Clean & Unclean Foods (Part 1 of 2) - Examining Monte Judah's teaching on the kosher food laws

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 690

  • @ChildofGod98765
    @ChildofGod98765 Год назад +30

    As Christians it’s vital to trust God no matter what we are facing. I want to give up so bad! But God won’t allow me because he is our only strength in this world. As a single mom, things are tough on me. My husband passed years ago. I feel so alone. Both of my sons are autistic and non verbal. I’m constantly struggling to provide for my boys. I’m overwhelmed and so ashamed. Father God hear my prayers. My faith in you is strong! Even as I constantly struggle to pay my rent. And I constantly struggle to provide groceries forme and my children! I trust you Lord! I’m choosing to keep faith. Walking with faith is the most important thing us christian’s must do. That’s why love compassion and prayers are all we truly need. Please keep me in your prayers. ❤

    • @l1Experiment
      @l1Experiment Год назад +7

      I pray that you will find Peace right now, you are not alone dear sister in Messiah, I pray that by losing your loved one, you will find fellowship with like minded believers who can help you with your children and even your needs... AMĚN...

    • @emory709
      @emory709 Год назад +1

      Definitely will be praying for u!!♥️♥️

    • @lavieenrose5954
      @lavieenrose5954 Год назад +2

      Whoa; Mousey Miller at it again. You really are everywhere.

    • @tiffanyhorvath7720
      @tiffanyhorvath7720 11 месяцев назад

      Hope all is good with you and your family

    • @graftme3168
      @graftme3168 9 месяцев назад

      You are posting the same thing on all the Christian channels. Are you seeking a handout?

  • @glenmorse9533
    @glenmorse9533 Год назад +36

    I was into Hebrew roots for a couple of years, then when I started studying what Monte Juda was saying I realized that I would never be able to walk that perfectly in this flesh, by the might of little ole me; that led me into seeing what Christians were saying about salvation through Jesus Christ alone without any of my own works at all then I realized that I must study Christianity without bias. I took a journey to prove grace alone, once saved always saved concept. I especially studied what Renee Roland was saying on her RUclips channel, and she did make total sense of that issue. Monty was the straw that broke this camel's back, and grace alone through what Jesus did on the cross and rose again from the dead all for me without any of my doing at all. I was already in a Hebrew Roots concept from 1983-1997 with The Worldwide Church of God [Hebert Armstrong] I never felt saved there, always hoping that I would reach that impossible human reach. Grace alone through Jesus Christ alone is what I believe now, and yes praise Jesus I know I am saved. I never believed I was saved under the Hebrew Roots concept for about 35-40 years, how could I be so perfect? I can't and that is why I need a savior and his name is Jesus Christ, I put all my trust in him and none whatsoever in me. I have many friends in Hebrew Roots, but I don't believe they want anything to do with me because I came out openly. I pray for them all. I also had a veil over my eyes, and I couldn't see it either, please pray for God to take that veil from their eyes also, God bless you all!

    • @tbishop4961
      @tbishop4961 Год назад +1

      Herbert was the OG of hebrew roots😂

    • @l1Experiment
      @l1Experiment Год назад +1

      GOD BLESS YOU GlenMorse9533

    • @glenmorse9533
      @glenmorse9533 Год назад

      @@tbishop4961 I learned that several months ago. After the Worldwide Church of God shattered into a thousand pieces, I ended up leaving that, and then several splinter groups after that, and then I ran across Hebrew Roots and thought good I found a replacement, then I found the truth, the veil came off and I was finally saved for sure, praise Jesus! I always wondered if Herbert Armstrong influenced all of that, and yes, I believe he did, I know they all had me fooled for many years. Jesus pulled me out of that miserable fire, thank you, Jesus!

    • @achristianconvertedtochris5862
      @achristianconvertedtochris5862 Год назад +3

      That is why we need to Rely on, God not man. When we look to trust man we will lose.

    • @YeshuaIsTheTruth
      @YeshuaIsTheTruth Год назад +3

      I'm a part of the Messianic movement. It's a lot more clean doctrinally than Hebrew Roots. Many of us consider Hebrew Roots to be misguided at best and heretical at worst.

  • @MrsNuttyBar1
    @MrsNuttyBar1 Год назад +18

    When someone can get you to question Gods word, they can make you believe just about anything. The serpent asked Eve that very thing... "is that really what God said?" Torahism does the same, redefining and flat out lying about scripture. It seems a lot of people just regurgitate what they hear from people like Monte Judah without thinking it through.
    Well done Rob! I cant wait for part 2. 🙏

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +3

      Thanks, Rachel! Part 2 comes out Saturday.
      Blessings, Rob

    • @aProdigalSonReturned
      @aProdigalSonReturned Год назад +4

      Yes, that is what God said. Literally. Leviticus 11 is straightforward, but the passages that people use to argue against what God actually said are not straightforward in telling you that you can eat whatever you want. Those verses are pretty straightforward in telling us what the actual context is, but people don't believe Peter when he interprets his vision. Nor do they accept the interpretation of others in the next chapter. Acts 10 and 11. They do not accept the explanation from Jesus about eating with unwashed hands. Instead, they twist it into their own desires. WWJD? Did people wearing those bracelets actually do what Jesus did? What did Jesus do? If He ate, or taught people to eat pork then He wouldn't be spotless.

    • @MrsNuttyBar1
      @MrsNuttyBar1 Год назад +1

      @AProdigalSonReturned Mark also explains Jesus' teaching saying. "Thus he made all foods clean". It seems many don't except that either. Then it becomes a matter of not believing any of the New Testament is the inspired word of God.
      If Mark 7 was only about eating with unwashed hands and a farmer removed a dead pig from his field, does he need to wash his hands before he eats? In Acts 10, if it wasn't also about those animals being clean, are you suggesting that God would use a lie to teach a truth?

    • @aProdigalSonReturned
      @aProdigalSonReturned Год назад +3

      @@MrsNuttyBar1 That's funny. So the law gives specific instructions for touching dead animals. Yes they would wash, but this isn't the same context. This was addressing the Pharisees making laws where God didn't. Much like people twisting these verses, they were trying to subvert God's authority.
      Mark 7:1-7
      [1]Then came together unto him the Pharisees, and certain of the scribes, which came from Jerusalem.
      [2]And when they saw some of his disciples eat bread with defiled, that is to say, with unwashen, hands, they found fault.
      [3]For the Pharisees, and all the Jews, except they wash their hands oft, eat not, holding the tradition of the elders.
      [4]And when they come from the market, except they wash, they eat not. And many other things there be, which they have received to hold, as the washing of cups, and pots, brasen vessels, and of tables.
      [5]Then the Pharisees and scribes asked him, Why walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashen hands?
      [6]He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
      [7]Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
      Jesus is likening what they are doing to rejection. Obeying men rather than God.
      Mark 7:8-9
      [8]For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do.
      [9]And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition.
      If that isn't enough, He even tells them that they aren't doing what Moses said. They were subverting God's law.
      Mark 7:10-13
      [10]For Moses said, Honour thy father and thy mother; and, Whoso curseth father or mother, let him die the death:
      [11]But ye say, If a man shall say to his father or mother, It is Corban, that is to say, a gift, by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me; he shall be free.
      [12]And ye suffer him no more to do ought for his father or his mother;
      [13]Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.
      People like to use Mark instead of Matthew because Matthew makes it completely clear from the mouth of Jesus Himself.
      Matthew 15:16-20
      [16]And Jesus said, Are ye also yet without understanding?
      [17]Do not ye yet understand, that whatsoever entereth in at the mouth goeth into the belly, and is cast out into the draught?
      [18]But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man.
      [19]For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:
      [20]These are the things which defile a man: but to eat with unwashen hands defileth not a man.
      It's easy to understand from either book, but Mark is more conducive to being twisted.
      In Acts 10 and 11, Peter and others come to the conclusion that his vision was a metaphor about the gentiles being able to come into the faith. If it's not, why did Peter say God showed him not to call any man common or unclean? The vision didn't have men in it. He didn't talk about being able to eat unclean things now. This argument about God not lieing in visions is an awful argument. Of course God doesn't lie, but He often shows people things as metaphor. The prophet Jeremiah saw bad figs. This didn't mean all the figs are spoiling.
      Jeremiah 24:1-3
      [1]The LORD shewed me, and, behold, two baskets of figs were set before the temple of the LORD, after that Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon had carried away captive Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah, and the princes of Judah, with the carpenters and smiths, from Jerusalem, and had brought them to Babylon.
      [2]One basket had very good figs, even like the figs that are first ripe: and the other basket had very naughty figs, which could not be eaten, they were so bad.
      [3]Then said the LORD unto me, What seest thou, Jeremiah? And I said, Figs; the good figs, very good; and the evil, very evil, that cannot be eaten, they are so evil.
      I could pull the same kind of argument with you. Are you suggesting that God doesn't understand metaphors? That's a ridiculous argument.
      The definition of metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
      If someone follows the logic of Solberg in Acts 10, then cannibalism would be condoned. Peter said he hasn't eaten anything common or unclean, but God showed him not to call any man common or unclean. But the vision was not about food, just like John's vision wasn't about candlesticks. They were representative of something else. For Peter, the animals were representing gentiles and he was treating them like they had cooties.

    • @MrsNuttyBar1
      @MrsNuttyBar1 Год назад +1

      @AProdigalSonReturned Once again, why is it so hard to just except Mark's explanation? I'm happy to take Matthew's as well. Both can be true at the same time. Its not one or the other.
      To ask the same question a different way- what are the perimeters then for eating with unwashed hands? Jesus said "There is NOTHING that enters a man from the outside which can defile him".
      This is not to say that there are not defiling things that we can take into ourselves (such as pornography). But in this specific context he was speaking about eating/ food.
      ** Nothing: not even one (man, woman or thing), i.e. none, nobody, nothing:-any (man), aught, man, neither any (thing), never (man), no (man), none (+ of these things), not (any, at all, -thing), nought.
      Seems pretty self explanatory.
      Comparing Jeremiah 24 to Acts 10 is not the same. Figs weren't abominable and I dont see certainty that this was a dream or vision but perhaps actual baskets of figs. I think the biggest takeaway from Peter's vision is just how Peter described it, I don't deny that at all. Again, both can be true at the same time.

  • @SheIsADaughterOfTheMostHigh
    @SheIsADaughterOfTheMostHigh Год назад +11

    Could it be, that even without the parenthetical statement in Mark, we can understand that Yeshua/Jesus was stating that it isn’t unwashed hands or clean or unclean food that defiles someone, but rather the crookedness of one’s heart that defiles? Nothing outside the body and then ingested defiles, but what is produced and comes forth from the heart that is clean or unclean, defiled or undefiled. So, even without the parenthetical statement food isn’t what makes you clean or unclean, but the condition of the heart. 🕊️

    • @salpezzino7803
      @salpezzino7803 Год назад +1

      It is repeated in Matthew 15, which also helps

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +3

      That's a good point. And I think like so many of Jesus' other teachings-I'm especially thinking about the Sermon on the Mount ("You have heard it said...but I say to you")-He often brought those outward Mosaic rituals to an inner, spiritual place. "But now we are released from the law, having died to that which held us captive, so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit and not in the old way of the written code" (Rom. 7:6).
      Blessings, Rob

    • @boltingpuppies
      @boltingpuppies Год назад +3

      It's transgressions that come out of the heart. Our Father tells us what is o.k. to eat and what is not o.k. to eat, what to wear, what not to wear, etc. Doing something He has told us not to is what would defile us. Eating something forbidden is why we are in this mess in the first place. Isaiah says that at Yeshua's second coming he is going to destroy those eating unclean animals. Nothing has changed. Jesus even said heaven and earth will pass away *before* one jot or tittle will pass from the law. Heaven and earth do not pass away until after Jesus' millennial reign.

    • @salpezzino7803
      @salpezzino7803 Год назад

      @@boltingpuppies you have bought the lies of the Hebrew/Jewish Roots I see. The law didn't pass away, Torah Keepers will be judged by it, Good Luck with that. Maybe you can explain to me how Jesus's Bride missed your fact that they shouldnt have been eating Pig these last 2000 yrs? Really you serve a weak tiny god. John 5: 45 Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father. There is one who accuses you: Moses, on whom you have set your hope

    • @robertcain3426
      @robertcain3426 5 месяцев назад +2

      If you keep reading the whole statement that Jesus made, the pivotal phrase is 'until all is accomplished'. Not one of the smallest letter of the Law will pass away, UNTIL ALL IS ACCOMPLISHED. And when did Jesus accomplish all that he came to do? He accomplished all on the cross shedding his blood, which was the ratification of the NEW covenant of grace through faith, when he said, "IT IS ACCOMPLISHED".
      Therefore, do not fail to accept the accomplishment he made as the Lamb of God, not rejecting his work which is the righteousness of God, through faith which produces the fruit of the Spirit. Cheers

  • @mkwomackjr
    @mkwomackjr Год назад +8

    This was a wonderfully produced and sourced video.
    I had not considered the Jerusalem Council’s forbidding only the eating of blood as further evidence that they understood Christ’s commands in Mark 7.
    This was great, educational video. I’m definitely a fan going forward

  • @qw2ps4
    @qw2ps4 Год назад +6

    Jesus said its not what you eat that makes you unclean!
    So then we have Christians thinking we can eat anything, when God clearly defines what food is!
    So Christians ignore The Father, thinking Jesus changed His law!
    This kind of reasoning is why the alphabet people think they're saved!
    They'll say because Jesus didn't directly teach against the alphabet agenda .... and because He's all about love, its okay to make love to members of the same sex!
    So they, just like many ""Christians"", change doctrine to suit themselves!

    • @sundownsam3369
      @sundownsam3369 Год назад

      You are correct, and let me also add that many theologians want nothing to do with the law of God and teaching the Gentile believers that they can eat anything, just like the Gentiles were doing. Robert Solberg wants nothing to do with the God of Israel, though he says it is not true. He has not responded to my question on Deuteronomy 18, where God told Moses he would raise up a prophet and he would speak everything that God himself would tell him to speak, and those who do not listen to God's word, not the prophet's word, will have to answer him. This means that Yeshua only spoke what the Father told him to speak; he did not speak on his own.
      Read the post where I responded to Robert Solberg.

  • @flatearthkyle3963
    @flatearthkyle3963 Год назад +16

    The Bible is straight forward. God doesn’t change. I will continue to eat a clean diet.

