Why pick Louisiana as the demonstrator? With Louisiana you have to complete the drop, with Kearsarge you can exit to guns the second you´ve lined up the strike because the rockets go off automatically. Meaning you have even more time to aim your guns and you also have arguably more firepower.
kearsarge drops do little damage? what crack are you smoking man i've hit cruisers and battleships for 20k damage with them with 10k being a minimum for a somewhat well aimed rocket strikes
@@igoryst3049 Dunno what Kearsarge you're playing but the Tiny Tims have awful accuracy. Sure, you *can* hit for 20k, but not reliably at all. You can pretty reliably hit the HE bombs from the Louisiana.
A very simple fix, in my opinion, that would address both plane spotting and games only being played at super long ranges would just be a system that followed a very simple rule: you cant see something that you physically cant see. Sure a plane pilot can tell your ship where other ships are and have those marked on your map, same with DDs or anything else doing spotting for you, if the spotted target is not within your vision range or is behind an island, you wont be able to see it. Im thinking of this in a similar way to how this game handles cyclones, spotted ships are still actively tracked on your map but you can't see them if theyre outside a certain range. I think that makes sense ?
How tf does this have better concealment than a normal montana? It's freaking massive, who knows if those super high decks would even have a stable righting moment
I don’t think people care about the carrier planes being able to strike a target, it’s the perma spotting that creates an enormous area of exposed ships for people to farm & blow cover.. carriers may actually be a non issue if this goes into effect. If I play a carrier and I see an already exposed ship & attack it then what’s wrong with that? Aerial torps are already low dmg..
I personally feel the hybrids should still be able to spot for themselves as it is a pretty major part of their game play. However I think the real issue is that the planes can spot for teammates. Having a battleship spot DDs and Cruisers for their team to blow is a little dumb.
What, you don't enjoy being permaspotted by planes from 5 different aircraft platforms at once "fun"? Say it isn't so. For those with counting difficulties, 2 T10 CVs and 3 T9 hybrids. It happens regularly, without any Divisions being involved.
Spotting exactly, that is the main problem of CVs I used to play St Vicent/Incomparable catching ships off guard, but it becomes impossible when there's a plane around you the entire game Same thing with subs, while I think getting spooked and devstruck so suddenly is not too fun, it's not as bad as being harassed and spotted the entire match and you can't do much about it All of it makes the concealment stat pointless
Given the penchant for smoking up at the first sign of trouble and blindly pursuing torpedo attacks of DDs I'm usually saddled with, I do not like the prospect of having to depend on DDs for scouting.
As much as I despise CVs and subs in WoW, it's the hybrids that made me put the game away. Clearly they see engaging gameplay differently than I. Enjoy your videos, though. Thanks.
I have a kearsarge and boy when you get a good rocket shot those planes can HURT!, a few times it was almost like I was constantly citadel-ing this guy I’d do like 10-15k with the rockets and then hit em AGAIN with the cannons for like 8-12k and boom there guys a quarter/ half his HP. These carrier hybrids are really strong!
As for the spotting changes while traveling. The planes just have to attack an empty spot, they don't have to drop their weapons and they can spot. Now they just get to that spot faster and with no one shooting at them. As for shooting at traveling planes. Who wants to waste an AA charge at passing planes heading somewhere else. Not mention, since they are traveling faster, your AA has less time to shoot. I wonder if Wargames themselves ever play test their changes before release as these are obvious.
Why feel bad? It's in the game. Play it or not; you're not cheating or anything. Nor is anyone else who likes Hybrids, subs, CV's or any other ship type in the game. I do enjoy your content, though. ;)
Just reduce the spotting time to, say, something between 2,5-4 sec. Just enough to get the position of an enemy ship but not fast enough to zero in the guns. Reduce accordingly to the ships class.
I'm not very good at these ships yet, but I just only got the tier IX. Feels like I am losing out on a ton of damage while flying around instead of shooting my main guns. I'm not very good at the bombing aiming and they haven't seemed to do much damage for me yet. Though yeah, the spotting is nice. The ship can also get lit up while flying around and not being able to manually dodge with the ship
Try to time your plane attacks after you fire your main guns so you can maximize your DPM. So while you're flying to your target, your main guns are reloading which is base 30 seconds.
