As much as I enjoy videos like this I have to ask, "what kind of job opportunities and careers does a MA in Humanities lead to? My son wants to be an architect. Does Ralston have an architecture program?
Thus you believe in meritocracy, which is the foundation for a successful society. Unfortunately, the left is so entrenched in group identity that meritocracy cannot be.
@JAldwin I doubt his teachers think we need more male nurses for the same reasons you propose; because "some patients may react better to a male" or because "a male can better manage a display of aggression", which by the way is your own unquantified anecdotal experience that applies to a narrow spectrum of the total roles nurses occupy within healthcare, not to mention that a feminine or non confrontational way of dealing with a crisis may be more effective and desireable in most circumstances. Anyway His teachers most likely think we need to somehow find more male nurses for the sake of an "equality" that can be achieved only if men and women are identical in every possible way. It is that dogmatic view they are trying to bring into manifestation, their concern is not any possible practical applications.
@@Zoomo2697 Given the fact that they were friends I guess you could say that :> Chesterton though has a reserved spot within hearts people of Poland as he was a hearty advertiser of our independence and wrote beautiful things about our nation. “I can certainly claim to have been from the first a partisan of the Polish ideal, even when my sympathy was mainly an instinct. (…) It was almost entirely founded on the denunciations of Poland, which were by no means rare. I judged the Poles by their enemies. And I found it was an almost unfailing-truth that their enemies were the enemies of magnanimity and manhood. If a man loved slavery, if he loved usury, if he loved terrorism and all the trampled mire of materialistic politics, I have always found that he added to these affections the passion of a hatred of Poland. She could be judged in the light of that hatred; and the judgment has proved to be right.” He stole my heart with this.
Man when Jordan Peterson lectures it feels like he's actually trying to help YOU and at the same time opening up to you. It actually feels like he's right there down in the trenches with you. Like a damn teammate that has your back.
@@stacypastry2440 maybe you have some previous experience here with @Michael Weber. Otherwise,.making sense of labeling that comment as trolling does not really make sense.
I've three sons. My hope, is that by the time they reach my age, they like nothing better than to listen to this, and nod 'yes, this is educational, and I'm glad I stuck at it'. Jordan, you are priceless
I hope it's going well. Teach wisdom. Do the male bonding thing, and take them out into the "wilderness" for awhile. With a guide, or group if you must. Make sure they have some kind of boy into man initiation.
Jordan Peterson is one of my favorite people in the planet. That being said, I was impressed with Heather MacDonald who I did not know of before this video. Refreshing to see such open intellectual discussion. I wish that I had had access to this type of information and educational discussions when I was younger.
Joshua McNellis hello Joshua, yes I really like Heather. I came across her first when she was interviewed by John Anderson from Australia. You could watch that and others on you tube. Stimulating and interesting.
@@ryanboshell6124 - Apparently you've not heard Ben Shapiro. He's very conservative and quite strong in his Jewish beliefs, although he does not force or even ask his listeners to follow his religious beliefs. Grant, his latest book, "The Right Side of History," is well researched and heavily foot noted. I think you'll enjoy a very good background in Western Civ and just where the many conservatives received their education.
@Andris Falks 1 - yeah, he said he stopped having symptoms of depression (which he had for like most part of his life) and taking pills, due to carnivore diet. Than his wife got cancer, than he was prescribed with pills to cope with it. If u knew anything about depression this would't come to u as some kind of surprise, "background" depression and depression caused by certain events are vary in their impact on psyche, u know. I don't get what is the problem with this. Elaborate if u wish. 2 - just watched this on JRE, not monthS, but 25 days, which is not better but still. Well he was describing his experience, since it's physically impossible i will presume he slept pretty shitty and restless, so it felt like it, which i find believable. Never before nor after i saw him saying stuff like this. So i'd rather watch it as a slip of the tongue or bad word use rather than straight up lie. 3 - thats just straight made up bullshit and strawman. He said multiple times, and i can give u a link, that if u have some psychological problems, depression for example u should use EVERY little thing u can. He has an entire chapter in his latest book, about taking care of thyself with any means necessary. And yeah - here is the link -видео.html 4 - i will assume that u coming from the spectrum of politics that likes to talk about tolerance and acceptance, correct me if im wrong. But i only seen such things said by this kind of folk. Which makes them hypocritycal af. Man was coping his wife's disease, was on heavy medication causing addiction, got off it and gave an interview where he got emotional. And behold - pack of hyenas dressed in rainbow flags showing their teeth when the man is down. Absolutely fucking disguting. 5 - i don't know much about the situation and i'm not that intimate with US policies to get it right, so elaborate if u wish. So in the summary - one mistake, which is simply not that important or characterizing this far. What should i realize again? U said u can go on and on so please - go on and elaborate points 1 and 5.
I'm a student in the humanities in Norway right now. Here's a rapport of my experience so far: (First a little background, skip this if not interested in my reasons of choice of study). I'm an aspiring painter. So far I've gone through some years of art education and been introduced to the politics and values in contemporary art; the narcissism, the cynicism and deconstruction of every value and truth we've ever had (postmodernism). After a while, I found it hard to accept and sympathise with those values. I basically examined my own reactions to what I saw, and found that I HAD to make art like the art I saw that I felt was meaningful to me. Thus I concluded that I: 1. Wanted to be surrounded by the most brilliant of brilliant artist - our past masters. I want to sympathetically understand their motivations, and learn from them, and carry on those values. 2. Wanted to be surrounded by like-minded people. People who can examine the past sympathetically, and greatly value the highest achievements of our society as well. So that we could mutually inspire and help each other into it. OK So far I've encountered two bitter, feminist, Marxist professors, and two who are genuinely passionate about the historical period they teach in. When I say "Marxist" I'm not just claiming they are, it literally says on the back of one of the assigned course books that the new "lenses of art history" is marxism, feminism and social critique. My jaw dropped when I read that. I couldn't believe I was actually reading an admittance of radically politically motivated critique of the field. As if a sympathetic or attempt of objective story-telling is futile, or worse: justifying social inequality. The "Marxist" course so far has covered enlightenment and romanticism. In the very first lecture, the professor pointed out multiple times that all artists were "obviously" white men, and generally talked about the period with distaste and sarcasm. She stated that we had to learn that "all art is political". Probably as in "all art signifies power". We are, later on, to have an entire lecture on "gender". I wonder how bad this gets, and I deeply want to say something. I'm just still so bad at speaking and laying out my points orally. Working on that. In the course with non-marxist professors, they have spoken about the art period they teach as beautiful, exciting, and profound. The lectures with them have been extremely inspiring. They are on the medieval period. The professor enthusiastically essentially dramatises his passion for the values they had. He's shown us Christian icons, places of worship, and really shown us in great sympathy their striving for the divine, their emphasis on the inner beauty of the Christian soul as opposed to the flesh and the symbolism they utilized. When I'm in those classes, I sit in awe of their devotion, their skill and knowledge. As one should be when one encounters the greatest things produced through time. In order to UNDERSTAND history and extract and carry on the masterly and valuable things from it, obviously, you have to step into it and view it as if it is yours. Just like Peterson says, read history as the perpetrator. Read history as if it is yours, sympathetically, from all sides. Don't make fun of it, don't criticize the social order as primitive, don't think people were simple back then, don't assume artists where avatars of an oppressive gender class, --don't think you are better--. In order to understand it, we have to embody it, temporarily. Why don't people get this?? The intellectual arrogance of some of these university people is shocking, to me, coming from a humble working-class nowhere in Norway. The spitefulness. I don't get how you can look at a beautiful mythical painting for example and not feel utter respect and seeing in it an attempt to redeem the challenge of life in that work - rather seeing tyrannical social structures and foolish religiosity. The last lectures in the marxism-tainted course have been really demotivating to me. I'm here, in a non-job oriented field of study. I'm paying for it because I feel it will aid me in a meaningful relationship to my craft, and to other people, and in great respect of those who've come before me. Being a carrier of great art IS what I want to do, in this life. I'm starting to doubt the value of this education. I feel the hostility towards white men (which I am). I'm starting to doubt my results will be good because the professors reward attitudes I do not have. I'm surrounded by people who will write essays on "the female as an object for the male artist" and "the inequal representation of female to male artists". And generally, because very few apply to this field, put bluntly - anyone gets in. So to be frank, many of these students actually shouldn't be here. I risk sounding arrogant, but I can tell they aren't the brightest people, and they are totally aimless in their choice of education. I'm really contemplating a lot of things right now. But this is my rapport from a university in Norway. Wish me luck, and good luck to all of you on your life journeys as well.
Julian I thank you for your thoughtful and insightful view. I am grateful that while going thru university during my time politics were not part of our discussions.....we were allowed to have an opinion, left right or centre as long as we could back this opinion up with a good argument. Debate was part of my education in the arts program that I was enrolled in. It wasn’t a perfect era, women were still suppressed to a certain degree...but we were making noise~ not attacks. I feel,for your generation particularly if you’re a white male and even more a white heterosexual male. Best of luck, but don’t back down and don’t let anyone suppress your thoughts. I have told my girls that it’s okay to take yourself out of a lecture if you don’t agree with the ideologies being discussed in class. If more students walked out of lectures then the professor would have no one to lecture to. But this takes courage and am told that the majority of students lean left and are aggressive towards those who disagree.
sounds to me like you have 2 choices, either you shut up and keep your head down, submit to your Marxist professors, if only to pass the class. OR you drop out. No offence but I honestly don't think you need a college degree to be a painter, and I'm in the arts as well. Then again, that's my personal opinion. That one professor who is really enthusiastic and passionate about art history, perhaps you should email them. Ask them periodically for a suggested reading list. Go out into your community and seek out artist already out there painting and "pick at their brain" ask them questions. Here in the U.S., specifically Texas, once every month we have a day where artists get together to show their artwork, It pulls in thousands of the public. Here all the arts are interconnected, if you know a potter they might know a jeweler who knows a sculptor who knows a painter, ect., ect. It's built a community/network of artists of all kinds. Perhaps that may be the case in your Norwegian college town/city. You just have to find it!!
@@shelbycarr4682 Thanks for the advice! I do have an extensive network in my tiny home town, and Norway is basically the population of 1/6th of Texas, so you can imagine everything is very tight-knit. I left that place because I basically knew everyone there, and few of them were my age. A large reason I moved here to study was to build new connections and find poeple who were more like-minded. But so far I've found few. I'm very introverted as well, haha. I also partly moved away because of a failed romantic relationship back home that I was constantly reminded of because she was basically the centre of my network. I needed to go out and kind of build my own identity and independence-kind of thing. But in terms of actual education and working towards a career that was a smaller priority. My experience has always been that the social bonds you tie are more important in life, also in terms of a career. I have no dream of commercial success. I have dreams about meaningful relationships and truth in my art. So that was what I hoped I could start to pursue here. I'm really thinking about what to do. What I feel is right. Sorry for the long reply, but writing this out felt good.
