Ragnarok Mobile : Shield Chain vs Shield Boomerang vs Holy Cross vs Grand Cross vs ASPD Build
- Опубликовано: 5 фев 2025
- I make this video so we can clearly comparing 4 Paladin's Build
Shield Boomerang is a common Build that we always see..
Why they didn't choose other build?
There are at least 3 more build that we can use..
Shield Chain Build that famously strong on Attacking..
Holy Cross and Grand Cross Build with Holy Elemental Attack..
and they didn't put Spear Quicken for nothing right?
The infamous ASPD Build..
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Hi guys, kali ini papa bikin video perbandingan antara masing2 build..
Papa masukin 4 macem build yang sering sekali ditanyain orang2 di channel youtube papa..
Ada Shield Boomerang Build yang sering kita liat..
Shield Chain Build yang kalo dipake nyerang itu damagenya terkenal besar dan kencang..
Holy Cross dan Grand Cross Build dengan Holy Damagenya
dan ASPD Build yg sering banget dipake player2 Indo.. XD
Yuk kita pantengin apa bedanya, dan kuatan mana..
Jangan lupa Like dan Subscribe ya untuk dukung Channel Papa.. XD
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/ @papavictori88
Buat yg hemat kuota langsung skip :
-shield boomerang type 0:34
-shield chain type 3:18
-grand cross/holy cross type 5:04
-spear quicken type 8:49
tlg bikin yg build sacri donk bang :D
Veryy nice guide papa... so detailed and easy to understand , even very friendly in ingame.... would love to see a detailed guide for cards and equip for mvp tangking & pvp tangking for all the paladin builders out there this is the only accurate guide IMHO. keep it up papa..... -knightrain
Baru aja considering other builds, sudah dibuatin detailed comparison nya. Good job papa
Boleh usul papa,klo nyoba build sebaiknya lepas buff,elemen,gpp gak harus one hit,yg penting bs tau gambaran realnya seberapa dmg nya secara polosan...semangat trus ngulik buildnya papa...joss
that 1.5s casting time is called 'fixed casting time'.
its different than 'variable casting time', which could be lower and lower by adding dex point.
maybe u should open certain runes to build that better papa .
nice video :D
bro i always watch your videos and guides about Paladin and this is my first comment on your video and you really help me with my set and equips . really big help for grinding and doing Endless tower guides . tnx more subs to come 😊👍👌
Do you know if int increases atk or str for HC/GC?
If I am not mistaken, miniboss MVP criteria is the first player to hit de miniboss. However if you don't hit the miniboss in less than 5 seconds, your firt hit will be reseted.
MVP MVP criteria is unknown. I've read a lot of theories but there is nothing official that reached my knowledge.
Hi. Can you do a damage comparison between Ivory Lance and Cardo/Green Steel Pike? Thanks!
Contoh buildnya mantap2 gan. Pake equip yg gampang dicari jadi ga bakal susah nerapinnya. Ane sekarang belom jadi paladin jadi sementara pakai build shield chain dulu. Tapi bener2 boros banget SP nya hahaha. Tapi shield chain great nature + mirror shield + ivory spear 1x skill lawan metaller sama dustiner langsung mati gan. Tks video2 nya.
thanks for your guide. on global server the shield of naga and spearfish pike round the 1 millon 800 refined +6. take this to consider this amazing build. bless
Banyak yang bilang crusader tipe cross itu kurang bagus,ya sebenernya setiap tipe punya kelebihan dan kekurangan sendiri.
-kaya tipe aspd spear quicken klo gak ada buff LUK suka miss2an nyerang momon
-Tipe shield Boom yang super tanky tp skill utamanya di hanya di shield boomnya(Cooldown lumayan) sisanya biasanya ambil skill tank
-bgitu juga tipe cross yang kekuranganya di boros SP dan lemah melawan musuh biasa.(selain undead)
>tapi ya itulah gunanya eqiupment untuk nutupi kekurangan.
Kalo tipe cross memang aga mahal,minimal butuh spearfish,naga shield.Tp skil akan jadi berlipat ganda kira2 200%+(30%klo gak salah/refine)
Jadi tipe cross juga tetap bisa bersaing dalam MVP dan PVP(grand cross mengabaikan flee musuh itu artinya skill gak bisa Miss)pernah lawan sniper lv 83 sekali grand cross 21K demagenya(bunuh sniper ribet di miss2annya)nah skill grand cross berguna bgd di sini buat lawan musuh yg miss2an kaya asasin cross dan sniper yang AGI dan LUKnya tinggi,di deketin liat kita mau grand cross paling kabur
ya untuk server baru butuh modal min 17jt Zenny.
