For more context for those who are interested: This is based on a chapter in the book when a veteran of this battle is interviewed and I'd really recommend the book as a whole but even just that chapter if you can't be bothered reading that much. The interview is much more nuanced than this video (but obviously the video can't just be full of exposition) and the veteran explains the multitude of failures that turned this extremely ideal battle for the military into such a catastrophe here are some examples: - Contrary to the video there was no one on the roofs so there was no vantage point - The soldiers were wearing extremely bulky armored NBC suits (think bomb squad suits but even bulkier and with a gas mask) even though the press didn't have to (also not shown in the video). - The soldiers were ordered to dig trenches even though it makes no sense because they're fighting zombies - The overall lack of ammunition across the board, the veteran uses the example of the Abrams running out of anti-personnel munitions and the morale damage from seeing a tank firing into a horde of zombies to no effect - The land warrior system mentioned in the video basically means every soldier is connected to a network for ease of command, in the battle this has the unintended effect of causing mass panic from dying soldiers screaming on the intercom for help and others mistakenly saying the zombies can't die from headshots. - The ineffectiveness of the munitions they were using such as bombs as the zombies aren't affected by the pressure of the explosion rupturing their organs and the mutilated zombies are left crawling on the ground which has predictable consequences. - The fact that the whole battle was pretty much first and foremost for the press as shown in the video as there is for some reason a patriot surface-to-air missile system when they are fighting zombies
Thank you for the context, that really helped to explain everything, I saw the film once but never read the book, going to pick it up and start reading it now.
Americans out of ammo doesn't sound really realistic though lol. Civilians fire miniguns recreationally on their weekends. I feel like a million volunteer would show up to shoot easy defenseless targets.
@@bananian thats if people have any stored, pretty most of those people are going back to the store to restock & not having a warehouse full, sure people showing up with guns isnt weird, but i doubt most of them would have much ammo to bring, mostly since theyd have to use some as well
I read World War Z on my first deployment while I was on the Essex. There's a chapter where zombies crawl up these ship's anchor chains in the middle of the night. Read that, then being on the flight deck with no ops, nearly all the lights off, and the wind howling in-between the aircraft and I was half expecting to see something come shambling up towards the super structure.
I was one of the fortunate few who saw the movie before reading the book. Going in to see the film with the novel in mind must have been soul crushing.
I loved this chapter of the book! “If you see any Zacks walking around with their lungs hanging out of their mouths, send them my way. I’d love to meet another veteran of Yonkers”
Oh shit! I just commented the same thing, then scrolled down and saw your comment! Great minds... 😂 The thermobaric ordinance didn't do shit to the horde. They were supposed to pop like balloons. "You perfect fighting the last war just in time for the next one..."
It's a nonsensical line when you actually stop to think about it. A pressure wave strong enough to suck someones lungs out of their mouth is going to pulverize the soft squishy brain in their head. It might or might not crush the skill, but it doesn't have to.
@@Hellheart It's a nonsense explanation that would be fine... if not for the books pretense to being a "realistic" account. We know zombies are - in fact - not immune to that sort of thing because bullets and melee weapons still work fine on them. Brooke's just needs them to be magically immune to big explosions and handwaves away the why, ignoring how it undermines one of the books core conceits. Honestly, I would be more fine with the book if it didn't insist on its own realism and just let itself be pulpy. Zombies, airships, castles, katana-wielding warrior monks, North Korea going Vault Tech Juche Edition, the Russians going completely Soviet AND Imperial Russian all at once... you can admit that shit's pretty cool. It's just not realistic. The social commentary also isn't as great as many people think it is - a lot of it is let down by a pop-American understanding of certain foreign countries and pseudoscientific understanding of things like politics, sociology, human psychology, etc. That isn't to say there isn't some genuinely neat stuff in there. The stuff about the astronauts and "radio free earth" ships was absolutely amazing, for example. The book just also has a lot of problems that it's fans don't want to admit.
One of if not my favorite moment in the book. The Battle of Yonkers, and how it was described was terrifying. Not only because of the horde in the millions approaching unprepared soldiers, but also how real it felt. Mistakes, faulty new equipment, incompetence, arrogance, death, fear.
Except once you understand how the military actually fights and how they would have really handled a situation like this, then Max Brooks all of a sudden looks like an idiot.
The scene in the book where they dump chemical weapons on the bridge would have made a great scene. Or when the Indian general blows up the mountain pass. Fuck it, the whole damn thing!
The scene where he started to panic was so horrific. Can you imagine being so overwhelmed with fear and at a loss of all hope that your own brain does not function in a manner to save your own life? It reminds me of the stories of machine gunners in WW2 and how their brains couldn’t handle the chaos.
That Army Specialist's response to the reporters question in the beginning was downright chilling. There wasn't just dread in his voice, there was also a tone of what could only be described as hopelessness in being able to stop what they were about to face.
Let's make some assumptions. Barring catastrophic bodily damage, the victims are somehow restarted but their internals are very resistant to harm and the terminal ballistics of most firearms simply cannot do it fast enough, a zombie does not stop. Fifty caliber machine gun fire, 25mm chaingun fire. These will eliminate one fairly easily. But also, for whatever reason, the head is highly vulnerable. The gelled fluid makes it resistant to explosive shock and frag, so a solid headshot is necessary, and it reduces damage areas of explosive weapons. I'd honestly say that if it was just the frontal killzone, it'd be fine. But because sectors were poorly sealed, you now have rifles coming off the front, flareups and casualties happening inside the perimeter, stress dropping accuracy ratios.
The thing was the troops took one look at the anti air missile batteries and radar systems and knew their command had absolutely zero idea what they were doing. Add to that actually realistically fighting zombies would be so outright horrifying and mentally scarring that the troops moral would be in the shitter without any other detractors. So the specialist was being asked by the press how he feels about being ordered into what he knows will devolve into a fustercluck where being unlucky involves getting eaten alive. Soon as spooks popped up around and behind that static defensive line it was over, didn't matter how many snuck through moral was gone and the troops routed every man for himself.
@@SolusLupi I'd argue against that morale bit, honestly. Maybe newer folks and the National Guards, but anyone with combat experience would probably retreat in good order if they retreated at all.
@@KoishiVibin I disagree. He is right, as soon as they see what is there to "fight" against an enemy they know is only on foot, the morale will drop. Another aspect of the book, that isn't in this video, is the stupidity of the landwarrior system. Which linked every soldier with video and audio, while also providing a birds eye view of the battlefield. The soldiers saw it wasn't a handful of zeds, couple hundred, or a few thousand. It was millions of them, and they were all heading directly for them. In the book as well, a soldier is killed by a family that was turned and left behind, behind the main line. All the soldiers watched through their feed, as another soldier was taken down, pinned by that zed family, and eaten. All while hearing his screams of agony and helplessness. That finally broke them. They didn't know if their lines were breached, each is afraid of being eaten alive, and they know there is no hope of holding back the millions of zeds coming for them.
@@SlewedHydra yup I remembered that and man a livestream of that soldier’s guncam or helmet cam showing the family coming towards him or the footage suddenly dropping down because the guy got broadsides would unsettle them hard. I wish though there was some UAV shots of that big mass of Zs snaking all the way south to NYC.
Two things that really struck a chord with me when reading about the battle of Yonkers was 1. How it’s explained the zombies didn’t look like how you would expect zombies in a city to look. No business suits but rather that the majority were either completely naked or in hospital gowns or in pajamas like they went home to go quietly die and turn in bed… 2. That the sheer number of them coming out of New York meant the city was basically 99.9% zombies.. save for possible small pockets of a handful of survivors hiding. Just those two things gave me so much to work off of in building an exposition in my mind about how New York City fell to the infestation and how bleak and depressing a lot the deaths must have been which is a huge contrast to the usual chaotic zombies infesting a city idea is.
@@vardiganxpl1698 Sorry I haven’t responded! It’s been a while since I read the book but I kind of built the idea that during the initial outbreak many relocated from the city trying to regroup with family or other reasons causing massive commuting issues and bumper to bumper traffic. Sooner or later it became next to impossible to leave the city before the zombies started infestation. Much like the pandemic we lived through hospitals took the brunt force leaving medical personnel exhausted or fatally wounded. Medical supplies became alarmingly scarce. Many knowing there would be no help at any medical facility would run out of hope and face death alone quarantined in their homes. Any type of evacuation plan would be scrapped by the government as they had too much on their plate already. Little by little the city would become a war zone between the living and the dead until eventually almost everyone would die. Those who remained as survivors had to learn survival skills and become extremely stealthy and hyper vigilant as they would have to resort to looting buildings and apartments for food, weapons, clothing etc. the only relief those survivors would feel would be when the battle of Yonkers came along and distracted the dead enough for them to make some kind of effort of escape from the city. There’s lots of different ideas on what could have happened.
Rule #1 in Zombie movies/Videogames/Books: The military must fail no matter what, but a bunch of civilian survivors can defeat entire hordes with no problem
There has to be one where a group of military or guns for hire survived through the first horde then have enough intelligence and low enough morals but just enough to care for eachother to ditch higher ups I am not smart enough nor do I have enough energy to come up with a better idea for them being alive
@@avrie6668 I'm gonna tell ya something, when you're in the military and you face a enemy that it's just overwhelming, You can't just let the panic get over you, In zombie movies or books that is always used, a supposed low morale or panic, when it should not be like this, the psychological aspect is one of the most evaluated to enter the army or the marines. It is more terrifying to fight a conscious person than an undead who realistically would not have as much stamina or even a chance to rival a well organized Army as is the US Army
@@shad2960 still, it at least tries to give a explanation of what happened. It isnt perfect, since its still up for debate as to how effective zombie invasion wouldve been, but for whats worth, the book does a interesting and engaging example
Land Warrior got a passing mention, but I can't emphasize enough how that little piece of tech absolutely destroyed morale. Everyone on the frontline was outfitted with it and when shit started hitting the fan every grunt with a passing comment was unwittingly transmitting their thoughts to everyone else up and down the line. It was a shitshow. Hell, I'll quote the book to drive the point home. "To see what was in front of our face was bad enough, but spybird uplinks were also showin' how truly large the horde was. We might be facing thousands, but behind them there were millions! Remember, we were taking on the bulk of New York City's infestation! This was only the head of one really long undead snake stretching all the way back to Times Fuckin' Square! We didn't need to see that. I didn't need to know that! That little scared voice wasn't so little anymore 'Oh shit, OH SHIT!' And suddenly it wasn't in my head anymore. It was in my earpiece. Every time some jerkoff couldn't control his mouth, Land Warrior made sure the rest of us heard it. 'There's too many!' 'We gotta get the fuck outta here!' Someone from another platoon, I didn't know his name, started hollering 'I hit him in the head and he didn't die! They don't die when you hit them in the head!' I'm sure he must have missed the brain, it can happen, a round just grazing the inside of the skull... maybe if he'd been calm and used his own brain, he could have realized that. Panic's more infectious than the Z Germ and the wonders of Land Warrior allowed that germ to become airborne. 'What?' 'They don't die?' 'Who said that?' 'You shot it in the head?' 'Holy crap! They're indestructible!' All over the net you could hear this, browning shorts across the information superhighway."
These kinds of Defeat seem closer and closer to possible IRL as well as some smoothbrain General/High command enjoying some "Lobbying" party benefits deciding to have soldiers use the worst piece of technology possible in a situation against a Threat not fully known at the time. US Army recruitment is getting lower and lower, and whoever is still there is being forced into extended service, when Internal Morale of the grunts is getting worse and worse. Odds are if an IRL version of WWZ book(s) happened, chances aren't unlikely that cases like the Yonk happen as the existing troops morale would be already at a low, and suddenly being forced useless garbage by high command and sent with hardware either too beat up from use or so new you can't even be sure it is up to Milspec QA. And man.... Whoever in high command had the -273 Kelvin IQ idea of fit all troops with something that would make spreading Psychological warfare panic among the soldiers should been court martialled and given DS for worsening the already bleak odds of the unmotivated troops of managing even a technical win despite the rout.
The Americans already failed harder than that IRL. Paying, training and equipping former terrorists, calling them the "Sons of Iraq", making them commit the warcrimes, and to top it off, after laid off, they become the core of the ISIS army? Whose management was perfected by the fanatics which radicalized the other 2/3 innocent people put together with them on Bucca?@@andrehashimoto8056
@@dontreallyknowwhatmynamesh5538 Apparently they cohesively ripped him apart, the adult female biting his jaw and the kids trying to bite through the sleeves
As a person who grew up in Yonkers, that choke point is actually way smaller than that. They would have a less effective firing line couldn’t even fit 2 tanks in the choke point. Fantastic film tho!
