3 Step Process To Reduce Hyperpigmentation

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 596

  • @ashexxxx
    @ashexxxx 11 месяцев назад +615

    Kojic acid/ alpha arbutine/vitamin C

    • @gauthamprem8833
      @gauthamprem8833 10 месяцев назад +10

      3rd one is a serum???

    • @vjn.xdddddddd
      @vjn.xdddddddd 9 месяцев назад

      Yeah ​@@gauthamprem8833

    • @theyoutuber-bt3qq
      @theyoutuber-bt3qq 9 месяцев назад

      @@gauthamprem8833you will get toners also

    • @thegoat-qh9kq
      @thegoat-qh9kq 9 месяцев назад +5

      What if you live in Canada where there’s no sun during these times? Will sunscreen have any benefit?

    • @haxilmainki3906
      @haxilmainki3906 9 месяцев назад +10

      @@thegoat-qh9kquva and uvb rays will still enter, so yes.

  • @latoyakellie2964
    @latoyakellie2964 11 месяцев назад +313

    The Ordinary's Alpha Arbutin & Niacinamide helped me a lot with my dark spots & hyperpigmentation. I noticed results within 3 to 4 months and I was consistent with it, used morning and at night.

    • @anushkaafrin6551
      @anushkaafrin6551 11 месяцев назад +8

      can i use the kojic soap as face wash and niacinamide for brightening my skin and pigmentation together ?

    • @theunthinkable1021
      @theunthinkable1021 11 месяцев назад +4

      Any purging experiences?

    • @latoyakellie2964
      @latoyakellie2964 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@theunthinkable1021 No, didn't experience any purging.

    • @latoyakellie2964
      @latoyakellie2964 11 месяцев назад

      @@anushkaafrin6551 You can try it. I tried the Kojic soap and it did nothing for me personally. I use the Dove for sensitive skin bar soap.

    • @yourmajestique
      @yourmajestique 11 месяцев назад +3

      When do you usually use alpha arbutin? At night before sleeping or any other time?

  • @ang3956
    @ang3956 Год назад +142

    Sunscreen guys .. reapply every two hours all year round.. it works!

    • @leilanyvelasquez-reyes3298
      @leilanyvelasquez-reyes3298 Год назад +18

      How do you reapply sunscreen every 2 hours if you have makeup on? I really want to know.

    • @ang3956
      @ang3956 Год назад

      @@leilanyvelasquez-reyes3298 colorscience SPF powder 😃

    • @dogchainsaw3923
      @dogchainsaw3923 Год назад

      @@leilanyvelasquez-reyes3298dont use makeup dummy !

    • @ang3956
      @ang3956 11 месяцев назад +6

      @@engineering425 yes indoors as well as UV rays come through our windows even in winter months so reapply every two hours 😊

    • @pennyinheaven
      @pennyinheaven 11 месяцев назад +12

      I’d say make it a habit so if you do forget it or is lazy to apply it while indoors, it’s okay. Every 2hrs indoors is quite excessive especially if there are no windows or direct sunlight. Unless you’re skin is really sensitive to light, like hyperpigmentation issues.
      Dr. Idriss also said UV (Index) from the weather app on the phone is a good basis to wear sunscreen or not. I believe, greater than 3 requires sunscreen.

  • @teralecole316
    @teralecole316 10 месяцев назад +38

    I love his bullet point style. It’s very easy to digest.

  • @k_8655.
    @k_8655. Год назад +307

    These are everything that my dermatologist prescribed my mom and within 6 months mom's hyperpigmentation of 15 yrs gone.... her skin has never been any better than it is now... ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    • @shabshah9071
      @shabshah9071 Год назад +3

      How to use this, can you pls help

    • @Anna-dd4wy
      @Anna-dd4wy Год назад +15

      Could you please mention the brands and products she used

    • @bloopbloopbloopbloopbloop
      @bloopbloopbloopbloopbloop Год назад +6

      yes, which brands? i feel like I do all these things but mine hasn't gone away

    • @k_8655.
      @k_8655. Год назад

      @@shabshah9071 please i suggest u consult a dermatologist as it is harmful to use jst anything on ur face without proper guidance...

