No doubt one of the finest models of a mendocino motor ever built ! Does it generate electricity ? I have visited Germany several times in the last few years and am always impressed by resourcefulness of the people and the quality of the craftsmanship in the things that are designed, manufactured and sold in Germany. Great job , well done .
I can't resist the temptation to do some analysis of this thing. @ 0:49 we have 36 individual panels that are 30x55 mm in size, each with a power output of 0.5V*400mA = 0.2watts, but ONLY when you have ideal conditions: the sun shining directly on the panel perpendicular to each panel at the equator. Otherwise the power of the cell quickly falls off as the cosine of the incident angle and the time of year when solar insolation is reduced. The claim for each cell's power output of 0.2 watts assumes about a 12% efficiency, not out of line with a low cost solar cell and assuming a solar insolation of 1kW/m^2 (generally considered to be the value to use). When a cell is angled to the sunlight, then its output power drops by the cosine of the incident angle. Hit it head-on, and cos(0) = 1. Hit it at a 45 degree angle, and cos(45) = 0.707. Hit it at a 90 degree angle, and cos(90) = 0. When the cells rotate to the shady side of this 12-sided "cylinder," it produces no power at all. Thus, a row of cells receives power only during half of a complete revolution; the other half of the rotation produces no power at all because no light hits it. This reduces the efficiency of a row of cells by a factor of two. To calculate the total power during the 180 degree rotation when light hits a row of cells, you need to perform a simple integral of the cosine of the angle between +/- 90 degrees, which calculates out to (-1 + sin(x)) for x = -90 and +90 degrees, which is equal to 1. But because the other 180 degrees of rotation results in no power output, the AVERAGE power output for a complete 360 degree rotation s the integral term (=1) divided by 2, or 1/2. Because we have 3 cells lined up side-by-side, the maximum power hitting any one row of cells is 0.2W * 3 = 0.6W. As this row of cells makes a complete 360 rotation, per the above calculation, the total power it produces per revolution is 1/2*0.6 watt = 0.3 watts. There are 12 such rows, so the total maximum power going into this motor is 0.3W *12 = 3.6 watts. Note that this is 1/2 the power that one would assume by multiplying the total number of cells by the power output of each cell (36 * 0.2W = 7.2W). Assuming no losses from the output of the cells, the motor can deliver no more than 3.6 watts of mechanical power, or about 5 milli-horsepower. I.e., don't expect to see it powering your next power tool. Let's now consider the physical size of this contraption. I am about to make some educated guesses here since I don't have actual motor dimensions. The panels are each 55mm wide, and there are 3 of them. There is space between them, so let's assume that the 12-sided "cylinder" is 65mm * 3 = 200mm wide. The circumference of the drum can be roughly assumed to be (30+10)mm*12 = 480mm. This is a circle approximately 480/pi = 150 mm in diameter. If I shine a light directly overhead on this cylinder that is 150mm in diameter and 200 mm wide, it will cast a shadow that is 150 mm * 200 mm = 0.030 m^2 in area on the ground below it. What if I now pitched this solar-powered motor and replaced it with an array of cells laying flat on the ground (i.e., a typical solar cell array) with an area the size of the motor's shadow, 0.030 square meters and with an efficiency of 12% (same as the assumed efficiency of the motor's cells)? It's power output would be about 0.030 * 120, or 3.6 watts. Compare the two calculations, and you see that they are identical. In fact, they SHOULD be identical because this rotating drum's X-Y surface area that is illuminated by the sun, MUST be the exact same X-Y surface area as just a conventional flat solar array. I.e, there is absolutely NO GAIN to be had this motor and a flat solar panel with the same dimensions as the drum's X-Y footprint! In fairness to the motor's design, the driving force behind putting the cells on the motor itself is so that they do not require power wires going into the motor which would entail complicated brushes and the like. The motor is "self-contained." You can place it anywhere and it will turn (assuming some light source is available). That is why the cells are on the motor, not on the frame that holds the motor in place. *The motor can supply no more power than the solar cells can deliver to it.* If you now advocate using mirrors to cast more light on the backside of the motor to increase its received power, I then reply in return, "okay, then give me the same surface area of your new mirrors and let me add that to my flat solar panels, too!" You take real estate to send more light to the rotating motor; I take that same real estate and add it into my flat solar cells. No net gain! What is the purpose of the motor, solely to rotate, or to deliver torque? How much torque can the motor deliver with a candle as its power source? A: the same amount of power that is contained in the candle light. I.e., virtually zero. While beautifully constructed, the motor's main feature is friction-less bearings, not power conversion (light to mechanical power (torque)). Some commenters here have themselves convinced that this thing can be scaled up and used to power a 100- ton freight train on a winter's night. Wrong! Remember this: *you will NEVER get more power OUT of anything than the power that goes IN to it.* It's called conservation of energy. If you believe otherwise, then you also believe in perpetual motion machines. Good luck with that.
This is a desk toy. It's not meant for anything other than demonstration and fun. The point isn't to maximize solar panel efficiency or to generate actual, usable energy. At best, it's a toy that demonstrates how cheap solar panels are nowadays. "Each coil is driven by a panel on the opposite side of the shaft so that, as the bottom coils are powered by the opposite solar panel, they will be repulsed by the central magnet. This will cause the array to rotate and bring the next coil into position over the magnet and the next panel into position towards the light source - thus maintaining the rotation". "Each coil is driven by a panel on the opposite side of the shaft so that, as the bottom coils are powered by the opposite solar panel, they will be repulsed by the central magnet. This will cause the array to rotate and bring the next coil into position over the magnet and the next panel into position towards the light source - thus maintaining the rotation."
