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Mark Hamill: “I fundamentally disagree with EVERYTHING you’ve done with my character.” Patrick Stewart: “Picard must be held accountable for the crimes of Starfleet!”
There is an episode of STNG called Tapestry where Picard had an opportunity to change his life where he played it safe. Where he was bereft of passion and imagination. Where he was timid, effete, and impotent. Picard told Q he didn't want to be that man. Yet that is exactly who he is in Picard.
In that episode, Picard originally DID want to be that man.. until Q showed him how he'd turn out later. He then changed his mind. It was a great episode.
"If the writers don't care about it, why should I?" That sums up pretty much everything about the vast majority of spinoffs and reboots nowadays... sad, really.
My father was a passionate fan of the first two "Godfather" movies. He absolutely loved them. When Godfather 3 came out in 1990, my father went to see it with such high expectations, he was as excited as I was to see Star Wars or Star Trek movies. He came home a depressed, broken man - like someone had stolen all his toys, set them on fire and made him watch. For many many years, it was essentially common knowledge that Godfather 3 was a movie so bad it soiled the good memories of the first 2 movies. Now it's our turn. Both Star Wars and Star Trek have been SO mishandled that I want to sue somebody. I feel wounded, betrayed - and I finally understand what I couldn't about my poor father with Godfather 3. Dad, I owe you a drink.
Godfather 3 is not the worst movie ever, but pales in comparison to parts 1 and 2. It has a bizarre storyline involving the Vatican, and questionable acting from everyone outside of Pacino.
I actually can't complain about THE GODFATHER - PART III... It's an excellent movie on its own, it just doesn't live up to the first two. The quality of the first two movies raised our expectations on this series so much, that we couldn't longer see how good the movie is in direct comparison to the rest of the film industry! At that time and even more so at present!
dawww did daddy man-child get a boo boo when his little toy was broken? did he ever get over it or is it as angry you when it comes to something like star trek moving on without you and leaving you in the dust bigot?
From what I’ve heard, the creators and owners to the rights of the Back to the Future franchise have decided to hold out and stubbornly refuse to let anyone, no matter how much money they offer, remake it into modern trash. Good for them! At least there’ll be one less part of my childhood to be ruined by modern Hollywood.
All I can say is thank God. You CANNOT remake a perfect movie trilogy just 30 years after the original came out, it's not only stupid, it's disrespectful.
Really, this Bleakness/Darkness, this overall Tone-Shift has interesting Implications, hence why it got an entire Video-Essay by Some-More-News: His video "Popcorn Dystopia". Its interesting.
Don’t let Patrick Stewart off so easily. He’s not being “used.” He reads the scripts, he could say no. He’s Patrick Stewart. He could speak out about this crap and he’d barely get a slap on the wrist, and at his age, it’s not like he has to worry about not getting work after this show. He’s on board with it most likely, as sad as it is to see.
He has a long history of "it's current year"-ing about women "issues". Sure he prob knows the show sycks but he doesnt care about the audience who built his fame and wealth, he (like all movie/tv people) cares about people he actually respects...
Unfortunately, Patrick is and always has been a liberal. It appears the inherent conservativeness of Captain Picard from TNG never rubbed off on him...
@@VoodooV1 Patrick Stewart literally said he was “violently opposed” to Elia Kazan getting a lifetime achievement award. It’s not a troll he’s speaking facts.
@@TheDoomslayersDaddy Except Federation members are shown to own private property While I'm at it, it's funny that lefty ST fans never see how the Prime Directive might apply to nationalism vs. globalism
Discovery has never had me in tears or pondering things. So many episodes of TNG had me walking away blown away. Picard with the probe and the flute storyline is one of my favorites. Picard staring off into nothingness is more powerful than all 4 seasons of Discovery combined... Discovery makes me sad.
Just like Star Wars and Marvel and DC comics. Just like mainstream journalism and professional sports. It’s what happens when the marxists take over a culture.
That's because it isn't Star Trek and was never intended to be. The creators invented a new franchise and painted a Star Trek veneer over it in the hope that old Trek fans would support it.
@@randyjones3050 Yep. And I hate that. I watched some of this shit and thought to myself "Have the people behind this ever actually WATCHED Star Trek?"
@@outsidethepyramid No we don't at least not all if us. I honestly believed in Roddenberrys vision even if I thought it was at least a thousand years off. If anything I think it's gen z who loves and supports these shows not millennials.
Never been a fan either. Always figured one day I would be super bored and watch everything, well, now mostly everything about the show. Kinda glad i didn't during quarantine, because i would be even more pissed off from already being a star wars fan. But like everything else these days, we can only vote with our wallets and remind ourselves that just because someone made some new shit, doesn't make it cannon.
Unfortunately, we are currently living in a dark dystopian 1984ish time. I think one of things that people have forgotten is that the masses enjoy filma nd TV to escape the bullshit of day to day life; not to have their face rubbed in it and get brow beaten for not agreeing with the status quo.
My first thought with the Q reveal was: “Didn’t we already do this in Tapestry? A million times better?” He really peaked in All Good Things, and after that he was really restrained.
Isnt Kurtzman the same asshole that thought we would all give a crap about re-doing Spock’s death with a new version of Kirk that we barely knew and eliminated that plot thread within 5 minutes using the absolute worst idea that ever came out do the show Heroes…”superblood”. Damnit I wish I was a self-pigmentation hating liberal with rich parents so I could fail upwards in the entertainment industry
@@ThatBillmanGuy Meh. Data's death in Nemesis was cheapened by the fact that he'd uploaded his memories to B4, giving the writers a obvious loophole for bringing him back... so even as a longtime fan of TNG, his death in that movie had no emotional impact for me.
Historic buildings are given "protected" status, to legally prevent them from being redesigned or defaced. We should have a similar law for entertainment properties, and Kurtzman should be in jail!
The funny thing is, long ago there was a guy who hold a speech to prevent movies from being redesigned or changed, then he changed Star Wars four times and sold it to Disney
ANY writer/producer that puts "The Message" first over a good storyline/script SHOULD be jailed... I mean, take Batwoman for example, derided, laughed at, a piss poor show, and yet... They persist with making more claiming it a, cough cough, ahem, 'A success'... 😒😒😒
@@thedarkknight1971 id consider it fraud to pass off propaganda as entertainment. they ought to have to repay everyone who thought they were buying a show including all the people who got subed to the streaming service just for this one show. but jail time? nah. let them be poor at their own expense.
and C) fancied being a lezzer for the lols. No offence, I don't mind lesbians at all, but this inclusion was more for diversity than sense. Last we remember 7 of 9 was that she was with Chakotay. I know they don't want Robert Beltran back for reasons just as they didn't want the original actor for Icheb for similar questionable reasons. It just is a bit meh really. I wasn't entirely taken with Jeri Ryan when she was added into the cast for Voyager. Kate Mulgrew didn't get on with her much during the filming. I had grown to like her though but with this subversion, she has gone back to dislike.
@@MrNicoJac I really enjoyed Voyager. Specis 8472 still gives me the creaps. Enterprise for all its faults and it definitely has lots was the last recognizable Star Trek. I didn't enjoy the time travel shit but the feel of the ship, the crew and the early Federation was right. It also showed the professionalism that would be required for such a mission as the Enterprise.
I recall reading that Paramound and the other company with the rights split after that, and it was agreed upon that if star trek would be made again, it had to look and seem creatively different. We never will get that kind of Star Trek again
Remember when Hollywood writers were so skilled they could make a Star Trek movie about them rescuing whales , with no Enterprise, and it was awesome? Look at how the mighty have fallen.
Seriously! There was just one single phaser shot in that whole movie. And even that was aimed at an inanimate object (doorknob). And the film still had more excitement and depth.
Remember: they had Shatner and Nimoy duo, who were established and integrated actors long before they appeared on Star Trek ( "The Men from U.N.C.L.E").
@@grantorino2325 Interesting comment. I read a column in _The Sunday Times_ (2009ish) claiming that during _The Cold War_ the West had to show its moral superiority to the mighty Soviet Union and that since its collapse, we've all descended into nihilism (paraphrased).
I respectfully decline to acknowledge the existence of this show. In my history book, Picard's story ended when he sat down to play cards with his crew and later, off-screen, when he retired to peaceful obscurity in the countryside of his home country on Earth.
Thank goodness I thought "Let bygones be bygones" when the show was announced. Never saw a single bit of it, and do not intend to start now. Same goes for Disaster/Diversity. I do watch Lower Decks, but that is all I am willing to engage with. Sadly, the put the Orville behind a paywall here, so I can't say how that turned out (only watched season I).
You're right! I only consider ORIGINAL STAR TREK, the 70s animated series, NEXT GENERATION, the 6 ST films, and the 4 STNG films canon. The J.J. Abrams films do NOT count!
"The timelines been fucked up. We have to kill the producer." -Q Seriously those gunplay scenes tell you everything you need to know about how far removed this is from actual Star Trek.
What is actual Star Trek exactly? Klingons originally looked like humans. It's been retconned of course, but then if you're okay with WORF looking the way he does then you can't complain that they retconned anything else.
And this is why I watch less TV these days. I swear Patrick Stewart is portraying Picard the same way he portrayed Charles Xavier in Logan, an old fractured shell of his former self.
Didn't you notice they do it with all the classic movie heroes these days? Rambo, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Indiana Jones, Wolverine, Picard, Deckard ... They bring back aging heroes under the guise of a sequel or a reboot, only to have them humiliated and made to look like a fool in contrast to a "younger generation" of mostly race ambiguous characters. It's nothing short of the pop culture equivalent of corpse defilement. They dig up something that was pure and strong and worthy of admiration, and they kick it around for 90 minutes for the sake of...what? Showing that the glory days don't last for even our most cherished heroes? Depressing, is all, man. Commies did the "non pop culture equivalent" of corpse defilement just like this 100 years ago in places like Spain, among others. Beatified nuns and sainted priests and members of the nobility that were dead for decades were dug up to be...humiliated in death. This is what gets these degenerates off. Same people that pull off statues or "reevaluate" historical figures. Even when they pretend it's for the common good, there's always a sinister agenda. Instead, now we don't worship saints and historical figures, so they feel like they have to piss on the fictional heroes of popular culture. Sick fucks, these bastards are.
It really says something about hollywood in its' current state when they get the exact opposite reaction from teasers that they're shooting for. They expect everyone to be pleased and excited for Q showing up but personally all it does for me is fill me with dread. These writers and producers have proven that they couldn't find the pulse of their audience with an EKG cranked up to 11. Also letting Patrick Stewart into the writers room was the worst mistake they ever could have made. He was fine as Picard when there were competent show runners and writers working from Roddenberry's singular vision, but now, there is way too much of his own ego and political axes to grind wrapped up in the character. Hollywood is in terrible need of some actual adults to come in and snap these assholes out of their tailspin.
Lets be real, Hollywood was probably always full of politics and bullshit. These days its just become much more obvious, and their business model has become too solid to put breaks on their bullshit.
Are you sure that was the opposite reaction they wanted? Seems more like they were patting themselves on the back for seeing how much the fans hated them destroying Star Trek TNG's legacy. I bet they get off to it. They probably walk around with hatred hard ons.
My whole issue with ST:P is wrapped up neatly in the character of Raffi. She exemplifies everything wrong with the showrunners and their complete inability to understand the source material. In the beginning of the show Picard finds her living in a trailer park of one, addicted to drugs and alcohol, complaining about how "da gubmint took ma baby." and yelling at Picard for having "a vineyard full of antiques." In the world of Star Trek literally none of those are actual problems. Their advanced medical science could take care of both chemical addictions with a hypo-stim, and it you want a vineyard, antiques, literally anything, you have replicators. You feed dense rocks into a box and it gives you literally anything you want. Food? How about gourmet? Drugs? How do you like the original Cocacola recipe? Antiques? How about a 12th century medieval chair carved out of black forest pine? No? Then what about an atomically exact copy of La Pieta? A 20th century Commodore Computer? What material good could you want? Bigger? Well how about we just replicate the components to an industrial replicator. Then you can make a house, appliances, a shuttle craft... Replicators are such a revolutionary technology that they make the idea that humanity doesn't use money anymore realistic, because they would completely disassemble the entire concept of economics over night. Even if you tried to monopolize the tech someone would steal it and jail break it. It would only be a matter of time before somebody made a replicator that could replicate replicators and flood the market to the point of making everything worthless to the point where the only thing of value left would be power, which would be easy, replicator fuel, which would be fucking easy, and the little schematics for the stuff you replicate, but the computers can do that for the most part so even they would be largely worthless. That is the world of Star Trek and this dumb fuck is blaming other people for her self created problems.
Not only is she a shallow representation of everything you said, but her brief storyline with her kid was completely devoid of any point or direction whatsoever. They contrived that subplot and never visited it again (as far as I know). It was the ultimate "I have cancer" moment you see in The Room by Tommy Wiseau. What the hell was the point?
I believe that the director wanted to force his own vision of today into ST world and that resulted in the mutant ,unnatural creation. Desperately trying to promote THE MESSAGE.
On the topic of the replicators and capitalism, I may recommend the book "The Prox Transmission". It deals with this topic, among others. Great book written by Dustin Bates - lead singer of Downplay and Starset - and Peter David, also has a comic version if you prefer it.
They tried the same cheap fanservice tactic in season 1. Characters we once loved all messed up and shoehorned into a badly written travesty that's an embarassment to everything Star Trek stood for.
I completely agree. It's a case of once bitten, twice shy. I won't be watching this second series because they basically trashed TNG with this garbage.
Yeah. Not even the glorious Jeri Ryan could get me to want to watch season 2 or rewatch season 1, not even if she sat in my lap and played with my hair... Okay, maybe that but nothing short of that! When I walked out of the theater in 2009, I remember thinking that just because some character has the same name as a character we all know, does not make that character the same character. I thought I was watching a parody of Star Trek. With Picard it was even worse. It didn't feel so much like a parody as a deliberate insult, not to the characters but to us, the fans. It was a bait and switch. They promised a return of Picard, but they gave us an old man with zero command presence and less sense than a drunk Marine in a Korean cathouse. The fanservice turned out to be more thumbing their nose at us by having once beloved characters either acting completely out of character or being placed into ridiculous situations and then having to act like it's business as usual. Frequently both. Star Trek died when CBS bought it and started chopping the franchise up into little contractual morsels with moronic "must be X% different" clauses. Nobody cares anymore.