    • @k_8655.
      @k_8655. Год назад +8

      @@Anna-dd4wy please consult a dermatologist since it's about the face.. the products my mom was given might not be suited for ur skin

  • @misakiayuzawa1791
    @misakiayuzawa1791 Год назад +73

    Omg I’ve been doing this even before I watched this video! This worked on my skin. I’m using rice water as face wash, then rose water as toner, then vitamin c serum and lastly moisturizer. This has been my routine before going to bed for the past 2 months and it healed my cystic acne.

    • @Moonmoon57186
      @Moonmoon57186 Год назад +2

      If u don't mind can u please suggest how to use rice water? Do you use the overnight rice water ? Or do u wash ur face after using rice water?

    • @misakiayuzawa1791
      @misakiayuzawa1791 Год назад

      @@Moonmoon57186 hi I don’t actually use the actual rice water. I just bought from The Etude House their Rice Water face wash collection and it really worked on my skin.

    • @misbahhussain3233
      @misbahhussain3233 10 месяцев назад +2

      How fo you use rice water as facewash?

    • @proudpinay2594
      @proudpinay2594 3 месяца назад

      What vitamin c serum brand you use and moisturizer? Thanks

  • @crazybee5494
    @crazybee5494 10 месяцев назад +46

    As a Guy, This is so true. I have used Niacinamide for two months and follow up with Vitamin C serum for another 2 months. Guys... My face turns out smooth and pigmentation were completely gone. My Ex-Girlfriend regrets she broke up with me

    • @abhii4everr
      @abhii4everr 8 месяцев назад +5

      Your gf must regret wholelife😂

    • @justaguywithahitlermustach2766
      @justaguywithahitlermustach2766 7 месяцев назад +1

      I trusted u till the girlfriend part

    • @movieclipsmcu6960
      @movieclipsmcu6960 7 месяцев назад

      can you pls tell me i details when do you use this and what ?

    • @crazybee5494
      @crazybee5494 7 месяцев назад

      1. Its a morning and night routine (apply two times a day)
      2. While applying Niacinamide Serum, rub it clockwise direction till the moist went dry
      3. After 1 minute, follow up with Vitamin C serum and rub it clockwise till its dry
      4. After 1 minute, again follow up with Sun Screen during day time and Moisturizer at night, which means Use sun screen only at Day time and use Moisturizer only at Night

    • @crazybee5494
      @crazybee5494 7 месяцев назад

      @@movieclipsmcu6960 use it in Morning and Night. After applying The serum , wait for 1 minute and apply Suncreen and Moisturizer i.e, Suncreen in morning and Moisturizer at Night.

  • @dewisartika9124
    @dewisartika9124 6 месяцев назад +20

    he's amaze me by his glowing skin while explaining about the skin care. it's like he walks the talk.

    • @RisvaVayuhana
      @RisvaVayuhana 5 месяцев назад

      he's east asian so shut up 😂

  • @WW-ob7ek
    @WW-ob7ek 9 месяцев назад +9

    I love that you don't use the annoying bell sounds in your videos anymore. Now I can watch your videos in peace 😊

  • @Jay-tn6he
    @Jay-tn6he Год назад +5

    My sister recommended me niacinamide. But i never listened to her because she never had bad skin. But i gave into it and used it. And now i am regretting not using it from before. Its clearing out my acne and the scars slowly. And i am so happy

  • @meow9210
    @meow9210 6 месяцев назад +9

    I have bought a skincare set after following his advise and i can see positive results daily after waking up in the morning

    • @user-instaadict
      @user-instaadict 5 месяцев назад

      Did you get any good result yet? Please share

  • @user-Queen94
    @user-Queen94 2 дня назад

    I choose rose water, vitamin C and sunscreen 😊

  • @hello.9628
    @hello.9628 Год назад +34

    What worked for me is vitamin c serum of wishtrend. It’s not for sensitive skin. It’s result is super fast but have to refrigerate it and use quick cause it oxidize.