Revolution is already there and takes time. additionally for the zero-energy-searchings (ahain...): if this machine would be more efficient than just the regular solar cells it would hurt law of physikc. Its just an awesome transformation of electrical energy in rotary energy (the motor itself). its just some different concepts covered in one machine. But this also shows where future technoogies are leading too. Its not about getting ore enrgy than befor, its about having perfect energy-transmission between different forms of energy. this one shows how to translate electrical to solar (LED), solar to electrical (Solar-cells) and electrical to motion (the motor itself (what is the real message of the video)). You dont need to have zero-point energy if you are able to convert all forms of energy nearly without any loose (unwanted energy transmissions in energy-forms that we can handle that well (temperature)). An den Erbauer: Super Ingenieurs-Leistung!! Arbeite selber im Labor für Analog- und Opto-Elektronik :)
Conservation of energy: power out ≤ power in. In this case, Power In is the solar cells. Everything down stream from that is less than what you're getting from the solar cells. Therefore, punt this silly motor and just use the damned solar cells!
At present, this is a novelty; it has a very low power output. Some motors even rotate in the shine of a tealight. Mostly the motor is used as technical decoration or as functional model.
This motor is operating by the light from a tealight. Low power output need not be a problem if the application is powering low energy devices such as mp3, LED, recharging devices, etc
Це МОДЕЛЬ ЕЛЕКТРИЧНОГО МОТОРУ. Немає сенсу подавати це під музику, типу існування всесвіту залежить від цього. І якби то було лише це відео, то вже нехай, але ж так по всюду: "О дивіться, я зробив іграшку для ванної із запальнічки і вібратора, і поставлю такий саундрек до відео, щоб ні в кого не виникло сумніву, що з її допомогою я можу вмикати і вимикати Судний День, коли мені того хочеться!" Я, звісно вибачаюсь, якщо кого образив, але реально вже дістало.
It's not about this particular video but rather the whole tendention. I mean the type of editing. It's like the video starts and you like: "Oh no? not again..."... Or I just watching too many stuff on RUclips... So yeah...
Hi. Kann man die Rotation und die Energie aus den Solarzellen zur Elektrizitäsgewinnung nutzbar machen und ist diese Energieausbeute dann höher als bei gleichen Solarzellen die direkt dem gleichen Licht ausgesetzt sind ( also Energieeffizienter ) ? Auf jeden Fall ein sehr schönes Gerät, super Arbeit
WOW!! this tube is simply mind-blowing, as it shows a 12 sided Mendocino Motor producing 1,5 watt powered by a LED 0,8 Watt this is a technology that will make the future brighter. That's why I share it on my favorite Facebook group, "Future World."
Kleiner Tipp für die Lagerung: Auch über Magnete links / rechts von unf auf der Welle machen, sodass es wirklich reibungslos - bis auf den Luftwiderstand - läuft. ... und ein Designfehler hat dieses Konzept: die Solarzellen müssten nicht rotieren, um die benötigte Energie zu liefern - also: drahtlos übertragen von außerhalb, also Spule(n) in in den Sockel, Magnete zentraler auf die Drehachse, und die Höhe der Achse anpassen.
Hallo renewblah, Erstmal danke für deinen Tipp zur Lagerung, jedoch ist es physikalisch nicht möglich. Das System wäre zu instabil und würde stets ausbrechen. Selbst wenn der Rotor unter höchster maschineller Präzision gefertigt würde, gäbe es Differenzen in der Feldstärke der einzelnen Magnete. Gruß Wolfram
Good evening Matyas, thank you for your question. In a vacuum the Mendocino - Motor would rotate longer and with less light, because it has nearly no friction resistance.
Sagen Sie mir drei Solarzellen auf der einen Seite des Rotors parallel oder sequentiell verbunden? Und was ist der Grund für eine solche Verbindung? Скажите, три фотоэлемента на одной грани ротора соединены параллельно или последовательно? И чем обусловлено такое соединение?
+Wolfram Glatthar. Sag mir, wie viele Umdrehungen in jeder der Wicklungen und 12 welcher Durchmesser? Скажите, сколько витков в каждой из 12 обмоток и какой диаметр провода?
+Glatthar Wolfram. Meiner Meinung nach wäre es besser, nicht 0,315 mm und 0,2 mm Draht verwenden... Dies würde das Gewicht des Rotors deutlich reduzieren! Es wäre besser, die Anzeige Gesamtzahl der Umdrehungen und die Drehzahl des Rotors nicht angezeigt. Mein Rotor mit 4 Fotozellen 0,5V 150mA die Sonne bei 3000 u/min dreht. Sein Gewicht 52 Gr. (zusammen mit rotierenden Magneten), wicklung 2 bis 180 dreht 0,2 mm. Draht Wicklung Widerstand - 16 Ω. На мой взгляд было бы целесообразнее использовать провод не 0,315 мм., а 0,2 мм.. Это существенно уменьшило бы вес ротора !! Было бы лучше чтобы индикатор отображал не суммарное количество оборотов, а скорость вращения ротора. Мой ротор с 4 фотоэлементами 0,5 В 150 мА на солнце вращается со скоростью 3000 об/мин. Его вес 52 гр.(вместе с роторными магнитами), 2 обмотки по 180 вит., провод 0,2 мм., сопротивление обмотки - 16 Ω.
+Glatthar Wolfram. Sehen Sie sich die Art und Weise mein Motors Rotor Spinning in einem extrem niedrigen Licht Посмотрите на то, как ротор моего моторчика вращается в условиях экстремально низкой освещённости:видео.html.
Think about what you're saying, Don. It's got solar cells to pull power from the sun, which then turns the motor and supplies a small amount of rotational power. And you want it to then generate electricity? You see the circular logic here? Bypass the (very expensive) motor and just use the damned solar cells for your electricity!!! What good is the motor other than adding another few thousand dollars to your generation system cost?
Hallo Wolfram: Wow, bin absolut fasziniert... Eine Wissensfrage: Wenn ich die Sequenz ab 2:00 richtig interpretiere, betreibt der Motor die LEDs. Wenn doch der Motor (NACH einer wie auch immer gearteten Anfangsenergie) die LEDs betreibt und diese Energie als einzige Lichtquelle wiederum den Motor, ist das dann nicht ein Perpetuum mobile? Oder geht irgendwann der Lorentzkraft "der Saft" aus und der Motor wird langsamer, das Licht schwächer und der Motor kommt zum Stillstand? Noch ne zweite Frage: Ist dein Motor der einzige 12-flächige? Wenn ja, was ist der Vorteil gegenüber den 4- und 8-flächigen Motoren? Schon mal über eine Vermarktung nachgedacht?
