First Aid is usually a staple for all leveling toons, but I would honestly not worry about it as a DK as you have Death Strikes to keep yourself topped off. Save those frostweave cloths for tailoring and get you swordguard embroidery on your cloak.
Lichborne is also a great survival talent- it makes you undead, so you can heal yourself with death coil. If you bank runic power before you pop it, you can heal a huge portion of your hp bar
Right now in ptr this combo does't work and people already reported it! But we never know it has been a long time maybe we just misunderstood how it works.
@@mzlsx that combo worked in original WOTLK 100%. You would even take Glyph of Death's Embrace to get more healing death coils out :D. With 120 runic power you could death coil yourself 5 times and have 20 RP left over.
@@Toyhouze Wandering Plague language bothers me, Ignores Target? You said it wont break CC but does it still apply damage? and if that is the case, why don't they just say will not cancel CC?
This might be a bit of a noobish guilty pleasure, but I absolutely LOVE the quality of life convenience that comes from Glyph of Death Grip while leveling. I would never use it at max level though, unless I was just goofing around solo.
A lot of focus on Shadowmourne here, but it's important to note that Unholy DK has a very mixed damage profile, that is less focused on melee weapon scaling than Fury or Ret. Shadowmourne comes right at the end of the expansion, and unless you have a raid that loves you there is a good chance you will not get priority on the first or even second Shadowmourne. Unholy DK looks like it's going to be a super fun class for Classic WotLK, but I think it is a mistake for anyone to pick it based on Shadowmourne. Otherwise awesome video!
In Tier 10 gear and ICC fights, a lot of your damage as Unholy is from melee hits because of Blood-Caked Blade procs from high haste. It is then followed by Scourge Strike and Death Coil. So, I would say Unholy DK gets more benefits from Shadowmourne than Ret Pala. Although it is not a game changing difference between the two classes, your guild should give it to the guy that performs the best imo.
@@btecbentley829 100% agree, a legendary that comes from the final Tier should probably go to a longstanding raid member who consistently puts the most effort in - vs giving it out based on where it is "best" (unless you are going for #1 speed times or something)
@@esuvii It's DK prio, it's Frostmourne's sister weapon ;) :P. I completely agree man, I think guilds are going to want to give it to people who they know will not leave as soon as they get it, that's why in Classic officers would get legendaries almost as a reward even though I disagree with this, but yeah Shadowmourne is a sweet axe and any melee will be happy getting it. I'm going to be rolling and maining an Unholy DK, was contemplating going Frost, but with the Gargoyle and 2H looking so damn cool I think my mind is set, we'll see :D
Shadowmourne was also less effective on Unholy for a good portion of the time because of all the +shadow damage modifiers that actually got applied to Bryntroll's on-hit effect since it was treated as a shadow damage attack originating from you (with a ludicrously low cooldown). it was more impactful for two-handed Blood or Frost.
Great guide but it was abit confusing when you started with introducing glyphs for each spec before introducing the specs themselves. Probably smoother to start at the core and work outward
Great Guide. Thank you. Only thing that was a bit off was the Blood DK Tank. You almost never grab Heart Strike. The point is better spent elsewhere and dont grab Blood Gorged. This allows you to move further down into frost or unholy.
26:40 You said it yourself , Engi gives you a real nice way to buff your Garg and snapshot it 340 haste every 1 min and every 2 min with Orc Racial is such a big and reliable dps increase not to mention the mobility of Nitro boots that is on some fights crucial for PvE : getting 2 extra gem sockets with Blacksmithing is not worth it especially if you see it of a Pogression standpoint you would not even get the epic 20+str gems but instead 16+ str gems till t9 content. Jewelcrafting is indeed your bis choice also since even as early as T7 content you are able to get those +34 Str Gems.
not sure that is right for tank, think there are some blood dk builds where you can get both abom might and imp ice talons (which might mean freeing getting a raid buff from a tank rather than a shaman(freeing air totem for other use) or frost dk). As well as litchborne, and other mitigation talents in frost. As for tanking racials: dwarf, nelf, and troll might be worth a mention.
yeah, its pretty common for dk tanks to be double buff build, its rare to see one dk tank that doesn't go that way (not counting dks that are leveling or haven't started raiding yet).