The way the Battle Of Yonkers is portrayed in the book was really brillant. The author described the different weapons used against the zombies by their range. First they came in range of the mortors. Many zombies were killed, but the fragmentation of the exploding rounds should have killed MANY more. Then they came into range of the 50bmg M2 machine guns. Much more of the same. Finally the Infantrymen opened fire with small arms. It really was a stark example of how a modern army using modern tactics would fair against a undead horde they knew little or nothing about. The book really isn't going to be exactly what you think it'll be, but it's still pretty darn good. The most depressing/heartening part of the book for me had to do with the Russian army's experience in WWZ. After an engagement bitten soldiers would form "suicide circles" where they would countdown and shoot themselves. This went on until a Eastern Orthodox priest had had enough of it and started executing the solders himself.
I remember a navy vet, who served on an aircraft carrier, had a very similar description when he was asked about what it was like fighting kamikazes during WWII. Paraphrasing here, but he said something along the lines of " You could tell how close they (kamikazes) were getting by the sound of different guns firing. First, the 5 inch guns would go off. Then, when they got a little closer, the 40mm Bofors would open up. Then, once the 20mm guns started shooting, you knew they were right on top of you." Source is Battle 360 (can't remember which episode though). Has absolutely nothing to do with World War Z, but I thought the parallels were cool.
@@FaithRox It could certainly be called mercy. The Priest himself in the book said "NO MORE SIN" Alluding to the fact that suicide is a sin. He absolutely was helping the infected soldiers.
@@Kijinn I imagine they not knowing anything about zombies was just a world building tactic used by the writer. Obviously we'd know to shoot the zombies in the head. They would not know this in the initial engagements with the zombies in the book because in their "world" zombies would not have been a thing in pop culture.
@beanhavok2287 the knowledge to shoot the head was known by the battle of Yonkers but as stated in the book they spent years training to aim center mass so it was difficult to hit their head.
"is this all fucking jokes to you, patriot missile system, electronic radars unit, anti tank ballistic system really? Do you even know what we're up against" Got me dying 😂😂
The guy who said "don't waste ammo, run them over with tanks" was onto something. His buddy says it'll gum up the tracks, which is true if you're using a regular Abrams. The mine plow version wouldn't have this problem. Hell, bring out every tank that has a mine flail. That stuff will be better at shredding zombies than a wood chipper.
Build strong barriers walls Use thermobaric explosives (strong shockwave followed by fireball) Vehicles with plowing atachments,block entrances at ground level
@@nerobernardino88 they arent killing,but maiming Ruptured ears and eyes,means they can identify where you are and depending how close it could actually rip them apart In combination with blocked paths,minefields,units on rooftops etc Can be used to cripple them and then pick them one by one or by group (using explosives and flames along plowing vehicles)
@@valentinov901 In this chapter of the book, they say that unless the brain is quite literally destroyed, a zombie is not dead; and if they can move even a little bit, ie, they're blown to pieces but their head/upper torso still has an arm to pull them along the ground, they're still a mobile threat.
@@tomemeornottomeme1864 A legless,armless zombie is just a stomp Zombies are mobile threaths,but the more damaged their body is,the less dangerous You dont need one shot them all,maiming them enough so you can later deploy squads specialized on killing them can work
This, this right here is what a WWZ adaptation done right looks like. WWZ is about people; the zombies are merely a medium to tell that story. The shot at 6:59 of them waiting in the dark as the screams grow louder is absolute perfection. I felt the same watching this as I did reading the actual book.
Not directly related but you should check out the movie _The Raid 2_ which has similar visuals to that. _The Raid 1_ is a little different visually but has even more aesthetic similarities to this short in other ways.
@@schizofreniccunt1952The movie and the book are very different. The book is almost like a documentary with a reporter interviewing people all over the world. I think the only way they could really stick to the book is by making it a series since there really no central character and it's just a collection of different stories from the very beginning of the outbreak all the way to the very end.
This was honestly amazing: from the first Yonkers film you made to this is an absolutely astounding leap in quality. If the first one was a diamond, this in the same diamond after undergoing refurbishing.
I love how the reporters sound like actual reporters, and the soldiers have so much feeling unlike Hollywood Bullshit. I've watched so much of the stuff here, and the production is solid and amazing. When the bombardments happened it gave a tone of true dread, and the howling of the undead while the red sky darkened the sun. It was chilling, but also had a sort of calm before the storm effect and beauty in the destruction.
Absolutely insane that this was recorded with what it was. Such high quality, bone chilling horror once everything popped off. With a lot of suspense leading up to that moment as we you could see everyone slowly but surely loosing their nerves as time went on.
Honestly. The only thing they book and movie had I common was the title. It was almost 100% different. Different characters, zombies, events, timeline, story
@Gubeym I don’t think the book had any “camouflage”, just Quizlings that acted like zombies before getting eaten by the real thing or getting shot by being mistaken for one.
WWZ had so many interesting storylines. Yonkers, Tatsumi the Otaku, the battle of Hope, the filmmaker who made war docs about supposed superweapons; the movie left too much to be desired. This is awesome!
@@schizofreniccunt1952 Dont read this if you havent read the book, but theres a japanese kid who was always on his computer before the zombie outbreak, and he gets a sword or something I dont remember much.
@@thecreature916 Reading the book myself currently. Spoilers follow obviously. The chapter about Tatsumi was about how he was an otaku that shut himself out of reality until he couldn't anymore. He pushes himself to his physical and mental limits scaling down from the 19th floor of his apartment block on a sheet rope. He has several close calls and at one point runs into a zombie in one apartment, and misses a jump to avoid it, falling to the balcony adjacent below. Inside he finds a Shinto shrine and a bunch of pictures of the owner traveling around the world and stuff. He realizes that he has been wasting his life on his computer doing nothing of note and that he should reconcile with his culture, so he goes to the shrine only to see in the mirror that the owner isn't gone like he thought. So after a brief struggle he manages to throw the zombified old man over the balcony railing to the street below, and when he searches the apartment again finds that the man was a veteran of the second world war and still had his service sword. So he takes that, says a prayer of thanks, and moves on. It's shown in another chapter that he later ran into the blind gardener (the one that lost his sight to one of the atomic bombs, and was made an outcast of sorts most his life) surviving in the wilderness of Hokkaido, and became a sort of traditionalist monk alongside him that took the fight to the zacks.
The way you instill dread through both the cinematography and sound work is truly unmatched. There's a lot of great ArmA cinematics out there, but yours stand tall above the rest as some of the most memorable and compelling. Excited to see whats next.
@@Scorch052 hell yeah im excited to see what crazy shit yall got up to i wanted to try to join ignis but my pc cant handle big events that yall do so tough luck for me ig
This is what the movie world war Z should have been like. Max brooks wrote a brilliant story of horror and desperation. Yonkers was only the beginning but the horror and desperation that lasted among everyone involved in the undead onslaught in that book was increasingly written. This short film doesn't get all the details right but the atmosphere of doom is absolutely correct. Great short guys! 👍
Brooks was brilliant at atmospheric writing... but many aspects of the work fall flat. The parts regarding the United States military and the Reddeker Plan were mind-numbingly bad, but that was easy to miss because the atmosphere was just so damn good.
@@evanhunt1863 I mean, yeah, that's sort of part of the book. I don't think the book is without flaws, that'd be ridiculous, but a massive plot point of the story is that pretty much most of the events happened because of gross negligence or just outright stupidity.
I haven't read the books so this might be an ignorant reply but I thought the movie was pretty good. It just needs a sequel to cover all of this content.
I found this infinitely more entertaining than the abomination that came out several years ago. The Yonkers story was always one of my favorite stories from the book. I also loved how they learned from their very costly mistakes and completely redesigned the entire military to combat the endless hordes. Now THAT would be epic to see come to life!
@kelseyplagman2570 The movie with Brad Pitt In all honesty, if they had called it something else, I wouldn't be nearly as salty about the movie as I am now. The only thing the movie shares with the book is that they have zombies, and they visit Jerusalem. That's about it. The video game of the same name has more in common with the movie than the book.
One of the things that absolutely fucked me up about the World War Z movie was the absolute refusal to use already extremely cool settings ALREADY IN THE BOOK! Imagine if they had bothered to try to put Yonkers to screen, or actually had the examinations of patient zero's village, or the sieges on the European medieval castles, or EVEN EXPLORED A NUCLEAR SUB PLOTLINE - brings tears to my eyes. Thank you for at least putting one of the most astonishing chapters to visual though - would love to see more chapters brought to screen For those who like zombie films with a social message - I highly recommend Savageland - it deserves much more love then it gets:видео.html&ab_channel=KingsofHorror
There is a live action video of Patient Zero on RUclips I can’t remember if it’s fan made or an extension of the movie but I know that it’s as close as you’ll get to seeing what patient zero was like. A few differences like it being set in the Philippines rather than China and the boy being a bit older but hey it’s something.
I’m Japanese. I read novel after watching the movie, but I prefer novel. You did what movie couldn’t have done by faithfully recreating the novel. So I love your videos. keep it doing! I hope that someday a drama that faithfully reproduces the novel will be produced. I'm not good at English, so I'm sorry if I'm wrong
I always really loved the concept of Yonkers. I've read WWZ at least 5 times now and the chapter never seems to get old. In movies and books you always jist get hit with, "oh the military couldn't stop em they were too fast" which is fine ig but it never felt satisfying. Yonkers did the opposite. It presented a true and utter failure of the US government to combat a non human enemy. Taking spectacle over utility. Just thinking about it gives me the shivers so to see this is absolutely beautiful. I'll def be checking out the rest of your channel and videos. Loved the voice acting and thank you for making this really made my day.
What I love about Yonkers that it WAS "winnable" since the army does win battles later on with much less resources against similar horde numbers. They lost because the people calling the shots did not provide proper logistics for such a long engagement, did not properly recon the area allowing them to be flanked, and relied on tactics and gear not suited for the operation. If it was planned by people whose priority was actually cleaning out NYC instead of propaganda it would have worked out fine.
can someone explain why artillery doesn't kill them ? In an atmosphere with many many buildings one would assume shards of shrapnel would lodge into the brains of infected regardless of how strong their body is. If a flying chunk out of a building rocketing through your head at a speed fast enough to take it off can't kill you. No bullet really can
@@reelgesh51 Well the IIRC books kinda chalked it up to unpreparedness, incompetency, and use of armor piercing (which is level of idiocy that even the US mil isn't capable of... I say that as a cynical former infantryman) But yeah a constant creeping barrage of 155 shells would absolutely shrek a horde like this but that's assuming ammo reserves are up to par. Using anti-personnel ammunition in artillery, air assets, and armor would tear em' to shreds simply from the blasts and sheer amount of shrapnel. Though the fact that they got outflanked and just the numbers involved really does make it make some sense. Just the sheer mass, not to mention the sight of flaming zombies (from napalm) and shredded bodies still pushing and the chaos of getting simply overrun makes it pretty convincing honestly. Plus, not every serviceman is a crackshot and they're gunna be terrified= missed shots. I could see it happening. I'm confident in a gunfight, but fuck...idk about all that. Especially when I'm seeing my boys eaten alive in my overlay
@@reelgesh51 Basically they say that if a zombie's brain isn't destroyed, the zombie's still alive, even if caught in an explosion or torn to pieces by shrapnel/debris, and zombies aren't affected by explosions the way a normal human would be; most people killed by explosions are killed because of the blast literally making the fluids in their body burst, or the blast causing their bodies/brains/organs to just shut down from shock -- neither of which happen to zombies. So even though the army would be taking out thousands of zombies, that ultimately only means barely making a dent in a horde of a few million.
I love everything about this fan project you and your team put together it was so well put together. From the atmosphere,the lighting,the writing, the voice acting, the feeling of dread in the air made this feel like I was reading the book again ☺️ I want too see more fan projects like this, we were definitely robbed
This battle in the book is amazing. It comes down to the fact that the humans were used to winning through shock and awe. But they realized that the endless waves of the undead were not affected by the shock and awe strategies. Eventually this realization ended up turning against the humans as they were the ones who ended up being shocked and awed by the sheer will of the hoard.
@blacknwhitehound read the book it is the feeling of standing on the front lines shooting everything you have but all the while the horde advances. It is a slow creeping death that you have to watch slowly approaching. At some point the courage of the living broke while the dead did not have to worry about things like death or defeat.