  • @alyssaglennortiz4749
    @alyssaglennortiz4749 Год назад +27

    Vit C of vichy is so dope , my skin brighten and glow in just 2 weeks, I used day and night along with niacinamide and put sunscreen during the day

    • @rushitapatel532
      @rushitapatel532 Год назад +2

      I started using vit C , can you tell me how to use niacinamide......both vit c and niacinamide same time ...or ??

    • @alyssaglennortiz4749
      @alyssaglennortiz4749 Год назад

      @@rushitapatel532 vit C first then I put niacinamide , I wait 5 min. interval bec. my niacinamide ordinary is quite sticky. So far I don't have a problem using both at the same time

    • @AT.micah_12
      @AT.micah_12 Год назад

      ​@@rushitapatel532use niacinamide during the day and, vitamin c from night serum is the best

    • @atiquamaimoona7021
      @atiquamaimoona7021 11 месяцев назад

      Which vita c u used?

    • @alyssaglennortiz4749
      @alyssaglennortiz4749 11 месяцев назад

      @@atiquamaimoona7021 vichy

  • @liongirl2578
    @liongirl2578 Год назад +58

    i just get confused what products you recommend us ??
    could you explain properly
    1 : sunscreen 30 or 50 spf
    2:vitamin c serum
    3: Niaciname or alovera jell
    or Rose water
    could you confirm if M i correct??

    • @musicloverportishead
      @musicloverportishead 10 месяцев назад +3

      He also didn’t tell you that you have to reapply the sunblock every two hours. Always wear a hat outside no matter what. My friend in the early 30’s started taking care of her skin sunblock and uv ray hat type and I recently saw her at 40. And wow her skin is amazing! She has skin that looks like she is in her 20s.
      Okay to help some of you out. Any product that is a liquid exfoliant always use at night. Easy and lots of caution with any liquid exfoliant. For some no problem for others they get irritated with two uses. Stick to twice a week until you know your skin can tolerate the exfoliant. During summer time I’d say stay off the exfoliant bc the sun is stronger in the summer.
      Next day use a Vit C let absorb then top with a sun block.
      Follow all steps and alternate the niacimide or any other moisturizer.
      I have no experience with the kojic so I can’t provide my review on this. Look up dermatologist on youtube. Best to you all.

  • @SudhaRaghunathan-zj1eu
    @SudhaRaghunathan-zj1eu 24 дня назад +1

    How to use rose water for sun damaged hyperpigmentation please.

    • @MahiGoyal-f8u
      @MahiGoyal-f8u 19 дней назад +1

      me khet me Kam karti hu mere face PE dhup ke vajhse bohot pigmentation ho gya tha bohot khuch lagaya thikhi nahi ho raha tha japse maine ujwala ayurveda sharm ka pimpocon lep use karna shuru kiya hai tabse mere face ke sare pigmentation Jane lge hai abhi bhi use kar rahi hu maine meesho se mangwaya tha

  • @lalag1695
    @lalag1695 Год назад +2

    Did these 3 for years- no change. Hydroquinone barely works. Retin-A finally made a difference.

    • @hazaniab
      @hazaniab Год назад

      Can you share the retin A brand? TIA

  • @ruthkgl7691
    @ruthkgl7691 3 месяца назад

    Marketing advertisement....
    Yes u have to use the sun screen.
    Steps are simple hygiene, always clean ur face, use morning moisturizers with SPF 30 and at night use the same night moisturizer, constant use of these will prevent pigmentation...no need for expensive creams. I myself use expensive creams vs regular price results is the same just make sure it suits ur skin. Do not use whitening creams.

  • @balotikzolarita
    @balotikzolarita Год назад +22

    I'm now using the neutrogena stubborn acne AM-PM treatment. benzoyl peroxide in AM and retinol in PM. you can see results in just a week. perfect combo i can say.

