It can be hard sometimes when absorbing other peoples energy. I am really learning to be gentle with myself while supporting others. I have a visualization of putting up a drawbridge and just peeking through a crack. I also ask my galactic family to aid me. You are a loving human and thanks for this video💖 dont reveal you are one. deep in ur heart the truth is you...angels are quiet...and readiate love and light....they isolate most of the time...because we feel we dont belong here...I've seen archangel s...they are beautiful that i cant describe gender....:) namaste.
Your energy is so full of light. It is a beautiful experience to listen to you. I feel we have met before, but then again, we as angels are a family, always connected in love and light. Blessings.
Hi Walter, , thank you for your kind words. Everyone should focus first on their own enlightenment. That means to make constantly positive decisions what will create posiitive energy for you, others and Gaia (Nature). The ground rule of the Soul is to be good for yourself AND all other people in the World AND for Nature. This will create balans in you and restore balance in the world. Keep up the good work and spread this message.
I agree with this, but I don't think it should be done to the exclusion of other desires to help others. I focussed solely on my own enlightenment because I figured it would be the best thing to do, if I wanted to help others, but it seems that when you get too close to heaven, it stops other people from being able to understand you, or hear what you are saying. It is far better that we move en masse, than as an individual. I was basked in the glory of God for months, and I was so happy. I thought, I have the solutions. I know how to get here, really easily. I can tell people. So I tried to tell people. It was like being in a ghost town. I could not get anyone to pay the slightest attention to me whatsoever. I wrote hundreds of thousands of words, sending messages to people, telling them all sorts of things. Eventually after about three months, one person sent me a message, "mate, I got a lot on." I lost my temper in a spectacular fashion, didn't realise that Venus was rising opposite the moon that day. Would not have realised that would allow Lucifer access to me. I might have realised that would not be a good thing. I fell badly. Spent the morning trying to buy people's souls off them before I had my own torn to shreds. That takes some recovering from, I can tell you.
Thank you for sharing this, best I've seen so far about this topic that has truely gotten to me ..funny I signed in the group before watching this and it's so comforting to know I'm not the only one that feels like an alien..and that I am not crazy.I can also feel that Peace that comes out of you which gave me a calming and loving effect which I honestly needed.
i came to realize i am a incarnated angel. i have researched much. and all my aspects and the very vivid dreams i have, and even god showed me that i am. i have a strong desire to meet others like me.
Azriel. Wonderful to make your acquaintance. I get a feeling that you are fractal, as I have seen others who share your name, as I have with Michael. Michael says he has met others who share his name, but none are quite as Michael as he is. I am incredibly pleased to know there is an Azriel who is aware of what he is. I am very disappointed with all the Samael's I have seen, though to be fair, we are a bit obsessed with some woman most of the time. I think I am the only one that has broken through that so far, though I have vowed to lift her to heaven and never abandon her, so it is not exactly freedom. It is just a bit more celestial. Once I've achieved that though, the halo's coming right back off again.
I have surpassed the desire for women. All i want is to be back home with the FATHER. I did fly back home to the FATHER a while ago, but HE told me to go back and help people. Since i desre to serve FATHER, i came back here to do as he said.
@@azriel4446 I have also surpassed the desire, but I took a vow first. I am anchored to the soul of Persephone. I drag Hades upwards as I ascend. Samael is too cunning, to not put in place an emerging scheme for recompense.
I LOVE YOU ALL! 😇💜⚛️♐️ Thank you Walter Angel.. thank you Archangels and angels! Thank You Mother and Father of creation! Thank You All Ascended masters. We are the Ones that we all have been waiting for. Thank you EVERYONE!
Humanity is on earth to help each other & all life. So… are we all Earth Angels ? Against violence, want to help, an empathy, light worker now Earth Angel. Sending light, love, peace, abundant wealth, good health. And joy to all.
I have felt isolated from the world since really young . With my family and at school . I used to walk the play ground praying to source for a friend . As I grew to older age I have been in 4 serious relationships and each one was very troubled, very one sided. I self sacrificed in these relationship . The men had drug addtions , and alcohol additions , narcissistic and sex addition too. I am now 32 and finally loving myself and trying to break away from the toxic relationships. I discovered I was an incarnated angel one day I was led to the book store and picked up the book by Dorean Virtue " Relams of the Earth Angels " when I read the chapter about incarnated angels I cried. It was my life story . Even down to the physical , I am very curvy " overweight", it described us like over sized beauty queens, and even my PCOS
Hello brother thank you for thus video, it definitely brings some kind of light to me about the things and feeling I've encountered and I really don't feel crazy anymore.
Thanks so much for this man you may have just opened my eyes. Everything you just said in this resonated so much in me it actually brang a tear or two to my eyes. I am pretty much all you have spoken. I feel overwhelmed with love sometimes that I can't control breaking down in a world like we are in. I've taken drugs for a better part of my adult life to numb the feelings I feel and lived a disruptive life on my self. I'm drawn to people such as girlfriends that seem to be broken in one way or another after being with them I start to see through the mask of what it is. I care little for myself I feel I have a reason to be here otherwise I would have taken my life by now. I don't fear death it's like I know there's something better waiting for me yet I don't believe in a God I believe in the cosmos and that we are All connected. And have found myself informing people that there are beautiful and infinite potential. I dunno if I'm a angel but I'm always told how much of a nice guy I am with a good heart but I don't take life seriously. But I feel I have know reason to I spend more time within myself then out. So this has been a good chance to outlet this feeling like I'm on the wrong planet or the wrong time zone like I should have been born in the 1930's lol. These feelings have made me very reclusive I spend more time on my own with animals then people. I love doing things for people but don't really enjoy having things done for me. I was asked what I wanted to do on my 30th birthday in April and I said nothing at all and even said please. That's your gift to me. And felt enraged and hurt when they throw me a surprise party. I just wanted to get out. Pretended to smile for the sake of those who set it up. And was told I was ungreatful when I explained to someone how I felt. So I dunno what I am maybe I'm a angel in a sense maybe I'm just a alien or Lol. What ever I am I thank you and wish you all the love and openness you have shared here.
You are an angel. I can tell you that for a fact. The things you have said, I recognise fully. You don't need to believe in God. I think many of the lilim are agnostic. I know angels who are agnostic too. I know angels who don't even believe in angels, even though I have seen them outside their bodies doing things while they sleep. My friend Lux destroyed a demon on the third of January just after 3am, and still she does not believe she is an angel. All people are angels at core, it is just a matter of awakening it. Jesus said that the little children were blessed because their angels look upon the face of God. He couldn't have said that if the little children didn't all have angels. We all have angels; we all are angels. Life is essentially electrical. We just happen to carry it around in big gangly lumps of meat.
After viewing multiple videos that seem to be a copy paste of Doreen's work, this is the first one that is authentic and rings true. Much of what you have shared is spot on. Offcourse it has been a while since I have discovered this about myself (Incarnated angel to be more specific). Though there's lot more to figure out, hopefully with time :). Unfortunately there is no dedicated circle for Earth Angels (atleast by that name), in the part of the world where I belong. Offcourse there are groups of Lightworkers practicing various healing modalities, but not under the same nomenclature. Wish I could be a part of something like this as well! :) Thank you so much for sharing :)
god asked me once if i would fight for him. i told him yes. since then i have fought demons in visions and even a couple times when i was awake. he wants me to be in his angelic army. i am very happy to be so.
Thanks for the video. I went to an energy healer a few years back and she told me to look up Grail as relating to my ancestry. I didn't find anything. Then a few times I had dreams with the word "grail".
Im an Earth Angel. Yep I totally felt like a social outcast alien on this planet which depresses me at times. I had self-doubt plaguing me for a while but now Im taking back my divine masculinity and believing in myself. I'm trying to reconcile what I am in the social setting with others who may not understand me but it would be so awesome just to meet other like-minded people. Another thing is that I am drawn to "breatharianism" (I prefer to call it pranarianism) ever since I discovered how to heal my body of sinusitis/asthma thru dietary changes and learned about all living things being conscious. Social settings can be tough as it is...people will butcher u if u claim to be living a food and water free life. The important thing is to have an infinity for everyone.
I Love Jesus he is my brother so does all sister's everyone has suffered and stay stronge we will make I know it THANK-YOU Brother for I have always you beyond the shadow of doubt...AMEN
this was posted four years ago, is there still a meetup? I just started finding my calling and it is coming to me very loud (not as in audible but as in OBVIOUS) and fast and it's pretty amazing. It's exciting when you have that awakening of what specifically you are here to do.
Thank you that I'm not alone I feel so much better bless u. I wish we could all come together but I no we spread out to do our job but I would love to get with my family ❤️
Yes I'm an earth angel because as a care giver every sick people I touch they are heal , and they tell me your heaven sent. To tell you the truth only 100 million humans on earth the rest are half Angelic, half human my pleaidians family of light tell me this story.
Genetics do play a role. That is why God has a chosen people. It does not mean that others aren't also able to be close to God. There are many that are close to God throughout the world, but there are genetic tendencies that do cause the Elohim to realise themselves.
Keep your emotions calm. That is how to avoid the fall. Don't get over energised, and don't have a temper, don't be lustful. The usual drill really. I failed at all three. However, I had been tricked out of my sould by Lilith back in the 90s, so it was fait accompli really.