Just wait - WG will try just about everything before giving up, saying they won’t implement the changes, and instead do what the community has been suggesting for literal years and just make plane spotting minimap exclusive. They are making this needlessly complicated for no reason, and if anything this is just another nerf to battleships. They are the only class that will be spotted for the entirety of the game, so what do you think most cv players will go for if they can’t do their own spotting? I’m a cv main and we have multiple cv mains in my clan, and we collectively think this is the stupidest change yet made to cvs and how they affect surface combat. Better yet, make plane spotting anonymous to anyone but the cv/person who uses the plane consumable until a surface ship spots them for the first time.
IMO this is really a mixed bag. #1 AA will be worthless even more so than it is now, if you can only shoot at planes, when they are in attack mode. "just dodge" still hurts, if you can't shoot them down, while they travel, you will have to just dodge some more You want to rebalance? buff AA and make losing planes hurt, both on CVs and on hybrids. #2 you will be saved from accidental spotting, that's true, but how about if you need YOUR cv to spot a sub or a dd for you to take care of?
The thing is these things have basically no weakness. You can't outspot them (their planes) as a dd You can't out gun them (bb guns) basically even match a bb in a gunfight and outgun a cruiser. Alegedly they have weak armour but I've not found that in practice All in all I'm not sure what they were thinking when they brought this class in.
They were thinking that players will suffer enough to just open the wallets and buy one themselves. thats why they made them classedas battleships not carriers, so teams get stacked.
@@Queue3612 This was always their marketing strategy - force players to suffer enough so they will open their wallets for that OP premium (Belfast, especially...) or FXP to skip a painful grind to get that bonkers OP tier 10 ship. The latter was especially blatant with Conqueror at release. She was so disgusting to play and face against considering the ONLY way to destroy one (without involving mass concentrated fire to the point to out-DPS her heal) was to outright devstrike her with torps.
doing something about spotting is a start. but what really needs to happen is making AA actually something to counter cv's. make it so returning ships aren't just invincible and actually have to fly back so you can't just fly into fighter planes then instantly recall and lose no planes. also plane rebuilding needs to be nerfed, at least double the time it takes to rebuild a plane. at least then killing planes actually means something. right now killing planes is about as useful as alt tabbing out. finally skip bombs need a massive nerf. either the planes can't turn when they make their attack run or the speed of those things and the spread of them needs a huge nerf. 400 knot psuedo torpedos are bullshit.
You keep missing the secondary’s on the tower side can shoot across the deck. Doesn’t this make it one of the most powerful secondary is BB on one side?
I said from the beginning that the proposed changes won't change much. Early spotting will change, but now, when a CV attacks, his entire team will focus on the target of his attack because THAT is when spotting will occur. I have no idea how they let people who don't play this game make changes to the design.
I can tell from your comment your not a DD player. The accidental spotting cv's do to dd's just flying to there intended target really screws dd's over so these changes will help with that.
@@EraserNZ That's what I meant by early spotting. The same goes for cruisers. It's mostly a problem in the early game. In some ways cruisers have it worse, if there's a CV in game, it's usually best to wait and see where it's going before you decide to leave spawn. If you get spotted early, the entire enemy team will unload on you. This particular problem will be mitigated by the proposed changes. When the game advances, you can and will still be spotted by planes but there will be far fewer ships ready to focus on you because most of them will be caught up in their own little dramas.
Imagine coop hybrids..... 1 division mate steering the ship and fire control..... Another division mate controlling and flying the planes ...... God help us
nots not bad actually, 2 players in one ship with one healthpool. so long as there is the same number of player clients meaning there is 1 less ship of they decide to play in the same ship. otherwise its an OP no brainer to get a co op to play the other half of the ship for you
The travelling mode and striking mode spotting makes no sense irl. This change would make the game wayyy to arcade for me = uninstall. Travel mode should be more spotting because higher altitude to spot more irl.
The game has bigger problems then this, its a PVP game whit RNG influencing so many aspect in it and none of the classes are balanced around each other in game. Like you pointed out If you in be in any other BB than Louisiana you have no change to deal whit the remaining DD player. Which mean he's team win the game not because you played bad, just because he is in a DD and a BB have almost no way to deal whit his class. In my point of view, in PVP non of the player's can have unfair advantage against others. So we can point fingers to CVs; SUBs and Hybrids be changed how they work , but not going the change the issue's in vein .
