Hi! French morrocan here. In governmental surveys we never get asked our religion as it's illegal to do so since the incidents of 39-45. We can't, legally, categorize people by religion. I'd also like to note that being Muslims isn't a race/ethnicity. For example I'm north African but I'm not Muslim THO I know white people who are Muslims. Like Christianity it's up to the person's private relationship with god and is none of the government's business. I know for Americans place of birth = religion but it is a very American way of seeing things which I understand to an extend. Fun fact, the biggest Muslims countries are Indonesia and Malaysia. Not arab countries as most would expect.
Well, in reality we can do religious census, it's just so taboo almost nobody ever does it (though the INSEE does it). However, it is forbidden to do RACIAL census.
@@johnnystonks3970 INSEE's are not religious census but religious statistics done on a small group of people then extrapolated to the general population. That is NOT a census. Me when I'm fucking dumb. Putain. La loi du 6 janvier 1978 (article 8): «Il est interdit de collecter ou de traiter des données à caractère personnel qui font apparaître, directement ou indirectement, les origines raciales ou ethniques, les opinions politiques, philosophiques ou religieuses...»
Do not mix ethnicity and religion, the guy said « Maghreb » which means Northern Africa, most of them are Muslims. Your reaction is very heartwarming : thank you. Greetings from France 🇫🇷, region Beauce : wheat and Chartres’ gorgeous cathedral.
Not North Africa, it only encompass Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria, in this specific and general understanding. North Africa is sometimes referred to "Grand Maghreb" and encompass a little bit more than just "North". And very, very rarely used. So let's stick to common designation of the 3 ex french colonies here. From France oo.
it's amazing how much an non french guy can understand that much the french culture and the history and now in 2024 we need in France more people that love the culture, the history and the country even if the governement is not the best actually. love your video and keep going !
Many singers come from other French-speaking countries (Belgium, Switzerland, Quebec (Canada), West Africa...) But Belgium is the biggest supplier, that's for sure.
Le général De Gaulle avait une vision très politisée du fromage. Pendant la guerre il a dit « Un pays qui produit 365 sortes de fromages ne peut pas perdre la guerre ». Puis quand il était Président « Comment voulez-vous gouverner un pays où il existe 258 variétés de fromages ? » En réalité il y a plus de 1200 variétés de fromages français.
Je suis français et je tient a dire que les escargots ne sont pas des insectes mais des gastéropodes, autrement dit, des mollusques terrestres. Salutations.
As French, I'm happy to know there is at least one American who understand our way of life 🤗 To work is important, but less than our lives ! And we have only one, we should'nt miss it. Another thing: your French accent is light 👍
My mom is French, she keeps me informed, I have learned a lot. I wish everyone else would think like you guys and stand up for their lives (which like you said we only have one) England is even playing around with 4 day work days for the week at 32 hours a week and so far it shows exactly what we all know - workers are happier, working harder and have more free time for their family and errands - oh and so far they are showing the actual buiness is making JUST as much as it makes with a 40 hour week.
Snails are actually delicious with garlic butter, but we don't eat them on a regular basis, they're a delicacy we keep for Christmas. Cheers from Amiens (no one cares about us but our cathedral and the Hortillonages are pretty dope)
Il ne parle pas non plus du Poitou avec son beurre servi à la table des rois, de ses fromages de chèvre de son marais poitevin et de la fée Mélusine et de notre patois, bien des régions ne sont pas citées tout ce qu’il connaît c’est Bordeaux et son vin triste mais pas surprenant. On aura moins d’envahisseurs voilà tout 🤣😂
On peut même parler du cirque qui est le même que le cirque d'hiver de Paris sans oublier la maison de Jules Vernes que les américains aiment bien. Et nos champs de bataille...
Hi Uncle D, Happy to meet you again. I live in Perpignan now (the Pyrenees mountains to the south, by the sea and bordered by the Spanish border-shown on the map in the video), but I'm Parisian by birth. My two grandmothers were also Parisians, like yours.
Some statements in this video should be reconsidered: - Concerning horses, we always show photos of mounted horses to discuss the horse industry and the consumption of this meat (like in this video). But, in reality, the main source is made up of draft horses or draft foals and, more succinctly, of mounted horses at the end of their life. There is still a French equine meat sector, but it is insignificant compared to the pork, beef, and poultry sectors (less than 1%). Half of the equine herd is kept on farms, and the breeding of heavy horses (40% of the national herd) is concentrated in the mountain areas, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Massif Central and Rhône-Alpes. If they were actually consumed in the past, it was especially in times of scarcity (wars, epidemics, destroyed crops due to climatic conditions such as droughts, hail and repeated frosts, etc.). The custom took hold and horse butcheries emerged. But, it was mainly in the north of France (Paris and Parisian regions included) until the end of the 1980s. Previously, they only offered French draft horse meat. Today, most horse butcheries have closed. Those that remain are mainly located in the northernmost region of France (Hauts-de-France ⇾ the region located in the far north of mainland France) and principally offer imported horse meat. Elsewhere, we hardly find any anymore. Then, even if we still find a section reserved for horse meat in hypermarkets, this is very succinct and only offers horse meat from Argentina (not recommended because Argentine legislation is much laxer than the French and authorizes the massive use of antibiotics and hormones). The French sector has become exhausted by consumption habits that have significantly evolved since the 90s. Good to know. Horse meat has a taste very close to that of beef (slightly more pronounced) and is much better for your health (much leaner). It also presents interesting energy qualities.
- For snails, 700 million snails consumed in France may seem like an astronomical figure. However, the current French population is approximately 68 million individuals. This, therefore, represents a dozen snails per head (mainly consumed during the end-of-year holidays, Christmas and New Year's Day). In addition, we must remove from this figure tourist consumption, which is not less, since most visitors from abroad, who come to spend a few days in the territory, taste this typically French dish at least once (France being the most visited country in the world with more of 70 million visitors per year). As for the consumption of raw or lightly cooked meat, again, we must put it into perspective: consumption is tiny. The most consumed meat in France is pork, and in second place, chicken. - Regarding the strict rules for broadcasting songs in French on the media, I am always amused that the Anglo-Saxons are surprised, knowing that they themselves mainly listen to the English variety on their media. Other languages are under-represented. In addition, American and English protectionism is much more drastic in terms of the distribution of foreign works (cinema, music, etc.) than the French model. This is also the reason for the existence of channels similar to yours. Note: the word “France” means: “Land of free men”. The origin of the name (frank) is Proto-Germanic and means “javelin” or “spear.” The metaphor of the javelin thrown into the air gave another etymology to the word by defining it as “free” (frank ⇾ free) in the ancient Germanic languages (the “Franks” became afterward the “François” and later the “Français” and, of course, the country “France,” being the country of the Franks by extension, means “the free men's land,” so). Peace, folks. ☮👈😎
en tous cas vous avez bien l'esprit gaulois comme on dit ^^ (français) ; vous râlez, rigolez de vous-même et prenez au sérieux la qualité de vie ! (et votre prononciation est bien meilleure que celle du présentateur du documentaire !) well done mum !