I've had that feeling. I still have it a lot. Even when I am really really happy, I still sometimes think, 'well this is all very well, but why bother really?' It gets better though. God doesn't just expect you to be an angel. God also knows what your strongest wishes are. He is just always really late with gifts. Likes to keep us hanging on for issues to do with having faith or some such BS. Whatever your hearts desire truly is though, it is in the plan. The way to get it, is by embracing who you are. It is the angels who get paid the best, it is just that we have to go through the hardest first.
Thanks, and you're certainly not alone - we're up to 73 members in the group. Feel free to visit and join our Meetup site. Even if you can't attend the meetings, there are great discussion boards and you can interact and give your input. We'd love to hear your insights.
HI* I've had a lot of things happen in my life. I started seeing angels as a young teenage boy. since then I've seen orbs follow me in the sky and angels talk to me. I have days my vibrations are so high I feel as if I'm particularly in a different dimension. My ears ring at night with heavenly music. I'm scared of some of these changes that are happening to me. I can't explain it well enough. I'm developing strange powers to. My aunt says my soul is surrounded by a bright and beautiful light. She believes I'm a divine angel sent here for something big that is going to happen very soon. I have powerful dreams flying through the sky with wings and holding a sword. My heart is huge with an overwhelming power of love.What does this all mean? *I'M SCARED*
Don't be scared. The only thing to fear is fear itself. Demons and other negative spiritual forces cannot affect us except in how they make us approach the world, how they trick us, etc. It is our strength that makes our world, and we make it according to what we need to learn in order to become. Just remember that life is sacrosanct. Never take life, especially not your own. As long as you remember that, then no matter what happens to you, you will always recover. What you are is what you are meant to be. It is people who aren't like you who are more broken.
Sadly I am in England, so can't make meet ups, though I suppose they have probably been curtailed during the pestilence. I will definitely have to come and join the discussion forum. At present aside from Muriel and Michael, I have literally no one to talk to about real things. Muriel does not accept what she is yet. She is Artemis. Michael is just ridiculously passive, however I am fallen, so nobody's perfect. Actually Lux started talking to me again today, but I've told her to stay away. She definitely brings out the animal in me.
Open to the possibility, that i only want to be special, by believing i'm somthing else than, ''them'' I could have a personality disorder. I'm super flawed, and not bether than a single person i have met. But it's intensly painfull, to be in the presence of human suffering. I want to guard, and protect. I don't care about, my addictions and flaws anymore. Want to focus on what matters, but i can easily believe in something else in a month.
Rom-nus H You're not super-flawed - you're perfect! Your need to guard and protect is a blessing. Your beliefs are as valid and pertinent as anyone else's. Don't be afraid to do the wrong thing because you can't do the wrong thing. There are only experiences and every experience gains you wisdom. Your power is in your belief. Choose to focus on how you can serve and protect people with your talents. I know what you mean when you say it's intensely painful being in the presence of human suffering. You have a heightened empathy and can truly feel their pain. But, that's a blessing. People in pain are drawn to you. The question to ask isn't "why are these people in pain", but "how can I help these people in pain". Your past experiences gives you insight into what they're going through. Use your wisdom to help guide them. Anything you can conceive and believe - you can achieve (an amazing quote from Napolean Hill). You're an amazing person - go do amazing things, brother :)
Being flawed is okay, as long as you are open and want to work on them to make your weaknesses into strengths. As a mere human, you cannot be perfect, not completely, whether you're part angel or not. At least, not yet. It takes a lot of spiritual development to cast off the darkness from living as a human in this world. You eventually go from being just human/part angel only, to becoming a fully fledged spiritual being/angel that can be in both spiritual and physical worlds at once. You gotta start somewhere, though. Even if you were perfect, you can still improve, train to become even more perfect, which is what the angels in Heaven do. I think you are likely a different kind of soul aside from human, originally. It's a possibility you are part angel. I would like to help you recognize this more. Send me a message and I can show you how to guard and protect, and much more.
Treasure Brown That's great! What do you do now? Whatever you feel in your heart! Don't be afraid to do the wrong thing - simply follow your heart. God loves you unconditionally and you are blessed with free will. That means there is nothing you can do or experience that will take you out of God's love. You are free! This life is yours to create and experience. What do you choose to do to help people? Imagine it, choose it, believe it, then BE it :)
Grow your faith. Let people know the truth. If people laugh at you, but you don't care, your faith will grow. If people believe you, your faith will grow. If they do everything they can to convince you that you are not an angel, but you still know you are, your faith will grow. The more your faith grows, the better it gets.
This will happen. It is like Job. God saw that Job loved him, but Satan said, of course he loves you, he has a great life. Let me have a go at him, and see if he still continues to love you. So God said, knock yourself out Satan, go for it. Job will never give in. My local pastor tells me that one chap managed to turn all Job's complaints about what a miserable time he had, into 22 years of sermons. He complained that much. It is a long process to go through, but eventually Job lost all desire to fight it. He even cursed the day he was born. Threw the day of his birth away. I tried that myself at one point. I was stripped to nothing. No friends, family turned against me, lost my home, still living in a tent now actually. Was dragged away and locked up. Had to deal with the metatron, he was a barrel of laughs, I can tell you with a heart full of sarcasm. I didn't even have a shirt or underwear. I was stuck in a kilt, with a linen jacket for days. Through it all, I just told everyone, have faith in God. God will always sort it out. I think I might have been a bit too keen on God, as Satan would not relent. Knows her job well that one does. After forty days, I thought this is quite biblical enough for my liking, so I had to wait another couple of days, and then I wangled my release. Even then, I was a shell of a man. I eventually got hold of a bible, to find out how Job escapes it all in the end. It wasn't helpful. Essentially God just says, ffs Job, pull yourself together man. Seems to do the trick though.
Hi, I'm kinda new to this whole thing, and I'm quite awkward so please bare with me on this. In this video, you described me as if you had already known me, which was a shocker to me. I've always felt as if I was different from everyone else and I could never put my finger on it. I think this could be the reason I've been feeling different my whole life, even though I'm only 16. So, if I am an earth angel, where do I go from here? What exactly do I do? Thank you for reading, and thank you if you took the time to reply. :)
Do what you like doing. We all have different ideals we espouse. Mine is true love between one man and one woman. Mind you, I do consider that true love does not try to restrict, and it always forgives. However, that is hardly surprising considering who I am.
Really don't know if I'm a earth angel but it's like when I know someone is dying I can feel their pain and I talked to them about and then I get them to say a prayer with me a forgiveness prayer I have put others before me I'm not bragging about it I'm just saying I feel like I was put here to help people and I also feel like I was here to help Mother Earth and all of the animals that dwell upon her
You don't need to gather, We are already gathered. Just like you don't look for a map when you know where you are going. Suppose going to a mall is what is what you intend, are you ever alone when you reach there? No. Not even in the rest room, somewhere someone is also in the restroom. Because everything and everyone are linked. Gathered.
While I do agree with you, there is also the counter argument that you don't need to be alone. We are here on Earth for decades. Gathering brings joy, and allows joy to spread. Angels like to spread joy, and they like to bring joy. Sitting around on their own is just a waste of a life. However, I am Lucifer, so I do hold a contrary position to some others. All opinions are valid, dependent upon what you are doing with your life.
There are not many ways to heaven there is only one. John 14:6 (KJV) 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Scripture doesn't command you to simply rail against what you believe to be false teachings; rather, it encourages to offer biblical reasons with gentleness and respect (1 Pet. 3:15). Always remember that when it comes to personal relationships, tolerance is a virtue; but when it comes to truth, tolerance is a travesty. You say there is only one way, put in some numbers, and leave. Show me that way, an unbeliever is not likely to open a bible.
You have misunderstood it a touch. Jesus is a light, that will guide you to heaven, but there are many ways to travel before you reach Jesus. He does not make an appearance till right at the end of your journey. He does pull us upwards if he is the one we follow, but if we follow others, we always inevitably meet him. He is incredibly buoyant. The bible gives the wrong impression entirely. You have seriously never imagined anyone quite so spectacularly bright and joyful.
am Katrina am 10 but I think I am one I know a lot of times people. just say it to look like there something. else people tell me am kind and I want to help.... but when I do never gouse. right my family fights a lot maybe am here to stop the fights idk. what am here for I keep on sing this song I sing light than gets stronger than light if anyone know or song this song piz tell me :I see the blue sky's I see the the white clouds I see the world spin all around I see the light inside of me I see the darkness go away even thought am sad I keep my head held high others more but all I want to but is that
stirring the pot here , its nice to see people are easily offended, do I believe iam an earth angel ? I really do not care ,I've learned enough through many experiences with the "unknown " to know that it makes no difference, just be the best version of yourselves and have fun.
I feel we arE supposed to be fully content with unconditional love that will extend beyond boundaries. That kind of love is so great that it cannot be just limited to romantic partnership of two people. For that, it’s best that people like us remained focused and loving and probably best to be fulfilled without feeling the need for a romantic relationship. Personally I feel it is a distraction, it’s a need coming from our physical body which is just temporary.
