When those who knows the subject speaks and moderate....we the public learn. Wish to see such program in every stream... unfortunately those who view such program are few...our society don't seek knowledge or not eager to learn.
የፀጉራሞቹ academician position የኔም position ነበረ አሁንም ነው። የአቶ ሰለሞን argument on risks to public confidence, and the existing low levels of savings in ethiopia are valid concerns. learned about stock market history too.thank you dr. Excellent program. Cant wait for the follow up.
I love this discussion! Dr Solomon can really explain what you know. I have no knowledge of economics and finance. I am not against the starting of the so called capital market. You guys are responssible for your people benefit but it should not be to fullfill the interests of the government . Count! You guys are responsible!
The basic purpose of financial market is specifically secondary market is reducing asymmetric information, transaction cost reduction, price determination and risk sharing
The idea to have a capital market in theory is a good start. However, to have a strong capital market at least a country need the follsowing: 1) the law and related institutions I.e. accountancy and auditing body must give shareholders good information about the value of a company 2) there has to be confidence that the companies insiders will not cheat investors Hence it needs a very complex market supporting laws and institutions to deal with market information asymmetry, insider dealing and other forms of market abuse. In summary, there should be a strong investors protection. My question, in Ethiopia institutions are very weak and non existent. Example is the overwhelming existence of corruption, very weak accounting and auditing institutions. How you can do it unless you improve these instructions.
"No justice No peace "LESS talks more actions, and Amhar is not disarming. Mr Abey and the regime should be able to court for genocide criminal justice in Ethiopia.
Are you telling me Capital markets can exist in 'unstable' country? In the absence of strong & consitent Regulations & laws, only the 'few' will keep on benefiting in poor Nations playing different roles....አበዳሪውም፣ እንቬስተሩም፣ ህግ አውጭውም....always same affiliated groups....
I guess this is where everything starts , discussing the issues and recognizing our gaps . But if we need to have a stable and fair market in the country the regulations need to redefined. I have a vision to create a strong stock and securities broker platform like Robinhood and Webull in Ethiopia where everyone is encouraged to invest with transparency, because I believe that’s the only way we can bring our invocations and investment ideas into reality.
IT is a good move. But, get that guy, Ermias Amelga, is the cream on this subject who tried to create the concept and practice in Access Capital. He does all share thing in Access Real Estate and Zwmen Bank. Eeven if the guy is too ambitious, I would say he has proved it by Zemen Bank....He has also took his lesson in the Access Real estate. Give him a chance and see.......Do not re-invent the wheel...
@@SameerAli22 I can teach you some my dear! 😉 Who's gonna invest in a country without any financial regulations?Definitely not me! Are we talking about companies we don't even have enough information on & mostly built by corruption? What's gonna happen to my investment when there is change at Arat Kilo? Talk to us after you build financial infrastructures with 'independent ' regulatory systems......
@@Yeሀገር Sir I am a certified capital market Professional from National stock exchange of India, unless you come up a cross a new thing in the matter I assure you that you can't add to my knowledge. No one is blaming you for being concerned of the political situation in the country that's why I told you to look to the low reward low risk alternatives such as saving in banks. You might have a point on the corrupt side of some companies but if you took a minute of your time and visited the website you would see that most of the stocks for sale are financial institutions which those institutions are respectable, transparent and governed by the national bank of Ethiopia.
@@SameerAli22 Thanks for your recommendation. But like I mentioned, I save my money whether in a low or high risk in a country of my choice. Use yur marketing for someone else
Insightful discussion. Please invite Ethiopian practitioners who work in the area of stock exchanges in New York or London. It's obvious we need stock markets in Addis, Bahir Dar, Mekele, Dire Dawa, Adama/Nazareth, Hawassa, everywhere the economy is growing and companies are building. The latter need capital to develop, grow and create jobs. Ethiopia must create this institution with public & private capital with Federal Government Supervisory Agency who can licence the various institutions, brokers, investment bankers, financial/wealth advisors, law firms, and other intermediaries. Investor protection institutions, insurance companies, stocks/bonds, depository companies or specialized banks, clearing agencies etc. must be created. We cannot build these overnight. Our current institutions (Universities, Central Bank, Development Bank, Commercial Banks, Insurance companies, real estate agencies can play a role. Likewise, Companies must adopt international accounting standards, hence audited by independent firms. Ultimately it's the public confidence that will make the stock market work. I am confident we will reach there. Keep up the discussion. Let God help Ethiopia to get what we deserve.