If somebody had told me, just a couple of years ago, that Seth McFarlane of all people, would make an unofficial Star Trek tv-show that is better written & ''just get's'' the whole Star Trek ''vibe'', than any official Star Trek production, I would have called this person crazy. And here we are,in 2021 and ''The Orville'' is putting to shame anything that has the Star Trek label attached, for over a decade! I repeat, the guy who made that movie with the talking teddy bear & Marky Mark, makes a better Star Trek show, than any official Star Trek show! Hell, I bet the hacks from RLM could write a better Star Trek show, than Alex Kurtzman at this point! We must be truly in a Bizarro dimension or something....
Speaking of Seth, I just watched an ST:Enterprise episode yesterday and he was in the engineering deck of the Columbia getting briefed by Trip. He really is a huge fen of the franchise... No wonder his stuff is better, as current holders couldn't care less about ST Lore, continuity and canon.
@@Francois424 He also hired a couple of the old Star Trek writers/producers for his show, so people who know this franchise, not the guy who wrote the Bayformers movies.
Did anyone happen to notice that in Picard season 1, the Romulans were actually right? I mean, the threat wasn't that teen robo-angst would kill an entire planet, nor that she would cause the destruction of an entire galaxy full of people, but of all life in the entire universe! But Picard believed in her - which makes her actual attempt to end all life in the universe just a potential unfortunate possibility. Further, the Romulans weren't just trying to save themselves, but to save all of StarFleet, all of humanity, Klingons, Silorians, Ferengi, green Orion slave chicks, really everything! So... is the Romulan academy accepting recruits?
I’m a Trekkie, mum even made the whole family uniforms when we were kids to wear at conventions. I’ve never watched Picard and I turned off Discovery half way through the first episode. Klingons are my favourite alien race and they absolutely butchered them in that show. That’s when I know something was seriously wrong with the new shows
Very similar to my childhood. I ducked out earlier though and turned off Voyager during episode 2. Everything past the third season of DS9 has been pathetic trash.
Why does it feel like all the Star Trek instalments have to have a galaxy-ending conflict now? I was entirely invested when their whole identity was about finding new cultures, or spending seven seasons getting back home. We want character focus, not massive singularities that can destroy planets and shit
The age old question has finally been answered. Who was better? Picard or Kirk? Kirk, hands down. No more debate is needed. Kirk is our hero. Kirk is our captain. At least we can finally put that one to rest
Because things like that take actual writing talent and risks, two things modern studios don't have. Explosions don't offend anyone and guarantee income.
@@OldieWan You might be reading too far into what I said there. I just asked why it's relevant to the galaxy-wide stakes I was talking about, I never insulted you
Unpopular opinion: Generations was awesome. Somewhat popular opinion: First Contact was good. Everything after First Contact= 💩 So First Contact was the end for me.
Generations was good; although disappointing, it really needed some outside eyes to reshuffle some scenes, and have Kirk on the Battle Bridge of the E-D destroying the Klingons before dying to make it phenomenal. First Contact was awesome. Insurrection is okay, but would have been so much better if they started it with a Dominion-war battle and someone of the main cast dying. And then their insurrection on the Ba'ku planet would be all about making sure that cast member and all the other people dying is not in vane, that Starfleet stays true to its ideals, rather than degenerate into something as bad or worse than the Dominion. Also, instead of that hypocritical sociopath character being a love interest for Picard, he should have called her out on her utter bullshit. Nemesis was a plothole ridden pile of crap; although compared to 09 it was a masterpiece. So for me, TNG ended with Insurrection.
The only way this shit storm resolves in a satisfactory way: Picard is sent to UNDO discovery, and they end up nuking eachother's timelines, leaving only the NON JJ timeline. Wait, No.. Sigh... that idea is way to complicated for these writers to understand.. so.....
It would injure their WHAT? You mean that bad ability to adorn oneself with borrowed plumes or to beat on someone weaker that is still done and on the ground?
@@meoff7602 You....do realize that corporations are ultimately run by human beings too, right? Yes, the overriding impetus is money, but things like stupidity, hubris, and so on are just as much a factor for them as any individual person, if not moreso.
Its so laughable that this was in Production and is now made, and meanwhile, the Powerpuff Girls TV Show is also in Production. How many years has it been since 'The Last Airbender'? Yet, Trash-Quality is by no means extinct; in fact, i'd say the opposite is true. Sex Sells and Trash-Quality in General (both nicely blood-related though, duh) are on the March. They're comin' for yaaa! They're coming clooooser! ...
the only way to save Star Trek is to make a metafictive movie where they go back in time to terminate Kurtzman, Orci, Goldsman and JJ. But they have live ammo.
Its so laughable that this was in Production and is now made, and meanwhile, the Powerpuff Girls TV Show is also in Production. How many years has it been since 'The Last Airbender'? Yet, Trash-Quality is by no means extinct; in fact, i'd say the opposite is true.
You know there's something wrong when you can religiously watch every episode of TNG for the rest of your days but the minute you see Q show up in the Star Trek "Picard" trailer you roll your eyes and turn the trailer off....
You know, had it been to me to reintroduce Q, I'd have emotional reunion of Guinan and Picard, ending episode with clifhanger when they two have moment of understanding and then familiar flash of light and wooosh sound effect happens and they slowy trun back, to camera in growing horror.....
I feel this pain. TNG is my go to when I don't have anything to watch and want to relax in front of the tv. Everything I love in entertainment is being warped and twisted into something I don't even recognize.
I hate seeing characters I care about show up in these things. I don't want to see a character I care about morph into some asshole I don't recognise, or learn about what depressing and messed up shit has happened in their lives since I last saw them. I'm not watching season 2. I couldn't get through season one.
The end of the first season was the cheapest, crappiest rug pull I ever seen. The entire reason I watched it through the end was I bought that this was supposed to be the "finale journey" of Picard. It made sense too given Stewart's age. If they ended it with his death, I could probably forgive the "meh" of the whole season. But the whole bringing him back to life in the same old body (god forbid they do something original and daring like re-cast Picard as a younger person) was just sooooo dumb. It was the ultimate reset button that made no sense. Making 7 of 9 gay in the final second was also just a cherry on top of this dumpster fire..got to get your representation in!
As always, the Drinker is spot on. Trek hasn’t had good writing since the cancellation of Enterprise. It had flaws, but it was light years better than current Trek.
ENT wasn't awful when it came out. More good than bad, if only slightly, and some genuinely good shit here and there, like damn near all of S4. But much like the second Die Hard (the weakest of the first 3), it has now been elevated to a place of high art since entries 4 and 5 were awful.
Ent was horrendous writing. Watch an ep of DS9 then go to Ent. It's similar to Kurtzman trek in plot holes & conveniences. Then there is the poor acting, Jolene Blalock was terrible hamming her way through what should have been subtle
I wonder if the Romulan War might have salvaged it. I enjoyed it well enough but i don't remember much about it. In contrast i still remember episodes from TOS or DS9, some TNG ones as well. Even Voyager left more of an impression.
the only thing that annoyed me with ENT was that from the get-go they were too much "Trek"... Appearance, beaming, artificial gravity, time travel conspiracy... But at least they worked on character development. It would have deserved less drama story arch than they've put out with season 3 and focus on "the weekly problem"
The only positive thing in Picard was the guest appearance by the Enterprise. I love what Star Trek used to promote, It really upsets me to see what it has become.
The guest appearance of the enterprise where they got the location of ten forward wrong? Deck ten, forward section (clues in the name) yet in Picard they zoomed in on ten slightly left of forward the identical yet unknown bar onboard
You know I am a big fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation, it is my favourite show of all time. Deep Space 9 is also great and probably the most underrated Star Trek show. Voyager had watered down, simpler plots but it was still enjoyable. I wasn't a huge fan of Enterprise, but it has grown on me over the years, and although there were some missteps it wasn't that bad and compared to anything Kurtzman has done it is a masterpiece. Real Trek on TV died when Enterprise went off of the air and with Star Trek Nemesis on the big screen. Enterprise was the last Trek TV series that was written by people who understood what Trek should be. Same with Star Trek Nemesis, although it wasn't that great a movie, it was still trying to be Trek. The Kelvin Timeline took what was a thinking man's sci-fi series trying to portray a future where humanity had mostly gotten over limited thinking of capitalism and bigotry and was now exploring what it means to be human or what it means to even exist at all, -- then the Kelvin Timeline made Trek into just another sci-fi action movie franchise, and worse with Star Trek Into Darkness did a lousy soft reboot of Wrath of Khan (the most popular film in the franchise which had absolutely no reason to be remade) and then the highly illogical plot of Fast and Furious in Space, er, I mean Star Trek Beyond. Alex Kurtzman also took what has always been an ensemble cast show and made it focused on Mary-Sue=space-Jesus rather than an ensemble crew and also took the Shakespearian quality character of Picard and turned him into a man who just stands there as he is berated by some drug addict black woman all the time. I have not watch anything after Season 2 of Discovery and I will likely not watch season 2 of Picard, I have seen too much of Kurtzman Trek with the three seasons I have seen already.
@@WyomingGuy876 Neelix was actually on the show until the episode before the two partner finale of the final season though. Kess was definitely the most underdeveloped character and was basically replaced with Seven of Nine, and of course Seven of Nine made the show way more interesting. That one episode where Kess came back for one episode and had gone insane and wanted revenge on Voyager was one of the dumbest episodes of Voyager though ha ha!
Kurtzman has definitely been successful in making me no longer want to watch Star Trek movies and TV, which is a pretty high accomplishment considering my level of obsession with the franchise since before my age was double digits. I made the mistake of watching most of the first season of Picard out of curiosity. I don't think they could cook up something interesting enough for me to do that again.
“If Beyond and Discovery killed the franchise, then Picard resurrected its decaying corpse, bent it over a table, and had its way with it using the teddy bear from my Doctor Who analogy” - Critical Drinker
You talked about exciting times when the worlds collided, in Generations when Picard met Kirk in his home and Kirk made eggs....... That scene blew my mind and still does. Incredible dialogue and accurate character portrayal, Shatner nailed Kirk after such a long hiatus.
The two of them together will always be one of the most epic moments of Star Trek. And yes, the dialogue....so many great quotes. I know people hate how Kirk died, but if you look deeper.... In The Final Frontier during the camping scene (which is my most fav thing) Kirk said he knew he wasn't going to die when he was mountain climbing because Bones and Spock were with him, and that when he died, he knew he would be alone. And he "died" twice so to speak - once saving an "Enterprise" with two of his crew on it, as well as the daughter of Sulu, and then the second time saving an entire world along side an Enterprise Captain. If that isn't Kirk, I don't know what is. The thing that makes me emotional is that life is imitating art, because Dee and Leonard are gone and Bill is "alone."
Q's Black female daughter is going to come and bring him back to the elderly Q nursing home where he is scheduled for "humane" termination by the young LGBTQ Q.
I read shortly something like *LBTQIA* but I was a little to frightened to ask what the IA means. A comment on a gameside got deleted and I got a "warning" because I wrote something like LBTQLOLOMFG and something about melting snowflakes I think
@@666LonesomeSailor WHAT!?!?!?! And they were offended??? Did they melt like the Nazi officer in Raiders of the Lost Ark when they opened the Ark?? I do hope I remember this and use when appropriate.
There are good shows out there... The Expanse is fantastic, The Handmaidens Tale is more than great... and The Boys are superb... also American Gods... just to name a few.
Agreed, Cobra Kai and as the other person said, Doctor Sleep have been really good continuations of nostalgic shows/movies so far. Here's hoping Cobra Kai actually stays that way.
"How is it still going?" Well, see, Drinker, there's people called executive producers, and if a show fails, it effects their reputation. Therefore, if they are in a position to do so, they will hide a shows' failure through the only way they can: Renewal. This allows people to say "Well, how many seasons did Firefly get?" with a straight face. Ugh.
I dont even have the energy to be angry anymore Im just going to ignore it and make fun of the fact this video has more views than both trailers combined.
Picard: 'Q - you have white hair now' Q: 'Yes - I'm not quite the character I used to be' Picard - "But I thought you were omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent'. Q: - 'Not according to the script. Anyway - where are going?' Picard: The one place in the universe I feel I can still be taken seriously' Q: Oh yes- on the edge of the Gamma quadrant, connecting Federation Space to the Delta quadrant' Picard - Yes that right - Safe Space 9'
Q did appear as an old man in a scene the future-track of the TNG finale episode (though that scene was cut when they merged the two-part episode into one). He also suggests he can choose any appearance he wants in "Qpid", where he laments that he didn't appear as a woman given how Picard is so weak with them.
Maybe the original plan was for a series called "Star Trek: Janeway"? That would explain Seven of Nine's presence and why all her dialogue was written for interacting with a different captain... not to mention the wholesale replacement of Starfleet's entire command structure with Strong Women(TM).
No that won’t do, we’ll need that Xindi weapon from Enterprise to make sure all is destroyed. I did not like that season of Enterprise but man it was Shakespeare compared to STD and Pic
@@inblackestnight9256 To be honest, I was hoping someone would continue the iconic dialogue, but alas my time playing the part of the antagonist is over. Kurtzman did have some credit in the bank with me for Alias and Fringe (two of my all time favourites) but he's more than used that up now - and I'm not even that big of a Star Trek fan. Instinct, Salvation and Scorpion were all dreadful - and now he's shitting all over 5 Trek TV Shows, an upcoming Trek movie and, according to IMDb, 5 of Universals "monster-verse" or whater the hell they are calling it.
The thing I love about Star Trek is that it's one of the only shows that present a future to look forward to. It gives people hope for the future of humanity, unlike all other science fiction which is about dark, bleak, dystopian futures. Now they're doing it to Star Trek and it kills me. The world is so full of suffering and hate why can't we just have something happy for once.
Social-engineering, mind control and the all encompassing circle of fear. Predictive programming. Abandon all hope. Accept the doom. Take the "vaccine". Go to sleep.
I totally agree with you. It's sad to see the uplifting vision of the Original Series and the Next Generation completely excised from the recent ST shows. Hope is one of the three theological virtues, a gift to Man toiling away in a fallen world. Unfortunately, the people responsible for producing mass media entertainment hate you as they hate this world. No hope is allowed; only bleak emptiness. To wit: 1. The people who produce this crap hate you; take your pick from any of these: they hate you for being male, they hate you for being White, they hate you for supporting Trump, they hate you for not supporting BLM rioters, they hate you for not liking Strong, Independent Women, they hate you for being American, they hate you for having disposable income, they hate you for mocking their views....they hate you for not being a perfect reflection of the politics of the Current Moment. 2. But, most of all, these people hate themselves and the world because most have been corrupted by the inheritors of the Frankfurt School. A Marxist philosophy of deconstruction that asserts there is no meaning to life and human striving is pointless and despicable. To the proponents of this nihilistic view, any concept of transcendent hope is as garlic to a vampire. Like Morgoth in Tolkien's epic tale, those who are only capable of hate can only destroy; they are unable to create anything new. So, these dim lights responsible for our entertainment today, lacking the power of creation, instead seize the vibrant, hopeful stories that make up the foundation of our culture (ST, Star Wars) and either make them ridiculous or corrupt them into dark, hopeless tales that bear no resemblance to their lineage. We are NOT ALLOWED to hope. We are NOT ALLOWED anything transcendent or beautiful. ALL is empty and pointless.