    • @heather602
      @heather602 11 месяцев назад +1

      And that is your right based on the freedom we have in Christ!

    • @DaddyAZTL
      @DaddyAZTL 11 месяцев назад +1

      ​@@heather602Jesus wouldve wanted you to eat kosher as well

    • @asmallfarmhomestead3657
      @asmallfarmhomestead3657 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@DaddyAZTL that which goes into a man defiles him not, but that which proceeds from him, that defiles him

    • @DaddyAZTL
      @DaddyAZTL 5 месяцев назад

      @@asmallfarmhomestead3657 did Jesus follow the Law or not? Case closed. He wasn't talking about eating but washing hands before eating.

    • @asmallfarmhomestead3657
      @asmallfarmhomestead3657 5 месяцев назад +2

      @@DaddyAZTL of course He followed the Law, He was born under the Law and lived in perfect accordance to the Law…He fulfilled the Law. But in keeping and fulfilling all the Law he also ushered in the New and BETTER Covenant.

  • @alansalandy6536
    @alansalandy6536 Год назад +15

    The the forbidden fruit in Genesis was good for food. The question was not whether it was good for food or not but it had to do with obedience to God's command. As is the food laws, then and today, it is about obedience. Obedience was an issue in the garden of Eden and it is also an issue to day. The devil has made obedience a cuss word for the modern day Christian.

  • @pipinfresh
    @pipinfresh Год назад +7

    My struggle with Mark 7/Matthew 15 is that the subject of the whole debate isn't about food at all it's about eating with unwashed hands and the traditions of the Pharisees. Matthew 15:20 is more clear about this.
    These are the things which defile a man, but to eat with unwashed hands does not defile a man.”
    Matthew 15:20
    In my opinion this verse clarifies the meaning of Christ's words. The Pharisees came to Christ and asked why His disciples were eating with unwashed hands and then jesus responds by saying that this man mad tradition of the jews to wash their hands before eating doesn't defile a man. It's not in the Torah.

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +1

      Interesting, Pip! How do you then interpret Mark 7:19b: "thus he declared all foods clean"?

    • @pipinfresh
      @pipinfresh Год назад +2

      @@TheBiblicalRoots Thanks for the reply. I'll be honest, it's a difficult one, and I'm fully in agreement that this phrase is in the earliest manuscripts we have, but I'm not fully convinced Mark wrote it or its original. Here is why I think that.
      The earliest manuscripts we have are the Alexandrian manuscripts, dating around 100/150 years before the earliest Byzantine manuscripts. But in my personal opinion, from in depth and ongoing research into this subject, I'm not convinced the earliest equals more accurate. The vast majority of over 5000 manuscripts coming from the Byzantine tradition don't contain the phrase "this Jesus declared all foods clean" instead they contain the phrase "thus purifying all foods"
      These manuscripts all come from the places where Paul planted all his churches, and they are in 99% agreement with each other with only spelling, missing words or word order differences. Whereas the Alexandrian manuscripts have many contradictions and errors just between themselves.
      So, in my opinion, the Byzantine majority are more reliable and more accurate to the original. For example, if we have ten scribes copying a single New Testament manuscript and two make a mistake, we simply take the 8 manuscripts not containing the mistake and those uncorrupted manuscripts correct the error that was introduced. We do this with all the manuscripts, and we get a more accurate account closer to the originals. It's a self-correcting mechanism. I hope that makes sense.
      I have many other reasons why I favour the Byzantine tradition over Alexandrian, but I won't get into it or this would become an essay haha. Btw Byzantine majority is not the same as the Textus Receptus which is a common mistake many make.
      So if the phrase "thus purifying all foods" is the correct rendering, then that makes more sense with the topic of the conversation and accusations of the Pharisees acausing them of eating with unwashed hands, that eating with unwashed hands doesn't make the food unclean and the stomach purifies the food from being made unclean by our unwashed hands. So, my argument is that Jesus isn't saying all foods are now clean but rather that eating with unwashed hands doesn't make food unclean and the body purifies and the food from any added corruption introduced by unwashed hands.

    • @justinrose6862
      @justinrose6862 Год назад +1

      @RLSolberg was that not added text ( thus he declared all foods clean)

    • @TatureBud
      @TatureBud Год назад +5

      You are correct. It was never about unclean a animals, but eating food with defiled hands

    • @TatureBud
      @TatureBud Год назад +4

      @@TheBiblicalRootsthe parenthesis “thus he declared all foods clean”, was added by the author of the translator. It was never in original context. This is where you failed to understand

  • @teacherlynn671
    @teacherlynn671 26 дней назад

    Thank you. Monte Judah is huge in my Messianic circles and is often quoted saying Monte said this or that. And they encourage people to watch and learn from him. I admire your courage and for your confidence in your material and the stand you take for us and of course for Jesus. Great job, Professor Solberg…..

  • @fastweb6063
    @fastweb6063 Год назад +6

    This is what worldly intellect does to people,

  • @teacherlynn671
    @teacherlynn671 25 дней назад

    I attend a Messianic group and they are Hebrew Roots, big time. It always felt wrong. They are very big on dietary laws, but it doesn’t stop there. I thought of leaving but I stayed and parroted the theology. Finally, I asked my Rabbi. Rabbi referred me to the Professor Solberg videos. Prof. Solberg gave me the proof Biblically of what I was feeling from the Spirit and saved me from false teachings. I cannot be more grateful. I go back sometimes to group because I love the people and quietly introduce the truth. They are brainwashed as I was. Thank you so very much Professor Solberg.

  • @aclark7970
    @aclark7970 Год назад +4

    (Not addressing M. Judah's comments):
    Consider the following
    A midwest US farmer, passing by his wife in the bathroom struggling to style her hair overherd her saying,
    "Sigh, I really need to do something different with my hair!"
    So he remembers seeing in National Geographic, this tribe of African Angolian tribeswomen women who style their hair with COW DUNG! So should he go outside to the cow pasture and pick up an nice soft warm patty and bring it to his wife to put on her hair????
    In like manner the Angolian tribes-woman who has her hair styled/caked with COW DUNG would consider USELESS a tube of "V05 for Women" if an American tourist brought her one.
    Neither woman, would consider the products the other used for their hair as a "hair care product". (Try bringing a soft warm brown patty of cow dung to your wife, show her a picture of these Angolian women style their hair with it and tell her she needs to try it, and "share with us her reaction!"
    When reading the bible, especially when we appear to be reading problematic scriptures we must consider the context. So in starting to "unpack" Mark 7:19, the key word we must define, to a Jew in the 1st century is "FOOD". Did a Jew define FOOD as anything in a meat market, or was FOOD limited to what the Bible refers to FOOD which the Torah permits a Jew to eat?
    Consider also Messiah was amidst staunch observers of the Law, who upon hearing Him contradict Torah, to teach "against the Law of Moses" would have taken Him themselves or reported Him and had Him arrested for punishment, according to Hebrews 10:28.
    But there was not one objection from anyone hearing Jesus words. So what He said obviously did not violate the Torah/The Law of Moses.
    No not one peep from them, because they as Orthodox Jews understand FOOD differently than a Gentile such as yourself. They understood that He has no intention of contradicting the Torah, if He did He would have made Himself into a liar as He had said in John 5:30 "I always do the will of my Father."
    Consider Nicodemous said " Rabbi, ****we**** know that thou art a teacher come from God. The Pharisees would not have considered Him to be a "TEACHER FROM GOD" if at any time he contradicted anything in the Torah.
    Jesus/Yahshua was contradicting & correcting was the Pharisees "ORAL LAW" the "Tradition of the Elders" which stated unless you RITUALLY/CEREMONIALLY WASH YOUR HANDS BEFORE EATING ***ALL FOOD*** EVEN FOOD THAT THE BIBLE STATES IS PERMISSIBLE TO EAT IS DEFILED (and is DEFILING).
    If you continue to read through the NT you find Paul even stating in
    2 Corinthians 6:17 "Touch Not the Unclean Thing".
    Does the NT define UNCLEAN? No it does not. Unclean is defined in the Torah, Lev. 11, Deut 14.
    Unclean in 2 Cor & Acts 10 is G 169- a. in a ceremonial sense, that which must be abstained from according to the levitical law, lest impurity be contracted:
    Birds are called Unclean G169 even at the end of the NT in the book of Revelation. So if as you assume, your Jesus, abolished the laws regarding the laws of "Clean and unclean" from the Torah, NO ONE TOLD JOHN THE REVELATOR ABOUT IT!
    The Torah plainly states: "Ye shall not make yourselves abominable."
    This word abominable also applies to certain sexual connections.
    On final proof of your and other flawed interpretation of Mark 7:19 is when we read in the book of Revelation 21:9, that the ABOMINABLE (G169) will be destroyed in the *lake of fire*.
    Do you not remember that the first sin in the garden was Adam and Eve eating something that YHWH told them not to? YHWH as our Father, still has that right to tell mankind what to eat. Yes with a search through all the translations of Mark 7:19 and you will find differences in the endings. Which one is correct? The KJV mentions the "SEWER" were excrement is placed, but won't go on that tangent.
    But the takeaway point is that to a Messiah a Jew, and to His Jewish Torah keeping audience, FOOD does not include pork, shrimp, oysters, dogs, cats, rats or anything that makes him abominable, but only thing things permitted in the Torah. So don't try to redefine the word FOOD in this text outside of it's religious, historic and cultural context.
    Yes Yahshua was TRULY TEACHING that ALL FOODS WERE CLEAN, because the Pharisees were declaring
    You must understand the Pharisees' ORAL LAW, or you will totally misunderstand many of the legal interchanges Jewsu/Yahshua has with them.

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +1

      Thanks, aclark! However, Jesus did not say that the "food" that goes into us cannot defile us. He said, "Do you not see that *_whatever_* (Greek: pas) goes into a person from outside cannot defile him, since it enters not his heart but his stomach, and is expelled?” (Mark 7:18-19). Shalom, RLS

    • @aclark7970
      @aclark7970 Год назад +2

      @@TheBiblicalRoots Please FIRST address main issue.
      What does a JEW define as FOOD?
      Since you like to use texts from Paul to support your lawlessness, didn't Paul state in Acts 24:14
      Will you accuse Paul of LYING?
      Paul is also into TORAHISM as you call it!
      What is written in the LAW and the PROPHETS about what is FOOD that is permitted to eat called "CLEAN" and what things are not permitted to be eaten, called "UNCLEAN".
      What things eaten will make you ABOMINABLE, for which you and other who eat those things, can see your futures, unless you repent, in Rev. 22:15?

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +1

      @@aclark7970 Actually, Paul is 100% opposed to Torahism. The book of Galatians is one big argument against it. To answer your question directly: what did a first-century Jew define as "food"? Anything that God deemed "clean" in the Law of Moses! And God's definition of food changed because of Jesus and His New Covenant. Jesus said so to Peter in Acts 10:9-16. And now Paul teaches, "I know and am persuaded in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself, but it is unclean for anyone who thinks it unclean. For if your brother is grieved by what you eat, you are no longer walking in love. By what you eat, do not destroy the one for whom Christ died...For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit" (Rom. 14:14-17).
      BTW Paul warned us about Torahism, "Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons...who...require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. For *_everything created by God_* is good, and *_nothing is to be rejected_* if it is received with thanksgiving, for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer" (1 Tim. 1-4)
      Shalom, RLS

    • @boltingpuppies
      @boltingpuppies Год назад

      ​@@TheBiblicalRoots *'foods that God created to be received.'* According to Leviticus, God did not create unclean animals to be received as food. Paul reiterates this when he says that nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving be cause it is made holy by TWO things: 1) Word of God 2) Prayer. The Word of God clearly does not set apart unclean animals as food. Something can only be accepted if it is set apart as by the Word of God...unclean animals are not set apart by the Word of God. We may not know if a clean animal has been offered to an idol. In that case we pray over it and it is acceptable by prayer.
      God's Word says the Lord is going to destroy those eating unclean animals when he returns.

    • @boltingpuppies
      @boltingpuppies Год назад

      Luke 13:23-24
      "Someone asked him, "Lord, are only a few people going to be saved?" He said to them, "Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to."

  • @velvetvideo
    @velvetvideo 11 месяцев назад +4

    Maybe I missed this...but if all foods were clean for Noah, why are unclean animals mentioned in Genesis 6:7?

    • @brightdawn3566
      @brightdawn3566 6 месяцев назад

      The fallen angels also messed with God’s created animals. Not just women. Hybrids if you will, see in the book of Enoch

    • @Bszoza
      @Bszoza 6 месяцев назад

      @@brightdawn3566 im not sure if Noah would bring hybrids on the ark

    • @dancingzolins6782
      @dancingzolins6782 5 месяцев назад

      You may be thinking of a different verse. Nothing in Gen 6:7 about unclean animals.
      Gen 6:7 So the LORD said, "I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land, man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made them."
      ... However, unclean animals are mentioned in Genesis 7:2,8. They would not be fit for sacrifices, which is why Noah was instructed to take seven pairs of clean animals, some of which were sacrificed later, after the flood.

  • @adaspharma
    @adaspharma 4 месяца назад +1

    I'm afraid that the professor explaination were all assumptions:
    Gen 9:3 "Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things."
    In here, the professor is in the assumption that the phrase "every moving thing that liveth" pertains to all animals. But this is wrong. Humans are moving as well. Does this mean that humans are considered food as well? Pufferfish and poison dart frogs are moving animals. should these animals be good for food consumption too?
    The key to this verse is "even as the green herbs." In other words, God gives mankind the authority to eat flesh within the same parameters as He allows us to eat vegetation.
    In Mark 7, this is another professor's assumption that Jesus was talking about the unclean animals based on Leviticus 11. The real issue in Mark 7:2 "And when they saw some of his disciples eat bread with defiled, that is to say, with unwashen, hands, they found fault.
    This has nothing to do with clean and unclean animals in Lev 11.
    He might have not known Isaiah 66 where God Himself declares His punishment to those who eat pork, rat and the abomination again written in Lev 11, not only to Israel but to all nations and languages. And this event is yet to happen in the judgement day!
    15 For, behold, the Lord will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire.
    16 For by fire and by his sword will the Lord plead with all flesh: and the slain of the Lord shall be many.
    17 They that sanctify themselves, and purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree in the midst, eating swine's flesh, and the abomination, and the mouse, shall be consumed together, saith the Lord.
    18 For I know their works and their thoughts: it shall come, that I will gather all nations and tongues; and they shall come, and see my glory.

