Signs in the Heavens - LDS Last Days Signs of the Times

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 260

  • @skhand4
    @skhand4 3 года назад +63

    The history of the Earth is a giant chiasmus pattern. 'Starts' in the Garden of Eden in Missouri and will 'end' in a garden state again in the same location in Jackson County. Everything that you identified in this video demonstrates the chiasmus "in and out' with the Saviour as the middle point. Yes, everything that happened from the celestial Eden to the Saviour will happen in reverse from Savior to the celestialisation of the Earth again. This is perhaps your best video yet.

    • @rachelczumaya2806
      @rachelczumaya2806 3 года назад +19

      Yes! With Sukkot coming up over the next week (feast of tabernacles), I had some thoughts I have gathered regarding the Jewish Holidays and Bible Chiasmus that I found significant to the signs of the times. If the Bible is in fact a Chiasmus (meaning it plays out from the Torah from start to finish then goes backwards), here is what it looks like on the main details dispensationally, that the first may be last and the last first:
      1-Adam and Eve fall of mankind
      2-Noah and the flood of water-the baptism of the earth (Mikveh-purification by water)
      3-Enoch-the city that repented and was taken up into heaven
      4-Abraham -given covenants for sealing families, with first Ishmael and then Isaac, unto Jacob and his 12 sons.
      5-Joseph is sold into Egypt
      6-Moses who led the children of Israel out of Egypt and brought the Israelites onto dry ground
      7-Elijah and the Prophets-taught the people the words and cried repentance all the day long. Were challenged by the mocking world who didn’t want to change.
      8-Jesus Christ-the real Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement and also the resurrection shortly thereafter. Also symbolic of the Passover, his resurrection being the “first fruits”. Then Pentacost where they spoke in tongues.
      9-Church era-Apostles martyred and killed (also part of the day of atonement as a type and shadow) and the church being “driven into the wilderness” or swallowed by the red dragon (mentioned in Revelation) which brought in the Pagan traditions into Christ’s gospel that were NOT supposed to be there.
      ~~~And here the Chiasmus plays backward~~~
      9-(Church)The era of apostasy-several Martyrs fighting against the Pagan traditions as well as the Catholic church and correct them.
      8-(Jesus)Joseph Smith’s birth-or Messiah Ben Joseph who was also martyred
      7-(Elijah) The prophets of the Restoration since Joseph Smith who have been begging the people to repent and restore the lost truths that were hidden from us due to Paganisms. They carry the keys of Elijah given to Joseph Smith who is turning the hearts of the fathers to the children and the children to the fathers (See Malachi).
      6-(Moses) The prophets raised up to lead the 10 tribes of Israel via a highway/dry shod (spoken of in Isaiah) unto Ephraim (the leadership of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) and be crowned with blessings of Zion, even the priesthood. This was done through the missionary work and gathering of the wheat harvest (Symbolic of Shavuot). I believe this highway cast up was the internet, for it has aided the gathering of Israel and prepared temple ordinances for them. (See d&c 133) *Note: the first black man in the modern era of the church received the priesthood on shavuot (june 11, 1978) signifying the gathering of the rest of the lost 10 tribes.
      5-The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints acts is a parallel to Ephraim, the seed of Joseph. Just as he helped save his family in Egypt from the famine, so will the Church through the food storage and humanitarian efforts from the tribulation of the Last Days.
      4-(Abraham) Temples dotting the planet-So the blessings of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob can be granted through the ceiling power of the ordinance is done in temples, whereby men and women are sealed for eternity and their children sealed to them. This is the same blessing that was given to Abraham and Isaac in that their posterity would be numerous is the sands of the sea. 12 tribes restored and all the mitzvahs will be brought together including sacrifice as Joseph Smith prophesied. In a way it is a Feast of Tabernacles (also a symbol of the Resurrection and the summation of the Torah-which also takes place during the 1000 years in terms of the resurrection-our mortal tabernacles)
      3-(Enoch) The city of Enoch returning to Earth and the commencement of the era of 1000 years of peace, or the Messianic Era in which Jesus Christ will set His foot on the mount and save the Jews (Judah) from their enemies and the mount will cleave in twain causing a great earthquake (see D&C 29, 45, 84, 88).
      2-(Noah) The Earth burned by fire-symbolic of receiving the Holy Ghost, or the Baptism of Fire. This is also symbolic of Yom Kippur in that the Earth burning and being wrapped together as a scroll can be understood as blood (lava) pouring out from every pour as was Jesus Christ’s blood. We will have Pentecost
      1-(Adam) The Earth is renewed and brought back into the state of the Terrestrial Glory (see Article of Faith 10) and we will have our 1000 years of Mitzvahs and works that God will command. We will then speak in the Adamic tongue.
      I believe God intended the story of the History of the Earth to unfold as a Chiasmus. He did it before, so he will do it again. The same Chiasmus is found even in the Torah. And several other parables. The Jewish Feasts directly correlate with these events and so does Church History. The Torah itself is somewhat of a chiasmus. And all the events, if it follows the same pattern of chiasmus in the Torah should also follow suit, for all the events in it come full circle and make one eternal round, that the the first may be last and the last first.

    • @jonathanaffeltranger9088
      @jonathanaffeltranger9088 3 года назад +3

      To that point, perhaps the timing of these signs in the heavens, as listed at 11:40, also follow a reflected SEQUENCE. That is to say, the 'past events' happened in the order of the dispensations -- Maybe the sequence of the 'future events' will start with the 1) the "Great Sign," 2) Wormwood, 3) latter-day plagues, etc until the earth is brought back whole (7), to its terrestial glory.

    • @mbunk91
      @mbunk91 3 года назад +5

      @@rachelczumaya2806 really thoughtful on this comment. I don't have anything to add but will be thinking and praying about your insight. Thank you for sharing!

    • @jkennedy4995
      @jkennedy4995 3 года назад +5

      Fantastic insight! I have been feeling all this as well. This rings very true to me in all aspects. Thanks for sharing your list of comparison. I have been led to pay more attention (I never did) to Israel in general and especially to Holy Days and numbers. It is so beautiful to see all the perfect connections and meanings. We have and are being given every thing we need to know. For those who seek and who are "watching" is all laid out for us to know, prepare and to be joyful in the midst of ever increasing chaos. Great things ahead!

