Im not even 30 yet and I have high blood pressure. Ever since I've started drinking beet juice daily my blood pressure has gotten better and I don't heart palpitations like I used to. Beets are a gift from God!
2 weeks ago I began drinking Daily Roots by Boltinghouse Farms, which contains 3 servings of beets among other nutritious root veggies. It tastes horrible, but I feel amazing! I'm a recovering alcoholic with concerns of liver damage. I started consuming beets after researching how healthy they are for liver health and recovery. I'm already starting to lose weight, sleep better, and feel healthier overall.
Goodstuff.I include 1 whole beet in my green juice and drink it overnight as i work night.I realize i dont drink any coffee when i drink this superfood fruit.Mine include 1.1 whole green apple 2.celery stalks 3.1 whole beet 4.parsley 5.ginger 6.moringa powder 7.Dates 8.Kale Powerful combo
It's been a revival with me, believe or not I was 1st exposed to beets in elementary school menu,that in radishes.up till 5 years ago there was an inactive gap.but now that I'm much older, I blend a lot of unappealing veggies like, beets, parsley, celery, etc 3 or 4 times a week....just to get it out of the way, is for the living.
In Serbia, we eat cooked beets as salad very often during winter time, but nowadays we start eating fresh beet salads. Interesting is that we always add to beets salad horseradish. It is more healthy and refreshing.
I was diagnoses with a form of lymphoma 2 years ago (cutaneous t-cell lymphoma). I started to juice with almost the exact same juicing recipe, all organic BTW! Beet, celery, apple, carrot, cilantro, parsley, kale, spinach and a bit of ginger root. I juice enough to make about 500ml and start my day with that. I then changed my diet to a whole food plant based like the China Study purports. Viola! Cancer is gone, I lost 40 pounds of fat and have never felt or looked better and I am almost 43. A very wise man once said, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food".
I juice beet root with apples, string beans and carrots. Then I put in blender with a banana. Comes out very good. Sometimes I add pineapple or peaches as well.
Thank you for your post. I've been adding powdered beets to my smoothies I have daily. Truly a blessing the varieties of superfoods we now have to feed our cells and so our bodies.
Awesome info. Just received my 1lb bag of organic beet powder. I'll mix it with my morning shake. Ginger, garlic and lemon juice. My BP was 147/80. I'll see in a week if it works.
Thank you for sharing the great information. I will plant beet root in the pots. I don't have land. I hope I could have even only 4 square meter. It will help me become a vegetarian, organic.
Great video. I do 1x beet 5x carrots 3x stalks celery 3x apples wash well peel carrots if not organic. All in my Breville juicer take a medium glass in morn on empty stomach. Or take lunchtime as a healthy meal. If you juice well you won't be hungry.
@@geraldparrish1625 Live life healthy & well as our bodies are our temple's & so we must take care of our own health best we can. No one's perfect but try & find a balance that works for you. Go well 👍😊❤
I just made a mixture of juices, including 5 small beets 2 carrots, 2 green apples 2 cups of black grapes, and 4 stalks of celery. This mix was delicious, I have 3 more servings in the freezer.
I started juicing beets with spinach and other green veggies and my cholesterol levels went down more or less straight away: As a separate point about another issue that readers may find interesting: I started getting severe headaches and eye pains...went to the doctor who gave me co codenal, I also took ibuprofen together but just felt very ill...still having the head and eye I looked back at when the pains started and it was the same time I started using coffee mate....I stopped using it and within a day my pains went...couldn't believe it, so started using coffee mate again and sure enough pain came back!!!! I googled the stuff and was amazed to find coffee mate is pure chemicals.... good vids
+petra finch: If you drink coffee. Always avoid processed concoctions especially "Coffee Mate" If you are on any type of "Raw Juice Regiment". Drink you're coffee black & avoid any store shelved flavor enhancers. Except honey.
i blended 1 beet, some strawberries, some blueberries and pomegranate juice for 5 days and yes it did help on day 2, but by day 4 i was so constipated and my poop was dark red. But it did help my anemia and it did help lower my blood pressure.
And for healthy salt options try Himalayan, Celtic, most sea salts and there is a salt from a province in Mexico that some swear by. Always in moderation but these have a higher mineral content.
I eat beet root salad I a restaurant and I love it and it was great. The taste was good for me. I want to learn how to cook beet root as well. Thanks for the benefits of beet root....
We have a wonderful health food store where I live that peels and shreds raw beets and carrots and sells them by the pound to top salads or stuff in pita sandwiches. It is sweet, delicious, crunchy and just the right touch to sandwiches, IMO. It saves the peeling and red juice all over the place. They are pricey but beets aren't exactly the cheapest of vegetables anyway and you are paying for quality in your meals. Raw is always best as heat destroys nutrients. But occasionally, I'll roast whole beets with a drizzle of olive oil, sea salt and cracked black pepper. I also eat the tops which are a whole different meal unto themselves. If your local health food store doesn't sell beets raw, cold and shredded, I'd ask them, why not? Thanks for sharing the benefits of beets!
super cleansing juice : whole beets. garlic. whole avocado (with seed). spinach. lemon juice and grapefruit juice. helped me reduce my blood pressure and bad liver .
The 'AMCE SUPREME JUICER' is constructed from all metal components. Do not invest in plastic bogus juicing machines sold at Walmart etc. A reputable health food store will help satisfy your juicing needs + service !
the first time i every drank beetroot juice, I'd never heard about the cardio aspect....then ran on a treadmill for my personal trainer. LOL!! I was sprinting like i did 20+ years ago! Ridiculous stamina and 'airiness'...seemed to have 'more oxygen' in my lungs.