  • @boltingpuppies
    @boltingpuppies Год назад +5

    "Every moving thing" is referring to all life *categories,* specifically: land animals, birds, creeping things and fish. Each of these categories is a 'moving thing'. 'All moving things' are given to us as food. However, within each category there are animals that are clean and unclean (acceptable and unacceptable). Common sense tells us those in the arc did not eat unclean animals....they would have gone extinct! There were two of every unclean animal and seven pairs of all the clean animals (14 of each clean animal). When Noah and family came off the ark they only sacrificed from the clean they did not go extinct. They would have eaten those sacrificed clean animals. They knew not to offer an unclean animal as that species of animal would have gone extinct without it's mate.
    Later, just before the food laws were given in Leviticus 11, God warned Israel not to participate in several activities that the heathen were doing. He said the land was vomiting out the heathen because of these particular activities. One of those unacceptable activities was eating unclean animals. Why would non-Israelites be vomited out of the land if what they were doing (eating unclean animals) was allowed? They were held responsible for their actions (eating unclean animals) because they should have known from their ancestors (who were originally on the ark) that certain animals were not created to be food. They were responsible for eating those unclean animals and the land was vomiting them out for their transgression (as well as for other transgressions).

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад

      Interestingly, Gen. 8:20 is the first reference to a sacrificial or worship altar in the Bible. And we know it was not a sacrifice based on the Mosaic Law. Not only because Israel did not yet exist and that Law would not be given until a thousand years after Noah, but also because Noah's sacrifice did not conform to Mosaic standards; it was not performed in Yahweh's Tabernacle by a Levitical priest. In fact, his sacrifice would technically be illegal for Israelites once the Sinai Covenant was given and the Law of Moses put into effect. (However, I believe Noah's sacrifice prefigured the sacrificial commands that would later be formalized in the covenant at Sinai.) So the designation of "clean/unclean" animals in Genesis does not directly or necessarily invoke the animals that would later be listed in Lev. 11/Deut. 14. Especially since Gen. 9:3 says *_“Every moving thing that lives_* will be food for you.” (And there is no hint in the text (or the OT as a whole) that this was referring to "categories of life." The Hebrew word _kol_ literally means _everything.)_ There may have been an earlier awareness of animals that were appropriate and inappropriate for sacrifice. Or, the Biblical author may have added this detail anachronistically to avert potential contradictions with the law.
      Shalom! RLS

    • @boltingpuppies
      @boltingpuppies Год назад

      @@TheBiblicalRoots Prior to the flood, the only thing given as food by God to man were the plants with seed in themselves (fruit that doesn't bring death to the plant like beans, peppers, apples, etc.) and then after the removal from the garden of Eden, plants that have to die when harvested (root vegetables, grains, etc.). These are all _stationary_ food. They do not move on their own. After the flood, God gave us everything that moves (animals from each of the 'categories of life' that God outlined in Genesis 1). He gave us all things...stationary and now non-stationary.
      They knew which animals were unclean as there were only two each of those animals on the ark. They did not eat one of the _only two_ unclean animals on the ark. The non-Israelites were vomited out of the land _for eating unclean animals_ (as well as other transgressions). Why was this act considered 'wrong' to non-Israelites? This was _prior_ to the food laws in Leviticus 11.
      God's word says those eating unclean are going to be destroyed when the Lord returns. Why would you want to convince someone they can eat the very unclean animals that God says will cause their destruction?

    • @Thoham
      @Thoham Год назад +1

      Well done!

    • @Bobbychildree
      @Bobbychildree Год назад +2

      Excellent response, but people who do not wish to listen to reason and scripture simply will not listen. They listen to those who twist Paul’s words and ignore passages like Isaiah 66:17 and Revelation 22:14, John 14:15 and so many others. Rob says he prays for those of us who believe the Bible, and we are surely praying for him. He has a sweet spirit, but he follows another gospel, I believe. Jesus did not die so that we Gentiles who were never under the Law are no longer under the Law- that statement makes no sense if you read it carefully. Jesus died so that we Gentiles could be brought into the commonwealth of Israel. We ARE now under God’s Law. We are no longer under the law of sin and death. We are no longer under commandment’s and ordinances of MAN - we were freed from sham law!

    • @boltingpuppies
      @boltingpuppies Год назад +1

      @@scented-leafpelargonium3366 True

  • @mikebrown9850
    @mikebrown9850 4 дня назад +1

    The reason for clean and unclean is most certainly for health reasons!
    Just like a gasoline engine is not designed to run on water, the human body was not designed to run on pork or shellfish. Sure these substances can be ingested, but there will be damage that results. Sometimes sooner sometimes later. Just like God says it is a shame for a man to have long hair or commands against confusing men’s and women’s apparel. All of Gods laws, statutes and judgments are for the optimal health of the individual and society as a whole. It doesn’t take much intelligence to look at our progressive society and see the rotten fruits of ignoring Gods commands.

  • @joining_jacob646
    @joining_jacob646 Год назад +7

    The issue with Mk 7 is that the what is translated as „declared clean“ is the present participle καθαρίζων „cleansing“. Jesus is assumed as the subject, but grammatically the subject is only implied in the verb „says“ (there is no explicit „he“ in the Greek here). Also, there is the whole sentence between the alleged subject and the participle - which could also be associated with the sewer, if I see it correctly: so it could just mean that Jesus said the whole digestive process will cleanse the food of its uncleanness. And yes, the context doesn’t speak about clean and unclean food in itself but the cleanliness of the one who eats… so the translation that Jesus declared any unclean foods per se clean seems highly unlikely to me - both on linguistic as well as contextual grounds…?!

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +2

      I hear what you're saying. Remember that in Greek it is case endings and not word order that determine the subject and object of a sentence. This is much different than English where word order determines the relationship. For example, in English, "John kicks the ball" means something entirely different than "the ball kicks John." In Greek, the order and distance between words in a sentence is not always indicative of a grammatical relationship. Blessings, RLS

    • @joining_jacob646
      @joining_jacob646 Год назад +2

      Yes of course… At the same time, while I don’t have a conclusive answer on the issue of the Torah for gentiles, I don’t see Jesus ever going against the written Torah, but only against the traditions of man. And Matthew 5:18 should settle the question whether he would ever revoke any of the Torah, no?!

    • @TonyPino777Yeshuasaves
      @TonyPino777Yeshuasaves Год назад +1

      @joining_jacob646, you are correct in your interpretation. Excellent job!
      When He had entered a house away from the crowd, His disciples asked Him concerning the parable. So He said to them, “Are you thus without understanding also? Do you not perceive that whatever enters a man from outside cannot defile him, because it does not enter his heart but his stomach, and is ❤eliminated, ❤👉🏻thus purifying all foods?”👈🏻
      ‭‭Mark‬ ‭7‬:‭17‬-‭19‬ NKJ‭
      Yeshua makes it clear how uncleanness comes from our disobedience in the heart. When we eat from the clean list our body will take the food and through the process of digestion 👉🏻purifying all food. 👈🏻 Eating with unwashed hands won’t change it. In no way was Yeshua breaking his word in Matthew 5:17-19 and declaring all foods clean now in Mark 7:19. That would make Yeshua a liar.
      Shabbat Shalom !

    • @boltingpuppies
      @boltingpuppies Год назад +2

      @@TonyPino777Yeshuasaves Amen, I would also add that unclean animals are never defined as 'food'. It was 'food' that was cleaned by the body, Unclean animals are not 'food'.
      In other words, 'unclean animals' are not 'unclean food'. They are not 'food' at all.

    • @thomasmarchese2808
      @thomasmarchese2808 Год назад

      @@boltingpuppiesthe Old Testament says unclean. For you. The church isn’t Israel. Paul even says peace to them and the Israel of god. People say the church is the Israel of god. No. The believing Jewish people. Are the Israel of God. “We’re grafted into the common wealth. Fellow heirs” that doesn’t make us Jewish. Physically or “spiritually”. There is no spiritual Israel. That’s a wrong interview. “No Jew or gentile” which I see sooooo often. But what about no male or female? That’s the next line. It’s about not discriminating. Not distinguishing differences. Paul also says has god abandoned his people? “May it never be”. The church. Believing Jews and gentiles. Is not Israel. The Jewish people. Some who believe. And some who don’t. The natural branches.

  • @Angie-fn8op
    @Angie-fn8op 3 месяца назад +1

    I have talked with a lady that says the text only says the certain meats are unclean, but not that it makes a person unclean.

  • @janosterud4188
    @janosterud4188 7 месяцев назад +2

    Robert a comment about whether Adam and Eve ate only plants. If Noah's commands were similar to A& Eve's commands (everything moving and plants) verse 28 of Genesis 1 is passed over to. The words "subdue" and "dominion" have strong scripture connotations which could possibly indicate having animals for food

  • @Mr.Smiles-956
    @Mr.Smiles-956 2 месяца назад +1

    My scriptures doesn't say anything about making all foods clean in Mark 7, and reading the whole chapter it was talking about dirty hands while eating bread. Then it goes into a teaching moment about defiling the heart of man. No where does it say all foods are clean. Not even notes.
    In Isaiah 65 and Isaiah 66, the Lord talks about the punishments in the future (prophecy) when he creates His new Jerusalem and specifically mentions those who eat swine's flesh and other unclean animals. Will be comsumed. And this prophecy has not passed.

  • @BrandonBrown-c3w
    @BrandonBrown-c3w Год назад +3

    isaiah 66:15-17 Confirms the dietary law by fire and by sword.

  • @andrejleban
    @andrejleban 11 месяцев назад +1

    Today we can see that "Mark 7:17" is not true. If we eat contaminated food, we get sick and can even die. Food is among the primary causes of all diseases. Before we eat, we pray to God to bless our food, so it doesn't matter what we eat. And finally the saying: "A healthy mind in a healthy body!" we all know.

  • @flyguymt
    @flyguymt Год назад +4

    Just like a Berean, I was able to find where Monte was right and the professor was wrong about what the God of the Bible says about those who don’t obey the Law of Moses.
    Proverbs 28:9 He who turns away his ear from listening (Shama = hear and obey) to the Law (Torah) Even his prayer is an abomination.” That sounds really bad to me.
    Revelation 21:27 and nothing unclean, and no one who practices abomination and lying, shall ever come into it (the new Jerusalem), but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.” And that is what Monte said in God’s Kingdom in the future, unclean people will not be accepted and will have exclusions. Make sure you watch Monte’s teaching. Get both sides of this story. Proverbs 18:17 The first to plead his case seems right, Until another comes and examines him.” Choose to be different.

    • @aProdigalSonReturned
      @aProdigalSonReturned Год назад

      The professor would be cut to the heart if I said keeping God's commands was a requirement for receiving the Holy Spirit.
      Acts 5:29-32
      [29]Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.
      [30]The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree.
      [31]Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins.
      [32]And we are his witnesses of these things; and so is also the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given to them that obey him.
      Acts 5:33
      [33]When they heard that, they were cut to the heart, and took counsel to slay them.

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад

      Thanks, flyguy! I appreciate you sharing that perspective here.

    • @goldenarm2118
      @goldenarm2118 11 месяцев назад +2

      Jesus said what comes from the heart is what makes a man unclean, not what he eats (Mark 7). So how do you know Rev 21:27 is talking about food, rather than man's heart?

    • @JesusfreakkAlex
      @JesusfreakkAlex 2 месяца назад

      You are so correct. Most of the discussion comes from a lack of understanding Torah. I encourage everyone to do at least a 1-year study of Torah from a Hebrew mindset. Then watch the video again. Before I came to Torah I would absolutely agree with this video. Now I see where the misunderstanding comes from. The danger is that the teaching is that only faith leads to salvation, but without obedience the faith is death. Otherwise even the devil would be saved, as he is also believing in Christ!

  • @michaelquillen6315
    @michaelquillen6315 Год назад +6

    Even if you wanted to eat clean food there is very little because they our enemies are poisoning about all food and water

  • @Lookinup24-7
    @Lookinup24-7 Год назад +2

    Thank you so much for all of your work brother Solberg. My son's father and stepmother have been following Torahism for a few years now along with beliefs in other things such as flat earth theory, annihilationism and belief that the events recorded in the Bible occured in North America and not the Middle east. My son states that they have told him his faith is fake and that he believes lies that the church has taught him. That he practices paganism. I sincerely pray that this veil is lifted from their eyes. My son is an adult and in conversations that I've had with him he didn't agree with these beliefs but I could tell the rift caused by these teachings was hurtful to him. He said when anyone points out what the bible actually teaches to them, they are met with comments about how they are misunderstanding or not reading in context. I must say that such comments inspired a want to really dig in and study more for my son as well as myself. He got your book and I believe it has been a much welcomed help with his studies. I want to thank you again. For defending the truth and always doing so with such kindness and love.

    • @MrsNuttyBar1
      @MrsNuttyBar1 Год назад +1

      I'm sorry you're having to deal with a situation like this. Before I was exposed to it, I had no idea these kind of beliefs existed. My brother and his wife are currently very much into Torahism and Flat earth theory as well. I trust that one day their eyes will be opened just like Saul's were and until then we stand firm and continue to pray. 🙏

    • @Lookinup24-7
      @Lookinup24-7 Год назад +2

      ​@@MrsNuttyBar1 Thank you. I had never heard of such teachings either. I mean as far as the flat earth theory, honestly my stance is "So what if it is?" The way I see it, the earth is whatever God created it to be. I will know for sure the shape one day. But as far as I can tell with Torahism, I have always felt that no matter who you are there is always more you can learn about God. And I believe that if there are things that God requires of me I surely want to do them but as far as I can understand in the scriptures, keeping the law of Moses is not a requirement. The book of Acts is quite clear on the issue. Paul, also is quite clear in his epistles and there is just this prideful and quite frankly hateful spirit indwelling a lot of the teachers of these beliefs that I have encountered. I'm with you. I will stand firm and continue to pray the Holy Spirit leads me in all truth. ♥🙏

  • @Gr8fullheartfullofgr8ce
    @Gr8fullheartfullofgr8ce 2 месяца назад +1

    Unfortunately a teaching that they hold near and dear is that God gave a list of what food actually is pork and all other unclean was never considered food and that all gentiles and everyone who was being preached to would have had that understanding and therefore there was no need to bring this up in the entire new testament... that all followers would just know that eating clean was the command and were expected to do this. Obviously this is completely bizarre..... Torah observant/Messianic congregations have to go outside of scripture and dance around scripture to be able to come up with thier doctrine. Scripture is strong enough to stand on its own without an excuse or bending and doing gymnastics to come up with theology. Scripture verify's scripture . Out of the mouth of 2 to 3 witness seal a matter... The truth is you have to marry the entire old testament with the new to get solid doctrine and theology. Almost no Christians understand the importance of God's bibical feasts and instead have been given the counterfit of Christmas and easter which are pagan holidays and not even anywhere in scripture. If you dont have a solid understanding of the feasts please do so as they are significant to the first and second coming of Christ and is Gods calander and hold so many bibical truths.