Build strong & consistent laws to regulate financial & economic sectors first! Wallstreet is built on REGULTIONS! The SEC regulates stock exchanges, besides the FED Reserve regulating the economy. Without business ethics, unstable political& economical situations, it's only a dream for the public to grow together with the 'few' accessing financial resources. Independent institutions don't exist in our country....when there is a change in Arat kilos, you don't even know what the hell is going to happen,,,,,that's why the so-called Investors in our country are always linked to whoever is in power....
በጣም ጥሩ ዝግጅት ነው፡፡ መቀጠል የሚገባው፡፡ ወቅታዊ ነው፡፡ የካፒታል ገበያ ህግ የሚረጎምበት ጊዜ ላይ ስላለን፡፡ ብዙ መብራራት የሚገባቸው ጉዳዮች አሉና ክፍል ሁለትን በቀጣይነት ማቅረብ ቢቻል መልካም ነው፡፡ ሳይዘገይ፡፡ ዶ/ር ዘውድነህ የበሰለ አጤየቅ / አካሄድ ነው፡፡ እናመሰግናለን፡፡ ቃላቶችና ትርጉሞቻቸው ይበልጠ እየጠሩ መምጣት እንዲችሉ፡፡ ለምሳሌ Money Market የዐጭር ጊዜ እስከ አንድ ዓመት የሚል ግንዛቤም ስላለ!
የጋዜጠኛ የአገባብ ጅመራ የሚያስመሰግን ነው። ጥሩ እያረጋቹህ ነው፤ በእንግድነት እየቀረቡ ባብዛኛው ጠለቅ ያለ እውቀት ላለበት ማህበረሰብ እንግሊዘኛ እኩል በኩል እያወሩ የአማረኛ እና የእንግሊዘኛ ቅይጥ ለሚያወሩ እንግዶች ለወደፊት ተጠንቅቀው እንዲመጡ ያረጋል። በዚህ ላይ እራስንም አለማክበረም ይሆናል። ስለዚህ አንዳንዴ የእንግሊዘኛውን ቋንቋ ተገቢውን ፍጪ የሚፈታውን ትክክለኛውን ቃላት የማወቅ እጥረት ቢኖርባቸው እንኳን ቢያንስ በሚችሉት የአማረኛ ቋንቋ አብራርተው እንዲሄዱ ማሳሰቢያ ስለሰጠህ ትመሰገናለህ። አርት ቲቪን በዚህ እንዲቀጥል ነው የምፈልገው ዘና ብዬ ሳልናደድ የማየው ይሄ ስለሆነ። ጥቃቅን ጥፋቶች ቢፈጠሩም የሚጠበቅ ነው እና ቀስ በቀስ ግን እናንተ ለሌላውም የመገናኛ ሬዲዮን እና የቴሌቭዝን ዝግጅት አቅራቢ ድርጅቶችን አስተማሪ ት ሆናሎች።
When those who knows the subject speaks and moderate....we the public learn. Wish to see such program in every stream... unfortunately those who view such program are few...our society don't seek knowledge or not eager to learn.
የፀጉራሞቹ academician position የኔም position ነበረ አሁንም ነው። የአቶ ሰለሞን argument on risks to public confidence, and the existing low levels of savings in ethiopia are valid concerns.
learned about stock market history too.thank you dr. Excellent program.
Cant wait for the follow up.
Very helpful, thank you very much for sharing your knowledge.