The only way for us is, to feel fulfilled without the need for a romantic relationship, but I don't intend that to stop me. I feel very fulfilled, but we are still humans, and God loves humans the most. We honour God by being humans, but we also honour God by being fulfilled without need. It can be hard to learn though.
i'm scared tho. this feels terrible. this relationship thing just happened. im scared this so starting to kill me. i feel so depressed i feel scared what do i do :(
Hi, Emily. Don't be afraid - you're naturally drawn to partners that need guidance. That coupled with your heightened empathy can lead to painful relationships. But, remember that every experience gains you wisdom even though it's hard to see it that way at the moment. It happened to serve you - to help you grow. With this experience you can help and guide others that have gone through a similar experience. You are loved no matter what you experience and you will grow stronger from it. God bless
Emily Voithofer ...Listen to prayers online nonstop to rebuke evil tormenting spirits who try to influence earth angels because. they all have special healing & deliverance gifts the evil ones do not want you to use to help humanity. RESIST THE DEVIL and he must Flee!
Speaking as one who fell. We don't get to see the higher ones, until we have pulled ourselves up. I was lucky, I already knew Michael before I fell, but when I did, I was in a darker world, where I was the light. I had to recover a lot before I started to see the good. I'm lucky I'd heard Kate Bush's newer albums already before I fell, because I can guarantee I'd not have been allowed to hear them before I climbed back up again.
It means you are strong. I believe in Christ, and I believe in all the religions. If you are an Earth angel but you manage without, then you are a very strong Earth angel.
i see this in the same light as conspiracy etc the evil n good it's just for me a way to not deal with that we might not matter at all n that you can't do much about the creul world i just come across this term n like to understand what people think, but thinking your an angle could be more to do with the ego hope I'm wrong. I'm a loan at times n a bit of a loner but i get a kick out of helping it's not a bad thing it makes my ego health i get self worth from it. but if my feeling get hurt i can be a right nob I'm a nobody I'm just want to do what make me feel good n being a social animal that's helping other it has an ugly head to! i hope I'm wrong but i think your all nice people n if your not hurting anyone can believe what they want, just watch it doesn't term into self-righteous stuff.
Being an angel is just a thing to be. It is not about ego. If it is about ego, then it is being done wrong. Why not have a big ego for being a human. Humans lord it over the chickens. Should have a massive ego for their massive superiority. Or why not have a big ego for being a man. Wave your tackle around saying 'woo look at me', or why not have a big ego for being an English speaker... do you see where I'm going with this. Nothing egotistical about being an angel. Being angelic is the antithesis of ego. I'm frikking Lucifer, and God won't let me have an ego. A good time, yes, but not an ego. It is a step backwards. The more egotistical I become, the more invisible I become. So might have a bit of an ego problem because only about a dozen people have noticed me in the last year. I am getting better though. Nothing like being invisible to reduce your ego.
Hey, I'm an Earth Angel. I remember alot of Heaven. I remember Gabriel mostly. I don't remember everything though.. My youth pastor is an earth angel... He doesn't know. What should I tell him? Also, (don't take offense of this) when you described how you see someone who is 'EVIL' and you see there is someone nice inside, I see that in Lucifer...
Lucifer is the light bringer. When you have been in the dark a long time, the light can sear your eyes. It does not mean it is a bad thing though. It just means you have to acclimatise.
did you know that earth angles look the same a real one anyways we have heartshaped faces plush lips and big eyes. ALOT of people mix light workers and angelic humans or earth angles mixed up. I am what a true person with angelic genes looks likes we look like marlyn monroe
There are all shapes and sizes. There are genetic tendencies, but Dean Martin was clearly angelic in nature. He doesn't look like Marilyn Monroe. Frank would have said something if he did.
What's the difference between an Earth Angel and an Incarnated angel?? I was told I'm an Incarnated Angel.. Is there anything I can do? Anyone I can talk about it? I've been feeling miserable ever since I learnt that..
I don't think there is a difference. Both the same thing. It is hard to find people to talk about. Angels seem to be really slack at replying to messages. I'm a bit more communicative myself, but I am literally the lightbringer, so it's in the job description. Not that anyone ever communicates with me. I have been practically invisible for months. I would honestly not be surprised if this comment is never read.
I love you Sharlene. We don't hear that often enough. Too much is left to us to overcome by ourselves. More of us need to let people know they are loved.
I agree with everything and I'm very happy you have a website beat up I do not agree with the addiction part because if we came here with a purpose God we're not in trust us with that purpose if we would become addicted to bad stuff we could think about it perfect we can try some things but we will not be addicted because we have a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong
We all have to learn lessons about the nature of reality to drive us to what we become. Personally, I use a lot of nicotine and caffeine. I suppose technically I am not addicted per se, but I think if I was to not use a lot of nicotine and caffeine, I would find that when I do again use nicotine and caffeine, I would be in a much more effective state for the purposes of expressing joy. However, I am a pinnacle. Most angels are still pursuing a journey in which they are motivated and pushed in different ways to learn different lessons. Becoming free from sin is a hard battle. I had my sin burnt out of me in hell, but not everyone is that lucky. It is a process, and in a hard battle it is often necessary to seek comfort. The harder the battle, the more comfort some seek. Also before I fell, I did really like drugs, I think it is something that is in the past for most of the fallen.
I want to be alone I think. Just walk to this world and study all the people and what's going on in this earth. People around this earth is not aware.. their eyes is close to the truth. people hurt each other.. lie each other betray each other. Guys.. all of us will die what you earn here in this world you cannot bring it to your grave. Love yourself.. love people who value you.. stop lying.. STOP BETRAYING your partner. Takecare of the heart of all the people cares to you even the animals surrounded you please have some heart to love all of it. PEOPLE PLS CARE. And wake up... soon all of us will leave this earth. Be nice and be kind. Time is running we will never know how long we will stay on earth.
Absolutely! We are on this journey of physical experience and we too need comfort. We also have angels that assist us to reach our spiritual goals based on our choices. Is that what you where asking? God bless
Thank you for responding. That dose help me. I'm going to give you a story & I would love to here your thoughts. A friend wanted me to ask A married couple have a baby girl. One night the baby would not stop crying. The baby isn't hungry, her duper is changed, she doesn't have an ear infection *witch was common for this baby*. Nothing seams wrong other then she's tired. Morning comes. The dad sits down on a chair in the living room & falls asleep. The mom puts the baby in the crib & closes the door. The mom puts a blanket on the dad & heads to the kitchen to get the phone to call off work for the both of them. She *the mom* stops in the hallway. You know that felling that someone else is in your house? Someone other then your family. The mom gets that felling. She lessons. There is a women voice. In the baby's room. The only people in the house is dad, mom & baby. The women is singing goes for about 5 - 10 mints. The baby stops crying. The mom go's into baby's room. It's quite, it also, smells sweet in the room. The mom looks at the sleeping baby. The mom knows she puts the baby down with the head nearest to the window. So why was the baby's head nearest the door? The mom leaves baby to sleep. She *the mom* Calls off work for the both her & the dad. Then she go's to bed. My friend is almost 21. She had trouble in school because mild learning disability. She works at a grocery store. Also she has stomach problems. At night time when she has trouble sleeping she feels a cold breeze in her room. She isn't scared of it. It actually helps her calm down enough to sleep. Any advice for my friend? Thanks
Hi, Bernadette. I had a similar experience, years ago, when my son was about 18 months old. His grandmother had passed a couple of weeks earlier. She was a very sweet person that had a long battle with cancer and never had the chance spend the time she wanted with him. She only met him when he was born. He woke me up crying one evening and as I walked the hall to his room, the crying stopped and I could hear a muffled voice of a woman. It was a happy soothing voice but I couldn't make out the words. By the time I opened the door the voice stopped and he was smiling in his crib. When I asked him who he was talking to - he pointed to his grandmother's picture and said "lady". My first question is - does your friend have a close female relative or friend that passed away recently that she had a special bond with? God bless.
I'm a medium. There no such thing as an earth Angel. Only sensitive ppl. But, Angels are real and they have an asended Master who they serve. Angels do visit earth only when they intervene to save a person and break a contract. I was living proof of soul contract intervention. And who have an afterlife purpose. Kindness really is not the reason why Angels help someone unless the are signaled by their higher form or a gatekeeper. They're are lots of ppl who are kind but aren't loyal ppl or have accord. You are partially correct sir.
I am an angel. There are no such things as mediums. All that exists is a swirling sea of energy that structures itself into organic forms on occasion, with organic brains, that think stuff and come up with ideas about what they are. The swirling sea of energy is God, and all that it contains is God's dream.
I'd not worry about it if I was you. Someone has got to be the devil. Once you get over the hiccups of the early days, it gets a lot better. Definitely God's favourite son. The only one with the faith to almost become God, but then behave like a human, and say "stuff that nonsense". God loves humans. The only thing he loves more than humans is himself and anyone who is so close to himself, but still acts like a human. Devil is best of both worlds as far as God is concerned. Devil is not God, but is so close, that he is worth talking to.