@@fromeveryting29 lol yeah we've got a saying here, "everything's bigger in Texas" and it's pretty much true. But I imagine there is an artistic community much the same as the one you left in the new city you're in now. And while having people your own age is nice , but the old sages of the artist community have a lot to offer. Hell, large majority of my own artist friends are 20 or more years older than I am, which is also a good thing if you're an introvert. So am I btw. But the older crowd of artist genuinely don't care if you aren't chatty and aren't going to pressure you on late night trips on the town when you just want to go home and crawl into bed. lol they often have to be in bed before the sun goes down anyhow! lol.
"The reigning assumption of academic policies is that gonads and melanin are the most important things about a human being.." Bravo Dr. Heather McDonald! No truer words spoken! I am definitely buying your books! 👏👏👏
Even though I’ve a basic education I can actually understand a large amount of what Jordan speaks of and he is brilliant and refreshing and I thank him from the bottom of my heart because he has awoken in me a hunger for truth and knowledge…..bless you Jordan.
Guitarwrist, Ah ha, so you are one the "Woke" huh. I've never actually seen the writing, speech making, or identification with being "Woke." Not very contraversial comment but please tell from your point of view what the "Woke" are advocating.
There are different types of intellectual education. There is formal education as manifested by university degrees certifying various levels of educational achievement. There is informal education as manifested by a desire for understanding the world around us. Of the two types outlined above, it is the self motivated inquiry for higher understanding that provides the best education. Formal education provides the basic structure and vocabulary that would allow you to achieve a higher understanding of the world around you but if you don't take the initiative to apply those skills in real life then it is a waste of time and money. The main goal of higher education is to establish the common conventions that govern our interactions in business and politics. The arguments that occur in intellectual contexts are battles between different visions for human interactions, the clash between different ideals that want to establish their understanding as our standard convention. Passion for dominance of your chosen philosophy, the core of your self identity, means that diversity of understanding is not something that is encouraged in this environment, hence the ferocity that these intellectual arguments engender. It is the self educated, those who take the time to investigate their real world in their real world context, who ultimately wind up with the depth and balance needed to be able to deal effectively with their real world issues. Yes, they are unguided by higher authorities. That is, in fact, the reason why self education is the higher form of education. The main pitfall for the self educated is when the those seeking a higher understanding get sucked into manipulative propaganda spewing extremists, seeking their truth there. A true self seeker, however, would soon realize the problems of blindly following anybody without questioning their background and motivations. Asking piercing questions is the hallmark of self education. Sadly that is not so much the case with those who received a formal education but didn't carry forward on their mission to remain perpetually curious about their world. I've seen entirely too many educated idiots, declaring their authority by virtue of the schools they attended and the degrees that they possess. One of the surest signs of self declared authority is the extensive use of labels to describe real people, particularly political labeling. Identifying people by categories and labeling those categories allows the speaker to summarily dismiss those people. It's a cheap shot but sadly occurs all too often with highly "educated" people. I heard a great deal of labeling in this discussion that I find very disturbing. "Leftist culture on campuses"..., "conservatives fighting against liberal biases"..., hmmm. These people are living in their isolated academic cocoons. Real world people are far more complex than labels.
I love this man, listening to him stopped me from being vengeful towards an irritating relative. JP made me a better person. I pray for him and his family everyday at 6:30 pm California time.
Totally speechless and in such awe at the mastery of these two great thinkers. My dearest Jordan Peterson finally had an exchange, a true conversation with another fascinating and highly knowledgeable individual, Heather Mac Donald. My hat off to both!
i agree with her but most times i dont like her arguments, its mostly sorta all based on logical speculations which is good but they arent facts or even derived from some facts, so she's really opening herself up for some devastating counter
Jordan Peterson is like John Coltrane! an indefatigable fountain of ideas and mental stamina so he can just keep going and connect everything Non-Stop! Jordan Peterson is the best!
I can't believe you actually like that disgusting animal. He's such a despicable human being. And on top of that he's an idiot. I don't know what's worse, the fact that he confesses to being a Christian conservative, Would have voted for Donald Trump, thinks ancient civilizations had knowledge of DNA because of their drawings of intertwining snakes, Says that it's absolutely impossible to quit smoking without Supernatural intervention, Etc. He certainly is a master when it comes to using psychobabble and meaningless catchphrases..
@Arthur Nowr , What makes you think I'm trying to win an argument? If I were trying To make an argument and win, I wouldn't start off with subjective opinions. I would start with the facts, like how he is a liar and a hypocrite. That's a matter of public record. Then I would build on that to show what kind of human being He really is. It really is amazing how easily people can be conned. Why do you assume that? I'm a bitter leftist? Is it because there's a distinct pattern of Jordan Peterson appealing to the alt right? Why do you think that is? :-)
What A privilege to witness this conversation. 2 Amazing examples of what can be extracted from a Higher education …when your “Higher purpose” is the guiding light. Unbelievably eloquent and enthralling . Such Joy. The Crème de la creme! Thank you Stephan
Thank you Dr Joran Peterson and Heather Macdonald , for INSPIRING , ENTHUSIASTIC , AND FREE CONVERSATION !!! You are an inspiration , to us all ! From an appreciative Canadian , FOR FREE SPEECH !
Yeah in the same way that some insane people have passionate love for others. He speaks nonsense and seems unwell these days. I prefer his earlier videos, much more analytical and less emotional. To each their own I suppose. Hope he gets better.
Bean Legume I’d counter that he is right for a certain type of person while for others the value of his words and wisdom are not worth investing the time since they know already or can better spend their time working on another personal project.
This is amazing. I can't even articulate how thought provoking this is. A conversation about life and improvement and how education assists in the pursuit of that at the highest possible level. I love how Jordan lays out what is fundamental in life and how Heather provides nuance and clarity into those concepts.
Thoughts and prayers to Dr Peterson as he faces his health issues today. You can see within him the exhaustion of the fight he refers to in this presentation.
Absolutely brilliant. Jordan tends to think abstractly, but I truly loved the way Heather honed in on more mundane aspects and specific examples. I tip my hat to whoever thought of putting these 2 together.
I'm so glad that we (average people) have a chance to listen to individuals like Peterson or Mac Donald. Previous generations had individuals like them (highly intelligent and wise) but not many had a chance to be exposed to their words and message on a regular basis (as we do now).
I am nearly 70 years old. For decades I have been trying to put a finger on why is it that my university education in the 70's has proven such a waste. Thank you Dr. Peterson for proving that one can teach an old dog new tricks.
@@proudatheist2042 I don't know what he studied, but I did a Art/Humanities degree. I was very aware I was doing it for interest, and fun. I already had a profession at the time. From the god awful stuff I am hearing now, I am soooo glad I went when great art, and literature (created by white guys) was still appreciated. I was in a super liberal area too. Free speech, debate, discussion was so encouraged. Thank goodness.
It obvious the Jordan is attempting to scratch the surface on the connection of our divine authority and that he deeply appreciates the influence of our creator. Whether he knows it or not, he's getting to the crucks of it. I truly believe the spirit is drawing him. Truly amazing to see someone on there journey, bless you sir!
This man is a beautiful human and I wish his exposure on everyone. I say this with love, but this man is certainly close to a type of insanity that can only occur under such complexity of thought. Through his inner dialogue he has perfected his way in which he delivers ideas that he has let evolve within his head against a constant barrage of scrutiny in order to build its credibility and understandability. To develop such complex thought and to then allow others into that through understandable and decipherable dialogue is a work of art comparable to the great painters, filmmakers, you name it. But to have this type of brain comes from years of development and there is certainly a type of assault on your sanity to be so capable of it at more or less all times of day. This all rings true with his first answer. To answer a relatively straightforward question with such complexity, especially in the light of his collegues brevity, he is showing a sense of passion that can often be taken as insanity, or conspiracy, and to have such a positive passionate intellectual role model is therapeutic for todays society. I am very glad this man has been able to manifest such brain activity in such a way that he does.
I think his zeal and passion gets the best of him. He so wants to help people that his emotions get in the way and he has trouble sticking to the point. But he has much to add to the dialogue. I appreciate him very much.
@penguins inadiorama for sure. There is Nothing wrong about her response, nor is it poorly thought out. It's just an observation of Petersons train of thought.
@penguins inadiorama facts are not really "facts". They are really agreed upon perspectives. If you make certain assumptions of agreed upon perspectives you can communicate with incredible brevity. However, this assumption can often be erroneous where you and the other party THINK there is agreement but there is actually some fundamental difference. JBP is often verbose because instead of assuming these things, he tries to explain it by taking you on a journey and lets you see what he sees and leaves it up to you to come to your own conclusions after seeing his perspective. Its one of his qualities really.
At first, I prejudiced Heather as a faux intellectual due to her scholarly vernacular. Boy, was I wrong. She's f***ing brilliant. This conversation was as enriching as it was refreshing and reassuring. Please tell me there are more profs out there that are currently young and teaching who think like these two 🙏🙏
Hello Jordan. Yes, there are. I am nowhere near their excellence, but I am a young professor who believes that the search for the truth should be open to all and that logical thought is actually essential. I too am inspired by their speeches.... and I don't teach Western thought!
@@lillianlake1111 Yaaaaaay! Sermo Liber Vita Ipsa. I also think every student should have at least one year of Latin class under their belt. And go to a midnight Latin mass at least once, even if not Catholic. Beautiful in my book. I like Roger Scruton since he was very right on about beauty. Check out his videos on beauty. My fave is, "Why Beauty Matters". "The True, the Good, and the Beautiful" is one of his major ones. Have fun teaching!
One of the best conversations I’ve ever listened to between JP and someone else. Never heard of Heather but loved hearing her thoughts - I’d like to hear more!
She's had her finger on this button for years. Classically cultured to the core and I love hearing her speak. Imagine her recently merging with the homeless of San Francisco to better understand the crisis! You might also like Lionel Shriver's appearance on Triggernometry podcast.
Heather is the female version of JP in my opinion..they are different but both care for knowledge. Love them both...and as a woman I wish more female like her in the future.👍
i understand this comment section is an echo chamber for fans of jordan peterson, but this was an excellent conversation between two highly educated people. the more i watch jordan peterson, and dont have to pause to decipher his rhetoric, im absolutely moved by his passion for what he talks about. jordan peterson is a true educator and one of the most outstanding minds of this generation. thank you so much for making speeches like these available for the public to view.