@@ynkybomber I did read the book . Enjoyed most of it . Just the knowledge of what a explosive hydrostatic static shock does . Brooks point was it was basically ineffective .
Land Warrior also didn't help. Seeing the undead snake stretching from Town Square, made up of millions of instinct guided, slow moving killing machines must've been a kick to the nuts to any morale the soldiers had left.
@@blacknwhitehound It was. In the sense that when the entirety of NYC's infected are coming down on you, a few explosions aren't going to matter. You will run out of shells long before the horde runs out of bodies.
The attention to detail with the artillery is commendable. The high elevation of the tube indicates that the enemy is super close. Good attention to detail
I like that you had Wanio as a SAW gunner, as well as showing off how woefully inept the Brass was in how they decided to arm and position their troops. One thing that wasn’t accurate (but I totally understand why you couldn’t do this) was what the zombies were wearing. Todd described them as looking like they came from the hospital, from bed, or were completely buck bare. I can understand why you didn’t have a bunch of naked zombies slouching around This was honestly REALLY well done.
Not incompetent per se. It was the right training, the right equipment and the right planning for the wrong enemy. Pride and overconfidence are to blame. And ignorance born from the inability to accept what the fuck these shambling masses are capable of. If i be honest, if someone tells me that i face an enemy that is basically indestructible as long as the brain stem is intact, i would act the same. Would say bullshit, let me show you what this tank's doing with your meat terminator. And then i watch in horror as the group of Zs i fired my HE shell at, is standing up as if nothing happened and continuous their way to my position.
in the book it had mentioned that the tanks that fired shot gun rounds wasted plenty of zomies but they had few of those rounds because they (the brass) were thinking conventinal warfare (not unstoppable but for head shots or burned. some still lived but could go no where, little crispy critters.) why you saw in the 1st movie near the end flame throwers used (old ww2 stuff) more stopping power then single rounds but to the head. blow an arm off so what, leg they crual, chest blown out, if still can stand still coming. yep all would still stand and fight until they were all gone/dead a second time. yep 22 million on your watch elimenated the world is saved.@@ThePandoraGuy
one thng also in movie mentioned, if the bress had placed most of the men in buildings (upper levels) they would have fielded better, but they didn't as movie/book told/showed. easier to resupply and the choke point would have been the entrence way which would had been better/easier to defend and with the buildup of zombs harder for them to get in (resupply, food/ammo, easier egress if needed). ah the bress and their great minds. think overran in one building heloed out to the top of another...easy-pessey. (but as a side importent point, 22 million would have been hard to ah beat unless nukes; there goes the neighberhood.
@@stuartaminion511 considering the military used high yield Thermobaric weapons at Yonkers, which are only a single radioactive step under nukes themselves, AND considering the 3 day conventional war between Iran and Pakistan that ended in a “low” end nuclear exchange, and yet Zack just kept shambling away, I don’t think nukes would have solved the problem at Yonkers. PLUS, it’s one thing to use nukes on another country, one you’re at war with. It’s another to use nukes on your own homeland, and make a chunk of your own land into a radioactive, inhospitable wasteland.
agreed. in the movie they (brad pitt) were flying to anther country and to their left a nuke went off. yes a nuke in your own country would have been devistating (they did it in the movie "independence day" took out houston and the movie fail safe, new york.) @@jomahawk7488
If the movie had been done with the same reverence and love that this film was done with, it would be a masterpiece. Incredible work. Simply incredible.
Honestly there’s no way a WWZ movie ever could’ve worked, the only way you could’ve made something like it work would’ve been a documentary miniseries where they have all the interviews and re-enact the scenes - it would have to either be interviews or do a Chernobyl type story and tell it as it happened as you jump between characters
@@Blexg they could have used more than just the name like seriously even the resident evil movies were closer to the source material well at least the first two
@@Blexg I think it would work. Make a fictional mockumentary series that takes place after the zombie war, made in a similar fashion to those WWII documentaries on Netflix.
@@Blexg You say that but then we have movies like Distract 9 that did both a fake documentary style AND a character focused story. It could have easily been done if the people at Hollywood actually cared to make a good story
This rocked. The build up, the voice acting, the nods to the book and the text in the chapter on yonkers…truly expressing your love for the source material. Well done
I never cared for zombie anything until I read World War Z. Before that, I thought all zombie stories were just "the dead dig their ways out of their graves and want to eat brains" and there was nothing more to it than that. Putting it all in the context of actual disease or infection that could be the root cause makes it so much more fascinating. WWZ had me UP AT NIGHT because I wasn't used to watching or reading anything horror-related, but the realism gripped me, and it was so well put together that I couldn't put it down.
I like the little bit where the two soldiers are coming up with ways of dealing with the undead. One of them being running them over with tanks, now I have had the thought once or twice. Always wondering why no movie adaptation has really put it to use, but after they mentioned that the blood would coagulate to the point where it would turn to jello really sold me on the hopelessness of it all. Imagine being kitted out with all this high tech gear to keep in touch and a first hand view of the battlefield to be seamlessly shared with everyone at a moments notice is pretty cutting edge. It would make menuevering men and equipment like childs play since everyone knows where everyone is at with a simple click of the button. The sad reality is this would have worked on a regular foe, but an enemy that doesn't have any self preservation skills makes all the fancy weaponry pointless. In addition, they failed to realize like in the book having a live satellite feed of an endless streaming horde coming down the highway can be pretty demoralizing. Especially seeing the artillery bombardment have little to no effect on the hordes. Also the idea that they utilized static positions to fight an enemy that doesn't really care about enfilading fire, artillery barrages, kill zones, or general well being can be pretty counterintuitive. Especially since this is based in a world where zombies never came to science fiction and it was a fairly new idea to them. It would not like be here in our world today where anyone and everyone knows a thing or two about a zombie. Hell, they would have probably put up a better defense than the minds behind Yonkers. Also, love how in the book and this movie touched on the hodgepodge of gear that was used in preparation for the battle. The British bloke put it well, at 4:04 to 4:27 he goes on saying what's with all this useless junk. The Ssgt. at 4:35 to 4:50 says it's all a military show of force saying it's about public image, to make it seem like we are going to win this war. Otherwise, it would be like opening up a war on two fronts. You saw it during covid. When the government didn't seem like it had its hands on things people went crazy and starting buying up every nonessential item in stores thinking that it would help them during the pandemic. Having a metric ton of toilet paper really saved them. The ostricization of people who showed any symptoms related to covid showed how peoples true colors. Now imagine a deadly virus reanimating people and almost wiping out the entire worlds population, a public win would really boost morale and save the governments from the brink of collapse. At the end of the day, all that mattered to them was public image and that showed through their use of force and "gross misallocaition of valuable resources". Putting all their eggs in one basket, the Hail Mary run, the end all be all to a war they were losing from the beginning. Did not save them, it only disbanded and shattered the hopes and dreams of millions of Americans who thought they were going to turn the tide. This movie demonstrated the somber reality of that world and how it must have been for the folks living in it. Thank you for creating a better media adaption than an entire studio did with an even larger budget. It goes to show you that money isn't everything to making a good production or last line of defense.
Personally, I think bringing Brad Pitt on board was where it went to hell, cause he wanted his hands on everything when it came to production. That being said, it's not as on par as - y'know - not using even an iota of the book anywhere in the movie, just taking the name and running with it like it's some Netflix adaptation.
"enemy that doesn't really care about enfilading fire, artillery barrages, kill zones, or general well being can be pretty counterintuitive" so a noob question, "WWZ" zombies are tougher than Walking Dead and 28 day ones? My honest first contact with franchise so really. At least some seem to go down properly to .50 cal in the movie. Even if they are immune to artillery a proper superpower could fight through three Ns: Nukes, Nerve gas and Napalm
The book has them being semi supernatural so ONLY a headshot works, not starvation, rot, drowning, fire, destruction of vital organs that aren’t the brain, nothing, they can walk on the floor of the ocean. Ukraine uses nerve gas at one point but it only kills people and speeds up reanimation. Iran and Pakistan Nuke each other off the map they never really nuke zombies cause the radiation does nothing only the fireball and maybe the shockwave, however the climate was damaged so it wasn’t really worth it.
i dont get why its here tho it feels forced theres no reason for him to say it. in shaun of the dead the reference made sense and felt natural. here it doesn't
I live ~30 min. away from Yonkers, and as a native of the area I love how you decided to use images of the real city for the short! It's awesome seeing buildings/landmarks you've walked by getting overrrun by zombies and blown to pieces by fighter jets
I had a similar experience. I live in Juneau, Alaska. A co-workers husband wrote a book about a zombie senerio in Juneau, with real-life people I worked with. I was not in the book, but it was pretty cool and realistic to the imagination.
Terrific work mate, this is SPECTACLAR and needs to end up going viral. Everyone who has read the book genuinley needs ot see this, imagine a whole series of each chapter of the book like this in Arma 3.
It is criminal they didn't make a three part movie series on this book, instead a half assed put together movie. Even that was still better than any zombie movie I've seen.
Nice night of the living dead reference with that soldier in the helicopter "they're coming to get you barbara". I like you're attention to detail. Great video BTW
Smokes the film. Well done. Edit. Land Warrior? You read the book and noticed the details most did not, and this aspect makes this creation truer to the novel than the film, which only shared the damn title. Massive Respect
The movie was good, but not as an adaptation. As Max Brooks said, it is a good stand-alone movie. I see it as more of am independent production with the same name.
I was thoroughly impressed by the quality of the video, particularly considering the age of the game being featured. The amount of effort and skill that must have gone into creating this is astounding. _also:_ How is your CPU not on fire 🔥
@@MyTACproductions I could tell from the very first frame, those boxes, helicopter, ambulance, even the blood sprays give away it's Arma to me, then again, unless you've spent a good amount of hours in editor, I think most wouldn't think this was Arma until the animations started to pop up. Regardless, it's a really well put video.
Easily the most well put together piece to date. Cohesive, stylized, fantastic audio and dialog. As much as I like action, it would have been easy to just show 10 minutes of the same shooting, but you limited it to what was needed. Well done. Truly, well done. Look forward to what you come up with next, Director ;)
A taste if the World War Z movie we should have gotten. I loved the book, the depictions of what happened, the world building, the characters and their stories of "life after". This is a worthy tribute, and impressive work in editing and serious Arma 3 skills!
This has to be the closest thing we'll ever see of Yonkers in a movie-like remake, good job to the guy behind this one, you've done pretty well. I freaking love this man
I am so glad I found this channel from seeing your amazing 40k work - I got into WWZ years before I got into 40k and I LOVE what you did with the portrayal! Thanks for the great content!!
This is what the World War Z film should have been like, not the mess we ended up with. I think with companies like Amazon and Paramount coming up with new series left right and centre they should look at making a World War Z series, after all the book lends itself to that style of storytelling as it's broken up into many short stories. I'd love to see a series (or maybe three?) following the initial outbreaks, the great panic, the Redeker plan, line stabilisation, the attack, etc. Imagine an entire episode based around the battle of the 5 colleges or the advance from Hope. Get Max Brooks to do the bulk of the writing and actually listen to his ideas this time, and get rid of the fast zombies!
If only somehow the WWZ community can come together to make a TV series of some sort based off the book... only one can dream 🤤 Great video btw!! Thanks for putting in so much effort! Honestly I'm sure it takes a lot of effort just to make a short film out of Arma 3
This is a incredibly nicely executed scene! It’s hard to animate massive forces. Also loved the fact that one zombie just said “nah I’m walkin left” at 9:57
I remember the Battle of Yonkers from the novel and this short film lines up pretty much with how I envisioned the whole ordeal. Made me wanna go back and re-read it for old times sake.
Nice work! I always thought World War Z would've made for a great miniseries; each episode being one of the many vignettes from the book. It would have a real anthology feel to it.
Problem is that you really can’t have a “final battle” scene. In the book, when they finally figured out how to do Yonkers the right way, it would be about as thrilling as watching paint dry.
@@tomtrevett9914 I do agree, to an extent, I definitely feel that it wouldn't really have a "final battle" per se, more of a reflection and maybe chuck in the good bye interviews mixed in with the views of the end operation, have that almost as like a credits sequence because it is very very lengthy
I absolutely loved ALL of the Tod Wainio chapters of world war Z, The were plenty of good characters, and points of view, but his was one of my favorites, thank you Max Brooks!
This is the greatest depiction of WWZ that I have seen. This is legitimately better than the movie adaptation, if you could even call it that. This belongs in a series, and I wish some big movie company could hire you to make a series based solely on the book, with each episode being a chapter. Exceptional work.