@@Zapp__Brannigan Obama destroyed hope with his hope. Trump brought action and got crucified for it. The U.S. is fucked right now. Stay smart guys, don't fall for the traps.
I feel like one of the fundamental problems with Star Trek these days is that it is no longer episodic. With every iteration of ST prior to "Discovery": every episode was wrapped up at the end. Maybe it was "to be continued..."; but, you knew it'd be wrapped up at the end of the next one. Now, today, every version has to be a 13 hour movie broken into 42minute segments, each "ending" in a moment designed to trigger a lizard brained curiosity response. All of this without the depth, character development or plot needed to fill a 3 hour movie, much less a 13 hour movie. But hey, if I don't like it they must just be subverting my expectations.
@Reaver Of Jill Sandwiches Or Enterprise which had a whole season arc. And toward the end of Season 4 where they were starting to hint at the looming war with the Romulans which would have been a seasonal or multi-seasonal arc had the show continued.
@@LordSluggo Yeah but I think people were getting fed up with the TCW. I loved it personally but then I'm always a sucker for time travel and alternate timelines (within reason, he says while sideeying the reboot movies)
it has nothing to do with the story telling format. it has to do with flat, piss poor writing, the inability to develop characters, and create stories that people want to watch. ds9 was probibly the best star trek that ever happened. it broke all the rules and did it without sucking. now they just break the rules to watch the world burn.
To be honest, I could never really get into the original Star Trek series due to the episodic nature. Not knocking anyone who does enjoy episodic content, but for me, not having an underlying goal or problem eventually leads me to feeling apathetic towards the whole thing. It becomes hard to invest in the hopeless of today's situation when I know that it'll have no lasting effect on the reality of next week. (and nothing will have changed by the end of the episode) In addition, without a future revisit to the civilizations they previously helped, I also have trouble believing that the "progress" that was made had a lasting impact. As someone who assumes the worst when no information is given, I am convinced that every civilization that made contact with a Star Trek crew nuked themselves into oblivion a week after the encounter. As a result, it just ends up feeling like pissing in the wind to me. That all being said, the non-episodic approach of the newer series isn't really doing anything to help me get invested. I made a real attempt at getting into Discovery and Picard, but I could never find a way to care about any of the characters involved. Both series have a captain whose the only enlightened human being still in existence and a handful of one-dimensional gimmick characters that revolve around them. Even without a previous connection to the series, it was also super transparent to me whenever they'd try to force a connection to the classic series - it just felt like a very cheap and lazy attempt at forcing longtime fans into feeling a sense of investment in the new characters. (because building that investment through good writing is too hard) tldr; you may have the inverse to my episodic series aversion, but I think for most people just dislike the mediocre/lazy writing.
@@chrishoppner7875 I don't think Steward is in that age where he still can have extensive creative input. He's a very very old man. Plus he's never shown any kind of hatred toward his character in many previous interviews.
@@thefreshestslice4105 I didn't see that but you are correct, reaffirmation is more correct. I remember he mentioned his dislike of Picard even before the first episode.
One couldn't just be a respected actor. Oh no. He has to be a fucking "voice of reason" for the proles. The ego of these people is so absurdly overdeveloped that they probably masturbate watching their own pics.
@@pineapplethief4418 I mean, maybe they _did_ take creative input from a confused elderly man who doesn't really care about Picard or Star Trek. It would explain why PIC Season 1 was such a trainwreck. I don't think Stewart necessarily hates Picard, but it's been clear for a long time that he has little in common with the character and no qualms about projecting his own 21st century attributes onto him.
If I could go back and tell my 12 year old self that in 2021 you don't even watch Star Wars, Star Trek, etc. he would have laughed in my face. And yet here we are....😏
And Star Wars . . If I'd time travelled and told the 10yo me that I wouldn't even bother watching ep 7 8 and 9 the 10yo me would've gone "wahhhhh. Piss off ya gray haired old bastard"
I feel the same... And that's only because we've only seen bad, expensive fan fiction in these franchises since then - written and produced by people who aren't fans
I recently started watching Star Trek with my Dad. I never really understood it when I was a kid but I love watching Star Trek generations with him. I wouldn't call myself a trekkie but I think I understand why I wouldn't consider any other Star Trek as compelling. It's not the action or sci-fi tech that makes Star Trek cool. Its the clever writing, dynamic relationships, complex emotional studies, interesting problems, smart dialogue, character agency and character development that makes it stand out. Star Trek used to portray a federation that had hope, respect and tolerance for the unknown, which I personally feel is way cooler than people dying and timeline nonsense.
Agree with this entirely. The whole reason I've always enjoyed the older Star Treks is that they're based off the inherent human drive for curiosity. Many of the stories in the show explore humanity and what it means to be human. Some of the perspectives were flawed since they had a fundamental misunderstanding of certain things but I felt even those parts highlighted why the show the was decent. But the "modern" Star Trek shows, like much of modern entertainment, have abandoned all of that in favor of shock value and nonsense.
@Nicholas Millington Riker was never exactly a cad. It's true he didn't have a conservative sexual ethic, but characterizing him as a playboy is a shallow analysis of the character.
Generations? Check out 'TNG', dear: best iteration of the franchise (in fact: the movie 'Generations' dates from that era, so you're surely on the right track)
I assume you mean The Next Generation, Generations is actually the first Star Trek film that had the TNG cast in it, it was a crossover movie with The original series.
Spot on about the severe lack of likeability in characters these days. That's part of the reason I couldn't make it through The Walking Dead, as Shane was the only one I liked in any capacity. Watched Line Of Duty the other day, Clint Eastwood never doubts his capability through the film and remains true to himself. Kills the assassin and bangs Rene Russo because he can, as he is Clint Eastwood. That is missing from movies these days. IMO
I've noticed a very postmodern trend in modern fiction where stories are created very specifically with no 'hero', where the sides in conflict are completely indistinguishable and everyone is really a horrible unlikeable person. I suppose it makes some people feel edgy to visit such worlds in their imagination but I usually just feel dirtied by the contact.
@@HerculesBallsInc Even this concept can be pulled off well, and HAS been pulled off well in older shows. People don't necessarily have to be morally good to be likable, but they do have to show some measure of humanity.
I mean, did they even say fuck in any of the movies? Star Trek never portrayed us as perfect, but at least there was some level of transcendence. This just feels an abomination of Roddenberry's vision.
The original series and TNG were pure science fiction; narratives designed to explore philosophical ideas about humanity, consciousness, the nature of reality, and so on. Both series showed humanity not as we are, but as we could be, if we took the time and effort to look within and without and make the changes necessary to elevate ourselves. Kirk, Picard, and all their crew were very much human, but they were GOOD humans, the best of what we had to offer. Roddenberry's vision showed us not that utopias could exist, but that we were worthy of having them. New Star Trek, though... I'm not interested in watching any of it, but it kind of seems like it's going with the woke idea that people are just garbage. It says "humans can never be anything other than what they are, which is up-jumped apes who kill and rape, because that's just what they do." There's no introspection, no questioning of our nature. Just shut up, check your privilege, and fall in line, swine. It's tiresome, boring, and not good science fiction.
Q snaps his finger an says"And that Jean-Luc is what will happen if we dont slingshot around the sun and go back in time and fire all the weapons we have at california in 2010"
I've seen just as much bullshit filmed in Georgia, which really coincided with the downfall of so-called "Hollywood" when all this serialized TV crap started. Better nuke that shithole too, right?
@@Jaxvidstar that won't do it in star trek, a third world war happens in this century and it is not until post apocalypse inventor Zephrim Cochrane invented the first warp drive engine and got noticed by a Vulcan scouting party that we enter the space age and form Starfleet with them.
Star Trek was always something unique, it focussed on ideas and scenarios that should have been way out of the purview of some dinky TV sci-fi show but that is what made it memorable. Star Trek had heart, it appealed to the highest ideals of humanity, exploration, discovery, intelligence, it treated it's viewers with respect. As someone who has been in the rabbit hole of 40k for a long time, Star Trek was always a nice palette cleanser to the grim darkness of the far future.
@@rnbnatl Nope. But you don't need a deep dive of the series to know about Q, he's fairly well known. What I'm mostly talking about is the style and direction of shows like Picard and Discovery. The TNG movies were markedly different from the TNG tv series. The movies were more action and conflict driven, with a lot more emphasis on the visuals. The tv series was a ton more intellectual and philosophical, often spending entire episodes on ethical dilemmas concerning the human condition. First Contact was the best of the TNG movies because it felt the closest to the series, but it was still jarringly different. Picard and Discovery don't really follow the tv series in this regard, Kurtzman went for a decidedly 'cinematic' experience with the shows that is akin to Abrams super fancy visuals with hollow and discombobulating narrative and characterizations. He also put in crap that makes zero sense, like Jean-Luc's weird BFF status with Data. This is something that was never ever a thing in the tv series, but somehow got started in the TNG movies. At the time of those movies (especially Nemesis), a lot of people were like, "why are Data and Jean-Luc buddies?" So Kurtzman either didn't do his homework on Data and Jean-Luc, or knew it didn't make sense and wrote it like that anyway. Either way, it shows a lack of fundamental understanding for the TNG tv series. And, of course, the Kelvin timeline is a verifiably monstrosity and should never have been allowed to continue, much less started. Paramount loves it because it gives them creative freedom with the writing, they don't have to make things make sense to anything before Abram's movies. Essentially it's a giant eff you to TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise. A-holes.
The hell that is Seven of Nine in this show is *unforgivable.* Dammit, I related to her as an autistic kid, and now Picard is like, "I want to have her take over the planet with Borg."
@@aleksander8497 Frankly speaking, they had wasted MOST TERRIFIC SETUP - Seven, Icheb, Hugh, Locutus and most distinctive antagonists of series: Romulans and Borg ( Remember, reintroducing Romulans in TNG was supposed to be effect of Borg actions ripping outposts in Neutral Zone, and Voyager based whole Unimatrix Zero plot on Hugh - quite clever reference by B'ellona). Hell, remember relationship between Q2 and Icheb?
The only thing I enjoyed about season 1, was seeing the Enterprise D in modern CGI glory. Modern Trek seems to have forgotten the ship is a character in Star Trek as well.
Patrick Stewart used to be my favorite character in all of Star Trek. His discipline, natural leader skills, his inner conflict with the Borg,...I could g on with this list. He was the kind of officer I could imagine commanding a nuclear aircraft carrier just as well as showing up in a smoking to hold the opening speech at an UN banquet. But I think the show screwed up his character to a point he didn't deserve. Of course Patrick Stewart is an old man by now and no longer the physically strong man he was in the 90s, but he is still doing good acting. But if you don't give him good material to work with, he can't do much.
I'm afraid you're giving him too much credit. Stewart is a man very full of himself for all he has accomplished, and it is known that TNG Picard has little similarities to the actor Patrick Stewart. With his cult status, he himself contributed a good bit to the abysmal writing of STP by not avboiding it.
I always thought Trek after Enterprise should have been an anthology series, going backward and forward, filling in blanks from episodes past. Going back to the “gangster planet” in TOS, seeing if they just assimilated the Federation/Starfleet culture from having regular visits from them after the episode for example, or seeing Starfleet through a Klingon/Romulan/Andorian POV for a season, or showing us the Romulan War, or more of the 80 or so years after STVI until just before TNG began, or the time after ENT just before Pike visited Talos V for the first *real* time in “The Cage”. (Marvel had a decent run of Pike era comics called ST: The Early Voyages btw)
It died for me when they shut down the Experience in Vegas right before the 2009 movie came out. Had to kill even the fun theme park. Nothing left standing!
Picard: “Why would an immortal being age?” Q: “Why to show bonhomie with a true friend.” Picard: “You mean you did it to annoy me.” Q: “Just like old times, we should have music to celebrate.” Picard: “Absolutely not!” Q: “TOO LATE!!!” Mariachi band starts playing...
Q constantly annoying Picard was one of my favorite parts of TNG. Two contrasting personalities and beings who still (relatively) get along makes for some great comedic moments. And Q’s Mariachi band is hilariously underused these days.
Yeah for that they'd have actually had to watch an episode of Star Trek to get the reference it probably had to be explained that Q isn't a stunning and brave person of colour to the writers several times an hour though I'm betting he is by the time he's done he will be
@@jendoe9436 Especially because Q could erase Picard in a second if he wanted to and yet even knowing this Picard sees him as an annoyance rather than a threat.
I think I’d rather just binge watch DS9 again rather than watch more of this wank. Where the characters are actually interesting and have good attributes and are well written.
Man, I would love to watch DS9 again. I remember watching the debut episode with my grandpa way back when, and it was an event! He made cake, my mom approved three bowls of ice cream, good freaking times. I am glad my gramps doesn't have to see this shit, TNG was his favorite
Remember a certain line from Picard in Insurrection “ Remember when we were explorers”. To explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one has gone before. Star Trek has seem to have forgotten it core mission.
That was Deep Space Nine. It was subversive crap intended to be subvert everything about Star Trek. Idiots think it's good because idiots think subversion is good.
At least The Borg aspire to some kind of perfection, via the Hive Mind. Since "Jean-Luc Picard" is now a Bad Robot, I'd rather be "Roger Wilco" of "Space Quest" or "Ryley Robinson" of "Subnautica."
I wonder what Patrick Stewart's home life is like, being married to a woman around HALF his age?? I mean the guys is in great shape, but does she need MORE MONEY than Stewart already receives from any ST:TNG TV/Movie and/or X-Men residual income ? Or does Patrick just want an excuse to get out of the house once in a while, and feel like he's still a 'current' 'in demand' actor!
OMG! He married the Borg Queen => static.standard.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2018/05/17/10/sunny-ozell-2.jpg?width=990&auto=webp&quality=75&crop=968%3A645%2Csmart
As someone who has been married to someone less than half my age and whose parents are even slightly younger than I am, I can say from experience the home life is great, much more satisfying and easy than with previous contemporaries. It's much better to contribute to the baggage someone carries than pay for that which I have no blame. lol
The special effects are mostly ok, sometimes, I guess. Imagine what they could do with writers/producers who were literate, intelligent people. You know, like in the old days.