I would highly recommend going dual-wield Unholy while leveling and all the way through Wrath to ICC. The build plays quite differently and focuses more on disease and auto attacks, dropping Scourge Strike, which is very weak until endgame. Glyph of the Ghoul and DnD are pretty much staples until ICC gearing.
Howling Fjord has Cragthumper extremely early, a 2H Mace with close-enough stats to the Axe of Frozen Death. Far easier to get. And has 91 stamina which means DK tank weapon too, baby!
22:25 Also about the meta gem , again considering the amout of stats and gear you will have during your pogression from t7 to t10 the meta gem : Thundering Skyflare Diamond will net you with alot more of a dps gain than +21 Critical Strike and 3% Increased Critical Damage . Especially for your Garg to snapshot the 480 haste buff during the 4 sec uptime and 45 Iternal CD its going to be a big big dps increases not to mention that you yourself + your ghoul benefit of Haste so much already . on addition to that it enables you to gem strictly Strength + Nightmare tear gem if you are already hit capped , with the meta gem you are recommending you would be forced to use 2 blue gems or 1 nightmare tear + 1 blue gem which results in less Strength overall and weird gemming gear pieces wise.
To all who are saying glyph of icy touch over glyph of disease that is almost never realistically the case. In almost every encounter in icc reaping, disease, and mcp opener will always be the highest possible dps for unholy.
That being said blood past 1260 arp at the same gear level will pull higher single target numbers, and frost on fights in the 2:15-2:30 range will be equatable to both.
Anyway you could possibly go more in depth into a blood dps build? I know it’s a bit of a meme but could still be a fun niche for peeps running in 10 mans. Great video by the way!
Thank you! Yeah sorry I didn't say too much about it. The level DK talent build is as far as a went. I think you could use that talent/glyph setup and do well though!
22:15 that part is up to debate but on simply single target you would always gem and find gear pieces with Haster over Crit the reason is your Garg, your Auto attacks + talents points and Ghoul all benefit of Haste , even your Death coil's gcd benefits of it , crit is also a good stat but besides that rng factor haste on a longer fight will net you with a dps gain especially on Single Target
1:01:30 this would be true if you would be bis gear and not spec into the blood tree as your sub spec early of the expansion, but if you do and I hope for the most of the people reading this will do you would instead opt to the Indestructible Potion that grant you 3500 armor for 2 min it works really well with the Talent Tree : Bladed Armor in the blood tree wich you should definitely pick up since it gives you alot of attackpower which again benefts all your hard hitting spells like Obliterate and Frostrike which a Potion of Speed doesnt do for example. Also Umbreakable Armor grants you more Strength since it also increases your Armor by 25% or 20% depending which patch or spell we get when classic wotlk hits.
A lot of the comments here touch on things for debate but one thing that’s spoken about a lot in this video is Shadowmourne. The majority of Horde players will probably want to go Troll for PVE because up until getting Shadowmourne unless you go DW will be 2H Swords and Maces. Shadowmourne takes a long time to get and you also gotta take into account how long it’ll take before ICC even comes out. Troll berserking especially now that it’s buffed will be the better bet for the majority of death knights on Horde. For Wrath to be a real success they’ll have to gate content just as long as they did for the t6 wait in TBC. Otherwise the whole expansion will be cleared within a year since alot of the content is miles easier than TBC besides Hardmode Ulduar. The best bet would be increasing health pools and damage/shortened enrage timers for the challenge staying relevant even for farming content and letting people take breaks when they want to. Blizzlike wrath numbers are far too easy and if they don’t have a different approach to what they did with TBC and Vanilla classic people will just fully quit instead of taking breaks and coming back when they want. So if blizzard implements buffed raid content and 5 man content, you’ll keep the diehard casual wrath fans engaged while the try hards can come back whenever they want after progressing without sacrificing difficulty.
with regards to pve race selection, you forgot that dwarf stone form grants bonus armor, and theres a talent that gives you bonus AP from armor thus making stoneform a dps cd
You seem to have forgotten the craftable 2h. lvl 200 mace wich all will get: Titansteel destroyer. Purple and it will last along time. Other then that, nice video :)
good guide for Unholy. For raids id swap Morbidity for Reraping, getting that one extra Scourge strike is a BIG DPS increase, also Glyph of the ghoul > Glyph of Disease. Morbidity is better for clearing dungeons tho.