  • @scotthays9133
    @scotthays9133 Год назад +3

    If Jesus declared all foods clean while still under the old covenant , would he be contradicting the Torah?

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +2

      This is a super interesting point of discussion that touches on a number of issues. Does this apply to what Jesus said if we only read the words of Jesus from Mark 7:15-19? Is it just the author's anachronistic summary comment at the end of verse 19 that produces that tension? Could this be why Jesus chose to speak to his immediate audience in broad terms, knowing that the full interpretation would not be revealed until after the New Covenant had been inaugurated? The kosher food laws did come to an end under the New Covenant. Jesus taught this (after His resurrection) to the apostle Peter in the vision of the sheet with all the animals on it (Acts 10). But was it any part of what He was alluding to in the pre-Resurrection confrontation with the Pharisees about washing hands? I believe Mark's comment in 7:19 indicates that it was. But I'm open to other views.
      Shalom, RLS

    • @boltingpuppies
      @boltingpuppies Год назад +1

      @@TheBiblicalRoots *Food* is cleansed by the body. Unclean animals are not food per God. Isaiah tells us the Lord is going to destroy those eating unclean animals when he returns.

    • @sundownsam3369
      @sundownsam3369 Год назад

      @@TheBiblicalRootsShow me a theologian who is open to other views, and if other views are being shed, they are not concrete. What other view can one give when God was clear the first time he spoke? Why haven't you responded to my Deuteronomy post?
      Tell me, Robert Solberg, did Yeshua speak that which the Father told him to speak, or did he speak his own mind? Let me put it this way, whose words were Yeshua speaking-what he heard from the LORD, or his own words? Please respond.
      By the way, I doubt if you will respond because responding will just show that you pull verses out of context. I think everyone, even your followers, wants to hear your response, don't you think so? I surely want to hear it.

    • @cogito_ergo_sum-y2h
      @cogito_ergo_sum-y2h Год назад

      @@sundownsam3369 You don't understand the meaning of Isaiah 66:15-17
      Isaiah 66:15-17 is a brief description of the tribulation and the deception of unbelievers.
      Therefore, this means that verse 17 describes events that will occur in the tribulation period. The verse teaches us that God will be justified in destroying unbelievers because they worship idols or pagan gods. Notice that Isaiah 1:28-29 and 65:2-4 help us understand verse 17 refers to false worshippers or to those who worship false gods or idols. They are sinners who offer sacrifices in gardens that they have chosen.
      Isaiah 65:2-4 adds that they sacrifice in gardens and burn incense and then eat the pig meat that they sacrificed. They did not offer sacrifices in the temple and they violate the Mosaic Law.
      It is important to understand that during the tribulation Israel will reestablish the priesthood, sacrifices and the entire Mosaic system. For example, both Daniel 9:27 and Jesus in Matthew 24:15 state that during the tribulation the sacrificial system will be operating (see 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8). That is, Israel will restore the Mosaic system. Another example can be found in Daniel 9:27.
      Daniel 9:27 is a one-verse summary of the tribulation. Notice that it says the animal sacrifices and grain offerings will be stopped in the middle of the tribulation or after 3.5 years. Therefore, we should understand that Isaiah 66:17 is especially serious since they also violated the Mosaic Law that will be reestablished during the tribulation period.
      We should understand the reference to eating pigs and mice not only reveals pagan worship is being described but, in addition, they will violate the Mosaic dietary law.
      That is, the unbelievers will pretend to be godly. Yet, the fact that they all ignore the Mosaic law reveals they are deceivers. In summary, Isaiah 66:15-17 refers to unbelievers who violate the Mosaic dietary laws.
      Isaiah 66:15-17 is a reminder that God looks at a person’s heart and the actions of a person reveal the heart. Throughout Scripture God calls us to be holy or as Isaiah 66:2 states He looks for those who are humble and have a contrite heart. But since we so easily deceive ourselves (Jeremiah 17:9), God describes our sinful behavior in order to help us understand our sinfulness. Do you have a contrite spirit and are you humble?
      We are sanctified by faith in Jesus Christ.
      Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him ! When Christ appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.
      All who have this hope in him purify themselves, just as he is pure.
      Clearly no one who relies on the law is justified before God, because "the righteous will live by faith."

  • @davidgcavada
    @davidgcavada Год назад +11

    Thank you for your work. I hope my dad sees this as he uses the food laws to outwardly seem biblical. Sadly, he has fallen into the Hebrew Roots Movement. Pray for him. His name is Robert.

    • @deespence8629
      @deespence8629 Год назад +3

      I will pray for him! My brother has fallen into this movement also🙏✝️

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +2

      I will add Robert to my prayer list!
      Shalom, Rob

    • @tbishop4961
      @tbishop4961 Год назад

      Did you ask him why he does it?

    • @herschelgates
      @herschelgates Год назад +6

      If your dad has excepted Yahshua as his savior whats the problem. He just choose to follow the torah. Kinda sound like your judging him.

    • @YeshuaIsTheTruth
      @YeshuaIsTheTruth Год назад +1

      Paul said the Law is good if followed lawfully.
      Is he pushing the Law as a way to be saved or believing his adherence will save him?
      That would be unlawful.
      If you're right that he just wants to impress other people then that would also be unlawful since pride is unlawful.
      If it's an earnest effort to please God or reach others then this is certainly a lawful use of the Law and he is doing what Paul did, especially with the latter.

  • @nancykindt6487
    @nancykindt6487 9 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you sooo much for explaining the errors of Torahism on the dietary laws! You effectively destroyed most of their arguments, for which I'm very grateful as I'm coming out of the Torah movement's errors after 7 years.
    Here's one question I have about your assertion on Col. 2:16.
    16 "Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. 17 These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ. 18 Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism and worship of angels, going on in detail about visions, puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind, 19 and not holding fast to the Head, from whom the whole body, nourished and knit together through its joints and ligaments, grows with a growth that is from God.
    20 If with Christ you died to the elemental spirits of the world, why, as if you were still alive in the world, do you submit to regulations- 21 “Do not handle, Do not taste, Do not touch” 22 (referring to things that all perish as they are used)-according to human precepts and teachings? 23 These have indeed an appearance of wisdom in promoting self-made religion and asceticism and severity to the body, but they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh."
    If we look at that verse in context, we see that Paul seems to be addressing the teachings of Gnostics who are ascetics. So, it seems to make sense that Paul is actually telling new Christians not to let the Gnostics criticize these new believers for actually keeping, teaching and believing in Torah laws of observing Moedim and dietary laws. How do you explain this?

    • @melodieharder7654
      @melodieharder7654 11 дней назад

      The context of the passage is 100% OT law. Reading the entire chapter, the entire book.
      We are not to focus on the shadow, now that we have the substance. It was meant to be an arrow pointing to Christ. Not to now point back towards it which actually points away from the Saviour. Focusing back on the physical instead of the spiritual. The cross is major not minor.
      Law keeping attempting does not hold up the head-The Saviour
      Taste not, touch not, handle not-referenced rules Israel was under. How do I know this? The context.
      A lot of times cultish beliefs lead astray by reading their own philosophies into the passages, messing with the plain sense when you read it in large chunks contextually.
      It was shocking to me to realize that a lot of these beliefs exchange the Holy Spirit for the 10 commandments/law and being in CHRIST for becoming a part of Israel.
      Messes with doctrine in a big way. Very deceptive in all its religious appearances.

  • @jameshall1968
    @jameshall1968 Год назад +3

    Does it not occur to you that if you are on the wrong side of this issue you are in a very dangerous position and leading many people away from what God said to do? What is more likely to be true - do what Jesus did or do things he never did? I would be scared to death to teach what you are teaching.
    James 3:1 (ESV)
    1 Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.
    Matthew 5:18-19 (ESV) 18 For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +1

      I hear you, James! And back at ya: Has it occurred to you that if you are on the wrong side of this issue you are in a very dangerous position and leading people away from the Gospel of Jesus? I would be scared to death to teach what you are suggesting.
      Shalom, RLS

    • @jameshall1968
      @jameshall1968 Год назад +2

      @@TheBiblicalRoots Thanks for the response; I knew that was what you would say 😀. Touché! I feel much better doing the things Jesus did rather than doing something he didn't do and that goes against what God law says. But I sure don't see how eating clean (trying to be obedient) leads people away from the gospel of Jesus. How can it possibly be wrong to imitate what Jesus did and taught? See 1 Corinthians 11:1 below. I am not a follower of Monte Judah so my point was not to defend him or any of his teachings, I really don't know much about his teachings. My point is on teaching about whether or not someone should or should not eat clean.
      We follow God's commands because we are already saved and want to be obedient, not to be saved. Of course no one can save themselves by following the law. We are saved through grace. It's high time we moved on past this false claim that if you try to follow God's law then you are doing it to be saved. I sure don't know anyone who does that. You don't murder do you? Why not? Because it's one of God's laws, so we know murder is a sin. Because you don't murder and follow that command, does that make you "under the law" and trying to follow the law to be saved and legalistic? Come on now, this is just pure nonsense. We are supposed to be obedient after we are saved.
      But let's say I'm wrong about eating clean, etc., do you think I will be at judgment and he will tell me, "even though I, Jesus, ate clean and celebrated the feasts and sabbath, you were not supposed to do that. You shouldn't have followed my example. You are now damned to hell for doing those things." On the other hand, I think it is more likely that he will tell people who didn't eat clean, keep the feasts and sabbath, "I came to earth and gave you a perfect example to follow and imitate. Why did you not follow that example? Why did you keep a different sabbath? Why did you invent new holidays and not keep the ones I kept? Why did you not eat clean like I did and instead ate what is called an abomination?" This is so simple. Following Jesus' example = good. Not following Jesus' example = bad.
      You of course can teach what you want, you have every right to do that. I use to be where you are so I fully understand your thinking. I would have previously said the same kinds of things. We all can be wrong on things.
      I give you a lot of credit though for not deleting comments like mine that disagree with you. You could easily do that, and I would actually understand. It's your channel, not mine. So thank you for that.
      God bless!
      1 Corinthians 11:1 (ESV)
      1 Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.

    • @Thoham
      @Thoham Год назад +1

      Nicely said, that's good stuff

  • @patnoon1544
    @patnoon1544 Год назад

    Another great teaching. Looking forward to part 2. Thanks

  • @stephenfoster9009
    @stephenfoster9009 8 месяцев назад +1

    First of all it is a choice, not a requirement (God forbid that we should inconvenience ourselves to actually do what God says he wants!). In the food passage God reiterates his authority - I am God, the Creator. Next he lays down instructions for acceptable human food and food not meant for humans. Then God lays down the purpose Eating unclean foods defiles you. God then asks “Why would you defile yourselves? He didn’t pit a time limit on it, he didn’t constrain it to a place. It is a personal choice with serious consequences- are you going to accept me as God and obey me or are you not?
    Now for the Mark 7 passage. First of all this passage is about being obligated to Pharisaical law, not food. The Prushim did not say that the talidim were eating non kosher foods, (if they had the passage would be different) they were addressing that the talidim did nit perform the ritual hand washing required of the Pharisees. Next, Jesus explains the function of the body in cleansing the food we eat. The crowd THOUGHT he said all foods were clean- he did not. In the context of the passage food was according to God’s instructions. Thus Jesus referred to kosher food being cleansed by the body. Why would the Son of God, who by his own testimony did nothing of himself, only what the Father tells him defy his own instructions?????

  • @Bobbychildree
    @Bobbychildree Год назад +1

    At 36:45 Rob should have noted that “food” is defined by God in Leviticus 11. Food is not what the U.S. Government says it is (crickets anyone?) but what God says it is. Food is not just anything you can get down nor is it anything God forbids, such as the German delight, blood pudding.

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +1

      Hi, Bobby! God defines "food" in Gen 9 as "every living thing that moves" and later restricts what His people can eat by providing temporary restrictions in Lev. 11. Then, under the New Covenant, God removes those temporary prohibitions because they had served their God-ordained purpose and were no longer needed because of the work of Jesus (See all the examples in this video: Mark 7, Acts 10, 1 Cor. 10, etc.)

  • @beckyfrechette4439
    @beckyfrechette4439 Год назад +2

    You should check out 119’s explanation of Gen. 9:2-3, can’t remember the name of the video. It was made many years ago.

  • @alicemarian-oe1yc
    @alicemarian-oe1yc 2 дня назад

    Please Help... I was in the HRM for a few years and VERY excited as I learned what it teaches... but through a nagging check in my spirit I asked God to show me if my doubts were worth looking into. Galatians and Hebrews were two main books that helped me see I could not ignore my feelings. BUT...I have friends who are in it very deeply.. keeping Sabbath and the feasts. In my daily reading recently I found 1 Cor 5:8 Where Paul says: ¨Keep the feast...¨ What ? I kept reading it over and over carefully in case i did not see it correctly. So.. knowing Paul teaches the New do we ¨obey¨ the Word of God.

  • @listening4hisvoice
    @listening4hisvoice Год назад +1

    It should be known that Monte Judah has stated in his own words that nobody should listen to him. He did this when he prophesied in a 1996 issue of Yavoh Magazine (Lion & Lamb's publication) that the altar would be setup, and the sacrifices stopped by the spring of 1997, and if it didn't happen "then throw me on the trash heap." Record of this can be found online in the scanned versions others have kept. He also stated that the Great Tribulation would begin in the Spring of 1997. (This is one of several of his date specific prophecies around the altar, Great Tribulation, etc. that have not happened.)
    He also has stated King Charles is the Anti-Christ.

    • @nancykindt6487
      @nancykindt6487 9 месяцев назад

      Yeah, he's one of the worst Torah teachers out there.