To be fair, some STNG episodes were real stinkers too. One of the few good things Shill Wheaton did was critiquing the bottom tier of those in a witty way. But the difference is that some other STNG episodes were also classics that will likely rank among the best sci-fi for decades to come.
@@HerculesBallsInc In the old days of TNG, they did 26 episodes a year. Cranking out that many a year is sure to produce some stinkers in the mix, but several seasons had almost no stinkers, and plenty of complex ideas shining through everywhere (that's why we watched every week--to see where the talent would take us this week). I really don't see any of that in Discovery or Picard, and I honestly did enjoy some bits of the new Trek. But am I going to remember them in 3 years, much less 30 years later? No, I'm not. Quite honestly, I don't remember much about the first season of Discovery except that I thought the Klingon's were designed weirdly and the "Klingon rape" thing was bizarre and didn't work. I don't remember any "episodes", per se. Yet I can name dozens of episodes of TNG, or even TOS for that matter. There were big ideas bubbling under everything, electrified by character dynamics that were lovingly crafted and brought to life by writers and actors. And I know it isn't that I'm just old, because "The Expanse" exists and I get the same excitement to be alive when this thing exists as I did when TNG aired. I wasn't even alive with TOS aired, but I spent years discovering those episode and wondering what it might have been like to live in a time when TOS was new. I do live in a time when "Discovery" and "Picard" are new, and it's about as exciting as any given network show. And I've never gotten excited over a new episode of Law and Order: Crime is Rampant, or whatever it's called now.
@@omenaccipio To build your point, it occurs to me that in TNG, the characters themselves had very strong and varying intelligences. Picard was extremely well read and intellectual, but not very social. Riker was less book smart and more clever, and understood people well. Data didn't understand people, but knew any fact you needed and could cross reference them to solve technical or scientific problems. Troi was swimming in emotional intelligence, Geordi in understanding the engineering of the ship and all that entailed technically. Even Worf had tactical knowledge, while Crusher had medical knowledge. And every episode was a mix of putting these intelligences together to work well and solve narrative problems that actually had rules the audience would follow to see how the problem was explored and solved. There is NOTHING LIKE THAT in the new shows. (It was continually stressed how hard it was to get through Starfleet, move up the ranks, etc., to emphasize these were the very best humanity had to offer intellectually, morally, etc.) And perhaps that is what disappoints me the most. Yelling "The power of math, people!" is not remotely the same thing. I have very little sense of the "inner life" of any of the characters in new Trek--not even of Picard himself, whom you would think would carry over from previous shows...but it often feels like the writers never watched any of the previous shows, much less were well read, educated people who understood story and character, and wanted to reveal their talent to the audience.
@@greyeyed123 I suppose that is what shocked me so about the 'Lower Decks' spinoff. The whole premise hammered home over and over in Star Trek is that the crews on starships are pretty much the best of the best. They are all experts and can fill the job roles with excellence. 'Lower Decks' asked the nonsensical question 'what about all the losers?'. The LOSERS are not even IN Starfleet! This was also my problem with the Barkley character in STNG. He was so utterly dysfunctional he shouldn't have been allowed withing a kilometer of a starship.
I’ll freely admit Star Trek 2009, Into Darkness, and Beyond pale in comparison to the older stuff, but they did introduce me to the franchise. They still hold a place in my heart for that alone.
They don’t care if the shows good or not. It’s merely a means to push their social conditioning. With the name Alex Kurtzman, I wouldn’t expect anything less
Hey, I liked Captain Archer’s enterprise! Especially the last season! And even those who don’t will have to admit, it’s a masterpiece compared to anything Kurtzman has done. Kind of like the Disney Star Wars trilogy suddenly made people appreciate the previously hated prequels much more.
Heartbreaking, really. Been rewatching Deep Space Nine. I actually started it after watching the first episode of the latest Space Jesus season. Let me tell you, the quality of writing in DS9 stands the test of time. The first episode even features a Picard still capable of wiping his own arse after a shit.
5:41 _" . . . like Raffi, the alcoholic drug addict, who abandoned her son to go get high . . ."_ I'm glad Gene Roddenberry didn't live long enough to see what Kurtzman has done to his utopian future.
@Lone Star Kirk and Uhura kissing is my FB banner pic. They did some bold things in their day. Now they're just doing what everyone else is doing. Now an interracial kiss would be obvious and boring.
A lot of the scripts for these shows are obviously Z-grade student projects, marked as A+ by woke professors because everyone has to be a winner, that have then been retrofitted into the franchises they are leaching from. Basically they find/replace the names of their Z-grade characters with Picard, Superman, Captain America and so on. That's the reason why canon is ignored, there is no continuity with previous films and series, and characters suddenly act out of, well, character.
Rachel Maddow glasses on steroids proves your analysis is correct. I could write a doctoral thesis on why thick black framed glasses are a result of woke college corporate media conformists. Starbucks Prius Subaru mating fantasies.....
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I was hoping you'd use the Scotty "Go away now" here! ;-)
Nevermind, we still have The Orville 🚀
Nobody is watching these anyway the numbers are fake by intel.
Kurtzman wrote also Transformers 2maybe 3
I'll check it out
Mark Hamill: “I fundamentally disagree with EVERYTHING you’ve done with my character.”
Patrick Stewart: “Picard must be held accountable for the crimes of Starfleet!”
And Hamill went along with it anyway... hindsight is 20/20 I guess, but I would have walked off the set and told Ruin Johnson to go to hell.
Honestly, one neat thing that came from the Star Wars movies is that Mark Hamill turned out to be a really cool guy.
@@SheldonAdama17 He's a actor expect him to refuse and then get sued to kingdom come just to protect a fictional character
@@SheldonAdama17 Νοt with the paycheck they promised him, you wouldn't
@@SheldonAdama17 The man's gotta eat.
There is an episode of STNG called Tapestry where Picard had an opportunity to change his life where he played it safe. Where he was bereft of passion and imagination. Where he was timid, effete, and impotent. Picard told Q he didn't want to be that man. Yet that is exactly who he is in Picard.
Jesus.. thats sad
Yes. It was a top notch episode.
In that episode, Picard originally DID want to be that man.. until Q showed him how he'd turn out later. He then changed his mind. It was a great episode.
@@TimoRutanen if there was no temptation then it would be a straight forward decision.
"If the writers don't care about it, why should I?" That sums up pretty much everything about the vast majority of spinoffs and reboots nowadays... sad, really.
And....Undo Nemesis too so Data doesn't get blown up... erase B4
My father was a passionate fan of the first two "Godfather" movies. He absolutely loved them. When Godfather 3 came out in 1990, my father went to see it with such high expectations, he was as excited as I was to see Star Wars or Star Trek movies. He came home a depressed, broken man - like someone had stolen all his toys, set them on fire and made him watch. For many many years, it was essentially common knowledge that Godfather 3 was a movie so bad it soiled the good memories of the first 2 movies. Now it's our turn. Both Star Wars and Star Trek have been SO mishandled that I want to sue somebody. I feel wounded, betrayed - and I finally understand what I couldn't about my poor father with Godfather 3. Dad, I owe you a drink.
you are 100% correct
Damn, I never watched Godfather Part 3. Is it really THAT bad? I guess I'll be avoiding it then.
Godfather 3 is not the worst movie ever, but pales in comparison to parts 1 and 2. It has a bizarre storyline involving the Vatican, and questionable acting from everyone outside of Pacino.
I actually can't complain about THE GODFATHER - PART III... It's an excellent movie on its own, it just doesn't live up to the first two. The quality of the first two movies raised our expectations on this series so much, that we couldn't longer see how good the movie is in direct comparison to the rest of the film industry! At that time and even more so at present!
dawww did daddy man-child get a boo boo when his little toy was broken? did he ever get over it or is it as angry you when it comes to something like star trek moving on without you and leaving you in the dust bigot?
I’m gonna be honest, I didn’t even know there was a trailer.
I didn’t want to.
Not until I saw this video!
Ignorance is bliss, in this case
Same here
Same here, I'm shocked.
From what I’ve heard, the creators and owners to the rights of the Back to the Future franchise have decided to hold out and stubbornly refuse to let anyone, no matter how much money they offer, remake it into modern trash. Good for them! At least there’ll be one less part of my childhood to be ruined by modern Hollywood.
Yeah Tolkiens children tried the same and now they are dead and Amazon has the rights.
@Andi Magna Is Marty now replaced by a black girl named Loqueesha who invented the time machine by her own because she is mega smart?
@Andi Magna It was a question. You said you make the movie. What is racist about my comment?
All I can say is thank God. You CANNOT remake a perfect movie trilogy just 30 years after the original came out, it's not only stupid, it's disrespectful.
@@Scripture-Man word
Now they've roped Q in...
"Look how they massacred my boy..."
I hope not. Best character ever..... please dont destroy him
I am expecting a “current year” bit where he chuckles about gaslighting bigots in the 21st Century
They already ruined Q. He had to be redeemed in a show about ponies.
Poor lil' fella
Insert Q Time Travel To Slavery In American History Episode, et al.
The two things missing from Star Trek: Picard are Star Trek and Picard.
I definitely agree
underrated comment
😁 this is pure gold
Couldn't have said it better
Really, this Bleakness/Darkness,
this overall Tone-Shift has interesting
Implications, hence why it got an entire Video-Essay by Some-More-News: His video "Popcorn Dystopia".
Its interesting.
Don’t let Patrick Stewart off so easily. He’s not being “used.” He reads the scripts, he could say no. He’s Patrick Stewart. He could speak out about this crap and he’d barely get a slap on the wrist, and at his age, it’s not like he has to worry about not getting work after this show. He’s on board with it most likely, as sad as it is to see.
He has a long history of "it's current year"-ing about women "issues". Sure he prob knows the show sycks but he doesnt care about the audience who built his fame and wealth, he (like all movie/tv people) cares about people he actually respects...
Unfortunately, Patrick is and always has been a liberal. It appears the inherent conservativeness of Captain Picard from TNG never rubbed off on him...
Picard died a long time ago. As a brave hero of the federation.
@@originalmroldschool nice troll brah. 10/10
@@VoodooV1 Patrick Stewart literally said he was “violently opposed” to Elia Kazan getting a lifetime achievement award. It’s not a troll he’s speaking facts.
Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek was about optimism. Nuff said.
Actually, it was about an optimistic view of communism. LOL
@@TheDoomslayersDaddy Uh the borg and what it was a metaphor for would disagree.
@@TheDoomslayersDaddy Yup...
@@TheDoomslayersDaddy Except Federation members are shown to own private property
While I'm at it, it's funny that lefty ST fans never see how the Prime Directive might apply to nationalism vs. globalism
A common theme of Star Trek was respecting cultures. Communist China and the Soviet Union actively destroyed and displaced cultures.
This is the Picard that didn't pick a fight with a Nausicaan.
Haha, nice one. 👌
The blue shirt Lieutenant.
Boom. Spot on.
This deserves more thumbs up
"Better to die as the man I was, than live the life I just saw."
Discovery has never had me in tears or pondering things. So many episodes of TNG had me walking away blown away. Picard with the probe and the flute storyline is one of my favorites. Picard staring off into nothingness is more powerful than all 4 seasons of Discovery combined... Discovery makes me sad.
That's Hollyweird for you.:(
I miss tng so much. Id even watch the silly shelock holmes ones again.
@@DCookStaVideo these are our opinions. You relax!
@@DCookStaVideo On average, how long would you say it takes you to suit up before venturing forth into the comments? Is the armor heavy?
Discovery is Streaming Weekly. With Michael's Tears! LOL!
I don’t recognise Star Trek anymore, it has become something else entirely.
Just watch The Orville. It's about as close to a (good) modern Start Trek as you can get.
Just like Star Wars and Marvel and DC comics. Just like mainstream journalism and professional sports. It’s what happens when the marxists take over a culture.
Yep. Star Trek died with Enterprise. I personally don't consider anything since 2009's Star Trek to be canon.
That's because it isn't Star Trek and was never intended to be. The creators invented a new franchise and painted a Star Trek veneer over it in the hope that old Trek fans would support it.
@@randyjones3050 Yep. And I hate that. I watched some of this shit and thought to myself "Have the people behind this ever actually WATCHED Star Trek?"
I've never been a Star Trek fan, but I always viewed the series as a hopeful ideal to live up to. Not some dark dystopian 1984-esque world.
Most millennials fkn love dystopian tv and film. Why? I don't know.
@@outsidethepyramid No we don't at least not all if us. I honestly believed in Roddenberrys vision even if I thought it was at least a thousand years off. If anything I think it's gen z who loves and supports these shows not millennials.
@@Not-Ap Yeah, it's Gen Z, and now Gen Alpha too.
Never been a fan either. Always figured one day I would be super bored and watch everything, well, now mostly everything about the show. Kinda glad i didn't during quarantine, because i would be even more pissed off from already being a star wars fan. But like everything else these days, we can only vote with our wallets and remind ourselves that just because someone made some new shit, doesn't make it cannon.
Unfortunately, we are currently living in a dark dystopian 1984ish time. I think one of things that people have forgotten is that the masses enjoy filma nd TV to escape the bullshit of day to day life; not to have their face rubbed in it and get brow beaten for not agreeing with the status quo.
My first thought with the Q reveal was:
“Didn’t we already do this in Tapestry? A million times better?”
He really peaked in All Good Things, and after that he was really restrained.
Hey, Data already died in Nemesis. But apparently that wasn't enough, so they resurrected him to kill him again to have the same emotional story beat.
None of Kurtzman's ideas are original. Not a single fucking one.
Eventually Kurtzman will start unknowingly stealing from himself.
Isnt Kurtzman the same asshole that thought we would all give a crap about re-doing Spock’s death with a new version of Kirk that we barely knew and eliminated that plot thread within 5 minutes using the absolute worst idea that ever came out do the show Heroes…”superblood”. Damnit I wish I was a self-pigmentation hating liberal with rich parents so I could fail upwards in the entertainment industry
@@ThatBillmanGuy Meh. Data's death in Nemesis was cheapened by the fact that he'd uploaded his memories to B4, giving the writers a obvious loophole for bringing him back... so even as a longtime fan of TNG, his death in that movie had no emotional impact for me.
Historic buildings are given "protected" status, to legally prevent them from being redesigned or defaced. We should have a similar law for entertainment properties, and Kurtzman should be in jail!