As parisian, i would say 80% true. However for big friends i wouldn t say german since they like to take decisions in EU for there own interests without debating with us before lol. Plus, he could have talk about sport, we love football and rugby (especially the last one in south west, like near Toulouse).
In France, 5 weeks of vacation ( or 2, 5 days per month worked) is just... the law. You can have more, but your employer can't demand less. At least, officially...
Je suis français et j'adore ton humour j'aime beaucoup tes vidéos mais surtout j'adore quand des étrangers disent qu'ils aiment la France et les francaos car c'est vraiment le plus beau pays du monde bonne continuation à toi 👍👍
Anglais a beautiful source found to present France, , which you unearthed and shared. I really like to see, the time spent on your channel about this kind of subject, and to be natural on your discover and learn, but also as you say, to discover and question surprising points. It would be great to explore these questions in more depth, for futur videos. It's work time, and I think people following you, should be helpefull to help you.
Horse was indeed consumed regularly by some people (I was one of them, at least once a week), but it's more and more difficult to find horse meat, due to vegan and Peta-like people influence.
10:01 I wish that were entirely true but large malls still waste A LOT of food, and sometimes prevent people from collecting the "garbage", which in that particular case is illegal
re: vacations, it's not up to the corporate management to decide: the 5-week a year vacation is mandatory. And that comes on top of the many Bank holidays (Christmas, Easter, ...) and the "ponts" (bridges): if a Bank holiday, say the 14th July were to fall on a Thursday, the following Friday would be a paid day off too because ... there's the weekend coming just after that. These occurences are known as "long weekends".
Interesting facts about marie curie and the nobel prize: She's the 1st woman to ever win a Nobel prize She's the 1st person to ever win 2 Nobel prizes She's one of only 2 people to ever win 2 Nobel prizes in different fields The Curie family is the family that won the most nobel prizes in history (4)
This information is quite accurate. Snails are excellent because they taste absolutely not like snails but rather like melted butter and garlic. It's not true that it rains all the time in Paris.... Sometimes it snows. As for New Caledonia, 3 referendums were voted on and 3 times they chose to remain French. (we can't get rid of it). As for Cheese (fromton or fromtogom in Parisian slang) there are more than 1200 kinds. It's true it's an invasion, in my tiny village in Normandy I have Australian, English and Dutch neighbors.. A real tower of Babel.👍👍😉
About ethnicity ; it's estimate than between 5 and 7 millions french peoples have ( partially or totaly) italian roots because of massive immigration from Italy since the end of the 19 th century.This is the largest sub-ethnic group in France.
I am a Frenchman and never ate snails. Some people still eat horses ( it started during the siege of Paris by Prussians when Parisians were literally starving ) but they’re a minority.
thank u so much for showing this documentary very complete of my country ! Our media aren't able to admit we have in France countless beauties and wealths. There is a French culture contrary to what Macron says.
Macron n'a jamais dit qu'il n'y a pas de culture française. Vous vous déshonorez en mettant dans la bouche de notre président élu au suffrage universel direct, des mensonges absurdes fabriqués par des traîtres.
9.23: Alors, NON. La viande crue ou mi-cuite n'est PAS dans la culture culinaire française. Dans notre cuisine, on privilégiera des viandes cuites, fumées ou bouillies. C'est justement pour évité des maladies comme la toxoplasmose (et pour une meilleure conservation de la viande) que très tôt dans notre histoire, nous avons cuit ou fumé nos viandes. Je ne sais pas d'où il sort cette information. 10.05: Petite précision, ce ne sont pas des "déchets" qui sont donnés aux associations caritatives et à la "Banque alimentaire" mais des "invendus" uniquement avec une DLV (Date Limite de Vente) plus ou moins courte. 15.45: Heu... Jacques Brel est belge... 16.27: En France, on dort en moyenne 6 heures par nuit pour un sommeil recommandé par nos services de santé estimé entre 7 et 9 heures par nuit. 16.47: Vous avez parfaitement cerné "l'esprit français". 17.27: C'est un peu plus de 8 heures de travail par jour pour un français moyen. Officiellement, un français doit travailler 35 heures par semaine, mais dans la réalité, il travaille généralement plus de 40 heures (pouvant monter jusqu'à plus de 50 heures dans certains corps de métiers).
Le présentateur de Geography Now vérifie une bonne partie de ses infos auprès de ses abonnés. En particulier, il demande toujours quelles personnalités, oeuvres, etc. il devrait mentionner. Typiquement, la référence à Jacques Brel, c'est un abonné qui a oublié que le grand Jacques venait du plat pays... 9.23 il fait référence au steak tartare (qui a d'ailleurs eu son sujet au journal télévisé le mois dernier) ou à la viande rouge qu'on mange plus souvent bleue ou saignante que bien cuite (il me semble que la gastronomie américaine favorise le steak de boeuf bien cuit dans du beurre fondu qu'on utilise pour arroser la viande pendant la cuisson et la garder tendre) 17.27 on récupère souvent nos heures sous forme de RTT (ou en heures supplémentaires rémunérées) donc je pense que le présentateur faisait référence à nos 35h hebdomadaires, avec un raccourci un peu trop rapide... La pause pendant la journée (c'est la pause de midi, d'ailleurs) est à prendre en comparaison avec d'autres cultures où on mange plutôt sur le pouce en moins de 20 min. Par contre, je ne dirais pas non aux 8h30 de sommeil !
Alors si , les français adore les carpaccio et Tartare et manger bleu ou saignant , si dans tout les resteau ils proposent du Tartare ce n'est pas pour rien 😅
Yes some people eat Horse meat, there use to be many "boucherie Chevaline" (horse butcher shop) but there's less and less, even tho you can still found horse meat (i don't eat horse). Snails are really good when cooked and seasoned with parsley butter. Regionals languages are less and less spoken only by the old ones, many of those languages can now be studied at university (partly to make sure these languages don't disapppear, just like some already have). The "Academie française" try very often to find french translation for new word used everyday (like blog, hashtag or spoiler) but often those translation aren't use by people, we just now they exist. (for the record spoiler in french is supposed to be "divulgacher", which is actually a new word made with 2 : divulguer (reveal) and gacher (waste), but everyone use spoil). 15:10 it's partly true, some radio are specialised in 80s music, some are specialised in rap or classical music. But for the main radio (radio france) it's true. Greeting from France, Normandy region, known to have more cows than humans 😅
Bonjour, Most of the information is correct... Factual. That said, there are some exaggerations thrown in for laughs.... Otherwise, we have 5 weeks of paid leave, it's mandatory. And employers are very regulated in what they can do... it's impossible to be fired by text message like in your country... Cordialement, Lyzbeth d'Andrésy.