  • @elijahmorris6314
    @elijahmorris6314 Год назад +32

    How does makeup make hyperpigmentation worse? I don’t think that’s backed by any evidence, if anything the iron oxides in tinted makeup can help block blue light from worsening hyperpigmentation

    • @sumlem
      @sumlem Год назад +1

      Ding ding

    • @jamiekunz3761
      @jamiekunz3761 Год назад +10

      I think he’s referring to the fact that some makeup clogs pours if used incorrectly (too heavy, wrong formula for oily skin, etc ) Clogging pours makes breakouts, breakouts cause hyperpigmentation

    • @gray7585
      @gray7585 Год назад +3

      ​@jamiekunz3761 The breakouts themselves may not cause hyperpigmentation. It's how they heal.

    • @spookylittlebat
      @spookylittlebat 11 месяцев назад

      @@jamiekunz3761That’s a lot of what ifs leading to the conclusion. When the much simpler conclusion is the pigment in concealer can block out some light and that can mitigate worsening of pigmentation. Just look for one that’s non-comegenic and switch if you start noticing more breakouts. Same logic that applies to anything topical you put on your skin. In theory it should help, but the formula might not work for your skin and you’ll only know with experimentation.

  • @never_give_up90
    @never_give_up90 4 месяца назад

    Sunscreen also has zinc oxide which helps your skin get better!

  • @plgp1852
    @plgp1852 10 месяцев назад +1

    Vitamin C and sunscreen work well for me!

  • @DominaP
    @DominaP 7 месяцев назад +3

    Great advice. I'm 62, with melasma. I've used tretinoin for many years, copper peptides in the morning and sunscreen. I'm very interested in the arbutin. Funny I have no problems with the highest strength tretinoin, but I can't do vitamin c 🤷‍♀️ Also, Dr, why would makeup make the hyperpigmentation worse? If you don't cleanse completely? Thanks!

    • @celestialgoddess2
      @celestialgoddess2 6 месяцев назад +2

      Try Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate which is a different form of Vitamin C compared to L Ascorbic Acid. This vitamin C is a much better alternate to your regular Vitamin C, it more gentle and more effective than the regular version. Hope this helps. I can’t use the regular version either but I can use the Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate Vit C. Hope this helps. 🍊😍🎯

    • @DominaP
      @DominaP 5 месяцев назад +1

      @@celestialgoddess2 Thanks so much! May I ask the brand you use?

  • @expansaoconectada
    @expansaoconectada 11 месяцев назад +1

    Thank you, Dr.!
    But guys... I couldn't find his recommendations in the captions... Did anyone?

    • @cindykhoo2682
      @cindykhoo2682 11 месяцев назад

      Ya, I cannot find the caption too

  • @sumlem
    @sumlem Год назад +59

    Makeup often can have titatium dioxide, which assists other skincare ingredients for hyperpigmentation. dr.dray has a video on this

    • @Selflovebabe
      @Selflovebabe 9 месяцев назад

      Is titanium dioxide good or bad for hyperpigmentation?? Because my sunscreen has it.

    • @AlfezM_1
      @AlfezM_1 7 месяцев назад

      @@Selflovebabeyes probably every sunscreen on the market has titanium dioxide!!! fck i m sooo shocked rn

  • @Truffoire
    @Truffoire 2 месяца назад +1

    Your content is awesome.👌💕 and a informative one😍

  • @jjeti798
    @jjeti798 4 месяца назад

    I have #1 and #3 in my skincare and I already see big improvements on my skin. Will add a #2 and see how it goes.

  • @cuteangel7898
    @cuteangel7898 Год назад

    Whatever you did to your skin, finally worked! Your skin on all of your previous videos was not exactly good. Now it is better!

  • @sssparkle
    @sssparkle Год назад +6

    Captions aren’t on Shorts. Love your ideas ❤

  • @gwenjordanisfine50
    @gwenjordanisfine50 Год назад +7

    He's right, because I'm now using vitamin C and I'm also using rose water to refresh my skin and it's working to get my skin back healed. I started getting hyperpigmentation from using makeup. I'm gradually getting away from using it anymore.

    • @superwomanme
      @superwomanme Год назад +1

      When are you using the vitamin c and the rose water

    • @TheMoltrezz
      @TheMoltrezz Год назад

      Can u share step by step how to use first ?