The funny thing is, long ago there was a guy who hold a speech to prevent movies from being redesigned or changed, then he changed Star Wars four times and sold it to Disney
@@wolf310ii gee, I wonder who that is
@@TrekDelta roddenberry is turning in his grave.
ANY writer/producer that puts "The Message" first over a good storyline/script SHOULD be jailed... I mean, take Batwoman for example, derided, laughed at, a piss poor show, and yet... They persist with making more claiming it a, cough cough, ahem, 'A success'... 😒😒😒
@@thedarkknight1971 id consider it fraud to pass off propaganda as entertainment. they ought to have to repay everyone who thought they were buying a show including all the people who got subed to the streaming service just for this one show. but jail time? nah. let them be poor at their own expense.
Seven of Nine is in this because Jeri Ryan was A) available, and B) didn’t ask for as much money as Levar Burton or Michael Dorn.
and C) fancied being a lezzer for the lols. No offence, I don't mind lesbians at all, but this inclusion was more for diversity than sense. Last we remember 7 of 9 was that she was with Chakotay. I know they don't want Robert Beltran back for reasons just as they didn't want the original actor for Icheb for similar questionable reasons. It just is a bit meh really. I wasn't entirely taken with Jeri Ryan when she was added into the cast for Voyager. Kate Mulgrew didn't get on with her much during the filming. I had grown to like her though but with this subversion, she has gone back to dislike.
@@jackochainsaw I liked Seven of Nine, but it admittedly had nothing to do with her character or acting abilities.
@@williamcronshaw5262 you're a man after my own heart
I kind of make a point not to watch "Voyager", but I have seen Ms. Ryan elsewhere. I do get your point.
@@williamcronshaw5262 And Jeri Ryan still looks amazing.
I just don't recognize anything after Enterprise with captain Archer as Star Trek anymore.
Not Voyager?
Janeway was my fav
(but also the first Star Trek I happened to see when I was young)
Sorry, but Enterprise sucked!
I mean seriously, has "actor" Scott Bakula ever played any character besides *Scott Bakula* ?
@@MrNicoJac I really enjoyed Voyager. Specis 8472 still gives me the creaps.
Enterprise for all its faults and it definitely has lots was the last recognizable Star Trek. I didn't enjoy the time travel shit but the feel of the ship, the crew and the early Federation was right. It also showed the professionalism that would be required for such a mission as the Enterprise.
@@grantorino2325 Your not wrong. Scott is definitely the weakest Captain.
But I'd rather have Scott Bakula over Burnham or dementia Picard.
I recall reading that Paramound and the other company with the rights split after that, and it was agreed upon that if star trek would be made again, it had to look and seem creatively different. We never will get that kind of Star Trek again
Remember when Hollywood writers were so skilled they could make a Star Trek movie about them rescuing whales , with no Enterprise, and it was awesome?
Look at how the mighty have fallen.
Ever since the Cold War ended in 1991, American pop-culture has-slowly but surely-gone to the dogs.
Seriously! There was just one single phaser shot in that whole movie. And even that was aimed at an inanimate object (doorknob). And the film still had more excitement and depth.
Remember Star Trek 3, all of us sitting at the edge of our seats, while the Enterprise was leaving space dock on quarter impulse power?
Remember: they had Shatner and Nimoy duo, who were established and integrated actors long before they appeared on Star Trek ( "The Men from U.N.C.L.E").
@@grantorino2325 Interesting comment.
I read a column in _The Sunday Times_ (2009ish) claiming that during _The Cold War_ the West had to show its moral superiority to the mighty Soviet Union and that since its collapse, we've all descended into nihilism (paraphrased).
I respectfully decline to acknowledge the existence of this show. In my history book, Picard's story ended when he sat down to play cards with his crew and later, off-screen, when he retired to peaceful obscurity in the countryside of his home country on Earth.
Thank goodness I thought "Let bygones be bygones" when the show was announced. Never saw a single bit of it, and do not intend to start now. Same goes for Disaster/Diversity. I do watch Lower Decks, but that is all I am willing to engage with. Sadly, the put the Orville behind a paywall here, so I can't say how that turned out (only watched season I).
You're right! I only consider ORIGINAL STAR TREK, the 70s animated series, NEXT GENERATION, the 6 ST films, and the 4 STNG films canon. The J.J. Abrams films do NOT count!
@@eternalhalloween1lol yes they do
@@kbanghart There is no reason to waste time with anything that has Abram's' ' name attached to it.
@@eternalhalloween1 i disagree wholeheartedly
"The timelines been fucked up. We have to kill the producer." -Q
Seriously those gunplay scenes tell you everything you need to know about how far removed this is from actual Star Trek.
Christ, I wish we had a Q to come in like 20 years ago to retcon reality.
Imagine how bad Star Trek will be in 10 years time. The next incarnations will be fucking hideous.
I wouldn't cry if someone happened to slam his car against Kurtzman.
I would probably laugh and celebrate with a fruit juice.
What is actual Star Trek exactly?
Klingons originally looked like humans. It's been retconned of course, but then if you're okay with WORF looking the way he does then you can't complain that they retconned anything else.
@@photonboy999 - what a nonsensical argument
“Frail old man happy to get out of the house for a while”. I genuinely spat beer out of my mouth with that one hahahaha!
You wasted good beer. Now that is really saying something.
Wasn't that funny
Sure you did. Thanks for not using the word "literally", that really rustles my jimmies when people spit things out 👍
"Mon capitaine, how I've missed you"
"Yes. It's me, and I've bought my friends; L, G, B, and T."
Lmao! This should have more likes.
@@icecsm16 well sir, I appreciate every one that I get because then I know I made someone smile or laugh. You have yourself a fine day and weekend.
@@icecsm16 I helped.
@@JFinker73 you won this comment section in my opinion.
@@sg8738 much obliged
I remember back in the day when Star Wars and Star Trek fans used to argue about who’s franchise was better and now they both mourn
Now they try to convince the other side that their own franchise is worse 😂
And this is why I watch less TV these days. I swear Patrick Stewart is portraying Picard the same way he portrayed Charles Xavier in Logan, an old fractured shell of his former self.
the final phase of a former awesome member of the Royal Shakespeare Company.
Except that in Logan it actually made sense...
Didn't you notice they do it with all the classic movie heroes these days? Rambo, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Indiana Jones, Wolverine, Picard, Deckard ...
They bring back aging heroes under the guise of a sequel or a reboot, only to have them humiliated and made to look like a fool in contrast to a "younger generation" of mostly race ambiguous characters.
It's nothing short of the pop culture equivalent of corpse defilement.
They dig up something that was pure and strong and worthy of admiration, and they kick it around for 90 minutes for the sake of...what? Showing that the glory days don't last for even our most cherished heroes?
Depressing, is all, man. Commies did the "non pop culture equivalent" of corpse defilement just like this 100 years ago in places like Spain, among others.
Beatified nuns and sainted priests and members of the nobility that were dead for decades were dug up to be...humiliated in death.
This is what gets these degenerates off.
Same people that pull off statues or "reevaluate" historical figures. Even when they pretend it's for the common good, there's always a sinister agenda.
Instead, now we don't worship saints and historical figures, so they feel like they have to piss on the fictional heroes of popular culture. Sick fucks, these bastards are.
@@evanharrison4054 A Hebrew trick.
@@evanharrison4054 I like you analyses.
Picard is where Professor X would have gone to die if Kurzman had gotten his hands on Logan.
.... They would have launched Prof X to space? What?
Logan was how you end a franchise with dignity . ST Picard is how you end a franchise with hatred and contempt .
It really says something about hollywood in its' current state when they get the exact opposite reaction from teasers that they're shooting for. They expect everyone to be pleased and excited for Q showing up but personally all it does for me is fill me with dread. These writers and producers have proven that they couldn't find the pulse of their audience with an EKG cranked up to 11. Also letting Patrick Stewart into the writers room was the worst mistake they ever could have made. He was fine as Picard when there were competent show runners and writers working from Roddenberry's singular vision, but now, there is way too much of his own ego and political axes to grind wrapped up in the character. Hollywood is in terrible need of some actual adults to come in and snap these assholes out of their tailspin.
Lets be real, Hollywood was probably always full of politics and bullshit. These days its just become much more obvious, and their business model has become too solid to put breaks on their bullshit.
Let it all burn
It’s like hearing Mara Jade is coming to Star Wars.
The fans reaction: Oh hell no you don’t deserve to use, let alone use her character!
Are you sure that was the opposite reaction they wanted? Seems more like they were patting themselves on the back for seeing how much the fans hated them destroying Star Trek TNG's legacy. I bet they get off to it. They probably walk around with hatred hard ons.
Hollywood needs a conservative counterpart
My whole issue with ST:P is wrapped up neatly in the character of Raffi. She exemplifies everything wrong with the showrunners and their complete inability to understand the source material. In the beginning of the show Picard finds her living in a trailer park of one, addicted to drugs and alcohol, complaining about how "da gubmint took ma baby." and yelling at Picard for having "a vineyard full of antiques." In the world of Star Trek literally none of those are actual problems. Their advanced medical science could take care of both chemical addictions with a hypo-stim, and it you want a vineyard, antiques, literally anything, you have replicators.
You feed dense rocks into a box and it gives you literally anything you want. Food? How about gourmet? Drugs? How do you like the original Cocacola recipe? Antiques? How about a 12th century medieval chair carved out of black forest pine? No? Then what about an atomically exact copy of La Pieta? A 20th century Commodore Computer? What material good could you want? Bigger? Well how about we just replicate the components to an industrial replicator. Then you can make a house, appliances, a shuttle craft...
Replicators are such a revolutionary technology that they make the idea that humanity doesn't use money anymore realistic, because they would completely disassemble the entire concept of economics over night. Even if you tried to monopolize the tech someone would steal it and jail break it. It would only be a matter of time before somebody made a replicator that could replicate replicators and flood the market to the point of making everything worthless to the point where the only thing of value left would be power, which would be easy, replicator fuel, which would be fucking easy, and the little schematics for the stuff you replicate, but the computers can do that for the most part so even they would be largely worthless.
That is the world of Star Trek and this dumb fuck is blaming other people for her self created problems.
Not only is she a shallow representation of everything you said, but her brief storyline with her kid was completely devoid of any point or direction whatsoever. They contrived that subplot and never visited it again (as far as I know). It was the ultimate "I have cancer" moment you see in The Room by Tommy Wiseau. What the hell was the point?
I believe that the director wanted to force his own vision of today into ST world and that resulted in the mutant ,unnatural creation. Desperately trying to promote THE MESSAGE.
That character is like nails on a chalkboard for me.
On the topic of the replicators and capitalism, I may recommend the book "The Prox Transmission". It deals with this topic, among others. Great book written by Dustin Bates - lead singer of Downplay and Starset - and Peter David, also has a comic version if you prefer it.
They tried the same cheap fanservice tactic in season 1. Characters we once loved all messed up and shoehorned into a badly written travesty that's an embarassment to everything Star Trek stood for.
I completely agree. It's a case of once bitten, twice shy. I won't be watching this second series because they basically trashed TNG with this garbage.
Yeah. Not even the glorious Jeri Ryan could get me to want to watch season 2 or rewatch season 1, not even if she sat in my lap and played with my hair...
Okay, maybe that but nothing short of that!
When I walked out of the theater in 2009, I remember thinking that just because some character has the same name as a character we all know, does not make that character the same character. I thought I was watching a parody of Star Trek.
With Picard it was even worse. It didn't feel so much like a parody as a deliberate insult, not to the characters but to us, the fans. It was a bait and switch. They promised a return of Picard, but they gave us an old man with zero command presence and less sense than a drunk Marine in a Korean cathouse.
The fanservice turned out to be more thumbing their nose at us by having once beloved characters either acting completely out of character or being placed into ridiculous situations and then having to act like it's business as usual. Frequently both.
Star Trek died when CBS bought it and started chopping the franchise up into little contractual morsels with moronic "must be X% different" clauses. Nobody cares anymore.
This is why i live in the past (with entertainment)
"Computer, initiate auto-destruct sequence, authorization Picard, 4-7 Alpha Tango."
I got that reference
Auto-destruct initiated. Auto-destruct cannot be stopped. Timeline reset imminent.
@@HasturYellowSign "So much for Star Trek, will there be another franchise?"
"There's still the Orville."
Computer: “Self-destruct initiated! No chance of stopping! I am not kidding!!”
Me:”It’s as it should be…”
Throughout the TNG series Picard uses different codes to set the auto-distruct, if memory serves this is the code he uses in First Contact
If somebody had told me, just a couple of years ago, that Seth McFarlane of all people, would make an unofficial Star Trek tv-show that is better written & ''just get's'' the whole Star Trek ''vibe'', than any official Star Trek production, I would have called this person crazy.
And here we are,in 2021 and ''The Orville'' is putting to shame anything that has the Star Trek label attached, for over a decade!
I repeat, the guy who made that movie with the talking teddy bear & Marky Mark, makes a better Star Trek show, than any official Star Trek show!
Hell, I bet the hacks from RLM could write a better Star Trek show, than Alex Kurtzman at this point!
We must be truly in a Bizarro dimension or something....
“The guy who made the move with a talking teddy bear and Marky Mark”
Lost it at that.
Speaking of Seth, I just watched an ST:Enterprise episode yesterday and he was in the engineering deck of the Columbia getting briefed by Trip.
He really is a huge fen of the franchise... No wonder his stuff is better, as current holders couldn't care less about ST Lore, continuity and canon.
@@Francois424 He also hired a couple of the old Star Trek writers/producers for his show, so people who know this franchise, not the guy who wrote the Bayformers movies.
Communists hate competence, so they destroy anything born of it.
"They told me it couldn't be done, but I did it. I made my own Star Trek, with blackjack, and hookers."
Did anyone happen to notice that in Picard season 1, the Romulans were actually right? I mean, the threat wasn't that teen robo-angst would kill an entire planet, nor that she would cause the destruction of an entire galaxy full of people, but of all life in the entire universe!
But Picard believed in her - which makes her actual attempt to end all life in the universe just a potential unfortunate possibility.
Further, the Romulans weren't just trying to save themselves, but to save all of StarFleet, all of humanity, Klingons, Silorians, Ferengi, green Orion slave chicks, really everything!
So... is the Romulan academy accepting recruits?
I'll have to see that again. Go picard
I’m a Trekkie, mum even made the whole family uniforms when we were kids to wear at conventions. I’ve never watched Picard and I turned off Discovery half way through the first episode. Klingons are my favourite alien race and they absolutely butchered them in that show. That’s when I know something was seriously wrong with the new shows
Klingons were so cool, especially when they got more fleshed out in tng and ds9. Thatever it was they showed in diversity werent klingons.