@@ReactionsbyD Indeed, America isn't as appealing a place to live compared to France. There, you work tirelessly just to make ends meet, without the security of a proper retirement plan. If you ever require hospitalization, the costs can easily equate to two houses, five cars, and more. What's striking is that Americans seem to accept this reality. In France, if we're discontent, we protest, but in America, if you're dissatisfied, there's always someone willing to undercut you. There's a lack of true solidarity among Americans. The sole form of solidarity among Americans seems to be reserved for their soldiers, which is perplexing because they voluntarily put their lives on the line. However, for those who haven't opted for such a path... Instead of prioritizing investments in domestic development, resources are predominantly directed towards the military. One might question the rationale behind this allocation. Honestly, your country possesses all the ingredients for a pleasant existence, yet it appears as though there's a reluctance to actualize it. That's how the US looks to me, as a French ^^'
Like so much your React. I m Come from Paris and it's so funny to watch your things about France and french peoples. Thanx a lot. Where r you Come from Buddy ? You make my day !
There's even more than this resume, did you ever heard about "le Facteur Cheval" ? He made a palace for his daughter by himself without knowing anything about architecture ! We are a very surprising and unique population loving and hating themselves at the same time and there's about any religion that exist in the world in our beautiful country ! What a mix !
In fact, we have no ethnic statistics. But relatively serious estimates put the number of Muslims at between 8% and 10%. What may seem strange is that the majority of the descendants of these populations are concentrated in the country's urban areas, less so in rural areas.
Not so strange unfortunately, Muslim immigrants were parked in peripheral no-man's lands, and as France was unable to integrate them, they are still there.
Hello and thanks for this reaction vid. First of this all, your mum did a great jog 'cause your french is rather good. 👏 And, about the video itself, I would say that 80% is right, 15% is approximative and 5% is wrong.
Good analysis but he forgot a fact that makes France great, the world record for fastest time for a dog to jump 5 hurdles on a skateboard : 2.46 sec. Proud to be French.
I was eight Y.O. when I ate snails for the first time with a sauce butter and garlic. You rapidly forget you eat these littlr animals. It's so good. But before they got a special preparation. But we don't eat them often. If remember well : baguette and sandwiches came from Itaian migrants who wanted something easy to carry and eat when working. For strikes remember we honor the st of May, as Labor revendication in honor of people who sht and sentsnced to death during strikes in Chicago.
Lake Leman does have a bit of France...like Evian, the town where the mineral water is bottled at... I never eat horse myself, or know anyone that does.
La Belgique est notre plus proche voisin. On les aime, même si on adore se taquiner. Brel était belge et sa carrière est en partie française. Bonjour les belges.
Un grand nombre de mathématiciens français étaient aussi des physiciens, et des philosophes en même temps, Descartes était les trois à la fois, il est le grand créateur du "Je pense donc je suis", même si techniquement la vraie phrase est "Je doute donc je pense, je pense donc je suis, je suis donc Dieu existe", c'est lui qui à implanté le repère cartésien (repère orthonormé) dans les bases des mathématiques graphiques, et qui a permis le lien entre algèbre et géométrie, il est l'auteur de la géométrie analytique (créer des objets géométriques à partir d'équations algébriques). En tant que physicien il a bien sûr adapté son repère en repère cartésien tridimensionnel et créé la théorie des tourbillons sur le mouvement des planètes. Descartes était un scientifique, mais à cette époque philosophie physique et mathématiques étaient tellement liés qu'il s'agissait quasiment de la même matière.
I know at our local farmer's market (I think that's the english term? it's a market that takes place a couple days a week depending on the location) we do have "horse butchery" which is a butcher dedicated to horse meat (though it is far less common than beef or porc for that matter)
In France everybody has 5 weeks of vacation. It's the law. We usualy take 2 or 3 weeks in the summer, one week for christmas and new year and divide what remains smartly to add them with the ridiculus amount of hollydays we have through the year. Doing so we can get up to 6 and a half week vacation.
Muslim is a religion, not an ethnicity. Indonesia, Maghreb, Tchetchenia (no idea how its spelled) are mostly muslim, from 3 different continents and cultures
Haha, for vacation, I have 5 weeks and 8 "recovery days" and and average of 8 days off for national holidays like Christmas / New Year / Easter, etc... I also have 0 lost of money if I am sick and I have 5 days off if my kids are sick... fully paid.
the video is somewhat old. there's less regions now as some have merged, and the New-Caledonia referendum was been held, the "remain" vote passed in abstract.
Il est vrai qu'on s'est foutu sur la gueule avec l'Allemagne 3 fois en 75 ans... Et environ 10 ans après, on se faisait des mimis. On a même une chaîne de TV commune (super intéressante au demeurant)
12:30 Arabic population in france in majority comes from the Maghreb which include 3 countries which are : Algeria, Marocco and Tunisia. So they are in the 10% in this graphic but i really think that this number has increased those 5 last years. I think we can talk about explosion...
He forgot a few french territories that are NOT embassies. Because of a treaty François 1er signed with the Ottoman Empire in the 1530s France became the owner and protector of all major christian religious sites in the Middle East. Because of this treaty, France still owns monasteries, temples, convents and other thing in the region. Including in Israel (which led to a few heated moments between french presidents and armed israeli agents trying to infiltrate those sites during presidential visits, once with Chirac and once with Macron, who both used their big boy voices to kick them out of those places saying that they will not tolerate armed foreigners stepping on french soil).
I am french. I never eat frog, snail or horse. I know that these are foods that were commonly eaten in the past, like offal too. But it is now very rare.
Yes, hello, French girl here ( not far from Paris). 3 weeks of vacation is actually illegal for a full time job, it's minimum 30 weekdays, so, it's 5 weeks. Yes, I belong to the Civil Servants C.G.T. Union, why? 😁
12:35 The 10% North African population are mostly Muslim, and some of the black population are also Muslim from former colonies like Senegal, Mali etc.
10 days of vacation... that's insane... I have 1 week off in 2 weeks, which i dont have a choice but to take since the company will be closed during that time. And since i didn't take all of my days off, I am socially obligated to take them before i lose them (we fought for them, gotta use them). Don't remember how many i have left, but pretty sure it's enough to go over 10 days. And yet i find time to complain about working too much. Classic French guy...
Horse steak is a meal consumed in France maybe not regularly but it's not chocking in France to eat horse, it might suprise a little bit people but it wouldn't be considered especialy exceptional.
Hi friend. I told you before about the regulations for the music business in France, and I also recommended two stations that I myself listen to, which play latest hits 100% francophone, 24 hours a day.
13:27 the fact that the corsican pannel is intact is incredible considering the amount of those getting shot at by some very angry people living there. (If some of them read that, I love you guys, don't kill me pls)
The short hours, long vacations and early retirement are directly linked to the high amount of strikes XD In fact, we're losing these things, because there's less people striking now.....