Subs, CV's and Hybrids are the only ships that i will completely Free XP up to the tier X i refuse to play them on randoms because of how unbalanced and unfun they are at most i play them on Co-Op to get missions done
The secondaries work better while kiting since they are all at the back. They work as your back guns. And JB was not designed to be kiting nor broadside. Something like Alsace and Flandere work wonders but not JB and Richelieu .
The different modes for the planes is just dumb. Just make it so planes can only do mini map spotting except if you're the ones controlling the planes.
Changes i would make the WoW 1 Hybrids count as carriers, not battleships. Maybe their own catagory but would still count towards the cap mentioned below. no more matchmaking giving one team carriers and hybrids and giving the other team a bad game. 2 Max 2 carriers/hybrids and or subs. could be 2 carriers, could be 2 subs, could be 1 carrier and 1 sub. No more than 2 combined total 3 Nerf the hybrids guns. I would give them cruiser guns. Something like 200mm with 15 second reload or something idk i havnt looked into which exact guns i would give. They are paper ships, they never existed because the concept of a carrier battleship is horrible in practice. As such we can just change them without opposing hystorical accuracy (because the ships existing is opposing hystorical accuracy) 4 nerf the air drop depth charges, buff the ship dropped depth charges. players should be rewarded for managing to get above the enemy sub without dying in the process. 5 A dedicated submarine game mode. one team plays destroyers and escorts cargo ships, the other is subs tasks with sinking the cargo ships. it will be dangerous for the subs to get close to the cargo ships but the destroyers cant chase the subs to far away as they would be leaving the cargo ships open for other subs to sneak in.
The only issue with the proposed changes I have that was not mentioned in this video, is the reduced damage for attacking the same target for CVs. That would obviously be a ridiculous change for any ship regardless of how they attack, and plus if planes can't spot anymore it makes it even more stupid. Other then that I think the two flight modes will be a useful gameplay feature, even if it seems kind of silly. Planes should be able to spot, end of story.
WG can nerft the CV spotting but if they gonna do that they should buff the planes to balance things because T8 CV on uptier didn't stand a chance against TX DD or CA for like 3km range lol
No, why would they even *want* to nerf their perfectly balansed pride and joy? 😂 Okay but srsly I’m glad they’re gonna get nerfed like this, the spotting was definitely up there for worst things about the BB-CVs
Hybrid ships are are extremely dumb. There is a very good reason why no serious naval person would actually consider using a hybrid ship in a real naval battle. Why? Cvs are no where near the actual battle, if a CV gets into gun range of the enemy if fucked up dearly. There has been only one real world case of a CV be taken out by main guns and that was because a storm blew it off course. Other reason include the fact you cant really launch planes while in a gun fight. The needs of a BB and a CV are so different combine the two makes both aspects mute.
Imagine flying ships in world of planes. So why we have planes in world of warships? Just send them all to another game. With submarines in the same package.
The hatred of Cv in this game always makes me laugh. And even funnier coming from people who claim to be pvp gamers. I really hope this change will end up being a big nerf for the cv and end the cv spotting. Because we will see the same people who spit on Cv players cry because nobody spots them. And we will see that actually Cv was the only real counter of the biggest reason for the passive gameplay. To be clear from my point of view, the only people who have a legitimate reason to complain about Cv are the DD players because of the perma spoting. All others who complain about Cv are only solo warriors, campers at the edge of the map, and HE farmer camping behind the island. I play BB I push and brawl, I can count on one hand how many times a cv was the reason I died, I kill way more cv than they kill me. But let's be honest if one day wg removes cv from the game, people who cry about cv will start to cry about torp, then about citadels then about other players that damage them, because other doing damage is unfair ...
CV changes don't sound great to me, planes that can only spot in an attack one is just immersion breaking, planes were the eyes of the ocean, to suggest a plane is blind unless its on an attack run is just stupid, I get it's a game but immersion is important and planes are and have always been spotters.
CV will be killed with the changes. Be literally unplayable, they should just refund all CV after the change. They should also just give being in queue a option to play with CV and subs. Or give people more reason to play a ranked style in different modes where cv and sub are restricted this is the wrong way to go about it. Next people will go fully concealment meta DD to spot and people will complain about stealth torps, when CV and sub are gone. You can't give in and give people what they want. There isnt a esport for this game it fun, balancing will get you nowhere at this point.