Something wrong with all of hollywood, Star Trek is just one of the many, many victims of woke garbage infecting everything.
They cannot allow any entertainment that actually encourages the audience to *think.*
Before or after you got confused by everyone calling fish people on a sarcophagus ship “Klingons”?
Very similar to my childhood. I ducked out earlier though and turned off Voyager during episode 2. Everything past the third season of DS9 has been pathetic trash.
Why does it feel like all the Star Trek instalments have to have a galaxy-ending conflict now? I was entirely invested when their whole identity was about finding new cultures, or spending seven seasons getting back home. We want character focus, not massive singularities that can destroy planets and shit
The age old question has finally been answered. Who was better? Picard or Kirk?
Kirk, hands down. No more debate is needed. Kirk is our hero. Kirk is our captain. At least we can finally put that one to rest
@@OldieWan How is that relevant to anything I said though?
Because things like that take actual writing talent and risks, two things modern studios don't have. Explosions don't offend anyone and guarantee income.
@@OldieWan You might be reading too far into what I said there. I just asked why it's relevant to the galaxy-wide stakes I was talking about, I never insulted you
@@senseweaver01 It was relevant.
In the days of Kirk, it was about finding new cultures. He is the better captain. Always has been.
TNG ended with “All Good Things.” No one can change my mind on that.
Unpopular opinion: Generations was awesome.
Somewhat popular opinion: First Contact was good.
Everything after First Contact= 💩
So First Contact was the end for me.
There are very few things in this universe that are absolute facts, this is one of them. TNG ended with All Good Things.
Generations was good; although disappointing, it really needed some outside eyes to reshuffle some scenes, and have Kirk on the Battle Bridge of the E-D destroying the Klingons before dying to make it phenomenal.
First Contact was awesome.
Insurrection is okay, but would have been so much better if they started it with a Dominion-war battle and someone of the main cast dying. And then their insurrection on the Ba'ku planet would be all about making sure that cast member and all the other people dying is not in vane, that Starfleet stays true to its ideals, rather than degenerate into something as bad or worse than the Dominion. Also, instead of that hypocritical sociopath character being a love interest for Picard, he should have called her out on her utter bullshit.
Nemesis was a plothole ridden pile of crap; although compared to 09 it was a masterpiece.
So for me, TNG ended with Insurrection.
@@3dmaster205 Acceptable.
It was great to see Picard and Kirk talking and working together in Star Trek: Generations.
That movie probably wouldn’t be as hated if not for the conclusion to Kirk’s character
To quote the great Mr Plinkett: "Star Trek Picard is neither Star Trek or Picard."
And it's barely even a show.
The only way this shit storm resolves in a satisfactory way: Picard is sent to UNDO discovery, and they end up nuking eachother's timelines, leaving only the NON JJ timeline. Wait, No.. Sigh... that idea is way to complicated for these writers to understand.. so.....
I dont know, i am still trying to get past hearing Discovery having a 4th season. I will get back to you if i ever reach that acceptance stage thing.
I chortled.
It's hubris, they can't cancel these Star Treks because it would injure their pride.
The sheer fucking hubris
Yeah, sure it is. LoL, corporations care more about their pride than money! That's a good one. Keep em coming.
It would injure their WHAT? You mean that bad ability to adorn oneself with borrowed plumes or to beat on someone weaker that is still done and on the ground?
@@meoff7602 You....do realize that corporations are ultimately run by human beings too, right? Yes, the overriding impetus is money, but things like stupidity, hubris, and so on are just as much a factor for them as any individual person, if not moreso.
@@papapalps2415 LoL, okay buddy. Corporations care about other things than making more money. Whatever
I miss Berman, never thought I'd ever want him back so much.
Trailer: "We're going to fix the timeline."
Me: "Are you going back to terminate Alex Kurtzman's mother before he's born?"
(If it was up to) Me: "No! We're resetting the timeline so that Alex Kurtzman is a janitor at the San Quentin Correctional Facility!"
Its so laughable that this was in Production and is
now made,
and meanwhile, the Powerpuff Girls TV Show
is also in Production.
How many years has it been since 'The Last Airbender'?
Yet, Trash-Quality is by no means extinct; in fact,
i'd say the opposite is true.
Sex Sells and Trash-Quality in General (both nicely
blood-related though, duh) are on the March.
They're comin' for yaaa! They're coming clooooser!
Honestly it wasn't Kurtzman there would be someone else, maby even worse. Look at the CW shows.
@@Talsedoom Speculation...
the only way to save Star Trek is to make a metafictive movie where they go back in time to terminate Kurtzman, Orci, Goldsman and JJ.
But they have live ammo.
"Shit flows downhill, money flows up." - James Gandolfini as "Tony Soprano" in the series "The Sopranos"
MSTOW, men sent their own way
Shut up with that fucking mouth
Paulie Walnuts Gutierrez!
Wish we could go back to 1999 with the great shows.
I thought that was on game of thrones.
@@danieljliverslxxxix1164 all men are being sent their way by the feminists
Its so laughable that this was in Production and is
now made,
and meanwhile, the Powerpuff Girls TV Show
is also in Production.
How many years has it been since 'The Last Airbender'?
Yet, Trash-Quality is by no means extinct; in fact,
i'd say the opposite is true.
You know there's something wrong when you can religiously watch every episode of TNG for the rest of your days but the minute you see Q show up in the Star Trek "Picard" trailer you roll your eyes and turn the trailer off....
You know, had it been to me to reintroduce Q, I'd have emotional reunion of Guinan and Picard, ending episode with clifhanger when they two have moment of understanding and then familiar flash of light and wooosh sound effect happens and they slowy trun back, to camera in growing horror.....
I feel this pain. TNG is my go to when I don't have anything to watch and want to relax in front of the tv. Everything I love in entertainment is being warped and twisted into something I don't even recognize.
Its just the terrible revelation when you see one of your favourite characters in a kurtzman trek show and you know they are so gonna ruin it
I hate seeing characters I care about show up in these things. I don't want to see a character I care about morph into some asshole I don't recognise, or learn about what depressing and messed up shit has happened in their lives since I last saw them. I'm not watching season 2. I couldn't get through season one.
Glad to see so many of you are sane individuals
The end of the first season was the cheapest, crappiest rug pull I ever seen. The entire reason I watched it through the end was I bought that this was supposed to be the "finale journey" of Picard. It made sense too given Stewart's age. If they ended it with his death, I could probably forgive the "meh" of the whole season. But the whole bringing him back to life in the same old body (god forbid they do something original and daring like re-cast Picard as a younger person) was just sooooo dumb. It was the ultimate reset button that made no sense. Making 7 of 9 gay in the final second was also just a cherry on top of this dumpster fire..got to get your representation in!
If the writers had ANY talent, when Q first sees Picard he would say "Wait, you're and android now? No, that won't do." SNAP Picard is human again.
Well said.
Careful there, that’s actually writing and pretty damn good too, good for Picard Season 2
Its so laughable that this was in Production and is
now made, and meanwhile, the Powerpuff Girls TV Show
is also in Production.
Holy shit that is so much better. Well thought.
Q doesn't even mention anything about it which seems really off character.
That's waht the actual Q would do.
As always, the Drinker is spot on. Trek hasn’t had good writing since the cancellation of Enterprise. It had flaws, but it was light years better than current Trek.
ENT wasn't awful when it came out. More good than bad, if only slightly, and some genuinely good shit here and there, like damn near all of S4. But much like the second Die Hard (the weakest of the first 3), it has now been elevated to a place of high art since entries 4 and 5 were awful.
@@simondaniel4028 By comparison to DH5, even _4_ is high art.
Ent was horrendous writing. Watch an ep of DS9 then go to Ent. It's similar to Kurtzman trek in plot holes & conveniences. Then there is the poor acting, Jolene Blalock was terrible hamming her way through what should have been subtle
I wonder if the Romulan War might have salvaged it. I enjoyed it well enough but i don't remember much about it. In contrast i still remember episodes from TOS or DS9, some TNG ones as well. Even Voyager left more of an impression.
the only thing that annoyed me with ENT was that from the get-go they were too much "Trek"... Appearance, beaming, artificial gravity, time travel conspiracy... But at least they worked on character development. It would have deserved less drama story arch than they've put out with season 3 and focus on "the weekly problem"
The only positive thing in Picard was the guest appearance by the Enterprise. I love what Star Trek used to promote, It really upsets me to see what it has become.
The guest appearance of the enterprise where they got the location of ten forward wrong? Deck ten, forward section (clues in the name) yet in Picard they zoomed in on ten slightly left of forward the identical yet unknown bar onboard
You know I am a big fan of Star Trek: The Next Generation, it is my favourite show of all time. Deep Space 9 is also great and probably the most underrated Star Trek show. Voyager had watered down, simpler plots but it was still enjoyable. I wasn't a huge fan of Enterprise, but it has grown on me over the years, and although there were some missteps it wasn't that bad and compared to anything Kurtzman has done it is a masterpiece. Real Trek on TV died when Enterprise went off of the air and with Star Trek Nemesis on the big screen. Enterprise was the last Trek TV series that was written by people who understood what Trek should be. Same with Star Trek Nemesis, although it wasn't that great a movie, it was still trying to be Trek. The Kelvin Timeline took what was a thinking man's sci-fi series trying to portray a future where humanity had mostly gotten over limited thinking of capitalism and bigotry and was now exploring what it means to be human or what it means to even exist at all, -- then the Kelvin Timeline made Trek into just another sci-fi action movie franchise, and worse with Star Trek Into Darkness did a lousy soft reboot of Wrath of Khan (the most popular film in the franchise which had absolutely no reason to be remade) and then the highly illogical plot of Fast and Furious in Space, er, I mean Star Trek Beyond. Alex Kurtzman also took what has always been an ensemble cast show and made it focused on Mary-Sue=space-Jesus rather than an ensemble crew and also took the Shakespearian quality character of Picard and turned him into a man who just stands there as he is berated by some drug addict black woman all the time. I have not watch anything after Season 2 of Discovery and I will likely not watch season 2 of Picard, I have seen too much of Kurtzman Trek with the three seasons I have seen already.
After they got rid of the throw away characters of Neelix and Kess, it greatly improved
@@WyomingGuy876 Neelix was actually on the show until the episode before the two partner finale of the final season though. Kess was definitely the most underdeveloped character and was basically replaced with Seven of Nine, and of course Seven of Nine made the show way more interesting. That one episode where Kess came back for one episode and had gone insane and wanted revenge on Voyager was one of the dumbest episodes of Voyager though ha ha!
"Stop, stop, he's already dead." *tears flowing* - The Simpsons
Kurtzman has definitely been successful in making me no longer want to watch Star Trek movies and TV, which is a pretty high accomplishment considering my level of obsession with the franchise since before my age was double digits. I made the mistake of watching most of the first season of Picard out of curiosity. I don't think they could cook up something interesting enough for me to do that again.
Ya its impressively bad. I dont understand how people like kurtzman are employed.
@@hapablap2088 The dumber a society gets so does the entertainment.
Star Trek ended with Enterprise
@@hapablap2088 I like picard... it better than the serioes to me
“If Beyond and Discovery killed the franchise, then Picard resurrected its decaying corpse, bent it over a table, and had its way with it using the teddy bear from my Doctor Who analogy” - Critical Drinker
Beyond was great, the worst movies where number. 9 and 10 and the reason for a restart. All went just boring.
And when Picard is done with defiling every hole that Trek has left: Brave New Worlds is coming in for Sloppy Seconds.
@@RogueFox2185 Don’t forget Lower Dreck
@Barnaby Wentworth How did Voyager kill it?
The thing I remember most about Picard from TNG was his quiet but sure integrity.
I see now, sadly, that this is why it is called 'acting'.
You talked about exciting times when the worlds collided, in Generations when Picard met Kirk in his home and Kirk made eggs....... That scene blew my mind and still does. Incredible dialogue and accurate character portrayal, Shatner nailed Kirk after such a long hiatus.
The Kirk died though was pure caca.
I member. I cried when Kirk died. That was 25 years ago but I'd rather watch that again
The two of them together will always be one of the most epic moments of Star Trek. And yes, the dialogue....so many great quotes.
I know people hate how Kirk died, but if you look deeper.... In The Final Frontier during the camping scene (which is my most fav thing) Kirk said he knew he wasn't going to die when he was mountain climbing because Bones and Spock were with him, and that when he died, he knew he would be alone. And he "died" twice so to speak - once saving an "Enterprise" with two of his crew on it, as well as the daughter of Sulu, and then the second time saving an entire world along side an Enterprise Captain. If that isn't Kirk, I don't know what is.
The thing that makes me emotional is that life is imitating art, because Dee and Leonard are gone and Bill is "alone."
Q's Black female daughter is going to come and bring him back to the elderly Q nursing home where he is scheduled for "humane" termination by the young LGBTQ Q.
HaHaHaHaHa!!!! Well said!!
LGBT-Q is genius
I read shortly something like *LBTQIA* but I was a little to frightened to ask what the IA means.
A comment on a gameside got deleted and I got a "warning" because I wrote something like
LBTQLOLOMFG and something about melting snowflakes I think
@@666LonesomeSailor WHAT!?!?!?! And they were offended??? Did they melt like the Nazi officer in Raiders of the Lost Ark when they opened the Ark??
I do hope I remember this and use when appropriate.
Considering Q had a son, and frankly, Q2 episode of Voyager was both hillarious and smart.
Cobra Kai is literally the only nostalgic show that hasn't been shit on... so far! 🤞 Nothing else is safe.
I surprisingly enjoyed Doctor Sleep. Probably the only decent sequel to something that was half-decent in the last ten years.
There are good shows out there... The Expanse is fantastic, The Handmaidens Tale is more than great... and The Boys are superb... also American Gods... just to name a few.
Agreed, Cobra Kai and as the other person said, Doctor Sleep have been really good continuations of nostalgic shows/movies so far. Here's hoping Cobra Kai actually stays that way.
@@emorsi The Handmaid's Tale? The show that's literal, unabashed progressive propaganda?
@@emorsi nice try but we all know you are trolling.
"How is it still going?"
Well, see, Drinker, there's people called executive producers, and if a show fails, it effects their reputation. Therefore, if they are in a position to do so, they will hide a shows' failure through the only way they can: Renewal.
This allows people to say "Well, how many seasons did Firefly get?" with a straight face. Ugh.
And Picard has TWENTY-TWO fucking producers!!!
I dont even have the energy to be angry anymore Im just going to ignore it and make fun of the fact this video has more views than both trailers combined.