"Professors... who are Cain-like in their envy of genuine greatness, and they've gone from critics who admired the literary canon to those who are resentful for their own inability to contribute to it, and they are perfectly motivated to tear it down." And the hits just keep on hittin'!!!!
I love how Jordan when asked to give an opening diagnosis of the problem facing higher education, launches himself into explaining the organizing principle of perception and ground of all being. 😂😂
Yes. That was pretty off the wall. I like JP but I do worry that he doesn't have always have both feet on the ground; now of course we have all the health issues since this april discussion. Good luck JP.
MacDonald nearly made me cry from joy and faith in humanity at the end when she talked about the works that moved her. What a terrific drive, mind, sensibility and strength of awareness she has. Thank you very much for what you said in this conversation, MacDonald.
Thankyou, all 3 of you! Love to see Mr Peterson again. i was lost..Mr. Peterson your words, story and all the people you have spoken too, good and bad, I have learned alot... more then I even know..and I have no way to thankyou, other then to say..Thankyou, you and your family.
Ralston College , thank you for the upload. But please let us know the date of recording. I think that information is always valuable. I gathered from comments it's probably old.. Especially since we are all (I assume at least it's not just me) waiting for new videos with Jordan Peterson and are hoping for good news on his health.
Nicole Digruber I think all videos like this( talks, interviews, discussions), about anything, with anyone, should disclose the date of recording. To many( again, of all types, from woodworking to political science) that I have watched lack this small, but important fact. Many times one can tell, or are given the impression, that they were recorded some time ago, yet the upload date is recent. While the information being disseminated may not be effected in it’s relevance, a timeline can help in giving subtle context.
And his wife, if there is a chance at her recovering from cancer I hope she gets all of the time and help she needs! But I do hope this was recent. According to their daughter, they were in Russia and doing well. And Jordan was working on his new book “12 more rules for life”.
@@StixFerryMan Christopher Hitchens, that guy was too clever. Or, Stephen Fry, he is a fantastic speaker and a great intellectual though he doesn't do nearly enough public speaking. I recommend the iSquared debate on 'Is The Catholic Church A Force For Good?', brilliant debate but especially Fry, he really hits some home runs in there.
Combat critical race theory in your kids' schools. See what's in the curricula and the school library and demand better. Send your kids to classical Christian schools (that's a movement - check it out) or team up with some other parents to home school your kids.
Be their educator as much as possible. Take them to museums, art galleries, plays, classical music concerts, folk music concerts. Watch the old classic, black and white movies with them. Bette Davis, many of them spoke great English. They were all theatre trained back then. As they get older, college lectures, and wilderness travel if you can. Foreign films are amazingly good. Read a great American novel every summer. I can't tell you how delighted I was a few years ago when I walked into an art studio (at an open studio weekend) and saw a girl reading a big fat book. She was twelve and was near done reading, "The Count of Monte Christo". Her parents are very cool.
This was a tremendous talk. Really enjoyed Heather Mac Donald. I think she'd get along with great with Camille Paglia, another intellectual hero of mine. They should talk at a forum like this! Peterson is always at his best, as per usual. Always a pleasure to hear him speak. Blackwood's affinity for Boethius has inspired me to pick up a copy of The Consolation of Philosophy. Really enjoyed this, THANK YOU!
We are the most fortunate people in the world to live in the time of Jordan Peterson ❤ I've also recently discovered Heather MacDonald and really appreciate her honesty and ability to be so forthright.
I am anticipating the opening of Ralston College as I have trust in M. Peterson's discernment, wisdom and awareness. Welcome back, refreshed and wiser.
We who believe in freedom of speech, thought, and expression, are under attack from those who would ban all speech, thought, and expression, contrary to their own.
M J M Yes and we need to unite under that banner no matter what we believe if we are to save this nation. Freedom of speech, thought and expression can be a uniting factor in our country. People who don’t believe in those things are our true enemies.
What gracious beauty from the profound sharings of Jordan Peterson and Heather Mac Donald along with the pointed moderatorship of Stephen Blackwood on a highly relevant topic "Our Cultural Inflection Point of 'What is the "higher" of Higher Education! God is good to have me chance upon this Ralston College endeavor!👏🏽⭐️
This discussion and several discourses on the state of the art in artificial intelligence are the best things I have watched this year. I searched for for Heather MacDonald and discovered Jordan Peterson; made my day. RUclips's search and recommendation algorithm is really amazing.
What great enlightened people Professor Peterson and Heather Mac Donald are for their ability to understand todays people and explain it in a way we can all understand.
@@bikerboy3k oh my god you're right! How could I have been so foolish? Thank you for pointing this out Travis, I shall go sit in a dark room and think about all the decisions in my life that have led me to such a mistake. Thankfully you were here to point out my folly. Enjoy your victory Travis, you have won this round! Perhaps we will meet again one day, then it will be you who is licking the sandals.
@madwtube yeah it seems it isn't. Reddit brought me here under the pretence that it was new. Either way I hadn't watched it before so it was new to me.
@Rocknrolladube oh man where to begin. A good example of what I'm talking about is when you have something to say, but you're in the company of people who do not want to hear it, so you don't speak. This breeds resentment and over time causes a lot of problems in you relationship with those people. I experience this a lot as an American conservative going to school in Canada. What I'm saying is, dont be afraid to speak your mind because if you don't you will begin to hate the people around you. Jordan talks about this a lot in his videos, about truth and its importance in everyday life. I hope I'm explaining this well enough.
Lately, Its been hard...and lonely. It takes a tremendous amount of energy to listen and humble myself to people talk about "issues" who only speak in slogans, platitudes, and, "narratives" that chop the human experience into ever smaller pieces that can't be reconciled because power, privilege, oppression, etc.
@@creationevolution315 couldnt agree more man, it's very hard to talk to these people. But it DOES get easier. I'm much less afraid to speak my mind now then when I started. But there are definitely a lot of people out there who are just not worth the energy, and I there's not much you can do
Heather McDonald holds much more closely to the subject of discussion, is incisive, cogent, pointed, while Jordan Peterson becomes lost in his tangential philosophy, obscures his few points with quotes, hesitates, stammers, and is painful to listen to. That said, he has wholesome intentions and we need his ideas out there.
@@commanderthorkilj.amundsen3426 what is the true meaning of becoming a Child in front of God? As you know, we all gone through and walked through fire of high pressures of life. Beloved, as you know it came with many tears, shortcomings, mistakes, and being denied along the way beloved. Is understanding why? With sincere tears because of the influences around us. Intent Not according to 1st. Love God 2nd. Love thy neighbors as thyself. Results my beloved end up blowing their own trumpets and their own walls comes crushing down beloved. Rather sleep it off. PAINFUL to some. But doesn't have to beloved. Through intense HEAT AND PRESSURES. DIAMONDS ONLY CAN BE MOLDED AND BE MADE. To some able to pick back up their KINGSHIPS and Priesthood of what they have laid aside along the way. And to my beloved sisters their true image, worth, and indeed the spirit of the house. Also know my sister, YESHUA Jesus showed himself unto you 1st. When our blameless 1. Became alive. Before men. Specially, during those days. My beautiful sisters are not viewed how my sisters to be VIEWED. SISTERS LIFT THY HEAD UP. HOSTS AND OWN OF YESHUA JESUS. WILL WIPE THY TEARS. LOVE ALL MY BEAUTIFUL SISTERS.
@@oliverjamito9902 Gee, my comment referenced MacDonald’s cogency and adherence to the topic of discussion, while JP veers off course. Your comments amount to preaching, and are not pertinent here.
@@commanderthorkilj.amundsen3426 by choice humble to wash my neighbors feet. Because I truly love you. The HOSTS of YESHUA Jesus's delight in humility and upholding 1st. Love God 2nd. Love thy neighbors as thyself. What other COMMANDMENTS can be above than these 2? Charity. By becoming a child in front of God. Open to learning from our father God. By choice with delight and sincerity. Is like looking into the mirror. Likewise will be given the same measured beloved. Luv you! Beloved it will be hard to show off to God if God did not provide neighbors! Beloved you are love. YESHUA Jesus attributes is worth defining. God knows through shortcomings, mistakes, shame, nor being denied. Our feet have walked through indeed. The MILEAGE of thy feet is my petition unto God. Worth so much to me. Your life. Father God may my beloved feets be YESHUA Jesus's feet. Life given and life can be abundant. Feet that can't be uprooted nor shaken. Is like tree that can't be uprooted nor shaken. And produces fruits abundance. Specially, true haven for our innocents youngs sons and daughters. Kingdom of God and its righteousness.
I’m constantly in awe and admiration of Jordan Peterson. I’ve watched many of his lectures, followed him on RUclips, and each time I’m profoundly humbled and grateful for his wise words and insight. That was worth the watch! Now I have some books and music I am inspired to read and listen to. ❤
Dear Stephen - as a working class guy all my life, I'm fortunately now in my 70's, having embarked upon a learning quest for some semblance of a classical, liberal education: I'm also fortunate to have the ability and interest to listen to a discussion like this but also understand it, both sides of the semi-divide between Jordan P and Heather Mac. My early takeaway is it is the Job of us who are able - to boil down the best ideas in this discussion and, get them to the average citizen who may never listen to a discussion like this for various reasons, but would in short form both understand and agree with the propositions here for improving education, and learning, even in short form, some of the great quotes and ideas and stories and efforts, that made Western Civilization the freest, safest, most beneficial to mankind in human history. I take notes on some of these that I watch so I can bring ideas to the younger folks I have worked with in construction an all people who show an interest. I intend to put up an informational website and also pass out bullet point papers for people to read or download off the site. A vs I like is "being transformed by the renewing by your mind". Our mind being informed by healthy ideas and then thinking better or healthy thoughts, will transform our behaviors by following our own thinking. That's my early take. I subbed to this channel. As I listen further I'm impressed at both the ideas and Heather's instinct to "spot viciousness" in intent, masked by victimhood rhetoric and actions designed to destroy all that is good in our civilization. Why? I believe it is driven by neo-Marxist ideology and the result of the success of "the Long March Through the Institutions". I realize the activist army may have no knowledge of the power and persistence of this pernicious ideology and how truly evil it is and are quite simply - duped. Somewhere in the upper echelons of these various groups, there is dedicated hatred and hostility towards all that is good and their highest goal is to destroy it and establish their perceived vision of an impossibly good (utopian) society in its place. I'll stop here. I'll examine the college and perhaps contact soon. Thanks for hosting these two great people.