Glorious work, an excellent choice of VAs to help immerse us into the world of horrors WWZ should have been. The visuals are appropriately haunting and leave just enough to the imagination that I may be having difficulty sleeping tonight. As an addendum; I'm still very annoyed that the only WWZ game adaption we've gotten is based on that d-list (in terms of writing quality) movie. It'd be kickass to have a game based on the book's slow undead, sorta built like the SWAT games. First-person, immersive, and built around the close-quarters warfighting done towards the end. Maybe an emphasis on barricades to control chokepoints. Easier missions would give the player lots of room to move and learn the quirks of fighting these things, and later missions would be based on the French Catacombs and similar scenes, forcing the squad to clear tight spaces with poor lighting and a lot of blind corners. Maybe some unconventional objectives, like immobilizing some samples to be handed over to scientists, or clandestinely setting up a sound trap to lure a horde away from a broader operation, or preventing dissenting elements from doing something remarkably stupid and jeopardizing a community.
Like the game story could be you're a squad of soldiers in the campaign to reclaim America, starting at the battle of Hope, and ending at the battle of the Hero City, with occasional breaks to check on other parts of the world, like the catacombs, and the Redeker zones
They just didn’t die. They just don’t fucking die. You shoot and shoot and toss frags and they get right back up or they crawl and they don’t stop coming. The Sky bled and they just didn’t fucking DIE- Survivor from the battle of Yonkers. Currently being treated for PTSD.
I love zombie media so much that, honestly, I thought I’d grown desensitized. But when you start hearing the horde’s screams at 7:00, I’ll be damned if I didn’t look down at my arm and see goosebumps. Bravo.
I remember when you had like 3 videos and subbed after the the first yonkers video. You have significantly improved, and it is awesome to see you recreat parts of my favorite books! Keep it up!
To all who say slow zombies aren't scary because they're not running at you and swarming like a school of piranhas, it's a different type of horror. One zombie you can take down with a head shot, but only a head shot. They're slow because they don't need to be fast. They're never alone, they approach in hordes, millions at a time, and they can only be taken out with headshots or obliteration of the central nervous system. Its like that horror video "It moves one inch toward you every 10 minutes, and it can't be stopped" It is the horror of inevitability. A force of nature that cannot be stopped. They JUST. KEEP. COMING.
Well done my friend well done I’m confident when I say this not only for myself but for everyone else who loves World War Z that we finally got to see our dream come true, the Battle of Yonkers such a big event in the book finally come to life. You my friend just brought us one step closer to seeing that dream of a full scale show or movie come to reality with this. It just looked so good I could not stop watching it. Hope to see more in the future and definitely can’t wait for it.
Great video, you earned a subscriber! Just two small caveats, I think in WWZ (the book which you have fatefully adapted!) the President doesn't flee to Hawaii with the remnants of the US Government until after Yonkers (I remember reading that after Yonkers all confidence in a containment of the outbreak collapses) and I think the death toll (while not expressed) in WWZ would probably have been in the high hundreds of millions/low billions pre-Yonkers, since I remember the book mentions most of the deaths/collapse really snowballed out of control post-Yonkers. I think the author of the Yonkers section (that ex military guy) said the NYC infected was in the high millions though I don't think it was 20 mil+. Still great film! Loved it, it felt like it added onto WWZ which is hard to do, by humanizing the soldiers, capturing the journalists and media there, the first shots of the helis into Yonkers captured that perfect view of a collapsing society. The battle scene also did a great job making slow zombies look terrifying, the sheer panic of the troops as the bullets run out, stuff like that.
yup, you're on point there's also a few other things wrong, such as the fact the army didn't actually deploy anyone on rooftops during the battle and they should all be wearing mopp suits as well i was a little surprised to see there wasn't any mention of the brave comanche pilot using his rotors as a weapon to save the guys on the ground or zombies coming up from behind after being woken up from being trapped in houses but at the end of the day, regardless of the liberties taken to do his own thing, this is a much more faithful adaptation of the book and is leagues better than the movie
This is pure art. Combined with the VFX/SFX editing skills and lore/plot narrative course, this is a true masterpiece for its class. Be proud and thank you for visualizing this key event from the WWZ lore! ❤
I always wondered what the battle of Yonkers looked like. Max's writing was so descriptive but I still just needed to see the battle. That's for helping get a better idea!
This is an excellent depiction of an iconic scene. I've always been kind of frustrated by how the book went around justifying Yonkers (overpressure nerfs, landwarrior, incompetent command), the two things that always stood out as the most shocking were the total breakdown of morale (and this short film depicts exactly how a rout happens) and the scale of what fighting millions of infected would mean. Like, there's no way that on such short notice the army could even hope to bring in enough ammo to kill MILLIONS of zombies, even if you un-nerf overpressure, the sheer scale of ammunition required would rival first and second world war levels, modern armies win through superior firepower and initiative, how could they hope to (on short notice) hold a defensive line against millions of unroutable relatively resistant enemies. That's the true horror.
I mean, I think compared to the normal terror of warfare, being overrun by stumbling zombies is pretty tame. I can’t imagine real soldiers being too shaken in a hypothetical situation. I also can’t imagine the army that’s used to fighting armed, dedicated, intelligent opponents falling strategically and logistically against unintelligent ones. But I mean all zombie media comes with a suspension of disbelief; moving a human body requires such a high amount of body systems to work, none of which are functioning in death. Like it doesn’t matter how much a zombie wants to move, shit ain’t happening unless the heart pumps blood to the muscle, giving it the oxygen to expand and contract. It’s physically impossible There is 1 zombie movie that fixed this idea tho - 28 days later, where the “zombies” are just humans that are very mad, sorta rabid. But then, you have to deal with the fact that said zombies can be killed with a shot anywhere to the body, so... less believable that they could overrun the military
@@Caffeine_Addict_2020 Agree with all but your last point. I do believe that traditional zombies could stand to win certain victories against modern militaries dependant on logistics. Assume either a headshot or significant trauma is required to kill a zombie. If significant amounts of infected reach a critical mass in a tight place like a subway in NY, they could easily scale out of control. If the Yonker's hypothetical is used there is simply no way the army is going to be able to muster the artillery and ammunition required to kill millions of zombies heading for their position. Let me be clear, barring some pretty extreme cases, zombies would never strategically defeat the US military, it would eventually (like in the books) adapt and defeat the horde. However, early, Yonker's like tactical or operational defeats are still very possible.
unfortunately I have to ask the same question i always ask with zombie media, where the fuck are all the helicopters and gunships? Short notice, fine, youre telling me you cant scramble even a few squadrons of apaches to loiter over the area? Attack helos would absolutely devastate a zombie hoard at zero risk to the pilots. They only ever show the airforce doing piddly little airstrikes here and there, when realistically they would just have constant sorties being flown over the mob, like why would you ever stop bombing them until theyre right on top of your ground troops?
For more context for those who are interested: This is based on a chapter in the book when a veteran of this battle is interviewed and I'd really recommend the book as a whole but even just that chapter if you can't be bothered reading that much. The interview is much more nuanced than this video (but obviously the video can't just be full of exposition) and the veteran explains the multitude of failures that turned this extremely ideal battle for the military into such a catastrophe here are some examples:
- Contrary to the video there was no one on the roofs so there was no vantage point
- The soldiers were wearing extremely bulky armored NBC suits (think bomb squad suits but even bulkier and with a gas mask) even though the press didn't have to (also not shown in the video).
- The soldiers were ordered to dig trenches even though it makes no sense because they're fighting zombies
- The overall lack of ammunition across the board, the veteran uses the example of the Abrams running out of anti-personnel munitions and the morale damage from seeing a tank firing into a horde of zombies to no effect
- The land warrior system mentioned in the video basically means every soldier is connected to a network for ease of command, in the battle this has the unintended effect of causing mass panic from dying soldiers screaming on the intercom for help and others mistakenly saying the zombies can't die from headshots.
- The ineffectiveness of the munitions they were using such as bombs as the zombies aren't affected by the pressure of the explosion rupturing their organs and the mutilated zombies are left crawling on the ground which has predictable consequences.
- The fact that the whole battle was pretty much first and foremost for the press as shown in the video as there is for some reason a patriot surface-to-air missile system when they are fighting zombies
Thank you for the context, that really helped to explain everything, I saw the film once but never read the book, going to pick it up and start reading it now.
It was even worse that Land Warrior showed how massive the horde was, which numbered in a million or so
Americans out of ammo doesn't sound really realistic though lol. Civilians fire miniguns recreationally on their weekends. I feel like a million volunteer would show up to shoot easy defenseless targets.
@@bananian thats if people have any stored, pretty most of those people are going back to the store to restock & not having a warehouse full, sure people showing up with guns isnt weird, but i doubt most of them would have much ammo to bring, mostly since theyd have to use some as well
@@bananian tbf a zombie apocalypse might hamper logistics just a bit
I read World War Z on my first deployment while I was on the Essex. There's a chapter where zombies crawl up these ship's anchor chains in the middle of the night. Read that, then being on the flight deck with no ops, nearly all the lights off, and the wind howling in-between the aircraft and I was half expecting to see something come shambling up towards the super structure.
@@bloodraven1190 err
That’s terrifying, they can swim??
@@joshuawalker7038 Not swim per say, just sink to the bottom and walk on the ocean floor
@@clearskiesranch1362 still horrifying lol
I was one of the fortunate few who saw the movie before reading the book.
Going in to see the film with the novel in mind must have been soul crushing.
It was very disheartening.
Yeah :(
I was more confused to be honest? I mean, why get the rights and only use the title?
They almost always muck it up. Still very entertaining.
@@alphabetaed3007 marketing.
I loved this chapter of the book!
“If you see any Zacks walking around with their lungs hanging out of their mouths, send them my way. I’d love to meet another veteran of Yonkers”
Hey on the bright side, if its lungs are hanging out of its mouth, how is it going to bite you?
Oh shit! I just commented the same thing, then scrolled down and saw your comment! Great minds... 😂
The thermobaric ordinance didn't do shit to the horde. They were supposed to pop like balloons.
"You perfect fighting the last war just in time for the next one..."
It's a nonsensical line when you actually stop to think about it. A pressure wave strong enough to suck someones lungs out of their mouth is going to pulverize the soft squishy brain in their head. It might or might not crush the skill, but it doesn't have to.
@@gregorymckenna2727 Max addresses that. Not well. But, he does. He says, essentially, they dont know why that doesn't happen.
@@Hellheart It's a nonsense explanation that would be fine... if not for the books pretense to being a "realistic" account. We know zombies are - in fact - not immune to that sort of thing because bullets and melee weapons still work fine on them. Brooke's just needs them to be magically immune to big explosions and handwaves away the why, ignoring how it undermines one of the books core conceits.
Honestly, I would be more fine with the book if it didn't insist on its own realism and just let itself be pulpy. Zombies, airships, castles, katana-wielding warrior monks, North Korea going Vault Tech Juche Edition, the Russians going completely Soviet AND Imperial Russian all at once... you can admit that shit's pretty cool. It's just not realistic. The social commentary also isn't as great as many people think it is - a lot of it is let down by a pop-American understanding of certain foreign countries and pseudoscientific understanding of things like politics, sociology, human psychology, etc.
That isn't to say there isn't some genuinely neat stuff in there. The stuff about the astronauts and "radio free earth" ships was absolutely amazing, for example. The book just also has a lot of problems that it's fans don't want to admit.
One of if not my favorite moment in the book. The Battle of Yonkers, and how it was described was terrifying. Not only because of the horde in the millions approaching unprepared soldiers, but also how real it felt. Mistakes, faulty new equipment, incompetence, arrogance, death, fear.
Except once you understand how the military actually fights and how they would have really handled a situation like this, then Max Brooks all of a sudden looks like an idiot.
@@Commodore22345 Of course, but for a civilian, he still wrote a way more believable account of the military than 90% of authors could.
The scene in the book where they dump chemical weapons on the bridge would have made a great scene. Or when the Indian general blows up the mountain pass.
Fuck it, the whole damn thing!
@@Commodore22345well duh. For any zombie apocalypse to be major in the USA the military always gotta be incompetent for plot lol
Sorry to ask ,but which book .....I want to read it sounds nice
The scene where he started to panic was so horrific. Can you imagine being so overwhelmed with fear and at a loss of all hope that your own brain does not function in a manner to save your own life? It reminds me of the stories of machine gunners in WW2 and how their brains couldn’t handle the chaos.
Just another Black Friday at Walmart as one of the floor people.
