Black-breasted Thrush 黑胸鶫 ⇢Blue winged minla 藍翅希鶥 ⇢ common rosefinch 普通朱雀

  • Опубликовано: 8 фев 2025
  • 黑胸鸫(学名:Turdus dissimilis)属中型鸟类,体长20-30厘米。雄鸟整个头、颈、胸黑色,其余上体暗灰色,下体橙棕色,极为醒目。嘴、脚蜡黄色。雌鸟上体橄榄褐色,颏、喉白色,上胸橄榄褐色具黑色斑点,其余与雄鸟相似。栖息在海拔1200-1700米的丘陵地带、常单独或成对活动,有时也见成小群。地栖性,多在林下地上和灌丛间活动和觅食。性胆怯,善于隐蔽。分布于中国西南部、印度东北部、缅甸、泰国、老挝、越南等地。
    栖息于海拔2000米以下的阔叶林和针阔叶混交林中,尤以林下植物茂密有蕨类植物和杜鹃灌丛的常绿阔叶林较常见,有时也进到针叶林。 常见于在海拔1200-1700米丘陵地带、坝区或低山丘地带活动以及多在乔木和灌丛间活动。
    The black-breasted thrush (Turdus dissimilis) is a species of bird in the family Turdidae. It is found from north-eastern India to northern Vietnam. Although both male and female birds have the same colour on their lower parts, the upper section of males is mostly black in colour, while females are mostly grey-brown. Thus, the bird's common name refers to the colour of the male bird's breast. They tend to live in forests located at high altitude.
    The black-breasted thrush is 22 centimetres (8.7 in) to 23.5 centimetres (9.3 in) long in total, including its tail.[3][4] Whereas the lower parts are the same colour for both sexes, the upper and middle parts are where they differ. For males, the section spanning from their head to the back of their neck and breast area is black, and the remaining areas at the top are slate gray. On the other hand, females are gray-brown from their eyes to their tail, and the section from their throat to their breast is a "diffused" shade of buff.

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