    • @comejesus5955
      @comejesus5955 3 года назад +4


  • @guardianangel9517
    @guardianangel9517 3 года назад +38

    I LOVE this! For those who think the scriptures and revelations are false: Take a look AROUND you... WITHOUT the blindfold.
    Heavenly Father LOVES us all, and isn't going to leave us here in this state of being forever. Jesus Christ is returning and he is my savior and yours💞🤍🕊🙏🏼

  • @jkennedy4995
    @jkennedy4995 3 года назад +19

    Thank you for putting this together! Isn't this ALL amazing!? Everything in this presentation rang very true to me and pretty much matches all the the learning regarding the signs in heaven I have acquired in the last couple of years as well. You put all my learning together for me! Ha! So thank you! I will share this with many!

    • @albertafarmer8638
      @albertafarmer8638 Год назад

      Mormons have nothing to look forward to because Mormons deny the deity of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST! You can't be saved if you believe that JESUS is only a created being! JESUS is GOD, see John 1! The Mormons also added to the Bible, it's a death cult! You must get out of it before the rapture happens otherwise GOD Himself will send you a great delusion and you will believe the lie, perish during the upcoming 7year Tribulation and go to hell! Listen to born again Theologians like Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. David Reagan, Dr. Ron Rhodes (end times chronology) and their guests.
      PS: you don't even believe in the 7year Tribulation - taking away for the Book of Revelation is a terrible sin! Just read the King James Bible!

  • @somewhat-off-the-cuff
    @somewhat-off-the-cuff 3 года назад +12

    Love it! Thanks for sharing. A thought that came to mind, perhaps the corresponding future signs in the heavens you’ve identified will occur in the opposite order in which the first signs were given, i.e. the first shall be last, and the last shall be first.

    • @GospelLessons1
      @GospelLessons1  3 года назад +6

      I did think of this (and love the idea) but those last events don't have enough detail (and many happen so close together and/or overlap) that it is difficult for me to nail that down so I didn't want to stretch too far without solid references. But like I said, I love the idea and hope that is right because that would just be really cool.

    • @starlegends3092
      @starlegends3092 3 года назад

      Oooo ya true. Non believers will think the scriptures where thought through well

  • @sandrakisch3600
    @sandrakisch3600 3 года назад +7

    Love this! I have studied the signs for over 50 years and never thought of this pattern.

    • @GospelLessons1
      @GospelLessons1  3 года назад

      Thanks for watching!

    • @albertafarmer8638
      @albertafarmer8638 Год назад

      Mormons have nothing to look forward to because Mormons deny the deity of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST! You can't be saved if you believe that JESUS is only a created being! JESUS is GOD, see John 1! The Mormons also added to the Bible, it's a death cult! You must get out of it before the rapture happens otherwise GOD Himself will send you a great delusion and you will believe the lie, perish during the upcoming 7year Tribulation and go to hell! Listen to born again Theologians like Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. David Reagan, Dr. Ron Rhodes (end times chronology) and their guests.
      PS: you don't even believe in the 7year Tribulation - taking away for the Book of Revelation is a terrible sin! Just read the King James Bible!

  • @a.shaunrossberg654
    @a.shaunrossberg654 3 года назад +10

    I really appreciate the videos that you have been putting out and have found many intriguing and enlightening ideas in them. Thank you.
    For the signs in heaven, there was one sign for which I wanted to provide some additional observation:
    For the grand sign of the coming of the Son of Man, you drew the parallel to the the Revelation 12 sign. The Rev. 12 sign is fascinating and may well be a correct correlation, but there is additional information about the sign of the coming of the Son of Man that provides further insight. Also, this future sign may be a corollary to the sign in heaven that was given to the Nephites where there was a day, a night, and a day with no darkness. While the future sign may not provide a similar duration of light, it is still to be spectacular.
    In the History of the Church, volume five, pages 336 and 337, Joseph Smith said the phrase that has been repeated in every book of scripture we have about wars, rumors of wars, the sun being darkened and the moon being turned blood. However, there is one additional sign given in the History of the Church than is discussed in the D&C-which seems to be the sign mentioned in Matt. 24:30. It says “…then will appear one grand sign of the son of man in heaven. But what will the world do? They will say it is a planet, a comet, etc.”
    As this is to be a sign that is seen by and scoffed at by the world, it would seem to be something more universally recognized than the Revelation 12 sign was.
    Further, Bruce R. McConkie stated in Mormon Doctrine that the prophet on the earth at the time this sign is given would identify it as being the grand sign of the coming of the Son of Man.
    Anyway, I appreciate the videos and your observations and hope you will continue to create them.
    A brother in the gospel

  • @ChristianHomesteader
    @ChristianHomesteader 3 года назад +7

    Awesome video! I've been watching you for a while and you do great work. Never pay attention to the "you're looking beyond the mark" crowd. I tend to think you could also call them the "not looking at all" crowd. Keep it up!

    • @janiecepoush1904
      @janiecepoush1904 3 года назад +1

      Nay-Sayers! I had the same thought... But the puzzle pieces fit perfectly!🙏🏻

  • @shawnbrigance3993
    @shawnbrigance3993 3 года назад +5

    Seems plausible. I love it. Thank you for all your research and development, AND for taking the time to put it together and share it. Appropriate it!

  • @mbunk91
    @mbunk91 3 года назад +10

    Great videos Kevin! I love the insight and probable revelation on the dispensation matrix. Funny comment on "I call that Thursday"....great sense of humor amidst the deep content. I would add the 1-year to go rainbow promise from the Lord to not destroy the earth until the last rainbow sign is given as a sign in the heavens.

    • @catherinethompson1270
      @catherinethompson1270 3 года назад +1

      I was thinking if this too! where is a reference to this?

    • @SisterKiwi42
      @SisterKiwi42 3 года назад

      @@catherinethompson1270 I don't know where it is but I believe it was Joseph Smith who said it.

    • @SisterKiwi42
      @SisterKiwi42 3 года назад

      "I call that Thursday" made me giggle too

  • @payaj2815
    @payaj2815 3 года назад +6

    I absolutely love and enjoy your videos thank you for taking the time to make them

  • @montimichelewilkinson612
    @montimichelewilkinson612 3 года назад +6

    Thank you, for another wonderful presentation! So much to think about. I do agree that He uses patterns such as these you mentioned over and over that we may see his planning and majesty! I love being surprised by the great detail He goes to- for the benefit of His children.

  • @YamaBeth
    @YamaBeth 3 года назад +4

    I just really love your videos and your research. They are balanced and well informed.

  • @MrStarg8fan
    @MrStarg8fan 3 года назад +3

    Thanks for spending the time to make you videos, especially this one. Great insights. For the flood, I thought the latter day sign might be the lack of rainbow in latter days and drought, even though it’s not scriptural. I believe it was a prophet or apostle, or a couple of them combined that said it. Sorry for the lack of reference, I’m too tired to find it right now. Thanks again for your videos, my wife and I look forward to them. We learn a lot.