Fight or flight pick one.
After major battlesthe army has investigated and found that only 28% of our soldiers fire their weapons in a bitter firefight!! I'm in that 28%.
The bit where the sky is red and the air is full of the moans of the dead is absolutely nightmarish. Well done.
The sound design was well done. Gave me chills ngl.
More like hellish
Those groans sound like they came from the walkers from the last GoT battle (the really dark one where Aria kills the Night King).
Just like the book " it was like looking at the world through hell colored glasses!"
I got legit scared.
That Army Specialist's response to the reporters question in the beginning was downright chilling. There wasn't just dread in his voice, there was also a tone of what could only be described as hopelessness in being able to stop what they were about to face.
Let's make some assumptions.
Barring catastrophic bodily damage, the victims are somehow restarted but their internals are very resistant to harm and the terminal ballistics of most firearms simply cannot do it fast enough, a zombie does not stop.
Fifty caliber machine gun fire, 25mm chaingun fire. These will eliminate one fairly easily.
But also, for whatever reason, the head is highly vulnerable. The gelled fluid makes it resistant to explosive shock and frag, so a solid headshot is necessary, and it reduces damage areas of explosive weapons.
I'd honestly say that if it was just the frontal killzone, it'd be fine. But because sectors were poorly sealed, you now have rifles coming off the front, flareups and casualties happening inside the perimeter, stress dropping accuracy ratios.
The thing was the troops took one look at the anti air missile batteries and radar systems and knew their command had absolutely zero idea what they were doing. Add to that actually realistically fighting zombies would be so outright horrifying and mentally scarring that the troops moral would be in the shitter without any other detractors. So the specialist was being asked by the press how he feels about being ordered into what he knows will devolve into a fustercluck where being unlucky involves getting eaten alive.
Soon as spooks popped up around and behind that static defensive line it was over, didn't matter how many snuck through moral was gone and the troops routed every man for himself.
I'd argue against that morale bit, honestly.
Maybe newer folks and the National Guards, but anyone with combat experience would probably retreat in good order if they retreated at all.
@@KoishiVibin I disagree. He is right, as soon as they see what is there to "fight" against an enemy they know is only on foot, the morale will drop. Another aspect of the book, that isn't in this video, is the stupidity of the landwarrior system. Which linked every soldier with video and audio, while also providing a birds eye view of the battlefield. The soldiers saw it wasn't a handful of zeds, couple hundred, or a few thousand. It was millions of them, and they were all heading directly for them. In the book as well, a soldier is killed by a family that was turned and left behind, behind the main line. All the soldiers watched through their feed, as another soldier was taken down, pinned by that zed family, and eaten. All while hearing his screams of agony and helplessness. That finally broke them. They didn't know if their lines were breached, each is afraid of being eaten alive, and they know there is no hope of holding back the millions of zeds coming for them.
@@SlewedHydra yup I remembered that and man a livestream of that soldier’s guncam or helmet cam showing the family coming towards him or the footage suddenly dropping down because the guy got broadsides would unsettle them hard. I wish though there was some UAV shots of that big mass of Zs snaking all the way south to NYC.
Two things that really struck a chord with me when reading about the battle of Yonkers was
1. How it’s explained the zombies didn’t look like how you would expect zombies in a city to look. No business suits but rather that the majority were either completely naked or in hospital gowns or in pajamas like they went home to go quietly die and turn in bed…
2. That the sheer number of them coming out of New York meant the city was basically 99.9% zombies.. save for possible small pockets of a handful of survivors hiding.
Just those two things gave me so much to work off of in building an exposition in my mind about how New York City fell to the infestation and how bleak and depressing a lot the deaths must have been which is a huge contrast to the usual chaotic zombies infesting a city idea is.
Not to be rude. But can you share what you think may had happened when NYC fell? Sounds horrifying
@@vardiganxpl1698 Sorry I haven’t responded! It’s been a while since I read the book but I kind of built the idea that during the initial outbreak many relocated from the city trying to regroup with family or other reasons causing massive commuting issues and bumper to bumper traffic. Sooner or later it became next to impossible to leave the city before the zombies started infestation. Much like the pandemic we lived through hospitals took the brunt force leaving medical personnel exhausted or fatally wounded. Medical supplies became alarmingly scarce. Many knowing there would be no help at any medical facility would run out of hope and face death alone quarantined in their homes. Any type of evacuation plan would be scrapped by the government as they had too much on their plate already. Little by little the city would become a war zone between the living and the dead until eventually almost everyone would die. Those who remained as survivors had to learn survival skills and become extremely stealthy and hyper vigilant as they would have to resort to looting buildings and apartments for food, weapons, clothing etc. the only relief those survivors would feel would be when the battle of Yonkers came along and distracted the dead enough for them to make some kind of effort of escape from the city. There’s lots of different ideas on what could have happened.
I lived in Yonkers... bleak and depressing just about sums it up.
Rule #1 in Zombie movies/Videogames/Books: The military must fail no matter what, but a bunch of civilian survivors can defeat entire hordes with no problem
There has to be one where a group of military or guns for hire survived through the first horde then have enough intelligence and low enough morals but just enough to care for eachother to ditch higher ups I am not smart enough nor do I have enough energy to come up with a better idea for them being alive
I'm gonna tell ya something, when you're in the military and you face a enemy that it's just overwhelming, You can't just let the panic get over you, In zombie movies or books that is always used, a supposed low morale or panic, when it should not be like this, the psychological aspect is one of the most evaluated to enter the army or the marines.
It is more terrifying to fight a conscious person than an undead who realistically would not have as much stamina or even a chance to rival a well organized Army as is the US Army
The loss is actually pretty well explained in the book, I would recommend reading the chapter about the battle of Yonkers
in the book they nerfed a lot what is Logistics, military performance, damage from firearms and above all, air and artillery attacks
@@shad2960 still, it at least tries to give a explanation of what happened.
It isnt perfect, since its still up for debate as to how effective zombie invasion wouldve been, but for whats worth, the book does a interesting and engaging example
Land Warrior got a passing mention, but I can't emphasize enough how that little piece of tech absolutely destroyed morale. Everyone on the frontline was outfitted with it and when shit started hitting the fan every grunt with a passing comment was unwittingly transmitting their thoughts to everyone else up and down the line. It was a shitshow.
Hell, I'll quote the book to drive the point home.
"To see what was in front of our face was bad enough, but spybird uplinks were also showin' how truly large the horde was.
We might be facing thousands, but behind them there were millions! Remember, we were taking on the bulk of New York City's infestation! This was only the head of one really long undead snake stretching all the way back to Times Fuckin' Square! We didn't need to see that. I didn't need to know that! That little scared voice wasn't so little anymore 'Oh shit, OH SHIT!'
And suddenly it wasn't in my head anymore. It was in my earpiece. Every time some jerkoff couldn't control his mouth, Land Warrior made sure the rest of us heard it. 'There's too many!' 'We gotta get the fuck outta here!' Someone from another platoon, I didn't know his name, started hollering 'I hit him in the head and he didn't die! They don't die when you hit them in the head!' I'm sure he must have missed the brain, it can happen, a round just grazing the inside of the skull... maybe if he'd been calm and used his own brain, he could have realized that.
Panic's more infectious than the Z Germ and the wonders of Land Warrior allowed that germ to become airborne. 'What?' 'They don't die?' 'Who said that?' 'You shot it in the head?' 'Holy crap! They're indestructible!'
All over the net you could hear this, browning shorts across the information superhighway."
also when that dude died to a few zombies in a building
These kinds of Defeat seem closer and closer to possible IRL as well as some smoothbrain General/High command enjoying some "Lobbying" party benefits deciding to have soldiers use the worst piece of technology possible in a situation against a Threat not fully known at the time.
US Army recruitment is getting lower and lower, and whoever is still there is being forced into extended service, when Internal Morale of the grunts is getting worse and worse. Odds are if an IRL version of WWZ book(s) happened, chances aren't unlikely that cases like the Yonk happen as the existing troops morale would be already at a low, and suddenly being forced useless garbage by high command and sent with hardware either too beat up from use or so new you can't even be sure it is up to Milspec QA.
And man.... Whoever in high command had the -273 Kelvin IQ idea of fit all troops with something that would make spreading Psychological warfare panic among the soldiers should been court martialled and given DS for worsening the already bleak odds of the unmotivated troops of managing even a technical win despite the rout.
The Americans already failed harder than that IRL. Paying, training and equipping former terrorists, calling them the "Sons of Iraq", making them commit the warcrimes, and to top it off, after laid off, they become the core of the ISIS army? Whose management was perfected by the fanatics which radicalized the other 2/3 innocent people put together with them on Bucca?@@andrehashimoto8056
I read this a few nights ago. Still get chills from reading this again.
@@dontreallyknowwhatmynamesh5538 Apparently they cohesively ripped him apart, the adult female biting his jaw and the kids trying to bite through the sleeves
As a person who grew up in Yonkers, that choke point is actually way smaller than that. They would have a less effective firing line couldn’t even fit 2 tanks in the choke point. Fantastic film tho!
So, how accurate did the book get your home town?
The entire 'battle' is a shitshow, chokepoint or not. The guys in charge literally threw away hundreds if not thousands of soldiers.
@@FerreusVirWhat do you think we-and other countries-did in WW1 and 2?
@@ntfoperative9432 Shouldn’t it be “MTF” - mobile task force
@@Sauce_Sensei no, because I specifically am part of the MTF Nine Tailed Fox
The way the Battle Of Yonkers is portrayed in the book was really brillant.
The author described the different weapons used against the zombies by their range.
First they came in range of the mortors. Many zombies were killed, but the fragmentation of the exploding rounds should have killed MANY more.
Then they came into range of the 50bmg M2 machine guns. Much more of the same.
Finally the Infantrymen opened fire with small arms.
It really was a stark example of how a modern army using modern tactics would fair against a undead horde they knew little or nothing about.
The book really isn't going to be exactly what you think it'll be, but it's still pretty darn good.
The most depressing/heartening part of the book for me had to do with the Russian army's experience in WWZ. After an engagement bitten soldiers would form "suicide circles" where they would countdown and shoot themselves. This went on until a Eastern Orthodox priest had had enough of it and started executing the solders himself.
I remember a navy vet, who served on an aircraft carrier, had a very similar description when he was asked about what it was like fighting kamikazes during WWII. Paraphrasing here, but he said something along the lines of " You could tell how close they (kamikazes) were getting by the sound of different guns firing. First, the 5 inch guns would go off. Then, when they got a little closer, the 40mm Bofors would open up. Then, once the 20mm guns started shooting, you knew they were right on top of you." Source is Battle 360 (can't remember which episode though). Has absolutely nothing to do with World War Z, but I thought the parallels were cool.
Nitpicking, but I wouldnt exactly call it execution.
Mercy seems a little more accurate.
@@FaithRox It could certainly be called mercy.
The Priest himself in the book said "NO MORE SIN"
Alluding to the fact that suicide is a sin.
He absolutely was helping the infected soldiers.
@@Kijinn I imagine they not knowing anything about zombies was just a world building tactic used by the writer. Obviously we'd know to shoot the zombies in the head. They would not know this in the initial engagements with the zombies in the book because in their "world" zombies would not have been a thing in pop culture.
@beanhavok2287 the knowledge to shoot the head was known by the battle of Yonkers but as stated in the book they spent years training to aim center mass so it was difficult to hit their head.
"is this all fucking jokes to you, patriot missile system, electronic radars unit, anti tank ballistic system really? Do you even know what we're up against"
Got me dying 😂😂
The guy who said "don't waste ammo, run them over with tanks" was onto something. His buddy says it'll gum up the tracks, which is true if you're using a regular Abrams. The mine plow version wouldn't have this problem. Hell, bring out every tank that has a mine flail. That stuff will be better at shredding zombies than a wood chipper.
Build strong barriers walls
Use thermobaric explosives (strong shockwave followed by fireball)
Vehicles with plowing atachments,block entrances at ground level
@@valentinov901 thermobaric explosives weren't too useful against the zombies, though.
@@nerobernardino88 they arent killing,but maiming
Ruptured ears and eyes,means they can identify where you are and depending how close it could actually rip them apart
In combination with blocked paths,minefields,units on rooftops etc
Can be used to cripple them and then pick them one by one or by group (using explosives and flames along plowing vehicles)
@@valentinov901 In this chapter of the book, they say that unless the brain is quite literally destroyed, a zombie is not dead; and if they can move even a little bit, ie, they're blown to pieces but their head/upper torso still has an arm to pull them along the ground, they're still a mobile threat.