@@Couchlover47 I'm a marathon runner, and I drink plenty of beet juice for sustained energy. I have an 83 year old relative who has been drinking beet juice for a year now. He chops his own wood on his 5 acre land. I offer to hire someone to chop the wood. He refuses and says this is his exercise. By the way, he isn't on any medication. Keep trsuting BIG PHARMA and leave the Beet Roots to those who appreciate God's medicine.
*Most people who have high blood pressure will need lifelong treatment to help ward off or delay serious health problems brought on by hypertension*. check this for a natural and permanent solution for hypertension
Lol there's no such thing as organic anymore...the Satanic wicked rulers and Monsanto made sure of that.... unless you live on an uncolonized remote island such as North Sentinel Island
as a diabetic I find that it does raise blood sugar when made in a Vitamixer, but cinnamon and sesame seeds blended i seems to help keep it to a minimum.
Juicing has all ways been apart of my life and being vegan makes it much better. My family and friends love to try all my juices beets ginger lemon greens are my favorite. I love going my own food ur food is some much better and the freshly taste of organic is amazing. 😍😍Love life and love the skin you are😍😍 born in
Hello, answer me this, why is it healthier to have the juice and not the whole beet? I would think eating the beet would get all the goods, instead of just the pressed out juice. Why toss out the meat of the beet, it's gotta have healthy benefits to eat. I guess I just don't understand this video. Have an awesome day!
How ironic. My mother and father came from the deep south, were born 1906, poor, father worked 2 jobs and hauled scrap iron on the week-end. One thing we had was a vegetable and fruit garden and LOTs of beets which my mother ate regularly. People with education and means are now discovering what these "unsophisticated" people knew back then. Like the old folk used to say "all teachers don't need degrees".
MrCeora yeah all those doctors that talked shit about Mexican remedies now admit their good for your health so sad for those Mexicans with great personality’s that enhanced their wisdom with
a lot of the diseases we suffer from, like heart disease and tooth decay, were once considered the diseases of the wealthy because they could afford to eat the more processed junk foods and ate much more of it regularly... whereas the poor were left to grow their own foods and ate mostly fresh fruits and veg
Switching to organic produce could help you live longer as well as keeping you healthier and slimmer, . Fruit and vegetables grown without artificial fertilisers have significantly more key nutrients, including vitamin C. As a result, going organic can extend average lifespans, typically by 25 days for men and 17 days for women.
I take to hot large cups, get hot water, put in beet root power, stir. Take some, Magnesium powder, raspberry, lemon flavor. TASTE GREAT. I can put some grated Ginger on the bottom. Been work on keeping my BP steady, 118/76.
I really like your video. Thanks. One small error. At around 3:00 the voice over says "nitric acid" while the text says correctly "nitric oxide". I'm not nit picking, just trying to help as I can tell you care.
My wife always complaints of migraine, joint pains esp. knee and ankle, gets tired fast but she is workaholic. maybe must test, but now we are both drinking lime juice, cinnamon, tumeric warm with honey daily in the morning.
I eat beets a lot recently since discovering the benefits. I try not to eat too much as my blood pressure tends to be a little on the low side. I don't have a juicer, but I prefer 'wholefoods' to juices tbh, despite what the commentator said.
I love beetroot with dandelion and grapefruit juice. I think next I will try beetroot, lemon, parsley, ginger, celery and dandelion juice. Ginger and lemon pretty much make everything delicious.
This is saving my life I had a really bad skin infection and took round of antibiotics and my stomach was completly messed up. I just started doing beet juice once and even twice aday and my stomach is getting better, it doesn't hurt or get crampy. Lovee beet juice. Helps soooo much with energy and building the blood.
Candida Albicans bacteria (yeast, actually) can run rampant after a round of antibiotics, which is when the problems really start for most people. It can be defeated, but it requires vigilance with eliminating the sugar sources yeast thrive upon. Cut those out, eliminate simple carbs altogether, eat only long chain carbs (look for lists) and use raw vegan coconut oil to kill the albicans, along with getting good probiotics from capsule or greek yogurt sources.
davidsirmons going on a high apple diet will do the trick .. In fact any fruit especially red ones like apples , raspberries, strawberries etc .. Mainly raspberries but any fruit will do. Fruits contain antioxidants which inhibit an enzyme yeast need to reproduce and grow and over a period of 3 - 5 days , the the bad bacteria will die off and die and you'll feel run down .A lot of people think that it is the fruit causing these reactions , WRONG ! When yeast die off they emit poisons in the body which makes you feel , fatiqued , run down and you might even experience insomnia but it'll pass once your gut flora recolonizes your gut .. soluble fiber in fruits feed your good bacteria , yeast only feed on decaying dead food not living food... There's molds on bread for a reason its dead an has no protective mechanism to protect it from fungi , yeast or mold . Fruits do ! Fruits will get mold when they start to die off e.g. black bananas etc... Trust me anyone who has digestive troubles do it and you'll see results within a week .
Erik Semambo Can't agree with the fruit idea. It may have an enzyme (which one, exactly?) which inhibits yeast, but the sugar will give them a nice boost you don't want. All sugar, fruit or otherwise, will do this. So enzyme or not, it's best not to do anything which is known to allow them to thrive.