Hallo Ingo,vielen Dank für dein Interesse. Ein Perpetuum mobile ist nur ein Traum und wird es auf diesem Planeten niemals geben. Energie geht nie verloren und wird auch nie erzeugt. Energie kann nur von einer Form in eine andere umgewandelt werden. Es ist nicht möglich 100 % Energie, zu 100 % Energie einer anderen Form umzuwandeln. Die Effizienz ist immer kleiner als 100 %. Am Ende aller Umwandlungen steht die Wärme. Der Vorteil des Zwölfflächigen besteht darin, dass der Motor durch seine zwölf Flächen sehr ruhig dreht und bei sehr geringem Umgebungslicht ( Teelicht oder trübes Tageslicht in der Wohnung ) selbstständig anläuft. In dieser Größe und mit seinen zwölf Flächen ist er einzigartig. Es war der Reiz, die Herausforderung und die Freude eine Idee zu verwirklichen, die es so noch nicht gab. Und dabei möchte ich es auch belassen. Gruß Wolfram
So You have got 36 panells which can produce 0,4A and 0,5V so each is giving 0,2W multiply by 36 items we have 7,2W. Question is how much power You can get above that by Your machine? If it is lower than 7,2W its just a toy then.
I have some questions and ideas in regards to adaptations and interesting uses of the Mendicino motor, if you wanna collab, or just hear about it, and help, please let me know, AWESOME Design !!!
Hallo MultiEntertainmentHD, er dient als Anschauungsobjekt, welches verschiedene physikalische und technische Prinzipen auf gelungene Weise verdeutlicht. Alle Komponenten sind dem Betrachter zugänglich und verdeutlichen ihre Funktion. Energie kann nur von einer Form in eine andere umgewandelt werden. In diesem Fall wird Licht in eine Drehbewegung umgewandelt. Weitere Informationen auf Gruß Wolfram
For the "haters" out there... we always work to develop the "concept" and make it work. Not work to discredit the concept. Or you can continue to let yourself be screwed by the upper 1% like cattle as usual lol
So you use solar cells to drive the motor that drives a generator to charge your phone. Why not save yourself the cost of this $2,000 motor and just use cheap solar panels as a charger? You know, "cut out the middle man"???
very funny ; what's the point of solar panel mount on motor directly ? that would impact irradiation and panel efficiency, your panel was no function in half. why can't design panel and motor two system?
Yes I get it makes power but the cells alone make very little power nothing close in the range of even 1 kw of power or more hence why rpm's are very important in its spin
If the motor's power source "make very little power," then how, pray tell, do you expect MORE power out of it than goes into it? You never took a physics course, did you?
Hallo 343sammy, das schaut nicht nur so aus, der Motor schwebt wirklich. Und daher ist er auch absolut geräuschlos. Weitere Informationen auf Gruß Wolfram dreht sich. Aber hat er auch die Kraft, etwas anderes, ausser sich selbst, anzutreiben? Durch die schwebende Lagerung gibt es keinen nennenswerten Widerstand. Jedoch wird er schon in Kugellagern nicht mehr laufen. Ist, meiner Meinung nach, nur Spielerei.
weighing at almost 1kg, and rpm are low, it has little torque to do much work but is an interesting concept if material tech improves to lighten it by 1/5 for that 1.5w output. it is not efficient but it is almost a green technology :) this is a model of a concept of course...
Putting those solar panels flat and adding battery storage would convert the solar energy to run simple electric motor more efficiently into mechanical power. This design is utterly inefficient.
The motor's primary accomplishment is the use of frictionless bearings. The design itself is VERY efficient if he can make it turn using candlelight. It just that its torque depends entirely on its light source. Bright sunlight? It will have a small amount of torque. Candlelight? It can't rotate anything but itself.
magnets do push it up on both sides. normaly it wants just to turn around and fall down. but it cant do it, because its pushed against the wall at the one end. so the one point is not to hold it up, just to prevent it from turning around.
Hey OSOCO, maybe you are right. And we know, people think it's all about klickbait. But for me it just makes fun, to be creative in videos or pictures. And this Mendocino-Motor was (at this point at time) the biggest known in the world. So the thumbnail is more a hyperbole.
Well, you actually revealed my narrow mindedness, because now that you said it, I think it's quite obvious that this was indeed humorous/clever act - I mean it's so HUGE in the thumbnail, that one must have my level of IQ to not see it. I wan't to believe that my blindness was partly caused by my experiences with actual clickbaits though, lol. Excuse my english.
you cant use it for torque, power and stuff. so you can only use it where only the fact that it turns matters. so mainly for some kind of information processing.
Got to start somewhere! If this sort of technology were to have been advanced and improved upon 30 years ago, who knows where it's be today. I'm sure it has been studied and anything positive gleaned from it was locked away by some petroleum chemical lab somewhere on the planet.
the thing it self as an art project or showing your creatyvity is great! But from the comments before me it is clear that people believe it is a new energy source. Get the facts together. It doesnt power itself. It transfers suns energy into rotational energy. It does this on a highly researched concept of how electrical motors function. The amazing thing is, that it is frictionless and that humanity found out what kind of strenght the magnets need to be, so that the axis is somewhat stable. People need to get informed that this thing is getting its power from the Sun. Thats not free energy. And yes, remarkable hand craftmanshift.
seeing as it's frictionless easily you could make the bar that passes through the motor slightly longer and attach to this bar several magenets and have a coil of gold wire around the magnets and use a Refraction Lens to magnify the suns light quite a bit but not enough to damage the cells and then test the amount of friction (created by adding the wire and the magnets to produce the electricity) that it can withstand before it comes to a complete stop. Now run the engine using the most magnets and the most wire you can in order to generate the most electricity while not reducing the spin of the motor too much. If you are so stuipid to not see how this could easily be put to good use then it is simply a work of art but if this was scaled up to 100-1000x's the size and then used it could generate more power than we have batteries to charge although we already do that literally we already produce more electricity every single day than our population of earth could possibly ever consume why people are still developing ideas for generating electricity is beyond me? i guess more power is better? even though we don't use all the power we generate in a day as it is? maybe people are just frustrated with the fact that they have to pay for the electricity? idk? i don't see any value in being a dick to someone who's working hard to make a cool new thing that could be useful if it were scaled up and in the right hands.. oh and the electricity that could have potentially been generated by a solar panel that you used to post that comment was a useful use of solar panels?? you're a contradiction wrapped in your own confusion.
