Absolutely correct about any group.. What is the mission... Or better yet, what is the TRUE mission. Even within major groups there may be parts that are not in line with the original or true mission. I myself joined a certain group like that and walked away when I realized that what I thought was the mission, was only a cloak for what many within had as their purpose. So I have steered clear of joining any groups that have asked me to be a part of their 'cause'. Lol, I live in a 3rd world country... and if it wasn't so dang hot, I would be doing my grown man suits every day of the week... If the US doesnt burn down in the next 18 months, we will move back and be able to dress the image we like to portray. I just got into investing last year. Have only put a few hundred in, but have seen it grow into the thousands in value. I try to catch new tech type startups since AI is going to be the driver for the next evolution of tech. A workout video for us older fellas would truly be a good thing. You know many of us hit that struggle and forget to back out of it before we are stuck deep.
love your suit in the intro
Appreciate that!!
Absolutely correct about any group.. What is the mission... Or better yet, what is the TRUE mission. Even within major groups there may be parts that are not in line with the original or true mission. I myself joined a certain group like that and walked away when I realized that what I thought was the mission, was only a cloak for what many within had as their purpose. So I have steered clear of joining any groups that have asked me to be a part of their 'cause'. Lol, I live in a 3rd world country... and if it wasn't so dang hot, I would be doing my grown man suits every day of the week... If the US doesnt burn down in the next 18 months, we will move back and be able to dress the image we like to portray. I just got into investing last year. Have only put a few hundred in, but have seen it grow into the thousands in value. I try to catch new tech type startups since AI is going to be the driver for the next evolution of tech. A workout video for us older fellas would truly be a good thing. You know many of us hit that struggle and forget to back out of it before we are stuck deep.
u are so much nicer than king david
😂😂… thank you
my frend has 10 bitcoin he told me 7 years ago he wasnt going to sell it will go to a million
That amazing!!! Great to hold on to