    • @Jaco3688
      @Jaco3688 6 месяцев назад

      Yeah, Craig Bong has Price Charles pegged for the AC, too. Hard to imagine ANYONE wanting to follow that old toad.

  • @Bobbychildree
    @Bobbychildree Год назад +1

    Rob- Devil’s advocate for a moment, if I may. At location 10:00 you point out that “every living thing that moves shall be food for you.” If there are NO exceptions, then cannibalism was fully acceptable to God, right?
    On the other hand, when God gave Adam the garden, Adam was first told it was all for food (Genesis 1:29 I believe,) but then later or at the same time God placed an EXCEPTION…except from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. So you can eat all plant’s EXCEPT.
    Some people believe the same went for Noah’s animals. First the general “all” then later the “except.” May I point out that Noah was to sacrifice ONLY clean animals or he risked the extinction of some of the unclean kinds, of which there were only one pair each. And after each sacrifice there would be meat for a few days, but having seven pairs of clean animals was certainly a survival factor for those kinds, given that God did require sacrifices.
    But if Noah can eat anything that moves, look out grandchildren!

  • @adamguy33
    @adamguy33 Год назад +3

    Glad your addressing his teaching, i watched him and he didnt sit right with my soul. Especially him putting himself above the apostle paul and basiclly calling him a false prophet

  • @flyguymt
    @flyguymt Год назад +3

    Gen 9:3 seems to say “Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you…” but when you take the whole of Scripture, something might not to be right in the text. The God of the Bible is the perfect Father abounding in lovingkindness, so would he teach and allow one of his children to eat any of the dozens of poisonous animals like the Euro Green Toad, or a Barracuda? Would the professor serve such animals to his children, probably not. Is the professor a better father than God because he restricts the diet of his kids and they don’t die? That would be blasphemous (Mat 7:11). The dietary teachings in scripture are for the good of God’s people. It is the food of YHWY our Father, and that is what is served in his One House to his children, just like you are responsible to serve good food to your children. Nothing has changed in this church age, and unclean food in His millennial kingdom will be detestable and forbidden (Isa 66:17). Torah is the gospel.

    • @flyguymt
      @flyguymt Год назад

      Rob, I was sure you had a reply to this. I breezed through it and was looking forward to responding later but now it seems to be deleted. I might be wrong, either way I don't know how you juggle all this controversial stuff. Well praying for you, and glad you still have time for a Damascus road experience. Shalom Martin

    • @freedominchrist444
      @freedominchrist444 Год назад +1

      "Torah is the gospel" that is another gospel. Paul dealt with it in Galatians.

    • @flyguymt
      @flyguymt Год назад +2

      @@freedominchrist444 You’re right, Paul did deal with this in Galatians.
      Gal 3:8 The Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, “ALL THE NATIONS WILL BE BLESSED IN YOU.”
      That was recorded in Torah. What about this prophecy from Moses?
      Deuteronomy 18:15 “The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your countrymen, you shall listen to him.” That prophet would be Yeshua, so is this really a different gospel? This all sounds like good news to me, especially since I am saved by Yeshua. Everything recorded in Scripture, front to back is good news because they are the words of the one true God. Please show me how one of YHWH’s commands is bad. That probably would be blasphemous. Everyone command is designed to keep us in fellowship with Him, and protect us from lawlessness that is evil. Yeshua was not lawless and neither are those walking in Torah. Those following the Catholic Jesus are unfortunately acting lawlessly. Walk like Yeshua did recorded in the NT, keeping sabbath, eating biblically etc., and you will be Law abiding. The Jewish Jesus said this; Matthew 7:23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’” Emphasis not added by me.

  • @sammygeiger3562
    @sammygeiger3562 Год назад +2

    Great video!! Can you address when Hebrew roots folks try to say the commandments of God are those of the old testament? For example I've heard Rev 14:12 & 22:14, they say those who keep his commands and explain it as the food laws, pretty much everything the Hebrew roots camp does. What are the commandments of God that we are to follow? They said "If you love me, keep my commandments " thanks for any help!

  • @toriomain
    @toriomain Год назад +8

    I’ve never seen Torah observers who have biblical sound theology….like ever. It’s always the same thing. ‘The early church was against Jewish roots’ ‘the trinity was a gentile invention’ ….etc

    • @FarmingWithYahweh
      @FarmingWithYahweh Год назад +1

      that's funny - I've never seen Christians who properly understand that YHVH hates human sacrifice and theophagy is an abomination.
      As for the trinity? Your Roman church history shows it is a creation of Tertullian. None of the earlier Christians described Jesus as co-equal with God the Father.
      even the highly deified Jesus of John's second century Gospel has Jesus subservient to God the Father. John 14:1 is a perfect example of that.
      "You believe in God, believe _ALSO_ in me."
      Does YHVH allow for an _ALSO_ ?
      [Exo 20:1-3 LSB] 1 Then God spoke all these words, saying, 2 "I am Yahweh your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. 3 "You shall have no other gods before Me.
      And in fact, he repeatedly tells us there is NO OTHER ELOHIM.
      [Deu 32:12 LSB] 12 "Yahweh alone guided him, And there was no foreign god with him.
      YHVH was there ALONE - NO OTHER with him.
      Which is the same the Prophet Isaiah says:
      [Isa 45:14-15 LSB] 14 Thus says Yahweh, "The fruit of the labor of Egypt and the profit of Ethiopia And the Sabeans, men of stature, Will come over to you and will be yours; They will walk behind you; they will come over in chains And will bow down to you; They will make supplication to you: 'Surely, God is with you, and there is none else, No other God.'" 15 Truly, You are a God who hides Himself, O God of Israel, Savior!
      YHVH is the ONLY God and ONLY Savior.
      And Jesus is your idol, pushing you to believe in what is impossible. That the SON OF GOD ->
      [Exo 4:22-23 LSB] 22 "Then you shall say to Pharaoh, 'Thus says Yahweh, "Israel is My son, My firstborn. 23 "So I said to you, 'Let My son go that he may serve Me'; but you have refused to let him go. Behold, I will kill your son, your firstborn."'"
      Can die for you?

    • @joshuamelton9148
      @joshuamelton9148 Год назад +5

      ​@@FarmingWithYahwehThe concept of the Trinity is found in the Old Testament and New Testament. The church came up with the name, but the concept was always there.

    • @nicoarnold2200
      @nicoarnold2200 Год назад

      @@FarmingWithYahweh Are you a Jew? No offense, but you sound like one.

    • @salpezzino7803
      @salpezzino7803 Год назад +1

      @@FarmingWithYahweh make sure you tell that to Jesus on judgement day. I hope that works out for you

    • @aProdigalSonReturned
      @aProdigalSonReturned Год назад

      ​@@FarmingWithYahwehSir, please read this passage in Hebrew and then tell me what you think about it. I am offering no judgement. I am not strictly trinitarian, nor modal because my belief lies somewhere in the middle. I see the Almighty as having three aspects; mind, body, and soul - if you will humor me. We are made in His image. Our earthly body will be separated from our other parts, and overcomers will receive a new body. Much like Yeshua did in the resurrection because He came in corruptible flesh and had to put on incorruptible. The "Father" would be the mind/will, the "Son" would be the physicality/voice, and the "Spirit" would be the soul/force behind the scenes. This is just an attempt at understanding, because I doubt we will fully understand God while we are fleshly.
      The passage I want you to read in Hebrew is:
      Exodus 15:2
      [2]The LORD is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt him.
      Psalms echoes it
      Psalms 118:14-16
      [14]The LORD is my strength and song, and is become my salvation.
      [15]The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous: the right hand of the LORD doeth valiantly.
      [16]The right hand of the LORD is exalted: the right hand of the LORD doeth valiantly.
      Just consider that they are one. As Adam and Eve were one before seperation, and through marriage become one again. The House of Judah, and the House of Israel were one until seperation, they will become one again in His hand.

  • @Macariorealrey
    @Macariorealrey 11 месяцев назад +1

    There are a number of Christian denominations that teach that Christ is truly present in the Eucharist, including Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy, the Church of the East, the Moravian Church, Lutheranism, Anglicanism, Methodism, Irvingism and Reformed Christianity.

  • @jesusnameaboveallnames7369
    @jesusnameaboveallnames7369 Год назад +1

    Always great lessons Brother Rob. Thank you so much. And your calm, respectable manner in your teachings/lessons are so appreciated.
    Now, although I'm not HR, but did go through a short season trying to learn the teachings; I have a question from a person that I communicated with (& still do) by email, that is of the HRM.
    His question was/is: Why or how did the letters to the churches become Scriptures?
    Brother Rob, I thought perhaps you could give us a Scriptural answer.
    Thank you. May our Father bless you & your ministry most abundantly.
    👑PHILIPPIANS 2:9-11👑

  • @akb9107
    @akb9107 Год назад +2

    This was super good and thoroughly comprehensive. I hope Monte Judah and his followers watch this video. Surely their mouths would drop and either think “I was wrong” otherwise they would have to find another way around the truth.
    He says “forgive me for being passionate”, a facade I see so often in the Hebrew Roots to try to hide the criticism, and bitter attitude towards Christian’s that’s actually being expressed. The pride rooted in the Hebrew Roots Movement is so dangerous.

    • @freedominchrist444
      @freedominchrist444 Год назад +1

      Monte Judahs ministry and congregation has had many many splits. They are some of these most divisive people.

    • @akb9107
      @akb9107 Год назад +2

      @@freedominchrist444 That’s interesting. It seems like that’s the case in a lot of Hebrew Roots fellowships.

  • @jamesbell8120
    @jamesbell8120 Год назад

    Great video! I cannot wait for part 2. God bless.

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад

      Thanks, James! Part 2 comes out Saturday.
      Blessings, RLS

  • @Lhoizae
    @Lhoizae 2 месяца назад

    The guidelines for Noah for clean & not clean are about purebred & hybrid animals. Notice the difference of the Hebrew words of "not clean" for Noah & "unclean" in Leviticus.

  • @The_verb_of_love
    @The_verb_of_love Год назад +1

    Thank you for your work🩵

  • @jamesdavidson7604
    @jamesdavidson7604 Год назад +3

    “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
    Matthew 5:17‭-‬19

    • @lightoftheworld5455
      @lightoftheworld5455 Год назад

      Exactly. We have to use the word of Yah against satan.
      Yahshuah said “the sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath, therefore the son of man is Lord of the sabbath.”
      This is just 1 key to destroy satans lies about what torah says. The devil hates sabbath. And he likes to eat pigs and mice and be abominable.

    • @goldenarm2118
      @goldenarm2118 11 месяцев назад

      Why does the law demand priests be of the tribe of Levi?
      Is your high priest from the tribe of Levi or Judah? (Hebrews 7)

    • @jamesdavidson7604
      @jamesdavidson7604 11 месяцев назад

      And the word of Adonai came to Jeremiah, saying, 20 thus says Adonai: “If you can break My covenant with the day and My covenant with the night, so that day and night would not be at in their appointed time, 21 only then may My covenant be broken with My servant David, that he would not have a son to reign on his throne, and the Levitical kohanim would not be My ministers. 22 As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, nor the sand of the sea measured, so I will multiply the offspring of David My servant, and the Levites who minister to Me.” Jeremiah 33:19
      I still see Sunsets and Sunrises... I know who the High Priest is and Where His priesthood is from and what authority is has... unfortunately Christians have "done away" with the "old testament" and no longer follow the Law for Blessings... We are saved by Grace, blessed through Obedience...
      Christians forget what Jesus says He will say to those who write off the Law...
      Matthew 7:21
      21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord!’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, didn’t we prophesy in Your name, and drive out demons in Your name, and perform many miracles in Your name?’ 23 Then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you. Get away from Me, you workers of lawlessness!" (Lawlessness... what Law? oh, Torah.... hmmm)
      John 14:15 If you love me you will keep My commandments..
      *Are these different from the Law?
      John7:16 My doctrine is not My own but His who sent me
      *So the one who sent Him is the One who gave the Law
      John 2:3 By THIS we know that we have come to Know HIM, that we keep His Torah. The one who says they know Him but does not keep His Torah is a Liar and the Truth is not in Them...
      *Thats interesting
      again, Christians who don't know their bibles are generally lawless... and I say that in kindness not spite, as I once was lost and am now found, Saved by HIS GRACE ALONE, Blessed abundantly through Obedience. Jesus even commanded those whom he healed they are healed "forgiven" and to go and SIN no more, sin is missing the Mark, what mark? oh that Law thing again... Christians who observe pagan holidays like Christmas and Easter and advocate eating unclean animals because they cant put down the fork or give up their bacon and don't like being told what to do, even by God... they usually bock the loudest with their theology against all sound biblical reason and text. as i did until i quit being prideful in my lifestyle of lawless sin.
      You can eat what you want... I dont believe it will keep you from heaven... just that it will maybe get you there faster... Bon Appetite!

    • @jamesdavidson7604
      @jamesdavidson7604 11 месяцев назад

      Martin Luther... the German Bible guy... advocated against the Book of Hebrews being in the Canon... most serious and educated scholars today and in the past believe Hebrews should join the Apocrypha and be shelved due to the inconsistencies and direct errors by the hundreds... still a good book by all means, "for commentary" but christians use it as their new LAW against the rest of scripture when battling to enshrine the ability to remain in Sin, I mean Lawlessness"... Hebrews its full of errors... check the research in the link below... direct text cross reference comparisons showing hyper critical errors... if one is honest and just looks with their eyeballs at the text... they have to be very in love with Pig Bacon to argue the facts... Bon Appetite!
      "SAVED by Grace. Blessed through Obedience."

    • @goldenarm2118
      @goldenarm2118 11 месяцев назад

      @@jamesdavidson7604 You have written a lot of words but haven't answered the question. That's called deflection. I'll ask again. What tribe is your high priest from?

  • @evilsbane7773
    @evilsbane7773 Месяц назад

    40:49 I assume we don’t have the original document. When did the manuscripts start showing the supposed addition.

  • @PazPinhasRahamim9220
    @PazPinhasRahamim9220 Год назад +1

    One small thing you neglected to share... The eucharist in John's gospel is not held along with the Passover dinner (the Seder), as John this is the evening before the Passover.

