Who is in charge of this EU? Farage, Cohn-Bendit, others react to Barroso speech

  • Опубликовано: 7 сен 2010
  • The first-ever State of the Union speech by European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso at the European Parliament in Strasbourg draws sharp responses from members of the European Parliament.
    In this clip, reactions from the following MEPs:
    - Nigel Farage, United Kingdom Independence Party;
    - Guy Verhofstadt, President of the ALDE group;
    - Daniel Cohn-Bendit, co-President of the Greens/ELA group;
    - Martin Schulz, President of the Socialists & Democrats group;
    - Joseph Daul, President of the European People's Party group, which is Barroso's family.

Комментарии • 225

  • @BelloBudo007
    @BelloBudo007 4 года назад +33

    2010 or 2020, it still looks and sounds the same to me. A German, a Frenchman & 26 other nationalities walk into a pub enjoy their drinks, and can't work out who's paying for it all.

  • @robertthistlewood5892
    @robertthistlewood5892 4 года назад +14

    It's about time someone told them the party's over ------ or maybe they know?

  • @chuckymcchuckface8768
    @chuckymcchuckface8768 4 года назад +18

    If carlsberg did reasons to leave the EU..... This is it .

  • @theveryfirst
    @theveryfirst 5 лет назад +24

    300 euros a day for just turning up. Nice work if you can get it.

  • @riokriok2863
    @riokriok2863 4 года назад +57

    farage is the best and man with balls

    • @strongarm8937
      @strongarm8937 4 года назад +2

      Yes, with the best humor too

    • @andrewharvey9157
      @andrewharvey9157 3 года назад +2

      A knitehood for farage over 20 years he been fighting for our interests and by god he done wt he said he was gonna do!!

    • @cultulenergiei9713
      @cultulenergiei9713 2 года назад

      SOS !. My name is : Lungu Caius Octavian. OF 21 YEARS I HAVE BEEN SUBJECT TO A TOTAL BLOCKADE, HOLOCAUST CONTINOUSLY CONTRIBUTED BY THE EU ATLANTIC GLOBALIST ORGANIZATION,EU ROU CS CARANSEBES. - My name is : Lungu Caius Octavian , I have been subjected for 21 years to a Holocaust Because I come from a family of Political Prisoners of the former Communist Regime .And I Wrote and Promoted the Ideology of the Cult of the Universal Energy Nucleus. - ATLANTIDO GLOBALIST ORGANIZATION AFFILIATE FROM EU, ROU CS CARANSEBES. I WAS FORBIDDEN: 1) To Have Children., 2) Access to the most elementary sources of income. The blockade on is done through the institutions of Justice, Public Prosecution, Militia, Christian Church. Political Parties.-I have informed the European Union Leadership and the Western Press about this Holocaust that I am subjected to, but they have hushed it all up. -> Globalist Devils, Shame on you for covering up the 21 years of Holocaust, the Total Blockade to which I Lungu Caius Octavian am subjected by your branch, your pack in the EU, ROU Caras-Severin Caransebes. Who Pays For These Globalist Persecutions?.

  • @lloydhughes2389
    @lloydhughes2389 11 месяцев назад +3

    That French guy sounds like he’s really passionate about croissants..

  • @shadowdugify
    @shadowdugify 4 года назад +17

    All I hear when I hear that frenchy speaking: "i love my crossants... why isn't more crossants"

  • @maureensmith9328
    @maureensmith9328 10 месяцев назад +3

    Love Nigel. Love these legendary clips. You are needed now more than ever!

  • @feonor26
    @feonor26 13 лет назад +5

    @EuroSon99 They have tryied to form EU many times. Hitler was one of them, but he tried to form it with bullets. What Napoleon and Hitler counldn't do with guns, EU have done with the stroke of a pen. The pen is mightier than the sword indeed. If you're not worried about the financial situaton, you should. Just because an idea of a "unified" Europe sounded all good and well 15 years ago, doesn't mean it looks pretty today. You're allowed to change your oppinion. The EU is an abomination!

  • @henrik8463
    @henrik8463 4 года назад +6

    Who started this crazy cirkus??

  • @truckerfromreno
    @truckerfromreno 11 лет назад +10

    I'm very fond of Spain and the Spanish people and I'm saddened by what has happened. But you made the decision to join the Euro - Britain had the good sense not to and we have been proved right. Maybe next time you will listen to us. Hasta la Revolucion Siempre.

