Noel Willcox: Child Maintenance Service Is Causing Social Devastation-Parents Are Committing Suicide

  • Опубликовано: 12 сен 2024

Комментарии • 63

  • @relyounsy
    @relyounsy 6 месяцев назад +18

    Thank you again and again and again for speaking about this horrendous scandal👍🏼 it starts from Social Services, Family Court System, CAFCASS, CMS and Tribunal Muppet judges all complicit in this disaster.. Well done Noel❤

    • @tukaruss8680
      @tukaruss8680 6 месяцев назад +3

      I've seen that CAFCASS are currently under investigation

    • @amataratsu006
      @amataratsu006 4 месяца назад

      ​@@tukaruss8680not surprised, they are sick in the head

  • @CMSunitedkingdom
    @CMSunitedkingdom 6 месяцев назад +12

    Well said Noel for speaking out against

  • @crazylikeafox7290
    @crazylikeafox7290 6 месяцев назад +7

    Well said, Noel. I knew the second the Post Office scandal hit the TV, the CMS would be next in the firing line. This is amazing but WELL overdue. Why has it taken this long and for the PO issue to finally get this on senior bodies radars? I was forced into a Direct Pay for over 4yrs (repeatedly told to wait 6mths and reapply), and made to pay arrears that never existed, sometimes in lump sums, which made no difference to my position. As per the CMS online calc my payments are £500pm. But they told me recently to pay £680pm or else I'm back on Direct Pay. How is not illegal? How can a legal system that's designed to protect us allow these reprobates to take monies out of our salaries, bank accounts and even war pensions whenever they seem fit to do so and not be challenged. The true criminals are the ones in power, not always the ones behind bars.

  • @danielpink6384
    @danielpink6384 4 месяца назад +9

    After 16.5 years of bollox I am nearly done. 4 months left the end is nigh

  • @StarBoyyX
    @StarBoyyX 6 месяцев назад +3

    Thankyou again Noel for exposing this , it’s worse than the post office scandal , it’s ruined my whole 20s and still on going today , haven’t seen my child for 5 years , system used against me , I’m going to have to leave the country soon before I live a life of resentment and regret over here , 12 years of this is enough on the frontline , I can’t progress , I just want a normal life and the only way is to leave the Uk now , I’ve 100 percent got ptsd from this continuously year after year , it’s the stress that comes from it , I’ve been homeless, down dark paths ,struggling to survive after they took 35 percent gross salary and 10k out my savings account . And added 5 k after for nothing . I’ve lost all respect and faith in the country and will not get it back until they respect the working man 12 years later still the same

  • @gunererkose7064
    @gunererkose7064 5 месяцев назад +6

    I am going through with the same now. I am forced to pay ridiculous amount on false figures going back 7 years that never existed nor I have earned. I am retired and only income I have is my pension. I am lost and i am not even allowed to see my child by her mother

  • @Drheat007
    @Drheat007 20 дней назад

    Noel Wilcox, we need more like yourself, please don’t stop doing this amazing work
    Arlene sugdeon has a lot to answer 🇮🇪❤️🇮🇪

  • @CryptoKoi
    @CryptoKoi 6 месяцев назад +2

    The best interview I have seen as of today. Well done Noel, so very well articulated. I had the CSA in the 1990s agree they were taking £800 per month from me to make up for the parents they couldn’t catch. The system was broken then and it is still as bad.

  • @colinlothlorian
    @colinlothlorian 6 месяцев назад +3

    Thanks Noel. I know from my own experience that they create fictitious arrears which they do not need to prove, refuse to look at your evidence and then use threats to get you to pay what they say you owe. They came after me for nearly £12,000, 19 years after my CSA case was closed, and ignored my ex when she asked them to close the case.
    In a letter to my MP they said that they couldn't prove that I owed anything as they had destroyed their records, that they had my evidence of all payments made in full but they hadn't confirmed them with my ex, but that I would have to accept that I owed it and they were going to take it from my bank account. I refused to pay so they froze my bank account for two years. At no time could I put evidence before a court or a judge as the CMS have the power to take money without going through the judicial system. The new powers they have been given will now allow them to take property or even your house without you having any legal rights to a fair hearing.