Hallo, also ich muss sagen, eine sehr schöne Arbeit gefällt mir sehr, könntest du mir sagen was das Material gekoste hat? und eventuell die Pläne mir senden? möchte gerne deinen Motor nachbauen . Nochmals fielen Dankt für deine schöne Arbeit und Präsentation.
Could you not enclose this and use a hertz generator to maximize its electrical output? Even use hertz generating diodes on the device to spin it faster to generate more power?
das mag ja auch klappen-wirklich es funktioniert-entscheidend ist der wirkungsgrad-ähnlich wie beim wasser das mit der ukw hz getrennt wird und brennt-dazu ist 1kw sendeleistung nötig und was komm dabei rüber?-na klar arbeitet dein Motor er ist aber sehr wahrscheinlich leicht zu stoppen.lg das hätte ich fast vergessen die musik ist sehr gut danke und das ganze noch einmal auf englisch.This may well also flaps really it works-what is decisive is the efficiency-similar to the water with the FM hz is disconnected and burns-1kw transmitter power is necessary and what will come over?-na clear your engine works but it is very likely to stop easily.lg i almost forgot the music is very well, thank you and the whole once more in English.
what good is this? it is a free source of energy, do you think the way things are with our electric companies that they will allow us to get electricity for free?????? good luck with with that ?
It's beautiful, I was looking for the worlds largest Mendocino motor and found this video.
Thanks for showing it.
No doubt one of the finest models of a mendocino motor ever built ! Does it generate electricity ? I have visited Germany several times in the last few years and am always impressed by resourcefulness of the people and the quality of the craftsmanship in the things that are designed, manufactured and sold in Germany. Great job , well done .
Thank you very much!
I am glad, that you like it! :)
Yes, it generates electricity. They're called solar cells. They've been in all the newspapers.
Amazingly incredible great presentation brilliant great work
Das Video ist eeeecht gut gemacht!!! Gratulation!
Danke, es freut mich sehr das dir mein Video gefällt.
10/10 for documentation.
I can't resist the temptation to do some analysis of this thing.
@ 0:49 we have 36 individual panels that are 30x55 mm in size, each with a power output of 0.5V*400mA = 0.2watts, but ONLY when you have ideal conditions: the sun shining directly on the panel perpendicular to each panel at the equator. Otherwise the power of the cell quickly falls off as the cosine of the incident angle and the time of year when solar insolation is reduced.
The claim for each cell's power output of 0.2 watts assumes about a 12% efficiency, not out of line with a low cost solar cell and assuming a solar insolation of 1kW/m^2 (generally considered to be the value to use).
When a cell is angled to the sunlight, then its output power drops by the cosine of the incident angle. Hit it head-on, and cos(0) = 1. Hit it at a 45 degree angle, and cos(45) = 0.707. Hit it at a 90 degree angle, and cos(90) = 0. When the cells rotate to the shady side of this 12-sided "cylinder," it produces no power at all. Thus, a row of cells receives power only during half of a complete revolution; the other half of the rotation produces no power at all because no light hits it. This reduces the efficiency of a row of cells by a factor of two.
To calculate the total power during the 180 degree rotation when light hits a row of cells, you need to perform a simple integral of the cosine of the angle between +/- 90 degrees, which calculates out to (-1 + sin(x)) for x = -90 and +90 degrees, which is equal to 1. But because the other 180 degrees of rotation results in no power output, the AVERAGE power output for a complete 360 degree rotation s the integral term (=1) divided by 2, or 1/2.
Because we have 3 cells lined up side-by-side, the maximum power hitting any one row of cells is 0.2W * 3 = 0.6W. As this row of cells makes a complete 360 rotation, per the above calculation, the total power it produces per revolution is 1/2*0.6 watt = 0.3 watts. There are 12 such rows, so the total maximum power going into this motor is 0.3W *12 = 3.6 watts. Note that this is 1/2 the power that one would assume by multiplying the total number of cells by the power output of each cell (36 * 0.2W = 7.2W).
Assuming no losses from the output of the cells, the motor can deliver no more than 3.6 watts of mechanical power, or about 5 milli-horsepower. I.e., don't expect to see it powering your next power tool.
Let's now consider the physical size of this contraption. I am about to make some educated guesses here since I don't have actual motor dimensions. The panels are each 55mm wide, and there are 3 of them. There is space between them, so let's assume that the 12-sided "cylinder" is 65mm * 3 = 200mm wide. The circumference of the drum can be roughly assumed to be (30+10)mm*12 = 480mm. This is a circle approximately 480/pi = 150 mm in diameter.
If I shine a light directly overhead on this cylinder that is 150mm in diameter and 200 mm wide, it will cast a shadow that is 150 mm * 200 mm = 0.030 m^2 in area on the ground below it. What if I now pitched this solar-powered motor and replaced it with an array of cells laying flat on the ground (i.e., a typical solar cell array) with an area the size of the motor's shadow, 0.030 square meters and with an efficiency of 12% (same as the assumed efficiency of the motor's cells)? It's power output would be about 0.030 * 120, or 3.6 watts.