I always take the intersectionality conversation w people and tell them not to stop, keep dividing, eventually you'll get to where you should've began, the individual.
@Kyle Rook We would be better off if diversity was viewed on an intrinsic level, as you said it's only in terms of looks, gender, and sexual orientation which is a shame, because the real diversity of us as individuals is exactly as you said ideas, creativity, and application. it's more about the mind and our intrinsic state than the color we dyed our hair on a given day etc. That form of diversity comes from a shallow place.
I mostly agree, but I wouldn't take that for granted; we would need to be careful with that concept as well (although it would probably be a better idea to deal with than its current opposite..)
Not often does a conversation of such relevance to current events occur. Those things that worry and perplex fair minded people are brought into focus by Jordan and McDonald. A huge debt of gratitude is owed to Ralston College, for bringing these giant minds together. Thank You
This is what true discourse and discussion in any setting-but particularly in academa-was always meant to be. Note the profound respect with which Heather MacDonald offered a disagreement, or addition, to what Jordan Peterson said. And Stephen Blackwood did a beautiful job presenting them etc.
@Drew Hong : She is first and foremost an intelligent, educated human being. Feminist? What I saw was merit in the capability, the codependency of the individual, not a competition or rights of any group. Not sure what feminism is anymore, as it seems to have morphed into denigration of men, and woman's claim of victim-hood, and woman's choice to murder a separate being as her right, as that being is carried in her body. It took me sometime to think about the scientific fact of separate DNA, therefore not part of a woman's body, the law in regard to murder, ie killing a pregnant woman, you are also charged with killing a baby, yet in the case of abortion it is not considered murder; I came to the conclusion of no matter how inconvenient, it is not ethical to kill another of our species, even in the case of rape, one crime does not justify another committing murder to a separate human being, as the moment of conception, that being has separate DNA. We have let our feelings come before scientific facts. Our feelings have taken precedence over our ethics. Feminist is not a label I would choose to put on anyone, as with all group identities, it involves a number of beliefs one may not subscribe to.
I want to believe it’s recent, but at 1hr 7min. He references the begin of his “12 month tour, which started in January,14 months ago,” and that could mean it’s from this month or it could be from last February. He had year long speaking tours in 2018 and 2019, until his wife was diagnosed with cancer just before Christmas, if I remember correctly.
I have only one word to describe what I've just heard in this exchange, and that is AMAZING!!! Heather MacDonald is truly an intellect, and in the case of Jordan Peterson, it of course goes without saying. Okay, maybe that was many more than one. I am blessed to have come across this exchange.
This was, for me, extraordinary and altogether too brief. Thank you for the outstanding job you have done here with these two bright minds and for the exemplary way in which you led the conversation and especially how you chose to end it. Thank you. You have given flight to my spirit.
Dr. Peterson. I'm praying for your health and strength to return. You have help up a needed light in these dark times. We need you. Thank you for all you have done.
Jordan Peterson is a living example of how understanding the complexities of life doesn't make them any less complex, and knowing how complicated the mind is doesn't make the journey any less difficult. I'm sure I speak for many In wishing him a full recovery.
@@THXx1138 you are right. I have had my own experience with benzo withdrawal, thx to doctors. Ive been on for over 4yrs, cant come off due to seizure activity. Despite being a wellness advocate for natural solutions. (pure eos have helped me slowly reduce by 1mg. Significant) I pray for him and his family, having to endure such suffering.
I would LOVE to hear Heather and Jordan discuss more about power. I think a full discussion on this by them would be fantastic. Also...... it is such a beauty to hear people speak who still use the word 'privilege' in its formerly most common COMPLIMENT and gratitude. Instead of a pithy insult, spat with contempt and ignorance for the benefit of winning cheap points in some argument.
I would hate to be the commentator between the two of these great minds. And bravo to Heather Mac Donald, she held her own sitting next to the great Jordan Peterson. She is very thoughtful and compassionate, I really enjoyed listening to her and I think they complimented each other nicely.
It’s interesting to hear someone agree with Peterson for the first time, it’s a good sign of growth. I can’t wait to hear something new from Jordan because I believe all the youth and adults of today need to hear his wisdom.
Stephen... Let's see if the "youth and adults of today" can put JP's wisdom into practice. Peterson wants to catch today's youth and badger them into helping themselves out of their godawful ruts - much of which involves them pulling themselves up by their bootstraps. Let's see if in five or ten year's time genuine transformative changes have been made to these then former youth. Are all these radical life-altering changes actually possible by will alone? I will be watching!
Even amongst other academic geniuses, Peterson stands out in his clarity and eloquence. He will be remembered alongside those he cites in his speech. A remarkable man. He reminds me of how Abraham Lincoln is portrayed in film. He has everyone on the edge of their seats like no other
What I truly appreciate about Jordan Peterson is that when he speaks with some of like mind, he doesn't settle for the mutual agreement. He most often poses a question about something beyond his current grasp, in hopes that the other person has the answer, or at least can help him reach that next epiphany.
Self-acceptance isn't about self-okayness. It's primarily about acknowledging what you are and being self-supportive. To accept yourself is to have the courage to accept the unacceptable parts of yourself. This is the first step to transmute those unacceptable parts.
Applications for Ralston College's MA in the Humanities for 2023 are now open:
As much as I enjoy videos like this I have to ask, "what kind of job opportunities and careers does a MA in Humanities lead to? My son wants to be an architect. Does Ralston have an architecture program?
I hate when my teachers tell me we need more male nurses. I want to repeat back NO. we just need more GOOD nurses PERIOD.
Thus you believe in meritocracy, which is the foundation for a successful society. Unfortunately, the left is so entrenched in group identity that meritocracy cannot be.
@JAldwin Fair points :)
You shoulda just said it then, right?
@JAldwin I doubt his teachers think we need more male nurses for the same reasons you propose; because "some patients may react better to a male" or because "a male can better manage a display of aggression", which by the way is your own unquantified anecdotal experience that applies to a narrow spectrum of the total roles nurses occupy within healthcare, not to mention that a feminine or non confrontational way of dealing with a crisis may be more effective and desireable in most circumstances.
His teachers most likely think we need to somehow find more male nurses for the sake of an "equality" that can be achieved only if men and women are identical in every possible way. It is that dogmatic view they are trying to bring into manifestation, their concern is not any possible practical applications.
Id go further and say simply encourage men and women to choose for themselves what to do.
“Without education, we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously.”
― G.K. Chesterton
Man, I love GKC! He’a got something great to say about almost everything!
I think Chesterton is one of the greatest poets and thinkers of his time. Of course I'm biased because I'm Polish but still that's what I believe.
@@Zoomo2697 Given the fact that they were friends I guess you could say that :> Chesterton though has a reserved spot within hearts people of Poland as he was a hearty advertiser of our independence and wrote beautiful things about our nation.
“I can certainly claim to have been from the first a partisan of the Polish ideal, even when my sympathy was mainly an instinct. (…) It was almost entirely founded on the denunciations of Poland, which were by no means rare. I judged the Poles by their enemies. And I found it was an almost unfailing-truth that their enemies were the enemies of magnanimity and manhood. If a man loved slavery, if he loved usury, if he loved terrorism and all the trampled mire of materialistic politics, I have always found that he added to these affections the passion of a hatred of Poland. She could be judged in the light of that hatred; and the judgment has proved to be right.”
He stole my heart with this.
Oh wow! Haven’t heard a Chesterton quote in a while.
Love G.K.!!
Man when Jordan Peterson lectures it feels like he's actually trying to help YOU and at the same time opening up to you. It actually feels like he's right there down in the trenches with you. Like a damn teammate that has your back.
You're exactly right. You can hear the pain in his voice. He is not what the left says. He is a very kind caring man
@@stacypastry2440 , Yes he is brilliant but they have to stop him because he won't stop on his own sadly ...
@@michaelweber5702 go troll on Twitter
*😧uhh Thank heavens i found this comment. I could not somehow extract an exact discription why i love listening to JP*
@@stacypastry2440 maybe you have some previous experience here with @Michael Weber. Otherwise,.making sense of labeling that comment as trolling does not really make sense.
Wish Dr. Peterson recovery of his health. The youngsters need him.
How very true, actually we all need him. I love listening to how he thinks. Very rational man
He just needs to clean his room and he'll be alright.
disagree with his politics but he's right that 'cultural appropriation' is nonsense and dangerous.
I'm 40 and I desperately need to hear him. God bless this man.
I've three sons. My hope, is that by the time they reach my age, they like nothing better than to listen to this, and nod 'yes, this is educational, and I'm glad I stuck at it'. Jordan, you are priceless
Teach them earlier mate
I agree, down to many generations, to save our civilization and Christian, ie Catholic soul Bottle or can him? Can't clone JBP unfortunately.
I hope it's going well. Teach wisdom. Do the male bonding thing, and take them out into the "wilderness" for awhile. With a guide, or group if you must.
Make sure they have some kind of boy into man initiation.
Jordan Peterson is one of my favorite people in the planet. That being said, I was impressed with Heather MacDonald who I did not know of before this video. Refreshing to see such open intellectual discussion. I wish that I had had access to this type of information and educational discussions when I was younger.
Heather is a beast one of the top 5 conservative speakers up there with Shapiro
Joshua McNellis hello Joshua, yes I really like Heather. I came across her first when she was interviewed by John Anderson from Australia. You could watch that and others on you tube. Stimulating and interesting.
@@grantsmith6613 Shapiro is joke.
Oh Heather? She's great.
@@ryanboshell6124 - Apparently you've not heard Ben Shapiro. He's very conservative and quite strong in his Jewish beliefs, although he does not force or even ask his listeners to follow his religious beliefs. Grant, his latest book, "The Right Side of History," is well researched and heavily foot noted. I think you'll enjoy a very good background in Western Civ and just where the many conservatives received their education.
JP's back?! Society needs him more than ever.
@Hana Ayo Alemayehu Hi Hana, you really should "listen" to Jordan.
@Ello exactly right
@Hana Ayo Alemayehu don't be nasty, it's not nice to. Be jealous of people smarter than you.....
@Hana Ayo Alemayehu less than 24 hours and JBP has already triggered a snowflake ahaha here's a little violin for your little butt hurt brain 🎻
He certainly hasn't changed one iota of his "schtick". I guess running his grift is distracting him from coming up with anything new.
This starts out so classy I feel like I should put some pants on or something.
I brushed most of the crumbs off my tee shirt.
Uh, so I have to get out of my robe & slippers?
this is a nice one
Muonium: You're not alone!.....and a shirt!?