Picard: 'Q - you have white hair now'
Q: 'Yes - I'm not quite the character I used to be'
Picard - "But I thought you were omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent'.
Q: - 'Not according to the script. Anyway - where are going?'
Picard: The one place in the universe I feel I can still be taken seriously'
Q: Oh yes- on the edge of the Gamma quadrant, connecting Federation Space to the Delta quadrant'
Picard - Yes that right - Safe Space 9'
Better dialogue than DS9- VOYAGER- And more than half of NexGen...Bravo
Q did appear as an old man in a scene the future-track of the TNG finale episode (though that scene was cut when they merged the two-part episode into one). He also suggests he can choose any appearance he wants in "Qpid", where he laments that he didn't appear as a woman given how Picard is so weak with them.
Safe Space 9 😂
You could always watch The Expanse instead
“How is this show still going?”
$$$$. Studio heads are squeezing every bit of $$$$ out of Stewart and the Star Trek brand before he passes.
Lol that sound so morbid and depressing
It’s still going because season 1 was a smash hit for All Access. Duh
I don't know anyone who's watching it
I kind of struggle to believe this is making anyone money
@@goddepersonno3782 it’s such a $/itshow nobody is watching
Maybe the original plan was for a series called "Star Trek: Janeway"? That would explain Seven of Nine's presence and why all her dialogue was written for interacting with a different captain... not to mention the wholesale replacement of Starfleet's entire command structure with Strong Women(TM).
'I say we nuke the entire site from orbit. Its the only way to be sure." - Critical Drinker
No that won’t do, we’ll need that Xindi weapon from Enterprise to make sure all is destroyed. I did not like that season of Enterprise but man it was Shakespeare compared to STD and Pic
Nice Aliens reference
"Hold on one second, this franchise has a substantial dollar value to it" - Kurtzman
@@TrevPlatt He can bill me!
@@inblackestnight9256 To be honest, I was hoping someone would continue the iconic dialogue, but alas my time playing the part of the antagonist is over. Kurtzman did have some credit in the bank with me for Alias and Fringe (two of my all time favourites) but he's more than used that up now - and I'm not even that big of a Star Trek fan. Instinct, Salvation and Scorpion were all dreadful - and now he's shitting all over 5 Trek TV Shows, an upcoming Trek movie and, according to IMDb, 5 of Universals "monster-verse" or whater the hell they are calling it.
The thing I love about Star Trek is that it's one of the only shows that present a future to look forward to. It gives people hope for the future of humanity, unlike all other science fiction which is about dark, bleak, dystopian futures. Now they're doing it to Star Trek and it kills me. The world is so full of suffering and hate why can't we just have something happy for once.
Well said.
Even when deep space nine got dark it was still a future to look forward to, one with a visible light at the end of the tunnel.
Social-engineering, mind control and the all encompassing circle of fear.
Predictive programming.
Abandon all hope.
Accept the doom.
Take the "vaccine".
Go to sleep.
I totally agree with you. It's sad to see the uplifting vision of the Original Series and the Next Generation completely excised from the recent ST shows. Hope is one of the three theological virtues, a gift to Man toiling away in a fallen world. Unfortunately, the people responsible for producing mass media entertainment hate you as they hate this world. No hope is allowed; only bleak emptiness. To wit:
1. The people who produce this crap hate you; take your pick from any of these: they hate you for being male, they hate you for being White, they hate you for supporting Trump, they hate you for not supporting BLM rioters, they hate you for not liking Strong, Independent Women, they hate you for being American, they hate you for having disposable income, they hate you for mocking their views....they hate you for not being a perfect reflection of the politics of the Current Moment.
2. But, most of all, these people hate themselves and the world because most have been corrupted by the inheritors of the Frankfurt School. A Marxist philosophy of deconstruction that asserts there is no meaning to life and human striving is pointless and despicable. To the proponents of this nihilistic view, any concept of transcendent hope is as garlic to a vampire.
Like Morgoth in Tolkien's epic tale, those who are only capable of hate can only destroy; they are unable to create anything new. So, these dim lights responsible for our entertainment today, lacking the power of creation, instead seize the vibrant, hopeful stories that make up the foundation of our culture (ST, Star Wars) and either make them ridiculous or corrupt them into dark, hopeless tales that bear no resemblance to their lineage.
We are NOT ALLOWED to hope. We are NOT ALLOWED anything transcendent or beautiful. ALL is empty and pointless.
@@Zapp__Brannigan Obama destroyed hope with his hope.
Trump brought action and got crucified for it.
The U.S. is fucked right now.
Stay smart guys, don't fall for the traps.
Q comes back to tell Picard about how great Black Space Jesus is.
Q is god created in Roddenberry's own image.... So he'd know his daughter. An atheist Trinity.
Better yet, Space Jesus will be the reincarnation of Picard... lol !
@@Francois424 he is resurected from the dead after a chat in Data's void, and I think it took three days.
_Diverse_ space Jesus.
“Diverse Female Space Jesus” - The Drinker
I feel like one of the fundamental problems with Star Trek these days is that it is no longer episodic. With every iteration of ST prior to "Discovery": every episode was wrapped up at the end. Maybe it was "to be continued..."; but, you knew it'd be wrapped up at the end of the next one. Now, today, every version has to be a 13 hour movie broken into 42minute segments, each "ending" in a moment designed to trigger a lizard brained curiosity response. All of this without the depth, character development or plot needed to fill a 3 hour movie, much less a 13 hour movie. But hey, if I don't like it they must just be subverting my expectations.
@Reaver Of Jill Sandwiches Or Enterprise which had a whole season arc. And toward the end of Season 4 where they were starting to hint at the looming war with the Romulans which would have been a seasonal or multi-seasonal arc had the show continued.
@@MrMikellsof88 if only it had gotten one more season it could have redeemed itself
@@LordSluggo Yeah but I think people were getting fed up with the TCW. I loved it personally but then I'm always a sucker for time travel and alternate timelines (within reason, he says while sideeying the reboot movies)
it has nothing to do with the story telling format. it has to do with flat, piss poor writing, the inability to develop characters, and create stories that people want to watch. ds9 was probibly the best star trek that ever happened. it broke all the rules and did it without sucking. now they just break the rules to watch the world burn.
To be honest, I could never really get into the original Star Trek series due to the episodic nature. Not knocking anyone who does enjoy episodic content, but for me, not having an underlying goal or problem eventually leads me to feeling apathetic towards the whole thing. It becomes hard to invest in the hopeless of today's situation when I know that it'll have no lasting effect on the reality of next week. (and nothing will have changed by the end of the episode) In addition, without a future revisit to the civilizations they previously helped, I also have trouble believing that the "progress" that was made had a lasting impact. As someone who assumes the worst when no information is given, I am convinced that every civilization that made contact with a Star Trek crew nuked themselves into oblivion a week after the encounter. As a result, it just ends up feeling like pissing in the wind to me.
That all being said, the non-episodic approach of the newer series isn't really doing anything to help me get invested. I made a real attempt at getting into Discovery and Picard, but I could never find a way to care about any of the characters involved. Both series have a captain whose the only enlightened human being still in existence and a handful of one-dimensional gimmick characters that revolve around them. Even without a previous connection to the series, it was also super transparent to me whenever they'd try to force a connection to the classic series - it just felt like a very cheap and lazy attempt at forcing longtime fans into feeling a sense of investment in the new characters. (because building that investment through good writing is too hard)
tldr; you may have the inverse to my episodic series aversion, but I think for most people just dislike the mediocre/lazy writing.
Just confirms my opinion that Picard is Patrick giving his fans the middle finger.
I mean, he said that last year. More like reaffirmation than confirmation.
@@chrishoppner7875 I don't think Steward is in that age where he still can have extensive creative input. He's a very very old man. Plus he's never shown any kind of hatred toward his character in many previous interviews.
@@thefreshestslice4105 I didn't see that but you are correct, reaffirmation is more correct. I remember he mentioned his dislike of Picard even before the first episode.
One couldn't just be a respected actor. Oh no. He has to be a fucking "voice of reason" for the proles.
The ego of these people is so absurdly overdeveloped that they probably masturbate watching their own pics.
@@pineapplethief4418 I mean, maybe they _did_ take creative input from a confused elderly man who doesn't really care about Picard or Star Trek. It would explain why PIC Season 1 was such a trainwreck.
I don't think Stewart necessarily hates Picard, but it's been clear for a long time that he has little in common with the character and no qualms about projecting his own 21st century attributes onto him.
If I could go back and tell my 12 year old self that in 2021 you don't even watch Star Wars, Star Trek, etc. he would have laughed in my face. And yet here we are....😏
And the rest Doctor who , James Bond .ect. PATHETIC .
I felt that deeply.
And Star Wars . . If I'd time travelled and told the 10yo me that I wouldn't even bother watching ep 7 8 and 9 the 10yo me would've gone "wahhhhh. Piss off ya gray haired old bastard"
Actually that's pretty much what you already said.
I feel the same... And that's only because we've only seen bad, expensive fan fiction in these franchises since then - written and produced by people who aren't fans
I recently started watching Star Trek with my Dad. I never really understood it when I was a kid but I love watching Star Trek generations with him. I wouldn't call myself a trekkie but I think I understand why I wouldn't consider any other Star Trek as compelling. It's not the action or sci-fi tech that makes Star Trek cool.
Its the clever writing, dynamic relationships, complex emotional studies, interesting problems, smart dialogue, character agency and character development that makes it stand out.
Star Trek used to portray a federation that had hope, respect and tolerance for the unknown, which I personally feel is way cooler than people dying and timeline nonsense.
Agree with this entirely. The whole reason I've always enjoyed the older Star Treks is that they're based off the inherent human drive for curiosity. Many of the stories in the show explore humanity and what it means to be human. Some of the perspectives were flawed since they had a fundamental misunderstanding of certain things but I felt even those parts highlighted why the show the was decent. But the "modern" Star Trek shows, like much of modern entertainment, have abandoned all of that in favor of shock value and nonsense.
@Nicholas Millington Riker was never exactly a cad. It's true he didn't have a conservative sexual ethic, but characterizing him as a playboy is a shallow analysis of the character.
Generations? Check out 'TNG', dear: best iteration of the franchise (in fact: the movie 'Generations' dates from that era, so you're surely on the right track)
@@GambitsEnd I like all of them old and new, except for Enterprise which was dogsh1t.
I assume you mean The Next Generation, Generations is actually the first Star Trek film that had the TNG cast in it, it was a crossover movie with The original series.
I just watched two clips of season two. It was crushing. Had to come back here like therapy.
Spot on about the severe lack of likeability in characters these days. That's part of the reason I couldn't make it through The Walking Dead, as Shane was the only one I liked in any capacity.
Watched Line Of Duty the other day, Clint Eastwood never doubts his capability through the film and remains true to himself. Kills the assassin and bangs Rene Russo because he can, as he is Clint Eastwood.
That is missing from movies these days. IMO
I've noticed a very postmodern trend in modern fiction where stories are created very specifically with no 'hero', where the sides in conflict are completely indistinguishable and everyone is really a horrible unlikeable person. I suppose it makes some people feel edgy to visit such worlds in their imagination but I usually just feel dirtied by the contact.
@@HerculesBallsInc Even this concept can be pulled off well, and HAS been pulled off well in older shows. People don't necessarily have to be morally good to be likable, but they do have to show some measure of humanity.
I mean, did they even say fuck in any of the movies?
Star Trek never portrayed us as perfect, but at least there was some level of transcendence. This just feels an abomination of Roddenberry's vision.
The original series and TNG were pure science fiction; narratives designed to explore philosophical ideas about humanity, consciousness, the nature of reality, and so on. Both series showed humanity not as we are, but as we could be, if we took the time and effort to look within and without and make the changes necessary to elevate ourselves. Kirk, Picard, and all their crew were very much human, but they were GOOD humans, the best of what we had to offer. Roddenberry's vision showed us not that utopias could exist, but that we were worthy of having them.
New Star Trek, though... I'm not interested in watching any of it, but it kind of seems like it's going with the woke idea that people are just garbage. It says "humans can never be anything other than what they are, which is up-jumped apes who kill and rape, because that's just what they do." There's no introspection, no questioning of our nature. Just shut up, check your privilege, and fall in line, swine. It's tiresome, boring, and not good science fiction.
Q snaps his finger an says"And that Jean-Luc is what will happen if we dont slingshot around the sun and go back in time and fire all the weapons we have at california in 2010"
I've seen just as much bullshit filmed in Georgia, which really coincided with the downfall of so-called "Hollywood" when all this serialized TV crap started. Better nuke that shithole too, right?
That might put our future into space by destroying SpaceX though.
@@Jaxvidstar that won't do it in star trek, a third world war happens in this century and it is not until post apocalypse inventor Zephrim Cochrane invented the first warp drive engine and got noticed by a Vulcan scouting party that we enter the space age and form Starfleet with them.
Some of your votes got nuked by Jyootube.
Haha damn. Good point about rick berman. Remember when we thought he was the worst thing to happen to Star Trek.
BOY were we wrong!
Stupid asses, the lot of us.
Star Trek was always something unique, it focussed on ideas and scenarios that should have been way out of the purview of some dinky TV sci-fi show but that is what made it memorable. Star Trek had heart, it appealed to the highest ideals of humanity, exploration, discovery, intelligence, it treated it's viewers with respect.
As someone who has been in the rabbit hole of 40k for a long time, Star Trek was always a nice palette cleanser to the grim darkness of the far future.
Q HAS already seen an older Jean Luc Picard in ' All Good Things '. Guess the writers didn't bother watching that one.
I don't believe the writers have ever seen an episode of Trek.
@@justincider8892 they probably watched opening credits, hollered "OK Boomer!" then left the screening.
They watched the TNG movies and thought that's how the series was.
@@dennisryan5586 Q didn't appear in any TNG movies, did he ?
@@rnbnatl Nope. But you don't need a deep dive of the series to know about Q, he's fairly well known.
What I'm mostly talking about is the style and direction of shows like Picard and Discovery. The TNG movies were markedly different from the TNG tv series.
The movies were more action and conflict driven, with a lot more emphasis on the visuals. The tv series was a ton more intellectual and philosophical, often spending entire episodes on ethical dilemmas concerning the human condition. First Contact was the best of the TNG movies because it felt the closest to the series, but it was still jarringly different.
Picard and Discovery don't really follow the tv series in this regard, Kurtzman went for a decidedly 'cinematic' experience with the shows that is akin to Abrams super fancy visuals with hollow and discombobulating narrative and characterizations.