You do realise, * CV's are limited and split 1 to 2 per side. * The class is always going to a 50% win rate. * It's all about the interaction with surface ships.
Louisiana is pretty loaded already, but it would be a dream for the secondaries to be viable. It's pretty gross, but some days the game is pretty gross and it's like taking a little break.
Its not viable because of the large hull that eats a lot of damage and the weak heal its possible to get almost all of both sides secondary's on to a target on the left side.
Dude i ran sec build loisiana on ranked and brawled with bbs in loisiana and those secondaries have god tier dpm the left side of this ship is german levels good and if you are kiting in it in sec range they cant kill you before you kill them thats for sure
I am ok with the way planes work. All you have to do is look at history...it changed warfare forever. I always try to play this game from a historical perspective. It's a game...so if that's the complaint is that planes are too powerful again look at history.
nps with the hybrids spotting, if people dont want a challenge they shouldnt play a game based on war,, perhaps pokemon would be a better game for them,,
The game designers in this game must be real dumb. There is nothing in this game that hasn’t been changed after its launch. Think about this to understand how stupid the game designers are: how comes deep torpedoes can’t hit the submarines?
dude stop talking bs about this type of hybrids, or do you forgot that when u are using the bomb planes u CAN NOT SHOOT , they are balanced since they are very situational and if you use them always u will shoot a loooot less than a normal battleship
This seems like a very poorly informed opinion. Each USN tier 10 BB is extremely solid and generally consistent. I'm curious what you think a good BB is?
I heard a legend about a russian Kearsarge, If it's true, just wait for him to get around the changes if they affect hybrid ships
It's only for lesta, and it sounds exciting to play honestly
It’s for lesta only, and it’s a monster 💀
Why pick Louisiana as the demonstrator?
With Louisiana you have to complete the drop, with Kearsarge you can exit to guns the second you´ve lined up the strike because the rockets go off automatically.
Meaning you have even more time to aim your guns and you also have arguably more firepower.
Because Kearsarge does markedly low damage with its drops. Rockets vs very good HE bombs.
kearsarge drops do little damage? what crack are you smoking man i've hit cruisers and battleships for 20k damage with them with 10k being a minimum for a somewhat well aimed rocket strikes
I hit a Yama for 23k. That was a one time thing. They used to be better the planes.
@@igoryst3049 Dunno what Kearsarge you're playing but the Tiny Tims have awful accuracy. Sure, you *can* hit for 20k, but not reliably at all. You can pretty reliably hit the HE bombs from the Louisiana.
@@ijnyamato643 it’s not the accuracy, it’s the 5 second long attack sequence that makes it necessary to lead the target
Best Louisiana gameplay I've ever seen. Just got the ship last night and I love it sofar.
A very simple fix, in my opinion, that would address both plane spotting and games only being played at super long ranges would just be a system that followed a very simple rule: you cant see something that you physically cant see. Sure a plane pilot can tell your ship where other ships are and have those marked on your map, same with DDs or anything else doing spotting for you, if the spotted target is not within your vision range or is behind an island, you wont be able to see it. Im thinking of this in a similar way to how this game handles cyclones, spotted ships are still actively tracked on your map but you can't see them if theyre outside a certain range. I think that makes sense ?
I was once in a match with 2 CVs and 2 subs and a hybrid bb. Loved it honestly, I don't see what's all the hate about them.
The ending: My laugh is fake but the tears are real
I can see the benefit of plane-spotting DDs for your secondaries.
Man i run a sec build and boy loisiana can brawl in ranked even with that tumor amd sec dpm is veeerrryyyy goood
@@mertc8050i’m grinding Nebraska as of the moment, and secondary build is so goooood
It's official, PQ is a cv/hybrid main now
Cautiously waiting to see how the changes affect the Tone in particular, since the only thing her planes are good for is spotting.
Tone planes was a sad choice honestly. Better off as a cruiser than a hybrid
We can just add this to list of things War Gaming didn't fully think out before attempting to implement.
The World of Warplanes team is pushing ahead.
Were you at the meetings?
How tf does this have better concealment than a normal montana? It's freaking massive, who knows if those super high decks would even have a stable righting moment
the update coming will actually help cv's as you can't shoot the planes while they are in travel mode.