I'm praying for you're recovery Dr Peterson..You're LOVED by so many people.
Jordan Peterson is truly one of the most caring and passionate people. Many blessings to him and his wife..
I am afraid of cancel culture. I have done bad things.
I am afraid of cancel culture. I have done bad things.
Never tell Jordan to take as long as he wants to answer a question, he deals in truths and will take you at your word. :)
@Andris Falks wtf r u on?
😂😂😂😂😂....good one 👍🏾
@Andris Falks ah. U blame man for taking prescribed medicine, who was coping with his wife's cancer. Got u.
Haha. Brilliant comment Carl. I had the exact same thought. Self editing not always his strong point!
@Andris Falks 1 - yeah, he said he stopped having symptoms of depression (which he had for like most part of his life) and taking pills, due to carnivore diet. Than his wife got cancer, than he was prescribed with pills to cope with it. If u knew anything about depression this would't come to u as some kind of surprise, "background" depression and depression caused by certain events are vary in their impact on psyche, u know. I don't get what is the problem with this. Elaborate if u wish.
2 - just watched this on JRE, not monthS, but 25 days, which is not better but still. Well he was describing his experience, since it's physically impossible i will presume he slept pretty shitty and restless, so it felt like it, which i find believable. Never before nor after i saw him saying stuff like this. So i'd rather watch it as a slip of the tongue or bad word use rather than straight up lie.
3 - thats just straight made up bullshit and strawman. He said multiple times, and i can give u a link, that if u have some psychological problems, depression for example u should use EVERY little thing u can. He has an entire chapter in his latest book, about taking care of thyself with any means necessary. And yeah - here is the link -видео.html
4 - i will assume that u coming from the spectrum of politics that likes to talk about tolerance and acceptance, correct me if im wrong. But i only seen such things said by this kind of folk. Which makes them hypocritycal af. Man was coping his wife's disease, was on heavy medication causing addiction, got off it and gave an interview where he got emotional. And behold - pack of hyenas dressed in rainbow flags showing their teeth when the man is down. Absolutely fucking disguting.
5 - i don't know much about the situation and i'm not that intimate with US policies to get it right, so elaborate if u wish.
So in the summary - one mistake, which is simply not that important or characterizing this far. What should i realize again? U said u can go on and on so please - go on and elaborate points 1 and 5.
I'm a student in the humanities in Norway right now. Here's a rapport of my experience so far:
(First a little background, skip this if not interested in my reasons of choice of study).
I'm an aspiring painter. So far I've gone through some years of art education and been introduced to the politics and values in contemporary art; the narcissism, the cynicism and deconstruction of every value and truth we've ever had (postmodernism). After a while, I found it hard to accept and sympathise with those values. I basically examined my own reactions to what I saw, and found that I HAD to make art like the art I saw that I felt was meaningful to me. Thus I concluded that I:
1. Wanted to be surrounded by the most brilliant of brilliant artist - our past masters. I want to sympathetically understand their motivations, and learn from them, and carry on those values.
2. Wanted to be surrounded by like-minded people. People who can examine the past sympathetically, and greatly value the highest achievements of our society as well. So that we could mutually inspire and help each other into it.
So far I've encountered two bitter, feminist, Marxist professors, and two who are genuinely passionate about the historical period they teach in. When I say "Marxist" I'm not just claiming they are, it literally says on the back of one of the assigned course books that the new "lenses of art history" is marxism, feminism and social critique. My jaw dropped when I read that. I couldn't believe I was actually reading an admittance of radically politically motivated critique of the field. As if a sympathetic or attempt of objective story-telling is futile, or worse: justifying social inequality.
The "Marxist" course so far has covered enlightenment and romanticism. In the very first lecture, the professor pointed out multiple times that all artists were "obviously" white men, and generally talked about the period with distaste and sarcasm. She stated that we had to learn that "all art is political". Probably as in "all art signifies power". We are, later on, to have an entire lecture on "gender". I wonder how bad this gets, and I deeply want to say something. I'm just still so bad at speaking and laying out my points orally. Working on that.
In the course with non-marxist professors, they have spoken about the art period they teach as beautiful, exciting, and profound. The lectures with them have been extremely inspiring. They are on the medieval period. The professor enthusiastically essentially dramatises his passion for the values they had. He's shown us Christian icons, places of worship, and really shown us in great sympathy their striving for the divine, their emphasis on the inner beauty of the Christian soul as opposed to the flesh and the symbolism they utilized. When I'm in those classes, I sit in awe of their devotion, their skill and knowledge. As one should be when one encounters the greatest things produced through time.
In order to UNDERSTAND history and extract and carry on the masterly and valuable things from it, obviously, you have to step into it and view it as if it is yours. Just like Peterson says, read history as the perpetrator. Read history as if it is yours, sympathetically, from all sides. Don't make fun of it, don't criticize the social order as primitive, don't think people were simple back then, don't assume artists where avatars of an oppressive gender class, --don't think you are better--. In order to understand it, we have to embody it, temporarily. Why don't people get this??
The intellectual arrogance of some of these university people is shocking, to me, coming from a humble working-class nowhere in Norway. The spitefulness.
I don't get how you can look at a beautiful mythical painting for example and not feel utter respect and seeing in it an attempt to redeem the challenge of life in that work - rather seeing tyrannical social structures and foolish religiosity.
The last lectures in the marxism-tainted course have been really demotivating to me. I'm here, in a non-job oriented field of study. I'm paying for it because I feel it will aid me in a meaningful relationship to my craft, and to other people, and in great respect of those who've come before me. Being a carrier of great art IS what I want to do, in this life.
I'm starting to doubt the value of this education. I feel the hostility towards white men (which I am). I'm starting to doubt my results will be good because the professors reward attitudes I do not have. I'm surrounded by people who will write essays on "the female as an object for the male artist" and "the inequal representation of female to male artists".
And generally, because very few apply to this field, put bluntly - anyone gets in. So to be frank, many of these students actually shouldn't be here. I risk sounding arrogant, but I can tell they aren't the brightest people, and they are totally aimless in their choice of education.
I'm really contemplating a lot of things right now. But this is my rapport from a university in Norway. Wish me luck, and good luck to all of you on your life journeys as well.
Julian I thank you for your thoughtful and insightful view. I am grateful that while going thru university during my time politics were not part of our discussions.....we were allowed to have an opinion, left right or centre as long as we could back this opinion up with a good argument. Debate was part of my education in the arts program that I was enrolled in. It wasn’t a perfect era, women were still suppressed to a certain degree...but we were making noise~ not attacks. I feel,for your generation particularly if you’re a white male and even more a white heterosexual male. Best of luck, but don’t back down and don’t let anyone suppress your thoughts. I have told my girls that it’s okay to take yourself out of a lecture if you don’t agree with the ideologies being discussed in class. If more students walked out of lectures then the professor would have no one to lecture to. But this takes courage and am told that the majority of students lean left and are aggressive towards those who disagree.
quickie: I have been literally assaulted twice by women in the Berkeley Costco.
sounds to me like you have 2 choices, either you shut up and keep your head down, submit to your Marxist professors, if only to pass the class. OR you drop out. No offence but I honestly don't think you need a college degree to be a painter, and I'm in the arts as well. Then again, that's my personal opinion. That one professor who is really enthusiastic and passionate about art history, perhaps you should email them. Ask them periodically for a suggested reading list. Go out into your community and seek out artist already out there painting and "pick at their brain" ask them questions. Here in the U.S., specifically Texas, once every month we have a day where artists get together to show their artwork, It pulls in thousands of the public. Here all the arts are interconnected, if you know a potter they might know a jeweler who knows a sculptor who knows a painter, ect., ect. It's built a community/network of artists of all kinds. Perhaps that may be the case in your Norwegian college town/city. You just have to find it!!
@@shelbycarr4682 Thanks for the advice! I do have an extensive network in my tiny home town, and Norway is basically the population of 1/6th of Texas, so you can imagine everything is very tight-knit. I left that place because I basically knew everyone there, and few of them were my age. A large reason I moved here to study was to build new connections and find poeple who were more like-minded. But so far I've found few. I'm very introverted as well, haha. I also partly moved away because of a failed romantic relationship back home that I was constantly reminded of because she was basically the centre of my network. I needed to go out and kind of build my own identity and independence-kind of thing. But in terms of actual education and working towards a career that was a smaller priority. My experience has always been that the social bonds you tie are more important in life, also in terms of a career. I have no dream of commercial success. I have dreams about meaningful relationships and truth in my art. So that was what I hoped I could start to pursue here.
I'm really thinking about what to do. What I feel is right.
Sorry for the long reply, but writing this out felt good.
@@fromeveryting29 lol yeah we've got a saying here, "everything's bigger in Texas" and it's pretty much true. But I imagine there is an artistic community much the same as the one you left in the new city you're in now. And while having people your own age is nice , but the old sages of the artist community have a lot to offer. Hell, large majority of my own artist friends are 20 or more years older than I am, which is also a good thing if you're an introvert. So am I btw. But the older crowd of artist genuinely don't care if you aren't chatty and aren't going to pressure you on late night trips on the town when you just want to go home and crawl into bed. lol they often have to be in bed before the sun goes down anyhow! lol.
Thanks to Stephen Blackwood for allowing these two brilliant persons to talk at lenght without interruption. An awesome conversation.
"The reigning assumption of academic policies is that gonads and melanin are the most important things about a human being.." Bravo Dr. Heather McDonald! No truer words spoken! I am definitely buying your books! 👏👏👏
Even though I’ve a basic education I can actually understand a large amount of what Jordan speaks of and he is brilliant and refreshing and I thank him from the bottom of my heart because he has awoken in me a hunger for truth and knowledge…..bless you Jordan.
Guitarwrist, Ah ha, so you are one the "Woke" huh. I've never actually seen the writing, speech making, or identification with being "Woke." Not very contraversial comment but please tell from your point of view what the "Woke" are advocating.
There are different types of intellectual education.
There is formal education as manifested by university degrees certifying various levels of educational achievement. There is informal education as manifested by a desire for understanding the world around us. Of the two types outlined above, it is the self motivated inquiry for higher understanding that provides the best education.
Formal education provides the basic structure and vocabulary that would allow you to achieve a higher understanding of the world around you but if you don't take the initiative to apply those skills in real life then it is a waste of time and money.
The main goal of higher education is to establish the common conventions that govern our interactions in business and politics. The arguments that occur in intellectual contexts are battles between different visions for human interactions, the clash between different ideals that want to establish their understanding as our standard convention. Passion for dominance of your chosen philosophy, the core of your self identity, means that diversity of understanding is not something that is encouraged in this environment, hence the ferocity that these intellectual arguments engender.
