6:35 my childhood dream was to scroll down my mouse and look at the succubus, I was disappointed. But today you made my childhood dream true, so I thank you
The old version much hotter, especially the tanned skin one depicted wearing thongs. The reforged version changed their thongs to boypants, not sexy enough.
Archimonde: The Old and New model are really appreciated, totally love it. Kil'jaden : While I love the older model, the effect on his model that seems like his fading out of existence, I love the Newer model, totally set him apart, love the detail of those little bit of glowing effect on his body. Infernal: I'm kind of struggling on this one, I don't know which model should I like more, the older for the nostalgia or the new one for its skeleton kind of vibe (I think liking both works for Archimonde but on this one seems hard). Ered'ruin Doomguard: Love the older model because of DOTA 1's Doom , but the new model really implicate that this guy is a doomguard, bonus point to that beard and the hairstyle. Ered'ruin Doomlord: Only difference is the armor other than that no further comments. Mal'Ganis: Ah......those green glowing aura won't be forgotten, glad that they give him a new look because there's a lot of dreadlord during the campaign and the only time you can set a few of them apart is the size of their model. Tichondrius: Surprised that they keep that red glowing aura , and that's hell of an ears! Mannoroth: Like the old model and while the head of the new model seems kind of awkward for me that lower though is sick! It is giving a chariot kind of vibe. Azgalor: Ah.....the thicc four-legged purple boy there's not much to say.... Perfection! Anyway the new model is lit! I mean his head and spine is on fire! And that hammer, anyway wish they keep the beard for the new model. Magtheridon: Another thicc four-legged purple boy, I'm kind of digging his newer model just because I'm able to set him apart from Azgalor. Balnazzar: Like the new one it just a little similar or perhaps more similar to Mal'Ganis, just less armor and with glowing green detail at the end of his horns. Varimathras: Did you notice that their names sounds hella sick? I really love his newer model, it's kind of grows on me, bonus points for the side burn beard, love the purple armor with the gold color accents reminds me of Death from Darksider 2 (Malganis has the same color scheme but it's more heavily implied to Vari than Mal'ganis, in my opinion). Detheroc: Yes the green glowing aura have return with the thicc dreadlord coming through , I never thought he's a thicc boy, throughly set him apart. Dalvengyr: There is really something about his newer model that I can't seem able to point out, anyway that detail of him having a broken right horn made me curious of the person able to break his horn like that. Man'ari Eredar: I don't know other than their more detailed version, there's nothing to talk about (Maybe the cape have return?) Succubus: While I miss the detail of their wings especially it looks like it is on their lower back, the newer model is the most welcome ( Something's rising and it's not the Shield Hero). Felguard: Yeah just detailed but I appreciate it; still love the older model (Sven!). Felhound: Both versions are iconic. Infernal Machine: No other comment other than the "Rock and Roll!" (Anyone remember that racing game mod in the Warcraft?) Satyrs: Older model? Iconic, the new model? Damn! They made that one Satyr, hella HOT! Oh no! I'm beginning to fall down the rabbit hole, anyway that smaller blue Satyrs reminds me of DOTA 2's Rikimaru because he's wielding two daggers. Nether Dragon: Kinda disappointed, the older model make them more mysterious, more terrifying, like they really come from the void/nether, make them more ethereal while the newer one make them just little bit of generic dragon. Pit Lord: The old and new models are iconic, though the new model kind of grows on me. Dreadlord: While the new one seems generic and a little bit the same with Dalvengyr, at least now you can tell who's who. Voidwalker: I love the older model because there's something about it, like they're deranged, they're in torment, they will hunt no matter what, you get what I mean, and also the skeleton kind of vibe, scary ghost vibe which make them creepy, while the new one while it make them kind of majestic, I wonder why they give me more of a gummy bear vibe, and little bit of slime (Like Zac in League of Legends?), used candle vibe and it feels like they are long distant cousin of Enigma from DOTA 2 and of DOTA 1's Morphling (Enigma use Morphling's Model in DOTA 1 they just make it darker). Grommash Hellscream: Perfection! Rock and Roll! For The HORDE! Chaos Blademaster: Prefer the older version, it literally scream "Samurai!!!" with the monk bead necklace, while newer version His head seems...... AWKWARD? (Anyway Yurnero! "My blade can cut through armor, and still cut a tomato." then proceed to use the ultimate to the creeps, refuse to elaborate, Leave, get reported by teammate). Mathog/Chaos Warlord: Older version, love it? Newer one? Love it also! (Chaos Knight!!!). Fel Orcs: Damn Fel Orc Peon! You totally are rocking it with that leather vest! Why the Fel Orc Grunt lose his iconic helmet? Gah! While I don't have anything to say to the rider but sheesh! for the wolf that skull looking face , Kodo Beast just "Rock and Roll" (I also love the detail on the Kodo's horn it really shows the corruption not just to the rider but to the mount too), and for the Warlock man the newer model reminds me of the Conjurer class from Divinity Sins 2 minus the bigger shield and it also reminds me the Mystic Knight class from Dragon's Dogma minus the race. Sorry ,this comment is too long to read.
@@Anudorini-Talah I mean, good on you if you like the game, that's fine, but no need to be a dick at people justifiably mad over missing features, false advertising, and Activision Blizzard retroactively making the game we loved and payed for worse in a lot of people's opinions. You don't have to dislike it, but we'll keep complaining, and maybe if Blizzard listens we might end up with a game all of us can enjoy.
The modelers and the people working on it clearly cared about the game. As per usual, its the scumfuck producers at Acti-Blizzard HQ who decided to release a shit product before it was done and only do so because they wanted to cash in on the next DOTA.