Nous avons des volcans en France mais ils sont éteints : dans le centre du pays...dans la région nommée "le Puy de Dome" "massif central". Et on consomme de la viande de cheval particulièrement dans le Nord
France is a wonderful country... poorly governed. About the video, there are a lot of "clichés". No, the French don't take naps, it's just an old joke about Corsica. No, not all French people eat snails... personally I love frog legs with parsley 😄. No, each region does not speak its own dialect but like in most countries around the world there are different accents. I also noted an unforgivable error regarding the singer Jacques Brel. He was Belgian and not French and he was a wonderful artist. Belgium also offers great things, they gave us Lara Fabian 😉 . Yes, France is a wonderful country, but a country which is losing its bearings and which will soon lose its soul 🤕. regards and respect from France D. and sorry for my approximative English 😉.
I agree that France has unfortunately been poorly governed for too long. As for naps, I disagree. Personally, I take them, and many people around me do too. However, this practice is becoming increasingly rare, partly because lunch breaks have become shorter to finish work earlier, and also due to the ubiquity of new technologies. Nowadays, people often spend their lunch break on their phones rather than taking a nap. Regarding languages, although not all regions preserve their dialects, many still do. Just as America normalized English on its soil by removing the right of residents to speak French, notably in Louisiana, in metropolitan France, we also tried to standardize the French language and make dialects disappear to facilitate communication. However, this did not last long in France. Nowadays, there is a renewed interest in regional languages. Young people are reviving the traditions of their ancestors, and this is a positive development.
La France n'est pas mal gouvernée. Mais peuplée de gens qui crachent sur leurs élus. Résultat, seules des personnes imperméables aux crachats se présentent aux élections. Il y aurait peut-être de meilleurs gouvernants, mais les cracheurs les empêchent de vivre.
The North African+Maghreb are more or less Muslims... but only a bit more than half are full Muslims... which represents 5 to 6 % of the entire french population... But the 1st religion here is.... Atheism ! Many were christians (mostly catholics) at birth but but with time, the revolution and with the growth of knowledge in sciences, French became less and less religious.
After living 35 years abroad away from France. this is what I have observed in relation to News from France and how they are perceived abroad. what foreign countries do not understand (by lack of info in their media) is that France has been undergoing an onslaught of bad politics for the last 70 years --- sometimes one specific item is a trigger for the general mal-aise that the people of France have been subjugated with - so then foreign entities say - oh look the French are in the street again at the drop of a hat. Things may look out of the blue when they are announced without context -- and also foreign entities do not have sufficient interest in that country to want to have details - headlines suffice to amuse them.
Bravo pour vos vidéos réalisés avec bonne humeur et humour, vous parlez très bien le Français, il aurait pu être ajouté au reportage le Français louisianais, Français cadien ou Français cajun parlé par des Américains qui se battent au quotidien pour continuer à le faire vivre !
Horse meat was consumed regularly, like my mom ate a horse steak every week when she was young. But now, it's hard to found, I honestly have less trouble to find beef heart and tongue or pig brain than horse meat XD
hi I'm French and the French don't eat raw meat?! Except for a dish called "steak tartare" which is freshly seasoned beef with seasoning (pickle, onion, capers, mustard, tabasco... and a raw egg), we mix everything and eat it. :) it's delicious as long as you have good quality meat. Otherwise all French people cook their meat.... And some French people hate steak tartare, snails, horse meat like me for example!! I don't eat horse, and it's very rare to find a horse butcher's shop in France in our time. You have a very good accent :) there are around 6 million French people who are Muslims. French labor law imposes 5 weeks of leave for a year of work, employers have no choice! :)
Well, regarding religion, the majority of French people are either agnostic or atheist. Christians come next, followed by Muslims (8%, don’t believe what the media says). Judaism is third, and then come other religions like Buddhism or Hinduism.
Hi! French morrocan here. In governmental surveys we never get asked our religion as it's illegal to do so since the incidents of 39-45. We can't, legally, categorize people by religion. I'd also like to note that being Muslims isn't a race/ethnicity. For example I'm north African but I'm not Muslim THO I know white people who are Muslims. Like Christianity it's up to the person's private relationship with god and is none of the government's business.
I know for Americans place of birth = religion but it is a very American way of seeing things which I understand to an extend.
Fun fact, the biggest Muslims countries are Indonesia and Malaysia. Not arab countries as most would expect.
Well, in reality we can do religious census, it's just so taboo almost nobody ever does it (though the INSEE does it).
However, it is forbidden to do RACIAL census.
@@johnnystonks3970 INSEE's are not religious census but religious statistics done on a small group of people then extrapolated to the general population. That is NOT a census. Me when I'm fucking dumb. Putain.
La loi du 6 janvier 1978 (article 8): «Il est interdit de collecter ou de traiter des données à caractère personnel qui font apparaître, directement ou indirectement, les origines raciales ou ethniques, les opinions politiques, philosophiques ou religieuses...»
@@johnnystonks3970 Je te bloque, t'es con.
@@darksideofthemood You are right, lack of research from my part.
Au temps pour moi
Do not mix ethnicity and religion, the guy said « Maghreb » which means Northern Africa, most of them are Muslims.
Your reaction is very heartwarming : thank you.
Greetings from France 🇫🇷, region Beauce : wheat and Chartres’ gorgeous cathedral.
with its magnificent illuminations ⛪
Not North Africa, it only encompass Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria, in this specific and general understanding. North Africa is sometimes referred to "Grand Maghreb" and encompass a little bit more than just "North". And very, very rarely used.
So let's stick to common designation of the 3 ex french colonies here.
From France oo.
Maghreb veut dire occident en fait … étonnant hein !
Pas tellement si on considère que c’est plutôt à l’ouest de l’Afrique et certainement à l’ouest de l’Arabie 😁
Snails aren't insects... they are gastropod.
Oui , un gastéropode... c est un insecte cul-de-jatte quoi!!😅
En tant que breton je tient à préciser que on a rien a voir avec ce délire culinaire.
@@Christophe-pl5xuvous ete un peuple vaincu vous etes anglais
@@barrtwattz5246 irlandais gallois à 97% et 0% franc selon site d adn en ligne. Et 0% anglais.
@@Christophe-pl5xuen tant que breton ayant de la famille en Charente , je peux te dire qu'une fricassée de cagouille , c'est un plat de roi ! ...
@@Christophe-pl5xu La meilleur réponse possible ! 🤣
it's amazing how much an non french guy can understand that much the french culture and the history and now in 2024 we need in France more people that love the culture, the history and the country even if the governement is not the best actually.
love your video and keep going !
Many singers come from other French-speaking countries (Belgium, Switzerland, Quebec (Canada), West Africa...) But Belgium is the biggest supplier, that's for sure.
Le général De Gaulle avait une vision très politisée du fromage. Pendant la guerre il a dit « Un pays qui produit 365 sortes de fromages ne peut pas perdre la guerre ». Puis quand il était Président « Comment voulez-vous gouverner un pays où il existe 258 variétés de fromages ? »
En réalité il y a plus de 1200 variétés de fromages français.