Awesome vid man, like someone else mentioned it was sub worthy. I'm planning on maining Unholy DK in Wrath (definitely not for Shadowmourne o.O), however I don't know whether to pick up Mining + JC or Mining + Engi?
Thanks man, welcome to the crew! I've actually got a profession guide coming out soon, but I would say Mining + Engi. Engineering is the best in my opinion!
Im new to Wrath Deathknight, but id love to tank whenever classic wrath comes out :).. why wont you use Rune Tap as a talent when tanking? cheers man and keep on with your great work!
The misplaced point in frost is Lichborne. Few people will ever need lichborne as a DPS frost DK for most of the content. The build presented generally is a great later game build for IIC once your stats are high enough to warrant going sub Unholy. But in the beginning tiers of content, frost DW DKs will likely be sub-blood spec, as the crit, runic power gen, and bladed armor will be very very strong.
Yeah I'd say Tauren. Even though the extra health isn't a lot since it's nerfed, extra health helps DK more than any other tank because all self-heals are a % of max health. Therefore stacking stamina & the tauren racial not only makes you live longer, but increases your self healing dramatically.
I would recomand taking glyph of ghoul instead disease it boost your ghoul dmg and puting up dots manualy will make your wondering plague proc most often due his hidden 1 sec cd, if u refresh your dots with pestilence it gona make your dots tic in same time so your wondering plague cant proc on both of your dots. On single target like this u gona pull much more dmg. Ppl mostly argue with that saying but u win a gcd and a scourge strike with disease glyph, well not rly, u gona have a gap after ur rotation with that method also a icy touch plague strike blood strike will do as much or even more dmg then your scourge strike pestilence, nice guide btw cheers
Hello, thank you the tutorial, I have another question how do you combine runes as you showing 3 specials ability’s in one role ( frost / unholy / blood ) ?
i do remeber back on the early days of wotlk, that frost was tanking, and blood was dps, did wow change this? or and also seen tanking dk duelwielding?
What about duelwielding tanks? I just remebered few things on the early days of wotlk like the frost tank and the tank having duelwielding weapons instead of having a 2h.
@@Toyhouze what about duelwield instead of a 2h? i remeber duelwielding as blood, frost presence tank, and was keeping very good aggro of the fast swings instead on the 3,70 dmg per sec
Remember folks, we will most likely be playing on the final patch of wotlk, this means dk’s have been nerfed to cata pre patch scaling, and pallies and warriors have been buffed. I highly doubt the are going to give us the original dk and nerft it twice over the expac like happened back in the day.
So you did pvp and pve dps racials, but what would be good tanking races for dk? I've heard some say that humans are bis because every man for himself works on some bosses.
So I realize its not a good idea to stack spell power on a Death Knight But say I wanted to make a meme corpse explosion build, what stat does it scale off of? Attack power, strength, intellect, spell power or shadow power?
Blizzard shouldn’t have removed the lvl 55 requirement to make a DK in WotLK Classic. It’s going to cause a glut of DK’s well beyond what there already would have been, and it’s clearly just a cash grab to bring back those who haven’t played Vanilla or BC Classic. They could’ve at least required that you already had a level 30 or 40 to make one, that would at least require SOME effort beforehand and make those who really wanted to have a DK in Wrath Classic but who haven’t been playing have to put some effort in. A free 55 of one of the best classes in WotLK is just too good to pass up.
You might wanna revise the tank tree, I've tanked 2 years as Pala / DK on Wrath and I played both Frost tank for early dungeon farming, Hybrid blood with imp icy talons and I played a little bit of blood dps for the memes. For tanking I definitly recommend the Improved Icy Talons build
It will be just like it was back then. 1 million DK army running around. Then people will gravitate back to their old mains when they find out that they are in their nerfed state and just another class who really only excels at one thing... yanking mobs and players. FYI... frost not blood was the tank spec until ICC mainly because they had good snap AOE threat. Blood was mainly what everyone went to for self sustain. If you're into an OP class... consider a paladin as a tank... and a mage as a DPS. You won't be disappointed.