Well ellagic acid to state one of the few which is found mostly in pears , red apples , pomegranates and and all berries . I know this for a fact that it helps tremendously . All this time i've been told to avoid all kinds of sugar which did nothing for me but make me crave a lot of things. It wasn't until I stumbled upon Dr . Robert Morse who advocates that a high raw fruit diet will cure any disease if followed for a period of time . Basically this guys advice made more sense than what the so called " real doctors " advised me to do. I had spent hundreds of dollars on supplements and all that stuff did nothing for me. I spent $30 dollars on a bunch of apples from an organic market and within days ( 3 days ) to be exact I felt strong die off , I felt really tired , I needed more sleep and I also had insomnia for a couple of days but the days after I just felt like I was myself and I took a look at my tounge and the white gunk was retreating so Obviously nature never fails . You go against nature and nature will go against you , its simple as that. I sort of did an experiment to see what would happen if I ate a subway sandwich , well I ate them with no reaction but later that evening BOOOM I had the worst headache went to sleep and woke up with a white tounge all over again . So I'm pretty sure that fruits and veggies is the way to go ..
I think just eating the fresh beet is the better way to go. You get plenty of fresh beet juice -- you'll see what I mean when you cut them as the juice just starts flooding out of them. The fiber is fantastic to physically go through the whole GI tract, which the juice will not do. The juice can also be too potent for many people and stir things up and make people feel nauseas or toxic because too much is being processed too quickly. I eat 1/2 to 1 whole beet sliced up before dinner every night. They are surprisingly tasty and, for some reason, not as 'earthy' as just drinking the juice. (The juice tastes like sweet dirt to me : ) My wife has had major health improvements eating fresh beets daily. Amazing food. God is Great and put some serious medicine in this simple little food.
Wonderful narrator. Very pleasant and articulate voice. I hope you keep him. I love your site. You have so much wonderful information on so many different plants and the videos are great! Thank you.
Plus red beetroot and fermented red beetroot juice are very good for brain blood flow (in certain areas of the brain). Red beetroot is a natural nootropic, in a way. You need to take it before working out and not after, because you need the inflammation that occure within one hour after exercising.
2023 this video was extremely helpful l appreciate I would definitely begin taking beet powder and the beet juice my BP thank you for all the great information.
Great and very detailed video, THANKS It reduce high blood pressure, why should I consult the doctor before taking beet, what might be the risk? Which beets has lover sugar contents, younger or older, small or big beets You don't mention organic/non-organic. Is It dangerous to juice non-organic, or is there a way we can clean non-organic beets
If you lacto-ferment the juice you will get rid of the unhealthy sugar. Just open a few probiotics capsules in the container, blending it is a good idea to spread out the powder. Add a little bit of salt to prevent mold.
I drink beet juice with carrots and pineapple just so it won’t taste so bitter. I no longer feel bloated or tired. Although I don’t do it every week, I skip every other week drinking to much of it can make you ill. But it’s so good for you. Sending lots of of love and healing to all.
Good footnote about Candida. Fought this tooth and nail for about 5 weeks, after having it without understanding the condition for about 1.3 years. Take quality probiotics along with raw fresh garlic a couple times a day, avoid ALL sugars/processed food, and have 3x a day of 1 TABLESPOON of raw organic virgin coconut oil. The MCT's in the coconut oil kill off the Candida, but slowly ramp up on the times per day depending on how severe your candida situation is: the worse the condition, the worse the die-off symptoms will flare up when you begin using coconut oil, so start slowly.
A good bowl of borscht soup with beets, quality beet juice, carrot, purple cabbage, garlic and dill weed makes a great meal in itself and allows the body to maximize absorption of nutrients.
Grape seed extract can do the same thing too. It will clean your spleen-pancreas out and I know that from personal experience. I had a swollen spleen getting worse. I did some research on the web and found out about it went and bought it took four pills twiced a day and the swelling went way down and the pain I started having in my left chest and shoulder went away.
anthony bell Thanks for thAT.Did not know that.GREAT TIP!!!!.It is like when you eat foods high in protein it is good to have vegetables high in Vitamin C with your meal.Helps you absorb all the nutrients better
WARNING: If you are experimenting or thinking about starting a raw Beet Juice Regiment. Start off by consuming very little of the root. Less than half of a whole beet enhanced by a few carrots or spinach leaves. Drinking plain beet juice for the first time can really upset you're stomach because of the beets "Ultra Strong" pungent qualities & should never be consumed alone, especially if you are a beginner. The repercussions on the stomach can be very harsh, as I have found out by experience. Always delude your beet juice with other vegetables & never exceed using more than 1 whole beet, other wise it will make you sick. Start of with a half & slowly work yourself up using a whole beet which is all you need to achieve all the said benefits. You're digestive system will thank you for it.
+super duper Thanks for that tip. Have any of you tried water kefir, milk kefir, fermented veggies, or kombucha? I am doing that now, and it has made all the difference in my digestion and energy levels.
I love the Natalie's & Uncle Matt's brands of organic juices that I can find at Publix and Ever'mans. They are healthy for me. In fact I'm drinking one now made with beets & oranges.
Love this info- another way to help the liver and overall body health is the famous liver flush- lots of you tubes on the subject. I love the warning below on beet juice. I learned the hard way. Drinking too much beet juice caused me to throw up. I think beet juice is very good just realize that it is so strong you need to take it slow at first
The most important ingredient is inorganic nitrate in beets. But not all the beets have high content of inorganic nitrate. May see " how to choose beetroots".
+Alan Heath Hey there Alan. I am relatively new to "beet juicing" as well but I always add beet as one of many things I put in my juice. I love spinach greens, cucumber, granny smith apple, lemon and beet. I make the green juice juice and then juice the beet at the end so I can add as much or as little as I like to sweeten and for the health benefits. Hope that helps. Enjoyed your Rome RV video too.