  • @meganjensen5409
    @meganjensen5409 3 года назад +13

    Another corresponding sign with the rainbow is that there will NOT be a rainbow in the year that the Savior returns

    • @alexanderpowell1528
      @alexanderpowell1528 3 года назад

      Yes, and if you think about it, God isn't going to take this symbol of the promise away because the promise is still a thus, it means the Savior returns *in a year without rain* .

    • @catherinethompson1270
      @catherinethompson1270 3 года назад

      do you know the scripture reference to this?

    • @meganjensen5409
      @meganjensen5409 3 года назад +6

      It’s a quote from Joseph Smith: “I have asked of the Lord concerning His coming; and while asking the Lord, He gave a sign and said, “In the days of Noah I set a bow in the heavens as a sign and token that in any year that the bow should be seen the Lord would not come; but there should be seed time and harvest during that year: but whenever you see the bow withdrawn, it shall be a token that there shall be famine, pestilence, and great distress among the nations, and that the coming of the Messiah is not far distant.”
      (History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 6:254)

    • @janiecepoush1904
      @janiecepoush1904 3 года назад +1

      Not Necessarily! GOD can do anything HE wants... Have lots of Rain, & THEN, “withhold the rainbow,” which would be extra ordinary. We are to watch for the sign of the bow, not for RAIN.
      In “Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Fielding Smith,” It is quoted in ‘Section six, 1843-44, p. 341... That there will be “Seed time, & harvest.” How compassionate, for our Holy Father to allow this blessing, before the final: “famine, pestilence, & great distress upon the nations.” To me, this too, is a clue to the month(s)... AFTER Harvest. 🙏🏻

    • @MrShelby7000
      @MrShelby7000 Год назад

      False religion quoting biblical truth. Isn't it ironic.....don't ya think

  • @Jade-eeee
    @Jade-eeee 2 года назад +2

    Thank you for your amazing and insightful videos. I always watch them with great interest and help me make the little changes I need to make to be more prepared to the second coming ♥️
    Et un merci spécial à celui où celle qui a traduit la vidéo pour que les francophones puissent comprendre 😊

  • @abrielmauerman7278
    @abrielmauerman7278 3 года назад +16

    I'd add that the rainbow will be taken from the earth leading up to the 2nd Coming in regards to the future mirror sign of Noah's sign.

    • @jumpieva
      @jumpieva 3 года назад +4

      in the year of the return only though. problem is, you could go a whole year without seeing a rainbow, and actually have one elsewhere in the world. i'm not sure how obvious it would be to most of us, but would likely reinforce with other things?

    • @PunsandPixels
      @PunsandPixels 3 года назад +2

      I’m not familiar with this one. Is it in scripture? Or was it said by a Church leader?

    • @alexanderpowell1528
      @alexanderpowell1528 3 года назад +7

      @@jumpieva no, the promise is still in effect and the rainbow is the symbol of the promise. God isn't going to undo that promise... what it means though is that *Christ returns in a year without rain* .

    • @nathangreer8219
      @nathangreer8219 3 года назад +13

      "I have asked of the Lord concerning His coming; and while asking the Lord, He gave a sign and said, 'In the days of Noah I set a bow in the heavens as a sign and token that in any year that the bow should be seen the Lord would not come; but there should be seed time and harvest during that year: but whenever you see the bow withdrawn, it shall be a token that there shall be famine, pestilence, and great distress among the nations, and that the coming of the Messiah is not far distant'" (Joseph Fielding Smith, "Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith," Section Six 1843-44, p.341).

    • @tanyarobinson1146
      @tanyarobinson1146 3 года назад +3

      Look up The Joseph Smith translation in genesis regarding the rainbow. The sign is not what we are usually taught.

  • @johncumpton7198
    @johncumpton7198 2 года назад +1

    Thank you for making and sharing this video!!

  • @hope4truthlight162
    @hope4truthlight162 3 года назад +2

    Thank you! This has been one of my favorite episodes! I’m coming to see how the sky clock (and all of what we call “nature”) is one way God communicates with us! It really is a beautiful thing! ✨

  • @DLR122
    @DLR122 3 года назад +6

    Great video, very interesting!
    President Hinckley made a comment in General Conference in October, 2001 regarding the vision of Joel in his talk, "Living in the Fulness of Times," which is often forgotten and overlooked.
    Also, Matthew 24 talks about the sign of the Son of Man.

    • @traviswomack553
      @traviswomack553 3 года назад +1

      I believe he said this had been fulfilled. exciting times

    • @frostycreek3614
      @frostycreek3614 3 года назад +1

      Damselfy22, thank you for mentioning this talk by our most awesome Prophet Hinkley. Re-reading this talk brought back a flood of my memories when he addressed us. This talk re-energizes my soul! Wishing you all that is good.

  • @saintinlower48
    @saintinlower48 3 года назад +1

    I always enjoy learning from what you research and present, so thank you!

  • @lunabeta3516
    @lunabeta3516 3 года назад +1

    Prayers and good thoughts for you. The Lord knows we need your teachings.

  • @michaellaw3544
    @michaellaw3544 3 года назад +9

    They recently found remnants of a city that in ~ 1650 BCE (~ 3600 years ago), a cosmic airburst destroyed Tall el-Hammam, a Middle-Bronze-Age city in the southern Jordan Valley northeast of the Dead Sea.
    Would have been larger than the Tunguska event in 1908. Maybe Sodom and Gomorrah?

    • @janiecepoush1904
      @janiecepoush1904 3 года назад

      I saw something on that... But had forgotten! 🙏🏻

  • @jann4435
    @jann4435 3 года назад +3

    Very interesting stuff! I wonder if the idea of, "The first shall be last and the last shall be first" may apply here? I noticed paradise lost first in the first event coumn, matched with paradise restored and thought it could be the last occuring of the future events? Also the prophesied war of Gog and Magog at the end of the millenium mirroring the war in Heaven in pre- earth existence. Just a thought.

  • @mitchfrei1900
    @mitchfrei1900 2 года назад

    One of your best videos yet! Thank you!!

  • @tacticplanner7188
    @tacticplanner7188 3 года назад +4

    With additional revelation a new heaven and earth is moving it to a new place closer to where he dwells.