I'm sorry but completely disregarding the single best talent for leveling in the unholy tree (On A Pale Horse) as "just not that good" is so insane to me. movement speed is absolute king while leveling and 20% mount speed is absolutely bonkers for 2 talent points. Get this talent and ignore whatever this man says about it.
Since we're getting patch 3.3.5, if you are planning to farm dungeons as a tank, blood is perfect for that. Otherwise, I would go Unholy for leveling. You can still tank as unholy while leveling too - just turn on frost presence.
I would like to add to the list that as Death Knight you start with First Aid. Its a real game changer to start with First aid for your level.
First Aid is usually a staple for all leveling toons, but I would honestly not worry about it as a DK as you have Death Strikes to keep yourself topped off.
Save those frostweave cloths for tailoring and get you swordguard embroidery on your cloak.
Lichborne is also a great survival talent- it makes you undead, so you can heal yourself with death coil. If you bank runic power before you pop it, you can heal a huge portion of your hp bar
Back in the day I'm pretty sure I had a macro I could push repeatedly to first cast Lichborne and then death coil over and over.
You can take Lichborne as a tank and burn your coils on self heals if you have enough threat.
Right now in ptr this combo does't work and people already reported it! But we never know it has been a long time maybe we just misunderstood how it works.
@@mzlsx that combo worked in original WOTLK 100%. You would even take Glyph of Death's Embrace to get more healing death coils out :D. With 120 runic power you could death coil yourself 5 times and have 20 RP left over.
@@mzlsx you can do it in retail now i'm pretty surr
An entire HOUR of WotLK content from Toyhouze? Well that’s a treat! Thanks for your hard work brother
Haha I hope you enjoy it :)
@@Toyhouze Wandering Plague language bothers me, Ignores Target? You said it wont break CC but does it still apply damage? and if that is the case, why don't they just say will not cancel CC?
Just means the video is made really slow but most of the video is good content.
Possibly best wow videos online mate, thanks for sharing your great work. Have liked and subscribed to support your channel.
This might be a bit of a noobish guilty pleasure, but I absolutely LOVE the quality of life convenience that comes from Glyph of Death Grip while leveling. I would never use it at max level though, unless I was just goofing around solo.
That is me 100%
A lot of focus on Shadowmourne here, but it's important to note that Unholy DK has a very mixed damage profile, that is less focused on melee weapon scaling than Fury or Ret. Shadowmourne comes right at the end of the expansion, and unless you have a raid that loves you there is a good chance you will not get priority on the first or even second Shadowmourne.
Unholy DK looks like it's going to be a super fun class for Classic WotLK, but I think it is a mistake for anyone to pick it based on Shadowmourne.
Otherwise awesome video!
Yes, good points. Thank you
In Tier 10 gear and ICC fights, a lot of your damage as Unholy is from melee hits because of Blood-Caked Blade procs from high haste. It is then followed by Scourge Strike and Death Coil. So, I would say Unholy DK gets more benefits from Shadowmourne than Ret Pala. Although it is not a game changing difference between the two classes, your guild should give it to the guy that performs the best imo.
@@btecbentley829 100% agree, a legendary that comes from the final Tier should probably go to a longstanding raid member who consistently puts the most effort in - vs giving it out based on where it is "best"
(unless you are going for #1 speed times or something)
@@esuvii It's DK prio, it's Frostmourne's sister weapon ;) :P. I completely agree man, I think guilds are going to want to give it to people who they know will not leave as soon as they get it, that's why in Classic officers would get legendaries almost as a reward even though I disagree with this, but yeah Shadowmourne is a sweet axe and any melee will be happy getting it. I'm going to be rolling and maining an Unholy DK, was contemplating going Frost, but with the Gargoyle and 2H looking so damn cool I think my mind is set, we'll see :D
Shadowmourne was also less effective on Unholy for a good portion of the time because of all the +shadow damage modifiers that actually got applied to Bryntroll's on-hit effect since it was treated as a shadow damage attack originating from you (with a ludicrously low cooldown). it was more impactful for two-handed Blood or Frost.
ive had this video on repeat for a day now while farming honor for season 3
prolly ther best dk guide ever
ill deffo be coming back to this vid for leveling my dk :D
You immediately lost me when you didn't take Pale Horse when you were going over the leveling portion of the video lmao.