  • @kristinaadams2745
    @kristinaadams2745 8 месяцев назад

    I suggest using a non chemical sunscreen, as our skin is our largest organ that can absorb these chemicals into your body.❤🕊️

  • @andrieaguilar3084
    @andrieaguilar3084 5 месяцев назад

    Not sure what’s happening doc, but you looking handsome recently

  • @PearlDeFloreOfficial
    @PearlDeFloreOfficial 2 месяца назад

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge😍👍

  • @marquitawilliams7922
    @marquitawilliams7922 6 месяцев назад +1

    Tinted sunscreen is the best

  • @walkingbyfaith2885
    @walkingbyfaith2885 Год назад +11

    Another one leaves us
    Hanging 😮😮😮

  • @GabyGeo
    @GabyGeo 10 месяцев назад +1

    Kojic acid brand recommendation please?

  • @jollyvannicen2692
    @jollyvannicen2692 9 месяцев назад

    @Skynfyx Thank you so much for sharing your tips on how to manage hyperpigmentation. I just wanted to ask how do you layer this? I know sunscreen is usually the last we apply but which goes first? Serum ( alpha Arbutin/ niacinamide? or rose water? Thank you so much!

  • @kiki1965
    @kiki1965 4 месяца назад

    I just started using Faded Topicals along with SPF 50 sunscreen. It seems to finally be working. Will pickup some Rosewater soon. 🦋

  • @numafc
    @numafc Год назад +3

    Azelaic acid 20% and sunscreen 50+

    • @ang3956
      @ang3956 Год назад +1


    • @SavedByJesus-pi3yu
      @SavedByJesus-pi3yu Год назад

      Yes because azaleic acid not only lightens pigmentation but also has been shown to prevent acne and breakouts. The highest strength over the counter is 20% which is pretty strong in my opinion and works very well and fast. I used the ordinary 20% and you only need a little or it will pull but it’s cheap and does the job, I use at night so don’t put makeup over it anyway. I have also used peach slices 20% azalaic acid redness reducer and it is a greenish lotion consistency and spread nicer with some extra calming ingredients in it and works better under makeup but a little more money, closer to $20 for same amount and it works well too. I have seen the inky list has one that is 20% as well but I have yet to try it. The reason why it’s hard to make a formula that does not pill up is because it’s an actual powder that is mixed into a formula to make a cream, or gel so it’s hard to get it to not pill. Regardless if it pulls or not, it still works and it’s one of the ones that doesn’t worsen hyperpigmentation on brown skin. I am white but a brown skin derm I follow, says brown skin needs to be extra careful because some ingredients for hyper pigmentation can actually worsen the pigmentation in darker complexions. Tranaxamic acid is another good ingredient for dark marks

  • @Lucknow_2024
    @Lucknow_2024 10 месяцев назад +1

    Hi sir please tell me the best brand vitamin c serum and kojic acid alpha and niacinamide serum ❤

  • @sam030982
    @sam030982 Год назад +1

    For daily use, what should one use on the face to deal with super dry, flaky skin? Also, what product should be used for dry scalp and hair?

  • @spookylittlebat
    @spookylittlebat 11 месяцев назад

    Not sure about it making it worse, it just won’t do much. I’m sure an argument could be made that the pigment in concealers could potentially block out some UV light. Just that isn’t a lot on its own.

  • @MollySeeraj-b4o
    @MollySeeraj-b4o 9 месяцев назад

    Thank you I will try this .

  • @paleriedove3333
    @paleriedove3333 4 месяца назад

    I love this guy!❤

  • @Abida-q6h
    @Abida-q6h 7 месяцев назад +1

    Instead of vitamin c serum can I use a vitamin c spritz as long with a rose water and sunscreen? Can I use this order of skincare routine
    Rose water toner
    Vitamin c spritz
    Day serum

  • @jessiequintana6777
    @jessiequintana6777 Год назад +15

    It takes 4months for a product to do anything to even touch pigmentation. I KNOW, It's been a journey for me, the best treatment for pigmentation are chemical peels plus everything he mentioned but nothing will touch it like a chemical peel and I'm on my 3rd and finally seeing results. I'm dark skin so my esthetician had to slowly prepare my skin for a peel because dark skin has to slowly work at it before applying chemicals or getting laser treatments or you will do more damage then good

    • @manishk3693
      @manishk3693 Год назад

      western dermats are pussies, they are too used to white skin comfort. if here in India they get scared of brown skin, how will they treat anyone? can't be thaatt scared of PIH. if it happens it needs to be managed.