  • @TheSwedishHistorian
    @TheSwedishHistorian 2 года назад +3

    The 5:15 constellation reminds me of Michelangelos painting on the ‘Creation of Adam’

  • @lauravallejo1632
    @lauravallejo1632 3 года назад +8

    What about the "Christmas Star" that came on Dec 19, 2020 where Jupiter and Saturn aligned? The last time it did was in the 1200s. To me it was very significant then and also today as we discuss signs.

    • @julieegelund341
      @julieegelund341 3 года назад

      Last year this happen in Dec we watched it

  • @dinocollins720
    @dinocollins720 2 года назад

    Every video of your I get to watch blows my mind!!!

  • @lauracragun5974
    @lauracragun5974 Год назад

    what a cool video and I feel so excited and positive! There is a reason that people of all times wanted to live in our day. It will be hard but so wonderful

  • @jumpieva
    @jumpieva 3 года назад +3

    love this and makes so much sense!

  • @saldomino1639
    @saldomino1639 5 месяцев назад

    Great work ! We all seen not to long saw the Star of Bethlehem

  • @jaredrodriguez4974
    @jaredrodriguez4974 3 года назад +3

    I feel the spirit that the Lord's return is near.

  • @debrafuggle5727
    @debrafuggle5727 3 года назад +4

    I just love ❤️ your lessons

    • @GospelLessons1
      @GospelLessons1  3 года назад +1

      Thanks for watching!

    • @debrafuggle5727
      @debrafuggle5727 2 года назад

      every time i watch this i get so excited. Doesn’t it feel so right

  • @alexanderpowell1528
    @alexanderpowell1528 3 года назад +3

    Neal A. Maxwell postulated that the signs in the heavens in the last days that are bright stars, were organized or set in motion hundreds of thousands of years ago by Jehova.

  • @berylmadison2363
    @berylmadison2363 8 месяцев назад

    Hi Mr Tom..I enjoyed the trip to Super Foods and again I will say , their meat market is so much nicer than our local store like Super Foods ..Prayers and Blessings😊❤🙏✝️

  • @averageamerican9710
    @averageamerican9710 3 года назад +1

    There are so many signs and events showing up that if you are not seeing them, you are actively trying to ignore them.

  • @SuHwak
    @SuHwak 2 года назад +1

    And He is in the details of our lives. Amen!

  • @tbrady37
    @tbrady37 Год назад

    Very awesome video as usual.

  • @cjjenson8212
    @cjjenson8212 3 года назад +9

    Everyone who saw the moon come up over the Wasatch mtns on the 22nd of September 2021 will tell you the blood moon has come. (Well maybe).
    I've got photos of a crayon red moon rising.
    I've seen what they call blood moons but they've been more a brownish color.
    This thing was bright red.
    Like this red-🍒

    • @comejesus5955
      @comejesus5955 3 года назад +4


    • @cjjenson8212
      @cjjenson8212 3 года назад +3

      @@comejesus5955 that's cool! Seen a few of those myself over the years.😃👍

    • @comejesus5955
      @comejesus5955 3 года назад +2


    • @starlegends3092
      @starlegends3092 3 года назад +1

      @@comejesus5955 a few days ago i saw the most beutiful and bright rainbow i have ever seen. Next day my dad saw a picture someone took in Arizona of a braight and beutiful rainbow over a temple that was taken on the same day I saw the rainbow, and I do not live in Arizona.

    • @janiecepoush1904
      @janiecepoush1904 3 года назад +1

      @@starlegends3092 Amazing! Heavenly Father has no Coincidences... I’d like to know if there were more in the world. We need a Rainbow web-site to report these events.

  • @warner631
    @warner631 2 года назад

    Thinking about it this way, the half hour of silence also makes sense. It is that center most point of the signs. The breath you take before you start the downward part of the chiasmus. Strong work

    • @albertafarmer8638
      @albertafarmer8638 Год назад

      Mormons have nothing to look forward to because Mormons deny the deity of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST! You can't be saved if you believe that JESUS is only a created being! JESUS is GOD, see John 1! The Mormons also added to the Bible, it's a death cult! You must get out of it before the rapture happens otherwise GOD Himself will send you a great delusion and you will believe the lie, perish during the upcoming 7year Tribulation and go to hell! Listen to born again Theologians like Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. David Reagan, Dr. Ron Rhodes (end times chronology) and their guests.
      PS: you don't even believe in the 7year Tribulation - taking away for the Book of Revelation is a terrible sin! Just read the King James Bible!

  • @GeraldineGlam
    @GeraldineGlam 2 года назад

    This video just made my Sunday 🤩 How wonderful!!!!🥰

  • @carolyn3117
    @carolyn3117 3 года назад

    So many comments on here, so sorry if this is a repeat thought. But as soon as you were putting your matrix together, the thought came to me that the future correlated event for Noah would be the removal of the rainbow spoken of just before Christ's coming! Which coincides with your thoughts on the wicked consumed by fire. The fire could be the very thing that obscures the rainbows through the skies being filled with smoke. Anyways, I have too many thoughts to share, so I'll leave it at that. Your videos are amazing, they have truly inspired me to seek more of my own knowledge through the scriptures and to try and develop my own spiritual gifts. Thank you for using yours to bless all of us! Please do a video on birthrights!!

    • @GospelLessons1
      @GospelLessons1  3 года назад +1

      Thanks for the kind words. I did one on birthrights here:видео.html Or did you mean something else?

    • @carolyn3117
      @carolyn3117 3 года назад

      @@GospelLessons1 oh wow I missed that! I have watched almost all your videos now, don't know how I missed this one. Thank you! Looking forward to more videos to come!

  • @cindywoodbury385
    @cindywoodbury385 3 года назад +1

    Note should be made here that heavenly signs in the last days include blood moons. A genuine blood moon is different from a view of the moon when it is obscured by smoke or other atmospheric particles. For a great overview of the blood moon significance see the YT video: Part VI blood moons by Bryan W.

  • @oldadelagarza7967
    @oldadelagarza7967 Год назад

    Thank you for your teachings.

  • @carlbaumeister3439
    @carlbaumeister3439 3 года назад +3

    8:38. This painting looks like photos I’ve seen of La Palma, going on right now.

  • @jamesmclennan4723
    @jamesmclennan4723 3 года назад +1

    Wow wow wow what valuable lessons and informative patterns

  • @guardianangel9517
    @guardianangel9517 3 года назад +7

    I'm looking forward to Jesus Christ's return, but it made me cry to think that all of the BEAUTIFUL nature He gave us to enjoy is going to be burned 😥

      @DARYLSCHUMANN 3 года назад +7

      He will make a new heaven and Earth, better than before.