Not entirely true, they can still get shot at with DFAA
I don’t think people care about the carrier planes being able to strike a target, it’s the perma spotting that creates an enormous area of exposed ships for people to farm & blow cover.. carriers may actually be a non issue if this goes into effect. If I play a carrier and I see an already exposed ship & attack it then what’s wrong with that? Aerial torps are already low dmg..
May be, should we implement bases on WoWs? Like, when we captured a capture point, bases spawn there that act as AA support
Appreciate... The "dirty" calls... But also... Well good use of a dirty ship
All is fair in love, war, and World of Warships PQ! Cheers from King Wisky! 🎉
I personally feel the hybrids should still be able to spot for themselves as it is a pretty major part of their game play. However I think the real issue is that the planes can spot for teammates. Having a battleship spot DDs and Cruisers for their team to blow is a little dumb.
Hi pq hope you had a merry christmas
Sadly I've already left the game as I don't enjoy playing anymore.
What, you don't enjoy being permaspotted by planes from 5 different aircraft platforms at once "fun"? Say it isn't so.
For those with counting difficulties, 2 T10 CVs and 3 T9 hybrids. It happens regularly, without any Divisions being involved.
Spotting exactly, that is the main problem of CVs
I used to play St Vicent/Incomparable catching ships off guard, but it becomes impossible when there's a plane around you the entire game
Same thing with subs, while I think getting spooked and devstruck so suddenly is not too fun, it's not as bad as being harassed and spotted the entire match and you can't do much about it
All of it makes the concealment stat pointless
Given the penchant for smoking up at the first sign of trouble and blindly pursuing torpedo attacks of DDs I'm usually saddled with, I do not like the prospect of having to depend on DDs for scouting.
It's completely fair. You're gonna have hard time if some DD (especially german with 32mm pen) decides to paint your hangar in burning black
good question, yes
As much as I despise CVs and subs in WoW, it's the hybrids that made me put the game away. Clearly they see engaging gameplay differently than I. Enjoy your videos, though. Thanks.
I have a kearsarge and boy when you get a good rocket shot those planes can HURT!, a few times it was almost like I was constantly citadel-ing this guy I’d do like 10-15k with the rockets and then hit em AGAIN with the cannons for like 8-12k and boom there guys a quarter/ half his HP. These carrier hybrids are really strong!
As for the spotting changes while traveling. The planes just have to attack an empty spot, they don't have to drop their weapons and they can spot. Now they just get to that spot faster and with no one shooting at them. As for shooting at traveling planes. Who wants to waste an AA charge at passing planes heading somewhere else. Not mention, since they are traveling faster, your AA has less time to shoot. I wonder if Wargames themselves ever play test their changes before release as these are obvious.
Why feel bad? It's in the game. Play it or not; you're not cheating or anything. Nor is anyone else who likes Hybrids, subs, CV's or any other ship type in the game. I do enjoy your content, though. ;)
PQ, do you think you could do a video on Lauria secondary build? For the memes!
@@obinator9065 yes.
How will hybid changes affect DDs?
What DDs?
If you think Louisiana is dirty you should try Kearsarge, downright disgusting, I love it.
Just reduce the spotting time to, say, something between 2,5-4 sec. Just enough to get the position of an enemy ship but not fast enough to zero in the guns. Reduce accordingly to the ships class.
I'm not very good at these ships yet, but I just only got the tier IX. Feels like I am losing out on a ton of damage while flying around instead of shooting my main guns. I'm not very good at the bombing aiming and they haven't seemed to do much damage for me yet. Though yeah, the spotting is nice. The ship can also get lit up while flying around and not being able to manually dodge with the ship
Try to time your plane attacks after you fire your main guns so you can maximize your DPM. So while you're flying to your target, your main guns are reloading which is base 30 seconds.
Am I the only one who hears "hey guys, chrisfix here" at the beginning 😂
i wonder what the heck did the US chief design bureau smoked to create a hybrid like that.
Jesus, one guy doesn't shut up, that CV player needs to be blocked
This would all be solved by minimap only spotting.
It's the solution that's been there for years but they refuse to engage... can't rob CVs of all that spotting damage...