አቶ ሰለሞን ግዛቸው እጅግ በጣም ጥሩ አድርገው አብራርተውታል። እግዛብሄር ይስጥዎት።
Thank you
Thank you for having a knowledge on Bond.
I love this discussion! Dr Solomon can really explain what you know. I have no knowledge of economics and finance. I am not against the starting of the so called capital market. You guys are responssible for your people benefit but it should not be to fullfill the interests of the government . Count! You guys are responsible!
I appreciate you brought the issue from legal perspective
The basic purpose of financial market is specifically secondary market is reducing asymmetric information, transaction cost reduction, price determination and risk sharing
በጣም ደስ ሚል ነዉ ግን ስልጠናዉን በዚ ስራላይ ባለሞያ ለመሆን ስልጠና የትነዉ ማግኘት ምንችለዉ ሚለዉ ቢቀርብልን
Thank you so much!!!!
ጥሩ እውቀት ነው እያገኘሁ ያለሁት>
ኮንቲነንታል እና አንግሎ ሳክሰን? ለአብዛኛው አማርኛ ተናጋሪ የሚገባ ነው ወይ? አማርኛውን ጥርት አድርጎ መናገር፤እንግሊዝኛውም ጥርት ብሎ ቢወራ መልካም ነው፡፡
በኢትዮጵያ ሁኔታ ስቶክ ማርኬት አደገኛ ነው! መጀመሪያ በህግና ስረኣት መተዳደር እንጀምር!!!
ማንኛውም እድገት የተሟላና በአንዴ የሚደረስበት አይደለም። ስለዚህ በትንሹ ተጀምሮ ነው ትልቅ ላይ የሚደረሰውና በየጊዜው እየተሻሻለ ይመጣልን አስቦ መጀመሩ ትክክለኛ የእድገት አቅጣጫ ነው።
The idea to have a capital market in theory is a good start. However, to have a strong capital market at least a country need the follsowing:
1) the law and related institutions I.e. accountancy and auditing body must give shareholders good information about the value of a company
2) there has to be confidence that the companies insiders will not cheat investors
Hence it needs a very complex market supporting laws and institutions to deal with market information asymmetry, insider dealing and other forms of market abuse.
In summary, there should be a strong investors protection.
My question, in Ethiopia institutions are very weak and non existent. Example is the overwhelming existence of corruption, very weak accounting and auditing institutions. How you can do it unless you improve these instructions.
ህዝባችን መች ታደለና እንዲሀ ዓይነት ህይወት ቀያሪ ዕውቀት ሳይሆን አንድ መሃይም 'አክቲቪስት' ስለ ጥላው አግልለው ቁረጠው ፍለጠው ሲያወራ በሴኮንድ ውስጥ ሚልዩን ተመልካች ይስባል😷
ኤርሚ የሚያወራው ስለ ምንድነው እሺ?
Ato solomon gizaw thankyou ....
ሌሎቹ የሚጮሁት በዚህ ስርኣት መጀመር ኪሳቸውን ሚሞሉበት መንገድ እንጂ ተቋሞች ይህ ሲስተም ላይ ሲገቡ የወደፊት እጣፋንታቸው ምን ሊሆን ይችላል የሚለው አያሳስቧቸውም
ሶል ግን ሀገር ወዳድ ለሀገር አሳቢ ሰው ነህ !
listen Zemdenh Nigatu and Eremias Amelga when you're interested about stock market
Where are the regulation and the regulators of the secondary Market first ? These are the key metrics of the capital market
"No justice No peace "LESS talks more actions, and Amhar is not disarming. Mr Abey and the regime should be able to court for genocide criminal justice in Ethiopia.
Are you telling me Capital markets can exist in 'unstable' country? In the absence of strong & consitent Regulations & laws, only the 'few' will keep on benefiting in poor Nations playing different roles....አበዳሪውም፣ እንቬስተሩም፣ ህግ አውጭውም....always same affiliated groups....
I think the journalist should explain the names and academics of the guests!!!,.........
I guess this is where everything starts , discussing the issues and recognizing our gaps . But if we need to have a stable and fair market in the country the regulations need to redefined.