1199 fromages plus la Vache Qui Rit
@@joeldumas5861 L'inventeur de l'ouverture facile, c'est ça la vraie fierté française 🇨🇵
meme degaulle ne savait pas de quoi il parlait!
Je suis français et je tient a dire que les escargots ne sont pas des insectes mais des gastéropodes, autrement dit, des mollusques terrestres. Salutations.
Il est inculte 😊on a tous la toxoplasmose et ça change notre humeur c’est la faute aux escargots si on est râleur 🤣😂
Vous pensez a François Bayrou?🤣
@@ericgabeau Lui-même en personne mdrrr
@@ericgabeau Mdrrrrrr!!!! XD Même si c'est un peu insultant pour les escargots.
As French, I'm happy to know there is at least one American who understand our way of life 🤗
To work is important, but less than our lives ! And we have only one, we should'nt miss it.
Another thing: your French accent is light 👍
My mom is French, she keeps me informed, I have learned a lot. I wish everyone else would think like you guys and stand up for their lives (which like you said we only have one) England is even playing around with 4 day work days for the week at 32 hours a week and so far it shows exactly what we all know - workers are happier, working harder and have more free time for their family and errands - oh and so far they are showing the actual buiness is making JUST as much as it makes with a 40 hour week.
@@ReactionsbyD Bisous à ta maman ;)
Snails are actually delicious with garlic butter, but we don't eat them on a regular basis, they're a delicacy we keep for Christmas.
Cheers from Amiens (no one cares about us but our cathedral and the Hortillonages are pretty dope)
C'est très exagéré de nous faire passer pour des mangeurs de chevaux ou d'insectes, c'est très marginal. En revanche, moi à Noël, I like phesant !
Il ne parle pas non plus du Poitou avec son beurre servi à la table des rois, de ses fromages de chèvre de son marais poitevin et de la fée Mélusine et de notre patois, bien des régions ne sont pas citées tout ce qu’il connaît c’est Bordeaux et son vin triste mais pas surprenant. On aura moins d’envahisseurs voilà tout 🤣😂
almost everything is good with garlic butter though mdr
Je ne suis pas le seul picard, cool
On peut même parler du cirque qui est le même que le cirque d'hiver de Paris sans oublier la maison de Jules Vernes que les américains aiment bien. Et nos champs de bataille...
Hi Uncle D,
Happy to meet you again.
I live in Perpignan now (the Pyrenees mountains to the south, by the sea and bordered by the Spanish border-shown on the map in the video), but I'm Parisian by birth. My two grandmothers were also Parisians, like yours.
Some statements in this video should be reconsidered:
- Concerning horses, we always show photos of mounted horses to discuss the horse industry and the consumption of this meat (like in this video). But, in reality, the main source is made up of draft horses or draft foals and, more succinctly, of mounted horses at the end of their life.
There is still a French equine meat sector, but it is insignificant compared to the pork, beef, and poultry sectors (less than 1%).
Half of the equine herd is kept on farms, and the breeding of heavy horses (40% of the national herd) is concentrated in the mountain areas, Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Massif Central and Rhône-Alpes.
If they were actually consumed in the past, it was especially in times of scarcity (wars, epidemics, destroyed crops due to climatic conditions such as droughts, hail and repeated frosts, etc.).
The custom took hold and horse butcheries emerged.
But, it was mainly in the north of France (Paris and Parisian regions included) until the end of the 1980s.
Previously, they only offered French draft horse meat.
Today, most horse butcheries have closed. Those that remain are mainly located in the northernmost region of France (Hauts-de-France ⇾ the region located in the far north of mainland France) and principally offer imported horse meat. Elsewhere, we hardly find any anymore.
Then, even if we still find a section reserved for horse meat in hypermarkets, this is very succinct and only offers horse meat from Argentina (not recommended because Argentine legislation is much laxer than the French and authorizes the massive use of antibiotics and hormones).
The French sector has become exhausted by consumption habits that have significantly evolved since the 90s.
Good to know. Horse meat has a taste very close to that of beef (slightly more pronounced) and is much better for your health (much leaner). It also presents interesting energy qualities.
- For snails, 700 million snails consumed in France may seem like an astronomical figure.
However, the current French population is approximately 68 million individuals. This, therefore, represents a dozen snails per head (mainly consumed during the end-of-year holidays, Christmas and New Year's Day).
In addition, we must remove from this figure tourist consumption, which is not less, since most visitors from abroad, who come to spend a few days in the territory, taste this typically French dish at least once (France being the most visited country in the world with more of 70 million visitors per year).
As for the consumption of raw or lightly cooked meat, again, we must put it into perspective: consumption is tiny.
The most consumed meat in France is pork, and in second place, chicken.
- Regarding the strict rules for broadcasting songs in French on the media, I am always amused that the Anglo-Saxons are surprised, knowing that they themselves mainly listen to the English variety on their media. Other languages are under-represented.
In addition, American and English protectionism is much more drastic in terms of the distribution of foreign works (cinema, music, etc.) than the French model.
This is also the reason for the existence of channels similar to yours.
Note: the word “France” means: “Land of free men”. The origin of the name (frank) is Proto-Germanic and means “javelin” or “spear.” The metaphor of the javelin thrown into the air gave another etymology to the word by defining it as “free” (frank ⇾ free) in the ancient Germanic languages (the “Franks” became afterward the “François” and later the “Français” and, of course, the country “France,” being the country of the Franks by extension, means “the free men's land,” so).
Peace, folks. ☮👈😎
Well done, I'm french and did'nt know a lot of your explainations 👍
Merci pour les informations sur la viande équine et l’origine du mot France (c’est tout de même absurde d’apprendre le sens du nom de son pays à 40 🙄)
en tous cas vous avez bien l'esprit gaulois comme on dit ^^ (français) ; vous râlez, rigolez de vous-même et prenez au sérieux la qualité de vie ! (et votre prononciation est bien meilleure que celle du présentateur du documentaire !) well done mum !
As parisian, i would say 80% true.
However for big friends i wouldn t say german since they like to take decisions in EU for there own interests without debating with us before lol.
Plus, he could have talk about sport, we love football and rugby (especially the last one in south west, like near Toulouse).
Je ne sais pas pour vous mais en fin de vidéo j’ai du lire le sous titrage en anglais pour comprendre ce qu’il disait 🤣
Most of them are true even if some are outdated. And why we like strikes is often to defend the rights that our elders have won. :)
In France, 5 weeks of vacation ( or 2, 5 days per month worked) is just... the law. You can have more, but your employer can't demand less.
At least, officially...
5 weeks, but we have the rtt too, with 4 weeks more.
Je suis français et j'adore ton humour j'aime beaucoup tes vidéos mais surtout j'adore quand des étrangers disent qu'ils aiment la France et les francaos car c'est vraiment le plus beau pays du monde bonne continuation à toi 👍👍
Quelle bonne surprise de vous entendre parler en français. 👏👏👏
a beautiful source found to present France, , which you unearthed and shared.