Bro, so good. I can't wait for Wrath to drop - keep the content coming!!
Thanks! Same here!
Great guide but it was abit confusing when you started with introducing glyphs for each spec before introducing the specs themselves. Probably smoother to start at the core and work outward
Thank you for the video! I will definitely be using this for a guide when I play a unholy DK for WoTLK classic
Great Guide. Thank you. Only thing that was a bit off was the Blood DK Tank. You almost never grab Heart Strike. The point is better spent elsewhere and dont grab Blood Gorged. This allows you to move further down into frost or unholy.
Just a note that the Crimson Cranium Crusher is a one-handed mace, not two-handed.
Thank you for the video! This is the best explanation regarding this topic.
This is sub worthy :D good job man
Thank you :D
26:40 You said it yourself , Engi gives you a real nice way to buff your Garg and snapshot it 340 haste every 1 min and every 2 min with Orc Racial is such a big and reliable dps increase not to mention the mobility of Nitro boots that is on some fights crucial for PvE : getting 2 extra gem sockets with Blacksmithing is not worth it especially if you see it of a Pogression standpoint you would not even get the epic 20+str gems but instead 16+ str gems till t9 content. Jewelcrafting is indeed your bis choice also since even as early as T7 content you are able to get those +34 Str Gems.
Didn't I say JC + Engineering is really good in the video?
@@Toyhouze You said JC+BS is BIS and JC+ Engi is close 2nd which issnt true at all especially for Unholy dk
The best profession hands down for unholy is engineering since 340 haste enchant on hands is so crucial to snap with garg and pump damage
not sure that is right for tank, think there are some blood dk builds where you can get both abom might and imp ice talons (which might mean freeing getting a raid buff from a tank rather than a shaman(freeing air totem for other use) or frost dk). As well as litchborne, and other mitigation talents in frost. As for tanking racials: dwarf, nelf, and troll might be worth a mention.
Definitely fair points worth considering!
yeah, its pretty common for dk tanks to be double buff build, its rare to see one dk tank that doesn't go that way (not counting dks that are leveling or haven't started raiding yet).
Was wondering if I would see a frost tank section. Great info here. So hyped about a wrath classic.
I just finished making it today. Hope you enjoy!
I would highly recommend going dual-wield Unholy while leveling and all the way through Wrath to ICC. The build plays quite differently and focuses more on disease and auto attacks, dropping Scourge Strike, which is very weak until endgame.
Glyph of the Ghoul and DnD are pretty much staples until ICC gearing.
Howling Fjord has Cragthumper extremely early, a 2H Mace with close-enough stats to the Axe of Frozen Death. Far easier to get. And has 91 stamina which means DK tank weapon too, baby!
22:25 Also about the meta gem , again considering the amout of stats and gear you will have during your pogression from t7 to t10 the meta gem : Thundering Skyflare Diamond will net you with alot more of a dps gain than +21 Critical Strike and 3% Increased Critical Damage . Especially for your Garg to snapshot the 480 haste buff during the 4 sec uptime and 45 Iternal CD its going to be a big big dps increases not to mention that you yourself + your ghoul benefit of Haste so much already . on addition to that it enables you to gem strictly Strength + Nightmare tear gem if you are already hit capped , with the meta gem you are recommending you would be forced to use 2 blue gems or 1 nightmare tear + 1 blue gem which results in less Strength overall and weird gemming gear pieces wise.
thanks for sharing
Метагем активируеться на 6 секунд.Топ расса для Анхоли ДК Тролль изза берсерка и бурста Горгульи со всеми вытекающими.
I think this guy makes very good content
Glad you enjoy it! :)
Remember! Never use your last blood rune when your diseases are about to expire, we don’t want those falling off! 😜
Hoping for a deep dive of warrior eventually since it will be my main for wrath. This was pretty good.
Play slam spec arms phase 1 fury the rest, be useless till togc /s :) but hey at least arms is fun
To all who are saying glyph of icy touch over glyph of disease that is almost never realistically the case. In almost every encounter in icc reaping, disease, and mcp opener will always be the highest possible dps for unholy.