I have a vision to create a strong stock and securities broker platform like Robinhood and Webull in Ethiopia where everyone is encouraged to invest with transparency, because I believe that’s the only way we can bring our invocations and investment ideas into reality.
We need TOS in Ethiopia bro
What does it mean security broker platform???
ምድነው የሁለተኛው ሰው ድምጽ አይሰማም። እንግዶቻቹህን ከቀረጻ በፊት የአምስት ደቂቃ ቅድመ ዝግጅት ድምጻቸውን ከፍ አርገው እንዲያወሩ ብታስረዶቸው ጥሩ ነው።
IT is a good move. But, get that guy, Ermias Amelga, is the cream on this subject who tried to create the concept and practice in Access Capital. He does all share thing in Access Real Estate and Zwmen Bank. Eeven if the guy is too ambitious, I would say he has proved it by Zemen Bank....He has also took his lesson in the Access Real estate. Give him a chance and see.......Do not re-invent the wheel...
A huge misunderstanding on terminologies,
You had better to have someone who had a practical experience
Those are not at all
Your guests are only from one profession, law. you need to focus first on the technical part before the regulation of the financial markets.
የኢትዮጵያ ኩባንያዎች አክሲዮኖች ለመግዛት እና ለመሸጥ myaksion. net ይጎብኙ .
To Buy and Sell Ethiopian Share Company Stocks visit myaksion. net
🤣 only when I lose my mind
@@Yeሀገር You don't have to, unless you have some knowledge in investment.
I advise you to save in the banking interest scheme.
@@SameerAli22 I can teach you some my dear! 😉 Who's gonna invest in a country without any financial regulations?Definitely not me! Are we talking about companies we don't even have enough information on & mostly built by corruption? What's gonna happen to my investment when there is change at Arat Kilo? Talk to us after you build financial infrastructures with 'independent ' regulatory systems......
@@Yeሀገር Sir I am a certified capital market Professional from National stock exchange of India, unless you come up a cross a new thing in the matter I assure you that you can't add to my knowledge.
No one is blaming you for being concerned of the political situation in the country that's why I told you to look to the low reward low risk alternatives such as saving in banks.
You might have a point on the corrupt side of some companies but if you took a minute of your time and visited the website you would see that most of the stocks for sale are financial institutions which those institutions are respectable, transparent and governed by the national bank of Ethiopia.
@@SameerAli22 Thanks for your recommendation. But like I mentioned, I save my money whether in a low or high risk in a country of my choice. Use yur marketing for someone else
Insightful discussion. Please invite Ethiopian practitioners who work in the area of stock exchanges in New York or London. It's obvious we need stock markets in Addis, Bahir Dar, Mekele, Dire Dawa, Adama/Nazareth, Hawassa, everywhere the economy is growing and companies are building. The latter need capital to develop, grow and create jobs. Ethiopia must create this institution with public & private capital with Federal Government Supervisory Agency who can licence the various institutions, brokers, investment bankers, financial/wealth advisors, law firms, and other intermediaries. Investor protection institutions, insurance companies, stocks/bonds, depository companies or specialized banks, clearing agencies etc. must be created. We cannot build these overnight. Our current institutions (Universities, Central Bank, Development Bank, Commercial Banks, Insurance companies, real estate agencies can play a role. Likewise, Companies must adopt international accounting standards, hence audited by independent firms. Ultimately it's the public confidence that will make the stock market work. I am confident we will reach there. Keep up the discussion. Let God help Ethiopia to get what we deserve.
Build strong & consistent laws to regulate financial & economic sectors first!
Wallstreet is built on REGULTIONS! The SEC regulates stock exchanges, besides the FED Reserve regulating the economy. Without business ethics, unstable political& economical situations, it's only a dream for the public to grow together with the 'few' accessing financial resources. Independent institutions don't exist in our country....when there is a change in Arat kilos, you don't even know what the hell is going to happen,,,,,that's why the so-called Investors in our country are always linked to whoever is in power....