I really like to see, the time spent on your channel about this kind of subject, and to be natural on your discover and learn, but also as you say, to discover and question surprising points.
It would be great to explore these questions in more depth, for futur videos.
It's work time, and I think people following you, should be helpefull to help you.
Horse was indeed consumed regularly by some people (I was one of them, at least once a week), but it's more and more difficult to find horse meat, due to vegan and Peta-like people influence.
10:01 I wish that were entirely true but large malls still waste A LOT of food, and sometimes prevent people from collecting the "garbage", which in that particular case is illegal
re: vacations, it's not up to the corporate management to decide: the 5-week a year vacation is mandatory.
And that comes on top of the many Bank holidays (Christmas, Easter, ...) and the "ponts" (bridges): if a Bank holiday, say the 14th July were to fall on a Thursday, the following Friday would be a paid day off too because ... there's the weekend coming just after that. These occurences are known as "long weekends".
Horse is not "regularly" and less and less people eat it, but it's so damn good, snails are great too, but only eaten around christmas
I generally have horse steak once in a while, ca. once every two months... Snails, very rarely but frogs once or twice a year.
Yeah I'd love to eat it more often, but I live in the UK and Tesco stopped selling them as beef now... :p @@yvesd_fr1810
Regular enough to be found in most supermarkets though.
Ha oui bonsoir et a la prochaine ..... c est toujours un plaisir de voir tes video..... merci
Interesting facts about marie curie and the nobel prize:
She's the 1st woman to ever win a Nobel prize
She's the 1st person to ever win 2 Nobel prizes
She's one of only 2 people to ever win 2 Nobel prizes in different fields
The Curie family is the family that won the most nobel prizes in history (4)
This information is quite accurate.
Snails are excellent because they taste absolutely not like snails but rather like melted butter and garlic.
It's not true that it rains all the time in Paris.... Sometimes it snows.
As for New Caledonia, 3 referendums were voted on and 3 times they chose to remain French. (we can't get rid of it).
As for Cheese (fromton or fromtogom in Parisian slang) there are more than 1200 kinds.
It's true it's an invasion, in my tiny village in Normandy I have Australian, English and Dutch neighbors.. A real tower of Babel.👍👍😉
No chinese tobacco store ?
@@pierre.from.franceTo sell tobacco, be french is mandatory.
You're right they are french from asian origin, it was a way of speaking.
About ethnicity ; it's estimate than between 5 and 7 millions french peoples have ( partially or totaly) italian roots because of massive immigration from Italy since the end of the 19 th century.This is the largest sub-ethnic group in France.
WOW, je regarde depuis longtemps tes vidéos, je ne savais pas que tu parlais aussi bien français ! Bravo !
And France loves you ❤
I am a Frenchman and never ate snails. Some people still eat horses ( it started during the siege of Paris by Prussians when Parisians were literally starving ) but they’re a minority.
j adore cette chaine, cet americain est un bon vraiment ca se sent il aime decouvrir.
thank u so much for showing this documentary very complete of my country !
Our media aren't able to admit we have in France countless beauties and wealths. There is a French culture contrary to what Macron says.
Macron n'a jamais dit qu'il n'y a pas de culture française. Vous vous déshonorez en mettant dans la bouche de notre président élu au suffrage universel direct, des mensonges absurdes fabriqués par des traîtres.
J'adore les vidéos un 👋 de Bretagne en France
Hey, I'm french and found your channel a couple days ago, I'm also from the Alsace region briefly mentioned in this video
9.23: Alors, NON. La viande crue ou mi-cuite n'est PAS dans la culture culinaire française.
Dans notre cuisine, on privilégiera des viandes cuites, fumées ou bouillies.
C'est justement pour évité des maladies comme la toxoplasmose (et pour une meilleure conservation de la viande) que très tôt dans notre histoire, nous avons cuit ou fumé nos viandes. Je ne sais pas d'où il sort cette information.
10.05: Petite précision, ce ne sont pas des "déchets" qui sont donnés aux associations caritatives et à la "Banque alimentaire" mais des "invendus" uniquement avec une DLV (Date Limite de Vente) plus ou moins courte.
15.45: Heu... Jacques Brel est belge...
16.27: En France, on dort en moyenne 6 heures par nuit pour un sommeil recommandé par nos services de santé estimé entre 7 et 9 heures par nuit.
16.47: Vous avez parfaitement cerné "l'esprit français".
17.27: C'est un peu plus de 8 heures de travail par jour pour un français moyen. Officiellement, un français doit travailler 35 heures par semaine, mais dans la réalité, il travaille généralement plus de 40 heures (pouvant monter jusqu'à plus de 50 heures dans certains corps de métiers).
Le présentateur de Geography Now vérifie une bonne partie de ses infos auprès de ses abonnés. En particulier, il demande toujours quelles personnalités, oeuvres, etc. il devrait mentionner. Typiquement, la référence à Jacques Brel, c'est un abonné qui a oublié que le grand Jacques venait du plat pays...
9.23 il fait référence au steak tartare (qui a d'ailleurs eu son sujet au journal télévisé le mois dernier) ou à la viande rouge qu'on mange plus souvent bleue ou saignante que bien cuite (il me semble que la gastronomie américaine favorise le steak de boeuf bien cuit dans du beurre fondu qu'on utilise pour arroser la viande pendant la cuisson et la garder tendre)
17.27 on récupère souvent nos heures sous forme de RTT (ou en heures supplémentaires rémunérées) donc je pense que le présentateur faisait référence à nos 35h hebdomadaires, avec un raccourci un peu trop rapide...
La pause pendant la journée (c'est la pause de midi, d'ailleurs) est à prendre en comparaison avec d'autres cultures où on mange plutôt sur le pouce en moins de 20 min.
Par contre, je ne dirais pas non aux 8h30 de sommeil !
Alors si , les français adore les carpaccio et Tartare et manger bleu ou saignant , si dans tout les resteau ils proposent du Tartare ce n'est pas pour rien 😅
I leave in New caledonia and yes its beautiful! Thanks for the reaction D
Yes some people eat Horse meat, there use to be many "boucherie Chevaline" (horse butcher shop) but there's less and less, even tho you can still found horse meat (i don't eat horse).
Snails are really good when cooked and seasoned with parsley butter.
Regionals languages are less and less spoken only by the old ones, many of those languages can now be studied at university (partly to make sure these languages don't disapppear, just like some already have).
The "Academie française" try very often to find french translation for new word used everyday (like blog, hashtag or spoiler) but often those translation aren't use by people, we just now they exist. (for the record spoiler in french is supposed to be "divulgacher", which is actually a new word made with 2 : divulguer (reveal) and gacher (waste), but everyone use spoil).
15:10 it's partly true, some radio are specialised in 80s music, some are specialised in rap or classical music. But for the main radio (radio france) it's true.
Greeting from France, Normandy region, known to have more cows than humans 😅
I really like your laid back attitude. You give off a holly jolly kind of guy 🙂👍
Normal, il a des origines françaises !