Sebenernya build shield chain paling menjanjikam kalau buat grinding. Masalahnya equip papa kurang pas. Offhand harusnya mirror shield. Senjata harusnya Ivory lance. Pasti keluar potensinya
Ini pideo outdated kak..
Waktu itu bikin build juga asal2 an~ XD
@@PapaVictori88 oalaa iya. Soalnya Baru muncul di feed saya papa.. Apakah udah ada versi yg up to date pap? 🤔🤔
Komen dikit
Demej shield chainnya kecil soalnya masih pake eq spesialis tank buat shield boom
Coba ditesnya pake eq standar hitter, ganti cardo pake saint, ganti armor pake tight, acc dll pasti bersaing demejnya sama shield boom
Siap om..
Shield Chain : Dominan STR.
Shield Boom : Dominan VIT.
Equip nya bisa beda bro.
Nah ini yg gw bngung, knp damage SC gw jauh lebih gede padahal lvl cm 65, ternyata build gw full str 😂
Mantab sekali, tapi mungkin ada sedikit masukan tentang rune karena rune ngaruhnya jg gede kalau udah jauh, mungkin next kalau udh lebih gg bisa dibikin lgi comparasinya tpi masukin variable rune
Sukses gw udh subs like haha keren effortnya manteb om
Will do..
what a great video , i learned alot from you .can you please tell me ,shield bomerrang and shield chain is always hit ,or sometime miss ,if i dont have dex ?
thank you very much .
Yeah, that's why you also need Dex (Hit)..
in CN Server, Sacrifice "Buff" make it never miss.. But I'm not sure if it is implemented in SEA..
@@PapaVictori88 so you mean after use sacrifice ,no need to auto attack ,but bomerang and chain is never miss ?and its in 5 hit or 90 secs 9 ( time of sacrifice)
thank you
No 5 Hit.. But 90 sec..o.O
I try it before but I think, I do miss..
So, I dont think its work here..
@@PapaVictori88 i think if you can see the damage ,its not miss ,and because sacrifice ignore defense too ,maybe its a new imba build .can you please check it and make video ?i think its a good topic .thank you again .i learned alot from you .
It's a nice guide, I would bookmark it for future reference.
But I have a question, Why did you take Cavalry Combat for the Shield Boomerang build? Does it affect the damage?
Is it okay for not taking it and invest the rest of the point to Devotion and Shield Charge? Thanks!
Yeah you can.. I like cavalry combat just to make it walk faster..
@@PapaVictori88 But you can just use the Peco-Peco without taking the skill. You just can't attack while riding if you didn't take the skill. Also, The Cavalry Mastery does it also enhance Shield Boom damage? Since I saw there's 600% multiplier on Sheld Boom, So I suppose it's our Attack right?
My paladin aspd crit its better for secondary character...and the stat its really good for leveling or afk...but with note that im using full aspd and crit equip to support the build...and bring other equip set (goibne) if i need change to be a tanker with shield bomerang...no need luck for aspd crit build you must focus at agility str and little dex stat...then for crit its based on the equip sets...trust me when you try to hunt 10lv above monster its easy and no need pay for buff or other support from high priest
So the best tank is shield chain+boomerang build right?
Hi sir I really appreciate the video. It helps a lot. My build now is the infamous aspd build. Really great for grinding due to low sp cost. I still equip shield so I can use the auto guard skill. 50% parry is really good plus the high flee due to high agi points makes me a very unorthodox tank. Also using reflect shield skill for extra dmg to mobs. A little low hp for tanking but I have a support for heals. The aspd build rocks!
i also experimenting that kind of build
Huh? Aspd Crusader is whack! Wouldn't that build works better with Knight
Idunnイドゥン Kight can build agi with bash skill.
rune and skill tree is good for k9 build that way.
U need a H.A sword to get more dame and effect
@@fayis4everlove just for grinding and there are some runes to support it but the downfall is you can't tank many mobs and during ET runs, you really need another semi tank and a good fs for sustain but I changed to shielder for tanking purposes. But I've been saving up for holy/grand cross build, already have my spearfish and naga shield
Actually the aspd build is not for damage. If you check the rune tree there is a rune that basically converts 5 agi to 1 def making it for tank build.