    • @jkennedy4995
      @jkennedy4995 3 года назад +10

      Just like we are "to be born again (a rebirth), so will Mother Earth. It is my feeling that she is waiting in as much anticipation as we are. It is also my feeling that the innocent creations of the world will be spared any pain and "be quickened and changed" just as many of us will be. There are a few scriptures on this. So don't feel weighed down by it, He has all nature in his hands when that day comes. Earth and all Gods creations know their place and purpose. He will take care of them.

    • @sharonflay1593
      @sharonflay1593 3 года назад +4

      Our heavenly father will make the 🌎 new again even better then it is now 💯 after the war with Satan and his minions.

    • @SisterKiwi42
      @SisterKiwi42 3 года назад +4

      Much renewed beauty comes out of forest fires 💖

    • @janiecepoush1904
      @janiecepoush1904 3 года назад +2

      Before the “Looking Forward Part,” there will be much pain & sorrow (to get people to Repent), one last time...

  • @peterglen734
    @peterglen734 3 года назад +5

    ALL things will be made new again

  • @ValerieJean757
    @ValerieJean757 Год назад +1

    1 John 2
    9 He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his brother, is in darkness even until now.
    10 He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him.
    11 But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes...

  • @davidhinton6371
    @davidhinton6371 3 года назад +2

    I'm not certain but pretty sure Joseph Smith once said that when Jesus Christ was coming towards the earth people would think it was a comer or meteor. I'm not sure where it is written though

  • @WhitebluePhoenix
    @WhitebluePhoenix 2 года назад

    There's so many different people talking about the signs of the times and confusing doctrines but you make it clear and less confusing 😉

    • @albertafarmer8638
      @albertafarmer8638 Год назад

      Mormons have nothing to look forward to because Mormons deny the deity of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST! You can't be saved if you believe that JESUS is only a created being! JESUS is GOD, see John 1! The Mormons also added to the Bible, it's a death cult! You must get out of it before the rapture happens otherwise GOD Himself will send you a great delusion and you will believe the lie, perish during the upcoming 7year Tribulation and go to hell! Listen to born again Theologians like Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. David Reagan, Dr. Ron Rhodes (end times chronology) and their guests.
      PS: you don't even believe in the 7year Tribulation - taking away for the Book of Revelation is a terrible sin! Just read the King James Bible!

  • @tanyarobinson1146
    @tanyarobinson1146 3 года назад +2

    If you read the Joseph Smith translation regarding the covenant of the rainbow it is not what we believe it is. It is actually a covenant of the return of the City of Enoch.

    • @janiecepoush1904
      @janiecepoush1904 3 года назад +1

      Maybe it is “Both” at the same time: No Rainbow & the City of Enoch Returns during the Millennium... I forget sometimes, there is more than one Return for Jesus’s 2nd Coming: First -To New Jerusalem where the Temple is Built; next: To the original Jerusalem/all materials ready to re-build that temple precisely, & Then the World.
      Sometimes I wonder:?Jesus taught in Parables, so that those that were ready would HEARv-Those that were not, would be saved from knowledge they were not ready for. Maybe the various signs are kind of like that. For sure - The wicked won’t be looking at all... Thus, their FEARS, & all that comes as a result...🙏🏻

  • @markj.rodriguez5765
    @markj.rodriguez5765 6 месяцев назад

    In a way, this reminded me of when I read where Jesus told the Pharisees "The Kingdom of God cometh not with observation", and also "The Kingdom of God is within you. " (paraphrasing [kjv] LUKE 17: 20-21)🎉❤🎉😮

  • @lilacbunches
    @lilacbunches 3 года назад +6

    I also noticed that God works in parallels ....I am diligently watching for Christ's Second Coming. These corresponding events that you talked about are so interesting. It is something we haven't thought of before.

    • @albertafarmer8638
      @albertafarmer8638 Год назад

      Mormons have nothing to look forward to because Mormons deny the deity of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST! You can't be saved if you believe that JESUS is only a created being! JESUS is GOD, see John 1! The Mormons also added to the Bible, it's a death cult! You must get out of it before the rapture happens otherwise GOD Himself will send you a great delusion and you will believe the lie, perish during the upcoming 7year Tribulation and go to hell! Listen to born again Theologians like Dr. John Ankerberg, Dr. David Reagan, Dr. Ron Rhodes (end times chronology) and their guests.
      PS: you don't even believe in the 7year Tribulation - taking away for the Book of Revelation is a terrible sin! Just read the King James Bible!

  • @starlegends3092
    @starlegends3092 3 года назад +2

    I honestly want to live to the second comming. I know it will be scary, but there is alwase room for peace, i mean everyone goes through terrable times, but thats what we are on earth for. I think it would be soooo cool to witness!! But hey, if i die before then ill see Heaven enyway.

  • @rachelczumaya2806
    @rachelczumaya2806 3 года назад +4

    Very interesting. A great sign in heaven has always made me wonder what it was. I have thought it could be the northern lights causing light all over the whole earth… 🤷🏼‍♀️

    • @starlegends3092
      @starlegends3092 3 года назад +1

      Thad be cool

    • @tanyarobinson1146
      @tanyarobinson1146 3 года назад +4

      I have always wondered if it is actually the sign of the Son of Man. One sign that Satan cannot duplicate.

  • @trevorbranch3319
    @trevorbranch3319 3 года назад +1

    Is there any suggested order to watch these videos, to kind of have a chronological idea of coming signs?

  • @sarahfagerburg
    @sarahfagerburg 2 года назад +1

    So when is this alignment of the stars etc going to happen next?

  • @jeff3olsen
    @jeff3olsen 3 года назад

    I think the warning to not look beyond the mark has been so strongly taught and become such a strong influence in our social culture that many people fail to even look for the Mark. There are so many scriptures encouraging us and commanding us to search for the signs of Christ's return. With "Latter Day Saints" as part of the name of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, we, more than all others should have a deep understanding of the signs of Christ's return. I think two of the most amazing signs are 1) the establishment and growth of the country of Israel in 1948, which Isaac Newton predicted within a few years and 2) the Jews starting to believe in Jesus Christ as their Messiah. One for Israel has a great presentation on the latter, estimating at least 250K Jews now accept Jesus as the Messiah. I think that would likely qualify as fullfilling 2 Ne 25:16-18.

  • @shaneroberts3142
    @shaneroberts3142 2 года назад

    Just listened to this video... very good... October 2001 General Conference, Saturday Morning Session, opening talk by President Gordon B. Hinckley, paragraphs 4-8.

  • @starlegends3092
    @starlegends3092 3 года назад +1

    This is sooo cool!!