  • @Bobbychildree
    @Bobbychildree Год назад +1

    AT 54:00 Rob should have described what the Pharisees meant by their doctrine of “common” which is not in the Torah at all. That related to “unclean” in a non-biblical way. And Pharisees said you shouldn’t eat “common” foods, meaning Leviticus 11 foods that, while “clean” had become “common.” That’s not about lamb becoming pork - it’s more like eating lamb without doing their non-commanded form of hand washing first. Dig a little deeper.

  • @galantkoh3917
    @galantkoh3917 6 месяцев назад +1

    @TheBiblicalRoots With regard to the section on the sacredness of blood would i be right in understanding the lesson that God prohibited the eating of animal blood because the life is in it is a way of saying that the people do not need the life of an animal within them but that they need the life of God in them?

  • @donaldmonzon1774
    @donaldmonzon1774 Год назад +6

    Excellent as always....thanks for your important endeavors to protect the body of Christ 💕👍👍👍

  • @terridickerson6608
    @terridickerson6608 11 месяцев назад

    Question: would you please consider doing a video on Monte Judah's teaching on the 2nd exodus? I dont know if he has a video, but i know hes written a book on it. I bought the book a couple years ago but haven't been able to bring myself to read it. Thank you in advance.

  • @Thoham
    @Thoham Год назад +2

    Acts 10:9-16 The next day about noon, while they were still on their way and approaching the city, Kefa went up onto the roof of the house to pray. He began to feel hungry and wanted something to eat; but while they were preparing the meal, he fell into a trance in which he saw heaven opened, and something that looked like a large sheet being lowered to the ground by its four corners. In it were all kinds of four-footed animals, crawling creatures, and wild birds. Then a voice came to him, “Get up, Kefa, slaughter and eat!” But Kefa said, “No, sir! Absolutely not! I have never eaten food that was unclean or treif.” The voice spoke to him a second time: “Stop treating as unclean what God has made clean.” This happened three times, and then the sheet was immediately taken back up into heaven. {CJB}
    Animals are not inherently unclean or clean, they are accepted or prohibited. In Judaism there are 3 spiritual states, Holy, common, and unclean. Holy belongs to God, common is the state of everything else and unclean is common that has been defiled.
    Start with the sheet it has 4 corners like the 4 corners of the earth, so the sheet is the earth and the animals those that dwell on the earth. It’s a mystery to me why peter would call them unclean, when it should have been prohibited, that is not the important thing we’re talking about. In halacha (Jewish oral law) the gentiles are considered unclean. That is not Torah and Peter was a student of halacha, so The Father was making a Law adjustment telling Peter that gentiles are common, they are not Holy or unclean they are common. This has nothing to do with the food laws. In later versus that becomes apparent when he meets the Roman centurion (gentile).

  • @savvycavvy7859
    @savvycavvy7859 Год назад +1

    OK so get this, I began to listen to your video, saw the very first clip that you played from Monte, then I paused your video and went and listened to his video first. I took notes, I was amazed that he calls people who don’t follow Hebrew roots “Christian“ as if we were different? And he says if you’re not keeping all laws, then you’re not following the same God as he is. Then at the end, he ends up wrapping things up by saying that you will still get into heaven but you will not be holy.??? First of all if we’re not serving the same God, how did we make it into heaven? Then if we do make it into heaven, how did we get there if we were not made holy by the blood of MessiahChrist? I thought it said that the unholy were outsiders and don’t make it to heaven? OK, now I’m going back to your video Rob, I can’t wait to hear the rest of it! Thank you for posting that!

  • @jjx1743
    @jjx1743 Год назад +4

    Thanks for the effort you put into defending the truth.

  • @davbra12
    @davbra12 Год назад +2

    Thank you professor Solberg! This is an outstanding deep dive video. I'm looking forward to seeing part 2. I appreciate all you do! Thanks again! Shalom

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +2

      Glad you enjoyed it! Part 2 comes out Saturday.
      Blessings, RLS

  • @charliemylod2719
    @charliemylod2719 Год назад +4

    I cannot find any contradiction in the passage of Yahshuah declaring all foods clean. He did not declare "all flesh" clean, he declared all FOOD clean. Pigs, lobsters, snakes, horses, dogs and cats are NOT food! The Torah clearly defines what food is.

    • @salpezzino7803
      @salpezzino7803 Год назад +1

      have you been drinking?

    • @theeternalsbeliever1779
      @theeternalsbeliever1779 Год назад

      And therein lies the deception. Romanists base the passage on what _they_ want to deem as being food instead of what the scriptures consecrated as food. They are essentially trying to argue that anything that tastes good to them is food. They'd probably eat a rat if it was fried and smothered in BBQ sauce.

  • @Redhawkeye
    @Redhawkeye Месяц назад

    Would be helpful to know the Scriptures version you are using.
    For example, “ “And when He went from the crowd into a house, His taught ones asked Him concerning the parable. And He said to them, “Are you also without understanding? Do you not perceive that whatever enters a man from outside is unable to defile him,”
    ‭‭Marqos (Mark)‬ ‭7‬:‭17‬-‭18‬ ‭TS2009‬‬
    Does not state here or KJV anything about “( Thus he declared all foods clean)”.
    I agree with Monte on this point, re: there have been additions made…
    ““For truly, I say to you, till the heaven and the earth pass away, one yod or one tittle shall by no means pass from the Torah till all be done.”
    ‭‭Mattithyahu (Matthew)‬ ‭5‬:‭18‬ ‭TS2009‬‬

  • @AdamPlayFarms
    @AdamPlayFarms Год назад +2

    Isn't it strange that genesis 9:3 translates hebrew rehmes to mean every moving thing. that word is used several other times in the bible never translated that way again. Whether you eat kosher or not Noah knew what was clean. So I think we should look at how verse 3 is translated. Just the way noah was to load the clean and unclean on to the ark seems like he was set up to not create a mass extinction with his eating when the boat landed.

  • @randysandford4033
    @randysandford4033 5 месяцев назад

    I knew Montey years ago when I lived in Colorado Springs. Because my wife is Jewish we sought out other Jewish believers. Montey had a fellowship at his home at that time where there were other Jewish believers. He was pretty solid then as the Messianic movement had just started to grow. Over the years, he has grown father and father from the truth, and I think he’s an embarrassment to himself and the movement. after 35 years in the movement, being part of the MJAA, the UMJC, and tycoon Tikkun, we have left the movement altogether and now attend an assemblies of God Church.

  • @Bobbychildree
    @Bobbychildree Год назад +1

    At 55:30, Jesus declared all “common” foods “clean.” This accords with Leviticus 11. The issue was whether the disciples had broken God’s Law or man’s added law. Jesus said man was wrong, God was right. A reversal of God’s Law is not suggested.

  • @EastTexasHomestead
    @EastTexasHomestead 3 месяца назад

    Thanks for all the hard work you put into this video. So many Hebrew roots people have heard that the () weren’t there that over time we get a game of telephone where the teaching isn’t exactly the truth. Yes, the four words “…purifying all the food.” Are in the manuscripts. What isn’t in any manuscript is “thus Jesus declared.” So we end up with one side saying it isn’t there and the other side saying it is. At that point you simply get to pick the side you want to be on. The text says something close to “…but into his stomach, then into the latrine, purifying all the food.” Go look it up 😊. So, while your teaching was long and thoughtful, and did a good job showing what is there, it failed to show what is not there. Also the thing doing the purification/purging is not Jesus (😮) but is the stomach. Or maybe the toilet. That’s the context. Once again, thank you for the time you put into the video. Great job on the production value.

  • @ChrisVerschage
    @ChrisVerschage 7 дней назад

    I don't know why Monte Judah began with Genesis 9, but Genesis 7 2-3 makes a distinction between "clean animals" and "unclean animals." It says, "Of every CLEAN ANIMAL take unto you seven pairs, a male and its mate, and of the animal that is NOT CLEAN, two, a male with its mate; of the birds of the heavens also, seven pairs, male and female, to keep seed alive upon the face of the whole earth." (emphasis added) Now if the distinction between "clean animals" and "unclean animals" began at Mt. Sinai as you claim, then what do you do with God's instructions to Noah before the flood? Obviously, such instructions would have made no sense to Noah if he did not know the difference between animals that were "Clean" and those that were "unclean."

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  6 дней назад

      Hi Chris. Interestingly, Gen. 8:20 is the first reference to a sacrificial or worship altar in the Bible. And we know it was not a sacrifice based on the Mosaic Law. Not only because Israel did not yet exist and that Law would not be given until a thousand years after Noah, but also because Noah's sacrifice did not conform to Mosaic standards; it was not performed in Yahweh's Tabernacle by a Levitical priest. In fact, his sacrifice would technically be illegal for Israelites once the Sinai Covenant was given and the Law of Moses put into effect. (However, I believe Noah's sacrifice prefigured the sacrificial commands that would later be formalized in the covenant at Sinai.)
      So, the designation of "clean/unclean" animals in Genesis does not directly or necessarily invoke the animals that would later be listed in Lev. 11/Deut. 14. Especially since Gen. 9:3 says *_“Every moving thing that lives_* will be food for you.” There are a couple ways to look at it. Within various cultures of the ancient Near East, there was an awareness of animals that were appropriate and inappropriate for sacrifice. That wasn't unique to the Hebrews. Also, bear in mind that our modern idea of "history" is a chronological record of events and a study of change over time in human society. That's not how the ancients wrote, especially not the Bible. Genesis is not a text of science or history but theology. And since Genesis wasn't written until after the law was given, it's possible that the Biblical author added this detail anachronistically to avert potential contradictions.

  • @kingPerry34
    @kingPerry34 2 месяца назад +1

    So Rob there’s is a difference between clean and unclean, you think that pork is food, but it is not food, food is what God said is food, in all of your theology you never say it is God that say, in the story in Mark started with unwashed hands and ended with unwashed hands, but this was not talking about unclean animals, the story in Acts 10 Peter said the Lord showed me that I should not called any man common or unclean
    Jesus cannot say that pork is clean when he already say it’s an abomination
    Anyone who eats unclean animals does not have the spirit of God and will not enter God’s kingdom
    Isaiah 65:1-5
    Isaiah 66:16-17
    Explain these text to me.

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  2 месяца назад

      Actually, KP, the Bible consistently uses the word "food" (אָכְלָ֑ה or אֹ֜כֶל or βρώματος) in a neutral sense to refer to anything that can be eaten. Some food is clean, some food is unclean. For example, Lev. 11:34 shows one way that clean food can become unclean food: “Any food in it that could be eaten, on which water comes, shall be unclean.” And Hosea 9:3 says, “they shall eat *unclean food* in Assyria.”
      Best, RLS

    • @kingPerry34
      @kingPerry34 2 месяца назад

      @@TheBiblicalRoots Rob you are a confused man and interpret the Bible so wrong, Lev 11:34 said such water it shall be unclean, not any water, for example if bloody water touch your food are you going to eat it?
      Rob: you are trying to deceive me by telling me that God gave people unclean flesh to it Hosea 9:3 this is people that turn away from the path which God gave and they return to Assyria.
      Now Rob let me tell you what the Lord said, and remember it is God that is saying it not the Law of Moses: those who eat unclean animals including pork is going to HELL Isaiah 66:16-17 and one chapter before that the Lord said it’s a smoke in his nose all the day. Isaiah 65:1-5 read those text and get back to me.

    • @kingPerry34
      @kingPerry34 Месяц назад

      @@TheBiblicalRoots Rob, what is wrong with you? Why continue to twist the scriptures? In Leviticus 11:34 says: If SUCH water touches your meat ( food) is unclean, the word SUCH water means dirty water or contaminated water.
      In Hosea 9:3 is not God telling you to eat unclean animals and the text say: unclean things not unclean foods.
      But you still haven’t explained
      Isaiah 65:1-5. And
      Isaiah 66:16-17

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Месяц назад

      @@kingPerry34 Hi KP. My point wasn't that it was okay Israel to eat unclean animals. You might want to read my response again. My point was that there is the word "food" in the Bible does not refer to only clean animals, as you suggested.

  • @davlinjuma6428
    @davlinjuma6428 10 месяцев назад

    Solberg, you're my best

  • @jonuvark2385
    @jonuvark2385 Год назад

    Great teaching!

  • @tonybenjamin7844
    @tonybenjamin7844 Год назад +1

    Do you not know Matthew 5:18? Mark 7 would be a clear contradiction of The Almighty's Laws

    • @goldenarm2118
      @goldenarm2118 11 месяцев назад +1

      Not necessarily. If Jesus was attempting to define what actually makes a person defiled (sinful) rather than just ceremonially unclean, then all he's saying is that the being ceremonially unclean doesn't make you inherently sinful.

  • @mikeb8644
    @mikeb8644 Год назад +3

    😆 Turned off after 14 seconds! That's a record!!!

    • @6969smurfy
      @6969smurfy Год назад

      I like to see how the deceiver works in the religions ever since he was kicked out of the garden.

  • @herschelgates
    @herschelgates Год назад +3

    So if one wants to be Israel(grafted in) and set apart, might want to follow the torah.

    • @joshuamelton9148
      @joshuamelton9148 Год назад

      Just one little problem. How do you explain Naaman the Syrian General of 2 kings Chapter 5

    • @6969smurfy
      @6969smurfy Год назад

      @@joshuamelton9148 and just what is YOUR take on 2 kings 15?

    • @joshuamelton9148
      @joshuamelton9148 Год назад

      @@6969smurfy Explain Naaman the Syrian General first. Also 2 Kings Chapter 15 has nothing to do with what I am talking about.

    • @theeternalsbeliever1779
      @theeternalsbeliever1779 Год назад

      @@joshuamelton9148 This is a trap with no purpose in it. Naaman didn't say anything about wanting to join the Israelite community. He said he will offer sacrifices to God instead of false gods. That's it.

    • @joshuamelton9148
      @joshuamelton9148 Год назад

      @@theeternalsbeliever1779 Actually it's has a very important purpose. It destroys the narrative of the Hebrew roots advocates and sacred namers.
      A Hebrew roots advocate would say if you truly love God then you would do the Sabbath Days, Feast days and Kosher dietary laws. These 3 are bound to all nations and people groups for all times
      Problem is Naaman converted from worshiping the god of the Syrians to worship the God of Israel didn't keep the Sabbath nor Dietary laws.
      To be blunt most Hebrew roots advocates can't answer the question. It is what it is.