That being said blood past 1260 arp at the same gear level will pull higher single target numbers, and frost on fights in the 2:15-2:30 range will be equatable to both.
Me: so, which of the DK specs is the best?
Fellow DK guildy: yes...
On a pale horse cuts leveling time its a most get. IMO its also useful for getting out in front of the pack or in ganks.
Hey man thanks for the simple explanations and I appreciate your time put into this👍
Anyway you could possibly go more in depth into a blood dps build? I know it’s a bit of a meme but could still be a fun niche for peeps running in 10 mans. Great video by the way!
Thank you! Yeah sorry I didn't say too much about it. The level DK talent build is as far as a went. I think you could use that talent/glyph setup and do well though!
22:15 that part is up to debate but on simply single target you would always gem and find gear pieces with Haster over Crit the reason is your Garg, your Auto attacks + talents points and Ghoul all benefit of Haste , even your Death coil's gcd benefits of it , crit is also a good stat but besides that rng factor haste on a longer fight will net you with a dps gain especially on Single Target
thanks for sharing
@@Toyhouze np
Are you going to do comprehensive pvp guides for wotlk for each class?
1:01:30 this would be true if you would be bis gear and not spec into the blood tree as your sub spec early of the expansion, but if you do and I hope for the most of the people reading this will do you would instead opt to the Indestructible Potion that grant you 3500 armor for 2 min it works really well with the Talent Tree : Bladed Armor in the blood tree wich you should definitely pick up since it gives you alot of attackpower which again benefts all your hard hitting spells like Obliterate and Frostrike which a Potion of Speed doesnt do for example. Also Umbreakable Armor grants you more Strength since it also increases your Armor by 25% or 20% depending which patch or spell we get when classic wotlk hits.
Sure man fair points
A lot of the comments here touch on things for debate but one thing that’s spoken about a lot in this video is Shadowmourne. The majority of Horde players will probably want to go Troll for PVE because up until getting Shadowmourne unless you go DW will be 2H Swords and Maces. Shadowmourne takes a long time to get and you also gotta take into account how long it’ll take before ICC even comes out. Troll berserking especially now that it’s buffed will be the better bet for the majority of death knights on Horde. For Wrath to be a real success they’ll have to gate content just as long as they did for the t6 wait in TBC. Otherwise the whole expansion will be cleared within a year since alot of the content is miles easier than TBC besides Hardmode Ulduar. The best bet would be increasing health pools and damage/shortened enrage timers for the challenge staying relevant even for farming content and letting people take breaks when they want to. Blizzlike wrath numbers are far too easy and if they don’t have a different approach to what they did with TBC and Vanilla classic people will just fully quit instead of taking breaks and coming back when they want. So if blizzard implements buffed raid content and 5 man content, you’ll keep the diehard casual wrath fans engaged while the try hards can come back whenever they want after progressing without sacrificing difficulty.
Can‘t wait to level my heal druide when wotlk launches. He is 61 at the moment right now. There will so damn many dks that will tank my dungeon
True that man, you will be in demand for sure!
Orc is by far best race for pvp on horde and human as ally
Very detailed and informative thank you!
with regards to pve race selection, you forgot that dwarf stone form grants bonus armor, and theres a talent that gives you bonus AP from armor thus making stoneform a dps cd
Ahhh you're right! Nice call out!
You seem to have forgotten the craftable 2h. lvl 200 mace wich all will get: Titansteel destroyer. Purple and it will last along time. Other then that, nice video :)
orc is clearly the best choice for pvp too at horde side....
good guide for Unholy. For raids id swap Morbidity for Reraping, getting that one extra Scourge strike is a BIG DPS increase, also Glyph of the ghoul > Glyph of Disease. Morbidity is better for clearing dungeons tho.
GoG isn't better unless you are going ghoul Frenzy spec
@@95thorshammer if you have claw macro in everything and spam it on CD its better.
as a orc dk on a pale horse stun part and orc stun time racial ..seems good for pvp tho
hope you make up a bis list for each phase
Toyhouze does your 'ultimate' guide replace this one? It being 6 months later etc. Thanks.
before talking about glyphs you should talk about spells and talents^^
So mining and BS then drop mining when you feel comfortable with your gems amount?