  • @janetbrunson998
    @janetbrunson998 6 месяцев назад +3

    😱 I thought our system SUCKED here in the US, but THIS IS JUST CRIMINAL!!!!😢🤨

  • @jasonmoores1776
    @jasonmoores1776 6 месяцев назад +3

    Well done Noel bringing attention to this incredibly important issue. Well put together very professional . It needs to get more coverage. Thank you from so many that need to be heard. He is not exaggerating. The stats show 3 people today will kill themselves today snd again tomorrow. We need to find a way to motivate the state to help them.

  • @user-xg4pw6sf5u
    @user-xg4pw6sf5u 6 месяцев назад +2

    Good interview and the CMS scandal must be repeated and exposed till there is change.
    1. Residential parents must apply to court to get CMS and prove the non-residential parents sees the child/children.
    2. CMS % or Payments MUST be in line with inflation and/or paying parents outgoings too. This may encourage Paying parents to pay. The current % is far too high, especially when non-residential parents gets benefits and works too. Not forgetting the % is calculated on gross income!
    3. Abolish Admin fees.
    Hoping for a fairer future.

    • @etiennedelaunois1737
      @etiennedelaunois1737 4 месяца назад +1

      What I don't understand in Britain is that ability of having so many things that doesn't work like CMS and child arrangement, watching other countries with system that actually works and by pride saying: "We are not using that system because we want to make it work on our own!"
      Sweden is a very feminist country, but it is not against men!
      Sweden and more and more countries in Europe have this system in place:
      - First of all, equal pater ity leave compare to maternity leave.
      - in case of separation, the children are automatically living with both parents 50% of the time. Then parents arrange things around that. If they can't agree, they can go to court. In case of abuse it is different obviously.
      - CM is calculated on number of nights. If it is equal, no CM. If not, it is calculated on incomes of both parents, but also their assets. So if a RP has a part time job with low incomes but have 4 Flats and good interests from saving accounts and the NRP is renting and have a low income full time job and no savings, it is taken in consideration.
      In case of non payment, when a procedure is launched, they check both parents statements.
      In Sweden the number of "deadbeat" dad is incredibly low compared to the UK!
      Just treat a father as a parent and he will act that way.

    • @xolanimpofu6040
      @xolanimpofu6040 3 месяца назад

      ⁠@@etiennedelaunois1737the uk system is wicked cause someone is making billions out of this system, tbh I hate the term “deadbeat” cause its used by feminists who hate men and the whole family court system. I had my daughter in 2022 and by January 2023 we split up she applied for cms because she thought she’ll get more money of me and it turned out I was paying and buying clothes more than what cms awarded her, in turn I tried to negotiate with her access to my child and guess what ? I was locked up for harassment because I was contacting her while she had blocked me not to contact her and now the investigation went on for 6 month and bail conditions not to contact her . Now after the six months some common sense prevailed and the case was closed. Now two months later I applied for court and I have been waiting since, mind you my child will be 2 years soon and if I do finally get my day in court and the judge awards me access, I will have to pay again a contact centre to see my child, ask me why ? Cause she’ll claim my child doesn’t know me…. So that’s the story am not a deadbeat but the system allows the receiving parents which are mostly 93% women owithout even looking at ofns…

  • @shaneareki6496
    @shaneareki6496 6 месяцев назад +1

    This goes back to the inception of the CSA. Thanks for this, I now understand why after paying 33% of my income for 20 years, I was ALWAYS in arrears!

  • @grell72grell68
    @grell72grell68 6 месяцев назад +2

    And yet nothing is done to crush the CMS,lots of statics and evidence but no physical action done.
    MP’s, Judges and any links to CMS /DWP is enclosed law that no challenges can be done..
    Criminal action with 300million each year in CMS bank..

  • @utaani1
    @utaani1 2 месяца назад +1

    I had a family court last month, i was told to wait in waiting area someone will come to call me but unfortunately no one has come until after 40 minutes when i went to reception to see whats going on i was told wait the woman in reception will contact inside the court room to find out, i was told i the court rang my phone no one picked up so they went ahead to make a decision without me in court room if I'm not happy then appeal.

    • @itzhabibi_tv8777
      @itzhabibi_tv8777 13 дней назад +1

      Wow ! We living in a Police 👮‍♂️ state controlled by the All seeing 👁️. I suggest you leave the country it’s the only way you will save your sanity , stay and get shafted or leave and be happy

  • @kurteade322
    @kurteade322 20 дней назад

    I’ve never not paid or never missed a payment, my ex went to the cms in hopes she would get more money out of me which she never, I’ve offered to give her more money if she gets the cma out of my life and she refused out of pure spite and control. She’s now stopped me seeing my child and poisoned her head and has put forward a claim that I don’t see her anymore leaving me with no choice than to pay more money. It’s sickening what goes on. I’ve been a doting father since the day my daughter was born and now I just feel like giving up.