    • @x-starlight-x
      @x-starlight-x Год назад +1

      Which chemical peel did you use

    • @jessiequintana6777
      @jessiequintana6777 Год назад

      The perfect derma peel, be careful a lot of places tell you they provide it and when you get there it's a different peel. This peel is a medium peel so you do have to miss a week of work and worth it!! That with tons of SPF my retinol at night, vit c and sunscreen in the morning. I've been doing that for years but only when I started the peels did the hyperpigmentation start dreasticaly fading. In Dec I go in for my third. Good luck and make sure they don't lie to you to get you in their office. If it's less then $250 then most likely it's a different peel.

  • @MohammedAamir-fp8lb
    @MohammedAamir-fp8lb 25 дней назад +1

    What about retinol for hyperpigmentation

    • @MahiGoyal-f8u
      @MahiGoyal-f8u 19 дней назад +1

      me khet me Kam karti hu mere face PE dhup ke vajhse bohot pigmentation ho gya tha bohot khuch lagaya thikhi nahi ho raha tha japse maine ujwala ayurveda sharm ka pimpocon lep use karna shuru kiya hai tabse mere face ke sare pigmentation Jane lge hai abhi bhi use kar rahi hu maine meesho se mangwaya tha
      best hai

  • @christinescopas1441
    @christinescopas1441 Год назад +4

    Best thing is to get pure aloe Vera plant cut it and use the juice on your skin at night. It helps alot.

    • @suryaninopanto
      @suryaninopanto Год назад

      How much time is needed?

    • @christinescopas1441
      @christinescopas1441 11 месяцев назад +1

      @@suryaninopantoabout 1 week but aloe vera is so good for the skin

  • @evebrown7977
    @evebrown7977 Год назад +1

    I have used most of these ingredients for over a year now, and you still see the pigmentation. But it got much better because of chemical peels, and not picking my skin anymore. But 6 weeks? If it sounds too good...

  • @mz.paulab.738
    @mz.paulab.738 Год назад +5

    Noxema, Castile Soap, Sun Screen & Vaseline 👍👍👍

  • @Valentinathevamp
    @Valentinathevamp Год назад +4

    He is absolutely correct 👍🏾

  • @eyerusalemdamena1415
    @eyerusalemdamena1415 Месяц назад

    what can we use for sensitive skin to remove makeup side effects or plasma from the skin?

  • @dorisnwanne1139
    @dorisnwanne1139 Год назад +20

    Niacinamide is a good ingredient in skin care

  • @khinlay527
    @khinlay527 11 месяцев назад

    Can you tell me the details of how I should take care of my skin if I have an oily face? Can you tell me what kind of materials should be used? I'm so fed up with my oily face, I want my face and neck to be smooth, please help.

  • @MathewAC-e2i
    @MathewAC-e2i 7 месяцев назад

    What should be the order.. Fidt. Sunscreen.. Second Alpha Arbutin Third.. aloevera gel.. Right

  • @BlasianGoddessTM77
    @BlasianGoddessTM77 Год назад +1

    Vitamin C from April Skin worked for me! Love it

  • @LukasKrismanata
    @LukasKrismanata 8 месяцев назад

    Doc, do u have idea for hyperpigmentation on your body? Any recommendation?

  • @expansaoconectada
    @expansaoconectada 11 месяцев назад

    @sumlem I think Titanium is not a great ingredient when you think of people's health... Try and look into this...

  • @shareenkhan756
    @shareenkhan756 4 месяца назад

    Suggest some supplements please ?

  • @robinabi2331
    @robinabi2331 3 месяца назад

    Very good advice thank u

  • @arjunshetty-yz6ri
    @arjunshetty-yz6ri 3 месяца назад

    When to use vitamin c like morning before sunscreen applied ? When to use rose water night time ? Is any order or procedure way to the recommendation?