As you post refreshed versions of this getting closer to wotlk, can you address 1H weapon progression for anyone leveling as frost dual wield?
I can look into it!
Massive works !
troll is actually bis for horde (for unholy)
8:01 Crimson Cranium Crusher is a one handed mace, unless that item image is wrong.
You're right :)
quality content tho, I always play Dk in wow. recently replaying wotlk on warmane before blizz release its own wotlk.
Thank you!
Awesome vid man, like someone else mentioned it was sub worthy. I'm planning on maining Unholy DK in Wrath (definitely not for Shadowmourne o.O), however I don't know whether to pick up Mining + JC or Mining + Engi?
Thanks man, welcome to the crew! I've actually got a profession guide coming out soon, but I would say Mining + Engi. Engineering is the best in my opinion!
Im new to Wrath Deathknight, but id love to tank whenever classic wrath comes out :).. why wont you use Rune Tap as a talent when tanking?
cheers man and keep on with your great work!
You should use it. This is a very medicore guide for blood tank.
The misplaced point in frost is Lichborne. Few people will ever need lichborne as a DPS frost DK for most of the content. The build presented generally is a great later game build for IIC once your stats are high enough to warrant going sub Unholy. But in the beginning tiers of content, frost DW DKs will likely be sub-blood spec, as the crit, runic power gen, and bladed armor will be very very strong.
So in the race section you talk about pvp and DPS, whats the best race for Horde PVE TANK please let me know your thoughts. Orc? Tauren?
Yeah I'd say Tauren. Even though the extra health isn't a lot since it's nerfed, extra health helps DK more than any other tank because all self-heals are a % of max health. Therefore stacking stamina & the tauren racial not only makes you live longer, but increases your self healing dramatically.
Are Unholy good for single target dps? For example a Boss without ads.
what private server would you recommend before wotlk classic is released?
That blood tanking spec is... Rough to say the least. If anyone is looking towards blood tanking in wrath please looks towards rugz's videos.
I would recomand taking glyph of ghoul instead disease it boost your ghoul dmg and puting up dots manualy will make your wondering plague proc most often due his hidden 1 sec cd, if u refresh your dots with pestilence it gona make your dots tic in same time so your wondering plague cant proc on both of your dots. On single target like this u gona pull much more dmg. Ppl mostly argue with that saying but u win a gcd and a scourge strike with disease glyph, well not rly, u gona have a gap after ur rotation with that method also a icy touch plague strike blood strike will do as much or even more dmg then your scourge strike pestilence, nice guide btw cheers
This. Do NOT take glhyph of disease as unholy it's bad
Why use glyph of vampiric blood in blood leveling spec if you dont pick the talent? :D
Do you not play frost tank specc when lvling?
So why do we use super strain? I found a build where I can get it in the tree. Does it stack? I'm brand spanking new to BDK so I really don't know.
I think glyph of disease is a bad idea because
1ss + pestilence = IT + PS
So you it means you should use less BS wich is damage loss
Hello, thank you the tutorial, I have another question how do you combine runes as you showing 3 specials ability’s in one role ( frost / unholy / blood ) ?
Is duel wielding as a blood dk viable ?
Didn't they said they will give change Every man for Himself for Will to Survive?
i do remeber back on the early days of wotlk, that frost was tanking, and blood was dps, did wow change this? or and also seen tanking dk duelwielding?
Frost can tank. Blood is just considered best
What about duelwielding tanks? I just remebered few things on the early days of wotlk like the frost tank and the tank having duelwielding weapons instead of having a 2h.
@@Toyhouze what about duelwield instead of a 2h? i remeber duelwielding as blood, frost presence tank, and was keeping very good aggro of the fast swings instead on the 3,70 dmg per sec
Deatknights are NOT inherently evil. That's the point. Their skills and talents may sound 'evil' the point is they are not, they just ARE.
Remember folks, we will most likely be playing on the final patch of wotlk, this means dk’s have been nerfed to cata pre patch scaling, and pallies and warriors have been buffed. I highly doubt the are going to give us the original dk and nerft it twice over the expac like happened back in the day.
So you did pvp and pve dps racials, but what would be good tanking races for dk? I've heard some say that humans are bis because every man for himself works on some bosses.