@The Snowy Defender Not really see the old models used the Warcraft Tabletop RPG Designs. And Blizzard declared it noncanon and thus the redesign to reflect this change.
I get that this is how they look like in World of Warcraft, but damn... Removing such a nice design in favour of another *big muscle, large shoulderpads jojo* is kinda... TASTELESS
Some things i dislike. Before you comment: Know that i think all of these models look AWESOME! :D my biggest gripes below are about why some things were changed. RTS games often involve being able to easily identify units with a blurry, quick glance. Obviously we will re-learn the identifiable characteristics (and i know im late to the party), but for people used to the classic shapes and colors why change some of these items??? : - Turning Archimonde's cloak into two strips that hang from his shoulders? Sure, minor, but *AT THE TIME* he wore a cloak. - Turning a cape into wings for Kil'jaden? Why? - The Doom Guard's horns are entirely different. Sure it's cosmetic but they've removed a blatantly recognizable aspect of a unit. - Azgalor randomly has a hammer now. Pit Lords have never used hammers - Detheroc is obsese now. Why - Red Man'ari Eredar have wings now. Why? - Blue felguards have 3 back spikes instead of 2. Identifiable unit change. - Purple Fel Hounds have troll tusks now? - The Infernal Machines aren't recognizable. - Netherdrake understandable - Void walker is SOOO different!!! i get that theyre matching current WoW, but the classic one could have been soo cool remodeled. - Chaos blademaster lost cool bubble necklace and vibrant pants
Great graphics and models. ^^ Although... too bad that many of the dreadlords look more like "savage warriors" rather than "demonic butlers". They had such a vibe in original WIII, especially Varimathras. Otherwise, yeah, really good looks for the models there. ^^ Still not gonna buy it though. I wouldn't have minded if they presented and sold their game just as a "better looking" version of WIII, but all the lying behind the marketing, and the politics behind the new Battlenet... I really don't want to encourage that. :/ It does make me wish however, that WoW would undergo a whole graphic revamp now. In its entirety. Although, probably not gonna happen. Blizzard isn't John Hammond : they like sparing expenses a lil too much. :p
The dreadlords should be elegant and even beautiful in a eerie and sinister way They were deceivers and manipulators, not brutes fighters after all Also the infernal was waaay more intimidating The rest is pretty neat tho
hope im not the only one who think the old neather dragons looked alot cooler and better they always stroke me for being a different dragons than normal dragons, but now theyre just dragons
If there is one good thing to take away from Warcraft 3 reforge is the top notch work of its 3D modelers, these models are absolutely marvelous and except for a select few cases on which I prefer the old model they are all better versions of their predecessors and even more faithful to both the current WoW lore and in some cases to the original design intent. Only thing I could fault them on is maybe some models have too much of a Diablo vibe which while a Blizzard franchise Warcraft always strayed carefully on their demon designs versus Diablo's. And some models of demon are just too orcish when they are not at all orcish in origin. But those are nitpics on an otherwise marvel of 3D modeling. If only the game and its release and all the PR decisions that came with it had had the love, care and attention these models got from their 3D modelers. Maybe the animators too, seeing as all the models have are idle animations unlike some of the old work which are seen having extended idle animations that trigger once in a while. It's sad these models are wasted on such a disaster.
I love all the designs except the Voidwalkers. They suppose to be ghosts, and they are not part of the burning legion. So that's the only major thing I would change. Otherwise, I love that every character has its own unique look, they did a great job on that. The details look incredible, however, I feel like they have a tad too many details. I good example is this 12:11. In the original game you can distinguish all units easily, however, in the new version, all the details are a bit overwhelming and it is hard to understand what is what. They should have used more detailed versions for the cutscenes and less detailed for the general gameplay. I also think that some units have a bit too small heads, like the Blademaster, for example, 11:16. In the new version, the Blademasters head is tiny lol
this is awesome, you should totally do more! although reforged is a mess as a game, the models themselves are a gem in the horrid rubble. Would love to see all the models done this way please!
@@Brandelwyn The old version has kind of animalistic. I found it fitting as not EVERYTHING needs to be made humanoid (which some of the demons are). There are angels described as having animal faces on four sides🦁😇🦅... I like when our old 🌎culture informs modern art (makes it feel more believable).
@@rathzo1800 The mind of some creators: make everything humanoid looking 🤮I am sick of it. The original had Animalistic features and should stay unless it is something like an Orc needing to look more like an Orc i.e. 10:42 Grommash Hellscream (looked not like an orc in original)
Even more noticable with the doomlords. I mean, look at them. The old ones almost had a resemblance to tauren. The new ones look wayyyyy more humanoid, more like orcs than tauren. And the succubus, while ofc sexier, are also less creepy bc they took out the shadowed faces with the dark veins.
The old void walker has a very ghostly appearance with nothing about the void walker being solid at all. The new one kinda looks like a jello monster with armor
I prefer the old versions to the new ones in most cases. Liking new better than old with these: Kil'jaeden, Chaos Warlord, Red Succubus. That's it. The newer models are mostly too Diablo-ish or warp the Orcs' design in a far more bloated direction. They're highly detailed but they lack the spirit of the old models.
@@zimulatetoec Literally like 5 demons had the same model but different color... I think that's nostalgy talking, dude, and not actually a valid critic. The gameplay and lots of things in the Reforged version are shit, but I think that saying that the models are bad is quite wrong and just complaining without any reason. Like, the only good thing in this version are the new models. The fun thing is that the models are the only thing that Blizzard/Activision itself didn't made lol.