A legless,armless zombie is just a stomp
Zombies are mobile threaths,but the more damaged their body is,the less dangerous
You dont need one shot them all,maiming them enough so you can later deploy squads specialized on killing them can work
This, this right here is what a WWZ adaptation done right looks like. WWZ is about people; the zombies are merely a medium to tell that story. The shot at 6:59 of them waiting in the dark as the screams grow louder is absolute perfection. I felt the same watching this as I did reading the actual book.
I disagree. I believe it is the reverse. Otherwise Brad Pitt made a great adoption.
Good call. The movie was straight TRASH, and wasn't even close to the caliber of the novel, not even close.
I kind of liked WWZ movie tho ngl, but book sounds interesting
Not directly related but you should check out the movie _The Raid 2_ which has similar visuals to that. _The Raid 1_ is a little different visually but has even more aesthetic similarities to this short in other ways.
@@schizofreniccunt1952The movie and the book are very different. The book is almost like a documentary with a reporter interviewing people all over the world. I think the only way they could really stick to the book is by making it a series since there really no central character and it's just a collection of different stories from the very beginning of the outbreak all the way to the very end.
came here after a Pointless Hub video, I am not disappointed
This was honestly amazing: from the first Yonkers film you made to this is an absolutely astounding leap in quality.
If the first one was a diamond, this in the same diamond after undergoing refurbishing.
Ha! Yeah, I’ve learned alot in the past 2 years. Glad you enjoyed!
you should have said the first one was a lump of coal and this one was a diamond. or the first one was a diamond in the rough
I love how the reporters sound like actual reporters, and the soldiers have so much feeling unlike Hollywood Bullshit. I've watched so much of the stuff here, and the production is solid and amazing. When the bombardments happened it gave a tone of true dread, and the howling of the undead while the red sky darkened the sun. It was chilling, but also had a sort of calm before the storm effect and beauty in the destruction.
"Hollywood Bullshit." LOL ok dude.
@@ragemonkey117 It's true
@Peniley Majorey The hell are you on about?
@penileymajorey7174 agreed what the hell are you on about
@penileymajorey7174 theyre probably just retarded
Absolutely insane that this was recorded with what it was. Such high quality, bone chilling horror once everything popped off. With a lot of suspense leading up to that moment as we you could see everyone slowly but surely loosing their nerves as time went on.
you've made a better adaptation for World War Z than an actual movie company
Honestly. The only thing they book and movie had I common was the title. It was almost 100% different. Different characters, zombies, events, timeline, story
@@ohmygoshitscole the book actually included the "camoflague" that they had in the movie, if i recall coirrectly. but thats it.
@Gubeym I don’t think the book had any “camouflage”, just Quizlings that acted like zombies before getting eaten by the real thing or getting shot by being mistaken for one.
@@UGNAvalon I believe there was a deleted scene showing the soldiers using Lobos so that would have been another thing in common with the book.
The movie was way better than the book lmao.
Wainio! Secure the Burger Town!
“I still fucking hate the atlas corporation”
I’d rather protect Burger tank
@@weirdogiant6886 RAMIREZ! cum on those targets.
Ramirez get that cruise missile.
3:54 😂 I love the quips and conversations you set up, it makes it more real.
WWZ had so many interesting storylines. Yonkers, Tatsumi the Otaku, the battle of Hope, the filmmaker who made war docs about supposed superweapons; the movie left too much to be desired.
This is awesome!
They could have almost built a franchise out of the material in the book. There is at least four great films worth of storyline.
@@schizofreniccunt1952 Dont read this if you havent read the book, but theres a japanese kid who was always on his computer before the zombie outbreak, and he gets a sword or something I dont remember much.
Or the guy who sold a fake vaccine for the zombie virus, even though it just helped against rabies getting filthy rich and getting off scot free
@@thecreature916 Reading the book myself currently. Spoilers follow obviously.
The chapter about Tatsumi was about how he was an otaku that shut himself out of reality until he couldn't anymore. He pushes himself to his physical and mental limits scaling down from the 19th floor of his apartment block on a sheet rope. He has several close calls and at one point runs into a zombie in one apartment, and misses a jump to avoid it, falling to the balcony adjacent below. Inside he finds a Shinto shrine and a bunch of pictures of the owner traveling around the world and stuff. He realizes that he has been wasting his life on his computer doing nothing of note and that he should reconcile with his culture, so he goes to the shrine only to see in the mirror that the owner isn't gone like he thought. So after a brief struggle he manages to throw the zombified old man over the balcony railing to the street below, and when he searches the apartment again finds that the man was a veteran of the second world war and still had his service sword. So he takes that, says a prayer of thanks, and moves on.
It's shown in another chapter that he later ran into the blind gardener (the one that lost his sight to one of the atomic bombs, and was made an outcast of sorts most his life) surviving in the wilderness of Hokkaido, and became a sort of traditionalist monk alongside him that took the fight to the zacks.
I can't believe how good the voice actor for the news reporter is. That legitimately sounds like a real broadcast.
$190 million dollars and Bradd Pitt
ARMA 3 and some fans time put in
*I wonder which turns out better...*
Excellent work man.
Was wondering how many people would recognize arma 3
You keep getting better and better mate. Keep up the good work!
EDIT: Loved that we could see the WTC as well. Nice attention to detail.
You are just too kind. I knew you would love this one. 😉
The way you instill dread through both the cinematography and sound work is truly unmatched. There's a lot of great ArmA cinematics out there, but yours stand tall above the rest as some of the most memorable and compelling. Excited to see whats next.
Yooo didn’t expect to see you here scorch. Any new zombie based ignis ops coming up to watch?
@@PolarisTheMorrigan dunno about zombies but theres some wacky stuff in the pipe for sure
@@Scorch052 hell yeah im excited to see what crazy shit yall got up to i wanted to try to join ignis but my pc cant handle big events that yall do so tough luck for me ig
The growing, collective moan of millions of undead churning over the sounds of thundering bombs was the absolute best part
This is what the movie world war Z should have been like.
Max brooks wrote a brilliant story of horror and desperation.
Yonkers was only the beginning but the horror and desperation that lasted among everyone involved in the undead onslaught in that book was increasingly written.
This short film doesn't get all the details right but the atmosphere of doom is absolutely correct.
Great short guys! 👍
Brooks was brilliant at atmospheric writing... but many aspects of the work fall flat. The parts regarding the United States military and the Reddeker Plan were mind-numbingly bad, but that was easy to miss because the atmosphere was just so damn good.
@@evanhunt1863 I mean, yeah, that's sort of part of the book. I don't think the book is without flaws, that'd be ridiculous, but a massive plot point of the story is that pretty much most of the events happened because of gross negligence or just outright stupidity.
I haven't read the books so this might be an ignorant reply but I thought the movie was pretty good. It just needs a sequel to cover all of this content.
@@tomemeornottomeme1864 and planning for the wrong kind of war.
I found this infinitely more entertaining than the abomination that came out several years ago. The Yonkers story was always one of my favorite stories from the book. I also loved how they learned from their very costly mistakes and completely redesigned the entire military to combat the endless hordes. Now THAT would be epic to see come to life!
A firing step, spiked entrenching tools, trained dogs and the bagpipes. That's the way.
Came out several years ago? You mean A WHOLE DECADE AGO
@@goodluck2119 Shhh I know Im old stop reminding me 😂
You talking about the movie? Or something else?
@kelseyplagman2570 The movie with Brad Pitt In all honesty, if they had called it something else, I wouldn't be nearly as salty about the movie as I am now. The only thing the movie shares with the book is that they have zombies, and they visit Jerusalem. That's about it. The video game of the same name has more in common with the movie than the book.
One of the things that absolutely fucked me up about the World War Z movie was the absolute refusal to use already extremely cool settings ALREADY IN THE BOOK! Imagine if they had bothered to try to put Yonkers to screen, or actually had the examinations of patient zero's village, or the sieges on the European medieval castles, or EVEN EXPLORED A NUCLEAR SUB PLOTLINE - brings tears to my eyes. Thank you for at least putting one of the most astonishing chapters to visual though - would love to see more chapters brought to screen
For those who like zombie films with a social message - I highly recommend Savageland - it deserves much more love then it gets:видео.html&ab_channel=KingsofHorror
There is a live action video of Patient Zero on RUclips I can’t remember if it’s fan made or an extension of the movie but I know that it’s as close as you’ll get to seeing what patient zero was like. A few differences like it being set in the Philippines rather than China and the boy being a bit older but hey it’s something.
There's been a lot of filming in Yonkers over the last ten years - both TV and movies. They def could have shot it there.
They purchased the book but wanted the title everything else they wrote themselves.
It should have been a mini-series, honestly.
I’m Japanese. I read novel after watching the movie, but I prefer novel.
You did what movie couldn’t have done by faithfully recreating the novel.
So I love your videos. keep it doing!
I hope that someday a drama that faithfully reproduces the novel will be produced.
I'm not good at English, so I'm sorry if I'm wrong
I think almost everyone who read the novel first feel the same way. In my opinion, the film had nothing to do with the book except for the title.
@@MoreEvilThanYahweh I agree with you. I played WWZ video game too. This was also unrelated to the novel, other than by name.
確かに私の日本語より上手です 草
@@Feronen ありがとうございます!
Your English is better than most people who live in the U.S. lol
I always really loved the concept of Yonkers. I've read WWZ at least 5 times now and the chapter never seems to get old. In movies and books you always jist get hit with, "oh the military couldn't stop em they were too fast" which is fine ig but it never felt satisfying. Yonkers did the opposite. It presented a true and utter failure of the US government to combat a non human enemy. Taking spectacle over utility. Just thinking about it gives me the shivers so to see this is absolutely beautiful. I'll def be checking out the rest of your channel and videos. Loved the voice acting and thank you for making this really made my day.
What I love about Yonkers that it WAS "winnable" since the army does win battles later on with much less resources against similar horde numbers. They lost because the people calling the shots did not provide proper logistics for such a long engagement, did not properly recon the area allowing them to be flanked, and relied on tactics and gear not suited for the operation.
If it was planned by people whose priority was actually cleaning out NYC instead of propaganda it would have worked out fine.
can someone explain why artillery doesn't kill them ?
In an atmosphere with many many buildings one would assume shards of shrapnel would lodge into the brains of infected regardless of how strong their body is.
If a flying chunk out of a building rocketing through your head at a speed fast enough to take it off can't kill you. No bullet really can
@@reelgesh51 Well the IIRC books kinda chalked it up to unpreparedness, incompetency, and use of armor piercing (which is level of idiocy that even the US mil isn't capable of... I say that as a cynical former infantryman) But yeah a constant creeping barrage of 155 shells would absolutely shrek a horde like this but that's assuming ammo reserves are up to par. Using anti-personnel ammunition in artillery, air assets, and armor would tear em' to shreds simply from the blasts and sheer amount of shrapnel. Though the fact that they got outflanked and just the numbers involved really does make it make some sense. Just the sheer mass, not to mention the sight of flaming zombies (from napalm) and shredded bodies still pushing and the chaos of getting simply overrun makes it pretty convincing honestly. Plus, not every serviceman is a crackshot and they're gunna be terrified= missed shots. I could see it happening. I'm confident in a gunfight, but fuck...idk about all that. Especially when I'm seeing my boys eaten alive in my overlay
@@reelgesh51 Basically they say that if a zombie's brain isn't destroyed, the zombie's still alive, even if caught in an explosion or torn to pieces by shrapnel/debris, and zombies aren't affected by explosions the way a normal human would be; most people killed by explosions are killed because of the blast literally making the fluids in their body burst, or the blast causing their bodies/brains/organs to just shut down from shock -- neither of which happen to zombies. So even though the army would be taking out thousands of zombies, that ultimately only means barely making a dent in a horde of a few million.
I love everything about this fan project you and your team put together it was so well put together. From the atmosphere,the lighting,the writing, the voice acting, the feeling of dread in the air made this feel like I was reading the book again ☺️ I want too see more fan projects like this, we were definitely robbed
This battle in the book is amazing. It comes down to the fact that the humans were used to winning through shock and awe. But they realized that the endless waves of the undead were not affected by the shock and awe strategies. Eventually this realization ended up turning against the humans as they were the ones who ended up being shocked and awed by the sheer will of the hoard.
Uh yea I suppose . But any tissue will be destroyed by conclusive force of high explosives dead or not .
@blacknwhitehound read the book it is the feeling of standing on the front lines shooting everything you have but all the while the horde advances. It is a slow creeping death that you have to watch slowly approaching. At some point the courage of the living broke while the dead did not have to worry about things like death or defeat.