  • @renajagdeo8120
    @renajagdeo8120 5 месяцев назад +2

    Any recommendations for dark lips?

  • @seemamehta2857
    @seemamehta2857 4 месяца назад +1

    In what order we should apply

  • @Ida-Adriana
    @Ida-Adriana 6 месяцев назад +1

    What do you think about 15% TCA & dermarolling to remove sun damage and help with acne scarring also?

  • @Vishrutha751
    @Vishrutha751 4 месяца назад

    Hey doctor.....can we use vitamin c and kojic acod serum at same routine

  • @rickie12
    @rickie12 4 месяца назад

    I’ve been using vitamin c, then Alpha Arbutine, than SPF 100 for over 6 months. No changes regarding my dark spots :(

  • @PerlaOC
    @PerlaOC 6 месяцев назад

    😭 Finally someone who understands ! Thank you 🙏🏻🥹

  • @Hope-oz6ug
    @Hope-oz6ug Год назад +26

    I’ve used all these ingredients but didn’t work 😁. Pigmentation will always come back. I’ve wasted too much money on products. I just use concealer.

    • @sharonliu7479
      @sharonliu7479 Год назад +23

      You have to eat healthy, sleep well and not to stay up too late at night, and properly exercise

    • @kakenyayvonne1727
      @kakenyayvonne1727 11 месяцев назад

      then could be hormonal issues .fp maybe

    • @maudnxumalo9560
      @maudnxumalo9560 11 месяцев назад +1

      Be patient. I have hyperpigmentation of some 20 years i see smal changes. I use all of the above. My vitC is from Medik 8 i swear by it.

  • @jemrawc
    @jemrawc 3 месяца назад

    Can’t find the product recommendations anywhere but it’s probably just me tbh. Anyone know where to find them or know what products he recommends? Not the sunscreen or ingredients mentioned in this video but the actual products please. Desperately need to get some products that are recommended and proven to actually work.
    Thank you ❤

  • @elizabethlizardo1157
    @elizabethlizardo1157 2 месяца назад

    Hello doctor, good morning,how can I get rid of my spider veins on my face?

  • @Jmwamuchemi
    @Jmwamuchemi Год назад +1

    Am currently using rose water+glycerin to seal my mosturiser but only at night,I use serum, aloe vera and my lotion with spf50, I want to introduce retinol and vit c to my skin care❤

  • @amanyahaubrae2564
    @amanyahaubrae2564 10 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks 🙏🏾

  • @Gpr1me
    @Gpr1me Год назад +24

    Sad how there are never any captions

    • @Princess.Shay8
      @Princess.Shay8 Год назад +2

      Yes there is. Tap the 3 dots in the top right corner and select “captions”

  • @chitsloves7921
    @chitsloves7921 Год назад

    Need clear explanation which should use first like serum, moisturizer, sunscreen is this correct routine or anything to add and say me how much gap should be given to this products

  • @mehenajbinteamin7346
    @mehenajbinteamin7346 Год назад

    Suggest something for rosacea and hyper pigmentation and blackheads

  • @dangerzzzone2925
    @dangerzzzone2925 Год назад +28

    Guys focusing on skin care gave me more pimples and hyperpigmentation. If you're like me and have always had beautiful skin. Just stick with sunscreen, moisturizer, and maybe a vit c or retinol. Keep it simple

    • @soupafleye
      @soupafleye Год назад +1

      yep 100% don’t overcomplicate or you’ll disrupt and irritate your skin barrier

    • @masayoshi7579
      @masayoshi7579 Год назад


    • @misbahhussain3233
      @misbahhussain3233 10 месяцев назад

      Same here😭

    • @TriggaTreDay
      @TriggaTreDay 8 месяцев назад

      This is my husband’s issue. He naturally has beautiful clear skin and once he started washing his face often and using skin care products he started looking rashy. So he wipes his face with a hot rag at night, he will do a cleaner every other day, and will add a face cream on most nights.

