage you to email Sheikh Yasir Qadhi to ask him himself, or simply do more research and you will come to know.
So please, do not attribute ignorance to someone before you have even done proper research on the matter or consulted any scholars or authentic Hadith of the Prophet (as), as I myself gave you above (but you misread it).
And if you want any more conclusive proof from the Quran, there are *hundreds* that make it clear that you *MUST* believe in all of the Prophets (as long as you have heard of them and their message- Allah's peace be upon them all) in order to attain Jannah. But here is just one more verse that I think is fully sufficient to make this point. And this verse is in
*Indeed, those who disbelieve in Allah and His messengers and wish to discriminate between Allah and His messengers and say, "We believe in some and disbelieve in others," and wish to adopt a way in between- THOSE ARE THE DISBLIEVERS IN TRUTH. And We have prepared for the disbelievers a HUMILIATING TORMENT. But they who believe in Allah and His messengers and DO NOT DISCRIMINATE between ANY of them - to THOSE He is going to give their rewards. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.(Quran **4:15**0-152, An-Nisa)*
Abdul S. - Again you missed the point. We should obey Allah, not Abu Huraira.
2:62 - Indeed, those who believed and those who were *Jews or Christians or Sabeans* - those who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteousness - will have their *reward* with their Lord, and no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve.
SeeMahbub Brother, with all due respect, I think YOU are the one who missed the point. You need to read much much more carefully. Take your time and read slowly. I am saying this to you for the third time now: *The Hadith I quoted was NOT from Abu Haraira. I repeat, it is NOT from Abu Huraira. It is an authentic Hadith from the PROPHET MUHAMMAD HIMSELF (saw). Abu Huraira was only the NARRATOR of the Hadith, who said that he HEARD it from the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and he told us what he HEARD from the PROPHET (saw). The reason you misunderstand is because you read the Hadith TOO QUICKLY and saw “Abu Huraira” and thought he was the speaker. Then you saw “I swear by the One in whose hands is the soul of MUHAMMAD” and you did not realize that this was the Prophet Muhammad (saw) speaking about HIMSELF to show the importance of what he is about to say.
And what our Prophet (saw) says HIMSELF, I will repeat one more time for you: *The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said, “By the One (i.e. Allah) in whose hands the soul of Muhammad (i.e. MYSELF), there is NO ONE who hears of ME from this nation of JEWS AND CHRISTIANS and then dies WITHOUT BELIEVING in MY message except that HE WILL BE AN INHABITANT OF THE HELLFIRE.” (Sahih Muslim)* How much clearer can it get? And indeed, if this is what the Prophet (saw) said, then it is revelation from Allah (SWT) and we must accept it and obey what Allah (SWT) has revealed.
In regards to Quran 2:62 which you mentioned, I sincerely advise you to read the Tafsir’s on this verse and not interpret it by yourself. According to the classical Muslim exegetes & commentators, the verse that you quoted actually has 2 meanings. *FIRSTLY,* it refers to the Jews and Christians *BEFORE* the time of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), and so the verse means that any of the Jews or Christians who followed their previous prophet (i.e Moses or Jesus- peace be upon them both) and worshiped Allah sincerely and fulfilled their Deen, they will be granted Jannah on the Day of Judgement.
The *SECOND* meaning of the same verse refers to the Jews and Christians *AFTER* the time of the Prophet Muhammad (saw), and so the early scholars say that it also means that if the Jews & Christians (at the time of the Prophet) believe in Allah and the day of judgement and *“DO RIGHTEOUSNESS” (this = BELIEVING IN THE PROPHET & QURAN according to Ibn Abbas, Al-Jalalayn, and many others), THEN* they will have nothing to fear or grieve on Judgement day.