Compare the two calculations, and you see that they are identical. In fact, they SHOULD be identical because this rotating drum's X-Y surface area that is illuminated by the sun, MUST be the exact same X-Y surface area as just a conventional flat solar array. I.e, there is absolutely NO GAIN to be had this motor and a flat solar panel with the same dimensions as the drum's X-Y footprint! In fairness to the motor's design, the driving force behind putting the cells on the motor itself is so that they do not require power wires going into the motor which would entail complicated brushes and the like. The motor is "self-contained." You can place it anywhere and it will turn (assuming some light source is available). That is why the cells are on the motor, not on the frame that holds the motor in place. *The motor can supply no more power than the solar cells can deliver to it.*
If you now advocate using mirrors to cast more light on the backside of the motor to increase its received power, I then reply in return, "okay, then give me the same surface area of your new mirrors and let me add that to my flat solar panels, too!" You take real estate to send more light to the rotating motor; I take that same real estate and add it into my flat solar cells. No net gain!
What is the purpose of the motor, solely to rotate, or to deliver torque? How much torque can the motor deliver with a candle as its power source? A: the same amount of power that is contained in the candle light. I.e., virtually zero. While beautifully constructed, the motor's main feature is friction-less bearings, not power conversion (light to mechanical power (torque)). Some commenters here have themselves convinced that this thing can be scaled up and used to power a 100- ton freight train on a winter's night. Wrong!
Remember this: *you will NEVER get more power OUT of anything than the power that goes IN to it.* It's called conservation of energy. If you believe otherwise, then you also believe in perpetual motion machines. Good luck with that.
This is a desk toy. It's not meant for anything other than demonstration and fun.
The point isn't to maximize solar panel efficiency or to generate actual, usable energy. At best, it's a toy that demonstrates how cheap solar panels are nowadays.
"Each coil is driven by a panel on the opposite side of the shaft so that, as the bottom coils are powered by the opposite solar panel, they will be repulsed by the central magnet. This will cause the array to rotate and bring the next coil into position over the magnet and the next panel into position towards the light source - thus maintaining the rotation".
"Each coil is driven by a panel on the opposite side of the shaft so that, as the bottom coils are powered by the opposite solar panel, they will be repulsed by the central magnet. This will cause the array to rotate and bring the next coil into position over the magnet and the next panel into position towards the light source - thus maintaining the rotation."
Very nice. Love the way you made your video.
Revolution is already there and takes time. additionally for the zero-energy-searchings (ahain...): if this machine would be more efficient than just the regular solar cells it would hurt law of physikc. Its just an awesome transformation of electrical energy in rotary energy (the motor itself). its just some different concepts covered in one machine. But this also shows where future technoogies are leading too. Its not about getting ore enrgy than befor, its about having perfect energy-transmission between different forms of energy. this one shows how to translate electrical to solar (LED), solar to electrical (Solar-cells) and electrical to motion (the motor itself (what is the real message of the video)). You dont need to have zero-point energy if you are able to convert all forms of energy nearly without any loose (unwanted energy transmissions in energy-forms that we can handle that well (temperature)). An den Erbauer: Super Ingenieurs-Leistung!! Arbeite selber im Labor für Analog- und Opto-Elektronik :)
Schönes Stück Technik, genial
А без света ни туды и ни сюды...
"Бог есть свет и нет в нем ни какой тьмы" Библия
Артур Автух ИСТИНА. сейчас настает время когда вера - материализуется, то что ранее принималось через веру сегодня можно осязать.......
Schaut super aus - nach dem Energie Erhaltungssatz also genau dass was man erwartet ('~') .
This is wicked. Awesome presentation.
I've always wanted to see this on a much larger scale and have been wondering why no one on the internet has done it yet.
brilliant design, beautiful motor, but its nto free energy if there has to be sun getting it to work
thank you for this video
Very good, congratulations! How to adapt a Dynamo to generate electricity?
Conservation of energy: power out ≤ power in. In this case, Power In is the solar cells. Everything down stream from that is less than what you're getting from the solar cells. Therefore, punt this silly motor and just use the damned solar cells!
Very nice object and the video is beautifuly made with good music. Thank you.
We have to respect to Mr John Bedini and Mr Cole for the construction of rotor. Is that right?
At present, this is a novelty; it has a very low power output. Some motors even rotate in the shine of a tealight. Mostly the motor is used as technical decoration or as functional model.
This motor is operating by the light from a tealight.
Low power output need not be a problem if the application is powering low energy devices such as mp3, LED, recharging devices, etc
What took longer? making the motor, or the video?
Це МОДЕЛЬ ЕЛЕКТРИЧНОГО МОТОРУ. Немає сенсу подавати це під музику, типу існування всесвіту залежить від цього. І якби то було лише це відео, то вже нехай, але ж так по всюду: "О дивіться, я зробив іграшку для ванної із запальнічки і вібратора, і поставлю такий саундрек до відео, щоб ні в кого не виникло сумніву, що з її допомогою я можу вмикати і вимикати Судний День, коли мені того хочеться!" Я, звісно вибачаюсь, якщо кого образив, але реально вже дістало.
Good evening Waldemar,
It is really to bad, that you don't like my video, but nevertheless i thank you very much for your feedback.
It's not about this particular video but rather the whole tendention. I mean the type of editing. It's like the video starts and you like: "Oh no? not again..."... Or I just watching too many stuff on RUclips... So yeah...
Hi. Kann man die Rotation und die Energie aus den Solarzellen zur Elektrizitäsgewinnung nutzbar machen und ist diese Energieausbeute dann höher als bei gleichen Solarzellen die direkt dem gleichen Licht ausgesetzt sind ( also Energieeffizienter ) ? Auf jeden Fall ein sehr schönes Gerät, super Arbeit
WOW!! this tube is simply mind-blowing, as it shows a 12 sided Mendocino Motor producing 1,5 watt powered by a LED 0,8 Watt this is a technology that will make the future brighter. That's why I share it on my favorite Facebook group, "Future World."
How is this making the futute brighter? Its just a motor. The motor isnt turning the leds on.
Thank you very much!! :)
I am sad because i saw your post too late.
this mendocino motor can act as generator prime mover!
yes, and you can also just use the solar cells for power.
What is the practical uses of this motor?
But why. Basically how it works is "Light -> Electricity -> Motion", then what's the next? Motion energy to what?
