It’s not even close, the originals are hard to watch. They laid a crucial groundwork, but the characters, story, and atmosphere simply cannot compete with the prequels.
The best Star Wars movie is The Empire Strikes Back. Episode III is the best out of the prequel trilogy. That isn't saying much because episodes I and II are hot garbage. Don't even get me started on the sequel trilogy.
It’s almost like wars and politics go hand-in-hand.
all of starwars is political my guy. Thats the whole point and what makes the movies interesting.
Woah woaaah where we going with this one lmao
Isn’t the point of the whole OT to overthrow the government? That’s as political as it gets imo
Episode 3 is the best episode, no questions asked. It’s only competition is AoTC.
You like AoTC more than all 3 of the OT movies?
It’s not even close, the originals are hard to watch. They laid a crucial groundwork, but the characters, story, and atmosphere simply cannot compete with the prequels.
@Mesuxyxrxbskxkxyp SMH! Everything you just said is wrong.
@@Mesuxyxrxbskxkxypeeeee Yea no the characters in the ot are leagues agead of the prequels. Obviously it’s subjective but they can certainly compete.
Bro there is barely any politics in episode III. Also it’s the best Star Wars movie😯
The best Star Wars movie is The Empire Strikes Back. Episode III is the best out of the prequel trilogy. That isn't saying much because episodes I and II are hot garbage. Don't even get me started on the sequel trilogy.
The pre are better then the originals
@slimman2756 false
Idk seems pretty political to me