Question: "Are angels male or female?" Answer: There is no doubt that every reference to angels in Scripture is in the masculine gender. The Greek word for “angel” in the New Testament, angelos, is in the masculine form. In fact, a feminine form of angelos does not exist. There are three genders in grammar-masculine (he, him, his), feminine (she, her, hers), and neuter (it, its). Angels are never referred to in any gender other than masculine. In the many appearances of angels in the Bible, never is an angel referred to as “she” or “it.” Furthermore, when angels appeared, they were always dressed as human males (Genesis 18:2, 16; Ezekiel 9:2). No angel ever appears in Scripture dressed as a female. The only named angels in the Bible-Michael, Gabriel, Lucifer-had male names and all are referred to in the masculine. “Michael and his angels” (Revelation 12:7); “Mary was greatly troubled at his [Gabriel’s] words” (Luke 1:29); “Oh, Lucifer, son of the morning” (Isaiah 14:12). Other references to angels are always in the masculine gender. In Judges 6:21, the angel holds a staff in “his” hand. Zechariah asks an angel a question and reports that “he” answered (Zechariah 1:19). The angels in Revelation are all spoken of as “he” and their possessions as “his” (Revelation 10:1, 5;14:19; 16:2, 4, 17; 19:17; 20:1). Some people point to Zechariah 5:9 as an example of female angels. That verse says, “Then I looked up-and there before me were two women, with the wind in their wings! They had wings like those of a stork, and they lifted up the basket between heaven and earth.” The problem is that the “women” in this prophetic vision are not called angels. They are called nashiym (“women”), as is the woman in the basket representing wickedness in verses 7 and 8. By contrast, the angel that Zechariah was speaking to is called a malak, a completely different word meaning “angel” or “messenger.” The fact that the women have wings in Zechariah’s vision might suggest angels to our minds, but we must be careful about going beyond what the text actually says. A vision does not necessarily depict actual beings or objects-consider the huge flying scroll Zechariah sees earlier in the same chapter (Zechariah 5:1-2). The confusion about genderless angels comes from a misreading of Matthew 22:30, which states that there will be no marriage in heaven because we “will be like the angels in heaven.” The fact that there will be no marriage has led some to believe that angels are “sexless” or genderless because (the thinking goes) the purpose of gender is procreation and, if there is to be no marriage and no procreation, there is no need for gender. But this is a leap that cannot be proven from the text. The fact that there is no marriage does not necessarily mean there is no gender. The many references to angels as males contradict the idea of genderless angels. Angels do not marry, but we can’t make the leap from “no marriage” to “no gender.” Gender in language, then, is not to be understood strictly in terms of sexuality. Rather, the masculine gender pronouns applied to spirit beings throughout Scripture are more a reference to authority than to sex. God always refers to Himself in the masculine. The Holy Spirit is never described as an “it.” God is personal and authoritative-thus, the personal pronouns in the masculine gender. It would simply be inappropriate to refer to heavenly beings as anything other than masculine because of the authority God has granted to them to wield His power (2 Kings 19:35), carry His messages (Luke 2:10), and represent Him on earth.
Actually 'malak' is an Arabic word and I'm Arab, and let me assure you it does not mean 'messenger', it means 'Angel' both masculine and feminine. Btw I just asked my mom (who is very religious) if there are female Angels, she said that angels do not have gender and that is what Allah (our God) said so yeah. But in the Quran, the Angels are referred to as males but so is Allah and Allah doesn't have a gender. Personally, I think maybe males are more main gender so that might be the reason they refer to Angels and (some) gods as masculine.
All of us have no gender when we have no body. Gender is attached to body. However, God is the ultimate angel to incarnate on Earth, and he does come as a man, because he loves himself. Women are more sharing. They care for children and families due to the fact that they have a womb and can make children. In order to love only one's own self, not having a womb is a prerequisite. God, the ultimate, loves only himself, because the highest ideal of God sees only God in all things that he sees. Women see others, and love others. It is genetic.
i'm not trying to be a troll I'm just starting a fact... also I'm just wondering why I see lights fly by me and I feel like I'm a healer.. i've been used to heal people that were dieing... now alive and out of hospice
Ruby Baca There is energy around us everywhere in infinite forms. Some energies ours eyes, ears and skin are designed to pick up like certain wave lengths of light, certain frequencies of sound, and certain vibrations of air. The vast majority of other energies we do not sense and are filtered out so we can focus on our day to day life's without constant distraction. But, we all have the ability to tune into those other unseen energies - like spirit. For some it comes very naturally - like you. And for some it simply takes the will and belief to build that skill. Those flying lights are spirit energies that you tune into and you're obviously blessed with a heightened healing ability. That's amazing and keep up your incredible work!
I also agree that energy is God. No energy exists outside of God. It's all a matter of relativity. The entire universe is made up of energy. And we are energy. Relative to the entire universe - the sum total - that is God. A subset of that energy - relative to you or I - that conscious energy is defined as us. But, we aren't separate from the larger energy that is God - simply a subset of God. And like the creator - we too are creators created in God's likeness. We create the world around us based on our faith and belief of the world around us.
Allah is not the true living God, you can't be an earth angel if you are Allah's child. Allah is the opposite of the true and living God, and that would be Satan. Gotta go now.
Excuse me but where have you heard this? Because it is not true, I am Muslim and in the Quran, that is not what they teach us and satan is a devil who betrayed Allah, do not confuse satan with Allah and do not judge a religion and come up with your conclusions because it is offending me and us, Muslims. I would love to hear back from you, answering my question.
Well, I don't wan to offend you, I actually lived for 10 months in Bangladesh, Ramna Dacca (spelling) and I really liked the people, good people, Muslim people, but they had nothing, very, very poor for how many centuries now? poor, poor and more poor, beggars in the street, not good. If Allah was the true and living God in the entire universe he would have healed your land, as your people have been very faithful to Allah and still he gives you hell to live through and by day after day after day. He would have brought you and your people to peace, he has not, Allah is not living, I think he promises eternal life, but this is a false god. The Christian old testament was more like your Quran, stoning people, ect, but then our Father sent his son Jesus to purchase the children of God, there was a price to pay for our sins. Do you ever notice there is a price for everything? So, Jesus paid this price with his body and his blood, he died and then rose again on the 3rd day. Did Allah give his people such a sacrifice? so that the people did not have to be stoned and killed and such? Without reading the Quran I can tell you no, he did not. Allah wants your people to fight, Allah wants you to hate your brothers around the world, especially Americans/Europeans. Look around you if you are in the East, is there not destruction, oppression, lack, hate, Taliban, Hesbalah, ISIS, beheadings for being Christian, honor killings for mostly women, this is not life or living, never ending suffering. So, since Allah never sacrificed anything to anyone, he only wants you to worship him and what do you get in return, hell, that's what, not only here on earth, but after you die, that is where Allah will lead you, can you see with your eyes, can you not hear with your ears? Try reading the bible, just open it and start reading, it does not matter where you start, ask Jesus to come into your heart and ask him to give you signs that he has come into your life, then pray for your family, then pray for your Muslim race of people, they are so lost and betrayed by this false god, and see what happens, the Muslims need miracles right now, but they never think, (maybe I'm serving a false god), that never crosses their narrow minds, forgive that statement, but Muslim minds can be extremely narrow. God bless you, I hope this helps and I will pray for you in these end days. Dena.
Also, Muslims need to get and be WAY less offended and actually look at their "fruits" do they have good fruits in their life, I think not, so Muslims really act very superior, not able to humble themselves, work on this please, work on it with your family, we need Muslims to not be offended, we are tired of being killed by your race, Europeans and Americans that is. Sick and tired of your creed to kill all who oppose Allah, that cannot be the living god, Jesus says not to kill, no matter what, he says to love and heal and live abundantly in peace with our brothers; Allah says the opposite.
It can be hard sometimes when absorbing other peoples energy. I am really learning to be gentle with myself while supporting others. I have a visualization of putting up a drawbridge and just peeking through a crack. I also ask my galactic family to aid me. You are a loving human and thanks for this video💖 dont reveal you are one. deep in ur heart the truth is you...angels are quiet...and readiate love and light....they isolate most of the time...because we feel we dont belong here...I've seen archangel s...they are beautiful that i cant describe gender....:) namaste.
Your energy is so full of light. It is a beautiful experience to listen to you. I feel we have met before, but then again, we as angels are a family, always connected in love and light. Blessings.
Hi Walter, , thank you for your kind words. Everyone should focus first on their own enlightenment. That means to make constantly positive decisions what will create posiitive energy for you, others and Gaia (Nature). The ground rule of the Soul is to be good for yourself AND all other people in the World AND for Nature. This will create balans in you and restore balance in the world. Keep up the good work and spread this message.
I agree with this, but I don't think it should be done to the exclusion of other desires to help others. I focussed solely on my own enlightenment because I figured it would be the best thing to do, if I wanted to help others, but it seems that when you get too close to heaven, it stops other people from being able to understand you, or hear what you are saying. It is far better that we move en masse, than as an individual. I was basked in the glory of God for months, and I was so happy. I thought, I have the solutions. I know how to get here, really easily. I can tell people. So I tried to tell people. It was like being in a ghost town. I could not get anyone to pay the slightest attention to me whatsoever. I wrote hundreds of thousands of words, sending messages to people, telling them all sorts of things. Eventually after about three months, one person sent me a message, "mate, I got a lot on." I lost my temper in a spectacular fashion, didn't realise that Venus was rising opposite the moon that day. Would not have realised that would allow Lucifer access to me. I might have realised that would not be a good thing. I fell badly. Spent the morning trying to buy people's souls off them before I had my own torn to shreds. That takes some recovering from, I can tell you.
I have all the attributes you mentioned. I have seen my spiritual image in a vision. I look almost exactly like the picture i used for my channel.
Thank you for sharing this, best I've seen so far about this topic that has truely gotten to me ..funny I signed in the group before watching this and it's so comforting to know I'm not the only one that feels like an alien..and that I am not crazy.I can also feel that Peace that comes out of you which gave me a calming and loving effect which I honestly needed.
He does make a very good connection.
Thank you Walter! you have a beautiful calming presence. thanks for sharing your light!