@@franciscojavierlenatz1818 Eh, the new models are technically better, more varied too, but I do agree that they are lacking in personality. Like, everything in Warcraft 3 was stumpy, dopey, even a bit comedic at times, and though they were telling a serious story in the campaign, the inherent comedy in being an idiot and sending my death knight and a few ghouls to go raid my brother's settlement before immediately getting jumped by 20 peasants that he prepared for just the occasion and hid in a monster camp nearby was also a really important part of the game as well. It had room for the actual battles in-between the seriousness to be really dumb and funny if you let them, and that's just been lost in the transition.
@@Mediados I hate that tendency. We can acutlay say that almost every thing that comes out, if its game or movie, has to be shit... 99%... if something is good, then you are shocked lol. Warcraft movie is totaly shit. i am glad that this noob duncan does not continue. fool didnt even read books.
Hey please make more of these, I know there's like a ton of kinds of these videos but yours is much higher quality, so please continue to create more kinds of these videos, Thanks!
I always wondered why they had that cool Mathog model bit just used it in such a small way. I used to make custom maps with that model as a new orc hero. Shame the remaster isn't up to par.
I do not understand how those Nathrezims have adopted themselves to Legion so much although Denathrius created them and banishes them "on paper" Remember Tichondrius, he was calling himself the son of legion.
Because none of the people who wrote shadowlands lore had anything to do with WC3...not a single writer. Not even the very idea of denathrius or the shadowlands overall existed when WC3 was written. So the new writers did the only thing they know how to do: retcon the old, better lore to fit with their "vision"
@@thahoule7924 I think the nature of Dreadlords is not much different from humans. Mal'ganis sided with Death (Denathrius), Lothraxion sided with Light, while Tichondrius, Mephistroth, and Balnazzar sided with the Burning Legion.
New models are nice, but I think some of us have already have some vague idea about what’s wrong with it. This is the kind of model we would want to see in World of Warcraft, not Warcraft 3. The most important thing about models in RTS is the silhouette. As long as the silhouette is distinctive, we are fine. By having distinctive silhouette, the outdated original models made it clear which unit is which. The updated demons with wings kind of blend in together because while they are cool, the original have different design to make sure it’s distinctive. This is what we meant by “personality” I think. The worst part about the new graphics really is the icon. The icons are so poorly thought out, it’s inexcusable. It’s like they just slap in some closeup and call it a day. It’s so indistinctive, I find myself do a double take every now and then. Everyone knows remaking a classic is going to be tough, but with how Blizzard handled this project, we should let the old games fade into a corner of our memory, lest they dig it up and defile it like Arthas did to Terenas ashes.
Seems to be from Warlords of Draenor. We could hear a part of it on the mainscreen music. Don't know the exact name. Probably something about the Iron Horde.
i really like most of the new models, they are great when you look at them in a vacuum in a model viewer main issue is that they didnt put much thought into visual clarity when you actually play the game from an RTS top down perspective tragic when you think about what we could have gotten instead
Man, really felt like Magtheridon's new model looked way more like CGI Mannoroth, while new Mannoroth model just felt random? Facially, anyway. They should've swapped them up.
The orcs in the original game had the proportions of muscular humans, but in Reforged (and wow) they become these monstrous ogre creatures with massive inhamanly thick builds.
doesnt matter how an rts game looks ZOOMED IN super close.. you don't play the game this way.. you play it zoomed out.. and zoomed out it looks like trash.
Well I wouldnt go as far as saying it looks trash, but you are right that these really detailed models rather go to waste when you cant play the game up that close + they scrapped those completely remade cutscenes where they COULD have really shown these models up close.
The only demon reforged model that imo actually got worse than the original is the Doom Guard, purely because the old Doom Guard was much more properly armored to really sell the point of these being the elite demonic guard. The Reforged Doom Guard apparently lost his chest armor and pauldrons on the way to the audition, ironically in the version with much more emphasized pauldrons for most units. Also, apparently pit lords traded their beards in exchange for a badass crotch guards, which imo was totally worth it.
I really prefered the dreadlords being clothed, but thats my preference. I never realized how clothed some of the Succubus models were til this. Doom guard should of kept its cow/bull like head. The Fel Orcs are some of my least favorite though. I loved the aesthetic, even if it was simple recolors of their black and gold armor and weapons. It made them stand out still to the other orcs like they use different(Likely more demonic) materials.
Why is Detheroc fat? Why don't Doomguards have armor? Why do Dreadlords look like they're holding a platter in their right hand when idle? Where is the rest of the Dreadlord's armor? What's with the Void gum legs?
"We have no criativity, let's RE-LAUNCH EVERYTHING" Glad that when I was a kid we had Warcraf I, Warcraft II (some other expansions) then Warcraft III, then WoW (which was mind blowing) and now.... well that's that.
They are all huge improvements, tho the Pitlord characters like Manneroth. I wish they had found a way to keep his teeth. And making them all bald was also an interesting choice.
2:23 that transition was perfect
5:04 - Blizzard then vs Blizzard now.
Left- is when they create awesome rts games with amazing plot and doesnt squeeze the money essence of their fans.
Right- The opposite
Basically every single comparison in this video
he fat and ugly after been feed by consumer while in beta
I mean 1 looks the same as other 3 dreadlords the other is an original design
Detheroc spent 20 years eating all the cake in warcraft.
He was a breadlord!
he really let himself go over the years
Quarantine effect bro lol.
What'd he invade, a buffet?
Why does he have scars on his belly? He was he so ashamed of how fat he got he started self mutilating it?
Sargeras the Destroyer
Archimonde the Defiler
Keil'jaeden the Deceiver
Mannoroth the Destructor
Detheroc the Diabitos
It's confirmed detheroc is wilford brimley the dibateus guy
Mama may I have a cookie
Fr why they make him like dat jshsksksjs
13:54 damn. The happy warlock :'(
I know, what anyone wouldn't do for a shield like that
How to unsee :(
@@thanasetnetsarn7864 old champions man kiljaeden needed to look like archimonde as he was his brother
I wish I hadnot seen it...