  • @rynophiliac
    @rynophiliac 3 года назад +3

    What I can't understand is why did the Revelation 12 sign repeat again in 2017? and what could it mean? It seems odd that it would repeat but not have additional meaning? I mean, why repeat a great sign in heaven if it doesn't have any meaning?

    • @GospelLessons1
      @GospelLessons1  3 года назад +1

      I've been trying to figure that out as well.

    • @tanyarobinson1146
      @tanyarobinson1146 3 года назад +2

      Signs do repeat. It is one that to has occurred before it is rare, but it has happened.

    • @janiecepoush1904
      @janiecepoush1904 3 года назад

      The Sept 22, 2017 - Revelations 12 Sign, just now, impressed on me to see if there were any Admonitions from our Prophet, with Warnings to “Read the Book of Mormon, around that Time.”
      Does the Astrological Software only go Backwards? Or, can it somehow project into the Future for the line-ups of Constellations? (Weather reports do!) Depending on that answer & when a Talk was “Prepared,” could very well add an Element of Intensity.
      Some things we are not to know, until God’s Timing. I don’t feel to discount the 2017 Sign.
      🙏🏻 Joseph Smith Retrieving the Book of Mormon plates on that Sept. 22nd, 1827 date/Rev.12 Sign line-up... thoroughly sent an Excitement Wave through my Being! I can’t seem to get over it... And I have been coming back to these “Signs in the Heavens,” podcasts multiple times!
      These two recent Dates, are too substantive! PRAYER! 🌝🙏🏻

    • @SpookymidnightKyanite7
      @SpookymidnightKyanite7 3 года назад +2

      It does mean something it is a sign

  • @berglen100
    @berglen100 3 года назад +1

    Imagination is God in man, no ones lost even if their evil, the planet is school and why every thing repeats, the natural mind judges and hates, loves, fear, honest, liars, confessed, smart, prison, judge, law, killer, savers, ................same mind, you will become not able to judge anyone anymore when you wake unless you die in this life and return till you wake about who you are. No ones lost except being asleep in dark lite.

  • @Jkessler005
    @Jkessler005 3 года назад +4

    CHIASMUS also seems to be in play here.

    • @meganjensen5409
      @meganjensen5409 3 года назад +2


    • @GospelLessons1
      @GospelLessons1  3 года назад +1

      Yeah, I thought of that but all happening right at the end didn't feel exactly like the chiastic structure, and also the order is difficult and I feel to be truly chiastic in nature the exact order would need to be followed. I wouldn't doubt for a minute that is how it works out in the end, but the scriptures don't make that totally clear so it felt like a bit of a stretch based on what information we have.

  • @brucewang6458
    @brucewang6458 3 года назад +2

    That was awesome

  • @debrafuggle5727
    @debrafuggle5727 2 года назад

    i found interesting when you are pairing the past and future events with Noah and the flood and the token was the 🌈 rainbow, my first thought in Moses 6 when Enoch asks the Lord could there be another way and the answer was flooding the earth with The Book of Mormon. So i’ve watched this quite a number of times then when you said burning by fire 🔥 i said of course lol but then I really enjoyed putting the BOM in with it

  • @FirstHolyGrandsonofHeaven926
    @FirstHolyGrandsonofHeaven926 2 года назад +1

    What's the astrological significance of September 26, 2022? What was the astrological significance of September 26 1974?

  • @mmrobison6720
    @mmrobison6720 3 года назад

    I've given up on everyone's timelines from yt but will watch some from different denominations to look up the end-days scriptures they quote. There are a lot of scriptures about the second coming! This timeline doesn't line up well with D&C 45. But no matter, Jesus seems to be doing what he wants in this world like always, and I'm here to watch it all happen until he comes. I stan Jesus and love him so much!

  • @debrafuggle5727
    @debrafuggle5727 2 года назад +1

    how do i add a photo?

    • @debrafuggle5727
      @debrafuggle5727 2 года назад +1

      jupiter , venus, mars, saturn and the moon will all be in retrograde with the earth soon at one time.
      just thought this might interest you. things don’t happen like that to often

  • @commonsenseisntcommon1576
    @commonsenseisntcommon1576 3 года назад +3

    Your quote from Moses can be interpreted a different way. What makes sense is that The Tabernacle is THE tabernacle (and/or our Conference center) in SLC. Church headquarters/SLC is our New Jerusalem (per Brigham Young). The city of Enoch was taken up in time (individuals were translated). Their return is as angels not a physical city dropping out of the clouds. This event will come and most will not even know it happened.

    • @starlegends3092
      @starlegends3092 3 года назад

      Bruh i love your name XD

    • @janiecepoush1904
      @janiecepoush1904 3 года назад

      We are taught... church Headquarters will be Moved to, Jackson County, Missouri, when the New Jerusalem Temple is Built, just Prior to the 2nd Coming of Christ.

    • @CN-pe4gz
      @CN-pe4gz 3 года назад

      @@janiecepoush1904 yes, just look at the 10th article of faith.

  • @debrafuggle5727
    @debrafuggle5727 2 года назад +1

    i found the two event i. 1827 and 2017 is incredible

  • @FalconFastest123
    @FalconFastest123 2 года назад

    Question: If the Savior came "in the meridian of time" around 4000 years after Adam, does that mean earth will have 8000 years of history rather than the 7000 we usually assume? Why or why not?

    • @GospelLessons1
      @GospelLessons1  2 года назад

      I've often wondered that myself. I don't know, and it is just my opinion but we are never told how long the "half hour of silence" is before the 2nd coming and we aren't told how long Satan will be loosed after the millennium (for a season) and the final battle. Perhaps all that could make for a 8000 year total amount of time. Some might not like that because it goes past the traditional belief of 7 days / 7000 years but I don't see why not. But again, all speculation.

  • @rosieg7582
    @rosieg7582 Год назад

    Call me a nerd but Ive been following the uap whistleblower story, the dude is so credible that congress is going to hold hearings. I've wondered if it fits in as signs. 🤔

  • @Mark50000000000
    @Mark50000000000 2 года назад

    The stars falling from heaven has already happened, back when Joseph Smith was alive, it's in Church History, many people witnessed and documented it, so many stars fell that many described it as appearing to be the same as snow falling

  • @FirstHolyGrandsonofHeaven926
    @FirstHolyGrandsonofHeaven926 2 года назад

    Why is Shim hill in Missouri named Shim hill? I need to know

  • @kathyskidmore6887
    @kathyskidmore6887 3 года назад

    Love it!