Another doctor recommended Juice Plus to me some years ago--Fresh Raw Beets are included--I watched this video to see health benefits of beets--must be good for me--see why I'm not hypertensive anymore and my cholesterol problem got blown away. Other raw veggies also, and no flavor to it.
Im not even 30 yet and I have high blood pressure. Ever since I've started drinking beet juice daily my blood pressure has gotten better and I don't heart palpitations like I used to. Beets are a gift from God!
Amen son!
Bryant Michael
do you diagnosed BP? if you have BP then
What medication do you use along the side of beets juice!
Lovetheinfobut the unnecessary irritating music is distracting cannot listen plz stop the music💞
Do the beets help with boners???? I heard they make boners harder.
Make sure the beets are not GMO.
I m consuming from last 6years which has really helped me to reduce and heals my cancer 3rdstage
Niomi R did you do chemo before the beet juice or after? I'd like some help with this please thank you
Please tell me how much beets u juiced ect
There's nothing beets can't do. I lost a leg years ago and it regrew thanks to the beets.
BigBadJerry Rogers maybe it will help grow you a soul
2 weeks ago I began drinking Daily Roots by Boltinghouse Farms, which contains 3 servings of beets among other nutritious root veggies. It tastes horrible, but I feel amazing! I'm a recovering alcoholic with concerns of liver damage. I started consuming beets after researching how healthy they are for liver health and recovery. I'm already starting to lose weight, sleep better, and feel healthier overall.
+Teddy Holmes Keep up the good work Teddy!
EliLove954 Much appreciate! I certainly will
+Teddy Holmes Fight the good fight!
Awesome Teddy!!!
+Teddy Holmes Good for you ! keep up the good work and spread this knowledge :)
Goodstuff.I include 1 whole beet in my green juice and drink it overnight as i work night.I realize i dont drink any coffee when i drink this superfood fruit.Mine include
1.1 whole green apple
2.celery stalks
3.1 whole beet
6.moringa powder
Powerful combo
It's been a revival with me, believe or not I was 1st exposed to beets in elementary school menu,that in radishes.up till 5 years ago there was an inactive gap.but now that I'm much older, I blend a lot of unappealing veggies like, beets, parsley, celery, etc 3 or 4 times a week....just to get it out of the way, is for the living.
Oh for sure.
In Serbia, we eat cooked beets as salad very often during winter time, but nowadays we start eating fresh beet salads. Interesting is that we always add to beets salad horseradish. It is more healthy and refreshing.
Dudes your videos have already lowered my blood pressure and that was not enough for you, you just had to do more, thanks again!
*_I always juice Beets/Lime or Lemon/Celery and Ginger...I love the taste!_*
Wow, that's EXACTLY what I drink.
You're glowing too. Keep doing what you're doing
Same! i also add apple
Thats. Good. For. Health
That sounds like tasty combos
I've always been told from my intelligent grandmother how great beets is for me. Now that she's no longer with us thanks for the reminder! Nice video
Lisa Surles
@Lisa Surles May she rest in peace
Guess she didn't eat enough beets
LOL 🤣🤣🤣 they're beets! They help you live healthier and longer... They don't make you immortal! 🤣🤣🤣
I was diagnoses with a form of lymphoma 2 years ago (cutaneous t-cell lymphoma). I started to juice with almost the exact same juicing recipe, all organic BTW! Beet, celery, apple, carrot, cilantro, parsley, kale, spinach and a bit of ginger root. I juice enough to make about 500ml and start my day with that. I then changed my diet to a whole food plant based like the China Study purports. Viola! Cancer is gone, I lost 40 pounds of fat and have never felt or looked better and I am almost 43. A very wise man once said, "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food".
that's awesome ! :)
I would like to do and say the same thing you accomplished 2 yrs ago. I just turned 64 (Feb 5).
Lose 60 lbs. I know I can do it.
That's worth tons...
thanks for sharing that!
pls help me how do you prepared your juice?
sporto100 3
I juice beet root with apples, string beans and carrots. Then I put in blender with a banana. Comes out very good. Sometimes I add pineapple or peaches as well.
Thank you for your post. I've been adding powdered beets to my smoothies I have daily. Truly a blessing the varieties of superfoods we now have to feed our cells and so our bodies.
Anne Shelley-Smith
What brand of powdered beets please
I mix beet root juice with Pomegranate juice and mascadine grape juice for a n.o. boost. Great for circulation.
I juice beets with carrots, celery, cucumbers and whatever else I bought that week. Throw in a few apples for flavor and I love it.
Awesome info. Just received my 1lb bag of organic beet powder. I'll mix it with my morning shake. Ginger, garlic and lemon juice. My BP was 147/80. I'll see in a week if it works.
Best of health my friend!
did it work?
you get out of life , what you put in ! life always catches up with you ! eat what grows & enjoy life ?
Yup I’ve a nice small garden 5x10 ,This year I’m trying BEETS !
Thank you for sharing the great information. I will plant beet root in the pots. I don't have land. I hope I could have even only 4 square meter. It will help me become a vegetarian, organic.
Unless you have digestive issues
Great video. I do 1x beet 5x carrots 3x stalks celery 3x apples wash well peel carrots if not organic. All in my Breville juicer take a medium glass in morn on empty stomach. Or take lunchtime as a healthy meal. If you juice well you won't be hungry.
Great information. Thank you!
@@geraldparrish1625 Live life healthy & well as our bodies are our temple's & so we must take care of our own health best we can. No one's perfect but try & find a balance that works for you. Go well 👍😊❤
I just made a mixture of juices, including 5 small beets 2 carrots, 2 green apples 2 cups of black grapes, and 4 stalks of celery. This mix was delicious, I have 3 more servings in the freezer.