Now I can't change my mind
0:37 Archimonde the Defiler
1:01 Kil'jaden the Deviever
1:25 Infernal
1:42 Ered'ruin Doomguard
2:17 Master of Pain, Ered'ruin Doomlord
2:20 Mal'Ganis, Nathrezim Dreadlord of the Burning Legion
2:43 Tichondrius the Darkener, Lord of the Nathrezim Dreadlords
3:05 Mannoroth the Destructor
3:30 Azgalor, Annihilan Pit Lord
3:59 Magtheridon, Lord of Outland
4:20 Balnazzar, Lord of the Risen
4:42 Varimathras, Future Arch Lord of the Undercity
5:03 Detheroc, Custodian of the Plaguelands
5:29 Dalvengyr, Scourge Leader of Dalaran Forces
5:52 Man'ari Eredar; Eredar Sorceror / Eredar Diabolist / Eredar Warlock
6:22 Sayaad; Suucubus / Vile Tormentor / Vile Temptress / Maiden of Pain / Queen of Suffering
6:59 Mo'arg; Felguard / Bloodfiend / Overlord (Fel Lord)
7:29 Felhound; Felbeast / Felstalker / Felravager
7:56 Infernal Contraption / Infernal Machine / Infernal Juggernaut
8:20 Satyr / Satyr Trickster / Satyr Shadowdancer / Satyr Soulstealer / Satyr Hellcaller
8:56 Nether Dragon Hatchling / Nether Drake / Nether Dragon
9:27 Annihilan Pit Lord; Brutillus/Brutallus / Mongrethod, Destroyer of Xandros, Destromath and Gogonnash/Gorgonnash
9:52 Nathrezim Dreadlord; Terrordar, Nerothos, Bleakill, Necros, Fearoth, Dethecus, Maldibion, Nochthitus, Gholbine, Rashgarroth, Aramachus, Zilfallon, Lorthiras, Zenedar, Mullioch, Algammon, Banehallow, Leader of the Shadow Council and Ven'Gyr
10:12 Lesser Voidwalker / Voidwalker / Greater Voidwalker / Elder Voidwalker
10:42 Grommash Hellscream, Chieftain of the Warsong Clan (Fel Orc)
11:14 Blademaster of Blackrock Clan
11:43 Mathog / Fel Orc Warlord (Scrapped Orc Hero Unit)
12:13 Fel Orcs; Peon, Grunt, Raider, Kodo Beast, Warlock
Note: Level increases from left to right. Satyr types are unknown to me.
Nice bro ?
No no
It's "Detheroc the diabetus"
@@jerobasangan3386 he is not talking about the meme
@@jackobot9027 but I am
Detheroc the Diabetus
@@jerobasangan3386 if you are then dont reply to a non-meme comment
I like some new details and variations between same monster/hero type but man a lot of original faces had much more sinister look.
Especially the infernal.
@@iheartart0827 that old nether drake being a little collection of triangles was my favorite part of these closeups ngl
Pit Lord.
The pit lord portrait looks like some ugly bastard from hentai. I like the model but god damn that face is hilarious.
actually. NO. the new models are much much much better .. and i played both a lot.
12:35 he looks like a cat face from a meme
You mean "oh shit thats deep" meme?
omg Gabriel Barsch wrote comment on another warcraft 3 video
pls make another madness video maaan
To tme the reforged one look like the monster inc meme
Hello there
6:35 my childhood dream was to scroll down my mouse and look at the succubus, I was disappointed. But today you made my childhood dream true, so I thank you
Succubus are all pretty hot 😍😍
@@abdulmahyadiharis1293 agreed
All of the Succubus units are so very sexy and hot as hell and they have wonderful physiques 😍
They called succubus for a reason
The old version much hotter, especially the tanned skin one depicted wearing thongs. The reforged version changed their thongs to boypants, not sexy enough.
13:48 i saw that, Diablo xD
Im hyped diablo 4 😵
Archimonde: The Old and New model are really appreciated, totally love it. Kil'jaden : While I love the older model, the effect on his model that seems like his fading out of existence, I love the Newer model, totally set him apart, love the detail of those little bit of glowing effect on his body.
Infernal: I'm kind of struggling on this one, I don't know which model should I like more, the older for the nostalgia or the new one for its skeleton kind of vibe (I think liking both works for Archimonde but on this one seems hard).
Ered'ruin Doomguard: Love the older model because of DOTA 1's Doom , but the new model really implicate that this guy is a doomguard, bonus point to that beard and the hairstyle.
Ered'ruin Doomlord: Only difference is the armor other than that no further comments.
Mal'Ganis: Ah......those green glowing aura won't be forgotten, glad that they give him a new look because there's a lot of dreadlord during the campaign and the only time you can set a few of them apart is the size of their model.
Tichondrius: Surprised that they keep that red glowing aura , and that's hell of an ears!
Mannoroth: Like the old model and while the head of the new model seems kind of awkward for me that lower though is sick! It is giving a chariot kind of vibe.
Azgalor: Ah.....the thicc four-legged purple boy there's not much to say.... Perfection! Anyway the new model is lit! I mean his head and spine is on fire! And that hammer, anyway wish they keep the beard for the new model.
Magtheridon: Another thicc four-legged purple boy, I'm kind of digging his newer model just because I'm able to set him apart from Azgalor.
Balnazzar: Like the new one it just a little similar or perhaps more similar to Mal'Ganis, just less armor and with glowing green detail at the end of his horns.