He also put in crap that makes zero sense, like Jean-Luc's weird BFF status with Data. This is something that was never ever a thing in the tv series, but somehow got started in the TNG movies. At the time of those movies (especially Nemesis), a lot of people were like, "why are Data and Jean-Luc buddies?" So Kurtzman either didn't do his homework on Data and Jean-Luc, or knew it didn't make sense and wrote it like that anyway. Either way, it shows a lack of fundamental understanding for the TNG tv series.
And, of course, the Kelvin timeline is a verifiably monstrosity and should never have been allowed to continue, much less started. Paramount loves it because it gives them creative freedom with the writing, they don't have to make things make sense to anything before Abram's movies. Essentially it's a giant eff you to TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise. A-holes.
Star Trek -- The timeline is broken.
Fans -- No, the franchise is broken..............Go away now.
Old Trek: Deep characters discussing philosophical, eternal questions.
NuTrek: Vandalizing everything in stupid action. That's it.
The hell that is Seven of Nine in this show is *unforgivable.*
Dammit, I related to her as an autistic kid, and now Picard is like, "I want to have her take over the planet with Borg."
What they did with Icheb is unforgivable
@@aleksander8497 Frankly speaking, they had wasted MOST TERRIFIC SETUP - Seven, Icheb, Hugh, Locutus and most distinctive antagonists of series: Romulans and Borg ( Remember, reintroducing Romulans in TNG was supposed to be effect of Borg actions ripping outposts in Neutral Zone, and Voyager based whole Unimatrix Zero plot on Hugh - quite clever reference by B'ellona). Hell, remember relationship between Q2 and Icheb?
@@aleksander8497 Like, they massacred my baby...
The only thing I enjoyed about season 1, was seeing the Enterprise D in modern CGI glory. Modern Trek seems to have forgotten the ship is a character in Star Trek as well.
Ahh but in the woke era you can't call the ship "She" or "Her". Enterprise objectifies the womyn.
Hopefully Q snaps this show from our collective memory.
One can hope…
pshaaw. q is omnipotent he could snap to show to cultural and fan interests; but would he?
Knowing Q's shenanigans, he's probably that writer guy, but disguised, just to fuck with us for shits and giggles 😆
I could kiss Q if he did that. Not that I would remember.
Patrick Stewart used to be my favorite character in all of Star Trek. His discipline, natural leader skills, his inner conflict with the Borg,...I could g on with this list. He was the kind of officer I could imagine commanding a nuclear aircraft carrier just as well as showing up in a smoking to hold the opening speech at an UN banquet. But I think the show screwed up his character to a point he didn't deserve. Of course Patrick Stewart is an old man by now and no longer the physically strong man he was in the 90s, but he is still doing good acting. But if you don't give him good material to work with, he can't do much.
I'm afraid you're giving him too much credit. Stewart is a man very full of himself for all he has accomplished, and it is known that TNG Picard has little similarities to the actor Patrick Stewart. With his cult status, he himself contributed a good bit to the abysmal writing of STP by not avboiding it.
To me, Star Trek died when ENT was cancelled. Every show or movie that came after that doesn't have the ST spirit anymore. Sad but true.
Deviating away from the original timeline, themes, style etc was a bad mistake.
I wholeheartedly agree.
I always thought Trek after Enterprise should have been an anthology series, going backward and forward, filling in blanks from episodes past.
Going back to the “gangster planet” in TOS, seeing if they just assimilated the Federation/Starfleet culture from having regular visits from them after the episode for example, or seeing Starfleet through a Klingon/Romulan/Andorian POV for a season, or showing us the Romulan War, or more of the 80 or so years after STVI until just before TNG began, or the time after ENT just before Pike visited Talos V for the first *real* time in “The Cage”.
(Marvel had a decent run of Pike era comics called ST: The Early Voyages btw)
It died for me when they shut down the Experience in Vegas right before the 2009 movie came out. Had to kill even the fun theme park. Nothing left standing!
@@ThatBillmanGuy I am still heartbroken I couldn’t go to the STE. That sort of exhibition will never happen again.
Picard: “Why would an immortal being age?”
Q: “Why to show bonhomie with a true friend.”
Picard: “You mean you did it to annoy me.”
Q: “Just like old times, we should have music to celebrate.”
Picard: “Absolutely not!”
Q: “TOO LATE!!!”
Mariachi band starts playing...
Oh that would be far too good for this series!
Q constantly annoying Picard was one of my favorite parts of TNG. Two contrasting personalities and beings who still (relatively) get along makes for some great comedic moments.
And Q’s Mariachi band is hilariously underused these days.
Yeah for that they'd have actually had to watch an episode of Star Trek to get the reference it probably had to be explained that Q isn't a stunning and brave person of colour to the writers several times an hour though I'm betting he is by the time he's done he will be
@@jendoe9436 Especially because Q could erase Picard in a second if he wanted to and yet even knowing this Picard sees him as an annoyance rather than a threat.
They explain it in Voyager.
I think I’d rather just binge watch DS9 again rather than watch more of this wank. Where the characters are actually interesting and have good attributes and are well written.
I’ve been watching Stargate SG1 and Atlantis. Although Amazon just purchased MGM so it might get ruined soon...
Fuck yeah.
Duet has more quality and good writing than the whole fucking kelvin timeline, plus Picard AND Sight Transmitted Disease.
Man, I would love to watch DS9 again. I remember watching the debut episode with my grandpa way back when, and it was an event! He made cake, my mom approved three bowls of ice cream, good freaking times. I am glad my gramps doesn't have to see this shit, TNG was his favorite
@@tyrellthiel2201 Three bowls of ice cream, cake... sounds like a great time!
Q shows up sees Picard, says "aah... the trial continues..... oh, wait, you're a robot now. Guilty as charged." Roll credits one episode.
Remember a certain line from Picard in Insurrection “ Remember when we were explorers”. To explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations. To boldly go where no one has gone before. Star Trek has seem to have forgotten it core mission.
Can a show be so terrible that the company just does a season two to spite the world? I’m looking at you, Batwoman...
The arrogance of Hollywood is infinite. Of course they would make another season just to attack people for hating the first one
Yes they can. Looking at you Chuck Lorre. He kept Two and a Half Men going just to prove a point to bad boy Charlie. Then you have Grays Anatomy ...
The average youtuber brings in more profit than CW... so the answer is yes.
and now a season 3 🤦♀️
That was Deep Space Nine. It was subversive crap intended to be subvert everything about Star Trek. Idiots think it's good because idiots think subversion is good.
Picard is an artificially-constructed facsimile, assembled from lifeless parts. The main character is also a robot.
At least The Borg aspire to some kind of perfection, via the Hive Mind. Since "Jean-Luc Picard" is now a Bad Robot, I'd rather be "Roger Wilco" of "Space Quest" or "Ryley Robinson" of "Subnautica."
@@Otokichi786 Bad Robot productions had nothing to do with this...
Q was Tremaine's little brother. He showed up, I said "I've seen this episode" and never watched again.
R.I.P. Jean-Luc Picard, once one of the best protagonists ever made.
R.I.P the entire Star Trek series.
(including Star Wars)
I wonder what Patrick Stewart's home life is like, being married to a woman around HALF his age??
I mean the guys is in great shape, but does she need MORE MONEY than Stewart already receives from any ST:TNG TV/Movie and/or X-Men residual income ?
Or does Patrick just want an excuse to get out of the house once in a while, and feel like he's still a 'current' 'in demand' actor!
It's probably his ego. I doubt that, even with a prize wife who probably spends like crazy, he'll ever have financial issues.
OMG! He married the Borg Queen => static.standard.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2018/05/17/10/sunny-ozell-2.jpg?width=990&auto=webp&quality=75&crop=968%3A645%2Csmart
@@WyomingGuy876 OMG, you're RIGHT! All she needs is some green skin tint, a few tubes, and a bald head to match hubby over there...
As someone who has been married to someone less than half my age and whose parents are even slightly younger than I am, I can say from experience the home life is great, much more satisfying and easy than with previous contemporaries. It's much better to contribute to the baggage someone carries than pay for that which I have no blame. lol
Meh.. Age is irrelevant. There's a long list of other things that are more important when it comes to a good relationship.
The special effects are mostly ok, sometimes, I guess. Imagine what they could do with writers/producers who were literate, intelligent people. You know, like in the old days.
To be fair, some STNG episodes were real stinkers too. One of the few good things Shill Wheaton did was critiquing the bottom tier of those in a witty way. But the difference is that some other STNG episodes were also classics that will likely rank among the best sci-fi for decades to come.
@@HerculesBallsInc In the old days of TNG, they did 26 episodes a year. Cranking out that many a year is sure to produce some stinkers in the mix, but several seasons had almost no stinkers, and plenty of complex ideas shining through everywhere (that's why we watched every week--to see where the talent would take us this week). I really don't see any of that in Discovery or Picard, and I honestly did enjoy some bits of the new Trek. But am I going to remember them in 3 years, much less 30 years later? No, I'm not. Quite honestly, I don't remember much about the first season of Discovery except that I thought the Klingon's were designed weirdly and the "Klingon rape" thing was bizarre and didn't work. I don't remember any "episodes", per se. Yet I can name dozens of episodes of TNG, or even TOS for that matter. There were big ideas bubbling under everything, electrified by character dynamics that were lovingly crafted and brought to life by writers and actors. And I know it isn't that I'm just old, because "The Expanse" exists and I get the same excitement to be alive when this thing exists as I did when TNG aired. I wasn't even alive with TOS aired, but I spent years discovering those episode and wondering what it might have been like to live in a time when TOS was new. I do live in a time when "Discovery" and "Picard" are new, and it's about as exciting as any given network show. And I've never gotten excited over a new episode of Law and Order: Crime is Rampant, or whatever it's called now.
Thst's the point. They believe that FX (actually CGI) are EVERYTHING... just look at the peew peew and consume without thinking, you moron...
@@omenaccipio To build your point, it occurs to me that in TNG, the characters themselves had very strong and varying intelligences. Picard was extremely well read and intellectual, but not very social. Riker was less book smart and more clever, and understood people well. Data didn't understand people, but knew any fact you needed and could cross reference them to solve technical or scientific problems. Troi was swimming in emotional intelligence, Geordi in understanding the engineering of the ship and all that entailed technically. Even Worf had tactical knowledge, while Crusher had medical knowledge. And every episode was a mix of putting these intelligences together to work well and solve narrative problems that actually had rules the audience would follow to see how the problem was explored and solved. There is NOTHING LIKE THAT in the new shows. (It was continually stressed how hard it was to get through Starfleet, move up the ranks, etc., to emphasize these were the very best humanity had to offer intellectually, morally, etc.) And perhaps that is what disappoints me the most. Yelling "The power of math, people!" is not remotely the same thing. I have very little sense of the "inner life" of any of the characters in new Trek--not even of Picard himself, whom you would think would carry over from previous shows...but it often feels like the writers never watched any of the previous shows, much less were well read, educated people who understood story and character, and wanted to reveal their talent to the audience.
@@greyeyed123 I suppose that is what shocked me so about the 'Lower Decks' spinoff. The whole premise hammered home over and over in Star Trek is that the crews on starships are pretty much the best of the best. They are all experts and can fill the job roles with excellence. 'Lower Decks' asked the nonsensical question 'what about all the losers?'. The LOSERS are not even IN Starfleet! This was also my problem with the Barkley character in STNG. He was so utterly dysfunctional he shouldn't have been allowed withing a kilometer of a starship.
I’ll freely admit Star Trek 2009, Into Darkness, and Beyond pale in comparison to the older stuff, but they did introduce me to the franchise. They still hold a place in my heart for that alone.
They don’t care if the shows good or not. It’s merely a means to push their social conditioning. With the name Alex Kurtzman, I wouldn’t expect anything less
I know exactly what you're saying 🙂
I really hope Q is like "aw shit, totally forgot to undo this other timeline I created. Alright old man, time to get stabbed in the heart again."
Kurtzmann Is not worth that kind of hope. 🤣🤣
@@pedrovargas2181 sadly, you're right...
“Set phasers to “fucked”” got me. Genius.
Wait, I have a new idea for a Warp engine. Attach electrodes to a cockroach and hit the accelerator pedal !!
Hey, I liked Captain Archer’s enterprise! Especially the last season! And even those who don’t will have to admit, it’s a masterpiece compared to anything Kurtzman has done. Kind of like the Disney Star Wars trilogy suddenly made people appreciate the previously hated prequels much more.
Not really. Lucas created trash with the Prequels: he didn't care about the story, they were just money grabs, plain and simple.
@@mustang6599 That's wrong on many levels.
Heartbreaking, really. Been rewatching Deep Space Nine. I actually started it after watching the first episode of the latest Space Jesus season. Let me tell you, the quality of writing in DS9 stands the test of time. The first episode even features a Picard still capable of wiping his own arse after a shit.
Xela-If you can catch H&I Network on cable (or online?) Sunday-Friday evenings they run back to back episodes of all 4 classic Star Trek shows.
DS9 is Shakespearean sci fi a true work of art
Odo and Quark were the best.
@@dparky1627 it’s funny you said that. A friend of mine used to call DS9 “The Quark & Odo Show.”
@@braininjurydiy you must truly hate star trek
5:41 _" . . . like Raffi, the alcoholic drug addict, who abandoned her son to go get high . . ."_
I'm glad Gene Roddenberry didn't live long enough to see what Kurtzman has done to his utopian future.
Can you imagine writing a character for Star Trek with such low values? He would've been pissed to have such a one dimensional character.
@Lone Star Kirk and Uhura kissing is my FB banner pic. They did some bold things in their day. Now they're just doing what everyone else is doing. Now an interracial kiss would be obvious and boring.
A lot of the scripts for these shows are obviously Z-grade student projects, marked as A+ by woke professors because everyone has to be a winner, that have then been retrofitted into the franchises they are leaching from. Basically they find/replace the names of their Z-grade characters with Picard, Superman, Captain America and so on. That's the reason why canon is ignored, there is no continuity with previous films and series, and characters suddenly act out of, well, character.
just toss Kurtzman in the garbage bin already, he’s the one writing the shit scripts on STD and PIC
Its basically turning any well written white guys into a pathetic husk of a man whilst strong independent women come in and clean everything up.
Woke professors do not work in or write for hollywood. You're getting your propaganda mixed up.
Rachel Maddow glasses on steroids proves your analysis is correct. I could write a doctoral thesis on why thick black framed glasses are a result of woke college corporate media conformists. Starbucks Prius Subaru mating fantasies.....
@@shineymcshine Nah, they just indoctrinate the writers. Be smarter.