It is the self educated, those who take the time to investigate their real world in their real world context, who ultimately wind up with the depth and balance needed to be able to deal effectively with their real world issues. Yes, they are unguided by higher authorities. That is, in fact, the reason why self education is the higher form of education.
The main pitfall for the self educated is when the those seeking a higher understanding get sucked into manipulative propaganda spewing extremists, seeking their truth there. A true self seeker, however, would soon realize the problems of blindly following anybody without questioning their background and motivations. Asking piercing questions is the hallmark of self education.
Sadly that is not so much the case with those who received a formal education but didn't carry forward on their mission to remain perpetually curious about their world.
I've seen entirely too many educated idiots, declaring their authority by virtue of the schools they attended and the degrees that they possess.
One of the surest signs of self declared authority is the extensive use of labels to describe real people, particularly political labeling. Identifying people by categories and labeling those categories allows the speaker to summarily dismiss those people. It's a cheap shot but sadly occurs all too often with highly "educated" people.
I heard a great deal of labeling in this discussion that I find very disturbing. "Leftist culture on campuses"..., "conservatives fighting against liberal biases"..., hmmm. These people are living in their isolated academic cocoons. Real world people are far more complex than labels.
One of the most articulate women I've heard in a while. She really knows how to use thought to language.
use thought to language?
@Muneeb Iqbal hahahaha
Nick Schwaller you idiot, he was specifying who he was talking about. Nobody cares about her biology.
@@interloper3138 Well put.
All vaginas matter.
Just happy to know discussions like these are happening and to have access to them.
Dr. Peterson, sir,
The 90's generation will always remember you as a man that articulated the truth none would take us seriously to speak.
I am afraid of cancel culture. I have done bad things.
@@SvenErik_Lindstrom3 What have you done?
@@alaamaoula2404 yo mom
I love this man, listening to him stopped me from being vengeful towards an irritating relative. JP made me a better person. I pray for him and his family everyday at 6:30 pm California time.
So specific yet so sincere lol.
That's really cool you have a set time to do your prayers.
Very good.
Totally speechless and in such awe at the mastery of these two great thinkers. My dearest Jordan Peterson finally had an exchange, a true conversation with another fascinating and highly knowledgeable individual, Heather Mac Donald. My hat off to both!
Heather is one smart, classy woman.
@@davidprince1138 They will find a way to minimize her or brand her a racist because of her white priviledge dont worry.
I met her at a public speaking in late 2019. Really pleasant and was cool about speaking to people casually after the event
i agree with her but most times i dont like her arguments, its mostly sorta all based on logical speculations which is good but they arent facts or even derived from some facts, so she's really opening herself up for some devastating counter
Total gilf
So grateful this was shared publicly. I would have loved to have been present for this excellent conversation!
Jordan Peterson is like John Coltrane! an indefatigable fountain of ideas and mental stamina so he can just keep going and connect everything Non-Stop! Jordan Peterson is the best!
I can't believe you actually like that disgusting animal. He's such a despicable human being. And on top of that he's an idiot. I don't know what's worse, the fact that he confesses to being a Christian conservative, Would have voted for Donald Trump, thinks ancient civilizations had knowledge of DNA because of their drawings of intertwining snakes, Says that it's absolutely impossible to quit smoking without Supernatural intervention, Etc. He certainly is a master when it comes to using psychobabble and meaningless catchphrases..
@Arthur Nowr , What makes you think I'm trying to win an argument? If I were trying To make an argument and win, I wouldn't start off with subjective opinions. I would start with the facts, like how he is a liar and a hypocrite. That's a matter of public record. Then I would build on that to show what kind of human being He really is. It really is amazing how easily people can be conned. Why do you assume that? I'm a bitter leftist? Is it because there's a distinct pattern of Jordan Peterson appealing to the alt right? Why do you think that is? :-)
Tom Scott happy to see a fellow jazz fan making a great comparison :)
To be fair, a lot of what he said here he's already said before.
He's a wonderful man.
What A privilege to witness this conversation.
2 Amazing examples of what can be extracted from a Higher education …when your “Higher purpose” is the guiding light. Unbelievably eloquent and enthralling . Such Joy. The Crème de la creme! Thank you Stephan
Thank you Dr Joran Peterson and Heather Macdonald , for INSPIRING , ENTHUSIASTIC , AND FREE CONVERSATION !!! You are an inspiration , to us all !
From an appreciative Canadian , FOR FREE SPEECH !
I missed listening to JP. Welcome back chief lobster.
He's not back yet. This talk occurred 10 months ago. It's a reupload unfortunately.
He's currently very ill
He is currently defiantly not recovering from meth!
@@deckofcards87 He's improving, according to a RUclips update by a family member yesterday.
@@AJ-ox8xy wrong saloon partner
Jordan Peterson, a good, sincere man. Truly cares for his fellow man.
Yeah in the same way that some insane people have passionate love for others. He speaks nonsense and seems unwell these days. I prefer his earlier videos, much more analytical and less emotional. To each their own I suppose. Hope he gets better.
Jordan Peterson is the wrong guy to represent masculinity, spirituality, and intellect.
Bean Legume I’d counter that he is right for a certain type of person while for others the value of his words and wisdom are not worth investing the time since they know already or can better spend their time working on another personal project.
I would love for Heather and Jordan to have a livestreamed conversation about anything that comes up. Fresh air comes to mind!
This is amazing. I can't even articulate how thought provoking this is. A conversation about life and improvement and how education assists in the pursuit of that at the highest possible level. I love how Jordan lays out what is fundamental in life and how Heather provides nuance and clarity into those concepts.
Thoughts and prayers to Dr Peterson as he faces his health issues today. You can see within him the exhaustion of the fight he refers to in this presentation.
Welcome back Jordan :)
Ecstatic to listen to you speak again!
Buena Salud!
The description says this conversation took place in april 2019
@madwtube ah alright :)
Absolutely brilliant. Jordan tends to think abstractly, but I truly loved the way Heather honed in on more mundane aspects and specific examples. I tip my hat to whoever thought of putting these 2 together.
Just learned about Jordan Peterson, ran out and bought both books, love his works!! A man most needed at this time in mankind's history !
I'm so glad that we (average people) have a chance to listen to individuals like Peterson or Mac Donald. Previous generations had individuals like them (highly intelligent and wise) but not many had a chance to be exposed to their words and message on a regular basis (as we do now).
Ur hot
I am nearly 70 years old. For decades I have been trying to put a finger on why is it that my university education in the 70's has proven such a waste. Thank you Dr. Peterson for proving that one can teach an old dog new tricks.
That's frightening that you think your university education from that long ago feels like such a waste to you. What did you study?
I love your comment, beyond 70 too, with good university learning but apparently not enough.
@@proudatheist2042 probably psychodelic pharmacuticals? lol
@@proudatheist2042 I don't know what he studied, but I did a Art/Humanities degree.
I was very aware I was doing it for interest, and fun. I already had a profession at the time.
From the god awful stuff I am hearing now, I am soooo glad I went when great art, and literature (created by white guys) was still appreciated. I was in a super liberal area too.
Free speech, debate, discussion was so encouraged. Thank goodness.
I just heard Heather speak for the first time. I’m intrigued and will be learning more from her wisdom. Truly enlightening.
It obvious the Jordan is attempting to scratch the surface on the connection of our divine authority and that he deeply appreciates the influence of our creator. Whether he knows it or not, he's getting to the crucks of it. I truly believe the spirit is drawing him. Truly amazing to see someone on there journey, bless you sir!
Truly incredible discussion. I deeply respect both JP and Heather.
This man is a beautiful human and I wish his exposure on everyone. I say this with love, but this man is certainly close to a type of insanity that can only occur under such complexity of thought. Through his inner dialogue he has perfected his way in which he delivers ideas that he has let evolve within his head against a constant barrage of scrutiny in order to build its credibility and understandability. To develop such complex thought and to then allow others into that through understandable and decipherable dialogue is a work of art comparable to the great painters, filmmakers, you name it. But to have this type of brain comes from years of development and there is certainly a type of assault on your sanity to be so capable of it at more or less all times of day. This all rings true with his first answer. To answer a relatively straightforward question with such complexity, especially in the light of his collegues brevity, he is showing a sense of passion that can often be taken as insanity, or conspiracy, and to have such a positive passionate intellectual role model is therapeutic for todays society. I am very glad this man has been able to manifest such brain activity in such a way that he does.
Well said. A pleasure to read.
I think his zeal and passion gets the best of him. He so wants to help people that his emotions get in the way and he has trouble sticking to the point. But he has much to add to the dialogue. I appreciate him very much.
Yah, he is swimming in the storm but so far alive.
@penguins inadiorama for sure. There is Nothing wrong about her response, nor is it poorly thought out. It's just an observation of Petersons train of thought.
@penguins inadiorama facts are not really "facts". They are really agreed upon perspectives. If you make certain assumptions of agreed upon perspectives you can communicate with incredible brevity. However, this assumption can often be erroneous where you and the other party THINK there is agreement but there is actually some fundamental difference.
JBP is often verbose because instead of assuming these things, he tries to explain it by taking you on a journey and lets you see what he sees and leaves it up to you to come to your own conclusions after seeing his perspective. Its one of his qualities really.
Man what a head trip this turned out to be. A real classic and one of the best interviews I've ever seen.
At first, I prejudiced Heather as a faux intellectual due to her scholarly vernacular. Boy, was I wrong. She's f***ing brilliant. This conversation was as enriching as it was refreshing and reassuring. Please tell me there are more profs out there that are currently young and teaching who think like these two 🙏🙏
Hello Jordan. Yes, there are. I am nowhere near their excellence, but I am a young professor who believes that the search for the truth should be open to all and that logical thought is actually essential. I too am inspired by their speeches.... and I don't teach Western thought!
@@lillianlake1111 that's the right attitude!! ❤️
@@lillianlake1111 Yaaaaaay!
Sermo Liber Vita Ipsa.
I also think every student should have at least one year of Latin class under their belt. And go to a midnight Latin mass at least once, even if not Catholic. Beautiful in my book.
I like Roger Scruton since he was very right on about beauty.
Check out his videos on beauty.
My fave is, "Why Beauty Matters".
"The True, the Good, and the Beautiful" is one of his major ones.
Have fun teaching!
One of the best conversations I’ve ever listened to between JP and someone else. Never heard of Heather but loved hearing her thoughts - I’d like to hear more!