Varimathras: Did you notice that their names sounds hella sick? I really love his newer model, it's kind of grows on me, bonus points for the side burn beard, love the purple armor with the gold color accents reminds me of Death from Darksider 2 (Malganis has the same color scheme but it's more heavily implied to Vari than Mal'ganis, in my opinion).
Detheroc: Yes the green glowing aura have return with the thicc dreadlord coming through , I never thought he's a thicc boy, throughly set him apart.
Dalvengyr: There is really something about his newer model that I can't seem able to point out, anyway that detail of him having a broken right horn made me curious of the person able to break his horn like that.
Man'ari Eredar: I don't know other than their more detailed version, there's nothing to talk about (Maybe the cape have return?)
Succubus: While I miss the detail of their wings especially it looks like it is on their lower back, the newer model is the most welcome ( Something's rising and it's not the Shield Hero).
Felguard: Yeah just detailed but I appreciate it; still love the older model (Sven!).
Felhound: Both versions are iconic. Infernal Machine: No other comment other than the "Rock and Roll!" (Anyone remember that racing game mod in the Warcraft?)
Satyrs: Older model? Iconic, the new model? Damn! They made that one Satyr, hella HOT! Oh no! I'm beginning to fall down the rabbit hole, anyway that smaller blue Satyrs reminds me of DOTA 2's Rikimaru because he's wielding two daggers.
Nether Dragon: Kinda disappointed, the older model make them more mysterious, more terrifying, like they really come from the void/nether, make them more ethereal while the newer one make them just little bit of generic dragon.
Pit Lord: The old and new models are iconic, though the new model kind of grows on me.
Dreadlord: While the new one seems generic and a little bit the same with Dalvengyr, at least now you can tell who's who.
Voidwalker: I love the older model because there's something about it, like they're deranged, they're in torment, they will hunt no matter what, you get what I mean, and also the skeleton kind of vibe, scary ghost vibe which make them creepy, while the new one while it make them kind of majestic, I wonder why they give me more of a gummy bear vibe, and little bit of slime (Like Zac in League of Legends?), used candle vibe and it feels like they are long distant cousin of Enigma from DOTA 2 and of DOTA 1's Morphling (Enigma use Morphling's Model in DOTA 1 they just make it darker).
Grommash Hellscream: Perfection! Rock and Roll! For The HORDE! Chaos
Blademaster: Prefer the older version, it literally scream "Samurai!!!" with the monk bead necklace, while newer version His head seems...... AWKWARD? (Anyway Yurnero! "My blade can cut through armor, and still cut a tomato." then proceed to use the ultimate to the creeps, refuse to elaborate, Leave, get reported by teammate).
Mathog/Chaos Warlord: Older version, love it? Newer one? Love it also! (Chaos Knight!!!).
Fel Orcs: Damn Fel Orc Peon! You totally are rocking it with that leather vest! Why the Fel Orc Grunt lose his iconic helmet? Gah! While I don't have anything to say to the rider but sheesh! for the wolf that skull looking face , Kodo Beast just "Rock and Roll" (I also love the detail on the Kodo's horn it really shows the corruption not just to the rider but to the mount too), and for the Warlock man the newer model reminds me of the Conjurer class from Divinity Sins 2 minus the bigger shield and it also reminds me the Mystic Knight class from Dragon's Dogma minus the race.
Sorry ,this comment is too long to read.
The only real production value in this whole mess. Now that I've seen it, I don't need to buy the game. Thank you.
It's a shame that the good things done by some of the people working on this got overshadowed by all the shitty things.
ok, by forever then, glad you finally made your decision. Awww so now we can continue play reforged without whining babys like you ahaha XD thanks
@@Anudorini-Talah I mean, good on you if you like the game, that's fine, but no need to be a dick at people justifiably mad over missing features, false advertising, and Activision Blizzard retroactively making the game we loved and payed for worse in a lot of people's opinions. You don't have to dislike it, but we'll keep complaining, and maybe if Blizzard listens we might end up with a game all of us can enjoy.
The modelers and the people working on it clearly cared about the game. As per usual, its the scumfuck producers at Acti-Blizzard HQ who decided to release a shit product before it was done and only do so because they wanted to cash in on the next DOTA.
@@stupidcommentmaker what a scumbag business they are. I feel bad for the modelers and creator that put their effort and soul into it.
Detheroc really let himself go, poor guy
He received the poorest potion of ions gift🤣
Me: huh these new models look pretty good
Also me: sees Detheroc and dies of laughter
Even Detheroc felt the effects of lockdown
5:06 detheroc is fat? i never knew that
Fat From Gluttony and Success
He just got fat from eating to much fel fast foods
And drinking fel mount dew
Detheroc needs a really big portal to summon or 10 warlocks to summon him hahahahaha
That's right 😂
Aren’t void walkers suppose to be ghosts? In the remastered version they look more like swamp monsters.
theyre more of an elemental, but you know. EVIIIL
@The Snowy Defender
Not really see the old models used the Warcraft Tabletop RPG Designs. And Blizzard declared it noncanon and thus the redesign to reflect this change.
I get that this is how they look like in World of Warcraft, but damn...
Removing such a nice design in favour of another *big muscle, large shoulderpads jojo* is kinda...
I wish they stuck with the original blobs we had in vanilla WoW, not the musclemen we have now.
My question is why do they have shoulderpads? Why do elementals have forged metallic armor on them? Who forged it for them?
Some things i dislike. Before you comment: Know that i think all of these models look AWESOME! :D my biggest gripes below are about why some things were changed. RTS games often involve being able to easily identify units with a blurry, quick glance. Obviously we will re-learn the identifiable characteristics (and i know im late to the party), but for people used to the classic shapes and colors why change some of these items??? :
- Turning Archimonde's cloak into two strips that hang from his shoulders? Sure, minor, but *AT THE TIME* he wore a cloak.