  • @christopherfisher8748
    @christopherfisher8748 11 месяцев назад +1

    Thank god we are almost out of the Brussels balls up.

  • @tscholent
    @tscholent 12 лет назад

    @Weaponsuser thank you for setting the record straight!

  • @Cityj0hn
    @Cityj0hn 14 лет назад +1

    Howcome so many MEP's are texting eachother?

    @UKIPMEPs 14 лет назад +2

    @featherian - the Lisbon treaty has long been ratified - it came into effect on 1 December 2009

  • @MrJimbaloid
    @MrJimbaloid 4 года назад +2

    Nothing as bad as the E.U. has happened since the 30's and we all know how that went.

  • @mylove1618
    @mylove1618 8 лет назад +4

    Dogs dinner. LoL

  • @rheijm9201
    @rheijm9201 Год назад

    Any progress, on any topic mentioned by farrage or verhofstad? 2023by now

  • @jermsp15
    @jermsp15 Год назад

    And today?

  • @feonor26
    @feonor26 13 лет назад

    @EuroSon99 Don't think you quite understood the analogy.

  • @feonor26
    @feonor26 13 лет назад +5

    @EuroSon99 Bah! You delussioned poor sodd! None of the things you've mentioned is not the credit of the EU commission. Only thing they've ever done is adding to the bureaucracy. Industry is the credit of engineers and technicians, not political shills!

  • @featherian
    @featherian 14 лет назад +2

    @UKIPmeps well when ireland said yes on the ratification .
    poland and tcheq republic said no on the new ratification.

  • @feonor26
    @feonor26 13 лет назад +2

    @EuroSon99 One more EU fan that keeps comparing the US to Europe. I'll give you one guess why you can't make that comparisson, specially when you look at the timeframe each country and continent was formed and developed. We've been in wars with both Denmark and Sweden, do you see us chopping eachothers heads off today?! No, time change! Commerce and trade stops nations from attacking eachother, not the frkn bureocratic EU commission. We do not need more political shills to trade between us!!!

  • @isrberlinerin4063
    @isrberlinerin4063 5 лет назад +5

    I agree with Nigel Farage all the other clowns blowing hot air the whole EU is a bad Joke perpetrated on all sane Europeans !

  • @tommybrookes3066
    @tommybrookes3066 6 лет назад +2


  • @douglasmclean5553
    @douglasmclean5553 4 года назад +5

    EU straws collapse in the shenanigans played. death darkness fades

  • @la_musica_es_vida
    @la_musica_es_vida 13 лет назад +1

    An elected EU president should lead.
    As it is, neither Barroso or Van Rompuy are elected by European citizens.

  • @berto1999
    @berto1999 10 лет назад +7

    Cohn-Bendit is right!

  • @thomaspinto1111
    @thomaspinto1111 4 года назад +4

    In the United States we love our cinnamon rolls ! Uh, oh.... They are banned by the European Union !

    • @gail9299
      @gail9299 4 года назад +1

      Are they? No wonder I could never find any, I love them! Frightened of the competition obviously 😄

  • @makemap
    @makemap 13 лет назад

    The problem is that everyone follows greed. Why do you think we are so divided?

  • @la_musica_es_vida
    @la_musica_es_vida 13 лет назад +1

    I think you misunderstood my comments.
    I have no problem with van rompuy. My problem is with the belgian presidency of the EU ..... which rotates every 6 months. My point was how can the belgians possibly manage the EU presidency when they cant even form a government in their own country.

  • @Spenner56
    @Spenner56 14 лет назад +5

    Attention MEP's of the EU "parliament" :
    "After the realisation of the principle of the sovereignty of the people in Europe, only the peoples of the Member States can dispose of their respective constituent powers and of the sovereignty of the state. Without the expressly declared will of the peoples, the elected bodies are not competent to create a new subject of legitimisation, or to deligitimise the existing ones, in the constitutional areas of their states." (German Court ruling 2009)

  • @Weaponsuser
    @Weaponsuser 12 лет назад +2

    well i was referring to part of the video, where one man, basically says" this business has made a profit, now tax them higher rates , and take the money, so we here in the EU may use it.
    i don't approve of government giving banks money, in America it is unconstitutional, because our constitution gives government no power to dispense money out to people or business. however our government is breaking the law, all the time.