Thanks for this was very helpful. You have such a calm welcoming energy.
i came to realize i am a incarnated angel. i have researched much. and all my aspects and the very vivid dreams i have, and even god showed me that i am. i have a strong desire to meet others like me.
Azriel. Wonderful to make your acquaintance. I get a feeling that you are fractal, as I have seen others who share your name, as I have with Michael. Michael says he has met others who share his name, but none are quite as Michael as he is. I am incredibly pleased to know there is an Azriel who is aware of what he is. I am very disappointed with all the Samael's I have seen, though to be fair, we are a bit obsessed with some woman most of the time. I think I am the only one that has broken through that so far, though I have vowed to lift her to heaven and never abandon her, so it is not exactly freedom. It is just a bit more celestial. Once I've achieved that though, the halo's coming right back off again.
I have surpassed the desire for women. All i want is to be back home with the FATHER. I did fly back home to the FATHER a while ago, but HE told me to go back and help people. Since i desre to serve FATHER, i came back here to do as he said.
@@azriel4446 I have also surpassed the desire, but I took a vow first. I am anchored to the soul of Persephone. I drag Hades upwards as I ascend. Samael is too cunning, to not put in place an emerging scheme for recompense.
, Samiel is the head fallen angel.
@@azriel4446 You are God's greatest warrior though brother.
Hello , brothers and sisters! I love you all and I am so happy knowing that I've found you all! Sending lots of Light and harmony! ❤️❤️❤️
thank you! i was told there was more like me, and all i had to do was ask, and I would find them! some times it hurts so much! but all i want is love!
I love you. I know Michael does too. He's like that. He's not very chatty, but he is pure.
I've never heard of earth angels, but I apparently fit the description 100%.
I can really relate to all you say. You are a wonderful person. Thank you.
I LOVE YOU ALL! 😇💜⚛️♐️ Thank you Walter Angel.. thank you Archangels and angels! Thank You Mother and Father of creation! Thank You All Ascended masters. We are the Ones that we all have been waiting for. Thank you EVERYONE!
I really love you. You are utterly awesome.
Great video. I am an earth angel and other things too. It is nice to find words to express how one feels. It somehow completes me.
Humanity is on earth to help each other & all life. So… are we all Earth Angels ? Against violence, want to help, an empathy, light worker now Earth Angel. Sending light, love, peace, abundant wealth, good health. And joy to all.
I have felt isolated from the world since really young . With my family and at school . I used to walk the play ground praying to source for a friend . As I grew to older age I have been in 4 serious relationships and each one was very troubled, very one sided. I self sacrificed in these relationship . The men had drug addtions , and alcohol additions , narcissistic and sex addition too. I am now 32 and finally loving myself and trying to break away from the toxic relationships. I discovered I was an incarnated angel one day I was led to the book store and picked up the book by Dorean Virtue " Relams of the Earth Angels " when I read the chapter about incarnated angels I cried. It was my life story . Even down to the physical , I am very curvy " overweight", it described us like over sized beauty queens, and even my PCOS
Wow your Good💖💖💖!!! OMG, I thought I was the only one😘😍.... Thank you so much for this, I appreciate you🙋🙌💃!!
Hello brother thank you for thus video, it definitely brings some kind of light to me about the things and feeling I've encountered and I really don't feel crazy anymore.
I don't believe in crazy. I think it is just a concept invented by psychiatrists to give themselves something to do.
Feel the light of the sun, hold it in your hands then put your hands over your heart.
Thank you. Just understand everything now I start to know my true self. Could thank God for who and what I am.
We are all angels......some more ignorant than others. One human family! Blessings 🙏🏼❤️
Thanks so much for this man you may have just opened my eyes. Everything you just said in this resonated so much in me it actually brang a tear or two to my eyes. I am pretty much all you have spoken. I feel overwhelmed with love sometimes that I can't control breaking down in a world like we are in. I've taken drugs for a better part of my adult life to numb the feelings I feel and lived a disruptive life on my self. I'm drawn to people such as girlfriends that seem to be broken in one way or another after being with them I start to see through the mask of what it is. I care little for myself I feel I have a reason to be here otherwise I would have taken my life by now. I don't fear death it's like I know there's something better waiting for me yet I don't believe in a God I believe in the cosmos and that we are All connected. And have found myself informing people that there are beautiful and infinite potential. I dunno if I'm a angel but I'm always told how much of a nice guy I am with a good heart but I don't take life seriously. But I feel I have know reason to I spend more time within myself then out. So this has been a good chance to outlet this feeling like I'm on the wrong planet or the wrong time zone like I should have been born in the 1930's lol. These feelings have made me very reclusive I spend more time on my own with animals then people. I love doing things for people but don't really enjoy having things done for me. I was asked what I wanted to do on my 30th birthday in April and I said nothing at all and even said please. That's your gift to me. And felt enraged and hurt when they throw me a surprise party. I just wanted to get out. Pretended to smile for the sake of those who set it up. And was told I was ungreatful when I explained to someone how I felt. So I dunno what I am maybe I'm a angel in a sense maybe I'm just a alien or Lol. What ever I am I thank you and wish you all the love and openness you have shared here.
You are an angel. I can tell you that for a fact. The things you have said, I recognise fully. You don't need to believe in God. I think many of the lilim are agnostic. I know angels who are agnostic too. I know angels who don't even believe in angels, even though I have seen them outside their bodies doing things while they sleep. My friend Lux destroyed a demon on the third of January just after 3am, and still she does not believe she is an angel. All people are angels at core, it is just a matter of awakening it. Jesus said that the little children were blessed because their angels look upon the face of God. He couldn't have said that if the little children didn't all have angels. We all have angels; we all are angels. Life is essentially electrical. We just happen to carry it around in big gangly lumps of meat.
After viewing multiple videos that seem to be a copy paste of Doreen's work, this is the first one that is authentic and rings true. Much of what you have shared is spot on. Offcourse it has been a while since I have discovered this about myself (Incarnated angel to be more specific). Though there's lot more to figure out, hopefully with time :). Unfortunately there is no dedicated circle for Earth Angels (atleast by that name), in the part of the world where I belong. Offcourse there are groups of Lightworkers practicing various healing modalities, but not under the same nomenclature. Wish I could be a part of something like this as well! :) Thank you so much for sharing :)
god asked me once if i would fight for him. i told him yes. since then i have fought demons in visions and even a couple times when i was awake. he wants me to be in his angelic army. i am very happy to be so.
Yep totally resonates.
Thanks for the video. I went to an energy healer a few years back and she told me to look up Grail as relating to my ancestry. I didn't find anything. Then a few times I had dreams with the word "grail".
omg 😆, this makes complete sense to me
It is a very good description. Thank you for this.
He has described who I really am. I do feel like I'm an earth angel.
We are all essentially angelic at core. If you have faith you are, then it is a sure thing you are. Especially with that name.
Im an Earth Angel. Yep I totally felt like a social outcast alien on this planet which depresses me at times. I had self-doubt plaguing me for a while but now Im taking back my divine masculinity and believing in myself. I'm trying to reconcile what I am in the social setting with others who may not understand me but it would be so awesome just to meet other like-minded people. Another thing is that I am drawn to "breatharianism" (I prefer to call it pranarianism) ever since I discovered how to heal my body of sinusitis/asthma thru dietary changes and learned about all living things being conscious. Social settings can be tough as it is...people will butcher u if u claim to be living a food and water free life. The important thing is to have an infinity for everyone.
THANK-YOU Jesus for I have always loved beyond that of doubt
I Love Jesus he is my brother so does all sister's everyone has suffered and stay stronge we will make I know it THANK-YOU Brother for I have always you beyond the shadow of doubt...AMEN
this was posted four years ago, is there still a meetup? I just started finding my calling and it is coming to me very loud (not as in audible but as in OBVIOUS) and fast and it's pretty amazing. It's exciting when you have that awakening of what specifically you are here to do.
Thank you that I'm not alone I feel so much better bless u. I wish we could all come together but I no we spread out to do our job but I would love to get with my family ❤️
Thank you
Hello Fellow Earth Angels!
that energy is the Lord YAHWA
Yes I'm an earth angel because as a care giver every sick people I touch they are heal , and they tell me your heaven sent. To tell you the truth only 100 million humans on earth the rest are half Angelic, half human my pleaidians family of light tell me this story.
lol that description sounds like the Rh Negative people. Apparently they have great empathy.
Genetics do play a role. That is why God has a chosen people. It does not mean that others aren't also able to be close to God. There are many that are close to God throughout the world, but there are genetic tendencies that do cause the Elohim to realise themselves.
i'm all you said. .i don't wanna be a fallen one ..i love Jesus with all my heart..
Keep your emotions calm. That is how to avoid the fall. Don't get over energised, and don't have a temper, don't be lustful. The usual drill really. I failed at all three. However, I had been tricked out of my sould by Lilith back in the 90s, so it was fait accompli really.
Thank you😊
I really do want to go back home.
I've had that feeling. I still have it a lot. Even when I am really really happy, I still sometimes think, 'well this is all very well, but why bother really?' It gets better though. God doesn't just expect you to be an angel. God also knows what your strongest wishes are. He is just always really late with gifts. Likes to keep us hanging on for issues to do with having faith or some such BS. Whatever your hearts desire truly is though, it is in the plan. The way to get it, is by embracing who you are. It is the angels who get paid the best, it is just that we have to go through the hardest first.