- Turning a cape into wings for Kil'jaden? Why?
- The Doom Guard's horns are entirely different. Sure it's cosmetic but they've removed a blatantly recognizable aspect of a unit.
- Azgalor randomly has a hammer now. Pit Lords have never used hammers
- Detheroc is obsese now. Why
- Red Man'ari Eredar have wings now. Why?
- Blue felguards have 3 back spikes instead of 2. Identifiable unit change.
- Purple Fel Hounds have troll tusks now?
- The Infernal Machines aren't recognizable.
- Netherdrake understandable
- Void walker is SOOO different!!! i get that theyre matching current WoW, but the classic one could have been soo cool remodeled.
- Chaos blademaster lost cool bubble necklace and vibrant pants
Great graphics and models. ^^ Although... too bad that many of the dreadlords look more like "savage warriors" rather than "demonic butlers". They had such a vibe in original WIII, especially Varimathras.
Otherwise, yeah, really good looks for the models there. ^^ Still not gonna buy it though. I wouldn't have minded if they presented and sold their game just as a "better looking" version of WIII, but all the lying behind the marketing, and the politics behind the new Battlenet... I really don't want to encourage that. :/
It does make me wish however, that WoW would undergo a whole graphic revamp now. In its entirety. Although, probably not gonna happen. Blizzard isn't John Hammond : they like sparing expenses a lil too much. :p
The dreadlords should be elegant and even beautiful in a eerie and sinister way
They were deceivers and manipulators, not brutes fighters after all
Also the infernal was waaay more intimidating
The rest is pretty neat tho
@@guifdcanalli I actualy prefer the Infernals from WoW-Legion. I think that's the only unit in WoW that I prefer over Reforged. It have better design!
hope im not the only one who think the old neather dragons looked alot cooler and better
they always stroke me for being a different dragons than normal dragons, but now theyre just dragons
The old Nether Dragon model was just a recolor of the Phoenix model.
@@stigma2936 and it looked amazing
the bandits are just recolor of footmen, but they had an identity
They are children of Deathwing, so why not
If there is one good thing to take away from Warcraft 3 reforge is the top notch work of its 3D modelers, these models are absolutely marvelous and except for a select few cases on which I prefer the old model they are all better versions of their predecessors and even more faithful to both the current WoW lore and in some cases to the original design intent. Only thing I could fault them on is maybe some models have too much of a Diablo vibe which while a Blizzard franchise Warcraft always strayed carefully on their demon designs versus Diablo's. And some models of demon are just too orcish when they are not at all orcish in origin. But those are nitpics on an otherwise marvel of 3D modeling.
If only the game and its release and all the PR decisions that came with it had had the love, care and attention these models got from their 3D modelers. Maybe the animators too, seeing as all the models have are idle animations unlike some of the old work which are seen having extended idle animations that trigger once in a while. It's sad these models are wasted on such a disaster.
I love all the designs except the Voidwalkers. They suppose to be ghosts, and they are not part of the burning legion. So that's the only major thing I would change. Otherwise, I love that every character has its own unique look, they did a great job on that. The details look incredible, however, I feel like they have a tad too many details. I good example is this 12:11. In the original game you can distinguish all units easily, however, in the new version, all the details are a bit overwhelming and it is hard to understand what is what. They should have used more detailed versions for the cutscenes and less detailed for the general gameplay. I also think that some units have a bit too small heads, like the Blademaster, for example, 11:16. In the new version, the Blademasters head is tiny lol
this is awesome, you should totally do more!
although reforged is a mess as a game, the models themselves are a gem in the horrid rubble. Would love to see all the models done this way please!
I still have memories about this game, now i must play the reforged one
when quarantine hits you bad
Damn them Felguards having muscles on their eyeballs.
Love how the doomguard 2:10 goes from a Tauren'ish to an Orc'ish :D
I like the old version better
@@Brandelwyn The old version has kind of animalistic. I found it fitting as not EVERYTHING needs to be made humanoid (which some of the demons are).
There are angels described as having animal faces on four sides🦁😇🦅... I like when our old 🌎culture informs modern art (makes it feel more believable).
@@NPC-bs3pm And that's the problem for me with reforged.. Everything looks like some humanoid or shit.
I for one think most of the models are brutally upgraded in a good way with a few showing noticeable awkwardness of being not done by blizzard
Love it. Can you do a "Warcraft 3 Reforged - All Humans Comparison - Original vs Reforged" one day?
Tbh, I always liked old version of infernal, with so much fire. Version with fire fingers instead of simple rocks is so much cooler
Agreed, although I'll take this new model above the model WoW got on release any day. Almost wish we could have both.
Yeah, and in that opening cinematic it looks more like it's striking a pose than roaring at you. Laaaame
But the old art look much more fearful
Except this 6:33. I love it :)))
10.40 music?
The satyrs are supposed to be more animalistic
@@rathzo1800 The mind of some creators: make everything humanoid looking 🤮I am sick of it. The original had Animalistic features and should stay unless it is something like an Orc needing to look more like an Orc i.e. 10:42 Grommash Hellscream (looked not like an orc in original)
Even more noticable with the doomlords. I mean, look at them. The old ones almost had a resemblance to tauren. The new ones look wayyyyy more humanoid, more like orcs than tauren. And the succubus, while ofc sexier, are also less creepy bc they took out the shadowed faces with the dark veins.
Im prefer the old voidwalker :(
Same x2
The old void walker has a very ghostly appearance with nothing about the void walker being solid at all.