  • @la_musica_es_vida
    @la_musica_es_vida 13 лет назад +1

    @humanlikekid This is my last post, as the discussion is going around in circles. The problem is the rotating belgian presidency. Read above for answer.

  • @apefromthekitchen
    @apefromthekitchen 4 года назад +1

    We Europeans don't even understand each other. Why work together. There is no purpose in doing so. Is all about feelings really.

    • @arthurheidt6373
      @arthurheidt6373 4 года назад

      who are you to speak for all europeans? do you know every single one of them?

  • @wilfredprins9718
    @wilfredprins9718 Год назад

    The way of talking of verhofstadt makes me think of some Austrian guy from the past🤔

  • @Weaponsuser
    @Weaponsuser 12 лет назад +5

    as an American i find it still strange that people think that they are entitled to take money from other people or businesses, because they think they have made to much profit or are paying bonuses to people. from someone who believes in libertarian ideas, people or business who earn money, its there money .................not governments.

    • @rheijm9201
      @rheijm9201 Год назад

      @weaponsuser ..gethelp gringo. Sign ass weapon user, and call your system better? Get a shrink.

  • @mothermovementa
    @mothermovementa 2 года назад +1

    Verhofstat makes me physically sick.

  • @olafgunnerson3988
    @olafgunnerson3988 4 года назад +3

    Im telling you they want to build a fourth riech . Its why they wanted an EU army

    • @axolotl-guy9801
      @axolotl-guy9801 2 года назад

      Its reich you smart ass.
      There is a certain language with a cognate called "rich,".

    • @olafgunnerson3988
      @olafgunnerson3988 2 года назад

      @@axolotl-guy9801 so the only problem you have is the miss spelling of a German word . Not the fact that the EU wants a standing Army . You are such a dullard . That you can not see what is blatantly in front of you . That the EU wants to take control of other country's laws and decision making. Thank the gods We voted out .

  • @truckerfromreno
    @truckerfromreno 11 лет назад +2

    When you say 'we' you know you really mean the Germans?

  • @dangerousalbert3587
    @dangerousalbert3587 11 лет назад +2

    What do you want me to do, oh master of nothing.

  • @truckerfromreno
    @truckerfromreno 11 лет назад +3

    To be honest, Spain got sucked in under the illusion of democracy after Franco died. Spain needed a stable institution like the EU. Britain doesn't have the perspective of nations that endured right-wing dictatorships, or conquered nations in WWII. You need to understand that Britain is different from continental Europe and it is our historical experiences that give us a different perspective. Right now, Spain is trapped and has lost its democracy. You are back in a dictatorship. Sad.

  • @Sam-zw2gp
    @Sam-zw2gp 11 лет назад +2

    I love the Belgium I think they make Stella Artois? Also they made the Ford Sierra and have a little pissing baby. And chips and mayo.

  • @pobinr
    @pobinr 11 лет назад +3

    Not one of those EU politburo slime balls has successfully rebutted any of NF's comments.
    Vote UKIP

  • @kickniko
    @kickniko 12 лет назад +1

    Mr. Farage has said many correct things. He has the knowledge which our political class in general does not seem to possess. Ask them for example how the current debt of Greece has been started. Farage was the only one who refered to England in the 19th century and its business with Greece since then. All this one can read in history books, newspapers archives and official data of the EU in the web. But most of poliicians prefer to have epical speeches without knowledge.

  • @dz2ny
    @dz2ny 11 лет назад

    Haha wow, to be honest I had to look him up, but that comparison is actually really good. People get mad when you make the extreme Marx/Hitler comparisons but that Freisler is spot on, they are the same person in different eras! thanks.

  • @featherian
    @featherian 14 лет назад +1

    EU is not yet official IMO .
    until they ratify the lisbon treaty .
    until then they will keep the 6 months rotation.
    but they would prefer having tony blair as the president of the united states of europe

  • @strongarm8937
    @strongarm8937 4 года назад

    Stop the video at 0:30, you've already seen the best stuff

  • @alexmorris452
    @alexmorris452 5 лет назад +1


  • @Kresnov
    @Kresnov 12 лет назад

    Shultz = Have, Myself = Have Not.
    Nuff said.

  • @la_musica_es_vida
    @la_musica_es_vida 13 лет назад

    you are still missing the point. The discussion has nothing to do with van rompuy. The problem is the rotating presidency of the EU...... do you know what that is??? Earlier this year it was spain, now its belgium and in january, it will be another country.