It's more effective if you use all the solar panels in direct sun light and moves a conventional motor
martincholoyo exactly!
Kleiner Tipp für die Lagerung: Auch über Magnete links / rechts von unf auf der Welle machen, sodass es wirklich reibungslos - bis auf den Luftwiderstand - läuft.
... und ein Designfehler hat dieses Konzept: die Solarzellen müssten nicht rotieren, um die benötigte Energie zu liefern - also: drahtlos übertragen von außerhalb, also Spule(n) in in den Sockel, Magnete zentraler auf die Drehachse, und die Höhe der Achse anpassen.
Hallo renewblah,
Erstmal danke für deinen Tipp zur Lagerung, jedoch ist es physikalisch nicht möglich.
Das System wäre zu instabil und würde stets ausbrechen.
Selbst wenn der Rotor unter höchster maschineller Präzision gefertigt würde, gäbe es Differenzen in der Feldstärke der einzelnen Magnete.
Wolfram Glatthar 7
starkes Video!
good work. what do you think in a box with no air ( vacum )
Good evening Matyas,
thank you for your question.
In a vacuum the Mendocino - Motor would rotate longer and with less light, because it has nearly no friction resistance.
Do you just like turning things, or do you wish to do something useful with turning things? This motor will not do the latter, even in a vacuum.
Sagen Sie mir drei Solarzellen auf der einen Seite des Rotors parallel oder sequentiell verbunden?
Und was ist der Grund für eine solche Verbindung?
Скажите, три фотоэлемента на одной грани ротора соединены параллельно или последовательно?
И чем обусловлено такое соединение?
Pro Fläche sind drei Solarzellen parallel geschaltet.
So entseht ein dreimal höherer Strom pro Wicklung als mit einer Solarzelle.
+Wolfram Glatthar. Sag mir, wie viele Umdrehungen in jeder der Wicklungen und 12 welcher Durchmesser?
Скажите, сколько витков в каждой из 12 обмоток и какой диаметр провода?
100 Windungen pro Wicklung. Eine Wicklung gleich 9,5 Ω
Mehr Informationen unter:
+Glatthar Wolfram. Meiner Meinung nach wäre es besser, nicht 0,315 mm und 0,2 mm Draht verwenden... Dies würde das Gewicht des Rotors deutlich reduzieren! Es wäre besser, die Anzeige Gesamtzahl der Umdrehungen und die Drehzahl des Rotors nicht angezeigt. Mein Rotor mit 4 Fotozellen 0,5V 150mA die Sonne bei 3000 u/min dreht. Sein Gewicht 52 Gr. (zusammen mit rotierenden Magneten), wicklung 2 bis 180 dreht 0,2 mm. Draht Wicklung Widerstand - 16 Ω.
На мой взгляд было бы целесообразнее использовать провод не 0,315 мм., а 0,2 мм.. Это существенно уменьшило бы вес ротора !! Было бы лучше чтобы индикатор отображал не суммарное количество оборотов, а скорость вращения ротора. Мой ротор с 4 фотоэлементами 0,5 В 150 мА на солнце вращается со скоростью 3000 об/мин. Его вес 52 гр.(вместе с роторными магнитами), 2 обмотки по 180 вит., провод 0,2 мм., сопротивление обмотки - 16 Ω.
+Glatthar Wolfram. Sehen Sie sich die Art und Weise mein Motors Rotor Spinning in einem extrem niedrigen Licht
Посмотрите на то, как ротор моего моторчика вращается в условиях экстремально низкой освещённости:видео.html.
Sure, ill bett you could really power a useful load w that, this is basically a rotary version of those toys that rock back and forth in sunlight.
This is like suddenly waking up of a bad dream and finding the real light.
Hey Where can I buy them or maybe import them here to my country?
First you should think about efficiency and output-power/size.
Will this thing generate electricity? A Stirling engine will and the power produced by a large Stirlings will actually drive machines.
Think about what you're saying, Don. It's got solar cells to pull power from the sun, which then turns the motor and supplies a small amount of rotational power. And you want it to then generate electricity? You see the circular logic here? Bypass the (very expensive) motor and just use the damned solar cells for your electricity!!! What good is the motor other than adding another few thousand dollars to your generation system cost?
Hallo Wolfram: Wow, bin absolut fasziniert...
Eine Wissensfrage: Wenn ich die Sequenz ab 2:00 richtig interpretiere, betreibt der Motor die LEDs.
Wenn doch der Motor (NACH einer wie auch immer gearteten Anfangsenergie) die LEDs betreibt und diese Energie als einzige Lichtquelle wiederum den Motor, ist das dann nicht ein Perpetuum mobile? Oder geht irgendwann der Lorentzkraft "der Saft" aus und der Motor wird langsamer, das Licht schwächer und der Motor kommt zum Stillstand?
Noch ne zweite Frage: Ist dein Motor der einzige 12-flächige?
Wenn ja, was ist der Vorteil gegenüber den 4- und 8-flächigen Motoren?
Schon mal über eine Vermarktung nachgedacht?
Hallo Ingo,vielen Dank für dein Interesse.
Ein Perpetuum mobile ist nur ein Traum und wird es auf diesem Planeten niemals geben.
Energie geht nie verloren und wird auch nie erzeugt. Energie kann nur von einer Form in eine andere umgewandelt werden. Es ist nicht möglich 100 % Energie, zu 100 % Energie einer anderen Form umzuwandeln.
Die Effizienz ist immer kleiner als 100 %. Am Ende aller Umwandlungen steht die Wärme.
Der Vorteil des Zwölfflächigen besteht darin, dass der Motor durch seine zwölf Flächen sehr ruhig dreht und bei sehr geringem Umgebungslicht ( Teelicht oder trübes Tageslicht in der Wohnung ) selbstständig anläuft.
In dieser Größe und mit seinen zwölf Flächen ist er einzigartig.
Es war der Reiz, die Herausforderung und die Freude eine Idee zu verwirklichen, die es so noch nicht gab.
Und dabei möchte ich es auch belassen.