Question do you think the beets strength was still the same mixing like that
Love it. Thank you. I usually have it mixed with pineapple but today I tried with green apples/carrots and added some ginger. So delicious.
Perfect mix 🌱 try adding Hawaiian SPIRULINA 💚🗝️💚
I add 1/2 lemon too and it’s delicious
I started juicing beets with spinach and other green veggies and my cholesterol levels went down more or less straight away: As a separate point about another issue that readers may find interesting: I started getting severe headaches and eye pains...went to the doctor who gave me co codenal, I also took ibuprofen together but just felt very ill...still having the head and eye I looked back at when the pains started and it was the same time I started using coffee mate....I stopped using it and within a day my pains went...couldn't believe it, so started using coffee mate again and sure enough pain came back!!!! I googled the stuff and was amazed to find coffee mate is pure chemicals.... good vids
+petra finch: If you drink coffee. Always avoid processed concoctions especially "Coffee Mate" If you are on any type of "Raw Juice Regiment". Drink you're coffee black & avoid any store shelved flavor enhancers. Except honey.
WOW. Good for you for doing the research. We all must take charge of our health.
I am gonna start drinking beat juice everyday, I had no idea its that good for You,... Thank You for the info.
i blended 1 beet, some strawberries, some blueberries and pomegranate juice for 5 days and yes it did help on day 2, but by day 4 i was so constipated and my poop was dark red. But it did help my anemia and it did help lower my blood pressure.
We both myself and my wife are taking beat root+ carret juice since a year. We are maintaining good hemoglobin level and BP under control.
***** Good for you!
+Rauf Khan fantastic ! Keep it up Mr.Khan! :)
Do you juice it or do you get it allready juice. Thank you and have a bless day
What kind of juicer do you use? Also do you use organic beets ?
Beet , carrot along with ginger is a good concoction too.
Organic beets are so delicious! ..... Love the recipes ..... oven baked, olive oil, thyme, salt, pepper .... After, add arugula & feta! ......
And for healthy salt options try Himalayan, Celtic, most sea salts and there is a salt from a province in Mexico that some swear by. Always in moderation but these have a higher mineral content.
The green leaves that top fresh bundles of beets are also edible!
I eat beet root salad I a restaurant and I love it and it was great. The taste was good for me. I want to learn how to cook beet root as well. Thanks for the benefits of beet root....
The nice guy in the video just said that the beets lose a lot of value when cooked or steamed. Raw is the way to go
Thank you for making this world a better place.
Thanks for that comment, that was awesome!
I used to drink beet juice but I stop ,my blood pressure went too low ,but I know is a really good for our health
How did you find out your blood pressure went too low?
We have a wonderful health food store where I live that peels and shreds raw beets and carrots and sells them by the pound to top salads or stuff in pita sandwiches. It is sweet, delicious, crunchy and just the right touch to sandwiches, IMO. It saves the peeling and red juice all over the place. They are pricey but beets aren't exactly the cheapest of vegetables anyway and you are paying for quality in your meals. Raw is always best as heat destroys nutrients. But occasionally, I'll roast whole beets with a drizzle of olive oil, sea salt and cracked black pepper. I also eat the tops which are a whole different meal unto themselves. If your local health food store doesn't sell beets raw, cold and shredded, I'd ask them, why not? Thanks for sharing the benefits of beets!
super cleansing juice : whole beets. garlic. whole avocado (with seed). spinach. lemon juice and grapefruit juice. helped me reduce my blood pressure and bad liver .
What do you do with the avocado seed. Do you ground it?
I just throw it in the blender.
But how? My blender's blades are sub-par and a little dull. What is your brand? Also, can you please tell me the benefit of eating the seed?
I have a hamilton beach . you can look up benefits but its mostly fiver and good for you
The 'AMCE SUPREME JUICER' is constructed from all metal components. Do not invest in plastic bogus juicing machines sold at Walmart etc. A reputable health food store will help satisfy your juicing needs + service !
the first time i every drank beetroot juice, I'd never heard about the cardio aspect....then ran on a treadmill for my personal trainer. LOL!! I was sprinting like i did 20+ years ago! Ridiculous stamina and 'airiness'...seemed to have 'more oxygen' in my lungs.
T.H. - Have you ever tried it?
@@Couchlover47 I'm a marathon runner, and I drink plenty of beet juice for sustained energy. I have an 83 year old relative who has been drinking beet juice for a year now. He chops his own wood on his 5 acre land. I offer to hire someone to chop the wood. He refuses and says this is his exercise. By the way, he isn't on any medication. Keep trsuting BIG PHARMA and leave the Beet Roots to those who appreciate God's medicine.
fenugreek = testofen natural testosterone
@@williamosorio1849 Absolutely correct! This is what Big Pharma doesn't want you to know.
That is another benefit. I mix it with pomegranate for a higher up take of nitric oxide.
good to know information for those of you taking blood pressure medication
2 beet roots one blood orange juice extracted mixed with a touch of passion fruit nectar and that's a winner winner juice cleanser
eirik nystrom
*Most people who have high blood pressure will need lifelong treatment to help ward off or delay serious health problems brought on by hypertension*. check this for a natural and permanent solution for hypertension
+Gerald Hxsunter
I have been incorporating beets in my daily diet, it is good for the digestive system.
Make sure your beets are ORGANIC, to decrease the pesticides, and other chemicals that are sprayed on them in farming.
Joan C.
Very true, especially when juicing since the potency is much higher....
Lol there's no such thing as organic anymore...the Satanic wicked rulers and Monsanto made sure of that.... unless you live on an uncolonized remote island such as North Sentinel Island
as a diabetic I find that it does raise blood sugar when made in a Vitamixer, but cinnamon and sesame seeds blended i seems to help keep it to a minimum.