So I realize its not a good idea to stack spell power on a Death Knight
But say I wanted to make a meme corpse explosion build, what stat does it scale off of? Attack power, strength, intellect, spell power or shadow power?
I think spell power / shadow damage
@@Toyhouze You have done me a great service. I shall become the corpse explosion king.
You know, i dont agree with like how blood DPS dont have vampic blood:D ita single talent for a great utility. but great guide :D
Good video . Far surpasses metagarblins
Any idea if realm transfer will be possible in wotlk classic?
Blizzard shouldn’t have removed the lvl 55 requirement to make a DK in WotLK Classic. It’s going to cause a glut of DK’s well beyond what there already would have been, and it’s clearly just a cash grab to bring back those who haven’t played Vanilla or BC Classic. They could’ve at least required that you already had a level 30 or 40 to make one, that would at least require SOME effort beforehand and make those who really wanted to have a DK in Wrath Classic but who haven’t been playing have to put some effort in. A free 55 of one of the best classes in WotLK is just too good to pass up.
You might wanna revise the tank tree, I've tanked 2 years as Pala / DK on Wrath and I played both Frost tank for early dungeon farming, Hybrid blood with imp icy talons and I played a little bit of blood dps for the memes. For tanking I definitly recommend the Improved Icy Talons build
Usually other DKs will bring Improved Icy Talons to the raid, but if no one else has it, definitely.
@@Toyhouze It's also about kick not costing runic power anymore and some other stuff
i think if u wanna pump in raids as unholy dk, just do taliloring and engineer, period.
You make some good videos . But is it not abit early for guide to wotlk .when it is not even close too come out. Keep up the good work mate
Thank you! Yeah made this one too early, but I really wanted to deep dive into DK :)
It will be just like it was back then. 1 million DK army running around. Then people will gravitate back to their old mains when they find out that they are in their nerfed state and just another class who really only excels at one thing... yanking mobs and players. FYI... frost not blood was the tank spec until ICC mainly because they had good snap AOE threat. Blood was mainly what everyone went to for self sustain. If you're into an OP class... consider a paladin as a tank... and a mage as a DPS. You won't be disappointed.
What if they gave us dks in the pre patch in their launch state for leveling.
That would be amazing
No one handed weapons? What about frost dks?
So 2h Frost is pretty good? I want to go frost but not into two 1 handers, I want a big beefy boi weapon.
Definitely can go 2H frost!
so for lvling frost blood or unholy? .... :D
glyph of icy touch better than glyph of disease tho.
Humans Every Man doesn't exist anymore, just a nerfed version called Will to survive
I remember dk will always want strength instead of AP.
Hi I Need dps DK , unholy or blood talent ?
So frost has an easier rotation than unholy? Im a newer player. Any dumbed down advice is very welcome :)
I'd say Frost has a harder rotation IMO
What about Dual wield tank?
Is Blood tanking hard? Never been a tank before in my WoW career, but really want to play Blood
I don't think so! You should go for it!
Fun fact everyone seems to forget about.
DK in WotLK doesnt have a Tank or DPS spec, you can even be an Unholy tank or Blood DD ;)
is 3.3.5 before or after they changed blood to tank I use to be a blood dps and was hoping to do that again
All specs can dps in wrath. Your role is based on what presence you use. Cataclysm is when blood became the sole tank spec.
Does anyone know the dps difference between orc/troll vs blood elf?
Troll will be BiS for Unholy dk
Berserking is very strong indeed
Especially with gargoyle
I'm sorry but completely disregarding the single best talent for leveling in the unholy tree (On A Pale Horse) as "just not that good" is so insane to me. movement speed is absolute king while leveling and 20% mount speed is absolutely bonkers for 2 talent points. Get this talent and ignore whatever this man says about it.
If you're out in the open world sure, but for dungeon spamming it won't be necessary.
Nothing outperforms blood dk aoe threat gen.
Thought blood spec was dps in wotlk???
is the blood dk best lvl-ling tree overall?
Since we're getting patch 3.3.5, if you are planning to farm dungeons as a tank, blood is perfect for that. Otherwise, I would go Unholy for leveling. You can still tank as unholy while leveling too - just turn on frost presence.