I can see angel in you
He is pretty obvious isn't he?
Thanks, and you're certainly not alone - we're up to 73 members in the group. Feel free to visit and join our Meetup site. Even if you can't attend the meetings, there are great discussion boards and you can interact and give your input. We'd love to hear your insights.
thank you. very much. I have learned a lot . more about myself.
God Bless You. for making this video.
I to am an earth angel,
and i am a earth angel
HI* I've had a lot of things happen in my life. I started seeing angels as a young teenage boy. since then I've seen orbs follow me in the sky and angels talk to me. I have days my vibrations are so high I feel as if I'm particularly in a different dimension. My ears ring at night with heavenly music. I'm scared of some of these changes that are happening to me. I can't explain it well enough. I'm developing strange powers to. My aunt says my soul is surrounded by a bright and beautiful light. She believes I'm a divine angel sent here for something big that is going to happen very soon. I have powerful dreams flying through the sky with wings and holding a sword. My heart is huge with an overwhelming power of love.What does this all mean? *I'M SCARED*
Don't be scared. The only thing to fear is fear itself. Demons and other negative spiritual forces cannot affect us except in how they make us approach the world, how they trick us, etc. It is our strength that makes our world, and we make it according to what we need to learn in order to become. Just remember that life is sacrosanct. Never take life, especially not your own. As long as you remember that, then no matter what happens to you, you will always recover. What you are is what you are meant to be. It is people who aren't like you who are more broken.
Sadly I am in England, so can't make meet ups, though I suppose they have probably been curtailed during the pestilence. I will definitely have to come and join the discussion forum. At present aside from Muriel and Michael, I have literally no one to talk to about real things. Muriel does not accept what she is yet. She is Artemis. Michael is just ridiculously passive, however I am fallen, so nobody's perfect. Actually Lux started talking to me again today, but I've told her to stay away. She definitely brings out the animal in me.
I have known for a long time that I am an angel but I've never met another one
be a guardian of love. like our brothers that are angels
Open to the possibility, that i only want to be special, by believing i'm somthing else than, ''them'' I could have a personality disorder. I'm super flawed, and not bether than a single person i have met. But it's intensly painfull, to be in the presence of human suffering. I want to guard, and protect. I don't care about, my addictions and flaws anymore. Want to focus on what matters, but i can easily believe in something else in a month.
Rom-nus H You're not super-flawed - you're perfect! Your need to guard and protect is a blessing. Your beliefs are as valid and pertinent as anyone else's. Don't be afraid to do the wrong thing because you can't do the wrong thing. There are only experiences and every experience gains you wisdom. Your power is in your belief. Choose to focus on how you can serve and protect people with your talents. I know what you mean when you say it's intensely painful being in the presence of human suffering. You have a heightened empathy and can truly feel their pain. But, that's a blessing. People in pain are drawn to you. The question to ask isn't "why are these people in pain", but "how can I help these people in pain". Your past experiences gives you insight into what they're going through. Use your wisdom to help guide them. Anything you can conceive and believe - you can achieve (an amazing quote from Napolean Hill). You're an amazing person - go do amazing things, brother :)
Thank you for caring friend. Tell me your hearts desires, they will be granted you.
Being flawed is okay, as long as you are open and want to work on them to make your weaknesses into strengths. As a mere human, you cannot be perfect, not completely, whether you're part angel or not. At least, not yet. It takes a lot of spiritual development to cast off the darkness from living as a human in this world. You eventually go from being just human/part angel only, to becoming a fully fledged spiritual being/angel that can be in both spiritual and physical worlds at once. You gotta start somewhere, though. Even if you were perfect, you can still improve, train to become even more perfect, which is what the angels in Heaven do. I think you are likely a different kind of soul aside from human, originally. It's a possibility you are part angel. I would like to help you recognize this more. Send me a message and I can show you how to guard and protect, and much more.
Wow, you described me to a T😁😊!!!! Now what do I do??
Treasure Brown That's great! What do you do now? Whatever you feel in your heart! Don't be afraid to do the wrong thing - simply follow your heart. God loves you unconditionally and you are blessed with free will. That means there is nothing you can do or experience that will take you out of God's love. You are free! This life is yours to create and experience. What do you choose to do to help people? Imagine it, choose it, believe it, then BE it :)
Grow your faith. Let people know the truth. If people laugh at you, but you don't care, your faith will grow. If people believe you, your faith will grow. If they do everything they can to convince you that you are not an angel, but you still know you are, your faith will grow. The more your faith grows, the better it gets.
I've been dealing with a lot of hatred lately.
Though they say that they know I mean well they conflict with me.
This will happen. It is like Job. God saw that Job loved him, but Satan said, of course he loves you, he has a great life. Let me have a go at him, and see if he still continues to love you. So God said, knock yourself out Satan, go for it. Job will never give in. My local pastor tells me that one chap managed to turn all Job's complaints about what a miserable time he had, into 22 years of sermons. He complained that much. It is a long process to go through, but eventually Job lost all desire to fight it. He even cursed the day he was born. Threw the day of his birth away. I tried that myself at one point. I was stripped to nothing. No friends, family turned against me, lost my home, still living in a tent now actually. Was dragged away and locked up. Had to deal with the metatron, he was a barrel of laughs, I can tell you with a heart full of sarcasm. I didn't even have a shirt or underwear. I was stuck in a kilt, with a linen jacket for days. Through it all, I just told everyone, have faith in God. God will always sort it out. I think I might have been a bit too keen on God, as Satan would not relent. Knows her job well that one does. After forty days, I thought this is quite biblical enough for my liking, so I had to wait another couple of days, and then I wangled my release. Even then, I was a shell of a man. I eventually got hold of a bible, to find out how Job escapes it all in the end. It wasn't helpful. Essentially God just says, ffs Job, pull yourself together man. Seems to do the trick though.
@@samaelcercunnin5227 much blessings to you and thanks for sharing your story.
Hi, I'm kinda new to this whole thing, and I'm quite awkward so please bare with me on this. In this video, you described me as if you had already known me, which was a shocker to me. I've always felt as if I was different from everyone else and I could never put my finger on it. I think this could be the reason I've been feeling different my whole life, even though I'm only 16. So, if I am an earth angel, where do I go from here? What exactly do I do? Thank you for reading, and thank you if you took the time to reply. :)
Do what you like doing. We all have different ideals we espouse. Mine is true love between one man and one woman. Mind you, I do consider that true love does not try to restrict, and it always forgives. However, that is hardly surprising considering who I am.
Really don't know if I'm a earth angel but it's like when I know someone is dying I can feel their pain and I talked to them about and then I get them to say a prayer with me a forgiveness prayer I have put others before me I'm not bragging about it I'm just saying I feel like I was put here to help people and I also feel like I was here to help Mother Earth and all of the animals that dwell upon her
You don't need to gather, We are already gathered. Just like you don't look for a map when you know where you are going. Suppose going to a mall is what is what you intend, are you ever alone when you reach there? No. Not even in the rest room, somewhere someone is also in the restroom. Because everything and everyone are linked. Gathered.
While I do agree with you, there is also the counter argument that you don't need to be alone. We are here on Earth for decades. Gathering brings joy, and allows joy to spread. Angels like to spread joy, and they like to bring joy. Sitting around on their own is just a waste of a life. However, I am Lucifer, so I do hold a contrary position to some others. All opinions are valid, dependent upon what you are doing with your life.
Can Earth Angels recognize people if he/she was an earth angel too?
Yes I'm an earth Angel's because I have dreams that I'm an earth Angel's,
There are not many ways to heaven there is only one.
John 14:6 (KJV) 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Scripture doesn't command you to simply rail against what you believe to be false teachings; rather, it encourages to offer biblical reasons with gentleness and respect (1 Pet. 3:15). Always remember that when it comes to personal relationships, tolerance is a virtue; but when it comes to truth, tolerance is a travesty. You say there is only one way, put in some numbers, and leave. Show me that way, an unbeliever is not likely to open a bible.
You have misunderstood it a touch. Jesus is a light, that will guide you to heaven, but there are many ways to travel before you reach Jesus. He does not make an appearance till right at the end of your journey. He does pull us upwards if he is the one we follow, but if we follow others, we always inevitably meet him. He is incredibly buoyant. The bible gives the wrong impression entirely. You have seriously never imagined anyone quite so spectacularly bright and joyful.
my wife is an angel
am Katrina am 10 but I think I am one I know a lot of times people. just say it to look like there something. else people tell me am kind and I want to help.... but when I do never gouse. right my family fights a lot maybe am here to stop the fights idk. what am here for I keep on sing this song I sing light than gets stronger than light if anyone know or song this song piz tell me :I see the blue sky's I see the the white clouds I see the world spin all around I see the light inside of me I see the darkness go away even thought am sad I keep my head held high others more but all I want to but is that
karina. not Katrina
How are you doing now sweetie?
What's weird is that we all have heart shaped heads and big pouty lips and big eyes. I just found out that im an earth angel is there an online group?
stirring the pot here , its nice to see people are easily offended, do I believe iam an earth angel ? I really do not care ,I've learned enough through many experiences with the "unknown " to know that it makes no difference, just be the best version of yourselves and have fun.
I feel we arE supposed to be fully content with unconditional love that will extend beyond boundaries. That kind of love is so great that it cannot be just limited to romantic partnership of two people. For that, it’s best that people like us remained focused and loving and probably best to be fulfilled without feeling the need for a romantic relationship. Personally I feel it is a distraction, it’s a need coming from our physical body which is just temporary.