Gruß Wolfram
Огонь. Интересно на что больше идет энергии, на само вращение или на работу датчика оборотов )
датчик оборотов нафик там не нужен.только вносит вопросы об чистоте эксперимента
bravo ...Nikola..!!!!
Why do you need a sensor? The key of mendocino motor is that it works automatically
Super Idee
Цікаво зробити його в 10 разів більшим...😔🙌☺
Was ist die Idee? Teures Zeug verbauen, und die Leute beeindrucken?
Ich halte das für einen Fake.
It would be cool to see it run from a jar filled with fireflies. :)
So You have got 36 panells which can produce 0,4A and 0,5V so each is giving 0,2W multiply by 36 items we have 7,2W. Question is how much power You can get above that by Your machine? If it is lower than 7,2W its just a toy then.
Does it carry a load? Can it spin a generator? Otherwise what's the purpose?
I have some questions and ideas in regards to adaptations and interesting uses of the Mendicino motor, if you wanna collab, or just hear about it, and help, please let me know, AWESOME Design !!!
Hello, this project is finished.
Thank you for your interest, but I must decline.
Respekt macht nen echt guten eindruck . wie viel Energie kann man damit erzeugen ?
Hallo MultiEntertainmentHD,
er dient als Anschauungsobjekt, welches verschiedene physikalische und technische Prinzipen auf gelungene Weise verdeutlicht. Alle Komponenten sind dem Betrachter zugänglich und verdeutlichen ihre Funktion.
Energie kann nur von einer Form in eine andere umgewandelt werden. In diesem Fall wird Licht in eine Drehbewegung umgewandelt.
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Gruß Wolfram
Danke Wolfram das werde ich mir mal anschauen .
Why u do not extend the levitated part to connect to a motor and produce power? Wonder how much would that be.
A lot less than if you took out the PV cells and put them all flat under the sun.
great model, so the next one will have horizontal magnetical suspension too ?
Stellt man einen 3D Spiegel "mirror" hinter das Model so bekommt der Motor mehr Energie und dreht sich auch viel schneller :)
For the "haters" out there... we always work to develop the "concept" and make it work. Not work to discredit the concept. Or you can continue to let yourself be screwed by the upper 1% like cattle as usual lol
Only 1% started from the bottom. all the rest are from inheritances.
евери гут
евери гут
Cool idea. a lots of potential. Wireless phone charger? Also gonna be cool looking back at this in a couple years.
So you use solar cells to drive the motor that drives a generator to charge your phone. Why not save yourself the cost of this $2,000 motor and just use cheap solar panels as a charger? You know, "cut out the middle man"???
very funny ; what's the point of solar panel mount on motor directly ? that would impact irradiation and panel efficiency, your panel was no function in half. why can't design panel and motor two system?
What is the rpm's for it can u hook a magnet alternator to it to actually make power?
the solar cells are making power. thats why it even spins.
Another guy who thinks you can get more power out of something than you put into it.
Yes I get it makes power but the cells alone make very little power nothing close in the range of even 1 kw of power or more hence why rpm's are very important in its spin
If the motor's power source "make very little power," then how, pray tell, do you expect MORE power out of it than goes into it? You never took a physics course, did you?
Mount on the bottom of the mirror =)
use this for generate energy?
put some DC motor and generate?
Then take the output of the motor and use it to drive some LEDs that then will turn the motor harder. Perpetual motion, baby!!!!!
This is just a toy! Motors gives tourk. Any tourk?
Thank you for this video can i charge my cellphone and watching youtube etc.
free energy motor?
Yes. It's called "solar cells." They've been in all the newspapers.
Nicely made and filmed! Only thing I didn't care for was the music... I've heard better music from a construction site.
sau geil !!!
"schwebt" der Motor durch die Rundmagnete, oder schaut das nur so aus?
Hallo 343sammy,
das schaut nicht nur so aus, der Motor schwebt wirklich. Und daher ist er auch absolut geräuschlos.
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Gruß Wolfram
Realmente interesante..Great Video, Thank you for sharing..!
I want to buy this Where can I find it
Medo Obeidat this Mendocino-Motor is selfmade. I am sorry that it's not for sale.
where can i bye this
Pity it can't do anything useful, like turn anything.
where can I order? dreht sich. Aber hat er auch die Kraft, etwas anderes, ausser sich selbst, anzutreiben? Durch die schwebende Lagerung gibt es keinen nennenswerten Widerstand. Jedoch wird er schon in Kugellagern nicht mehr laufen. Ist, meiner Meinung nach, nur Spielerei.
Maybe if you give it a fancier name it will produce more power LOL
like but how much power
it just spins
By my calculation, about 0.005 horsepower with full sunlight (being serious).
is it only fancy or can those motors drive something at the end ? or generate ....
yes 1.5 watt generator
@@sylvainbradford1575 ok, then lets calculate, how much does the generator cost? how much does it generate (Watt in €)?
weighing at almost 1kg, and rpm are low, it has little torque to do much work but is an interesting concept if material tech improves to lighten it by 1/5 for that 1.5w output. it is not efficient but it is almost a green technology :)
this is a model of a concept of course...
@@higherbeats cost to recreate about $50-60 USD, can be made cheaper but wouldn't look as nice. 1.5W/40-45€, so something about only 35mW per 1€
@@sylvainbradford1575 Have you seen an example of one of these driving a generator? If so, please share a link. Thanks.
Wow cool😎
how much ?
3:11 song plz!!!!!
Hey ActrosVLG, if you want, i can send you the song.
Please let me know your e-Mail adress.
Putting those solar panels flat and adding battery storage would convert the solar energy to run simple electric motor more efficiently into mechanical power. This design is utterly inefficient.
The motor's primary accomplishment is the use of frictionless bearings. The design itself is VERY efficient if he can make it turn using candlelight. It just that its torque depends entirely on its light source. Bright sunlight? It will have a small amount of torque. Candlelight? It can't rotate anything but itself.
I can only see how one end is held up, how is the other end held up?
magnets do push it up on both sides. normaly it wants just to turn around and fall down. but it cant do it, because its pushed against the wall at the one end. so the one point is not to hold it up, just to prevent it from turning around.