  • @Mealosz
    @Mealosz 11 лет назад

    I´d say, more of Roland Freisler, or?

  • @Cyno7
    @Cyno7 12 лет назад +2

    that has to be the most enthusiastic, green party leader I've seen- no surprise that he's french

  • @mountainbiker9330
    @mountainbiker9330 Год назад

    3:30-3:31 The most French word you can hear.

  • @itsnotmyhouse5189
    @itsnotmyhouse5189 10 лет назад +11

    So glad I voted UKIP today .

  • @featherian
    @featherian 14 лет назад

    @featherian and its imo the reason why the poland president was assasinated in the suspect crash plane

  • @tonick19
    @tonick19 12 лет назад

    First of all, even if a common monetary union is a good idea, you can't have it without the consent of the people! It is totally undemocratic! And after all it is not only about the different languages but also different cultures, mentalities, philosophies, ways of life which inevitably lead to different rates of growth.. There is a massive difference between northern and southern europe as far as all that is concerned! And in a common monetary union everyone is too co-depent of each other...

  • @la_musica_es_vida
    @la_musica_es_vida 13 лет назад +1

    No, that's not true. I'm not english and I dont want an english person as EU president.
    But the EU president such as Van Rompuy should be elected by all EU citizens, not just the Belgians, whose country is laughable in any case.

  • @hmfmi
    @hmfmi 13 лет назад

    Martin Shultz is complaining because HSBC, Barclays, and The Royal Bank of Scotland made profits of 20 billion while European governments had to cut jobs, and goes on to say that the gap between the haves and have nots is too big.
    I guess his solution is to just take their profits and give them to other people??
    I see it a little differently than he does, to me the gap simply suggests that governments can't keep up with private companies and that free markets are always more prosperous.

  • @truckerfromreno
    @truckerfromreno 11 лет назад

    Ok sorry. I'm not European - I'm British.

  • @la_musica_es_vida
    @la_musica_es_vida 13 лет назад

    @humanlikekid Flemish and francophones dont like each other, sometimes they dont even speak to each other. All of this in such a small country, how can they avoid each other??

  • @mrdamaskinos101
    @mrdamaskinos101 13 лет назад

    @EuroSon99 Holland never went to war against the germans. If you consider surrender before the war even begins then might i advise you look up "define war".

  • @howardlitson9796
    @howardlitson9796 4 года назад +1

    Nigel farage you charge EU

  • @aleccap5946
    @aleccap5946 2 года назад

    In English ?????

  • @la_musica_es_vida
    @la_musica_es_vida 13 лет назад

    @humanlikekid Belgium is laughable because it's mirred in complete bureacracy. The simplest thing cannot be done in that country without it descending into a bitter squabbling mess between french and dutch speakers.
    In 2007, over 300 days without a government, this time it's over 100 days, How can any country fuction properly in this type of situation? It's totally inefficient.

  • @MightySheep
    @MightySheep 11 лет назад +1

    I love angry German rants

  • @Fizmoo
    @Fizmoo 13 лет назад

    The belgian presidency has been widely regarded as a huge success and has been one of the better presidencies in the last 5 or 10 years. Now there's your answer :)

  • @bookertee3057
    @bookertee3057 2 года назад +1

    Farage sees the stupidity and takes them all on. Whoever is number 34 of the council needs to quit picking his nose. Get a handkerchief! Good grief!

  • @diogopinto9462
    @diogopinto9462 4 года назад


  • @Realitycleans
    @Realitycleans 11 лет назад +1

    Socialists love the EU, those who love freedom stand opposed. Where are you?

  • @Weaponsuser
    @Weaponsuser 11 лет назад

    what does that have to do with it.it is government no matter if its a democratic or republican, both have had bailouts which is unconstitutional, neither of the parties follow libertarian ideas, which is (limited government and the secure of the individual rights of citizens). so why are you trying to turn it into a political question, ITS NOT, its a constitutional question, and a property rights question, government has no authority to steal profits from business....BECAUSE IT JUST WANTS TOO.