So the scholars have already interpreted the verse you just quoted, and it *INCLUDES* believing in the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and the Quran (unless you were a Jew or Christian who lived *BEFORE* the Prophet’s Time). So my friend, I would humbly ask you to read more Tafsir and study more, and I would also appreciate if you could apologize for saying that I am “full of ignorance” while what you yourself have been saying is actually wrong and rejected by all major scholars including Yasir Qadhi Himself, the author of this video.... and again, I recommend you email him directly and ask him. You will see that he and ALL other major Muslim scholars of the world agree with me. This is not a matter of opinion, but of the Quran & Sunnah.
Finally, you still haven’t responded to the other Quran verses I have quoted before, where Allah (swt) makes it *CRYSTAL CLEAR* that a Jew and Christian (or ANYONE who has heard about Prophet and his message) *MUST* believe in him and in the Quran which he was given in order to attain Jannah.
And this is quite honestly common sense. I don’t see how you can believe that a Jew (who believes in Allah and Judgement Day) can Hear about the Prophet Muhammad (saw) and the Quran, and then say *”I REJECT HIM! I only want Musa and Torah of Allah, NOT MUHAMMAD OR QURAN!!!”* ....that Allah (SWT) will give Eternal Jannah to this person?.... *By Allah this is not what our religion teaches!* And the Hadith of the *PROPHET MUHAMMAD (NOT Abu Huraira) which I quoted already proves this 100%).*
And if you want any more evidence, I think the verses I already gave you from the Quran were sufficient, and they are clear and unambiguous. Especially Surat An-Nisa where Allah (swt) says DIRECTLY to the Jews and Christians that if they do not believe in Quran, he will *DESTROY THEIR FACES OR CURSE THEM.* How much clearer does it get than this!
Also, I gave you another verse from Sirah Nisa (I think verse 150), where Allah (swt) says that *ANYONE who discriminates between the Prophets (which is exactly what the Jews and Christians do) are the *“KAFIRUUNA HAQQA!” (the True Disbelievers!)* and Allah says that He has prepared for them the Fire of Hell for disbelieving in Musa or Jesus or Muhammad & the Quran (peace & blessings be upon them all). Just like rejecting *ONE VERSE* of the Quran is like rejecting the *WHOLE QURAN,* rejecting *ONE PROPHET* is like rejecting *ALL THE PROPHETS- and thus that person rejects Allah.*
So I still want you to respond to those Quran verses or take time to study them and read the Tafsirs on all of these verses. There is almost no difference in opinion about their meaning. And if you want one more verse from the Quran to prove this to you (and there are probably *HUNDREDS),* then let me quote you one more. Allah the Almighty (SWT) says:
*Say, "O People of the Scripture (Jews & Christians), you are [standing] upon NOTHING until you uphold [the law of] the Torah, the Gospel, AND WHAT HAS BEEN REVEALED TO YOU FROM YOUR LORD (i.e The Quran)." And that which has been revealed to you from your Lord (i.e. the QURAN) will surely increase many of them in TRANSGRESSION and DISBELIEF. So do not grieve over the disbelieving people. (Quran **5:58**)*
Now tell me brother: When Allah (swt) declares that the Jews and Christians who do not accept the Torah, Gospel, AND QURAN are “standing on NOTHING” you actually think this means they will get Paradise (Jannah)?....Impossible. When Allah (swt) says that someone is standing on *NOTHING,* this means they have rejected the truth and their only destination can be Hell (Jahanam).
So please brother, *READ MORE CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU REPLY TO ME,* and study the Tafsirs of the verses I have given you, and the Tafsir of the verses YOU have quoted. Then you will see that the Quran & Sunnah makes it CLEAR that anyone who intentionally REJECTS the Quran and intentionally REJECTS the Prophet Muhammad (saw), can not enter Jannah, even if they believe in Allah and the Last Day. And again, EMAIL Sheikh Yasir Qadhi HIMSELF and see what he has to say.
And please apologize to me for saying that I am “full of ignorance.” I pray that Allah (swt) increases both of our knowledge and grants us wisdom and understanding, and allows us to submit to what He has revealed and increase our Imaan. Ameen.