It rains above the Loire river in France, but south the Loire river, it’s sunny & warm..
Thanks from France ❤
thank France for the statue of Liberty AND for General Lafayette and Rochambeau.
We also got electricity since a few weeks !
8:54 if you can do sea shells, especially whelks, you will do snails without a second thought once tried.
Most of the information is correct... Factual. That said, there are some exaggerations thrown in for laughs.... Otherwise, we have 5 weeks of paid leave, it's mandatory. And employers are very regulated in what they can do... it's impossible to be fired by text message like in your country...
Lyzbeth d'Andrésy.
yes your workers are respected 100 times more than over here
Indeed, America isn't as appealing a place to live compared to France. There, you work tirelessly just to make ends meet, without the security of a proper retirement plan. If you ever require hospitalization, the costs can easily equate to two houses, five cars, and more.
What's striking is that Americans seem to accept this reality. In France, if we're discontent, we protest, but in America, if you're dissatisfied, there's always someone willing to undercut you. There's a lack of true solidarity among Americans. The sole form of solidarity among Americans seems to be reserved for their soldiers, which is perplexing because they voluntarily put their lives on the line. However, for those who haven't opted for such a path...
Instead of prioritizing investments in domestic development, resources are predominantly directed towards the military. One might question the rationale behind this allocation.
Honestly, your country possesses all the ingredients for a pleasant existence, yet it appears as though there's a reluctance to actualize it.
That's how the US looks to me, as a French ^^'
Vive la France
Like so much your React.
I m Come from Paris and it's so funny to watch your things about France and french peoples.
Thanx a lot.
Where r you Come from Buddy ?
You make my day !
There's even more than this resume, did you ever heard about "le Facteur Cheval" ? He made a palace for his daughter by himself without knowing anything about architecture ! We are a very surprising and unique population loving and hating themselves at the same time and there's about any religion that exist in the world in our beautiful country ! What a mix !
In fact, we have no ethnic statistics. But relatively serious estimates put the number of Muslims at between 8% and 10%. What may seem strange is that the majority of the descendants of these populations are concentrated in the country's urban areas, less so in rural areas.
Not so strange unfortunately, Muslim immigrants were parked in peripheral no-man's lands, and as France was unable to integrate them, they are still there.
Hello and thanks for this reaction vid. First of this all, your mum did a great jog 'cause your french is rather good. 👏 And, about the video itself, I would say that 80% is right, 15% is approximative and 5% is wrong.
Good analysis but he forgot a fact that makes France great, the world record for fastest time for a dog to jump 5 hurdles on a skateboard : 2.46 sec. Proud to be French.
I was eight Y.O. when I ate snails for the first time with a sauce butter and garlic. You rapidly forget you eat these littlr animals. It's so good. But before they got a special preparation. But we don't eat them often. If remember well : baguette and sandwiches came from Itaian migrants who wanted something easy to carry and eat when working.
For strikes remember we honor the st of May, as Labor revendication in honor of people who sht and sentsnced to death during strikes in Chicago.
Lake Leman does have a bit of France...like Evian, the town where the mineral water is bottled at...
I never eat horse myself, or know anyone that does.
25 days of vacation is a legal obligation… no one in France can have less. It is written in our laws 😊
Jacques Brel... was Belgian not French
Oui qu'il reste là bas
@@clovis2104... Il est mort ou veux tu qu'il aille ?
La Belgique est notre plus proche voisin.
On les aime, même si on adore se taquiner.
Brel était belge et sa carrière est en partie française.
Bonjour les belges.
@@clovis2104 il est enterré en france, rage bien :)
La Belgique est une région française comme une autre, je ne vois pas pourquoi il devrait y avoir une discrimination 😂
16.45 you are soooooo right mate, i love being french !!!!
Un grand nombre de mathématiciens français étaient aussi des physiciens, et des philosophes en même temps, Descartes était les trois à la fois, il est le grand créateur du "Je pense donc je suis", même si techniquement la vraie phrase est "Je doute donc je pense, je pense donc je suis, je suis donc Dieu existe", c'est lui qui à implanté le repère cartésien (repère orthonormé) dans les bases des mathématiques graphiques, et qui a permis le lien entre algèbre et géométrie, il est l'auteur de la géométrie analytique (créer des objets géométriques à partir d'équations algébriques). En tant que physicien il a bien sûr adapté son repère en repère cartésien tridimensionnel et créé la théorie des tourbillons sur le mouvement des planètes. Descartes était un scientifique, mais à cette époque philosophie physique et mathématiques étaient tellement liés qu'il s'agissait quasiment de la même matière.
I know at our local farmer's market (I think that's the english term? it's a market that takes place a couple days a week depending on the location) we do have "horse butchery" which is a butcher dedicated to horse meat (though it is far less common than beef or porc for that matter)
In France everybody has 5 weeks of vacation. It's the law.
We usualy take 2 or 3 weeks in the summer, one week for christmas and new year and divide what remains smartly to add them with the ridiculus amount of hollydays we have through the year.
Doing so we can get up to 6 and a half week vacation.
I hope that one day we will have the pleasure of you introducing us to your mother 😊
Le "Hello" ouais tais toi"... Trop ça !😅
3 weeks vacation in france is illegal.... 5 is a minimum :)
Muslim is a religion, not an ethnicity. Indonesia, Maghreb, Tchetchenia (no idea how its spelled) are mostly muslim, from 3 different continents and cultures
Super vidéo tu parle très bien français ❤ vive nice 😅
Yesss yesss pretty accurate
8:34 horse meat is excellent, somewhere between beef and venison in taste but absolutely free of the fats you will find in raised beef.
Haha, for vacation, I have 5 weeks and 8 "recovery days" and and average of 8 days off for national holidays like Christmas / New Year / Easter, etc... I also have 0 lost of money if I am sick and I have 5 days off if my kids are sick... fully paid.
Everthing correct 😉❤🇨🇵
the video is somewhat old. there's less regions now as some have merged, and the New-Caledonia referendum was been held, the "remain" vote passed in abstract.
Il est vrai qu'on s'est foutu sur la gueule avec l'Allemagne 3 fois en 75 ans... Et environ 10 ans après, on se faisait des mimis. On a même une chaîne de TV commune (super intéressante au demeurant)
12:30 Arabic population in france in majority comes from the Maghreb which include 3 countries which are : Algeria, Marocco and Tunisia.
So they are in the 10% in this graphic but i really think that this number has increased those 5 last years. I think we can talk about explosion...
I'd say overall 70% correct, some inaccuracies are due to the things having changed because the video is kinda old. But yes mostly ok :)
He forgot a few french territories that are NOT embassies. Because of a treaty François 1er signed with the Ottoman Empire in the 1530s France became the owner and protector of all major christian religious sites in the Middle East. Because of this treaty, France still owns monasteries, temples, convents and other thing in the region. Including in Israel (which led to a few heated moments between french presidents and armed israeli agents trying to infiltrate those sites during presidential visits, once with Chirac and once with Macron, who both used their big boy voices to kick them out of those places saying that they will not tolerate armed foreigners stepping on french soil).