She's had her finger on this button for years. Classically cultured to the core and I love hearing her speak. Imagine her recently merging with the homeless of San Francisco to better understand the crisis! You might also like Lionel Shriver's appearance on Triggernometry podcast.
I am afraid of cancel culture. I have done bad things.
Oh, she's a total gangster...just an awesomely elegant mind.
Heather is the female version of JP in my opinion..they are different but both care for knowledge. Love them both...and as a woman I wish more female like her in the future.👍
Heather and Jordan are two of my favorite people to listen to give lectures.
I do love that Heather pulls no punches, but in a nice way.
I like her. This is a great civil discussion.
The diversity delusion is a great book!
@luca kro just admit, you're dumb.
Here I am 3 years later listening to this and, oh how I miss civil discussion!
i understand this comment section is an echo chamber for fans of jordan peterson, but this was an excellent conversation between two highly educated people. the more i watch jordan peterson, and dont have to pause to decipher his rhetoric, im absolutely moved by his passion for what he talks about. jordan peterson is a true educator and one of the most outstanding minds of this generation.
thank you so much for making speeches like these available for the public to view.
"Professors... who are Cain-like in their envy of genuine greatness, and they've gone from critics who admired the literary canon to those who are resentful for their own inability to contribute to it, and they are perfectly motivated to tear it down."
And the hits just keep on hittin'!!!!
It sums up the university's perfectly.
I love how Jordan when asked to give an opening diagnosis of the problem facing higher education, launches himself into explaining the organizing principle of perception and ground of all being. 😂😂
hes kinda getting to the bottom of things though
Yes. That was pretty off the wall. I like JP but I do worry that he doesn't have always have both feet on the ground; now of course we have all the health issues since this april discussion. Good luck JP.
Accurate diagnosis
A broad question leads to a broad answer.
A simple yes or no will do JP
MacDonald nearly made me cry from joy and faith in humanity at the end when she talked about the works that moved her. What a terrific drive, mind, sensibility and strength of awareness she has. Thank you very much for what you said in this conversation, MacDonald.
Do you all see how much beautiful their faces become when they passionately talk about their specialty subjects?
Yes, the heart is reflected in the face.
It’s so refreshing to see stuff like this.
Its a higher level analysis of society currently but liberals will only see this video and ask “why are there only white people involved”?
Thankyou, all 3 of you! Love to see Mr Peterson again. i was lost..Mr. Peterson your words, story and all the people you have spoken too, good and bad, I have learned alot... more then I even know..and I have no way to thankyou, other then to say..Thankyou, you and your family.
Ralston College , thank you for the upload. But please let us know the date of recording. I think that information is always valuable. I gathered from comments it's probably old..
Especially since we are all (I assume at least it's not just me) waiting for new videos with Jordan Peterson and are hoping for good news on his health.
Well said, I couldn't agree more.
faultroy who would you recommend as a good modern day intellect worthy of listening to?
Nicole Digruber I think all videos like this( talks, interviews, discussions), about anything, with anyone, should disclose the date of recording. To many( again, of all types, from woodworking to political science) that I have watched lack this small, but important fact. Many times one can tell, or are given the impression, that they were recorded some time ago, yet the upload date is recent. While the information being disseminated may not be effected in it’s relevance, a timeline can help in giving subtle context.
And his wife, if there is a chance at her recovering from cancer I hope she gets all of the time and help she needs!
But I do hope this was recent. According to their daughter, they were in Russia and doing well. And Jordan was working on his new book “12 more rules for life”.
@@StixFerryMan Christopher Hitchens, that guy was too clever.
Or, Stephen Fry, he is a fantastic speaker and a great intellectual though he doesn't do nearly enough public speaking.
I recommend the iSquared debate on 'Is The Catholic Church A Force For Good?', brilliant debate but especially Fry, he really hits some home runs in there.
Bingo! What a brilliant and relevant discussion. How do we make these truths actionable to save our children’s educations?
Combat critical race theory in your kids' schools. See what's in the curricula and the school library and demand better. Send your kids to classical Christian schools (that's a movement - check it out) or team up with some other parents to home school your kids.
Be their educator as much as possible. Take them to museums, art galleries, plays, classical music concerts, folk music concerts. Watch the old classic, black and white movies with them. Bette Davis, many of them spoke great English. They were all theatre trained back then.
As they get older, college lectures, and wilderness travel if you can. Foreign films are amazingly good. Read a great American novel every summer.
I can't tell you how delighted I was a few years ago when I walked into an art studio (at an open studio weekend) and saw a girl reading a big fat book.
She was twelve and was near done reading, "The Count of Monte Christo".
Her parents are very cool.
This was a tremendous talk. Really enjoyed Heather Mac Donald. I think she'd get along with great with Camille Paglia, another intellectual hero of mine. They should talk at a forum like this! Peterson is always at his best, as per usual. Always a pleasure to hear him speak. Blackwood's affinity for Boethius has inspired me to pick up a copy of The Consolation of Philosophy. Really enjoyed this, THANK YOU!
They have very similar voices if you close your eyes. Camille just speaks more quickly!
We are the most fortunate people in the world to live in the time of Jordan Peterson ❤ I've also recently discovered Heather MacDonald and really appreciate her honesty and ability to be so forthright.
I am anticipating the opening of Ralston College as I have trust in M. Peterson's discernment, wisdom and awareness. Welcome back, refreshed and wiser.
the host sounds like the rabi from Seinfeld...not that there’s anything wrong with it. Thanks for posting. Jordan Peterson is so helpful to so many
@Trouble Came Calling you sound pretty bitter, why so?
Jacob Helgeson should of been a kosher butcher like his brother. Has a union with benefits.
Simon Heaney
Always glad to see a fellow Seinfeld junkie out there
The people he's supposed to have helped are certainly very noisy online about it, but very numerous? I'm not so sure...
My God, this was a good one.
I read your comment before watching the video, and I was skeptical, but now that I have finished it.. wow. You are right!
@@tidragos I'm in the exact same boat. I'm listening to the early bits and I have my reservations. Lol
We who believe in freedom of speech, thought, and expression, are under attack from those who would ban all speech, thought, and expression, contrary to their own.
M J M Yes and we need to unite under that banner no matter what we believe if we are to save this nation. Freedom of speech, thought and expression can be a uniting factor in our country. People who don’t believe in those things are our true enemies.
What gracious beauty from the profound sharings of Jordan Peterson and Heather Mac Donald along with the pointed moderatorship of Stephen Blackwood on a highly relevant topic "Our Cultural Inflection Point of 'What is the "higher" of Higher Education! God is good to have me chance upon this Ralston College endeavor!👏🏽⭐️
This discussion and several discourses on the state of the art in artificial intelligence are the best things I have watched this year. I searched for for Heather MacDonald and discovered Jordan Peterson; made my day. RUclips's search and recommendation algorithm is really amazing.
What great enlightened people Professor Peterson and Heather Mac Donald are for their ability to understand todays people and explain it in a way we can all understand.
this conversation is friggin monumental!!!!!!!!!!!
Brilliant discussion. Great to see Jordan back in full force. Heather MacDonald sure is sticking it to those Campus Yahoos.
It's a year old you sandal licker
Travis Schpeltinger: Shut up, you ignorant disgusting pig.
@@bikerboy3k oh my god you're right! How could I have been so foolish?
Thank you for pointing this out Travis, I shall go sit in a dark room and think about all the decisions in my life that have led me to such a mistake. Thankfully you were here to point out my folly.
Enjoy your victory Travis, you have won this round! Perhaps we will meet again one day, then it will be you who is licking the sandals.
@madwtube yeah it seems it isn't. Reddit brought me here under the pretence that it was new. Either way I hadn't watched it before so it was new to me.
God bless both of you and your quest to preserve and increase learning and knowledge......and the magnificent tradition of Western culture.
This was excellent. I really appreciate it when two people can disagree with one another, and maintain a healthy level of amicability.
Speak out against this people, everywhere you can. "Bring the truth into being". This is the best way to clean up this mess.
@Rocknrolladube oh man where to begin. A good example of what I'm talking about is when you have something to say, but you're in the company of people who do not want to hear it, so you don't speak.
This breeds resentment and over time causes a lot of problems in you relationship with those people. I experience this a lot as an American conservative going to school in Canada.
What I'm saying is, dont be afraid to speak your mind because if you don't you will begin to hate the people around you. Jordan talks about this a lot in his videos, about truth and its importance in everyday life. I hope I'm explaining this well enough.
@Rocknrolladube right, having evidence helps lol. But a lot of people are afraid of taking an opposing viewpoint
Lately, Its been hard...and lonely.
It takes a tremendous amount of energy to listen and humble myself to people talk about "issues" who only speak in slogans, platitudes, and, "narratives" that chop the human experience into ever smaller pieces that can't be reconciled because power, privilege, oppression, etc.
@@creationevolution315 couldnt agree more man, it's very hard to talk to these people. But it DOES get easier. I'm much less afraid to speak my mind now then when I started. But there are definitely a lot of people out there who are just not worth the energy, and I there's not much you can do
This man has the spirit within and all around him
Genius mind always looking for the higher purpose of man
a deeper understanding of humanity🕯️
Heather McDonald holds much more closely to the subject of discussion, is incisive, cogent, pointed, while Jordan Peterson becomes lost in his tangential philosophy, obscures his few points with quotes, hesitates, stammers, and is painful to listen to. That said, he has wholesome intentions and we need his ideas out there.
@@commanderthorkilj.amundsen3426 what is the true meaning of becoming a Child in front of God? As you know, we all gone through and walked through fire of high pressures of life. Beloved, as you know it came with many tears, shortcomings, mistakes, and being denied along the way beloved. Is understanding why? With sincere tears because of the influences around us. Intent Not according to 1st. Love God 2nd. Love thy neighbors as thyself. Results my beloved end up blowing their own trumpets and their own walls comes crushing down beloved. Rather sleep it off. PAINFUL to some. But doesn't have to beloved. Through intense HEAT AND PRESSURES. DIAMONDS ONLY CAN BE MOLDED AND BE MADE. To some able to pick back up their KINGSHIPS and Priesthood of what they have laid aside along the way. And to my beloved sisters their true image, worth, and indeed the spirit of the house. Also know my sister, YESHUA Jesus showed himself unto you 1st. When our blameless 1. Became alive. Before men. Specially, during those days. My beautiful sisters are not viewed how my sisters to be VIEWED. SISTERS LIFT THY HEAD UP. HOSTS AND OWN OF YESHUA JESUS. WILL WIPE THY TEARS. LOVE ALL MY BEAUTIFUL SISTERS.