I been drinking beet juice for two three weeks now amazing results i feel better as ever!
Juicing has all ways been apart of my life and being vegan makes it much better. My family and friends love to try all my juices beets ginger lemon greens are my favorite. I love going my own food ur food is some much better and the freshly taste of organic is amazing. 😍😍Love life and love the skin you are😍😍 born in
Hello, answer me this, why is it healthier to have the juice and not the whole beet? I would think eating the beet would get all the goods, instead of just the pressed out juice. Why toss out the meat of the beet, it's gotta have healthy benefits to eat. I guess I just don't understand this video.
Have an awesome day!
How ironic. My mother and father came from the deep south, were born 1906, poor, father worked 2 jobs and hauled scrap iron on the week-end. One thing we had was a vegetable and fruit garden and LOTs of beets which my mother ate regularly. People with education and means are now discovering what these "unsophisticated" people knew back then.
Like the old folk used to say "all teachers don't need degrees".
MrCeora yeah all those doctors that talked shit about Mexican remedies now admit their good for your health so sad for those Mexicans with great personality’s that enhanced their wisdom with
And ur point?
a lot of the diseases we suffer from, like heart disease and tooth decay, were once considered the diseases of the wealthy because they could afford to eat the more processed junk foods and ate much more of it regularly... whereas the poor were left to grow their own foods and ate mostly fresh fruits and veg
I agree, gmother always said, " Beets are good for the blood"...She grew gardens too...She's also still alive...1918...
MrCeora Amen ☺
an excellent presentation that is going to help the people who are lucky to have turn on the program this morning. THANK YOU.
50% beet juice 50% orange juice. Best beverage I've ever had
Try carrot, beet and red apple juiced - Delicious!!!!
Sounds good
@@theredroadeast723 Yep. That's what we do too.
With lemon for conservation
Ive been drinking beet juice for the past 2 weeks now and I must say I am really feeling the benifits
Good for you!
@xxx xxx it's 100% beet juice which I have fermented for a period of time.
Switching to organic produce could help you live longer as well as keeping you healthier and slimmer, .
Fruit and vegetables grown without artificial fertilisers have significantly more key nutrients, including vitamin C.
As a result, going organic can extend average lifespans, typically by 25 days for men and 17 days for women.
25 days? Is that all?
Is that it?
@@janiceharris8999 How accurate is 25 days though?😂
I take to hot large cups, get hot water, put in beet root power, stir. Take some, Magnesium powder, raspberry, lemon flavor. TASTE GREAT. I can put some grated Ginger on the bottom. Been work on keeping my BP steady, 118/76.
Also, get, Hawthorn berries, pills, from, Natures Way. Must say, (berry) on the back label.
I really like your video. Thanks. One small error. At around 3:00 the voice over says "nitric acid" while the text says correctly "nitric oxide". I'm not nit picking, just trying to help as I can tell you care.
Bruh no one cares,and you ARE nit picking
My wife always complaints of migraine, joint pains esp. knee and ankle, gets tired fast but she is workaholic. maybe must test, but now we are both drinking lime juice, cinnamon, tumeric warm with honey daily in the morning.
I eat beets a lot recently since discovering the benefits. I try not to eat too much as my blood pressure tends to be a little on the low side. I don't have a juicer, but I prefer 'wholefoods' to juices tbh, despite what the commentator said.
I love beetroot with dandelion and grapefruit juice. I think next I will try beetroot, lemon, parsley, ginger, celery and dandelion juice. Ginger and lemon pretty much make everything delicious.
Sounds great!
SuperfoodEvolution it was! Even though I didn’t have parsley.
Potent and no side effects of medicine. It's real goooooooood😍😮🎉😍
I do it in the Nutribullet and sometime mix it with our greens, works like a charm.
This is saving my life I had a really bad skin infection and took round of antibiotics and my stomach was completly messed up. I just started doing beet juice once and even twice aday and my stomach is getting better, it doesn't hurt or get crampy. Lovee beet juice. Helps soooo much with energy and building the blood.
Stella Ilyayev That's awesome, thanks for watching!
Candida Albicans bacteria (yeast, actually) can run rampant after a round of antibiotics, which is when the problems really start for most people. It can be defeated, but it requires vigilance with eliminating the sugar sources yeast thrive upon. Cut those out, eliminate simple carbs altogether, eat only long chain carbs (look for lists) and use raw vegan coconut oil to kill the albicans, along with getting good probiotics from capsule or greek yogurt sources.
davidsirmons going on a high apple diet will do the trick .. In fact any fruit especially red ones like apples , raspberries, strawberries etc .. Mainly raspberries but any fruit will do. Fruits contain antioxidants which inhibit an enzyme yeast need to reproduce and grow and over a period of 3 - 5 days , the the bad bacteria will die off and die and you'll feel run down .A lot of people think that it is the fruit causing these reactions , WRONG ! When yeast die off they emit poisons in the body which makes you feel , fatiqued , run down and you might even experience insomnia but it'll pass once your gut flora recolonizes your gut .. soluble fiber in fruits feed your good bacteria , yeast only feed on decaying dead food not living food... There's molds on bread for a reason its dead an has no protective mechanism to protect it from fungi , yeast or mold . Fruits do ! Fruits will get mold when they start to die off e.g. black bananas etc... Trust me anyone who has digestive troubles do it and you'll see results within a week .