@@ynkybomber I did read the book . Enjoyed most of it . Just the knowledge of what a explosive hydrostatic static shock does . Brooks point was it was basically ineffective .
Land Warrior also didn't help. Seeing the undead snake stretching from Town Square, made up of millions of instinct guided, slow moving killing machines must've been a kick to the nuts to any morale the soldiers had left.
@@blacknwhitehound It was. In the sense that when the entirety of NYC's infected are coming down on you, a few explosions aren't going to matter. You will run out of shells long before the horde runs out of bodies.
The attention to detail with the artillery is commendable. The high elevation of the tube indicates that the enemy is super close. Good attention to detail
I like that you had Wanio as a SAW gunner, as well as showing off how woefully inept the Brass was in how they decided to arm and position their troops.
One thing that wasn’t accurate (but I totally understand why you couldn’t do this) was what the zombies were wearing.
Todd described them as looking like they came from the hospital, from bed, or were completely buck bare. I can understand why you didn’t have a bunch of naked zombies slouching around
This was honestly REALLY well done.
Not incompetent per se. It was the right training, the right equipment and the right planning for the wrong enemy. Pride and overconfidence are to blame. And ignorance born from the inability to accept what the fuck these shambling masses are capable of. If i be honest, if someone tells me that i face an enemy that is basically indestructible as long as the brain stem is intact, i would act the same. Would say bullshit, let me show you what this tank's doing with your meat terminator. And then i watch in horror as the group of Zs i fired my HE shell at, is standing up as if nothing happened and continuous their way to my position.
in the book it had mentioned that the tanks that fired shot gun rounds wasted plenty of zomies but they had few of those rounds because they (the brass) were thinking conventinal warfare (not unstoppable but for head shots or burned. some still lived but could go no where, little crispy critters.) why you saw in the 1st movie near the end flame throwers used (old ww2 stuff) more stopping power then single rounds but to the head. blow an arm off so what, leg they crual, chest blown out, if still can stand still coming. yep all would still stand and fight until they were all gone/dead a second time. yep 22 million on your watch elimenated the world is saved.@@ThePandoraGuy
one thng also in movie mentioned, if the bress had placed most of the men in buildings (upper levels) they would have fielded better, but they didn't as movie/book told/showed. easier to resupply and the choke point would have been the entrence way which would had been better/easier to defend and with the buildup of zombs harder for them to get in (resupply, food/ammo, easier egress if needed). ah the bress and their great minds. think overran in one building heloed out to the top of another...easy-pessey. (but as a side importent point, 22 million would have been hard to ah beat unless nukes; there goes the neighberhood.
@@stuartaminion511 considering the military used high yield Thermobaric weapons at Yonkers, which are only a single radioactive step under nukes themselves, AND considering the 3 day conventional war between Iran and Pakistan that ended in a “low” end nuclear exchange, and yet Zack just kept shambling away, I don’t think nukes would have solved the problem at Yonkers.
PLUS, it’s one thing to use nukes on another country, one you’re at war with. It’s another to use nukes on your own homeland, and make a chunk of your own land into a radioactive, inhospitable wasteland.
agreed. in the movie they (brad pitt) were flying to anther country and to their left a nuke went off. yes a nuke in your own country would have been devistating (they did it in the movie "independence day" took out houston and the movie fail safe, new york.) @@jomahawk7488
I have to applaud you guys for making this, it must have taken a lot of time and effort, and I think you did a great job!🎉🎉🎉
If the movie had been done with the same reverence and love that this film was done with, it would be a masterpiece. Incredible work. Simply incredible.
Honestly there’s no way a WWZ movie ever could’ve worked, the only way you could’ve made something like it work would’ve been a documentary miniseries where they have all the interviews and re-enact the scenes
- it would have to either be interviews or do a Chernobyl type story and tell it as it happened as you jump between characters
@@Blexg they could have used more than just the name like seriously even the resident evil movies were closer to the source material well at least the first two
The problem was they banked on Brad Pitt carrying the story instead of sticking to the book like the fans wanted.
@@Blexg I think it would work. Make a fictional mockumentary series that takes place after the zombie war, made in a similar fashion to those WWII documentaries on Netflix.
@@Blexg You say that but then we have movies like Distract 9 that did both a fake documentary style AND a character focused story. It could have easily been done if the people at Hollywood actually cared to make a good story
This rocked. The build up, the voice acting, the nods to the book and the text in the chapter on yonkers…truly expressing your love for the source material. Well done
This clip was way better than the movie!
I never cared for zombie anything until I read World War Z. Before that, I thought all zombie stories were just "the dead dig their ways out of their graves and want to eat brains" and there was nothing more to it than that. Putting it all in the context of actual disease or infection that could be the root cause makes it so much more fascinating. WWZ had me UP AT NIGHT because I wasn't used to watching or reading anything horror-related, but the realism gripped me, and it was so well put together that I couldn't put it down.
I like the little bit where the two soldiers are coming up with ways of dealing with the undead. One of them being running them over with tanks, now I have had the thought once or twice. Always wondering why no movie adaptation has really put it to use, but after they mentioned that the blood would coagulate to the point where it would turn to jello really sold me on the hopelessness of it all.
Imagine being kitted out with all this high tech gear to keep in touch and a first hand view of the battlefield to be seamlessly shared with everyone at a moments notice is pretty cutting edge. It would make menuevering men and equipment like childs play since everyone knows where everyone is at with a simple click of the button. The sad reality is this would have worked on a regular foe, but an enemy that doesn't have any self preservation skills makes all the fancy weaponry pointless. In addition, they failed to realize like in the book having a live satellite feed of an endless streaming horde coming down the highway can be pretty demoralizing. Especially seeing the artillery bombardment have little to no effect on the hordes.
Also the idea that they utilized static positions to fight an enemy that doesn't really care about enfilading fire, artillery barrages, kill zones, or general well being can be pretty counterintuitive. Especially since this is based in a world where zombies never came to science fiction and it was a fairly new idea to them. It would not like be here in our world today where anyone and everyone knows a thing or two about a zombie.
Hell, they would have probably put up a better defense than the minds behind Yonkers.
Also, love how in the book and this movie touched on the hodgepodge of gear that was used in preparation for the battle. The British bloke put it well, at 4:04 to 4:27 he goes on saying what's with all this useless junk. The Ssgt. at 4:35 to 4:50 says it's all a military show of force saying it's about public image, to make it seem like we are going to win this war. Otherwise, it would be like opening up a war on two fronts. You saw it during covid. When the government didn't seem like it had its hands on things people went crazy and starting buying up every nonessential item in stores thinking that it would help them during the pandemic. Having a metric ton of toilet paper really saved them. The ostricization of people who showed any symptoms related to covid showed how peoples true colors. Now imagine a deadly virus reanimating people and almost wiping out the entire worlds population, a public win would really boost morale and save the governments from the brink of collapse.
At the end of the day, all that mattered to them was public image and that showed through their use of force and "gross misallocaition of valuable resources". Putting all their eggs in one basket, the Hail Mary run, the end all be all to a war they were losing from the beginning. Did not save them, it only disbanded and shattered the hopes and dreams of millions of Americans who thought they were going to turn the tide. This movie demonstrated the somber reality of that world and how it must have been for the folks living in it.
Thank you for creating a better media adaption than an entire studio did with an even larger budget. It goes to show you that money isn't everything to making a good production or last line of defense.
Personally, I think bringing Brad Pitt on board was where it went to hell, cause he wanted his hands on everything when it came to production. That being said, it's not as on par as - y'know - not using even an iota of the book anywhere in the movie, just taking the name and running with it like it's some Netflix adaptation.
"enemy that doesn't really care about enfilading fire, artillery barrages, kill zones, or general well being can be pretty counterintuitive" so a noob question, "WWZ" zombies are tougher than Walking Dead and 28 day ones? My honest first contact with franchise so really. At least some seem to go down properly to .50 cal in the movie. Even if they are immune to artillery a proper superpower could fight through three Ns: Nukes, Nerve gas and Napalm
The book has them being semi supernatural so ONLY a headshot works, not starvation, rot, drowning, fire, destruction of vital organs that aren’t the brain, nothing, they can walk on the floor of the ocean. Ukraine uses nerve gas at one point but it only kills people and speeds up reanimation. Iran and Pakistan Nuke each other off the map they never really nuke zombies cause the radiation does nothing only the fireball and maybe the shockwave, however the climate was damaged so it wasn’t really worth it.
@@janponcyljusz3621 I don’t think they are any stronger than your classic Romero zombie.
Are you sure you’re not getting wwz confused with the walking dead? Because unless I’m misremembering they did have zombies in WWZ's pop culture.
"Barbara. Barbara. They'er coming to get you Barbra," was from the first George Romero zombie flick, Night of the Living Dead.
i dont get why its here tho it feels forced theres no reason for him to say it. in shaun of the dead the reference made sense and felt natural. here it doesn't
Thank you for this!
@@CroatianComplains I took it as one of the Soldiers joking around, trying to scare another soldier.
@squidfood639 I assumed that's what it was. It felt quite natural until he repeated it and nobody said "shut the fuck up".
George's creatures were not "zombies" but over time he acceded to pressure and called them that later.
I read books nonstop. To see what seems to be a true fans, interpretation of the battle of Yonkers. Bravo!!! Simply Bravo!!!!
I live ~30 min. away from Yonkers, and as a native of the area I love how you decided to use images of the real city for the short! It's awesome seeing buildings/landmarks you've walked by getting overrrun by zombies and blown to pieces by fighter jets
I had a similar experience.
I live in Juneau, Alaska.
A co-workers husband wrote a book about a zombie senerio in Juneau, with real-life people I worked with.
I was not in the book, but it was pretty cool and realistic to the imagination.
@@harrisgraves592 got a name for the book
Full moon over Juneau
By Kevin Burchfield
@@halo129830 Full moon over Juneau by Kevin Burchfield
Terrific work mate, this is SPECTACLAR and needs to end up going viral. Everyone who has read the book genuinley needs ot see this, imagine a whole series of each chapter of the book like this in Arma 3.
I’d like to think of this short film as a Season Finale to my previous mini-series. Glad you enjoyed!
@@MoskoniDesign we need more, WE NEED MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GIB MORE!!!!
Hell I’d download arma 3 just to take part in this
Well…. This did in fact go viral 🤣
It is criminal they didn't make a three part movie series on this book, instead a half assed put together movie. Even that was still better than any zombie movie I've seen.
Nice night of the living dead reference with that soldier in the helicopter "they're coming to get you barbara". I like you're attention to detail. Great video BTW
I'm glad I'm not the only one who appreciates Old School horror!
The dread you establish in the first five minutes is so powerful. Amazing Work!
I’m glad you enjoyed 🙂
This is excellent, I'm glad I found your channel. Great work. I can't wait to watch the rest of your WWZ series!
Smokes the film. Well done. Edit. Land Warrior? You read the book and noticed the details most did not, and this aspect makes this creation truer to the novel than the film, which only shared the damn title. Massive Respect
Im not sure and i havent read the Novel, but Land Warrior was a future us army equipment program
The movie was good, but not as an adaptation. As Max Brooks said, it is a good stand-alone movie. I see it as more of am independent production with the same name.
I was thoroughly impressed by the quality of the video, particularly considering the age of the game being featured. The amount of effort and skill that must have gone into creating this is astounding.
_also:_ How is your CPU not on fire 🔥
Glad you enjoyed! Only took me 1,250 hours 😅
Most of these shots don’t even look like Arma. Thats how good this is.
@@kachow4449 I could only tell it was arma due to the running animation, this is incredible!
@@xanethestrange7659 I could only tell by the plateframe vest. Initially thought this was GTA V because of the animations.
@@MyTACproductions I could tell from the very first frame, those boxes, helicopter, ambulance, even the blood sprays give away it's Arma to me, then again, unless you've spent a good amount of hours in editor, I think most wouldn't think this was Arma until the animations started to pop up.
Regardless, it's a really well put video.
You have no idea how excited I was when they used the MOAB cuz I was just thinking why not just use a MOAB
Easily the most well put together piece to date. Cohesive, stylized, fantastic audio and dialog. As much as I like action, it would have been easy to just show 10 minutes of the same shooting, but you limited it to what was needed. Well done. Truly, well done. Look forward to what you come up with next, Director ;)
A taste if the World War Z movie we should have gotten.
I loved the book, the depictions of what happened, the world building, the characters and their stories of "life after".