@@VengerDFW even russians figured it out and are testing minimap spotting, I guess Lesta is smarter than WG
Just wait - WG will try just about everything before giving up, saying they won’t implement the changes, and instead do what the community has been suggesting for literal years and just make plane spotting minimap exclusive. They are making this needlessly complicated for no reason, and if anything this is just another nerf to battleships. They are the only class that will be spotted for the entirety of the game, so what do you think most cv players will go for if they can’t do their own spotting? I’m a cv main and we have multiple cv mains in my clan, and we collectively think this is the stupidest change yet made to cvs and how they affect surface combat. Better yet, make plane spotting anonymous to anyone but the cv/person who uses the plane consumable until a surface ship spots them for the first time.
IMO this is really a mixed bag.
#1 AA will be worthless even more so than it is now, if you can only shoot at planes, when they are in attack mode. "just dodge" still hurts, if you can't shoot them down, while they travel, you will have to just dodge some more
You want to rebalance? buff AA and make losing planes hurt, both on CVs and on hybrids.
#2 you will be saved from accidental spotting, that's true, but how about if you need YOUR cv to spot a sub or a dd for you to take care of?
I refuse to play Hybrids, Subs and CV’s out of principle.
The thing is these things have basically no weakness.
You can't outspot them (their planes) as a dd
You can't out gun them (bb guns) basically even match a bb in a gunfight and outgun a cruiser.
Alegedly they have weak armour but I've not found that in practice
All in all I'm not sure what they were thinking when they brought this class in.
$$$, It''s WG.
They were thinking that players will suffer enough to just open the wallets and buy one themselves. thats why they made them classedas battleships not carriers, so teams get stacked.
@@Queue3612 This was always their marketing strategy - force players to suffer enough so they will open their wallets for that OP premium (Belfast, especially...) or FXP to skip a painful grind to get that bonkers OP tier 10 ship.
The latter was especially blatant with Conqueror at release. She was so disgusting to play and face against considering the ONLY way to destroy one (without involving mass concentrated fire to the point to out-DPS her heal) was to outright devstrike her with torps.
hey PQ, can you take a look at the Stord 43 whenever you get it
doing something about spotting is a start. but what really needs to happen is making AA actually something to counter cv's. make it so returning ships aren't just invincible and actually have to fly back so you can't just fly into fighter planes then instantly recall and lose no planes. also plane rebuilding needs to be nerfed, at least double the time it takes to rebuild a plane. at least then killing planes actually means something. right now killing planes is about as useful as alt tabbing out. finally skip bombs need a massive nerf. either the planes can't turn when they make their attack run or the speed of those things and the spread of them needs a huge nerf. 400 knot psuedo torpedos are bullshit.
Feels bad, proceeds to showoff the build after
With the new CV and AA upgrade, this ship's planes will suffer.
You keep missing the secondary’s on the tower side can shoot across the deck. Doesn’t this make it one of the most powerful secondary is BB on one side?
Got “world of warshiped” lollll
What voice are you using? I like how clear she is.
Statue of Liberty
I said from the beginning that the proposed changes won't change much. Early spotting will change, but now, when a CV attacks, his entire team will focus on the target of his attack because THAT is when spotting will occur. I have no idea how they let people who don't play this game make changes to the design.
I can tell from your comment your not a DD player. The accidental spotting cv's do to dd's just flying to there intended target really screws dd's over so these changes will help with that.
@@EraserNZ That's what I meant by early spotting. The same goes for cruisers. It's mostly a problem in the early game. In some ways cruisers have it worse, if there's a CV in game, it's usually best to wait and see where it's going before you decide to leave spawn. If you get spotted early, the entire enemy team will unload on you. This particular problem will be mitigated by the proposed changes.
When the game advances, you can and will still be spotted by planes but there will be far fewer ships ready to focus on you because most of them will be caught up in their own little dramas.
Secondary loisiana we must see it
If this attack/travel mode came to live served i think 1cv will have huge advantage and that ship is MvR to fast cv snipe😂😂😂
You felt so bad that you decided to play it & make a video
I free XP this ship when it first came out in the tech line, never played it 🤣
Imagine coop hybrids..... 1 division mate steering the ship and fire control..... Another division mate controlling and flying the planes ...... God help us
nots not bad actually, 2 players in one ship with one healthpool. so long as there is the same number of player clients meaning there is 1 less ship of they decide to play in the same ship. otherwise its an OP no brainer to get a co op to play the other half of the ship for you
@@Queue3612 yeah it'd count as 2 players ...so there'd be 14 ships on that team instead of 15
The sick part of me wants this. LOL
The travelling mode and striking mode spotting makes no sense irl. This change would make the game wayyy to arcade for me = uninstall. Travel mode should be more spotting because higher altitude to spot more irl.