Allons-y Alonzo !
As a French person, I think this video was pretty accurate
I am french. I never eat frog, snail or horse. I know that these are foods that were commonly eaten in the past, like offal too. But it is now very rare.
T'as un meilleur accent que celui de la vidéo
Yes, hello, French girl here ( not far from Paris). 3 weeks of vacation is actually illegal for a full time job, it's minimum 30 weekdays, so, it's 5 weeks. Yes, I belong to the Civil Servants C.G.T. Union, why? 😁
12:35 The 10% North African population are mostly Muslim, and some of the black population are also Muslim from former colonies like Senegal, Mali etc.
Most people don’t even know Brazil is neighbour with France..
10 days of vacation... that's insane...
I have 1 week off in 2 weeks, which i dont have a choice but to take since the company will be closed during that time. And since i didn't take all of my days off, I am socially obligated to take them before i lose them (we fought for them, gotta use them). Don't remember how many i have left, but pretty sure it's enough to go over 10 days.
And yet i find time to complain about working too much. Classic French guy...
Horse steak is a meal consumed in France maybe not regularly but it's not chocking in France to eat horse, it might suprise a little bit people but it wouldn't be considered especialy exceptional.
Hi friend.
I told you before about the regulations for the music business in France, and I also recommended two stations that I myself listen to, which play latest hits 100% francophone, 24 hours a day.
13:27 the fact that the corsican pannel is intact is incredible considering the amount of those getting shot at by some very angry people living there.
(If some of them read that, I love you guys, don't kill me pls)
Let met tell us, today like 8 years ago, Martinique is a Territorial Collectivity from utltamar and no more a french department.
I haven't seen horse meat for decades. There is a snail farm close to where I live.
The short hours, long vacations and early retirement are directly linked to the high amount of strikes XD
In fact, we're losing these things, because there's less people striking now.....
Pour la sieste, ça m'étonne, on dort très peu sauf le weekend.
UK and France became a lot closer in the 1900s when a common ennemy was found in Germany XD
We do indeed eat horse meat. Granted not regularly but we have butchers that specifically deal in horse meat (Boucherie chevaline).
Yes vacation, familiy, friends, cheese and wine. I have 47 days vacation.
Nous avons des volcans en France mais ils sont éteints : dans le centre du pays...dans la région nommée "le Puy de Dome" "massif central". Et on consomme de la viande de cheval particulièrement dans le Nord
France is a wonderful country... poorly governed.
About the video, there are a lot of "clichés". No, the French don't take naps, it's just an old joke about Corsica. No, not all French people eat snails... personally I love frog legs with parsley 😄. No, each region does not speak its own dialect but like in most countries around the world there are different accents.
I also noted an unforgivable error regarding the singer Jacques Brel. He was Belgian and not French and he was a wonderful artist. Belgium also offers great things, they gave us Lara Fabian 😉 .
Yes, France is a wonderful country, but a country which is losing its bearings and which will soon lose its soul 🤕.
regards and respect from France D. and sorry for my approximative English 😉.
I agree that France has unfortunately been poorly governed for too long. As for naps, I disagree. Personally, I take them, and many people around me do too. However, this practice is becoming increasingly rare, partly because lunch breaks have become shorter to finish work earlier, and also due to the ubiquity of new technologies. Nowadays, people often spend their lunch break on their phones rather than taking a nap.
Regarding languages, although not all regions preserve their dialects, many still do. Just as America normalized English on its soil by removing the right of residents to speak French, notably in Louisiana, in metropolitan France, we also tried to standardize the French language and make dialects disappear to facilitate communication. However, this did not last long in France. Nowadays, there is a renewed interest in regional languages. Young people are reviving the traditions of their ancestors, and this is a positive development.
La France n'est pas mal gouvernée. Mais peuplée de gens qui crachent sur leurs élus. Résultat, seules des personnes imperméables aux crachats se présentent aux élections. Il y aurait peut-être de meilleurs gouvernants, mais les cracheurs les empêchent de vivre.
People take naps especially down south..who goes out early afternoon in 32°c weather?
My small village got mention! ... Ô VINDIEU IT'S BECAUSE OF OUR CHEESE YAAAAY LONG LIVE BEAUFORT(the city not the sea, also the cheese)
The North African+Maghreb are more or less Muslims... but only a bit more than half are full Muslims... which represents 5 to 6 % of the entire french population... But the 1st religion here is.... Atheism ! Many were christians (mostly catholics) at birth but but with time, the revolution and with the growth of knowledge in sciences, French became less and less religious.
After living 35 years abroad away from France. this is what I have observed in relation to News from France and how they are perceived abroad.
what foreign countries do not understand (by lack of info in their media) is that France has been undergoing an onslaught of bad politics for the last 70 years --- sometimes one specific item is a trigger for the general mal-aise that the people of France have been subjugated with - so then foreign entities say - oh look the French are in the street again at the drop of a hat.
Things may look out of the blue when they are announced without context -- and also foreign entities do not have sufficient interest in that country to want to have details - headlines suffice to amuse them.
Bravo pour vos vidéos réalisés avec bonne humeur et humour, vous parlez très bien le Français, il aurait pu être ajouté au reportage le Français louisianais, Français cadien ou Français cajun parlé par des Américains qui se battent au quotidien pour continuer à le faire vivre !
Horse meat was consumed regularly, like my mom ate a horse steak every week when she was young.
But now, it's hard to found, I honestly have less trouble to find beef heart and tongue or pig brain than horse meat XD
Vacation ! Family ! And foooooooooood please !
Bretons and Welshes speak a brittonic keltic language but irish people speak a gaelic keltic one . Basically they can't understand each other
hi I'm French and the French don't eat raw meat?! Except for a dish called "steak tartare" which is freshly seasoned beef with seasoning (pickle, onion, capers, mustard, tabasco... and a raw egg), we mix everything and eat it. :) it's delicious as long as you have good quality meat. Otherwise all French people cook their meat.... And some French people hate steak tartare, snails, horse meat like me for example!!
I don't eat horse, and it's very rare to find a horse butcher's shop in France in our time. You have a very good accent :)
there are around 6 million French people who are Muslims. French labor law imposes 5 weeks of leave for a year of work, employers have no choice! :)
Eux et la charcuuterie? Le saucebak c'est de la viande cru, séché mais crû ... et toutes les viandes séchée sont crû
Well, regarding religion, the majority of French people are either agnostic or atheist. Christians come next, followed by Muslims (8%, don’t believe what the media says). Judaism is third, and then come other religions like Buddhism or Hinduism.
Jean-Philippe RAMEAU ( Les Indes Galantes...)
Vous vous trompez, c'est Ramleau...
J'adore le cheval mais on n'en sert plus dans les restaurants en France. Heureusement il y a reste la Suisse et la Belgique !