The new one kinda looks like a jello monster with armor
Looks like Raider forgot his pants.
Old Doomguard looks much cuter.
Btw you should also do a quick compare of their animations too.
01:30 i prefer the old infernal
Nah, the new one looks exactly like the one on the cinematic
@@zakral1 In the NEW cinematic you mean. Duh. Also its death animation sucks
Naaaah, the old one looks goofy af compared to the new one
Old Archimond looked super scary. But new models looks good.
The old models especially dreadlords look way more evil. The new ones look really dunno, they look more like minion demons
I prefer the old dreadlords they look more like vampiric than demonic
@@theblade1251 exactly, new dreadlords looks like a standard fantasy demon
maybe the developers rushed the new ones
@@cominksuadnyana4980 thats what they are though, also in WoW
Those Fel Orc Warlocks make me sad that they can't wear shields in WoW
a tank spec would be 👌
Mannoroth looked scary AF in vanilla. In reforged he's like an action figure or some toy
It's literally how he looked in the cinematic.
Call me crazy but I like the old Doomguards better. They looked cute in a derpy kind of way. 2:15
13:48 wait, isn't that the Tank Warrior shield skin for the legión artifact?
13:39 what a happy little fel orc. Also Succ has giggle, nice
I prefer the old versions to the new ones in most cases. Liking new better than old with these: Kil'jaeden, Chaos Warlord, Red Succubus. That's it. The newer models are mostly too Diablo-ish or warp the Orcs' design in a far more bloated direction. They're highly detailed but they lack the spirit of the old models.
Detheroc just looks like a pit lord trying to be a dreadlord
1:29 Groudon finally got his primal form
Fuck you
@@groudonkyogre1146 ???
@@chuggaavsme since when ground don is the golem
Looks like detheroc was hanging out with pitlords picking few of their habits.
These models are the only thing that actualy can attract people to this game... too bad the game it self is pretty shit even with the models.
The models simply don't have any personality. Tghe old models had more life than the new ones
@@zimulatetoec Literally like 5 demons had the same model but different color... I think that's nostalgy talking, dude, and not actually a valid critic. The gameplay and lots of things in the Reforged version are shit, but I think that saying that the models are bad is quite wrong and just complaining without any reason. Like, the only good thing in this version are the new models.
The fun thing is that the models are the only thing that Blizzard/Activision itself didn't made lol.
@@franciscojavierlenatz1818 Eh, the new models are technically better, more varied too, but I do agree that they are lacking in personality. Like, everything in Warcraft 3 was stumpy, dopey, even a bit comedic at times, and though they were telling a serious story in the campaign, the inherent comedy in being an idiot and sending my death knight and a few ghouls to go raid my brother's settlement before immediately getting jumped by 20 peasants that he prepared for just the occasion and hid in a monster camp nearby was also a really important part of the game as well. It had room for the actual battles in-between the seriousness to be really dumb and funny if you let them, and that's just been lost in the transition.
The game isnt "shit" per definition because its still god damn WC3. Its just not what was promised.
@@Mediados I hate that tendency. We can acutlay say that almost every thing that comes out, if its game or movie, has to be shit... 99%... if something is good, then you are shocked lol. Warcraft movie is totaly shit. i am glad that this noob duncan does not continue. fool didnt even read books.
now this is once a fucking well made video! no fucking talking about bullshit, just pure info
Hey please make more of these, I know there's like a ton of kinds of these videos but yours is much higher quality, so please continue to create more kinds of these videos, Thanks!
the company (not blizzard) who did this has done a great job! everything else about this game is a disaster
Raivazz well, the artists did a great job
Apparently the company doesnt like bethesda too
It was IceFrog if I'm not wrong?
@@germiljohnsagun8452 you are absolutely wrong, icefrog isn't a company nor he is affiliated with Blizzard and WC3
@@CrnaStrela I see, so it was just DOTA that IceFrog was involved right?
3:22 uhhh thanks... I guess
4:22, thats me :D...still kept the same nickname after all these years in honor to my favorite game of all time
Beatiful art but the game is a mess
I totally agree with your comment.
with new cinematics, new interface and new environments, it would have been a great game.
@@YOYODODO anyway thx for the content buddy
@@YOYODODO how could they screw up with this game... i stil cant believe that they actualy made such a mess.
@Ben van der Riet hey as much as I hate raid shadow legends I like its graphics. Blame the game designers and the execs not the artists.
@@YOYODODO shame activision blizzard didn't want to do that. I mean they didn't did those models.
6:46 даже анимацию сисек сделали, браво)
Idk what youre saying but im gonna assume you coomed your pants
8:25 Female satyr is news to me
Yeah. I always kind of assumed that Satyrs were only male and their female version was the Succubus.
8:25 That's Female Satyr
@@ShadowTheHedgehogCZthey’re not the same at all, satyr are night elves while sayaad is their own race
I always wondered why they had that cool Mathog model bit just used it in such a small way. I used to make custom maps with that model as a new orc hero. Shame the remaster isn't up to par.
They need to hire a couple of succubus as a fitness trainers for Detrok. It is shame for the officer of the Burning Legion to have such bad shape.
And using Eric Prydz Call On Me as background music... 😂😂😂
Nice job man
I do not understand how those Nathrezims have adopted themselves to Legion so much although Denathrius created them and banishes them "on paper"
Remember Tichondrius, he was calling himself the son of legion.
Because none of the people who wrote shadowlands lore had anything to do with WC3...not a single writer. Not even the very idea of denathrius or the shadowlands overall existed when WC3 was written. So the new writers did the only thing they know how to do: retcon the old, better lore to fit with their "vision"
@@thahoule7924 I think the nature of Dreadlords is not much different from humans. Mal'ganis sided with Death (Denathrius), Lothraxion sided with Light, while Tichondrius, Mephistroth, and Balnazzar sided with the Burning Legion.