Erik Semambo Can't agree with the fruit idea. It may have an enzyme (which one, exactly?) which inhibits yeast, but the sugar will give them a nice boost you don't want. All sugar, fruit or otherwise, will do this. So enzyme or not, it's best not to do anything which is known to allow them to thrive.
Well ellagic acid to state one of the few which is found mostly in pears , red apples , pomegranates and and all berries . I know this for a fact that it helps tremendously . All this time i've been told to avoid all kinds of sugar which did nothing for me but make me crave a lot of things. It wasn't until I stumbled upon Dr . Robert Morse who advocates that a high raw fruit diet will cure any disease if followed for a period of time . Basically this guys advice made more sense than what the so called " real doctors " advised me to do. I had spent hundreds of dollars on supplements and all that stuff did nothing for me. I spent $30 dollars on a bunch of apples from an organic market and within days ( 3 days ) to be exact I felt strong die off , I felt really tired , I needed more sleep and I also had insomnia for a couple of days but the days after I just felt like I was myself and I took a look at my tounge and the white gunk was retreating so Obviously nature never fails . You go against nature and nature will go against you , its simple as that. I sort of did an experiment to see what would happen if I ate a subway sandwich , well I ate them with no reaction but later that evening BOOOM I had the worst headache went to sleep and woke up with a white tounge all over again . So I'm pretty sure that fruits and veggies is the way to go ..
obviously just chiding , the previous comment contains everything negative except beet juice juice which is wonderful , helpful video, thanks !
You can buy Bountiful Beet powder from Walmart. It is really good and has 500 milligrams of potassium per scoop. Very convenient.
my mom use to trick us , pretending that is was cut cranberry sauce , but I ate it anyway to make her happy.
Lol, that's a great way to get you to eat it..go mom
Donna Jacksin
North,south,east,west Atlanta Plug
Very very true. My doctor have lowered my médication since.
That's great!
I think just eating the fresh beet is the better way to go. You get plenty of fresh beet juice -- you'll see what I mean when you cut them as the juice just starts flooding out of them. The fiber is fantastic to physically go through the whole GI tract, which the juice will not do. The juice can also be too potent for many people and stir things up and make people feel nauseas or toxic because too much is being processed too quickly. I eat 1/2 to 1 whole beet sliced up before dinner every night. They are surprisingly tasty and, for some reason, not as 'earthy' as just drinking the juice. (The juice tastes like sweet dirt to me : )
My wife has had major health improvements eating fresh beets daily. Amazing food. God is Great and put some serious medicine in this simple little food.
The research shows that nitrate content of freshly juiced beets is very low. Time is needed.
can we eat raw beet root?
Sure. It's used for salads, among other things.
Sure. Just like eating a raw carrot.
Nicolas Martin by
Wonderful narrator. Very pleasant and articulate voice. I hope you keep him. I love your site. You have so much wonderful information on so many different plants and the videos are great! Thank you.
As the narrator I have to tell you I really appreciate that comment. It's harder than it looks!
Thanks for this great information -- I planted some seeds in the Fall, will have lots of beets this Spring.
Ronnie Mead That's so awesome!
Yes I love beetroot eat one every morning for breakfast and I feel good about it thank you
Plus red beetroot and fermented red beetroot juice are very good for brain blood flow (in certain areas of the brain). Red beetroot is a natural nootropic, in a way.
You need to take it before working out and not after, because you need the inflammation that occure within one hour after exercising.
2023 this video was extremely helpful l appreciate I would definitely begin taking beet powder and the beet juice my BP thank you for all the great information.
Great and very detailed video, THANKS
It reduce high blood pressure, why should I consult the doctor before taking beet, what might be the risk?
Which beets has lover sugar contents, younger or older, small or big beets
You don't mention organic/non-organic.
Is It dangerous to juice non-organic, or is there a way we can clean non-organic beets
I will be drinking beetroot juice from now on. Thank you for this excellent and informative video. Love you guys!
Love living my life using superfoods in my diet
Wouldn't be the same without them...
I like pickled Beets on occasion I do drink the juice,it gives you pure energy.....
you guys are doing a great job. to the point, focused and increadibly informative. I feel already better by just listening to your channel. Thanks
Beets are gift from heaven
malikah hamilton I Will try this. Thank you!
malikah hamilton Water melon, due to its high content in water, should bev consumed separately from any other food.
I will have to try this combo...sounds good!
If you lacto-ferment the juice you will get rid of the unhealthy sugar. Just open a few probiotics capsules in the container, blending it is a good idea to spread out the powder. Add a little bit of salt to prevent mold.
I drink beet juice with carrots and pineapple just so it won’t taste so bitter. I no longer feel bloated or tired. Although I don’t do it every week, I skip every other week drinking to much of it can make you ill. But it’s so good for you. Sending lots of of love and healing to all.
Good footnote about Candida. Fought this tooth and nail for about 5 weeks, after having it without understanding the condition for about 1.3 years. Take quality probiotics along with raw fresh garlic a couple times a day, avoid ALL sugars/processed food, and have 3x a day of 1 TABLESPOON of raw organic virgin coconut oil. The MCT's in the coconut oil kill off the Candida, but slowly ramp up on the times per day depending on how severe your candida situation is: the worse the condition, the worse the die-off symptoms will flare up when you begin using coconut oil, so start slowly.
+davidsirmons use MMS for candida...
+Martha Schlender Sorry, MMS is shown to not do much for candida. Coconut oil, quality probiotics, and raw fresh garlic worked like a charm.
Thank you! Excellent video! I started using red beet juice regularly and it is part of my diet now. I am feeling more energy already!
God bless you for sharing, but what about the leave ?