Papa, abis pake magnum break efek great nature nya ilang kan?
Sacrifice Paladin Build is stilllll the best. Hard to level up but worth it.
I think you must have known by now that you should have spent 140k to buy an ivory lance for SC or even SB for grinding. With 6 hydras and STR A food, I definitely can 1hit dustiness with SC without the earth element.
Magnun break is very useful for ASPD build, it can easily triplicate your damage
+ 25% dmg x 200% fire dmg = 250%dmg but only fire
for starters, grandcross is not spammable due to its hp expenditure..also u forgot the equipments effects, using only one set of equips wont bring out the dmg for each builds..and ur build will largely depend on that
Yeah, I make this video when the server is still kinda new..
Check my newer Video for more refrence of each build.. :)
Thank you ive been looking fot guide like this. I have a question, is it worth it to switch to an shield boomerang type? I'm currently lvl 72 shield chain type.. thank you
YES IT IS!! With that vit you distribute while you are a Shield Boomerang Type, you can go to ET or MVP and found party easily..
Papa Victori thank you, i'll try tanking bh and ets now with guildmates
Papa, tanya doong~ Providence kok kayaknya nggak ada pengaruh ya sama damage HC?
Lagi ngetest di training dummy Prontera HC biasa sama HC with Providence level 10 tapi damagenya nggak beda. Di descriptionnya katanya naikin multiplier HC juga soalnya.
Iya, papa juga pernah nyoba..
Tapi ada yg bilang gini :
Multiplier HC nya itu pasif.. Tapi belom pernah papa coba sih..
Jadi kalo maw nge tes.. Itu bedain damage antara sesudah dan sebelom naikin providence..
Providence kalu dinaikin otomatis tambah atk HC. Jdi kyk skill pasif.
@@PapaVictori88 Ahhh, I see! Thanks for the clarification Pa. Satu lagi nih, kalo buat HC+GC Paladin itu perlu naikin Retribution nggak ya? Dia ngaruh ke damage HC/GC juga apa cuma ke normal/auto attack aja?
@@rymbille I see! Makasih infonyaa :D
nice, this is the most complete paladin comparison. good job
did you use providence in your grandcross build? I thought it will increase the damage.
Yeah, but it is work passively..
Already try that before..
papa tolong info dnk
crus mau ke paladin Full tank main stat yg mana ?
trus skill pake apa
Mantap lanjutkan trus video2mu bro ! #paladinforever
Hello, I love your videos! I use it because I'm new to the game and also am a Paladin :D How you get Ymir's book?
Buy it from the adventure skill NPC prontera, u need adventurer class C too
Nice info. Kalau untuk main shield boomerang enakan dex vit str atau dex vit int ya?
Dex total 60
Vit 99
Int 30-40 rest str
Jadi masih bisa nge shield chain..
Dan nanti shield boomerang juga perlu str koq di level 6 dst
Buat leveling menuju Paly paling enak build apa ya bang? apa ASPD aja? soalnya Shied chain sm HC bocor banget SP
Paling enak sebenernya shield chain.. XD
lebih enak shieldchain, pernah pakek aspd terasa galau gak bisa rebutan momon,,, tpi hemat banget kalo pakek aspd
Sir why in your other video Paladin 1x Skill Shield Boomerang Grind Spot Level 80++ ...your stat build is Vit max dex 60 rest Str for SC, shield boomerang the other one is Vit Max 60 dex the rest is int for sp? which is better in your experience?
Int better.. need that sp pool..
Shield Chain requires cards like Desert Wolf Cards...etc. Shield Boomerang doesn't get affected by the size penalty.
Yup, this video is outdated.. XD
Great Video sir. Which build do you recommend for lvling? Im a Lvl 80 paladin
Shield Chain or Shield Boomerang
Hello sir i've been thinking about this but how can we get ymir's handbook? Hope you answer my question
Adven rank C..