The only way for us is, to feel fulfilled without the need for a romantic relationship, but I don't intend that to stop me. I feel very fulfilled, but we are still humans, and God loves humans the most. We honour God by being humans, but we also honour God by being fulfilled without need. It can be hard to learn though.
i'm scared tho. this feels terrible. this relationship thing just happened. im scared this so starting to kill me. i feel so depressed i feel scared what do i do :(
Hi, Emily. Don't be afraid - you're naturally drawn to partners that need guidance. That coupled with your heightened empathy can lead to painful relationships. But, remember that every experience gains you wisdom even though it's hard to see it that way at the moment. It happened to serve you - to help you grow. With this experience you can help and guide others that have gone through a similar experience. You are loved no matter what you experience and you will grow stronger from it. God bless
Emily Voithofer ...Listen to prayers online nonstop to rebuke evil tormenting spirits who try to influence earth angels because. they all have special healing & deliverance gifts the evil ones do not want you to use to help humanity. RESIST THE DEVIL and he must Flee!
may i have d link of that group
Hey Brother, Where can I contact you privately?
Emma my name and i'm earth angel
i thought all the angels that were left were the watchers the fallen ones
Ruby Andrews it's a new beginning
Speaking as one who fell. We don't get to see the higher ones, until we have pulled ourselves up. I was lucky, I already knew Michael before I fell, but when I did, I was in a darker world, where I was the light. I had to recover a lot before I started to see the good. I'm lucky I'd heard Kate Bush's newer albums already before I fell, because I can guarantee I'd not have been allowed to hear them before I climbed back up again.
what does it mean to believe you are an earth angel, but not believe in christ or have any relgion?
It means you are strong. I believe in Christ, and I believe in all the religions. If you are an Earth angel but you manage without, then you are a very strong Earth angel.
Is this channel still active?
i see this in the same light as conspiracy etc the evil n good it's just for me a way to not deal with that we might not matter at all n that you can't do much about the creul world i just come across this term n like to understand what people think, but thinking your an angle could be more to do with the ego hope I'm wrong. I'm a loan at times n a bit of a loner but i get a kick out of helping it's not a bad thing it makes my ego health i get self worth from it. but if my feeling get hurt i can be a right nob I'm a nobody I'm just want to do what make me feel good n being a social animal that's helping other it has an ugly head to! i hope I'm wrong but i think your all nice people n if your not hurting anyone can believe what they want, just watch it doesn't term into self-righteous stuff.
Being an angel is just a thing to be. It is not about ego. If it is about ego, then it is being done wrong. Why not have a big ego for being a human. Humans lord it over the chickens. Should have a massive ego for their massive superiority. Or why not have a big ego for being a man. Wave your tackle around saying 'woo look at me', or why not have a big ego for being an English speaker... do you see where I'm going with this. Nothing egotistical about being an angel. Being angelic is the antithesis of ego. I'm frikking Lucifer, and God won't let me have an ego. A good time, yes, but not an ego. It is a step backwards. The more egotistical I become, the more invisible I become. So might have a bit of an ego problem because only about a dozen people have noticed me in the last year. I am getting better though. Nothing like being invisible to reduce your ego.
@@samaelcercunnin5227 bs.
Hey, I'm an Earth Angel. I remember alot of Heaven. I remember Gabriel mostly. I don't remember everything though.. My youth pastor is an earth angel... He doesn't know. What should I tell him? Also, (don't take offense of this) when you described how you see someone who is 'EVIL' and you see there is someone nice inside, I see that in Lucifer...
Dark Slab when did you start to remember?
+Kelli Alexander when I was 7
Lucifer is the light bringer. When you have been in the dark a long time, the light can sear your eyes. It does not mean it is a bad thing though. It just means you have to acclimatise.
did you know that earth angles look the same a real one anyways we have heartshaped faces plush lips and big eyes. ALOT of people mix light workers and angelic humans or earth angles mixed up. I am what a true person with angelic genes looks likes we look like marlyn monroe
Grace Coleman
Grace Coleman your conceited plan and simple.
lol. No that is not true.
There are all shapes and sizes. There are genetic tendencies, but Dean Martin was clearly angelic in nature. He doesn't look like Marilyn Monroe. Frank would have said something if he did.
What's the difference between an Earth Angel and an Incarnated angel??
I was told I'm an Incarnated Angel..
Is there anything I can do? Anyone I can talk about it?
I've been feeling miserable ever since I learnt that..
I don't think there is a difference. Both the same thing. It is hard to find people to talk about. Angels seem to be really slack at replying to messages. I'm a bit more communicative myself, but I am literally the lightbringer, so it's in the job description. Not that anyone ever communicates with me. I have been practically invisible for months. I would honestly not be surprised if this comment is never read.
I want to go home
I love you Sharlene. We don't hear that often enough. Too much is left to us to overcome by ourselves. More of us need to let people know they are loved.
I have power of God in me to be an earth angel,one day I will be,to save our would,in Jesus name amen,
You already are. Have faith.
I agree with everything and I'm very happy you have a website beat up I do not agree with the addiction part because if we came here with a purpose God we're not in trust us with that purpose if we would become addicted to bad stuff we could think about it perfect we can try some things but we will not be addicted because we have a strong sense of what is right and what is wrong
We all have to learn lessons about the nature of reality to drive us to what we become. Personally, I use a lot of nicotine and caffeine. I suppose technically I am not addicted per se, but I think if I was to not use a lot of nicotine and caffeine, I would find that when I do again use nicotine and caffeine, I would be in a much more effective state for the purposes of expressing joy. However, I am a pinnacle. Most angels are still pursuing a journey in which they are motivated and pushed in different ways to learn different lessons. Becoming free from sin is a hard battle. I had my sin burnt out of me in hell, but not everyone is that lucky. It is a process, and in a hard battle it is often necessary to seek comfort. The harder the battle, the more comfort some seek. Also before I fell, I did really like drugs, I think it is something that is in the past for most of the fallen.
I want to be alone I think. Just walk to this world and study all the people and what's going on in this earth. People around this earth is not aware.. their eyes is close to the truth. people hurt each other.. lie each other betray each other. Guys.. all of us will die what you earn here in this world you cannot bring it to your grave. Love yourself.. love people who value you.. stop lying.. STOP BETRAYING your partner. Takecare of the heart of all the people cares to you even the animals surrounded you please have some heart to love all of it. PEOPLE PLS CARE. And wake up... soon all of us will leave this earth. Be nice and be kind. Time is running we will never know how long we will stay on earth.
I think you are enamored with the idea rather than the purpose .
Hey, if you have a moment and respond I would like to get more of your view points
Hi, Bernadette. Of course - what area would you like to discuss?
Is there a way of another angel would comfort an earth angel?
Absolutely! We are on this journey of physical experience and we too need comfort. We also have angels that assist us to reach our spiritual goals based on our choices. Is that what you where asking? God bless
Thank you for responding. That dose help me. I'm going to give you a story & I would love to here your thoughts. A friend wanted me to ask
A married couple have a baby girl. One night the baby would not stop crying. The baby isn't hungry, her duper is changed, she doesn't have an ear infection *witch was common for this baby*. Nothing seams wrong other then she's tired. Morning comes. The dad sits down on a chair in the living room & falls asleep. The mom puts the baby in the crib & closes the door.
The mom puts a blanket on the dad & heads to the kitchen to get the phone to call off work for the both of them. She *the mom* stops in the hallway. You know that felling that someone else is in your house? Someone other then your family. The mom gets that felling. She lessons. There is a women voice. In the baby's room. The only people in the house is dad, mom & baby.
The women is singing goes for about 5 - 10 mints. The baby stops crying. The mom go's into baby's room. It's quite, it also, smells sweet in the room. The mom looks at the sleeping baby. The mom knows she puts the baby down with the head nearest to the window. So why was the baby's head nearest the door?
The mom leaves baby to sleep. She *the mom* Calls off work for the both her & the dad. Then she go's to bed.
My friend is almost 21. She had trouble in school because mild learning disability. She works at a grocery store. Also she has stomach problems. At night time when she has trouble sleeping she feels a cold breeze in her room. She isn't scared of it. It actually helps her calm down enough to sleep.
Any advice for my friend? Thanks
Hi, Bernadette. I had a similar experience, years ago, when my son was about 18 months old. His grandmother had passed a couple of weeks earlier. She was a very sweet person that had a long battle with cancer and never had the chance spend the time she wanted with him. She only met him when he was born. He woke me up crying one evening and as I walked the hall to his room, the crying stopped and I could hear a muffled voice of a woman. It was a happy soothing voice but I couldn't make out the words. By the time I opened the door the voice stopped and he was smiling in his crib. When I asked him who he was talking to - he pointed to his grandmother's picture and said "lady". My first question is - does your friend have a close female relative or friend that passed away recently that she had a special bond with? God bless.
no but Cadyiel is ome hella cute angel
So what does an Earth angel do when they are Atheist???
Whatever they want to.
I'm a medium. There no such thing as an earth Angel. Only sensitive ppl. But, Angels are real and they have an asended Master who they serve. Angels do visit earth only when they intervene to save a person and break a contract. I was living proof of soul contract intervention. And who have an afterlife purpose. Kindness really is not the reason why Angels help someone unless the are signaled by their higher form or a gatekeeper. They're are lots of ppl who are kind but aren't loyal ppl or have accord. You are partially correct sir.