  • @jolindaflanigan3729
    @jolindaflanigan3729 Год назад +6

    I am so hurt be the Hebrew root people, they say Christian like it is a dirty word. It means Christ follower, their amount of disdain and lack of love is a big clue it is false. That and their condemnation of Christians.

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +4

      "However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name" (1 Pet. 4:16).
      Blessings, Rob

    • @boltingpuppies
      @boltingpuppies Год назад

      Knowledge puffs up but love edifies. Sometimes we (people) receive some correct knowledge but become puffed up. I have seen what you are talking about...but don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. There is a lot of false teaching in these last days. Unclean animals are never defined as food in scripture. I have never found one patriarch, prophet or disciple that has eaten unclean animals in the scriptures. Isaiah even tells us that when the Lord returns he is going to destroy those eating unclean animals. Don't do it. I am a Christian ❤. Jesus/Yeshua is King of kings and Lord of lords, the Almighty.

    • @preciadocr1ss
      @preciadocr1ss Месяц назад

      I know they said they believe in Jeshua , but they have pharisaic actitud, they still have the veil of Moses that only Christ can take away…
      2 Corinthians
      7Now if the ministry that brought death, which was engraved in letters on stone, came with glory, so that the Israelites could not look steadily at the face of Moses because of its glory, transitory though it was, 8will not the ministry of the Spirit be even more glorious? 9If the ministry that brought condemnation was glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness! 10For what was glorious has no glory now in comparison with the surpassing glory. 11And if what was transitory came with glory, how much greater is the glory of that which lasts!
      12Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold. 13We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to prevent the Israelites from seeing the end of what was passing away. 14But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away. 15Even to this day when Moses is read, a veil covers their hearts. 16But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate a the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

    • @preciadocr1ss
      @preciadocr1ss Месяц назад

      I saw a video of Monte Juda where he actually wanted the book of Galatians to be removed …

  • @richardrichard5319
    @richardrichard5319 Год назад +3

    How come in Genesis God tells Noah to take seven pairs of clean animals or beast on to the ark? I thought no distinction between clean and unclean foodexisted before the flood?

    • @justinbutcher44
      @justinbutcher44 Год назад +2

      Why is the food Noah is permitted to eat likened to the plants? Are we to assume that all plants were edible? Nevermind what you stated about Noah being aware of clean and unclean.
      Why don't we see Abraham eating anything unclean though food is mentioned often throughout his narrative. Interestingly enough, Abraham is a Gentile.

    • @donaldmonzon1774
      @donaldmonzon1774 Год назад +2

      Genesis 8:20....Noah sacrificed of every clean animal and bird to the Lord ...clean meaning appropriate for sacrifice....more of each clean animals were taken aboard ark, God knowing that there would be sacrifice after departing the ark

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад

      Hi, Richard! Interestingly, Gen. 8:20 is the first reference to a sacrificial or worship altar in the Bible. And we know it was not a sacrifice based on the Mosaic Law. Not only because Israel did not yet exist and that Law would not be given until a thousand years after Noah, but also because Noah's sacrifice did not conform to Mosaic standards; it was not performed in Yahweh's Tabernacle by a Levitical priest. In fact, his sacrifice would technically be illegal for Israelites once the Sinai Covenant was given and the Law of Moses put into effect. (However, I believe Noah's sacrifice prefigured the sacrificial commands that would later be formalized in the covenant at Sinai.) So the designation of "clean/unclean" animals in Genesis does not directly or necessarily invoke the animals that would later be listed in Lev. 11/Deut. 14. Especially since Gen. 9:3 says *_“Every moving thing that lives_* will be food for you.” There may have been an earlier awareness of animals that were appropriate and inappropriate for sacrifice. Or, the Biblical author may have added this detail anachronistically to avert potential contradictions with the law.
      Shalom, RLS

    • @qw2ps4
      @qw2ps4 Год назад +1

      ​@@TheBiblicalRootswrong again .... the first sacrifice was made when the sin happened in the garden!
      Gods plan for atonement had to be upheld .... again He had to do it Himself

    • @boltingpuppies
      @boltingpuppies Год назад

      @@qw2ps4 Yes, another living thing was sacrificed and a covering (animal skin) was provided for Adam and Eve.

  • @ihorbazyaka4857
    @ihorbazyaka4857 10 месяцев назад

    50:12 the oldest doesn't always mean the best or the most authentic. You could watch a documentary Tares Among the Wheat by Christian J Pinto on the issue of those 'oldest' manuscripts

  • @davidsouder65
    @davidsouder65 7 месяцев назад

    Thank you for your teaching of Gods word.. It’s much appreciated.

  • @jonathanwhiteside816
    @jonathanwhiteside816 6 месяцев назад

    Mr. Judah did some shoddy research when it comes to the parenthesis in Mark 7. It should also have been noted that in Mark 7 they're round parenthesis, not square brackets which most bibles use to indicate a questionable text.

  • @sundownsam3369
    @sundownsam3369 Год назад

    Robert Solberg, I edited my previous post to elaborate a little more, make paragraphs clearer, and correct a few grammatical errors.

  • @isaacunderhill9120
    @isaacunderhill9120 9 месяцев назад

    Thanks for your channel; it’s great. GOD bless you in JESUS name

  • @saul2571
    @saul2571 Год назад +6

    The whole Mark 7 argument is fascinating. You seem to be literally arguing that Jesus removed dietary commandments from Torah. If Jesus did this, He would be a sinner according to Deut. 4:2 and Deut. 12:32. Your Jesus broke God’s commandments and cannot be our savior. He was born under the Law (Gal. 4) and He was perfect. He didn't break any of God's commandments. And as a true prophet of God, Jesus had to teach adherence to God's commandments (Duet 13). And we see Jesus doing this in Matthew 23:1-3. We also see in Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus telling the disciples to teach the Gentiles all that Jesus taught the disciples. This includes following God’s commandments, or Torah. I'm not saying Monte Judah is correct in everything he says, but your position doesn't work.

    • @TatureBud
      @TatureBud Год назад

      You are correct. This man blasphemed against the most of High, by implying that Jesus removed the dietary laws… which the Torah warned about a person who do such a thing, he would be a false prophet.

    • @sundownsam3369
      @sundownsam3369 Год назад +2

      You are correct, and let me also add that many theologians want nothing to do with the law of God and teaching the Gentile believers that they can eat anything, just like the Gentiles were doing. Robert Solberg wants nothing to do with the God of Israel, though he says it is not true. He has not responded to my question on Deuteronomy 18, where God told Moses he would raise up a prophet and he would speak everything that God himself would tell him to speak, and those who do not listen to God's word, not the prophet's word, will have to answer him. This means that Yeshua only spoke what the Father told him to speak; he did not speak on his own. So, if Yeshua gave a commandment, it was one that God told him to speak, not one that went against the commandment that he previously gave. Robert Solberg and many Gentile believers cannot respond to Psalms 89:34.
      Read my response to Robert Solberg.

    • @TatureBud
      @TatureBud Год назад

      @@sundownsam3369 So true. Robert Solberg, and many like others… are painting a picture of Jesus as a false messiah, because what they teach. They are teaching a different Jesus. Their version of Jesus abolished the law, but our Jesus upheld,fulfilled, and taught the law

    • @proudpharisee5303
      @proudpharisee5303 Год назад

      One day people will give the contradictions between the NT and the OT a fresh look and one day it will hit them

    • @theeternalsbeliever1779
      @theeternalsbeliever1779 Год назад +1

      Your counter argument needs to be corrected one point. Gal. 4:4 does not say Christ was born under the law. It says He was _born to a woman_ who was born under the law. The third comma should not be in that passage, as it implies Christ is the one who sinned.

  • @sundownsam3369
    @sundownsam3369 Год назад +4

    Robert Solberg: The Scriptures in Mark 7 make it clear that what enters within is not what defiles a man. Now, let's assume that this is talking about eating clean and unclean animals. Just like the clean animals, the unclean animals will enter the belly and go out into the draught, purging all meat. Though the eating of unclean meat is an abomination to God, what defiles a man is disobedience to God's law. Unclean meat will always be purged, but disobedience to God's law is something only God can forgive. In conclusion, eating unclean animals is disobedient to God's law.

    • @margaretjoysalillas-rosqui5224
      @margaretjoysalillas-rosqui5224 Месяц назад

      MARK 7

  • @TheKingsComingAlefTav
    @TheKingsComingAlefTav Год назад +7

    Only satan would say you can eat something that god said not to eat.

    • @lightoftheworld5455
      @lightoftheworld5455 Год назад

      You said it perfectly.
      In that day there were two trees. God said avoid one of them…satan says all trees are good for the eyes and for food. He convinced eve that EVERY tree was ok.
      🌲 🌴 one is not like the other

    • @raykunz2498
      @raykunz2498 9 месяцев назад +1

      Do you not under genesis 9:3? “EVERY living that SHALL BE FOOD”. What about that is difficult?

    • @raykunz2498
      @raykunz2498 9 месяцев назад

      Do you not under genesis 9:3? “EVERY living that SHALL BE FOOD”. What about that is difficult?

    • @raykunz2498
      @raykunz2498 9 месяцев назад

      Do you not under genesis 9:3? “EVERY living that SHALL BE FOOD”. What about that is difficult?

    • @raykunz2498
      @raykunz2498 9 месяцев назад

      Do you not under genesis 9:3? “EVERY living that SHALL BE FOOD”. What about that is difficult?

  • @Mjgidds92
    @Mjgidds92 6 месяцев назад

    @thebiblicalroots i dont understand why Jesus would tell his chosen people to stay away from unclean food to be holy (in leviticus) and 1000s years later he comes and tells them (in Mark) that unclean foods dont defile the person?
    Also, Why does Jesus make such a big deal about avoiding the consumption of blood (Leviticus) and then tells them (in Mark/john) to drink his blood, literally or figuratively.

  • @adamwhite3151
    @adamwhite3151 Год назад +1

    As always, thank you for your work here, Brother! May God encourage your labor.

  • @chelseynelson2646
    @chelseynelson2646 Год назад

    Nailed it.

  • @kathy4798
    @kathy4798 3 месяца назад

    Scripture says, “ all things are lawful, but not all things are expedient”
    So each of us have to determine whether something we eat or drink is damaging to our body or what moderation is for us. . “ Eat for strength and not for drunkenness. “
    I was spending some time with a relative who eats a lot of bacon. so I would have bacon in the morning with her, and I began to get pains in my hands, which in fact is what she has a lot of pain & inflammation . So moderation again.. these laws in the Old Testament about food were mandated back then, but they were also for the purpose of longevity and health feeling alive and well. and all the other laws, not serving other gods, give our devotion to our maker being filled with the spirit also give glory out to God.
    So if you want to eat a certain way to feel strong and healthy and to live longer to be able to serve better and give glory to your maker, find the best diet for you. We do not do anything under a sense of obligation that we must do to save ourselves or to be right with God.
    That all being said , I was reading through the comments here and have gained some more insight. Yes, the distinction between what is food and what is a scavenger scavengers are not food . They were put here on the Earth to clean the oceans and lands. We wouldn’t go to the bottom of the ocean and gather up the poop before the shrimp gets it and make a dish with it. but yet people 😂do eat the shrimp. These scavengers that people eat , scripture tells us are not really food. They are what in part causes a lot of the diseases in this world besides refine flour and sugars.
    So again, scripture says “ all things are lawful, but not all things are expedient “
    In the Old Testament times, people were told to keep the law because our maker was trying to teach us that we can not keep the law . It was a schoolmaster to lead us to Christ and depend upon him. So now through the shed blood of our savior who cleanses us from all unrighteousness and empower us , we are no longer children to to and fro. we understand that Grace is given to us to be able to do his will and not have to grit our teeth. we have joy in the Lord Because we have victory through him.

  • @flyguymt
    @flyguymt Год назад +1

    The warning Rob gives at the beginning of this video should be sobering to all. It shows the deep contrast between two divergent views of what the Bible teaches. You can serve the Catholic gentile lord Jesus and worship him at the spiritually polluted Catholic feasts of Easter and Xmass, eat your ham, all of which is NOT in your bible, or you can serve the God YHWH of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and accept the sacrificial atoning blood of His Messiah Yeshua for your sins.
    Joshua 24:15 And if it seems evil to you to serve the YHWH, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve…” Everything you need to glorify YHWH and be saved is recorded in the scriptures. What the professor teaches, along with the gentile christian church DO NOT walk/do like the Jesus recorded in the NT who ate clean, kept sabbath along with His Father’s commandments. The gentile church is following a different Jesus and God than is recorded in the Bible. Even the apostles including Paul kept the Law 25+ years after the giving of the Holy Spirit of Truth (Acts 21:21-25). Don’t be fooled, even the gentiles in Acts 21:25 were told to follow the four parts of the Law as a “starter pack” to become clean so they could join the believing Jews in the church of Jerusalem and abroad, and learn about the Law of Moses every sabbath. Faith comes by hearing and reading for yourself the word of YHWH who spoke face to face with Moses (Ex 33:11a).