Check my video about unlimited reset stats and skills for free
Ok sir thanks you
Lv 50 - 70 isi stat apa yg bagus mas ?? Yg bs solo farm + bs tb rift bareng tmn (temen pd ga mau instans rift) 🙈
Owh iya guide skill nya jg donk tuk lv 50 - 70 bagus nya ambil apa aja ? Coz , saat selesaikan quest crus saya kalah cpt kill terus jd lama selesai quest nya (apa lg quest yg harus kill 300an -_-)
Btw saya lv 50an
Saya sebenernya 50-70 masih ngejer leveling biar cepet jadi Paladin sih..
Setelah jadi Paladin baru pake build Tank.. :P
Tapi ya resiko nya ngga bakal dapet team bwat party.. XD
Kalo pake tipe attacker, dex total 60
sisa nya STR..
Skill pake Shield Chain..
Is it better to use green steel pike than cardo level 3 for pure tank ? Thanks
Green Steel Pike are better of course since it is upgraded from Cardoo.. XD
But, no need to push yourself.. Cardo III is good enough..
@@PapaVictori88 sir thankyouu for answer last one sir . I have goibnes set the green steel pike has a effect of + 0.5% def. and mdef depends on refine . sir the question is once i evolve the cardo to green is the effect become active ? or you must have greeve shoes and stone buckler
Papa, boleh tolong buatin Monk Guide ga? udah cari2 di google ga nemu complete guide seperti yg papa buat untuk knight, semua cm kasih liat equip skill level trus video mrk pukul2 monster >.< .. cheers
Butuh waktu kak.. XD
Mm... you need to change your gears and runes for a fair comparison.
SB build uses Goibne and Ivory Lance + Mirror Shield. It's much more burst oriented.
SC build maximizes STR and PATK and Ivory Lance + Mirror Shield. It's much more DPS oriented.
Dude can you try Pressure skill in Aesr? I don't have enough gold medal to try its full potential. I wanna know if it's worth the medals.
Pressure is trash... It's just a fixed damage skill. The SP reduction is also trash though... It was great in PC RO but it's worthless in mobile. Same with overbrand once we upgrade to Royal Guard.
bre biar nambah dmg shield boom mending cardo atau ivory ? ignore defnya kek lumayan juga
Bwat level yg agak tinggi Ignore Def nya Ivory guna banget..
Tadi barusan gwa test.. Kapan2 gwa bikin video nya juga..
But, the answer is Ivory..
Papa gak coba tipe bash?
Ivory lance Vs Cardo? What is better for shield chain build. Thanks.
@@PapaVictori88 Thanks!
Bang, pengguna shield bomerang, napa rata2 isi shield chain sampe lvl 10 ?
Shiled chain kan gak pengaruh ke vit. Bukannya lebih baik lvl 3, poin jya bisa untuk skill lain.
Soalnya delay SB itu 4 detik..
Untuk all around skill, kita butuh skill lanjutan untuk SB..
Biasanya ya SC karena damage nya juga ngga kecil, dengan delay yg ngga terlalu lama
Oww..untuk combo...thanks uda replay bang....makin sukses....
does shield type really needs a spear to deal higher damage im currently using sword mastery...im planning to switch to spear ..
Not really.. If you are happy with your current build.. Its okay too..
Comparing from sword mastery and spear mastery pasive skill and basic dmg of the weapon.. yes spear has more and more more dmg than sword dude
konsep nya bagus gan cuma eksekusi nya kurang bagus soalnya equid ga sesuai sama masing2 build, ane paham kok item2 nya mahal ane juga paladin soalnya wkwkw ,GC/HC build paling ngenes weapon sama shield nya beuh mahal bet tapi good job bang
Duitnya kalo gwa pake beliin equip build lainnya = RIP Zeny
Mending benerin equip 1 build dulu aja.. wakowkoakw
thank you sir for the comparison, really helps a lot 😁
whats the weapon you are using here?
How about a sacrifice build? Vit agi? Can you please test it? I wanted to do it myself but im still class E. :(
Need better Equip for that.. My HP now still 60k..
But I have seen Paladin with 500k HP o.O
Will try that build after I can reach around 200k HP
@@PapaVictori88 i think ppl with 500k hp is when they go to pvp or woe. The system multiplied their hp.
@@PapaVictori88 thanks. Anyway do u recommend shield boomerang build with vit int dex60? Wanna make up for the SP cost with int. Will it be fine or we really need SC to level or grind faster?
CT yg bisa dikurangin cuman variable cast time untuk yg build GC ya berarti dia fixed castnya 1,5 mau dex 99 juga tetep cast
Ada rune nya GC kak..