I am an angel. There are no such things as mediums. All that exists is a swirling sea of energy that structures itself into organic forms on occasion, with organic brains, that think stuff and come up with ideas about what they are. The swirling sea of energy is God, and all that it contains is God's dream.
No body believe pag fiestahan ka pa siraan lalo mga social media god knows everything
I used u to believe this type of stuff one time
You will believe it again.
people call me the devil...
I'd not worry about it if I was you. Someone has got to be the devil. Once you get over the hiccups of the early days, it gets a lot better. Definitely God's favourite son. The only one with the faith to almost become God, but then behave like a human, and say "stuff that nonsense". God loves humans. The only thing he loves more than humans is himself and anyone who is so close to himself, but still acts like a human. Devil is best of both worlds as far as God is concerned. Devil is not God, but is so close, that he is worth talking to.
Evilpreacher hmmm
God is bigger than jesus
No bo
Question: "Are angels male or female?"
Answer: There is no doubt that every reference to angels in Scripture is in the masculine gender. The Greek word for “angel” in the New Testament, angelos, is in the masculine form. In fact, a feminine form of angelos does not exist. There are three genders in grammar-masculine (he, him, his), feminine (she, her, hers), and neuter (it, its). Angels are never referred to in any gender other than masculine. In the many appearances of angels in the Bible, never is an angel referred to as “she” or “it.” Furthermore, when angels appeared, they were always dressed as human males (Genesis 18:2, 16; Ezekiel 9:2). No angel ever appears in Scripture dressed as a female.
The only named angels in the Bible-Michael, Gabriel, Lucifer-had male names and all are referred to in the masculine. “Michael and his angels” (Revelation 12:7); “Mary was greatly troubled at his [Gabriel’s] words” (Luke 1:29); “Oh, Lucifer, son of the morning” (Isaiah 14:12). Other references to angels are always in the masculine gender. In Judges 6:21, the angel holds a staff in “his” hand. Zechariah asks an angel a question and reports that “he” answered (Zechariah 1:19). The angels in Revelation are all spoken of as “he” and their possessions as “his” (Revelation 10:1, 5;14:19; 16:2, 4, 17; 19:17; 20:1).
Some people point to Zechariah 5:9 as an example of female angels. That verse says, “Then I looked up-and there before me were two women, with the wind in their wings! They had wings like those of a stork, and they lifted up the basket between heaven and earth.” The problem is that the “women” in this prophetic vision are not called angels. They are called nashiym (“women”), as is the woman in the basket representing wickedness in verses 7 and 8. By contrast, the angel that Zechariah was speaking to is called a malak, a completely different word meaning “angel” or “messenger.” The fact that the women have wings in Zechariah’s vision might suggest angels to our minds, but we must be careful about going beyond what the text actually says. A vision does not necessarily depict actual beings or objects-consider the huge flying scroll Zechariah sees earlier in the same chapter (Zechariah 5:1-2).
The confusion about genderless angels comes from a misreading of Matthew 22:30, which states that there will be no marriage in heaven because we “will be like the angels in heaven.” The fact that there will be no marriage has led some to believe that angels are “sexless” or genderless because (the thinking goes) the purpose of gender is procreation and, if there is to be no marriage and no procreation, there is no need for gender. But this is a leap that cannot be proven from the text. The fact that there is no marriage does not necessarily mean there is no gender. The many references to angels as males contradict the idea of genderless angels. Angels do not marry, but we can’t make the leap from “no marriage” to “no gender.”
Gender in language, then, is not to be understood strictly in terms of sexuality. Rather, the masculine gender pronouns applied to spirit beings throughout Scripture are more a reference to authority than to sex. God always refers to Himself in the masculine. The Holy Spirit is never described as an “it.” God is personal and authoritative-thus, the personal pronouns in the masculine gender. It would simply be inappropriate to refer to heavenly beings as anything other than masculine because of the authority God has granted to them to wield His power (2 Kings 19:35), carry His messages (Luke 2:10), and represent Him on earth.
Actually 'malak' is an Arabic word and I'm Arab, and let me assure you it does not mean 'messenger', it means 'Angel' both masculine and feminine. Btw I just asked my mom (who is very religious) if there are female Angels, she said that angels do not have gender and that is what Allah (our God) said so yeah. But in the Quran, the Angels are referred to as males but so is Allah and Allah doesn't have a gender. Personally, I think maybe males are more main gender so that might be the reason they refer to Angels and (some) gods as masculine.
also it states when the sons if god came into the daughters of man ... clearly that suggests angles where male
All of us have no gender when we have no body. Gender is attached to body. However, God is the ultimate angel to incarnate on Earth, and he does come as a man, because he loves himself. Women are more sharing. They care for children and families due to the fact that they have a womb and can make children. In order to love only one's own self, not having a womb is a prerequisite. God, the ultimate, loves only himself, because the highest ideal of God sees only God in all things that he sees. Women see others, and love others. It is genetic.
Jesus is Lord of Lord's and king of kings, no other God shall before him... YAHWEH is Jehovah and Jesus is YESHUA HaMashiach JESUS the kind
i'm not trying to be a troll I'm just starting a fact... also I'm just wondering why I see lights fly by me and I feel like I'm a healer.. i've been used to heal people that were dieing... now alive and out of hospice
Ruby Baca There is energy around us everywhere in infinite forms. Some energies ours eyes, ears and skin are designed to pick up like certain wave lengths of light, certain frequencies of sound, and certain vibrations of air. The vast majority of other energies we do not sense and are filtered out so we can focus on our day to day life's without constant distraction. But, we all have the ability to tune into those other unseen energies - like spirit. For some it comes very naturally - like you. And for some it simply takes the will and belief to build that skill. Those flying lights are spirit energies that you tune into and you're obviously blessed with a heightened healing ability. That's amazing and keep up your incredible work!
Ruby Baca I see small jolts of electricity in the air sometimes.
I also agree that energy is God. No energy exists outside of God. It's all a matter of relativity. The entire universe is made up of energy. And we are energy. Relative to the entire universe - the sum total - that is God. A subset of that energy - relative to you or I - that conscious energy is defined as us. But, we aren't separate from the larger energy that is God - simply a subset of God. And like the creator - we too are creators created in God's likeness. We create the world around us based on our faith and belief of the world around us.
Evilpreacher smh
here's another one , the oldest "race on this planet are dark skinned people and I do not mean Pakistan ,Tell us (anyone ) where is their " bible "
It is written in the stars across the sky.
Get off the drugs!
Allah is not the true living God, you can't be an earth angel if you are Allah's child. Allah is the opposite of the true and living God, and that would be Satan. Gotta go now.
Excuse me but where have you heard this? Because it is not true, I am Muslim and in the Quran, that is not what they teach us and satan is a devil who betrayed Allah, do not confuse satan with Allah and do not judge a religion and come up with your conclusions because it is offending me and us, Muslims. I would love to hear back from you, answering my question.
Well, I don't wan to offend you, I actually lived for 10 months in Bangladesh, Ramna Dacca (spelling) and I really liked the people, good people, Muslim people, but they had nothing, very, very poor for how many centuries now? poor, poor and more poor, beggars in the street, not good. If Allah was the true and living God in the entire universe he would have healed your land, as your people have been very faithful to Allah and still he gives you hell to live through and by day after day after day. He would have brought you and your people to peace, he has not, Allah is not living, I think he promises eternal life, but this is a false god. The Christian old testament was more like your Quran, stoning people, ect, but then our Father sent his son Jesus to purchase the children of God, there was a price to pay for our sins. Do you ever notice there is a price for everything? So, Jesus paid this price with his body and his blood, he died and then rose again on the 3rd day. Did Allah give his people such a sacrifice? so that the people did not have to be stoned and killed and such? Without reading the Quran I can tell you no, he did not. Allah wants your people to fight, Allah wants you to hate your brothers around the world, especially Americans/Europeans. Look around you if you are in the East, is there not destruction, oppression, lack, hate, Taliban, Hesbalah, ISIS, beheadings for being Christian, honor killings for mostly women, this is not life or living, never ending suffering. So, since Allah never sacrificed anything to anyone, he only wants you to worship him and what do you get in return, hell, that's what, not only here on earth, but after you die, that is where Allah will lead you, can you see with your eyes, can you not hear with your ears? Try reading the bible, just open it and start reading, it does not matter where you start, ask Jesus to come into your heart and ask him to give you signs that he has come into your life, then pray for your family, then pray for your Muslim race of people, they are so lost and betrayed by this false god, and see what happens, the Muslims need miracles right now, but they never think, (maybe I'm serving a false god), that never crosses their narrow minds, forgive that statement, but Muslim minds can be extremely narrow. God bless you, I hope this helps and I will pray for you in these end days. Dena.
Also, Muslims need to get and be WAY less offended and actually look at their "fruits" do they have good fruits in their life, I think not, so Muslims really act very superior, not able to humble themselves, work on this please, work on it with your family, we need Muslims to not be offended, we are tired of being killed by your race, Europeans and Americans that is. Sick and tired of your creed to kill all who oppose Allah, that cannot be the living god, Jesus says not to kill, no matter what, he says to love and heal and live abundantly in peace with our brothers; Allah says the opposite.
wait no actually not most of the things u said are false, everything u said is... just stfu
Mark H speaking evil of what you know absolutely NOTHING about.