This is a worthy tribute, and impressive work in editing and serious Arma 3 skills!
I live near Yonkers.
Hearing the road names and local area info sends chills down my spine.
Great work!
This has to be the closest thing we'll ever see of Yonkers in a movie-like remake, good job to the guy behind this one, you've done pretty well. I freaking love this man
Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.
-The Ancestor
I am so glad I found this channel from seeing your amazing 40k work - I got into WWZ years before I got into 40k and I LOVE what you did with the portrayal! Thanks for the great content!!
This is what the World War Z film should have been like, not the mess we ended up with. I think with companies like Amazon and Paramount coming up with new series left right and centre they should look at making a World War Z series, after all the book lends itself to that style of storytelling as it's broken up into many short stories. I'd love to see a series (or maybe three?) following the initial outbreaks, the great panic, the Redeker plan, line stabilisation, the attack, etc. Imagine an entire episode based around the battle of the 5 colleges or the advance from Hope. Get Max Brooks to do the bulk of the writing and actually listen to his ideas this time, and get rid of the fast zombies!
Na keep the fast ones, slow zombies r stupid
@@LOCKBlTbro probably didn’t even read the book
I thought this was live action for a few minutes great job this is insane
You my boy. Are fucking amazing, this was the BEST zombie novel ever written and goddamn did you capture Yonkers in all of its beauty
excellent, the buildup was amazing and the red sky scene is perfection. best fan made film ive seen in a long time
Many thanks! Glad you enjoyed.
If only somehow the WWZ community can come together to make a TV series of some sort based off the book... only one can dream 🤤
Great video btw!! Thanks for putting in so much effort! Honestly I'm sure it takes a lot of effort just to make a short film out of Arma 3
Film Producers did not give us what we wanted so we shall make it ourselves!!!
@@scientistx5717 we should. And it's long overdue tbh
I took the matter into my own hands. 😅 If I had the budget for a live action adaptation, this is how I would do it.
@@MoskoniDesign well, Arma 3 is a good start. And you're basically showing to future directors how it could be done :D
Great stuff! You doing any more wwz stuff?
This is a incredibly nicely executed scene! It’s hard to animate massive forces.
Also loved the fact that one zombie just said “nah I’m walkin left” at 9:57
I remember the Battle of Yonkers from the novel and this short film lines up pretty much with how I envisioned the whole ordeal. Made me wanna go back and re-read it for old times sake.
Nice work! I always thought World War Z would've made for a great miniseries; each episode being one of the many vignettes from the book. It would have a real anthology feel to it.
Great idea! If only the rights had ended up in the correct place.
Problem is that you really can’t have a “final battle” scene. In the book, when they finally figured out how to do Yonkers the right way, it would be about as thrilling as watching paint dry.
@@tomtrevett9914 I do agree, to an extent, I definitely feel that it wouldn't really have a "final battle" per se, more of a reflection and maybe chuck in the good bye interviews mixed in with the views of the end operation, have that almost as like a credits sequence because it is very very lengthy
I salute you for your attempt at animating this story. It's such a great chapter in the book.
I absolutely loved ALL of the Tod Wainio chapters of world war Z, The were plenty of good characters, and points of view, but his was one of my favorites, thank you Max Brooks!
I liked how it stayed sort of faithful to that chapter in the book. Great job.
This is the greatest depiction of WWZ that I have seen. This is legitimately better than the movie adaptation, if you could even call it that. This belongs in a series, and I wish some big movie company could hire you to make a series based solely on the book, with each episode being a chapter. Exceptional work.
Glorious work, an excellent choice of VAs to help immerse us into the world of horrors WWZ should have been. The visuals are appropriately haunting and leave just enough to the imagination that I may be having difficulty sleeping tonight.
As an addendum;
I'm still very annoyed that the only WWZ game adaption we've gotten is based on that d-list (in terms of writing quality) movie.
It'd be kickass to have a game based on the book's slow undead, sorta built like the SWAT games. First-person, immersive, and built around the close-quarters warfighting done towards the end. Maybe an emphasis on barricades to control chokepoints. Easier missions would give the player lots of room to move and learn the quirks of fighting these things, and later missions would be based on the French Catacombs and similar scenes, forcing the squad to clear tight spaces with poor lighting and a lot of blind corners. Maybe some unconventional objectives, like immobilizing some samples to be handed over to scientists, or clandestinely setting up a sound trap to lure a horde away from a broader operation, or preventing dissenting elements from doing something remarkably stupid and jeopardizing a community.
Like the game story could be you're a squad of soldiers in the campaign to reclaim America, starting at the battle of Hope, and ending at the battle of the Hero City, with occasional breaks to check on other parts of the world, like the catacombs, and the Redeker zones
They just didn’t die. They just don’t fucking die. You shoot and shoot and toss frags and they get right back up or they crawl and they don’t stop coming. The Sky bled and they just didn’t fucking DIE- Survivor from the battle of Yonkers. Currently being treated for PTSD.
I love zombie media so much that, honestly, I thought I’d grown desensitized.
But when you start hearing the horde’s screams at 7:00, I’ll be damned if I didn’t look down at my arm and see goosebumps.
Thanks Nick!
WHY WAS WWZ NOT PITCHED AS A MINI SERIES! IT COULD HAVE BEEN SO GOOD! Awesome short man keep up the good work
And yet again, another great WWZ film from you, Moskoni! Keep 'em coming.
Seeing a world war Z animation based off one of my favorite stories from the book is a STELLAR surprise
the effort you put in to make your movies look real is insaine
I read the Novel and it was soul crushing. You reflected the feel of the book into this video so perfectly!
World War Z is one of my all time favorite books. The movie did it ZERO justice. This is how I envisioned The Battle of Yonkers. Good work!!
Holy crap, this is the best content I have seen in a LONG TIME.
I remember when you had like 3 videos and subbed after the the first yonkers video. You have significantly improved, and it is awesome to see you recreat parts of my favorite books! Keep it up!
To all who say slow zombies aren't scary because they're not running at you and swarming like a school of piranhas, it's a different type of horror.
One zombie you can take down with a head shot, but only a head shot.
They're slow because they don't need to be fast. They're never alone, they approach in hordes, millions at a time, and they can only be taken out with headshots or obliteration of the central nervous system.
Its like that horror video "It moves one inch toward you every 10 minutes, and it can't be stopped"
It is the horror of inevitability. A force of nature that cannot be stopped. They JUST. KEEP. COMING.
Yonkers was a thing I wish the actual WWZ game would have given us.
Seriously, that one was handed to them in a silver platter. it's the perfect scenario for a horde shooter
@@ntfoperative9432 What do we mere peons know, compared to the 300IQ executives and devs who thought using the movie as their basis was a good idea?
@@MoreEvilThanYahweh because running zombies spooky & scary = shit tons of money
Well we get shitty discount Yonkers towards the end of the new york campaign, but thats prolly as good as its gonna get :\
Well done my friend well done I’m confident when I say this not only for myself but for everyone else who loves World War Z that we finally got to see our dream come true, the Battle of Yonkers such a big event in the book finally come to life. You my friend just brought us one step closer to seeing that dream of a full scale show or movie come to reality with this. It just looked so good I could not stop watching it. Hope to see more in the future and definitely can’t wait for it.
Well that was terrifying…an absolute feat!! Your voice actors were amazing, keep up the great work!!
Man this was SO awesome. I love seeing the segments from the book brought to life and this realised the chaos of Yonkers perfectly. Awesome stuff.
Great video, you earned a subscriber!
Just two small caveats, I think in WWZ (the book which you have fatefully adapted!) the President doesn't flee to Hawaii with the remnants of the US Government until after Yonkers (I remember reading that after Yonkers all confidence in a containment of the outbreak collapses) and I think the death toll (while not expressed) in WWZ would probably have been in the high hundreds of millions/low billions pre-Yonkers, since I remember the book mentions most of the deaths/collapse really snowballed out of control post-Yonkers. I think the author of the Yonkers section (that ex military guy) said the NYC infected was in the high millions though I don't think it was 20 mil+.
Still great film! Loved it, it felt like it added onto WWZ which is hard to do, by humanizing the soldiers, capturing the journalists and media there, the first shots of the helis into Yonkers captured that perfect view of a collapsing society. The battle scene also did a great job making slow zombies look terrifying, the sheer panic of the troops as the bullets run out, stuff like that.
yup, you're on point
there's also a few other things wrong, such as the fact the army didn't actually deploy anyone on rooftops during the battle and they should all be wearing mopp suits as well
i was a little surprised to see there wasn't any mention of the brave comanche pilot using his rotors as a weapon to save the guys on the ground or zombies coming up from behind after being woken up from being trapped in houses
but at the end of the day, regardless of the liberties taken to do his own thing, this is a much more faithful adaptation of the book and is leagues better than the movie
The fact that this was made in ArmA 3 is insane to me. Bravo, man! Huge props to how you've done it.
this was stunning. I don't think I seen such beautiful work of art on RUclips.
This is pure art. Combined with the VFX/SFX editing skills and lore/plot narrative course, this is a true masterpiece for its class. Be proud and thank you for visualizing this key event from the WWZ lore! ❤
I always wondered what the battle of Yonkers looked like. Max's writing was so descriptive but I still just needed to see the battle. That's for helping get a better idea!
Beautiful voice acting, good efffects, and amazing quality
Monskoni we appreciate you! 🙏 Amazing work.
Absolutely phenomenal work as always. Been looking forward to this since it was announced and I was not disappointed.
I live in Yonkers and i’m still surprised we’re mentioned anywhere in media lol
Amazing how a fan production can do far better than a multimillion dollar film company. This is brilliant.
This is an excellent depiction of an iconic scene. I've always been kind of frustrated by how the book went around justifying Yonkers (overpressure nerfs, landwarrior, incompetent command), the two things that always stood out as the most shocking were the total breakdown of morale (and this short film depicts exactly how a rout happens) and the scale of what fighting millions of infected would mean.
Like, there's no way that on such short notice the army could even hope to bring in enough ammo to kill MILLIONS of zombies, even if you un-nerf overpressure, the sheer scale of ammunition required would rival first and second world war levels, modern armies win through superior firepower and initiative, how could they hope to (on short notice) hold a defensive line against millions of unroutable relatively resistant enemies. That's the true horror.
I mean, I think compared to the normal terror of warfare, being overrun by stumbling zombies is pretty tame. I can’t imagine real soldiers being too shaken in a hypothetical situation. I also can’t imagine the army that’s used to fighting armed, dedicated, intelligent opponents falling strategically and logistically against unintelligent ones.
But I mean all zombie media comes with a suspension of disbelief; moving a human body requires such a high amount of body systems to work, none of which are functioning in death. Like it doesn’t matter how much a zombie wants to move, shit ain’t happening unless the heart pumps blood to the muscle, giving it the oxygen to expand and contract. It’s physically impossible
There is 1 zombie movie that fixed this idea tho - 28 days later, where the “zombies” are just humans that are very mad, sorta rabid. But then, you have to deal with the fact that said zombies can be killed with a shot anywhere to the body, so... less believable that they could overrun the military
@@Caffeine_Addict_2020 Agree with all but your last point. I do believe that traditional zombies could stand to win certain victories against modern militaries dependant on logistics. Assume either a headshot or significant trauma is required to kill a zombie. If significant amounts of infected reach a critical mass in a tight place like a subway in NY, they could easily scale out of control. If the Yonker's hypothetical is used there is simply no way the army is going to be able to muster the artillery and ammunition required to kill millions of zombies heading for their position.
Let me be clear, barring some pretty extreme cases, zombies would never strategically defeat the US military, it would eventually (like in the books) adapt and defeat the horde. However, early, Yonker's like tactical or operational defeats are still very possible.
why didnt they just bust out the tactical nukes?? it makes no sense since that how we would handle it, irl
They do later, but keep in mind the goal at this point is win without annihilating their own infrastructure.@@MaxxTrajan
unfortunately I have to ask the same question i always ask with zombie media, where the fuck are all the helicopters and gunships? Short notice, fine, youre telling me you cant scramble even a few squadrons of apaches to loiter over the area? Attack helos would absolutely devastate a zombie hoard at zero risk to the pilots.
They only ever show the airforce doing piddly little airstrikes here and there, when realistically they would just have constant sorties being flown over the mob, like why would you ever stop bombing them until theyre right on top of your ground troops?
Along with this chapter, the french catacombs really got to me, "On ne passe pas". Chills every time.
I never quite knew how to imagine the moans from the Zs in the book, this was probably as close as you can get to spot on for what it should be.