Rune nya bisa ngurangin fix CT nya..
@@PapaVictori88 oh sama kaya fire bolt di rune bisa ngurangin FCT nya haha maksudnya sayang kalo masukin dex kegedean
How bout agi and flee type paladin with Vinkts Bracelet? I'm trying to build that kind of thing. Can you help me? 😅
More likely ASPD Build? XD
More on Flee... I want to try panties and undershirt cause I also want to tank somehow, it gives high flee and hp. Panties effect is every 1flee = +5HP... +with Vinkt's Bracelet Flee = ATK effect. Wonder if it's worth it?
Sir CAN I ask if ASPD build.for paladin is good in PvP??
Big No!! XD
Lol my str is 90 only and my shield chain does 20k damage on dustiness with great nature. Probably you dont have spear mastery?
Yeah hes using a sword
@@madhatten00 Nah he's using Cardo, which is a spear. It just looks kinda like a sword. (It's actually a broken pillar.)
What's the best build for Paladin then? In your own opinion?
SHield Boomerang.. XD
Awal2 sebelum paladin enak main aspd apa shield chain yah bang? Masih bimbang haha
Kalo buru2 level up, shield chain.. tapi rawan bokeq..
Kalo aspd hemat tp lambat leveling nya..
Berarti kalau ngejar lv mending shield chain yak, ok deh thanks bang 😅
Kalo gini gimana bang: stat vit & dex( 2:1 ), spear mastery & quicken 10-10, sisanya skill tank
Jd gw quest/farm ngandelin spear mastery & quicken, tp kalo buat et & mini/mvp gw tetep bisa ngetank (dari stat & skill tank)
Ada saran lain?
Kalo kayak gt niat nya masukin :
Str 40-an vit 99 sisa agi..
Tapi nge hunt harus buff food luk crit sama agi
bro mao nanya OOT dikid.. haha itu HP discharge mskd nya gimana sih sistem kerja nya.. koq gw selalu di "0" dan fungsi nya apa ya? haha thx b4
Cek video di channel gwa gan..
Itu kita bisa nabung nyimpen HP ama SP bwat dipake auto potion..
Cek di video gwa Unlimited SP
Grand Cross itu fix cast time nya mentok di : 1.5 second, jd ga akan bisa kurang dr itu walau full dex 150, cek di youtube zack24 anything.
Susah build GrandCross karna kendala casting time. Ga cocok dibawa pvp
Paling susah build HC di rune modal gold medalnya tinggi (66-70an kalo ga salah)
Cocoknya buat fast grinding lvling, tp modal sp nya lmyn tinggi, jd ini build paling modal bnyk, sama lemah kalo ga ke element selain undead demon.
Buat mvpan mah jelas spear quicken paling enak dan bersahabat, jeleknya di pvp/woe nanti
Paling gampang build hybrid Shield Chain damage + Tank, bisa masuk ke semua cuma modal SP dikit lah 😂
Bagusnnya di set apa bang? Bingung nentuin jadi apa ? Rekomendasi
Salah holy cross boros SP ,jelas2 main int regen sp dijamin g
gk cpt abis (kalo lawan tipe neutral lebi hemat holy cross drpd shield). Shield chain ama boomerang malah boros SP dan boros food dan elemen (lemah lawan tipe neutral ) (equipment lebi mahal)
pap, request full chain build dong jadi paladin maen full demage dr skill chain aja ga pake boomerang. mau liat demagenya brp. pas dipaladin retribution juga diambil mentok. makasih sblmnya pap
Cek di yg ke dua gan.. (after review Shield Boomerang)
Itu udah gwa bikin full build Shield Chain..
Ternyata Damagenya ga hebat2 amat.. Tapi lagi2 semua bergantung eq sih..
Ini gwa masih pake eq se adanya..
Tadi ada yg whisp gwa, level 59 udah bisa 1 hit Dustiness pake Full Shield Chain Build.. Damage 13k++
Senjatanya pake Saint Spear, semua eq pake +str.. (dia pake ring ama yg bunga itu, gwa pake nya necklace)
Omgggg Very nice Video 😍😍❤️❤️
I love you brooo ..
Newbie Crusader here -
im in shield chain build str 80 and Dex 40 - is that enough ?? and im thinking for a good shield mirror shield or imperial shield ..