The game has bigger problems then this, its a PVP game whit RNG influencing so many aspect in it and none of the classes are balanced around each other in game. Like you pointed out If you in be in any other BB than Louisiana you have no change to deal whit the remaining DD player. Which mean he's team win the game not because you played bad, just because he is in a DD and a BB have almost no way to deal whit his class. In my point of view, in PVP non of the player's can have unfair advantage against others. So we can point fingers to CVs; SUBs and Hybrids be changed how they work , but not going the change the issue's in vein .
More ribbons than a North Korean general...
"Anywhere in Asia".
nice ship but I prefer Montana :) Thanks for video bro
Subs, CV's and Hybrids are the only ships that i will completely Free XP up to the tier X
i refuse to play them on randoms because of how unbalanced and unfun they are
at most i play them on Co-Op to get missions done
What about testing Jean Bart with full secondary IFHE build?
Useless? As all sec. spec french bbs?
@@vitezslavlorenc3479 if Louisiana was played in secondary spec, I demand Jean Bart receiving such treatment too!
@@Gun-EZ ive tried all JB builds, it doesnt work, unless youre in a training room, You have to show a lot of broadside to get your secondaries off
The secondaries work better while kiting since they are all at the back. They work as your back guns. And JB was not designed to be kiting nor broadside. Something like Alsace and Flandere work wonders but not JB and Richelieu .
The different modes for the planes is just dumb. Just make it so planes can only do mini map spotting except if you're the ones controlling the planes.
Changes i would make the WoW
1 Hybrids count as carriers, not battleships. Maybe their own catagory but would still count towards the cap mentioned below. no more matchmaking giving one team carriers and hybrids and giving the other team a bad game.
2 Max 2 carriers/hybrids and or subs. could be 2 carriers, could be 2 subs, could be 1 carrier and 1 sub. No more than 2 combined total
3 Nerf the hybrids guns. I would give them cruiser guns. Something like 200mm with 15 second reload or something idk i havnt looked into which exact guns i would give. They are paper ships, they never existed because the concept of a carrier battleship is horrible in practice. As such we can just change them without opposing hystorical accuracy (because the ships existing is opposing hystorical accuracy)
4 nerf the air drop depth charges, buff the ship dropped depth charges. players should be rewarded for managing to get above the enemy sub without dying in the process.
5 A dedicated submarine game mode. one team plays destroyers and escorts cargo ships, the other is subs tasks with sinking the cargo ships. it will be dangerous for the subs to get close to the cargo ships but the destroyers cant chase the subs to far away as they would be leaving the cargo ships open for other subs to sneak in.
The only issue with the proposed changes I have that was not mentioned in this video, is the reduced damage for attacking the same target for CVs. That would obviously be a ridiculous change for any ship regardless of how they attack, and plus if planes can't spot anymore it makes it even more stupid. Other then that I think the two flight modes will be a useful gameplay feature, even if it seems kind of silly. Planes should be able to spot, end of story.
WG can nerft the CV spotting but if they gonna do that they should buff the planes to balance things because T8 CV on uptier didn't stand a chance against TX DD or CA for like 3km range lol
Actually its 83% of a Montana
No, why would they even *want* to nerf their perfectly balansed pride and joy? 😂
Okay but srsly I’m glad they’re gonna get nerfed like this, the spotting was definitely up there for worst things about the BB-CVs
really said neuron activation LMAO
WG are so predictable they present ships that are op and when enough have sold they nerf them how stupid could people be.
Hybrid ships are are extremely dumb. There is a very good reason why no serious naval person would actually consider using a hybrid ship in a real naval battle. Why? Cvs are no where near the actual battle, if a CV gets into gun range of the enemy if fucked up dearly. There has been only one real world case of a CV be taken out by main guns and that was because a storm blew it off course. Other reason include the fact you cant really launch planes while in a gun fight. The needs of a BB and a CV are so different combine the two makes both aspects mute.
Imagine flying ships in world of planes.
So why we have planes in world of warships? Just send them all to another game. With submarines in the same package.
I hope they don't change Halford or it's going to be very weak...
The hatred of Cv in this game always makes me laugh. And even funnier coming from people who claim to be pvp gamers.