  • @HankScorpio468
    @HankScorpio468 Год назад +13

    You should change your name to Niacinamide

  • @ginasingh885
    @ginasingh885 Год назад +2

    Please share the application process..thank you thank you thank you🙏🏻

  • @smrutipragyadas7215
    @smrutipragyadas7215 5 месяцев назад

    Is Alpha Arbutin is good for dry acne prone skin?

  • @user-ov4fc2pw8f
    @user-ov4fc2pw8f 3 месяца назад

    What about the viral kojic Soap bar that everyone is talking about? Is it safe or not?

  • @Lilmoxn77
    @Lilmoxn77 11 месяцев назад

    Do u recommend using them togther or is there a time lapse inbetween use?

  • @mkbitesandboutiques
    @mkbitesandboutiques 2 месяца назад

    Hi dr can u plz explain how to layering those products u mentioned and when, plz I really appreciate bc I have hyperpigmentation n getting worse

  • @Arv_2011
    @Arv_2011 20 дней назад +1

    I am not sure if I have hyper pigmentation or scarring, cus I never picked at them but I get a lot of acne around that area

    • @MahiGoyal-f8u
      @MahiGoyal-f8u 19 дней назад +1

      me khet me Kam karti hu mere face PE dhup ke vajhse bohot pigmentation ho gya tha bohot khuch lagaya thikhi nahi ho raha tha japse maine ujwala ayurveda sharm ka pimpocon lep use karna shuru kiya hai tabse mere face ke sare pigmentation Jane lge hai abhi bhi use kar rahi hu maine meesho se mangwaya tha

  • @romivarshney3191
    @romivarshney3191 Год назад +6

    Where are the recommendations?

  • @AlizeyAli-614
    @AlizeyAli-614 4 месяца назад

    Which kojic acid is the best one?

  • @mercyfrost641
    @mercyfrost641 Год назад +2

    Thank you Dr.

  • @nutshellggdarken7114
    @nutshellggdarken7114 Год назад +1

    Thanks for the video, doc! Does this also apply to hyperpigmentation on the body?

  • @Anonymous.9966
    @Anonymous.9966 Месяц назад

    Hi, what can I do for my pigmented lips.?

  • @chaitramurthy6635
    @chaitramurthy6635 5 месяцев назад

    Should I continue using kojic acid night cream , after my recover ??? Will the pigmentation appear if I stop using kojic acid cream .??

  • @jova1167
    @jova1167 Месяц назад

    how to apply? should we leave it or wash it off?

  • @darlenenoel2981
    @darlenenoel2981 Год назад

    Why did you not use the same dark skin tone for your treatment recommendation? Your before and after went from a dark skin tone to a light skin tone. That in itself will cause me to be skeptical.

  • @hboatt
    @hboatt 10 месяцев назад

    What’s crazy is that I ordered salicylic acid cuz I thought I had acne but I got niacinamide by accident then i realized that’s what I needed

  • @rolinejeanpierre5357
    @rolinejeanpierre5357 Год назад

    Thank you for your advice 🌺🌺🌺

  • @3uvie
    @3uvie 10 месяцев назад

    kojic acid, vit c, alpha arbutin

  • @702thomas
    @702thomas 5 месяцев назад

    I would just love to see ACTUAL before and after pics tho...like why not?

  • @ikwuamaesi
    @ikwuamaesi 4 месяца назад

    Does that help with insulin resistance 🧐

  • @zannatulferdush1218
    @zannatulferdush1218 4 месяца назад

    vitamin C Doesn't suit me.
    I've oily skin type. and acne prone. what should I use?

  • @conniesison4250
    @conniesison4250 9 месяцев назад

    Yes there's underlying inflammation but when I supposed to use rose water? Do I have to use it after putting Vit C on my face? Please let me know. Thank you so much.

  • @kirupaashankar9352
    @kirupaashankar9352 11 месяцев назад

    I was suggested adapalene/benzoyl peroxide retinoid for this case. Will it work ?

  • @norhadwansaiman3741
    @norhadwansaiman3741 4 месяца назад

    Do we need to do double cleansing to wash off sunscreen?