Without misleading thumbnail, there would be about 8 dislikes.
Hey OSOCO, maybe you are right.
And we know, people think it's all about klickbait.
But for me it just makes fun, to be creative in videos or pictures.
And this Mendocino-Motor was (at this point at time) the biggest known in the world. So the thumbnail is more a hyperbole.
Well, you actually revealed my narrow mindedness, because now that you said it, I think it's quite obvious that this was indeed humorous/clever act - I mean it's so HUGE in the thumbnail, that one must have my level of IQ to not see it. I wan't to believe that my blindness was partly caused by my experiences with actual clickbaits though, lol. Excuse my english.
Всем, кого интересуют альтернативные источники энергии - рекомендую: Магниты неодимовые -
Too grand music. so fun.
Sun light is 126.22 hertz have you tried using different Hertz frequencies to generate a charge?
WHAT? sunlight has hertz? Please show me where you found this.
What is the frequency, Kenneth?!
okey, now where can this be used with this average performance ?
you cant use it for torque, power and stuff. so you can only use it where only the fact that it turns matters. so mainly for some kind of information processing.
Yup, and Art and Advertising stuff...
Yes, it has no real function other than turning itself without a WIRED power source.
Thanks for this--interesting. (quit it with the base sounds already, you youtubers!...PC sound is still crap these days :)
How much difference does it make if rotational axis was vertical? Has it been tried?
i think i seen a vertical one in some youtube video... probably not that much of a difference... since is floating... and not touching nothing.
still.. it doesn't PRODUCE anything... other than visual attraction
Sure it works and it's neat but it has no power.
Got to start somewhere! If this sort of technology were to have been advanced and improved upon 30 years ago, who knows where it's be today. I'm sure it has been studied and anything positive gleaned from it was locked away by some petroleum chemical lab somewhere on the planet.
So can you put a couple of rotors at each end with small coils to generate electricity. Maybe combine this with the easy spin motor.
What would be the point of that? If you want to generate electricity, just get it directly from the panels.
a motor just for itself is useless.. beter to employ the solar cells into something usefull.
Why does everything have to have a use? Its just a thing for aesthetics. It powers itself. isn't that amazing on itself?
the thing it self as an art project or showing your creatyvity is great!
But from the comments before me it is clear that people believe it is a new energy source.
Get the facts together. It doesnt power itself. It transfers suns energy into rotational energy. It does this on a highly researched concept of how electrical motors function.
The amazing thing is, that it is frictionless and that humanity found out what kind of strenght the magnets need to be, so that the axis is somewhat stable. People need to get informed that this thing is getting its power from the Sun. Thats not free energy.
And yes, remarkable hand craftmanshift.
Hello Joshua,
Thank you very much!
You are right.
Primarily its just for aesthetics and not for creating energy.
CaqKa well i was pretty sure that was obvious. I just mean it powers itself (using solar power) and not other objects.
seeing as it's frictionless easily you could make the bar that passes through the motor slightly longer and attach to this bar several magenets and have a coil of gold wire around the magnets and use a Refraction Lens to magnify the suns light quite a bit but not enough to damage the cells and then test the amount of friction (created by adding the wire and the magnets to produce the electricity) that it can withstand before it comes to a complete stop. Now run the engine using the most magnets and the most wire you can in order to generate the most electricity while not reducing the spin of the motor too much. If you are so stuipid to not see how this could easily be put to good use then it is simply a work of art but if this was scaled up to 100-1000x's the size and then used it could generate more power than we have batteries to charge although we already do that literally we already produce more electricity every single day than our population of earth could possibly ever consume why people are still developing ideas for generating electricity is beyond me? i guess more power is better? even though we don't use all the power we generate in a day as it is? maybe people are just frustrated with the fact that they have to pay for the electricity? idk? i don't see any value in being a dick to someone who's working hard to make a cool new thing that could be useful if it were scaled up and in the right hands.. oh and the electricity that could have potentially been generated by a solar panel that you used to post that comment was a useful use of solar panels?? you're a contradiction wrapped in your own confusion.
Hallo, also ich muss sagen, eine sehr schöne Arbeit gefällt mir sehr, könntest du mir sagen was das Material gekoste hat? und eventuell die Pläne mir senden? möchte gerne deinen Motor nachbauen . Nochmals fielen Dankt für deine schöne Arbeit und Präsentation.
How well would it run in a Vacume ????
Almost the same because it float's. It has little to no ristance..
No resitance at all in a vacume almost perpetual motion ?
@@mattdenham8057 The electronic components would fail eventually.
But does not work in the actual sun. It would disintegrate :)
It does! :)
It's on our windowsill and still rotates.
edit because I used wrong english grammer.
Could you not enclose this and use a hertz generator to maximize its electrical output? Even use hertz generating diodes on the device to spin it faster to generate more power?
das mag ja auch klappen-wirklich es funktioniert-entscheidend ist der wirkungsgrad-ähnlich wie beim wasser das mit der ukw hz getrennt wird und brennt-dazu ist 1kw sendeleistung nötig und was komm dabei rüber?-na klar arbeitet dein Motor er ist aber sehr wahrscheinlich leicht zu stoppen.lg das hätte ich fast vergessen die musik ist sehr gut danke und das ganze noch einmal auf englisch.This may well also flaps really it works-what is decisive is the efficiency-similar to the water with the FM hz is disconnected and burns-1kw transmitter power is necessary and what will come over?-na clear your engine works but it is very likely to stop easily.lg i almost forgot the music is very well, thank you and the whole once more in English.
Wow yet another perpetual motion/over unity bla, bla....
what good is this? it is a free source of energy, do you think the way things are with our electric companies that they will allow us to get electricity for free?????? good luck with with that ?
+Whit Bayles
Huh? What are you talking about. You can already get energy free from the sun and sell it back to the power companies.
Доброго вечора, я iз України.
видео, оформлено не плохо
Thank you very much! :)
cooool wu savd mi
I love the vid but terrible music...