I really hope this change will end up being a big nerf for the cv and end the cv spotting. Because we will see the same people who spit on Cv players cry because nobody spots them. And we will see that actually Cv was the only real counter of the biggest reason for the passive gameplay.
To be clear from my point of view, the only people who have a legitimate reason to complain about Cv are the DD players because of the perma spoting. All others who complain about Cv are only solo warriors, campers at the edge of the map, and HE farmer camping behind the island.
I play BB I push and brawl, I can count on one hand how many times a cv was the reason I died, I kill way more cv than they kill me. But let's be honest if one day wg removes cv from the game, people who cry about cv will start to cry about torp, then about citadels then about other players that damage them, because other doing damage is unfair ...
If you don't think it's "Fair" DON'T use the tactic. Otherwise, don't bitch about it.
CV changes don't sound great to me, planes that can only spot in an attack one is just immersion breaking, planes were the eyes of the ocean, to suggest a plane is blind unless its on an attack run is just stupid, I get it's a game but immersion is important and planes are and have always been spotters.
CV will be killed with the changes. Be literally unplayable, they should just refund all CV after the change. They should also just give being in queue a option to play with CV and subs. Or give people more reason to play a ranked style in different modes where cv and sub are restricted this is the wrong way to go about it. Next people will go fully concealment meta DD to spot and people will complain about stealth torps, when CV and sub are gone. You can't give in and give people what they want. There isnt a esport for this game it fun, balancing will get you nowhere at this point.
Yes. This is dirty.
Get over it PQ. Louisiana is the battleship you're supposed to play.
Tone will be even more useless if that happens now😂
If they were too powerful, more people would play them.
You do realise,
* CV's are limited and split 1 to 2 per side.
* The class is always going to a 50% win rate.
* It's all about the interaction with surface ships.
agree, I think the hybrid BBs are weak on both parts, cv and gunnery
@@snorkman2You do realize.
* No one plays them.
@carstenhansen5757 sorry, I didn't realise you don't play sea server.
Louisiana is pretty loaded already, but it would be a dream for the secondaries to be viable. It's pretty gross, but some days the game is pretty gross and it's like taking a little break.
Its not viable because of the large hull that eats a lot of damage and the weak heal its possible to get almost all of both sides secondary's on to a target on the left side.
Dude i ran sec build loisiana on ranked and brawled with bbs in loisiana and those secondaries have god tier dpm the left side of this ship is german levels good and if you are kiting in it in sec range they cant kill you before you kill them thats for sure
I am ok with the way planes work. All you have to do is look at history...it changed warfare forever. I always try to play this game from a historical perspective. It's a game...so if that's the complaint is that planes are too powerful again look at history.
I love that he hates Hybrids when they excell but is fine with a traditional BB and loves wrecking people. The hypocrisy is *chefs kiss* magnifico
nps with the hybrids spotting, if people dont want a challenge they shouldnt play a game based on war,, perhaps pokemon would be a better game for them,,
The game designers in this game must be real dumb. There is nothing in this game that hasn’t been changed after its launch. Think about this to understand how stupid the game designers are: how comes deep torpedoes can’t hit the submarines?
You could play new subs too someday, in coop at least
@@jorandar1 positive
What a fantastically disgusting display.
I will take carrier spam over H.E. spam ANY day. Been saying it for years.
I dont care about spam I care about stupid CV spoting...
I care about wasting signals on AA dd's when WGs knows you are wasting credits, they love it.
I mean you are allowed to be wrong I guess
Without spotting, hybrids are just glorified Dutch cruisers.
Yeah, the spotting is the only thing that offsets the massive weakness of the launching platform and turret angles
Would become a worse Iowa
Don't you get tired of making these Clickbait crying videos?
I don't feel bad at all. I love these ships.
dude stop talking bs about this type of hybrids, or do you forgot that when u are using the bomb planes u CAN NOT SHOOT , they are balanced since they are very situational and if you use them always u will shoot a loooot less than a normal battleship
It s no so op!!!! You are op tha is another thing... it has average dpm in nowadays meta... the not nerfed lousiana was good.. but not this...
hybrids so incredibly ugly, I don’t care how good they are. I won’t sail them.
I think that ship is absolutely awful. Just like any USN BB. They are all awful and outdated.
This seems like a very poorly informed opinion. Each USN tier 10 BB is extremely solid and generally consistent. I'm curious what you think a good BB is?