  • @justinroantree6703
    @justinroantree6703 5 месяцев назад +1

    I have experience with csa it's wicked. They put 400 pounds arrears on me and I even went court but they won't listen

  • @grell72grell68
    @grell72grell68 6 месяцев назад +1

    We should all stand with Noel..

  • @Ukc866
    @Ukc866 3 месяца назад

    Thank you so much for exposing this scandal

  • @StarBoyyX
    @StarBoyyX 6 месяцев назад +2

    This has just triggered my mind anxiety and anger and fear/no care of repercussion state of mind , I lived like that for years , now just months. I’m done with the Uk it’s a failed society and it’s ruined my 20s completely

  • @warrenwarner477
    @warrenwarner477 6 месяцев назад +1

    Well articulated

  • @djalextruth9152
    @djalextruth9152 2 месяца назад

    They are trying their best to get money from me that I don’t owe

  • @Poonslaya
    @Poonslaya 2 месяца назад

    It’s the way I am headed now. Lost everything and the ex partner is hounding me none stop.

    • @itzhabibi_tv8777
      @itzhabibi_tv8777 13 дней назад +1

      You need to leave the country and build elsewhere it’s the only way ! Go abroad and forget this country this country never loved you , your being used.

  • @terazbartos
    @terazbartos 2 месяца назад

    I'm already on suspended sentence based on fraudulent liability order. It took 4 years for Tribunal to say I was right? What about my financial and emotional damage they have done? Only received Tribunal letter so still not sure if CMS will do anything with it

  • @emranuddin3687
    @emranuddin3687 6 месяцев назад +1

    Well done noel

  • @Niktriv78901
    @Niktriv78901 6 месяцев назад +2

    If parents agree an amount between themselves, you shouldn’t have to go through CMS
    Simple…… another cash cow

    • @stevec8243
      @stevec8243 3 месяца назад

      I did that for 10 years and didn't miss a payment. Got reffered to CMS and now have my wages arrested as I'm apparently in arrears. £1200 a month.

    • @hughjazz743
      @hughjazz743 2 месяца назад

      That rarely, if ever, works out. The custodial parent can simply wait a few years and tell the court that the dad isn't supporting hos child/children.
      I started the child support process myself... 4:06

    • @user-Wojciech
      @user-Wojciech 8 дней назад

      Relationships with exs are often not simple.

    • @justdoit.86yearsago
      @justdoit.86yearsago 7 дней назад

      Exactly, some parents won’t support their children consistently until they are forced to.

  • @jacklifeonwheels
    @jacklifeonwheels 2 месяца назад +1

    Yes 700 a month i usef to pay

  • @etiennedelaunois1737
    @etiennedelaunois1737 4 месяца назад

    What about people like me with a "live with both parents" 50/50 order and supposed to have their case closed and still being harassed by those gangsters just because the RP just claim that you dont have your kids 50% of the time. Even with a court order!

  • @Adam-v5c8c
    @Adam-v5c8c 4 месяца назад

    This man is telling the hole truth i know

  • @old_toucs6283
    @old_toucs6283 4 месяца назад

    This is an industry with vast teams totally dependent on keeping the bandwagon going. Until it stops it still makes sense to marry a childhood or college sweetheart. After that you are way better off not bothering with all the crap.

  • @sham69332
    @sham69332 6 месяцев назад +4

    Well done Noel , you continue to be the dog with a bone on this ruthless corrupt topic , the whole system is engineered so innocent desperate people fail with disputes , the CSA /CMS don't operate like this alone , it's also the ones they deflect their responsibility onto , the independent case examiner & the PHSO

  • @michaelgreen5603
    @michaelgreen5603 4 месяца назад +1

    Keep it up mate people need to know about this shit thats going on

  • @gusklemp3477
    @gusklemp3477 Месяц назад +1

    I will have to leave the country to avoid starvation

    • @itzhabibi_tv8777
      @itzhabibi_tv8777 13 дней назад

      It sounds daunting but it’s the only way , this country is a police 👮‍♂️ state operated by the All seeing 👁️, learn a new trade while you can and LEAVE ! Build a new life in another country you must go thru pain to become spectacular my friend . Leave while you can you will be very happy