A good bowl of borscht soup with beets, quality beet juice, carrot, purple cabbage, garlic and dill weed makes a great meal in itself and allows the body to maximize absorption of nutrients.
That sounds delish!
All of this sounds great. I will incorporate much of what I’ve learned.
I have mixed Wheatgrass powder, Citrulline, and Beetroot juice and drink daily. BP is thanking me for it.
That's hard-core!
@@SuperfoodEvolution Nahh, that's 'tryin' to stay alive'. I would say 180/95 down to 137/85 would make me take notice, wouldn't you?
Grape seed extract can do the same thing too. It will clean your spleen-pancreas out and I know that from personal experience. I had a swollen spleen getting worse. I did some research on the web and found out about it went and bought it took four pills twiced a day and the swelling went way down and the pain I started having in my left chest and shoulder went away.
I add beet , carrot and apple each in equal quantity ,it taste good and very good to increase haemoglobin.
Thank you very much for posting such an informative video.
Just a note thanking you for all the excellent advice and guidance shown here. Thanks you!
carrots, beets, sellery, in the juicer, feel the energy!
I also add turnips and all the greens of course...
Very very good information. I'm taking it in juice every day before I'm going to the gym in the morning.
I love beet juice makes my muscle mass increase before and after working out
Hogan Mgtow its really work?
Galaxia King thnkyu
For sure. I feel a pump after drinking beet juice. My vascularity goes up considerably, and my veins pop out more.
@@wille7319 how muchbeet juice?
incorectulpolitic I eat raw beats. So about one does thw job for me. Buy Organic ones.
Thanks you for sharing the benifits of Beets root.. Ofw Bahrain I'm from Philippines
A little tip: adding raw coconut oil to your juices will help your body absorb the nutrients better.
and slow down the uptake of its sugar (?) a good thing..
anthony bell Thanks for thAT.Did not know that.GREAT TIP!!!!.It is like when you eat foods high in protein it is good to have vegetables high in Vitamin C with your meal.Helps you absorb all the nutrients better
anthony bell Can I use extra virgin olive oil as well?
thanks for the tip on coconut oil to adding to juices.Did not know it helps to absorb the nutrients better
+anthony bell Vitamin A, D, E and K are fat soluble that means you need some amount of fat to absorb it. Vitamin B and C is water soluble.
A great presentation on the awesome, vast array of health benefits of beet juice. Thanks!
Reid Bounsall - Toronto, Ontario
WARNING: If you are experimenting or thinking about starting a raw Beet Juice Regiment. Start off by consuming very little of the root. Less than half of a whole beet enhanced by a few carrots or spinach leaves. Drinking plain beet juice for the first time can really upset you're stomach because of the beets "Ultra Strong" pungent qualities & should never be consumed alone, especially if you are a beginner. The repercussions on the stomach can be very harsh, as I have found out by experience. Always delude your beet juice with other vegetables & never exceed using more than 1 whole beet, other wise it will make you sick. Start of with a half & slowly work yourself up using a whole beet which is all you need to achieve all the said benefits. You're digestive system will thank you for it.
+super duper I believe you.
+super duper I'm a beginner, THANKS
+super duper It's decent advice but I don't experience any ills from beet juice even after two glasses with only beet juice.
+super duper Thanks for that tip. Have any of you tried water kefir, milk kefir, fermented veggies, or kombucha? I am doing that now, and it has made all the difference in my digestion and energy levels.
+super duper I eat raw 4 kilos in 4 days , nothing happened yet lol. PS : I feel great btw
I certainly will try this
Love them and their leaves in my daily Vitamix juice blend. They have slight earthy taste but easy to get used to.
I love the Natalie's & Uncle Matt's brands of organic juices that I can find at Publix and Ever'mans. They are healthy for me. In fact I'm drinking one now made with beets & oranges.
Awesome, Informative and Powerful, thnx so much
This video is highly informative. It may easily change your life, for the better. Thanks to the producer of the video.
I love beetroot juice. Have a glass every morning with my breakfast before work.
This channel is the best great info and very clearly understood
Love this info- another way to help the liver and overall body health is the famous liver flush- lots of you tubes on the subject. I love the warning below on beet juice. I learned the hard way. Drinking too much beet juice caused me to throw up. I think beet juice is very good just realize that it is so strong you need to take it slow at first
It makes me sleep way better and I fall sleep faster after I consume .. and my skin is glowing
I happened to be drinking beet juice while watching this video.😅
Are you looking to breed?
I am also attempting to make my own beet juice - results are not like they seem in this film but I am working on it!
The most important ingredient is inorganic nitrate in beets. But not all the beets have high content of inorganic nitrate. May see " how to choose beetroots".
dietaryno beetroot juice powder I don't think that I have that much of a choice!
The regular grocery red beets half pound will have enough inorganic nitrate for a daily supplement.
dietaryno beetroot juice powder OK if you were referring to the raw product.
+Alan Heath Hey there Alan. I am relatively new to "beet juicing" as well but I always add beet as one of many things I put in my juice. I love spinach greens, cucumber, granny smith apple, lemon and beet. I make the green juice juice and then juice the beet at the end so I can add as much or as little as I like to sweeten and for the health benefits. Hope that helps. Enjoyed your Rome RV video too.
Blender broke today so I just ate two like an apple
Another doctor recommended Juice Plus to me some years ago--Fresh Raw Beets are included--I watched this video to see health benefits of beets--must be good for me--see why I'm not hypertensive anymore and my cholesterol problem got blown away. Other raw veggies also, and no flavor to it.
Thank you
Very informative. Thanks!
Thanks a lot for this informative video! I am on Day 32 of 100 Day Juice Fast and videos like this one helps me to stay on track.