  • @carlosrueda6355
    @carlosrueda6355 Год назад +2

    Greetings Professor Solberg. In the codex sinaiticus, there is the epistle of Bernabe, which talks and explains about clean and unclean animals, and the reason for their symbolism.
    Impure animals and their symbolism
    X 1. And what Moses said: You shall not eat pigs or eagles, or hawks or ravens, or any fish that does not have scales, is nothing but taking three symbols in intelligence. 2. For the rest, tell them in Deuteronomy: And I will establish justifications with this people of mine. Therefore it is not the Lord's commandment not to eat, but Moses spoke in spirit.
    3. Now, the pig said it because of the following: "You shall not associate," it says, "with such men who are similar to pigs; that is to say, when they have a prosperous time, they forget the Lord, and when they find themselves in need They recognize the Lord, in the same way that the pig, when it eats, does not know its master, but when it is hungry, it grunts and, once it has eaten its food, it is silent again.
    4. Neither shall you eat the eagle, nor the hawk, nor the kite, nor the raven. You shall not join together, he says, nor shall you resemble such men, who do not know how to obtain food through toil and sweat, but who snatch away in their iniquity what belongs to others, and lie in wait as if they walked in simplicity, and look everywhere for who to plunder through their greed, in the same way that these birds are the only ones that do not procure their food for themselves, but, perched idly, look for a way to devour the meat of others, being pernicious for their wickedness.
    5. And you shall not eat-he says-the moray eel, nor the polyp, nor the cuttlefish. You will not resemble, he says, joining them, such men who are impious to the end and are already condemned to death, in the way that these fish, which are the only cursed ones, wallow at the bottom of the sea and do not swim like the others, but they live in the bottom earth.
    6. But you will not eat hare either. Because? You will not be corrupting nor will you resemble such. Because the hare multiplies its anus every year, because how many years it lives, so many holes it has.
    7. But you will not eat the hyena either. You shall not be, he says, an adulterer or a corrupter, nor shall you resemble such: Why? Because this animal changes its sex every year and once becomes a male and another time a female.
    8. But he also had reason to hate the squirrel. You shall not be, he says, as we have heard that those who commit iniquity in their mouths through impurity are, nor shall you unite with impure women who commit iniquity in their mouths. Because this animal conceives through the mouth.
    9. In conclusion, Moses taking three symbols about food, so he spoke in spirit but they understood it, according to the desire of the flesh, as if it were food. 10. Of those same three symbols David also takes knowledge, and says likewise: Blessed is the man who did not walk in the council of the wicked, just as fish swim in darkness in the depths of the sea; and on the path of sinners he did not stop, like some who pretend to fear the Lord and sin like pigs, and on the chair of Pestilence he did not sit, like birds apostatized for prey. There you have perfectly what concerns the food.
    11. Moses says again: You shall eat every animal with a split hoof and that burrows. What does it mean? The one who eats the food knows the one who feeds him and, reveling in him, seems to rejoice. He beautifully said it with a view to the commandment. So what is he saying? Get together with those who fear the Lord, with those who meditate in their hearts the precept of the word they received, with those who speak and observe the justifications of the Lord, with those who know that meditation is a work of joy and ruminate over the word of the Lord. Mister.
    And what does the split hoof mean? That the just walk in this world and together wait for the holy century. Look how beautifully Moses legislated. 12. But where could those understand and comprehend these things come from? But we, understanding, as is just, the commandments, speak as the Lord wanted; for that we may understand this, he circumcised our ears and hearts.
    God bless you.

    • @flyguymt
      @flyguymt Год назад +1

      Carlos, over 14x in the Torah it says “the LORD spoke to Moses” and then there is this verse; Exodus 33:11 So the LORD spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend.” That is very different than Moses spoke in the spirit. Those were YHWH’s commands. Wake up and be a Berean.

  • @NXN66
    @NXN66 4 месяца назад

    I’m curious, if Jesus declared all foods clean in Mark 7, Why did Peter need a dream years after Jesus death in Acts 10 to remind him that all animals were clean and he explains all three times that he never had eaten unclean? Did Jesus’ number one disciple not get the message years earlier?🤔

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  4 месяца назад

      Hi NXN! Remember, Peter is the disciple who denied Jesus three times, despite saying he never would. And Jesus had to ask Peter three times "Do you love me"? And Peter isthe one to whom Jesus said, "“Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.” (Matt. 16:23) So, yes, he needed some reminding! (Which I personally take as good news, because I often need to be reminded by God, too!)

  • @JesusPPK
    @JesusPPK Год назад +2

    If you're supposed to critique what someone said then you cannot speak for 30 minutes & only play a 1 minute clip of what someone said. Yes I understand there are copyright rules but this doesnt allow for me or anyone to hear their arguments

    • @sundayciscero
      @sundayciscero Год назад +4

      I would suggest go watching Monte’s video then coming back then personally. Nothing in this video is sneaky

    • @JesusPPK
      @JesusPPK Год назад +1

      @@sundayciscero not saying it is being sneaky but doing what you suggest takes more time. Many people are long-winded though they don't need to be. This is case for other pastors I like. They do the same thing as this video & I'm like "Ok. Let's hear what they have to say. I've hear enough from you."

    • @sundayciscero
      @sundayciscero Год назад

      @@JesusPPK I feel that, but this is a channel for a certain arguement, and the other argument isn’t hidden, so if you wanna head the other side, we just gotta go hear the other side. Especially if we’re talking about holiness and salvation issues ya know? Just gotta find time to hear both. Only way to fully grasp what each is saying

    • @JesusPPK
      @JesusPPK Год назад

      @@sundayciscero i dont disagree but if it was worth my time to take 2 hours then I would do so. But I'd rather not. You must have to time &/or desire to listen to both. I just dont. Have a good day. Blessings

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +2

      I hear what you're saying, Ima! But the point of this video is not a back-and-forth between Mr. Judah and myself As I mentioned in the opening of the video, this is a "dive into the Torah and the Gospels and more-tracing the thread of God’s commands about food. And we’re going to use a video by a Hebrew Roots teacher named Monte Judah as the platform from which we’ll launch various excursions into the text of Scripture." This is why I included a link to Mr. Judah's full teaching for anyone that wants to watch it.
      Blessings, Rob

  • @PavelMosko
    @PavelMosko Год назад

    I disagree somewhat on the notion that there is no rhyme or reason for the Koshur food laws. If you look at early Hebrew culture, it is a pretty concrete thinking culture. You do not get much abstract thought in early Judaism they seem to do everything by some kind of historical reenactment ritual, building stone altars and pillars to mark things etc. They are not creating symbols or describing these things abstractly. But somewhere around the time of Philo of Alexandria people did make these connections and they recognized you can find some allegorical meanings behind the Koshur commands. Kind of like the saying< "You are what you eat", but that the creatures forbidden relate to things we should not be as far as "works of the flesh" are concerned. Besides that, I believe there were long time health benefits for the various laws, but there was no empirical studies to be able to appreciate such things. I don't think there was a danger of other cultures encroaching on Israel's uniqueness, because there was more immediate issues at hand, like having enough food to eat to begin with, having available protein etc. And the Jewish laws were an extra survival hurdle that most folks would not want. Besides this, there was the culture of hedonism, that was common to much of the pagan world, which would be another hurdle because it is easier to just eat whatever you want.

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад

      That seems to be the case for most in the Hebrew roots movement. But there are also some teachers who link salvation to keeping the Torah, which is a scary thought!

    • @PavelMosko
      @PavelMosko Год назад

      @@TheBiblicalRoots I agree. And I do see the position of folks believing the Torah or at least festival observance is needed for sanctification problematic as in being a heresy but one of a lower level. IF that really was true we should see a few more specific things in the epistles, and the Apostolic Fathers writings. Like saint Paul chewing out an errant congregation for not properly celebrating the festival of the booths, in the same manner that he warns people to not over eat at Holy Communion or use it as an opportunity to get drunk, or the way he instructs against sexual immorality etc. The big problem in my friend's case, he assumes there is this pure Messianic Judaism that is out there that from the beginning, (that has no Rabbinic tradition, or rabbis). And there was it is called Karaite, and it's earliest appearance is in Iraq around AD 720 or so, in one of the major cities like Nineveh.
      But we got no record of them in Israel, until much later maybe the middle ages. But assuming them, puts you on a similar epistemological place as the Mormons looking for stuff out of the book of Mormon, when almost certainly that is all fictional (almost no evidence for anything in the book of Mormon). But the whole when taken together almost sets people up "for a powerful delusion", because they ignore so much obvious contextual stuff from the Bible and history that goes against their position. So I'm at the place, where I almost would emotionally write off the entire movement, but I do see a few good ones out there that seem to accept their non-Jewish Christian brothers and are not trying to change them but be a resource for them. And I do learn lots of useful stuff from them, so I'm able to not totally discount the movement, just pick up lots of Bible footnotes, and cough at the stuff that is heresy, and if I'm irked do some kind of Blog or video on something that is really bad. But I do believe that a vast chunk of the movement is heretical in some way: anti Trinitarianism, Arianism, the Jewish version of Pelagianism, aka Legalism, anti-Paulism, and of course Torahism. And a few go off the deep end and deny Christ all together for Orthodox Judaism.

  • @interpretingscripture8068
    @interpretingscripture8068 Год назад

    Good points about the purpose of unclean vs clean animals. Because God originally made all things good and after the flood gave every creature for food so in and of creature is unclean....but for the sake of holiness and separation from the pagan cultures and idol worship etc God deemed certain animals unclean for the Jews under the Law of Moses until Messiah came and fulfilled the law.

  • @6969smurfy
    @6969smurfy Год назад +2

    I Promise you today, if you start to learn "Torah of Heart" you will see the Father Blessings!
    Please don't listen to Men on this subject for they are spreading their own Bias'.
    Please listen to the scriptures with a humble non indoctrinated Heart!
    Remember we are the Temple now, until YAHshuas return, dont think that defilling your temple with Unclean Heart is a good thing. ...

    @TSIRHCSEVAS Год назад

    I didn’t see anything wrong with Mr.Judas teachings. If you have a better understanding of the scriptures please share it with us but his teachings are not what hinder people towards Jesus today.

  • @musicinspire1745
    @musicinspire1745 Год назад

    Something that continues to escape my awareness is that invisible and magical verse that allegedly authorizes mankind to divide up the Mosaic Law into two compartments...that which is still required today, and that which is not! The knife carving practice of subjectively determining what is valid and what is not for today, that is one topic that remains ignored and minimized to the point of non-interest in the minds of those who feel they still need more than just Christ to set them apart and save them! Even for those who believe obedience to portions of Torah is a matter of reward rather than salvation, I'm still left wondering where the Lord established the dividing line between the curse of the Law and what can bring reward today!

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  Год назад +2

      I'm sure you would agree that not every command that God has given applies to every person at all times. Some of His commands only apply to certain people (i.e., men, women, parents, Levitical priests) or for certain times (i.e., building an ark, gathering manna, while in exile). And I'm sure you would also agree that we are each only expected to keep the commands of God that apply to us. The NT teaches that the ceremonial Mosaic commands do not apply to Christians today. (ex. Repeated blood sacrifices for sin are no longer required (Heb 10:18).) We still serve God and obey His commands, “But now we are released from the law, having died with Christ to that which held us captive, so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit and not in the old way of the written code” (Rom 7:6).
      Blessings, Rob

    • @musicinspire1745
      @musicinspire1745 Год назад

      @@TheBiblicalRoots Understood. However, the legalists are still left holding a bomb that can only blow up in their faces when they speak of requirement upon on the things that they still have subjectively carved out from Torah. Why stop at just the feasts and Sabbath? Who established that line of distinction apart from them subjectively applying it? That's my question. Not all their groupings agree with one another, so who's right and who's wrong among them? That's another item they have yet to tackle. Given that Yahshuah did a complete reversal of one OT Law in Matthew 5, they are left with a very hard road to travel in trying to even begin to root their theology in something anywhere near solid grounding.

  • @robertcain3426
    @robertcain3426 5 месяцев назад

    Cain offered vegetables to God, while Abel offered meat. God was not pleased with Cain's offering of vegetables, but accepted Abel's meat offering. What does that tell us?
    And why did Abel shepherd a flock, if they didn't eat meat?

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  5 месяцев назад

      Wool? :-) That's a great point, Robert.

    • @dancingzolins6782
      @dancingzolins6782 5 месяцев назад

      ​@TheBiblicalRoots A flock of sheep could be used for their wool. A herd of cattle could be used for leather. Goats and cattle could be used for milk, without eating their meat.

  • @cm3607
    @cm3607 5 месяцев назад

    Can you explain this please then . . .
    Isaiah 66:14When you see this, your heart will rejoice
    and you will flourish like grass;
    the hand of the Lord will be made known to his servants,
    but his fury will be shown to his foes.
    15See, the Lord is coming with fire,
    and his chariots are like a whirlwind;
    he will bring down his anger with fury,
    and his rebuke with flames of fire.
    16For with fire and with his sword
    the Lord will execute judgment on all people,
    and many will be those slain by the Lord.
    17“Those who consecrate and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one who is among those who eat the flesh of pigs, rats and other unclean things-they will meet their end together with the one they follow,” declares the Lord.

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  5 месяцев назад

      Hello, CM! When you read that amazing passage in Isaiah 66, which parts do you read as literal, and which parts are using figurative or metaphorical language?

    • @cm3607
      @cm3607 5 месяцев назад

      Verse 17 is literal enough to me

  • @teamrecon2685
    @teamrecon2685 Год назад +3

    Underpinning all Hebrew roots teaching is an understanding of justification by works. Some works, all works, ceremonial works.

    • @joshuamelton9148
      @joshuamelton9148 Год назад +1

      I have notice that too.

    • @tbishop4961
      @tbishop4961 Год назад

      No. That isn't what is going on at all. It has nothing to do with "justification" nor is it about spiritual salvation

    • @tbishop4961
      @tbishop4961 Год назад

      Underpinning all misunderstanding of "hebrew roots" practice is the initial failure to understand the Sinai covenant and what it is about. It's extremely arrogant to pretend to understand a practice you haven't engaged in. You may as well be trying to correct the footwork of a boxer having never engaged in a fight yourself

    • @freedominchrist444
      @freedominchrist444 Год назад +2

      I was part of torah movement for many yrs. I did engage and its false. It is based on torah not the gospel and Jesus. Torah movement does teach that torah is their righteousness. Jesus is merely a torah teacher in torah movement and many now teach torah is the gospel.

    • @joshuamelton9148
      @joshuamelton9148 Год назад +2

      @@freedominchrist444 That is almost parallel with what I find with certain sects of the Hebrew Israelites particularly the 1 west variety of Hebrew Israelites

  • @Bobbychildree
    @Bobbychildree Год назад

    At 44:00 “edited text theory absurd.” So was the Roman Catholic persecution of the Jewish believers and their gathering of any first century Hebrew epistles and gospels for great book-burnings. They were brutal and surprisingly thorough. Only one copy of Matthew was stolen away from the fires as far as is known, now located in the Louvre. If you read early Latin and Greek copies made from the Hebrew of Matthew, Revelation and other books, you frequently find Hebrew -isms that are crudely moved over into the other languages. The word “saying” is basically Hebrew for “quote,” throughout. In Revelation the foot that looked like a pillar is one example. In Hebrew the word foot means ankle to knee anatomy, not the actual foot we think of. In Greek that became a pillar. The hatred of everything Jewish resulted in Easter, Sunday worship, pig eating or you will be slaughtered stuff- that wasn’t to protect some Gentile mistranslation, it was hatred of the Jews by Catholicism.

  • @omegacools9666
    @omegacools9666 2 месяца назад

    But still only the blood and strangled animals are NOT allowed in the New Testament in verses:
    Acts 15:39, 15:20, but the rest you can eat it if you want.