  • @raywhiting3657
    @raywhiting3657 3 года назад

    Could the christmas star in 2020 be the sign in relation to the sign of his birth

  • @CV-tc7in
    @CV-tc7in 3 года назад

    This insight you have received about the order of God corresponds with Via Sikehema’s (sp) talk from Gen. Conf. So much to ponder.
    Awareness of these things are important and so is looking around and preparing however needed to withstand the coming days. The tides are turning daily and the Lord needs us awake and paying attention to Him. He is pushing the children of God to move into the grip of the great and abominable church or the church of Christ. The time isn’t coming soon, it is upon us.

  • @FirstHolyGrandsonofHeaven926
    @FirstHolyGrandsonofHeaven926 2 года назад

    The mastery of God and life is dumbfounding. Haha Sooo complex yet so symmetrical and perfect. The near future gonna be intense.

  • @vijaynazari9246
    @vijaynazari9246 3 года назад

    I'm confused by your ordering of dispensations. If the 7 seals in revelations represents the 7 dispensations, and the 7th seal represents the millennial reign, then shouldn't Joseph be the prophet of the 6th seal, and Peter the 5th, and so on? But that would also make Adam the 0th dispensation.

    • @GospelLessons1
      @GospelLessons1  3 года назад +1

      Seals are mapped to the 7, 1000 year periods of the earth (where the 7th is the millennium) that is different than the dispensations.

  • @janyakov7655
    @janyakov7655 6 месяцев назад

    No. Rew 12/1 was 23. sept 2017.
    another sign 12/4 was 23 march 2024.
    "sign" 12/5 will be on 1335 days = 6 juni 2024.
    It s clear?

  • @raywhiting3657
    @raywhiting3657 3 года назад

    looking at your list the thought came to me the 1st will be last and the last will be first. What if giving the revelation 12 sign was a way to start giving the last sign first. in other words maybe those signs that you ordered will be given in reverse order. This being why the change to the terrestrial world will be the last one given.

  • @MichaelJones-ke6fy
    @MichaelJones-ke6fy 3 года назад +2

    3 Nephi 21 from verse 23 is our Saviour telling us the way things are going to be and this ties in with section 57. Where is the New Jer u Salem (this might be a trigger word as any comments I make with this word are being deleted.)

    • @comejesus5955
      @comejesus5955 3 года назад


    • @MichaelJones-ke6fy
      @MichaelJones-ke6fy 3 года назад

      @@comejesus5955 From wkipeadia: The Chisholm Trail was a trail used in the post-Civil War era to drive cattle overland from ranches in Texas to Kansas railheads. The trail was established by Black Beaver, a Lenape guide and rancher, and his friend Jesse Chisholm, a merchant.
      And I still do not understand.

    • @comejesus5955
      @comejesus5955 3 года назад +1


    • @comejesus5955
      @comejesus5955 3 года назад +1


    • @MichaelJones-ke6fy
      @MichaelJones-ke6fy 3 года назад +1

      @@comejesus5955 Okay. I do not agree with you, however, as my "knowledge" from study is that the New Jerusalem is Salt Lake City and the Salt Lake Temple is the Temple built in Zion, the New Jerusalem. I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on this and wait until the Lord shows us the answer.

  • @thelatterdayarbiter
    @thelatterdayarbiter 3 года назад +3

    If Chekhov’s gun taught me anything, everything is there for a reason. Sometimes I think that the stored nukes couldn’t just be disposed of after the Cold War. Rather, and I pray that I’m wrong, the baptism of fire could be total nuclear destruction when war comes against Zion. Now obviously, such a domino effect would only be out of choice, but who knows

  • @maryj9897
    @maryj9897 3 года назад

    The star falling from heaven called wormwood. Is there significance for one who sees it ?

    • @maryj9897
      @maryj9897 2 года назад

      @Max Freeman
      Revelation 18 mentions nothing of wormwood.

    • @maryj9897
      @maryj9897 2 года назад

      @Max Freeman you see wormwood as prediction of looming disaster and nothing more.

    • @maryj9897
      @maryj9897 2 года назад +1

      @Max Freeman general consensus is, it is a bad omen globally. But little is documented of effect upon a person who actually sees it. Hence original question

    • @maryj9897
      @maryj9897 2 года назад

      @Max Freeman at least you got me to read revelation 18

  • @crystaldawn9255
    @crystaldawn9255 Месяц назад

    Signs in the heavens is also signs in the soul of man or the heart of man including depression and things

  • @dr.daverobbo2407
    @dr.daverobbo2407 3 года назад

    I wrote this song called 'The Latter Days':видео.html Enjoy

  • @vickyhenderson22669
    @vickyhenderson22669 3 года назад +1

    The earth land shall reverse from the time of Peleg and become one land again? Joseph Smith Prophesy

    @CMZIEBARTH 3 года назад

    Wondering why you reject comments that prophets made before they were president of the Church when there's zero teaching saying that that should be done. By that same reasoning when general conference comes around we should only listen to the prophet speak and nobody else.

  • @Strives12More
    @Strives12More 2 года назад

    Please do a video on the mark of the beast.

  • @starlegends3092
    @starlegends3092 3 года назад +1

    Dood what if we get sucked by a black hole? Thats the closest thing i can think of for the Heavens being rapped up as a scroll. Maybe a great star will fall means it will collaps into a black hole. Who knowes

  • @paulburne2596
    @paulburne2596 11 месяцев назад

    The gates are now opening upon you beware do not be caught knapping as the signs are revealed ...on your knees now and pray to the son of the father fir this is WORD written

  • @dobinmarava6906
    @dobinmarava6906 Год назад

    Let's go to the holy Bible which is God's word , prayer for God to lead us in the truth,

  • @dm6966
    @dm6966 3 года назад +1

    M way of the master cameron comfort m joseph to Jesus

  • @JudeNance
    @JudeNance 3 года назад


  • @carolmueller3191
    @carolmueller3191 3 года назад +1

    Didn't Jesus tell Christians to pray for God's Kingdom to come and for His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven? God's Kingdom is a heavenly government ruled by Jesus Christ as King. Soon Jesus will bring beautiful changes to the earth. There will be no more death, pain or sorrow on earth, Revelation 21:4,5! No more wickedness on earth, Psalms 37:9-11! After Armageddon the meek will inherit the earth and live forever on it, Psalms 37:29; Matthew 5:5; Proverbs 2:21,22! The earth will be cultivated into a Paradise like God intended in the beginning, Genesis 1:28; Isaiah 55:11! Jesus will do on a grand scale what he did when he walked the earth including raising those who are asleep in death, John 5:28,29! There will only be one government over the entire earth forever, Daniel 2:44! Jesus said that this good news of the Kingdom would be preached about in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come, Matthew 24:14! Soon Jesus will make sure that God's Will is done on earth as it is in heaven, will you be there to see it? John 4:22-24; John 17:3; Isaiah 42:8!