@@thahoule7924they never seemed demonic enough to me
Excellent work. Great !
New models are nice, but I think some of us have already have some vague idea about what’s wrong with it. This is the kind of model we would want to see in World of Warcraft, not Warcraft 3. The most important thing about models in RTS is the silhouette. As long as the silhouette is distinctive, we are fine. By having distinctive silhouette, the outdated original models made it clear which unit is which. The updated demons with wings kind of blend in together because while they are cool, the original have different design to make sure it’s distinctive. This is what we meant by “personality” I think. The worst part about the new graphics really is the icon. The icons are so poorly thought out, it’s inexcusable. It’s like they just slap in some closeup and call it a day. It’s so indistinctive, I find myself do a double take every now and then. Everyone knows remaking a classic is going to be tough, but with how Blizzard handled this project, we should let the old games fade into a corner of our memory, lest they dig it up and defile it like Arthas did to Terenas ashes.
Detheroc is taking a jump from warcraft universe to image universe becoming spawn adversary
6:27 The Succubus units are so very sexy & hot as hell and have wonderful physiques.
yeah min max female sexiness
Those succubus look like they're ready for some CBT and pegging
Nobody gonna talk about at 6:28 hot damn my ladies are gonna rule this game when get it
awesome soundtrack to this video
I want Fel Orcs as a playable race, they look so bad-ass now
That would be too broken tho .
i can make a map for you😂no joke
Hopefully one day you will finish the warcraft reforged comparisons
10:52 anyone has the name of the soundtrack?
Seems to be from Warlords of Draenor. We could hear a part of it on the mainscreen music. Don't know the exact name. Probably something about the Iron Horde.
i really like most of the new models, they are great when you look at them in a vacuum in a model viewer
main issue is that they didnt put much thought into visual clarity when you actually play the game from an RTS top down perspective
tragic when you think about what we could have gotten instead
Man, really felt like Magtheridon's new model looked way more like CGI Mannoroth, while new Mannoroth model just felt random? Facially, anyway. They should've swapped them up.
The orcs in the original game had the proportions of muscular humans, but in Reforged (and wow) they become these monstrous ogre creatures with massive inhamanly thick builds.
doesnt matter how an rts game looks ZOOMED IN super close.. you don't play the game this way.. you play it zoomed out.. and zoomed out it looks like trash.
Well I wouldnt go as far as saying it looks trash, but you are right that these really detailed models rather go to waste when you cant play the game up that close + they scrapped those completely remade cutscenes where they COULD have really shown these models up close.
it looks fucking terrible it was subcontracted to a malasian company, they don't give a fuck and its absolute garbage
Could someone tell me the name of the song that sounds from 10:45 on please
@@Dicka899 ruclips.net/video/Rz3d3_4ij-g/видео.html&ab_channel=AdriaCraft :)
Magtheridon looks like Mannoroth in cinematic.
I'm glad the succubus actually looks like succubi's now and not some weird...bat thing with wings tied to it's arms.
6:48 Jiggle
The only demon reforged model that imo actually got worse than the original is the Doom Guard, purely because the old Doom Guard was much more properly armored to really sell the point of these being the elite demonic guard. The Reforged Doom Guard apparently lost his chest armor and pauldrons on the way to the audition, ironically in the version with much more emphasized pauldrons for most units. Also, apparently pit lords traded their beards in exchange for a badass crotch guards, which imo was totally worth it.
The new doom guard now looks like a barbaric creature, not an elite demonic guard
Hate the horns on the new doom guard, old ones were alot better imo.
5:20 - This is just Covid lock-down in a nutshell. OPEN THE DAMN GYMS AGAIN 😥
5:18 Man, Detheroc really let himself go after getting his ass kicked by rogues in Legion.
Credit is given where it is due; these are excellent. 10/10
Old models seem so much more stacked with power. I can't help but prefere the old ones. And I'm confident it is not nostalgia.
Why was female all that time?
Is just Skin variation
They may come as Male or female
I really prefered the dreadlords being clothed, but thats my preference.
I never realized how clothed some of the Succubus models were til this.
Doom guard should of kept its cow/bull like head.
The Fel Orcs are some of my least favorite though. I loved the aesthetic, even if it was simple recolors of their black and gold armor and weapons. It made them stand out still to the other orcs like they use different(Likely more demonic) materials.
Why is Detheroc fat?
Why don't Doomguards have armor?
Why do Dreadlords look like they're holding a platter in their right hand when idle?
Where is the rest of the Dreadlord's armor?
What's with the Void gum legs?
Detheroc gained some weight man
If i have wings why am i always walking?
Am I the only one that dislikes the spikes on fel orcs? Makes them look silly and impractical rather than menacing.
Tf they do to the voidwalkers 😭😭😭
"We have no criativity, let's RE-LAUNCH EVERYTHING"
Glad that when I was a kid we had Warcraf I, Warcraft II (some other expansions) then Warcraft III, then WoW (which was mind blowing) and now.... well that's that.
They are all huge improvements, tho the Pitlord characters like Manneroth. I wish they had found a way to keep his teeth.
And making them all bald was also an interesting choice.
um... excuse me, where is the soundtrack list?
The new infernal look's great, amazing
It is such a good thing that I play fireboy and watergirl forest temple on hudgames because I have no problem with the lagging.
Magtheridon looks more good than mannoroth
@YOYO-DODO I beg you, what is the name of the first music? It is very important that I know! :D
Would love if you did the same for other races!
13:42 Edna: *NO CAPES!!!*