@@oliverjamito9902 Gee, my comment referenced MacDonald’s cogency and adherence to the topic of discussion, while JP veers off course. Your comments amount to preaching, and are not pertinent here.
@@commanderthorkilj.amundsen3426 by choice humble to wash my neighbors feet. Because I truly love you. The HOSTS of YESHUA Jesus's delight in humility and upholding 1st. Love God 2nd. Love thy neighbors as thyself. What other COMMANDMENTS can be above than these 2? Charity. By becoming a child in front of God. Open to learning from our father God. By choice with delight and sincerity. Is like looking into the mirror. Likewise will be given the same measured beloved. Luv you! Beloved it will be hard to show off to God if God did not provide neighbors! Beloved you are love. YESHUA Jesus attributes is worth defining. God knows through shortcomings, mistakes, shame, nor being denied. Our feet have walked through indeed. The MILEAGE of thy feet is my petition unto God. Worth so much to me. Your life. Father God may my beloved feets be YESHUA Jesus's feet. Life given and life can be abundant. Feet that can't be uprooted nor shaken. Is like tree that can't be uprooted nor shaken. And produces fruits abundance. Specially, true haven for our innocents youngs sons and daughters. Kingdom of God and its righteousness.
@@oliverjamito9902 Your comments make little sense, in the context of this video.
All the best to Jordan Peterson and his family.
I’m constantly in awe and admiration of Jordan Peterson. I’ve watched many of his lectures, followed him on RUclips, and each time I’m profoundly humbled and grateful for his wise words and insight. That was worth the watch! Now I have some books and music I am inspired to read and listen to. ❤
Dear Stephen - as a working class guy all my life, I'm fortunately now in my 70's, having embarked upon a learning quest for some semblance of a classical, liberal education: I'm also fortunate to have the ability and interest to listen to a discussion like this but also understand it, both sides of the semi-divide between Jordan P and Heather Mac.
My early takeaway is it is the Job of us who are able - to boil down the best ideas in this discussion and, get them to the average citizen who may never listen to a discussion like this for various reasons, but would in short form both understand and agree with the propositions here for improving education, and learning, even in short form, some of the great quotes and ideas and stories and efforts, that made Western Civilization the freest, safest, most beneficial to mankind in human history.
I take notes on some of these that I watch so I can bring ideas to the younger folks I have worked with in construction an all people who show an interest. I intend to put up an informational website and also pass out bullet point papers for people to read or download off the site.
A vs I like is "being transformed by the renewing by your mind".
Our mind being informed by healthy ideas and then thinking better or healthy thoughts, will transform our behaviors by following our own thinking.
That's my early take. I subbed to this channel. As I listen further I'm impressed at both the ideas and Heather's instinct to "spot viciousness" in intent, masked by victimhood rhetoric and actions designed to destroy all that is good in our civilization. Why?
I believe it is driven by neo-Marxist ideology and the result of the success of "the Long March Through the Institutions".
I realize the activist army may have no knowledge of the power and persistence of this pernicious ideology and how truly evil it is and are quite simply - duped.
Somewhere in the upper echelons of these various groups, there is dedicated hatred and hostility towards all that is good and their highest goal is to destroy it and establish their perceived vision of an impossibly good (utopian) society in its place.
I'll stop here. I'll examine the college and perhaps contact soon.
Thanks for hosting these two great people.
I hope to see " this"Peterson again soon. We still have so much left to learn from him. Speedy recovery for you Dr. Peterson 💓
I am afraid of cancel culture. I have done bad things.
Hasn’t anybody realized that the unintended consequence of diversity is “reduced diversity”?
I always take the intersectionality conversation w people and tell them not to stop, keep dividing, eventually you'll get to where you should've began, the individual.
If it is unintended (nature takes its course) Yes.
It is not unintended.
@Kyle Rook We would be better off if diversity was viewed on an intrinsic level, as you said it's only in terms of looks, gender, and sexual orientation which is a shame, because the real diversity of us as individuals is exactly as you said ideas, creativity, and application. it's more about the mind and our intrinsic state than the color we dyed our hair on a given day etc. That form of diversity comes from a shallow place.
I mostly agree, but I wouldn't take that for granted; we would need to be careful with that concept as well (although it would probably be a better idea to deal with than its current opposite..)
Great guest combination. I'd love to see more from these two... Thanks!
Not often does a conversation of such relevance to current events occur. Those things that worry and perplex fair minded people are brought into focus by Jordan and McDonald. A huge debt of gratitude is owed to Ralston College, for bringing these giant minds together. Thank You
This is what true discourse and discussion in any setting-but particularly in academa-was always meant to be. Note the profound respect with which Heather MacDonald offered a disagreement, or addition, to what Jordan Peterson said. And Stephen Blackwood did a beautiful job presenting them etc.
Heather was particularly impressive in this conversation.
@Drew Hong : She is first and foremost an intelligent, educated human being. Feminist? What I saw was merit in the capability, the codependency of the individual, not a competition or rights of any group.
Not sure what feminism is anymore, as it seems to have morphed into denigration of men, and woman's claim of victim-hood, and woman's choice to murder a separate being as her right, as that being is carried in her body. It took me sometime to think about the scientific fact of separate DNA, therefore not part of a woman's body, the law in regard to murder, ie killing a pregnant woman, you are also charged with killing a baby, yet in the case of abortion it is not considered murder; I came to the conclusion of no matter how inconvenient, it is not ethical to kill another of our species, even in the case of rape, one crime does not justify another committing murder to a separate human being, as the moment of conception, that being has separate DNA. We have let our feelings come before scientific facts. Our feelings have taken precedence over our ethics. Feminist is not a label I would choose to put on anyone, as with all group identities, it involves a number of beliefs one may not subscribe to.
It's good to see Jordan Peterson returning to the public sphere again. I hope he and his family are well.
its an old conversation it seems. JP said he talked to Pinker recently so its likely from last year.
I'm pretty sure he said he talked to Steven Pinker two days ago
I want to believe it’s recent, but at 1hr 7min. He references the begin of his “12 month tour, which started in January,14 months ago,” and that could mean it’s from this month or it could be from last February. He had year long speaking tours in 2018 and 2019, until his wife was diagnosed with cancer just before Christmas, if I remember correctly.
Same here
@@jamesbitter9186 who gives a shit
Great discussion. And I think that Heather MacDonald takes humanities to the next level.
I have only one word to describe what I've just heard in this exchange, and that is AMAZING!!! Heather MacDonald is truly an intellect, and in the case of Jordan Peterson, it of course goes without saying. Okay, maybe that was many more than one. I am blessed to have come across this exchange.
“these campus Yahoos” oh man, priceless!
This was, for me, extraordinary and altogether too brief. Thank you for the outstanding job you have done here with these two bright minds and for the exemplary way in which you led the conversation and especially how you chose to end it. Thank you. You have given flight to my spirit.
I learned some new words watching this, bailiwick, torpor, adumbrate, hermeneutics and campus yahoos. 😀
Campus Yahoo's haha :D
@@artemouse2007 never use an apostrophe to make a word plural ;)
Same, but also axioms for me
Laurie Britt what is a campus yahoo?
L Wil1 essentially a boorish imbecile student in college.
Dr. Peterson. I'm praying for your health and strength to return. You have help up a needed light in these dark times. We need you. Thank you for all you have done.
Jordan Peterson is a living example of how understanding the complexities of life doesn't make them any less complex, and knowing how complicated the mind is doesn't make the journey any less difficult. I'm sure I speak for many In wishing him a full recovery.
Thank goodness Jordan is back - great conversations
This is from 2018 apparently
THX 1138 thanks according to posting - I was mislead
he is still very ill, but improving
@@kenzieKracken It takes a long time to recover from this. Some never have recovered.
@@THXx1138 you are right. I have had my own experience with benzo withdrawal, thx to doctors. Ive been on for over 4yrs, cant come off due to seizure activity. Despite being a wellness advocate for natural solutions. (pure eos have helped me slowly reduce by 1mg. Significant) I pray for him and his family, having to endure such suffering.
Get well soon Jordan , from Waterloo Ontario Canada.
What a discovery this Heather. She is fantastic. Jordan, a genius but that I knew.
Her interview on the Eric metaxas show is on RUclips/ as she covers her revolutionary new book.
She reminds me of Sam Harris in a lot of ways, particular when her and Peterson go back and forth on religion and somehow she keeps up with him.
I would LOVE to hear Heather and Jordan discuss more about power. I think a full discussion on this by them would be fantastic. Also...... it is such a beauty to hear people speak who still use the word 'privilege' in its formerly most common COMPLIMENT and gratitude. Instead of a pithy insult, spat with contempt and ignorance for the benefit of winning cheap points in some argument.
I would hate to be the commentator between the two of these great minds. And bravo to Heather Mac Donald, she held her own sitting next to the great Jordan Peterson. She is very thoughtful and compassionate, I really enjoyed listening to her and I think they complimented each other nicely.
Did jordan take more than 10 minutes to answer the first question? Yes he did.
Well... he was allowed as long as he wanted/needed.
Too short
He went cutting through his all lectures to proof each and every sentence
Is this a surprise? No it is not.
He knew we've been jonesin.
I've never heard Heather talk a such length and depth before, and I'm totally impressed.
This was an amazing video!!! Thank you.
It’s interesting to hear someone agree with Peterson for the first time, it’s a good sign of growth. I can’t wait to hear something new from Jordan because I believe all the youth and adults of today need to hear his wisdom.
Stephen... Let's see if the "youth and adults of today" can put JP's wisdom into practice. Peterson wants to catch today's youth and badger them into helping themselves out of their godawful ruts - much of which involves them pulling themselves up by their bootstraps. Let's see if in five or ten year's time genuine transformative changes have been made to these then former youth. Are all these radical life-altering changes actually possible by will alone? I will be watching!
Even amongst other academic geniuses, Peterson stands out in his clarity and eloquence. He will be remembered alongside those he cites in his speech. A remarkable man. He reminds me of how Abraham Lincoln is portrayed in film. He has everyone on the edge of their seats like no other
What I truly appreciate about Jordan Peterson is that when he speaks with some of like mind, he doesn't settle for the mutual agreement. He most often poses a question about something beyond his current grasp, in hopes that the other person has the answer, or at least can help him reach that next epiphany.
I would have given anything to have had educators like these in my life when I was young.
Self-acceptance isn't about self-okayness. It's primarily about acknowledging what you are and being self-supportive. To accept yourself is to have the courage to accept the unacceptable parts of yourself. This is the first step to transmute those unacceptable parts.
I am grateful for the ability to experience these discussions. Much gratitude and respect~