    • @janiecepoush1904
      @janiecepoush1904 3 года назад

      Amazing Compilation of Scriptures... Thanks! 🙏🏻

    • @carolmueller3191
      @carolmueller3191 3 года назад +1

      @@janiecepoush1904 This is the Good News that Jesus taught when he was on earth! If any religion doesn't teach what he taught they are counterfeit Christians! He said you will know the truth and the truth will set you free! Pray fervently for knowledge and understanding of God's Word, God answers sincere prayers from humble hearts!

    • @janiecepoush1904
      @janiecepoush1904 3 года назад

      @@carolmueller3191 I am studying the Scriptures in your sharing right now... I Started at the ending (“Will you be there to see it), John4:22-24; John 17;3; & Isaiah 42:8). Right now... I am lost in wonderful Footnotes, in D&C 93... This will become a week long project, I can tell... Thanks Again! 🙏🏻

    • @carolmueller3191
      @carolmueller3191 3 года назад +1

      @@janiecepoush1904 If I can be of any assistance please know I will happily share what I have learned from 50 years of studying the Scriptures! :)

    • @janiecepoush1904
      @janiecepoush1904 3 года назад +1

      @@carolmueller3191 Thank You, kindly! You have greatly helped me on my way. I go directly to the Source of all Truth, so I expect that my 53 years of revelation & Scripture answers will hold first place in my personal Relationship with My Holy Father! 🙏🏻

  • @Pyeknom
    @Pyeknom 2 года назад

    Duality! Happens twice, not necessarily in a row. Moses leading the Hebrews out if bondage. Future Moses will be Joseph Smith.

  • @terrisarubio5068
    @terrisarubio5068 3 года назад +1

    Now list it in a chiastic structure, Bingo.

    • @GospelLessons1
      @GospelLessons1  3 года назад +1

      Yeah, I thought of that but all happening right at the end didn't feel exactly like the chiastic structure, and also the order is difficult and I feel to be truly chiastic in nature the exact order would need to be followed. I wouldn't doubt for a minute that is how it works out in the end, but the scriptures don't make that totally clear so it felt like a bit of a stretch based on what information we have.

  • @gkeith64
    @gkeith64 3 года назад

    Yah shalom beloved meshpaca
    Have you considered the mud flood and the evidence worldwide, Daniel 9:26, Amos & YerimYahu
    Daniel 9:26
    And after threescore and two weeks shall MessiYah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof [shall be] with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
    YeremiYAhu 47:2
    Thus saith YahUah; Behold, waters rise up out of the north, and shall be an overflowing flood, and shall overflow the land, and all that is therein; the city, and them that dwell therein: then the men shall cry, and all the inhabitants of the land shall howl.
    Amos 8:8
    Shall not the land tremble for this, and every one mourn that dwelleth therein? and it shall rise up wholly as a flood; and it shall be cast out and drowned, as [by] the flood of Egypt.
    Gen 6:3
    When mankind had become corrupted in the period preceding the *flood, YahUah said: 'My spirit shall not abide in man for ever, for he is flesh; his days shall be a hundred and twenty years. Famine of Yahs words, the King would leave, and Yah's words would be hidden 500 years
    Est. 1519 to 2019 = the time of the Gentiles, grace period. And enslavement of TsYahn, both the northern and southern know kingdoms together for 400 years, 1629 - 2019
    Also The Apocrypha of AbraYahm 29 & 30
    30:2 And he said to me, “AbraYam, I shall tell [you] what your heart desired, for you have sought to know the ten plagues which I prepared against the heathen, and I prepared them beforehand after the passing of the twelve hours on earth. 30:3 Hear what I tell you, it will be thus. 30:4 The first-distress from much violence; the second-the fiery burning of cities; 30:5 the third-destruction of the cattle by pestilence; the fourth-famine in their native land, 30:6 the fifth-destruction in their domains through the ravage of earthquake and sword; the sixth-hail and increase of snow; 30:7 the seventh-wild beasts will be their grave; the eighth-famine and pestilence will take turns in their destruction; 30:8 the ninth-punishment by the sword and flight in distress; the tenth-thunder and voices, and ravaging earthquakes.

    • @comejesus5955
      @comejesus5955 3 года назад +1


    • @gkeith64
      @gkeith64 3 года назад +1

      @@comejesus5955 beloved
      Tell me who gave you the book?
      Is it not written when the King left, the devil would take over the assembly/ church? And make a false religion of imitation?
      I want to be clear, I am no prophet, nor sage. I am just a man who searched to know the true Creator. What I found was, Scripture precedes all the religious books. Scripture is the record of the Yahudim and also the records of the Ysraelites. Our history as told by YahUah aka YhWh. So how come all the other books don't have YahUah prominently displayed in them? Why is his name hidden to the common people, as LORD all capital letters? Is there a reason? Turns out, there is a very good reason as one looks at what YahUah says, there was a famine of his words, this coincided of course with his word YahuaSha leaving. We know the king's proper name because he is the creators namesake, who came in the creators name, 2 bear his name!
      Heres how the texts where passed down via 4 generations...
      Yahudi to Greek 1500, to Roman1619, to Modern religions 1800, (Christianity, Islam, Jewish) these 3 in particular because all 3 have a version of Torah.

    • @comejesus5955
      @comejesus5955 3 года назад +1


    • @comejesus5955
      @comejesus5955 3 года назад +2


    • @gkeith64
      @gkeith64 3 года назад

      @@comejesus5955 Mmmm, interesting. So Constantinople would be the TsYahn gate..... Yet many say Constantinople was Yarusalem and it was destroyed by the prince of the people to come, in 1453. This done 40 years after King YahuaSha was hung.
      When examining the mudflood evidence, and the approximate time of occurance, I can see Constantinople being the city of TsYahn.,..
      Daniel 9:26
      And after threescore and two weeks shall MessiYah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof [shall be] with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
      It is written in the Florintine Codex that Columbus was looking for Yarusalem so that actually would fit being Texas, or in Peru. Peru = navel in Hebrew.
      Why do believe it's Texas beloved?

  • @josephwinger3158
    @josephwinger3158 9 месяцев назад

    Adam and Eve hid themselves in the trees and. In the last day the people hide themselves from god in the mountains rev-6-15