Yup, its quite good already..
Try to buy that shield, both of them are needed..
No need to rush.. XD
Imperi for tanking and mirror for attacking..
Papa Victori Thank you so much
can i put vit ? in this build in lvl 66 only
If you are using Shield Chain, no need to put vit in your stat..
But if you already happy with your attack power, better put it on int..
@@PapaVictori88 thank you so much to ur reply
last question
gan acc luna brooch 2 nutupin ga sp nya buat spam shield boom?
btw klo main shield boom doang gpp kan ga ambil spear mastery?
Pasti nutup..
Kenapa di RO m ini ga ada (atau jarang) yg build tipe sacifrice ya?
Apa gara2 susah di farm n blm saatnya fokus pvp kali ya
Belom saat nya gan.. hp belom mumpuni..
So what do you recommend the most?
Shield boomerang build is the most easiest to play.. easy on leveling and good at tanking..
Thanks for this Baby Victori
Wouldn't ivory spear be better for shield boom and shield chain?
Yes it is.. Dont have it at that time..
gan untuk paladin tank shield boomerang, skill dari swordsman sampe akhir mana aja yg di ambil, takut salah lagi ambil skillnya klo bisa ada ss nya thx
10 Bash
10 Taunt
10 Endure
10 Recuperative HP
3 Shield Chain
10 Shield Chain
10 Spear Mastery
5 Cavalry Combat
10 Auto Guard
2 Divine
5 Shield Boomerang
5 Bliss
10 Faith
@@PapaVictori88 terimakasih sangat membantu
Kalo build shield chain or boomerang kayaknya shield abang salah deh di tutor atas tadi makanya kurang hit
Saya main gc di injustice. Dmg 50k kurang lebih. Tp udh pake shield of naga sama spearfishpike. Beli pas masi 4jutaan 2 item itu. Skr udh murah enak buat leveling cpt hehe
Sekarang uda turun gan item2 gc..kwkwkwkw drastis
Gc darahnya abis..ngakali nya cemana ?
nice guide. dari vidio ini SB is the best yak p
Semua ada bagusnya masing2.. XD
Gwa kadang mala pake aspd build buat mini boss an.. ato auto hunt kalo lg males isi charge sp
How did you got so many atr points?
Build shield chain kan pake str bukan vit
Jadi kalo strnya gede damage makin gede, beda sama shield Boom yg damage berdasar dari vit
Iya, ini pideo lama~ Waktu papa masih cupu.. XD
Ane maen spear quicken, combo sm magnum break. Huntnya hrs milih ke momon weak fire. (earth, undead)
Ya tp asik sih. Minusnya kita jd tank kaleng aja
I somehow got a saint mace. Is it still worthy to get a spear and put 10 points on spear mastery? Will that spear be stronger?
Exactly the question i wanna ask too
@@shrll133 it depends what build do you want.
I think so but do get the Ivory lance it does make a big difference go check it out. I got a saint axe and I haven't even added the spear mastery and it's already much more stronger you'll loose your 10% experience bonus but you'll save a lot of time killing monsters with 1 hit kill.
@@Trueremorse what do u mean?
@@pontakunxii thank u.. ivory lance then.
Can i use saint sword + saint shield for shield boomerang build?
Yes you can..
mantapp ini video yang dicari2
Bang minta saran build paladin yg paling cocok untuk fokusin Tank di ET dan hunt Mvp apa ya? Btw auto subs dan lonceng hehe ditunggu balasannya bang
Fokus tank jelas ke full tank ato yg plg mirip si shield boomerang build..
Tapi bwat mvp juga cuma bisa jadi Tanker..
Kalo mini boss an hunt sendirian gw suka pake aspd.. wkaowkaowk.. ngejer last hit
Nah itu maksudku bang emng niatnya buat full Tank aja, karena ini multi job wkwk buat pvp sma solo solo ku pke LK
Oke berarti yg shield boomerang ya?
What lvl can i get that book?
Adven rank C..
Check my video in my channel about unlimited reset stat and skills..
Dapet darimana ysmir book nya?apa dijual atau gmn papap?mksh bls
Ada di video gwa sebelomnya gan..
Cek Video nya di channel gwa ya..