  • @6dune
    @6dune 11 лет назад +1

    "All nations to approve the abort and the same sex marriages will know the rigor of divine justice! My Father rejects this practices that are going against life and moral. I tell you, that the blood of my innocent children will judge you and will fall upon you. All practices against nature will be harshly punished by divine justice. All governors to approve detestable practices will suffer the weight of the curse, but not only upon them if not also in their offspring".
    Jesus to Pastor Enoc

  • @matthewbowler6563
    @matthewbowler6563 2 года назад

    Joseph daul "people haven't paid enough into EU we should have more... More than more.... people can't pay there pensions but let's take more money fuck if they don't want political union they should respect it"

  • @user-cw3yk6jz5u
    @user-cw3yk6jz5u 4 года назад

    Not koplin miluenstop om

  • @feonor26
    @feonor26 13 лет назад

    "They are one people and have one language, and nothing will be withholden from them which they purpose to do." So God said, "Come, let us go down and confound their speech." And so God scattered them upon the face of the Earth, and confused their languages, and they left off building the city, which was called Babel "because God there confounded the language of all the Earth."(Genesis 11:5-8)

  • @Weaponsuser
    @Weaponsuser 11 лет назад

    particular! the constitution only authorizes the federal government 18 duties, Madison, the father of the constitution says" charity is no part of the legislative duty of congress", under the constitution our republic, federal power is supposed to be limited, and state power vast. try reading the constitution and the federalist papers. america according to the founders, does not even practice democratic principles, but republican ones..federalist paper #39,

  • @ericboxer3053
    @ericboxer3053 2 года назад

    Down with the EU

  • @alaarmando7609
    @alaarmando7609 11 лет назад


  • @diogopinto9462
    @diogopinto9462 4 года назад

    You can tell everyone just wants to go back to their hotels citizens pay for ..

  • @albertpacaj6871
    @albertpacaj6871 2 года назад

    When you touch the moneny so you do not but the second one infect you

    @MJODENG Год назад +1

    Cohn - Bendit using drugs

  • @nicholasmudrinic4464
    @nicholasmudrinic4464 Год назад

    This union is full of those who are mad with power.

    • @maneshipocrates2264
      @maneshipocrates2264 Год назад

      The UK is out of the power and we all wish the UK best as it seeks to become global.

  • @mahomaho4
    @mahomaho4 13 лет назад +1

    From 2:19 on, only thing the woman has been doing is her make-up
    If she would be making sandwiches for all these hardworking men, then she would be useful at least...

  • @user-cw3yk6jz5u
    @user-cw3yk6jz5u 4 года назад

    May nanybgivenbay credut

  • @marinabroglia8459
    @marinabroglia8459 2 года назад +1


  • @urupomias
    @urupomias 11 лет назад

    I wonder if you cut off the arms of southern and western europians, can they still speak

  • @barrunto321
    @barrunto321 13 лет назад

    EU tax????????? a taboo? that would be the top bullshit of the EU circus?

  • @joshuawhite870
    @joshuawhite870 10 лет назад +1

    Cohn-Bendit is so right

  • @tincoffin
    @tincoffin 14 лет назад

    What a shower

  • @jonathanmoore5619
    @jonathanmoore5619 3 года назад

    Dogs dinner...

  • @enrico939
    @enrico939 14 лет назад

    i hate berlusconi, so i love schulz!!!

  • @user-cw3yk6jz5u
    @user-cw3yk6jz5u 4 года назад

    European iunion benefit no hay beten econmy

  • @albertpacaj6871
    @albertpacaj6871 2 года назад

    is the very economic detonator from
    WW 2

  • @francoisbay5468
    @francoisbay5468 9 лет назад +6

    All of european nation hate france for a long time a british hate a french german also spanish the same how we can be together if a nation don't share the same philosophy but we can be together if we share the same social law. This system is sicK because european start with the economical law not social law.

  • @user-cw3yk6jz5u
    @user-cw3yk6jz5u 4 года назад

    Bill bar s om ipeament

  • @user-cw3yk6jz5u
    @user-cw3yk6jz5u 4 года назад

    Chosen martin europeaninsden youon s

  • @r2dezki
    @r2dezki 12 лет назад

    @Weaponsuser One word: Communism.

  • @haitheory
    @haitheory 12 лет назад +1

    All of you disband, go home and resurrect your own sovereign nation states and find your souls and spirituality once again. Public servants must serve the public, the people, of their home country first and foremost and the highest public office must be democratically elected by the people. The EU is not such a model for any of the above, thus it must fail for the greater good.

  • @truckerfromreno
    @truckerfromreno 11 лет назад

    I know you don't, that's the problem mate, you haven't got a clue about what's going on.

  • @jemmacortina6918
    @jemmacortina6918 3 года назад