Kalo lord knight agi crit bgs ga? Maen muramasa jdinya
bang shield boom bakal tetep ada delaynya ya? meskipun dex udh 60
Iya, namanya after cast delay
Crusader tipe holy cross guna gak sih om klo buat partyan mini bos, yg pokoknya lawan boslah, :v
Guna ngga ya.. XD
Nyumbang damage aja buat jadi supporter..
@@PapaVictori88 wkwk, suporter :v
Sebenernya tipe cross sakit juga tapi perlengkapanya susah dan mahal.Minimal punya spearfish pike sama naga shield.itu aja udah abis 17Jtan tp klo udah megang PVP/MVP di tangan bro
build hybrid shield chain shield boom g ada kah? :( mau tau kombinasi nya
Vit 99
Dex total 60
Fokus int dl 40
Rest str..
does last hit really works on mini bosses?
No, I make some mistake..
1st hit on Mini Boss give you the loots..
It will reset if you dont hit it long enough.. (around 5 sec or so)
and it reset if mini boss teleport..
Last Hit give you loots on Boss not Mini Boss
@@PapaVictori88 ok thanks for clarifying that, there are sometimes with my guild members, us doing the 1st hit sometimes doesnt guarantee the loot, some random snipers gets all the loot even we did the 1st hit
Can i use ivory lance for shield boom??
Yes, you can
Okay thanks. I already bought ivory. And its good =) thanks to your guide! Keep it up
@@PapaVictori88 emang ngaruh ivory sm shield boom ya papa?bukannya boom berdasarkan refine shield?cmiiw
@@isengajah7289 efek dari senjata kebawa buat shield boom
is it possible in my paladin sacrifice type with pure vit 99 + agi then the other is str? then i use skill is sacrifice and quicken spear only is it good? i just want to know because i try to reset later thanks with that build if possible good tank+high damage and speed
Will try that build after I reach certain level of equip..
Coz Sacrifice need alot of HP and that is coming from Equip..
you will die after dealing around 200k of damage.
bingung ngatur stat, ane rencana build chain+boom...sebaiknya 70-90-40 apa 90-70-40 (STR-VIT-DEX) :D
Gw lebi suka ada int.. wakwoakskak
Tapi kalo disuruh milih, gw pilih vit 90
Papa Victori int selain tuk sp fungsi nya apa mas ?
Max Sp, Regen Sp, dan M.def bro
cobain build gw deh bro, sacrifice tipe, max vit - int dex.
end game all rounder.. base def. gw di titik 850 no buff armor blom max.
sacrifice di pvp too OP spearkquicken + sacri.. 5hit guaranteed dead.
cmn butuh switch senjata dan shield aja based on aktivitas..
hard to kill on pvp(klo ga di keroyok 5 orang ga bakal mati),, hard tank on mvp.
End Build nya emang rencana kesana kak.. XD
Kalau gak ada str damagenya darimana ya bang?
Tipe sacrifice Mana nih? Kok gak disebut kaka
Bang mending VIT,DEX,STR. apa VIT,DEX,INT??
Vit dex int menurut gwa..
Kmaren sempet coba no int..
Sp nya sakit bog
+ int buat nambah mdef
Kalo pake senjata kaya pukul banyak hitnya pakai apa yah? Aku kok kkaya 1 pukul hit angkanya 1. Liat video 1 kali pukul banyak angka
How can I get Ymir's book?
You need to be at least rank C and buy some Adven Skill..
Check my other videos about Unlimited Reset Stat and Skill..
Papa Victori Got it! Thanks, Man! 😊
Why not use sacrifice?
I make it on another Video.. :)
ane tipe aspd di crusader..
tanpa luk, miss terus wkwk
emang harus penuh buff kalo main aspd, minim dibantu priest
thank you for the guide bro!
Bust perbandingan asina. Dagger katar dong
bentar2 gw bingung di arena shield chain bisa sakit banget gimana ceritanya?
Ivory ignore defend soalnya kak..
Paladin 3 style what style to win
They have its own weakness.. but I will chose shield boomerang build
wrong weapon choice for the SC build, mine does 20k damg to dustiness at lvl 72
20K dmg on Dustiness sounds good @ lvl 72. Could you be so kind to post the details of your equips here?;weapon, shield, armor and acce? TIA dude!
Nice, makin berkembang
what is better ivory lance or cardo
Both have their own speciality..
Cardo for Tank, Ivory for Damage
@@PapaVictori88 what skill good for grinding shield boom or shield chain